Au Sable River Run


Au Sable River Run
Spring 2010
“Flygirls of Michigan, Inc. is dedicated to providing women with educational,
recreational, and stewardship opportunities in the sport of fly fishing.”
Au Sable River Run
Camp Wa Wa Sum - Grayling, MI
May 17th-20st, 2010
Shop at You would have to book the trip
yourself, it’s not part of the cost
Flygirls head back to camp
Wa Wa Sum for the third annual
“Au Sable River Run”. The outing will focus on
the Au Sable River system in the Grayling and Lovells areas,
covering river history, fly patterns and fishing accuses to the
main, south & north branches of the Au Sable river. This event
gets bigger, and better every year. There will be time to fish the
early season hatches, tie a few flies or just kick back in one of
many rocking chairs on the screened in porch overlooking the
“Holy Waters”.
Dennis Potter will dazzle all with his “Potter’s Fly Box”
presentation and I hope to have another special presentation.
If you would like to book a guide for a day these are highly
recommended: Fuller’s North Branch Outing Club at www.; Jerry Regan 810-240-4163; Gates Au Sable
Lodge at and The Old Au Sable Fly
The lodge is located on the banks of the main stream of the Au
Sable River’s fabled “holy waters”. The name Wa Wa Sum
means “Plain View” in the Ojibwa language and was given to
the camp in 1905 by Chief David Shoppenagon, an Au Sable
guide and woodsman. At that time, because of the extensive
logging of the region’s pine forests, the view from the high bank
on which the camp is built was unobstructed for miles to the
south. Since then, the forests have regenerated, slowly obscuring
the view beyond the river. Chief Shoppenagon built the first
building at the camp, now known as the Dining Room, in 1880.
In 1897, Rubin Babbit, an Au Sable woodsman who later became
Michigan’s first wildlife officer, built a second structure, now
the Administration Building.
Sleeping arrangements are dorm style, so bring your own
bedding or sleeping bag and towels. We will have the use of
refrigeration if needed, and you are welcome to bring adult
beverages. I will be sending out a packing list and maps after
registration is closed.
Continued on pg. 6
p 2
Officers and
Directors of Flygirls
Tina Straw
35586 Ashton Ct. Clinton Twp., MI 48035
(586) 477-8119
Past Presidents:
Jennifer Nelson
731 S. Altadena, Royal Oak, MI 48067
(248) 414-7636
Ann Miller,
3158 Dunes Valley Path,
Stevensville, MI 49127
(269) 429-8531
Dorothy Schramm,
P.O. Box 828, Pentwater, MI 49449
(231) 869-5487
Kris Nichols
35586 Ashton Ct. Clinton Twp., MI 48035
(269) 377-3514
Education Chair:
Nancy Lounds
7507 Windgate Dr., Jenison, MI 49428
(616) 669-9049
Flygirls Directors:
Membership Chair:
Mandy Hetfield
Fund Raising &
Communications Chair:
Colleen Jenkins
Merchandise Chair:
Fran Hocking
Kate Clark:
Julie Nielsen:
Dennis Potter:
Leader Lines
by Tina Straw
It seems like a long
time has past since
I last wrote to all
of you, but it really
has only been a few
months. We have some exciting things
planned for this year beginning with our
April Casting Clinics. We will be holding
three clinics one in Southeast Michigan, one
in Southwest Michigan and one in Northwest Michigan. This is a great opportunity
to get a head start on the season with some
casting tune up tips and practice. Check
out the information in this newsletter. We also have our Facebook page up and
running thanks to Sarah Vandelfzijl. Look
us up on the web and submit a request to
join the Flygirls of Michigan Facebook
page. Share your experiences, look for
someone to take a trip with or just read
what others are saying. We look forward to
hearing from you.
