MusicGen Music Scheduler


MusicGen Music Scheduler
MusicGen Music Scheduler
Copyright ©2003 by Prophet Systems Innovations
Music Scheduler
Table of Contents
Music Scheduler......................................................................................................................................................3
Welcome to MusicGen Music Scheduler..................................................................................................3
Quick Start................................................................................................................................................................7
PSI Product Community…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..9
Menu Items ..............................................................................................................................................................10
File Menu....................................................................................................................................................10
Library Management Menu..............................................................................................................11
Log/Clock Menu......................................................................................................................................14
Music Policy Menu.................................................................................................................................15
Options Menu..........................................................................................................................................16
Reports Analysis Menu.....................................................................................................................20
Utilities Menu ........................................................................................................................................22
Song Editor Screen............................................................................................................................27
Customizing the Song Editor Screen.......................................................................................31
Logs and Clocks.....................................................................................................................................................33
Logs ..............................................................................................................................................................33
Menu Options.........................................................................................................................................34
Log Options..............................................................................................................................................36
Music Scheduler...................................................................................................................................36
Select Columns......................................................................................................................................38
Right Click ................................................................................................................................................39
Generating a New Log........................................................................................................................41
Manual Scheduler................................................................................................................................44
Edit Printing Templates...................................................................................................................47
Other Aspects of the Print Template....................................................................................48
Other options within the clock screen...................................................................................53
Rules and Policies.................................................................................................................................54
Rule Components...................................................................................................................................58
Types of Rules.......................................................................................................................................58
Music Scheduler
Misc Topics..............................................................................................................................................................65
Mass Changes.........................................................................................................................................65
Importing Songs...................................................................................................................................67
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)........................................................................................................72
Music Scheduler
Music Scheduler
Welcome to MusicGen Music Scheduler
Thanks for using MusicGen Music Scheduler from Prophet Systems Innovations
Windows 98* or higher, with IP Bound on the workstation, Admin rights to the
workstation for Windows NT* and Windows 2000* install.
Should you have any suggestions for this documentation, please direct them to
This help document provides enough information to get you started and to assist
you in understanding the basic functionality of the software in a short period of
time. The table of contents can provide assistance with specific areas.
* Windows 98, Windows NT and Windows 2000 are all Registered Trademarks of the Microsoft
Music Scheduler
Logging In
Once the Scheduler is installed, you're ready to start the program. If you are
starting with a fresh database, use "supervisor" as the User Name and leave the
Password blank. Once logged in, you may create your own user ID and password (you
can assign a password to the supervisor as well).
Adding the Song Data
Depending on your current scheduling status, the first place you will want to visit is
the LIBRARY menu option. This menu allows you to add pertinent items to song
information, such as Category, Artists, Sound Codes, User Codes, Regions, and
Optionally, If you already have an existing system, to enter large quantities of
songs, you may choose to "Import" a group of songs from a text file. The MusicGen
program is capable of importing songs from any text file that is column delimited
OR an .xls spreadsheet file.
Overview - As you would expect, the music scheduler helps making decisions
about what songs to play based on the rules that are in effect. These rules are
based on artist, song play info, as well as information that is supplied by you in the
song information screen. The concept of the rules is that at any one time there is a
set of rules in effect for both the auto scheduler and for the manual scheduler.
These sets of rules are simply called Policies, and contain rules that are attached as
a base set of rules (applied to all categories) or attached explicitly to a specific
Rules Hierarchy -The BASE RULES are present to allow a lowest point of rule
enforcement. Any rule component that is defined in the BASE RULE, can have a
similar rule assigned to a category that overrides the base rule. For example, in a
policy, you might have a BASE rule that says minimum song separation must be 15
hours. That rule will not work for your current songs; therefore you could create a
rule JUST for your currents that is nothing more than a rule that says "song
separation of 1 hour 10 minutes". All the other rules in the policy would apply to
Music Scheduler
that category EXCEPT the song separation rule, which now has an overriding,
category specific rule for the Currents.
Coding - The design of the system was intended to allow for maximum flexibility,
while maintaining ease of use. Both of these items are set up under the Library
Management menu.
User Codes - If you wish to assign numeric type codes such as Energy, Mood,
etc… you will want to create these "User Codes" and define their numeric
range before you start entering songs. You can define as many User Codes as
you feel you need up to 255. "User Codes" can also be used to store testing
score results to be used in the scheduling process, or just for reference
Sound Codes - You will want to define soundcodes for various purposes,
either to separate songs of the same type or of conflicting types, to limit a
certain type of song's exposure per hour, or even to identify a song as the
type of song you wish to start an hour with or come out of commercials with.
As with User Codes, you may define up to 255 Sound Codes and name them
anything that makes sense to your station.
Tempo - Tempo coding has been designed with flexibility in mind as well.
First of all, you can define what a valid tempo range is. You might choose 3,
Slow Med and Fast, or maybe 5, or perhaps 9. The maximum tempo range you
can define is 9. Once you have defined how you want your tempo range to look,
you can assign "names" to each numeric value to help the coding process. For
example if you have decided 3, in the Tempo Names screen you can define 1 to
be Slow, 2 to be Med and 3 to be Fast. In the song editor screen, you can
define up to 3 tempos in which to create rules against. The three values are
the Starting Tempo, Overall Tempo and Ending Tempo. You may use any or all
of these, depending on your scheduling scheme. You may decide that you are
only interested in the overall tempo value, or you may decide you want to
compare the ending tempo of songs against the Starting tempo of the
following songs. All Tempo data can be maintained in the Library Management
> Tempo Names.
Stacks - MusicGen allows ANY category to be arranged in a single stack or one
stack per hour of the day. The single stack methodology reminds the seasoned
programmer of an index file system, where each song is represented on an index
card in a box, and once a song plays, it's time is recorded and it is sent to the back
of the stack for that category. While this works for some categories that have
Music Scheduler
short turnover, like current songs for example, MusicGen introduces the ability to
maintain 24 stacks for each category. It's like having a stack of index cards for
every hour of the day, so once a song plays in the MIDNIGHT hour, the song is
moved to the back of the MIDNIGHT stack for that category. The result is that
when each song is scheduled, the most rested song FOR THAT HOUR is considered
first. This means by default, your listeners should be hearing fresher songs each
day. This is set up under Library Management > Categories.
Phew - That's a lot to digest. If you're like many people (like myself) you've
skipped documentation the first time around, already jumped into MusicGen and are
coming back to this help file to fill in any gaps or maybe to absorb the philosophy
around which this program was designed.
Music Scheduler
Quick Start
Here is your step by step guide to arriving at scheduling bliss in the fastest way
1. Install MusicGen from the CD or from the Package on our website. By
default, the database is installed in C:\Scheduler folder and the executable
is installed in the C:\music folder; you're given the opportunity (during
installation) to locate these files anywhere you wish.
2. Launch MusicGen using the icon on the Desktop shown here:
first time MusicGen opens you’ll need to log in using Supervisor as the user
name and leaving the password blank. Once you log in as Supervisor you may
create additional users.
3. Create Categories and assign a pass order to each of your active categories,
Sound Codes and set up tempos as needed according to your scheduling style.
4. Begin loading songs into MusicGen either manually via the Library screen or
by importing a text file generated by another application. Importing a text
file is accomplished by selecting "Importing Songs From a File" menu item
located under the Utilities pull down menu. You'll be asked to locate the text
file and subsequently identify the various fields of the file.
5. If the songs were imported, but the file did not contain a category
designation, they will be inserted into the DEFAULT category. You can drag
songs easily from one category to another.
6. You can, if needed, use the mass changer utility to assign sound code or
other song attributes.
7. Create Rules and make assignments in the Policy Grid to enforce certain
rules during certain hours.
8. Create a clock or a series of clocks, and assign them to the clock grid.
9. Schedule a log.
10. Once you have a generated log, you can use the manual scheduler to edit it.
MusicGen contains several hot keys most of which are user definable. The
default hot key for the manual scheduler is "M" when you’re in a Log; a list
of all hot keys can be found under the Options menu. When you’re happy with
the log, you can then export the log to a file for an automation system
Music Scheduler
(NexGen Digital perhaps?) or you can print out the log . . . maybe even frame
your first log for posterity?
Music Scheduler
PSi Product Community
What is the PSi Product Community?
The PSi Product Community is a moderated discussion group that provides a forum
for discussion, tips, technical support issues and friendly banter focused on
improving your use of NexGen Digital, MusicGen, AudioWizard as well as discussion
and news on PSi's latest innovations. This community is an effective venue in which
to foster and share ideas and solutions to increase productivity and creativity at
your site. Prophet Systems' technical support, development and other supporting
staff monitors the community and provides feedback and solutions.
Where is the PSi Product Community?
You can find the PSi Product Community at
How do I gain full access to the community?
Simply click the REGISTER button at the top of the page to
register. Some pertinent information will be requested to identify you as a current
user of PSi products. Once you register, you will be sent an email to confirm the
email address you have supplied. Your registration will be reviewed, and if further
questions need to be asked to validate your status as a current PSi customer, you
will be contacted. Otherwise, your account will be activated and you can begin
enjoying direct access to PSi support resources.
Music Scheduler
Menu Items
File Menu
Under the File Menu, there are currently three options.
(Note, users of Version 1 MusicGen will find Import from
File under the Utilities screen now).
own user account.
Login/Logout - Allows you to login and logout to the
MusicGen software. All rights and preferences are tied
to individual users, you will want to set up and use your
Change Database- You can license and use multiple databases. If you wish to
change to another database, this is the menu option used to accomplish that change.
It is accessible even when not logged into MusicGen.
Exit- Exits the application completely.
Music Scheduler
Library Management Menu
Please see the section explaining the Music
Scheduler Library.
