third eye chakra
third eye chakra
AjnA THIRD EYE CHAKRA Welcome to Ajna – The Dance of Intuition This is the week of ‘seeing’ clearly with your third eye chakra. When this chakra is clear and balanced we have a healthy intellect balanced with strong intuitive abilities. You can sum this up as “wisdom”. This wisdom is available to everyone, but few of us even begin to tap into our profound potential. This is the week to set your intention to truly open to the immense gifts of the third eye and enter into a world of indescribable beauty. “I was hoping that Chakradance™ might help me to trust my intuition more. I feel like I’ve learned a new language – one that has more meaning than those I’d known before.” Corinne CHAKRADANCE® is a registered trademark and all the material contained within this training program, whether in digital or physical form, is subject to copyright. None of it may be used for any purpose other than for your personal use in this training course, nor may it be reproduced in any form whatsoever, without the prior written permission of Chakradance pty ltd. All legal rights and remedies reserved. Ajna – Trusting Your Inner Sight “Close both eyes... look from the other eye.” Rumi Ajna, the third eye chakra, is the home of our sixth sense. It is located between the eyebrows and it helps us with our intuition and psychic abilities - natural talents that are innate to all of us. Physiologically this chakra oversees the health of our physical eyes, as well as the pineal gland, which regulates our internal body clock through the production of melatonin. Ajna has a two-fold meaning when translated from Sanskrit – to perceive and to command. Awakening the third eye chakra opens us to higher levels of perception and allows us to gain a greater command of life through the use of our imagination. It is from here that we are able to visualise, receive dream images, re-call memories and tap into archetypal energies. When we dream at night the series of images are played out through the lens of the third eye. These nightly visual journeys are like our own personalised screenplays portraying the stories of our inner life. By paying attention to these internal movies we can begin to explore the dynamic relationship between consciousness and the unconscious. There is a wonderful quote from Carl Jung (The Red Book) which shows the importance of our dream life - “We also live in our dreams; we do not live only by day. Sometimes we accomplish our greatest deeds in our dreams”. At the third eye chakra, Chakradance™ can open us to ecstatic and altered states of consciousness through trance-like movements. The practice of trance-dance is still common throughout the world, and existed in many of the ancient cultures of South East Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and the Americas. Each dancer drifts into his or her own visual universe of images, colours, and insights. The third eye has no boundaries and in Chakradance™ we have developed a way to step safely into this open space, entering a deep meditative state as we focus our attention on the third eye chakra and its vibrational colour of indigo. In this dream-like state, we may begin to receive signs, symbols or images that can offer illuminating insight and guidance. This is experienced as a deep inner knowing which can strengthen our ability to trust intuition. Continued... When the third eye chakra is deficient in energy we have an overt lack of trust in our intuition. By not being attuned to the subtle capabilities of the third eye, we may fail to pick up on meaningful signs and synchronicities, which if acknowledged could guide us and help us through life. When the third eye chakra is excessive in energy our intuition becomes distorted, often to the point where deep meaning is given to anything and everything. We often escape into an all-consuming fantasy world, which can make it difficult for us to distinguish between what is real and not real. Constantly bombarding us with apparent insights and images, this excessive energy needs to be grounded. In this part of the dance the key is to hold only one image, memory or symbol in the mind’s eye throughout the dance to truly absorb the content. By working with the third eye in this way one can begin to experience a more authentic intuition whilst gaining a stronger sense of reality. The third eye is also the storehouse of all memories; therefore, we can experience the past as the present by recalling a memory and embodying the feelings of this image. By calling up a joyful memory and allowing the associated energy to be manifested through movement we can re-experience the joy, which is healing for the physical body. Alternatively, painful memories, which have been trapped in the body, can be liberated through dance, fulfilling an integral part of the healing process. Often this healing process happens organically in the dance, without the need for any conscious pro-activity in searching through your memory bank. Through the third eye we tap into what Jung termed the ‘collective unconscious’ and the world of archetypes. There are as many archetypes as there are primary roles in life, e.g. mother, victim, lover and hero. By recognising the archetypes operating from our inner world, a deeper understanding of our motivations and behaviours can be reached. In Chakradance™, by either choosing an archetypal energy to work with, or by calling in an archetype operating in our life, it is possible to allow that energy to enter the physical body and move through it. Embodying the archetype in this way enables us to experience a deeper connection with the energy whilst recognising when it is at play in our lives. The ‘command’ function of the third eye relates to the phenomenal powers of visual imagination. When this skill is fully developed we are able to achieve extraordinary outcomes, as has been demonstrated by scientists and other visionaries throughout history. Like