We have our spring Steal Head Outing
coming April 30th through May 2, 2010. This is a great trip if you have always wanted to hook up with one of the big fish of a
thousand casts. Well, maybe not a quite a
thousand, but they are more challenging to
catch. I have had my share of Steal Head
on my line, but have yet to actually get the
fish into the boat. They are beautiful fish
and give you a pretty good fight. See more
information in this newsletter. We have our Wa Wa Sum Outing scheduled
for May 17-19, 2010. This is a perfect opportunity to experience staying at a historical log lodge on the Au Sable River and to
become acquainted with the Au Sable River
system. So if you are like me and just itching to get
out on the river, we have plenty of events
to help get you started. I love that first
time back in the river each year. The anticipation to experience all the wonders that
spring provides. I can envision the gentle
spring breeze carrying with it the lightly
scented perfumes from early blooming
flowers with their pastel colors of white,
pink, purple and yellow. I can hear the
natural orchestra of the birds singing as
they compete for the perfect mate to create
new life for the coming year. The chickadees, titmice and American Goldfinch are
all vying for their individual performance
to be the best. I can see the splendid hues
of green from the new generation of leaves
sprouting from their buds, signaling winter
is over. The tamaracks are looking majestic with their delicate new hair like needles. The evergreens with their deep dark needles and sweet pine scent. I have great expectations of seeing new babies in the wild. The minks playing along the riverbank, the
whitetail fawns hiding in the tall grass, or
the occasional sighting of fox kits wrestling
with their brothers and sisters. I have so
much to look forward to on my first excursion to the river. The water is crystal clear
and gurgling with a faster moving current
as it carries the winter snow melt. The cold
water invigorating as it gently shocks my
senses through breathable waders. Once I
get adjusted to the temperature of the water surrounding me then comes the need to
remember how to maneuver myself in the
current and gracefully walk along the river
bottom. Everything quickly comes back
to me and I feel comfortable with my surroundings and at peace with myself. I think
to myself how lucky I truly am. Fly Fishing for me is a time to reflect on
life and to enjoy being in the moment. I really treasure all the past experiences I have
had and the friendships I have developed. I
look forward to new adventures and meeting new friends. I encourage all of you
to take some time to enjoy our natural resources, meet new friends, and have new
adventures. I invite you to join in the fun
at one of our Flygirls events to begin your
journey for new adventure and new friendships. Hope to see you on the water. Tina Ù
Flygirls is published quarterly or as needed in the editing office of Colleen Jenkins (see officers and directors).
Please feel free to send your ideas, artwork, photographs, poetry or other contributions.
Flygirls annual Spring Casting Clinic
Saturday, April 17, 2010 For your convenience, Flygirls will be offering the casting clinic for beginners at three different Michigan regional sites on
Saturday, April 17 at 10 am. The fee is $10.00 for 2 ½ - 3 hours of instruction. The casting clinics are limited to six students
per site. Please sign up early to reserve your place. For driving directions and detailed information about a site, please
contact the appropriate site instructor. Things to bring: 1. Fly rod and reel (leader and tippet attached) or indicate that a rod is needed for the clinic
2. Warm clothing and rain coat - depending on the spring weather
3. Snacks, water and warm drinks – no food or drinks will be provided
Select a site nearest your home; fill out the registration form and a check payable to: Flygirls. Send registration form and check to: Kris Nichols - 35586 Ashton Ct. Clinton Twp., MI 48035
Name: __________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________ City/State/Zip: _____________________________________
e-mail address________________________________ Phone Number________________________________
Select a site:
___ Northwest Site: Pentwater, MI. Contact: Dorothy Schramm or (231) 869-5487 for details.
___ Southwest Site: Stevensville, MI. Contact: or (269) 429-8531 for details.
___ Southeast Site: Kensington Metro Park Brighton, MI. Contact: Jenn Nelson (248) 414-7636 or matukajenn (at)
___ Need a rod and reel for casting clinic
The Double haul
With casting clips of Joan Wulff, Mel krieger,
Bruce Richards and more
This is the FIRST time EVER that the
double haul technique has been
addressed specifically, AND, the
first time an instructional DVD has
been offered to both students and
Shot in Montana and Patagonia Argentina with beautiful
scenery and music, the content is simple, direct, and easy
to understand, with intentional repetition, lots of slow
motion (also a first), and excellent graphics. A MUST for
either learning or fine-tuning the double haul!
Chapters: 1. Why we Use the Double Haul 2. Exercises
3. Water Applications shot on location in Montana.
4. Tips for Instructors 5. Double Haul Analysis
Produced and directed by Rhea Topping
Certififed FFF Master Instructor
To order contact:
50 minutes/ $24.95, plus shipping
Bob Linsenman’s Au Sable Angler
Is The Only Full Service Fly Shop
On The “Big Water”
of Michigan’s Au Sable River
Full and Half Day Guide Trips
A Complete Line of Fly Fishing Tackle
Michigan Fly Patterns
Accurate Up-To-Date Information on
Fishing Conditions
Schools and Personal Instruction
p 4
What You Missed!
