KFGuides Free Mount Hyjal Leveling Guide


KFGuides Free Mount Hyjal Leveling Guide
© Copyright 2009-2010 KFGuides.
Leveling Guide – Table of Contents
Terms and Conditions ......................................................................................................................................................... 2
How to Efficiently Use Our Guide ....................................................................................................................................... 3
I. Mount Hyjal
Alliance: Mount Hyjal (80-82) ............................................................................................................................................. 5
Horde: Mount Hyjal (80-82) .............................................................................................................................................. 58
Terms and Conditions
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How to Efficiently Use Our Guide
The Leveling Guide has sections for both the Alliance and Horde factions. The Leveling Guides are separate
and do not share any information. Therefore, if you wish to use the Alliance side, be sure you are using the
correct guide; and vice versa.
There are 4 sections to every Leveling Guide:
-Step-by-Step Directions
-Quest List
-NPC List
Map: The Map is used to show you the discovered zone map and all useful locations used throughout the
Guide. This way, you can easily find locations described in the Guide.
It is recommended to print this section.
Step-by-Step Directions: The Step-by-Step Directions are the core of the Leveling Guide. Start at #1 and work
your way through each step until you reach the end. Once you reach the end, you will have completed every
quest for that zone. It is recommended to follow this guide in Adobe Reader. Use the Alt-Tab feature with
WoW in Windowed Mode to easily access the Guide as you go along. Steps have been organized in such a
way as to maximize efficiency and reduce completion time.
Quest List: The Quest List section lists every single Quest for that zone. For each Quest, the Guide informs you
of which NPC begins the Quest, what the requirements for completion are for the Quest, and which NPC ends
the Quest. You can also use this section for keep tracking of which Quests you have already completed.
It is recommended to print this section.
NPC List: The NPC List section lists every single NPC used in the Guide in alphabetical order. The list informs
you of each NPC’s location by zone and area. You can then use the Map to find the specific location of an NPC.
It is recommended to print this section.
This Guide is a WORK-IN-PROGRESS. This means that we will continually update the Guide whenever we
have new information.
If you find any mistakes with the Guide or find anything unclear, please do not hesitate to contact us at
Support@KFGuides.com with the issue. We will fix it as soon as we can.
© Copyright 2009-2010 KFGuides.
How to Understand the Step-by-Step Directions:
The Leveling Guide uses a color-coding system and simple Compass Directions (with the use of the Map) to
direct you on each step. Please make sure to read the following steps to insure you understand how the
Leveling Guide works.
1. Setting your Mini-Map to Rotate Player Arrow. Using Default Key Binds: Hit ‘Esc’ to bring up the Game
Menu. Select ‘Interface’. Select ‘Display’. Uncheck the ‘Rotate Minimap’ option. This step allows you to more
easily determine which Compass Direction you are facing.
2. Learn the Color-Coding. The following is the color-coding system used with our Leveling Guides.
Friendly NPC
Enemy NPC
Clickable or Interactive Object in the World
Looted or Inventory Item
Map Location
Compass Direction
Name of a Zone
3. Utilizing your Printer. It will really help you in following the Leveling Guide if you print out the Map, Quest
List, and NPC List for each Leveling Guide. If you are worried about using too much ink, be sure to print in
Grayscale. The option can be found in your Printer’s settings.
4. Following Links. There are many links throughout the guide in order to help you navigate through this
massive guide much easier. At the bottom of every page are links to the beginning of this guide and the
beginning of the current section you are looking at. Also, at the beginning of each section (Alliance: Kelp’thar
Forest, for example) are links to the Quest List and NPC List for that section. Simply follow the links to print
out each section, then use the link to return to the beginning of the section. Lastly, the table of contents on
Page 1 also will link you to the sections listed. Use these! They are very helpful.
© Copyright 2009-2010 KFGuides.
Alliance: Mount Hyjal (80-82)
Mount Hyjal (Alliance) Leveling Guide Map
(In Alphabetical Order)
Ascendant’s Rise (FF)
Ashen Lake (R)
Blackhorn’s Penance (O)
Darkwhisper Gorge (Z)
Darkwhisper Pass (Y)
Doom’s Vigil (CC)
Firelands Forgeworks (K)
Firelands Hatchery (V)
Gar’gol’s Hovel (I)
Gates of Sothann (EE)
Grove of Aessina (N)
Hyjal Barrow Dens (E)
Lightning Ledge (J)
Maw of Lycanthoth (H)
Nordrassil (A)
Rim of the World (M)
Ruins of Lar’donir (C)
Sanctuary of Malorne (S)
Sanctum of the Prophets (GG)
Seat of the Chosen (DD)
Sethria’s Roost (U)
Shrine of Aviana (L)
Shrine of Goldrinn (G)
The Crucible of Flame (X)
The Flamewake (T)
The Forge of Supplication (BB)
The Inferno (P)
The Regrowth (T)
The Scorched Plain (W)
The Twilight Gauntlet (AA)
The Verdant Thicket (B)
Throne of Flame (HH)
Twilight Command Post (D)
Whistling Grove (Q)
Wolf’s Run (F)
Link to: Quest List – Mount Hyjal (Alliance)
Link to: NPC List – Mount Hyjal (Alliance)
To Beginning of Guide
To Beginning of Section
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Leveling Guide – Mount Hyjal (Alliance)
1. Travel to the Trade District in Stormwind and locate the Hero’s Call Board. They can be found in all major cities.
Accept the quest, “Hero’s Call: Mount Hyjal!” (1)
Hero’s Call Board at Trade District in Stormwind City
2. Travel to Stormwind Keep and into the throne room. Once in the throne room, travel through the North-West doorway into
the small courtyard. Then talk to Cenarion Emissary Jademoon and choose the first response.
3. You will be teleported to Moonglade. Talk to Emissary Windsong in front of you.
Turn in the quest, “Hero’s Call: Mount Hyjal!” (1)
Accept the quest, “As Hyjal Burns” (2)
4. Behind Emissary Windsong is a large emerald drake, Aronus. Right-Click Aronus to mount and ride it. You will eventually land
at Nordrassil (A) in Mount Hyjal. Enter the building to the South-West and talk to Ysera.
Turn in the quest, “As Hyjal Burns” (2)
Accept the quest, “Protect the World Tree” (3)
Aronus at Moonglade
To Beginning of Guide
To Beginning of Section
© Copyright 2009-2010 KFGuides.
5. Exit the building and talk to Fayran Elthas to the North to discover the Flight Path. Then talk to Anren Shadowseeker to the
Accept the quest, “The Earth Rises” (4)
6. Talk to Tholo Whitehoof.
Accept the quest, “Inciting the Elements” (5)
7. Directly in front of you will be Scalding Rock Elementals fighting the guards. Slay 6 Scalding Rock Elementals.
Slay 6 Scalding Rock Elementals
8. All around the same area will be Juniper Berries. Collect 4 Juniper Berries.
Collect 4 Juniper Berries
Juniper Berries at Nordrassil (A)
9. Travel slightly North of Nordrassil (A) to Location 1 (L1). Roam around and use your Juniper Berries on Faerie Dragons. When
you do, follow the Faerie Dragon to a Twilight Inciter, then kill the Twilight Inciter.
Slay 4 Twilight Inciters
10. Return South to Nordrassil (A). Talk to Anren Shadowseeker.
Turn in the quest, “The Earth Rises” (4)
11. Talk to Tholo Whitehoof.
Turn in the quest, “Inciting the Elements” (5)
Accept the quest, “Flames from Above” (6)
To Beginning of Guide
To Beginning of Section
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12. Travel North-West to Location 2 (L2). Stand inside the Infiltrator’s Encampment and use Tholo’s Horn from your inventory.
Infiltrator’s Encampment Burnt
Infiltrator’s Encampment at Location 2 (L2)
13. Return South-East to Nordrassil (A) and talk to Tholo Whitehoof.
Turn in the quest, “Flames from Above” (6)
14. Travel South-West to Location 3 (L3) and talk to Malfurion Stormrage.
Turn in the quest, “Protect the World Tree” (3)
Accept the quest, “War on the Twilight’s Hammer” (7)
15. Just to the North of you will be Twilights battling Guardians of Hyjal. Slay 4 Twilight Flamecallers and 10 Twilight
Slay 4 Twilight Flamecallers
Slay 10 Twilight Vanquishers
TIP: Stay as far away from the Blazebound Elementals (giant fire guys) as you can. They aren’t hard to kill, but it’s very annoying
when you have one chasing you. A lot of time can be saved if you can avoid aggro’ing these guys.
16. Return South to Malfurion Stormrage at Location 3 (L3).
Turn in the quest, “War on the Twilight’s Hammer” (7)
17. Talk to Windspeaker Tamila, next to Malfurion Stormrage.
Accept the quest, “The Flameseer’s Staff” (8)
To Beginning of Guide
To Beginning of Section
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18. Travel North into The Verdant Thicket (B). Collect 8 Charred Staff Fragments. They are located in areas where the ground is
charred within The Verdant Thicket (B).
Collect 8 Charred Staff Fragments
Charred Staff Fragment at The Verdant Thicket (B)
19. Return South and talk to Malfurion Stormrage at Location 3 (L3).
Turn in the quest, “The Flameseer’s Staff” (8)
Accept the quest, “Flamebreaker” (9)
20. Travel North to The Verdant Thicket (B) and find Blazebound Revenants (giant fire guys). Use the Flameseer’s Staff on them
to shatter them into Unbound Flame Spirits. Then slay 30 Unbound Flame Spirits.
Slay 30 Unbound Flame Spirits
21. Return South to Location 3 (L3) and talk to Malfurion Stormrage.
Turn in the quest, “Flamebreaker” (9)
Accept the quest, “The Return of Baron Geddon” (10)
22. Travel slightly North-West to Location 4 (L4). You should easily spot Baron Geddon. Simply use the Flameseer’s Staff on him
from your inventory. As you channel the effect, you will weaken him one at a time. You will have to weaken him a total of 20 times.
Baron Geddon Weakened 20 times
TIP: Very often, Baron Geddon will cast Inferno that does a lot of damage. As soon as he begins doing this, just back away until it’s
over. Then head back in range to use the Flameseer’s Staff. You do not need all 20 charges in one use.
23. Return South-East to Location 3 (L3) and talk to Malfurion Stormrage.
Turn in the quest, “The Return of Baron Geddon” (10)
24. Talk to Windspeaker Tamila.
Accept the quest, “Emerald Allies” (11)
25. Travel North to the Ruins of Lar’donir (C). Find and talk to Alysra, an emerald drake.
Turn in the quest, “Emerald Allies” (11)
Accept the quest, “The Captured Scout” (12)
To Beginning of Guide
To Beginning of Section
© Copyright 2009-2010 KFGuides.
26. Travel West to the Twilight Command Post (D). Talk to Scout Larandia inside the cage.
Turn in the quest, “The Captured Scout” (12)
Accept the quest, “Twilight Captivity” (13)
Scout Larandia at the Twilight Command Post (D)
27. Travel slightly South at the Twilight Command Post (D). Collect a Twilight Overseer’s Key by killing Twilight Overseers.
Collect Twilight Overseer’s Key
28. Return North and talk to Scout Larandia.
Turn in the quest, “Twilight Captivity” (13)
Accept the quest, “Return to Alysra” (14)
29. Return East to the Ruins of Lar’donir (C) and talk to Alysra.
Turn in the quest, “Return to Alysra” (14)
Accept the quest, “A Prisoner of Interest” (15)
30. Travel East to the Hyjal Barrow Dens (E). Enter the caves and find Captain Saynna Stormrunner, who is in the South-East
most room.
Turn in the quest, “A Prisoner of Interest” (15)
Accept the quest, “Through the Dream” (16)
31. Upon accepting the quest, you will enter the emerald dream. Simply just clear your way out of the Hyjal Barrow Dens (E) to
the entrance where Alysra will be waiting. Then talk to Alysra.
Turn in the quest, “Through the Dream” (16)
Accept the quest, “Return to Nordrassil” (17)
32. Travel South-East to Nordrassil (A) and talk to Ysera.
Turn in the quest, “Return to Nordrassil” (17)
Accept the quest, “The Return of the Ancients” (18)
33. Exit the building with Ysera and talk to Tiala Whitemane slightly to the North.
Accept the quest, “Wings Over Mount Hyjal” (19)
34. Travel West to Wolf’s Run (F). Talk to Oomla Whitehorn.
Turn in the quest, “The Return of the Ancients” (18)
Accept the quest, “Harrying the Hunters” (20)
To Beginning of Guide
To Beginning of Section
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35. Talk to Jadi Falaryn.
Accept the quest, “End of the Supply Line” (21)
Accept the quest, “In the Rear With the Gear” (22)
36. Travel slightly South to Location 5 (L5). Slay 6 Twilight Hunters and 4 Twilight Proveditors. Also, collect 36 Twilight Supplies.
The easiest way to do this is to travel the road to the West. Basically, as fast as you can kill, a Twilight Proveditor, a Twilight
Slavedriver, and 3 slaves carrying 9 Twilight Supplies will come down the road. Slay 4 of these patrols, as well as 6 Twilight Hunters,
and you should complete all tasks.
Slay 6 Twilight Hunters
Slay 4 Twilight Proveditors
Collect 36 Twilight Supplies
TIP: If you are having problems killing one patrol before the next reaches you; pull the patrols off from the road to kill them. Collect
the Twilight Supplies when there’s no patrol nearby.
Twilight Proveditor patrol at Location 5 (L5)
37. Return North to Wolf’s Run (F). Talk to Oomla Whitehorn.
Turn in the quest, “Harrying the Hunters” (20)
Accept the quest, “The Voice of Lo’Gosh” (23)
38. Talk to Jadi Falaryn.
Turn in the quest, “End of the Supply Line” (21)
Turn in the quest, “In the Rear With the Gear” (22)
To Beginning of Guide
To Beginning of Section
© Copyright 2009-2010 KFGuides.
39. Travel South-West to the Shrine of Goldrinn (G). Find and talk to Ian Duran, who is inside a cage.
Turn in the quest, “The Voice of Lo’Gosh” (23)
Accept the quest, “Howling Mad” (24)
Ian Duran at Shrine of Goldrinn (G)
40. Roam the Shrine of Goldrinn (G) and collect 6 Polluted Incenses by killing Lycanthoth Vandals.
Collect 6 Polluted Incenses
41. Return and talk to Ian Duran.
Turn in the quest, “Howling Mad” (24)
Accept the quest, “Lycanthoth the Corruptor” (25)
42. Travel slightly South-East to the Maw of Lycanthoth (H). Enter the small cave and use Lycanthoth’s Essence while standing
near Lycanthoth’s Altar. Lycanthoth the Corruptor will spawn. Slay him to spawn the Spirit of Goldrinn. Then talk to the Spirit of
Turn in the quest, “Lycanthoth the Corruptor” (25)
Lycanthoth’s Altar at Maw of Lycanthoth (H)
To Beginning of Guide
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43. Watch the event, then talk to the Spirit of Goldrinn. Accept the quest and then find the newly established Camp slightly to
the West and talk to Ian Duran.
Accept the quest, “The Shrine Reclaimed” (26)
Turn in the quest, “The Shrine Reclaimed” (26)
Accept the quest, “Cleaning House” (27)
Camp at Shrine of Goldrinn (G)
44. Talk to Rio Duran.
Accept the quest, “From the Mouth of Madness” (28)
45. Talk to Royce Duskwhispers.
Accept the quest, “The Eye of Twilight” (29)
46. Slightly South of the camp is the small body of water and the island with pillars. Collect 1 Bitterblossom from there.
Collect 1 Bitterblossom
Bitterblossoms at Shrine of Goldrinn (G)
To Beginning of Guide
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47. Travel slightly South-West to Gar’gol’s Hovel (I). Slay 8 Minions of Gar’gol and collect 1 Stonebloom and 1 Darkflame Ember.
Then find the Twilight Cauldron and Right-Click it. Turn in the quest and accept the follow up quest. Then find the Eye of Twilight
and Right-Click it to turn in the quest and accept the follow up quest.
Slay 8 Minions of Gar’gol
Collect 1 Stonebloom
Collect 1 Darkflame Ember
Turn in the quest, “From the Mouth of Madness” (28)
Accept the quest, “Free Your Mind, the Rest Follows” (30)
Turn in the quest, “The Eye of Twilight” (29)
Accept the quest, “Mastering Puppets” (31)
Locations of Stonebloom, Darkflame Ember, Twilight Cauldron, and Eye of Twilight at Gar’gol’s Hovel (I)
48. Enter the cave and travel down the Eastern tunnel. As you go, talk to Twilight Servitors and choose the first response. You
must free 8 Twilight Servitors. At the end of the tunnel, you should find Kristoff Manheim at the end hanging from a chain. Talk to
Kristoff Manheim.
Free 8 Twilight Servitors
Accept the quest, “Gar’gol’s Gotta Go” (32)
To Beginning of Guide
Kristoff Manheim hanging from chain inside the cave at Gar’gol’s Hovel (I)
To Beginning of Section
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49. Now travel down the Western tunnel. On the platform in the center will be Gar’Gol’s Personal Treasure Chest. Right-Click
the chest to collect the Rusted Skull Key.
Collect Rusted Skull Key
Gar’Gol’s Personal Treasure Chest inside the cave at Gar’gol’s Hovel (I)
50. Continue down to the end of the West tunnel until you reach the final room. You should notice the Twilight Apocrypha
located on a small altar. Right-Click the Twilight Apocrypha.
Turn in the quest, “Mastering Puppets” (31)
Accept the quest, “Elementary” (33)
Twilight Apocrypha inside the cave at Gar’gol’s Hovel (I)
51. Surrounding you will be Crucibles of Water, Fire, Air, and Earth. You must activate them in the correct order to complete the
quest. The correct order is:
Crucible of Fire Activated
Crucible of Earth Activated
Crucible of Air Activated
Crucible of Water Activated
To Beginning of Guide
To Beginning of Section
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52. Return to the Twilight Apocrypha and Right-Click it.
Turn in the quest, “Elementary” (33)
Accept the quest, “Return to Duskwhisper” (34)
53. Now exit the Western tunnel and return to the Eastern tunnel to talk to Kristoff Manheim.
Turn in the quest, “Gar’gol’s Gotta Go” (32)
Accept the quest, “Get Me Outta Here!” (35)
54. Upon accepting the quest, escort Kristoff Manheim out of the cave to receive credit for completion.
Escort Kristoff Manheim
TIP: If you are having issues with Kristoff Manheim following you, dismiss your pet first.
55. Return North-East to the Shrine of Goldrinn (G) camp. Talk to Ian Duran.
Turn in the quest, “Cleaning House” (27)
Accept the quest, “Sweeping the Shelf” (36)
Accept the quest, “Lightning in a Bottle” (37)
56. Talk to Rio Duran.
Turn in the quest, “Free Your Mind, the Rest Follows” (30)
57. Talk to Royce Duskwhisper.
Turn in the quest, “Return to Duskwhisper” (34)
Turn in the quest, “Get Me Outta Here!” (35)
58. Travel South to the Lightning Ledge (J). Slay 8 Twilight Stormcallers and 5 Howling Riftdwellers. Then Right-Click the
Lightning Channel to collect Charged Condenser Jar. Then Right-Click the Totem of Goldrinn from your inventory to summon and
talk to the Spirit of Gordinn.
Slay 8 Twilight Stormcallers
Slay 5 Howling Riftdwellers
Collect Charged Condenser Jar
Turn in the quest, “Lightning in a Bottle” (37)
Accept the quest, “Into the Maw!” (38)
Lighting Channel at Lightning Ledge (J)
To Beginning of Guide
To Beginning of Section
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59. Step through the giant blue portal to be teleported to Firelands Forgeworks (K). Talk to Jordan Olafson.
Turn in the quest, “Into the Maw!” (38)
Accept the quest, “Forged of Shadow and Flame” (39)
Accept the quest, “Crushing the Cores” (40)
TIP: Once at Firelands Forgeworks (K), you can simply step through the portal to teleport back to Lightning Ledge (J).
60. Talk to Yargra Blackscar.
Accept the quest, “Rage of the Wolf Ancient” (41)
61. Travel East and roam through the Firelands Forgeworks (K). Slay 12 Dark Iron Laborers. Kill Searing Guardians to collect
Smoldering Cores. Right-Click 8 Smoldering Cores from your inventory to then destroy them. In order to destroy a Smoldering Core,
you must be near a Twilight Anvil, which are located all over the area and look like an ordinary anvil. Also, Right-Click 10 Twilight
Arms Crates to destroy them.
Slay 12 Dark Iron Laborers
Destroy 8 Smoldering Cores
Destroy 10 Twilight Arms Crates
Twilight Anvil and Twilight Arms Crate at Firelands Forgeworks (K)
62. Return to the portal entrance at Firelands Forgeworks (K). Talk to Yargra Blackscar.
Turn in the quest, “Rage of the Wolf Ancient” (41)
63. Talk to Jordan Olafson.
Turn in the quest, “Forged of Shadow and Flame” (39)
Turn in the quest, “Crushing the Cores” (40)
Accept the quest, “Cindermaul, the Portal Master” (42)
64. While remaining in Firelands Forgeworks (K), travel East to Location 6 (L6) and slay Cindermaul. After his death, a Battered
Stone Chest will appear. Right-Click to collect the Tome of Openings from inside.
Slay Cindermaul
Collect Tome of Openings
TIP: Cindermaul is a somewhat difficult mob for a non-elite. At certain intervals, he will stun you and summon adds through the
portals nearby. One or two AoE Abilities will dispatch the adds quickly, allowing you to refocus on Cindermaul. Make sure to leave
your AoE Abilities’ cooldowns available for this.
65. Return to the portal entrance at Firelands Forgeworks (K) and talk to Jordan Olafson.
Turn in the quest, “Cindermaul, the Portal Master” (42)
Accept the quest, “Forgemaster Pyrendius” (43)
To Beginning of Guide
To Beginning of Section
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66. While remaining in Firelands Forgeworks (K), travel East to Location 7 (L7) and slay Forgemaster Pyrendius.