intuition, this ability is inherent within everyone and yet its full potential is only utilised by a few. Accessing this power relies on being able to shift focus out of the rational, logical and deductive left-brain mode of thinking and into the more intuitive, imaginative and visionary aspects related to the right brain. An open and balanced third-eye chakra provides access to, and trust in, our own authentic powers of intuition and imagination. The Archetypes of Ajna “The Intuitive” is the positive archetype of the third eye and “The Over-Intellectual” is the negative archetype. Take some time to see a vision of both of these energies and then find your own creative way to explore them. Do you recognise these energies within yourself? Or others? What feelings do these archetypes bring up for you? What would the beliefs and attitudes be like for someone who had these archetypes dancing strongly within their personality? Use your powers of visualisation to really see what kinds of characters these archetypes would be, and then express them in a creative medium that brings them to life for you. “There was a sense of past, present and future all being played out on my own personal screen with a dream-like flickering of images.” Cinzia THE INTUITIVE Use a form of creative expression to represent the qualities of this archetype (write a short paragraph or a story, draw, paint, use photography, collage, poetry, tarot cards etc.) Find the best way for you to fully feel, sense, know and embody the energy of this archetype. THE OVER-INTELLECTUAL Use a form of creative expression to represent the qualities of this archetype (write a short paragraph or a story, draw, paint, use photography, collage, poetry, tarot cards etc.) Find the best way for you to fully feel, sense, know and embody the energy of this archetype. Chakradance™ Principle 6 I consider my intuition to be a source of wisdom. In working with this chakra, be mindful that energy always flows where attention goes. The more often you bring your awareness to this intuitive part of yourself, the more the energy will flow through your third eye chakra. You can think of the third eye chakra being like a muscle. The more often you use it, the stronger it becomes! •Endeavour to live your daily life simultaneously on two planes – the rational plane and the intuitive plane. •Commit to regular practices of intuition building exercises (meditation, guided visualisations, dream-work, trance-dance.) •Regularly ask advice from your intuitive self and then be open to the flow of intuition. •Learn to trust your own intuition and sixth sense. When it feels appropriate, use intuition even if it is beyond rational explanation. •Recognise the relevance of chance encounters, co-incidences and synchronicities. See these as signposts to guide you. •Create a vision for your life. Be clear and focussed. Use creative visualisation, dream boards, image boards or meditation. As a Chakradance™ Facilitator, it is essential to align yourself with the sixth principle within the context of running a class. •Trust your intuition on whether someone feels right for the class or not. •Attune to your higher self so that you are open to intuition, and can access an inner wisdom throughout the class. •Use your imagination to visualise the class running just as you would like it to. •Open to the magic every time! Third Eye Principle Reflection Before you begin to reflect on the questions below, take a few moments to prepare yourself. Gently close your physical eyes and rest your attention at your third eye. Imagine this inner eye blinking, clearing away old perceptions and ways of seeing. And now reflect on the questions below, finding clarity and insight. 1. Can you see what is really going on in your life or do you try to keep certain things buried? 2. Do you have a personal vision for your life? 3. Are you aware of which archetypal influences may be guiding or limiting your life? 4. Do you remember your dreams? Are you aware of the symbolic messages they hold for you? 5. Do you trust your intuition? 6. How much silence is there in your life for the whispers of intuition to be heard? Energy Exercises Most of the energy exercises you are currently exploring each day will be utilising the visualisation powers of your third eye. Below are a few added exercises that you might like to try this week to work with Ajna even more directly. Visualisation to Activate Ajna Sitting comfortably, softly close your eyes, and focus your awareness at Ajna. Concentrate on this spot and visualise a silver flame, a white moon, a shining star, Buddha or a silver figure that comes intuitively to you. Sit quietly contemplating this symbol resting in your third eye as your daily meditation. In time, it will begin to open up your third eye chakra and you will begin to open more easily to expanded states of consciousness. Here, you leave behind everyday thinking reality and enter the timeless world of Spirit. Here you see the great reality, the truth of how things are. Create a Vision for Your Life Sitting comfortably, softly close your physical eyes and place your attention gently at your third eye. Visualise a crystal clear screen, like an internal movie screen. Now use your imagination to create a vision for your life. Visualise in detail how you wish to see your world. Be clear and focussed. You may choose just one area of your life and focus your energy into “commanding” this into being. Or you may choose to envision several aspects of your life. This exercise is a gift to you from your third eye - an opportunity to manifest your dreams! Yogic Eye Exercise This is an exercise for strengthening your physical eyes, and can help improve your clarity of vision and reduce eyestrain. It is perfect after spending long periods of time on the computer or doing lots of heavy reading. Sit comfortably with a straight spine. Close your eyes and bathe them in darkness. Bring your awareness to the point