IPOE 2012 Booklet - The Emirates Academy of Hospitality


IPOE 2012 Booklet - The Emirates Academy of Hospitality
Changing Times in Tourism
and Hospitality Education
THE-ICE 6th International Panel of Experts Forum
Table of Contents
Welcome Message by Guy Bentley
Welcome Message by Ron Hilvert
IPoE Forum Programme
IPoE Forum Panellists
Panellists’ Contact Details
Paper Presentation Session 1
Paper Presentation Session 2
Sala Baï Hotel & Restaurant School
About Dubai & Arabic Culture
Note from the Organising Committee
Changing Times in Tourism & Hospitality Education
Welcome Message by Guy Bentley
Welcome to the 6th International Panel of Experts
Forum 2012, held for the first time in the United Arab
Emirates and proudly hosted by The Emirates Academy of
Hospitality Management.
This year’s Forum theme, “Changing Times in
Tourism and Hospitality Education” is specifically relevant
with the challenges faced by educators in the tourism and
hospitality industry - finding the right balance between
practical and theoretical curriculum through innovative
teaching pedagogy and applied research to meet
the needs of industry and to lead to sustainable careers for our students.
During the course of the Forum you will hear from a number of invited
experts on themed panels with the aim of discussing, debating and
sharing ideas with other like-minded educators, who value the continuous
development and improvement of tourism and hospitality education best practice.
The Forum will also include a series of working and full paper presentations, as
well as two workshops. One of the workshops features the Sala Baï Hotel School,
one of our social responsibility partners. The other focuses on student satisfaction
and how we can improve the level of quality to our students. Furthermore, our
annual general meeting, held at the end of the Forum, will give THE-ICE Board an
opportunity to share our strategic vision with our members for 2013 and beyond!
I would like to acknowledge our international panellists and session chairs that
have given their time to share their expertise. Our sincere thanks goes to The
Emirates Academy of Hospitality Management for hosting the Forum, The
Academy staff and students who have worked on this event, and last but not
least, our Forum and Sala Baï Hotel School sponsors for their immense support!
Mr Guy Bentley
THE-ICE 6th International Panel of Experts Forum
Welcome Message by Ron Hilvert
On behalf of our Organising Committee, the Faculty
members and the student body at The Emirates Academy
of Hospitality Management and our Jumeirah colleagues,
may I wish you a warm welcome to Dubai, the epicentre
of hospitality development over the past decade.
I trust that you will find the programme, including a
wide range of panel sessions and workshops,
interesting and beneficial. Additionally, the Forum will
serve as a great opportunity for all of us to exchange ideas
and make new friends with industry professionals and
fellow academics.
Also, take full advantage of your stay in Dubai by visiting the many world class
hotels and experience our renowned Arabian hospitality. A selection of outstanding
hotels is just across the road from The Academy, boasting excellent food and beverage
outlets as well as many entertainment facilities for the evening hours.
All my colleagues are here to ensure that you have a pleasant and
productive stay in one of the most exciting cities in the world.
Ron Hilvert
Managing Director
The Emirates Academy of Hospitality Management
Changing Times in Tourism & Hospitality Education
The International Centre of
Excellence in Tourism and Hospitality
Education (THE-ICE) is an international
accreditation body established in 2004.
Its focus is on programme accreditation, benchmarking and the promotion of
excellence for tourism, hospitality, events and culinary arts (TH&E) education.
THE-ICE is a not-for-profit organisation governed by an elected Board of
Directors and supports its member institutions through a range of
education development initiatives, and seeks to provide relevant information to
prospective students about their study options.
Since the inaugural International Panel of Experts Forum in 2005, the event
had been held in Australia for four consecutive times. More recently, the location
of the IPoE has shifted to Asia, including a successful Forum at Taylor’s University
in Malaysia.
For further information, please visit www.the-ice.org
The Emirates Academy of
Hospitality Management is a
leading provider of University-level
business hospitality education in
the Middle East; it offers both undergraduate and post-graduate degrees designed to
develop the hospitality leaders of the future.
The Academy works in academic association with Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne
and all programmes of study are fully accredited by the Ministry of Higher Education
and Scientific Research in the United Arab Emirates, the Institute of Hospitality in
the United Kingdom and THE-ICE in Australia. The Academy has also been awarded
the “Dubai Quality Appreciation Programme”, the only educational institution in its
category for 2010.
For further information, please visit www.emiratesacademy.edu
Forum Programme
Day One
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Forum Programme
Day Two
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THE-ICE 6th IPoE is proudly hosted by:
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Forum Programme
Day Three
9:00am – 10:30am
(Concurrent Session)
9:00am – 9:45am
(Concurrent Session)
Tuesday 20th November 2012
Paper Presentation Session 2
Classroom 2
Workshop 2: Student Satisfaction Survey – What’s Our Commitment to Improving Quality
Focus – Participation in the THE-ICE annual TH&E student satisfaction survey has been
mandatory for members since 2007. What role has such benchmarking played in
prompting members to reflect on service to students or is this just another compliance
Workshop Chair
Mr Guy Bentley – CEO, Blue Mountains International Hotel Management School
A/Prof Laura Lawton – Associate Professor and Deputy Head of Department, Griffith
Ms Pauline Tang – General Manager, THE-ICE
Dr Anita Zehrer – Deputy Head, MCI Management Center Innsbruck
9:45am – 10:30am
Breakout Groups Discussion
Classroom 1 & 3
10:30am – 11:00am
Morning Tea Refreshments
11:00am – 12:30pm
Closing Panel Comments / Outcomes and Awards Presentation
12:30pm – 1:30pm
(Concurrent Session)
Networking Lunch
2:00pm – 5:30pm
THE-ICE Annual General Meeting (Working Lunch)
On-Site Visit of Various Hotels
Accredited Members of THE-ICE include:
Associates of THE-ICE include:
For detail membership listing please visit www.the-ice.org
Keynote Panel Session: Accreditation – International Issues, Trends and
Future Directions / Sunday, 18th November 2012, 11:00am – 12:30pm
Mr Ron Hilvert
(Panel Chair)
Managing Director
The Emirates Academy of Hospitality Management
Ron Hilvert, a graduate of Ecole hôtelière de
Lausanne, is the Founder and Managing Director of The
Emirates Academy of Hospitality Management. Ron has
over 40 years of professional experience in the hospitality
industry and is recognised as the most experienced
Human Resources Executive in the industry worldwide.
He has had professional and educational contact with all the
major hotel schools and universities in North America, Europe, Asia and Australasia
for over 30 years.
Ron has held the worldwide Corporate Human Resources position for
Hyatt International, Hilton International and the Jumeirah Group, and was
an opening General Manager with Hyatt International Hotels. Ron has
lectured at several major schools and universities, and has regularly been
invited to speak at international conferences. Furthermore, he has been consistently
ranked among the Top 50 most powerful and influential hoteliers in the Middle East.
A member of the Institute of Hospitality (IOH), he is fluent in four European
Ron Hilvert is also presenting on
Sunday, 18th November 2012, 4:00pm - 5:30pm at Panel Session 2:
Exceeding the Expectations of our External Stakeholders
Keynote Panel Session: Accreditation – International Issues, Trends and
Future Directions / Sunday, 18th November 2012, 11:00am – 12:30pm
Mr Guy Bentley
(Panel Chair)
Blue Mountains International Hotel Management School
Apart from his position as the CEO of Blue Mountains
International Hotel Management School (BMIHMS),
Guy is the elected Chair & Director of THE-ICE. He
serves as a Member on the National Committee of the
Colleges of Private Higher Education and acted as the
Chair of the Australian Association of Hotel Schools in
the past.