Slay Forgemaster Pyrendius
TIP: Although Forgemaster Pyrendius doesn’t hit like an elite, he has the HP of one. Therefore, lure him to a nearby Portal Rune and
Right-Click the Portal Rune. After a few seconds, he will take a considerable amount of damage. Each Portal Rune has a cooldown,
so you will have to lure him to multiple ones before he’s dead.
Portal Runes by Forgemaster Pyrendius in Firelands Forgeworks (K)
67. Return to the portal entrance at Firelands Forgeworks (K) and talk to Jordan Olafson.
Turn in the quest, “Forgemaster Pyrendius” (43)
Accept the quest, “Return from the Firelands” (44)
68. Use the portal at Firelands Forgeworks (K) to return to Lightning Ledge (J). Then travel North to the Camp at the Shrine of
Goldrinn (G). Talk to Ian Duran.
Turn in the quest, “Sweeping the Shelf” (36)
Turn in the quest, “Return from the Firelands” (44)
69. Talk to Rio Duran.
Accept the quest, “The Fires of Mt. Hyjal” (45)
70. Travel South-East to the Shrine of Aviana (L). Talk to Dinorae Swiftfeather at the North-West end of the shrine to discover
the Flight Path. Then talk to Thisalee Crow just inside the building.
Accept the quest, “The Wormwing Problem” (46)
Accept the quest, “Scrambling for Eggs” (47)
71. Travel to the East end of the building and talk to Choluna.
Turn in the quest, “Wings Over Mount Hyjal” (19)
Accept the quest, “An Offering for Aviana” (48)
To Beginning of Guide
To Beginning of Section
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72. Exit the building and find Aviana’s Burial Circle. Use the Sacred Nectar from your inventory while standing in the circle. A
Mysterious Winged Spirit will appear. Talk to the Mysterious Winged Spirit.
Sacred Nectar Offered
Turn in the quest, “An Offering for Aviana” (48)
Accept the quest, “A Plea From Beyond” (49)
Aviana’s Burial Circle at Shrine of Aviana (L)
73. Return to Choluna inside the building.
Turn in the quest, “A Plea From Beyond” (49)
Accept the quest, “A Prayer and a Wing” (50)
74. Exit the building, get on your flying mount, and fly slightly North-West up to the top of the hills where you see Blaithe’s
Roost. While standing next to the roost, use the Enormous Bird Call from your inventory. Blaithe will spawn and attack you. Slay
Blaithe and collect the Ancient Feather from its corpse.
Collect Ancient Feather
Blaithe’s Roost at Shrine of Aviana (L)
To Beginning of Guide
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75. Travel back down to the ground South-West to the Rim of the World (M). Collect 8 Hyjal Eggs and slay 10 Wormwing
Collect 8 Hyjal Eggs
Slay 10 Wormwing Harpies
Hyjal Eggs at Rim of the World (M)
76. Return to the Shrine of Aviana (L) and talk to Thisalee Crow.
Turn in the quest, “The Wormwing Problem” (46)
Turn in the quest, “Scrambling for Eggs” (47)
Accept the quest, “A Bird in Hand” (51)
77. Talk to Choluna.
Turn in the quest, “A Prayer and a Wing” (50)
To Beginning of Guide
To Beginning of Section
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78. Exit the Shrine of Aviana (L) and return to the Rim of the World (M). Right-Click the Harpy Signal Fire to spawn Marion
Wormwing. She will immediately attack you. A few moments later, Thisalee Crow will appear and in an awkward exchange, hold
Marion Wormwing at knife-point. At this point, talk to Marion Wormwing and choose the responses to go through the dialogue. At
the end, you are given the option to kill Marion Wormwing or release her. There is no difference in the game with the decision you
choose. But you must consciously live with your decision!
Marion Wormwing Interrogated
TIP: For fun, you can choose to ‘soften her up’ some, which will allow you to mercilessly punch Marion Wormwing in the face as
many times as you want!
Harpy Signal Fire at the Rim of the World (M)
79. Return to the Shrine of Aviana (L) and talk to Thisalee Crow.
Turn in the quest, “A Bird in Hand” (51)
80. Travel up the ramp that Thisalee Crow is sitting by until you reach the top level. Talk to Skylord Omnuron.
Accept the quest, “Fact-Finding Mission” (52)
81. Travel West to the Grove of Aessina (N). Find and talk to Laina Nightsky, who is mounted on a swift mistsaber by the path
South of the grove.
Turn in the quest, “The Fires of Mt. Hyjal” (45)
Accept the quest, “Fighting Fire With… Anything” (53)
Accept the quest, “Disrupting the Rituals” (54)
82. Travel North of Laina Nightsky into the grove. Talk to Mylune.
Accept the quest, “Save the Wee Animals” (55)
83. Talk to Matoclaw.
Accept the quest, “If You’re Not Against Us…” (56)
84. Find Elizil Wintermoth and discover the Flight Path.
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85. Travel slightly South-East to Blackhorn’s Penance (O). Talk to Tyrus Blackhorn. You can choose any of the responses, they will
all allow you to complete the quest.
Persuade Tyrus Blackhorn
Turn in the quest, “If You’re Not Against Us…” (56)
Accept the quest, “Seeds of Their Demise” (57)
Tyrus Blackhorn at Blackhorn’s Penance (O)
86. At Blackhorn’s Penance (O) are Wailing Weeds. Kill Wailing Weeds to collect 8 Bileberrys.
Collect 8 Bileberrys
87. Return and talk to Tyrus Blackhorn.
Turn in the quest, “Seeds of Their Demise” (57)
Accept the quest, “A New Master” (58)
88. Travel West to The Inferno (P). While in The Inferno (P), Right-Click the Frightened Animals running rampant to collect 10 of
them. Slay 10 Raging Firestorms and 6 Twilight Inferno Lords. Also, use the Bottled Bileberry Brew from your inventory on a dead
Twilight Inferno Lord to subjugate them. Then talk to the Subjugated Inferno Lord.
Collect 10 Frightened Animals
Slay 10 Raging Firestorms
Slay 6 Twilight Inferno Lords
Subjugate a Twilight Inferno Lord
Turn in the quest, “A New Master” (58)
Accept the quest, “The Name Never Spoken” (59)
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© Copyright 2009-2010 KFGuides.
89. On the map are 3 (X). Each represents a location of one of the Firestones. Travel to each one and examine the 3 Firestones.
Northern Firestone Examined
Central Firestone Examined
Southern Firestone Examined
Firestones at The Inferno (P)
90. Return East to the Grove of Aessina (N). Talk to Mylune.
Turn in the quest, “Save the Wee Animals” (55)
Accept the quest, “Oh, Deer!” (60)
91. Talk to Laina Nightsky South of the grove.
Turn in the quest, “Fighting Fire With… Anything” (53)
Turn in the quest, “Disrupting the Rituals” (54)
92. Travel slightly South-East to Blackhorn’s Penance (O). Talk to Tyrus Blackhorn.
Turn in the quest, “The Name Never Spoken” (59)
Accept the quest, “Black Heart of Flame” (61)
93. Travel West to The Inferno (P). Anywhere in The Inferno (P), use the Charred Branch from your inventory to summon
Thol’embaar. Slay Thol’embaar and collect the Black Heart of Thol’embaar from his corpse. Then search for Injured Fawn. RightClick an Injured Fawn and then escort it back to the Grove of Aessina (N). You must do this 3 times.
Collect Black Heart of Thol’embaar
Escort 3 Injured Fawn to Grove of Aessina (N)
TIP: You can Right-Click the Injured Fawn and escort them back to the grove while mounted. You can also do this while flying. Who
knew Injured Fawn could run so fast? But do not fly very high when escorting them back, if you do, it will disappear. Also, if you
aggro a mob, you must kill the mob, otherwise the Injured Fawn will not only die, but run significantly slower.
94. You should be back at the Grove of Aessina (N). Talk to Mylune.
Turn in the quest, “Oh, Deer!” (60)
95. Travel slightly South-East to Blackhorn’s Penance (O). Talk to Tyrus Blackhorn.
Turn in the quest, “Black Heart of Flame” (61)
96. Travel slightly North-West to Laina Nightsky.
Accept the quest, “Last Stand at Whistling Grove” (62)
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97. Travel North-West to the Whistling Grove (Q). Talk to Keeper Taldros.
Turn in the quest, “Last Stand at Whistling Grove” (62)
Accept the quest, “The Bears Up There” (63)
98. Around the Whistling Grove (Q) are lots of Hyjal Bear Cubs stuck in trees. Use a Climbing Tree (ladder) to get into the tree.
You then have 2 abilities, Climb Up and Climb Down. Right-Click a Hyjal Bear Cub when it is in range to collect it. You must then
Climb Up until you are at the top of the tree. You will then have the ability, Chuck-a-bear. Aim the yellow cursor so the circle is on
the Soft Target in front of Keeper Taldros, then Chuck-a-bear! You will have to do this 6 times.
Rescue 6 Hyjal Bear Cubs
TIP: You do not need to be close to a Hyjal Bear Cub to collect it, but you cannot collect one while at the top of the tree. The best
method is to collect one upon entering the tree, Climb Up to the top, aim at the Soft Target, Chuck-a-bear, Climb Down once, collect
another Hyjal Bear Cub, Climb Up, and Chuck-a-bear again. You will not have to adjust your aim if you haven’t moved, making this
quite a quick process. You can also try seeing how far you can Chuck-a-bear across Mount Hyjal, but when they land all you see is a
cloud of smoke! You have been warned! You can also jump on the Soft Target yourself and have some fun. See how many times you
can stay on it in a row!
Climbing Tree Ladder at Whistling Grove (Q)
Aiming at the Soft Target to Chuck-a-bear at Whistling Grove (Q)
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99. Climb Down from the tree when you are done chucking bears and talk to Keeper Taldros.
Turn in the quest, “The Bears Up There” (63)
Accept the quest, “Smashing Through Ashes” (64)
100. Travel South to Ashen Lake (R). Travel South along the path and slay 8 Charbringers.
Slay 8 Charbringers
101. Travel South-East to the Sanctuary of Malorne (S). Talk to Arch Druid Hamuul Runetotem.
Turn in the quest, “Smashing Through Ashes” (64)
Accept the quest, “Durable Seeds” (65)
Accept the quest, “Fresh Bait” (66)
102. Talk to Rayne Feathersong.
Accept the quest, “Firebreak” (67)
103. Travel North-East to The Flamewake (T). Collect 4 Core Hound Entrails by killing Core Hounds. Slay 10 Lava Surgers. Also,
collect 10 Hyjal Seedlings from Scorched Soil.
Collect 4 Core Hound Entrails
Slay 10 Lava Surgers
Collect 10 Hyjal Seedlings
TIP: Watch out for the giant turtle, Nemesis, who roams The Flamewake (T). He will not hesitate to make you his next meal!
Scorched Soil at The Flamewake (T)
104. Return South-West to the Sanctuary of Malorne (S) and talk to Arch Druid Hamuul Runetotem.
Turn in the quest, “Durable Seeds” (65)
Turn in the quest, “Fresh Bait” (66)
Accept the quest, “Hell’s Shells” (68)
105. Talk to Rayne Feathersong.
Turn in the quest, “Firebreak” (67)
Accept the quest, “Prepping the Soil” (69)
106. Return to The Flamewake (T) and now find Nemesis, the giant turtle. Use the Heap of Core Hound Innards from your
inventory while standing close to Nemesis. After a few seconds, he will charge towards the meat and be distracted; allowing you to
Right-Click him and collect a Nemesis Shell Fragment. Once you finish, get away from Nemesis very quickly as to not aggro him.
Collect Nemesis Shell Fragment
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107. Search The Flamewake (T) for a Flameward. When you find one, Right-Click to activate it. Once activated, you must defend
it from some attacking Naga.
Activate Flameward
Defend Flameward
Flameward at The Flamewake (T)
108. Return South-West to the Sanctuary of Malorne (S). Talk to Arch Druid Hamuul Runetotem.
Turn in the quest, “Hell’s Shells” (68)
Accept the quest, “Tortolla Speaks” (70)
109. Talk to Rayne Feathersong.
Turn in the quest, “Prepping the Soil” (69)
110. Travel slightly North-West to the Ashen Lake (R). You should quickly notice the giant turtle, Tortolla. Talk to Tortolla.
Turn in the quest, “Tortolla Speaks” (70)
Accept the quest, “Breaking the Bonds” (71)
Accept the quest, “Children of Tortolla” (72)
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111. Holding Tortolla are two Rods of Subjugation. Simply Right-Click each to disable them. A Twilight Dominator will spawn
and attack you when you disable a rod.
Disable Rod of Subjugation 1 and 2
Rods of Subjugation by Tortolla at Ashen Lake (R)
112. Dive into Ashen Lake (R). You should see lots of Deep Corruptors casting on Tortolla’s Eggs. Kill 6 Deep Corruptors to rescue
6 Tortolla’s Eggs.
Rescue 6 Tortolla’s Eggs
113. Return and talk to Tortolla.
Turn in the quest, “Breaking the Bonds” (71)
Turn in the quest, “Children of Tortolla” (72)
Accept the quest, “An Ancient Awakens” (73)
114. Travel South to the Sanctuary of Malorne (S) and talk to Arch Druid Hamuul Runetotem.
Turn in the quest, “An Ancient Awakens” (73)
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115. Travel South-East to Sethria’s Roost (U). Talk to Thisalee Crow outside of the cave’s entrance.
Turn in the quest, “Fact-Finding Mission” (52)
Accept the quest, “Sethria’s Brood” (74)
Accept the quest, “A Gap in Their Armor” (75)
Thisalee Crow at Sethria’s Roost (U)
116. Travel slightly South from the cave’s entrance to the encampment. Find the Codex of Shadows and Right-Click it to accept
the quest. Surrounding the area will be Twilight Dragonkin. Slay 12 Twilight Dragonkin. Also, collect 8 Twilight Armor Plates.
Accept the quest, “The Codex of Shadows” (76)
Slay 12 Minions of Sethria
Collect 8 Twilight Armor Plates
Locations of the Codex of Shadows and Twilight Armor Plates at Sethria’s Roost (U)
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117. Return North to Thisalee Crow.
Turn in the quest, “Sethria’s Brood” (74)
Turn in the quest, “A Gap in Their Armor” (75)
Accept the quest, “Disassembly” (77)
Turn in the quest, “The Codex of Shadows” (76)
Accept the quest, “Egg Hunt” (78)
118. Return South to the encampment. Find Twilight Juggernauts and use Thisalee’s Shiv on them to remove their shields. Slay 3
Twilight Juggernauts. Then find a Shadow Cloak Generator. Right-Click one to unveil what it is hiding. Eventually, you will unveil
Aviana’s Egg. When you do, defend it from a few attackers.
Slay 3 Twilight Juggernauts
Unveil Aviana’s Egg and Defend it
TIP: You can find two Shadow Cloak Generators near each other and go back and forth between the two, the ‘cooldown’ timer on
them is not very long.
Shadow Cloak Generators at Sethria’s Roost (U)
119. Return North to Thisalee Crow.
Turn in the quest, “Disassembly” (77)
Turn in the quest, “Egg Hunt” (78)
Accept the quest, “Sethria’s Demise” (79)
120. Travel South to Location 8 (L8). You should see Sethria, a night elf, standing below. Begin attacking her. After awhile, she
will turn into a giant dragon. At this point, use Thisalee’s Signal Rocket from your inventory. You will now just have to survive long
enough for your allies (and you) to finish off Sethria.
Slay Sethria
TIP: This is a long battle and Sethria hits pretty hard. Your goal is just to survive. If you are a class that can’t heal, make sure to utilize
all of your cooldowns and abilities to survive.
121. Return North to Sethria’s Roost (U) and talk to Thisalee Crow.
Turn in the quest, “Sethria’s Demise” (79)
Accept the quest, “Return to the Shrine” (80)
122. Travel North-East to the Shrine of Aviana (L). Enter the building and talk to Choluna.
Turn in the quest, “Return to the Shrine” (80)
Accept the quest, “An Ancient Reborn” (81)
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123. Travel up the ramp and into the room South of Choluna to Aviana’s Egg. Then use the Herald’s Incense from your inventory.
Talk to Aviana when she appears.
Turn in the quest, “An Ancient Reborn” (81)
Accept the quest, “The Hacthery Must Burn” (82)
124. Find and talk to Ysera inside the building at the Shrine of Aviana (L).
Accept the quest, “The Last Living Lorekeeper” (83)
Ysera at the Shrine of Aviana (L)
125. Travel South-West to Location 9 (L9) at The Flamewake (T). Talk to Nordu, the giant tree on fire.
Turn in the quest, “The Last Living Lorekeeper” (83)
Accept the quest, “Firefight” (84)
Nordu at Location 9 (L9)
126. Roam North of Nordu and slay 5 Fiery Tormentors.
Slay 5 Fiery Tormentors
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127. Return to Nordu.
Turn in the quest, “Firefight” (84)
Accept the quest, “Aessina’s Miracle” (85)
128. Travel North-West to the Grove of Aessina (N). Talk to Arch Druid Hamuul Runetotem.
Turn in the quest, “Aessina’s Miracle” (85)
Accept the quest, “Tortolla’s Revenge” (86)
129. Travel South-East to The Regrowth (T), which used to be The Flamewake (T). Find and enter the portal. Once inside
Firelands Hatchery (V), talk to Farden Talonshrike.
Turn in the quest, “The Hatchery Must Burn” (82)
Accept the quest, “Flight in the Firelands” (87)
Portal to Firelands Hatchery (V) at The Regrowth (T)
130. Behind Farden Taloneshrike are two Twilight Weapon Racks. Right-Click one to receive a Twilight Firelance. Then equip the
Twilight Firelance. Right-Click one of Aviana’s Guardians surrounding you. Then use the Flap ability to fly over to the Guardian Flag.
Visit Guardian Flag
Locations of the Twilight Weapon Racks and Guardian Flag at Firelands Hatchery (V)
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131. Flap back and return to Farden Talonshrike.
Turn in the quest, “Flight in the Firelands” (87)
Accept the quest, “Wave One” (88)
132. While mounted, Flap around Firelands Hatchery (V) and fly into Twilight Buzzards to knock off and slay 10 Twilight Knight
Slay 10 Twilight Knight Riders
TIP: All you have to do is just fly near the Twilight Buzzards to knock them off. So just guide Aviana’s Guardian towards Twilight
Buzzards. Use Flap to both stay in flight and to change directions. Also, if at any point you fall off your mount and land on the ground
below, you can find an NPC with replacement mounts on floor to the North-West.
133. Return to Farden Talonshrike.
Turn in the quest, “Wave One” (88)
Accept the quest, “Wave Two” (89)
134. While mounted, Flap around Firelands Hatchery (V) and fly into Twilight Firebirds to knock off and slay 10 Twilight Lancers.
Slay 10 Twilight Lancers
TIP: This is exactly the same as before, however Searing Stones will be falling from the ceiling and there are Lava Spouts to avoid.
Coming into contact with either of these will cause you to take a decent amount of damage.
135. Return to Farden Talonshrike.
Turn in the quest, “Wave Two” (89)
Accept the quest, “Egg Wave” (90)
136. While mounted, Flap around Firelands Hatchery (V) and find Firelands Eggs. Destroy 40 Firelands Eggs by running your
mount into them.
Destroy 40 Firelands Eggs
TIP: The quickest and easiest method to destroy the Firelands Eggs is to find them near the ground level of the hatchery. You’ll avoid
most of the Searing Stones (since they will hit the floating platforms above) while finding most of the Firelands Eggs.
Firelands Eggs at Firelands Hatchery (V)
137. Return to Farden Talonshrike.
Turn in the quest, “Egg Wave” (90)
Accept the quest, “Return to Aviana” (91)
138. Exit Firelands Hatchery (V) via the portal. Then travel North-East to the Shrine of Aviana (L). Enter the shrine and talk to
Turn in the quest, “Return to Aviana” (91)
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139. Travel South to The Regrowth (T) and talk to Tortolla at the (R).
Turn in the quest, “Tortolla’s Revenge” (86)
Accept the quest, “The Hammer and the Key” (92)
140. Talk to Niden.
Accept the quest, “Lost Wardens” (93)
Accept the quest, “Breakthrough” (94)
141. Travel East to The Scorched Plain (W). Roam the plains to slay 10 Twilight Scorchlords, collect 1 Glyph of Opening by killing
Twilight Field Captains, and rescue 8 Lost Wardens by talking to them.
Slay 10 Twilight Scorchlords
Collect Glyph of Opening
Rescue 8 Lost Wardens
142. Return West to The Regrowth (T) and talk to Tortolla.
Turn in the quest, “The Hammer and the Key” (92)
Accept the quest, “The Third Flamegate” (95)
143. Travel East to The Scorched Plain (W) and find the Guardians of Hyjal Camp at the (U) on the map. Talk to Captain Irontree
inside the destroyed building.
Turn in the quest, “Lost Wardens” (93)
Accept the quest, “Pressing the Advantage” (96)
Turn in the quest, “Breakthrough” (94)
Guardians of Hyjal Camp at The Scorched Plain (W)
144. Talk to Logram.
Accept the quest, “Hyjal Recycling Program” (97)
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145. Roam The Scorched Plain (W) to collect 15 Warden’s Arrows and slay 4 Twilight Field Captains.
Collect 15 Warden’s Arrows
Slay 4 Twilight Field Captains
Warden’s Arrows at The Scorched Plain (W)
146. Return to the Guardians of Hyjal Camp. Talk to Captain Irontree.
Turn in the quest, “Pressing the Advantage” (96)
147. Talk to Logram.
Turn in the quest, “Hyjal Recycling Program” (97)
148. Travel East and enter the portal to The Crucible of Flame (X). The portal is located directly at the location marked on the
map. Once you teleport in, talk to Garunda Mountainpeak.