between your eyes, in the centre of your head. Feel the darkness there, and let yourself bask in its quiet calm. After a few minutes, gently open your eyes and gaze straight ahead. Keeping your head still, slowly turn your gaze upwards, and then slowly turn your gaze downwards. Repeat this movement of upwards and downwards and after a few sets return your eyes to centre and close them, returning to darkness. And now repeat the movements again but this time, move your eyes from left to right. Then return again to darkness. Finally, make half circles, first on the top and then on the bottom, and finish by rolling your eyes “around the clock” making a complete rotation. Do this exercise both clockwise and anti-clockwise. To end, close your eyes and once again bathe them in darkness. Rub your hands together to create heat in your hands. Cup your eyes and feel the warmth pouring into your eyes. Gently massage your eyelids, your forehead and your face. Gateways into Ajna There are many symbols you can visualise to activate Ajna energy. You can use your powers of visualisation at any time. Visualise these symbols in your classes, but you can even use your time standing in the queue at the supermarket to tune into these symbols. Planet Jupiter is the planet of the third eye. As the largest planet in the solar system, Jupiter is regarded as the king of the heavens. Besides being the guardian and protector of our highest aims including law, truth and justice, Jupiter is also known as the light of wisdom, intuition and the planet of expansion. Archangel Sachiel is the angel of Ajna. He works to bring us closer to our own guardian angels and spirit guides. He is the angel of charity and aims to help the improvement of humankind. Invoke Sachiel each day this week and feel the presence of your guides and angels as you move through your week. Deities Horus / The hawk headed son of Osiris and Isis, he is the personification of light. As the ancient Egyptian sky god he represents the face of heaven. His right eye is the sun and his left eye is the moon. He guards against deception and liberates truth and wisdom. One of the most well known hieroglyphs is the eye of Horus, which represents the eye of truth. Continued... Ardhanarishvara / Shakti and Shiva are united in a single figure known as Ardhanarishvara. The male part of the figure is on the right side and the female part is on the left side. Their energies are permanently fused, for this chakra marks the end of duality. Nut / The ancient Egyptian sky goddess was known as the mother of the gods and all living things. Humans for protection invoked her in life and death. Her body was covered in stars and arched over the earth, protecting it. Tara / Historically, there have been many Goddesses that have been associated with the stars, including Astarte, Aphrodite, Ishtar, Isis, the Virgin Mary, and Tara. For thousands of years, ships have been navigated at night by the stars. Tara is the guiding star showing us the way to the other shore. In the interplay of gaseous forces in a star, however, there is a great devouring power, and Tara has also the aspect of Kali who devours the darkness. The tarot card named “The Star” provides us with a message of hope, serenity and positive outcomes. In the same way, Tara, “The Star,” brings with her an association with spiritual enlightenment that results in peace and happiness. Creatures The peacock, raven, cat, unicorn and cobra are all creatures of Ajna. The peacock represents immortality and longevity. It is a symbol of the stars of the sky. Its fan-shaped tail is a symbol of the sun as well as the vault of heaven. In Buddhism, the many eyes of the tail symbolise watchfulness. Although the raven is often seen as an ill omen, in China, Persia and Japan, it is a messenger of the sun. Being a talking bird, it possesses prophetic powers. The cat, with its variable eyes, symbolises the varying powers of the sun and waxing and the waning of the moon. Cats are known to embody supernatural powers, both good and evil. The unicorn represents the feminine principle and the moon. It symbolises purity, virtue, strength of mind and body. Having two horns joined in one symbolises the union of opposites and the mythical embodiment of the inner realm of the mind. In China, it represents wisdom and longevity. Continued... The base chakra is represented with the serpent. In the third eye chakra it is the cobra, which is sacred in Egypt and India. The cobra is associated with the Egyptian goddess Uadjet, pictured as a winged cobra, goddess of the underworld, wisdom and truth. The symbol of the caduceus also relates to this chakra. The wings symbolise transcendence, and the intertwining snakes are the opposites in dualism, which are ultimately united. They are the complementary forces operating in the universe and the union of the sexes. They represent good and evil, fire and water, ascending and descending, wisdom and fertility. Trees The beech, cedar and oak trees are all associated with the third eye chakra. They all aid in manifesting thought forms. You can bring healing to your third eye by using the Bach flower remedies from these trees. Also, standing between two oak trees is believed to open a gateway to other dimensions. Herbs Eyebright helps to honour the lessons that life brings, and to see both the light and dark sides as part of the whole. Other herbs that are said to help the third eye chakra are hyssop, peyote and mescaline. Affirmations The answers to all my questions lie within me. I trust my insight and intuition. I see clearly both in the physical and subtle worlds. I see and understand the “big picture”. My intellect is a powerful tool for good. I envision and create beauty and goodness. I am open to experiencing non-ordinary reality. I trust my inner self to guide and protect me. My imagination is vivid and powerful. I am open to the wisdom within me. Try and make affirmations for the third eye a part