product catalog - General Hydroponics Europe


product catalog - General Hydroponics Europe
product catalog
Our product line is manufactured with the highest precision.
Our mineral nutrients are made with purified mineral salts.
Our organic nutrients and supplements comply with legal regulations.
Our growing systems are made with regenerated plastics
and contain a UV barrier to protect the root system.
Our rotomoulded systems are guaranteed for life !
Who are we? ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3
What is hydroponics? ���������������������������������������������������������������� 6
mineral nutrients
control and prevention
Flora Series������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 8
FloraDuo�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 10
FloraNova������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 11
Maxi Series���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 13
FloraMato������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 14
Ripen��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 15
BM�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 17
Bio Protect����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 25
SubCulture ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������52
growing systems
BM�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 17
How to manage bioponics.��������������������������������������������������� 18
general organics
Introduction to the GO line�������������������������������������������������� 20
BioThrive ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 21
BioRoot Plus������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 22
BioBud������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 22
BioWorm�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 22
BioWeed��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 23
Urtica�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 23
Diamond Black�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 23
bio boosters
Bio Roots ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 24
Bio Bloom������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 25
Bio Protect ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 25
Bio Roots ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 24
Bio Bloom ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 25
Diamond Nectar����������������������������������������������������������������������� 26
Mineral Magic���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 27
Bio Essentials������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 28
FloraKleen����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 29
Hydroponic MicroFarms........................................................ 32
WaterFarm, AquaFarm, AeroFarm..................................... 36
WaterPack ACS......................................................................... 37
Controller ACS.......................................................................... 37
AeroFlo Systems...................................................................... 38
Ebb&Grow ................................................................................. 40
EcoGrower.................................................................................. 41
RainForest2................................................................................. 41
Panda Systems.......................................................................... 41
RainForest72............................................................................. 42
CuttingBoard............................................................................. 42
CocoTek....................................................................................... 43
Grorox........................................................................................... 43
accessories & spare parts
Spare parts ................................................................................. 44
Pumps .......................................................................................... 44
Vortex Sprayer........................................................................... 44
general information
pH regulators
Liquid pH Down & pH Up .................................................... 30
Dry pH Down............................................................................ 31
pH Test Indicator ..................................................................... 31
The essentials of successful gardening ........................... 45
Advanced growing techniques .......................................... 47
Why use hydroponic nutrients?.......................................... 49
The role of supplements........................................................ 50
More info on hydroponics..................................................... 51
Feeding programs ................................................................... 52
This catalogue is printed in France with vegetable-based inks
on 100% white, 100% recycled paper.
Printed by BCR in Gimont - France (32200), member of the Imprim’vert group.
CATALOGUE GB - 2 mars 2016
General Hydroponics Europe
Welcome and thank you for growing with General
Hydroponics, providers of quality hydroponic products
for over 30 years. Growers worldwide recognise General
Hydroponics as the industry leader in innovation and
count on us to improve the nutritional value, flavour and
yield of their crops. We guarantee to deliver the absolute
best in simple and sustainable products and technologies.
Based in Santa Rosa, California and Fleurance, France the
teams at General Hydroponics are constantly researching,
developing and testing our products to ensure that
they not only meet but exceed the expectations of
our customers. Whether you are an expert grower or
a beginner, expect nothing but the best from General
Sustainability, quality, simplicity and innovation. These
four words reflect our commitment to our customers,
our families and our planet. They have been our guide to
growth and will continue to lead General Hydroponics into
the future. Live, learn and grow with General Hydroponics.
Lawrence Brooke, founder
north america:
General Hydroponics Inc.
2877 Giffen Avenue
Santa Rosa CA 95407
32500 Fleurance - France
General Hydroponics was founded in the mid-70s near San Francisco, California, by a group of scientists, researchers and
technicians. Today, GH is recognised by the international scientific community for its reliability, the quality of its products and
its sense of innovation.
Within a few years, our reputation crossed international borders, extending to Canada, Australia and on to Europe, where GH
Europe was established in 1995 in the South-West of France.
Since the beginning our objectives have remained the same: to stay at the cutting-edge of technology, to offer the best
quality of service and to bring solutions for some of the environmental problems that our planet faces today.
Our technology is called “Aero-hydroponics”: plants grow without substrate, in a perfectly balanced flow of nutritive solution,
saturated with oxygen. (A more detailed description follows.) Thanks to its flexibility, this alternative growing method holds an
enormous potential of opportunities. It can be adapted to most situations, allowing one to grow anywhere, from the city to
the most remote countryside.
One of the first concepts we developed in California was the hydroponics “MicroFarm” (Family Farm) a small to medium
operation that allows a family or individual, wherever they are based, to produce part of the vegetables they consume,
eliminating the expensive middlemen, and eventually providing surplus to sell within the local farmers’ markets, co-ops,
restaurants, etc.
In our greenhouse in the South West of France, we study the potential of several high value cash crops that will give the
grower an alternative to traditional crops, and will allow him to step out of the vicious circle of subsidies. We especially study
the field of medicinal plants, where there exists a constant demand of quality stock, and where it is urgent today to stop the
gathering of many endangered species. Our research is aimed on selecting the right species, optimising their harvest and
increasing their content in active principles.
Aware of the insufficiencies in the food and water supply on the planet, we participate in food development projects in the
third world. Indeed, by adapting our technology to the existing resources, we teach populations a way to provide for their
immediate basic needs and to create, whenever possible, an unexpected but well needed source of income.
As environmentalists, when possible we utilise recycled and regenerated materials. To respond to the problem of electrical
consumption, we are currently testing in California the first systems powered by solar energy.
Today, after several years of intensive research, we are proud to offer you “bioponics” - or organic hydroponics - a new concept
in plant cultivation (patent N° 05.11569), which combines the advantages of hydroponics with those of organic farming, while
responding to the principles of sustainable development.
Our line of products is vast, often unique and always in evolution. It is developed by our team of researchers, thoroughly
studied, then tested in our greenhouses in California and in France. Today our products are used by growers worldwide. They
are sought after by the most important laboratories in the world and NASA uses Flora Series and the AeroFlo in their studies
on cultivation in their space stations.
For additional information please contact us or visit our websites:
Europe: and North America:
European website dedicated to small to medium sized commercial facilities :
General Hydroponics Europe
Noucetta Kehdi and William Texier, Cal Herrmann and Lawrence Brooke, co-founders of GHE
In 1995 GH Europe was founded in South-Western France to
better serve the new European market, with a range of services
also covering Africa, Asia and the Middle East. Twenty years
later, GHE gained a dominant position in Europe and opened
a great number of markets in countries as varied as Japan,
Russia, South Africa, India and Kuwait.
With North America, Australia, Europe and the many countries
that join us every day, GH is today a major reference on the
world hydroponic market.
This is, of course, especially due to the quality of our products,
but also to the reliability of our technology and our unfailing
commitment to the principles which always inspired us:
Sustainability, quality, simplicity and innovation.
Today, 40 years after being founded by Lawrence Brooke, GH
has built factories in California (the west coast of the United
States), in Virginia (the east coast) and in Europe (France). This
enables us to be close to our markets, in closer contact with
our clients, and allows us to react efficiently and rapidly.
We are also able to adapt to the rules and regulations of
the different countries that we serve, and to offer you
authorised and reliable products. Finally, thanks to our
local manufacturing, we participate in the growth of our
communities, and we eliminate a large percentage of
unnecessary and polluting transportation.
Over time, and because of the differences between the
markets and regulations on the two continents, our product
ranges in the United States and in Europe have been slightly
diversified, except for Flora Series, the original fertiliser on
which our excellent reputation is built and which still remains
a reference of quality at the international level. To maintain
the similarity of our two product lines, while respecting the
regulations of different countries, we have sometimes had
to offer different products with the same name. But they all
serve the same objective in differing environments, and will
give you the same total satisfaction.
In Europe and in the United States, we also developed
the first worldwide range of organic products adapted to
hydroponics (which we call “bioponic“ products). Based on
BioSevia and BioThrive, this range is offered under the name
of “General Organics.”
In Europe, all our products are tested in our greenhouse.
This is also where we grow our collection, a large variety of
plants from all over the world. For additional information you
can see our greenhouse on or, if you are
visiting the Gers and would like to see for yourselves, don’t
hesitate to visit us in Fleurance (France).
A Technology for Today
Often when discussing hydroponics we are greeted, not only by a lack of knowledge, but also with incredulity,
scepticism and occasionally downright disapproval, especially when we explain that this method of cultivation
consists of growing plants directly in water and plastic, rather than in soil.
And yet our technology represents one of the most sensational developments in recent years. It is increasing rapidly
worldwide, spreading into all kinds of projects, from vegetal walls to urban gardens and family farms of all types.
What is hydroponics?
Hydroponics is the art of growing plants in water. The word comes from the Greek “hydro” (water) and “ponos” (work). The
concept was rediscovered in 1930, at the University of Berkeley in California by Dr. Gericke, but in reality this growing method
has existed since the earliest of times.
We have all heard of the hanging gardens of Babylon, and of those people living at altitude around mountain lakes like
Titicaca in Peru and Inle in Myanmar, who cultivated their gardens on water surfaces, over straw mats, water hyacinth beds
or any other local substrata. In hydroponics, as in these mountain lakes, plants live over water with their roots hanging in the
dynamic flow of a nutrient solution.
Although plants such as rice and water lilies or carnivorous plants can adapt well in scarcely oxygenated, or even stagnant
environments, most have difficulty in adapting to oxygen deficiencies. Indeed, if a plant lacks oxygen in its root zone, it
asphyxiates even though it is adequately watered: actually a recurrent cause of death for houseplants is due to over watering.
This is often what happens in “hydroculture” (not to be confused with “hydroponics”), a growing method with wicker buckets
standing in a “dormant” nutritive solution.
Thus, plants can grow in water, but not under all conditions. Water has to be “alive.” One must be aware that, whatever the
environment they are growing in, be it soil, air or water, plants absorb their food in the form of ions dissolved in oxygen. In water,
when food and oxygen are absorbed, they must be replaced. This is the function of hydroponics: a soil-less cultivating method
which stimulates plant growth while controlling the quantities of water, mineral salts and most importantly, dissolved oxygen.
The basic concept is quite simple. When roots are suspended in moving water, they absorb food and oxygen rapidly. If the
oxygen content is insufficient, plant growth will be slow. But if the solution is saturated with oxygen, plant growth will accelerate.
The grower’s task is to balance the combination of water, nutrients and oxygen, with the plant’s needs, in order to maximise
yield and quality.
To obtain the best results, a few important parameters need to be taken into account: temperature, humidity and CO2 levels,
light intensity, ventilation and the plant’s genetic make-up. Essentially this is what any conscientious gardener would do.
And what are its advantages?
Hydroponics can be used by a wide range of people: plant lovers in general, private or professional plant collectors, small and
large greenhouse growers, horticultural societies, research centres, schools and many more.
The following list is a summary of its applications and advantages:
n Optimal utilisation of the plant’s genetic potential.
n Better control of the plant’s nutrition.
n A visible improvement in quantity and yields.
n A significant shortening of the growth / production interval for a large variety of species.
n A more efficient use of space.
n An excellent propagation success rate.
n Huge savings on fertilisers, and most importantly, on water in a situation of ever increasing global scarcity.
General Hydroponics Europe
total absence of herbicides. To replace pesticides and
fungicides, hydroponic growers will often use IPM
(Integrated Pest Management).
n T
he strength and vigour of plants started in hydroponics
then transplanted in soil is such that it opens enormous
commercial perspectives, especially for potted plants.
n In the field of education, at all stages, hydroponics fills children and adults with wonder. Several countries have
already introduced it into their school or university programmes.
n L
ast but not least, hydroponics was, and still is, used for research purposes. For the last 70 years this method has
been applied in the most important research centres because of its reliability, its precision and the broad spectrum
of its applications. Thanks to hydroponics enormous advancements have been made in the understanding of plants
and especially their nutritional requirements.
