agenda - 340B Coalition Winter Conference
agenda - 340B Coalition Winter Conference
CONFERENCE AGENDA PAGE 1 CONFERENCE AGENDA Sessions indicating a badge color are limited to the respective colored entity, industry, or government groups. See pg. 5 for badge color descriptions. n n n n n n n n n n WEDNESDAY DATE: 02/17/2016 8:00 AM–2:00 PM EXHIBIT SET UP Location: Upper Grande Hall 12:00–6:00 PM EARLY REGISTRATION Location: Group Registration Desk 1:30–5:15 PM PRE-CONFERENCE WORKSHOPS (Two Options) There is an additional cost to attend pre-conference workshops and you must register for them. 1:30 PM OPTION 1: 340B: THE ESSENTIALS PART 1 Location: Crown Room Are you brand new to the 340B program or in need of a refresher course? This introductory session will provide a foundation for 340B by covering the basics in key 340B program areas, including patient definition, contract pharmacy, duplicate discounts, diversion and the GPO prohibition. During Part 1, 340B program stakeholders will describe their experiences navigating compliance requirements in various 340B program areas and will review resources that can help your entity achieve compliance. You will hear from Apexus, the Prime Vendor for the 340B program, as well as speakers who will provide perspectives from hospital and community health center sites. During Part 2, participants will use the information learned in Part 1 to engage in a series of interactive discussion questions based on entity-type. NICOLE CRASE Pharmacy Manager, Five Rivers Health Centers RUSOL KARRALLI Manager of 340B Education and Compliance Support, Apexus ALEX MANSOUR Director of Finance, 340B Compliance Officer, Henry Ford Health System AMANDA NAGROTSKY Assistant Counsel, 340B Health (Moderator) PAGE 2 1:30 PM OPTION 2: UPDATE ON AUDIT FINDINGS & CREATING EFFECTIVE COMPLIANCE PLANS Covered entities only n n n n n n PART 1 Location: Ballroom As HRSA enters its fourth year of conducting audits of 340B providers, stakeholders are beginning to observe a number of trends in the audit results that can shed light on HRSA’s enforcement policies and where the agency is focusing its program oversight. The first part of this workshop will provide participants with an overview of HRSA’s published audit results, including trends in audit findings. Panelists will focus on diversion findings and how providers can implement compliance plans to be consistent with HRSA’s enforcement of the prohibition against diversion. MICHAEL GLOMB Partner, Feldesman Tucker Leifer Fidell; Counsel, National Association of Community Health Centers JASON MILLS Manager, Pharmacy Supply Chain, Medical University of South Carolina MAUREEN TESTONI Senior Vice President and General Counsel, 340B Health (Moderator) 2:45 PM Location: Upper Grande Hall Exhibitor Forum Refreshment Break Networking Opportunity 3:45 PM OPTION 1: 340B: THE ESSENTIALS PART 2 Location: Crown Room Workshop continues. MICHAEL BONCK Manager of Pharmaceutical Services, Franciscan Health System, Catholic Health Initiatives BURNIS BRELAND Manager of 340B Education and Compliance Support, Apexus NICOLE CRASE Pharmacy Manager, Five Rivers Health Centers DAVID HACHEY Professor, Idaho State University RUSOL KARRALLI Manager of 340B Education and Compliance Support, Apexus ANDREW LOWE Clinical Director of Pharmacy, Arrowhead Regional Medical Center CYNTHIA MARTENS Director of Pharmacy, Monroe County Hospital SAM WILHELM-ROSS Manager, Policy Development and Education, 340B Health AMANDA NAGROTSKY Assistant Counsel, 340B Health (Moderator) 3:45 PM OPTION 2: UPDATE ON AUDIT FINDINGS & CREATING EFFECTIVE COMPLIANCE PLANS Open to all registered workshop attendees PART 2 Location: Ballroom The second part of this workshop will focus on how covered entities can implement compliance plans that are consistent with HRSA audit enforcement of program rules and that adequately address the issues that commonly arise in audit findings. The workshop will assist covered entities and other stakeholders in identifying key compliance areas and the types of systems or procedures that should be in place to monitor compliance. Covered entities on the panel will share their experience developing 340B policies and procedures (P&Ps), coordinating 340B oversight across multiple departments within the health care organization, and conducting self-audits and other ongoing oversight mechanisms to verify that the organization’s P&Ps are followed and are working. GRETCHEN BECKHAM Director of Pharmacy, Eau Claire Cooperative Health Centers CHERYL RAY 340B Analyst, Dartmouth-Hitchcock TRENT STECHSCHULTE Compliance Officer and Legal Counsel, AIDS Resource Ohio THOMAS WOODWORTH Pharmacy Business Analyst, Avera McKennan Hospital JEFF DAVIS Counsel, Legal and Policy Affairs, 340B Health (Moderator) #340Bconf Tweet and Win—Enter our Twitter Contest! page 9 5:15 PM Location: Upper Grande Hall Exhibitor Forum Networking Opportunity 5:30—6:00 PM Location: Garden Room THURSDAY DATE: 02/18/2016 COMMENCEMENT OF