Francois Lake area - Burns Lake Visitor Centre
Francois Lake area - Burns Lake Visitor Centre
Verdun Forest 19 Service Lookout Cheslatta Trails 17 Remote–be prepared • Moderate point of interest Moderate This takes one hour to drive from Southbank on 50 kms of gravel forestry roads please make sure your gas tank is full and your spare tire and jack are handy. Small cars and large travel trailers are not recommended. Access Cheslatta Trails Cheslatta Trails On leaving the Southbank Ferry Terminal turn left onto Uncha Lake Road. Travel 12 km, turn right on Campbell Road for 2 km. Turn right on Binta Road, continue for about 7 km. Bear right up the hill at the Binta Ootsanee FSR junction. Stay on the Binta Ootsanee FSR for several km until the road comes to a “T” junction. Turn left on Sather Road proceed for 100 m then turn right. Stay on this road for about 4 kms which ends at Cheslatta Lake with a fairly steep switchback. Description While it takes some effort to get to Cheslatta Lake and the old village site of Skatchola, you will enjoy hiking on several trails. These paths are gentle and wide, with many historical trails traversed with numerous archaeological sites. Follow massive monolithic face of basalt that overlooks beautiful Cheslatta Lake, or hike the historic Cheslatta Wagon Road. Cheslatta Carrier Nation Exploration Path 18 1 km • Easy Access **The Cheslatta Nation asks for respect of the cemeteries, culture sites and infrastructure; stay on the trail and off the hillsides. Follow travel directions to Southbank. On leaving the Southbank Ferry Terminal drive straight up Keefe’s Landing Road for approximately 0.8 km. Turn right into the Cheslatta Carrier Nation office parking lot (big blue building with flag poles). Francois Forester Ferry Description Need a break? Take a quiet meander through the forest following an old wildlife trail. There are 2 benches that allow the hiker to relax and take a restful moment to observe the variety of trees, plants, birds and small animals that are common on the Southside. Access Trails and Points of Interest in Burns Lake (Francois Lake area) a guide to 2 Accommodation Bed & Breakfast Campgrounds Resort Food Gas Point of Interest Provincial Park Francois Lake Loop Highways Other Roads Streams Lakes Warning: Young children and pets are not recommended on this trail as trail and cliffs may be slippery when wet. Water levels can change rapidly in river-please use caution. Tchesinkut Lake Heart of the Lakes District Trina Bysouth Ray Fletcher Jan Owens Mike Robertson printed on 20% recycled d Takysie Lake Ke ot Photos: O Produced in northern BC, 2014 efe 's Wistaria sa Wistaria Landing -N ad i na Road Ootsa Lake Tweedsmuir Park Cheslatta Carrier Nation Danskin Nee Tahi Buhn Grassy Hall Grassy Tatalrose Lake Plains Ro a Noralee Southbank in g Burns Lake & District Chamber of Commerce in ak me n tt le Se Mollice Lake Uncha Lake Takysie Lake Skin Tyee Cheslatta t R o ad E Skins Lake Spillway Ch Ea st O otsa R oad es lat ta Ro Skins Lake Spillway 20 point of interest Access Once exiting the ferry drive straight up the hill on Keefe’s Landing Road following signs to Takysie Lake Resort – 23 kms. Continue through Takysie Lake traveling south on the Eakin Settlement Road, past the junction with the Cheslatta Road, until the East Ootsa Road. Turn left on to East Ootsa Road. Drive 2 kms until the Spillway. Description Pack up the family, take a picnic lunch or dinner and take a scenic drive to the Skins Lake Spillway. Absorb the view of the magnificent display of thundering water. See the breathtaking view of Ootsa Lake and the surrounding mountains. BB Francois Lake nd A cooperative project of: Description Cheslatta Falls are a must if you are exploring the Southside country! Follow the hiking diamonds through a peaceful pine forest on a ridge overlooking the Cheslatta River. It winds around and finally stops at the edge of a cliff directly beside the falls allowing for a spectacular view. Village of Burns Lake La Once exiting the ferry, drive straight up the hill on Keefe’s Landing Road following signs to Takysie Lake Resort – 23 kms. Continue past Takysie Lake traveling south on the Eakin Settlement Road for 10.5 km to the Cheslatta Road Junction. Turn left and travel on Cheslatta Road for another approx. 