Presenting Kingston Shopping Centre - 1958
Presenting Kingston Shopping Centre - 1958
ArchivesACT KINGSTON TRADERS ASSOelATION CAN ERRA AC.T. ArchivesACT Welco1ne to Kingston This Broclm1·e has bee n prepared by THE KINGSTON TRADERS ASSOCIATION For the information and guidance of visitors to KINGSTON Principal shopping and business centre in the Australian Capital Territory south of the Molonglo River. SHOPS AT KENNEDY STREET, KINGSTON EXCLUSIVE TO KINGSTON JEWELLER ... KEN COOK .... KENNEDY STREET, KINGSTON " COOLSTREAM" JORDAN'S SWISS WATCHESDIAMONDS Jewellery - Silverplate SOUVEN IRS Crystal The Amazing \Va.fer-weight Summer Suit-only 44 ozs. KELVINATOR REFRIGERATORS, HOOVER PRODUCTS R. R. Jord an W hen in Kingston . .. D on't fol'get to pop into WO OL WORTHS A.W.A. RADIOLA, H.M.V. & KRIESLER RADIO, RADIOGRAMS, NEW PIANOS availa ble from Ko Go HARRIS & Co. JARDINE STREET Phone XI 150 See \'Voolworths huge range of merchand ise ! Every line is of the highest quality possible and of course Woolworths' famous guarantee . . . "Money cheerfu lly refunded if not completely satisfied" . . , spea ks for itself! You've probably heard the F.hrase "Woolworths Lower Prices" . . . we l , we mean it! Come along and compare va lues . Woolworths are outstanding! WOOLWORTHS for Lower Prices! ArchivesACT Tourist Attractions Near ngsto 0 KINGSTON is centrally situ ated among many of the finest and most colourful tourist attractions in the Australian Capital Territory. Make Kingston your starting point for the following poin ts of interest s itua ted on the south side of the Molonglo River. . PARLIAMENT HOUSE- the h eart of the Commonwealth- a nd new Administration building, situated only 1 mile from Kings ton . COMMONWEALTH NATIONAL LIBRARY- only three-quarters of a mile from Kingston. GOVERNMENT HOUSE- a t Yarralumla-home of the Gov ernor General. MUGGA WAY-famous for its stately hom es and gardens, where m a n y of the Diplomatic Corps r eside. RED HILL LOOKOUT- for s plendid panoram ic views of Canberra a nd surrounding countryside . UNITED KINGDOM HIGH COMMISSIONER'S r es id ence, the American Embassy a nd other m agnificent Embassy buildings in the Yar ralumlaDea kin area. THE SOUTH SIDE SUBURBS of Narrabundah, Griffith, Forrest, Deakin and Yarralumla, where many of Canberra's most beautiful hom es a nd gardens may be seen. CANBERRA'S FINEST CHURCHES including the B a ptist Church, St, Paul's Church of England, St. Christopher's Pro-Cathedral (Roman Catholic), the Methodist National Memorial Church a nd St. Andrew's Presbyteria n, all of which are close to Kingston. F~WICK INDUSTRIAL AREA. This recently establis hed site for mdustria l and s emi-industrial undertakings is jus t over 1 mile from Kingston. INDUSTRY HOUSE and PATENTS OFFICE. outstanding architecture. Two office buildings of CANBERRA RAILWAY STATION. Th e rail h ead for the Australian Capital, is less than half a mile from Kingston shops. For your new HOLDEN or for a quality, reliable used car COMMONWEALTH MOTORS The Authorised G.M.H. Dealers for HOLDEN-CHEVROLET-PONTIAC-BEDFORD For Canberra, Queanbeyan and Shire of Yarrowlwnla OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK FOR THE SALE OF C.O.R. AND B.P. PETROLS ENERGOL AND CASTROL O ILS AND NASCO PARTS AND ACCESSORIES COMMONWEALTH MOTORS Phone Xl051 CANBERRA A VENUE, KINGSTON (Next to Hotel Kingston) ArchivesACT Ki-.igston Shopping Ce tre Kingston S ho pping Centre offe r s t he d iscrim inating shopper some u nus u a l and attractive features including: OVER EIGHT Y MODERN SHOPS and b u s inesses in one com p act s hopp ing block. PARKING SPACE F OR CARS. Kerbside parking in add ition t o a large parking area. opposite t h e shopping block.