N ew sletter - Village Of West Milwaukee


N ew sletter - Village Of West Milwaukee
Official Publication of the Village of West Milwaukee
Summer 2014
National Night Out Celebration
News le tte r
Friday, August 15
National Night Out is America’s night out against
crime. This year’s celebration has been scheduled on
Friday, August 15, 2014 from 5pm – 9pm and will be
held at the West Milwaukee Intermediate School,
5104 W. Greenfield Avenue.
As always, admission is free and everyone will be
placed in a drawing for a great door prize. Once
through the entrance children can enjoy free games,
prizes, and other attractions. Additionally, we host free
activities such as an egg toss, water balloon toss, and
pie eating contest. Enjoy delicious foods from our
local restaurants at a greatly discounted price. This
year’s featured events include music from Fire Man
Jim productions as heard on the Bob and Brian morning show, a visit from the Flight for Life Rescue Chopper, a fireworks show from the Bartolottas, a rock
climbing wall from American Fireworks, Kohl’s kid
Design it lab, Milwaukee Fire Survive Alive house, West Milwaukee Native Gussie the Clown, the
popular Mascot race and much much more! So come on down and bring the entire family for a night
of fun!
West Milwaukee to provide refuse containers
On June 16th the Board of Trustees voted to purchase and provide Village issued refuse containers
to all residential properties that currently receive trash pick-up from the West Milwaukee DPW. One
tip cart will be provided to each residential unit at no cost. The Village has had problems with numerous properties not properly storing garbage and refuse before collection by the Village public
works department and this resulted in an increase in vermin causing health and safety concerns. The
tip carts will hopefully help prevent/alleviate rodent problems, help with alley aesthetics, and reduce
cans (blowing into streets) and lid problems. The containers will be 95 gallon carts and are expected
to be delivered in mid August. The containers will be register to an address and logged by a serial number.
It will be the homeowner’s/tenant’s responsibility to get the container to the curb and assure that the
cart is assessable to DPW employees on trash day. Sec. 70-61 of the Village code reads that preparation, storage, disposal of wastes must be prepared and stored as provided in the codes division and must
be readily accessible to collectors without interference due to vehicles, snow or other obstructions.
Additional containers can be purchased for $50. At the time of delivery for the tip carts the DPW
will be assessing all recycling containers and requesting replacement if they are damaged.
Please direct all questions regarding this to the Department of Public Works 414-645-6238.
Page 2
WM Village News
Summer 2014
Village News Briefs
President’s Message
Taxes, assessment and owner
information is now available online.
Village website. www.westmilwaukee.org
Property Information: www.apraz.com
(You can access Real Estate property information, current owner
and addresses. For residential parcels more detailed information is
available – Style, stories, year built, assessments, legal
descriptions and more.)
Tax Payments
by credit and debit cards
Payments are accepted in our office
or online at www.GovPayNow.com
Enter PLC # 8020 or 7894
PLC: 8020 = TAXES
PLC: 7894 = Clerk’s Fees (Permits, Licenses, Misc.)
Real Estate Tax Payments
Your final tax payment installment is due on July 31,
2014. Please make sure that your tax payment is either in
our office by this date, or postmarked by the post office by
this date. Please write your parcel/key number in the memo
section on your check. If you would like a receipt mailed to
you, you must send the original or a copy of your bill and we
will mark the payment and return your bill to you.
Please make checks payable to:
V illage of West Milwauke e
After the July 31, 2014 due date, the tax bills will be turned over
to Milwaukee County and you will have to make payments to The
Milwaukee County Treasurer’s Office.
Office Telephone: 414-278-4033
Office Fax: 414-223-1383
Personal Property
Tax Payments
Your 2013 personal property taxes were due on January
31, 2014, if they were not paid in full, there is a 1.5% penalty
and interest that accumulates per month, until paid in full.
Ron Hayward
Now that the warm days of summer have arrived and
school is out, the kids are now free to play and hang out with
their friends. Keep a close eye out for the bicycle riders and
children playing throughout the Village. Remember if a person is in a pedestrian crosswalk, traffic is required to stop
and let that person cross the street. It is the law.
I would like to bring to your attention the landscaping
changes at Centennial Clock Park. The trees and bushes
have been replaced with shrubbery and flowers and we are
going to install two flag poles. We would like to thank the
gardener Mr. Gerry Ampe for his dedication and hard work
for all the years of service making the park a beautiful sight.