CONFERENCE 7:00 AM Location: Sun Deck (outdoor venue) Continental Breakfast Stakeholder Networking Opportunity CONFERENCE PRIMER This session is designed for conference attendees and exhibitors who are looking to get the most out of their 340B Coalition Conference experience. Attendees will hear what is new at the conference, receive a handson tutorial of the conference app, and leave this short program with a better understanding of everything the conference has to offer. Whether this is your first or fifteenth Coalition Conference, everyone can benefit from the conference tips in this session. Join attendees during breakfast to discuss topics of interest to various stakeholders. Topics will include split billing, contract pharmacy, in-house pharmacy, and many others. This informal format will provide time to network with peers. Check the schedule in the mobile app for a list of “hot topics.” Attendees are encouraged to stay as short or as long as the conversation flows and moving to different topics is all up to the attendees. DANIELLE MATHERS Communications Manager, 340B Health SAM WILHELM-ROSS Manager, Policy Development and Education, 340B Health OPENING REMARKS 6:00 PM END OF PRE-CONFERENCE SESSIONS 8:00 AM Location: Ballroom (Overflow: Crown Room) This session will be your official welcome to the conference. Conference hosts will introduce themselves and get you prepared for the event. 8:30 AM 340B: A LOOK BACK AND LOOK AHEAD Location: Ballroom (Overflow: Crown Room) 2015 witnessed many significant developments for the 340B program and its stakeholders, and 2016 is expected to be another busy year. In 2015, HRSA issued proposed regulations and guidances on a broad range of 340B topics, including new patient definition guidelines, that could substantially impact providers and manufacturers. The House Energy and Commerce Committee held a hearing on 340B and drafted legislation that would have added additional restrictions and requirements to the program. In addition, the Government Accountability Office, HHS Office of Inspector General, and Medicare Payment Advisory Commission all released reports on the intersection of 340B program and Medicare Part B spending. A federal court also ruled in favor of PhRMA in a highly watched case regarding 340B pricing for orphan drugs. This session will cover these highlights and will address potential developments in the year ahead. TED SLAFSKY President and Chief Executive Officer, 340B Health Editor-in-Chief, Drug Discount Monitor 9:00 AM IMPLICATIONS OF PROPOSED PATIENT DEFINITION Location: Ballroom (Overflow: Crown Room) The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) received over 1,200 comments in response to its proposed “megaguidance” on the 340B program. Virtually all comments focused on HRSA’s proposed revisions to the definition of patient (i.e. to whom covered entities may dispense 340B drugs for). During this session, you will hear from hospitals, grantees and other industry stakeholders who will share their perspectives on the proposed mega-guidance, particularly their take on patient definition. COLLEEN MEIMAN Director of Regulatory Affairs, National Association of Community Health Centers CONSTANCE WILKINSON Partner, Epstein Becker Green, PC MAUREEN TESTONI Senior Vice President and General Counsel, 340B Health (Moderator) DOWNLOAD THE CONFERENCE APP Go to the App Store or Google Play and search for “340B” or scan the QR code above. You can also access our online event guide at RECORDING/VIDEOTAPING POLICY AND PHOTO RELEASE: Only officially contracted 340B Coalition vendors will be permitted to photograph, video, and/or audiotape sessions. Individuals recording with personal video/audio equipment or other recording devices (e.g., cell phones, digital or film cameras or recorders) without prior permission from the 340B Coalition may be asked to cease recording or utilizing such devices immediately. By virtue of your attendance at the 340B Coalition Conference, the 340B Coalition reserves the right to use photographs or video/audio of conference participants in our promotional materials and products. PAGE 3 CONFERENCE AGENDA 10:15 AM Upper Grande Hall Exhibitor Forum Refreshment Break Networking Opportunity 11:00 AM 340B UPDATE FROM HRSA Note: Some sessions have been organized into three separate tracks to meet the varying interests of conference attendees. Although attendees may be drawn to all of the presentations organized under one track, they are free to attend any track that interests them. TRACK ONE sessions are designed for covered entities and other parties that are interested in learning about how to operationalize 340B. Location: Ballroom (Overflow: Crown Room) Office of Pharmacy Affairs (OPA) Captain Krista Pedley will update attendees on the agency’s plans for 2016 including finalizing the proposed mega-guidance. HRSA also plans to finalize regulations establishing 340B ceiling prices and civil monetary penalties for manufacturers that intentionally