-See map. A VARIETY OF SHOPS to cater for a ll needs. L arge department stores, exclusive men's and ladies' wear shops, chain stores,an1odern chemists, hardware, furniture, food shops and cafes, souvenir, gift and book shops, record bars and hairdressing salons. BANKING FACILITIES fu lly provided by SIX modern Banks and four Savings Banks. PROFb:SSIONAL SERVICES of Doctors, Dentists, Solicitors, Estate Agents. PRICES which are keenly competitive, backed by prompt service on a personal and friend ly basis. THE GREEN SQUARE AND ARCADE. A colou rful and unique corner. BEAUTIFUL TELOPEA PARK-closely adjacent-with its lovely trees, well grassed picnic area and nearby sw imming pool It is the id eal p icnic spot fo1· travellers or shoppers with children. EASY ACCESSIBILITY. Frequent bus services from a ll parts of Canb erra serve Kingston. Whether travelling by bus or private car you save time and money by shopping at Kingston. For Service and Civility Hughes' Service Store R.G.HEANEY KIN GSTON M.P.S. Specialists in CHEM IST BABY'S, CH ILDREN 'S AND LAD IES' WEAR Phone XI 705 J. WATT Lie. Auctioneer, B.S.A.B. Retail new & second-hand fu rniture Private Sa les Conducted. Valuations Fortnightly Sales Address: JARDINE STREET, KINGSTON Phone X2970 KIN GSTO N Phone XI 09 1 After hours X2895 CHANDLERS OF KENNEDY ST.. KINGSTON, ARE QUALI TY J EWELLERS e e f) Exclusive Diamon d Rings Wedding Rings for Bride and Bridegroom World Famous Swiss Watches Old Sheffield & M odern Silvenvare Patterned Cutlery Fine China and Crystal Specialists for all Tl'Ophies Canberra Souvenirs Engraving and Watches. Work executed on the premises. Official Agents Omega Watches. .. ArchivesACT ArchivesACT SEE REECES FASHION FABRICS FRAWLEY BROS. THE FASHION SHOP KENN EDY STREET, KINGSTON Kingston's Modern Shoe Store For your family's footwear needs Phone X1340 Canberra's Most Modern BUTCHERY FOR DRESS FABRICS EVENING WEAR AND FURNISHING MATERIALS Large assortment to select from REECES KENN EDY STREET, KINGSTON TO SELL OR BUY A HOME OR BUSINESS Phone XI 166 (or after hours X2 I67) H. J. MARSHALL J. E. CREGAN and Co. GILES STREET, KINGSTON ( Oppos ite the Bus Stop) Specialising in Prime Quality Meats. A Fully Refrigerated Service. EYRE CHAMBERS (I st FLOOR) Cnr Eyre and Jardine Sts., Kingston REAL ESTATE AGENT AND Phone X1160 AUCTIONEER HIGHGATE CAFE COLIN A. PLUMMER GILES STREET, KINGSTON M.P.S., Ph.C. for CHEMIST COOL DRINKS, HIGH CLASS JARDINE STREET, KINGSTON CONFECTIONERY, REFRESH HENTS & PROMPT SERVICE 25 Years of Pharmaceutical Service in Canberra NEED HARDWARE? TOOLS, PAINT, GARDEN, IHTCHEN PLANTS PHILLIPS HARDWARE X 3536 JARDINE Phone X2850 STREET, "IHNGSTON'S M ODERN HARDWARE STORE" JOHN L. DAVIES Ph.C. CHEMIST OF KINGSTON (at the Bus Stop) Phone X1146 r' ArchivesACT Acco11u1101l1ition 1uid Recre11tion near Kingston The visitor is well catered for by many first class hotels and Government Guest Houses situated in or near Kingston. These in c lud e s u ch well known names as Hotel Canberra, Hotel Kingston, Hotel ·wellington and Hotel Kurrajong, a ll of which are located on th e south side. Numerous Clubs operated by Return ed Servicemen's organisations and other bodies, provide pl easa nt opportunities for relaxation catering for a ll tastes. Sport ,. I Sporting facilities near to or readily access