He is highly recognised for his outstanding contributions to the Tourism Training
Industry in Australia and was awarded the National Platinum Training Award and
a Distinguished Lifetime Achievement Award for Services to the Australian
Accommodation Industry in 2011.
Guy is passionate about investigating Intellectual Property in the Hospitality
Sector, Compliance and Online Marketing Strategies as well as Strategic Business
Improvement Models. He published a joint research publication on ‘Proactive
Crisis Planning’ with Mr Thomas Koruth from BMIHMS, and Associate
Professors Brent Ritchie and Ms Wang Jie from The University of Queensland. This
study found strong support for the hypotheses that organisational type and size
had an impact on the implementation of crisis planning and the perceived level of
crisis preparedness. The research was published in the Scandinavian Journal of
Hospitality and Tourism in 2011 with the title “Proactive Crisis Planning: Lessons for the
Accommodation Industry”.
Guy Bentley is also presenting on
Monday, 19th November 2012, 3:30pm – 5:00pm at Workshop 1:
Giving Back to the Community – Window Dressing or a Serious Endeavour?
Tuesday, 20th November 2012, 9:00am – 10:30am at Workshop 2:
Student Satisfaction Survey – What Is Our Commitment to Improving Quality
Keynote Panel Session: Accreditation – International Issues, Trends and
Future Directions / Sunday, 18th November 2012, 11:00am – 12:30pm
Prof Badr Aboul-Ela
(Opening Keynote Address)
Executive Director
Commission for Academic Accreditation
Arab Network for Quality Assurance in Higher Education
Board Director
International Network for Quality Assurance in Higher
Prof Aboul-Ela earned his BSc and MSc in Agriculture
from Cairo University, and his PhD in Animal Physiology from the University of
Aberdeen, UK, in 1980. He held several academic and administrative positions at
Mansoura University and UAE University, among which being a Chair, Director of
Graduate Studies, and Dean.
He was one of the founding members of the Commission for Academic
Accreditation in the UAE when established in 2000, and was appointed as its
Director in February 2007. He had a leading role in developing e-Learning Standards
for Licensure and Accreditation. Prof Aboul-Ela had a significant and leading role
in establishing the Arab Network for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, and
has been re-elected as its Vice-President. In April 2011, Prof Aboul-Ela was elected
as a Board Director for the International Network for Quality Assurance in Higher
Education. In January 2012, Prof Aboul-Ela was appointed as Board Member of
the newly established National Qualification Authority in the UAE.
Prof Aboul-Ela participated in numerous institutional and programme accreditation
review teams in the UAE. He also chaired and participated in institutional reviewing
teams in Oman, Saudi Arabia, and Bahrain. He has been invited as the keynote speaker
on quality assurance issues at many regional and international conferences and
Keynote Panel Session: Accreditation – International Issues, Trends and
Future Directions / Sunday, 18th November 2012, 11:00am – 12:30pm
Dr Warren Fox
(Keynote Panellist)
Executive Director
Knowledge & Human Development Authority
Dr Fox is Executive Director of the Higher Education
for the Dubai Knowledge and Human Development
Authority in the United Arab Emirates. Previously he was
Executive Director of the Office of Higher Education,
Policy & Planning, for the Ministry of Higher Education and
Scientific Research of the United Arab Emirates. He also
serves on the School Board for the American Community School.
Previously, he served as Scholar in Residence, University of California at Berkeley,
with the Center for Studies in Higher Education, focusing on higher education
administration, state-level policy and finance, and best practices for accountability.
He was the longest serving Executive Director of California’s planning and
coordinating agency for higher education - the California Postsecondary Education
Commission. The Commission is responsible to the executive and legislative
branches for updating the state-wide plan for higher education and for
recommendations on budget, capital outlay, academic programs, and other issues.
He also served as convener of the California Education Roundtable composed of
California’s university system leaders.
He is a past President of the State Higher Education Executive Officers national
association, and former Chair of the National Postsecondary Education
Cooperative for the US Department of Education and NCES. He is also a former
Chairman of the National Forum of System Chief Academic Officers and former
member of the WICHE Executive Committee.
Dr Fox received his BA in Political Science from the University of California at
Berkeley, and his PhD from the University of Southern California School of Policy
Planning and Development.
Keynote Panel Session: Accreditation – International Issues, Trends and
Future Directions / Sunday, 18th November 2012, 11:00am – 12:30pm
Prof Brian King
(Keynote Panellist)
THE-ICE Assessment Panel
Professor Brian King recently moved to Hong Kong
to take up a Professorship in the School of Hotel and
Tourism Management at Hong Kong Polytechnic
He previously occupied a variety of leadership roles at
Victoria University including Pro Vice-Chancellor
(Industry & Community) and Head of the School of Hospitality, Tourism and
Marketing (1998 - 2007). He has been a Visiting Professor at AILUN University in
Sardinia, Italy (2005 - 2008) and at Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2011).
Professor King has extensive tourism management experience and
maintains his industry involvements at board level (Destination Melbourne)
and as a mentor (as Chair of the Business Mentoring Panel in the Victorian
Tourism Awards). He has consulted extensively to international development
agencies in the areas of tourism marketing and human resource development.
He has published widely in the fields of Tourism Marketing, Planning and Human
Resource Development and has authored or co-authored several books
including “Creating Island Resorts”, “Asia-Pacific Tourism: Regional Co-operation,
Planning and Development”, “Tourism Marketing in Australia” and “Case Studies in
Tourism and Hospitality Marketing”.
He was Chair of THE-ICE (2008 - 2010) and is currently Chair of the Panel of
Auditors. Brian is Founder and current Joint Editor-in-Chief of the International
Journal of Tourism, Culture and Communication. He is an elected Fellow of the
International Academy for the Study of Tourism and of the Council for Australian
University Tourism and Hospitality Education.
Panel Session 1: Tourism & Hospitality Education – Regional Needs,
Global Aspirations / Sunday, 18th November 2012, 2:00pm – 3:30pm
A/Prof Stephen Craig-Smith
(Panel Chair)
Head of School of Tourism
University of Queensland
A/Professor Stephen Craig-Smith was Head of the School
of Tourism at The University of Queensland from 1988
until 2000 and is again since mid - 2010. He was the Chair
of Teaching and Learning, and a member of the
Queensland Ministerial Advisory Panel to the Minister of
Education until the end of 2011. Currently, he is a member
of the Hong Kong Accreditation Council. In 2008, he was named one of eight
inaugural fellows of CAUTHE for services to tourism education.
A/Professor Craig-Smith was closely involved with the United Nations
Economic and Social Commission for the Asia and the Pacific-Asia Pacific
Education and Training Institutions in Tourism network and has been made an
Honorary Professor at the Shanghai Institute of Tourism. He has also been
awarded the status of Visiting Professor with the University of Victoria, British
Columbia and the University of Nottingham in the UK. Furthermore, he has been
awarded a Visiting Academic Fellowship with the School of Business and Marketing
at Curtin University.
He has conducted numerous consultancy works such as environmental
management, particularly focusing on coastal environmental management in the
UK, Caribbean and Australia, curriculum development at secondary school level
with the Queensland State Government and at university level in Australia, New
Zealand, Hong Kong, Malaysia and China among others. He was the Chief Auditor
of THE-ICE until 2012 when he was made a Director of THE-ICE.