This allows for the addition and alteration of the
properties of the various song categories. A song
category is used to separate songs into groups of
songs that are scheduled in particular positions
within an hour. You may define as many categories
as you like.
Order- You can define a different scheduling
order for each category (or assign all of them to the first pass if you like)
Color- Color is used in the clock and log "pie chart" display as well as in the library
tree of categories.
Count- Indicates the total number of songs in the category. This is
computed and cannot be changed
Average Length- This is computed in the Utilities > Set Category Length
Stack Type- The two options here are Single and 24 Stacks- If Single,
each category has a single stack that gets rotated through as songs are
placed. If 24 Stacks are selected, a stack is maintained for each category
for each hour of the day. As a song is placed in a given hour the song moves
to the back of the category stack , but only for that hour.
If 24 stacks are chosen, it is even MORE important to make sure that
your song separation is set to the desired value. This method achieves a
natural tendency towards trying the most rested song for each hour, and
away from running through a natural rotation.
Backup Category- Allows you to define a category to attempt to schedule
from, should the scheduler fail to schedule from the intended category.
Allows you to manage the list of available artists in the system. This artist list can
be sorted on any of the columns by clicking on the column title.
Music Scheduler
Artist- This is the artist's name, the field is editable so that if a spelling
error has occurred, it can be corrected.
Color- This allows you to assign a color to an artist to make certain artists
stand out more.
Count- This field can not be edited; it shows you the current count of this
artist within the entire database.
Type- Choices are Group, Male or Female
Comment- Allows for storing additional information about the artist for
searching and sorting purposes
Notes- Indicates whether there are notes associated with this artist
Options- The buttons on the right hand side allow you to manipulate the
artist database
Add Artist- Adds a new artist to the database, and allows you to
add the additional information.
Artist, Color, Type and Comment buttons allow you to change
properties of the currently selected artist. All can also be
accomplished by double clicking the field in the list.
Notes- Allows you to add and manipulate notes associated with
an artist.
Delete Artist- Allows you to delete a single, or multiple artists.
If no songs are associated with an artist, you may delete it
outright. If there are songs associated, you must select another
artist to move the existing songs to.
Sound codes
This screen allows you to manage the sound codes to be available in the song editor
User codes
This screen allows you to manage the user codes that are available to the song
editor screen. If you need a new code, simply define it, and it will be available in the
system. If you define a new user code, all songs that are currently in the library will
initialize themselves to having no value for this new sound code. If a song attempts
to schedule, and has a rule based on this user code but has no value, the rule will be
ignored due to a lack of supporting information.
This option enables you to manage the Themes that are available for assignment in
the song editor screen, as well as in the clocks and logs.
Music Scheduler
Category Groups
These are used when scheduling Themes and MultiPlay events in the clocks and logs.
These lists tell the scheduler which categories to utilize when scheduling these
special events.
Tempo Names
This screen allows you to perform two functions relative to Tempo. The first is to
define the RANGE of each tempo type. You can set the range for starting tempo,
the ending tempo and the "overall" tempo of a given song. Once a range has been
defined, you may then choose to "name" each value in the range to make it easier to
code each song by using names that help distinguish the various values in the range.
Music Scheduler
Log/Clock Menu
Log- Jumps right to the Logs screen to edit, create and delete
all logs
Clock- If MusicGen is set up to use hourly clocks, this will
display the Clock Grid. If MusicGen is using the standard
"NexGen" style clocks (24 hour clocks), this displays the daily
clocks and any Special Clocks.
Hour Clocks- Allows you to edit, create and delete Hour clocks that can be
assigned in the clock assignment grid.
Music Scheduler
Music Policy Menu
Music Policy is the process that helps determine what rules
are in effect at any given time of day, and also for Auto vs.
Manual Scheduling. Policies are made up of a collection of
Rulesets that contain individual and customizable rule
components. These components comprise everything from
minimum song separation, to various artist separation rules
and sound coding rules.
Rules, Triggers, Policies and Station Policies- pulls up all
of the currently defined Rulesets, Triggers, Policies and
Station Policies that are used, and allows for adding,
deleting or modifying any within the system. It is helpful to name rules in such a
way that they make sense and are easy to find.
Dayparts- Allows you to add, Delete and Modify the Dayparts that define the
various portions of the day that you want songs to rotate through.
The daypart grid controls the placement of what Dayparts are associated with
certain hours of the day during the week. The grid can be set up to display the
background color and text associated with each daypart to make it easy to identify
and set up these areas. When setting up your grid, you can use single or multiple
selection copy and pasting to make the process easier as well. Once set up, you can
create rules to make songs flow through these Dayparts.
The top portion of the box lists all the current Daypart names, and
their associated colors.
The Options section allows you to add a new Daypart, change the name
or color of an existing Daypart, or delete a Daypart from the system.
button shows you the 24x7 assignment grid to
define which hours have particular Dayparts in effect.
Prior Day- Allow you to set the default prior day that the scheduler will base any
such prior day rules against.
No Repeat- Sets up various areas of the day to keep songs from repeating. Simply
enter a unique name designation like "A" for each no repeat zone. You may also save
the grid as a template, like No Repeat Workday. The option to invoke a no repeat
template is chosen at scheduling time.
Music Scheduler
Options Menu
Various options related to the scheduler can be changed
from the options menu.
Current Station - For a database with multiple stations
(an option that can but may not be enabled depending on
your purchased configuration)
Options - Various options for the scheduler itself.
General screen
Path for saving scheduling files - This path is not configurable, but
informs you where the automatically saved log files will reside if the
Export log, described next is enabled.
Export log when log window is closed - Allows you to have an
automatic backup copy of the log saved to a file after exiting out of the
log screen. The format of the file is the same as the export file for
automation, and may be used to reload logs back into the MusicGen
Show Generate Log Dialog on Rerun of the Scheduler - If the user reruns
the scheduler (F2) the Generate Log dialog will open instead of simply
rerunning the scheduler.
User Preference > Check Audio File Validity - Typically is turned off,
unless you have MusicGen pointing to a storage server that is being serviced
by NexGen digital and contains the audio.
User Preference > Drag/Drop box
Left Button Moves Content - If you wish to use the left mouse button
for moving items around, select this option.
Left Button Copies Content - If you wish to use the left button for
copying items from one location to another, select this option.
Music Scheduler
Scheduling Options screenSchedule Music While generating log - With this checked, when you
select NEW LOG, the scheduler will create a new log AND run the
scheduling engine to try placing songs. With this option unchecked, you
will have only a skeleton of a log. You might choose this option if you
prefer scheduling some songs manually before you run the auto
Automatically run music scheduler after generating logs - With this
option on, if scheduling multiple days, the system will generate the
empty logs and then schedule the music.
Retest song events while generating logs - When the automatic
scheduler has completed, if this option is selected it will go through
each song and look for a violation and attempt to select another song.
Occasionally a song can get placed in the first pass, however due to
lengths of songs deviating significantly from the average length, songs
can slip into violation, particularly if they are on the edge of failure.
Interactive Scheduling - Stops the auto scheduler when a position is
not able to be filled. The cursor will be placed on the empty position
allowing you to fill it manually. This prevents the entire day from being
scheduled and then having to go back and fix errors with less songs to
choose from.
Tempos Segue Past Blocks - If this option remains unchecked,
anything beyond a spot block will remain untested by the Tempo Rule.
Checking this option will allow Scheduler to skip over spot blocks to
continue applying the Tempo rule.
Sound Codes Segue Past Blocks - If this option remains unchecked,
anything beyond a spot block will remain untested by the Sound Codes
Rule. Checking this option will allow Scheduler to skip over spot blocks
to continue applying the Sound Codes rule.
Audio Options screenAutomatically Generate unique numbers - Each song within MusicGen
needs a unique song/cut number. If you are intending on interfacing
this product with an automation system that doesn't use song
numbers, but instead uses alpha characters, or if you are using CDs,
you will likely want to store the song identifier in a field like the
COMMENT field, and ignore the song number field, instead electing to
Music Scheduler
have the system automatically generate a unique number. The same can
be done for non-song events.
This option can also be used to automatically generate song numbers to
songs, if you do not have specific numbering requirements, but rather
just want to generate an unused number (range is set in the next
Number Ranges - Used to define the automatically generated
numbers used by the above feature.
Configuration - Brings up the same screen as clicking on the Config Icon.
Shortcut Keys - You can change most of the shortcut keys found within
MusicGen by entering this utility.
Window - Chooses the area you are changing shortcut keys for.
Default - You may reset the shortcut keys back to the default by pressing
this button.
Import/Export Keys - Allows for sharing of shortcut keys from one user to
another, via a simple file. If you have a set of keys you would like to share,
simply press the Export button, and the current key configuration will be
exported to a file, which can be sent via email or floppy to another MusicGen
user anywhere. To import, simply put the exported key file somewhere that
can be seen by MusicGen and press the import button. Some MusicGen users
have already created key files that represent the same commands as some
other schedulers to make the transition from one system to another easier.
Music Scheduler
To change a key - Select it from the list and click the "Next Key Typed"
button. If you wish to modify this keystroke with a Shift or CTRL, make
sure that the appropriate box is checked. Click OK when satisfied with your
You will see the current shortcut key for any of the functions that support
shortcut keys, in the various menus.
Music Scheduler
Reports Analysis Menu
Analyze Reports - This is a quick way to get a rough
idea of how the number of songs in a given category
relate to the number of positions per hour. Once you
select a category to analyze, the program calculates
the number of positions per each hour of each day,
based on the current clocks, and the number of songs
within the category to produce a grid to show the
natural harmonic for which the category is set up. You
can alter the number of songs within the category by changing the spin control up
or down to find the number of songs that best fits your needs. This does NOT alter
the actual number of songs, it merely shows you what that natural harmonic would
be. Clicking the RESET button, will reset the count to the actual number of songs in
the category for comparison sake. For categories with longer turnover rates, you
may desire changing the Number of Days out past 14 days. To see how many songs
are currently in each hour, change the button from "Turnover Rate" to "Songs Play
Schedule". This has the same functionality as it did in Version 1.