ible from Kingston incl ude: Manuka P ark, where a ll major sporting events are staged, and the Kingston Oval, a beautifully grassed playing area. Royal Canberra Golf Club, Federal Golf Club. Canberra Bowling Club, Canberra South Bowling Club and Canberra \i\Test Bowling Club. The Manuka Swimming Pool. Canberra Croquet Club. Th e A.C.T. Lawn Tennis Association's Courts. In addition, several fine parks, including lovel y Telopea Park, wh ich is only 100 yards from Kingston shops, provide adults and children with opport unities for healthy outdoor recreation and picnics. HOTEL KINGSTON HOTEL WELLINGTON . KINGSTON NATIONAL CIRCUIT Cnr. Canberra Ave. and Giles St., Phone U 1311 I ST CLASS ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE TOOHEYS ALES X2931 W. H. Henderson, Lie. EXCELLENT ACCOMMODATION AT REASONABLE TARIFF Millers Lager on Tap Canberra's Leading Fashion Salon- FOR CONSISTENCY IN SYLVIA PARSONS STYLE AND QUALITY CLOTHES KENNEDY STREET, KINGSTON The CM & B Store Gowns of Distinction ... City Prices Personal Attention FOR MEN AND BOYS (SIGNATURE OF SERVICE) Old and New Clients Welcome Phone Xl463 Phone X1747 Right at the Kingston Bus Stop ArchivesACT l PARLIAMENT I .ll Ill .. FOLLOW THE ARROWS TO KINGSTON SHOPS VIA PARLIAMENT HOUSE ArchivesACT KINGSTON C. PANTOS AND SONS CAMERA CENTRE FRUIT FOART HEALTH KENNEDY STREET, KINGSTON Phones X2062 and Queanbeyan 437 FRESH VEGETABLES from our own garden. HIGH QUALITY FRUIT Delivery Free Anywhere in Canberra OPEN SAT. & SUNDAY Kingston Sports Store PTY. LTD. GILES ST., KINGSTON. Ph. X 1151 EVERYTHING PHOTOGRAPHIC - 1\"lovie and Still Cameras ancl Projectors Colour Films ancl Slides COSMETIC AND TOILET NEEDS QUALITY DISPENSING SERVICE GREIG'S PHARMACY (agents for \'\'ashington Soul) KENNEDY STREET, KINGSTON ; For all your . . . GROCERIES, WINES, SPIRITS, BEER, HARDWARE, PRODUCE Orders Collected ancl Delivered SPORTING GOODS AND TOY SPECIALISTS CLEARY'S ·&WADDELL General Merchants Local Agents for SPEEDWELL CYCLES GILES STREET, KINGSTON X 1124 KINGSTON CAFE McKINSTRY'S GILES ST., KINGSTON. Ph. Xl745 Shoe Store, Kingston Specialising in Grills, Salad Meals, CARRIES NAME BRANDS IN ALL TYPES OF MEN'S, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S FOOTWEAR. Morning and Afternoon Teas, Confectionery, Cool Drinks, Ice Cream, Tobacco, etc. Phone XI 164 FOR ALL SMOKING NEEDS RAYNERS AND EXCLUSIVE HAIRDRESSING THE BUSY FRUIT SHOP LOU BOURl\E IN GILES STREET, KINGSTON ADAMS' ARCADE (The Green Square) For Choice Fruit and Vegetables Civility and Prompt Service KINGSTON Phone XI 190 RAYNERS FOR QUALITY ~~ ArchivesACT J. B. YOUNG LIMITED, KINGSTON COMPLETE GENERAL STORE ,, The first built in Canberra to service the early pioneers. Youngs have grown and progresse d with the national capital and are proud of their achievement. You are invited · and will be welcome to do all your shopping in this pleasant modern store- i+ is cool in summer and centrally heated in winter. Stockists of all a ppa rel for men, women and children, accessories, footwear, kitchenware, fools, gardening, groceries and the best smallgoods section in the southern districts. The Ki•igston Story Sinc e the earli est d ays of Canberra, Kingston h as been the business h eart of the city south of the Molonglo Rive r, a nd for much of that time it has been t h e most popular shopping centre in the A u s tralian Capita l T erritory. The first store in Canb e rra was a "Co-operativ e" which was opposite the R a ilway Sta tion, only two hundred yards