The project is not complete and we are looking for volunteers to help with the landscaping, so if you are interested,
please contact me at 645-1530 extension 126. Please keep
in mind that memorial bricks for Centennial Clock Park are
available for $50.00 each. Contact Village Hall if you are
We are looking for Village residents to serve on the Village of West Milwaukee’s Commissions due to vacancies
and/or expiration of terms. Currently there are vacancies
on the Police Commission, Board of Review and the Zoning
Board of Appeals. The Village Commissioners serve primarily in an advisory role to the President and Village Board.
If you are interested please fill out an application at Village
The Village has contracted with Associated Appraisal
Consultants, Inc. for assessment services and the Village
Board approved a revaluation assessment to be taken during
Save the date for Friday, August 15 which is “National
Night Out”. It’s a great event with food, entertainment and
fireworks. It is located at the West Milwaukee Intermediate
School 5104 West Greenfield Avenue. Hope to see you there.
We would like to congratulate Bill Koback who retired
July 1, 2014. During his long career he has been a valuable
member in the West Milwaukee Department of Public Works.
Bill was recognized with a Proclamation for his service to
the Village. Our best wishes to him in his future endeavors.
If you have any concerns, questions or comments, please
feel free to contact me at 645-1530 extension 126.
Page 3
WM Village News
Summer 2014
Bill Koback Retires
Lions Scholarship
Bill Koback is pictured with Village President Ron
Hayward. Bill received a Proclamation from the Village Board for his many service at the West Milwaukee
Department of Public Works. Our Village thanks you.
This years scholarship was awarded near the end of
school to Rachael Sura of West Allis Central. In the
photo Rachael is accepting the award from the Lions
Club President, John Stalewski.
1631 Miller Parkway
(In the Target Parking Lot)
$5 Off Any Service $30 or More
(Mon-Thurs Only)
Hours: Mon-Thurs 10am-7pm, Fri 10am-8pm,
Sat 9am-6pm, Sun Closed
Sandwiches & Soup
Hot Baked Ham & Rolls
5132 W. Lincoln Avenue
Peace Of Mind
Funeral and Cremation Services
Robert Prostek - owner
5325 W. Greenfield Ave.
1541 Miller Parkway West Milwaukee
FOR AD INFO CALL Dan Hrdi 1-800-950-9952
Village of West Milwaukee, West Milwaukee, WI
A(PG3) 4C 31-1378
06-17-2014 08:33:21
Page 4
WM Village News
Summer 2014
August 12, 2014 – Partisan Primary Election
November 4, 2014 – General Election
Poll hours are 7:00 am to 8:00 pm on Election Day.
The polling location - West Milwaukee Community Centreʼ
1345 South 47th Street
My Vote Wisconsin Website At myvote.wi.gov you can register to vote, check your voter
registration status, find your polling place, see your sample ballot, request an absentee ballot
(military and permanent overseas voters only), and check provisional ballot status.
To avoid lines or possible lack of required registration documentation by those who have not
previously registered and are registering at the polling locations on Election Day, eligible voters are encouraged to register to vote prior to the Election. Voters already registered in the
Village of West Milwaukee are also encouraged to contact the Village Clerkʼs office if your
name has changed or you have moved within West Milwaukee since you last voted in West
Milwaukee. Check your current registration by contacting the Clerkʼs Office or online at
Application for Absentee Ballot: Following submittal to the Clerk's office of a completed Application for an Absentee Ballot, registered voters can receive a ballot in the mail or can vote
in person at the Village Clerk's office. (Absentee voting in the Village Clerk's office is restricted to the 2 weeks before an Election and ends at the close of business the Friday before
an Election.)
Register to Vote: You can register to vote in the Clerkʼs office up through the Friday before
the Election or at the polls on the day of the election. When at all possible, please register to
vote before the election if you are not registered already. This will shorten the wait time on the
day of the election. You can register in the Clerkʼs office through the Friday before the Election.
2013 Wisconsin Act 182 requires all registrants (except military and overseas electors)
to display or provide a valid proof of residence document with their registration. This
requirement applies to new registrants as well as to existing registrants who are updating their name or address by filing a new registration application.
