dealing with the troublesome irs agent
dealing with the troublesome irs agent
DEALING WITH THE TROUBLESOME IRS AGENT; AHOW TO GTITDE, Kyle Coleman Coleman, Anastopulos & Jacksollr P.C. L6250 Knoll Trail f)rive, Suite 105 f)allas, TX 75248 (e72) 810 -4380 Kyle 1 ll=;e '*u Biography KYLE COLEN,IAN in Dallas, Texas' Kyle Coleman is a shareholder in coleman, Anastopulos & Jackson, P.c. area' Over the in the^Dallas Coleman, Anastopulos & Jackson is the second largesf tax boutique all docketed cases on turt .igt i years, iot.n1un, Anastopulos & Jackson has held the majority of ttre pa'ttas docket of the United States Tax Court' AREAS OF PRACTICE including Mr. Coleman's practice concentrates on federal tax related controversy matters, claims' Federal of iitigation in Fedeial District court, the United States Tax court, and the court and collection Mr. Coleman also represents taxpayers in Internal Revenue Service audits, appeals, the Northern Bar, Appeals actions. Mr. Coleman has been admitted to the Fifth Circuit Court of United States Tax District of Texas, the Eastern District of Texas, the District of Colorado, and the Court. Mr. Coleman also represents clients in estate and business planning In addition to tax controversy, "His practice includes entity formation, asset transfers, and wills and as well as asset protection. trusts. EDUCATION L.L.M. in Taxation, Dedman School of Law, Southern Methodist University, 1999 J.D., Oklahoma City University School of Law, 1998 B.A. in Finance, University of Central Oklahoma, 1995 BAR ADMISSIONS State Bar of Texas State Bar of Oklahoma PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS AND MEMBERSHIPS State Bar of Texas State Bar of Oklahoma Dallas Bar Association 2 l'^i,r '". li i: DEALINGWITHTHETROUBLESOMEIRSAGENT; A HOW TO GUIDE L Introduction. IRS ernployee who may be having Occasionally, the tax professional must deal with an does not like you or your client' This outline a bad day, is generally disagreeable, or simply professional obtain a good and speech discuss irut"gl", to employ thai will- help.the'tax rih.n dealing with a problematic IRS employee' result for the client "rr"r, II. Be professional. the stage is set and Usually, in the very first telephone conference with an IRS employee, person that you are you get a- fairly gooi lry of t^he land just by the tone of the IRS rude and disagreeable' you should communicating with. Even thougtr ttre person may be curt, following: ul*uy, be prolessional, you sfroita be polite and you should always do the o Respond promptly to all telephone calls, and Follow-up telephone conversations with a letter outlining the conversation documents; any agreements to produce inforrnation or to produce o III. Respond to all requests for documents in documents in response to requests' writing. Include Bates Numbered Follow the rules. A. I(now your responsibilities under Circular 230' govern those who practice Under Circular 23O,theIRS has promulgated regulations that person who prepares tax before the IRS. Any attorney, CPA, Enroiled Agent, and other may be enjoined from returns or provides iax advice are governed by Circular 230 and Some of the p.u",i"irg before the IRS if there are-violatior,r of th" Circular 230 tegulations' tey provisions of Circular 230 are as follows: $ 10.20 Information to be furnished' (a) To the Internnl Revenue Sem'ice' officer (1) A practitioner must, on a proper and lawful request by a duty authorized information or records o..rnptoy"e of the Internal Revenue Service, promptly submit practitioner believes in in any matter before the Internal Revenue service unless the are privileged' gooA faitt urrd on r.*onable grounds that the records or information 3 |\it n ii {:: possession of, or (2) Where the requested records or information are not in the client, the practitioner subject to the control'of, the practitioner or the practitioner's or employee and officer must promptly noti$r the requesting Internal Revenue service practitioner has regarding the the practitio.r., *rr-J, fio"ii. any I,for*ation that the possession or control.of identity of any p"rron'*t o the piactitioner believes may have reasonable inquiry make must the requested records or information. The practitioner possession or have of his or her clieni r.gardi"g the identity of any person who may practitioner is not required to control of the ,"q.r"r[d ,."Jrd, or infoimation, but the information provided by make inqui.y of *V Jh.. p"rro, or independently verifr any persons' the practitioner's client regarding the identity ofsuch officer or (3) When a proper and lawful request is made by a duly authorized alleged into an inquiry an of the Internal Revenue Service, concerning the information any provide "*pioy""of the regulations in this part, apractitioner must violation information the aillggd violation and testifu regarding this practitioner fras in good "orr"r.ring in any proceeding lnstitutld undeithis part, unless the practitioner believes faith and on reasonable grounds that the information is privileged. (b) Interference with a proper and tawful request for records or information'' any proper and lawful obtain- any record effort by the Internal Revenue Service, its lfficers or employees, to grounds reasonable on and faith good or information unless the practitioner believes in that the record or information is privileged' A practitioner may noi irt".fe.", o,. utt.-pi to interfer", yith 2,2011' (c) Effective/appticabili4t date. This section is applicable beginning August pending matters' S 10.23 Prompt disposition of matter before A practitioner may not unreasonably delay the prompt disposition of any the Internal Revenue Service. responding to The two above-referenced Circular 230 sections specifically deal with responsibilities under requests for information and documents and your obligations and with' be you should Circular 230. There are numerous Circular 230 provisions that ^familiar Professional office of Repeated violations of circular 230 can result in a referral to the representative or taxpayer the reprimand Responsibility ("OPr.-') which could take actions to IRS. have the representative disbarred from practicing before the requirements, there may be also other. requirements be familiar with all the imposed by the State Bar or State Board oiAccountancy. You should IRS is aware of these rules rules that govern your conduct and practice before the IRS. The For example, a threat of a referral and will seek to use them to separate you from your client. prwent you from to ovR could create a conflict of interest betwien you and your client and from happening ,"pr"r"ntirg them in an audit or collection matter. The best way to prevent this with IRS interactions your is to be aware of the rules, follow the rules and carefully document employees. In addition to the Circular 230 4 | I,' ;; i)i,,it: IV. Make the IRS follow the Rules' before the IRS, the IRS Just as Circular 230 governs the practice of tax practitioners itself Code, Treasury must comply with the United States Constitution, the Internal Revenue provisions in various of the Regulations and the Internal Revenue Manual. You must be aware of taxpayer's rights' the code and the Manual that provide forthe protection and preservation to undermine attempt and hand Very often, the IRS will recognize ataxpayer;s right with one and water down that right with the other. of Attorney. This right One example is a right of a taxpayer to be represented_by a Power compel the taxpayer to is set forth in IRC S 7521G). Underihis Code seCtion, the IRS cannot The IRS recognizes this right attend an in-personlnterview absent an Administrative Summons. get around this provision in its Internal Revenue Manual (..IRM'), but at the same time seeks to with the Power of Attorney' when taxpayers demand their right and iequest that the IRS deal only Below ui" t"y Code and Manual provisions regarding this issue: A. IRC $ 7 SZ1 - Procedures Involving Taxpayer Interviews (a) Recording of interviews.