overcharge covered entities. HRSA is also in the process of proposing formal regulations establishing a mandatory and binding dispute resolution process, and taking steps to make a database of 340B ceiling prices publicly available. In addition to rulemaking, Captain Pedley will address continued oversight efforts and initiatives including the audits of covered entities the agency plans to complete in FY 2016 in addition to more audits of manufacturers. CAPTAIN KRISTA PEDLEY Director, Office of Pharmacy Affairs, Health Resources and Services Administration 11:45 AM UPDATE FROM APEXUS Location: Ballroom (Overflow: Crown Room) Apexus, as HRSA’s government contractor for the 340B Prime Vendor Program (PVP), is responsible for negotiating sub-ceiling discounts on 340B drugs and discounts on other pharmacy-related products and services for participating covered entities. The organization also plays an important role in providing 340B technical assistance to covered entities. Apexus will provide an update on key initiatives. CHRISTOPHER HATWIG President, Apexus 12:15 PM Location: Windsor Lawn (outdoor venue) State Networking Opportunity Lunch PAGE 4 TRACK TWO sessions will appeal to the broader community of 340B stakeholders, including the pharmaceutical industry, that might be more interested in hearing about recent developments involving 340B policy and compliance. TRACK THREE sessions are designed for all attendees to participate in the patient care aspect of 340B and how savings from this vital program are utilized. DISCUSSIONS/ROUNDTABLE SESSIONS are designed to facilitate small roundtable discussions primarily focused on the other three tracks’ topics. These sessions, which are limited to 50 attendees each (first-come, first-serve basis), will allow for more dialogue and questions and answers with our expert panelists. BREAK INTO TRACKS 1:30 PM TRACK 1: 340B Operations Experiences from the Field ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS OF 340B CONTRACT PHARMACY ARRANGEMENTS NICOLE CRASE Pharmacy Manager, Five Rivers Health Centers ALEX MANSOUR Director of Finance, 340B Compliance Officer, Henry Ford Health System GREG DOGGETT Counsel, Legal and Policy Affairs, 340B Health (Moderator) Location: Carousel 1:30 PM Covered entities are responsible for ensuring that their contract pharmacy arrangements comply with 340B program rules such as patient definition and the duplicate discount prohibition. Therefore, covered entities must be mindful of program requirements through each stage of a contract pharmacy relationship, including negotiation of the contract, implementation, and ongoing oversight. Speakers will explore what legal, business, and operational issues covered entities and contract pharmacies should consider when entering an agreement, specific challenges to be aware of when implementing an arrangement, and how entities can continually monitor their contract pharmacies to ensure 340B compliance. The session also will address current hot topics in the area of contract pharmacy, including HRSA’s proposed changes to contract pharmacy arrangements, the implications of the track-and-trace law for such arrangements, and how covered entities further their safety-net missions by using their contract pharmacies to provide discounted drugs to lowincome uninsured patients. TRACK 2: 340B Policy & Compliance JASON REDDISH Associate, Powers Pyles Sutter & Verville PC A)MEDICAID BILLING AND REIMBURSEMENT Location: Crown Room As more state Medicaid agencies continue to implement and expand managed care pharmacy benefits, questions persist related to how states can identify 340B managed care claims to prevent duplicate discounts. The drug industry also continues to monitor whether 340B purchases have subjected manufacturers to duplicate discounts. This session will review recent developments in these areas and provide perspectives from 340B providers and the drug industry. The session will also address the Final AMP Rule recently published by CMS, which includes guidance to states on how to identify 340B managed care claims and new requirements for how states should pay for 340B drugs based on actual acquisition cost (AAC). Panelists will discuss trends among state Medicaid programs and managed care organizations related to 340B claim identification as well as strategies for manufacturers to identify when duplicate discounts have occurred. #340Bconf Tweet and Win—Enter our Twitter Contest! page 9 JIM DONNELLY Vice President of Pharmacy Services, Hudson Headwaters Health Network MARCY IMADA Principal, Deloitte & Touche LLP JEFF DAVIS Counsel, Legal and Policy Affairs, 340B Health (Moderator) B) HRSA AUDIT EXPERIENCE & TAKING CORRECTIVE ACTION Location: Ballroom Receiving an audit notification from HRSA can be intimidating for any covered entity. This session will provide an overview of the audit process, so that covered entities know what to expect and how to proceed in the event of a HRSA audit. The session will cover