August 2016 - Irving Park Lutheran Church
August 2016 - Irving Park Lutheran Church
Tidings from Irving Park Lutheran Church August 2016, Volume 43, chapter 8 Crawling Babies Lead the Way Phone: 773.267.1666 IPLC Office SUNDAY MORNING SCHEDULE 9:30 Worship in the Sanctuary 10:30 Coffee Time STAFF Rev. Erin Bouman Dawn Benson Church Secretary/Bookkeeper by Pastor Erin Bouman One Sunday in July, after I consecrated the bread and wine, as I looked up to invite everyone to the table and to give directions on how to get there, there, coming down the center aisle, was not one but two babies, both crawling towards the altar at a clip. It was as if they were racing for a bite, or a blessing, or perhaps for an early start at the role of communion usher, a role that children often fill here, but who are usually at least a few years older than 1. It was a joy to see these two babes—and they looked quite joyful, too. Welcoming babies, toddlers, and children of all ages is something that this church does very well. Several recent visitors have remarked upon it to me— which also fills me with joy, how children are received in worship can make all the difference in a family’s decision to come. I recently read a list of suggestions that another church, on how they try as a congregation to welcome children.1 Many of these suggestions are just what we do here, and are great reminders of how and why we do so. Here they are: Roger Bingaman Dir. Of Music/Office Manager/ Tidings Editor Phil Bole Custodian: Dwan Buetow Praise Coordinator Chris Richard Director of Ensemble Darcie Wadycki Nancy Hall Co-volunteer Sunday School Coordinators CONGREGATIONAL COUNCIL Eleanor Barrett Phil Bole Sarah Clausen Sue Geisler Jan Glure Nancy Hall David Heidorn Eleanor Kepp Richard Koehler Holly Lundquist David McKenzie Bill Sherlock Lee Stein Sandra Stumme Darcie Wadycki COUNCIL PERSON EMERITUS Lloyd DaMask Gordon Johnson Sharon Iverson Richard Wielock When children are making noise in pews around you, resist the impulse to look disapprovingly upon them and their parents. Such looks, even when innocent, communicates that they are not welcome in our congregation with their children. Trust the parents to provide the necessary guidance for appropriate participation, know that a child’s participation in worship is a learning process, and remember that everyone, at every age, has their off days. Offer praise to children when you see them really engaging in worship—rather than when you see them sitting quietly. Say things like, “You were singing that hymn so well, it really made me want to join in, too.” When children participate in worship, respond to them as you would respond to adult members of the congregation. Say: “Thank you for helping lead us in worship,” rather than: “You guys are so cute this morning.” Children long to be recognized as contributing members of a community. They grow out of cuteness, but they can lead worship for a lifetime. Get to know children by name. Pass the peace with them. Find out what they care about and ask them about it. Listen to their concerns seriously. Respect their physical and emotional boundaries. Welcoming children in these ways makes good on the promise that we as a congregation make in their baptism. Every time a child is baptized, we all say together to them: “We welcome you into the body of Christ and into the mission we share: join us in giving thanks and praise to God and bearing God’s creative and redeeming word to all the world.” And we know that it is not just the child that we welcome. Jesus said,” Whoever welcomes this child in my name welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me, for the least among all of you is the greatest.” (Luke 9:48) 1 St. Paul Lutheran and Roman Catholic Community of Faith, Denver Colorado. Around IPLC Coffee Hour Hosts Needed End of Summer and Early Fall It’s been lovely having treats outside after worship some Sundays this Summer. Consider signing up to host on a Sunday! The summer coffee time sign-up sheet is hanging on the bulletin board in Victory Hall, or you may contact Lee Stein (312) 608-1465 or Thanks! Gentle Yoga Classes Continue: Wednesday Evenings 6:30 to 7:30 pm in Victory Hall There’s a regular core group of participants from the church, as well as some members of the community. You or people you know are also welcome to come to this gentle yoga class that incorporates mindfulness and meditation, designed for seniors or anyone wanting a slower paced exercise program. Participants are requested to contribute $10 per session, a portion of which goes to the church. For more information contact Janet Misbach: A Notice to Sr. High Students and Parents This year we will begin a new Discipleship program for Sr. High students instead of our regular class on Sunday mornings. Since you are now confirmed members of the congregation, one of the expectations is participation in church life. This program will offer many different kinds