Meet Tatianna, A Young Lady On The Go!


Meet Tatianna, A Young Lady On The Go!
Spring 2008
Opportunities, Resources, Inspiration.
Meet Tatianna, A Young Lady On The Go!
Tatianna Johnson is a happy soon-to-be five year old with
a contagious smile. She loves art and having fun outdoors
with her brother and three sisters. She enjoys watching
them run, walk and play, but it can be frustrating for
her at times, because Tatianna is not able to walk or run
herself. She was born weighing 2 pounds, 6 ounces, and
at six months of age her family noticed she wasn’t moving
properly. It was then that Tatianna was diagnosed with
cerebral palsy and started receiving early intervention
Tatianna started coming to Inspire at the age of three and
presently attends the Inspire Kids Preschool where she
also receives physical and occupational therapy. Her day
consists of classroom time filled with learning, reading,
playtime, and art which is her favorite activity. She enjoys
drawing flowers and making her own holiday cards, but
someday she wants to be able to move around like the
other kids.
Physical Therapy sessions at Inspire involve strengthening
Tatianna’s trunk and stretching exercises to lengthen her
tendons. She uses assistive technology like the Dynamic
Stander or a “pacer” to which her trunk is belted, giving her
the right amount of support while she is safely aligned in
a standing position. Her therapists try to incorporate fun
into her sessions. One of her exercises includes balancing
on a wooden block while taking rings from a pile, and
rotating her trunk to place the rings on a spindle on her
other side. Another involves strengthening her trunk
while stretching across a big therapy ball. Tatianna gets
around at Inspire with the use of a motorized wheelchair.
She is working hard with her therapists on improving her
“driving” skills! “She always asks to go roller-skating or
to climb the stairs because she is so determined to get
moving”, says Stephanie, her physical therapist. Tatianna is
a girl who doesn’t need much motivation because she is
always ready to be on the go. If you ask any of the Inspire
staff to tell you about Tatianna, they all seem to use the
word “determined”. There is the possibility that selective
dorsal rhizotomy surgery combined with physical therapy
may increase her probability of walking someday.
continued on page 4
In The News...
President’s Report:
Inspire Board of Directors
Helen Richards, Chairman
Tom Fay, Vice-Chairman
Mary Ellen Rogulski, Treasurer
Suzanne Schindler, Secretary
Mary Lee Berry, Immediate Past Chairman
Donna Benson
Alan Berstein, MD
Mary Ann Bloom
Paul Broadie II
Nancy K. Burlew
Katharine Fitzgerald
Dennis Greenwald
Renee Greenwald
Glen L. Heller, Esq.
Stephen Napolitano
Donna E. Roe
Doug Sanders
John J. Sergi
Anne Striphas
Allen Zick
Honorary Board Member
Joan Kaplan
Doris K. Weinberger
President & CEO
Marcel Martino
Medical Director
Lucy H. Swift, M.D.
Management Staff
Edna Cintron, Assistant Vice-President, Education
Ed Foddrill, Vice President, Facilities
Rita Frey, Vice-President, Organizational Support
Jeanne Herbert, Vice-President, Programs
Laura Moran, Vice-President, Finance
Inspire Foundation
William J. Devitt, Chairman
William C. Myers, Vice-Chairman
Marcel Martino, Secretary
Tim Dempsey, Treasurer
Anthony Ingrassia
Barbara Scherr
John Sears
Success is written and edited by Mindy Circelli in
the Community Relations Department at Inspire.
If you are receiving more than one copy of the
Newsletter, if your address is changing, or if you
have information that would be of interest to the
readers of Success call (845) 294-7300 ext. 235 or
write to: Community Relations, Inspire, 2 Fletcher
Street, Goshen, NY 10924. You may also send us an
email at
For more information about Inspire and its
services, please visit
Pajamas, pajamas, pajamas! Inspire is running a pajama
drive to collect new pajamas for children, newborn – 17
years of age. There are children in Orange County who
have never had a brand new pair of pajamas and we plan
to change this. Thanks to the many people who have
either donated pajamas or given money to buy pajamas.