Like all things, hydroponics can have good or bad results depending on the people who apply it and their objectives.
n It can be used for mass production and to produce tomatoes with little taste or roses with no perfume. But it can grow
products with the best nutritive qualities, bursting with flavour and aroma.
n It can be a pollutant when used with rockwool or in run-to-waste conditions. But it can be applied ecologically in respect
to the environment, sustain a large portion of the planet’s population with quality food and allow third world countries to
feed their own people, even when the soil is poor and water scarce.
Another recurring question: Are hydroponic crops organic?
The answer is no, they are not. The mere fact that this is a soil-less operation already prohibits an “organic” designation. As for
the fertilisers, there was no complete organic nutrient for hydroponics until now. In 2004, William Texier, head researcher in
our European laboratories, created BioSevia, the first and only complete organic nutrient for hydroponics that complies with
the European regulation on organic agriculture. Furthermore, our mineral fertilisers are so precisely crafted, that they leave no
toxicity or heavy metals whatsoever in plants, when used according to the instructions.
Today several variations of our technology are on the market: NFT, Drip Systems, Ebb & Flow, Aero-hydroponics. They are
applied in industrialised countries like Australia and Canada, and are spreading to many Southeast Asian countries, where an
increasing acreage of hydroponic greenhouses are used to grow vegetables, fruits, potted plants, cut flowers, etc.
In some third world countries too, teams of volunteers are teaching people to build their own hydroponic systems from industrial scrap, and to produce fertilisers with domestic waste.
Hydroponics has other applications, particularly in the field of outdoor and indoor gardening. In the US, for more than 30
years, manufacturers have been developing small-sized units for hobby gardeners, using the same technology as the greenhouse industry. Those systems are designed for the wider public and can be installed on balconies or patios and in sitting
rooms and kitchens. They vary from one-plant mini-modules to small kitchen gardens.
It is true that these techniques are not relevant for everyone. A common error is to think that if plants have sufficient water
supplies they can be left unattended for longer. In fact, their accelerated metabolism requires greater attention. This methodology is not to save time on maintenance, rather it is conceived to maximise results. In this sense, hydroponics is intended for
plant lovers and collectors, from beginners to professionals, rather than for the occasional gardener.
Of course, the concept of hydroponics may appear inconceivable to some, or just another fad. Others will be curious, amused or
interested. To you all, whatever your reaction, don’t hesitate to contact us to give us your opinion or to request more information.
Noucetta Kehdi
General Hydroponics Europe
mineral nutrients
FloraMicro, FloraGro, FloraBloom
concentrated liquid nutrient
“3-part Building-Block Advanced Nutrient System”
Flora Series is the original 3-part Building-Block Advanced
Nutrient System. It contains all the primary, secondary and
micronutrients necessary for balanced plant nutrition, enhanced
yields and superior crop quality. These nutrients form a complete
and balanced fertiliser that provides plants with everything
required to successfully build strong plant structures and big
blooms. Flora Series is pH buffered.
Flora Series is a high technology fertiliser, recognised worldwide
as the most advanced hydroponic nutrient line ever developed.
It is used by the most prestigious research laboratories and universities. NASA scientists refer to it as “reliable, adaptable and pH
1976, The First Flora Series
The concept of a 3-part nutrient, and Flora Series,
were created for General Hydroponics by Dr. Cal
Herrmann, formerly senior chemist at NASA, in
collaboration with scientists from the University
of Davis in California. Dr. Herrmann is today a
partner at GHE and still conducts research.
Flora Series enhances the flavour, aroma, potency
and essential oils of your fruits and vegetables
in hydroponics and soil. It is a dynamic, evolving
formula, constantly updated, and adapted to the
latest scientific discoveries.
Simply, it allows you to match the needs of your
plant through the different stages of its life by
changing the ratios between the liquids, as well as
their concentration.
General Hydroponics Europe
mineral nutrients
The foundation of the “Building-Block” system. FloraMicro
provides the plant with all the necessary micro-elements, in a
chelated form (see p. 28). It also includes sub micro-elements and
organic buffers which help stabilise the solution’s pH. FloraMicro
complements FloraGro and FloraBloom in secondary and major
FloraMicro is available in “hard“ and “soft“ water formulas:
For water with more than 70 mg / L calcium, use FloraMicro “hard
water.“ Under 70 mg / L calcium, use FloraMicro «soft water».
Stimulates structural and vegetative growth. Builds strong roots.
Provides nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and secondary
During growth it increases root formation and health. During
flowering and fruiting it enables the plant to fulfill its genetic
potential to the maximum.
Among these three components
there is perfect synergy.
Flora Series is available in 0.5 L • 1 L • 5 L • 10 L • 60 L - 1000 L
Shake well before using.
Due to the high concentration of our nutrients, and to avoid precipitation
of mineral salts, never mix the different components undiluted!
The Flora Series Tripack
Your starting kit contains:
3 x 1/2 L Flora Series plus free
pH Test Kit and Dry pH Down.
Feeding charts for soil and
hydroponics are available with
each Flora Series product
(see page 53).
mineral nutrients
FloraDuo Grow, FloraDuo Bloom
concentrated liquid nutrient
FloraDuo is a “classic“ mineral nutrient with a difference (and an essential one) where
each of the elements a plant needs is derived from a large variety of different sources.
To create an excellent nutrient you need, of course, a precise formula. But this is not
all you need! It’s also very important that each element is derived from different
sources and different salts. This is how all the elements are made available at all times,
in an easily absorbable form. And we don’t stop at that! We also add “bio-activators”
into each bottle. These are not direct nutrients for plants, but instead they improve
the plants’ general health, help them to better absorb their food and increase their
resistance to pathogens and insect infestations.
FloraDuo is a complete nutrient, especially designed for fast growing plants, with a
marked difference between growth and flowering needs. It comes in two parts:
FloraDuo Grow and FloraDuo Bloom. To guarantee the best results, FloraDuo “Grow” is
available in both hard water and soft water versions. Use FloraDuo Grow “soft water”
also for demineralised and reverse osmosis water.
Note that the internodal distance is shorter with FloraDuo. That is accomplished
through our use of purified nutrients, NOT by using PGRs (Plant Growth
Shake well before using.
FloraDuo is highly concentrated: 5 ml / L is enough for balanced and
vigorous growth.
FloraDuo® Grow
Promotes growth and structural development, as well as extremely vigourous
rooting. It prepares plants for highly intensive flowering.
FloraDuo Grow is available in “hard“ and “soft“ water formulas:
For water with more than 70 mg/L calcium, use FloraDuo Grow “hard water.“
Under 70 mg/L calcium, use FloraDuo Grow “soft water.“
FloraDuo® Bloom
Brings everything needed for abundant flowering and fruiting. It helps to make
the best out of your plants’ genetics.
FloraDuo is available in 0.5 L • 1 L • 5 L • 10 L
The FloraDuo Tripack
Your starting kit contains:
2 x 1/2 L FloraDuo and 1/2 L Ripen
plus free pH Test Kit and pH Down Dry.
General Hydroponics Europe
Feeding charts for soil and
hydroponics are available with
each FloraDuo product
(see page 53).
mineral nutrients
FloraNova Grow, FloraNova Bloom
mineral/organic hybrid, highly concentrated liquid nutrient
FloraNova represents a breakthrough in fertiliser technology, as it gives users
both the strength of a dry concentrate and the ease of a liquid.
The marriage of hydroponic and organic gardening methods.
E xtremely easy to use.
utstanding for all plant types.
S uper concentrated and pH stabilised.
ptimum nutrient absorption is aided by natural humic extracts.
This unique formulation of highly purified minerals and natural additives combines
the benefits of hydroponic as well as organic gardening methods. FloraNova, 1-part
formulation, combines all the elements required for hydroponic cultivation, plus it is
extremely concentrated. A very small amount of FloraNova mixed with fresh water will
provide your plants with proper nutrition. FloraNova works superbly in hydroponic
environments, as well as with both soil-less mixtures and soil grown plants.
Shake and mix well before using:
Remember that due to its high concentration, FloraNova must be
shaken vigorously before each use!
FloraNova® Grow
Use this specialised nutrient for rapidly growing plants during the structural and foliar
growth phase.
FloraNova® Bloom
Use this specialised nutrient for flowering plants during the blooming and fruiting stages.
During the last 10 days use Ripen with FloraNova
for increased flower production.
FloraNova is available in 473 ml • 946 ml • 3.79 L
The FloraNova Tripack
Your starting kit contains:
2 x 473 ml FloraNova and 1/2 L Ripen
plus free pH Test Kit and pH Down Dry.
Feeding charts for soil and
hydroponics are available with
each FloraNova product
(see page 53).
mineral nutrients
FloraCoco Grow, FloraCoco Bloom
mineral/organic hybrid, highly concentrated liquid nutrient
Exceptionally rich in calcium and magnesium it has the particularity to be the only
coconut nutrient on the market that does not require any other additive. No need
for calcium or phosphorus supplements, as often required by most of the traditional
“coco formulas” on the market.
FloraCoco not only is very rich in calcium and magnesium, the hardness elements
that can be sequestered by the substrate, but it contains also the totality of the
elements that a plant needs for a healthy vigorous growth, followed by bountiful
flowering and fruiting. It incorporates in particular a large pattern of microelements
that will give your final product all the aroma and flavor that your plant is capable of
developing. The nutrient is complete and sufficient, and can be utilized alone, with
no additive even for you, growers using reverse osmosis systems.
Shake well before using.
User friendly, mix 2 parts FloraCoco Grow and 1 part FloraCoco Bloom during the
vegetative stage. Then, during flowering, simply reverse the proportions: 1 part
FloraCoco Grow and 2 parts FloraCoco Bloom.
FloraCoco® Grow
Balanced and complete plant nutrition for the vegetative phase.
FloraCoco Grow provides healthy and complete plant nutrition for the vegetative phase.
FloraCoco® Bloom
Tuned for increased yield during the flowering phase.
FloraCoco Bloom is an aggressive formula crafted for increased yield during the flowering
FloraCoco is available in 0.5 L • 1 L • 5 L • 10 L • 1000 L
Use FloraCoco with CocoTek (50L bags)
or any other of coconut fibre brand.
Pure coconut
General Hydroponics Europe
Pure + perlite
Feeding charts coconut fibre are
available with each FloraCoco
(see page 52).
mineral nutrients
Maxi Series®
MaxiGro, MaxiBloom
dry concentrated nutrients
Comprising two powdered, mineral-based options that support your plants from
beginning to bloom, the Maxi Series is our most cost-effective choice when it comes to
The one-two nutritional punch includes MaxiGro and MaxiBloom, a duo of standalone,
water-soluble formulas with primary, secondary and micronutrients. Both are pH-buffered, which means the pH will hold its value once your pH target is met.
MaxiGro and MaxiBloom are highly concentrated and dissolve rapidly in water. Their dry
form means they are portable and can be easily stored, which makes them a popular
choice for outdoor gardeners.
From Start to Harvest
With a low cost-per-usage level and easy transportability, MaxiGro and MaxiBloom can
be used for all types of plants and in a variety of water qualities. Whether you’re working in coco coir, hydroponics, soilless or soil, the Maxi Series gives you all the flexibility
you need.
User-friendly (especially for beginners), and economical, MaxiGro and MaxiBloom are adapted to hydroponics, of course, but also to coconut fibre, soil,
or any other substrate.
