IFL EASON REPORT WHAT THE CONTENDERS CAN'T WIN WITHOUT PLUS: THE SINGULAR GREATNESS * OF ANDRE JOHNSON LIVING THE MASCOT LIFE .... ... ..... ...... ..... ~() ~~v() rtf).~ ~ BLAKE GRIFFIN TRIES TO FIT IN espn.comlinsider 12.24 November 302009 $4.99 US/$5.99 CAN/FOR II 2010 WINTER OLY MPICS RAM PS 6) TRA MP S j NATE HOLLAND 31, Snowboard cross BASE Squaw Valley, Calif. BOAST Five X Games go lds Holland admits he's "n ot the biggest fan of the gym." but he temporarily re located to Park City to power up his sta rts . Ge tti ng the hole sho t in boarder cross means th e best line through turns, clean snow and fewer tang les with ot her rider s. Holland trains by simulating starts on a ramp that measures the force each side of his upper body generates. He does about 10 all-out starts per session. "Any more than that and I'm cooked," Holland says. With a "sour taste" still in his mouth from the 2006 Games. when he crashed and finished 14th, Holland hopes pre-Olympic discipline and coaching will translate into a podium finish this time around. "There's so mebody watching me do every lift and making su re every th ing is fi nished," he says. "I can't decide to go fly-fish ing halfway through a workout." SHANNON BAHRKE 29, Moguls BAS E Tahoe City, Calif. BOAST Silver medal at 2002 Games; seven World Cup wins Bahrke is a woman of extreme s-and we're not talkingjust about her pink locks. In a recent workout. she complained after do ing "only" 60 pu sh -ups in 90 secon ds. "I went out too fas t." she says. To help manage her brio. Bahrke pra ctic es yoga , such as the varia ti on of a half moon pos e sh own her e on a Bosu ball. "Yoga engages every mu scle an d ligament in my body." she says. "It hold s me togeth er physically. " And men tally. Before ru ns, Ba hrke inha les fo r six seconds and exhales f or seven se conds two or th re e times, jus t as sh e does on th e yoga mat. "That keeps me focu se d and ca lm," she say s. "Th e se cond s get signific antly shorter as the race near s." Amazing what a few well-placed oms can do for control.