Marcel Martino
The Inspire Hearing Aid Program is off to a great start
thanks to Elaine Bochnovich and Jackie Chiger, licensed audiologists. Once
again, Inspire is meeting a need in the County for many community members,
by dispensing hearing aids.
As we continue to improve our current programs, as well as initiate new ones,
Inspire is challenged with the difficult economy we are all facing. The state and
federal governments, as they struggle with heavy debt, look for ways to reduce
costs in all sectors. A major area is healthcare, and as the government looks to
reduce Medicaid and Medicare funding, we are exploring ways to maintain and
add new programs with less funding. Organizations, such as Inspire, are working
on ways to be more efficient and find other sources of revenue. We appreciate
the support we have received from businesses and community members as
Inspire strives to meet its mission in a financially feasible manner.
During the balance of this year, I will be holding focus groups made up of various
people from the community. The goal of these focus groups is to provide me
with input on how we are doing with our current programs and to determine
what else Inspire could do for the community. We would like to hear from people
in all areas of Orange County, so look for announcements during the year telling
you when and where these meetings will be held.
Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther, fourth from left, met with Inspire board
members and staff during the Annual Cerebral Palsy Associations of New York
State Lobby Day. Pictured here with the Assemblywoman are (left to right) board
members Mary Lee Berry, Helen Richards, Tom Fay, Suzanne Schindler, and Donna
Benson, as well as staff members Rita Frey and Marcel Martino. The group visited
with all of Inspire’s legislators to talk about the needs of Inspire’s clients.
Always Asking Others To Speak Up?
Take This Quiz To Find Out If You Should Have Your Hearing Evaluated.
(Circle the answer that best describes your situation.)
Do you find it difficult to follow a conversation in a noisy or
crowded room?
Do you feel that people are mumbling or not speaking
Do you experience difficulty following dialog in the
Do you find if difficult to understand a speech at a public
meeting or a religious service?
Do you find yourself asking people to speak up or repeat
Do you find men’s voices easier to understand than
Do you experience difficulty understanding soft or
whispered speech?
Do you have difficulty understanding speech on the
Does a hearing problem cause you to feel embarrassed
when meeting new people?
Does a hearing problem cause you to visit friends,
relatives, or neighbors less often then you would like?
Do you experience ringing or noises in your ears?
Do you hear better with one ear than the other?
Have you had any significant noise exposure during
work, recreation, or military service?
Do people complain that you turn the TV volume up
too high?
Do some sounds seem too loud?
To Score The Quiz: Score 2 points for every Yes answer, 1 point for
every Sometimes answer, and 0 points for every No answer.
Scores of 3 or more may indicate that you have a hearing problem.
Scores of 6 or more strongly suggest that you should have your
hearing checked.
Editor’s Note: The questions for this quiz were compiled from
information from the American Academy of Audiology.
Approximately 28 million Americans experience some degree of hearing loss. If you think you may need your hearing evaluated, Inspire can
help. Inspire’s Audiology Department is staffed by New York State licensed and American Speech-Language and Hearing Association certified
audiologists who are licensed to dispense hearing aids. Inspire’s audiologists believe that better hearing contributes to a better quality of life.
Inspire’s Audiology Department serves people of all ages. We take the time to get meaningful results. Through testing, counseling, and
rehabilitation, we are positioned to work with you and for you in meeting your goals. Inspire offers a variety of hearing testing and treatment
services including, but not limited to:
Complete Hearing Testing
Newborn Hearing Screening
Auditory Processing Testing
Hearing Aid Dispensing, Fittings & Consultation
Customized Swim Plugs
Customized Hearing Protection Devices
Auditory Training Therapy for
For Hearing
Hearing Loss
Loss & Cochlear Implants
Contracts with Nursing Homes
Inspire’s Audiology Department is equipped with the latest technology, such as a state-of-the-art Middle Ear Analyzer and Audiometer. A Middle
Ear Analyzer is used to measure the movement of the eardrum and can identify problems in the middle ear that could affect hearing, such as
fluid in the ear. An Audiometer is used to measure hearing levels and the ability to hear speech. Inspire’s Audiology Department is now
accepting insurance providers including: Affinity, Empire Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Empire Plan (NYS), GHI, Hudson Health Plan, Medicaid,
Medicare, Indecs, Oxford, Cigna, Healthnet,
Healthnet Tricore,
Tricare, United Health Care, and Well Care. Inspire’s caring Audiologists are ready to assist you in
reaching your hearing goals. To schedule an appointment for a hearing evaluation, call (845)294(845)294-8806 ext. 222.