Panel Session 1: Tourism & Hospitality Education – Regional Needs,
Global Aspirations / Sunday, 18th November 2012, 2:00pm – 3:30pm
Mr Ronan Fitzgerald
Managing Director
Cesar Ritz Colleges Switzerland
Ronan Fitzgerald is Managing Director of Cesar Ritz
Colleges Switzerland and a member of the Executive team
of the Swiss Education Group.
The Swiss Education Group, comprised of five schools
on seven campuses, is the largest hotel management
education provider in Switzerland, delivering hospitality
programes to approximately 6000 students from over 70 countries.
Prior to assuming his current role, Ronan spent seven years in the Hotel Institute
Montreux in a variety of positions, including Undergraduate Program Manager,
Assistant Academic Dean and Academic Director. He also lectured in Business
Communication, Organisational Behaviour, Philosophy of Enterprise and his
favourite course – Introduction to College Studies.
Before moving to Switzerland, Ronan worked for 15 years in the field of
residential social work in Ireland and the UK, managing teams and working
with young people in a variety of settings. This experience allowed him to work
with young people who were marginalised - in education as well as society - and
taught him that, when expectations of success are reduced, poor performance
follows. He also spent time working with autistic adults – an experience that
challenged his views on the concepts of providing service, care and education.
He holds a BA (Hons) in Social Care Management from AIT, Ireland and an MA (Hons)
in Public Management from NUI.
Panel Session 1: Tourism & Hospitality Education – Regional Needs,
Global Aspirations / Sunday, 18th November 2012, 2:00pm – 3:30pm
Dr Stuart Jauncey
The Emirates Academy of Hospitality Management
Dr Jauncey is a consummate hospitality professional,
with many years of experience in the field. In fact, his
interest in the hotel industry dates back to the age of
13, when he persuaded a hotel near his home to let
him work there for a few hours each weekend, just
because he “loved the idea of being in and around
hotels”. His commitment to the industry naturally led
him to study both Culinary Arts and then Hospitality Management, taking a
Bachelor of Science with Honours in Hospitality Management at Oxford
Unusually, two of his early jobs involved palaces - Blenheim Palace in the UK, and
the Emir’s Palace in Kuwait, where he was Operations Manager. He also worked in a
number of hotels.
Panel Session 1: Tourism & Hospitality Education – Regional Needs,
Global Aspirations / Sunday, 18th November 2012, 2:00pm – 3:30pm
Prof Donald Sloan
Head of Department
Oxford Brookes University
Donald is Head of the Department of Hospitality, Leisure
and Tourism Management at Oxford Brookes University, a
position he has held since 2003. He teaches, researches
and publishes in the field of gastronomy, and has particular
expertise in aspects of food-related consumer behaviour.
Donald joined Oxford Brookes in 1997 and prior to
becoming Head of Department he held various posts including Deputy Head,
Undergraduate Director, and Hospitality Liaison Officer for the Higher
Education Academy.
He is also currently the Vice Chair of the UK's Council for Hospitality Management
Education (CHME), the organisation which represents all universities that offer
degree programmes in hospitality management and related subjects.
Panel Session 2: Exceeding the Expectations of our External
Stakeholders / Sunday, 18th November 2012, 4:00pm - 5:30pm
Prof Perry Hobson
(Panel Chair)
Pro Vice Chancellor
Taylor’s University
Prof J.S. Perry Hobson is a Pro-Vice Chancellor for the
Division of Tourism, Hospitality & Culinary Arts at
Taylor’s University (Malaysia), and he is also a member of
the Board of Directors of THE-ICE.
Over the years, he has lived in a number of countries,
and worked for a variety of institutions such as Southern Cross University (Australia)
as well as Hong Kong Polytechnic University (SAR-China) and has also held
visiting positions with institutions such as MCI – Innsbruck (Austria). He sits on the
Editorial Boards of a number of journals, and has been the Editor-in-Chief of the
Journal of Vacation Marketing since 1999, and also served as Co-Editor of the
Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education. He was also identified in
Tourism Management as being amongst the world’s Top 50 researchers over a period
of two decades.
He holds a BSc (Hons) in Hotel & Catering Management from Oxford Brookes
University (UK), a MS in Hotel, Restaurant and Travel from the University of
Massachusetts at Amherst (USA), and a PhD from Southern Cross University
(Australia). Perry is an elected past-President of APacCHRIE, a past-Chair of CAUTHE
and has also served on the Board of APTA.
Prof Perry Hobson is also presenting on
Monday, 19th November 2012, 3:30pm - 5:00pm at Workshop 1:
Giving back to the Community - Window Dressing or a Serious Endeavour?
Panel Session 2: Exceeding the Expectations of our External
Stakeholders / Sunday, 18th November 2012, 4:00pm - 5:30pm
Prof Maximilian Schachner
Head, Academic Mobility Programmes
IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems
Professor Schachner has held the position of Fulbright
Visiting Scholar at Arizona State University, Phoenix in
2005. Further appointments include Liaison Officer with
the European Travel Commission (Brussels) – Austrian
National Tourism Office Vienna, Directeur Adjoint at the
Office National Autrichien du Tourisme, Paris (1987 - 1994)
and Assistant Professor in the Department of
Communication / Media Studies at the University of Salzburg 1986 - 1987.
Professor Schachner is fluent in German, English and French and converses well
in the Russian language. He has studied at a broad range of institutions that
include EU Education Programmes, The United Nations Graduate Study Programme
in Geneva, Université Paris (Panthéon-Sorbonne), University of Vienna and gained
his doctorate at the University of Salzburg in Communication, Anglo-American
Culture & Civilization, and Tourism Management between 1978 and 1984.
His International Teaching Missions include Arizona State University, Phoenix;
Qingdao University (China); Universidad Panamericana, Guadalajara (Mexico);
Mahidol University Bangkok; Prince of Songkla University Phuket; Universidad
Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid; Universiti Anadolu, Eskisehir (Turkey); Moscow
International Higher Business School; Petrovsky College, St. Petersburg (Russia); IFIL
Toulouse; Ajou University, Suwon (Republic of Korea); Bifröst University (Iceland)
and Linnaeus, University, Kalmar (Sweden).
Panel Session 2: Exceeding the Expectations of our External
Stakeholders / Sunday, 18th November 2012, 4:00pm - 5:30pm
Mr Andrew Ugarte
Acting General Manager
William Blue College of Hospitality Management
Andrew has spent the last 30 years working in
and around the hospitality industry in a variety of
operational and administrative positions culminating in a
senior role with SOCOG at The Sydney Olympics.
At the end of 2000, he entered education in the fields
of Hospitality and Business, initially with Billy Blue Group
and subsequently in positions across Australasia and the Pacific.
He holds a range of qualifications, from a vocational Certificate III in Aquatic Search
& Rescue to a Post-Graduate Certificate in Migration Law. He lives and breathes the
dictum of life-long learning as he is currently studying his Masters in Higher Education
Andrew’s passion for relevant and timely education is channelled through his work
with students to have them employed, learning and engaged with the industry as
early as possible during their study. His own study in online learning is driven by his
belief that further education, learning and career advancement is a life-long journey
and should not be handicapped by location, circumstances or position.
Panel Session 3: Connecting in the Classroom and Beyond /
Monday, 19th November 2012, 9:00am – 10:30am
Mr Alan Williams
(Panel Chair)
Managing Director
Australian School of Management
Alan Williams is the Managing Director of the
Australian School of Management (ASM), a privately
owned Higher Education Provider in Western Australia
offering Bachelor Degrees in Business and Hotel
Management. He is also Director of ASM’s sister institute
the Australian College of Applied Education, a
Registered Training Organisation offering courses in Hospitality, Tourism, Events,
Business, Management, Accounting and English Language.
