A novel energyretaining inverter for AC arc welding machines
A novel energyretaining inverter for AC arc welding machines
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CIRCUIT THEORY AND APPLICATIONS Int. J. Circ. Theor. Appl. 2012; 40:107–126 Published online 1 July 2010 in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com). DOI: 10.1002/cta.708 A novel energy-retaining inverter for AC arc welding machines Jian-Min Wang1, ∗, † , Sen-Tung Wu2 and Huang-Jen Chiu2 1 Department 2 Department of Vehicle Engineering, National Formosa University, Yunlin, Taiwan of Electronic Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan SUMMARY A novel energy-retaining power supply for AC arc welding machines is proposed in this paper. In this kind of power supply, current-steering diodes connected across the output chokes keep the inductor current continuous and retain the energy during the commutation period, hence reducing the commutation time to ensure a better welding performance. In addition, the stored energy can be released in the next energy transfer cycle to raise the conversion efficiency. The circuit operations and design procedures are likewise examined thoroughly. Experimental results on a prototype inverter for driving a 100-A AC arc welding machine are recorded to validate the effectiveness of the presented scheme. Copyright 䉷 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Received 9 December 2008; Revised 1 March 2010; Accepted 2 May 2010 KEY WORDS: inverter; voltage spike; current commutation; power supply 1. INTRODUCTION Arcs are used in many industrial applications, such as arc lamps for lighting [1–3], joining metals for constructions, and arc furnace equipment for steel melting. The arc phenomenon starts from two electrodes conducted through an invisible path with high voltage in air. The characteristic curve of an arc is shown in Figure 1 (distance between two electrodes; d = 0.00762 mm). Arc behavior can be described in three states. The first state is ‘Townsend discharge’ named by its discoverer. It happens in the beginning of the arc with a high voltage (about 320 V) for breakdown voltage. The second state is the ‘glow discharge’, in which the voltage VG is typically about 280 V. In this state, however, the electrodes are conducted with a spark. The last state is the ‘arc discharge’, in which VA is typically 12 V and the current starts to flow. Basically, the current can be very large in the last state because the path is yet established [4]. Given this reason, the operating principle of arc welding is described as follows: first, the path of conduction has to be established by an arc inducing device. After the path is established, the constant current starts to flow through the path. Finally, the current that passes through the path with an arc will generate a considerably high temperature for welding [5]. Inert gas welding technology with wolfram electrodes requires AC currents for welding aluminum. To control the welding characteristics, the output current, instead of the voltage, is regulated [5–16]. Therefore, if we want to obtain more stable characteristics of arc welding and good arc welding beads, we need to reduce the output ripple current [17, 18]. Compared to ∗ Correspondence to: Jian-Min Wang, Department of Vehicle Engineering, National Formosa University, Yunlin, Taiwan † E-mail: jmw@nfu.edu.tw Copyright 䉷 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 108 J.-M. WANG, S.-T. WU AND H.-J. CHIU d i + v 1000V VB v Arc Glow Townsend VG 100V VA 10V 10-12 10-10 10-8 10-6 10-4 1 10 i Figure 1. The characteristic curve of arc. D1 Q1 D2 T Q2 Q5 ns Vi np ns Q3 Q4 D3 L D4 Q6 iO RO Figure 2. Conventional AC arc welding driver. their DC counterparts, AC arc welding machines provide smoother welding processes and better performances. Conventionally, a current-regulated inverter is adopted to serve as the driving power supply for an AC arc welding machine [19–23]. Earlier studies focused on the dynamic response of arc welding drivers. For this reason, a brand new digital control method is thus proposed [20–23]. In order to reduce the input current harmonics phenomenon [24–29], PFC is added in the pre-stage of the inverter [20]. ZVS and ZCS [30–41] are also utilized