Any Election Questions: 645-1530 ext. 0
WM Village News
Summer 2014
Page 5
West Milwaukee residents honored by the
West Allis/West Milwaukee Chamber of Commerce.
Citizen of the Year, Gerald Lemmermann and Young Professional of the Year, Bill Elliott were honored
on April 25 at Summit Place Office Complex, 6737 W. Washington St. in West Allis by the WAWM Chamber of Commerce.
The West Allis/West Milwaukee Chamber of Commerce
gives awards to individuals who have shown they have the interest of the Village at heart. Bill Elliott was awarded the Young
Professional of the Year. Bill is the Executive Director of Association Acumen and is a member of the West Milwaukee
Community Development Authority.
Jerry Lemmermann, Citizen of the Year, has spent many years
on the West Milwaukee Board of Appeals. Jerry is a former
youth hockey coach as well as coach of the West Milwaukee
High School Tennis team.
Both have responsible positions and are very active in the
West Milwaukee Lions Club. They are both on the Oktoberfest
Committee. The Oktoberfest is a charitable event and is scheduled for September 14th and 15th at Kegels Inn on 59th and National Avenue.
Pictured above are Bill Elliott (left) and Jerry Lemmermann (right).
A Supplier of Automotive
Paint, Body Shop Supplies,
Fasteners, and Automotive
Hardware too.
P&C Sales Inc.
4528 W. Greenfield Ave.
West Milwaukee, WI 53214
Store (414) 774-8844
Contact Dan Hrdi to place an ad today!
dhrdi@4LPi.com or (262) 207-2562
Buy One 6” Sub With Drink
And Get One 6” Sub For Free
Coupon Good Only At:
1627 Miller Parkway
3025 S. 60th St.
4140 W. Greenfield Ave.
(Inside Walmart)
FOR AD INFO CALL Dan Hrdi 1-800-950-9952
Village of West Milwaukee, West Milwaukee, WI
B(PG5) 4C 31-1378
06-17-2014 08:33:21
Page 6
WM Village News
Summer 2014
St. Florian Catholic Church
Village of West Milwaukee
Village Hall - 414-645-1530
Police Non-Emergency - 414-645-2151
4755 West Beloit Road
8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Mon - Fri
We will be closed:
Monday, September 1, 2014 (Labor Day)
Thursday, November 27, 2014 (Thanksgiving)
Friday, November 28, 2014
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Thursday, December 25, 2014
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Thursday, January 1, 2015
1210 South 45th Street
Friday Fish Fry Resumes
October 3, 2014
St Florian Parish will resume the tradition of the Friday All
You Can Eat Fish Fry on October 3rd. The Friday Fish Fry
will be held on the first Friday of each month till February.
The Fish Fry will then be served every Friday throughout Lent.
Open to the public. Please join us!
The Air-Conditioned Cafeteria is accessible via elevator.
Fellowship- Friends - Free
St John's Ev. Lutheran Church
5500 W. Greenfield Ave.
Thursdays - 8:00 am to 10:00 am
Vets/Neighbors/Seniors Welcome
We Insure Cars, Homes,
Renters, Businesses
We Insure your Car
with a Foreign License
(414) 212-8700
Se Habla Español
4615 W. National Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53214
Diversity Home
Health Services, LLC
Personal Care Services
(414) 810-4675
5757 W. Oklahoma Ave. Suite 106
Milwaukee, WI 53219
Se Habla Espanol
Our Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Saturday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
(414) 384-6576
2086 Miller Park Way
Your E-Cigarette Headquarters
Over 100 E-Cigarette Liquid Flavors!
24 Hr. Skilled Nursing Care
Medicare Certified rMedicaid Certified
9806 W. Lincoln Avenuer543-5330
Let Us Touch Your Lives With Love and Dignity
FOR AD INFO CALL Dan Hrdi 1-800-950-9952
Village of West Milwaukee, West Milwaukee, WI
C(PG9) 4C 31-1378
06-17-2014 08:33:21
WM Village News
Summer 2014
Page 7
Important News for 2015…..
Associated Appraisal Consultants, Inc. has been retained by the Village of West Milwaukee to complete a revaluation of
all taxable property for the 2015 assessment year. The revaluation will establish new assessed values in an equitable fashion
for all properties in the municipality as of January 1, 2015.