taking corrective action, an important component of the audit experience. Whether HRSA identifies a compliance problem through a formal audit or a covered entity discovers one during an internal audit, the covered entity must correct the problem. Taking corrective action can be a complex undertaking with many moving parts, including self-disclosure, creating a comprehensive corrective action plan, and calculating and offering refunds to manufacturers. How will your entity know if corrective action is needed and what it entails? Providers with first-hand audit experience will address these questions and others that arise before, during, and after a 340B program audit. KEVIN JONES 340B Program Director, Intermountain Healthcare TRENT STECHSCHULTE Compliance Officer and Legal Counsel, AIDS Resource Ohio for patients discharged from your facility. Providers will share unique perspectives on their organizations’ discharge prescription programs funded with 340B savings, including how they have improved health outcomes by educating patients and promoting medication adherence. Speakers will provide both hospital and non-hospital perspectives. The session will also address how HRSA’s proposed megaguidance may impact your institution’s ability to use 340B for discharge prescriptions. JANELL CLAUDY Pharmacy Director, Family Health Services DAVID HACHEY Professor, Idaho State University DEB HAUSER Pharmacy Director, Albert Einstein Healthcare Network (Moderator) ROBERT NAHOOPI President, Turnkey Pharmacy Solutions LEE-ANNE GABRIELLI Project Manager, 340B Health (Moderator) C) ADVOCATING AND DOCUMENTING THE 340B STORY This session is open to all health care providers and HRSA grantees participating in 340B, including C-Suite executives. Pressure continues to mount on the 340B program in Washington. Learn about a new transparency campaign to help providers quickly document the benefits of 340B savings to underserved patients. Get the latest pointers on how to promote the program to your congressional delegation from experts on the front lines. REIMBURSEMENT PRINCIPLES FOR 340B HOSPITALS: MAJOR ISSUES AND CURRENT TRENDS Location: Windsor Complex Two attorneys who represent 340B providers will provide a course on Medicare cost reports and Medicare’s provider-based rules as they relate to 340B. Topics to be addressed include criteria for provider-based status, how to use the cost report to support the 340B eligibility of facilities and patients and the impact on 340B of new legislation eliminating the Medicare facility fee for off-campus clinics. TODD NOVA Shareholder, Hall, Render, Killian, Heath & Lyman B) 340B VENDOR Low-income and otherwise vulnerable individuals are at risk of experiencing adverse health events upon discharge. This session will explore how to improve health outcomes MIKE COUGHLIN President, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, ScriptPro A)MEDICARE Group Discussions/Roundtables 1:30 PM Location: Crystal/Continental MADELLINE WALLACK Founder, Rx|X Consulting Covered entities only n n n n n n BARBARA STRAUB WILLIAMS Principal, Powers Pyles Sutter & Verville PC (Moderator) IMPROVING PATIENT HEALTH OUTCOMES WITH DISCHARGE PRESCRIPTION PROGRAMS JEFF SPENCER Vice President, PSG 1:30 PM BILL VON OEHSEN Principal, Powers Pyles Sutter & Verville PC (Moderator) TRACK 3: Clinical Best Practices PAM BURCH Vice President of Sales and Marketing, Macro Helix, Inc. PERSPECTIVES Location: Garden Room Are you preparing to issue an RFP for services to support your 340B operations and oversight? Do you know the 340B vendor marketplace? This session is designed for covered entities to hear vendors’ perspectives on 340B and the lessons they have learned from their extensive experience with the program. RITA BASKETT Partner, Integrated Pharmacy Services, Inc. Location: Hanover KATHRYN DIBITETTO Director, Government Relations, 340B Health MARY EDWARDS Vice President, Public Policy, Fairview Health Services THE HONORABLE GIL GUTKNECHT Former U.S. Congressman—1st District of Minnesota MICHAELA KELLER Manager of Federal Affairs, National Association of Community Health Centers RAJA ZEITANY Vice President, Chief Pharmacy Officer, Providence Health RANDY BARRETT Vice President, Communications, 340B Health (Moderator) 2:45 PM Location: Upper Grande Hall SPONSORED BY 340B HEALTH Exhibitor Forum Refreshment Break Networking Opportunity PAGE 5 CONFERENCE AGENDA 3:45 PM—5:00 PM BREAKOUT SESSIONS FOR VARIOUS 340B STAKEHOLDERS HOSPITALS n (DSH, Rural, Children’s and Cancer Hospitals) Location: Ballroom Hospitals will learn about expected 340B program developments for 2016, the proposed mega-guidance and other legislative changes. We will also discuss different ways hospitals can educate their local communities on the importance of the 340B program. ANNA MAGNUM Vice President, Member and Board Relations, 340B Health DOLORES DUNN Vice President, Government Relations, 340B Health 340B program, Medicaid and other third-party billing and