of your everyday practice this week. Choose the affirmations that resonate most for you, or create your own. Voice each affirmation (either silently or out loud) and place a copy of your affirmations somewhere you can see them every day. Continued... Colour Indigo, the colour of the night sky, is the resonating colour of the third eye. In many cultures, indigo has a strong association with the heavens. Contemplation, truth, wisdom and infinite space are also symbolised by this colour. This week, wear or decorate a room in a shade of indigo. Allow it to remind you of your intention to develop your third eye chakra. Crystals Lapis Lazuli, azurite, and sapphire will all help enhance your third eye energies. Lapis Lazuli is a symbol of knowledge, wisdom and protection. Azurite awakens psychic abilities, insight and intuition. Sapphire aids meditation and is connected to wisdom, intuition and spiritual development. Essential oils Violet, sandalwood, thyme and juniper are some of the associated oils for the third eye chakra. If you get headaches (which are symptoms of an imbalanced third eye chakra) use lavender, eucalyptus, peppermint or melissa. A cool compress with essential oils added can by placed on your forehead and over your eyes. You can also rub lavender directly on to your temples to soothe and release any restriction you are feeling in your third eye. Recommended Reading If you would like to explore the third eye chakra further, we recommend reading the following: Wheels of Life by Anodea Judith - Chapter 7 (Chakra Six - Sight) The Serpent Power by Arthur Avalon (Verses 32 - 40) Archetypal Chakras by Arthur Bittlinger (The Third Eye chapter) The Dance of Intuition Using the mp3 you can now enter into the dance of intuition. Begin by creating your sacred space and preparing yourself for your inner journey. The journey begins with an opening meditation. The music for this meditation is of a high frequency and as you surrender your mind and body to the music, you will find yourself naturally lifting into higher states of awareness. We have recorded a short talk about Ajna. As we speak, visualise the imagery and begin to place your awareness in the centre of your forehead. The journey begins with a physical warm-up – a chance to check-in with your body and find out what messages it has for you today. We will then guide you through a mini journey through all 7 chakras – again, an opportunity to gain insight as to where your energy system is at right now. The dance of intuition is a form of trance dance based on an ancient shamanic practice. Repetitive dance and hypnotic music are used to go into a trance-like state with the purpose of opening to insights and messages from your higher self or spirit. It is as though the dance creates an empty space for insights to drop into. It may feel like an intuitive journey, a waking dream. You may see, hear, smell or taste things that are not normally accessible to you in day-to-day life. We often find that dancers are inspired by imagining they are a North American Indian, one who has danced for days in order to go deeply into trance. In this place beyond time and space, you see with your inner eye. Your vision is expanded. As well as gaining insights, you may remember events in your life that have been deeply buried, or parts of yourself that have been shut away, e.g. the hurt child. When we bury these parts of ourselves we become fragmented. By gently bringing them to consciousness, remembering these parts of ourselves, we can reclaim these parts and make the journey towards wholeness. In shamanic cultures, this process is called ‘soul retrieval’. Aspects of the self or “soul parts” are rescued or brought home from where they have been stuck in non-ordinary realities. As you travel deeper into trance you may also get in touch with other dimensions and beings – angels, guides; energies from the transpersonal realms and the collective unconscious. This really is a place beyond time and beyond space. Not everyone experiences vivid visions when they are trance-dancing and certainly not every time. You may experience fleeting sensations or be filled with coloured or white light. You may experience waves of energy washing through your body or feel as though you are translucent. Sometimes the insights come to you hours or days after the dance. Be clear with your intention and trust the messages and healing will come. After the dance, create a mandala from the imagery and messages from your trance-dance. The mandala may represent the images you viewed in the lens of your third eye, or you may express the feelings through colours and shapes. Trust your intuition and let the mandala unfold organically. Does your mandala have a title? Any themes? What are the feelings surfacing for you? Does you mandala have a question for you? Use your mandala as an additional tool for insight. We bring the Chakradance™ experience to a close with an integration meditation. This helps you to integrate any of the experiences you have had in the third eye chakra, as well as preparing you for your return to everyday life. Reflections on Your Mandala Artwork Title – Give your mandala a title. Let this title come through spontaneously. It is best to go with the first name that comes to you. Feelings – What are the dominant feelings or emotional energy surfacing from your mandala? Question – What question is your mandala asking of you? What is it trying to help you become more conscious of? Throughout this week, take time to meditate on your Ajna mandala, reviewing your question and responses. Evaluate how it might help to give meaning and direction to your life, and help you bring balance to your third eye chakra. Check-List for Ajna ❍ Read this workbook ❍ Energy exercises practised daily ❍ Dance of Ajna completed 1-2 times ❍ Mandala Artwork plus Reflections ❍ Archetypes Exercise ❍ Principle Self Reflection Exercise
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