Daily Scheduling Report - Allows you to run a report for a given log date, after
running the scheduler, to run through all of the decisions that the scheduler made
during the auto scheduling routine. This can be helpful in determining why songs
are failing.
NOTE: you can get a more narrowed version of this report for each song
position by selecting "Scheduling Violation" from the logs screen (the default
keystroke is "SHIFT-V" while the cursor is on the log entry.
Projected Turnover - The first step in the library analysis process is to update
the grid with current data based on a start date and end date. You can narrow the
time frame to look at by using the BLOCK option. If continuous is used, data from
the start date at the start time is used and goes until the end date and end time.
Using BLOCK limits each day in the range to the start and end time. For example;
using block mode, you only want to use the 8am to 5pm songs each day. Once you
have the grid filled out, you can double click on any of the categories to view
projected turnovers based on the real data from the period, you may change any of
the Hypothetical data that has a "-" in it, as well as the # of songs any of the hours
to help start defining changes that will help gain the desired turnover rate.
Music Scheduler
Library Statistics - Helps to show the composition of the library. As above, the
continuous option uses the entire time from start to end, the Block uses only the
hours defined in start and end over the date range given. Each option shows the
count, the % which represents the % of the library the component represents, and
weighted % which shows how much of the log the component represents. Using
these screens, you can see how some rule changes might help reduce exposure, or
increase exposure if the desired effect is not being reflected in the logs.
Reports- In addition to many audio based reports that can be run against the
database, you can also run reports to display Song Turnover Times for every song in
a given category. This report displays the average, fastest and slowest turnover
times for a given period. Additionally, you can run the Top Scheduled Songs report
which displays (in order from highest to lowest) the number of times every song
played within a category.
Music Scheduler
Utilities Menu
The utilities menu allows for making changes
to the database. (Note to Version 1 users:
the Mass Changer utility has been moved to
the Library Screen).
Import songs from a file - In order to
quickly add songs to the database from an
existing scheduler, you may elect to export
the data into a raw text file, or perhaps
from an .xls file.
Shuffle Stack - Allows for shuffling a
single category or all categories to mix up
the stack back into a more randomized order. Clicking the "show songs" button you
can choose to show all songs in the category, in the order they are arranged in the
stack. If you have elected to use 24 stacks for the given category, you can arrange
any of the hours' stack.
Set Category Length - Forces a recalculation of the category lengths in the
database. These lengths are used to estimate time in the logs and clocks when
songs are not scheduled.
Resync Logs - Allows you to import a "Music Discrepancy Report" from NexGen
Digital to resync songs that have been resync'd in NexGen.
Convert 24 hour Clocks to Hour Clocks - Allows you to automatically create
several Hourly clocks based on a "Daily" clock from version 1.
Trim Artist and Category Names - When importing data either from a NexGen
database or from a text file, occasionally data can be introduced into the system
that has dead space at the end. If you notice such data, it can be auto trimmed
using this utility.
Backup Database - Allows you to backup your database to a hard drive or to a
floppy drive. If to floppy, it may request multiple floppies depending on the size of
your database.
Music Scheduler
Restore Database - Restores your database from a backup. ALL DATA WILL BE
OVERWRITTEN by the new data.
Music Scheduler
The Library screen is the main point of contact for Songs in the Library. By clicking
on the Toolbar button, you can immediately access a view of all the songs in the
library in "Explorer" form. All toolbars can be shown or hidden, and also can be
moved to other areas of the screen, or even "undocked" from the library screen. In
this view, songs can easily be changed from one category to another by simply
dragging it to the new category.
Menus - The menus of the Library screen perform the following functionality:
File - Just two options here. Refresh which has an F5 default keyboard
shortcut, and an icon on the Edit toolbar, and will re-read the database to
refresh the song library screen if there is any reason why it might be out of
sync. The other is Exit, which closes down the Library screen and is the same
as clicking on the "X" in the upper right hand side of the Library Screen
View - The first three options are exactly the same as clicking the Songs,
Rotations and Packets icons on the Main toolbar. The last option is for
Toolbars, which hide or show the Main, Edit, Play and History.
Options - Edit Audio, Add Audio, Show Song History, an option to show each
categories text in the color associated with the category, and the ability to
only show categories that have passes assigned to them to minimize the list
of categories to the active ones.
Audio Display - Allows you to edit the other user's audio display format.
Music Scheduler
Categories Tab
By default the Categories Tab is selected. The tree of categories on the left
can be used to change the selected category, which is listed on the right
pane. Additionally, you can drag songs from the right pane, to a different
category on the left to easily change the category assignment. Double clicking
on a song OR clicking the ADD ICON brings up the "Song Editor " screen,
which allows the song information to be changed or a song to be added to the
From this "explorer" view of the song library, you can change what columns
are available, and further what order the columns are arranged in.
Filter Tab
The Filter tab brings up the Filter Screen and allows you to fill the list with
songs that meet a certain criteria, as opposed to the Category tab, which
shows the contents of a given category. Once your filter has been defined,
you can save the filter for future use, and also run the filter. If you run the
filter, the results can be found in the Filter Results pane.
Edit/Add Songs - Clicking on the ADD icon from the Library screen brings
up the Song Editor Screen which gives you the ability to ADD a new song and
its associated meta data to the database manually. If you have a list of songs
already in a text file that contains all the meta data, you will want to use the
import feature to quickly accomplish this task. The fields you have available
to enter data for each song is dependent on how you have or have not
configured the Song Editor Screen. By default, you have access to all fields in
the Song Editor Screen. However, you might not like the order or number of
fields. If this is the case, you may customize this screen.
Refresh - Reads any changes that may have occurred and reflects those
Delete - Pressing this button deletes the first song in the list of the
highlighted Category after displaying a confirmation screen. If packets are
currently displayed, the highlighted packet will be deleted.
Music Scheduler
History - Shows the song history for the currently selected song. Options
include the traditional History Grid which allows you to view either the
history of the song or the artist, a list of Play Times (Play Times tab)
segregated into Future, current 7 days, 8-30 days, and over 30 days.
Additionally there is a Daypart Distribution tab that shows the Dayparts in
which a song has been playing over a given period of time.
Mass Changer - The mass changer utility allows you to highlight a
single item in the list of songs, or multiple items and apply changes
to a field or several fields for those songs.
Export/Import - Enables you to export or import an XML list of the selected
Add/Edit Rotations
Allows you to Add or Edit rotations to the database. Rotations are used for non
music elements such as ID’s or Sweepers and Jingles. Assigning a length allows the
scheduler to intelligently calculate the real length of the hour.
Add/Edit Packets
Allows you to add, edit or delete packets of songs to the system. The main Packet
screen shows all currently defined packets, comments, the associated category,
current number of songs within the category and whether or not the packet is
diggable. Diggable or not determines how a packet is treated and how many items in
the packet will play. If a packet is not diggable and the first song in the packet
fails, the entire packet will be skipped. If a packet is diggable and the first song in
the packet fails, MusicGen Scheduler will test the next song in the packet. If any
of the songs in the packet passes all rules, those songs will play and the packet is
subsequently rotated.
Music Scheduler
Song Editor Screen
The Song Editor Screen allows you to enter data specific to each song. If you wish
to customize its view, you may do so - please see Customizing the Song Editor
The meaning of most of the fields is fairly obvious; the following is a rundown of all
the commonly used fields you can place in the Song Editor screen.
Album - Album Title, there is a rule that can be created to allow for minimum
separation of Albums.
Artist - The Song’s Artist. This is currently NOT an editable field. to add an artist
that is not in the database, click the "…" button just to the right of the artist field
here, or through the LIBRARY menu option for Artist.
Music Scheduler
Artist(x) - This field works exactly as does the Artist field, and is a way of
assigning a second artist to the song. For example; Leather and Lace by Stevie
Nicks and Don Henley. Stevie Nicks is the Artist, Don Henley is the Artist2. The
scheduler will maintain song separation for both artists.
Beginning - A code to assign an attribute to the beginning of a song. (Different
than the Starting Tempo)
Category - Assigns the Category that this song is assigned to. Categories are the
main means by which songs will be scheduled by the scheduler. This is a non editable
field, much like Artist above, adding new categories is accomplished by clicking the
"…" or through the LIBRARY > CATEGORY menu option.
Category History - Shows the number of plays and dates the song has played and
moved from each category in its history.
Composer - An editable field to enter the composer of the song
Content - Identifies pertinent Content information.
Country - Identifies the country of origin
Daypart - Most songs will be available for all hours however you may desire to set
up specific hours that the song can play. You can assign a song to be available or not
for each station. Additionally the "Advanced" screen allows you to narrow down
what hours a song is available for. A template can also be applied to the hour grid to
speed up applying and identifying frequently used Dayparting.
DaypartA - Is the Advanced Daypart button
DaypartE - Is an easier, but less powerful Dayparting button.
Ending - Text representation of how the song ends, typically C, F or CF for Cold,
Fade or Cold Fade, however any value can be entered here.
End Tempo - Identifies the tempo at the end of the song and can be used in a rule
to compare against the intro of the next song.
Get Unique Number- A button that allows for automatically filling the song number
with the next available number.
Music Scheduler
Intro1, Intro2, Intro3 - Allow you to establish the three possible intro posts of a
given song.