In order to make accurate assessments, it is necessary for Associated Appraisal to conduct an interior and exterior review
of all homes, apartments and businesses in the Village. A brief interior walk-through is necessary for consideration of the features, quality, and condition of each residence or structure. These factors can significantly impact market value. In addition,
the assessor will be taking exterior photos of your property. Please note we have no interest in your housekeeping or your
personal belongings.
The assessors will begin the reassessments in Spring of 2015. Notices of Assessment will be distributed when the property reviews are complete and an assessment is determined for each property. Property owners will have an opportunity to
discuss the assessed values with an Associated Appraisal representative at the Open Book session. After the Open Book session, property owners have the opportunity to appeal an assessment to the Board of Review. The Notice of Assessment will
contain the Open Book and Board of Review dates.
Refuse Storage Areas and Collection
Sec. 70-131. Refuse storage areas and Sec. 70-132. Collection of refuse states that storage areas shall be kept in a nuisance
and odor-free condition and waste shall be accessible to collection crews and in approved containers. Violation will result
in the occupant and/or owner being notified to clean up his area with continued violation will result in a citation.
The Village code requires separation of recyclable materials. Recyclable containers must be in good condition and all occupants of single-family dwelling units and multiple-family buildings of four units or less shall separate the following recyclable materials from post-consumer waste:
Lead acid batteries;
Plastic containers (all seven types);
Major appliances;
Glass containers;
Waste oil;
Yard waste;
Aluminum containers;
Office paper;
Bi-metal containers;
Steel containers; and
Corrugated paper or other container board;
Waste tires.
The West Milwaukee Lions Club is holding its Second Annual Oktoberfest at
Kegel's Inn located on 59th and National.
This is a charitable event.
Whether you are from Germany, Austria or
just like the sound of entertaining music
and dancing, come to the event and listen to
the music and eat the German style food.
September 13 & 14, 2014.
WM Village News
Summer 2014
West Milwaukee Village Hall - 4755 West Beloit Road, West Milwaukee, WI 53214-3517 - Phone: 414-645-1530
Police Department Emergency
Police Department Non-Emergency
Police Night Parking Permission
Police Chief
Clerk/Treasurer’s Department
Village Clerk/Treasurer
Village President
Village Administrator
Department of Public Works
Superintendent of Public Works
Inspection Services Secretary
Property Maintenance Inspector
Fire Inspector
Building Inspector
Court Clerk
Municipal Court Room
Community Centre’
West Milwaukee Post Office
Health Department (West Allis)
W.A.W.M. School District
W.A.W.M. Recreation Department
W.A.W.M. Chamber of Commerce
Cable TV
Susan M. Schupp
Ronald Hayward
Kim Egan
4517 West Burnham St.
Jim Stenzel
Modesta “Moe” Goodman
Joel Meier/Mark Gregory
Joel Meier/Mark Gregory
David Zamaites
4755 West Beloit Rd.
1345 South 47th St.
Associated Appraisal (800-721-4157)
1345 South 47th St.
43rd & Lincoln Ave.
7120 West National Ave.
1205 S. 70th St.
2450 South 68th St.
6737 W Washington St Suite 2141
Time Warner
Ronald Hayward
Tom Evans
Sharon Kroening
Richard Lewein
John Ragonese
Kurt Ritzka
John Stalewski
Village President
Village Trustee
Village Trustee
Village Trustee
Village Trustee
Village Trustee
Village Trustee
8:00am-4:30pm Mon.-Fri. 645-1530
645-1530 ext 124
645-1530 ext 126
645-1530 ext 131
7:00am-3:30pm Mon.-Fri. 645-6238
645-1530 ext 128
8:00am-4:00pm Mon.-Fri. 645-1530 ext 129
No Set Hours
645-1530 ext 140
8:00am-9.00am Tue. & Thur. 645-1530 ext 127
8:00am - 3:00pm Mon.-Fri. 645-5411
24 Hours
Dennis Nasci
E-Mail Addresses: Village generalgovt@westmilwauke.org Police police@westmilwaukee.org.
These mailboxes are not continuously monitored and
should never be used in emergencies.
Official Publication of the Village of West Milwaukee.
Village of West Milwaukee
4755 West Beloit Road
West Milwaukee, WI 53214