reimbursement issues, and an update on legislative matters impacting CHCs. This session will be an opportunity to raise any issues affecting your CHC. MICHAEL GLOMB Partner, Feldesman Tucker Leifer Fidell; Counsel, National Association of Community Health Centers MICHAELA KELLER Manager of Federal Affairs, National Association of Community Health Centers COLLEEN MEIMAN Director of Regulatory Affairs, National Association of Community Health Centers (Moderator) HIV/AIDS CLINICS, ADAPS, AND AIDS SERVICE PROVIDERS n n Location: Windsor Complex JOSEPH PUGLIESE President, Hemophilia Alliance (Moderator) FAMILY PLANNING CLINICS, STD CLINICS, AND OTHER NON-HOSPITAL PROVIDERS n n Location: Hanover This session will focus exclusively on family planning and STD clinics and programs, with an emphasis on 340B issues, including implications of the proposed mega-guidance on clinics and programs. We will also discuss the political landscape around the program, 340B legislation, the status of 340B-related health care reform provisions, including issues related to third-party billing and reimbursement. STEPHANIE ARNOLD PANG Director of Policy and Communications, National Coalition of STD Directors (Co-Facilitator) TED SLAFSKY President and Chief Executive Officer, 340B Health This session will focus on 340B issues affecting Ryan White grantees and sub-grantees, AIDS Drug Assistance Programs (ADAPs), and other HIV/AIDS clinics and service providers. This will be a discussion-based session. MAUREEN TESTONI Senior Vice President and General Counsel, 340B Health SEAN DICKSON Manager, Health Care Access, National Alliance of State & Territorial AIDS Directors 340B CONTRACT PHARMACIES AND PHARMACY SERVICE PROVIDERS n n PHARMACEUTICAL MANUFACTURERS n EMILY MCCLOSKEY Senior Manager, Policy and Legislative Affairs, National Alliance of State & Territorial AIDS Directors Location: Carousel RANDY BARRETT Vice President, Communications, 340B Health Location: Crystal/Continental Pharmaceutical manufacturers will learn the latest developments involving the 340B program and how they will impact the pharmaceutical industry. Likely topics include HRSA’s proposed mega-guidance, 340B legislation and HRSA’s plans to increase oversight over the pharmaceutical industry, and HRSA and manufacturer audits of covered entities. ED MCADAM Vice President, Sales Administration, Pricing and Contract Solutions, Fresenius Medical Care CONSTANCE WILKINSON Partner, Epstein Becker Green PC LINDA SCHOCK Director of Government Programs and Price Reporting, Jazz Pharmaceuticals (Moderator) COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTERS n n Location: Crown Room Join us to discuss the latest 340B issues and developments affecting community health centers (CHCs). Likely topics will include the proposed mega-guidance and its implications for health centers, continuing scrutiny of the PAGE 6 TRENT STECHSCHULTE Compliance Officer & Legal Counsel, AIDS Resource Ohio BRITTEN PUND Associate Director, Health Care Access, National Alliance of State & Territorial AIDS Directors (Facilitator) HEMOPHILIA TREATMENT CENTERS n Location: Garden Room This session will focus exclusively on matters impacting hemophilia treatment centers (HTCs), with an emphasis on 340B issues. Likely topics include 340B legislation, implications of HRSA’s proposed mega-guidance, HRSA’s oversight efforts, including audits, and Medicaid billing and reimbursement issues. This session also will be an opportunity to discuss issues impacting your HTC. ELIZABETH KARAN Associate, Feldesman Tucker Leifer Fidell; Counsel, Hemophilia Alliance SEAN SINGH Senior Vice President, Hemophilia Alliance MINDY MCGRATH Policy Director, National Family Planning & Reproductive Health Association (Co-Facilitator) (Chain, Independent & Mail Order Pharmacies and Related Vendors) This session is designed for all 340B service providers. Participants will share perspectives and information and on a range of 340B hot topics, including HRSA’s proposed megaguidance, Medicaid managed care, contract pharmacy oversight, the track-and-trace law’s implications for contract pharmacy arrangements, 340B claim identification, and the use of contract pharmacy to serve lowincome uninsured patients. JASON REDDISH Associate, Powers Pyles Sutter & Verville PC MICHAEL KEEGAN Director, Policy and Regulatory Affairs, National Community Pharmacists Association GREG DOGGETT Counsel, Legal and Policy Affairs, 340B Health (Moderator) CONCLUSION 5:00 PM—6:00 PM Upper Grande Hall SPONSORED BY VERITY SOLUTIONS Thursday Evening Reception #340Bconf Tweet and Win—Enter our Twitter Contest! page 9 5:00-6:00 PM Sponsored by: THURSDAY EVENING RECEPTION Upper Grande Hall FRIDAY DATE: 02/19/2016 7:00 AM CHARITY FUN RUN/WALK (Check-in begins at 6:30 AM) Coalition Registration/Help Desk The Coalition will be donating proceeds to help fund Family Health Centers of San Diego. See pg. 19 for more details 8:00 AM Location: Sun Deck (outdoor venue) Continental Breakfast