Mr Williams is an active member on a number of peak industry education bodies
in Australia and industry associations. All of which have an interest in ensuring
long-term viability, sustainability and quality of the Australian education
and training industry.
Mr Williams is passionate about education, which can be evidenced within his
own organisation, where a number of innovative learning and teaching strategies
have been incorporated, ensuring that the very best possible education outcomes
are achieved for students ensuring their progression into industry.
Panel Session 3: Connecting in the Classroom and Beyond /
Monday, 19th November 2012, 9:00am – 10:30am
Mr Mathew Boice
Vice President, EMEA & India
Mathew Boice is Vice President EMEA and India, covering
countries from Russia to Africa, the Middle East, Europe,
India and Pakistan.
He has achieved dramatic growth for Ellucian in the last
five years and has an expanding network of strategic
partners throughout the regions. Formerly, Mathew held
technical and sales roles at Ellucian in the United Kingdom and has over ten years
experience working with education institutions.
He has been instrumental in the development of Ellucian's EMEA and India strategy.
Mathew’s background includes training as a Chartered Management Accountant
and managing the challenges of a Chief Information Officer at a large teaching
University. He holds a BA with Honours in International Business from Brunel
Panel Session 3: Connecting in the Classroom and Beyond /
Monday, 19th November 2012, 9:00am – 10:30am
Mr Terry Kane
Director of Digital Strategy
Jumeirah Group
Terry Kane is Head of Digital Strategy for the
Dubai-based international luxury hotel company,
Jumeirah Group. In his role, Terry is responsible
for digital and distribution strategy that delivers
the brand promise of STAY DIFFERENT, sales and
communications through direct channels.
Terry has more than 13 years in strategy and marketing experience in large national
and international organisations. Prior to joining Jumeirah, Terry held positions with
the New Forest National Park and STA Travel. Additionally, he has been a lecturer with
the Leisure Management & Tourism Programme at Bournemouth University.
During this time, Terry developed an expertise in Digital and Distribution
disciplines including Brand & Strategic Marketing Development, Global Channel
Operations and Technical Development to ensure that organisations maximise
the equity potential from a multitude of diverse and often fragmented channels.
Born and raised in Ireland, Terry holds an Executive MBA from London Business
School, a BA in International Tourism and Hospitality from Bournemouth University
and a Higher National Diploma in Tourism and Hospitality Management from the
University of Ulster.
A speaker at several recognised international events and conferences,
Terry has also conducted research with The Emirates Academy of Hospitality
Management, where he is a regular guest lecturer, and the World Economic
Forum on technology development and the impact on decision making for
travel in emerging economies. Terry is an active Executive Board member with
Travolution and HSMAI, and regularly contributes to recognised leaders blogs.
Panel Session 3: Connecting in the Classroom and Beyond /
Monday, 19th November 2012, 9:00am – 10:30am
Dr Sanjay Nadkarni
Associate Professor
The Emirates Academy of Hospitality Management
Dr Sanjay Nadkarni is an Associate Professor at The
Academy. His teaching and research interests are in
Information Systems, Quantitative Methods and
Development Studies in Tourism. Prior to this
appointment, Sanjay was an Assistant Professor and
Academic Programme Coordinator at the Faculty of
International Tourism of the Macao University of Science
& Technology wherein he was also an adjunct Faculty member at the Faculty of
Information Technology.
Earlier on, he was a member of Faculty and Director for Research at the Macao
Institute for Tourism Studies. Sanjay was also an IT Consultant with the Asian
Development Bank. He has been a Research Affiliate with the School of Travel
Industry Management of the University of Hawaii at Manoa and a Research Associate
in the School of Development at the University of Central Asia.
He has undertaken several advisory and consultancy assignments for UN agencies.
He was a Managing Partner at Insights Unlimited, a consultancy practice in Macao,
which he co-founded.
Panel Session 3: Connecting in the Classroom and Beyond /
Monday, 19th November 2012, 9:00am – 10:30am
Mr Kevin Wallace
President and CEO
JA Resorts and Hotels
JA Resorts and Hotels, based in Dubai, UAE, own
and operate five luxury resort hotels in the UAE
with over 700 rooms and have signed multiple
third party management contracts for luxury
resorts in Sri Lanka, Thailand, Maldives, Seychelles,
India, Indonesia, and Vietnam.
Mr Wallace has over 25 years of experience in the
hospitality industry in all major leisure real estate markets around the world, where
he has conceived, developed, operated and managed numerous mixed use hotel
and integrated resort projects involving residential real estate, serviced apartments,
commercial centers, golf courses and marinas.
He was also President of Centara International Management, Thailand’s leading
hotel group and one of the largest resort management companies in the world. Prior
to that, he was President and CEO of Wyndham Worldwide’s North Course Leisure
Real Estate Solutions, President and CEO of Grand Circle Cruise Lines and President
and CFO of Mirage Resorts and Hotels.
Panel Session 4: Refining our Curricula – Evolution or Revolution? /
Monday, 19th November 2012, 11:00am – 12:30pm
Prof (FH) Eva Werner
(Panel Chair)
IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems
Professor Eva Werner holds a degree from the
University of Vienna and also studied in France (Sorbonne
in Paris) and Canada (University of Concordia). Her
professional experiences comprise, among others, some
years of lecturing at the College of Tourism in Vienna,
several years of full-time assistantship and teaching at
the University of Business Administration Vienna and the
Danube University Krems.
From 2005 to 2009, Professor Werner was one of the five Austrian Bologna
Experts (the first in the field of Austrian Universities of Applied Sciences) and as
such actively contributed to the implementation of the Bologna process in
Austria as well as abroad. Her international commitment is highly recognised and
was honoured in 2007 with the award of the Honorary Professorship from the
Moscow International Business School. She was a member of the steering
committee for the development of the IMC programmes, and has been in charge
of the international relations network of the University since 1998.
As a result of her dedication and effort, the institution was awarded the Quality
Label for Mobility (2002) as well as the Diploma Supplement Label twice (2006
and 2010), a quality label for excellent performance according to the Bologna
Since 2002, Professor Werner has been the Deputy Head of the University’s
Academic Board. In 2005, she was elected Vice-Rector and as such re-elected
in 2008. Her expertise on the implementation of the Bologna process has led to
several invitations for keynote speeches and session presentations at national and
international conferences and seminars. Since January 2010, Professor Werner
has been Rector of the IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems, the first female
rector of an Austrian University of Applied Sciences responsible, among others, for the
development and the quality assurance of the degree programmes on offer.
Panel Session 4: Refining our Curricula – Evolution or Revolution? /
Monday, 19th November 2012, 11:00am – 12:30pm
Ms Ma Christina Aquino
Executive Director for Planning & Development
Lyceum of the Philippines University
Ma Christina G. Aquino is the Executive Director for
Planning and Development of the Lyceum of the
Philippines University Manila (LPU). She is also the
LPU Dusit International Project Director, focusing on
Tourism and Hospitality Education Programmes in the
four campuses of LPU, Deputy Quality Management
Representative for various Quality Assurance programmes,
including the ISO 9001:2008 and the OIC of the College of International Tourism
and Hospitality Management, where she was formerly the Dean of the same college.
She has teaching and administrative work experience in various post secondary
school settings that include a state university, a private technical vocational school,
which offers Culinary Arts programmes, and currently a private non-sectarian
Ms Aquino is the President of the Council of Hotel and Restaurant Educators of
the Philippines, the Affiliate Board Member for the Hotel and Restaurant Association
of the Philippines and the Director for Membership of the Asia Pacific Council of
Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education.