11.5 km to the trailhead. Binta Lake Skins Lake Spillway BRITISH COLUMBIA BB Burns Lake Recreation Sites & Trails BC Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, Nadina/Skeena Recreation District Smithers, BC • 250-847-6300 Description Take in this stunning panoramic view looking east at beautiful Uncha/Binta Valley, Dayeezcha and Llgitiyuz Mountains. While looking north admire the breathtaking view of Uncha Mountain, Grassy Plains and Francois Lake. Maybe you’ll be able to see a spectacular sunset over Colleymount to the west. There are rustic trails leading away from the lookout that beckon to be explored. Great site for a picnic!! 1.2 km • Moderate Southside Information Burns Lake Visitor Centre 540 Hwy 16, Box 339 Burns Lake BC V0J 1E0 Ph: 250-692-3773 Follow travel directions to Southbank. Once exiting the ferry, drive straight up the hill on Keefe’s Landing Road for approx. 11 km, turn right at Keefe Landing/Ootsa Lake junction, travel another 12 kms, turning right on to Verdun Road. Continue for 2 kms. The access road is fairly rough. 21 Upper Cheslatta Falls Legend For more information regarding recreational opportunities in the Burns Lake area contact: Upper Cheslatta Falls Access ad Cheslatta Lake C ut e re k Nourse Creek Trails 13 General information Anders Lake ree k W S k re e Map Scale 1: 20,000 0 Kilometers 0.75 1.5 Ev k Nourse Creek Hen ke l Cre ek FS R y3 Hw t ou n le ym Col Other Roads Red Hills Main Road Indian Bay ch Un a L Cr ee k Mulvaney Lake reek Sn od grass C 13 Trail Markers 1 15 16 18 ut Rd Ferry Landing François Lake Legend 5 Francois Viewpoint 14 ink a ke Streams Rd Nourse Falls Ferry Landing es Shaeffer Lake Faber Lake McClure Pit & Government Point McClure Pit & Government Point FranÁois Lake re e Tc h 3 Franco is Viewpoint Bears feel threatened if surprised – hike in a group and make loud noises. Whistle, talk, sing or carry noisemakers such as bells or a can containing stones. In dense brush and near running water, don’t depend on your noisemaker being heard. Use extra caution and watch for evidence of bears. Most bears will leave if they are aware of your presence. Stay in the open as much as possible. Keep children close at hand on trails. Be especially alert when travelling into the wind; a bear may not get your scent and be warned of your presence. an sC Nourse Creek Trail Warning: Use extreme caution with children along these trails as it is narrow with steep drop offs. Tips for safe recreating in bear country E in C Description Wander along the banks of the Nourse Creek Trail, rising in altitude for spectacular scenic vistas over Francois Lake. Admire the natural rock formations called “hoodoos”. Observe the magnificent cascading (first set) waterfalls 1.5 kms from the trail head; hike another 1.9 km you will find the second set of waterfalls bubbling and churning over the carved rock of the stream bottom. Please note that backcountry trails presented in this guide are subject to occasional or inconsistent maintenance. You may encounter trees on the trail (windfall) or other hazards. Please use caution. Avoid hiking during wind storms. Road and trail conditions may change quickly due to the weather; make sure you know what the weather will be doing before proceeding on any trails. Highway 35 Trails Overview: Francois Lake Area N Al l Directions to Ferry Landing: Turn south onto Highway 35 from the junction of Highway 16 & 35. Continue for approximately 23 kms. Enjoy the free ferry across beautiful Francois Lake to Southbank. Drive south on Highway 35, pass the Francois Lake Ferry terminal continue for 14.1 kms along Colleymount Road which meanders along the scenic north shore of Francois Lake. Turn right on the Henkel Forest Service Road travel another approx. 