to improve the efficiency of the inverter [30]. Figure 2 shows one popular inverter topology mainly composed of a high-frequency (usually above 20 kHz) full-bridge DC/AC inverter and a low-frequency (usually from DC to several hundreds of hertz) half-bridge inverter. In the AC arc welding applications, the amplitude of the load current i O can reach up to several hundreds of amperes. Thus, IGBTs are often used as the switching devices because of their high current capability. In most cases, the load current is a squarewave. A high rate of step change for the load current during the commutation period is a fundamental requirement to produce a standard squarewave and avoid arc extinction. As depicted in Figure 3, three cases may occur at the end of the commutation period, tc . The first case is that i o exactly decreases or increases to zero. Therefore, no abrupt change of i o occurs. However, the time interval required for L to be fully discharged varies with the magnitude of the load current. The controller would be more complex if tc needs to be adjusted according to the load current. The second case is that the commutation time is long enough for L to be completely discharged. The only disadvantage is that there is a dead zone where i o remains zero. This will seriously affect the welding performance. The third case is that tc is too short, causing L to maintain a residue energy at the end of the commutation period. Then i o decreases to zero immediately. Therefore, during the commutation, the energy stored in L is wasted; furthermore, the fast changing rates of i o may result in high voltage spikes that are often destructive [19]. RC snubbers can be connected across L to clamp the overshoot spikes. Nevertheless, the stored Copyright 䉷 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Circ. Theor. Appl. 2012; 40:107–126 DOI: 10.1002/cta ENERGY-RETAINING INVERTER FOR AC ARC WELDING MACHINES 109 Q5 tc t tc Q6 t case 1 io t case 2 io t case 3 io t Figure 3. Timing graphs of a conventional AC arc welding inverter. energy is still completely dissipated at the end of each half-cycle. It can be seen in Figure 3 that the conventional inverter topology suffers from the following three drawbacks: • A non-ideal square waveform for the load current i o . • Lower conversion efficiency. • High voltage spikes on the output choke during the commutation periods. This paper describes the operation principles of the conventional and the proposed energyretaining inverter for the AC arc welding. A second output inductor is added. An anti-parallel diode connected across the output choke keeps the inductor current continuous and retains the energy during the commutation period in order to produce a qualified squarewave output current. Moreover, the stored energy can be released in the next half-cycle to reduce the commutation time. Experimental results on a 100-A AC arc welding inverter are recorded to validate the effectiveness of the presented scheme. 2. DESCRIPTIONS OF THE CONVENTIONAL AC ARC WELDING INVERTER Figure 4 shows the block diagram of the AC arc welding inverter controller. The PWM controller compares the sensed rectified output current and the current reference Io,ref , and produces a pair of complementary gating signals, Q PWM1 and Q PWM2 . A microprocessor-based controller sends out the gating signals for Q 5 and Q 6 according to the commands of frequency, duty ratio, and the required commutation time. During the commutation period, both Q 5 and Q 6 are turned on and all four switches on the primary side are turned off. Thus, the gating signals for Q 1 to Q 4 can be expressed as: Q 1 /Q 4 = Q PWM1 ·(Q 5 ⊕ Q 6 ), (1) Q 2 /Q 3 = Q PWM2 ·(Q 5 ⊕ Q 6 ). (2) Figures 5 and 6 show the respective conduction paths of the five operating states and the key waveforms during the positive half-cycle for the conventional AC arc welding inverter. States 1–4 Copyright 䉷 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Circ. Theor. Appl. 2012; 40:107–126 DOI: 10.1002/cta 110 J.-M. WANG, S.-T. WU AND H.