The Maxi Series is specifically designed for particular growth stages:
encourages growth of seedlings and cuttings, giving your plant starts vital nutrition
for that crucial vegetative growth stage early in development.
increases yields and crop quality by promoting prolific flowering and fruiting in a
wide diversity of plant types.
flowering and fruiting. It incorporates in particular a large pattern of microelements
that will give your final product all the aroma and flavor that your plant is capable of
developing. The nutrient is complete and sufficient, and can be utilized alone, with
no additive even for you, growers using reverse osmosis systems.
The Maxi Series is available in 1kg pouches
1,5 3 ml/L
1,5 3 ml/L
1,5 3 ml/L
2 ml/10 L
15 ml
2 ml/10 L
Bio Bloom
Mineral Magic
3 ml/L
60 ml/10 L
Bio Roots
Bio Protect
Diamond Nectar
12 H Q
5 ml
6,4 g MaxiBloom
5,7 g MaxiGro
20 ml/10 L
20 g MaxiBloom
18 g MaxiGro
Semaine - Week - Woche - Semana - Settimana - Semana - Week - Uke
Mudar de água - Water vervangen - Skift vannet
g/10 L
18 H SOIL - TERRA : Un arrosage sur deux - apply every other watering - Bei jedem zweiten
Gießen düngen - Utilice en un riego de cada dos - Applicare ad innaffiature alterne Aplique em regas alternadas - Gebruiken in 1 op 2 gietbeurten - Når planten står i jord,
brukes produktet ved annenhver vanning.
Q = Changer l'eau - Change water - Wasserwechsel - Cambiar el agua - Cambiare l'acqua -
Maxi Series®
Feeding charts for soil and
hydroponics are available with
each FloraCoco product
(see page 52).
Maxi Series is a highly soluble nutrient in powder form.
mineral nutrients
FloraMato and FloraMicro
concentrated liquid nutrient
FloraMato enhances flavours, increases yields and improves nutritional
value. It is a unique combination of primary and secondary elements with
stabilised pH.
FloraMato - mixed with FloraMicro - provides a complete blend of the essential
minerals needed by continuously producing plants like tomatoes, cucumbers,
peppers, beans, melons, strawberries, etc.*
Designed for hydroponics, FloraMato
is particularly efficient for drip systems
and automatic irrigation.
is specifically designed for continuous flowering and fruiting plants. It
must always be used with FloraMicro.
is the basic building block of our nutrient systems. It is an exhaustive
concentration of chelated micro-elements (see p. 28). It also includes
primary and secondary elements as well as pH stabilisers which help
keep your solution pH in the acceptable range.
FloraMicro is available in soft and hard water formulas (see p. 9).
FloraMato is available in 0.5 L • 1 L • 5 L • 10 L • 1000 L
Application in ml / 1 L:
Cuttings and seedlings
Medium feeders
Heavy feeders
• These proportions are for hydroponics in all substrates: rockwool, clay pebbles, coconut fibre, etc.
• For soil use 1/2 concentration.
• Shake well before using.
* F
loraMato and FloraMicro are the favourite
nutrients of chilli growers.
Our ethic at GHE is to promote growth and flowering by improving the nutrition of plants. Therefore, our
products contain no hormones or synthetic precursors of any kind. The amazing results that you experience
with our nutrients are not due to a manipulation of the metabolism of a plant, they are merely the best
expression of a plant’s genetics promoted by comprehensive, holistic nutrition.
General Hydroponics Europe
mineral nutrients
late flowering nutrient
Ripen is a complete nutrient and can also be used as a stimulant:
It increases flowering and production of active principles.
It eliminates nutrient excess.
Ripen is a mix of refined mineral salts and buffers, formulated by our laboratories
with the greatest precision. Indeed, at this stage, accuracy is of the utmost
importance. The plant, at the end of its life, is generally more fragile and the
assimilation process is greatly reduced when compared with the vegetative phase.
Ripen acts at different levels:
It gives the plant a strong signal that it is coming to the end of its life. The
plant reacts by speeding the ripening process, in a last effort to spread its
It forces the plant to strengthen its defences and thus increase its active
It delivers all the mineral salts the plants need in a form easy to assimilate.
In case of a previous accumulation of nitrate or microelements, it helps
metabolise these residues, which will improve the taste of the crop.
Ripen is a “forcing solution.“ It is designed to accelerate plant ripening,
improve content in active principles, and eliminate mineral salt residues.
To achieve best results : use the last 10 days Hydro
Hydro : EC = 2.4 - 2.8 - Soil : EC = 2.2 - 2.6
Ripen is a powerful nutrient.
Adapt those EC to the variety of your plant and its growing conditions
Ripen has many properties:
Outdoors, it enables you to quickly harvest a crop before it is spoiled by cold and damp weather.
Indoors, it helps you harmonise the end of the grow cycle by speeding up the ripening of the slowest plants.
In case of a severe infestation of fungi or insects, it allows you to accelerate the natural cycle and get something out of a crop that would otherwise be completely lost.
It allows metabolisation of mineral salts excess.
It increases the active principles in medicinal plants.
Ripen is available in 0.5 L • 1 L • 5 L • 10 L • 60 L • 1000 L
The Tripack Starting Kit
1/2 L Ripen is added in the
FloraDuo and FloraNova Tripacks
Information on how to use all supplements
is included in our feeding charts (see p. 52-53).
(or organic hydroponics)
patent N° 05.11569 - 15/11/05
BioSevia conforms to
the European regulation
CE N° 834/2007
on organic agriculture
BioSevia Grow, BioSevia Bloom
concentrated organic plant food 100 % soluble
BioSevia is the spearhead of bioponics.
It is the first nutrient for hydroponics to be authorized for organic cultivation.
BioSevia is the first authorized organic nutrient to be complete and perfectly soluble. For four years our researchers studied and
tested exhaustively to obtain a nutrient containing everything a plant needs to perfectly grow, and which would at the same
time, respond to all the requirements of a European organic registration.
BioSevia has several essential qualities:
It is an exhaustive plant food that conforms to the European regulation on organic
agriculture N° 837/2007.
Its specific composition and its excellent solubility make it easy for plants to
It contains fulvic and humic acids which improve soil conditions and enhance the
plant’s absorption capacity.
It contains amino-acids.
It is efficiently applied in fertigation and drip irrigation.
It brings a sweet, pleasant taste to your crop.
It works in soil and also in hydroponics!
BioSevia gives perfect results in soil but uniquely works beautifully in
hydroponics too, be it with bare roots or on substrates. No other nutrient
is adapted to this type of growing.
Generally, organic nutrients are formulated in order to slowly decompose
in soil, so when in water, some of their elements will rot and release quite
unpleasant smells. They would also clog filters and drippers.
To be bioponic, a nutrient must be liquid and perfectly soluble. It must be
rapidly degradable and readily available to the plant.
BioSevia accomplishes all these conditions.
BioSevia Grow and Bloom are very concentrated: 2 ml / L are enough for a
complete and balanced plant nutrition.
BioSevia is available in 0.5 L • 1 L • 5 L • 10 L • 60 L
Feeding charts for bioponics
are available with each BioSevia
product (see page 53).
General Hydroponics Europe
(or organic hydroponics)
patent N° 05.11569 - 15/11/05
BM (Trichoderma harzianum) micro-organisms:
bioponic mix
BioSevia works perfectly in soil. We recommend using a small amount of BM (1g / 10 L)
every 6 to 8 weeks to facilitate the decomposition of organic matter and to enhance growth
In hydroponics, it is essential to use BM to recreate the decomposition process in the
nutritive solution that would happen naturally in soil.
M is only used to breakdown organic
I n hydroponics, do not use Mineral
Magic with micro-organisms.
See page 27.
BM is available in
10 g • 25 g • 50 g • 100 g • 250 g •1 kg • 5 kg
BM conforms to the European regulation
2008/113/CE on organic agriculture.
It is registered in Germany under: BBA Nr LS 004987-65-00.
BioSevia and Bioponics
Bioponics or ”organic hydroponics”
Bioponics creates everything that a plant needs in the nutritive solution for perfect growth.
For many years researchers of several countries have been looking for an efficient way to achieve real organic hydroponics. It was
William Texier who in 2004 discovered and adapted the concept of bioponic growing, the new method for an organic hydroponic cultivation. Patent N° 05.11569 - 15/11/05.
Bioponics goes much further than just a change of nutrients. The concept is “liquid earth.” BioSevia, the appropriate nutrient,
was the missing link. By combining it with BM, bioponics creates everything a plant needs in the nutritive solution.
The water is present, of course, and oxygen too, especially if the growing system is well designed. You need to add:
BioSevia: the nutrient that brings the humus fraction of soil, and which contains a wide range of large organic molecules to
reproduce the complexity of soil in the nutritive solution. It is specially designed for this utilisation (to recreate the natural
fertility conditions of soil, but without soil).
BM (or ”Trichoderma harzianum”): the micro-organisms which bring microbial life and participate in the carbon cycle.
How to manage the micro-organisms?
In water, the life conditions of micro-organisms are not very comfortable, as they lack the buffering capacity of soil that protects
them against sudden fluctuations in temperature or pH. They also need to be ”fixed into a substrate,” and cannot survive and
propagate in water alone. They need a highly oxygenated and wet habitat. If they dry they’ll die!
There are two possibilities:
On humid substrate like coco fibre, rockwool or perlite, simply sprinkle BM directly on the substrate.
On bare roots or in draining substrate like clay pebbles or lava rock, use a biofiltre. Biofiltres provide your micro-organisms
with the correct environment to live in and develop (see p. 19).
Use 10g/100 L of nutritive solution. Add every six to eight weeks.
Wherever they are, in a biofiltre or directly in the substrate, the micro-organisms will happily thrive as long as their environment is
oxygenated and humid. To guarantee good development, it is imperative to avoid any sudden changes, especially in
temperature and pH levels. The happier and more abundant your BMs are, the better fed your plants will be!
(or organic hydroponics)
patent N° 05.11569 - 15/11/05
BioSevia conforms to
the European regulation
CE N° 834/2007
on organic agriculture
How to manage bioponics
Managing bioponics needs much more attention than a traditional hydroponic growing method. Not in terms of time spent,
but in terms of “visual attention and examination”. Bioponics is managed by eye as much as with pH and EC parameters,
although these do still remain important references.
Here are a few basic notions to guarantee your success when growing bioponically.
Also use the feeding charts given with BioSevia.
pH level
BioSevia has an almost neutral pH. It will not affect your water.
During cultivation, the pH is more difficult to stabilise than in mineral hydroponics because (the somewhat quite arbitrary!)
organic regulations prohibit the use of some extremely efficient buffers. This means the pH will tend to rise.
But the pH doesn’t have the same importance in bioponics. It can rise up to 7.5 with no problem. Over 7.5 it has to be driven
slowly down to 6.0, but progressively, over a period of five to six days. To do so, use GHE’s liquid pH Down, as it contains
organic buffers and adapts well to BioSevia. (Note: GHE’s pH Down is not an organic product.)
Add your regulator slowly, little by little, and dilute it well each time. Pour it into the reservoir, far away from the pump (or
switch the pump off ). This will help to avoid plant stress due to a rapid a change in pH levels.
Absolutely avoid: chlorhydric and acetic acids (vinegar, etc).
A significant drop in pH is an alarm bell that indicates the death of a large quantity of micro-organisms. In this case it is
important to find the cause, treat it, and replenish micro-organisms.
This is the most complex part of the bioponic process because organic molecules don’t carry electric charges, and therefore,
are not read by your EC meter. When you dilute BioSevia in water, only a small fraction is immediately dissolved and transformed
into ions, resulting in very little conductivity.
On day one, with a dose of 15 ml / 10 L added to normal tap water, you will obtain a reading around 0.65 (0.6 to 0.7). This
low conductivity is generally enough.
After this period, only add nutrient when your EC goes under 0.8. At that stage add 20 ml / 10L. Keep your conductivity
under 1.0 and above 0.8.