or so from the present Kingston shops, It was destroyed by a spectacular fir e in 1925, It was a bout this time tha t the first of the present Kingston shop leas es became available and were taken up by pioneer storekeepers, several o! whom still conduct flouri shing moderni sed businesses . Postal business in those early days was conducted throug h a s mall window in a house situated at the bottom end of Giles Street, Kingston, and the first fulltime Post and Telegraph Office was opened later in the same s treet close to where the bus now stops. Near this point, too, was Canberra's first petrol pump. The first broadca sting studio in Canberra was loca ted in Giles Street, a nd it was not uncommon in those early days of radio for passing shoppers to find themselves hustled into the "Studio" for an impromptu interview. To-day this delightful centre of Kings ton, with its modern shops, imposing new banks a nd commercial buildings all s urrounded by bea utiful trees and footpath lawns, insta ntly appeals to the visitor or shopper. As in the past, its progress h a s mirrored to a large extent the history of Canberra, so in the future it will reflect the growth of the National Capital as it, in turn, synlbolises to an ever increasing d egree the forward march of a g r eat and w ond erful Australia. Specialists in the field of construction D. C. SMITH PTY. LIMITED Structural Engineers BUILDING AND CIVIL ENGINEERING CONTRACTORS General Offices: 31 Jardine Street, Kingston, A.C.T. Tel. X2882 ArchivesACT B·OURCHIER'S MUSIC STORE EDLINGTONS OF G ILES STREET, KINGSTON (Opp. the bus stop) for your For Smoking Requisites and G ifts Gents Hairdressing by Bruce Swan RECORDS AND MUSIC Phone X1339 KENN EDY ST. Phone X1563 SAMIOS MILK BAR J. S. CRAPP &SONS GILES STREET, KINGSTON GENERAL CARRIERS Famous in Canberra for Meals at all hours. For Speedy and Friendly Service Established 1927 Confectionery, Smokes, Sundaes and Cool Drinks Our Specialty KEITH CRA~P (PROPRIETOR) HOWITT STREET, KINGSTON Phone XI 181 9k !llea- in g;~· fl'~ THE COMMERCIAL BANKING COMPANY OF SYDNEY LIMITED C.B.C. SAVINGS BANK LIMITED (D e posits guoranteed by the parent company) KIN GSTON BRAN C H and a full -ti me Receiving O ff ice at Bou g ai nvi ll e Street , MAN UKA. MkCl\IE'S l\INGSTON NEWSAGENCY GILES STREET, KINGSTON for ALL PAPERS, MAGAZINES, STATIONERY, TOYS, GREETING CARDS AND SOUVENIRS XI 132 ArchivesACT Educational Facilities Ma ny of the best and most modern educationa l institutions in the Australia n Capital are situated close to Kings ton. St. Mark's College Library, Church of England tra ining and research centre, has provision for 30,000 books on theological and a lli ed s ubj ects. It is about half a mile from Kingston on an elevated s ite reserved for a future Anglican Cathedral. · Canberra Technica l College, catering for over 1,500 stud ents, is only a few yards from the Kings ton shops, and the Australian Forestry School at Yarralumla is a lso on the south side of Canberra. Telopea Park High School, St. Edmund's Chris ti a n Brothe rs College, Canberra Gramma r School a nd Ca nb err a Church of Eng la nd Grammar School, are secondary s chools nea r to Kings ton, w hose fin e buildings a nd superb playing fi elds are worth a vis it. Younger children are well ca tered for with prima ry a nd infa nts' public schools of most modern des ign uns urpa ssed els ewhere in the Commonwealth. The s uburbs of Forrest, Griffith, N a rra bunda h a nd Y a tTa lumla each fe a ture one of these splendid