-J. CHIU frequency Q5 Microprocessor duty ratio Q1 /Q 4 Q6 comm. time Q PWM1 |i o | Push-pull PWM controller I o,ref Q2 /Q 3 Q PWM2 Figure 4. Block diagram of the AC arc welding inverter controller. D1 Q1 Q2 Q5 T ns np Vi D2 ns L iO Q3 D4 D3 Q4 VD VCE iO RO Q6 L VL (V i-2VCE )n RO (a) D1 Q1 D2 Q5 T Q2 ns np Vi ns L iO Q3 D4 D3 Q4 VD iO VCE L VL RO Q6 RO (b) D1 Q1 Q2 D2 Q5 T ns np Vi ns L iO Q3 Q4 D3 (c) D4 Q6 VD RO iO VCE L VL (V i-2VCE )n RO Figure 5. Operation modes of the conventional AC arc welding inverter during a positive half-cycle: (a) State 1; (b) State 2, State 4, and State 5; and (c) State 3. Copyright 䉷 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Circ. Theor. Appl. 2012; 40:107–126 DOI: 10.1002/cta ENERGY-RETAINING INVERTER FOR AC ARC WELDING MACHINES 111 Figure 6. Waveforms of gate signals and i O for the conventional AC arc welding inverter. repeatedly circulate in the steady state, whereas State 5 only operates during the commutation from the positive half-cycle to the negative half-cycle. These five states of the circuit operations for the conventional topology are described below with two assumptions. 1. The conducting voltages of the active switches and the diodes are represented by VCE and VD , respectively. 2. The turn ratio of the transformer is n, which is equal to the ratio of n s to n p . State 1 (t0 –t1 ) Figure 5(a) shows the conduction paths in State 1. Q 1 , Q 4 , and Q 5 are turned on and D1 conducts. L is charged and i o increases to track a constant reference level. The power transfer from the input voltage source to the load occurs. Copyright 䉷 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Circ. Theor. Appl. 2012; 40:107–126 DOI: 10.1002/cta 112 J.-M. WANG, S.-T. WU AND H.-J. CHIU The induct current i L can be determined by the following equation: (Vi −2VCE )n − VD − VCE di L (t) RO + i L (t) = dt L L where i O equals i L . Hence, Equation (3) can be rewritten as follows: (Vi −2VCE )n (Vi −2VCE )n iO = (e−(RO /L)(t−t0) ) + IL (t0 )− RO RO (3) (4) This state ends when Q 1 and Q 4 are turned off at t1 . IL (t0 ) is the initial value of the inductor current from the previous state. State 2 (t1 –t2 ) State 2 begins when Q 1 , Q 2 , Q 3 , and Q 4 are turned off (see Figure 5(b)). Q 5 remains turned on. In this state, the transformer stops transferring power and the output rectifiers D1 and D2 conduct. The output current shares equally in the two secondary windings. L discharges via the load resistor and the switch devices. In State 2, i o decreases until the next power transferring state. The equation of i L is determined by di L (t) RO −VD − VCE + i L (t) = dt L L (5) i O = IL (t1 )e−(RO /L)(t−t1 ) (6) where i O equals i L . IL (t1 ) is the final value of the inductor current for State 1. State 3 (t2 –t3 ) Q 2 and Q 3 are turned on to charge L during State 3, as seen in Figure 5(c). At the secondary side, D2 and Q 5 are conducting. The power is transferred through the transformer and i O increases. The equation of i O is determined by: (Vi −2VCE )n − VD − VCE di L (t) RO + i L (t) = dt L L where i O equals i L . iO = (Vi −2VCE )n (Vi −2VCE )n (e−(RO /L)(t−t2) ) + IL (t2 )− RO RO (7) (8) IL (t2 ) is the final value of the inductor current for State 2. State 4 (t3 –t4 ) This stage begins when Q 1 , Q 2 , Q 3 , and Q 4 are again turned off (see Figure 5(b)). Therefore, L discharges and i O decreases. The equation for i O is determined in Equation (6). The initial value of inductor current is the final value for State 3. State 5 (t5 –t6 ) Commutation time tc is defined as (t6 −t5 ). During the commutation, Q 1 , Q 2 , Q 3 , and Q 4 are turned off, whereas Q 5 and Q 6 are turned on simultaneously. Nevertheless, i O flows through Q 5 because of current continuity. Figure 5(b) shows the resulting equivalent circuit, wherein i O likewise decreases. The equation of i O is determined in Equation (4). Referring to Figure 6, one clearly understands that in the positive half-cycles, i O increases when Q 1 and Q 4 or Q 2 and Q 3 are turned on. In contrast, i O decreases when these four switches are turned off. To balance the magnetic flux in the transformer primary, Q 1 /Q 4 and Q 2 /Q 3 combinations alternately conduct. At the start of each positive half-cycle, i O increases from zero. To speed up the commutation process, the duty cycles of the switches at the primary side are set Copyright 䉷 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Circ. Theor. Appl. 2012; 