Turn in the quest, “The Third Flamegate” (95)
Accept the quest, “The Time for Mercy has Passed” (98)
Accept the quest, “The Strength of Tortolla” (99)
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149. Follow the paths to reach the room located in the Mini-Map screenshot below. There, you will find Nemesis Crystals. Get
close to one with your Child of Tortolla in order to examine it. Continue killing mobs on your way back to Garunda Mountainpeak in
order to kill 4 Shadowflame Masters and 10 Molten Tormentors.
Examine Nemesis Crystal
Slay 4 Shadowflame Masters
Slay 10 Molten Tormentors
Location of the Nemesis Crystal on Mini-Map at The Crucible of Flame (X)
150. Return to the entrance of The Crucible of Flame (X) and talk to Garunda Mountainpeak.
Turn in the quest, “The Time for Mercy has Passed” (98)
Turn in the quest, “The Strength of Tortolla” (99)
Accept the quest, “Finish Nemesis” (100)
151. Travel to the South-West part of The Crucible of Flame (X) to find Nemesis and kill him.
Slay Nemesis
TIP: When Nemesis begins to cast Molten Fury, use the Totem of Tortolla from your inventory in order to avoid being hit by it. Once
Molten Fury finishes casting, Right-Click the buff off of your buff list in order to continue attacking. Although Nemesis is labeled as
elite, he hits very weakly. Avoiding Molten Fury is more than enough to defeat him solo.
152. Return to the entrance of The Crucible of Flame (X) and talk to Garunda Mountainpeak.
Turn in the quest, “Finish Nemesis” (100)
Accept the quest, “Tortolla’s Triumph” (101)
153. Travel through the portal to return to The Scorched Plain (W). Travel West to The Regrowth (T) and talk to Tortolla.
Turn in the quest, “Tortolla’s Triumph” (101)
Accept the quest, “The Ancients are With Us” (102)
154. Travel North-East and return to Nordrassil (A). Talk to Ysera.
Turn in the quest, “The Ancients are With Us” (102)
Accept the quest, “Commander Jarod Shadowsong” (103)
155. Travel South to Darkwhisper Pass (Y). Enter the cave and talk to Elementalist Ortell.
Turn in the quest, “Commander Jarod Shadowsong” (103)
Accept the quest, “Signed in Blood” (104)
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© Copyright 2009-2010 KFGuides.
156. Travel slightly South-East from the cave to Darkwhisper Gorge (Z). You should immediately notice a large group of Twilight
Recruits. Talk to a Twilight Recruit and then walk a small distance away from the group. Then Right-Click Blackjack from your
inventory to kill the recruit. Collect the Twilight Recruitment Papers from the corpse.
Collect Twilight Recruitment Papers
Group of Twilight Recruits at Darkwhisper Gorge (Z)
157. Return to the cave at Darkwhisper Pass (Y) and talk to Elementalist Ortell.
Turn in the quest, “Signed in Blood” (104)
Accept the quest, “Your New Identity” (105)
158. Travel South-East to The Twilight Gauntlet (AA) and talk to Condenna the Pitiless at the small Camp.
Turn in the quest, “Your New Identity” (105)
Accept the quest, “Trial By Fire” (106)
Accept the quest, “In Bloom” (107)
Camp at The Twilight Gauntlet (AA)
159. Talk to Instructor Cargall.
Accept the quest, “Waste of Flesh” (108)
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© Copyright 2009-2010 KFGuides.
160. Roam The Twilight Gauntlet (AA) to slay 8 Fiery Instructors and collect 5 Flame Blossoms. Also, find an Immolated
Supplicant (a Twilight running around on fire), target them and use the Frostgale Crystal from your inventory.
Slay 8 Fiery Instructors
Collect 5 Flame Blossoms
Rescue Immolated Supplicant
TIP: Be cautious of Smolderos the Carbonizer, a giant fiery two-headed dog, who roams The Twilight Gauntlet (AA). Stay away from
Flame Blossom at The Twilight Gauntlet (AA)
161. Return to the small Camp at The Twilight Gauntlet (AA). Talk to Instructor Cargall.
Turn in the quest, “Waste of Flesh” (108)
162. Talk to Condenna the Pitiless.
Turn in the quest, “Trial By Fire” (106)
Turn in the quest, “In Bloom” (107)
Accept the quest, “Twilight Training” (109)
163. Travel East to The Forge of Supplication (BB). Talk to Instructor Mylva at the South-East part of the forge.
Turn in the quest, “Twilight Training” (109)
Accept the quest, “Physical Training: Forced Labor” (110)
164. Talk to Instructor Devoran at the East part of the forge.
Accept the quest, “Walking the Dog” (111)
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165. Find the Outhouse Hideout at the West part of the forge. Right-Click to accept the quest.
Accept the quest, “Gather the Intelligence” (112)
Outhouse Hideout at The Forge of Supplication (BB)
166. Find and collect the Twilight Communique at the North-East part of The Forge of Supplication (BB).
Collect Twilight Communique
TIP: Make sure that the roaming Twilight Guard is not nearby when collecting the item, otherwise they will attack you. Be aware
that the Twilight Guard is an elite.
Twilight Communique at The Forge of Supplication (BB)
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167. Travel slightly North into Darkwhisper Gorge (Z). Slay Spinescale Basilisks to collect 5 Charred Basilisk Meats. Also, RightClick on Darkwhisper Lodestones to break 5 of them. Once you have collected the 5 Charred Basilisk Meats, Right-Click the Fiery
Leash from your inventory to summon a Spawn of Smolderos. Then Right-Click 5 Charred Basilisk Meats to feed the Spawn of Smolderos.
Collect 5 Charred Basilisk Meats
Break 5 Darkwhisper Lodestones
Feed Spawn of Smolderos 5 Times
Darkwhisper Lodestone at Darkwhisper Gorge (Z)
168. Travel slightly East to Doom’s Vigil (CC). Find and collect the Hyjal Battleplans.
Collect Hyjal Battleplans
TIP: Again, be cautious of the Twilight Guard.
Hyjal Battleplans at Doom’s Vigil (CC)
169. Return South to The Forge of Supplication (BB). Talk to Instructor Devoran.
Turn in the quest, “Walking the Dog” (111)
Accept the quest, “A Champion’s Collar” (113)
To Beginning of Guide
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© Copyright 2009-2010 KFGuides.
170. Talk to Instructor Mylva. Upon accepting the quest, you will immediately be chased by a Blazing Trainer. Just simply run
away from it and stay away from it for one minute to complete the quest. Then return to Instructor Mylva.
Turn in the quest, “Physical Training: Forced Labor” (110)
Accept the quest, “Agility Training: Run Like Hell!” (114)
Turn in the quest, “Agility Training: Run Like Hell!” (114)
Accept the quest, “Mental Training: Speaking the Truth to Power” (115)
171. Right-Click the Orb of Ascension from your inventory to summon it. The Orb of Ascension will ask you a question in your
chat box. You will have 5 seconds to answer each question. On your action bar will be a thumbs up and a thumbs down. Use the
Thumbs Up to answer Yes and Thumbs Down to answer No. Answering incorrectly or letting the 5 seconds expire will cause damage
to you, ultimately causing you to die. Answering correctly will heal you.
Mental Training Completed
TIP: Here are the possible questions and correct answers:
Are the oceans filled with water? Choose Thumbs Up
Do dogs bark? Choose Thumbs Up
Do wolves howl? Choose Thumbs Up
Is blood red? Choose Thumps Up
Is fire hot? Choose Thumbs Up
Is vinegar sour? Choose Thumbs Up
Are deserts lush? Choose Thumbs Down
Are slaves free? Choose Thumbs Down
Do Giants tread lightly? Choose Thumbs Down
Do liars speak the truth? Choose Thumbs Down
Do rivers flow upstream? Choose Thumbs Down
Is ice hot? Choose Thumbs Down
172. Talk to Instructor Mylva.
Turn in the quest, “Mental Training: Speaking the Truth to Power” (115)
Accept the quest, “Spiritual Training: Mercy is for the Weak” (116)
173. Right-Click on the Outhouse Hideout.
Turn in the quest, “Gather the Intelligence” (112)
Accept the quest, “Seeds of Discord” (117)
174. Travel North to Doom’s Vigil (CC) and slay 5 Failed Supplicants.
Slay 5 Failed Supplicants
175. Travel West to Location 10 (L10) and slay the Spinescale Matriarch to collect the Spiked Basilisk Hide.
Collect Spiked Basilisk Hide
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176. Travel West to the Seat of the Chosen (DD). Find the Ogre Outhouse and use the Ogre Disguise from your inventory. Then
enter the cave and talk to Karr’gonn. Choose the first response to dismiss him. Then slay High Cultist Azennios.
Slay High Cultist Azennios
Locations of Ogre Outhouse and Karr’gonn at Seat of the Chosen (DD)
177. Return East to The Forge of Supplication (BB). Talk to Instructor Devoran.
Turn in the quest, “A Champion’s Collar” (113)
Accept the quest, “Grudge Match” (118)
178. Talk to Instructor Mylva.
Turn in the quest, “Spiritual Training: Mercy is for the Weak” (116)
179. Travel to the Outhouse Hideout and Right-Click it.
Turn in the quest, “Seeds of Discord” (117)
180. Travel West to the Seat of the Chosen (DD). Enter the cave at the South part of the area and talk to Gromm’ko. Choose the
first response. Wait a few moments for the Spawn of Smolderos to slay Butcher, then Gromm’ko will attack you. Slay Gromm’ko.
Grudge Match Completed
181. Return East to The Forge of Supplication (BB) and talk to Instructor Devoran.
Turn in the quest, “Grudge Match” (118)
182. Talk to Instructor Mylva.
Accept the quest, “The Greater of Two Evils” (119)
Accept the quest, “Twilight Territory” (120)
183. Travel West to the Gates of Sothann (EE). Use the Talisman of Flame Ascendancy from your inventory to slay Garnoth, Fist
of the Legion at (CC) on the map. Then slay 10 Horroguards around the area.
Slay Garnoth, Fist of the Legion
Slay 10 Horrorguards
TIP: Once you use the Talisman of Flame Ascendancy, use the Flame Shield ability whenever it is available to reduce the damage you
take while spamming Ascendant Strike. It’s a pretty easy and thoughtless fight.
184. Return East to The Forge of Supplication (BB) and talk to Instructor Mylva.
Turn in the quest, “The Greater of Two Evils” (119)
Turn in the quest, “Twilight Territory” (120)
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© Copyright 2009-2010 KFGuides.
185. Travel to the Outhouse Hideout and Right-Click it.
Accept the quest, “Speech Writing for Dummies” (121)
186. Travel West to Darkwhisper Gorge (Z). Find Okrog, who is an ogre roaming the path in between Darkwhisper Gorge (Z) and
the Seat of the Chosen (DD). Slay Okrog once you find him.
Slay Okrog
187. Return East to The Forge of Supplicants (Z). Travel to the Outhouse Hideout and Right-Click it.
Turn in the quest, “Speech Writing for Dummies” (121)
Accept the quest, “Head of the Class” (122)
188. Talk to Instructor Mylva.
Turn in the quest, “Head of the Class” (122)
Accept the quest, “Graduation Speech” (123)
189. Travel North to Doom’s Vigil (CC). Find the Initiation Podium at the West part of Doom’s Vigil (CC) and Right-Click it to give
your graduation speech. You have three abilities to choose from, Inspire, Incite, and Pander. You must wait for a Twilight Initiate to
say something, and then choose an ability in response. Do so 10 times.
Graduation Speech Completed 10 Times
TIP: You must choose the correct response in order to complete the speech once. If a Twilight Initiate says (in alphabetical order by
*yawn*. Choose Inspire
I’m not quite convinced. Choose Inspire
Meh. Choose Inspire
Yea… I don’t know about this. Choose Inspire
Blood! Choose Incite
Crush! Choose Incite
Death! Choose Incite
Kill! Choose Incite
Kill them all! Choose Incite
Raaahhh! Choose Incite
Immalanath, yasoth nalarub! Choose Pander
It’s like… it’s like the void just touched my mind. Choose Pander
I hear the voices! Choose Pander
The end is nigh! The end is a new beginning! Choose Pander
Initiation Podium at Doom’s Vigil (CC)
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© Copyright 2009-2010 KFGuides.
190. After the chaos begins, talk to Commander Jarod Shadowsong behind you.
Turn in the quest, “Graduation Speech” (123)
Accept the quest, “Twilight Riot” (124)
191. Travel South-West to the Gates of Sothann (EE). Find the portal at Location 11 (L11). Talk to Commander Jarod
Turn in the quest, “Twilight Riot” (124)
Accept the quest, “Slash and Burn” (125)
192. Right-Click an Emerald Drake by the portal and travel North-East to Darkwhisper Gorge (Z). Roam around and slay 5
Twilight Stormwakers and 40 Twilight’s Hammer Units.
Slay 5 Twilight Stormwakers
Slay 40 Twilight’s Hammer Units
TIP: Use Acid Blast to slay the Twilight’s Hammer Units on the ground. Use Aerial Swipe to slay the Twilight Stormwakers. The
easiest method of slaying the Twilight’s Hammer Units is to roam between the The Twilight Gauntlet (AA), Seat of the Chosen (DD),
and The Forge of Supplication (BB).
193. Return to Location 11 (L11) and talk to Commander Jarod Shadowsong.
Turn in the quest, “Slash and Burn” (125)
Accept the quest, “Might of the Firelord” (126)
194. Talk to Cenarius.
Accept the quest, “Secrets of the Flame” (127)
195. The portal should now be filled with lots of allies. Find and talk to Althera, an emerald drake, to discover the Flight Path.
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196. Travel South-West to Ascendant’s Rise (FF). Roam around and slay 4 Flame Ascendants and 5 Twilight Subjugators. Collect
Ascendant’s Codex, Burning Litanies, and the Tome of Flame located at the three (X). Find the Pure Twilight Egg at the (DD) on the
map. Right-Click it to accept the quest.
Slay 4 Flame Ascendants
Slay 5 Twilight Subjugators
Collect Ascendant’s Codex
Collect Burning Litanies
Collect Tome of Flame
Accept the quest, “The Twilight Egg” (128)
Ascendant’s Codex, Burning Litanies, and Tome of Flame at Ascendant’s Rise (FF).
(Burning Litanies pictured above)
Pure Twilight Egg at Ascendant’s Rise (FF)
197. Return North-East to Location 11 (L11). Talk to Cenarius.
Turn in the quest, “Secrets of the Flame” (127)
Accept the quest, “The Gatekeeper” (129)
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© Copyright 2009-2010 KFGuides.
198. Talk to Commander Jarod Shadowsong.
Turn in the quest, “Might of the Firelord” (126)
Accept the quest, “The Sanctum of the Prophets” (130)
199. Talk to Aronus.
Turn in the quest, “The Twilight Egg” (128)
Accept the quest, “Brood of Evil” (131)
200. Travel South-West to Ascendant’s Rise (FF). Slay Young Twilight Drakes to collect a Young Twilight Drake Skull.
Collect Young Twilight Drake Skull
201. Travel slight North to the Sanctum of the Prophets (GG). Find Azralon the Gatekeeper and use the Horn of Cenarius to slay
him. Then slay 4 Twilight Augurs, 4 Twilight Retainers, and 1 Emissary of Flame.
Slay Azralon the Gatekeeper
Slay 4 Twilight Augurs
Slay 4 Twilight Retainers
Slay 1 Emissary of Flame
202. Return South-East to Location 11 (L11) and talk to Commander Jarod Shadowsong.
Turn in the quest, “The Sanctum of the Prophets” (130)
Accept the quest, “Magma Monarch” (132)
203. Talk to Aronus.
Turn in the quest, “Brood of Evil” (131)
Accept the quest, “Death to the Broodmother” (133)
204. Talk to Cenarius.
Turn in the quest, “The Gatekeeper” (129)
205. Travel South-West to Location 13 (L13) at Desperiona’s Feeding Grounds. Right-Click the Young Twilight Drake Skull from
your inventory. Slay Desperiona when it arrives.
Slay Desperiona
Desperiona’s Feeding Grounds at Location 13 (L13)
206. Travel West to the Throne of Flame (HH). Use the Drums of the Turtle God to summon Tortolla. Wait for Tortolla to engage
King Moltron, then assist in slaying King Moltron.
Slay King Moltron
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© Copyright 2009-2010 KFGuides.
207. Return East to Location 11 (L11) and talk to Commander Jarod Shadowsong.
Turn in the quest, “Magma Monarch” (132)
208. Talk to Aronus.
Turn in the quest, “Death to the Broodmother” (133)
209. Talk to Cenarius.
Accept the quest, “The Firelord” (134)
210. Find and enter the portal at Location 12 (L12). Talk to Cenarius and choose the first response to begin the event to defeat
Defeat Ragnaros
TIP: This is actually a challenging event. It is a lot easier if you are with allies. However, here is the breakdown of the event:
-When Ragnaros is active, Cenarius will tank him. You should take minimal damage from this stage. Just focus on DPS’ing Ragnaros
as hard as you can.
-Avoid the lava waves: Every few minutes, Ragnaros will submerge and send waves of lava at you. Two waves come and there are
two patterns. They will either come from the Left and Right sides where you can avoid them by standing by Cenarius. Or they will
come right down the middle, where you can avoid them by standing to the Right or Left by the other two NPCs. After the waves,
Ragnaros will re-emerge.
-Defeat the fire elementals attacking: Occasionally, a single elemental will attack Malfurion or Arch Druid Hamuul Runetotem. You
must engage and defeat it as fast as you can.
-Avoid the fire circles on the ground: Throughout the fight, a fireball will land on these circles causing damage and a big knockback.
So simply avoid running through these circles.
Overall, don’t over-think the event. Listen to the messages that appear and follow them while doing max damage to Ragnaros.
211. Take the Portal to Hyjal after the fight to return to Location 11 (L11). Talk to Commander Jarod Shadowsong.
Turn in the quest, “The Firelord” (134)
Accept the quest, “The Battle Is Won, The War Goes On” (135)
212. Travel to Stormwind City. Find Naraat the Earthspeaker at the The Eastern Earthshrine in the North part of Stormwind
City. Talk to Naraat the Earthspeaker.
Turn in the quest, “The Battle Is Won, The War Goes On” (135)
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© Copyright 2009-2010 KFGuides.
Quest List – Mount Hyjal (Alliance)
(1) Hero’s Call: Mount Hyjal!
Starts with: Hero’s Call Board in Stormwind City
Travel to: Moonglade via Cenarion Emissary Jademoon in Stormwind Keep
Ends with: Emissary Windsong
(2) As Hyjal Burns
Starts with: Emissary Windsong
Travel to: Mount Hyjal via Aronus
Ends with: Ysera
(3) Protect the World Tree
Starts with: Ysera
Ends with: Malfurion Stormrage
(4) The Earth Rises
Starts with: Anren Shadowseeker
Slay: 6 Scalding Rock Elementals at Nordrassil (A)
Ends with: Anren Shadowseeker
(5) Inciting the Elements
Starts with: Tholo Whitehoof
Slay: 4 Twilight Inciters at Location 1 (L1)
Ends with: Tholo Whitehoof
(6) Flames from Above
Starts with: Tholo Whitehoof
Use: Tholo’s Horn at Location 2 (L2)
Ends with: Tholo Whitehoof
(7) War on the Twilight’s Hammer
Starts with: Malfurion Stormrage
Slay: 4 Twilight Flamecallers, 10 Twilight Vanquishers North of Location 3 (L3)
Ends with: Malfurion Stormrage
(8) Emerald Allies
Starts with: Windspeaker Tamila
Ends with: Alysra
(9) The Flameseer’s Staff
Starts with: Windspeaker Tamila
Collect: 8 Charred Staff Fragments at The Verdant Thicket (B)
Ends with: Malfurion Stormrage
(10) The Captured Scout
Starts with: Alysra
Ends with: Scout Larandia
(11) Twilight Captivity
Starts with: Scout Larandia
Collect: Twilight Overseer’s Key by killing Twilight Overseers at The Verdant Thicket (B)
Ends with: Scout Larandia
(12) Return to Alysra
Starts with: Scout Larandia
Ends with: Alysra
(13) A Prisoner of Interest
Starts with: Alysra
Ends with: Captain Saynna Stormrunner
(14) Flamebreaker
Starts with: Malfurion Stormrage
Use: Flameseer’s Staff on Blazebound Revenants to spawn Unbound Flame Spirits
Slay: 30 Unbound Flame Spirits
Ends with: Malfurion Stormrage
(15) The Return of Baron Geddon
Starts with: Malfurion Stormrage
Use: Flameseer’s Staff on Baron Geddon 20 times at The Verdant Thicket (B)
Ends with: Malfurion Stormrage
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© Copyright 2009-2010 KFGuides.
(16) Through the Dream
Starts with: Captain Saynna Stormrunner
Travel to: Hyjal Barrow Dens (E) entrance
Ends with: Alysra
(17) Return to Nordrassil
Starts with: Alysra
Ends with: Ysera
(18) The Return of the Ancients
Starts with: Ysera
Ends with: Oomla Whitehorn
(19) Wings Over Mount Hyjal
Starts with: Tiala Whitemane
Ends with: Choluna
(20) Harrying the Hunters
Starts with: Oomla Whitehorn
Slay: 6 Twilight Hunters at Location 5 (L5)
Ends with: Oomla Whitehorn
(21) End of the Supply Line
Starts with: Jadi Falaryn
Slay: 4 Twilight Proveditors at Location 5 (L5)
Ends with: Jadi Falaryn
(22) In the Rear With the Gear
Starts with: Jadi Falaryn
Collect: 36 Twilight Supplies at Location 5 (L5)
Ends with: Jadi Falaryn
(23) The Voice of Lo’Gosh
Starts with: Oomla Whitehorn
Ends with: Ian Duran
(24) Howling Mad
Starts with: Ian Duran
Collect: 6 Polluted Incense by killing Lycanthoth Vandals at Shrine of Goldrinn (G)
Ends with: Ian Duran
(25) Lycanthoth the Corruptor
Starts with: Ian Duran
Use: Lycanthoth’s Essence at Maw of Lycanthoth (H)
Slay: Lycanthoth the Corruptor
Ends with: Spirit of Goldrinn
(26) The Shrine Reclaimed
Starts with: Spirit of Goldrinn
Ends with: Ian Duran
(27) Cleaning House
Starts with: Ian Duran
Slay: 8 Minions of Gar’gol at Gar’gol’s Hovel (I)
Ends with: Ian Duran
(28) From the Mouth of Madness
Starts with: Rio Duran
Collect: 1 Bitterblossom from Shrine of Goldrinn (G)
Collect: 1 Stonebloom, 1 Darkflame Ember from Gar’gol’s Hovel (I)
Ends with: Twilight Cauldron
(29) The Eye of Twilight
Starts with: Royce Duskwhisper
Ends with: Eye of Twilight
(30) Free Your Mind, the Rest Follows
Starts with: Twilight Cauldron
Rescue: 8 Twilight Servitors by talking to them at Gar’gol’s Hovel (I)
Ends with: Rio Duran
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© Copyright 2009-2010 KFGuides.