She has completed her BS HRA (cum laude), MA in Education, majoring in
Educational Administration and is currently pursuing her PhD in Education,
in Curriculum Studies, at the University of the Philippines Diliman Quezon City.
Panel Session 4: Refining our Curricula – Evolution or Revolution? /
Monday, 19th November 2012, 11:00am – 12:30pm
Dr Rajka Presbury
Senior Lecturer
Blue Mountains International Hotel Management School
Dr Presbury is a senior lecturer at the Blue Mountains
International Hotel Management School. From 1999 to
2008, she was Lecturer and Course Coordinator of
undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in the
College of Business, University of Western Sydney. From
1995 to 1998, she was the Senior Lecturer of the William
Blue College of Hospitality Management (formerly known
as William Blue Hotel Management School).
Prior to joining academia, Dr Presbury gained extensive professional
experience in the hotel sector and had held a number of management positions in
Banqueting Services, Restaurant, and Event Sales & Conventions. She is a
member of the Australian Human Resources Institute, Australian Hotel and
Motel Association, Country Women’s Association, Council for Australian
University Tourism & Hospitality Higher Education and Landcare Group.
Dr Presbury has written book chapters and journal publications on sustainable
development of tourism in areas such as sustainable operations management,
human resource management, managing sustainable festivals, meetings & events,
among others. She has supervised a number of Ph.D. candidates and her research
interest includes sustainable tourism development, hotel service quality as well
as attributes and cultural tourism.
Panel Session 4: Refining our Curricula – Evolution or Revolution? /
Monday, 19th November 2012, 11:00am – 12:30pm
Dr Craig Thompson
Academic Dean International Hotel Management
Stenden University
Dr Craig Thompson was born in England and studied
humanities at undergraduate level in Bristol. He worked
in the tourism industry in a number of countries in
Europe before studying for a masters degree in Tourism
Management at the University of Strathclyde, in Glasgow.
Following a period in the public sector, as the
Tourism Development Officer for Wiltshire, Craig took his first lecturing
role in the University of Derby. Whilst at Derby he commenced a Ph.D., also
through the University of Strathclyde, focussed on entrepreneurship in the
hospitality sector, in Gambia, West Africa, which he completed in 2000. He moved
to New Zealand in the mid-1990s to develop and manage the country's first
specialist degree in Tourism Management.
Another opportunity then took him to Switzerland, where he became the
Academic Director of the Swiss Education Group, the country’s
largest provider of hospitality education. It was then back to Scotland to head an
industry led project to create a private hotel school.
His final move (to date) has seen Craig move to The Netherlands to take on the
role of Academic Dean of International Hospitality Management in Europe's
largest hotel school, Stenden University. So, after several mountainous countries,
Craig is enjoying life (and cycling) with his wife and two children in a much flatter
Craig is a fellow of the Institute of Hospitality and also a fellow of the Higher
Education Academy, and is a member of the Editorial Board for the Journal of
Research in Hospitality Management and Journal of Tourism Futures.
Workshop 1: Giving back to the Community – Window Dressing or a
Serious Endeavour? / Monday, 19th November 2012, 3:30pm – 5:00pm
Ms Julie Glass
Projects Manager
Julie joined THE-ICE in 2006 and works with the team
undertaking roles relating to the project management
of THE-ICE’s website and e-Marketing, conference and
workshop events as well as THE-ICE’s Social Responsibility
Member Branding and Marketing.
Coming from Southern Cross University School of Tourism
& Hospitality Management, Julie has worked in the TH&E
Education arena for more than 14 years.
In addition, Julie undertakes the Editorial Management for the Journal of Vacation
Marketing, working in conjunction with the publishers Sage Publications in
London, UK. Julie is very passionate about the transformative power of training and
education, and providing the underprivileged with an opportunity to change not
only their lives but also the lives of their entire families and ultimately bring change
to communities as a whole.
Having visited THE-ICE’s Social Responsibility Schools in Vietnam and Cambodia,
her passion is supported by the first hand knowledge of the plight of these young
Vietnamese and Cambodian children and how modest support can make such a big
difference to their lives and communities as a whole.
Workshop 1: Giving back to the Community – Window Dressing or a
Serious Endeavour? / Monday, 19th November 2012, 3:30pm – 5:00pm
Mr Florian Wille
Executive Assistant Manager
Kempinski Grand & Ixir Hotel, Bahrain City Centre
Florian Wille has accumulated more than twenty years of
experience in gastronomy and five-star luxury hotels. In
addition, he has been a lecturer for Hotel Management at
the International Management Center in Krems for ten
years and has coached a number of students for Bachelor
Having worked in gastronomy in Switzerland and Austria
for six years, he decided to study Tourism and Leisure Time Management at the IMC
in Krems, Austria. Right after graduation, he started as Implementation Manager for
SAP R/3 at the Grosvenor House Hotel in London, consequently becoming a Master
Trainer for Forte UK.
A temporary placement in Leeds, UK, to re-brand The Queens Hotel into Le
Meridien was followed by a Management Accountant position for the UK & Ireland
at the corporate offices of Forte Hotels group. In 2001, Florian Wille joined the
Metropolitan Hotel at London’s Park Lane as Financial Controller. In 2003, he
became Director of Finance at the Waldorf Hotel in London, guiding the hotel through
receivership and due diligence before becoming The Waldorf Hilton. Other
positions as Director of Finance followed at the Hilton Frankfurt
and the Kempinski Hotel Corvinus in Budapest.
He is currently Executive Assistant Manager at the Kempinski Grand & Ixir Hotel
Bahrain City Centre in Manama where he joined the pre-opening team in 2011.
Workshop 2: Student Satisfaction Survey /
Tuesday, 20th November 2012, 9:00am – 10:30am
A/Prof Laura Lawton
Associate Professor and Deputy Head of Department
Griffith University
Prof Laura Lawton is an Associate Professor and
Deputy Head of the Department of Tourism, Leisure,
Hotel and Sport Management on the Gold Coast Campus of
Griffith University, Australia. She was formally the
Programme Director for the Master of Business
Programmes in the Department. Previously, she held
appointments at the University of South Carolina and
George Mason University, Virginia, USA. She previously taught at Bond University,
Gold Coast.
Prior to entering academia, she was Senior Research Officer/Policy Analyst for
Saskatchewan Environment and Natural Resources in Canada. Prof. Lawton
holds a Master of Arts degree (Geography) and Bachelor of Arts
(Honours – Urban Planning) from the University of Western Ontario (Canada). In
2002, she was awarded a Ph.D. from Griffith University. Her thesis examined resident
perceptions of tourist attractions on the Gold Coast.
Prof Lawton has authored and co-authored numerous government reports,
academic journal articles and book chapters in several areas, including protected areas,
ecotourism, resident perceptions of tourism, and cruise ship tourism. She is the
co-author of the tourism text “Tourism Management,” published by John Wiley and
Sons Australia, and served for five years as the Editor-in-Chief for “Tourism Review
International”, an international refereed journal. She also sits on the board of four
academic journals.
Workshop 2: Student Satisfaction Survey /
Tuesday, 20th November 2012, 9:00am – 10:30am
Ms Pauline Tang
General Manager
Pauline is responsible for the general management of
THE-ICE, the continual development and implementation
of the Centre’s commitment with specific focus on student
satisfaction benchmarking, research projects, the ongoing
evolvement of THE-ICE accreditation schema, support
services for THE-ICE Assessment Panel, THE-ICE
auditors, member institutions and prospective
accreditation applicant institutions, as well as the marketing and the promotion of
THE-ICE brand internationally.
