Actual Test 01


Actual Test 01
Lesson 01
Actual Test 01
토익단기학교 800 완벽대비
문제풀이반 주교재
TOEIC Part 5
01The advertising team recently
a survey to find out their clients’ inter-
ests and apply the information to the next product.
(A) conduct
(B) conducted
(C) to conduct
(D) will conduct
02Every year, we designate five employees who show
promise and
contributions to our company and give them the awards.
(A) whole
(B) attractive
(C) exceptional
03Since you are under 16, we can let you in
(D) inclusive
accompanied by your par-
ents or have their permission.
(A) until
(B) not only
(C) without
(D) only if
for the annual banquet scheduled on December 30 have been sent to
all employees.
(A) Invite
(B) Inviting
05The apartment manager has
(C) Invitation
(D) Invitations
warned that all rent payments must be
sent on or before the first day of the month.
(A) promptly
(B) easily
06Any employees who are
(C) repeatedly
(D) mutually
in applying for the sales director position
should contact the Human Resources Department.
(A) interested
(B) listed
(C) hopeful (D) spontaneous
07Please turn out all the lights and close the door securely before you
the room.
(A) has left
(B) to leave
(C) leave
(D) leaving
08The newly installed computer program enables all workers to
Lesson 01
working hours accurately.
(A) record
(B) deprive
(C) rewind
09Many residents in the district have shown
(D) attend
to the proposal that we
sponsor a series of factories.
(A) resisting
(B) resistant
(C) resistance
10The sales figures in this region of Asia increased last year
(D) resisted
the local
economic conditions were so favorable.
(A) following
(B) then
(C) unless
(D) because
11The economic outlook in Asia is promising so we are expecting substantial
in sales during the next fiscal year.
(A) grew
(B) growth
(C) grown
(D) grow
12The picture of Julia Roberts, the famous movie star, will be on the cover of the
of People magazine.
(A) deposit
(B) issue
(C) price
(D) promise
13In order for us to process the contract with an overseas company, we should hire
a competent
(A) interpreter
to help.
(B) interpret
(C) interpreting
(D) interpretation
토익단기학교 800 완벽대비
문제풀이반 주교재
Lesson 01 Actual Test 01
TOEIC Part 6
Questions 1-3 refer to the following e-mail.
From : Sarah Dewey
To : Jean Mallarme
Sent : Monday July, 18
Subject : Updating the corporate web-site
Hi, Jean
to purchase new computers for the public
Finally, we’ve just received
01 (A) approving
(B) approve
(C) approves
(D) approval
relations department from the board of director.
I would like to receive a catalog so that I can see what is currently available in the market. While I
the catalog and the postcard that you sent last year, I noticed
02 (A) will have been reviewing
(B) am reviewing
(C) was reviewing
(D) had been reviewing
that you will have clearance sale in December.
Are you planning on clearance sale? If you do, could you
me of the specific
03 (A) restore
(B) improve
(C) validate
(D) inform
dates? Furthermore, since you are an expert in this field, please recommend some reliable models.
Thanks for your help.
TOEIC Part 7
Lesson 01
Questions 1-4 refer to the following announcement.
Guest Expert Seminar : “Greening Your Office”
August 19th at 7 PM
Landsdown Amphitheatre
Whether you have a small home office or work in a larger office environment, your everyday work activity has a significant impact on the environment. From the products you
purchase to the manner in which they are used and disposed of, your business practices
could be causing damage to the air, water, and land.
The Ministry of the Environment, in conjunction with Industry Canada, proudly presents our seminars : ‘Greening Your Office’. This presentation looks at how to responsibly
source, use, and dispose of environmentally-friendly office products. This session will
provide you with the information you need to make responsible purchasing decisions for
your office. There will be a chance to ask questions following a short presentation.
The Presenter : Paul Zafron is the founder and owner of Zafron Office Essentials (www. – Canada’s only green office supply company. His firm focuses on green
procurement, sourcing the most environmentally-safe office products and working with
manufacturers to develop greener products. Their mission is to make green products
PLEASE RSVP to This is a free event. Light refreshments will be provided following the presentation.
What will the seminar be about?
(A) Responsibly buying, using, and disposing of office supplies
(B) Starting a business selling environmentally friendly office products
(C) Efforts by the Ministry to make business practices greener
(D) Giving effective seminars to your colleagues to green your office
Who will be giving the presentation at the seminar?
(A) The Minister of the Environment
(B) A spokesperson from Industry Canada
(C) The owner of Zafron Office Essentials
(D) The Sustainable Business Center
토익단기학교 800 완벽대비
문제풀이반 주교재
Lesson 01 Actual Test 01
What is NOT true about the seminar?
(A) People who want to attend should respond by email.
(B) Some food and drinks will be provided afterward.
(C) People who attend must pay a small entrance fee.
(D) There will be a presentation by a guest expert.
The word “significant” in paragraph 1, is closest in meaning to
(A) reluctant
(B) inaudible
(C) alternative
(D) important
accompany 수반하다, 동반하다
interpreter 통역사
accurately 정확하게
leave 떠나다
advertising team 광고팀
let 목적어 in ~를 입장하게 하다
annual banquet 연회
mutually 상호간의
apparently 명백하게
overseas 해외의
apply 신청하다
payment 지불
attractive 매력적인
permission 허가
competent 유능한
process 진행하다
conduct 실시하다, 수행하다
promise 약속, 전망, 장래성
contract 계약
promising 유망한, 전도가 밝은
contribution to
~에 공헌
promptly 신속하게
deprive 빼앗다
proposal 계획
designate 지정하다
resident 거주자
district 구역
resistance 반대, 저항
rewind 되감다
economic outlook 경제전망
sales director 영업부장
employee 피고용인
sales figure
A가 B 하는 것을 가능하게 하다
securely 안전하게, 확실히
호의적인, 유리한
since ~때문에
fiscal year 회계연도
spontaneous 자발적인
hopeful 희망적인
substantial 상당한
Human Resources Department 인사부
survey 설문 조사
turn out
until interpret 통역하다
warn 경고하다
interpretation 통역
whole 전부의
enable A to B
favorable install 010
Lesson 02
Actual Test 02
토익단기학교 800 완벽대비
문제풀이반 주교재
Lesson 02
Voca Review
accompany deprive accurately designate attractive promising competent spontaneous contribution substantial
TOEIC Part 5
01Delegates from
companies attended the time management seminar
in California.