(31) Mastering Puppets
Starts with: Eye of Twilight
Ends with: Twilight Apocrypha
(32) Gar’gol’s Gotta Go
Starts with: Kristoff Manheim
Collect: Rusted Skull Key at Gar’gol’s Hovel (I)
Ends with: Kristoff Manheim
(33) Elementary
Starts with: Twilight Apocrypha
Activate: Crucible of Fire, Crucible of Earth, Crucible of Air, and Crucible of Water – in that order – at Gar’gol’s Hovel (I)
Ends with: Twilight Apocrypha
(34) Return to Duskwhisper
Starts with: Twilight Apocrypha
Ends with: Royce Duskwhisper
(35) Get Me Outta Here!
Starts with: Kristoff Manheim
Escort: Kristoff Manheim at Gar’gol’s Hovel (I)
Ends with: Royce Duskwhisper
(36) Sweeping the Shelf
Starts with: Ian Duran
Slay: 8 Twilight Stormcallers, 5 Howling Riftdwellers at Lightning Ledge (J)
Ends with: Ian Duran
(37) Lightning in a Bottle
Starts with: Ian Duran
Collect: Charged Condenser Jar at Lightning Ledge (J)
Ends with: Spirit of Goldrinn
(38) Into the Maw!
Starts with: Spirit of Goldrinn
Travel to: The Firelands Forgeworks (K) via the portal at Lightning Ledge (J)
Ends with: Jordan Olafson
(39) Forged of Shadow and Flame
Starts with: Jordan Olafson
Destroy: 10 Twilight Arms Crates
Ends with: Jordan Olafson
(40) Crushing the Cores
Starts with: Jordan Olafson
Collect: 8 Smoldering Cores by killing Searing Guardians at Firelands Forgeworks (K)
Destroy: 8 Smoldering Cores by using Twilight Anvils at Firelands Forgeworks (K)
Ends with: Jordan Olafson
(41) Rage of the Wolf Ancient
Starts with: Yargra Blackscar
Slay: 12 Dark Iron Laborers at Firelands Forgeworks (K)
Ends with: Yargra Blackscar
(42) Cindermaul, the Portal Master
Starts with: Jordan Olafson
Slay: Cindermaul at Location 6 (L6) inside Firelands Forgeworks (K)
Collect: Tome of Openings from Battered Stone Chest at Location 6 (L6) inside Firelands Forgeworks (K)
Ends with: Jordan Olafson
(43) Forgemaster Pyrendius
Starts with: Jordan Olafson
Slay: Forgemaster Pyrendius at Location 7 (L7) inside Firelands Forgeworks (K)
Ends with: Jordan Olafson
(44) Return from the Firelands
Starts with: Jordan Olafson
Ends with: Ian Duran
(45) The Fires of Mt. Hyjal
Starts with: Rio Duran
Ends with: Laina Nightsky
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© Copyright 2009-2010 KFGuides.
(46) The Wormwing Problem
Starts with: Thisalee Crow at (#1)
Slay: 10 Wormwing Harpies at Rim of the World (M)
Ends with: Thisalee Crow at (#1)
(47) Scrambling for Eggs
Starts with: Thisalee Crow at (#1)
Collect: 8 Hyjal Eggs at Rim of the World (M)
Ends with: Thisalee Crow at (#1)
(48) An Offering for Aviana
Starts with: Choluna
Use: Sacred Nectar at Shrine of Aviana (L)
Ends with: Mysterious Winged Spirit
(49) A Plea From Beyond
Starts with: Mysterious Winged Spirit
Ends with: Choluna
(50) A Prayer and a Wing
Starts with: Choluna
Collect: Ancient Feather by killing Blaithe
Ends with: Choluna
(51) A Bird in Hand
Starts with: Thisalee Crow at (#1)
Interrogate: Marion Wormwing
Ends with: Thisalee Crow at (#1)
(52) Fact-Finding Mission
Starts with: Skylord Omnuron
Ends with: Thisalee Crow at (#2)
(53) Fighting Fire With… Anything
Starts with: Laina Nightsky
Slay: 10 Raging Firestorms at The Inferno (P)
Ends with: Laina Nightsky
(54) Disrupting the Rituals
Starts with: Laina Nightsky
Slay: 6 Twilight Inferno Lords at The Inferno (P)
Ends with: Laina Nightsky
(55) Save the Wee Animals
Starts with: Mylune
Collect: 10 Frightened Animals at The Inferno (P)
Ends with: Mylune
(56) If You’re Not Against Us…
Starts with: Matoclaw
Persuade: Tyrus Blackhorn at Blackhorn’s Penance (O)
Ends with: Tyrus Blackhorn
(57) Seeds of Their Demise
Starts with: Tyrus Blackhorn
Collect: 8 Bileberries by killing Wailing Weeds at Blackhorn’s Penance (O)
Ends with: Tyrus Blackhorn
(58) A New Master
Starts with: Tyrus Blackhorn
Use: Bottled Bileberry Brew on a Twilight Inferno Lord’s corpse
Ends with: Twilight Inferno Lord
(59) The Name Never Spoken
Starts with: Twilight Inferno Lord
Examine: Northern Firestone, Central Firestone, Southern Firestone at The Inferno (P)
Ends with: Tyrus Blackhorn
(60) Oh, Deer!
Starts with: Mylune
Escort: 3 Injured Fawn from The Inferno (P) to Grove of Aessina (N)
Ends with: Mylune
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© Copyright 2009-2010 KFGuides.
(61) Black Heart of Flame
Starts with: Tyrus Blackhorn
Use: Charred Branch at The Inferno (P) to summon Thol’embaar
Collect: Black Heart of Thol’embaar by killing Thol’embaar
Ends with: Tyrus Blackhorn
(62) Last Stand at Whistling Grove
Starts with: Laina Nightsky
Ends with: Keeper Taldros
(63) The Bears Up There
Starts with: Keeper Taldros
Rescue: 6 Hyjal Bear Cubs at Whistling Grove (Q)
Ends with: Keeper Taldros
(64) Smashing Through Ashes
Starts with: Keeper Taldros
Slay: 8 Charbringers at Ashen Lake (R)
Ends with: Arch Druid Hamuul Runetotem at (#1)
(65) Durable Seeds
Starts with: Arch Druid Hamuul Runetotem at (#1)
Collect: 10 Hyjal Seedlings at The Flamewake (T)
Ends with: Arch Druid Hamuul Runetotem at (#1)
(66) Fresh Bait
Starts with: Arch Druid Hamuul Runetotem at (#1)
Collect: 4 Core Hound Entrails by killing Core Hounds at The Flamewake (T)
Ends with: Arch Druid Hamuul Runetotem at (#1)
(67) Firebreak
Starts with: Rayne Feathersong
Slay: 10 Lava Surgers at The Flamewake (T)
Ends with: Rayne Feathersong
(68) Hell’s Shells
Starts with: Arch Druid Hamuul Runetotem at (#1)
Collect: Nemesis Shell Fragment at The Flamewake (T)
Ends with: Arch Druid Hamuul Runetotem at (#1)
(69) Prepping the Soil
Starts with: Rayne Feathersong
Activate: Flameward at The Flamewake (T)
Defend: Flameward at The Flamewake (T)
Ends with: Rayne Feathersong
(70) Tortolla Speaks
Starts with: Arch Druid Hamuul Runetotem at (#1)
Ends with: Tortolla at (#1)
(71) Breaking the Bonds
Starts with: Tortolla at (#1)
Destroy: Rods of Subjugation 1 and 2 at Ashen Lake (R)
Ends with: Tortolla at (#1)
(72) Children of Tortolla
Starts with: Tortolla at (#1)
Slay: 6 Deep Corruptors at Ashen Lake (R) to save 6 Tortolla’s Eggs
Ends with: Tortolla at (#1)
(73) An Ancient Awakens
Starts with: Tortolla at (#1)
Ends with: Arch Druid Hamuul Runetotem
(74) Sethria’s Brood
Starts with: Thisalee Crow at (#2)
Slay: 12 Minions of Sethria at Sethria’s Roost (U)
Ends with: Thisalee Crow at (#2)
To Beginning of Guide
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© Copyright 2009-2010 KFGuides.
(75) A Gap in Their Armor
Starts with: Thisalee Crow at (#2)
Collect: 8 Twilight Armor Plates at Sethria’s Roost (U)
Ends with: Thisalee Crow at (#2)
(76) The Codex of Shadows
Starts with: Codex of Shadows
Ends with: Thisalee Crow at (#2)
(77) Disassembly
Starts with: Thisalee Crow at (#2)
Use: Thisalee’s Shiv on Twilight Juggernauts at Sethria’s Roost (U)
Slay: 3 Twilight Juggernauts
Ends with: Thisalee Crow at (#2)
(78) Egg Hunt
Starts with: Thisalee Crow at (#2)
Find: Aviana’s Egg and defend it at Sethria’s Roost (U)
Ends with: Thisalee Crow at (#2)
(79) Sethria’s Demise
Starts with: Thisalee Crow at (#2)
Slay: Sethria at Location 8 (L8)
Ends with: Thisalee Crow at (#2)
(80) Return to the Shrine
Starts with: Thisalee Crow at (#2)
Ends with: Choluna
(81) An Ancient Reborn
Starts with: Choluna
Use: Herald’s Incense at Aviana’s Egg at Shrine of Aviana (L)
Ends with: Aviana
(82) The Hatchery Must Burn
Starts with: Aviana
Ends with: Farden Taloneshrike
(83) The Last Living Lorekeeper
Starts with: Ysera
Ends with: Nordu
(84) Firefight
Starts with: Nordu
Slay: 5 Fiery Torments North of Location 9 (L9)
Ends with: Nordu
(85) Aessina’s Miracle
Starts with: Nordu
Ends with: Arch Druid Hamuul Runetotem at (#2)
(86) Tortolla’s Revenge
Starts with: Arch Druid Hamuul Runetotem at (#2)
Ends with: Tortolla at (#2)
(87) Flight in the Firelands
Starts with: Farden Talonshrike
Find: Guardian Flag
Ends with: Farden Talonshrike
(88) Wave One
Starts with: Farden Talonshrike
Slay: 10 Twilight Knight Riders at Firelands Hatchery (V)
Ends with: Farden Talonshrike
(89) Wave Two
Starts with: Farden Talonshrike
Slay: 10 Twilight Lancers at Firelands Hatchery (V)
Ends with: Farden Talonshrike
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© Copyright 2009-2010 KFGuides.
(90) Egg Wave
Starts with: Farden Talonshrike
Destroy: 40 Firelands Eggs at Firelands Hatchery (V)
Ends with: Farden Talonshrike
(91) Return to Aviana
Starts with: Farden Talonshrike
Ends with: Aviana
(92) The Hammer and the Key
Starts with: Tortolla at (#2)
Collect: Glyph of Opening by killing Twilight Field Captain at The Scorched Plain (W)
Ends with: Tortolla at (#2)
(93) Lost Wardens
Starts with: Niden
Rescue: 8 Lost Wardens at The Scorched Plain (W)
Ends with: Captain Irontree
(94) Breakthrough
Starts with: Niden
Slay: 10 Twilight Scorchlords at The Scorched Plain (W)
Ends with: Captain Irontree
(95) The Third Flamegate
Starts with: Tortolla at (#2)
Ends with: Garunda Mountainpeak
(96) Pressing the Advantage
Starts with: Captain Irontree
Slay: 4 Twilight Field Captains at The Scorched Plain (W)
Ends with: Captain Irontree
(97) Hyjal Recycling Program
Starts with: Logram
Collect: 15 Warden’s Arrows at The Scorched Plain (W)
Ends with: Logram
(98) The Time for Mercy has Passed
Starts with: Garunda Mountainpeak
Slay: 4 Shadowflame Masters, 10 Molten Tormentors at The Crucible of Flame (X)
Ends with: Garunda Mountainpeak
(99) The Strength of Tortolla
Starts with: Garunda Mountainpeak
Examine: Nemesis Crystal at The Crucible of Flame (X)
Ends with: Garunda Mountainpeak
(100) Finish Nemesis
Starts with: Garunda Mountainpeak
Slay: Nemesis at The Crucible of Flame (X)
Ends with: Garunda Mountainpeak
(101) Tortolla’s Triumph
Starts with: Garunda Mountainpeak
Ends with: Tortolla
(102) The Ancients are With Us
Starts with: Tortolla
Ends with: Ysera
(103) Commander Jarod Shadowsong
Starts with: Ysera
Ends with: Elementalist Ortell
(104) Signed in Blood
Starts with: Elementalist Ortell
Use: Blackjack on Twilight Recruit at Darkwhisper Gorge (Z)
Collect: Twilight Recruitment Papers
Ends with: Elementalist Ortell
To Beginning of Guide
To Beginning of Section
© Copyright 2009-2010 KFGuides.
(105) Your New Identity
Starts with: Elementalist Ortell
Ends with: Condenna the Pitiless
(106) Trial By Fire
Starts with: Condenna the Pitiless
Slay: 8 Fiery Instructors at The Twilight Gauntlet (AA)
Ends with: Condenna the Pitiless
(107) In Bloom
Starts with: Condenna the Pitiless
Collect: 5 Flame Blossoms at The Twilight Gauntlet (AA)
Ends with: Condenna the Pitiless
(108) Waste of Flesh
Starts with: Instructor Cargall
Use: Frostgale Crystal on Immolated Supplicant at The Twilight Gauntlet (AA)
Ends with: Instructor Cargall
(109) Twilight Training
Starts with: Condenna the Pitiless
Ends with: Instructor Mylva
(110) Physical Training: Forced Labor
Starts with: Instructor Mylva
Destroy: 5 Darkwhisper Lodestones at Darkwhisper Gorge (Z)
Ends with: Instructor Mylva
(111) Walking the Dog
Starts with: Instructor Devoran
Collect: 5 Charred Basilisk Meats at Darkwhisper Gorge (Z)
Use: Fiery Leash to summon Spawn of Smolderos
Use: Charred Basilisk Meats to feed Spawn of Smolderos 5 Times
Ends with: Instructor Devoran
(112) Gather the Intelligence
Starts with: Outhouse Hideout
Collect: Twilight Communique at The Forge of Supplication (BB)
Collect: Hyjal Battleplans at Doom’s Vigil (CC)
Ends with: Outhouse Hideout
(113) A Champion’s Collar
Starts with: Instructor Devoran
Collect: Spiked Basilisk Hide by killing Spinescale Matriarch at Location 11 (L11)
Ends with: Instructor Devoran
(114) Agility Training: Run Like Hell
Starts with: Instructor Mylva
Ends with: Instructor Mylva
(115) Mental Training: Speaking the Truth to Power
Starts with: Instructor Mylva
Use: Orb of Ascension to answer 10 questions correctly
Ends with: Instructor Mylva
(116) Spiritual Training: Mercy is for the Weak
Starts with: Instructor Mylva
Slay: 5 Failed Supplicants at Doom’s Vigil (CC)
Ends with: Instructor Mylva
(117) Seeds of Discord
Starts with: Outhouse Hideout
Slay: High Cultist Azennios at Seat of the Chosen (DD)
Ends with: Outhouse Hideout
(118) Grudge Match
Starts with: Instructor Devoran
Slay: Gromm’ko at Seat of the Chosen (DD)
Ends with: Instructor Devoran
To Beginning of Guide
To Beginning of Section
© Copyright 2009-2010 KFGuides.
(119) The Greater of Two Evils
Starts with: Instructor Mylva
Slay: Garnoth, Fist of the Legion at Gates of Sothann (EE)
Ends with: Instructor Mylva
(120) Twilight Territory
Starts with: Instructor Mylva
Slay: 10 Horroguards at Gates of Sothann (EE)
Ends with: Instructor Mylva
(121) Speech Writing for Dummies
Starts with: Outhouse Hideout
Slay: Okrog at Darkwhisper Gorge (Z)
Ends with: Outhouse Hideout
(122) Head of the Class
Starts with: Outhouse Hideout
Ends with: Instructor Mylva
(123) Graduation Speech
Starts with: Instructor Mylva
Complete: Graduation Speech 10 Times at Doom’s Vigil (CC)
Ends with: Commander Jarod Shadowsong at (#1)
(124) Twilight Riot
Starts with: Commander Jarod Shadowsong at (#1)
Ends with: Commander Jarod Shadowsong at (#2)
(125) Slash and Burn
Starts with: Commander Jarod Shadowsong at (#2)
Slay: 5 Twilight Stormwakers, 40 Twilight’s Hammer Units
Ends with: Commander Jarod Shadowsong at (#2)
(126) Might of the Firelord
Starts with: Commander Jarod Shadowsong at (#2)
Slay: 4 Flame Ascendants, 5 Twilight Subjugators at Ascendant’s Rise (FF)
Ends with: Commander Jarod Shadowsong at (#2)
(127) Secrets of the Flame
Starts with: Cenarius
Collect: Ascendant’s Codex, Burning Litanies, Tome of Flame at Ascendant’s Rise (FF)
Ends with: Cenarius
(128) The Twilight Egg
Starts with: Pure Twilight Egg
Ends with: Aronus
(129) The Gatekeeper
Starts with: Cenarius
Slay: Azralon the Gatekeeper at Sanctum of the Prophets (GG)
Ends with: Quest Log
(130) The Sanctum of the Prophets
Starts with: Commander Jarod Shadowsong at (#2)
Slay: 4 Twilight Augurs, 4 Twilight Retainers, 1 Emissary of Flame at Sanctum of the Prophets (GG)
Ends with: Commander Jarod Shadowsong at (#2)
(131) Brood of Evil
Starts with: Aronus
Collect: Young Twilight Drake Skull at Ascendant’s Rise (FF)
Ends with: Aronus
(132) Magma Monarch
Starts with: Commander Jarod Shadowsong at (#2)
Slay: King Moltron at Throne of Flame (HH)
Ends with: Commander Jarod Shadowsong at (#2)
(133) Death to the Broodmother
Starts with: Aronus
Slay: Desperiona at Location 13 (L13)
Ends with: Aronus
To Beginning of Guide
To Beginning of Section
© Copyright 2009-2010 KFGuides.
(134) The Firelord
Starts with: Quest Log
Defeat: Ragnaros
Ends with: Commander Jarod Shadowsong at (#2)
(135) The Battle Is Won, The War Goes On
Starts with: Commander Jarod Shadowsong at (#2)
Ends with: Naraat the Earthspeaker
To Beginning of Guide
To Beginning of Section
NPC List – Mount Hyjal (Alliance)
© Copyright 2009-2010 KFGuides.
Alysra – Mount Hyjal, Ruins of Lar’donir
Anren Shadowseeker – Mount Hyjal, Nordrassil
Arch Druid Hamuul Runetotem – Mount Hyjal, (#1) Sanctuary of Malorne, (#2) Grove of Aessina
Aronus – Mount Hyjal, Location 11
Aviana – Mount Hyjal, Shrine of Aviana
Captain Irontree – Mount Hyjal, The Scorched Plain
Captain Saynna Stormrunner – Mount Hyjal, Hyjal Barrow Dens
Cenarion Emissary Jademoon – Stormwind City, Stormwind Keep
Cenarius – Mount Hyjal, Location 11
Choluna – Mount Hyjal, Shrine of Aviana
Codex of Shadows – Mount Hyjal, Sethria’s Roost
Commander Jarod Shadowsong – Mount Hyjal, (#1) Doom’s Vigil, (#2) Location 11
Condenna the Pitiless – Mount Hyjal, The Twilight Gauntlet
Elementalist Ortell – Mount Hyjal, Darkwhisper Pass
Emissary Windsong – Moonglade, Nighthaven
Eye of Twilight – Mount Hyjal, Gar’gol’s Hovel
Farden Talonshrike – Mount Hyjal, Firelands Hatchery
Garunda Mountainpeak – Mount Hyjal, The Crucible of Flame
Hero’s Call Board – Stormwind City, Trade District
Ian Duran – Mount Hyjal, Shrine of Goldrinn
Instructor Cargall – Mount Hyjal, The Twilight Gauntlet
Instructor Devoran – Mount Hyjal, The Forge of Supplication
Instructor Mylva – Mount Hyjal, The Forge of Supplication
Jadi Falaryn – Mount Hyjal, Wolf’s Run
Jordan Olafson – Mount Hyjal, Firelands Forgeworks
Keeper Taldros – Mount Hyjal, Whistling Grove
Kristoff Manheim – Mount Hyjal, Gar’gol’s Hovel
Liana Nightsky – Mount Hyjal, Grove of Aessina
Logram – Mount Hyjal, The Scorched Plain
Malfurion Stormrage – Mount Hyjal, Location 3
Matoclaw – Mount Hyjal, Grove of Aessina
Mylune – Mount Hyjal, Grove of Aessina
Mysterious Winged Spirit – Mount Hyjal, Shrine of Aviana
Naraat the Earthspeaker – Stormwind City, The Eastern Earthshrine
Niden – Mount Hyjal, The Regrowth
Nordu – Mount Hyjal, Location 9
Oomla Whitehorn – Mount Hyjal, Wolf’s Run
Outhouse Hideout – Mount Hyjal, The Forge of Supplication
Rayne Feathersong – Mount Hyjal, Sanctuary of Malorne
Rio Duran – Mount Hyjal, Shrine of Goldrinn
Royce Duskwhisper – Mount Hyjal, Shrine of Goldrinn
Scout Larandia – Mount Hyjal, Twilight Command Post
Skylord Omnuron – Mount Hyjal, Shrine of Aviana
Spirit of Goldrinn – Mount Hyjal, Maw of Lycanthoth
Thisalee Crow – Mount Hyjal, (#1) Shrine of Aviana, (#2) Sethria’s Roost
Tholo Whitehoof – Mount Hyjal, Nordrassil
Tiala Whitemane – Mount Hyjal, Nordrassil
Tortolla – Mount Hyjal, (#1) Ashen Lake, (#2) The Regrowth
Twilight Apocrypha – Mount Hyjal, Gar’gol’s Hovel
Twilight Cauldron – Mount Hyjal, Gar’gol’s Hovel
Tyrus Blackhorn – Mount Hyjal, Blackhorn’s Penance
Windspeaker Tamila – Mount Hyjal, Location 3
Yargra Blackscar – Mount Hyjal, Firelands Forgeworks
Ysera – Mount Hyjal, Nordrassil
To Beginning of Guide
To Beginning of Section
© Copyright 2009-2010 KFGuides.