If you haven’t attended a winter retreat in recent years, you should try not to miss it next
year. Once again, we had an entertaining, education filled event. Kris Nichols, Donna Smith,
and Julie Nielsen taught fly tying for beginner and advanced students. I shared the new Flygirls
Facebook page with attendees and walked people through how to get started on Facebook. Julie
also made us all jealous by presenting Tippet’s Tail of Fishing and Touring of the National Parks
(and I do mean tail, Tippet is Julie’s dog). The photos were amazingly beautiful. Kris wrapped
things up with a presentation on winter fly fishing and choosing the right gear. Some people we
absolutely exhausted because so much was packed into this event in three days, but fun was had
by all and we are already planning to have another fantastic retreat for next year, so if you have
any ideas on what you would like to see at next year’s retreat, drop me an email!
Sahra Vandelfzijl
Everyone who attended the recent
Michigan Fly fishing Show was
in for a surprise. The Flygirls of
Michigan Inc. had a new display,
a new face to the world. At the
last Flygirls Board meeting the
board approved replacing the
aged vinyl banner we have used
to identify our booth with the
purchase of a new display for use
at Fly Fishing Shows and Expos.
After a great deal of research and
price shopping the commitment
was made. The display is easy
to assemble and the container
which converts to additional table
space for the booth is on rollers
for easy transport. I placed the
order and immediately asked for
help. Colleen Jenkins contributed
her talents and time to create the
bold header and display panels that
include the Flygirl and FFF Logos,
our web address and the attention
getting picture boards.
Thanks to picture contributions
from Jon Ray, Chuck Hawkins
and our members, Colleen put
together lots of pictures of smiling
Flygirls with some of their best
catches. The picture panels are
attached with Velcro so they can
be replaced and updated as needed
to display new activities or special
events. The 8 foot bright blue
lighted display board drew lots
of attention at the Warren Show.
Many people stopped to look and
talk about the pictures and ask
questions about the club.
It is clear that the new display
presents Flygirls image as a
serious Fly Fishing Club of
women who seriously fish.
Fran Hocking
By Clay Gill
Taken from the Alamo Fly Fishers Club Newsletter
Modern fishing eyewear has made leaps and bounds recently in the arenas of protection, fashion and functionality.
Everyone knows polarized lenses allow you to see fish under
water. Glare and reflected light obstructing the ability to peer
through surface is erased. Sight casting to target fish is fun.
Everyone wants to see the “hit”. It becomes the excitement
of spotting a fish as you hunt for them and placing a perfect
cast to that quarry. Consequently, high tech
sunglasses are popular.
Companies like Kaenon, Costa Del Mar, Maui Jim, Wileyx,
Old Harbor Outfitters, 7eye, Oakley, and Ocean Wave vie
for consumer cash out there. Customers want that magic xray vision to spot fish for a casting opportunity.
Each company has their own philosophy for accomplishing
the goals. Some use sandwiched lenses, some block yellow
light--some blue. Others add films and reflective coatings
and mirror finishes. The green mirror is touted as best for
shallow water, and the blue great for offshore applications. It
has gotten complicated. They say gray is best for driving and
amber best for low light sight fishing. Who knows?
What it has come to on materials is mind boggling. Glass,
high tech plastics and sandwiched materials bonded together
have created a myriad of amazing new innovations that all
really work well. With copper, amber, grays and the shades
of blue and green, who knows what is best! You probably
really need several pairs!
The truth is anything is better than nothing. I drive with Maui
Jim’s. I fish with Costa’s. I like green mirror-even offshore.
What matters is that you have good eyewear and the harmful
rays of the sun do not reach your eyes. UVAUVB light is the
culprit. It needs to be limited to your eyes over the water.
Reflection from the water surface is double trouble for your
poor old eyes. Decades of abuse will make you pay later if
you “tough-it”, and prove you are a man. People with light
colored eyes are even more light sensitive. It is even more
important for younger fishermen.
To get up to speed you first must find a pair of glasses that
fits you well. Fishing considerations are related to the coverage on your face. Glare can sneak in past open sides and be
just as harmful. The new wrap-around models are sleek and
stylish, they really make a difference! Being light, comfort
able and extremely effective does not come cheaply! Cost is
200.00+ dollars for good fishing glasses.