(A) various
(B) variety
(C) variably (D) variation
02If you are new to our facility and have any questions about our products, please
to contact the customer service center.
do not
(A) detect
(B) qualify
(C) hesitate 03Please contact him by e-mail because he
(D) compete
checks it, even during his
(A) regular (B) regularly
(C) regularity
(D) regulate
04To buy superstar concert tickets, there are many people waiting in front of the
as in the parking areas.
box office, as
(A) well 05
(B) far
(C) good
(D) near
he was tired of driving a long distance, he decided to move to down-
(A) Whether
(B) For
06New staff members
(C) Since
(D) But
wish to participate in the farewell party for the
president Yang must sign up in advance.
(A) when (B) what
(C) whom
(D) who
토익단기학교 800 완벽대비
문제풀이반 주교재
Lesson 02 Actual Test 02
07High Quality Delivery Incorporation takes every
to make sure that
your possessions are dealt with safely.
(A) precaution (B) dismissal
(C) advice
(D) rule
08Since it includes a matter of a sensitive nature, Mr. Gonzales suggests that it is
to mention the proposal outside the division.
(A) appropriateness
(B) appropriate
(C) appropriately (D) most appropriately
In an effort to improve service, the ABC bank will
(A) detain
(B) conduct
10The product you ordered is
a consumer survey.
(C) associate
(D) foresee
to be shipped, but you still have time to
cancel your request until tomorrow.
(A) about
(B) nearly
(C) close
11Usually the assistant’s job includes some
(D) off
tasks, such as copying, typ-
ing, and answering the phones.
(A) flavorful (B) routine
(C) sincere
(D) appropriate
12Our net profits increased at a faster rate in the third quarter than had been
(A) relatively 13
(B) closely
(C) heavily (D) originally
the proposed safety inspection, all employees at our main offices are
required to report to work an hour early today.
(A) While (B) In that
(C) In case
(D) Due to
TOEIC Part 6
Questions 1-3 refer to the following memo.
Lesson 02
Jefferson Tours
From : Personnel Department
To : Telephone Operators
Date : June 20, 2004
Re : Summer Work Hours
In anticipation of increased phone call traffic during the busy season, we decided to implement an extended work schedule during the months of July and August. As of July
from 8 AM - 5 PM to 8 AM - 6 PM Monday through Friday,
1, work hours
01 (A) changed
(B) are changed
(C) have been changed
(D) will be changed
and from 9 AM - 2 PM to 9AM - 4 PM on Saturdays.
with their co-workers to adjust the work
Telephone operators should
02 (A) confer
(B) predict
(C) contact
(D) answer
schedule so that one person remains at work after regular hours to respond to client
calls. Employees can receive three compensation options for working
03 (A) extends
(B) extend
(C) extending
(D) extended
hours. First, they can choose to be paid for overtime. Second, they can choose to get
a special discount for the tour packages listed on the company calendar. Finally, they
can choose to take 48 hours off from work. Coupons for the Jason bookstore will not be
available starting this summer.
토익단기학교 800 완벽대비
문제풀이반 주교재
Lesson 02 Actual Test 02
TOEIC Part 7
Questions 1-4 refer to the following letter.
Carver, Johnson, McNicolls Barristers and Solicitors
1928 Hunts Lane, 5th Floor, San Bernardino, CA 92408
April 20th, 2012
Mr. James T. Campbell,
Armorclad, Inc.
998 Renfield Blvd., Unit 23
San Francisco, CA
Re : Legal Action Against Your Company
We are legal counsel for Garner Suppliers, Inc., a California corporation (“Garner”). As
you may know, Garner entered into a contract on January 14th, 2012 (the “Contract”) providing for the delivery to your firm of various equipment. All of that equipment has been
delivered to you in a timely fashion under the terms of the contract, and Garner has fulfilled all other relevant terms of the Contract.
However, certain amounts due by you under the contract have not been paid. Indeed, this
amount has been overdue for two months. Under the terms of the contract, the amount
owed incurs late interest at a rate of 1.5% per month and also a late fee of 5% if not paid
within 30 days of the date owed. So, as of April 15th, 2012, the overdue amount owed
is $16,972.50, as follows : $15,500 (for equipment purchased) + 697.50 (232.50 interest /
month * 3 months) + 775.00 (late fee).
As you may also remember from the contract, there is an attorneys’ fees clause. This enables Garner to recover all reasonable costs incurred in the event of any litigation arising
from the non-fulfillment of the contract. As Garner has already initiated legal proceedings
against your company, these costs currently amount to $2,000. However, you are advised
that, should this case go to court, these fees could increase significantly.
On behalf of Garner, we urge you to settle your account, including interest, late fee, and
legal fees, no later than April 30th, 2012. Please inform me directly and as soon as possible
of your intentions to do so. Your prompt attention to these matters would be appreciated.
Lesson 02
Jeremy McNicolls,
Senior Partner
According to the letter, what has Mr. Campbell done?
(A) He did not deliver the right products on January 14th.
(B) He damaged equipment that was leased from Garner.
(C) He has not yet paid a bill for a delivery of equipment.
(D) He owes legal fees and interest to Carver, Johnson, McNicolls.
When was the payment originally due?
(A) By January 14th
(B) By February 14th
(C) By April 15th
(D) By April 30th
The word “urge“ in paragraph 4, is closest in meaning to
(A) clarify
(B) fulfill
(C) estimate
(D) encourage
What is Mr. Campbell NOT told to do in the letter?
(A) He needs to pay $16,972.50 plus $2,000.00 in legal fees.