Horde: Mount Hyjal (80-82)
Mount Hyjal (Horde) Leveling Guide Map
(In Alphabetical Order)
Ascendant’s Rise (FF)
Ashen Lake (R)
Blackhorn’s Penance (O)
Darkwhisper Gorge (Z)
Darkwhisper Pass (Y)
Doom’s Vigil (CC)
Firelands Forgeworks (K)
Firelands Hatchery (V)
Gar’gol’s Hovel (I)
Gates of Sothann (EE)
Grove of Aessina (N)
Hyjal Barrow Dens (E)
Lightning Ledge (J)
Maw of Lycanthoth (H)
Nordrassil (A)
Rim of the World (M)
Ruins of Lar’donir (C)
Sanctuary of Malorne (S)
Sanctum of the Prophets (GG)
Seat of the Chosen (DD)
Sethria’s Roost (U)
Shrine of Aviana (L)
Shrine of Goldrinn (G)
The Crucible of Flame (X)
The Flamewake (T)
The Forge of Supplication (BB)
The Inferno (P)
The Regrowth (T)
The Scorched Plain (W)
The Twilight Gauntlet (AA)
The Verdant Thicket (B)
Throne of Flame (HH)
Twilight Command Post (D)
Whistling Grove (Q)
Wolf’s Run (F)
Link to: Quest List – Mount Hyjal (Horde)
Link to: NPC List – Mount Hyjal (Horde)
To Beginning of Guide
To Beginning of Section
© Copyright 2009-2010 KFGuides.
Leveling Guide – Mount Hyjal (Horde)
1. Travel to the Valley of Strength in Orgrimmar and locate the Warchief’s Command Board. They can be found in all major
Accept the quest, “Warchief’s Command: Mount Hyjal!” (1)
Warchief’s Command Board at Valley of Strength in Orgrimmar
2. Travel North-West to the Valley of Wisdom. Find and talk to Cenarion Emissary Blackhoof and choose the first response.
3. You will be teleported to Moonglade. Talk to Emissary Windsong in front of you.
Turn in the quest, “Warchief’s Command: Mount Hyjal!” (1)
Accept the quest, “As Hyjal Burns” (2)
4. Behind Emissary Windsong is a large emerald drake, Aronus. Right-Click Aronus to mount and ride it. You will eventually land
at Nordrassil (A) in Mount Hyjal. Enter the building to the South-West and talk to Ysera.
Turn in the quest, “As Hyjal Burns” (2)
Accept the quest, “Protect the World Tree” (3)
Aronus at Moonglade
To Beginning of Guide
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© Copyright 2009-2010 KFGuides.
5. Exit the building and talk to Fayran Elthas to the North to discover the Flight Path. Then talk to Anren Shadowseeker to the
Accept the quest, “The Earth Rises” (4)
6. Talk to Tholo Whitehoof.
Accept the quest, “Inciting the Elements” (5)
7. Directly in front of you will be Scalding Rock Elementals fighting the guards. Slay 6 Scalding Rock Elementals.
Slay 6 Scalding Rock Elementals
8. All around the same area will be Juniper Berries. Collect 4 Juniper Berries.
Collect 4 Juniper Berries
Juniper Berries at Nordrassil (A)
9. Travel slightly North of Nordrassil (A) to Location 1 (L1). Roam around and use your Juniper Berries on Faerie Dragons. When
you do, follow the Faerie Dragon to a Twilight Inciter, then kill the Twilight Inciter.
Slay 4 Twilight Inciters
10. Return South to Nordrassil (A). Talk to Anren Shadowseeker.
Turn in the quest, “The Earth Rises” (4)
11. Talk to Tholo Whitehoof.
Turn in the quest, “Inciting the Elements” (5)
Accept the quest, “Flames from Above” (6)
To Beginning of Guide
To Beginning of Section
© Copyright 2009-2010 KFGuides.
12. Travel North-West to Location 2 (L2). Stand inside the Infiltrator’s Encampment and use Tholo’s Horn from your inventory.
Infiltrator’s Encampment Burnt
Infiltrator’s Encampment at Location 2 (L2)
13. Return South-East to Nordrassil (A) and talk to Tholo Whitehoof.
Turn in the quest, “Flames from Above” (6)
14. Travel South-West to Location 3 (L3) and talk to Malfurion Stormrage.
Turn in the quest, “Protect the World Tree” (3)
Accept the quest, “War on the Twilight’s Hammer” (7)
15. Just to the North of you will be Twilights battling Guardians of Hyjal. Slay 4 Twilight Flamecallers and 10 Twilight
Slay 4 Twilight Flamecallers
Slay 10 Twilight Vanquishers
TIP: Stay as far away from the Blazebound Elementals (giant fire guys) as you can. They aren’t hard to kill, but it’s very annoying
when you have one chasing you. A lot of time can be saved if you can avoid aggro’ing these guys.
16. Return South to Malfurion Stormrage at Location 3 (L3).
Turn in the quest, “War on the Twilight’s Hammer” (7)
17. Talk to Windspeaker Tamila, next to Malfurion Stormrage.
Accept the quest, “The Flameseer’s Staff” (8)
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© Copyright 2009-2010 KFGuides.
18. Travel North into The Verdant Thicket (B). Collect 8 Charred Staff Fragments. They are located in areas where the ground is
charred within The Verdant Thicket (B).
Collect 8 Charred Staff Fragments
Charred Staff Fragment at The Verdant Thicket (B)
19. Return South and talk to Malfurion Stormrage at Location 3 (L3).
Turn in the quest, “The Flameseer’s Staff” (8)
Accept the quest, “Flamebreaker” (9)
20. Travel North to The Verdant Thicket (B) and find Blazebound Revenants (giant fire guys). Use the Flameseer’s Staff on them
to shatter them into Unbound Flame Spirits. Then slay 30 Unbound Flame Spirits.
Slay 30 Unbound Flame Spirits
21. Return South to Location 3 (L3) and talk to Malfurion Stormrage.
Turn in the quest, “Flamebreaker” (9)
Accept the quest, “The Return of Baron Geddon” (10)
22. Travel slightly North-West to Location 4 (L4). You should easily spot Baron Geddon. Simply use the Flameseer’s Staff on him
from your inventory. As you channel the effect, you will weaken him one at a time. You will have to weaken him a total of 20 times.
Baron Geddon Weakened 20 times
TIP: Very often, Baron Geddon will cast Inferno that does a lot of damage. As soon as he begins doing this, just back away until it’s
over. Then head back in range to use the Flameseer’s Staff. You do not need all 20 charges in one use.
23. Return South-East to Location 3 (L3) and talk to Malfurion Stormrage.
Turn in the quest, “The Return of Baron Geddon” (10)
24. Talk to Windspeaker Tamila.
Accept the quest, “Emerald Allies” (11)
25. Travel North to the Ruins of Lar’donir (C). Find and talk to Alysra, an emerald drake.
Turn in the quest, “Emerald Allies” (11)
Accept the quest, “The Captured Scout” (12)
To Beginning of Guide
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© Copyright 2009-2010 KFGuides.
26. Travel West to the Twilight Command Post (D). Talk to Scout Larandia inside the cage.
Turn in the quest, “The Captured Scout” (12)
Accept the quest, “Twilight Captivity” (13)
Scout Larandia at the Twilight Command Post (D)
27. Travel slightly South at the Twilight Command Post (D). Collect a Twilight Overseer’s Key by killing Twilight Overseers.
Collect Twilight Overseer’s Key
28. Return North and talk to Scout Larandia.
Turn in the quest, “Twilight Captivity” (13)
Accept the quest, “Return to Alysra” (14)
29. Return East to the Ruins of Lar’donir (C) and talk to Alysra.
Turn in the quest, “Return to Alysra” (14)
Accept the quest, “A Prisoner of Interest” (15)
30. Travel East to the Hyjal Barrow Dens (E). Enter the caves and find Captain Saynna Stormrunner, who is in the South-East
most room.
Turn in the quest, “A Prisoner of Interest” (15)
Accept the quest, “Through the Dream” (16)
31. Upon accepting the quest, you will enter the emerald dream. Simply just clear your way out of the Hyjal Barrow Dens (E) to
the entrance where Alysra will be waiting. Then talk to Alysra.
Turn in the quest, “Through the Dream” (16)
Accept the quest, “Return to Nordrassil” (17)
32. Travel South-East to Nordrassil (A) and talk to Ysera.
Turn in the quest, “Return to Nordrassil” (17)
Accept the quest, “The Return of the Ancients” (18)
33. Exit the building with Ysera and talk to Tiala Whitemane slightly to the North.
Accept the quest, “Wings Over Mount Hyjal” (19)
34. Travel West to Wolf’s Run (F). Talk to Oomla Whitehorn.
Turn in the quest, “The Return of the Ancients” (18)
Accept the quest, “Harrying the Hunters” (20)
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© Copyright 2009-2010 KFGuides.
35. Talk to Jadi Falaryn.
Accept the quest, “End of the Supply Line” (21)
Accept the quest, “In the Rear With the Gear” (22)
36. Travel slightly South to Location 5 (L5). Slay 6 Twilight Hunters and 4 Twilight Proveditors. Also, collect 36 Twilight Supplies.
The easiest way to do this is to travel the road to the West. Basically, as fast as you can kill, a Twilight Proveditor, a Twilight
Slavedriver, and 3 slaves carrying 9 Twilight Supplies will come down the road. Slay 4 of these patrols, as well as 6 Twilight Hunters,
and you should complete all tasks.
Slay 6 Twilight Hunters
Slay 4 Twilight Proveditors
Collect 36 Twilight Supplies
TIP: If you are having problems killing one patrol before the next reaches you; pull the patrols off from the road to kill them. Collect
the Twilight Supplies when there’s no patrol nearby.
Twilight Proveditor patrol at Location 5 (L5)
37. Return North to Wolf’s Run (F). Talk to Oomla Whitehorn.
Turn in the quest, “Harrying the Hunters” (20)
Accept the quest, “The Voice of Lo’Gosh” (23)
38. Talk to Jadi Falaryn.
Turn in the quest, “End of the Supply Line” (21)
Turn in the quest, “In the Rear With the Gear” (22)
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39. Travel South-West to the Shrine of Goldrinn (G). Find and talk to Takrik Ragehowl, who is inside a cage.
Turn in the quest, “The Voice of Lo’Gosh” (23)
Accept the quest, “Howling Mad” (24)
Takrik Ragehowl at Shrine of Goldrinn (G)
40. Roam the Shrine of Goldrinn (G) and collect 6 Polluted Incenses by killing Lycanthoth Vandals.
Collect 6 Polluted Incenses
41. Return and talk to Takrik Ragehowl.
Turn in the quest, “Howling Mad” (24)
Accept the quest, “Lycanthoth the Corruptor” (25)
42. Travel slightly South-East to the Maw of Lycanthoth (H). Enter the small cave and use Lycanthoth’s Essence while standing
near Lycanthoth’s Altar. Lycanthoth the Corruptor will spawn. Slay him to spawn the Spirit of Lo’Gosh. Then talk to the Spirit of
Turn in the quest, “Lycanthoth the Corruptor” (25)
Lycanthoth’s Altar at Maw of Lycanthoth (H)
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43. Watch the event, then talk to the Spirit of Lo’Gosh. Accept the quest and then find the newly established Camp slightly to
the West and talk to Takrik Ragehowl.
Accept the quest, “The Shrine Reclaimed” (26)
Turn in the quest, “The Shrine Reclaimed” (26)
Accept the quest, “Cleaning House” (27)
Camp at Shrine of Goldrinn (G)
44. Talk to Rio Duran.
Accept the quest, “From the Mouth of Madness” (28)
45. Talk to Royce Duskwhispers.
Accept the quest, “The Eye of Twilight” (29)
46. Slightly South of the camp is the small body of water and the island with pillars. Collect 1 Bitterblossom from there.
Collect 1 Bitterblossom
Bitterblossoms at Shrine of Goldrinn (G)
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47. Travel slightly South-West to Gar’gol’s Hovel (I). Slay 8 Minions of Gar’gol and collect 1 Stonebloom and 1 Darkflame Ember.
Then find the Twilight Cauldron and Right-Click it. Turn in the quest and accept the follow up quest. Then find the Eye of Twilight
and Right-Click it to turn in the quest and accept the follow up quest.
Slay 8 Minions of Gar’gol
Collect 1 Stonebloom
Collect 1 Darkflame Ember
Turn in the quest, “From the Mouth of Madness” (28)
Accept the quest, “Free Your Mind, the Rest Follows” (30)
Turn in the quest, “The Eye of Twilight” (29)
Accept the quest, “Mastering Puppets” (31)
Locations of Stonebloom, Darkflame Ember, Twilight Cauldron, and Eye of Twilight at Gar’gol’s Hovel (I)
48. Enter the cave and travel down the Eastern tunnel. As you go, talk to Twilight Servitors and choose the first response. You
must free 8 Twilight Servitors. At the end of the tunnel, you should find Kristoff Manheim at the end hanging from a chain. Talk to
Kristoff Manheim.
Free 8 Twilight Servitors
Accept the quest, “Gar’gol’s Gotta Go” (32)
To Beginning of Guide
Kristoff Manheim hanging from chain inside the cave at Gar’gol’s Hovel (I)
To Beginning of Section
© Copyright 2009-2010 KFGuides.
49. Now travel down the Western tunnel. On the platform in the center will be Gar’Gol’s Personal Treasure Chest. Right-Click
the chest to collect the Rusted Skull Key.
Collect Rusted Skull Key
Gar’Gol’s Personal Treasure Chest inside the cave at Gar’gol’s Hovel (I)
50. Continue down to the end of the West tunnel until you reach the final room. You should notice the Twilight Apocrypha
located on a small altar. Right-Click the Twilight Apocrypha.
Turn in the quest, “Mastering Puppets” (31)
Accept the quest, “Elementary” (33)
Twilight Apocrypha inside the cave at Gar’gol’s Hovel (I)
51. Surrounding you will be Crucibles of Water, Fire, Air, and Earth. You must activate them in the correct order to complete the
quest. The correct order is:
Crucible of Fire Activated
Crucible of Earth Activated
Crucible of Air Activated
Crucible of Water Activated
To Beginning of Guide
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© Copyright 2009-2010 KFGuides.
52. Return to the Twilight Apocrypha and Right-Click it.
Turn in the quest, “Elementary” (33)
Accept the quest, “Return to Duskwhisper” (34)
53. Now exit the Western tunnel and return to the Eastern tunnel to talk to Kristoff Manheim.
Turn in the quest, “Gar’gol’s Gotta Go” (32)
Accept the quest, “Get Me Outta Here!” (35)
54. Upon accepting the quest, escort Kristoff Manheim out of the cave to receive credit for completion.
Escort Kristoff Manheim
TIP: If you are having issues with Kristoff Manheim following you, dismiss your pet first.
55. Return North-East to the Shrine of Goldrinn (G) camp. Talk to Takrik Ragehowl.
Turn in the quest, “Cleaning House” (27)
Accept the quest, “Sweeping the Shelf” (36)
Accept the quest, “Lightning in a Bottle” (37)
56. Talk to Rio Duran.
Turn in the quest, “Free Your Mind, the Rest Follows” (30)
57. Talk to Royce Duskwhisper.
Turn in the quest, “Return to Duskwhisper” (34)
Turn in the quest, “Get Me Outta Here!” (35)
58. Travel South to the Lightning Ledge (J). Slay 8 Twilight Stormcallers and 5 Howling Riftdwellers. Then Right-Click the
Lightning Channel to collect Charged Condenser Jar. Then Right-Click the Totem of Lo’Gosh from your inventory to summon and
talk to the Spirit of Gordinn.
Slay 8 Twilight Stormcallers
Slay 5 Howling Riftdwellers
Collect Charged Condenser Jar
Turn in the quest, “Lightning in a Bottle” (37)
Accept the quest, “Into the Maw!” (38)
Lighting Channel at Lightning Ledge (J)
To Beginning of Guide
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© Copyright 2009-2010 KFGuides.
59. Step through the giant blue portal to be teleported to Firelands Forgeworks (K). Talk to Jordan Olafson.
Turn in the quest, “Into the Maw!” (38)
Accept the quest, “Forged of Shadow and Flame” (39)
Accept the quest, “Crushing the Cores” (40)
TIP: Once at Firelands Forgeworks (K), you can simply step through the portal to teleport back to Lightning Ledge (J).
60. Talk to Yargra Blackscar.
Accept the quest, “Rage of the Wolf Ancient” (41)
61. Travel East and roam through the Firelands Forgeworks (K). Slay 12 Dark Iron Laborers. Kill Searing Guardians to collect
Smoldering Cores. Right-Click 8 Smoldering Cores from your inventory to then destroy them. In order to destroy a Smoldering Core,
you must be near a Twilight Anvil, which are located all over the area and look like an ordinary anvil. Also, Right-Click 10 Twilight
Arms Crates to destroy them.
Slay 12 Dark Iron Laborers
Destroy 8 Smoldering Cores
Destroy 10 Twilight Arms Crates
Twilight Anvil and Twilight Arms Crate at Firelands Forgeworks (K)
62. Return to the portal entrance at Firelands Forgeworks (K). Talk to Yargra Blackscar.
Turn in the quest, “Rage of the Wolf Ancient” (41)
63. Talk to Jordan Olafson.
Turn in the quest, “Forged of Shadow and Flame” (39)
Turn in the quest, “Crushing the Cores” (40)
Accept the quest, “Cindermaul, the Portal Master” (42)
64. While remaining in Firelands Forgeworks (K), travel East to Location 6 (L6) and slay Cindermaul. After his death, a Battered
Stone Chest will appear. Right-Click to collect the Tome of Openings from inside.
Slay Cindermaul
Collect Tome of Openings
TIP: Cindermaul is a somewhat difficult mob for a non-elite. At certain intervals, he will stun you and summon adds through the
portals nearby. One or two AoE Abilities will dispatch the adds quickly, allowing you to refocus on Cindermaul. Make sure to leave
your AoE Abilities’ cooldowns available for this.
65. Return to the portal entrance at Firelands Forgeworks (K) and talk to Jordan Olafson.
Turn in the quest, “Cindermaul, the Portal Master” (42)
Accept the quest, “Forgemaster Pyrendius” (43)
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© Copyright 2009-2010 KFGuides.
66. While remaining in Firelands Forgeworks (K), travel East to Location 7 (L7) and slay Forgemaster Pyrendius.
Slay Forgemaster Pyrendius
TIP: Although Forgemaster Pyrendius doesn’t hit like an elite, he has the HP of one. Therefore, lure him to a nearby Portal Rune and
Right-Click the Portal Rune. After a few seconds, he will take a considerable amount of damage. Each Portal Rune has a cooldown,
so you will have to lure him to multiple ones before he’s dead.
Portal Runes by Forgemaster Pyrendius in Firelands Forgeworks (K)
67. Return to the portal entrance at Firelands Forgeworks (K) and talk to Jordan Olafson.
Turn in the quest, “Forgemaster Pyrendius” (43)
Accept the quest, “Return from the Firelands” (44)
68. Use the portal at Firelands Forgeworks (K) to return to Lightning Ledge (J). Then travel North to the Camp at the Shrine of
Goldrinn (G). Talk to Takrik Ragehowl.
Turn in the quest, “Sweeping the Shelf” (36)
Turn in the quest, “Return from the Firelands” (44)
69. Talk to Rio Duran.
Accept the quest, “The Fires of Mt. Hyjal” (45)
70. Travel South-East to the Shrine of Aviana (L). Talk to Dinorae Swiftfeather at the North-West end of the shrine to discover
the Flight Path. Then talk to Thisalee Crow just inside the building.
Accept the quest, “The Wormwing Problem” (46)
Accept the quest, “Scrambling for Eggs” (47)
71. Travel to the East end of the building and talk to Choluna.
Turn in the quest, “Wings Over Mount Hyjal” (19)
Accept the quest, “An Offering for Aviana” (48)
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72. Exit the building and find Aviana’s Burial Circle. Use the Sacred Nectar from your inventory while standing in the circle. A
Mysterious Winged Spirit will appear. Talk to the Mysterious Winged Spirit.
