Issue No. 81 (January/February 2014)


Issue No. 81 (January/February 2014)
Here’s what all the fuss is about — cannonball jellyfish Stomolophus meleagris (© L. Brotz)
Jellyfishing in Mexico: the
burgers are ready
Andrés Cisneros-Montemayor and Lucas Brotz
n a warm winter day in the capital of
Sonora, a state in northern Mexico
bordering the Gulf of California,
over 80 stakeholders gathered for a preopening fishery planning meeting. Such
a meeting — which included fishers,
processors, scientists, and managers — is
not unusual, but the fishery in question is
anything but traditional. These men and
women had come to discuss what has
recently become one of the most valuable
fisheries in the region: jellyfish.
The fishery for Stomolophus meleagris, the
cannonball jellyfish (locally called medusa
bola de cañon, or the generic aguamala),
first started in the region in the early 2000s,
with one well-established company hiring
about 70 small boats (pangas) to dipnet for jellyfish. In addition to the fishers,
hundreds of workers were employed to
help dry, salt, bleach, and package product
for export to Asia. Fishers were paid about
6 cents US per kilo and the fishery lasted
for up to four months, a boon during the
dog months between the shrimp and
crab seasons. Over the last decade, this
new economic incentive in the absence
of strong management and enforcement
capacity has played out like a textbook case
of the tragedy of the commons. Last year,
over a thousand boats fished for jellyfish, at
least two dozen processing plants sprang
up (some of them literally beach-side tents
paying cash), and the price paid to fishers
more than tripled.
The fishery lasted for five days until there
were no more jellyfish to catch.
The Sea Around Us Project Newsletter
Issue 81 | January/February 2014
January/February 2014
a better idea of the fishery both in ecological and human
Processing plants may handle hundreds of tonnes of jellyfish in a single day
(© Javier Álvarez-Tello).
Dr. Miguel Cisneros-Mata is the government researcher
tasked with providing scientific advice for jellyfish
management in the region. Over the course of the next
few weeks, he and a team of young researchers from the
National Fisheries Institute research station in Guaymas,
Sonora, will survey the entire
[the fishery] has
state coast for jellyfish. They will
investigate the abundance and
played out like
size structure of local jellyfish
a textbook case
"veins" in order to recommend of the tragedy of
an opening date for the fishery,
the commons
along with other advice for
managers. We joined two such surveys, one in central
Sonora (Las Guásimas) and one further south in Bahia
Lobos, within native Yaqui territory. Between surface tows,
GPS mapping, and biometric sampling, these surveys
provide an excellent avenue for discussing new data,
rumours and experiences from fishers, as well as providing
A recurring theme in discussions with fishers, processors,
and scientists, is the issue of truly enforcing science-based
fisheries policy. Everyone agrees with and understands
the need for size limits and spatial closures, but limited
enforcement capability is a fact of life here, and there is
little trust that handshake agreements will hold up beyond
the first transgression. Dr. Cisneros-Mata thinks the keys to
achieving a sustainable fishery include spatial zoning and
processing plants. The entire coastline cannot be patrolled,
but if processing plants can be held accountable for the
jellyfish they receive, restrictions on size could trickle down
to fishers. One processor at the jellyfish planning meeting,
after openly (and rather refreshingly) admitting that their
firm encourages illegal fishing in order to compete with
others, stated that "you don’t need much infrastructure
to process jellyfish, we can do it as well as anyone; so why
should only a few processors make the big money from
Processed jellyfish nearly ready for export to Asia (© Javier Álvarez-Tello).
The Sea Around Us Project
Newsletter is published by
the Fisheries Centre at the
University of British Columbia.
Six issues are published
annually, and subscriptions are
free of charge.
Our mailing address is UBC
Fisheries Centre, Aquatic Ecosystems Research
Laboratory, 2202 Main Mall, The University of
British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada,V6T
1Z4. Our e-mail address is seanotes@fisheries.ubc.
ca. All queries, subscription requests and address
changes should be sent to Frédéric Le Manach, the
Sea Around Us Project Newsletter editor.
The Sea Around Us Project website can be
accessed at and contains
up-to-date information on the Project.