Stakeholder Networking Opportunity Join attendees during breakfast to discuss topics of interest to various stakeholders. Topics will include split billing, contract pharmacy, in-house pharmacy, orphan drugs and many others. This informal format will provide time to network with peers. “Check the schedule in the mobile app for a list of “hot topics.” Attendees are encouraged to stay as short or as long as the conversation flows and moving to different topics is all up to the attendees. WHAT DID HE SAY? Don’t miss a beat: Access speaker presentations through the conference mobile app and follow along! After the conference, select video materials will be available through 8:30 AM to manufacturers’ and payers’ networks. ASK THE EXPERTS: BREAKFAST FOR PHARMACEUTICAL MANUFACTURERS LYNNAE MAHANEY Executive Director, Center for Pharmacy Practice Accreditation Manufacturers only n Location: Pointe Hear from experts who work on a broad range of 340B-related issues. Consultants with significant experience with 340B and other federal drug pricing programs will field your questions in this small group discussion. ROMIT KAMDAR Partner, Akara Group LLC MARCY IMADA Principal, Deloitte & Touche LLP BREAK INTO TRACKS 9:15 AM TRACK ONE: 340B OPERATIONS A) THE FUTURE OF SPECIALTY DRUGS & 340B Location: Crown Room Specialty drug spending has grown rapidly in recent years, and this trend shows no sign of slowing. As specialty drugs become an ever bigger share of the pharmaceutical market, many such drugs are being sold to providers through manufacturer’s limited distribution networks and given to patients through payers’ limited provider networks. Providers report challenges when purchasing specialty drugs or simply attempting to access these networks, including when buying or trying to obtain specialty drugs at 340B prices. This session will outline these challenges, as well as relevant 340B developments and HRSA policy. The panel also will address overall trends in the specialty market and the potential benefits of specialty pharmacy accreditation for providers seeking to improve their access REBEKAH HANSON Clinical Liaison Pharmacist, Specialty Pharmacy Services, University of Illinois Medical Center at Chicago GREG DOGGETT Counsel, Legal and Policy Affairs, 340B Health (Moderator) B) INVENTORY MANAGEMENT Location: Carousel 340B providers face challenges managing their drug inventories in ways that are compliant with program rules. Covered entities must establish inventory management systems to protect against the risk of drug diversion and duplicate discounts, and those entities with contract pharmacy arrangements must find suitable IT solutions to address inventory management needs. Hospitals face particular challenges, with rural and cancer hospitals needing systems in place to manage orphan drug purchases, and hospitals subject to the group purchasing organization (GPO) exclusion using inventory management systems that incorporate wholesale acquisition cost (WAC) purchasing accounts. HRSA grantees face their own unique challenges when it comes to inventory management. This session will review options to support compliant inventory management practices. Attendees will hear both the hospital and community health center perspective on strategies to manage 340B drug inventories. ASHLEY MAINS ESPINOSA System Pharmacy Manager, 340B Program SCL Health VICTOR FOURNIER Director of Pharmacy, Harbor Health Services ALEX MANSOUR Director of Finance, 340B Compliance Officer, Henry Ford Health System (Moderator) PAGE 7 CONFERENCE AGENDA 9:15 AM TRACK TWO: 340B POLICY & COMPLIANCE CONTINUED CONVERSATIONS ON PROPOSED MEGA-GUIDANCE Location: Ballroom The proposed “mega guidance” published by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) last August has created significant interest among all program stakeholders. Although much of the discussion surrounding the proposed guidance has focused on changes to the definition of a 340B-eligible patient, the proposed guidance addressed virtually all areas of the 340B program. This session will provide perspectives from 340B providers and the drug industry on the potential impact of the other areas addressed in the proposed guidance, apart from patient definition. Among the topics to be discussed are: GPO exclusion, audits, self-disclosure, hospital and off-site clinic eligibility, manufacturer responsibilities, contract pharmacy, HRSA grantee-specific issues and more. Note that the provisions in the proposed mega guidance addressing patient definition will be addressed during the Patient Definition session. JOSEPH PUGLIESE President, Hemophilia Alliance ROMIT KAMDAR Partner, Akara Group JEFF DAVIS Counsel, Legal and Policy Affairs, 340B Health (Moderator) 9:15 AM TRACK THREE: CLINICAL BEST PRACTICES 340B PROVIDER TALES Location: Crystal/Continental Savings from the 340B program allow providers to do more with less every day. Hear from the front lines about the clinical care and patient support made