Sacred Nectar Offered
Turn in the quest, “An Offering for Aviana” (48)
Accept the quest, “A Plea From Beyond” (49)
Aviana’s Burial Circle at Shrine of Aviana (L)
73. Return to Choluna inside the building.
Turn in the quest, “A Plea From Beyond” (49)
Accept the quest, “A Prayer and a Wing” (50)
74. Exit the building, get on your flying mount, and fly slightly North-West up to the top of the hills where you see Blaithe’s
Roost. While standing next to the roost, use the Enormous Bird Call from your inventory. Blaithe will spawn and attack you. Slay
Blaithe and collect the Ancient Feather from its corpse.
Collect Ancient Feather
Blaithe’s Roost at Shrine of Aviana (L)
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75. Travel back down to the ground South-West to the Rim of the World (M). Collect 8 Hyjal Eggs and slay 10 Wormwing
Collect 8 Hyjal Eggs
Slay 10 Wormwing Harpies
Hyjal Eggs at Rim of the World (M)
76. Return to the Shrine of Aviana (L) and talk to Thisalee Crow.
Turn in the quest, “The Wormwing Problem” (46)
Turn in the quest, “Scrambling for Eggs” (47)
Accept the quest, “A Bird in Hand” (51)
77. Talk to Choluna.
Turn in the quest, “A Prayer and a Wing” (50)
To Beginning of Guide
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78. Exit the Shrine of Aviana (L) and return to the Rim of the World (M). Right-Click the Harpy Signal Fire to spawn Marion
Wormwing. She will immediately attack you. A few moments later, Thisalee Crow will appear and in an awkward exchange, hold
Marion Wormwing at knife-point. At this point, talk to Marion Wormwing and choose the responses to go through the dialogue. At
the end, you are given the option to kill Marion Wormwing or release her. There is no difference in the game with the decision you
choose. But you must consciously live with your decision!
Marion Wormwing Interrogated
TIP: For fun, you can choose to ‘soften her up’ some, which will allow you to mercilessly punch Marion Wormwing in the face as
many times as you want!
Harpy Signal Fire at the Rim of the World (M)
79. Return to the Shrine of Aviana (L) and talk to Thisalee Crow.
Turn in the quest, “A Bird in Hand” (51)
80. Travel up the ramp that Thisalee Crow is sitting by until you reach the top level. Talk to Skylord Omnuron.
Accept the quest, “Fact-Finding Mission” (52)
81. Travel West to the Grove of Aessina (N). Find and talk to Laina Nightsky, who is mounted on a swift mistsaber by the path
South of the grove.
Turn in the quest, “The Fires of Mt. Hyjal” (45)
Accept the quest, “Fighting Fire With… Anything” (53)
Accept the quest, “Disrupting the Rituals” (54)
82. Travel North of Laina Nightsky into the grove. Talk to Mylune.
Accept the quest, “Save the Wee Animals” (55)
83. Talk to Matoclaw.
Accept the quest, “If You’re Not Against Us…” (56)
84. Find Elizil Wintermoth and discover the Flight Path.
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85. Travel slightly South-East to Blackhorn’s Penance (O). Talk to Tyrus Blackhorn. You can choose any of the responses, they will
all allow you to complete the quest.
Persuade Tyrus Blackhorn
Turn in the quest, “If You’re Not Against Us…” (56)
Accept the quest, “Seeds of Their Demise” (57)
Tyrus Blackhorn at Blackhorn’s Penance (O)
86. At Blackhorn’s Penance (O) are Wailing Weeds. Kill Wailing Weeds to collect 8 Bileberrys.
Collect 8 Bileberrys
87. Return and talk to Tyrus Blackhorn.
Turn in the quest, “Seeds of Their Demise” (57)
Accept the quest, “A New Master” (58)
88. Travel West to The Inferno (P). While in The Inferno (P), Right-Click the Frightened Animals running rampant to collect 10 of
them. Slay 10 Raging Firestorms and 6 Twilight Inferno Lords. Also, use the Bottled Bileberry Brew from your inventory on a dead
Twilight Inferno Lord to subjugate them. Then talk to the Subjugated Inferno Lord.
Collect 10 Frightened Animals
Slay 10 Raging Firestorms
Slay 6 Twilight Inferno Lords
Subjugate a Twilight Inferno Lord
Turn in the quest, “A New Master” (58)
Accept the quest, “The Name Never Spoken” (59)
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© Copyright 2009-2010 KFGuides.
89. On the map are 3 (X). Each represents a location of one of the Firestones. Travel to each one and examine the 3 Firestones.
Northern Firestone Examined
Central Firestone Examined
Southern Firestone Examined
Firestones at The Inferno (P)
90. Return East to the Grove of Aessina (N). Talk to Mylune.
Turn in the quest, “Save the Wee Animals” (55)
Accept the quest, “Oh, Deer!” (60)
91. Talk to Laina Nightsky South of the grove.
Turn in the quest, “Fighting Fire With… Anything” (53)
Turn in the quest, “Disrupting the Rituals” (54)
92. Travel slightly South-East to Blackhorn’s Penance (O). Talk to Tyrus Blackhorn.
Turn in the quest, “The Name Never Spoken” (59)
Accept the quest, “Black Heart of Flame” (61)
93. Travel West to The Inferno (P). Anywhere in The Inferno (P), use the Charred Branch from your inventory to summon
Thol’embaar. Slay Thol’embaar and collect the Black Heart of Thol’embaar from his corpse. Then search for Injured Fawn. RightClick an Injured Fawn and then escort it back to the Grove of Aessina (N). You must do this 3 times.
Collect Black Heart of Thol’embaar
Escort 3 Injured Fawn to Grove of Aessina (N)
TIP: You can Right-Click the Injured Fawn and escort them back to the grove while mounted. You can also do this while flying. Who
knew Injured Fawn could run so fast? But do not fly very high when escorting them back, if you do, it will disappear. Also, if you
aggro a mob, you must kill the mob, otherwise the Injured Fawn will not only die, but run significantly slower.
94. You should be back at the Grove of Aessina (N). Talk to Mylune.
Turn in the quest, “Oh, Deer!” (60)
95. Travel slightly South-East to Blackhorn’s Penance (O). Talk to Tyrus Blackhorn.
Turn in the quest, “Black Heart of Flame” (61)
96. Travel slightly North-West to Laina Nightsky.
Accept the quest, “Last Stand at Whistling Grove” (62)
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97. Travel North-West to the Whistling Grove (Q). Talk to Keeper Taldros.
Turn in the quest, “Last Stand at Whistling Grove” (62)
Accept the quest, “The Bears Up There” (63)
98. Around the Whistling Grove (Q) are lots of Hyjal Bear Cubs stuck in trees. Use a Climbing Tree (ladder) to get into the tree.
You then have 2 abilities, Climb Up and Climb Down. Right-Click a Hyjal Bear Cub when it is in range to collect it. You must then
Climb Up until you are at the top of the tree. You will then have the ability, Chuck-a-bear. Aim the yellow cursor so the circle is on
the Soft Target in front of Keeper Taldros, then Chuck-a-bear! You will have to do this 6 times.
Rescue 6 Hyjal Bear Cubs
TIP: You do not need to be close to a Hyjal Bear Cub to collect it, but you cannot collect one while at the top of the tree. The best
method is to collect one upon entering the tree, Climb Up to the top, aim at the Soft Target, Chuck-a-bear, Climb Down once, collect
another Hyjal Bear Cub, Climb Up, and Chuck-a-bear again. You will not have to adjust your aim if you haven’t moved, making this
quite a quick process. You can also try seeing how far you can Chuck-a-bear across Mount Hyjal, but when they land all you see is a
cloud of smoke! You have been warned! You can also jump on the Soft Target yourself and have some fun. See how many times you
can stay on it in a row!
Climbing Tree Ladder at Whistling Grove (Q)
Aiming at the Soft Target to Chuck-a-bear at Whistling Grove (Q)
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99. Climb Down from the tree when you are done chucking bears and talk to Keeper Taldros.
Turn in the quest, “The Bears Up There” (63)
Accept the quest, “Smashing Through Ashes” (64)
100. Travel South to Ashen Lake (R). Travel South along the path and slay 8 Charbringers.
Slay 8 Charbringers
101. Travel South-East to the Sanctuary of Malorne (S). Talk to Arch Druid Hamuul Runetotem.
Turn in the quest, “Smashing Through Ashes” (64)
Accept the quest, “Durable Seeds” (65)
Accept the quest, “Fresh Bait” (66)
102. Talk to Rayne Feathersong.
Accept the quest, “Firebreak” (67)
103. Travel North-East to The Flamewake (T). Collect 4 Core Hound Entrails by killing Core Hounds. Slay 10 Lava Surgers. Also,
collect 10 Hyjal Seedlings from Scorched Soil.
Collect 4 Core Hound Entrails
Slay 10 Lava Surgers
Collect 10 Hyjal Seedlings
TIP: Watch out for the giant turtle, Nemesis, who roams The Flamewake (T). He will not hesitate to make you his next meal!
Scorched Soil at The Flamewake (T)
104. Return South-West to the Sanctuary of Malorne (S) and talk to Arch Druid Hamuul Runetotem.
Turn in the quest, “Durable Seeds” (65)
Turn in the quest, “Fresh Bait” (66)
Accept the quest, “Hell’s Shells” (68)
105. Talk to Rayne Feathersong.
Turn in the quest, “Firebreak” (67)
Accept the quest, “Prepping the Soil” (69)
106. Return to The Flamewake (T) and now find Nemesis, the giant turtle. Use the Heap of Core Hound Innards from your
inventory while standing close to Nemesis. After a few seconds, he will charge towards the meat and be distracted; allowing you to
Right-Click him and collect a Nemesis Shell Fragment. Once you finish, get away from Nemesis very quickly as to not aggro him.
Collect Nemesis Shell Fragment
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107. Search The Flamewake (T) for a Flameward. When you find one, Right-Click to activate it. Once activated, you must defend
it from some attacking Naga.
Activate Flameward
Defend Flameward
Flameward at The Flamewake (T)
108. Return South-West to the Sanctuary of Malorne (S). Talk to Arch Druid Hamuul Runetotem.
Turn in the quest, “Hell’s Shells” (68)
Accept the quest, “Tortolla Speaks” (70)
109. Talk to Rayne Feathersong.
Turn in the quest, “Prepping the Soil” (69)
110. Travel slightly North-West to the Ashen Lake (R). You should quickly notice the giant turtle, Tortolla. Talk to Tortolla.
Turn in the quest, “Tortolla Speaks” (70)
Accept the quest, “Breaking the Bonds” (71)
Accept the quest, “Children of Tortolla” (72)
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© Copyright 2009-2010 KFGuides.
111. Holding Tortolla are two Rods of Subjugation. Simply Right-Click each to disable them. A Twilight Dominator will spawn
and attack you when you disable a rod.
Disable Rod of Subjugation 1 and 2
Rods of Subjugation by Tortolla at Ashen Lake (R)
112. Dive into Ashen Lake (R). You should see lots of Deep Corruptors casting on Tortolla’s Eggs. Kill 6 Deep Corruptors to rescue
6 Tortolla’s Eggs.
Rescue 6 Tortolla’s Eggs
113. Return and talk to Tortolla.
Turn in the quest, “Breaking the Bonds” (71)
Turn in the quest, “Children of Tortolla” (72)
Accept the quest, “An Ancient Awakens” (73)
114. Travel South to the Sanctuary of Malorne (S) and talk to Arch Druid Hamuul Runetotem.
Turn in the quest, “An Ancient Awakens” (73)
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115. Travel South-East to Sethria’s Roost (U). Talk to Thisalee Crow outside of the cave’s entrance.
Turn in the quest, “Fact-Finding Mission” (52)
Accept the quest, “Sethria’s Brood” (74)
Accept the quest, “A Gap in Their Armor” (75)
Thisalee Crow at Sethria’s Roost (U)
116. Travel slightly South from the cave’s entrance to the encampment. Find the Codex of Shadows and Right-Click it to accept
the quest. Surrounding the area will be Twilight Dragonkin. Slay 12 Twilight Dragonkin. Also, collect 8 Twilight Armor Plates.
Accept the quest, “The Codex of Shadows” (76)
Slay 12 Minions of Sethria
Collect 8 Twilight Armor Plates
Locations of the Codex of Shadows and Twilight Armor Plates at Sethria’s Roost (U)
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117. Return North to Thisalee Crow.
Turn in the quest, “Sethria’s Brood” (74)
Turn in the quest, “A Gap in Their Armor” (75)
Accept the quest, “Disassembly” (77)
Turn in the quest, “The Codex of Shadows” (76)
Accept the quest, “Egg Hunt” (78)
118. Return South to the encampment. Find Twilight Juggernauts and use Thisalee’s Shiv on them to remove their shields. Slay 3
Twilight Juggernauts. Then find a Shadow Cloak Generator. Right-Click one to unveil what it is hiding. Eventually, you will unveil
Aviana’s Egg. When you do, defend it from a few attackers.
Slay 3 Twilight Juggernauts
Unveil Aviana’s Egg and Defend it
TIP: You can find two Shadow Cloak Generators near each other and go back and forth between the two, the ‘cooldown’ timer on
them is not very long.
Shadow Cloak Generators at Sethria’s Roost (U)
119. Return North to Thisalee Crow.
Turn in the quest, “Disassembly” (77)
Turn in the quest, “Egg Hunt” (78)
Accept the quest, “Sethria’s Demise” (79)
120. Travel South to Location 8 (L8). You should see Sethria, a night elf, standing below. Begin attacking her. After awhile, she
will turn into a giant dragon. At this point, use Thisalee’s Signal Rocket from your inventory. You will now just have to survive long
enough for your allies (and you) to finish off Sethria.
Slay Sethria
TIP: This is a long battle and Sethria hits pretty hard. Your goal is just to survive. If you are a class that can’t heal, make sure to utilize
all of your cooldowns and abilities to survive.
121. Return North to Sethria’s Roost (U) and talk to Thisalee Crow.
Turn in the quest, “Sethria’s Demise” (79)
Accept the quest, “Return to the Shrine” (80)
122. Travel North-East to the Shrine of Aviana (L). Enter the building and talk to Choluna.
Turn in the quest, “Return to the Shrine” (80)
Accept the quest, “An Ancient Reborn” (81)
To Beginning of Guide
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© Copyright 2009-2010 KFGuides.
123. Travel up the ramp and into the room South of Choluna to Aviana’s Egg. Then use the Herald’s Incense from your inventory.
Talk to Aviana when she appears.
Turn in the quest, “An Ancient Reborn” (81)
Accept the quest, “The Hacthery Must Burn” (82)
124. Find and talk to Ysera inside the building at the Shrine of Aviana (L).
Accept the quest, “The Last Living Lorekeeper” (83)
Ysera at the Shrine of Aviana (L)
125. Travel South-West to Location 9 (L9) at The Flamewake (T). Talk to Nordu, the giant tree on fire.
Turn in the quest, “The Last Living Lorekeeper” (83)
Accept the quest, “Firefight” (84)
Nordu at Location 9 (L9)
126. Roam North of Nordu and slay 5 Fiery Tormentors.
Slay 5 Fiery Tormentors
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127. Return to Nordu.
Turn in the quest, “Firefight” (84)
Accept the quest, “Aessina’s Miracle” (85)
128. Travel North-West to the Grove of Aessina (N). Talk to Arch Druid Hamuul Runetotem.
Turn in the quest, “Aessina’s Miracle” (85)
Accept the quest, “Tortolla’s Revenge” (86)
129. Travel South-East to The Regrowth (T), which used to be The Flamewake (T). Find and enter the portal. Once inside
Firelands Hatchery (V), talk to Farden Talonshrike.
Turn in the quest, “The Hatchery Must Burn” (82)
Accept the quest, “Flight in the Firelands” (87)
Portal to Firelands Hatchery (V) at The Regrowth (T)
130. Behind Farden Taloneshrike are two Twilight Weapon Racks. Right-Click one to receive a Twilight Firelance. Then equip the
Twilight Firelance. Right-Click one of Aviana’s Guardians surrounding you. Then use the Flap ability to fly over to the Guardian Flag.
Visit Guardian Flag
Locations of the Twilight Weapon Racks and Guardian Flag at Firelands Hatchery (V)
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131. Flap back and return to Farden Talonshrike.
Turn in the quest, “Flight in the Firelands” (87)
Accept the quest, “Wave One” (88)
132. While mounted, Flap around Firelands Hatchery (V) and fly into Twilight Buzzards to knock off and slay 10 Twilight Knight
Slay 10 Twilight Knight Riders
TIP: All you have to do is just fly near the Twilight Buzzards to knock them off. So just guide Aviana’s Guardian towards Twilight
Buzzards. Use Flap to both stay in flight and to change directions. Also, if at any point you fall off your mount and land on the ground
below, you can find an NPC with replacement mounts on floor to the North-West.
133. Return to Farden Talonshrike.
Turn in the quest, “Wave One” (88)
Accept the quest, “Wave Two” (89)
134. While mounted, Flap around Firelands Hatchery (V) and fly into Twilight Firebirds to knock off and slay 10 Twilight Lancers.
Slay 10 Twilight Lancers
TIP: This is exactly the same as before, however Searing Stones will be falling from the ceiling and there are Lava Spouts to avoid.
Coming into contact with either of these will cause you to take a decent amount of damage.
135. Return to Farden Talonshrike.
Turn in the quest, “Wave Two” (89)
Accept the quest, “Egg Wave” (90)
136. While mounted, Flap around Firelands Hatchery (V) and find Firelands Eggs. Destroy 40 Firelands Eggs by running your
mount into them.
Destroy 40 Firelands Eggs
TIP: The quickest and easiest method to destroy the Firelands Eggs is to find them near the ground level of the hatchery. You’ll avoid
most of the Searing Stones (since they will hit the floating platforms above) while finding most of the Firelands Eggs.
Firelands Eggs at Firelands Hatchery (V)
137. Return to Farden Talonshrike.
Turn in the quest, “Egg Wave” (90)
Accept the quest, “Return to Aviana” (91)
138. Exit Firelands Hatchery (V) via the portal. Then travel North-East to the Shrine of Aviana (L). Enter the shrine and talk to
Turn in the quest, “Return to Aviana” (91)
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© Copyright 2009-2010 KFGuides.
139. Travel South to The Regrowth (T) and talk to Tortolla at the (R).
Turn in the quest, “Tortolla’s Revenge” (86)
Accept the quest, “The Hammer and the Key” (92)
140. Talk to Niden.
Accept the quest, “Lost Wardens” (93)
Accept the quest, “Breakthrough” (94)
141. Travel East to The Scorched Plain (W). Roam the plains to slay 10 Twilight Scorchlords, collect 1 Glyph of Opening by killing
Twilight Field Captains, and rescue 8 Lost Wardens by talking to them.
Slay 10 Twilight Scorchlords
Collect Glyph of Opening
Rescue 8 Lost Wardens
142. Return West to The Regrowth (T) and talk to Tortolla.
Turn in the quest, “The Hammer and the Key” (92)
Accept the quest, “The Third Flamegate” (95)
143. Travel East to The Scorched Plain (W) and find the Guardians of Hyjal Camp at the (U) on the map. Talk to Captain Irontree
inside the destroyed building.
Turn in the quest, “Lost Wardens” (93)
Accept the quest, “Pressing the Advantage” (96)
Turn in the quest, “Breakthrough” (94)
Guardians of Hyjal Camp at The Scorched Plain (W)
144. Talk to Logram.
Accept the quest, “Hyjal Recycling Program” (97)
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© Copyright 2009-2010 KFGuides.
145. Roam The Scorched Plain (W) to collect 15 Warden’s Arrows and slay 4 Twilight Field Captains.
Collect 15 Warden’s Arrows
Slay 4 Twilight Field Captains
Warden’s Arrows at The Scorched Plain (W)
146. Return to the Guardians of Hyjal Camp. Talk to Captain Irontree.
Turn in the quest, “Pressing the Advantage” (96)
147. Talk to Logram.
Turn in the quest, “Hyjal Recycling Program” (97)
148. Travel East and enter the portal to The Crucible of Flame (X). The portal is located directly at the location marked on the
map. Once you teleport in, talk to Garunda Mountainpeak.
Turn in the quest, “The Third Flamegate” (95)
Accept the quest, “The Time for Mercy has Passed” (98)
Accept the quest, “The Strength of Tortolla” (99)
To Beginning of Guide
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© Copyright 2009-2010 KFGuides.
149. Follow the paths to reach the room located in the Mini-Map screenshot below. There, you will find Nemesis Crystals. Get
close to one with your Child of Tortolla in order to examine it. Continue killing mobs on your way back to Garunda Mountainpeak in
order to kill 4 Shadowflame Masters and 10 Molten Tormentors.
Examine Nemesis Crystal
Slay 4 Shadowflame Masters
Slay 10 Molten Tormentors
Location of the Nemesis Crystal on Mini-Map at The Crucible of Flame (X)
150. Return to the entrance of The Crucible of Flame (X) and talk to Garunda Mountainpeak.
Turn in the quest, “The Time for Mercy has Passed” (98)
Turn in the quest, “The Strength of Tortolla” (99)
Accept the quest, “Finish Nemesis” (100)
151. Travel to the South-West part of The Crucible of Flame (X) to find Nemesis and kill him.
Slay Nemesis
TIP: When Nemesis begins to cast Molten Fury, use the Totem of Tortolla from your inventory in order to avoid being hit by it. Once
Molten Fury finishes casting, Right-Click the buff off of your buff list in order to continue attacking. Although Nemesis is labeled as
elite, he hits very weakly. Avoiding Molten Fury is more than enough to defeat him solo.
152. Return to the entrance of The Crucible of Flame (X) and talk to Garunda Mountainpeak.
Turn in the quest, “Finish Nemesis” (100)
Accept the quest, “Tortolla’s Triumph” (101)
153. Travel through the portal to return to The Scorched Plain (W). Travel West to The Regrowth (T) and talk to Tortolla.