schools, which a re s upplemen ted b y mod e rn Roman Ca tholic schools , notably the Convent School of St. Peter Chanel, Yarralumla, St. B enedict's School, Narrabundah, and St. Christopher's Conve nt School, Manuka. In addition, the num e rous pre-school play ce ntres for tiny tots a re well wort h insp ection. CANBERRA GRAMMAR SCHOOL R. T. WHYTE R. J. &G. SAMPSON "THE TAILOR AND MERCER OF CANBERRA" WATCHMAKERS & J EWELLERS Specialists in Hand Tailoring and fractional fittings in ready-to-wear apparel of KENNEDY Phone X ll14 STREET, IilNGSTON E s t. 1925 JARDINE ST., KINGSTON X3562 OFFICIAL AGENTS FOR OMEGA WATCH ES AND DIAMOND RING SPECIALISTS ArchivesACT NOTARAS BROS. ·J. J. HAILEY GILES STREET, KINGSTON QUALITY BUTCHER MASTER SHOE REPA IRERS AND LEATHER GOODS SPECIALISTS GILES STREET, KINGSTON Your Phone Order Accepted Special Attention to Children X3505 XI 140 OGILVIES T. L. ADAMS BAKERS AND PASTRYCOOKS PTY . LTD. Specialising in Wedding and Birthday Cakes JARDINE STREET, KINGSTON X2039 Milk Bread , Sandwiches and Doughnuts BUTCHERY AND DELICATESSEN KENNEDY STREET, KINGSTON Loca lly Killed Meat Locally Made Smallgoods All Grocery Supplies Phone XI 306 THE PIONEER FURNITURE AND FLOORCOVERING EXPERTS OF CANBERRA CUSACl(S 0F I\INGSTON 1 are still the outright leaders in all home furnishing departments We call and quote free of charge for all CARPET, FELTEX, LINOS. LINO, CORI{ and RUBBER TILES. HOLLAND, VENETIAN and AWNING BLINDS. You cannot clo better than the best so see the experts for satisfaction. CUSACl(S Canberra Statistics Area of the Australian Capital Territory Population (1957) Elevation Temperatures: Mean Summer Mean Winter No. of Homes: Government Owned . Private Diplomatic Missions Humidity-Yearly Average Citv Roads 910 sq. miles 38,000 ...,.. 1,860ft. 67 44 5,295 2,609 22 66% 240 miles ArchivesACT An Invitcition Spo rting Goods, Cycle and Toy Specialists The opening of even a small account NISH & JOYCE with The National Bank brings you SPORTS DEPOT, KINGSTON many benefits and ad vantages. One of the most important is the facility of making paym ent b y ch eque -a safe, easy and conve ni e nt me thod that is becoming increasing lv popular. Phone Xl 741 LARGEST SPORTS STORE ON TH E SOUTHERN TABLELANDS Cycle a nd Sporting Goocls Rep a irs Canie d out b y Exp erts We invite you to call on th e m anager of your nearest Branch. H e will gladly HAIRCUT? give you any furth .•r inform a tion. THE CARL WINTER NATIONAL BANI( HAIRDRESSER OF AUSTRALASIA LIMIT E D (INC . IN VIC.) Kingston Fyshwick For Men, Ladies, Children Stylecutting NISH & JOYCE SPORTS DEPOT GROUND FLOOR, l<INGSTON A BUSY SCENE IN GILES STREET, KINGSTON ArchivesACT A. A. DRIVER KENN EDY STREET, KIN GS'TON Green Square Book & Record Shop and for Espresso Coffee Lounge M EAT OF CHOIC EST QUALITY Prompt and Courteous Attention U2307 MONEY MATTERS For a friendly chat on money matters call and see us. E. H. R. PYE, Manager, Kingston. COMMONWEALTH TRADING BANK CANBERRA'S REFRIGERATOR SPECIALIST Yes! Admiral's a Hit from George Pitt ! Easy and Confidential Terms Glamour Beauty Salon (TH E GREEN SQUAR ~ JARDIN E STREET, KINGSTON Specialising in HAIR STYLIN G , TINTIN G , PERMAN ENT WAVIN G , CUTTING Phone X2696 JUDITH WHITE KARA FASHIONS PTY. LTD. G LAMOUROUS G OWNS FOR ANY SPECIAL OCCASION 3 ADAMS ARCADE, JARDIN E ST., KIN G STON Millinery Specialist ADAMS ARCAD E, GREEN SQUARE A Phone X3 582 Prop. B. Longford JUDITH WHITE C REATION FOR EVERY O CCA SION The Fe d e ral Capit a l Press , Canberra