Length - This is the length of the song, the scheduler uses the length of the song
in two ways, one to create an average length for all songs in a category for use in
"guessing" how long hours will be in clocks, as well as how far to space songs when
scheduling around unscheduled songs when generating music.
Mix - Helps identify a special MIX of a song.
Number - This represents a unique number to identify this song (the automation
song number, still to come is an optional field for storing CD and Cut numbers)
Overall Tempo - Also known as ENERGY. This is used to define the overall tempo
of a song, if you choose to create rules for this type of tempo.
Percent Back - Allows you to determine how far back in the category stack, a song
will be placed after scheduling. Default is 100%.
Replay - This is the overriding song separation for this specific song. Most of the
time, you will leave this value empty and let the Song separation rules dictate how
much separation songs have.
Song History - Shows the history grid as part of the Song Editor Screen for easy
Start Tempo - Represents the tempo of the beginning of the song. Typically used
in a rule to compare against the ENDING tempo of the previous song.
Schedule Count - Displays the total number of times this song has been scheduled.
The next three items can appear in a Tab Folder together to conserve space, the
User Codes will be the default view. You can change the view by clicking the tab for
the view you wish to see.
Sound Code - This tab allows you to assign Sound Codes to a given song.
Title - Song Title
User Code - This tab allows you to assign the numeric "User Codes" appropriate
for the given song.
Themes - You use this screen to assign Themes to a given song.
Music Scheduler
Next/Previous Buttons - Saves any changes and brings up the next or previous
song in the selected category (and changes the cursor position in the list as well).
Music Scheduler
Customizing the Song Editor Screen
Recognizing that everyone has different needs, and that not all fields are typically
utilized by every station, MusicGen has the facility to create your own customized
Song Editor Screen to enter song data.
The system presents you with the default screens to get you up and running. Once
you get a feel for the system, or if you are setting up another user to enter your
song data, you may wish to restrict the info in the song editor screen, or rearrange
it to conform to a particular work flow. The preference for the song editor screen
is maintained for each user, so you are not forced to use anyone else's view unless
you want to, and this can be accomplished by saving a custom view as a template and
then reloading onto another user.
Music Scheduler
You may define up to NINE pages of data fields depending on your needs.
Undefined pages are not shown. You will find fields in the "Show Controls" list that
are not in the default and many that are. To insert a field into the page, simply drag
it from the list to the page grid. While you are dragging a control to the page, the
cursor will appear as two opposing brackets] [indicating the insertion point and its
label. Once on the page, you can drag a label anywhere on the page, so it is
conceivable that you could put a label above rather than next to the control.
Note: The screen is re-sizable while you are editing. This allows you to adjust the
screen to suit your needs.
Once a field has been placed in the grid, it will be grayed in the "Controls" list and
its current pane number will be indicated so that you can more easily locate it.
NOTE: If you are unhappy with the design, you can ALWAYS go back to the
original by clearing your pages. Once clear, it will again use the default view.
Templates - You can save the current view as a template, or load a currently saved
template as the current view.
Options Set Tab Order - Allows you to define which order the fields will be filled in
when navigating via the tab after each entry.
Set Page Title - Sets the title of the current page, this name will show up
on the tab of that page. This makes it easy to find certain pages.
Clear Page - Clears the current page back to empty.
Show Controls List - The same as pressing the Show Controls button.
Displays all the controls you could possibly drag to the page.
Align - If you click the left mouse button at the beginning of a section you
wish to align and drag the mouse to the other end of the fields you wish to
align, creating a box around the effected fields, you will have the fields
highlighted in BLUE. Going to the Align option, allows you to align all of the
selected fields similarly. Left, Right, Bottom, Top, vertical or Horizontal
center are the various options.
Move Small Increment - You can move the selected fields in small
increments with the Control Key and an arrow.
Music Scheduler
Logs and Clocks
The following is what the LOG looks like.
NOTE that the columns used and their order can be customized, much like the
Clock screen.
Before we get into specific functionality of this screen, let's talk about the:
Music Scheduler
Menu Options
Generate New Log- Gives you the opportunity to generate a new log. Based
on the options you set, you can also have it automatically schedule music as
it's generating the log.
Delete Log- Deletes and unschedules the music for the currently selected
log date.
Export Automation File- Allows you to send the current log, or a range of
logs out to discrete text files for importation into automation systems. You
will be prompted for which dates, and which format you wish to use.
Copy Hour- Copies the contents of one hour to another hour
Delete Hour- Deletes a single or multiple hours within a log.
Load Music- If you have a problem with a log and need to reload songs that
you have scheduled in the system from the export file, use the LOAD MUSIC
icon. This will reload the songs from the export file into MusicGen.
Add Song/Category - Allows you to add any category to the clock from
which the scheduler generates the log.
Add Other Audio - Allows you to drop a rotation within the log to show the
location and mark the length of a non-song audio event.
Add Other (Non Audio) - Shows a new list of items you can drag into the
clock. Those items are:
Comment - A comment can be used to mark a place in the log as a
reminder for some event, any text up to 23 characters can be
Legal ID - Station identification break.
Liner - Promos entered into the log rotations.
List - Can be used to schedule according to a saved list of songs
instead of a category.
Multiplay - This type of event uses a Category Group to determine
which categories can be considered for play, and uses the previous
song's artist to schedule another one by the same.
Music Scheduler
Spot Block (Specify length, Zero length, Block Divide) - Used to
indicate the existence of a commercial break, lengths can be used to
help time out the hour to the "usual" amount of traffic.
Theme - Also uses Category Groups to schedule. In this case all
songs in the category group that have the given Theme assigned to
them are considered for scheduling.
VoiceTRAC slot - Is used to indicate where a talent should record a
Modify Event- Allows you to change certain aspects of the currently
selected event in the clock.
Event Details- Shows information about the currently selected clock event.
Copy, Cut, Paste, Undo- All have keyboard shortcut keys and perform the
intuitive windows actions associated with their names.
View Logs/View Event Clocks- Opens up a new window with Event Logs. Event
Logs can be used to store log and clock events for splicing into clocks or logs
at a later time.
Music Bar- The music bar is the dockable screen at the bottom that shows
you the History Grid, Play Times, Scheduler Violations, Pie Chart and a grid
of Unscheduled positions.
Allows you to jump to a given hour. This can also be accomplished by clicking
on the desired hour on the top right hand side of the screen.
Music Scheduler
Log Options
Preferences - Allows you to modify the log related User Preferences. The
first preference allows you to define the color of a Valid Log Hour. The
second is what the range of valid run times should be. Defining the range of
time involves identifying what the minimum valid hour and maximum valid hour
will be. In the screen capture
shown here, the minimum is 59
minutes and the maximum is 68
minutes. An hour that is 57 minutes
and an hour that is 69 minutes will
both show in Red (assuming Valid
color is green). An hour that is 60
minutes will display in green.
The last option checks audio
validity and displays a different
background color for missing audio
but is intended for future
functionality with NexGen.
Set Font - Allows for displaying the logs in a different font for easier
Music Scheduler
Rerun Music Scheduler - Runs the Auto Scheduler to fill unscheduled
positions based on the Auto Scheduler Policy.
Manual Scheduler - This brings up the Manual Scheduler allowing you to
choose a song to place in the selected slot and still observe the Manual
Scheduler policy to serve as a guideline.
Next Unscheduled Position - Searches forward through the log for the next
category position that has not been filled. This can also be accessed via the
keyboard shortcut "N".
Previous Unscheduled Position - Searches backwards through the log for the
next category position that has not been filled. This can also be accessed via
the keyboard shortcut "P".
Next Unscheduled Position by Category - This finds the next unfilled song
in the log of the same category as the currently selected song. This is useful
for manually scheduling your currents, for example.
Music Scheduler
Unschedule Song - Removes the song from the log schedule, and makes the
position an unfilled position again. This action also updates the song that was
in the slot to no longer reflect that play of the song.
Show Unscheduled Position Grid - Shows a grid of current, recent and
future logs and how many unscheduled positions each hour might have. Clicking
on one of the hours in the grid takes you to the first unscheduled position in
that hour.
Song History - Brings up the Song History grid if it is not already present,
which contains current, past and future plays of the selected song. The
current schedule day and time will be crosshaired by the red lines, this color
changeable under options. Other options under this menu are for Dayparting
(if the song is Dayparted out of an area, this is the background color for
those hours) and whether or not to show the "Quarter hour Bitmaps" which
indicate which part of the hour the song played. You may also view history for
the artist as well by selecting the appropriate button at the top of the
history grid.
Other tabs within the History Grid are:
Play Times - This tab shows exact play times with the quarter
hour bitmap for Future, the current log back 7 days, 8 days to a
month back, and over 30 days from current log date. This helps
define in a very small amount of space some of the recent play
Scheduler - Shows any rule violations as well as the last and next
playtime for the selected song.
Pie Chart - Graphically shows the current hour, with the
currently selected item pushed out of the 3d Pie Chart. The
category's colors are used in defining the color within the pie
Unscheduled Positions - Shows a grid of the unscheduled
positions with the current log date highlighted.
Scheduling Violations - Shows all of the failures encountered before placing
the current song. This is useful in analyzing why a particular position is
Music Scheduler
Juggle Two Events- You have the ability to swap two items in the log by
selecting the first one, then the "J" key, selecting the second item and
pressing the "J" key again (assuming the Juggle function has not been
reassigned to another letter).
Slide Event - Essentially, this is a move utility used to move events within
the log. Select the event you wish to move; select Slide Event from the Music
Scheduler drop down menu; select a new location and the event will move to
the new location.
Top of Current/Previous/Next Hours - These allow easy jumping around
through the logs via the keyboard or from this menu.
Print Log - Prints the current log to an installed printer or print service.
Edit Printing Templates - Gives you the power to create customized printed
logs to be used by the Print Log function.