Turn in the quest, “Tortolla’s Triumph” (101)
Accept the quest, “The Ancients are With Us” (102)
154. Travel North-East and return to Nordrassil (A). Talk to Ysera.
Turn in the quest, “The Ancients are With Us” (102)
Accept the quest, “Commander Jarod Shadowsong” (103)
155. Travel South to Darkwhisper Pass (Y). Enter the cave and talk to Elementalist Ortell.
Turn in the quest, “Commander Jarod Shadowsong” (103)
Accept the quest, “Signed in Blood” (104)
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© Copyright 2009-2010 KFGuides.
156. Travel slightly South-East from the cave to Darkwhisper Gorge (Z). You should immediately notice a large group of Twilight
Recruits. Talk to a Twilight Recruit and then walk a small distance away from the group. Then Right-Click Blackjack from your
inventory to kill the recruit. Collect the Twilight Recruitment Papers from the corpse.
Collect Twilight Recruitment Papers
Group of Twilight Recruits at Darkwhisper Gorge (Z)
157. Return to the cave at Darkwhisper Pass (Y) and talk to Elementalist Ortell.
Turn in the quest, “Signed in Blood” (104)
Accept the quest, “Your New Identity” (105)
158. Travel South-East to The Twilight Gauntlet (AA) and talk to Condenna the Pitiless at the small Camp.
Turn in the quest, “Your New Identity” (105)
Accept the quest, “Trial By Fire” (106)
Accept the quest, “In Bloom” (107)
Camp at The Twilight Gauntlet (AA)
159. Talk to Instructor Cargall.
Accept the quest, “Waste of Flesh” (108)
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© Copyright 2009-2010 KFGuides.
160. Roam The Twilight Gauntlet (AA) to slay 8 Fiery Instructors and collect 5 Flame Blossoms. Also, find an Immolated
Supplicant (a Twilight running around on fire), target them and use the Frostgale Crystal from your inventory.
Slay 8 Fiery Instructors
Collect 5 Flame Blossoms
Rescue Immolated Supplicant
TIP: Be cautious of Smolderos the Carbonizer, a giant fiery two-headed dog, who roams The Twilight Gauntlet (AA). Stay away from
Flame Blossom at The Twilight Gauntlet (AA)
161. Return to the small Camp at The Twilight Gauntlet (AA). Talk to Instructor Cargall.
Turn in the quest, “Waste of Flesh” (108)
162. Talk to Condenna the Pitiless.
Turn in the quest, “Trial By Fire” (106)
Turn in the quest, “In Bloom” (107)
Accept the quest, “Twilight Training” (109)
163. Travel East to The Forge of Supplication (BB). Talk to Instructor Mylva at the South-East part of the forge.
Turn in the quest, “Twilight Training” (109)
Accept the quest, “Physical Training: Forced Labor” (110)
164. Talk to Instructor Devoran at the East part of the forge.
Accept the quest, “Walking the Dog” (111)
To Beginning of Guide
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© Copyright 2009-2010 KFGuides.
165. Find the Outhouse Hideout at the West part of the forge. Right-Click to accept the quest.
Accept the quest, “Gather the Intelligence” (112)
Outhouse Hideout at The Forge of Supplication (BB)
166. Find and collect the Twilight Communique at the North-East part of The Forge of Supplication (BB).
Collect Twilight Communique
TIP: Make sure that the roaming Twilight Guard is not nearby when collecting the item, otherwise they will attack you. Be aware
that the Twilight Guard is an elite.
Twilight Communique at The Forge of Supplication (BB)
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© Copyright 2009-2010 KFGuides.
167. Travel slightly North into Darkwhisper Gorge (Z). Slay Spinescale Basilisks to collect 5 Charred Basilisk Meats. Also, RightClick on Darkwhisper Lodestones to break 5 of them. Once you have collected the 5 Charred Basilisk Meats, Right-Click the Fiery
Leash from your inventory to summon a Spawn of Smolderos. Then Right-Click 5 Charred Basilisk Meats to feed the Spawn of Smolderos.
Collect 5 Charred Basilisk Meats
Break 5 Darkwhisper Lodestones
Feed Spawn of Smolderos 5 Times
Darkwhisper Lodestone at Darkwhisper Gorge (Z)
168. Travel slightly East to Doom’s Vigil (CC). Find and collect the Hyjal Battleplans.
Collect Hyjal Battleplans
TIP: Again, be cautious of the Twilight Guard.
Hyjal Battleplans at Doom’s Vigil (CC)
169. Return South to The Forge of Supplication (BB). Talk to Instructor Devoran.
Turn in the quest, “Walking the Dog” (111)
Accept the quest, “A Champion’s Collar” (113)
To Beginning of Guide
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© Copyright 2009-2010 KFGuides.
170. Talk to Instructor Mylva. Upon accepting the quest, you will immediately be chased by a Blazing Trainer. Just simply run
away from it and stay away from it for one minute to complete the quest. Then return to Instructor Mylva.
Turn in the quest, “Physical Training: Forced Labor” (110)
Accept the quest, “Agility Training: Run Like Hell!” (114)
Turn in the quest, “Agility Training: Run Like Hell!” (114)
Accept the quest, “Mental Training: Speaking the Truth to Power” (115)
171. Right-Click the Orb of Ascension from your inventory to summon it. The Orb of Ascension will ask you a question in your
chat box. You will have 5 seconds to answer each question. On your action bar will be a thumbs up and a thumbs down. Use the
Thumbs Up to answer Yes and Thumbs Down to answer No. Answering incorrectly or letting the 5 seconds expire will cause damage
to you, ultimately causing you to die. Answering correctly will heal you.
Mental Training Completed
TIP: Here are the possible questions and correct answers:
Are the oceans filled with water? Choose Thumbs Up
Do dogs bark? Choose Thumbs Up
Do wolves howl? Choose Thumbs Up
Is blood red? Choose Thumps Up
Is fire hot? Choose Thumbs Up
Is vinegar sour? Choose Thumbs Up
Are deserts lush? Choose Thumbs Down
Are slaves free? Choose Thumbs Down
Do Giants tread lightly? Choose Thumbs Down
Do liars speak the truth? Choose Thumbs Down
Do rivers flow upstream? Choose Thumbs Down
Is ice hot? Choose Thumbs Down
172. Talk to Instructor Mylva.
Turn in the quest, “Mental Training: Speaking the Truth to Power” (115)
Accept the quest, “Spiritual Training: Mercy is for the Weak” (116)
173. Right-Click on the Outhouse Hideout.
Turn in the quest, “Gather the Intelligence” (112)
Accept the quest, “Seeds of Discord” (117)
174. Travel North to Doom’s Vigil (CC) and slay 5 Failed Supplicants.
Slay 5 Failed Supplicants
175. Travel West to Location 10 (L10) and slay the Spinescale Matriarch to collect the Spiked Basilisk Hide.
Collect Spiked Basilisk Hide
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176. Travel West to the Seat of the Chosen (DD). Find the Ogre Outhouse and use the Ogre Disguise from your inventory. Then
enter the cave and talk to Karr’gonn. Choose the first response to dismiss him. Then slay High Cultist Azennios.
Slay High Cultist Azennios
Locations of Ogre Outhouse and Karr’gonn at Seat of the Chosen (DD)
177. Return East to The Forge of Supplication (BB). Talk to Instructor Devoran.
Turn in the quest, “A Champion’s Collar” (113)
Accept the quest, “Grudge Match” (118)
178. Talk to Instructor Mylva.
Turn in the quest, “Spiritual Training: Mercy is for the Weak” (116)
179. Travel to the Outhouse Hideout and Right-Click it.
Turn in the quest, “Seeds of Discord” (117)
180. Travel West to the Seat of the Chosen (DD). Enter the cave at the South part of the area and talk to Gromm’ko. Choose the
first response. Wait a few moments for the Spawn of Smolderos to slay Butcher, then Gromm’ko will attack you. Slay Gromm’ko.
Grudge Match Completed
181. Return East to The Forge of Supplication (BB) and talk to Instructor Devoran.
Turn in the quest, “Grudge Match” (118)
182. Talk to Instructor Mylva.
Accept the quest, “The Greater of Two Evils” (119)
Accept the quest, “Twilight Territory” (120)
183. Travel West to the Gates of Sothann (EE). Use the Talisman of Flame Ascendancy from your inventory to slay Garnoth, Fist
of the Legion at (CC) on the map. Then slay 10 Horroguards around the area.
Slay Garnoth, Fist of the Legion
Slay 10 Horrorguards
TIP: Once you use the Talisman of Flame Ascendancy, use the Flame Shield ability whenever it is available to reduce the damage you
take while spamming Ascendant Strike. It’s a pretty easy and thoughtless fight.
184. Return East to The Forge of Supplication (BB) and talk to Instructor Mylva.
Turn in the quest, “The Greater of Two Evils” (119)
Turn in the quest, “Twilight Territory” (120)
To Beginning of Guide
To Beginning of Section
© Copyright 2009-2010 KFGuides.
185. Travel to the Outhouse Hideout and Right-Click it.
Accept the quest, “Speech Writing for Dummies” (121)
186. Travel West to Darkwhisper Gorge (Z). Find Okrog, who is an ogre roaming the path in between Darkwhisper Gorge (Z) and
the Seat of the Chosen (DD). Slay Okrog once you find him.
Slay Okrog
187. Return East to The Forge of Supplicants (Z). Travel to the Outhouse Hideout and Right-Click it.
Turn in the quest, “Speech Writing for Dummies” (121)
Accept the quest, “Head of the Class” (122)
188. Talk to Instructor Mylva.
Turn in the quest, “Head of the Class” (122)
Accept the quest, “Graduation Speech” (123)
189. Travel North to Doom’s Vigil (CC). Find the Initiation Podium at the West part of Doom’s Vigil (CC) and Right-Click it to give
your graduation speech. You have three abilities to choose from, Inspire, Incite, and Pander. You must wait for a Twilight Initiate to
say something, and then choose an ability in response. Do so 10 times.
Graduation Speech Completed 10 Times
TIP: You must choose the correct response in order to complete the speech once. If a Twilight Initiate says (in alphabetical order by
*yawn*. Choose Inspire
I’m not quite convinced. Choose Inspire
Meh. Choose Inspire
Yea… I don’t know about this. Choose Inspire
Blood! Choose Incite
Crush! Choose Incite
Death! Choose Incite
Kill! Choose Incite
Kill them all! Choose Incite
Raaahhh! Choose Incite
Immalanath, yasoth nalarub! Choose Pander
It’s like… it’s like the void just touched my mind. Choose Pander
I hear the voices! Choose Pander
The end is nigh! The end is a new beginning! Choose Pander
Initiation Podium at Doom’s Vigil (CC)
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© Copyright 2009-2010 KFGuides.
190. After the chaos begins, talk to Commander Jarod Shadowsong behind you.
Turn in the quest, “Graduation Speech” (123)
Accept the quest, “Twilight Riot” (124)
191. Travel South-West to the Gates of Sothann (EE). Find the portal at Location 11 (L11). Talk to Commander Jarod
Turn in the quest, “Twilight Riot” (124)
Accept the quest, “Slash and Burn” (125)
192. Right-Click an Emerald Drake by the portal and travel North-East to Darkwhisper Gorge (Z). Roam around and slay 5
Twilight Stormwakers and 40 Twilight’s Hammer Units.
Slay 5 Twilight Stormwakers
Slay 40 Twilight’s Hammer Units
TIP: Use Acid Blast to slay the Twilight’s Hammer Units on the ground. Use Aerial Swipe to slay the Twilight Stormwakers. The
easiest method of slaying the Twilight’s Hammer Units is to roam between the The Twilight Gauntlet (AA), Seat of the Chosen (DD),
and The Forge of Supplication (BB).
193. Return to Location 11 (L11) and talk to Commander Jarod Shadowsong.
Turn in the quest, “Slash and Burn” (125)
Accept the quest, “Might of the Firelord” (126)
194. Talk to Cenarius.
Accept the quest, “Secrets of the Flame” (127)
195. The portal should now be filled with lots of allies. Find and talk to Althera, an emerald drake, to discover the Flight Path.
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196. Travel South-West to Ascendant’s Rise (FF). Roam around and slay 4 Flame Ascendants and 5 Twilight Subjugators. Collect
Ascendant’s Codex, Burning Litanies, and the Tome of Flame located at the three (X). Find the Pure Twilight Egg at the (DD) on the
map. Right-Click it to accept the quest.
Slay 4 Flame Ascendants
Slay 5 Twilight Subjugators
Collect Ascendant’s Codex
Collect Burning Litanies
Collect Tome of Flame
Accept the quest, “The Twilight Egg” (128)
Ascendant’s Codex, Burning Litanies, and Tome of Flame at Ascendant’s Rise (FF).
(Burning Litanies pictured above)
Pure Twilight Egg at Ascendant’s Rise (FF)
197. Return North-East to Location 11 (L11). Talk to Cenarius.
Turn in the quest, “Secrets of the Flame” (127)
Accept the quest, “The Gatekeeper” (129)
To Beginning of Guide
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© Copyright 2009-2010 KFGuides.
198. Talk to Commander Jarod Shadowsong.
Turn in the quest, “Might of the Firelord” (126)
Accept the quest, “The Sanctum of the Prophets” (130)
199. Talk to Aronus.
Turn in the quest, “The Twilight Egg” (128)
Accept the quest, “Brood of Evil” (131)
200. Travel South-West to Ascendant’s Rise (FF). Slay Young Twilight Drakes to collect a Young Twilight Drake Skull.
Collect Young Twilight Drake Skull
201. Travel slight North to the Sanctum of the Prophets (GG). Find Azralon the Gatekeeper and use the Horn of Cenarius to slay
him. Then slay 4 Twilight Augurs, 4 Twilight Retainers, and 1 Emissary of Flame.
Slay Azralon the Gatekeeper
Slay 4 Twilight Augurs
Slay 4 Twilight Retainers
Slay 1 Emissary of Flame
202. Return South-East to Location 11 (L11) and talk to Commander Jarod Shadowsong.
Turn in the quest, “The Sanctum of the Prophets” (130)
Accept the quest, “Magma Monarch” (132)
203. Talk to Aronus.
Turn in the quest, “Brood of Evil” (131)
Accept the quest, “Death to the Broodmother” (133)
204. Talk to Cenarius.
Turn in the quest, “The Gatekeeper” (129)
205. Travel South-West to Location 13 (L13) at Desperiona’s Feeding Grounds. Right-Click the Young Twilight Drake Skull from
your inventory. Slay Desperiona when it arrives.
Slay Desperiona
Desperiona’s Feeding Grounds at Location 13 (L13)
206. Travel West to the Throne of Flame (HH). Use the Drums of the Turtle God to summon Tortolla. Wait for Tortolla to engage
King Moltron, then assist in slaying King Moltron.
Slay King Moltron
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207. Return East to Location 11 (L11) and talk to Commander Jarod Shadowsong.
Turn in the quest, “Magma Monarch” (132)
208. Talk to Aronus.
Turn in the quest, “Death to the Broodmother” (133)
209. Talk to Cenarius.
Accept the quest, “The Firelord” (134)
210. Find and enter the portal at Location 12 (L12). Talk to Cenarius and choose the first response to begin the event to defeat
Defeat Ragnaros
TIP: This is actually a challenging event. It is a lot easier if you are with allies. However, here is the breakdown of the event:
-When Ragnaros is active, Cenarius will tank him. You should take minimal damage from this stage. Just focus on DPS’ing Ragnaros
as hard as you can.
-Avoid the lava waves: Every few minutes, Ragnaros will submerge and send waves of lava at you. Two waves come and there are
two patterns. They will either come from the Left and Right sides where you can avoid them by standing by Cenarius. Or they will
come right down the middle, where you can avoid them by standing to the Right or Left by the other two NPCs. After the waves,
Ragnaros will re-emerge.
-Defeat the fire elementals attacking: Occasionally, a single elemental will attack Malfurion or Arch Druid Hamuul Runetotem. You
must engage and defeat it as fast as you can.
-Avoid the fire circles on the ground: Throughout the fight, a fireball will land on these circles causing damage and a big knockback.
So simply avoid running through these circles.
Overall, don’t over-think the event. Listen to the messages that appear and follow them while doing max damage to Ragnaros.
211. Take the Portal to Hyjal after the fight to return to Location 11 (L11). Talk to Commander Jarod Shadowsong.
Turn in the quest, “The Firelord” (134)
Accept the quest, “The Battle Is Won, The War Goes On” (135)
212. Travel to Orgrimmar. Find Farseer Krogar at the Valley of Wisdom in the North part of Orgrimmar. Talk to Farseer Krogar.
Turn in the quest, “The Battle Is Won, The War Goes On” (135)
To Beginning of Guide
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Quest List – Mount Hyjal (Horde)
© Copyright 2009-2010 KFGuides.
(1) Warchief’s Command: Mount Hyjal!
Starts with: Warchief’s Command Board in Orgrimmar
Travel to: Moonglade via Cenarion Emissary Blackhoof in Stormwind Keep
Ends with: Emissary Windsong
(2) As Hyjal Burns
Starts with: Emissary Windsong
Travel to: Mount Hyjal via Aronus
Ends with: Ysera
(3) Protect the World Tree
Starts with: Ysera
Ends with: Malfurion Stormrage
(4) The Earth Rises
Starts with: Anren Shadowseeker
Slay: 6 Scalding Rock Elementals at Nordrassil (A)
Ends with: Anren Shadowseeker
(5) Inciting the Elements
Starts with: Tholo Whitehoof
Slay: 4 Twilight Inciters at Location 1 (L1)
Ends with: Tholo Whitehoof
(6) Flames from Above
Starts with: Tholo Whitehoof
Use: Tholo’s Horn at Location 2 (L2)
Ends with: Tholo Whitehoof
(7) War on the Twilight’s Hammer
Starts with: Malfurion Stormrage
Slay: 4 Twilight Flamecallers, 10 Twilight Vanquishers North of Location 3 (L3)
Ends with: Malfurion Stormrage
(8) Emerald Allies
Starts with: Windspeaker Tamila
Ends with: Alysra
(9) The Flameseer’s Staff
Starts with: Windspeaker Tamila
Collect: 8 Charred Staff Fragments at The Verdant Thicket (B)
Ends with: Malfurion Stormrage
(10) The Captured Scout
Starts with: Alysra
Ends with: Scout Larandia
(11) Twilight Captivity
Starts with: Scout Larandia
Collect: Twilight Overseer’s Key by killing Twilight Overseers at The Verdant Thicket (B)
Ends with: Scout Larandia
(12) Return to Alysra
Starts with: Scout Larandia
Ends with: Alysra
(13) A Prisoner of Interest
Starts with: Alysra
Ends with: Captain Saynna Stormrunner
(14) Flamebreaker
Starts with: Malfurion Stormrage
Use: Flameseer’s Staff on Blazebound Revenants to spawn Unbound Flame Spirits
Slay: 30 Unbound Flame Spirits
Ends with: Malfurion Stormrage
To Beginning of Guide
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© Copyright 2009-2010 KFGuides.
(15) The Return of Baron Geddon
Starts with: Malfurion Stormrage
Use: Flameseer’s Staff on Baron Geddon 20 times at The Verdant Thicket (B)
Ends with: Malfurion Stormrage
(16) Through the Dream
Starts with: Captain Saynna Stormrunner
Travel to: Hyjal Barrow Dens (E) entrance
Ends with: Alysra
(17) Return to Nordrassil
Starts with: Alysra
Ends with: Ysera
(18) The Return of the Ancients
Starts with: Ysera
Ends with: Oomla Whitehorn
(19) Wings Over Mount Hyjal
Starts with: Tiala Whitemane
Ends with: Choluna
(20) Harrying the Hunters
Starts with: Oomla Whitehorn
Slay: 6 Twilight Hunters at Location 5 (L5)
Ends with: Oomla Whitehorn
(21) End of the Supply Line
Starts with: Jadi Falaryn
Slay: 4 Twilight Proveditors at Location 5 (L5)
Ends with: Jadi Falaryn
(22) In the Rear With the Gear
Starts with: Jadi Falaryn
Collect: 36 Twilight Supplies at Location 5 (L5)
Ends with: Jadi Falaryn
(23) The Voice of Lo’Gosh
Starts with: Oomla Whitehorn
Ends with: Takrik Ragehowl
(24) Howling Mad
Starts with: Takrik Ragehowl
Collect: 6 Polluted Incense by killing Lycanthoth Vandals at Shrine of Goldrinn (G)
Ends with: Takrik Ragehowl
(25) Lycanthoth the Corruptor
Starts with: Takrik Ragehowl
Use: Lycanthoth’s Essence at Maw of Lycanthoth (H)
Slay: Lycanthoth the Corruptor
Ends with: Spirit of Lo’Gosh
(26) The Shrine Reclaimed
Starts with: Spirit of Lo’Gosh
Ends with: Takrik Ragehowl
(27) Cleaning House
Starts with: Takrik Ragehowl
Slay: 8 Minions of Gar’gol at Gar’gol’s Hovel (I)
Ends with: Takrik Ragehowl
(28) From the Mouth of Madness
Starts with: Rio Duran
Collect: 1 Bitterblossom from Shrine of Goldrinn (G)
Collect: 1 Stonebloom, 1 Darkflame Ember from Gar’gol’s Hovel (I)
Ends with: Twilight Cauldron
(29) The Eye of Twilight
Starts with: Royce Duskwhisper
Ends with: Eye of Twilight
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© Copyright 2009-2010 KFGuides.
(30) Free Your Mind, the Rest Follows
Starts with: Twilight Cauldron
Rescue: 8 Twilight Servitors by talking to them at Gar’gol’s Hovel (I)
Ends with: Rio Duran
(31) Mastering Puppets
Starts with: Eye of Twilight
Ends with: Twilight Apocrypha
(32) Gar’gol’s Gotta Go
Starts with: Kristoff Manheim
Collect: Rusted Skull Key at Gar’gol’s Hovel (I)
Ends with: Kristoff Manheim
(33) Elementary
Starts with: Twilight Apocrypha
Activate: Crucible of Fire, Crucible of Earth, Crucible of Air, and Crucible of Water – in that order – at Gar’gol’s Hovel (I)
Ends with: Twilight Apocrypha
(34) Return to Duskwhisper
Starts with: Twilight Apocrypha
Ends with: Royce Duskwhisper
(35) Get Me Outta Here!