(B) He must contact the lawyer as soon as possible.
(C) He should pay quickly to avoid increasing costs.
(D) He has to talk to a lawyer and book a court date.
토익단기학교 800 완벽대비
문제풀이반 주교재
Lesson 02 Actual Test 02
appropriate 적당한
make sure 확실히 하다
associate 연상시키다
management 관리, 경영
at a faster rate 더 빠른 속도로
nature 성질, 본질
box office 매표소
net profit 총 이익
compete 경쟁하다
originally 원래, 처음에
conduct 실시하다
participate in 참석하다
contact 연락하다
possession 소유물
deal with 다루다, 처리하다
predict 예상하다
delegate 대표자
product 제품
detain 기다리게 하다
proposal 계획
detect 감지하다
proposed 계획된
dismissal 해고
qualify ~에게 자격을 주다
regular 정기적인, 규칙적인
division 부서
regularity 질서, 일정
facility 시설
regularly 정기적으로
farewell party 송별회
regulate 규제하다, 단속하다
flavorful 맛 좋은
safety inspection 안전 검사
foresee 예견하다
sign up 등록하다
hesitate 망설이다
since 때문에
in advance 미리
성실한, 진심의
in an effort to ~할 노력으로
Lesson 03
Actual Test 03
토익단기학교 800 완벽대비
문제풀이반 주교재
Voca Review
appropriate dismissal at a faster rate foresee compete in advance detain in an effort to detect net profit
Lesson 03
TOEIC Part 5
01Mr. Han is looking for an apartment because of
rents in the city cen-
(A) rising
(B) rose
02In addition to
(C) arise
(D) rise
time, the new MC700 mobile phone shows the tem-
perature and user’s current location on a map.
(A) displayed
(B) displaying
03The award is
(C) display
(D) displays
for employees who have been with the company for
more than five years and showed excellent performance.
(A) based
(B) intended
(C) agreed
(D) invited
04Signs indicating the way out in case of emergency will be posted
(A) against
(B) except
(C) throughout
(D) upon
the three-month training periods are completed, employees will be
eligible for benefits and paid vacations.
(A) Soon
(B) Then
(C) Later
(D) Once
토익단기학교 800 완벽대비
문제풀이반 주교재
Lesson 03 Actual Test 03
06Amazing Science Association is soliciting
for this year’s best senior
(A) nominate
(B) nominations
(C) nominating (D) to have nominated
07The new computer graphic software program has improved the quality of the
designers’ work as well as their
(A) economies
(B) harvest
08The names of the clients to
(C) measures (D) productivity
the free gifts should be sent are located
on the last page.
(A) whoever
(B) whom
(C) what
(D) where
09Simmon Inc.’s revenues this year were nearly
to those recorded in
the company’s most successful period seven years ago.
(A) equal
(B) uniform
(C) even
(D) fair
10Due to advances in computer networking, students
use computers to
register for their classes rather than doing it in person.
(A) predominant
(B) predominantly
(C) predominating (D) predominated
11Neither smoking nor drinking is allowed in this building
the tour of
our facilities.
(A) while
(B) during (C) since
(D) toward
12The construction signs on the road should be designed to ensure that the warning lights are
(A) clearness 13Many
(B) clear
(C) clearly
(D) clearest
suggest that interactions between teachers and students in the
classroom help increase effectiveness of learning.
(A) survey
(B) surveys
(C) surveying
(D) surveyed
TOEIC Part 6
Questions 1-3 refer to the following letter.
Anco Enterprises
Lesson 03
420 East-way,
Toronto, ON
David B. Robson
B & B Associates
930 Brown Ave.
Toronto, ON
Dear Mr. Robson,
This letter is to acknowledge that we have received your e-mail informing us that the
order shipped to you on June 10 was incomplete. Specifically, we did not send you the
20 printer ink cartridges as part of your June 10 order.
. We are currently in the midst of installing a new
We apologize for this
01 (A) omit
(B) omitting
(C) omission
(D) omits
computer system and some of your order data was lost in the process. We deeply regret
this and take full responsibility for the error. To rectify the situation, we are sending the
remaining items by rush delivery at no extra charge.
, we will be sending
02 (A) In short
(B) In addition
(C) Therefore
(D) Meanwhile
you a discount voucher worth $50 toward your next purchase from our company.
토익단기학교 800 완벽대비
문제풀이반 주교재
Lesson 03 Actual Test 03
our apology for this inconvenience.
03 (A) approve
(B) compensate (C) evaluate
(D) accept
We hope you will use our company for all your office supply needs.
Very truly yours,
Alfredo Benitez
Alfredo Benitez
Director, Customer Service
TOEIC Part 7
Questions 1-4 refer to the following article.
Web Ads
by Daniel Simmons
August 18, 2008
Computers have always been great at counting. And that has helped turn the Internet
into a great tool for advertisers. As a result, Internet advertising is a huge industry, and its
popularity is still growing. According to some estimates, total web ad sales rose last year
from $9.6 billion to $12.5 billion.
Of the two main types of online advertising, the fastest-growing has always been searchengine advertising. Advertisers bid for keywords, whether “bathing suit” or “Toronto
sightseeing”. When a web surfer enters those words in the search engine, the advertiser’s
text-based ads show up beside the search results. The advertisers pay a fee to the search
engine site every time their ad is clicked. Search-engine advertising can provide a lot of
rich data about how effective an ad is, allowing advertisers to calculate-even minute by
minute-the return on investment for each keyword.
But advertising executives predict that the other type of online advertising, display ads,
will outpace search-engine ads this year. Display ads are banners and videos that appear
on web pages. One of the main drawbacks of this type of ad has been that there were
fewer ways to measure the effectiveness of ads. But this offered them much less reliability
than the measures of search-engine ads.
Lesson 03
There was no way of knowing, for example, how many of those viewers were actually
focusing on their ad. Now, all that is changing. New display ads can measure the movements of the mouse pointer as it passes over them. They can track which parts of the
banner appear to interest visitors and how long they spend looking at the ad. This new
functionality is drawing more and more advertisers to display ads, and posing serious
challenges to search-engine advertising companies.