The icons in the Toolbar are all covered in the above menu, with the exception of
the "DS Report" icon, which shows you all of the scheduling decisions that were
performed on the current day's log.
Logs are created using a clock assignment grid as a template. You may optionally
turn on the automatic generation of music when generating a log. This is changeable
using the Advanced>> button, the default setting for automatically scheduling
music is ON. Please see the section on Generating a
New Log.
Select Columns
By right clicking on a column, there is an option
to add or remove columns from the logs screen,
which allows you to customize the view of the
Logs to display info specific to your
preferences. You may also "grab" a column and
move it to a new location if the order is not to
your liking.
Music Scheduler
Right Click
Right clicking on the log itself produces a pop up window with the following
Add Production - Clicking on this menu option presents you with the option of
adding a Rotation to the Clock.
Add Category- Allows you to add any category to the clock from which the
scheduler will generate.
Song Filter - Opens a separate window providing a search function by presenting
various filtering options. Pressing the Insert key will insert the resulting audio
selection after the song highlighted in the log.
Add Other- Shows a new list of items you can drag into the clock. Those items are:
Comment- A comment can be used to mark a place in the log as a reminder
for some event; any text up to 23 characters can be entered.
Legal ID - Insert (drag ‘n drop) a Legal ID into the clock.
Liner - Insert (drag ‘n drop) a Liner into the clock.
List- Used to schedule according to a saved list of songs instead of a
Multiplay- This type of event uses a Category Group to determine which
categories can be considered for play, and uses the previous song's artist to
schedule another song by the same artist.
Spot Block (Specify Length, Zero Length, Divide) - Used to indicate the
existence of a commercial break, lengths can be used to help time out the
hour to the "usual" amount of traffic.
Theme- Also uses Category Groups to schedule. In this case all songs in the
category group that have the given Theme assigned to them are considered
for scheduling.
VoiceTRAC slot- Is used to indicate where a talent should record a
Music Scheduler
Edit Clock - Opens the clock which is responsible for producing this log.
Modify Event- Allows you to change certain aspects of the currently selected
event in the clock.
Event Details- Shows information about the currently selected clock event.
Modify Hard Time - Allows you to adjust the hard start time of an event.
Show Previous and Next 10 Songs - Shows the previous and next ten songs in
the log regardless of how many spots or non-audio events may separate them.
Copy, Cut, Paste, Undo - All have keyboard shortcut keys and perform the
intuitive windows actions associated with their names.
Manual Scheduler - Opens the manual scheduler. See Manual Scheduler topic.
Unschedule Song - Removes the highlighted song from the log.
Song Properties - Displays the event information for the highlighted song.
Song History - Displays the play history of the highlighted song.
Music Scheduler
Generating a New Log
By pressing the New log icon in the LOGS screen, or by choosing the menu option
within the same screen, you will be prompted with the following control
This control shows you the current day in RED text and any log that has already
been generated will exist with a box around the date. To generate a new log, simply
select the date for which you wish to generate, and its background will be
highlighted in yellow. You may choose more than one log to generate if you like. The
selected day(s) will generate based on the corresponding date within the Clock Grid.
If you wish to override the normal scheduling functions for a day, select the
ADVANCED button, and you will have a much larger screen with additional options
as shown below:
Music Scheduler
There is a lot of information on this screen and again, you only need to invoke the
Advanced screen if you wish to deviate from normal programming in some respect.
The upper left portion of the screen is exactly as shown before.
Below it is a checkbox to change the status of the "Schedule Music" while
generating logs option.
The List Scheduling button allows you to choose the list of songs for the List clock
events to schedule based on a list of songs, which is covered in the clock topic.
Prior Day Setting - When using a prior day rule, this will default to what has been
defined in the Prior Day grid based on the day of week. You can override this to be
any scheduled log date. This might be handy if you are scheduling a special, monthly
event and don't want to schedule the same music as you did last time you were at
that event.
No Repeat - You can put into effect, or remove from effect a No Repeat Grid.
Profile - Profiles are used within this screen to save all the current settings for
reuse later, to keep from having to manually make all the changes.
Music Scheduler
Dates- The list of dates in the top right hand of this screen is showing the
currently selected log dates, and allowing you to choose a different clock grid from
which the log will be derived.
Category Group - Overrides the category group used in the clock.
Themes - Used to override the themes used in the clock to another Theme.
Once you select OK, the system will start generating a log for the selected date(s),
showing you a progress meter and what "pass" it is currently working on. If all of
your songs are in "pass 1" you will still see "pass 1 of 2" as any themes or multiplay
scheduling occurs after the category passes are complete.
Once the log generation is complete, the last log that you generated will be
presented in the logs screen for your review.
Music Scheduler
Manual Scheduler
The manual scheduler allows you to manually choose a song for placement within the
log, and still be able to maintain consistency with your desired rules. Below is a
sample screen outlining how the manual scheduler works.
The Song History Grid- Identical to the Song History Grid available from the logs
screen, however this will indicate song history for the chosen song in the results
pane just below. This allows you to see recent scheduling history to help make the
decision as to whether to schedule the song or not. You may also choose to click on
the Play Times tab, which will show you all of the times in recent history that the
selected song has played.
Music Scheduler
Category- This defaults to the category that was selected when you entered the
manual scheduler from the log. If you are not able to find a song within this
category that fits your needs, you can easily change the category to a different
one, by selecting a different category in this box.
Filter- With this box checked, the results pane will be displaying ONLY songs that
do not break any rules within the selected policy. The policy that is selected
defaults to the one that is set up in the Policy for this hour in the manual
scheduler. If you wish to choose a different set of rules to apply, you can select
any rule in the list. The list consists of every rule that is currently assigned in the
manual scheduler side of the policy grid. With the checkbox UNCHECKED you will
see all songs in the category, but will get an indication of any broken rules in the
lowest pane (as shown) so that you may make a decision about whether or not you
wish to place the song.
Get Songs- The red circular arrow is the "Get Songs" button; it fills the results
pane based on special filtering that can be done by invoking the custom filter, as
shown later in this topic.
Select Song- The next icon is the Select Song, which takes the current song and
places it into the log. This is the same as pressing the ENTER key on a selected
Toggle Filter- When selected, it will show the Custom Filtering screen allowing you
to quickly find any song in the library based on some criteria.
Ignore Dayparting- Does not filter out songs that fail daypart restrictions when
this is checked.
Checked Relaxed Rules- Allows songs that only break Relaxed rules to appear in
the results pane.
Results Pane- Displays all of the songs available based on any filtering, of the
chosen category. This pane can be sorted by any of the columns. The ORDER column
is the order in which the song is in the category stack. Once a song is scheduled, it
goes to the back of the category stack according to the %back setting for the
particular song.
Broken Rules Pane- This pane indicates any rules the selected song would break if
placed into the current position in the log, based on the selected policy.
Music Scheduler
To select a song to schedule, simply select ENTER or click the OK button. Clicking
ESC will cancel the operation, returning the log to its former state. You can also
sort the list of songs by any of the columns, including the first column (the Stack
order) which is how the list is initially presented.
Music Scheduler
Edit Printing Templates
MusicGen allows you to create very dynamic print designs for output to a paper log.
In order to make the system flexible a utility has been created to allow you to
identify the contents of up to 5 lines per event to print out. If an entire line has no
data upon printing, it will be skipped so it doesn't create holes in the paper log. In
the example, you can see that the first line has already been defined for us. To
create a new "field" within the line, simply RIGHT CLICK in the appropriate place
and a line will be created, identifying the boundaries for the fields. To UNDO the
insertion of a new field, simply hold down the shift key and right click, or hold down
the shift key and press delete. You can also resize a field at any time.
We have identified that we would like to have two fields on the second line of every
song. To indicate the field you wish to have printed, simply double left click in that
space, producing a drop down list of all available fields as illustrated below:
Music Scheduler
As the product grows, more and more fields will be available via this drop down box.
Instead of a database field, you also have the ability to have static text printed
out on each line using the Custom Text option within the drop down box. Any Text
entered for Custom text will be printed on the log for each line verbatim.
Other Aspects of the Print Template
We have covered the Songs Template, the Spots template and Comment template
work similarly. In the near future, you'll have the ability to define the page header
and page footer from this screen as well.
Font- Selects the font properties for the currently selected f ield.
All Font- Selects the font properties for ALL fields.
Clear- Clears the template of all fields
Delete, Load, Save- Allows you to Delete a previously saved template, Load a
previously saved template, or Save the current template for later use.
Custom Text- The text in this box will be used wherever the custom text field is
Music Scheduler
MusicGen can be configured to use either Standard Clock or Hour Clock format.
The Hour Clock incorporates grids like the one below to affect certain clocks at
various times of the day. Each Hour Clock contains an hour's worth of music or
more. Your Day is assembled in the following grid, which supports copying and
pasting. The grid name that is highlighted is the one you are currently modifying.
Grid Name- You can edit an existing grid, or create a new one by clicking the
"NEW" icon,
which will bring up an empty grid and prompt you for a name for
this new grid. If MusicGen is configured to work with hour clocks and defaults to
the Clock Grid, you'll need to select the Edit Hour Clock button. Once you have
finished the grid, you can assign it for use in a single day, or make it the default
grid by clicking on the "Assignments" button. Doing so brings up the following dialog
Music Scheduler
Clicking on the right hand field on a given date
allows you to override the default clock grid
with a different one. When the log is
scheduled, it will look to this grid to
determine which grid is used to create the
log. Changing the Default Clock Grid to
something else causes any log date that hasn't
already been overwritten to change to this
new default. Clicking the Reset All button will
do the same except that it will go ahead and
reset the overwritten days as well.