Use this dosage without changing the nutritive solution, if possible, to maintain all the benefits of the environment you
have already created.
While nutritive elements are liberated, others will be absorbed by the plant, and conductivity will tend to remain in balance
around the same values. When the stock of organic matter becomes insufficient, EC will drop. It is time to add more nutrient.
This looks simple, but to obtain the best results, it is important to anticipate this drop in EC, and ensure the constant availability
of organic matter.
Do not add too much nutrient at once as the breakdown of molecules happens according to room temperature. In fact,
micro-organisms act at radically different velocities depending on temperature fluctuation in the nutritive solution. If
there is too much organic matter in the solution, a rise in temperature could increase conductivity to a level that will
harm your plant.
It is not always easy to find the correct balance. This is where the grower’s eye will make the difference!
Important note for organic farmers:
Agencies certifying organic produce do not recognise hydroponics as an organic means of cultivation, even when you
use BioSevia. Soil is the basic criteria for an organic certification, and as we all know, hydroponics does not use soil as
a substrate. This is why growing hydroponically will not be considered as organic, and hydroponic crops will not be
given an organic certification.
General Hydroponics Europe
(or organic hydroponics)
patent N° 05.11569 - 15/11/05
Filtration is very important, especially in hot weather conditions, and when working with bare roots that hang directly in the
nutritive solution. It is indeed necessary to filter the largest particles, as they could asphyxiate the roots, particularly in hot
weather. It is always better to have only easily assimilated ions in the root zone.
With BioSevia, a simple foam filter on the pump’s input is enough. It will not clog the filter. But still, thorough and regular filter
maintenance is required. Rinse once a week for best results. Make sure you stop your system while cleaning.
The plant’s environment
The environment must be adapted to the plant, independently from the growing method you use. Temperature, humidity,
cultivation cycle, prevention and pest control, must, of course, be adjusted to your plant’s needs.
For those who would like to keep using biofiltre, the best is to buy them from pet and fish stores. Here is a link
(among multiple others) that may help you recognize the size and kind of filtre best adapted to the volume of
your reservoir.
In English:
In French:
■ For bioponics growers:
With more than 12 years using bioponics, we now know that micro-organisms start growing and thriving
along with the growth of the roots. So, as soon as the root mass starts forming, you can innoculate your microorganisms into your systems, sprinkled on top of each netpot.
You can also germinate your seeds and root your cuttings in coconut pellets, and place them in your netpot and
directly into your hydroponics system. At that stage, simply sprinkle the micro organisms on top of the pellets,
they will live there and then colonize the root system when it is ready.
Bioponics is founded on one of the very basic principles of sustainable, organic agriculture. This consists of giving small quantities of nitrate to the plant in
order to increase flowering and fruiting rather than producing abundant, but
sometimes useless, vegetative growth.
Tomato roots grown in an AeroFlo
with BioSevia and BM.
Indeed, this is one very interesting aspect of bioponics. You create very little vegetative mass compared to
yield. For the same yield, 1 kg of tomatoes grown in bioponics would produce a much lower volume of leaves
and stems than 1 kg of tomatoes grown using classic hydroponic (and even soil) methods! This makes
bioponics a very economical way to grow, as water and nutrient consumption is very much reduced in
comparison to any other form of cultivation.
Bioponics combines the advantages of hydroponics with organics. It helps to save water and nutrients
and grow good quality, organic crops in smaller areas. However, it does not allow you to obtain an
organic certification for the products you grow.
General Organics
All the GO products conform
to the European regulation
CE N° 834/2007 on
organic agriculture.
General Organics provides gardeners with a complete line of superior plant foods and supplements. Each product in the “GO” line enables you to enrich your garden, your life and the planet.
General Organics
products bring together the time-tested materials of traditional gardening with the ecological and
efficient methods of the future. General Organics represents our deep commitment to sustainability, quality,
simplicity, and innovation.
Launched into the North American market by GH US in 2008, GO has received fantastic success. California is home to some of the world’s best growers, so having passed the ‘Californian Test’ we know
that we can really trust the products. We are continually receiving positive comments from satisfied
With General Organics, the feeding charts we provide are guidelines with multiple choices and we advise
you on the combinations that we think are the best. But the GO product line is your playground. An open
space for your creativity, innovation and your best personal formulas!
Your Starter Kit:
Includes 1/2 L BioThrive Grow, BioThrive Bloom
BioRoot Plus,
Diamond Black,
BM, and a detailed feeding chart
General Hydroponics Europe
“GO” nutrients
BioThrive Grow, BioThrive Bloom
organic soil nutrient
BioThrive formulas are specifically designed to meet the comprehensive needs of all
plants through every stage of growth. We base our formulations on ecological
principals that maintain respect for the environment while providing plants with
balanced nutrition.
BioThrive actively improves the root environment by feeding the microbes that live in
harmony with your plant. This provides the essential nutrition that creates healthy
vegetative, flowering
® and fruiting growth. BioThrive is ideal for every type of plant
and can be applied along with other products in the General Organics line.
BioThrive is perfectly soluble. It is well adapted to automatic and drip irrigation.
Also good for bioponics using the BioSevia feeding programmes.
BioThrive® Grow
BioThrive Grow is formulated to maximise vegetative growth by supplying plants
with a custom diet that stimulates vigorous root and foliage development.
Through proper nutrition, we create a strong frame for later flower, fruit and seed
production. Use BioThrive Grow to give all types of plants a strong start.
BioThrive® Bloom
BioThrive Bloom provides flowering and fruiting plants with essential nutrients,
perfectly balanced for superior blooms and bountiful harvests. Specially
designed to maximise flower, fruit and seed production, this unique formulation
will give you bigger, more nutritious and delicious yields. BioThrive Bloom
benefits all kinds of plants during the flowering and fruiting phases of growth.
BioThrive Grow and BioThrive Bloom are very concentrated: 2 ml / L is enough in
soil and hydroponics.
All the GO line is available in 0.5 L • 1 L • 5 L • 10 L
Use BM with BioThrive in soil and hydroponics.
You’ll love your results!
Feeding charts for soil and
hydroponics are available
for BioThrive. (see p. 53)
“GO” supplements
BioRoot Plus®
root booster
BioRoot Plus is a natural root growth supplement that helps plants establish healthy and
vibrant root systems. It contains vitamins, enzymes, organic and humic acids that stimulate root
BioRoot Plus is outstanding for seedlings and cuttings, helping young plants develop strong
and massive root systems. For mature plants BioRoot Plus will maintain health by improving
nutrient uptake.
Also use BioRoot Plus to soak your seeds in order to increase the germination success rate while
improving the health of young seedlings.
For all plants during the rooting and vegetative stages.
Use with all nutrients, all substrates, in your garden and in hydroponics.
Applications: 3 to 5 ml / L in soil and hydroponics. 3 ml / L in foliar spray (see Bio Roots).
bloom booster
BioBud is a powerful bloom stimulator that generates explosive flowering and massive fruit
production. BioBud increases metabolic activity and mineral uptake by utilising bio-stimulants
and organic transport enhancers. This induces abundant, dense, floral clusters during the crucial
flowering and fruiting phases. The results are spectacular flowering and more flavourful fruits.
BioBud works naturally and allows plants to express the best of their genetic potential.
For all plants during the flowering phase of plant growth.
Use with all nutrients, all substrates, in your garden and in hydroponics.
Applications: 3 to 5 ml / L in soil and hydroponics. 3 ml / L in foliar spray (see Bio Bloom).
100% natural worm castings extract
BioWorm excels when used as a foliar spray. It is also an excellent, all-purpose soil enhancer, rich in microorganisms and micro-elements that suffered no alteration or chemical additions. It nurtures plants and
soil at the same time and stimulates microbial activity. Also, the enzymes in the worms’ digestive system
kill potential pathogens, giving the product a natural protective effect when applied to plant foliage.
BioWorm contains minerals and micro-elements available for immediate absorption, as well as bacteria
(minimum 100,000 CFU/ml) and fungi. The microbes in BioWorm work like a catalyst to get more mileage
from fertilisers by improving nutrient uptake without burning plants or damaging roots.
BioWorm maximises growth, promotes vigorous root development, dense foliage, powerful flowering
and protects your plants against fungal diseases.
Rich in nitrogen fixing bacteria. Contains more than 60 minerals and nutritive elements.
Protects roots and reduces transplant shock. Kick-starts sprouting and germination.
Encourages cell division and strengthens the natural defence mechanism.
Raises soil fertility, improves its physical, chemical and biological properties.
Harmless to pets and children: non toxic, non-polluting, odour free.
For all plants and all stages of growth.
Use with all nutrients, all substrates, in your garden and in hydroponics.
Applications: 50 ml / L in foliar spray.
General Hydroponics Europe
“GO” supplements
seaweed extract - cold pressed
BioWeed is derived from a blend of cold processed seaweeds that act as a plant and soil vitality
enhancer. Seaweeds have long been recognised as stress reducing agents and powerful plant
boosters. BioWeed encourages prolific root and foliage growth as well as larger flowers and
fruits. BioWeed works synergistically with all fertilisers to promote vigorous, healthy growth.
For all plants at all stages of growth.
Use with all nutrients, all substrates, in your garden and in hydroponics.
Applications: 5 ml / L in soil and hydroponics - 3 ml / L in foliar spray.
liquid nettle brew
Urtica is a nettle brew. It is a fermentation process of nettles in water that offers exceptional
nutrition and protection to your plants. Nettle is a plant exceptionally rich in silica and iron. Also
rich in nitrogen, potassium, magnesium, micro-elements, enzymes and trace minerals.
Like with kelp emulsion, nettle tea stimulates a plant’s immune system, improving its resistance
to insect and disease attacks. This may be also due to the fact that the plant is in a state of optimal
and balanced nutrition.
n stimulates plant growth.
n fights leaf cholorosis and mineral deficiencies.
n improves resistance to various attacks.
n helps reduce the development of certain parasites.
For all plants at all stages of growth.
Use with all nutrients, all substrates, in your garden and in hydroponics.
Applications: 30 ml / L in soil and hydroponics. 20 ml / L in foliar spray.
Diamond Black®
humic acids
Diamond Black is derived from a new, natural source of humic acid: wood! This new technology
provides a clean product, free of residues.
Diamond Black is made of pure ligno-humates and contains an exceptionally high percentage of
plant-active humates. These organic compounds improve nutrient absorption, stimulate microbial
activity, promote soil structure, increase nutrient retention and reduce water usage in the
landscape. Additionally, Diamond Black can be utilised as an additive for making compost.
For all plants at all stages of growth.
Use with all nutrients, all substrates, in your garden and in hydroponics.
Applications: 4 ml / L in soil and hydroponics.
Particularly effective as a foliar spray: 2.5 ml / L
Bio Boosters® conform to
the European regulation
CE N° 834/2007 on organic agriculture
certified organic activators*
Through our research on organic stimulators we have found an
extraordinary line of products that we are proud to offer. Bio Boosters®
were developed by independant researchers and our tests, as well as
those conducted by several of our clients, were dazzling!
General Hydroponics brings together a group of outstanding
scientists who often come from the most eminent research centres
in the world. It is thanks to their ground-breaking ideas and to the
studies carried in our laboratories and tested in our greenhouses
that we continue to offer you high-end products which are unique
(and often imitated).
Since the very beginnings of the company, we have been
sponsoring external studies in the best universities worldwide. We
are well known in the international scientific community, so much
so that some independent researchers submit the results of their
works to us. This is the case for Bio Boosters®.
Essential products combining plant
nutrition and plant protection, Bio
Boosters® are organic activators
authorised in organic cultivation.
They contain amino acids and
oligo saccharins.
They stimulate the plant’s growth,
strengthen its immune system
and increase its resistance to
disease and climatic conditions, in
particular to cold.