- (L) Recording by taxpayer.--Any offrcer or employee of the Internal Revenue relating to Service in connection wiih any in-person interview with any taxpayer the determination or collection of ury tax shall, upon advance request of such at the taxpayer, allow the taxpayer to make an audio recording of such interview equipment' taxpayer's own expense and with the taxpayer's own (2) Recording by IRS officer or employee.-An offtcer-or employee ofthe Internal (1) if such Revenue Service may record any interview described in paragraph officer or employee-- (A) informs the taxpayer of such recording prior to the interview, and (B) upon request of the taxpayer, provides the taxpayer with a transcript or for ropy bf rr"h recording but only if the taxpayer provides reimbursement the cost of the transcription and reproduction of such transcript or copy. (b) Safeguards.-(1) Explanations of processes.--An oflicer or employee of the Internal Revenue S"*ici shall before or at an initial interview provide to the taxpayer-- in the case of an in-person interview with the taxpayer relating to the the determination of any tax, an explanation of the audit process and (A) taxpayer's rights under such process, or _ i 1i;* S * (B)inthecaseofanin-personinterviewwiththetaxpayerrelatingtothe process and the collection of any tax, an explanation of the collection taxpayer's rights under such process' o.ffrcer or employee (2) Right of consultation.-If the taxpayer clearly states to an (other than an interview of the Internal Revenue Service at any time during any subchapter A of interview initiated by an administrative summons-issued under an attorney, certified public chapter ZS) that the iaxpayer wishes to consult with ug"it, enrolled actuary, or any other person permitted to accountant, such officer or "nroii.a represent ttre ia*payer" before the Internal Revenue Service, whether the taxpayer may employee shall suspend such interview regardless of have answered one or more questlons' public (c) Representatives holding power of attorney.;Ary attorney, .certified represent u""orri*t, enrolleJ agent, "rioil"a actuary, or any other person permittedortosuspended disbarred not is the taxpayer before thle Internal Revenue Se*ice who power of practice before the Internal Revenue Service and who has a written from such taxpayer to represent the attorney executed by the taxpayer may be authorized by officer or employee of the tu*pu1,". in any interview dlscribed in subsection (a)' An the representative Internal Revenue Service may not require a taxpayer to accompany under subchapter taxpayer the to issued in the absence of an administrative ,rrn*ont of A of chapter 78. Such an offtcer or employee, wlth the consent the immediate directly that such supervisor of such officer or employee, may ngtify the taxpayer for unreasonable delay offrcer or employee believes such-representative is responsible investigation of the or or hindrance of an Internal Revenue Service examination taxpayer. apply to (d) Section not to apply to certain investigations.-This section shall not of any offtcer or criminal investigatioil ;. investigationt .elutittg to the integrity employee of the Internal Revenue Service' B. Internal Revenue Manual'(o'IRM',) $ - Taxpayer Rights rights are (1) Examiners have the ongoing responsibility to ensure that all taxpayer or provided as a protected and observed, whether these rights are mandated by statute matter of policY. Taxpayer Bill of (2) Examiners should be aware of all the rights provided by the IRC, and IRS nigf,t, I & II, the IRS Restructuring and-Reform Act of 1998 (RRA 98) policies. inclusive, but rather are (3) The rights specifically covered in this subsection are not all some of the new rights mentioned here to prorrid. special emphasis or to highlight provided in RRA 98. as follows: (a) The taxpayer rights covered in the subsections below are 6l i.* !,t. ti: (a. ) Representation /P ower-of-Attorney Requirements ( I' 6' 1 ) (b.) confi dential ity Privileges--Accountant/client Privilege (1, .6'2) (c.)Notification of Appeal Rights (1'6'3) (d.) Innocent Spouse Relief (1'6'a) (e.) Interest Abatement (1.6.5) (f.) Consideration of Collectability (1'6'6) (g.) Early Referrals to Appeals (1'6'7) (h.) Separate Notices for Joint Filers (1'6'8) (i.) Providing Taxpayers with Employee contact Information (1.6.9) (.)ConfidentialityofTaxpayerlnformation/Privacy(1.6.10) (k.) Unauth otizedAccess ([INAX) Requirements (1'6' 1 1) (1.) Third Party Contacts (1.6.12) B. IRM S - Scheduling Appointments (1) Usually the initial appointment will be scheduled with the taxpayer. Examiners per IRC 7521(c)' The ca-nnot require the taxpayer's presence at the initial interview taxpayer' That examiner must be willing to talt to anyone who is authorized by the requested and person must commit to h'aving firsthand knowledge of the information the affrrm that the examiner cJn rely on the information provided- In addition, information if timely representative should agree to provide follow-up information requested at the initial interview is not available' Form (a.) If the taxpayer requests representation, proper authorization is required' )gqg, Powei i7 Lttirnuy and Declaration of Representative, can be used to and authorize an attorney, c"ertified public accountant, enrolled agent/actuaryBefore individual with cert# special relationships. See II{M 4.1 1.55. 1-2, Practice authorization the Internal Revenue S"iicu (IRS), for ditail information regarding to practice before the Service. (b.) Form 8821, Tm Information Authorization, authorizes any individual, firm or partnership the taxpayer designates toinspect and/or receive form' See IRI\4 "oiporution, confidential information for ih" typ" oltax matters listed on the 4.11.55|"7.2,Form8821-TmlnformationAuthorization. 