What are the two main types of web ads mentioned in the article?
(A) Web ads and banner ads
(B) Banner ads and display ads
(C) Search-engine ads and display ads
(D) Search-engine ads and video ads
According to the article, when do advertisers have to pay for a search-engine ad?
(A) Every time it pops up on a webpage
(B) Whenever someone enters their keyword
(C) Each time someone clicks on their ad
(D) When a web surfer uses the search engine
What is one important new function of display ads that the article mentions?
(A) They can now show video on web pages.
(B) They are able to detect the mouse pointer.
(C) They sense when someone clicks on them.
(D) They count how many times they pop up.
The word “drawing“ in paragraph 3, is closest in meaning to
(A) attracting
(B) illustrating
(C) functioning
(D) prolonging
토익단기학교 800 완벽대비
문제풀이반 주교재
Lesson 03 Actual Test 03
be eligible for ~할 자격이 있다
look for benefit (회사 내) 복지 혜택
measure 방법, 조치
complete 마무리하다, 완성하다
nearly 거의
computer networking 컴퓨터 전산망
nominate 지명하다, 천거하다
construction sign
건축 표지판
nomination 지명, 추천
ensure 확실히 하다, 보장하다
once 일단 ~하면
equal 동등한
paid vacation 유급 휴가
even 평탄한, 규칙적인
predominant 우세한, 탁월한
except 제외하고
predominantly 두드러지게, 현저하게
facility 시설
predominate 우세하다, 눈에 두드러지다
fair 공정한
productivity 생산성
harvest 추수, 수확
quality 품질
in addition to ~외에
revenue 수익
in case of ~일 경우에
senior scientist 선임 과학자
in person 실제로, 자기가 직접
sign 간판
intend 의도하다
solicit 간청하다, 청원하다
interaction 상호작용
soon 곧
later 나중에
눈에 보이는
~를 찾다
Lesson 04
Actual Test 04
토익단기학교 800 완벽대비
문제풀이반 주교재
Voca Review
complete interaction equal measure even nominate in person once intend predominant
Lesson 04
TOEIC Part 5
01Because you have been our valuable customer for a long time, as a special service, we will provide all information
(A) extremely
(B) completely
02The CEO gave a very
free of charge.
(C) exclusively
(D) continually
speech at the employee training seminar yes-
terday and many employees liked it.
(A) information
(B) informative
(C) inform
(D) informer
03Even after the conference room’s renovations, some seats remain
(A) over
(B) behind
04In order to
(C) during
(D) down
the project we are working on, the review team will need
at least one more week.
(A) finish (B) finishing
(C) finished
05Because our products for promotion are
(D) be finished
, we can only make this offer
to 50 customers on a first-come-first-served basis.
(A) limited
(B) capable
(C) generous (D) interested
토익단기학교 800 완벽대비
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Lesson 04 Actual Test 04
06Mr. Kimura signed an
after thoroughly reviewing all the terms and
conditions of the insurance policy.
(A) ovation
(B) agreement
(C) prototype (D) funding
07Due to technical problems, Sell & Buy Auctions is
not accepting any
submissions on the Internet.
(A) quickly
(B) currently
(C) precisely
(D) hardly
our company was small when it was started, now we are a major
force in this field.
(A) Although
(B) Yet
(C) Therefore
(D) But
09Applicants for positions as computer technicians at New Tech
to pos-
sess at least five years of experience in that area.
(A) require
(B) requires
10We will provide a detailed
(C) are required
(D) has required
of our documenting procedures and safety
(A) price
(B) attention
(C) description
(D) information
at the stress management seminar reached 2,000, breaking last
year’s record of 1,500.
(A) Attendant
(B) Attended
(C) Attendee
(D) Attendance
12Researchers and developers in Ms Software, Inc. worked for a long time, putting
effort to develop the new software to prevent computer viruses.
(A) precious
(B) secondary
(C) present
(D) considerable
13When you buy a used car, it will be safe to set aside extra money for ongoing
in case it does not function properly.
(A) maintaining
(B) maintenance
(C) maintained
(D) maintains
TOEIC Part 6
Questions 1-3 refer to the following e-mail.
From : Stratton, Matthew
To : Reitz, David
Date : Friday, July 1
Lesson 04
Subject : Employment seminar
Dear Reitz,
in the upcoming employment seminar on August 15.
Thank you for your
01 (A) effort
(B) interest (C) expertise
(D) means
We look forward to meeting you and you must bring your resume and cover letter with
Many managers from companies and professors from various universities will be atschedule
tending and a variety of events will take place. Please refer to the
02 (A) prompt
(B) habitual (C) tentative
(D) considerate
that I attached with the letter.
As soon as the schedule is finalized, I will send you updated one.
. You will be responsible for other meals.
Only light refreshments
03 (A) provided (B) has been provided
(C) provide
(D) will be provided
If you have any additional questions, please contact me at 334-555-0022.
Sincerely, Matthew Stratton
토익단기학교 800 완벽대비
문제풀이반 주교재
Lesson 04 Actual Test 04
TOEIC Part 7
Questions 1-4 refer to the following email.
To : Jim Watson (
From : Steve Jacobs (
Date : March 12, 2008
Re : Your inquiry about our products
Dear Mr. Watson,
Thank you for your recent inquiry about our Jacobs wind turbines. The 20kW model that
you asked about is the largest of our residential-class wind turbines. Its 9.5-meter-diameter fiberglass propellers start producing power at winds of only about 3 km/h. It is also extremely quiet, and produces no noise at all under most conditions. It needs to be mounted
on a steel tower, sold separately.
You asked about shipping costs. Normally, there is a shipping surcharge applied to orders.
However, since you are so close to our location, you could arrange to pick up your order
and we could waive the shipping fee. But if you would rather have your order shipped, the
shipping charge would be $45 for regular delivery (4 to 5 business days) or $75 for express
delivery (2 to 3 business days).