Bio Roots®
highly concentrated root booster
n I t stimulates the development of micro-organisms in the root mass and promotes
the growth of roots and rootlets.
n It improves the roots’ biotope and hardens the root cap. This activates the
development of a vigorous root mass and a better settlement of the plant in its
n It allows improved resistance to disease and pathogenic moulds (powdery
mildew, dampening off in seedlings and cuttings, etc).
For all plants during rooting and growing cycles.
Use with all nutrients, all substrates, in your garden and in hydroponics.
Applications: 2 ml / 10 L in soil and hydroponics.
General Hydroponics Europe
Bio Roots is available in 30 ml • 60 ml • 250 ml • 0.5 L • 1 L • 5 L
Bio Bloom®
highly concentrated growth and bloom booster
n O
ne of Bio Bloom’s specialties is to transport the nutritive elements in the plant, favouring
the parts that are most deprived. By securing a balanced nutritive delivery, it increases
its power of absorption and growth by more than 20%.
n In soil, it activates the micro-organisms, thus stimulating the flow and intake of nutritive
n It increases the size of the leaves and improves the photosynthesis process.
n It particularly enhances the assimilation of calcium.
n B
io Bloom stimulates growth and flowering, as good assimilation increases natural
immunity and allows better resistance to disease. Your crops will be healthier and your
harvests more abundant.
For all plants during their flowering cycle.
Use with all nutrients, all substrates, in your garden and in hydroponics.
Applications: 2 ml / 10 L in soil and hydroponics.
Bio Bloom is available in 30 ml • 60 ml • 250 ml • 0.5 L • 1L • 5 L
Bio Protect®
highly concentrated plant tonic and regenerator
n I t strengthens the plant’s immune system.
n It increases the plant’s defence system by laying a protective and repellent coat
on the surface of the leaves.
Bio Protect is an excellent preventative, and should be used for control and
For all plants during their complete life cycle.
Use with all nutrients, all substrates, in your garden and in hydroponics.
Applications: 5 ml / L as a foliar spray, in soil and hydroponics.
Bio Protect is available in 30 ml • 60 ml • 250 ml • 0.5 L • 1L • 5 L
* Bio Boosters® are manufactured naturally and are totally biodegradable.
They are registered as organic products in Holland
and conform to the European regulations N° 834/2007 on organic agriculture.
natural bio-stimulator
Diamond Nectar is an exclusive fulvic acid extract from a
combination of unique Leonardite sources providing the
highest availability and diversity of these bio-active plant
compounds. It is a stimulator for all stages of plant growth.
Millions of years ago, prehistoric plants and animals were consumed
in the ecological cycle of life. Buried thousands of feet deep and
converted to carbon, some of these deposits produced “Diamond.”
Others were pushed to the surface during the ice ages and became
what is known as “Leonardite.”*
Thanks to its leveling and chelating action, as well as its
important ionic exchange capacity, Diamond Nectar:
increases the size of the root system, and therefore
improves absorption of the nutritive elements.
transports nutrients to all plant parts: roots, stems, foliage,
flowers and fruit.
affords growers the benefits of natural organic matter in a
liquid form.
In hydroponics and soilless cultivation, Diamond Nectar
helps to create an environment closer to soil conditions.
Diamond Nectar is available in 0.5 L • 1 L • 5 L • 10 L • 1000 L
* The General Hydroponics research team has analysed over 300 different Leonardite sources around the world
to create a proprietary, pH balanced, fulvic acid with maximum agronomic benefits.
Beneath some ancient lands in New Mexico, an extraordinary Leonardite deposit was formed. It contains the riches of
natural organic matter composted for millennia and freely available to growing plants. This deposit is carefully mined
and natural compounds called “Humates” are extracted.
Soluble Humates (the humic and fulvic acids family) contain a myriad of natural plant growth promoting compounds
plus nutrient enhancing ingredients. Diamond Nectar is not a fertiliser. It is an additive to be used in combination with
comprehensive nutrients like Flora Series, FloraDuo, FloraNova, Flora Coco, Maxi Series and BioSevia. Combined with a
conventional nutrition programme, it leads to earlier harvests, healthier disease resistant plants and enhanced qualities of flavour, fragrance and essential oils, plus significantly higher yields.
Apply Diamond Nectar to all cultivated plants, including ornamentals, culinary and aromatics, fruit and vegetables, trees
etc. It is adapted to hydroponics and soil. Pour directly into the reservoir or use as a foliar spray.
General Hydroponics Europe
organic natural additive
Silicate is an essential element for higher plants, especially
when growing with water as a substrate.
Mineral Magic contains ancient sea-bed deposits of
biologically transformed organic matter, plus naturally formed
silicic acid clay.
ineral Magic provides a naturally soluble form of
silicon which enters plant cells and builds a hardened shield
against disease and insect attack.
ineral Magic’s natural colloids improve cation exchange
capacity to nutrient solutions. This enhances nutrient
S tabilises nutrient solution pH and conductivity which
reduces stress for rapidly growing plants.
Protects against toxicity of metals.
L ast but not least, Mineral Magic also contains more than 60
minerals, which add more nutritive elements for plants to
thrive on.
Mineral Magic is available in 1 L • 5 L
In hydroponics, avoid using Mineral Magic with the microorganisms (BM). It is counterproductive since in water,
silicate dissolves into silicic acid, which slows the development of beneficial colonies.
Conversely in soil, when mixed in powder form, the large
range of elements included in Mineral Magic stimulates
the growth of beneficial micro-organisms, and helps
create a natural environment for extremely healthy plants.
Mineral Magic is an organic product. Use as a natural additive to the nutritive solution.
comprehensive mix of micro and sub-micro elements
Bio Essentials is a unique product: it is a comprehensive
concentration of micro-nutrients in a chelated form, plus
essential sub-micro particles and an organic buffer. It is used as
a complement to the nutritive solution in soil and water culture,
as well as in foliar spray.
Micro and sub-micro nutrients are essential trace elements that
a plant needs, in conjunction with primary and secondary
elements, for a comprehensive and harmonious diet. Some of
them are required in such minute quantities (the sub-micros)
that they are not included in most nutrients on the market.
However, laboratory tests have demonstrated an important
overall improvement in a plant’s health and resistance to pests
when those elements are added.
All the elements included in Bio Essentials comply with
the European regulation on organic agriculture.
Bio Essentials can therefore be used in organic gardening.
B’Essentials is a common denominator
to comply with some of
the European administrations
All the elements included in Bio Essentials are chelated.
A chelated element is released to the plants only when it
becomes less abundant in the nutritive solution. This way,
the chelate not only maintains a stable level of the nutrient,
but it also protects the plant from an unwanted
accumulation of harmful salts.
hen plants are rapidly growing, they absorb a lot of
elements from the solution, and this destabilises its pH. The
faster the growth, the wider the imbalance. This is why it is
essential to have a good quality buffer that helps stabilise
the pH. In the same process, the buffer will also help to
control the level of calcium in the solution. An important
feature in the case of hard water.
Bio Essentials is available in 0.5 L • 1 L • 5 L • 10 L
Use Bio Essentials as a complement for all nutrients (liquid and dry) except
with GHE products that already contain all of its elements.
General Hydroponics Europe
salt deposits clearing solution
FloraKleen is a clearing solution unique within this industry.
It can be used at any time throughout the plant’s life.
FloraKleen is formulated to remove fertiliser residues that can
accumulate over time in hydroponic systems, growing media
and potting soils. It is safe for use in all systems and media while
plants are growing. It can also be used between crops to clean
accumulated salts from the systems. Contrary to other products on
the market, FloraKleen is not enzyme based, and uses a completely
different technology.
Its high concentration and low price make FloraKleen the economical
choice for maintaining your plants in both hydroponics and soil based
During cultivation, FloraKleen:
issolves accumulated fertiliser salts.
r educes plant stress from excess and imbalanced nutrients.
reaks nutrient bonds that attach fertiliser salts to growing media, therefore correcting nutrient lock-out.
ourishes the microbial life in the substrate.
Use FloraKleen each time you purge your hydroponic system or potted plants from excess salts that can accumulate as
a result of regular fertiliser application.
FloraKleen is also an excellent final flush:
Use it a few days before harvest to terminate maturation and promote sugaring.
Hydroponic systems
When changing nutrients:
Mix 1.5 to 3 ml / L of water. Use a milder solution for young or fragile plants, and a stronger solution for more
established plants, close to harvest. Re-circulate in your system for 24 hours with FloraKleen alone before adding your
Final flush before harvest:
1) A
lone - Drain old nutrient solution and discard. Refill hydroponic reservoir with fresh water and mix 3 ml / L of
FloraKleen. Run this solution during the last day or two before harvest.
2) After Ripen* - Add 3 ml / L of FloraKleen during the last two days before harvest to increase the sugars level in your crop.
Potting Soil & Soilless Mixes
1) A
lone - Every fifteen days fill a watering can with fresh water and add 1.5 to 3 ml / L of FloraKleen. Drench until there is
runoff from the bottom of the pot. Resume your regular fertiliser schedule with the next watering.
2) After Ripen* - Add 3 ml / L of FloraKleen during the last two days before harvest to increase the sugars level in your crop.
* FloraKleen and Ripen work together in perfect synergy.
FloraKleen is available in 0.5 L • 1 L • 5 L • 10 L
pH regulators
This unique concept of pH control allows you to adjust and stabilise your pH level, even in presence of
fast growing plants.
pH Down
pH Down is not an ordinary acid, but an exhaustive, complex and precise formula.
The acidity and alcalinity levels of a nutritive solution have an important impact on the
solubility of mineral salts, and the capacity of plants to absorb them. There is no such
thing as an ideal pH. A high range favours cation intake and a low one favours anion
intake. So every chosen pH is a compromise.
The usual safe range recommendation is from 5.5 to 6.5. Our advice is to stay on the low
side: from 5.5 to 6.2 (see p. 47-48).
pH Down includes organic regulators
Unlike the pH regulators generally available on the market, pH Down is not a common
acid. It is a precise formula that regulates, feeds and buffers your nutritive solution all
at once. Together with a balanced blend of acids, we incorporated organic buffers to
stabilise pH and help control calcium in hard water situations.
Use it when preparing the nutritive solution to reduce the pH level. Thanks to its
buffering capactiy, the level will remain stable until you renew your solution. Adjust it
from time to time to keep good control of pH.
pH Down is available in 0.5 L • 1 L • 5 L • 10 L • 60 L
pH Up
pH Up contains silicate
To raise the pH level this solution is especially useful to growers using Reverse Osmosis or
demineralised water. pH Up contains silicate to improve your plant’s environment.
Silicate deficiency can be a limiting factor in hydroponics. Because of its low
solubility, it is difficult to put enough of it in the solution. This is why we
incorporate it in our products wherever we can.
pH Up is available in 0.5 L • 1 L • 5 L • 10 L
Use your regulators from seedling to harvest.
pH Up and pH Down are adapted to all stages of a plant’s life.
General Hydroponics Europe
pH regulators
Dry pH Down
powder form
A unique product in the industry: harmless as long as it is dry, it becomes a potent acid
when diluted in water.
pH regulation is an essential practice for all growers. It makes mineral salts
available and stabilises chelates. Two primary conditions for a good absorption of
nutritive elements by a plant (see p. 47-48).
To do so, different brands of acids are manufactured in the industry. Some of them are
highly concentrated and can be dangerous, depending on their formulation.
In several countries, such as Switzerland, the law restricts the sale and handling of these
products. In order to sell them, a retailer is submitted to a series of mandatory
Moreover, for shops who offer mail order, sending liquid acids by post is a risky matter,
sometimes restricted by the postal authorities.