7 | \,:1 ii or tax authorization' any other form is submitted to request representation relying on the before written approval by the g.o"p manager -is required of Attorney Document. authorizatiJn, See mlt +.t l-ss.i.7.3, Non-IRS Power (c.) If representation' the (d.) ff at any time during the examination the taxpayer requests business days to secure examiner rirorfd allow"the taxpayer a minimum of 10 representation before any follow-up actions' caution: The examiner must ensure that they take no actions that would violate or give the perception of violating the taxpayer's right to representation' (e.) The person authorized to represent the. taxpayer must be- sufficiently business and knowledgeable to engage in dialogue concerning the taxpayer's personal affairs. an authorized Examiners will use their judgment-to.determine whether should take all representative is sufficiently tnowledgeable; however, examiners See [Rl'l reasonable steps to work effectively with authorized representatives4.11.55.2 2 .1, Tmpayer's Presence Required' (f.) can be found (g.) procedures for handling assertions of accountant/client privilege in IRh,{ 4.1}.55.2.3, Privileged Communications, and IRM 4.lO'20, Requesting Audit, Tax Accrual, or Tqx Reconciliation Wrk pqers' guidance' (h.) See II{M 4.1 1.55.3, By-Pass of a Representative, for additional before the IRS, there Just like there are rules governing the practice of representatives audits and collection are also rules that uppiy io trie IRS in its cbnduct of investigations, and ensure that their rights actions. You have a duty to represent your taxpayers competently Revenue Code are respected' Be as granted by the United States Consiitution una Internai IRS employee that seeks to undermine a fiJf"rrionat, U,rt be firm and demand that any As they say, what's good for the goose ' ' ' i*puy"r', rights be required to follow the rules. V. Go to the Group Manager if a problem persists' for the you continue to have a persistent problem with an IRS employee' ask If you are being professional' employee's Group Manager's name and contact information' the only person that has had a courteous and following"the rules, chances are you are not a frank discussion with the problem with the IRS eirployee that you are deaiing with. Have If you have taken since becoming the Group Manager and lay out a timeline of the actions that Manager-support for the actions taxpayer's Power of Aitorney. Be prepared to fax the Group the case' Ifyou do not you have taken and propose a reasonable resolution to the issue or the facts and circumstances, ask the Group !"t,fr" assistance ttrat you feel is warranted under Again, be professional Manager for the Territory Manager's name and contact information' to the case to u ti.Itme of your actions and proposed resolurion ffi;;;;;;;;;;rt 8lli;eg* Manager will instruct the Group the Territory Manager. In my experience, the Territory within hours or days of the contact' Murrug". toi"ri"*1-n" nt" una'coniact the representative VI. Go to Taxpayer Advocate Service' may help,you in resolving In certain situations, the Taxpayer Advocate Service-(.'T+S") The TAS is an independent organization an issue with a less than cooperative IRS emproyee. fairly and that taxpayers know within the IRS. Its job is to ensure that every t axpayer is treated is initiated with a Form 911 Request and understand their rights. A request for TAS assistance Form 91 1 and instructions is for Taxpayer Advocate-serrrice Assistance. A copy of the current is especiallv lefr^rut if the taxpayer attached as Exhibit..A,,. The Taxpayer Advocate Service thirty days' The TAS agent assigned to and the representative are experiencing a delay of over or at reast an explanation of where the case will send an inquiry and will usually get a response the case is procedurally within the IRS' v[ Go to rRs Appeals' .rl.r^ rnr.,nrr rn nhra] :w of a collection In collection cases, it is also possible for you to obtain an expedited-revit tax lien is flrled, a levy or proposed.levy case in certain situations 6y IRS Appeals. If a iederal obtain an is issued or an installment agreement is rejected, it is possible to ir;il,;;;;;; Appeal Request IRS Apfeals Review. Attached as Exhibit "B" is Form 9423 Collection Officer's Group Revenue the the case with i;CAp;i along with instructions. You must discuss Manager, you must submit the Manager. Within two days of discussing the case with the Group Appeals is Form 9423 totrr" croup Manager wnJwitt then forward the case to IRS Appeals. with a less to use tool excellent required to review the case within five business days. This is an takes the case out of the reque-st CAP th" oi filing The than cooperative Revenue Officer. review by IRS Appeals' Revenue Officer's hands and gives you an opp-ortunity for a neutral VIIL Go to Court. for a collection due Another tool that is available in collection cases is called a request or a final notice of intent process hearing or equivalent hearing. When a federal tax lien is filed review by IRS independent to levy is issued und", code proviJions 6320 and $ 6330 allow The taxpayer can also challenge Appeals and s,rUseqrrent review by the United States iax Court. prwious review and may also the underlying tax-liability if th; tability was not subject to such as an piopor. u, puf, of the collection due hearing process alternatives to forced collection that the necessary financial offer in compromise or installment agree*"nt. It is very important statement be submitted financial information such as a Form 433-A,financial statement of 433-8 review' Attached as early in the process and made part of the record of the case for appeals Hearing along with Exhibit ..c,, is rorrn 12153 Request for a collection Process of Equivalent information in our financial instructions. Often, we will supplement this initial request with any file to make sure that those records are available to the IRS Appeals Officer' jurisdiction of the IRS' The Another possibility is removing the case totally from the file a lawsuit against the IRS in Code provides for numerous instances where a taxpayer may District court the case is Federal District court. Generally, when a suit is-fiied in Federal of Justice Tax Division. There transferred from the jurisdiction of the IRS to the Department the IRS such as filing an are procedural requirernents for many causes of action against against the Ils. Pl un erroneous lien administrative claim. However, a suit may be maintained 7433 andthird partie! Tul blinq under IRC g T43l,unauthorized collection actions under IRa $ 7426. once the case is filed in Federal a lawsuit against the IRS for wrongful levy under IRg. $ able to settle all issues District court ard the Department-of rustice has jurisdiction, you are then negotiate settlements including installment payments over time' in the case and yo, "un IX. Practice ExamPles three 9Pl',t' Example 1 - Audit. The taxpayer owns his own cPA firm. He employs receptionist' ]Ie has received an one enrolled agent, three Uookkeepeis an office manager and You agree' Y9u fax the Revenue audit notice and requests that yorr rlpr"rent him with the audit. your offrce' The Revenue Agent your Powe. of Attorney and^request that the audit be held at You remind the Agent agrees but requests the taxpayer be present at the initiat interview. jlst you without the Revenue Agent of mC $ 7521(c), und h" reiuctantly agrees to meet.with him in advance of the initial taxpayer being present. you tour the taxpayer's officl and.interview A-gent in a three ring IRS interview. You assemble all the docrme.rts requested by the Revenue minutes, the auditor says you tabbed binder with all the documents bates numbered. After five leaves your office' don,t have personal knowledge, demands the taxpayer be made available and What do you do? you that he Example 2 - Collection Case. A new client walks into your offtce- He tells The client pool locations. owes income taxes related to his Schedule c business which excavates but was told by the tells you he has been represented by one of the people you hear on the radio, you the Revenue former power of Attornly that he could no longer represent him. The client tells and served them Officer is very aggressive, has gone to all the taxpayer's accounts_ receivable C but with summon, urd"l"rries. He also tells you that