newsletter-2016-21-06 - Mountain Creek State High School
newsletter-2016-21-06 - Mountain Creek State High School
Lady Musgrave Drive Mountain Creek QLD 4557 Subscribe: 21 June 2016 From the Executive Principal This term has been significant in the development of our students’ skills in writing through the whole school staged introduction to Collins Writing program. Students have been introduced to and practiced Type 1, Type 2 and Type 3 writing through the teaching of skills. Students in Action (HODs and Administration visits to classrooms to see student notebooks, learning journals and student participation in learning) was an opportunity to see the school wide outputs and outcomes of the Collins Reading. Student work demonstrated the high level of commitment by both staff and students to and development of skills of writing, at all year levels and across many key learning areas. The significant contribution of all staff to developing student skills in the area of writing, will be enhanced in Term 3 with another visit by Christine Hills (Collins Writing Program) who will provide additional professional development for staff and additional in class mentoring and classroom observation opportunities. I encourage parents to look for the improvements in student writing across the subjects they are studying and I hope that students are able to articulate the writing process and how this program is improving their writing skills. Early next term all families will receive an invitation to have your say in our online School Opinion Survey. The eldest student in each family will be provided with a letter outlining the purpose of the School Opinion Survey, a document providing a unique user name and password and instructions on how to complete the survey online. Your involvement in completing the online survey, Email: Phone: 07 5457 8333 Fax: 07 5457 8300 together with the surveys from students and staff will assist the school to determine what we are doing well and how we can improve. Finally, I hope all students have completed Term 2 with the confidence that they have committed their best efforts towards achieving the goals set at the beginning of the term. Your class teachers will provide you with formative feedback in each subject at the start of Term 3, to assist you to set your goals for learning in Term 3. As we approach subject selection for 2017, the feedback provided will also assist you to develop your ECP conversations/presentations with parents and your ECP teacher and assist you in making the best choices for your future education. I wish all families a safe and enjoyable winter vacation and remind students that the first day of Term 3, is Monday 11th July 2016. CONGRATULATIONS MCSHS - Winning school Year 8 & 9 Winter interschool sport MCSHS Stage Band – awarded Best secondary Multi program band Division 1, Regional Fanfare Awarded school accreditation (4 years) with Australian Schools Accreditation Agency Year 10 and Open Boys Rugby League into the Grand Finals of the Broncos, Michael DeVere Cup (Year 10) and Andrew Gee Shield (Open) competitions to be played in Term 3. Cheryl McMahon Executive Principal From the Head of Senior School ECP Term 3 and Careers Night There will be some important processes around the Year 10, 11 and 12 ECP interviews set down for the 9th of August next term. The booking system will open for parents on the 21st of July. • Year 10 students will have an interview to confirm their choice of subjects for Year 11 2107, and therefore the focus will be on prerequisites. Students must meet the prerequisite grade for a subject to be allowed to take that subject in Year 11. Extensive material will come home to families on Thursday 21st of July about this process, and we expect that all students will finalise their choices on ECP day. Please also see the Subject Selection Handbooks available on the school website which will be updated soon. • Year 11 students will pay for subjects they are enrolled in for Year 12 2017. There are no subject changes at ECP, and if this is an issue students need to see me for an interview after ECP. All Year 11 students will do another Student Led Conference for ECP. • Year 12 students will either complete a QTAC application meeting or a Student Led Conference if they are not intending to go to University in 2017. • Careers/Subject Selection Night will be held on 1st August and allow students especially in Year 10 to refine their choices for Senior. Year 7, 8 and 9 students will be able to discuss electives as well as core choices for 2017 with HODS teachers and students. Senior Leader Induction Ceremony On the 14th of July the Year 11 students will be officially inducted as the senior leaders of the school. At this ceremony all leadership positions will be announced including school captains. Parents are welcome at this ceremony which commences at approximately 10.30am and is completed by 11.45am in the Student Centre. Please read the extensive article by Ms Bree Brockenshire about other