The first application of this product is, of course, pH regulation. But due to its strong concentration and high
phosphoric acid content, it can be used to disinfect and clean growing systems, irrigation lines and substrates.
At homeopathic dosage, it can be used as a foliar spray after an insecticide treatment to clean the leaves while
feeding the plant.
Dry pH Down also brings a certain amount of essential nutritive elements to a plant, during its entire lifecycle:
itrates in a form slowly assimilated by a plant and harmless to the flowering process.
hosphates for flowering and also for healthy roots, lush foliage and harmonious growth.
lus some magnesium, sulphur and micro-elements.
Dry pH Down is available in 25 g • 50 g • 100 g • 250 g • 500 g • 1 kg
pH Test Indicator
fast and reliable tests
Our pH Test Indicator is perfect for easy testing. It covers a wide range from 4.0 to 8.5.
Simply fill the test tube half way with nutrient solution, add two drops of pH Test
Indicator, shake and observe the resulting colour. Compare with our colour chart to
check your pH level. Good for up to 500 tests.
Very reliable, simple to use and economical,
the pH Test Kit advantageously replaces an expensive pH meter.
the hydroponic micro farm
The Hydroponics Family Farm
A viable business alternative to grow
healthy food for the local market.
In 1990 at the White Owl WaterFarm (Sebastopol, California), General Hydroponics created the concept of
the «Hydroponics Family Farms»: as opposed to the rapidly developing industrial food production, we had
the vision of a family or community garden, producing local, fresh, nutritious and traceable food; a microfarm as it existed traditionally - using hydroponics instead of soil.
Why hydroponics? Of course, to take best advantage of space in cities and coutryside, as land becomes expensive
and scarce everywhere, especially a productive one. To obtain better yields and feed an ever-growing world population. To produce nutritious food, significantly reduce water consumption, eliminate pollution of soils and waters,
and participate constructively in the economical and social life of our communities. For this purpose, we built the
Meanwhile General Hydroponics already created Flora Series in 1976. Indeed Flora Series is the first 3-part
nutrient system specifically adapted to hydroponics: complete, concentrated, adaptable, and highly soluble. Its
building-block structure allows it to closely respond to the plant’s needs at all times, and helps it develop the best
of its genetic potential.
Strong with 40 years immersed in plant nutrition and cultivation, we are able today to offer you the most
dependable, efficient, and cost-effective line of hydroponic systems, nutrients and supplements.
The AeroFlos are the best systems to use when you want your crop to be nutritious, bountiful and fast.
AFPRO 2160-2880/8
AFPRO 2160-2880/16
2160 plant-sites - 24,5 x 6,2 m - 151,9 m2
2160 plant-sites - 27 x 6,5 m - 175,5 m2
8 cm between each line
for small plants like salads, herbs, some greens, etc...
16 cm between each line
for medium size plants like strawberries, etc...
AFPRO 1440
1440 plant-sites - 27 x 6,5 m - 175,5 m2
33 cm between each line
for large plants like tomatoes, peppers, etc...
We offer 3 standard models and manufacture them also to measure.
To know more about the advantages of the AeroFlo, visit
and click on systems. Note : there is 90/100 days delay between order and delivery.
General Hydroponics Europe
the hydroponic micro farm
The Hydroponics Family Farm
Very often, when we meet with professionals from the soil gardening industry, they look at our product line in disbelief. They never thought it useful to give such exhaustive and exclusive diets to plants. A few years, and still now
most greenhouse growers buy powdered mineral salts of different qualities, mixing and distributing them with the
help of a simple program. But nowadays, to adapt to an increasingly demanding public for healthy food, growers
find it easier to count on a dependable manufacturor, and insure nutritious and bountiful crops.
Because they gain in dependability and productivity, and therefore time and money.
Flora Series
FloraMicro SW
FloraMicro HW
Diamond Black
Maxi Series
Diamond Nectar
Bioponic Mix (BM)
FloraCoco Grow
FloraCoco Bloom
BioSevia Grow
BioSevia Bloom
pH Down
pH Up
pH Test Kit
Our nutrients and supplements are designed for hydroponics. They are adapted to all substrates, soil*,
coconut fibre, water, etc. (In soil use half the concentration).
* Did you know? A nutrient made for hydroponics, when well designed, will work wonders in all substrates, including soil.
You can find a Flora Series nutrition chart for the most requested plants under
We offer fast and reliable support to all our clients. Let us guide you and prepare to be surprised!
projects around the world
In France since 2014
Les Sourciers, our partners in Gascony
Growing a large variety of greens and vegetable in AeroFlos and AquaFarms with Flora Series, Diamond
Nectar, FloraKleen, and more. Production sold to high end, and Michelin starred restaurants, in Midi Pyrénées and Aquitaine (South West of France).
In Russia since 2009
Svezhaya Zelen, Perm - Ural
Since 2009, we are working with Growtrade and
the Dyakov family, to develop hydroponics and
our products in the Ural region.
General Hydroponics Europe
projects around the world
In Lebanon since 2013:
Hydroleb, in the «Chouf» mountains
Growing salads and herbs in AeroFlos, with Flora Series, Diamond
Nectar, FloraKleen, and many
more. Production dedicated to
the best restaurants and grocery
stores in Beirut and surroundings.
In Lebanon since 2013:
Smart Farms, north from Beirut
Growing tomatoes in
coconut fibre slabs, with
FloraMato, FloraMicro,
Diamond Nectar,
FloraKleen, and more.
Production dedicated to
the best restaurants and
grocery stores in Beirut and
In New Delhi, India, since 2013:
Urban garden on a New Delhi rooftop
Growing a large variety of greens
and tomatoes in different growing
systems, AquaFarms, AeroFlos,
DPS Hydro, and DPS Aero, with
Flora Series, Diamond Nectar, and
growing systems
30.5 x 30.5 x 37 cm
Volume: 15 L
46 x 46 x 43 cm
Volume: 45 L
An excellent introduction to hydroponics
Often copied but never equalled, these two systems provide top performance while being reliable, easy-to-use and inexpensive.
The AquaFarm is the first hydroponic “home unit,” created more than 30 years ago by GH founder Lawrence Brooke in
California. Since 1975, thousands of these remarkable units have been sold worldwide, bringing satisfaction to their owners
and growing thousands of beautiful, healthy plants.
These pots have several applications: in nurseries or indoor gardens for mother plants and collectibles; in the house for
decorative or culinary plants of all sizes; in the kitchen for aromatic herbs to use fresh while cooking.
They are used in research laboratories and universities and even in schools where studying plants growing hydroponically fills
children and adults with wonder.
You can place them everywhere, in a sitting room, an office, a veranda or a greenhouse.
Plants are grown within a chamber filled with clay pebbles. The growing chamber is suspended above a reservoir filled
with nutrient-enriched water. An air pump drives the nutrient solution up through the “pumping column,” to the drip-ring,
where it then drips down through the clay pebbles. This infuses the nutrient with oxygen and constantly bathes the roots,
stimulating the plant to grow like you have never seen before!
Technically similar to the AquaFarm, the WaterFarm differs only in size and price.
Your first aero-hydroponics system
Have you ever wanted to try aero-hydroponics but failed to find a simple and
economical solution? Well, now it’s possible thanks to the AeroFarm (2” and
3” versions).
Seven good reasons to try it:
1. The AeroFarm fits perfectly into small growing areas.
2. It has a large reservoir capacity and easy access to the nutritive solution.
3. Like the AquaFarm and the WaterFarm, it is practically indestructible. It is
made with heavy duty recycled plastics, and includes a barrier against light
and UV to prevent algae from growing in the reservoir.
4. It holds one to five plants and can be used for mother plants as well as
complete crop cycles.
5. It is very easy to assemble, clean and maintain. It is user-friendly and comes
with a set of detailed instructions.
6. An AeroFarm means NO MORE SUBSTRATE to move up and down and to
discard. Simply use the plastic net-pots with a minimum quantity of recyclable clay pebbles.
7. If you already have an AquaFarm and wish to try aero-hydroponics, keep your
reservoir and simply buy the AeroFarm conversion kit.
General Hydroponics Europe
46 x 46 x 38.5 cm
Volume: 45 L
growing systems
Controller ACS
WaterPack ACS
The ACS Controller is
sold separately
To build your own ACS
systems, you will need
the following parts.
Sold separately.
Active Circulation System
The WaterPack ACS is a small hydroponic system that is practical, efficient and user-friendly. It allows you to grow your favourite
plants at home, at little cost, and in relatively small areas. It is made of four WaterFarms connected to a central active reservoir
called Controller ACS. It is an easy-to-assemble kit, ready to use in no time.
The Controller is a central reservoir that connects several growing units together enabling you to increase the size of your set-up.
Today the new Controller ACS offers a large range of outstanding characteristics:
1. It circulates the nutritive solution in the whole system in under 30 minutes allowing the solution to homogenise rapidly.
2. It helps stabilise the pH and EC levels in all the pots at once and guarantees the roots a constant and optimised environment.
3. It is very practical and cost-effective: one small compressor is enough to move the flow in the whole system (inside the pots
and between them).
4. The WaterPack ACS is designed for four pots. But you can adapt it to as many pots as you like with an extension kit,
available at your usual supplier.
5. The Controller ACS is made in two parts: the lower tank “A“
The Draining Kit helps you empty your
(circulation and control area) and the upper tank “B“ (supply
controller completely. It is best adapted to ACS
area). The active circulation in tank “A“ enables direct EC and pH
management. Its flip-top opening allows immediate access to the
Controllers, but can be used
water supply in tank “B“.
with any other system,
6. You can use the Controller ACS with all types of systems. Ours,
of course.
those of other manufacturers, or those you build yourself.
AquaFarm, WaterFarm, AeroFarm, WaterPack et
n Excellent reservoir capacity.
n Made with high-impact, regenerated plastic. They are rotomoulded and guaranteed for life.
erfect protection of the root zone: with incorporated UV and
light barriers to prevent algae from growing in the reservoir.
includes a free set of
Flora Series
growing systems
The most sought after active systems today.
AeroFlos are high performance tools for professionals, collectors and hobbyists.
Since the earliest days, NASA scientists have used the AeroFlo and Flora Series in their research on plant cultivation in
space. In 2006, an AeroFlo 28 and Flora Series were taken on board TARA, for a scientific expedition in the Arctic Ocean.
The AeroFlo is a high-tech machine adapted to our daily needs. This state-of-the-art unit maintains a perfect level of oxygen in
the nutritive solution, and allows you to produce the highest yields. It is fast and flexible.
They also eliminate the need for cumbersome and heavy substrates.
AeroFlos are modular. They can be adapted to all growing areas.
They are expandable from a few growing chambers up to hundreds.
We build custom orders as well as standard greenhouse settings. Our team of consultants will take you all the way from
conception to achievement with technical support and follow-up.
The AF “B” line is a low series (32 cm high) and adapts perfectly to low roofing areas like tunnels or indoor gardens.
AEROFLOs include
a free set of Flora Series
General Hydroponics Europe
All our systems come ready-to-use, with
detailed instructions. We guarantee fast
after sales service and efficient product
follow-up to all our clients.
growing systems
AeroFlo 10
AeroFlo 28
AeroFlo 60
AeroFlo 14
AeroFlo 40
AeroFlo 80
AeroFlo 20
AeroFlo 56B
AeroFlo 84B
10 plants - 0.5 m2
L = 110, D = 50, H = 50 cm
Volume of reservoir: 45 L
14 plants - 0.75 m2
L = 160, D = 50, H = 50 cm
Volume of reservoir: 45 L
20 plants - 0.9 m2
L = 130, D = 73, H = 47 cm
Volume of reservoir: 70 L
28 plants - 1.2 m2
L = 180, D = 73, H = 47 cm
Volume of reservoir: 70 L
40 plants - 2,35 m2
L = 224 – D = 105 – H = 57 cm
Volume of reservoir: 200 L
56 plants - 4.06 m2
L = 290, D = 140, H = 32 cm
Volume of reservoir: 100 L
60 plants - 3.25 m2
L = 325, D = 105, H = 57 cm
Volume of reservoir: 200 L
AeroFlo 120
120 plants - 6,695 m2
L = 325 – D = 210 – H = 57 cm
Volume of reservoir: 400 L
80 plants - 4,30 m2
L = 410 –D = 105 – H = 57 cm
Volume of reservoir : 200 L
84 plants - 5.65 m2
L = 290, D = 195, H = 32 cm
Volume of reservoir: 130 L
For your commercial production projects, standard and made-to-measure
see p. 32-35. Also open
or contact
The AeroFlo maximises plant growth by creating the ideal balance in the root zone
between the dynamics of the water flow and the amount of dissolved oxygen in the
nutritive solution.