Editing the Clocks- To edit a currently
existing and assigned clock, simply click the
"Edit Hour Clock" button in the clock grid,
which will bring up the currently selected
clock to edit.
On the Toolbar you will see icons to Create a
new clock, Delete the current clock, Rename
the Current Clock, Add a new event to the
Clock, Undo the last instruction (goes back all
the way to the current editing session) Save
to file, and an icon to show or hide the Pie Chart.
The Select Clock list shows all the currently defined
clocks with an asterisk next to any clocks that are
currently assigned. The running time shows the
current running time and over/underfilled condition
for the contents of the current clock.
The events you can add to a clock are shown by right
clicking in the clock or in some cases on a specific
clock position.
Add Production - Clicking on this menu option
presents you with the option of adding a Rotation to
the Clock.
Add Category - Allows you to add any category to the clock from which the
scheduler will generate.
Music Scheduler
Add Other - Shows a new list of items you can drag into the clock. Those items
Comment - A comment can be used to mark a place in the log as a reminder
for some event. Any text up to 23 characters can be entered.
Legal ID - Insert (drag ‘n drop) a Legal ID into the clock.
Liner - Insert (drag ‘n drop) a Liner into the clock.
List - Can be used to schedule according to a saved list of songs instead of a
Multiplay - This type of event uses a Category Group to determine which
categories can be considered for play, and uses the previous song's artist to
schedule another song by the same artist.
Rolling Clock - Allows you to configure your clock to produce unpredictable
music category sequences. See the Rolling Clock topic below.
Spot Block (Specify Length, Zero Length, Divide) - Used to indicate the
existence of a commercial break, lengths can be used to help time out the
hour to the "usual" amount of traffic.
Theme - Also uses Category Groups to schedule. In this case all songs in the
category group that have the given Theme assigned to them are considered
for scheduling.
VoiceTRAC slot - Is used to indicate where a talent should record a
Modify Event - Allows you to change certain aspects of the currently selected
event in the clock.
Event Details - Shows information about the currently selected clock event.
Modify Hard Time - Allows you to adjust the hard start time of an event.
Show Previous and Next 10 Songs - Shows a list of the preceding 10 songs and
the next 10 songs appearing in the log.
Copy, Cut, Paste, Undo - All have keyboard shortcut keys and perform the
intuitive windows actions associated with their names.
Music Scheduler
Assign Policy - Assign a pre defined policy; select a policy from the resulting popup. A Policy is a collection of rules that are in effect, via the Policy grid, for each
day of the week.
Assign Trigger - Allows you to assign a trigger to a clock event. By doing so, you
are narrowing down the available songs (before any rules are even applied) to just
songs that meet the criteria set up in the trigger. If you do not have a current
trigger that does what you need, simply press the ADD button to add a new one. If
a position has an assigned Trigger, the description of the position will have
(Trigger) at the end of it.
Export/Import - (This option is only available if you've configured your station
to use standard clocks as opposed to Hour Clocks in Options > Config > Station.)
Clocks can be saved to a file and reimported for use on another system to help
expedite creating or supporting a database.
Rolling Clock - A Rolling Clock will place one event into the regular clock for
every Rolling Clock event that is assigned in the regular clock. The purpose of
the Rolling Clock is to allow for unpredictable music category sequences. Rolling
Clocks are available when the station is configured to "Use Hour Clocks" in
Options > Config > Station.
1. Create a Rolling Clock by selecting the Edit Hour Clock button and
Create a new clock.
2. While the Edit Clock window is displayed, right click and select Add
Other. The Other Log Events window will open. Select "Rolling Clock" and
drag and drop it into the clock. This position in the clock will be replaced
by the Rolling Clock.
3. Assign the Rolling Clock to a clock grid by pressing the Assignments
button. Select the station and Default Clock Grid. Specify any exceptions
by clicking twice in the Clock Grid column associated with the appropriate
4. On the clock grid there is a combo box that allows the user to assign a
Rolling Clock to the clock grid. The combo box contains all available
Music Scheduler
Other options within the clock screen
Copy Hour - Copying one clock to another is now accomplished by clicking the
CREATE icon and checking the "Copy Hour Clock" checkbox, which allows you to pick
the clock on which to base the new clock.
Juggling Songs in the Clock - Allows you to swap two items in the clock by
selecting the first item, pressing the "J" key, selecting the second item and
pressing the "J" key again.
Custom Columns - Changing columns and the order in which they appear allows you
to easily customize the information you see in the clocks. Simply right click on any
of the columns to change, or add a column. If you wish to change the order, simply
"grab" a column by right clicking and drag it to the new location.
Music Scheduler
Rules and Policies
Rules are the "decision makers" when it comes to scheduling automatically, and the
helping hand when scheduling manually. They are where you set up how you want
songs to rotate and also what you would like to keep from happening as scheduling
takes place.
The flow of the rules section of MusicGen goes from Policies, which contain Rules,
which contain individual rule components. These individual rule components can have
"relaxed" positions, meaning that while your preference is that the rule be followed
as written, you are willing to allow a song to drop as low as the relaxed setting for
the rule, if unable to schedule in the first pass.
Additionally, Triggers can be assigned to any rule and the condition of the trigger
must be met by a song in order to relax that particular rule. This allows you to
control which songs are allowed to start stretching the rules. Using this
methodology, MusicGen keeps your core songs as the ones that get focus, and keep
fringe songs from coming up more often than they should.
The station has various "Polices" that are used in accordance with the Policy Grid
for both Auto Scheduler and Manual Scheduler. A Policy is a collection of rules that
are in effect, via the Policy grid, for each day of the week.
The following is the main configuration point for all of your Rule related items.
Music Scheduler
Each section of the Rule Wizard, shown above, has the same look and feel. On the
left, you have a list of items, which you can add to. On the right, you have the
current settings for the item highlighted on the left pane. In the example above,
you are seeing the setup for "Basic Rulez". The default ruleset through which
every song falls, in the absence of a category specific component overriding it, is
the "Basic" ruleset. Note, 80'sB which is selected, has an overriding Ruleset which
contains a change to the Song Separation component to a 7 day separation (as
shown in the bottom pane of the box) from the one specified in the "Basic" ruleset.
All other rules will be applied for that category.
Music Scheduler
To create a new set of rules, or modify one, click the RULES icon
, in the Rule
Wizard and it will bring up all of the currently defined rules, as shown below:
Again, on the left is the list of all the currently defined rules. Whichever rule is
highlighted in that list will be shown on the right side of the screen. To create a
new ruleset, click the NEW
icon under the ruleset list, and you will be asked for
the Ruleset name. To add new components to a ruleset, click the NEW icon at the
bottom of the Settings screen. The right screen initially shows ALL rules, however
you may choose to narrow the view by selecting a tab containing the view you wish
to use.
Music Scheduler
The icons at the bottom of the Settings pane perform the following functions:
Save Settings - Saves the changes you have made.
New Setting - Creates a new rule.
Edit Setting - Edits the currently selected item.
Disable Setting - Disables the currently selected item. Disabling a setting
can also be achieved by clicking the square to the left of the rule in the list. This
feature allows you to temporarily disable a suspect rule allowing you to enable it
again without having to enter the data a second time.
Delete Setting - Deletes the currently selected item from the list.
Import/Export Settings- Exports rules to a file that can then be sent to
another MusicGen user to import. This feature allows you to share rules
with other users easily. When exporting, you can use the currently selected Ruleset
to export as well as any of the others. When the individual components have been
selected, click NEXT and you will be allows to name the file that contains the rule
and how it is formatted. The default is a "Comma" delimited file, however other
options are available. Once you have exported the selected rules, you can copy the
file to another medium or email it to another MusicGen user. Or perhaps, you might
choose to save the file to reuse later in your own system.
For more information on the various types of rules you can include and a description
of what they are used for, see Rule Components
Music Scheduler
Rule Components
Types of Rules
The following are different types of components which can be incorporated into
Song - Defines Song related rules for all songs within the categories (or, for all
if tied to the DEFAULT RULES) that are assigned to this rule
Type - Allows you to set a rule based on different song criteria.
Song - Rule is based on the Song itself.
Song Title - Rule is based on separation of different versions of the
same song title. (i.e., Silent Night).
Album - Uses the "Album" field to allow for a rule that separates
songs from the same album.
Separation - Allows you to define the type of separation desired for this
Time Separation - Amount of time which must pass, at minimum,
before a song can be considered for replay. (Horizontal Separation)
Day Separation - Looks at the number of days passed and ensures
that the song does not play within the amount of time specified.
(Windowing or Vertical Separation)
Last Play Separation - Goes to the designated number of plays back
and ensures that this play will not be within the designated time
frame. (More Windowing or Vertical Separation)
Prior Day - Uses the Prior Day configuration as default and sets up
the Windowing or Vertical separation based upon the defined prior
day. NOTE that this can be overwritten at scheduling time, by
clicking the ADVANCED button and changing what day is defined as
the prior day.
Preferred Separation - Defines the amount of separation you would prefer
the system to observe for this rule.
Relaxed Separation - Defines how much separation you will allow, should the
system need to relax rules after trying songs in the category at the
Preferred Separation. You can define this relaxed value based on a specific
time value, or a percentage of the Preferred Separation.
Music Scheduler
Song Play - Allows you to create rules to rotate songs through different hours of
the day or quarter hours of the hours.
Play Hours - Will rotate the song through X number of different hours of
the day before playing again in the same hour. You can also define a relaxed
number of hours as well as amount of past history to use when considering
this rule.
Play Quarters - Will rotate the song through X number of other portions of
the hour before repeating back in the original quarter hour.
Artist - Defines an Artist related rule for ALL artists or a specific artist
Time Separation - Rules are defined to separate the same artist from
itself by the amount of time indicated in this rule.