hi is no longer in business as a Schedule the to work consulting some provides that his three children have formed a new company and he 2007, covering new excavation company. You also learn thai a notice of deficiency was issued was filed petition n9 and response no was 200g and 2009 to the taxpayer and his wife and there for audit filed has CPA in the United States Tax Court. You learn that the taxpayer's The 2007 liability reconsideration for all three years and it has been granted for the tax year 2OO7 . good records' The was reduced from $350,000 to $50,000 becauselour client maintains very only expense that was disallowed was for cash payments to day laborers. You contact the will not halt her Revenue Officer and she states that she is proceedingwith forced collection and What do reconsideration. for audit collection case while the 2008 and 2009 years are reviewed you do? 10 | i:t ;t :i,,1 l: Depadment of the Treasury - lnternal Revenue Service Form 91 (Febru ary 2015) 1545-1504 (And Application for Taxpayer Assistance Order) Sgction I - Taxpayer lnformation (see pages 3 and 4 this Form') for Form 911 Filing Re4uirements and lnstructions for compteting 1b. Taxpayer ldentifying Number 1a. Your name as shown on tax return 2* OMB Number Request for Taxpayer Advocate Service Assistance 1 (ssN, lTlN, EIN) ZU Spouse's Taxpayer ldentifying Number (SSN, lTlN) Spouse's name as shown on tax return (if applicablel 3a. your current street address (Number, street, & Apt. Number) 3c. State (or Foreign Country) 3b City 5. Emarl address 4. Fax number (if aPPlicable) 6. Tax form numbe r (1040, 941 7 , 720, etc.) . Tax year(s) or Period(s) B. Person to contact if Section ll is not being used 9a. Daytime Phone number 10. Best time to call f] 1 3d. ZIP code Check if Cell Phone 9b. n Check here if You consent to have confldential information about your tax issue left on Your answering machine or voice message at this number. 1. Preferred language (if applicable) tr D TTY/TDD Line n language) lnterpreter needed - Specify language other than English (including sign Other (please sPecifY) it may be creating 12a. Please describe the tax issue you are experiencing and any difficulties completing Lines 12a and 12b) for (See instructions sheefs-) additional attach needed, is (tf more space ffirelief/assistanceyouarerequesting(tfmorespacetsneeded,attachadditionalsheets.) artiesinorderto-respondtothisrequestandlauthorize such contacts to be made. Further, by authorizini ,jijffiff;;,il,!,ffii; tnl Taxpayer Advocate dervice to contact third parties, ! '19-"j:111{l^":]yl!]"' irer"nr" code, of third parties contacted in connection with this request' """iii"'irioit"ioit'Jrnt"rn"r 13b. Date signed 13a. Signature of Taxpayer or Corporate Officer, and title, if applicable 14b. Date signed 14a. Signature of spouse Section ll - Representative lnformation (Attach Form 2848 if not already on file with the lRS.) Centratized Authsrization File (cAF) number 1. Name of authorized representative 2. 3. Current mailing address 4. Daytime Phone number 5. Fax number 7. Date signed 6. Signature of representative Catalog Number 169655 Form 911 (Rev. 2-2015) Page 2 y"" lnf*rnution (section ttl is to be completed by fr,g rRS only) Taxpayer ldentifying Number (TlN) Taxpayer name 1. Name of emPloYee 3b. Operating division 3a. Function 2. Phone number 5. How identifled and received (check the appropriate box) Service (TAS) criteria IRS Function identified issue as meeting Taxpayer Advocate 4. Organization code no. 6. IRS received date issue as meeting TAS criteria)' 1r; Functional referral (Function identifled taxpayer ! ! not addressed to 1x; Congressional correspondence/inquiry TAS but referred for TAS handling' Name of Senator/Representative Taxpayer or Representative requested TAS assistance (NTA) Toll-Free site. n (n) Taxpayer or representative called into a National Taxpayer Advocate specifically requested TAS assistance). 11 (s) Functional referral (taxpayer or representative NOTE: Checkbox 9 is forTAS Use OnlY) harm or is about to suffer economic harm. 1t; rne taxpayer is experiencing economic an immediate threat of adverse action' 121 fne taxpayer is facing relief is not granted (including fees for professional representation)' tgl The taxpayer will incur significant costs if if relief is not granted' (4) The taxpayer will suffer irreparable injury or long-term adverse impact ! [ E E (if any items 1-4 are checked, complete Question 9 below) tax account problem' E (5) The taxpayer has experienced a delay of more than 30 days to resolve a to their problem or inquiry by the date promised E (6) The taxpayer did not receive a response or resolution the taxpayefs problem or dispute within (7) A system or procedure has either failed to operate as intended, or failed to resolve .Ll the lRS. of equity, or have impaired or will impair the (g) The manner in which the tax laws are being administered raise considerations rr LJ rights. taxpayer's individual or group of taxpayers (TAS Use Only) (9) The NTA determines compelling public policy warrants assistance to an ! B. What action(s) did -to resolve fhe lssue, state the reason why (if applicable) lf you were unable completed by the initiating employee) explainthecircumstancesthatarecreatingtheeconomic b" adverseiy affected if the requested assistance is not provided "orid (This btock MIJST be completed by the initiating employee) burden and how the Taxpayer 10. H"w did the taipayer learn about the Taxpayer Advocate seruice f IRS Forms or Publications Catalog Number 169655 n Media I IRS Employee tr Other (please s1ecif4) Form 91 1 (Rev .2 2015) Page 3 tnstructions for completing Form 911 (Rev. 5-2011) Form 911 Filing Requirements when to Use this Form: The Taxpayer Advocate service (TAS) is your voice at the lRS. TAS may be able to help you if you're experiencing a problem with the IRS and: . Your problem with the IRS is causing flnancial difficulties for you, your family or your business; . You face (or you business is facing) an immediate threat of adverse action: or the date promised. You have tried repeatedly to corrtact the lRS, but no one has responded, or the IRS has not responded by you in time to avoid harm, you may submit this. form' The lf an IRS office will not give you the help you've asked for, or will not help while your request for assistance is pending (for Taxpayer Advocate service will generally ask the tRs to stop certain activitles example, lien filings, levies, and seizures)' Where to Send this Form: and Puerto Rico' . The quickest method is Fax. TAS has at least one office in every state, the District of Columbia, the fax number in the find can You you reside. where oicity state in the Submit this request to the Taxpayer Advocate office 1546' in Publication or government listings in your local telephone directory, on our website it ,uw*' iaxpayer Advocate Service - Your Voice at the IRS' address and phone number (voice) of your local Taxpayer Advocate . you also can mail this form. you can find the mailing-1546, or get this information by calling our toll-free number: Pub. in and website, our office in your phone book, on 1-877 -777 -477 8. Are you sending the form from overseas? Fax it to 1 -855-81 8-569 7 or mail it to: Taxpayer Advocate service, lnternal Revenue Service, PO Box 1 1996, San Juan, Puerto Rico 00922. Advocate office nearest you so we can work your