Scan here and read about the many advantages of the AeroFlo systems
95x95 cm exterior - 88x88 cm interior - 38 cm high
Effective volume : 100 L
growing systems
Using the EBB&GROW® you can grow using clay
pebbles (Grorox), coir or a coir/perlite mix, soil, and
rockwool (which we do not recommend as it is non
The Ebb & Flow system uses sub-irrigation; the nutrient solution floods the substrate and then runs off into the tank when the
pump stops. This regular ebb and flow of the solution provides the root system with excellent oxygenation.
This type of system is designed for beginners who are looking for a technically simple system that is easy to use, and for experienced growers who are looking for a modular system that can adapt to the specifics of their growing environment that truly
maximises the yield.
It is the very definition of the versatile growing system: it allows the use of a wide variety of containers (size, material, shape) and
substrates or substrate mixes (clay beads, coir, perlite, soil).
To complete the list of this system’s advantages:
• It has no risks of leakage or overflow all with minimum maintenance.
• Its autonomy allows you to leave it unattended for a few days without any risk to your plants.
• It is easy to clean.
Why we are proud of the EBB&GROW®?
• .EBB&GROW® is manufactured in France in our workshops from 100% recycled* plastic using a process that gives it unrivalled strength. We are the only company on the market to offer a LIFETIME GUARANTEE** for moulded plastics (Tank
and growing table). This does not add anything to the price.
• Its compact design makes it possible to hold up to 32 15x15 cm plastic pots or 22 fabric 1 Gallon pots (3.75L) without
any space loss.
•. It withstands the weight: the tank supports the centre of the growing table. This is why the upper tray does not warp.
• .Low system: As the system is only 38 cm high, it leaves your plants enough space to grow.
• High capacity tank: Up to 100L of solution.
• Very low electricity consumption: 6.5 Watts
* Production using 100% recycled plastic can cause slight colour variations in the product depending on our raw material supplies.
** We offer the LIFETIME GUARANTEE for rotary moulded parts (Tank and growing table) except for damage resulting from abnormal use of
the equipment, negligence or attempts to alter the product.
An ebb and flow table requires to use a timer (not included) that regulates the irrigation cycles. For
irrigation cycles of less than 15 minutes, you should choose a digital timer that supports minute by
minute programming.
includes a free set
of Flora Series 1/2L.
A word from the designer:
In “Hydroponics for everyone” (Mama Editions, Paris, France), William Texier describes the ebb and flow table as an
“excellent technology that works wonders. It respects the basic rule of hydroponics: root system oxygenation. By slowly
raising and lowering the water level, the ebb and flow system provides excellent oxygenation, which is essential to all good
systems. When it rises, the water flushes the spent air from around the root area and renews it when it drains away.” (p. 51)
General Hydroponics Europe
growing systems
The RainForest2 is a novel and comprehensive growing system
which combines high performance and simplicity while being
flexible and multi-functional.
EcoGrower : 6 plants
RainForest 2 :
318: 18 plants - 66: 6 plants 236: 36 plants
66 cm hexagonal
Height : 43 cm
Volume of tank : 65 L
The best drip irrigation system
Identical in shape to the RainForest2, the EcoGrower is a very simple and efficient drip irrigation system, which
distributes the nutritive solution via a “six-leg spider system” and an air pump. It uses the same hexagonal reservoir as the
RainForest2, with removable 6” insert covers and 6” netpots (Ø 15 cm). Like the RainForest2, the EcoGrower allows you to grow
your plants from seed or cutting until harvest. The EcoGrower is unmatchable for its flexibility, its price, its quality and its
The latest generation of aero-hydroponics growing systems
The RainForest2 is the latest concept imagined and created by GH in California. This new generation of growing
modules offer all the advantages of a complete growing system and combine, in one unit, all the properties of the small
systems existing today.
The RainForest2 is the most flexible of growing systems. It exists in three versions, the RF236, the RF318 and the RF66. The only
difference between these units is the quantity of plants which can be grown in them: 36 in the small, 18 in the medium and 6
in the large pots.
They are all made the same way: a hexagonal reservoir, the Vortex® motor, a central protective
column, a level tube (these features are identical in all three versions), and removable covers
with different size inserts depending on the size and number of plants you want to grow.
• The RainForest2 allows you to rapidly propagate your cuttings, or promote root development
in young seedlings, and grow your plants all the way to harvest, thus avoiding transplant
• The large capacity of its resevoir helps stabilise pH and EC levels.
• Its interior central column protects the roots from the spinner, and allows them to grow
safely in the reservoir.
• Last but not least, the RainForest2 eliminates the need for heavy and cumbersome substrates.
a free set of Flora Series
growing systems
RF 72: 72 cuttings
L = 67 cm, D = 67 cm, H = 31 cm
Volume of tank: 70 L
CB: 27 cuttings
L = 66 cm, D = 30 cm, H = 14 cm
Volume of tank: 13 L
With the RainForest72 and the CuttingBoard
do not turn-off your motor at night.
The perfect tool for beginners.
A must for professionals.
The RainForest72 is our most powerful hydroponic module. It is designed to maximise the amount of oxygen available to
plant roots. Used by the biggest research laboratories in the US, like Argonne National Laboratory and Los Alamos National
Laboratory, it has demonstrated the most dramatic growth rates and yields of any hydroponic system yet tested.
No domes needed
The Vortex is an exclusive oxygenating and spraying system that lifts the nutrient solution and
evenly distributes it over the root zone. It generates the right level of humidity in the root zone
for rapid and healthy propagation, with no need for the domes found on traditional propagating
The 12 volts Vortex has many advantages :
It uses 50% less electricity, it never heats up, it can be hooked on the usual alternative current and it is adapted to solar panels, for those who have already opted for new sources of
energy. Sold separately.
The best choice for small projects.
A key instrument for plant collectors.
Like the RainForest72, the CuttingBoard is an ideal system to get a vigorous and healthy root mass, that will easily adapt to the
different environments in which they will be later transplanted, be it in hydroponics or in soil.
It is a key system for small projects and a practical instrument for all.
General Hydroponics Europe
CocoTek Premium Coir and CocoTek PX
Premium, sustainable, organic growing mediums
The CocoTek® line of Organic Growing Media is a high quality, low sodium growing media. This is an environmentally friendly alternative to sphagnum peat
moss, rock-wool and other non organic substrates
When hydrated with water, CocoTek rapidly expands, which saves you time and
effort. GH CocoTek growing media can be used exclusively by them selves or
mixed with expanded clay pebbles, perlite or topsoil.
CocoTek is naturally free of bacteria, plant disease, fungal spores, weeds, seeds,
and pathogens.
CocoTek comes in two different references: Premium Coir, 100% coconute fibre,
and CocoTek PX Coir, a mix of coconut fibre and perlite.
CocoTek PX is premixed with just the right amount of treated coir and perlite to
provide aeration and optimum moisture retention. Both references are ready to
use right out of the bag. Simply fill your container, plant, feed, and get growing.
50 L
Expanded clay pebbles
Grorox are a safe, renewable and ecological product made out of natural clay. They
are porous and provide good drainage and excellent oxygenation is the root zone.
They are a clean, neutral, light and recyclable substrate. Used correctly, Grorox is an
integral part of any successful hydroponics garden.
Before using:
• It is important to thoroughly rinse your pebbles to remove any sand and wash off
all remaining residues.
• It is recommended that you always check the pH level. Put some pebbles in a glass
of water with pH adjusted to 6.0. Stir well, let it rest, then measure. If the level is
high (7.0 or higher), soak the pebbles overnight in a solution of phosphoric or nitric
acid (or pH Down liquid or powder). Then rinse thoroughly before using. If your
Grorox are neutral, wash thoroughly and rinse well.
After the crop:
• For reuse, it is generally sufficient just to wash off all organic debris and rinse well.
• I f needed, in case of insect or mould infestation, it is recommended to disinfect
the pebbles. To do so, soak overnight in a strong acid solution (or pH Down - at
4.0). Before reuse, rinse thoroughly to ensure the acid is washed away.
Ø 8/16 mm
A great advantage to using Grorox is that, unlike rockwool, it is harmless, reusable and non-polluting.
It is natural and can be used several times, from crop to crop.
Recycle it in your garden, it is biogegradable and will lighten the soil.
ACO 2201
1,3 L/min - 1,8 W
pumps and spare parts
ACO 5503 - 2 outputs
3,5 L/min - 4 W
ACO 208 - 6 outputs
45L/min - 25 W
ACO 318 - 6 outputs
70 L/min - 35 W
Mi Mouse - 300 L/h - 3.8 W
Micra Plus - 600 L/h - 6.5 W
Syncra 1.0 - 950 L/h - 16 W
Syncra 1.5 - 1350 L/h - 23 W
Syncra 2.0 - 2150 L/h - 32 W
Syncra 3.0 - 2700 L/h - 45 W
Syncra 3.5 - 2500 L/h - 65 W
Syncra 4.0 - 3500 L/h - 80 W
Syncra 5.0 - 5000 L/h - 105 W
13 W
GHE constantly researches the best pumps adapted to your systems.
You might therefore notice changes in models and brands but the assembly remains the same.
GHE offers a large range of spare parts for standard growing systems and also to allow you to build
your own growing units.
In case of an after-sales request about your growing system, we recommend that you first
refer to your unit’s assembly instructions on, and identify the needed
part(s) reference(s).
For more help and advice, inquire with your usual supplier or contact us directly
on +33 5 62 06 08 30 and
General Hydroponics Europe
gardening basics
The essentials of
successful gardening
The genetics of your plants will play a major role in the
outcome of your garden. As the plant goes through its
life cycle it can sometimes be difficult to assess whether
it is responding to its environment, or whether it is
following the instructions written in its DNA. With the
rise of genetically engineered crops, the choice of which
varieties to grow can become a charged issue.
We have an ethic at GHE, which is to promote growth
and flowering by improving the nutrition of the plants.
Therefore, our products contain no hormones or synthetic
precursors of any kind.
The amazing results that you experience with our products
are not due to a manipulation of the metabolism of the
plant, they are merely the best expression of its genetic
make-up promoted by comprehensive, holistic nutrition.
The atmosphere affects the growth and life of plants
dramatically. Plants require lots of fresh air, so growers
who are using greenhouses and indoor facilities must
supplement their airflow with fans. The temperature
and relative humidity have a major effect on plant
physiology and growth. Both photosynthesis and
transpiration are dependent upon proper humidity,
temperature and air circulation. Plants can survive in
a wide variety of atmospheric conditions, but to truly
thrive they must have plentiful fresh air and proper
temperature and humidity. The ideal temperature and
humidity for your plants is between 18 and 32°C and
40% to 80% relative humidity.
The amount and quality of sunlight that your plants
receive will also affect their growth. Seasonal variances,
exposure and shadows from buildings and trees must
be taken into account when setting up a garden.