continued from page 1
If there is one great driving force in Tatianna’s
corner, it would be Cheryl Dewitt, her
Grandmother. Helen Motola, the family’s
Service Coordinator, becomes excited when
speaking of the relationship between Mrs.
Dewitt and her granddaughter. “Mrs. Dewitt
is such a caring, involved, wonderful Grandma
who nurtures in Tatianna the confidence
she needs to be strong and independent,”
said Helen. At home, Tatianna is without
a wheelchair, and crawls using her upper
body strength, which shows so much her
determination to be independent. Her
determination is what Cheryl Dewitt would
say she is most proud of.
Inspire therapists have recommended a motorized
wheelchair design that they feel would allow Tatianna
the ability to become more independent and able to
better navigate her environment. The goal is to get
this wheelchair in time for her anticipated entrance
into kindergarten this September at Truman Moon
Elementary School, in Middletown. With Tatianna’s
determination and Grandma’s encouragement there is
much success to come. Though the staff at Inspire will
miss Tatianna come September, you can be sure they
will all be rooting for this determined young lady as she
keeps on moving on!
Helping People to Succeed with
Assistive Technology
Some may ask, “What exactly is assistive technology?” Well, to put it simply, assistive technology (AT) is any item,
piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is
used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities.
Let’s go one step simpler and give some examples of what AT is. An individual with cerebral palsy can use assistive
technology by means of a computer that “talks,” to communicate with others when he is unable to speak on his own.
A person injured in an accident may have a prosthetic leg, a form of assistive technology that makes it possible to
walk, or hand controls in a car so she can drive. Assistive technology can also be a lift-equipped bus used to assist an
individual in a wheelchair.
There are many examples of assistive technology all around us today that help us go about our daily lives. We have
large screen computers for the visually impaired, hearing aids and other amplification devices for individuals with
hearing loss, and devices that operate lamps, radios, and other appliances through a remote control switching device
that might be attached to one’s wheelchair. Assistive technology literally opens doors to encourage individuals
to lead more independent lives. This technology enables people with special needs to lead enriched lives in the
classroom and workplace, and makes it easier for them to socialize among their peers. To people with disabilities,
assistive technology opens up a world of independence.
Inspire follows a transdisciplinary team approach to assistive technology that allows a crossing over of professional
boundaries and the sharing of roles within the framework of a team. The team members are well grounded in their
respective professions, but are also comfortable in extending their role beyond their profession. Inspire’s team is
currently comprised of a Special Education Teacher with LATS certification, a Speech Pathologist, and a Physical
Therapist Assistant with RESNA certification as an Assistive Technology Practitioner. continued on page 5
The team at Inspire is able to identify the need an individual may have for AT and explore corrective options.
Inspire can make recommendations to healthcare providers and insurance companies. The team can assist in
obtaining an alternative funding source and get the individual the device they need. Most importantly, Inspire
will train the individual along with his/her caregiver on the use of these devices. To schedule an appointment
for an evaluation, please call (845) 294-8806 ext. 236.
With assistive technology, people with special needs will now be able to enjoy many things in life that most
people take for granted. The Inspire staff is here ready to help people succeed!
Did You
Know ...
In cooperation with the
Orange County Department of Health, Inspire
provides assistive technology for children with
the Early Intervention
Programs (ages newborn
– 3) who do not have
Medicaid support. Inspire
assesses the children’s
needs, procures and
dispenses the equipment,
and follows up with the
Inspire’s Projects
Inspire is pleased to announce the development of several new areas of service! We have been hard
at work, turning innovative ideas into reality and expanding our commitment to individuals with
developmental disabilities of all ages. Read on to find out more. And if you have a need that can be met
by any of these programs, please let us know!