40:107–126 DOI: 10.1002/cta ENERGY-RETAINING INVERTER FOR AC ARC WELDING MACHINES 113 as large as possible during T . On the other hand, the average value of the output current when only Q 5 remains turned on is a constant level, IO . Thus, the duty cycle D of the switches of the front-stage full-bridge inverter in the steady state can be determined from the flux balance of the transformer. D= VD + VCE + IO RO 2n(Vi −2VCE ) (9) When Q 5 turns off at t6 , the conducting path for the inductor current is disconnected. The energy previously stored in the inductor is completely dissipated instantaneously. Sharp and high voltage spikes appear across the inductor. These voltage spikes may not only destroy the insulation of the inductor winding but also break through the switches. The operating modes described for the positive half-cycle are equally applicable for the negative half-cycle, which starts right after Q 5 is turned off. It should be noted that although the duration between t5 and t6 can be made longer to lessen the level of the current step change, the fall time of i O is increased. Consequently, the arc welding performance will deteriorate because of the non-ideal square waveform of the output current. 3. DESCRIPTIONS OF THE PROPOSED AC ARC WELDING INVERTER In this paper, we present an energy-retaining inverter to prevent the stored energy from being wasted. As shown in Figure 7, there are two output inductors, L 1 for the positive load current and L 2 for the negative load current. In addition, two reversely conducting diodes are parallelconnected for conduction path 1 and conduction path 2, respectively (path 1: L 1 , L 2 , and Q5 are a series; path 2: L 1 , L 2 , and Q6 are a series). The main drawback of the conventional inverter topology with a single output inductor filter is that all the energy stored in the output inductor must be dumped at the end of a half-cycle to shorten the commutation time. Therefore, the output current has to increase from zero at the start of the next half-cycle. As a result, the commutation process lasts longer. In the proposed inverter topology, inductors L 1 and L 2 on the positive and negative output current paths, respectively, is adopted. There is only one inductor with an output current at any time. Figure 8 shows the conduction paths of the six operating states in one positive half-cycle for the proposed AC arc welding inverter. The circuit operations of the first five states are the same as those of the conventional inverter, except that the output inductor L is replaced by the inductor L 1 . Next, we will have a discussion about the State 6. State 6 (t6 –t7 ) Figure 8(d) depicts the conduction paths in State 6. In this state, Q 2 , Q 3 , and Q 6 are turned on and Q 5 is turned off, such that L 1 is discharged. The energy is delivered from L 1 to L 2 , then the output current i o will increase to track the constant reference level. iL D1 Q1 D2 T Q2 Q5 L1 D5 ns np Vi iL ns L2 Q6 D6 Q3 Q4 D3 RO iO D4 Figure 7. Proposed AC arc welding inverter. Copyright 䉷 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Circ. Theor. Appl. 2012; 40:107–126 DOI: 10.1002/cta 114 J.-M. WANG, S.-T. WU AND H.-J. CHIU (a) (b) (V (c) (d) Figure 8. Operation modes of the proposed AC arc welding inverter in a positive half-cycle: (a) State 1; (b) State 2, State 4, and State 5; (c) State 3; and (d) State 6. The equation of i L2 = i O is determined by the following equation: L1 (VD + VCE ) (Vi −2VCE )n − L1 + L2 (1−e−(RO /(L 1 //L 2))(t−t6 ) ) iO = RO (10) This state ends when Q 2 and Q 3 are turned off at t7 . Figure 9 shows the related key waveforms. Specifically, both Figures 6 and 9 show that the major difference between these two inverter topologies is the output current waveform during the commutation period. In Figure 9, when Q 5 is turned off at t6 , the energy stored in L 1 is changed Copyright 䉷 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Circ. Theor. Appl. 2012; 40:107–126 DOI: 10.1002/cta ENERGY-RETAINING INVERTER FOR AC ARC WELDING MACHINES 115 Figure 9. Key waveforms of the proposed AC arc welding inverter topology. from L 1 to L 2 , forcing the L 1 inductor current to flow through the Q 6 and D6 . Consequently, Q 6 carries the inductor current and i L2 