to a factsheet about starry stonewort
to a factsheet about starry stonewort
Learn the facts about starry stonewort Starry stonewort (Nitelliposis obtusa) is an invasive green alga that has spread rapidly within some northern-tier lakes. It can grow tall and dense, forming mats on the surface that interfere with recreation and potentially displacing native plant species. Starry stonewort is a charophyte, a group that also includes muskgrasses and stoneworts (Chara and Nitella species) that are native to Minnesota. It is native to parts of Europe and Asia but is relatively uncommon in much of its native range and is considered endangered in Japan and of conservation concern in Britain. What it looks like What it affects Starry stonewort can look quite similar to some native Where starry stonewort grows densely and forms surface charophytes, but may appear larger and more robust. It is a mats, it can interfere with boating and other recreational green macroalga with whorls of long, narrow branchlets in activities. Dense growth may also displace native plants and groups of 4 to 6 coming off of main shoots. Orange could potentially have impacts on fish and other animals. reproductive structures (male antheridia) occur at branchlet Starry stonewort’s ecological impacts are not well nodes. Small, white, star-shaped bulbils are a distinguishing understood, and there has been little published research feature that gives it the name starry stonewort. to date. Life cycle How it spreads Starry stonewort is dioecious, meaning that individuals are either male or female — unlike many plants and algae that have both male and female reproductive parts. Interestingly, the best evidence to date indicates that the populations in the U.S. are all male, though there may be undiscovered females. This means that spread of starry stonewort is probably through human movement of fragments from lake to lake. In particular, starry stonewort produces small, star-shaped structures called “bulbils” that allow it to reproduce vegetatively (clonally). Starry stonewort appears to be spreading vegetatively in the U.S. (by bulbils and fragments). Accidental movement by people is the most likely means of dispersal. Many of the known infestations occur in high-use waterbodies and near boat accesses. Where it’s found Starry stonewort was first found in North America in 1978 in the St. Lawrence River and has spread inland since. It is now found in much of Michigan’s Lower Peninsula and many locations in New York State. It has also been found in Indiana and was discovered in southeastern Wisconsin in 2014. It was first recorded in Minnesota in 2015 (Lake Koronis, Stearns Co.). Photos:; Paul Skawinski; Jason Wachter; MN DNR Starry stonewort research at the Minnesota Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center There is a high level of uncertainty about the future of starry stonewort and its potential impacts in Minnesota, as well as uncertainty about how to best control this species where it has invaded. Researchers at the Minnesota Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center are currently performing ecological niche modeling to assess starry stonewort’s risk of spread throughout the state. This involves using data on where starry stonewort occurs in its native and invaded ranges — and environmental and climatic data associated with those occurrences — to predict areas of suitable habitat where it could potentially invade and persist if introduced. Through this work, we have learned that starry stonewort appears to be occupying a climate niche in its invaded range different from where it occurs in its native range. Future research will involve further assessing spread risk and evaluating options for starry stonewort control. We will perform finer-scale risk assessment for Minnesota lakes, desiccation trials to test risk of movement to new lakes through contaminated boats, and growth experiments to evaluate starry stonewort’s performance under different climate scenarios for Minnesota. To improve the toolkit for starry stonewort control, we will test sensitivity of starry stonewort to different herbicides, while also evaluating non-target effects on native charophytes and vascular plants. MAISRC is also bringing together a group of international experts to synthesize what is currently known about the ecology, For more information: impacts, and management of starry stonewort and identify key Visit: gaps in the science needed to better support management. Contact: Dr. Daniel Larkin Assistant Professor & Extension Specialist Funding for MAISRC is provided by the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund, the Clean Water Fund, and private donations.