Pauline was a founding staff member of THE-ICE when it was seed-funded by the
Australian Federal Government in 2004. As Director of Business Development,
Pauline oversaw the brand creation and development of THE-ICE Accreditation
and Membership portfolio. She was also the nominated rapporteur in liaising with
the government on successful implementation of agreed milestones under the
funding agreement.
Pauline is fluent in English, Mandarin, Cantonese and German. She has a
strong background in the promotion of international education, organisation of
confidential student satisfaction surveys, creation of brand identity and the
building of brand image / value. She is closely involved with the United
Nations Economic and Social Commission for the Asia and the Pacific-Asia Pacific
Education and Training Institutions in Tourism network and had been the elected
Vice-Chair of the executive committee in 2007 and 2008.
She was a recipient of the Australian National Training Legends Platinum Award and
is an active committee member of the Australia-China Business Council as well as a
member of the Australian Marketing Institute.
Workshop 2: Student Satisfaction Survey /
Tuesday, 20th November 2012, 9:00am – 10:30am
Dr Anita Zehrer
Deputy Head
MCI Management Center Innsbruck
Dr Anita Zehrer is Deputy Head and Senior Lecturer at
the School of Tourism and Leisure of the Management
Center Innsbruck (MCI).
Her research interests are diverse and include
consumer behaviour in tourism, service experiences and
service design, social media in tourism, entrepreneurship
and leadership in tourism, family business management
in tourism, epistemology in tourism and tourism education.
Her research has been accepted for publication in such outlets as the Services
Industries Journal, Managing Service Quality, Tourism Analysis, and the Journal of
Travel Research.
Dr Zehrer currently serves on the Editorial Boards of the Journal of Travel Research,
Journal of Vacation Marketing and the Tourism Review.
Contact Details of Panellists at
The International Panel of Experts Forum 2012
Keynote Panel Session: Accreditation - International Issues, Trends and Future
Prof Badr Aboul-Ela (Opening Keynote)
Mr Ron Hilvert (Panel Chair)
Mr Guy Bentley (Panel Chair)
Dr Warren Fox (Keynote Panellist)
Prof Brian King (Keynote Panellist)
Panel Session 1: Tourism & Hospitality Education - Regional Needs, Global
A/Prof Stephen Craig-Smith (Panel Chair)
Mr Ronan Fitzgerald
Dr Stuart Jauncey
Prof Donald Sloan
Panel Session 2: Exceeding the Expectations of our External Stakeholders
Prof Perry Hobson (Panel Chair)
Mr Ron Hilvert
Prof Maximilian Schachner
Mr Andrew Ugarte
Panel Session 3: Connecting in the Classroom and Beyond
Mr Alan Williams (Panel Chair)
Mr Mathew Boice
Mr Terry Kane
Dr Sanjay Nadkarni
Mr Kevin Wallace
Contact Details of Panellists at
The International Panel of Experts Forum 2012
Panel Session 4: Refining our Curricula - Evolution or Revolution?
Prof (FH) Eva Werner (Panel Chair)
Ms Ma Christina Aquino
Dr Rajka Presbury
Dr Craig Thompson
Workshop 1: Giving back to the Community - Window Dressing or a Serious
Prof Perry Hobson (Workshop Chair)
Mr Guy Bentley
Ms Julie Glass
Mr Florian Wille
Workshop 2: Student Satisfaction Survey - What’s our Commitment to Improving
Quality Service?
Mr Guy Bentley (Workshop Chair)
A/Prof Laura Lawton
Ms Pauline Tang
Dr Anita Zehrer
Paper Presentation Session 1 /
Monday, 19th November, 2012, 1:30pm - 3:00pm
Paper Presentation Session 1
Experiential Learning: Comparing Short-Term and Long-Term Classroom 2
Perceptions of Learning Outcomes
Charles Arcodia, Nevenka Cavlek & Margarida Abreu Novais
Contact details: c.arcodia@griffith.edu.au
Industry-education Partnership: The Case of MCI Tourism
Classroom 2
Anita Zehrer
Contact details: anita.zehrer@mci.edu
Do We Know What the Hotel Industry Expects From Classroom 2
Motaz Zaitouni, Noreen M. Breakey & Richard N.S. Robinson
Contact details: motaz.zaitouni@uqconnect.edu.au
Students’ Perceptions of Careers in the Tourism and Classroom 2
Hospitality Industry: A Three Country Comparison
Scott Richardson, Dr Nicholas J. Thomas & Dr Gareth Butler
Contact details: s.a.richardson@cqu.edu.au
Paper Presentation Session 1 /
Monday, 19th November, 2012, 1:30pm - 3:00pm
A/Prof Charles Arcodia
Associate Professor
Griffith University, Australia
Dr Charles Arcodia is an Associate Professor within
the Department of Tourism, Leisure, Hotel and Sport
Management at Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia.
Directly before he joined the university sector he was the
manager of an enterprise involved with the organisation
and management of event fundraising projects.
Dr Arcodia completed his PhD in Organisational Citizenship and has an active
research agenda in areas relevant to Event Management and broader Tourism and
Leisure issues.
His research interests include Event Management and Administration, Cultural
Diversity in Hospitality & Tourism Management, and Hospitality & Tourism Education.
Dr Arcodia has been involved with a growing number of research projects and
consultancies focusing on organisational management, visitor attendance profiles
and quality of client services. He has also consulted for overseas organisations such as
the Malaysian Education Department and a Korean telecommunications company.
Professor Nevenka Cavlek is the Vice Dean International Relations within the
Faculty of Economics and Business at the University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia.
Ms Margarida Abreu Novais is a doctoral scholar in Tourism at the Universidade do
Algarve, Faro, Portgual.
Paper Presentation Session 1 /
Monday, 19th November, 2012, 1:30pm - 3:00pm
Mr Motaz Zaitouni
King Abdulaziz University
Motaz is a Lecturer at King Abdulaziz University Tourism Institute (KAUTI), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Currently he is doing his PhD at the School of Tourism University of Queensland (UQ). His PhD topic is
“Hospitality Education and Industry Competency Needs
in Saudi Arabia” supervised by Dr Noreen Breakey & Dr
Richard Robinson.
Motaz completed a Master of Business Advanced in the field of International Hotel
Management in 2010. His undergraduate degree is in Tourism and Hotel
Management from Prince Sultan College for Tourism & Business in Saudi Arabia.
During his undergraduate study Motaz developed his professional background by
having extensive training programmes each summer holiday in the hotel industry.
He worked for the Oberoi Hotels & Resorts in Medina, Saudi Arabia as an assistant
manager in the Lobby department.
His current research interests include hospitality education, curriculum design,
training and development, eco-friendly hotels, customer service management and
service quality.
Paper Presentation Session 1 /
Monday, 19th November, 2012, 1:30pm - 3:00pm
Dr Scott Richardson
Deputy Dean & Head of Tourism & Hospitality
Central Queensland University
Dr Scott Richardson is the Deputy Dean of the School
of Management and Marketing and also the Head of
Tourism and Hospitality Programs at Central Queensland
He obtained his doctorate degree in Tourism and
Hospitality Management from Griffith University. His
thesis focused on the experience of students working in the tourism and hospitality
industry whilst studying for their undergraduate degree.
Scott also holds a Master of International Tourism and Hospitality Management, a
Bachelor of Hotel Management (Hons.) and a Bachelor of Business (Event
Scott also has extensive industry knowledge having worked in the hotel, tourism and
events industries.