jumps from 0 to −IC1 instantaneously and i L1 jumps from IC to IC1 instantaneously. States 1–4 are then sequentially applied for i O to track −IO . Observing Equation (10), we can find that i L2 is charged whereas i L1 is discharged in this continuous state. When compared with Equation (4), the output current IO will reach −IO much quicker in half rise time. Two advantageous features can be observed in the proposed inverter topology. The first is that the overlapping of the turn-on signals of Q 5 and Q 6 can be shortened, hence resulting in the speedup of the commutation process. In addition, more energy can be conserved in another inductor so that its conversion efficiency is improved. The second one is that the output current has Copyright 䉷 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Circ. Theor. Appl. 2012; 40:107–126 DOI: 10.1002/cta 116 J.-M. WANG, S.-T. WU AND H.-J. CHIU a faster response time from the transient state to a steady state during each half-cycle. Therefore, the time required for i O to track its reference value is much shorter than T (see Figure 6). 4. EFFICIENCY ANALYSIS Figure 10 shows the inductor current i L and the output current i O , not considering the highfrequency switching ripples, for the conventional and the presented AC arc welding inverters. As shown in Figure 10(a), the inductor current i L for the conventional inverter topology is not continuous during the whole commutation period. The output current first jumps to zero and then returns to its steady-state level with a finite time T . Consequently, the energy stored in the inductor in the steady state is totally wasted during the commutation. Then the inductor is refilled at the start of the next half-cycle. The inductor current in the steady state can be expressed as follows: 1 W = L Io2 2 (11) As this charging–discharging process happens twice in a complete output cycle, the average power loss of the conventional inverter can be calculated as Pconventional loss = 2W L Io2 = T T (12) Figure 10(b) shows the inductor current i L1 , i L2 , and the output current i O for the proposed AC arc welding driver inverter. The losses in diodes, IGBT, cores of inductor, and copper wires will be ignored. When the direction of output current from the positive half-cycle changes to the negative one, i L1 will change from IO to IC1 and i L2 will change from 0 to −IC1 instantaneously. Hence, the energy stored in the previous inductor will be transferred to another conductor. Assuming that L 1 = L 2 = L during the commutation period, the initial value IC1 of inductor current can be determined by the following equation: IC1 = 12 Io (13) The loss caused by energy transferring of inductors is shown below: 2 Wloss = 12 L 1 Io2 − 12 (L 1 + L 2 )IC1 = 14 L Io2 (14) According to Equation (12), the average power loss of the proposed inverter can be recalculated as: Pproposed loss = L Io2 2T (15) Equations (12) and (15) compare the differences in the average power loss between the conventional and the proposed AC arc welding inverters. The average power loss for the proposed type is half the time of the conventional one. Consequently, the average power loss of the AC arc welding inverter is proposed to be smaller than that of the conventional AC arc welding inverter, in which few power dissipations occur during the commutation period. Next, when the pre-stage full-bridge switches start to operate at high frequency, the energy will be delivered to the output load through the transformer. At the same time, L 2 will receive the previous energy and continue reserving it, and L 1 will release the energy to zero. As the energy stored in the inductor can be retained for the next energy transfer stage, the conversion efficiency especially at a heavy load can be improved. Copyright 䉷 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Circ. Theor. Appl. 2012; 40:107–126 DOI: 10.1002/cta ENERGY-RETAINING INVERTER FOR AC ARC WELDING MACHINES 117 Figure 10. Waveforms of the output current for (a) the conventional and (b) the presented AC arc welding inverters. 