Starts with: Kristoff Manheim
Escort: Kristoff Manheim at Gar’gol’s Hovel (I)
Ends with: Royce Duskwhisper
(36) Sweeping the Shelf
Starts with: Takrik Ragehowl
Slay: 8 Twilight Stormcallers, 5 Howling Riftdwellers at Lightning Ledge (J)
Ends with: Takrik Ragehowl
(37) Lightning in a Bottle
Starts with: Takrik Ragehowl
Collect: Charged Condenser Jar at Lightning Ledge (J)
Ends with: Spirit of Lo’Gosh
(38) Into the Maw!
Starts with: Spirit of Lo’Gosh
Travel to: The Firelands Forgeworks (K) via the portal at Lightning Ledge (J)
Ends with: Jordan Olafson
(39) Forged of Shadow and Flame
Starts with: Jordan Olafson
Destroy: 10 Twilight Arms Crates
Ends with: Jordan Olafson
(40) Crushing the Cores
Starts with: Jordan Olafson
Collect: 8 Smoldering Cores by killing Searing Guardians at Firelands Forgeworks (K)
Destroy: 8 Smoldering Cores by using Twilight Anvils at Firelands Forgeworks (K)
Ends with: Jordan Olafson
(41) Rage of the Wolf Ancient
Starts with: Yargra Blackscar
Slay: 12 Dark Iron Laborers at Firelands Forgeworks (K)
Ends with: Yargra Blackscar
(42) Cindermaul, the Portal Master
Starts with: Jordan Olafson
Slay: Cindermaul at Location 6 (L6) inside Firelands Forgeworks (K)
Collect: Tome of Openings from Battered Stone Chest at Location 6 (L6) inside Firelands Forgeworks (K)
Ends with: Jordan Olafson
(43) Forgemaster Pyrendius
Starts with: Jordan Olafson
Slay: Forgemaster Pyrendius at Location 7 (L7) inside Firelands Forgeworks (K)
Ends with: Jordan Olafson
To Beginning of Guide
To Beginning of Section
© Copyright 2009-2010 KFGuides.
(44) Return from the Firelands
Starts with: Jordan Olafson
Ends with: Takrik Ragehowl
(45) The Fires of Mt. Hyjal
Starts with: Rio Duran
Ends with: Laina Nightsky
(46) The Wormwing Problem
Starts with: Thisalee Crow at (#1)
Slay: 10 Wormwing Harpies at Rim of the World (M)
Ends with: Thisalee Crow at (#1)
(47) Scrambling for Eggs
Starts with: Thisalee Crow at (#1)
Collect: 8 Hyjal Eggs at Rim of the World (M)
Ends with: Thisalee Crow at (#1)
(48) An Offering for Aviana
Starts with: Choluna
Use: Sacred Nectar at Shrine of Aviana (L)
Ends with: Mysterious Winged Spirit
(49) A Plea From Beyond
Starts with: Mysterious Winged Spirit
Ends with: Choluna
(50) A Prayer and a Wing
Starts with: Choluna
Collect: Ancient Feather by killing Blaithe
Ends with: Choluna
(51) A Bird in Hand
Starts with: Thisalee Crow at (#1)
Interrogate: Marion Wormwing
Ends with: Thisalee Crow at (#1)
(52) Fact-Finding Mission
Starts with: Skylord Omnuron
Ends with: Thisalee Crow at (#2)
(53) Fighting Fire With… Anything
Starts with: Laina Nightsky
Slay: 10 Raging Firestorms at The Inferno (P)
Ends with: Laina Nightsky
(54) Disrupting the Rituals
Starts with: Laina Nightsky
Slay: 6 Twilight Inferno Lords at The Inferno (P)
Ends with: Laina Nightsky
(55) Save the Wee Animals
Starts with: Mylune
Collect: 10 Frightened Animals at The Inferno (P)
Ends with: Mylune
(56) If You’re Not Against Us…
Starts with: Matoclaw
Persuade: Tyrus Blackhorn at Blackhorn’s Penance (O)
Ends with: Tyrus Blackhorn
(57) Seeds of Their Demise
Starts with: Tyrus Blackhorn
Collect: 8 Bileberries by killing Wailing Weeds at Blackhorn’s Penance (O)
Ends with: Tyrus Blackhorn
(58) A New Master
Starts with: Tyrus Blackhorn
Use: Bottled Bileberry Brew on a Twilight Inferno Lord’s corpse
Ends with: Twilight Inferno Lord
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© Copyright 2009-2010 KFGuides.
(59) The Name Never Spoken
Starts with: Twilight Inferno Lord
Examine: Northern Firestone, Central Firestone, Southern Firestone at The Inferno (P)
Ends with: Tyrus Blackhorn
(60) Oh, Deer!
Starts with: Mylune
Escort: 3 Injured Fawn from The Inferno (P) to Grove of Aessina (N)
Ends with: Mylune
(61) Black Heart of Flame
Starts with: Tyrus Blackhorn
Use: Charred Branch at The Inferno (P) to summon Thol’embaar
Collect: Black Heart of Thol’embaar by killing Thol’embaar
Ends with: Tyrus Blackhorn
(62) Last Stand at Whistling Grove
Starts with: Laina Nightsky
Ends with: Keeper Taldros
(63) The Bears Up There
Starts with: Keeper Taldros
Rescue: 6 Hyjal Bear Cubs at Whistling Grove (Q)
Ends with: Keeper Taldros
(64) Smashing Through Ashes
Starts with: Keeper Taldros
Slay: 8 Charbringers at Ashen Lake (R)
Ends with: Arch Druid Hamuul Runetotem at (#1)
(65) Durable Seeds
Starts with: Arch Druid Hamuul Runetotem at (#1)
Collect: 10 Hyjal Seedlings at The Flamewake (T)
Ends with: Arch Druid Hamuul Runetotem at (#1)
(66) Fresh Bait
Starts with: Arch Druid Hamuul Runetotem at (#1)
Collect: 4 Core Hound Entrails by killing Core Hounds at The Flamewake (T)
Ends with: Arch Druid Hamuul Runetotem at (#1)
(67) Firebreak
Starts with: Rayne Feathersong
Slay: 10 Lava Surgers at The Flamewake (T)
Ends with: Rayne Feathersong
(68) Hell’s Shells
Starts with: Arch Druid Hamuul Runetotem at (#1)
Collect: Nemesis Shell Fragment at The Flamewake (T)
Ends with: Arch Druid Hamuul Runetotem at (#1)
(69) Prepping the Soil
Starts with: Rayne Feathersong
Activate: Flameward at The Flamewake (T)
Defend: Flameward at The Flamewake (T)
Ends with: Rayne Feathersong
(70) Tortolla Speaks
Starts with: Arch Druid Hamuul Runetotem at (#1)
Ends with: Tortolla at (#1)
(71) Breaking the Bonds
Starts with: Tortolla at (#1)
Destroy: Rods of Subjugation 1 and 2 at Ashen Lake (R)
Ends with: Tortolla at (#1)
(72) Children of Tortolla
Starts with: Tortolla at (#1)
Slay: 6 Deep Corruptors at Ashen Lake (R) to save 6 Tortolla’s Eggs
Ends with: Tortolla at (#1)
To Beginning of Guide
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© Copyright 2009-2010 KFGuides.
(73) An Ancient Awakens
Starts with: Tortolla at (#1)
Ends with: Arch Druid Hamuul Runetotem
(74) Sethria’s Brood
Starts with: Thisalee Crow at (#2)
Slay: 12 Minions of Sethria at Sethria’s Roost (U)
Ends with: Thisalee Crow at (#2)
(75) A Gap in Their Armor
Starts with: Thisalee Crow at (#2)
Collect: 8 Twilight Armor Plates at Sethria’s Roost (U)
Ends with: Thisalee Crow at (#2)
(76) The Codex of Shadows
Starts with: Codex of Shadows
Ends with: Thisalee Crow at (#2)
(77) Disassembly
Starts with: Thisalee Crow at (#2)
Use: Thisalee’s Shiv on Twilight Juggernauts at Sethria’s Roost (U)
Slay: 3 Twilight Juggernauts
Ends with: Thisalee Crow at (#2)
(78) Egg Hunt
Starts with: Thisalee Crow at (#2)
Find: Aviana’s Egg and defend it at Sethria’s Roost (U)
Ends with: Thisalee Crow at (#2)
(79) Sethria’s Demise
Starts with: Thisalee Crow at (#2)
Slay: Sethria at Location 8 (L8)
Ends with: Thisalee Crow at (#2)
(80) Return to the Shrine
Starts with: Thisalee Crow at (#2)
Ends with: Choluna
(81) An Ancient Reborn
Starts with: Choluna
Use: Herald’s Incense at Aviana’s Egg at Shrine of Aviana (L)
Ends with: Aviana
(82) The Hatchery Must Burn
Starts with: Aviana
Ends with: Farden Taloneshrike
(83) The Last Living Lorekeeper
Starts with: Ysera
Ends with: Nordu
(84) Firefight
Starts with: Nordu
Slay: 5 Fiery Torments North of Location 9 (L9)
Ends with: Nordu
(85) Aessina’s Miracle
Starts with: Nordu
Ends with: Arch Druid Hamuul Runetotem at (#2)
(86) Tortolla’s Revenge
Starts with: Arch Druid Hamuul Runetotem at (#2)
Ends with: Tortolla at (#2)
(87) Flight in the Firelands
Starts with: Farden Talonshrike
Find: Guardian Flag
Ends with: Farden Talonshrike
(88) Wave One
Starts with: Farden Talonshrike
Slay: 10 Twilight Knight Riders at Firelands Hatchery (V)
Ends with: Farden Talonshrike
To Beginning of Guide
To Beginning of Section
© Copyright 2009-2010 KFGuides.
(89) Wave Two
Starts with: Farden Talonshrike
Slay: 10 Twilight Lancers at Firelands Hatchery (V)
Ends with: Farden Talonshrike
(90) Egg Wave
Starts with: Farden Talonshrike
Destroy: 40 Firelands Eggs at Firelands Hatchery (V)
Ends with: Farden Talonshrike
(91) Return to Aviana
Starts with: Farden Talonshrike
Ends with: Aviana
(92) The Hammer and the Key
Starts with: Tortolla at (#2)
Collect: Glyph of Opening by killing Twilight Field Captain at The Scorched Plain (W)
Ends with: Tortolla at (#2)
(93) Lost Wardens
Starts with: Niden
Rescue: 8 Lost Wardens at The Scorched Plain (W)
Ends with: Captain Irontree
(94) Breakthrough
Starts with: Niden
Slay: 10 Twilight Scorchlords at The Scorched Plain (W)
Ends with: Captain Irontree
(95) The Third Flamegate
Starts with: Tortolla at (#2)
Ends with: Garunda Mountainpeak
(96) Pressing the Advantage
Starts with: Captain Irontree
Slay: 4 Twilight Field Captains at The Scorched Plain (W)
Ends with: Captain Irontree
(97) Hyjal Recycling Program
Starts with: Logram
Collect: 15 Warden’s Arrows at The Scorched Plain (W)
Ends with: Logram
(98) The Time for Mercy has Passed
Starts with: Garunda Mountainpeak
Slay: 4 Shadowflame Masters, 10 Molten Tormentors at The Crucible of Flame (X)
Ends with: Garunda Mountainpeak
(99) The Strength of Tortolla
Starts with: Garunda Mountainpeak
Examine: Nemesis Crystal at The Crucible of Flame (X)
Ends with: Garunda Mountainpeak
(100) Finish Nemesis
Starts with: Garunda Mountainpeak
Slay: Nemesis at The Crucible of Flame (X)
Ends with: Garunda Mountainpeak
(101) Tortolla’s Triumph
Starts with: Garunda Mountainpeak
Ends with: Tortolla
(102) The Ancients are With Us
Starts with: Tortolla
Ends with: Ysera
(103) Commander Jarod Shadowsong
Starts with: Ysera
Ends with: Elementalist Ortell
To Beginning of Guide
To Beginning of Section
© Copyright 2009-2010 KFGuides.
(104) Signed in Blood
Starts with: Elementalist Ortell
Use: Blackjack on Twilight Recruit at Darkwhisper Gorge (Z)
Collect: Twilight Recruitment Papers
Ends with: Elementalist Ortell
(105) Your New Identity
Starts with: Elementalist Ortell
Ends with: Condenna the Pitiless
(106) Trial By Fire
Starts with: Condenna the Pitiless
Slay: 8 Fiery Instructors at The Twilight Gauntlet (AA)
Ends with: Condenna the Pitiless
(107) In Bloom
Starts with: Condenna the Pitiless
Collect: 5 Flame Blossoms at The Twilight Gauntlet (AA)
Ends with: Condenna the Pitiless
(108) Waste of Flesh
Starts with: Instructor Cargall
Use: Frostgale Crystal on Immolated Supplicant at The Twilight Gauntlet (AA)
Ends with: Instructor Cargall
(109) Twilight Training
Starts with: Condenna the Pitiless
Ends with: Instructor Mylva
(110) Physical Training: Forced Labor
Starts with: Instructor Mylva
Destroy: 5 Darkwhisper Lodestones at Darkwhisper Gorge (Z)
Ends with: Instructor Mylva
(111) Walking the Dog
Starts with: Instructor Devoran
Collect: 5 Charred Basilisk Meats at Darkwhisper Gorge (Z)
Use: Fiery Leash to summon Spawn of Smolderos
Use: Charred Basilisk Meats to feed Spawn of Smolderos 5 Times
Ends with: Instructor Devoran
(112) Gather the Intelligence
Starts with: Outhouse Hideout
Collect: Twilight Communique at The Forge of Supplication (BB)
Collect: Hyjal Battleplans at Doom’s Vigil (CC)
Ends with: Outhouse Hideout
(113) A Champion’s Collar
Starts with: Instructor Devoran
Collect: Spiked Basilisk Hide by killing Spinescale Matriarch at Location 11 (L11)
Ends with: Instructor Devoran
(114) Agility Training: Run Like Hell
Starts with: Instructor Mylva
Ends with: Instructor Mylva
(115) Mental Training: Speaking the Truth to Power
Starts with: Instructor Mylva
Use: Orb of Ascension to answer 10 questions correctly
Ends with: Instructor Mylva
(116) Spiritual Training: Mercy is for the Weak
Starts with: Instructor Mylva
Slay: 5 Failed Supplicants at Doom’s Vigil (CC)
Ends with: Instructor Mylva
(117) Seeds of Discord
Starts with: Outhouse Hideout
Slay: High Cultist Azennios at Seat of the Chosen (DD)
Ends with: Outhouse Hideout
To Beginning of Guide
To Beginning of Section
© Copyright 2009-2010 KFGuides.
(118) Grudge Match
Starts with: Instructor Devoran
Slay: Gromm’ko at Seat of the Chosen (DD)
Ends with: Instructor Devoran
(119) The Greater of Two Evils
Starts with: Instructor Mylva
Slay: Garnoth, Fist of the Legion at Gates of Sothann (EE)
Ends with: Instructor Mylva
(120) Twilight Territory
Starts with: Instructor Mylva
Slay: 10 Horroguards at Gates of Sothann (EE)
Ends with: Instructor Mylva
(121) Speech Writing for Dummies
Starts with: Outhouse Hideout
Slay: Okrog at Darkwhisper Gorge (Z)
Ends with: Outhouse Hideout
(122) Head of the Class
Starts with: Outhouse Hideout
Ends with: Instructor Mylva
(123) Graduation Speech
Starts with: Instructor Mylva
Complete: Graduation Speech 10 Times at Doom’s Vigil (CC)
Ends with: Commander Jarod Shadowsong at (#1)
(124) Twilight Riot
Starts with: Commander Jarod Shadowsong at (#1)
Ends with: Commander Jarod Shadowsong at (#2)
(125) Slash and Burn
Starts with: Commander Jarod Shadowsong at (#2)
Slay: 5 Twilight Stormwakers, 40 Twilight’s Hammer Units
Ends with: Commander Jarod Shadowsong at (#2)
(126) Might of the Firelord
Starts with: Commander Jarod Shadowsong at (#2)
Slay: 4 Flame Ascendants, 5 Twilight Subjugators at Ascendant’s Rise (FF)
Ends with: Commander Jarod Shadowsong at (#2)
(127) Secrets of the Flame
Starts with: Cenarius
Collect: Ascendant’s Codex, Burning Litanies, Tome of Flame at Ascendant’s Rise (FF)
Ends with: Cenarius
(128) The Twilight Egg
Starts with: Pure Twilight Egg
Ends with: Aronus
(129) The Gatekeeper
Starts with: Cenarius
Slay: Azralon the Gatekeeper at Sanctum of the Prophets (GG)
Ends with: Quest Log
(130) The Sanctum of the Prophets
Starts with: Commander Jarod Shadowsong at (#2)
Slay: 4 Twilight Augurs, 4 Twilight Retainers, 1 Emissary of Flame at Sanctum of the Prophets (GG)
Ends with: Commander Jarod Shadowsong at (#2)
(131) Brood of Evil
Starts with: Aronus
Collect: Young Twilight Drake Skull at Ascendant’s Rise (FF)
Ends with: Aronus
(132) Magma Monarch
Starts with: Commander Jarod Shadowsong at (#2)
Slay: King Moltron at Throne of Flame (HH)
Ends with: Commander Jarod Shadowsong at (#2)
To Beginning of Guide
To Beginning of Section
© Copyright 2009-2010 KFGuides.
(133) Death to the Broodmother
Starts with: Aronus
Slay: Desperiona at Location 13 (L13)
Ends with: Aronus
(134) The Firelord
Starts with: Quest Log
Defeat: Ragnaros
Ends with: Commander Jarod Shadowsong at (#2)
(135) The Battle Is Won, The War Goes On
Starts with: Commander Jarod Shadowsong at (#2)
Ends with: Farseer Krogar
To Beginning of Guide
To Beginning of Section
NPC List – Mount Hyjal (Horde)
© Copyright 2009-2010 KFGuides.
Alysra – Mount Hyjal, Ruins of Lar’donir
Anren Shadowseeker – Mount Hyjal, Nordrassil
Arch Druid Hamuul Runetotem – Mount Hyjal, (#1) Sanctuary of Malorne, (#2) Grove of Aessina
Aronus – Mount Hyjal, Location 11
Aviana – Mount Hyjal, Shrine of Aviana
Captain Irontree – Mount Hyjal, The Scorched Plain
Captain Saynna Stormrunner – Mount Hyjal, Hyjal Barrow Dens
Cenarion Emissary Blackhoof – Orgrimmar, Valley of Wisdom
Cenarius – Mount Hyjal, Location 11
Choluna – Mount Hyjal, Shrine of Aviana
Codex of Shadows – Mount Hyjal, Sethria’s Roost
Commander Jarod Shadowsong – Mount Hyjal, (#1) Doom’s Vigil, (#2) Location 11
Condenna the Pitiless – Mount Hyjal, The Twilight Gauntlet
Elementalist Ortell – Mount Hyjal, Darkwhisper Pass
Emissary Windsong – Moonglade, Nighthaven
Eye of Twilight – Mount Hyjal, Gar’gol’s Hovel
Farden Talonshrike – Mount Hyjal, Firelands Hatchery
Farseer Krogar – Orgrimmar, The Western Earthshrine
Garunda Mountainpeak – Mount Hyjal, The Crucible of Flame
Instructor Cargall – Mount Hyjal, The Twilight Gauntlet
Instructor Devoran – Mount Hyjal, The Forge of Supplication
Instructor Mylva – Mount Hyjal, The Forge of Supplication
Jadi Falaryn – Mount Hyjal, Wolf’s Run
Jordan Olafson – Mount Hyjal, Firelands Forgeworks
Keeper Taldros – Mount Hyjal, Whistling Grove
Kristoff Manheim – Mount Hyjal, Gar’gol’s Hovel
Liana Nightsky – Mount Hyjal, Grove of Aessina
Logram – Mount Hyjal, The Scorched Plain
Malfurion Stormrage – Mount Hyjal, Location 3
Matoclaw – Mount Hyjal, Grove of Aessina
Mylune – Mount Hyjal, Grove of Aessina
Mysterious Winged Spirit – Mount Hyjal, Shrine of Aviana
Niden – Mount Hyjal, The Regrowth
Nordu – Mount Hyjal, Location 9
Oomla Whitehorn – Mount Hyjal, Wolf’s Run
Outhouse Hideout – Mount Hyjal, The Forge of Supplication
Rayne Feathersong – Mount Hyjal, Sanctuary of Malorne
Rio Duran – Mount Hyjal, Shrine of Goldrinn
Royce Duskwhisper – Mount Hyjal, Shrine of Goldrinn
Scout Larandia – Mount Hyjal, Twilight Command Post
Skylord Omnuron – Mount Hyjal, Shrine of Aviana
Spirit of Lo’Gosh – Mount Hyjal, Maw of Lycanthoth
Takrik Ragehowl – Mount Hyjal, Shrine of Goldrinn
Thisalee Crow – Mount Hyjal, (#1) Shrine of Aviana, (#2) Sethria’s Roost
Tholo Whitehoof – Mount Hyjal, Nordrassil
Tiala Whitemane – Mount Hyjal, Nordrassil
Tortolla – Mount Hyjal, (#1) Ashen Lake, (#2) The Regrowth
Twilight Apocrypha – Mount Hyjal, Gar’gol’s Hovel
Twilight Cauldron – Mount Hyjal, Gar’gol’s Hovel
Tyrus Blackhorn – Mount Hyjal, Blackhorn’s Penance
Warchief’s Command Board – Orgrimmar, Valley of Strength
Windspeaker Tamila – Mount Hyjal, Location 3
Yargra Blackscar – Mount Hyjal, Firelands Forgeworks
Ysera – Mount Hyjal, Nordrassil
To Beginning of Guide
To Beginning of Section