goings on in the Senior School. My congratulations to her and the team, especially Ms Munro who are running a very busy exam schedule this week. Local Police would like to remind all school families to take care when using our roads, especially over these school holidays. The roads around the coast are busy with an influx of visitors and Maroochydore police will out in force over the holiday period. Queensland Core Skills Test and Exam Block Term 3 The QCS test dates are Tuesday 30th and Wednesday 31st August. Students will be very familiar with the processes around 2 ensuring that they have all of the correct equipment and information about the test. The dates for the exam block in Term 3 for Year 11 and 12 are below. Families should avoid having their students away from school at this time when many important assessments are undertaken by students. Year Start Finish 12 Friday 9 September Friday 16th September 11 Monday 12th September A message from the Queensland Police The community’s safety is our priority and police will continue to target the fatal five which are speeding, drink and drug driving, not wearing a seatbelt, driving while fatigued and driving distracted. Too many Queensland drivers are being distracted while on the road by things like mobile phones, complex sound systems, on-board DVD players and satellite navigation, to name a few. The message is clear these school holidays if motorists continue to make poor choices on our local roads and endanger other road users they can expect a fine and a loss of demerit points. Please remember to plan your trip ahead, take a break, rest, revive and survive. For traffic and road conditions please visit the 131940 Traffic and Travel information website Graduation Requirements It is a requirement that all Year 12 students adhere to the conditions on page 51 of the Senior Learning Journal to be able to attend graduation ceremonies this year. The details explain explicitly the central themes of attendance, behaviour and academic progress. “Senior students at Mountain Creek State High School enter into senior studies in the full knowledge they are studying for a purpose, their pathway into work, training or further studies at university. Students have chosen subjects on a specific pathway to meet these goals. This Senior Student Agreement revisits the undertakings that students gave at their enrolment interview, for some students this was over four years ago. It also describes and seeks agreement from the senior student on the specific behaviours that must be displayed in order for them to be a successful graduate at Mountain Creek State High School. Completion Senior students agree to make their best efforts to complete all set work for their chosen subjects. This includes homework, assignments and any Certificate level competencies. Students that do not complete their set work put at risk their enrolment in certain subjects and more importantly their opportunity to gain a Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) upon their graduation from school at the end of Year 12. Students that are organised, complete set work and keep track of their course of study (seeking help from the school where needed), are always much more successful and meet this completion requirement. Attendance Education Queensland demands that students attend every lesson every day unless there is a valid reason. This policy is clearly outlined in the Everyday Counts legislation at the Education Queensland Website. Students that attend consistently are always more successful in their studies. Students that do not attend regularly miss vital information about school subjects and school events. The requirement for senior students to attend school graduation events is that they attend 95% of all classes and school days throughout their senior studies. Students must also attend all set exams in exam blocks. Students must also attend assigned work experience days unless they have an exam. parents-community/regular-school-attendance.html Students are reminded that the completion and attendance requirement applies to ALL study including VET (Vocational Education – Certificate courses) and QCS preparation programs. Behaviour Students must maintain an acceptable standard of behaviour to be invited to the Graduation Ceremony. Failure to meet this standard will result in withdrawal of the Graduation invitation. From the Head of Junior Secondary School QSPA Conference Four of our administration team members had the privilege of attending the Queensland Secondary Principals’ Association Conference in week 9. The theme for this conference was Lead, Learn and Thrive. Various guest speakers talked about innovation in education. The Minister for Education and the Minister for Tourism and Major Events, Hon Ms Kate Jones, opened the second day of the conference. She spoke about the commitment to upskilling teachers to support the ongoing STEM initiative. She also mentioned the SATE – the Senior Assessment and Tertiary Entrance