5. SIMULATION AND EXPERIMENT RESULTS The differences between the conventional and the proposed AC arc welding inverters are compared by simulations and experiments. The simulations and experiments are performed with the following circuit parameters: Input voltage Vi = 155 VDC Load resistance Ro = 0.05 Switching frequency = 22 kHz Copyright 䉷 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Circ. Theor. Appl. 2012; 40:107–126 DOI: 10.1002/cta 118 J.-M. WANG, S.-T. WU AND H.-J. CHIU Figure 11. Simulated waveforms of Q 5 , Q 6 , and i O for (a) the conventional and (b) the proposed inverters. Inductance L = L 1 = L 2 = 60 H Transformer turns ratio n = 5 Commutation time tc = 10 s Primary-side full-bridge converter (Q1–Q4) = Mitsubishi CM50DY-12H IGBTs Secondary-side half-bridge inverter (Q5–Q6) = Mitsubishi CM150DY-12H IGBTs Output rectifier diodes (D1–D4) = Mitsubishi RM200DA-20F The output current is a symmetrical squarewave with a frequency of 100 Hz and an amplitude up to 100 A. Figure 11 shows the simulation results of the driving signals for Q 5 , Q 6 , and the output current i O . One can clearly see that the quality of the squarewave current produced by the proposed inverter is much better. Figure 12 shows the simulation results in the vicinity of current commutation. In Figure 12(a), i O first changes abruptly from −100 A to 0, then increases from 0 to 100 A within a 1200-s transient for the conventional AC arc welding inverter. On the other hand, in Figure 12(b), i O increases speed from 0 to a positive value of 100 A. The transient lasts Copyright 䉷 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Circ. Theor. Appl. 2012; 40:107–126 DOI: 10.1002/cta ENERGY-RETAINING INVERTER FOR AC ARC WELDING MACHINES 119 Figure 12. Simulated waveforms of Q 5 , Q 6 , and i O for (a) the conventional and (b) the proposed inverters in the vicinity of the current commutation. less than 500 s. Figure 13 shows the inductor current and the output current waveforms of the presented AC arc welding inverter. Prototype inverters with the same specifications as stated in the simulations are constructed to conduct the experiments. The experimental results corresponding to the simulations in Figure 11 are depicted in Figure 14. It is noted that the experimental results agree well with the theoretical analysis. Figures 15(a),(b) show the transient behaviors at the current commutation. Figure 16 shows that the proposed topology for two output inductors can inherit 0.11 joule for each inductor during the commutation state. Figure 17 shows the voltage spikes, vp , on the inductors for the conventional and the proposed inverters, respectively, at the current commutation. In Figure 17(a), the maximum voltage spike is about 600 V, whereas in Figure 17(b) it is recorded at about 300 V. Figure 18 shows the output current waveforms whereas Figure 19 shows the resulted inductor voltage spike for commutation times of 1370 s. From these results, and as illustrated in Figures 14(a) and 17(a), it is verified that for the conventional AC arc welding inverter, a shorter Copyright 䉷 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Circ. Theor. Appl. 2012; 40:107–126 DOI: 10.1002/cta 120 J.-M. WANG, S.-T. WU AND H.-J. CHIU Figure 13. Simulated waveforms of i L1 , i L2 , and i O for the proposed inverters. Figure 14. Waveforms of Q 5 , Q 6 , and i o for (a) the conventional and (b) the proposed inverters (Q 5 /Q 6 : 20 V/div., i O : 100 A/div., Time: 4 ms/div.). Copyright 䉷 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Circ. Theor. Appl. 2012; 40:107–126 DOI: 10.1002/cta ENERGY-RETAINING INVERTER FOR AC ARC WELDING MACHINES 121 Figure 15. Waveforms of Q 5 , Q 6 , and i O for (a) the conventional and (b) the proposed inverters in the vicinity of the current commutation. Figure 16. Waveforms of i L1 , i L2 and i O for the proposed inverters. Copyright 䉷 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Circ. Theor. Appl. 2012; 40:107–126 DOI: 10.1002/cta 122 J.-M. WANG, S.-T. WU AND H.