Please be sure to fill out the form completely and submit it to the Taxpayer issue as soon as Possible. What Happens Next? please call the TAS office where you sent your request. You can lf you do not hear from us within one week of submitting Form 911, find the number at this form, you are authorizing the Taxpayer Advocate service to contact third lmportant Notes: please be aware that by submitting"you ,uy noi receive further notice aboutthese contacts. For more information parties as necessaryto respond to your request, ano see IRC 7602(c). on this form. You can find examples of frivolous to raise frivolous arguments, you may be subject to a arguments in publication 2105, Why do I have to Pay Taxes? lf you usJthis form caution: The Taxpayer Advocate service will not consider frivolous arguments raised penalty of $5,000. laws of the United PaperworkReductionActNotice:Weaskfortheinformationonl|i"I"P9:iI11,ltl:lYi1,^xY:::: on a form that is subject to the i" voluntary. you are not required to provide the information requested instructions paperwork Reduction Act unless ih" for. displays a valid oMB control number. Books or records relating to a form or its law. GenerallY, tax Revenue lnternal any of administration in the material b""or" rnuy contents must be retained as long as their 6103. Although the time needed to complete this form may returns and return information are confidential, as required by Code section is 30 minutes. time vary depending on individual circumstances, the estimated average for making this form simpler, please write to: Should you have comments concerning the accuracy of this time estimate or suggestions Ave. NW, washington, DC 20224' constitution i 111 prodricts 6406, Room committee, coordinating tnternal Revenue service, Tax bkil:V;;;;;"pr"l" lnstructions for Section I 1a. Enter your name as shown on the tax return that relates to this request for assistance. a social security Number (ssN) or lndividual 1b. Enter your Taxpayer ldentifying Number. lf you are an individual this will be either (ElN) (e'g' a (lTlN). lf you are a business entity this will be your Employer ldentification Number Taxpayer ldentification Number partnership,corporation,trustorself-employedindividualwithemployees). jointly filed return' 2a. Enler your spouse's name (if applicable) if this request relates to a to 2b. Enter your spouse's Taxpayer ldentifying Number (SSN or lTlN) if this request relates a jointly filed return' country, and zip code' or foreign state, city, 3a-d. Enter your current mailing address, including street number and name, 4. Enter your fax number, including the area code' you by telephone and your issue appears 5. Enter your e-mail address. we will only use this to contact you if we are unable to reach of your case. specifics the discuss to to be time sensitive. we will not, however, use your e-mail address an individual taxpayer with an income example, For request. this to 6. Enter the number of the Federal tax return or form that relates 7. tax issue would enter Form 1040. this request. For example, if this request involves an income Enter the quarterly, annual, or other tax year or period that relates to enter the calendar quarter' tax issue, enter the calendar or fiscal year, if an employment tax issue' lnstructions for Seclion ! e ; continue on the next Catalog Number 169655 Form 911 (Rev. 2-2al6) Page 4 tnstructions for Section I - (Continued from Page 3) g. Enterthe name of the individual we should contact if Section ll is not being used. For partnerships, 9a. 9b. corporations, trusts, etc., enter person is not the taxpayer or oth er authorized the name of the individual authorized to act on the entity's behalf. lf the contact individual, please see the lnstructions for Section ll' is a cell phone number, please check the box' Enter your daytime telephone number, including the area code. lf this you consent to the Taxpayer Advocate service leaving lf you have an answering machine or voice mait at this number and box. You are not obligated to have information about confidential information about your tax issue at this number, please check the machine or the voice mail and you do not wish your tax issue left at this number. lf other individuals have access to the answering please do not check the box' for them to receive any confidential information about your tax issue, ,l0.lndicatethebesttimetocallyou.PleasespecifyA.M.orP.M.hours. 11. lndicate any special communication needs English' you iequire (such as sign language). specify any language other than be creating. specify the actions that the IRS has 12a. pleasedescribe the tax issue you are experiencing and any difficulties it may days in resolving your issue' indicate of ,:r" taken (or not taken) to resolve the issue. lf the issue involves an IRS delay th"l,:0for a specific list of rAS criteria' you first contacted the IRS for assistance in resolving your issue. see section lll the date you want taken and that you believe necessary to 12b. please describe the relief/assistance you are requesting. Specify the action that us in resolving the issue' resolve the issue. Furnish any documentation that you believe would assist was signed' spouses must sign in the appropriate blocks and enter the date the request 1 3-14. lf this is a joint assistance request, both submitted is being request this lf request. the sign lf only one spouse is requesting assistance, onlythe requesting spouse must request' the sign should behalf individual's on that . for another individual, only a person authorzed and empowered to act title' Requests for corporations must be signed by an offlcer and include the office/s the periods of limitation relating to of this request allows the IRS by law to suspend any applicable statutory you to perform acts related to assessment periods for assessment or collection of taxes. However, it does not suspend any applicable Due Process hearing' petitioning the Tax court for redetermination of a deficiency or requesting a collection Note: The signing or collection, such as lnstructions for Section ll give him/her power of attorney or tax information Taxpayers: lf you wish to have a representative act on your behalf, you must Power of Attorney and Declaration see Form 2848, authorization for the tax return(s) and period(s) involved. For additional informalion instructions. lnformation can also be found in accompanying gg2i, the and Tax'lnformation Authorization, of Representative, or Form Publication 1546, Taxpayer Advocate Service-Your Voice at the IRS' of the taxpayer identified in Section l' Representatives: lf you are an authorized representative submitting this request on behalf power attorney' Enter your centralized of other or complete Blocks 1 through 7 of section ll. Attach a copy of Form Z8ia, rorm'8821, the IRS assigns to a that number unique the is number cAF l[. The section Authorization File (cAF)iumber in Block 2 of representative after Form 2848 or Form 8821 is filed with an IRS office. to the Federal tax laws: to execute waivers, Note: Form gg21 does not authorize your appointee to advocate your position with respect authorize anyone you designate to does 8821 Form consents, or closing agreements; or to otherwise represent you before in" tns. and tax periods you list on of tax type the for lRS, of the office in any your confidential tax informaiion inspect andlor receive Form BB21 . tnstructions for section lll (For IRS Use Only) Please amptete fhis secfi'on r'n tfs entirety- page of this form' Enter the taxpayer's name and taxpayer identification number from the first 1. 