of service and different levels of participation in church missions and activities. Come on Rally Day in Victory Hall to learn more about the program and what opportunities are on offer! Magic Mushroom Children’s Summer Program Underway, Mondays – Fridays, 8:30-5, August 1-26 Pray for participants and teachers. Support the program by donating spray sunscreen. There are still spaces available, if you know of someone who may be interested, go to and click on the mushroom, or contact Rachel at Confirmation Retreat September 16 & 17 Confirmation Students (7th, 8th & 9th graders all invited!) will go on a retreat at Lutheran Outdoor Ministry Center (LOMC) in Oregon, IL, the weekend of September 16th & 17th. We’ll have dinner at La Villa Friday evening, then drive out to the camp for devotions and a night hike. The next day we’ll continue to get to know one another through team building activities, and a ride down their LOOOONG zip line. We’ll return to church in the late afternoon on Saturday. Gym: Bids for Interior Work Under Discussion The Property Team is reviewing bids for work on portions of the gym interior. We are hopeful that some work on the ceiling, lighting, and walls may be done this August and/or early September. It’s also time to refinish the floors—many thanks to the Saturday men’s Basketball players and the Friday men’s volleyball players who have offered to help with that last project. Thanks to all who so generously support the Step Up Now Campaign that is funding this work. Chancel Choir Schedule Two Special Summer Wednesday Evening Rehearsals— 8/31 & 9/7 at 8 pm. Then, beginning Sunday 9/11 rehearsals are every Sunday at 9:30 am (except 2nd Sundays) and one Wednesday a month (the Wednesday after the 2nd Sunday). The schedule is designed to accommodate busy schedules and encourage drop ins – you don’t even need to sit with the choir during church! Come help beautify worship and be a part of a great group of people. Fine Arts Concert Series 2015/2016 Season All concerts are free, Sundays at 2 pm in the church, followed by a reception in Victory Hall Bell Choir Schedule Wednesday 8/31, 9/7, 9/14 & 9/21 at 7 pm. We’ll play in church on Sunday September 25th at the 10:30 service, and again on November 20nd, with additional rehearsals prior. Welcoming New Members We plan to have another new member Sunday early in the fall on Rally Day, September 11th, a celebration Sunday, with everyone back from summer vacations, Sunday School and choir restarting, and worship going back to the 10:30 am time. If you are interested in joining, or know of others who are, please contact Pastor Bouman at or call the church office: 7773267-1666. 2 October 2nd Apollo Trio wind instruments & piano December 11th Anna Fermin and Trigger Gospel Christmas Program January 29th Ben Melsky, Harp April 23rd The Sarasota Trio Vitaly Briskin violin Allegra Montanari, cello Roger Bingaman, Piano IPLC Opened its Doors to the Community with Meal July 28 About 50 people—church and neighborhood members, pantry clients, and others—shared in a free meal the last Thursday evening in July. Our partner in ministry, Hands to Help, which supports people in need on the northwest side, hosted the meal, which was prepared by high school students from Schurz’s BuildOn program. Meal recipients were so very thankful for the food and hospitality. Gayle Nelson, Director of Hands to Help Dee and Larry Kimpel were married on July 15., the service ended with a group picture. 3 1 Gabriel Neff 2 Alice Sherlock 2 Darcie Wadycki 5 Robert Driskill, Jr. 7 Camila Pulex 8 Don Hamilton 8 Niko LeBlanc 11 John Frank 14 Kathleen Cumbee 14 Meagan Sporrong 16 Kyra DeMarrias 16 Addison Stewart 17 Maxwell Engel 18 Eloise Sporrong 20 Amanda Joy Driskill 21 Gunner Wojtkiewicz 22 Dawn Benson 22 Sterling Kotche 23 Anthony Perez 25 Jesslyn Bowers 26 Dwan Kimpel 27 Molly Ward 31 Jessica Bacoulis 31 Ralph Greenslade August Birthdays & Anniversaries Acolytes 8.7 Alyssa Crook, Elena O’Grady 8.14 Jack Haneberg, Alyssa Crook 8.21 Grace Stumme, Ben Pulex 8.28 Jesslyn Bowers, Elena O’Grady Lector 8.7 Deb Wojtkiewicz 8.14 Sue Geisler 8.21 Sandra Stumme 8.28 Eleanor Barrett Assisting Minister- Communion Assistant 8.7 Lee Stein Roberta Bole 8.14 Eleanor Kepp Larry Lundquist 8.21 David Hall Dawn Benson 8.28 Kirsten Gettings Holly Van Essen Partners in Worship T I D I N G S From Irving Park Lutheran Church 3938 W. Belle Plaine Ave. Chicago, IL 60618-1997 Address Service Requested Sunday September 11th RALLY DAY & NEW MEMBER SUNDAY 9:15 Breakfast & Crafts, Meet New Members 10:00 Neighborhood Parade 10:30 Worship Last day of 9:30 Worship is September 4th (Labor Day Weekend) Ian and Dawn Stewart, AUG 1 1999 Debra and Corey Wojtkiewicz, AUG 3 2002 Valerie and Nels Wadycki, AUG 5 2005 Debra and Kyle Rogers, AUG 6 1994 Roberta and Philip Bole, AUG 7 1982 Christopher Richard and Roger Bingaman, AUG 21 2014 Erin and Tim Bouman, AUG 22 1998 Ruth and Paul Clausen, AUG 24 1991