As for your request for bulk pricing, I’m afraid that, since we are a retail operation, we
cannot offer any discounts on purchases of multiple units. However, we have several previously-owned, reconditioned units in stock, which can be purchased for approximately
50% of the list price. Let me know if you would be interested in this option.
Steven Jacobs,
Marketing Director, Bay Winds, Inc.
What can be inferred about Mr. Watson?
(A) He wants to get a job working for Bay Winds.
(B) He is knowledgeable about Jacobs turbines.
(C) His company manufactures wind turbines.
(D) He is interested in buying wind turbines.
02What does Mr. Jacobs offer to do with the shipping fee?
(A) He is willing to ship overnight for $75 if necessary.
(B) He can reduce the fee from the normal price of $75 to $45.
(C) He will not charge a fee if the order is picked up.
(D) He can waive the fee on purchases of multiple units.
Lesson 04
03How can Mr. Watson get a better price on the Jacobs turbine according to the letter?
(A) He can choose a smaller wind turbine.
(B) He can buy used models instead of new ones.
(C) He can mail in the coupon for free shipping.
(D) He can buy several units in one order.
The word “reconditioned” in paragraph 3, is closest in meaning to
(A) overhauled
(B) damaged
(C) cleaned
(D) repainted
agreement 일치, 계약
pillar 기둥
applicant 신청자
possess 소유하다
continually 지속적으로
precisely 정확하게
documenting procedure
present 현재의
exclusively 오로지, 전적으로
prevent 막다, 예방하다
extremely 상당히
promotion 홍보, 판촉
field 분야
properly 적당히, 정확히
first-come-first-served 선착순 우선
renovation 보수공사
free of charge 무료로
review 검토하다
function 기능하다
safety precaution
안전 예방 조치
give a speech 연설하다
secondary 종속적인, 보조적인
in order to + 동사원형 ~하기 위해서
set aside 남겨두다
insurance policy 보험정책
submission 복종, 순종, 개진, 제안
major force 주된 업체
thoroughly 꼼꼼하게
ongoing 진행중인, 지속적인
valuable 가치 있는, 소중한
insurance policy 보험정책
Lesson 05
Actual Test 05
토익단기학교 800 완벽대비
문제풀이반 주교재
Voca Review
agreement ongoing exclusively precisely free of charge prevent in order to + 동사원형 properly major force thoroughly
TOEIC Part 5
01To express gratitude, FlyWell continually offers specially discounted
peak months.
rates even
(A) while
(B) during
(C) when
(D) as to
for the training seminar is posted on the bulletin board in the
lobby on the first floor.
(A) schedule
(B) scheduled
(C) schedules
(D) schedulers
03When Fast Shipping first began using larger trucks for delivery, all of them were
white and brown.
(A) changed
(B) painted
(C) transferred
(D) predicted
04Chemicals are potentially hazardous so technicians should remember to be
and always wear protective gear when entering the lab.
(A) cautious
(B) caution
(C) cautiously
05The more we get to know Mr. Min, the more
(D) cautiousness
we are by his exception-
al staff management skills.
(A) impression
(B) impressed
(C) impress
(D) impresses
06The multi-national companies offer its employees better
than other
companies but they are engaged in tasks that are not familiar in the domestic
(A) enthusiasm
(B) benefits
(C) value
(D) forces
07Dr. Seybold will return to the office on December 15,
which time he
will answer all questions about the documenting procedure.
(A) from
(B) at
(C) on
(D) for
Lesson 05
news announcements to all employees in our office so that
they can be aware of all new policies.
(A) forward
(B) forwards
09Anyone who developes an effective
(C) forwarding (D) forwarded
for reducing production time will
be awarded a special bonus and two-day vacation.
(A) response
(B) technique
(C) compensation (D) goal
new workers successfully complete the training procedures, they will
have better understanding of their work.
(A) Nevertheless
(B) In spite of
11Julia finally
(C) Still
(D) Once
her lifetime excellence award as a result of her hard work
on the photo-electric effect.
(A) honored
(B) achieved
(C) reported
(D) won
12Financial advisers provide the list of the companies that are clearly more
to invest this year.
(A) to promise
(B) promised
13All questions
(C) promising
(D) promises
the conference schedule should be forwarded to the
public relations department.
(A) relating
(B) referring
(C) connecting
(D) concerning
토익단기학교 800 완벽대비
문제풀이반 주교재
Lesson 05 Actual Test 05
TOEIC Part 6
Questions 1-3 refer to the following e-mail.
To : Sandy Parker
From : David Domingo
Date : Aug 7, 2006
I was supposed to be one of Cold Wave’s representatives tomorrow at the Adventure Film Festival we’re supporting. However, I will not be able to attend it because I
for Cleveland to participate in a conference tonight.
01 (A) leaves
(B) am leaving
(C) left
(D) have left
you can take
Charles Myer the Promotion department would like to know
02 (A) what
(B) moreover
(C) whether
(D) nor
my place.
It would be not only interesting to meet many new people but also help you make useful network contacts in this field. Please let Charles
if you can be there by
03 (A) know
(B) knowing
(C) known (D) to know
David Domingo
TOEIC Part 7
Questions 1-3 refer to the following announcement.
Attention All Staff!
Key Card Access
Key card access is in the process of being installed on seven office doors. Staff will be
required to use a key card to open doors that currently have keypad access — the staff
Lesson 05
entrance from the concourse, entrance into the first-floor center hall (across from the
boardroom), and the entrance into the second-floor center hall (beside the staff restroom).
Security on the door to the staff restroom on the first floor will be eliminated. Key card
access will be installed on the reference room, where sensitive company documents are
stored. Access to this room will still be restricted. Key card access is being installed on the
emergency exits in the SE and SW stairwells as well as the door with the alarmed crash
bar next to the public elevators.
Police and fire crews as well as maintenance staff will be given permission to use these
doors. Keys will continue to be used for access to staff offices, staff restrooms, staff lounge,
etc. Staff will receive more information about the key cards in the near future.