possible by the program. Learn creative ways to use 340B resources and help underinsured and uninsured patients. DAVID NEU Executive Director of Pharmacy, Saint Thomas Health MERRILL THOMAS Chief Executive Officer, Providence Community Health Centers PAGE 8 CHARLES COOPER 340B Program Manager, Fairview Health Services, University of Minnesota Medical Center (Moderator) 10:30 AM Upper Grande Hall Exhibitor Forum Refreshment Break Networking Opportunity 9:15 AM SMALL GROUP DISCUSSIONS AND ROUNDTABLES Limit 50 attendees per session A) HOSPITAL AUDIT AND CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN ROUNDTABLE 11:15 AM LEGISLATIVE UPDATE Location: Ballroom MAUREEN TESTONI Senior Vice President and General Counsel, 340B Health (Moderator) High drug prices have caught the eye of lawmakers and Presidential candidates. Congress also continues to debate various health care matters including the 21st Century Cures bill, the future of Obamacare, Medicaid expansion, health exchanges and reimbursement matters. Attendees will be briefed about the hot topics on the legislative calendar and what issues might have to wait until 2017. You will also learn more about the continued debate over 340B and where we might be headed. Get the perspectives of the safety net provider community and a leading watcher of the pharmaceutical industry. B) RURAL PROVIDER MICHAELA KELLER Manager of Federal Affairs, National Association of Community Health Centers Hospitals only n Location: Windsor Complex This roundtable is limited to hospitals only. Attendees will hear from hospitals that have been through a HRSA audit and developed a corrective action plan (CAP). The roundtable will provide an opportunity to discuss best practices in audit preparation and lessons learned from the audit experience and CAP development. ROUNDTABLE Location: Garden Room Rural safety-net providers participating in 340B face their own, unique challenges when it comes to program participation. In particular, their remote location and limited resources can require a different approach to program compliance and monitoring of systems than methods used by other providers. Rural hospitals are also subject to different program rules than other participants and must maintain inventory management systems to comply with the orphan drug exclusion. Representatives from rural providers of different types will facilitate informal conversations at tables for rural hospitals and community health clinics and will discuss their experiences managing 340B programs. There will be a particular emphasis on the latest developments with access to 340B pricing on orphan drugs for rural hospitals. GRETCHEN BECKHAM Director of Pharmacy, Eau Claire Cooperative Health Centers CHERYL RAY 340B Analyst, Mary Hitchcock Memorial Hospital MICHAEL BONCK Manager of Pharmaceutical Services, Franciscan Health System, Catholic Health Initiatives (Moderator) MICHAEL MCCAUGHAN Senior Editor, RPM Report; Founding Member, Prevision Policy LLC DOLORES DUNN Vice President, Government Relations, 340B Health (Moderator) 12:15 PM PASSPORT AND SOCIAL MEDIA CONTEST PRIZE DRAWINGS & CLOSING REMARKS Location: Ballroom 12:30 PM CONFERENCE ADJOURNS SEE YOU JULY 11-13, 2016 FOR THE 340B COALITION SUMMER CONFERENCE IN WASHINGTON, DC! ProCE® is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing pharmacy education. ANNUAL WINTER CHARITY FUN RUN & WALK! WHAT: DONATE! FUN RUN & WALK COMMEMORATIVE T-SHIRT AND CONFERENCE WATER BOTTLE Help us meet our goal of $15,000 and make a difference. WHO WHY ALL FITNESS LEVELS The Coalition will be donating proceeds collected from sponsorship and registration fees to help fund Family Health Centers of San Diego. WHEN FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19—7:00 AM (check-in begins at 6:30 AM) MEET At the Coalition Registration/Help Desk (located at the Group Registration Desk) COST $25 (see Registration/Help Desk to register prior to February 19) WHERE Participants can either go along the beach or walk-way. TURN-AROUND 1 MILE EACH In 2014, Family Health Centers of San Diego provided care to over 24,000 unduplicated homeless individuals. Services for homeless individuals are available at all FHCSD clinics, including our three Mobile Medical Units. This includes primary care, vision care, dental care, medications assistance and mental health counseling. They offer support groups, case management teams, substance abuse programs and insurance enrollment assistance. They also support the National Health Care for the Homeless Council’s mission to eliminate homelessness by ensuring health care and secure housing for everyone. BEACH PATH While the 340B Coalition will be donating proceeds from the Fun Run & Walk, we encourage attendees to make donations on their own as well. TO DONATE, GO TO FHCSD.ORG. Scroll down and click on the ‘Donate Now’ button. Choose the 340B Coalition Conference icon and proceed as instructed. WE ARE AT 65% OF OUR GOAL. Any check donations made on-site should