If artificial light is to be used, it must be of a robust
spectrum and sufficient intensity to satisfy the needs of
the plants without overwhelming them or drying them
out. Different plants and different phases of growth
require different light spectra and intensity. Light
supplies the energy used in photosynthesis, which is
one of the most fundamental plant processes.
For more information visit and click on “resources/articles“
gardening basics
Unfortunately for gardeners, there are a host of
organisms which survive by destroying plants. These
range from microscopic bacteria, viruses and fungi to
larger organisms such as insects and arachnids.
Cleanliness can help prevent pests from arriving.
By keeping garden tools and surfaces sterilised,
destructive micro-organisms will have a harder time
gaining a foothold. Moist, warm and damp conditions
are favourable to developing mould and mildew, so
avoiding condensation and ensuring sufficient air
circulation will help keep these undesirables away. Larger
pests require a more aggressive approach. There are
many products available which assist in the eradication
of these invaders, but cleanliness is a good start in
managing pathogens and pests.
Used as preventatives, products like BioProtect (that
stimulates the immune system), Mineral Magic (that
strengthens the plant structure), or Urtica (that kills an
amazingly wide range of insects) are very efficient in
improving plant resistance.
There are also integrated pest management (IPM)
techniques which use natural predators to fight harmful
insects. The effectiveness of IPM is now well proven.
Plants need nutrients to grow. GH has several nutrients
which provide all of the elements required by plants.
These fertilisers contain an ideal blend of macro and
micro nutrients, and can be adjusted to suit the needs
of the plant based on its age and growth stage.
To boost plant performance, successful gardeners add
supplements to the nutrient solution. These additives
can improve plant vitality, enhance flavours and
increase yields. Since these nutrients and supplements
are absorbed through the roots of the plant, optimum
nutrition requires strong and healthy roots. Proper
nutrition is a major component of healthy, thriving
The quality of the water that plants receive will affect
their health and vitality. Tap water can contain harmful
additives, such as chlorine, and even natural well water
can contain an excess of minerals or have an extreme
pH. A surplus of many common elements in water can
cause a chain reaction in a nutrient solution, resulting
in many of the vital elements fusing together and
becoming unavailable to the plant. Testing your water
will inform you if your water is an issue.
If your problem is excessive minerals, using the hard
water versions of our nutrients might be sufficient. Truly
problematic water must be filtered and pH adjusted
before being used for plants.
To know the quality of your water, ask for an analysis
from your water supplier.
General Hydroponics Europe
advanced growing techniques
Nutrient strength and meters
Heat and nutrients
Nutrient strength is a key factor in proper plant nutrition.
Although the recipes GH provides you with should create
nutrient solution at the proper strength, there are many
environmental factors which can cause nutrient strength
to change. A nutrient strength meter is an essential tool
for the advanced grower.
There are two different types of meters which measure
nutrient strength - PPM and EC meters. Both types make
the same measurement, but then present the result in
different units. Nutrient strength is measured by passing
an electric current through the solution; the more easily
electricity travels through the solution, the stronger it is.
An electrical conductivity meter (EC) will give this result
as an electrical value, such as a milliSiemen (mS). This
number is directly related to the strength of the nutrient.
PPM meters measure the conductivity of the solution,
and then attempt to estimate the actual parts
per million. The problem with this method is that
different meters may use different scales to convert EC
measurements to PPM readings, so two different PPM
meters could read drastically different values in the exact
same nutrient solution.
In Europe we use EC meters, which simplifies things a lot.
Whichever meter you choose, it is very important to use
a measuring device, in order to track changes in nutrient
strength and make decisions and adjustments which will
contribute to success.
Arid, bright, hot environments can have an
impact on nutrient solution. As the solution
loses water through evaporation and plant
transpiration, nutrient strength increases. When
growing conditions are more intense, using a less
concentrated nutrient solution and monitoring
nutrient strength with a meter can help prevent
overfeeding. As nutrient solution becomes
warmer in hot weather, it loses its ability to hold
dissolved oxygen, which is essential for root health.
When hot weather strikes, monitor the solution
temperature and keep it below 24°C or use a
Digital meters:
EC & pH
Electrical meters are a fast way
to control EC and pH.
To make sure your meters remain accurate
regularly test them with calibrating solutions.
Quick tips for reverse osmosis users:
For those who use reverse osmosis filters, here is a great tip to buffer your water and help stabilise the
pH. There are two ways, and both are efficient:
• If you prefer simplicity, all you have to do is add 20% tap water to your reverse osmosis water.
• If you are a purist, and do not want to use tap water, or whose water is particularly bad, here are two
easy steps:
1. First increase your pH up to 10.0 with pH Up or potassium carbonate.
2. Then bring it down to 6.0 with pH Down.
In both cases you’ll obtain water well adapted to hydroponic nutritive solutions, while avoiding untimely
pH fluctuations.
Use our pH adjusters to raise or lower pH as needed. Adjusters are available in
liquid form (pH Up & pH Down) or in powder (Dry pH Down).
Add regulators gradually to avoid overshooting.
growing techniques
pH and
nutrient availability
The pH of a nutrient solution describes its acidity or
alkalinity. Although extremes of pH can damage roots,
the primary reason that pH is relevant to growers is
that it affects whether certain elements in the solution
are available to the plant or not. Specific nutrient
deficiencies can arise in a well balanced nutrient
solution if that solution exceeds the optimum pH range.
Therefore, it is beneficial to your plants to monitor
and adjust pH as needed to ensure complete nutrient
availability. Many factors work to change the pH of
your nutrient, including microbial activity, atmospheric
interactions and recirculation.
For best results regularly check pH to ensure that it
does not exceed the acceptable range.
Keep nutrient pH between 5.5 and 6.2.
Liquid pH testers
A liquid pH indicator is the
most reliable and economical way to check your pH
With a liquid pH test
indicator, you can also
regularly validate the
accuracy of your pH meter,
and make sure it is working
Remember, it only takes
a few hours to kill a crop
if your digital meter gives you an incorrect
Add two drops of liquid pH
Indicator to half a tube of
nutritive solution. Compare
with the colour chart
provided to identify your pH.
General Hydroponics Europe
Hydroponic nutrients contain all elements needed
by plants. Under normal circumstances, all elements
should be available and nutrient deficiencies will
not occur. A pH imbalance can cause nutrient
deficiencies by creating mineral interactions.
Hard water or incorrectly mixing nutrients directly
together will also contribute to pH problems. If
you observe signs of a specific nutrient deficiency
while using high-quality nutrients, examine
environmental factors first.
hydroponics nutrients
Why use hydroponic
In soil or in hydroponics, hydroponic nutrients provide the ultimate
in comprehensive and customisable plant nutrition.
Providing superior results in both soil and hydroponic gardens, hydroponic nutrients are mineral-based plant food which
provide complete and total plant nutrition. Because hydroponic systems do not use soil, they rely on the nutrient solution
to provide all the elements needed by the plants. As a result, hydroponic fertilisers, unlike most commonly available
plant food, must contain the entire spectrum of necessary elements, making them a robust and complete nutrient source
suitable for all gardens.
Typical Fertiliser: Unsuitable for Hydroponics
This fertiliser only provides partial nutrition and must
be combined with other fertilisers and soils to provide
complete nutrition. (In this case we recommend using
Bio Essentials.
Hydroponic Nutrient: Full-Spectrum Plant Nutrition
In a hydroponic system or in soil, this fertiliser will ensure
that everything the plant needs will be right at its root-tips.
The nutritional needs of your plants will change throughout
their lifetime. A seedling needs a completely different
nutrient than a flowering or fruiting plant, and due to their
precise composition and modular components, hydroponic
nutrients can easily be tuned to match the needs of a plant
at any stage of growth. In addition to supplying complete
nutrition, hydroponic nutrients are also easily customisable
and adjustable to match the changing needs of your plants.
Download our feeding charts from
or ask for them from your usual supplier.
They are also offered each time you buy
our nutrients.
For more info :
n View our videos on youtube - “eurohydro”.
n Download your feeding charts, instructions, The Basics, etc directly from your smartphones.
n Consult regularly, and register yourself on our newsletter on
the role of supplements
The role of supplements
In soil and in hydroponics, supplements add
essential qualities to the diet of your plants.
Although a properly mixed, high-quality, hydroponic nutrient will provide everything a plant needs to thrive, plant
performance doesn’t end with supplying just the necessities. Plants cannot live without nutrients, but nutrients alone will not
unlock their full potential. Even though supplements may not contain “food” for a plant, they improve a crop by performing
such functions as introducing essential organic compounds, accelerating nutrient uptake, boosting flowering, protecting the
root-zone, activating the immune system, reinforcing the plant structure and clearing excess and unused nutrients. Enhancing
a garden is easy when working with the supplement options available from General Hydroponics.
General Hydroponics Europe
more info on hydroponics - books
Hydroponics for Everybody
By William Texier
“A highly
anticipated book.”
“How to become the perfect
indoor gardener.“
“Outstanding drawings.
I keep my reference copy close at hand.“
“You’re going to understand
how it works... It’s impressive!“
“William Texier is considered
one of the most knowledgeable
hydroponics experts worldwide.“
Hydroponics For Everybody is available in several translations: French, English, German, Spanish,
Czech, Russian, and Italian. Now also available in a mini edition.
And for more indepth info ...
Soilless Culture: Theory and Practice
By Michael Raviv and Heiner Leith
“A highly documented and thorough scientific
research book on hydroponics.”
Last minute
control and
biological root innoculum
Root protection remains a key concern for all gardeners: in soil where root
access is difficult, and in hydroponics where the root zone is relatively
SubCulture produces enzymes (proteins that catalyse chemical reactions).
It is a natural and continuous source of these biological catalysts and can
replace ready made liquids with a very short life span. As long as SubCulture
is alive and healthy, your plants will remain strong and protected.
Protect your roots from fungi and other pathogens:
Did you ever hear about “Pythium, Fusarium, Verticillium” (and all these names
ending in “ium”) that create havoc and desolation in plantations and grow
rooms? In all seasons, and especially in hot weather, most hydroponic growers
may experience mould problems in their plants’ roots. To get rid of them, some
companies will suggest UV sterilisers or liquid enzymes, with some, little, or
no success at all. Of course you can use fungicides, which you will find in any
garden centre. But we all know that fungicides are harmful to you and the
How does SubCulture work?
SubCulture covers the whole root mass with a protective mycelium that
impedes pathogens from feeding, growing and surviving!
SubCulture has a second and equally essential function:
This specific mix of bacteria decomposes the organic matter and debris in
the nutritive solution and transforms this potential source of disease into a
supplement of mineral salts readily available to plants.
SubCulture is a natural protector.
In soil and in coco fibre it will reproduce itself easily, and can simply be added
into the watering solution.
In hydroponics, use SubCulture with a biofiltre.
When and how to use it?
10 g/150 L – every six weeks.
SubCulture is used as a drench when planting seeds, in your watering solution
in soil or directly in the biofiltre for hydroponics.
SubCulture is a biological
root innoculum that
contains a unique mix
of beneficial fungi and
bacteria, and whose first
goal is to protect the root
mass from damaging
fungi like Pythium,
Fusarium, Phytophtora,
Verticillium, etc.
A significant drop in pH is an alarm bell that indicates the death of a large quantity of micro-organisms. In this case it is
important to find the cause, treat it, and replenish with micro-organisms.
General Hydroponics Europe
Flora Series
Flora Series
= Changer l'eau - Change water - Wasserwechsel - Cambiar el agua - Cambiare l'acqua - Mudar de água - Water vervangen - Skift vannet
Semaine - Week - Woche - Semana - Settimana - Semana - Week - Uke
= 10 ml
Tel: +33 (0)5 62 06 08 30
Fx : +33 (0)5 62 06 64 04
32500 Fleurance - France