-J. CHIU Figure 17. The resulted voltage spikes for (a) the conventional and (b) the proposed inverters. Figure 18. Waveforms of i O for the conventional AC arc welding inverter with tc = 1370 s. Copyright 䉷 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Circ. Theor. Appl. 2012; 40:107–126 DOI: 10.1002/cta ENERGY-RETAINING INVERTER FOR AC ARC WELDING MACHINES 123 Figure 19. Waveforms of vp for the conventional AC arc welding inverter with tc = 1370 s. Figure 20. The output voltage and output current waveforms during the ignition period. commutation time may improve the quality of the output current waveform at the falling edge in the positive half-cycle and the rising edge in the negative half-cycle. However, a higher voltage spike and a lower conversion efficiency are resulted. Moreover, the output current increases or decreases from the zero level at the start of each half-cycle with a limited slope, which further impairs the welding performance. As for the proposed inverter and operations, the commutation time can be set much shorter to maintain more energy and to achieve better welding performance. The system efficiency can thus be raised and the commutation process shortened. As shown in Figure 20, it shows the output voltage and output current of ignition before arc welding behavior and identifies the previous description of arc. In order to create a loop easily with high voltage by arcing device, the proper high voltage should be 5–7 kV in commercial application. As long as the loop is established, the output high current starts to flow through the path. Therefore, the arc welding process is going on. The igniter will generate high voltage when ignition occurs. However, the initiate energy from the ignition device will by pass through the snubber circuit, as shown in Figure 21. Base on the reasons above, they would not affect the design Copyright 䉷 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Circ. Theor. Appl. 2012; 40:107–126 DOI: 10.1002/cta 124 J.-M. WANG, S.-T. WU AND H.-J. CHIU D1 Q1 D2 T Q2 D5 L1 Q5 ns Vi Igniter Circuit np ns L2 Q6 D 6 Q3 D3 Q4 RO R iO D4 C Figure 21. The conduction path of ignition. Table I. Comparisons of input power and efficiency. Topology Commutation time tc (s) Input power Pi (W) Efficiency (%) 10 1370 10 906 850 858 55.1 57.8 57.2 Conventional Conventional Proposed 60 Efficiency(%) 55 50 45 40 35 30 proposed topology conventional topology 25 theoretical 20 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 io(A) Figure 22. Measured and theoretical conversion efficiencies of the proposed inverter. rules of components stress in power stage. Table I lists the input power and efficiency for the two inverters under various commutation times. The output power is 500 W. It can be seen that the proposed AC arc welding inverter features the shortest commutation period, the highest efficiency, and the most qualified output current waveform. Figure 22 shows the conversion efficiencies of the conventional and the proposed inverters with tc = 10 s. The theoretical data are obtained by adding the calculation results of Equation (14) into the measured input powers of the conventional topology. Copyright 䉷 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Circ. Theor. Appl. 2012; 40:107–126 DOI: 10.1002/cta ENERGY-RETAINING INVERTER FOR AC ARC WELDING MACHINES 125 6. CONCLUSIONS The proposed inverter for driving an AC arc welding machine can effectively improve the welding performance in many aspects. In this study, for instance, a single output filter choke is replaced by an inductor L 1 for positive load current and an inductor L 2 for negative load current. The energy stored in the inductor can be saved during the commutation periods and released in the next energy transfer cycle. The voltage spikes during the commutation times are thus reduced. For the AC arc welding, the welding performance can thus be enhanced because of the shortened commutation time and the less distorted output current. Accordingly, the proposed AC arc welding inverter is especially suitable for high-output current AC arc welding applications. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was supported by the National Science Council of Taiwan under Grant NSC 97-2218-E-150-005. REFERENCES 1. Lo YK, Pai KJ, Chiu HJ. Trans-admittance control for eliminating the temperature effect of piezoelectric transformer in the CCFL backlight module. International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications 2008; 36:939–952. 2. Cheng KWE, Wang HY, Cheng DKW. Design and analysis of an electronic ballast with a secondary DC output. 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