Which door will NOT have key card security, according to the notice?
(A) The staff door from the concourse
(B) The first-floor door to the center hall
(C) The first-floor staff restroom
(D) The reference room entrance
What kind of security will be on the room where company documents are kept?
(A) None
(B) Key
(C) Key card
(D) Keypad
The word “sensitive” in paragraph 1, is closest in meaning to
(A) achievable
(B) related
(C) excited
(D) confidential
Lesson 05 Actual Test 05
토익단기학교 800 완벽대비
문제풀이반 주교재
Questions 4-5 refer to the following notice.
Notice to Hotel Guests :
Hang It Up, Use It Again!
Please help us save the planet! Everyday, we use gallons of water and harmful detergents
washing towels that have only been used once. To help us reduce the impact on the environment, kindly consider re-using your hand and bath towels. Our cleaning staff will only
collect towels that are left on the floor or in the bathtub to be laundered, so if you wish to
re-use your towels, simply hang them up.
Guests are reminded that towels are provided for the use of guests and remain the property of Georgian Hotel and Resort. If you wish to purchase our towels or guest bathrobes,
they are available for purchase in the gift shop adjacent to the front desk.
Thank you, and enjoy your stay.
When do cleaning staff collect towels to be laundered?
(A) Only when towels are left hung up to dry
(B) Whenever they find towels have been used
(C) When towels are on the floor or in the tub
(D) When they are asked to do so by guests
If guests want to take towels home, what should they do?
(A) They can purchase towels from the front desk.
(B) They should take the towels from their room.
(C) There are towels for sale from the gift shop.
(D) They can ask cleaning staff for extra towels.
Lesson 05
achieve 달성하다, 이루다
invest 투자하다
be aware of ~을 알다
multi-national company 다국적 기업
be engaged in ~에 종사하다
nevertheless 그럼에도 불구하고
bulletin board 게시판
once 일단 ~하게 되면
caution 주의
paint 칠하다
cautious 주의를 기울이는, 신중한
peak month 성수기
chemical 화학물질
photo-electric 광전자 사진의, 광전 효과의
compensation 보상
policy 정책
complete 마무리하다, 완수하다
post 게재하다
concerning ~에 관하여
potentially hazardous 잠재적으로 위험한
document 상세히 보고하다, 문서로 작성하다
predict 예측하다
domestic market 국내 시장
procedure 절차, 수속
effective 효과적인
production time 생산 시간
even ~조차도
promise 약속하다, 약속
exceptional 뛰어난
promising 유망한
financial advisor 재정 자문가
protective gear 보호 장비
forward 전송하다, 회송하다
public relations department 홍보부
gratitude 고마움, 감사
refer honor 존경하다, 영예를 주다
relate 관계를 짓다
impress 감동시키다
response 반응
in spite of ~에도 불구하고
transfer 옮기다, 건네다
Lesson 06
Actual Test 06
토익단기학교 800 완벽대비
문제풀이반 주교재
Voca Review
be aware of nevertheless be engaged in once concerning policy domestic
exceptional procedure forward promising gratitude protective gear honor transfer
multi-national company TOEIC Part 5
01The banquet room
our annual charity event is being held is situated
close to the center of Tokyo.
(A) where
(B) in it
(C) in that
02All vacation requests are postponed
(D) when
further notice to meet the dead-
line for our products that will be launched next month.
(A) next to
(B) above
(C) until
(D) except
03Mr. Peterson was planning to fly to Illinois, but he had to put his name on a wait
ing list because the flight was
fully booked.
(A) already
(C) soon
(B) well
04The local government should start
(D) ever
reforms now; otherwise the
economy in this region is getting worse.
(A) economic
(B) economy
05The directors of the committee
(C) economist
(D) economically
a proposal that was submitted by the
finance department and accepted it.
(A) searched
(B) reviewed
(C) advised
(D) reduced
06The Mutual Bank decided to extend its operation hours, and will now be open
its customers.
from 9 AM to 7 PM in order to better
(A) offer
(B) provide
(C) serve
07We are currently looking for workers
(D) receive
to the region for the develop-
ment project.
(A) according
(B) physical
(C) native
(D) approximate
08All job applications submitted to our personnel department will be kept on re.
cord for six months from the date of
(A) receipt (B) admission Lesson 06
(C) ownership (D) membership
09We recently hired Ms. Edelson as a new market analyst and she
November 1.
(A) has been starting
(B) will be starting
(C) was started
(D) is being started
of the sales figures revealed that the advertising campaign that we
launched last month was not as effective as we had hoped.
(A) Analyst (B) Analysis
11Under more
(C) Analyze (D) Analytical
circumstances, the CEO would have approved the pay
increases, but this year it was not possible.
(A) favorable
(B) favorably
(C) favor
12BMC publishing company will be checking the article
(D) favorite
mistakes and
edit it before printing.
(A) barring 13Although the
(B) over
(C) for
(D) from
for the best design will be very fierce, Mr. Gozalas has
good chance of getting the award.
(A) competitively
(B) competitive
(C) compete (D) competition
토익단기학교 800 완벽대비
문제풀이반 주교재
Lesson 06 Actual Test 06
TOEIC Part 6
Questions 1-3 refer to the following letter.
Business Consulting
453 Liberty Avenue
Freehold, Utah
Souaid Robert
189 Lincoln Avenue
Freehold, Utah
Dear Ms. Souaid,
Due to the increased number of our customers, we moved our location to a bigger
453 Liberty Avenue
place. Our office address has been changed. It is
01 (A) here
(B) now
(C) still
(D) during
Freehold, Utah, and our phone number stays the same.
Also, I would like to let you know that your next visit is scheduled for Friday,
September 1, at 2 : 30 PM.
this time will not be convenient for you, contact
02 (A) Even if
(B) Moreover
(C) If
(D) As if
the office manager.