be made out to Family Health Centers of San Diego. WALK-WAY PATH START/END HOTEL DEL The 340B Coalition would like to thank the following exhibitors and vendors for their generous contributions and support for the event and FHCSD. PREMIER SPONSORS • Apexus • Drug Discount Monitor • Friends of 340B PAC SUPPORTER SPONSORS • Intelligent Compliance Solutions • PDMI • National Association of Community Health Centers • R&S Northeast, LLC • RxStrategies, Inc. • Turnkey Pharmacy Solutions PAGE 9 CONFERENCE AGENDA CONTINUING EDUCATION INSTRUCTIONS 1. To receive CE credit for the activities at this conference, YOU MUST COMPLETE THE ACTIVITY EVALUATIONS ONLINE NO LATER THAN FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 2016. The portal will be active from 2/19/2016 to 3/18/2016. 2. Read the CPE Monitor information on the lower right hand page. Session Time 3. Visit 4. Click on the Evaluations button which is listed with the 12th Annual 340B Coalition Winter Conference—February 17-19, 2016 CE activity. 5. Enter the Event Codes for all of the CE sessions you attended. Each session has a unique event code. Session Title 6. Follow the online instructions to complete the activity evaluations and to receive CE credit. NOTE: Complete the activity evaluations and claim CE credit only for the sessions you attended. 7. If you need assistance or have questions, please contact ProCE at 630.540.2848 or via email at ACPE UAN CPE Hours 340B Essentials (Part 1) 0221-9999-16-036-L04-P/T 1.25 Audit Findings Update and Improving Compliance (Part 1) 0221-9999-16-037-L04-P/T 1.25 340B Essentials (Part 2) 0221-9999-16-038-L04-P/T 1.5 Audit Findings Update and Improving Compliance (Part 2) 0221-9999-16-039-L04-P/T 1.5 Event Code PRE-CONFERENCE: FEBRUARY 17, 2016 1:30 - 2:45 PM 3:45 - 5:15 PM MAIN CONFERENCE: FEBRUARY 18, 2016 8:30 - 9:00 AM 340B: A Look Back and Look Ahead 0221-9999-16-040-L04-P/T 9:00 - 10:15 AM Implications of Proposed Patient Definition 0221-9999-16-041-L04-P/T 1.25 11:00 - 11:45 AM 340B Update from HRSA 0221-9999-16-042-L04-P/T 0.75 11:45 AM - 12:15 PM Apexus Update 0221-9999-16-043-L04-P/T 0.5 Essential Elements of 340B Contract Pharmacy Arrangements 0221-9999-16-044-L04-P/T 1.25 Medicaid Billing & Reimbursement 0221-9999-16-045-L04-P/T 1.25 HRSA Audit Experience & Taking Corrective Action 0221-9999-16-046-L04-P/T 1.25 Improving Patient Health Outcomes with Discharge Prescription Programs 0221-9999-16-047-L04-P/T 1.25 Medicare Reimbursement Principles for 340B Hospitals 0221-9999-16-048-L04-P/T 1.25 340B Vendor Perspectives 0221-9999-16-049-L04-P/T 1.25 Advocating and Documenting the 340B Story 0221-9999-16-050-L04-P/T 1.25 Hospitals 0221-9999-16-051-L04-P/T 1.25 1:30 - 2:45 PM 0.5 Community Health Centers 0221-9999-16-052-L04-P/T 1.25 3:45 - 5:00 PM Hemophilia Treatment Centers 0221-9999-16-053-L04-P/T 1.25 (Stakeholder Breakout Sessions) HIV/AIDS Clinics, ADAPs, and AIDS Service Providers 0221-9999-16-054-L04-P/T 1.25 Family Planning Clinics, STD Clinics and Other Non-Hospital Providers 0221-9999-16-055-L04-P/T 1.25 340B Service Providers (Contract Pharmacies, Consultants, PBMs, and Related Vendors) 0221-9999-16-056-L04-P/T 1.25 MAIN CONFERENCE: FEBRUARY 19, 2016 9:15 - 10:30 AM 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM The Future of Specialty Drugs and 340B 0221-9999-16-057-L04-P/T 1.25 Inventory Management 0221-9999-16-058-L04-P/T 1.25 Continued Conversations on Proposed Mega-Guidance 0221-9999-16-059-L04-P/T 1.25 340B Provider Tales 0221-9999-16-060-L04-P/T 1.25 Hospital Audit & Corrective Action Roundtable 0221-9999-16-061-L04-P/T 1.25 Rural Provider Roundtable 0221-9999-16-062-L04-P/T 1.25 Legislative Update 0221-9999-16-063-L03-P/T 1.0 These continuing education activities for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians have been developed through a joint providership of ProCE, Inc. and 340B Health. ProCE is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing pharmacy education (CPE). Participants attending the Pre-Conference Workshops and the 12th Annual 340B Coalition Winter Conference CPE activities may earn a maximum of 10.5 contact hours of CPE credit (1.05 CEUs). Note: some of the CPE sessions are being held concurrently. The sessions offering ACPE credit are designated with a UAN (Universal Activity Number) and hours of CPE credit. The release date for these CPE activities is February 17-19, 2016. Conference registration fees cover the cost of CPE credit. Statements of completion will be issued at www.ProCE. com upon successful completion of the online CPE activity evaluations. All activity evaluations must be completed no later than March 18, 2016. No partial credit will be given for any individual session. ProCE uploads completed CE activities to NABP/CPE Monitor once each week, usually on Mondays. Conflict of interest disclosures are required of all faculty and shall be provided to all participants at the conference. PAGE 10
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