Then you must decide what lens type, color and boasted capability by a pack of manufacturers trying to sell you their
product. True it might require one lens like the amber for
lower light or shallow water, and a green mirror for deeper
blue black offshore water on bright days. You cannot take
them back if they don’t work very often, but many are now
trying out glasses and re-selling the rejects on EBay and
finding other new ones there at discounts. No one seems to
pay retail prices now.
Once you find a brand that works for you, price may not be
as big an object when capability surpasses the sticker shock.
You really get your money’s worth with the amazing high
tech optics available now. Some even have cheaters to help
tie the knots built in! Another innovation is holes to clip a
lanyard so you don’t drop them.
During the winter-we were looking down from the transom
offshore at fish that had come up from deep water to clean
up some chum. Without glasses a Shark looked like a Cobia or just something big. Grab your Costa’s and peer again,
and not only could we see the type of Shark it was twenty
feet down in the chum, you could see the fish eating. It was
time to grab wire for a busy day. Nothing wrong with getting
Sharked for hours. They tug well on a slow Tuna day. The
Mahi are fun too.
Triple polarization, oil and dust coatings, and bullet proof
lenses can confuse you. Cr-39, and Polycarbonate Rhino
lenses will dazzle you also. NXT chopper windshield polymer is also cool. All these amazing propositions for a better
product are very confusing. This carnival of choices is grows
every day! Just keep it simple!
What matters most is to limit UVA/UVB rays, and cut the
glare on the surface. Make sure they are comfortable and
hang them on a lanyard so you don’t scratch them up. Put
them on and wear them even on cloudy days. Harmful sunlight punches right through overcast clouds. Sun damage is
an accumulative effect!
If you need several pairs rejoice. It is a marvelous age. High
tech protection, x-ray vision, looking cool and catching fishall at once! You just can’t beat that!
p 6
The Celebration of the
Life of Rusty Gates
Sunday, 25 April 2010
11 am
with food and drink
starting approximately noon
Gates Au Sable Lodge
casting field
Everyone welcome!
Come prepared for the weather.
There will be a tent and chairs.
This event is being organized and funded
by the Anglers of the Au Sable.
2010 Wa Wa Sum Registration
The cost of this event is $130.00
3 Nights Lodging Mon.,Tues. & Wed.
Breakfast each day
Dinner: Mon. & Tues. Wed. Kitchen is closed
Lunches will not be provided
Any questions?
Call Colleen Jenkins 810-923-7311
Limited to 25 Flygirls
Name _____________________________________ e-mail_____________________________
Address _____________________________ City_________________ St. ______ Zip________
Total Inclosed $___________ Make checks or money orders payable to: Flygirls Deposit of $50.00 due April 30, 10 (call if past deadline)
Mail to: Colleen Jenkins 718 Whitney, Brighton MI 48116 SPRING 2010
p 8
was important and gaining teaching experience was invaluable.
At the first fly fishing show where I taught, I was approached
about getting certified as an instructor. I must admit, I’d thought
about it but didn’t have the confidence; I didn’t think that I was
“good enough”. At the time I wasn’t good enough, but my fellow instructors saw my potential and their support helped me to
succeed. But their support was not the only thing that got me to
where I am now. I had to believe in myself and in my teaching
skills. I had to do a lot of practicing and I needed to keep on
By Donna Smith
If I had a dollar for every time I have been introduced as a “certified caster”, I could easily pay for a new rod and reel to enhance
my fly fishing experiences. Because I’m not a certified caster, I
don’t have those dollars. I am a Certified Casting Instructor (CCI);
the first woman to hold this certification in Illinois and I am proud
to join Dorothy Schramm as one of the only 2 women in the Midwest. It is a title and an honor that I take very seriously.
I got my first casting lesson almost 15 years ago as a gift from a
man named P.J. He had just purchased a fly fishing outfit from the
local fly shop and it came with a free lesson. Because I was his
girlfriend at the time, guess who got the lesson!
Since then I’ve had a lot of lessons. I’ve attended trout fishing schools, a women’s fly fishing school and had lessons from a
number of outstanding Certified Casting Instructors and casting
enthusiasts. While working toward my certification, I’ve learned
so many things about the mechanics of the cast as well as teaching
those mechanics since my first lesson.