We just updated our homepage on the Internet. Please take a look at the recently added
Q&A section. If you would like to know more about us or need information, send us
your questions or concerns. We will do our best to respond with accurate and timely
03 (A) reminders
(B) delivery
(C) compensation (D) advice
I am looking forward to seeing you in our office.
Lesson 06
Dr. Giles Wilton
TOEIC Part 7
Questions 1-2 refer to the following memo.
To : All staff
From : Chris D’Arby, CEO
Date : February 2nd, 2004
Re : Misuse of Office Supplies
It has come to my attention that some staff have been using company office supplies for
their own personal use. This is very disappointing, and although I know it is only a few
individuals, we will have to establish new policies that will negatively affect everyone.
Effective immediately, the office supply cupboard will be locked. The only members of the
staff who will hold keys are Brenda Hutchings, the head of Human Resources, and Don
Smith, the head of Accounts Receivable. If you need to replenish any of the office supplies
in your department, please fill out a requisition form, which you will find on the company
website, and submit it to either of them.
If they deem your request legitimate, they will have the supplies sent to your department
via your manager. All requisition forms will be collected and kept on file. I hope this resolves the problem.
Chris D’Arby
Lesson 06 Actual Test 06
토익단기학교 800 완벽대비
문제풀이반 주교재
Who will be responsible for distributing office supplies from now on?
(A) Two department heads
(B) Accounts Receivable
(C) All of the managers
(D) Chris D’Arby
Where can staff members get a form to request office supplies?
(A) From the head of Human Resources
(B) From the company website
(C) From Chris D’Arby, the CEO
(D) From the manager of their department
Questions 3-4 refer to the following business summary.
BDI Investments
BDI Investments Company provides investment and fund processing, and investment
management outsourcing solutions, catering to corporations and financial institutions.
The company operates the following divisions :
• Private Banks division, offering investment processing and management programs to
banks and trust institutions.
• Institutional Investors division, offering investment management programs and administrative outsourcing solutions to retirement plan sponsors and not-for-profit organizations.
• Investment Managers division, providing investment and fund processing, and operational outsourcing solutions to investment management and fund companies, and
banking institutions.
BDI Investments Company offers its products and services through sales representatives
primarily in North America, Europe, and Asia. The company was founded in 1975 and is
headquartered in Houston, Texas.
What kinds of clients does this BDI Investments not deal with?
(A) Trust companies
(B) Non-profit organizations
(C) Private investors
(D) Banks
Which division probably does not deal directly with financial institutions?
(A) Private Banks
(B) Institutional Investors
Lesson 06
(C) Investment Management
(D) BDI Investments
according to ~에 따라
favorable 호의적인, 유리한
admission 입장, 입국
favorite 좋아하는
analysis 분석
fierce 격렬한
analyst 분석가
in that ~이므로, ~때문에
analytical 분석적인, 분해의
job application 취업 지원서
analyze 분석하다
launch 내보내다, 시장에 내다
annual 1년의, 해마다의
local government 지방 정부
approve 승인하다
market analyst 시장 분석가
approximate ~에 가까워지다, 가깝다
membership 회원권
article 원고, 기사
native 그 지방 고유의, 타고난
banquet room 연회장
next to ~ 옆에
barring ~이 없으면
operation hour 영업시간
charity event 자선 행사
ownership 소유권
circumstance 상황
pay increase 봉급 인상
compete 경쟁하다
personnel department 인사과
competition 경쟁
physical 신체적인, 물리적인
competitive 경쟁적인, 경쟁력이 있는
postpone 연기하다, 뒤로 미루다
competitively 경쟁적으로
proposal 제안, 제안서
development project 개발 프로젝트
publishing company 출판사
economic 경제의
receipt 수령, 영수증
economically 경제적으로, 알뜰하게
reduce 줄이다, 축소하다
economist 경제학자
reform 개혁
economy 경제
region 지역
effective 효과적인
reveal 드러내다
extend 늘리다, 연장하다
sales figure 영업 실적
favor 호의
Lesson 07
Actual Test 07
토익단기학교 800 완벽대비
문제풀이반 주교재
Voca Review
analysis job application analyst launch barring market analyst charity event membership circumstance native economic ownership effective pay increase extend physical favor postpone favorable reform favorite region fierce reveal in that sales figure
TOEIC Part 5
01Many people are waiting outside for the box office to open so they can
tickets for the famous singer’s concert.
(A) approve
(B) purchase
(C) achieve
(D) replace
02Thanks to the advances in technology, the state-of-the-art device is made
out of plastic.
(A) totaling
(B) total
(C) totally
(D) totaled
03Because there were too many participants at the seminar, we should
into smaller groups for discussion.
(A) allocate
(B) provide
04ABC Shoe Store asked
(C) offer
(D) divide
to make their final selections and bring them
to cashiers’ stations within 30 minutes.
(A) shopper
(B) shopping
(C) to shop
(D) shoppers
05One of the leading companies, Big Star agreed to buy
Get-Well drug
company for 10 billion dollars.
(A) rival
(B) potential (C) renewed
(D) contrasting
in computer technology have allowed technicians to perform multi-
dimensional graphics far better than ever before.
(A) Advance (B) Advancing
07Mr. Fukui
(C) Advancement
(D) Advances
washes his hands with anti-bacterial detergent right after
coming home.
(A) habitual (B) habit
(C) habitually
(D) habits
Lesson 07
08Windpower Co. is faced with financial hardship, so in order to overcome this
financial support is needed.
(A) extend
(B) extent
(C) extensive
09The FM convenience store in the central park is
(D) extending
located and it is
always busy with many customers.
(A) conveniently
(B) promptly (C) greatly
10Mr. Tallent handled all of the customers’ inquiries by
(D) widely
because the
other sales representatives were out of the office.
(A) itself
(B) himself
(C) themselves
11As of October 1, Carla Fishermen will
(D) herself
the company as its interface in
all dealings with the local government.
(A) accommodate (B) perform
12Ms. Harris is extremely
(C) attend
(D) represent
to take an opportunity to thank you for all of
the hard-working and dedicated employees.