Reform, which will initially impact on our current year 9 students when they enter Year 11 and 12. For these students the current OP system will be replaced by an ATAR rank and subjects will have some external examinations. Parent evenings in 2017 will allow parents to ask further questions about the new system as it rolls out across the state. We have attached a link to a memo from the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority that is informative for parents about the new system. snr_assessment_trials_guide.pdf IT IS A REQUIREMENT OF ALL STUDENTS AT MOUNTAIN CREEK STATE HIGH SCHOOL TO GRADUATE WITH A LEVEL OF CERTIFICATION RECOGNISED BY THE QUEENSLAND STUDIES AUTHORITY. THESE INCLUDE: • CERTIFICATE COURSE COMPLETION (EG. CERTIFICATE II HOSPITALITY) • QCE COMPLETION • SCHOOL BASED APPRENTICESHIP OR TRAINEESHIP PLEASE NOTE THAT AN OP IS NOT CONSIDERED TO BE A LEVEL OF CERTIFICATION. STUDENTS WHO GRADUATE WITHOUT A QCE AND WITH NO OTHER CERTIFICATE COURSE COMPLETION ARE NOT CONSIDERED TO HAVE MET THESE REQUIREMENTS. Students who wish to attend the Graduation Ceremonies at the end of Year 12 must satisfy the requirements above. Students should be clear on the difference between completing Year 12 and just finishing the year as an enrolled student.” Best Wishes, Vaccinations Thank you to Mr Lindsay Baker for organising the year 7 and 8 Vaccinations in week 9. We also had a number of parent volunteers who helped out with this event and this was very much appreciated. Junior Secondary Leaders Over the past 3 to 4 weeks, all year 7 and 8 students have been involved in the Nomination and Voting process for Junior Secondary Leaders. In year 7, four Junior Secondary Leaders have been elected to represent their class (2 in Term 3 and 2 in Term 4). Two Year 8 students were elected to represent their respective class, and will represent their class in this position for the remainder of Year 8 and 9. Year 9’s have continued on in their roles from Year 8. Congratulations to all of the Year 7 and 8 nominees, and a further congratulations to all of the elected students. Thank you to the Students Services Team for their ongoing support of Junior Secondary students and involvement in training al of the Junior Secondary Leaders. Andrew Stone Head of Senior School 3 SUBSCHOOL FORM CLASS STUDENT Montana King 8U Elouise Hodson Sienna Huntington Year 8 Leaders 2016 – YEAR 7 – JUNIOR SECONDARY LEADERS SUBSCHOOL BRIBIE FORM CLASS 7A 7B 2016 – YEAR 8 – JUNIOR SECONDARY LEADERS 7C STUDENT TERM 3 TERM 4 Thomas Montague Sophie Henning James Paterson Bailey Keefe Sam Stewart Lily Sutton Taj Nommensen Shania Mason James Murray Liam Thompson SUBSCHOOL FORM CLASS STUDENT BRIBIE 8A Lilly Penny Marine Van de Merwe 8B 7D FRASER 7G Flynn Ferguson Troy Milton Ben O’Brien Harry Bartolo Olivia Jeffreys Jayden Barber Olivia Baker Alex Murray Charlotte Weitenberg Ari Blytheway Ella Sargent Josh Russell Joel Peters Jack Underhill Jack Gordon Alyssa Mantarro Kirra Dixon Dj Mendoza Kelsi Geraghty Aryon Ramos Riley Johnston Neve Underwood Grace Finlay Alana Munro Jacob Thomas Grace Voller Tamara Mitchell Hayley King Jasmine Wynne Tahlia Lloyd Summah Campbell Didi Marsh Conor Price Jordi Titmus Kirsty Lam Samuel Evans Matt McGill Sarsha Weaver Isabella Maker Luke McMullin Olivia Quinn Kian Fewings Ella Owain Chloe McKenzie Ethan Lovell Kyle Hartwell 8C 7H Luke Brickland Amy-Lee Woods FRASER 8G 7I Loula-Suzie Bensaci Lauren Van De Vorst 8H 7J Nivea Hireme Spenser Jackson-Shayler 8I Jaime Hannan MORETON 7M Gabrielle Kneipp MORETON 8M 7N Ainsley Lea Tiahn Panovsky 8N 7O Nellie Burwin Kirra Richardson 8O Rubi Fewings STRADBROKE 7S Chris Maier STRADBROKE 8S Hannah Page 7T Meg Turner 8T 4 India Bunyan-Beer 7U So You Wanna Go To Uni… USC – University Experience 9 June So you wanna go to Uni… USC – University Experience 9 June Oh What a Day! At least that’s what the students thought … and they were so right. Year 7 Term 3 Leaders “I loved every second.” “Met lots of great people.” “Gave me an insight into Uni classes.” “I got to see the campus and experience the facilities.” Over 800 students from across the state converged upon the University of the Sunshine Coast for ‘Experience USC’. With 34 workshop options to choose from, students could select four. Fields of study ranged from Accounting: Come and Join the Circus, to Law: Draco Vs Hogwarts School. Andrea Evans Lindsay Baker Craig Hegarty Head of Junior Deputy Principal Head of Secondary Department Junior Junior Secondary Secondary Just over 50 Aspiring Mountain Creek State High School student leaders, from years 9 to 10 took up the opportunity to attend the event and engaged in workshops that gave them a true sense of university lecture style and practical experiences unique to tertiary education. It certainly was a day to reflect “so you wanna go to Uni…” Well done students! Senior School News Ms Mullighan Teacher QCS Practice Test Annual Senior Leadership Camp Thanks to the Year 12 cohort who sat the final practice QCS test on 