An important part of this process was having casting mentors.
I’ve had a wonderful group that has supported my efforts. I’m
lucky enough to be in a club that has 2 Master Casting Instructors
and several CCI’s. This group support was great; having mentors
Staying motivated to practice can be challenging. I worked with
a good friend to prepare. When I needed help with my explanation of the Roll Cast or encouragement that I actually could cast
75 feet, he was there. The testing includes over 25 skills to show
your casting ability as well as how to teach those skills. “Explain
& demonstrate” became my mantra! A week before my test, I
took a pre-exam. This was one of the hardest things I had to do
and I didn’t pass. I did learn what skills needed improvement
and I set out to polish them in a week! One of my goals was to
become the first woman CCI in Illinois and with that
in mind, I worked every day in the sun, the rain and in
the cold. I explained and demonstrated to anyone who
would listen. I was seen talking to myself in a field in
front of a tape measure and little orange cones. In the
end, all the hard work paid off! I passed my test on
October 18, 2008.
Although I am now a better caster after going
through this process, I learned that becoming
a CCI is more about the instructing, not just
the casting.
Opportunities to teach have increased over the years especially as
more women become involved in the sport. The Fly Fishing clubs
we belong to all try to share our sport with more young people.
I’ve helped teach women at B.O.W. weekends and young girls at
programs for girl scouts. Teaching opportunities to help potential
CCI candidates were created at the Great Water’s Fly Fishing Expo
in Minneapolis and Chicago. I’ve been to all the shows where we
teach over 300 students in a weekend.
I continue to volunteer my time teaching at shows and for the
Illinois B.O.W. program. I teach lessons for my local fly shop
and teach on-the-water trout schools for them. Last April I helped
Dorothy teach casting lessons for the Flygirls at her place in Pentwater. We had a great day!
If any of you are interested in teaching, I would love to share my
experiences with you. It sounds very cliché, but it really is true, I
learn something new about teaching and about casting, every time
I teach. I’m always the one with the notebook and pen, taking
notes, writing down observations or a great line that someone uses
in a lesson. I’ve got a lot of notes; maybe I can share them with
you sometime.
Oh, and that man that gave away his free lesson to me?
We’ve been married for 10 years!
July 9-11, 2010 • Newaygo, MI
Ladies please join the Flygirls on another adventure on the mighty Muskegon River. We will once
again try our skills with feather and fur to try and outwit the Rainbow and Brown Trout that call this
river their home.
Please come and experience the Muskegon River at the River Valley House (www.rivervalleyhouse.
com). The home has thee bedrooms to accommodate up to seven people and breakfast foods are provided for you to prepare and enjoy. Please go to the website provided above to view the house
and accommodations.
Ladies the Muskegon River can test your wading skills and I will advise that at a minimum you
have a wading staff and river walking experience.
Food and lodging for this outing will be $80 per person the price is based on seven staying at the
house. If this sounds like an adventure you would like to try please send a deposit of $30 to
Kelly Smith at 1472 Thayer, Ortonville, MI 48462. If you have any questions please feel
fee to contact me @ or call me at 586-206-0349.
Welcome New Members
Jen Mironas, Milan, MI
Lisa Sessa, Chelsea, MI
Ginger Brown, Perrysburg, OH
Kathy Dams, Yale, MI
Debra Allore, Bath, MI
Mary Richter, Perrysburg, OH Karen
Rogalski, Ottawa Hills, OH
Deb Picard,
Michelle Gleason, North Aurora, IL
Justine Jahr, West Bloomfield, MI
Cindy & Rick Carmichael, Jenison, MI
Susan Disch, Bristol, IN
David Hilton, Grand Rapids, MI
Laura Stockwell, Bay City, MI
Valerie Walker, Grayling, MI
Mary Pearce, Ann Arbor, MI
Donald R. Van Buren, Chardon, OH
Please remember in order to remain a member
of Flygirls, you must also be a member of the
FFF, so don’t forget to pay your dues! If you do
not appear on the paid list from FFF you will be
dropped from our mailing list. If you want to
make a tax deductible donation, please keep
Flygirls in mind.
p 10
The National Fly Fishing Fair & Conclave 2010
Presented by the
Fair hours:
9 a.m. to 5 p.m. August 26–28
Activities include:
fly tying demonstrations, fly casting
demonstrations, hour-long seminars,
exhibit hall, raffles and much more!