Day Separation - This type of rule can be used to keep certain (or all for
that matter) artists from playing in the same time frame on subsequent
Related Artist - The above rules similarly, can also be used to separate
artists from each other. Simply select an artist in the left hand ARTIST
box, which will enable the right hand "Protect From" box. This allows you to
set up a special separation for two artists that are related. You might also
choose to separate a couple of artists that aren’t necessarily related, but
you just don’t want them near each other, for example you might choose to
separate Badfinger and the Beatles by 35 minutes. Once a relationship is set
up, the relationship is mutual and does not need to be duplicated in reverse.
(i.e. you do not need to set up a Beatles to Badfinger relationship, it is
covered in the Badfinger to Beatles relationship)
Artist Groups - Defines Artist Group related rule for ALL artists whose sound is
Time Separation - Rules are defined to separate the same artist group
from itself by the amount of time indicated in this rule.
Day Separation - This type of rule can be used to keep all or certain artist
groups from playing in the same time frame on subsequent days.
Related Artist - The above rules similarly, can also be used to separate
different artist groups from each other. Simply select a group in the left
hand ARTIST Group box, which will enable the right hand "Protect From"
box. This allows you to set up a special separation for two groups with similar
sounds. You might also choose to separate a couple of groups that aren’t
necessarily related, but you simply don’t want them near each other, for
example you might choose to separate Badfinger and the Beatles by 35
minutes. Once a relationship is set up, the relationship is mutual and does not
need to be duplicated in reverse. (you do not need to set up a Beatles to
Badfinger relationship, it is covered in the Badfinger to Beatles relationship)
Music Scheduler
Tempo - Allows you to create a rule to control the "energy" or "overall tempo" flow
control against songs of the same tempo value.
Tempo - Selects the tempo value to set a rule value against.
Max in Row Preferred/Relaxed - Defines how many songs of this value to
play in a row.
Tempo Segue - Compares the ending tempo of a song against the intro of the next
song. Clicking on a square in the grid toggles between allow ed and not allowed. This
grid shows what is an acceptable and unacceptable segue.
Music Scheduler
User Code - You can approach rules with User Codes two different ways depending
on your approach to scheduling.
Centerizing - Using this feature is most effective when scheduling ALL
songs within the same pass. If you schedule adjacent songs in different
passes, this rule will be less effective and could actually keep songs from
scheduling in large numbers. Centerizing creates three ranges within a given
range of User Codes. The "low" range, the "center" range, and the "high"
range. The "center" range is defined by the "Range Start" and "Range End"
within the rule. If a user code has an overall range of 1 through 10, you
might wish to define your center as 4 through 6. In this configuration, if
Song 1 is a "3", the next position CANNOT schedule a 7-10 until a song with
a value within the center range is placed. Same applies to having Song 1 as an
8, the next song CANNOT be a 1-3. A relaxed position can also be defined.
Up/Down - This type of User Code rule sets the maximum step UP and the
maximum step DOWN to allow adjacent songs to schedule relative to this
User Code.
Sound Code - Sets up separation of Sound Codes from themselves and each other,
separating by either Max in a row, minimum separation by positions as well as
minutes. You can also define the number per hour, and each has a relaxed position in
the grid as well.
Dayparts - This rule indicates how many OTHER dayparts in which a song must play
before repeating in the same daypart . You can set up a relaxed number of
dayparts, as well as how many days of song history to use when considering this
Embed Rule - Allows you to embed a rule within the current rule. This allows you to
make your rules more readable, for example all of your Artist rule components
could be contained in an "Artist" rule, which could be included in all of your Default
rules both daytime and overnights. This means a change you make in the artist
ruleset will be reflected in both.
Music Scheduler
The Reports screen contains various reports.
New - Create a new report that doesn't already exist in the system
Execute - Execute an existing report.
Rerun - Allows you to rerun the last report which you have run.
Save - Saves the current report to a text file.
Print - Prints the current report to an installed printer.
Logs, Spots, Songs, Data Transfer, System - Segregates existing pre-made
reports into various categories for quick retrieval. Of particular interest, the
SONGS report can get you various listings of all or some of the songs in the
User - Allows you to run, or copy reports that were created
My Reports - Allows you to run reports that you have created.
STOP - Stops the current report from running.
Music and Traffic Reports - Reports about music loading and traffic file loading
MusicGen Reports - The "Top Scheduled Songs Report" shows all songs within the
selected category and how many times they were scheduled within a given period.
The "Song Turnover Times Report" shows all the songs in the selected category and
their Average, Slowest and Fastest Turnover times over the defined period of
Find - Provides a search function by Full Row, Cell or Column.
For more information on analytical reports, See the Reports and Analysis Menu.
Music Scheduler
The Config screen currently allows you to modify Station data and User data.
Station- You may change the name of the station and also modify the Export
Format. Additionally you can turn on the use of "Hour Clocks" which is new in
Version 2. You may also choose to turn on "Play Dayparted Songs" which enables you
to schedule songs outside of their daypart.
User- You can add users and manage their access. (a fresh database contains a
"supervisor" user with no password, we strongly recommend that you add a
password to this account upon startup)
Export Format button (accessed through Station > Edit)
Music Scheduler
This screen allows you to define an export file format. Export files are used to load
into an automation system. Most of the labels explain themselves very well, however
there are a few that need additional explanation. They are:
If an "Event Code" location within the file is defined, then any spot block headers
will be identified in the file by an 08 event code, and any spot type audio will be
indicated by an 04 event code, songs will have an 03 code. If nothing is defined, no
event codes will be used.
This can be a literal filename or one with variables that will use the log’s date to
determine the filename. If you desire to use the latter, here is a legend of the
variables you should use:
@MM - 2 Digit Month
@DD - 2 Digit DAY
@YY - 2 Digit Year
@Y1 - 1 Digit Year
@Y4 - 4 Digit Year
@DW - Characters based on the day of the week, text will be derived from daily
fields (see @DW below).
@DW Definitions for Filename
Entries here will be substituted in the filename based on the day of the week of
the log date. For example, if MON is entered and the log being loaded is a Monday
log, and the format reads "R:\MUSIC\@DW.LOG", NexGen Digital will attempt to
find a file called R:\MUSIC\MON.LOG.
Music Scheduler
Misc Topics
Mass Changes
It is sometimes desirable to change field content for a group of songs. The mass
changer allows you to set field data in a quick and efficient manner. Once you have
a list of songs selected, and click the Mass Changes Icon, you get a screen that
looks just like your version of the song editor screen, including all the fields to
which you have been granted access.
Music Scheduler
Once you have selected the changes you wish to make to the list of selected songs,
click Change All Songs to change them all, or Change Song to change only those
selected or Skip to make no changes to the current song.
Music Scheduler
Importing Songs
A utility has been included in the MusicGen product to easily add new songs to the
database. This utility allows you to read a text file (flat ASCII) that contains a list
of songs and their appropriate information. As long as the song info is aligned such
that the information for each field appears consistently in the same column for
each song, the data can be read. Once you have selected the Import utility from
the "Utilities" menu option, you will be prompted to browse to the file you wish to
load. After you have made your selection, you will see a small "mockup" of the file.
If this looks correct, press the "Next" button, to display the following screen,
which allows you to define the areas containing valid data.
You do not need to define the first column, as it is assumed that you are
starting from the first column (even if the first bit of data is to be discarded).
As instructed on the screen, to define the end of the next field, LEFT click on the
position. In the example given here, column 6 was left clicked (inserting a vertical
line) to define the end of the song number field. Subsequently, column 11 was also
left clicked to define the end of the "Not Used" section that also contains the song
Music Scheduler
cut which is not needed in this load. Column 19 was then left clicked to define the
end of the LENGTH of the song, column 20 was selected to define the end of the
dead space just before the song title field. This continues until the end of the line
is reached and all fields have been defined. Once this is accomplished, press the
NEXT button to continue to the next screen shown below.
This is the screen that allows you to define what the highlighted data represents.
In some cases, as the example shows, there is real data for example NUMBER.
Once the correct field type has been chosen, press the SMALL NEXT button on
the top, contained on the right hand side of the group box that has the dropdown
box defining the field. In other cases, as would be the next field after this
NUMBER field currently selected, you would want to use the "Not Used" option, to
not import the data in any way.
You'll also notice that some fields, like Length, enable the "type" box to further
define the properties of the field. In the example of Length, you can choose the
format of the length field you have defined. In the example here, you would use the
default HH:MM:SS for hour, minute and seconds. You could have also defined
specifically where to find the Minute and specifically where to find the second
fields. There are many options, allowing you the flexibility to import any way you
see fit.
Music Scheduler
Once all fields have been defined, press the NEXT button and import all the songs
from the file into the system.
It's just that simple.
Music Scheduler
Category Group
A Category Group is a collection of categories to be used in scheduling a MultiPlay
or Theme event. This "container" tells the scheduler which categories are
acceptable to pull songs out of when scheduling these types of events.
A MultiPlay event is a clock event that allows for scheduling one or more songs in a
row by the same artist. When a MultiPlay event is encountered in the scheduling, it
looks to the prior song for what artist to schedule.
Pie Chart
The Pie Chart is a visual aid to help view the hour in which your cursor is currently
resting. Each element within the hour has a proportional amount of the circle, and
each song category will be represented in its defined color. As you navigate through
the hour in the log list, you will note that the current position is denoted in a BLACK
portion of the pie. Conversely, you can select where you would like your cursor to go
by clicking the mouse onto a portion of the pie chart.
A daypart is a portion of the day which is defined for the purposes of music flow.
You might create an "overnight" daypart, a "morning drive" daypart etc. Dayparts
are used in the rules to insure that a slow rotating category does not continue to be
scheduled in the same time of the day each time it gets scheduled. This is
Dayparting is the process of telling the system that a song should not play in a
particular hour or hours of the day.