2. Enter Your name. Enter your Phone number. etc.). 3a. Enter your Function (e.g., ACS, Collection, Examination, customer service, TE/GE)' or LS&|, (W&1, SB/SE, Division your Operating 3b. Enter 4. Enter ihe Organization code number for your office (e.g., 18 for AUSC, 95 for Los Angeles)' For example, did taxpayer or identified 5. Check the appropriate box that best reflects how the need for TAS assistance was (TAS)' service representative call or write to an IRS function or the Taxpayer Advocate TAS assistance' or enter the date when the 6. Enter the date the taxpayer or representative called or visited an IRS office to request from the taxpayer or representative' assistance TAS for request IRS received the congressional correspondence/inquiry or a written was made' determination this date the enter criteria, lf the IRS identified the taxpayer's issue as meeting TAS Only. Use TAS is for 9 Box is requested. 7. Check the box that best describes the reason TAS assistance g. State the action(s) you took to help resolve the taxpaye/s issue. State the reason(s) that prevented you from resolving the were already applied to a valid liability; an taxpaye/s issue. For example, levy proceeds cannot be returned because they a refund expired; or current law precludes a speciflc overpayment cannot be refunded because the statutory period for issuing interest abatement. are creating the economic provide a descripilon of the taxpayeds situation, and where appropriate, explain the circumstances that provided' b" adversely affected if the requested assistance is not burden and how the taxpayer here. "ould aboutthe TaxpayerAdvo""t" s"ri"" und ind learned 10 Askthe taxpayer how he or she g. Catalog Number 169655 Form 91 1 (Rev .2-2o1s) Department of the Treasury - lnternal Revenue Service Form 9423 Collecti on APPeal Request (August 2014) (lnstructions are on the reverse side of this form) 2. Representative (Attach a copy of Form 2848, Power of Attorney) 1. Taxpaye/s name 4. Taxpayer's business Phone 3. SSN/EIN 7 5. Taxpaye(s home Phone 6. Representative's Phone . Taxpayer's street address 9. State 12. Tax periods being aPPealed (Tax form) Collection Action(s) APPealed 14. Check the Collection action(s) you are appealing t] Federal Tax Lien ft Rejection of lnstallment Agreement t] LevY or ProPosed LevY tr seizure fl Termination of lnstallment Agreement [| Modification of lnstallment Agreement Explanation problem. on action(s) you checked above and explain how you would resolve Your tax support your position. GenerallY, the Offlce of you will think that documents of any copies Attach Attach additional any new information You submit- We will Appeals will ask thebollection Function to review, verify and provide their opinion on respond. to you opportunity the share their comments with you and give pag-es if needed. accompanying documents, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this request an! a1y the taxpayer, is based on all information of which the representative than other a representitive, by A submission co"ett ind "ompreie. has any knowledge. th.y;;irr", G. n Taxpayeis or E 17. Date signed Authorized Representative's signature (Only check one box) IRS USE ONLY 18. Revenue Officer's name 19. Revenue Office/s signature 20. Date signed 21. Revenue Officer's Phone 22. Revenue Officer's email address 23. Date received 25. Collection Manager's signature 26. Date signed Zl . Collection Manager's Phone Form 9423 (Rev .8-2014) Catalog Number emai! sddress l2B Collection Manager's Iffi 141691 @E B , 29. Date receved i?-r Treasury - lnternal Revenue Service lnstructions for: Form 9423, Cotlection Appeal Request F* Li"n", Levies, Seizures, and Rejection, Modification or Termination of lnstallment Agreements the following actions under the collection Appeals A taxpayer, or third party whose property is subject to a collection action, may appeal Program (CAP). a. Levy or seizure action that has been or will be taken' o. R tt'otice of Federal Tax Lien (NFTL)that has been or will be filed. c. The filing of a notice of lien against an alter-ego or nominee's propertydischarge or non-attachment' d. Denials of requesG to issue li-en certificates,-s-ucn as subordin'ation, witnOrawal, o_r terminated installment agreements' termination proposed for or ormoJm"o, modiflcation proposed for e. Rejected, f. Disallowance of taxpayeds request to return levied property under IRC 6343(d). g. Dililo*;nce ot pr6p6rty own'e1s claim for return of property under IRC 6343(b). How to Appeal lf You Disagree With a L1e1, Levy, or Seizure fgtion you must firs! request a conference with the employee's 1. lf you disagree with the oeiision of the IRS empt'oy"", a1d ryis.]r to.appeal, Form.9423 to request consideration by manager. lf you do not resolve your disagreem'eniwiti"r the Collection'manager, submit with the collection manager that you plan conference thL after (2) business.days two within Aooeals. Let the collection office know days of the conference with the (3) business tnree in wit oi [ostma'rt<eo GnSr=f,iit?"oril drC. The Form 9423 must uoi'ecilleo resume' may action or collection manager Collection within 10 business days afier NorE: lf you request an appeal after IRS makes a seizure, you must appeal to the collection manager the Notice of Seiiure is provided to you or left at your home or business. two (2) business days of making the 2. lf you request a conference and are not contacted by a manager.or his/her designee-within of your request for a you can contact Collection again or submit f orm s+is.lf you submit Form 9423, note the date request, 9423 should be received or postmarked conference in Block 15 and indicate that you were not contacted by a manager. The Form *itnin torr (4) business days of your request for a conference as collection action may resume. you.disagree. You must also explain your 3. On the Form g423, check the collection action(s) you disagree with and explain.why g+zo in the lien, levy or seizure action. invdMed oifice collection to"the rli# prootem. submit youilax solution to resolve your tax problem has not been 4. ln situations where the IRS action(s) are creating an economic harm or you want help-becaj:e ' at877-777-4778' Service the TaxpayerAdvocate resolved through normal channels, you can reaclh for Modification or Modified, or Proposed for How to Appeal An lnstallment Agreement which Has Been Rejected, Proposed Termination or Terminated by completing a Form 9423, Collection 1. lf you disagree with the decision regarding your installment agreement, you should appeal Appeal Request. your installment agreement, within 30 calendar 2. You should Provide it to the office or revenue officer who took the action regarding days. be held with the manager NOTE: A managerial conference is not required. However, it is strongly recommended a conference possible. whenever It must be submitted to the offrce which IMPORTANT: Never forward your request for an Appeals conference directly to Appeals' took the action on your installment agreement. What Will Happen When You Appeal Your Case unless we have reason to believe that Normally, we will stop tne coitectibir action(s1 you Oisagree with until your appeal is