Scott is currently a member of the United Nations World Tourism Organisation
Panel of Tourism Experts, advising the UNWTO on issues related to tourism policy
and planning. His research interests are Ecotourism, Human Resource Management,
Sport Tourism, Event Tourism, and Special Interest Tourism.
Paper Presentation Session 2/
Tuesday, 20th November, 2012, 9:00am - 10:30am
Paper Presentation Session 2
Using Online Discussion Forums to Create Learning Classroom 2
Hospitality Masters Students
Ceridwyn King
Contact details:ceridwyn.king@temple.edu
Tourism and Hospitality Student Communications Classroom 2
Preferences, A New Digital Divide?
Alana Harris
Contact details: alanah@angliss.edu.au
The Role of Online Marketing in the Brand Management of Five Classroom 2
Star Hotels
Annelie Bea & John Fong
Contact details: annelie.bea@emiratesacademy.edu
Challenges, Motivations and Barriers Toward Adopting New Classroom 2
Classroom Technology in Hospitality and Tourism Education
Edmund Goh & Guy Bentley
Contact details: edmund.goh@bluemountains.edu.au
Paper Presentation Session 2 /
Tuesday, 20 November, 2012, 9:00am - 10:30am
Dr Ceridwyn King
School of Tourism and Hospitality Management,
Temple University
Dr Ceridwyn King has several years of strategic brand
management experience in a range of industries, with a
particular focus on Tourism and Hospitality.
A successful published researcher in the area of
brand management, Ceridwyn exhibits exceptional
communication skills that have enabled her to work
successfully within the industry on a broad range of strategic marketing issues
such as concepts to market development, brand strategy articulation and thought
leadership/workshop facilitation.
Furthermore, Ceridwyn’s senior management and business development experience
coupled with her ability to think both strategically and creatively, has made her a
useful corporate mentor for senior individuals within various organisations, in
addition to their respective marketing needs.
Ceridwyn has a particular passion for harnessing the power of an organisation’s
human resources to create exceptional brand ambassadors. As such she has
published research in a number of international marketing, tourism and
hospitality journals. Specifically Ceridwyn’s research can be found in leading
international journals such as the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality
Management, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Journal of
Hospitality and Tourism Research, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Services
Marketing and the Journal of Brand Management.
Paper Presentation Session 2 /
Tuesday, 20th November, 2012, 9:00am - 10:30am
Ms Alana Harris
Research Coordinator
William Angliss Institute
Alana completed her undergraduate studies in tourism
and business. Her experience and expertise in the
tourism industry, spanning 20 years, includes positions
in government, private enterprise roles, consultancy and
Her keen interest in destination marketing and tourist
behaviour has led her to doctoral studies. The focus of
her PhD research is word-of-mouth among travellers, tourist interactions in social
networks and the implications for decision-making.
For the past two years Alana has coordinated research and scholarly activity at
William Angliss Institute, a tertiary education and training provider specialising in
tourism, hospitality and foods.
Alana recently returned to teaching tourism and has become more involved in
curriculum design, teaching and learning practices. She is passionate about
connecting with the industry, exploring creative ways to disseminate research
outputs and engaging students in their learning.
Alana is a member of the Council for Australasian Universities Tourism & Hospitality
Education (CAUTHE) and an active participant in its Teaching and Learning special
interest group. She has also been involved in a number of projects addressing
changes in vocational and higher education in Australia.
Paper Presentation Session 2 /
Tuesday, 20 November, 2012, 9:00am - 10:30am
Ms Annelie Hiba Bea
Assistant Marketing Manager
The Emirates Academy of Hospitality Management
Annelie Hiba Bea currently holds the position of
Assistant Marketing Manager at The Emirates Academy
of Hospitality Management in Dubai. In her present role,
she handles online / offline advertisement, branding
and international relations activities, as well as student
recruitment for The Academy.
Before joining Jumeirah Group and completing her
Bachelor of Science (First Class Honours) in International Hospitality Management
at The Academy, she successfully expanded the chocolate company, Pralinhuset,
where she worked as the Assistant Manager in Sweden for many years.
With a multi-cultural family background in hospitality she took on the responsibility
of leading teams of professionals, specialised in different fields and sectors, as the
Chairwoman for Business Networking International (BNI).
Since 2008, she has also had the opportunity to work for international hospitality
companies such as Hyatt International, Jumeirah and One&Only in Dubai.
Paper Presentation Session 2 /
Tuesday, 20th November, 2012, 9:00am - 10:30am
Dr John Fong
Director of Marketing & Associate Professor
The Emirates Academy of Hospitality Management
Dr John Fong is the Director of Marketing and an
Associate Professor in The Emirates Academy of
Hospitality Management. Assisted by a team of talented
individuals, he oversees all marketing related activities
such as advertising, branding, corporate communications,
online/offline media and student recruitment for The
He is also an Associate Professor of Marketing at both the undergraduate and
postgraduate levels, a published author, an academic reviewer for journals and
textbooks and a sought after speaker; having conducted numerous seminars in Asia,
Australia, the Americas, Europe and now the Middle East.
His background is in Project Management, specialising in International Marketing
and Strategic Planning. John is not only versatile; he is a consummate marketing
professional and believes in applying what he has taught from the classrooms into
the real world.
Paper Presentation Session 2 /
Tuesday, 20 November, 2012, 9:00am - 10:30am
Mr Edmund Goh
Deputy Head
Blue Mountains International Hotel Management School
Edmund is Deputy Head of School at The Blue
Mountains International Hotel Management School.
Having served across several universities predominantly
in the Business and Marketing Faculty, Edmund brings a
wide range of experience from The University of Sydney,
University of Wollongong, University of Western Sydney,
and University of Technology Sydney.
Prior to joining BMIHMS, Edmund held numerous marketing appointments within
the Public and Private sector in Singapore and Australia. His marketing portfolio
includes marketing campaigns such as National Crime Prevention campaigns,
Industry Road Shows, Marketing Public Schools, Marketing Automobiles, Destination
Marketing, and Consumer Research. Some of the his clients included the Singapore
Police Force, Singapore Crime Prevention Council, Ministry of Education, Wollongong
City Council, and Wollongong Public School.
In 2008, Edmund was recognised for his teaching efforts at The University of Sydney
with The Dean’s Excellent Teaching Award. Besides teaching, Edmund is passionate
about research and scholarship with more than 20 publications in various leading
journals and conference proceedings such as The International Review on Public
and Nonprofit Marketing, Journal of Teaching in Travel and Tourism, International
Journal of Public Policy, and The International Journal of Tourism and Leisure
Marketing. His research has been recognised with numerous scholarship awards and
research grants by the Australia Research Council; University of Wollongong; and the
University of Queensland.
Edmund has been invited to review research papers for the Asia Pacific Journal of
Marketing and Logistics, Asian Journal of Business Administration, and the
Australia and New Zealand Marketing Academy. His research interest includes
consumer decision-making, education pedagogy, emotions, heritage tourism,
non-compliant behaviour, and qualitative research methods.
Changing Times in Tourism & Hospitality Education
Sala Baï Hotel & Restaurant School
During the 6th International Panel of
Experts Forum 2012, THE-ICE will host a
workshop that focuses on giving back to
the community and the contribution to
the Sala Baï Hotel & Restaurant School.
THE-ICE and its accredited members are
‘Sala Baï Angels’ and contribute funds to support a student through the ‘Friends
of Sala Baï’ initiative. This is a not-for-profit organisation supported by individuals,
companies and other community based organisations whose sole purpose is to raise
funds in support of the Sala Baï Hotel School in Cambodia.