In Development
Effective April 1, 2008, Inspire is now a provider of Consolidated In-Home Supports, a specialized service designed
for children with autism in Orange County. This is a collaborative effort with five other agencies, with oversight
provided by Orange County Department of Mental Health Development Disabilities Division.
Family Inspired Respite will provide in-home respite services to eighteen children with developmental disabilities
starting May 2008.
TBI Structured Day Program
Socialization, community activities, skills training in computers, cooking and money management, as well as
other areas of interest, have been requested as components of our new program for adults with Traumatic Brain
Injury. Applications are now being accepted for enrollment review.
High Cognitive Program
Applications are now being accepted for “Creative Options”, a program for adults with physical limitations, but an
ability to communicate their desires and interests in planning group activities.
For either of these two adult programs, please contact Becky Kunkel, Home Services Director (845) 294-7300 ext.
230 for more information.
Residence Opportunities
NYS Office of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities has recently changed the method in which
not-for-profit agencies, such as Inspire, can receive funding and authorization to operate residences for people
with developmental disabilities who desire to live independently in the community. We will submit a request
for proposal for residential options to be occupied by persons with Traumatic Brain Injury under these new
regulations. Expected determination – Summer of 2008.
Looking Ahead!
Many families have expressed a desire for
summer day camp opportunities. Inspire
is currently seeking funding assistance
from a variety of sources, including Autism
Speaks. Camp Jened, owned and operated
by Cerebral Palsy Associations of New
York, located in Rock Hill, New York, has
offered their beautiful facility for our use
and we are continuing to work towards
offering two weeks of camp related fun.
For Information on any of Inspire’s
New Development Projects,
please contact our Home Services
Department (845) 294-8806 ext. 231.
Request for Upcoming Topics
May Include:
✰ Lecture on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
(ADHD) and developmental disabilities by Dr. Michele
Gellman Appelbaum, of the Center for Child Neurology
Northeast Regional Epilepsy Group.
✰ Cooking for Diabetics by Professional Chef Shawn Hubbell.
✰ Assistive Technology for the Early Intervention and
Preschool Parent.
✰ Benoit Turpin M.Sc., CNHP of Pleasant Stone Farm,
Middletown, New York, will lecture on the Holistic View of
Personal Health Care.
Inspire recently held its kick-off community series…
“Inspire Presents” is a new program designed to bring helpful and interesting information to our
community. Four dates were included in the debut series. Take a look at the highlights…
The How-to’s Of
Assistive Technology
Genetic Research In Autism
Dr. Joseph Higgins, Director of Child Neurology,
Northeast Regional Epilepsy Group and Professor
Cornell University, Weill Medical College, Division of
Child Neurology was welcomed to the Lecture Series
by Inspire President, Marcel Martino. Dr. Higgins
discussed the leaps and bounds that have been
made in autism research.
Children’s Safe And Fun Fair
Operation Safe Child through the Orange County
Sheriff’s Department provided photo/fingerprint ID
cards and each child received an “All About Me Child
Safety Book,” sponsored by Linda’s Office Supplies.
excited to
have their
and faces
painted at
the fair.
The “How-To’s of Assitive
Technology” and Durable
Medical Fair offered
consumers, parents
and caregivers practical
information on the
types of equipment and
devices available, and
how to work through
the process of obtaining
them. Carol Colegrove
from Sure Hands Lift
Systems demonstrated
the equipment that bears
its name.
Cooking Demonstration
Professional Chef Shawn Hubbell, Owner of Amuzae,
and graduate of The Culinary Institute of America,
provided a cooking demonstration of quick and
nutritious meals suitable for gluten-free/casein-free
and celiac dietary needs.
Phyllis , the
from Fidelis
New York and
Child Health
Plus, paid a
friendly visit
to the children
at the fair.
There were
plenty of crafts
and games along
with a live karate
to put the fun in
the Safe and Fun