settled' collection orthe amount owed is at risk. You May Have a RePresentative you may represent yourself at your Appeals conference or you may be representeo by 3! attorney, certified public accountant or a you, you must provide a properly person enrolled to practice bef6re the'li?s. lf you want yori r"pr"rLntative to appear without Forrn2848 from your local IRS offlce, obtain can Yiu powei of nttorney and'Deci"i"ti6n of R'epresentative. completed Form 2g48, by calling 1-800-829-3676, or by going to Decision on the APPeal yoy an! the IRS' You cannot obtain a judicial Once Appeals makes a decision regarding your case, that decision is binding on both to o-btain adrninistrative or judicial review of the review of Appeals, decision following a cAp. However, there may be.other o-pportuniti6s by-filing an action in district court' see levy a wi6ngful miy'contest ;ihird'd,ry issue raised in the cAp ireuring. Folr. example, pubtication 4528, Making-ii nt^iini"tAtive'wrongfu L"wi ctui,'m lhnder lntemal-Revenue Code (IRC) section 6u3(b)' will void Appeals' decision' Note: providing false information, failing to provide all pertinent information or fraud process, and Publication 1660, Collection Appeat.Rights, for more information regarding Refer to publication 594, The IRS collection p.g** publications can be obtained online at www.irs'gov' of these Copies in" Cofi""6on Appeals Privacy Act privacy Acts and Paperwork Reduction Notices which have already been The information requested on this Form is covered under provided to the taxPayer. Form 9423 (Rev .8-2014) Catalog Number 141691 Depailment of the Treasury - lnternal Revenue Service Request for a Gollection Due Process or Equivalent Hearing Form 121 53 (Rev. 12-201 3) hearing with the IRS Office of Use this form to request a Collection Due Process (CDP) or equivalent Appeals if you have been issued one of the following lien or levy notices IRC 6320, o Notice of Federal Tax Lien Filing and Your Right to a Hearing under a Notice of lntent to Levy and Notice of Your Right to a Hearing, a Notice of Jeopardy Levy and Right of Appeal, a Notice of Levy on Your State Tax Refund, a Notice of Levy and Notice of Your Right to a Hearing. notice. lnclude a copy comptete this form and send it to the address shown on your lien or levy of yolr lien or levy notice to ensure proper handling of your request. the correct address call the phone number on the notice or 1-800-82g-1O4A if you are not sure about or if you want to fax Your request. 1 . Taxpayer Name: (TaxPayer 1 ) Taxpayer ldentification Number Current Address Zip Code State City Telephone Number and Best Time to Call During Normal Business Hours (-) work (-) Home flr* [pm fr* [pm. E r* tl pm. Cell 3. Taxpayer Name: (TaxP aYer 2) Taxpayer ldentification Number Current Address *[f;I",?i'o'[3!, citv State 4. Telephone Number and Best Time Type of Tax (lncome, Employment, Excise, etc. or Civil PenaltY) Form 12153 tne v . 12 2013) Im Ipm. fl r* tl pm. fl r* n pm. (-) work (-) Home to Call During Normal Business Hours Cell on the Lie" or L*y Notice (lf possibte, attach a copy of ttue notice) Tax Form Number (1040 , 941 ,72O, etc) Catalog Number 26685D Zip Code co o 6l rl':l o z cD @ -9 e 2 oo Tax Period or Periods EXHIBII asury - lnternal Revenue Service Request for a Collection Due Process or Equivalent Heari ng Form 121 53 (Rev. 12-201 3) both a lien 6. Basis for Hearing Request (Both boxes can be checked if you have received and levy notice) tr I Filed Notice of Federal Tax Lien ProPosed LevY or Actual LevY instructionsformoreinformationonEquivalentHearings) would like a hearing equivalent to a CDP Hearing if my I I would like an Equivalent Hearing - Imeet the requirements for a timely CDP Hearing' request for a CDp hearing does not -------------g. Check tn" ,ort upp.pri"t" nox for the reason you disagree with the filing of the lien or the levy' pages if you d?=-l-h"',Y:-:T1g1t-11"" See page 4 of this form for examples. You cin add more a Colleclion Alternative to the lf, during your CDp Hearing, you think you would like to discuss you submit a completed Form ;;tr; p;Jp*"6 ov tn" Coii""tion function it is recommended r^.-.^a^^..^,^,, i** See form. www'ir-g,gqv 433A (lndividuatl ino/or Form 4338 (Business), as appropr.iate, withlhis Function to for copies of the forms. Generally, the Office of Appeals will ask the Collection you submit. we will share their review, verify and provide their opinion on any ne* information comments with you and give you the opportunity to respond- I n CollectionAlternative Lien Please explain. lnstallmentAgreement I OfferinCompromise I I Cannot PaY Balance Subordination tr Discharge tl Wthdrawal My Spouse ls ResPonsible lnnocent spouse Relief (Please attach Form 8857, Requesf for lnnocent spouse Relief , lo your request.) I t] Other (For examPles, see Page 4) CDP hearing will not be honored' Reason (you must provide a reason for the dispute or your request for a pages if necessary'): much space as you need to explain the reason for your request' Aftach ertra Use as judicial review will suspend the statutory I understand the cDP hearing and any subsequent I must sign and period of limitations for colleJtion action. I also understand my representative or as an officer of signing are lf i;i;thir ifqr"rt olirrrtnu tns office of Appeals can accept it. vou 9. Signatures acompanyaddyourtitle(president,secretary,etc.)behindyoursignature. Date Taxpayer 1's Signature SIGN HERE fa*payer 2's Signature tr (if a ioint request, both must sign) Date (attach a copy of Form I request my cDP hearing be held with my authorized representative 2848) Telephone Number Authorized Representative's sig natu re IRS Received Date IRS EmPloYee (Print) Form 12153 (Rev .12-2013) Catalog Number 26685D Department of the Treasury - lnternal Revenue service tnformation you Need To Know When Requesting A Collection Due Process Hearing What ls the Deadline for Requesting a Timely Collection Due Process (CDP) Hearing? . . your request for a CDp hearing about a Federal Tax Lien filing must be postmaked by the date indicated in (lien notice)' the Nofice of Federat fax Liei Fiting and Your Right to a Hearing under IRC 6320 your request for a cDp hearing about a levy must be postmarked within 30 days afterthe date of the Notice of your Right to i Hearing (levy notice) or Notice of Your Right to a Hearing After an tntent to Levy and Notice of Actual LevY. your timely request for a cDp hearing will prohibit lelry action in most cases. A timely request for cDP hearing will also prohibition on levy and the suspension of the suspend the 10-year period we have, by law, to coilect your taxes. Both the about your disagreement is final' The 10-year period will last until the determination the IRS dffice of Appeals makes the 1O-year period. For example, if the in amount of time the suspension is in effect will be added to the time remaining collect taxes will be extended by six to period have we 1o-year period is suspended for six months, the time left in the months. you can go to court to appeal the cDp determination the IRS office of Appeals makes about your disagreement' What ls an Equivalent Hearing? requesting a timely cDP hearing has lf you still want a hearing with the IRS office of Appeals after the deadline for Hearing box on line 7 of passed, you can use thi! form to request an equivarent hearing- You must checkthe Equivalent or suspend the 10prohibit levy the form to request an equivalent hearing. An equivalent heaiing request does_not Appeals' decision of office the IRS year period for collecting your taxes; ilso, you cannot go to iourt to appea! timeframe: following the about your disagreement.