1.5 km, turning right into the trail’s parking lot. ek sink u Access B Cre h ea c Tch e 3.4 km • Easy to Moderate Travel distances given are one way from the starting point described in the access section for each trail or point of interest. t La ke Bea ch C Lakes Provincial Recreations Sites Mollice Lake Ca R o mp b a d ell Keefes Landing Rd When camping, keep a clean camp. Bears usually avoid people, but can be attracted to human food and garbage. Store and dispose of all food and garbage properly. In unmaintained sites, take your garbage with you. Take only pictures leave only footprints. Clean up after your pets. Uncha Lake North Uncha Lake Uncha Lake Safety Tips Takysie Lake 19 • Never hike alone. Verdun Mtn Lookout Rd • Before leaving on a hike, let a responsible individual know where you are going and when you will be returning. Always contact that individual when you return. Binta Lake South N ing Rd ee W C h s la e tt es R E la tta R d 600 m • Easy Ea kin S et tl e n t Rd me FS Ch Ootsa Landing Hospital Point Trail 14 ta ts a Bi n Keefes Land n MAPS: Free Growing Forestry Inc. Wapoose Lake Oo • Road conditions can be variable and access closed or limited due to weather, especially during winter months. e ta- • Cellular phone coverage is limited in the Lakes District area. Not all trails will have coverage. Bi nta La k Bin • In case of emergency dial 911. The nearest RCMP detachment is in Burns Lake. For medical emergencies The Burns Lake & District Hospital is located at 741 Center Street in Burns Lake. 250 692 2400. Southside Trails Overview Rd • Drive with extra caution on logging roads. Heavy industrial traffic may be encountered any day of the week. B in t a R d a • Some trails are not clearly marked. Be prepared and take a map, compass, food, emergency gear, first aid kit and a GPS Unit, if available. Plan as if you will be staying overnight. Hospital Point Binta Lake North TAKYSIE LAKE 20 Access S Map Scale 1: 30,000 Cheslatta Falls Road 1 !(221 17 Ootsa Lake Trails and Points of Interest in Burns Lake (Francois Lake area) 0 Kilometers 1.5 3 Cheslatta Lake Keefe’s Landing Cairn 15 Easy Access Easy Moderate Difficult 13. Nourse Creek Trails • Snowmobilers! Some localized areas have avalanche potential. Check any avalanche bulletin(s) applicable for the area (www. before leaving, and choose terrain that is suitable for the level of hazard. Make sure everyone in the group has a transceiver, probe, and shovel and knows how to use them. 14. Hospital Point Trail Forest Fires 20. Skins Lake Spillway Should you spot a forest fire phone 1-800-663-5555 (or *5555 where cellular phone service is available). This is a free province wide, forest fire emergency phone number. 21. Cheslatta Falls 15. Keefe’s Landing Cairn 16. Southbank Nature Path 17. Cheslatta Trails Recreational features Camping Hiking Find site #’s 1 – 12 in the accompanying brochure guide Trails and Points of Interest in Burns Lake: 1 Follow travel directions to Southbank. Located at the Southside Ferry Landing site. Description Take a leisurely stroll to the Keefe’s Landing Cairn overlooking beautiful François Lake. Have a picnic lunch and watch the ferry come and go. Swimming 18. Cheslatta Carrier Nation Exploration Path 19. Verdun Forest Service Lookout Description This easygoing trail is approximately 600 m on a graveled pathway overlooking beautiful Francois Lake. There are two viewpoints along this trail complete with board walk and picnic tables. 6 Difficulty level Follow travel directions to Southbank. Exit ferry and turn right onto Hospital Point Road, follow the road until you reach the Hospital Point Hall. Canoeing Jogging Walking Fishing Picnicking Wildlife Viewing Southbank Nature Path 16 Easy to Moderate Access Ride the free ferry across spectacular Francois Lake to Southbank. Exit the ferry and turn left onto Uncha Lake Road; drive 100 m to start your walk. Description A short trail that packs a big nature punch. Trek through a wide variety of local flora including spruce and raspberries and gaze out upon the cool, sparkling, clear waters of Francois Lake. The trail is very accessible and is equipped for any level of hiker with plank paths and hand rails. The trail is open from spring to fall. Don’t miss this little gem of a trail.