(A) happy
(B) happily
(C) happier
(D) happiness
we hire more factory workers, we cannot meet the deadline for the
products on time.
(A) Unless (B) Also (C) Except (D) Meanwhile
토익단기학교 800 완벽대비
문제풀이반 주교재
Lesson 07 Actual Test 07
TOEIC Part 6
Questions 1-3 refer to the following letter.
Ms. Sumitra Patel
148 Pont Street
London WS2
Dear Ms. Patel,
Thank you for applying for the position of administrative assistant at the SouthWest
office. After interviewing many candidates last week including you, we have decided
you the position.
01 (A) offers
(B) offering
(C) to offer (D) to be offered
Your supervisor will be Dr. Denny Robyn, who will provide you with a
02 (A) collaborative
(B) promising
(C) makeshift
(D) specific
You will be paid bi-weekly and you will be eligible to receive paid holidays, paid vacation, and regular medical benefits.
Please contact me if there is anything to clarify.
please sign and return one
03 (A) Therefore
(B) Otherwise
(C) Likewise
(D) Similarly
copy of the enclosed contract. You may keep the second copy for your records.
Faber David
Human Resources
TOEIC Part 7
Questions 1-5 refer to the following notice.
Consumer’s Health and Safety Association
Product Recall – Advisory Notice
October 2008
Roofer’s Friend, Inc.—Heavy Duty Roof Bracket
Description : The recalled product is an adjustable roof bracket used on sloped roofs. The
brackets are used to hold a 0.6 m x 3 m (2 ft x 10 ft) board which is used as a working
Lesson 07
platform on the roof.
Hazard Identified : The recalled product may pose a fall hazard. Some brackets were manufactured without proper tack welds on the pins that hold the adjustable mechanism in
place. Only those brackets without the tack welds are being recalled. Tests by the manufacturer have found that the mechanism can fail when considerable weight is being supported by the bracket. We have not received reports of incidents or injuries.
Corrective Action : Consumers should immediately stop using the roof bracket. Consumers may return the Heavy Duty Roof Bracket to the store where purchased for exchange.
For additional information, contact Roofers Friend Inc. toll-free at 1-800-345-6454.
What kind of notice is this?
(A) A request for the return of a product
(B) A complaint about a manufacturer
(C) A warning not to buy a defective product
(D) A call for a boycott of a retail store
What is the product this notice relates to?
(A) A tack welder
(B) A roofing safety harness
(C) An adjustable bracket
(D) A platform for roofers
Lesson 07 Actual Test 07
토익단기학교 800 완벽대비
문제풀이반 주교재
Who discovered the problem with the product?
(A) Injured consumers
(B) The CHSA
(C) Roofer’s Friend, Inc.
(D) A retail store
How can people be injured by this product?
(A) The bracket can slip off the roofs that are too steep.
(B) The adjustable mechanism can fail under heavy loads.
(C) The welds on the bracket can break if not supported.
(D) The board is not strong enough to hold a person’s weight.
What are people who have bought this product supposed to do?
(A) They should return the product to the manufacturer.
(B) They can call the Health and Safety Association.
(C) They should call the manufacturer for instructions.
(D) They can bring their product to the store.
Questions 6-7 refer to the following brochure.
Full Circle Marketing
223 Lincoln Street, Evanston, Illinois 60201
phone / 847.335.2675 fax / 847.335.2673
At Full Circle Marketing, we feel that our body of work speaks for itself. Here are some
examples of work we have done for our clients. Click on the links below to see detailed
samples of print and online material.
CLIENT : PRIME PROPERTIES, INC. (commercial real estate company)
OVERVIEW : Responsible for all corporate marketing including national branding campaign, regional marketing support programs, advertising and public relations campaign
to support business objectives. Created marketing communication pieces for print and
electronic format. Developed and maintained company website :
Click here for work samples.
OVERVIEW : Conducted online marketing campaign, including : monthly e-newsletter,
website development and maintenance, online advertising campaigns. Responsible for
all marketing communications and public relations for this fast-growing health care company. Visit their web site : http : // for more information.
Click here for work samples.
CLIENT : RAND TRAVEL (travel product company)
Lesson 07
OVERVIEW : Made product packaging and managed projects. Created concepts and project
managed in-store seasonal image campaigns for retail stores; managed the development
of travel print products for an array of consumer markets. Click here for work samples.
How can readers view some printed material the company has produced?
(A) They should request a brochure from the company.
(B) They can write to the address at the top of the ad.
(C) They need to follow the links provided.
(D) They can view other websites listed in the ad.
What kind of work did the company NOT do for Prime Properties?
(A) Print and electronic marketing
(B) National brand identity program
(C) Developed company website
(D) Created product packaging
토익단기학교 800 완벽대비
문제풀이반 주교재
Lesson 07 Actual Test 07
accommodate 수용하다
handle 처리하다
achieve 이루다, 달성하다
hardship 어려움, 곤란
advance 발전, 나아가다, 진보하다
inquiry 문의 사항
advancement 전진
interface 연락, 의사소통
anti-bacterial 항균성의
leading 선도하는,
approve 승인하다, 지지하다
local government 지방 정부
as of ~일자로
meanwhile ~하는 사이에
be faced with ~에 처하다, ~와 마주하다
meet the deadline 마감일을 맞추다
be located in ~에 위치해 있다
multi-dimensional 다차원의
be out of the office 외근 중이다
on time 제 시간에
by oneself 스스로, 혼자서
participant 참석자
cashiers’ station 계산대
perform 수행하다
contrasting 대조되는
potential 잠정적인, 편파적인
convenience store 편의점
promptly 신속하게
conveniently 편리하게
purchase 구입하다
dedication 헌신
renewed 갱신된
detergent 세제
replace 교체하다
sales representative 영업 사원
extensive 광범위한, 포괄적인
state-of-the-art 최첨단의
extent 넓이, 크기
thanks to ~덕분에
habit 습관
totally 전적으로, 아주
habitual 습관적인
widely 넓게
habitually 습관적으로