-You must request an equivalent hearing within . Lien Notice-one year plus five business days from the filing date of the Notice of Federal Tax Lien' . . LeW Notice-one year from the date of the levy notice' your request for a CDp levy hearing, whether timely or Equivalent, does not prohibit the Service from filing a Notice of Federal Tax Lien. Where Should You File Your CDP or Equivalent Hearing Request? may,also fax your request. call the File your request by mail at the address on your lien notice or levy notice. You your cDP or equivalent hearing telephone number on the lien or levy notice to ask for the fax number. Do not send on the lien or levY notice. tf you send request direcfly to the IRS office of Appeals, it must be sent to the address Depending your request direcfly to Appeals it may result in your request not being considered a timely request. in your raised issue(s) the resolve i,pon yo* issue the originating function may contact you in an aftempt to request prior to forwarding your request to Appeals' Where Gan You Get HelP? you can call the telephone number on the lien or levy notice with your questions about requesting a hearing. The contact your questions' answer person listed on the notice or other representative can access your tax information and free or nominal charge. our Publication ln addition, you may qualify for representation by a low-income taxpayer clinic for your area. 4134, Low lncome Taxpayer Clinic List, provides information on clinics in may be able to help you resolve your lf you are experiencing economic harm, the Taxpayer Advocate Service OAS) hearing. see Publication problems with the IRS-. TAS cannot extend the time you have to request a cDP or equivalent 1-877-777-4778 for TAS call can You also 594, The tRS Cottection Process, or visit $tnn&1r-s."g-ov1ad--v--o-sa-t-el-h-df-x:hlnl' assistance. find examples of frivolous reasons for Note-The IRS Office of Appeals will not consider frivolous requests. You can do t have to Pay Taxes?' or at requesting a hearing or disagreeing with a tax assessment in Publication 2105,lMhy by typing "frivolous" into the search engine' you can get copies of tax forms; schedules, instructions, publications, and notices at sr.:dv\&tirs'g-o-Y, ?t your toca-i tRS office, or by calling toll-free 1-8oo-TAX-FoRM (829-3676)' Form 12153 (n. v - 12-2013) Catalog Number 26685D Department of the Treasury - lnternal Revenue Service lnformation you Need To Know When Requesting A Collection Due Process Hearing What Are Examples of Reasons for Requesting a Hearing? you will have to explain your reason for requesting a hearing when you make your request. Below are examples of reasons for requesiing a hearing. you want a coltection alternative-,,1 would like to propose a different way to pay the money I owe." Common collection alternatives include: . Full payment-you pay yourtaxes by personalcheck, cashiecs check, money order, or credit card. . lnstallment Agreement-you pay your taxes fully or partially by making, monthly payments' . offer in Compromise-you offer to make a payment or payments to settle your tax liability for less than the full amount you owe. (1) you have a terminal illness or cannot pay my taxes." Some possible reasons why you cannot pay yourtaxes are: payments, or unemployment excessive medical bills; (2) your only source of income ii Social security payments, welfare exceeding your expenses you reasonable (4) have income; or no little with benefit payments; (3) Vou ii" ,nerptoyed consider freezing collection action income; or (5) you have some other hardship condition. The IRS office of Appeals may balance' until your ciicumstances improve. Penalty and interest will continue to aocrue on the unpaid get a Federal Tax Lien you want action taken about the filing of the tax lien against your property-You can or withdrawal' See released if you pay your taxes in full. You also may request a lien subodination, discharge, snin v*if-$.,ggy for more information. Lien secondary to a non-lRS lien' \Mren you request lien subordination, you are asking the IRS to make a Federal rax get a refinancing mortgage on your house or For example, you may ask for a subordination of the Federal Tax Lien to to the mor:tgage, even though the other real property yo, o*rn. you would ask to make the Federal Tax Lien secondary subordination, in this example, if mortgage came after the tax lien filing. The IRS office of Appeals would consider lien yo, usJo the mortgage proceeds to pay yourtaxes. Lien from a specific property' For \Mren you request a lien discharge, you are asking the IRS to remove a Federal rax your house if you use all of the sale exampte, you may ask for a dischirge of the Federil Tax Lien in order to sell tax you owe' pay of the all proceeds io pay your taxes even though the sale proceeds will not fully of FederalTax Lien (NFTL) \Mren you request a lien withdrawal, you are asking the IRS to remove the Notice filed. For example, you may ask for information from public records because you believe the NFTL should not have been or did not follow procedures, or you prematurely a withdrawal of the filing of the NFTL if you believe the IRS filed the NFTL provide for the filing of the NFTL' A not have entered into an installment agreement and the installment agreement does withdrawal does not remove the lien from your IRS records' your spouse is responsible-,,My spouse (or former spouse) is responsible for alt or part of the tax liability"'You or a part of the tax liability. lf this is the may believe that your spouse or former spouse is the only one responsible for all You should complete and attach spouse. case, you are requesting a hearing so you can receive relief as an innocent form 6aSZ, Reguesf for lnnocent Spouse Relief, to your hearing request. a disagreement about the other Reasons-,,! am not liable for (l don't owe) all or part of the taxes." You can raise why you owe taxes-it explaining (a notice amount you owe only if you did not receive a deficiency notice for the liability you owe), or if you says IRS the tax gives you the right to challenge in court, within a speciic timeframe, the additional you owe' nave not had another prior opportunity to disagree with the amount may remove all or part of the ,,1 do not believe lshould be responsible for penalties." The IRS Office of Appeals 746, lnformation About Your Notice see penalties if you have a reasonable cause for not paying or not filing on time. 'Nlotice, penalties' eenlny and lnterest for what is reasonable cause for removing you disagree with the amount the IRS says you haven't paid if you think ,,1 have already paid all or part of my taxes." you have not received credit for payments you have already made. ,,1 following topics: see publication 5g4, Ihe IRS Coilection Process, for more information on the and Withdrawal; Discharge, lnstallment Agreements and Offers in Gompromise; Lien Subordination, wrong' is bill tax lnnocent spouse Relief; Temporarily Delay Gollection; and belief that Form 12153 tn. v . 12-2013) Catalog Number 26685D Department of the Treasury - lnternal Revenue Service