We have come to accept free markets as vital for economic
growth, and restricting the number of jellyfish processors
would likely bring the associated troubles of a planned
economy. However, any processor should be required to
comply with transparent safety, sanitation, and fisheries
management guidelines in order to operate (so, no more
he Sea Around Us Project is a scientific
collaboration between the University of
British Columbia and The Pew Charitable
Trusts that began in July 1999. The Pew Charitable
Trusts work around the world to establish
pragmatic, science-based policies that protect our
oceans, wild lands and climate. Pew also sponsors
scientific research that sheds new light on the
dimensions of and solutions to the problems facing
the global marine environment.
tents). Combined with a flexible and adaptive framework
for allocating fishing permits, as well as implementing
policies in accordance with regional abundances of
jellyfish (which are highly variable), this would allow for a
natural restructuring of the sector where policies would
be dictated by regional ecology while the business of
processing could regulate itself.
Fisheries for jellyfish also present a unique set of
management challenges due to the peculiar life cycles of
the organisms. Many jellyfish, including cannonballs, have
a bipartite life cycle. We are all familiar with the 'medusa'
phase, but after spawning, fertilized eggs form ciliated
larvae that seek out hard substrate in coastal waters.
These larvae then metamorphose into tiny polyps that
resemble miniature sea anemones or coral polyps without
skeletons (note that all of these organisms belong to the
phylum Cnidaria). Little is known about the sessile polyp
phase, especially in the field, but polyps can presumably
survive for years, sometimes even transforming into cysts
capable of resisting harsh environmental conditions.
When conditions are favourable, polyps will undergo a
dramatic metamorphosis where they begin to segment
and asexually release 'ephyrae' (baby jellyfish), in a process
known as 'strobilation'. Each polyp may release numerous
ephyrae and will often strobilate more than once within
the same season. Ephyrae join the plankton, grow rapidly,
and develop into medusae, resulting in a jellyfish bloom.
Abundances of jellyfish vary dramatically between years,
and the environmental conditions that control their
populations are not well understood. As such, determining
the 'fishable stock' of jellyfish is difficult. While jellyfish
polyps may provide a buffer against overfishing, they
are not a guaranteed safeguard. Jellyfish fisheries have
been depleted in other parts of the world, and although
preliminary, recent catch data suggest that a similar trend
could be unfolding in the Gulf of California.
The unique challenges presented by jellyfish fisheries,
combined with the complicated situation of regulation
and enforcement in Mexico, leaves us with more questions
than answers. What should be the targets and goals of
the cannonball fishery? Will maximizing economic profit
restrict resources to only a few? Is the jellyfish fishery
doomed to repeat the fate of so many other depleted
stocks in the region and around the world, or can it be a
sustainable resource? And perhaps most importantly, how
bad have things become when thousands of people are
fighting over jellyfish?
Note from your editor!
Kyrstn Zylich and Vicky Lam — our database wizards — have
compiled data on our worldwide project of marine fisheries catch
reconstructions, and only 30% of them are yet to be completed
(but all are in progress). The other 70% are completed, although not
entirely validated or published yet.
in progress
done, published,
unpublished or
almost done
Dr. Daniel Pauly has also compiled and/or written over 200 summaries
of these reconstructions, which will represent the backbone of our
forthcoming Atlas. However, since this is only halfway to completion (290
summaries expected), the June publishing date has been pushed back to August.
The Sea Around Us Project is as productive as ever, with — to date — over a dozen articles in peerreviewed journals (including Conservation Biology, Cybium, Fish and Fisheries, Fisheries Research,
Global Environmental Change, PLOS ONE, and Scientia Marina), as well as several books chapters,
e.g., by D. Al-Abdulrazzak, D. Zeller and D. Pauly (University of California Press), and S. Villasante,
U.R. Sumaila and M. Antelo (Oxford University Press). Many Fisheries Centre Working Papers have
also been published online since the beginning of 2014 (available at:
type/1001, and one report in the Fisheries Centre Research Reports series has been completed
(with many others on their way; available at:
With the reconstructions nearing completion, this list is expected to grow by the day... so you can
now get back to your reconstructions!