Sala Baï Hotel & Restaurant School was established in 2002 in Siem Reap,
Cambodia by the French-based non-government organisation Agir pour le
Cambodge. The long-term goal is to reduce poverty in Cambodia through social
and professional training of young under-privileged Cambodians. Sala Baï offers a
free hotel school education to students coming from under-privileged families
who are living in rural districts from all over Cambodia. Each year, the school trains
100 young disadvantaged Cambodians to be restaurant waiters / waitresses, cooks,
receptionists and / or housekeeping attendants. During the 12-month training, the
school has to cover all the training fees (lessons, school supplies, books, uniforms),
and daily expenses (accommodation, food, bicycle, insurance and medical
expenses) for the students.
Students have to come from an under-privileged social and economic
family background in Cambodia (with an annual salary below USD300). They
have to meet a minimum education level, and be aged between 17 and 23.
Priority is also given to girls, with the aim of them making up 70% of each intake.
The school also operates a 4-bedroom training hotel (USD15 per night’s stay) and
also a restaurant. The proceeds of these activities also go to supporting the students.
To date, more than 800 young people have been trained, and they have all found a
job within their one-year training.
For more information, to donate, help or visit the school please visit the Sala Baï
Hotel School Website on www.salabai.com
THE-ICE 6th International Panel of Experts Forum
Proud Supporter of the Sala Baï Hotel School:
Changing Times in Tourism & Hospitality Education
Proud Supporters of the Sala Baï Hotel School:
he Emirates
tes Academy
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anisised bbyy the student body.
Visit our website http://www.emiratesacademy.edu
THE-ICE 6th International Panel of Experts Forum
Proud Supporters of the Sala Baï Hotel School:
les Darwin
in University
ity is
is proud
proudd to
to support
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he Sala
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Bai Hotel
Hote School and to
contribute to the continued development of responsible tourism and vocational
training in Cambodia.
Visit our website http://www.cdu.edu.au
i i we think
hi k BIG when
h ddelivering tourism education and we are
excited to support regional initiatives such as the Sala Bai Hotel School, Cambodia.
Visit our website http://tinyurl.com/CQU-Tourism or email tourism@cqu.edu.au
’ proudd to support the
h Sala
S l Bai
B i Hotel
H l SSchool, Cambodia, and its efforts to make
tourism and hospitality education available to all.
Website: http://scu.edu.au/tourism or email: tourline@scu.edu.au
Changing Times in Tourism & Hospitality Education
Dubai – An ancient city
Dubai became an independent sheikhdom in 1833 when members of the nomadic
Bani Yas tribe migrated from Abu Dhabi to settle in this coastal village. As Dubai was
not endowed with fertile land, the people set about making a living from the sea,
concentrating on fishing, pearling and trading. Britain declared Dubai its principal
Gulf port in the 1870s and trade flourished, bringing an influx of craftsmen, which led
Dubai to become known as the City of Merchants.
By the time oil was discovered in Dubai
in 1966, the city was already poised
to become the Gulf ’s busiest trading
centre. Oil wealth was poured into
improving the standard of living of
the population and into building the
commercial infrastructure that would
secure their future against the day when
oil stops flowing.
Dubai Creek, 1977
When Britain withdrew from the Gulf in 1971, the sheikhdoms of Abu Dhabi,
Dubai, Sharjah, Ajman, Umm Al Quwain and Fujairah formed the federation of the
United Arab Emirates (UAE). They were joined by Ras Al Khaimah the following year.
Arabic Culture
Although the country has been rapidly transformed into a highly
developed nation, its local population remains attached to its heritage.
Dubai’s culture is firmly rooted in the Islamic traditions which serve as a guideline
for every detail of the daily activities.
The vast community of expats, with individuals from more than 160 different
countries comprises approximately 90 percent of Dubai’s population. Furthermore,
foreigners are free to practice their own religion and the dress code is liberal.
THE-ICE 6th International Panel of Experts Forum
The basis of Islam is the belief that there is only one God and that Prophet
Mohammed is his messenger. There are five pillars of Islam, which each Muslim
must follow:
Shahadah: The profession of faith: ‘There is no God but Allah, and Mohammed is
his prophet.’
Salat: Muslims are required to pray five times every day: at dawn, noon,
mid-afternoon, sunset and twilight. During prayer Muslims perform a series of
prostrations while facing the Kaaba, the ancient shrine at the centre of the Grand
Mosque in Mecca. Before a Muslim can pray, he or she must perform a series
of ritual ablutions, and if water is not available for this, sand or soil is substituted.
Zakat: Muslims must give part of their income to help the poor if they can afford to
do so. The operation of this practice has varied over time: either it was seen as an
individual duty or the state collected it as a form of income tax to be redistributed
through mosques or religious charities.
Sawm: It was during the holy month of Ramadan that Mohammed received his
first revelation in AD 610. Muslims mark this event by fasting from sunrise until
sunset throughout Ramadan, during which smoking and sex are also forbidden. Young
children, travelers, those in poor health and pregnant women are exempt from
fasting, though those who are able to are supposed to make up the days they missed
at a later time.
Hajj: All able Muslims are required
to make the pilgrimage to Mecca at
least once in their lifetime, if possible,
during a specific few days in the first and
second weeks of the Muslim month of Dhul
Hijja. Visiting Mecca and performing the
prescribed rituals at any other time of the
year is also considered spiritually desirable,
and such visits are called umrah, or ‘little pilgrimages’.
Hajj, Mecca
Changing Times in Tourism & Hospitality Education
Useful Arabic words:
How are you?
I am fine
Thank you for your hospitality
I am grateful
No problem
My name is (John)
What is your name?
Thank you
I don’t speak Arabic
What time is it?
Where is the market?
Good bye
Ahlan wa sahlan
A salaam alaikum
Alaikum a salaam (said in reply)
Keef il haal?
Al ham dulilah (Praise be to Allah)
Shukran ala dhi-l-dhiafah
Ana muttashakkir
Mafi mushkila
Isme (John)
Shu ismak?
La ata kallam Arabi
As-sa’a kam?
Wain is-souq?
Mah asalaamah
THE-ICE 6th International Panel of Experts Forum
Note from the Organising Committee
On behalf of THE-ICE and the entire Organising Committee, we would like to thank
you for attending the 6th International Panel of Experts Forum 2012 in Dubai.
We thoroughly enjoyed the process of planning, developing, organising and hosting
the Forum and we are glad to see it come to fruition.
We are also proud to welcome a long list of high profile delegates from five different
continents who are experts in their fields and have made major contributions to the
Tourism, Hospitality and Events industry. Please accept our sincere appreciation for
taking the time to attend this Forum.
Finally, please do not hesitate to approach any member of the Organising Committee
should you need any assistance during your stay. It would be our absolute pleasure
to serve you!
The Organising Committee:
Dr John Fong -– The Emirates Academy of Hospitality Management
Richard Newell – The Emirates Academy of Hospitality Management
Christopher Pieri – The Emirates Academy of Hospitality Management
Hanna Falko – The Emirates Academy of Hospitality Management
Manuel Hesse – The Emirates Academy of Hospitality Management
Semyon Khanovych –The Emirates Academy of Hospitality Management
Kit Belen – The Emirates Academy of Hospitality Management
Annelie Bea – The Emirates Academy of Hospitality Management
Ms Pauline Tang – THE-ICE
Ms Julie Glass – THE-ICE
Changing Times in Tourism & Hospitality Education
THE-ICE 6th International Panel of Experts Forum
Changing Times in Tourism & Hospitality Education
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