Exhibit hall admission:
adults $5, kids 15 and under free
Saturday is FREE for all
Holiday Inn at
August 26-28, 2010
Take one or more workshops on tying,
casting, on the water, and non-angling.
Fees for workshops vary. It is requested
to sign up in advance, however numerous walk-up workshops will be offered
on-site. Workshops are offered August
24-28. See the on-line schedule for
more details.
Visit us at:
June 4 - 6, 2010
Fullers North Branch Outing Club, Grayling, MI.
“Women, Teaching
This will be a comprehensive two and a
half day school set on the pristine banks
of the famed Au Sable River.
This is a women’s school, with women
instructors, “women, teaching women.”
The school will touch on all of the
aspects of fly fishing including: fly casting
techniques, gear and tackle, fly selection,
Fullers North Branch Outing Club, Lovells, MI river etiquette and safety, knots and rigging,
Located on the banks of the North Branch of the Au entomology and reading the water.
Sable River, he North Branch Outing Club has been
serving fly anglers from around the world since 1916.
Join us on the North Branch of the Au Sable river for
your next fly fishing adventure or just a peaceful stay at
our historic bed and breakfast. The Fuller family welcomes you to the North Branch Outing Club at the historic Douglas Hotel, located on 20 acres and 400’ along
the North Branch of the Au Sable River. Since the Turn
of the Century the North Branch Outing Club has
provided comfortable lodging, generous home cooked
meals and a first class northern experience! There are
twelve guest rooms in the bed & breakfast that offer
a memorable and historic retreat. Each room is decorated in its own unique style that represent either a part
of history or one of the many activities enjoyed by our
guests, such as fly-fishing or hunting. The interiors of
the guest rooms are simple, relaxing and inviting, as
they were originally designed in the 1900’s.
Flygirls offers a low student to teacher
ratio of 2:1. Tuition is $425 and includes
lodging, meals, workbook, flies and all
instruction. The school is being limited
to 10 students, so if you are interested
plan to register early. A $200 deposit will
hold your space (and all but $25 will be
refundable up to 60 days before the school
If you would like more information
or to register contact
Nancy Lounds (616) 669-9049
April 17: Casting Clinics:
Northwest site: Dorothy Schramm (231) 869-5487 or
Southwest site: Ann Miller (269) 429-8531 or
Southeast site: Jenn Nelson (248) 414-7636 or matukajenn (at)
April 21-25: National Trout Festival, Kalkaska, MI
for additional information checkout their web site
April 24: Trout Season Opens in Michigan!!!!
May 1-2: Steelhead/Trout Outing, Schmidt Outfitters, Wellston, MI
Contact: Katie Clark (248) 644-1679 or DEPOSIT DUE: April 2009
May 17-20: Au Sable River Outing, Wa Wa Sum, Grayling, MI.
Contact: Colleen Jenkins (810) 923-7311 or
June 4-6: Flygirls Beginning Fly-Fishing School, Lovells, MI
Fuller’s North Branch Outing Club, Au Sable River
Contact: Nancy Lounds (616) 669-9049 or
June 18-19: GLC Annual FFF School, Roscommon, MI.
See the GLC’s web site for more registration information
JUNE 18-19: One Fly Contest, Schmidt Outfitters, Wellston, MI.
Contact: Ann Miller (269) 429-8531 or
June 25-27: Flygirls SEMI-ANNUAL MEETING and HEX Fly Fishing Frenzy
Grayling, MI Au Sable River Contact: Julie Nielsen (616) 874-7163 or tyerii (at) and
Dennis Potter (616) 363-4966 or ausable1i (at)
July 9-11: Muskegon Outing, Newaygo, MI
Contact Kelly Smith (586) 206-0349 or
August 24-28: FFF Annual Conclave,West Yellowstone, MT
September 17-19: Flygirls SEMI-ANNUAL MEETING and Au Sable River Outing
Grayling, MI Contact: Karen Harrison (989) 348-1502 or and
Dennis Potter (616) 363-4966 or
September 22-25: Garden River Trip, Sauté Saint Marie, Ontario Canada
Contact: Jenn Nelson (248) 414-7636 or at DEPOSIT IS DUE IN APRIL
December 5: GLC FLY TYING EXPO Location to be anounst.
Contact: Fran Hocking (248) 926-0540 or to work booth.