Music Scheduler
Sound Codes
A Sound code is an attribute that can be associated with a song that describes a
certain "sound". More than one Sound Code can be associated with any song, or a
song could have no Sound Codes associated with it.
Themes are attributes you can assign to a song (many per song potentially), to
schedule a position in the log drawing not from a category, but a common theme for
example: "MoTown" across any category or a set of categories you desire.
User Codes
A user code is a numerical range type code. Each song will have a value for each of
the defined User Codes. Some examples of User Codes you might want to create
are Loudness or Mood. Each User code has a discrete range you can define. Your
entire system can have up to 250 User codes.
A region is a portion of the day which is defined for the purposes of music flow.
You might create an "overnight" region, a "morning drive" region etc, or perhaps a
"no repeat" region. Regions are used in the rules to insure that a slow rotating
category does not continue to be scheduled in the same time of the day each time it
gets scheduled.
Music Scheduler
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q: How do I set up Minimum separation for songs?
A: Song separation is achieved in the Rules section of the program. You will likely
want to set up a BASE RULE that contains a song separation rule. Rules under the
BASE RULE cover all songs in all categories unless there is an overriding rule
assigned to a category.
Q: What did you just say?
A: OK. The BASE RULE in any active policy is the set of rules that covers any song.
Conceivably you COULD set up all your rules and apply them to the BASE RULE,
however most libraries would dictate that some categories need shorter or longer
minimum separation, for example.
Q: How do I associate certain artists together, for example, Don Henley and the
A: For readability and maintainability, it is recommended that you create a separate
ruleset for just Artists. Go to Rules, and create a new Ruleset called "Artist" and
add as many components as you need for related artists, or special artist
separations. To create a related artist rule, choose artist #1 in the left hand
column, then artist #2 in the right hand column. If you have already created a
generic artist separation to cover all artists, you can assign this pairing a separation
based on that generic artist separation, or create a new one.
Once you have created your Artist ruleset, you can then include this into any other
rule by the use of an "Embeded Rule" that references this new artist rule. From
here on out, any change you make in the artist ruleset, will be reflected in any
other rule that contains it.
Add a Theme...................................................49
Add Category.................................................49
Add MultiPlay.................................................49
Add Other Audio.........................................49
Add Other NonAudio................................49
ADD RULE button.......................................62
Add Song...........................................................65
Add Spot...........................................................49
Add Theme.......................................................49
Add/Edit Packets..........................................11
Add/Edit Rotations......................................11
Additional Links.....4, 11, 27, 31, 41, 44,
47, 49, 54, 62, 63, 65, 67, 70
Admin ................................................................3, 4
Album Title......................................................27
All Font...............................................................47
Allow ..................11, 27, 41, 47, 49, 62, 65
Allow for Printing........................................49
Alt Artist..........................................................27
Append- Chooses..........................................65
Apply Filter .....................................................65
Artist ....................................................4, 27, 62
Artist- Defines an Artist.......................62
Artist- The Song’s Artist ......................27
ASCII .................................................................67
Attempt to Modify.....................................49
Auto Scheduler.............................................62
Average Length...............................................11
Backup Category.............................................11
BASE RULES .............................................4, 62
Beatles to Badfinger.................................62
Broken Rules Pane........................................44
Category ...............................................................4
Category- Assigns the Category........27
Music Scheduler
CF for Cold.......................................................27
Choose a Spot Block...................................49
Clear- Clears...................................................47
Clear- Clears the list .................................65
Clicking on the Toolbar button..............11
Clicking the Cancel button.....................44
Clock>Show Pie Chart................................49
Cold Fade..........................................................27
Color- Color........................................................11
Color menu.........................................................41
Composer- An.................................................27
Config..........................................................65, 70
Config- Currently.........................................70
Copy Hour.........................................................49
Copyright © 2002 Prophet Systems
Innovations...............................................3, 4
CTRL-V ...............................................................49
Custom Text ...................................................47
Customizing the Song Editor Screen31
Cycle Position This ......................................49
Cycle Positions...............................................49
Daily Scheduling ............................................41
Day Separation..............................................62
Daypart- Most...............................................27
Define the RANGE........................................11
Delete Clock ....................................................49
Delete Hour.....................................................49
Delete Policy...................................................62
Delete Rule ......................................................62
Delete, Load....................................................47
Depending .........................................................49
Digit DAY..........................................................65
Digit Month.....................................................65
Digit Year.........................................................65
Displaying ONLY...........................................44
Displays......................................................27, 44
DOWN ................................................................62
DS Report..........................................................41
DW Definitions for Filename...............65
Edit Policies.....................................................62
Edit Printing Templates...................41, 47
Edit Rule............................................................62
Edit Station Policies..................................62
End of the LENGTH...................................67
End Tempo........................................................27
ENTER ................................................................44
ESC .......................................................................44
Event Clocks....................................................49
Event Code.......................................................65
Event LOGS.....................................................49
Example, Leather.........................................27
EXCEPT.........................................................4, 62
Export Automation File ............................41
Export File........................................................41
Export Format...............................................65
Export Log........................................................70
Export Log Configuration.......................70
Exports a file..................................................41
Filter Songs Based On Policy...............44
Find Next Unscheduled Position .........41
Find Previous Unscheduled Position..41
Find the Minute ............................................67
Font- Selects .................................................47
Generating a New Log................................41
Getting Started...............................................4
Music Scheduler
Hour Fill................................................................4
ID .............................................................................4
Identical to the Song History.............44
If Single..............................................................11
Import ...................................................................4
Importing Songs...........................................67
Install MusicGen.............................................4
Intro1, Intro2................................................27
IP Bound..........................................................3, 4
Jingles ..................................................................11
Juggling Songs.......................................41, 49
Last Play Separation..................................62
Length- This....................................................27
Let the Song ...................................................27
LIBRARY menu .........................................4, 27
Loading Music..................................................41
Log Editor..........................................................41
Log Properties .......................................41, 49
Log Window......................................................70
Logs .......................................................................41
Log's Icons.......................................................41
Main menu..........................................................41
Manage the List ..............................................11
Manage the Themes .....................................11
Manual Scheduler................................41, 44
Manual Scheduler Policy..........................62
Manual Scheduling........................................41
Mass Changes.................................................65
MAX PER HOUR...........................................62
Menu OPTIONS ...........................................49
Miscellaneous Clock Functionality.....49
Modify Event..................................................49
Modify Rule .....................................................62
Modify the Export Format....................65
Moves ..................................................................65
Music Bar...........................................................41
Music Scheduler...................................49, 62
Music Scheduling Options......................70
MusicGen.......................3, 4, 31, 41, 47, 67
New Clock .........................................................49
NEW LOG .........................................................70
NEW LOG button..........................................41
NexGen..........................................................4, 49
NexGen Digital..............................................65
NexGen Digital Broadcast.........................4
Next.............................................................41, 67
Next Topic 3, 4, 31, 41, 44, 47, 49, 54,
62, 63, 65, 67, 70
Not Used...........................................................67
Number of UNDOs.....................................49
OK button.........................................................44
Options menu..................................................70
Other Aspects of the Print Template
Part of the NexGen.......................................4
Partial Clock Grid.........................................54
Partial Clocks..................................................49
Pie Chart.............................................................41
Policy......................................................4, 44, 62
Policy Grid........................................................62
Music Scheduler
Press the Generate Clock button......54
Press the NEXT button...........................67
Press the SMALL NEXT button.........67
Pressing the New ..........................................41
Pressing the Rules Icon ...........................62
Print Log.............................................................41
Prophet Systems Innovations............3, 4
PSi Product Community...............................9
Rainbow Technologies
Range End.........................................................62
Range Start.....................................................62
Related Artist ...............................................62
Rename ...............................................................49
Replay Time .....................................................27
Rerun Music Scheduler.............................41
Results Pane....................................................44
Right Click ........................................................39
RIGHT CLICK.................................................47
Save As ..............................................................62
Saving..........................................................47, 49
Schedule Count.............................................27
Schedule Music While ..............................70
Scheduler .......................................................3, 4
Scheduling ALL..............................................62
Scheduling Errors ........................................41
Scheduling Themes.......................................11
Searches ............................................................41
Select Changes..............................................65
Select Columns......................................41, 49
Select Font.......................................................41
Select Hour Grid...........................................41
Select the ADVANCED button............41
Selected Categories window.................62
Selects .......................................................47, 62
Show Color.......................................................65
Show Controls.................................................31
Show Scheduler Error History Report
Show Unscheduled Position Grid.........41
Song...............................................................11, 62
Song- Defines Song....................................62
Song Editor Screen............................27, 31
Song History....................................................41
Song History Grid.......................................44
Song Lists.........................................................65
Song Notes......................................................47
Song Number..................................................27
Songs Template ............................................47
Sound Code......................................................27
Sound Codes....................................................62
Special Clocks................................................49
Spots ...................................................................47
Stack ............................................................11, 44
Stack Type.........................................................11
Start Tempo ...................................................27
Storing CD........................................................27
Tab Folder........................................................27
Tempo...........................................................11, 62
Music Scheduler
Tempo- Allows................................................62
Tempo Range...................................................62
Text .............................................................27, 47
Theme .................................................................49
Themes- You...................................................27
Time Separation...........................................62
Title- Song Title...........................................27
Types of Rules...............................................62
Unschedule Song...........................................41
Up/Down....................................................62, 65
Use the LOAD MUSIC icon....................41
User Codes.........................................4, 27, 62
User- You..........................................................65
View Logs/View Event Clocks...............49
View of the Logs............................................41
Welcome..........................................................3, 4
Windows NT..................................................3, 4