24th and 25th May. On Sunday the 29th of May, 32 aspiring senior leaders packed their bags and boarded a bus for a leadership building 3-day adventure at Emu Gully, near Toowoomba. The large group was split into 2 teams: Alpha and Bravo. Within no time the groups were immersed in team-building activities. Many, if not all of the students, were pushed emotionally, physically, or both throughout the camp, and relied on their newfound team to support them. The ANZAC values of courage, mateship, perseverance, and sacrifice were emphasised throughout the 3 days, and students did their best to embody these ideals. The group learnt so many lessons that apply not only to the situations we faced on camp, or just our role as leaders, but lessons that apply to everyday life. Most importantly we learnt to trust ourselves and our teams, and the significance of effective communication. All students were generally well organised and motivated and we are hopeful that our results will be promising as an indicator of how much students have improved with the rotations that they have been involved in as well as the feedback from the previous practice test in Term 1. Feedback from the test will arrive in the coming weeks and we will provide this to individual students, the cohort as a whole and Year 12 teachers to ensure that there is a focus on the skills that require further improvement in the final weeks of lead up to the actual test on next term. Bree Brockenshire It is safe to say that the camp brought the leadership hopefuls together in a way that no other situation could. Our 3-day adventure may have left us cut up and bruised, with sore muscles and fatigued minds, but after a good shower and sleep, we all realised how the camp had changed our mindsets, and how we had grown as individuals and as a cohort. – Briana Williams Hi, my name is Blake Williams and recently I visited Emu Gully for Leadership Camp. In all honesty I loved it, and I learned various lessons that I would not learn anywhere else. I learned the importance and impact of simply knowing someone’s name and the power of will; if you set your mind to something and 5 remain positive, you will do it. Through my time I also learned the consequences of my actions, a bad mistake can result in many people following which creates one single mindset for the group. However, quickly identifying and resolving this issue is a pivotal concept I have learned during my time at Emu Gully. Our instructors were Chris and Linda; they were amazing and with them I found that being a leader is not about standing out, it can also be stepping down. It is a good leadership skill to be able to use the strengths of the team around you, being involved in leadership camp with Chris and Linda made me aware of this. Hearing the many stories of both World Wars made me individually, realise that the leadership process our school was going through was nothing compared to the poor conditions many brave people in the wars had to experience. Overall, leadership camp was an incredible experience which I would never take back; being leadership related or not I highly recommend anyone in primary or high school should consider visiting. Year 11 Leadership Camp 2016 was a great experience which gave us many opportunities to grow as leaders, as a team, and as individuals. Whilst at Emu Gully the instructors Chris and Linda encouraged us to step outside our comfort zone, this related to the goals we had set as a group; one being to give everything 100%. Many friendships were created whilst at Emu Gully and as a group we were able to identify some key leadership qualities we were lacking. Emu Gully Camp follows the motto of “To challenge, inspire and empower” which in all, assisted in the process of becoming better senior leaders. Team building activities presented us with an opportunity to help and encourage our peers in order to ensure everybody felt supported and safe. Attending Emu Gully will for now and always be a highlight of our senior school experience at Mountain Creek. On behalf of the senior leaders of 2016, we are thankful for all that was taught to us throughout the experience and aim to implicate the newly found skills and lessons taught on this camp within our school. – Lara St Clair As for results, the final heat of the QDU competition saw three out of four year eight teams win, knocking three local schools out of the competition. Congratulations to all of the year 7 and 8 debaters – we can’t wait to see how far you get next year. Unfortunately, Year 11 are out of the competition after winning two and marginally losing two rounds. We hope to see this talented team participate in year 12 in 2017 – they really will be a force to be reckoned with. Year 10 won two and lost two - pipped at the post by one point. Coach Audre Fogarty was very proud of this team especially when all of the six girls turned up to support their team even in the appalling weather two weeks ago. The girls’ excellent commitment to their team did not go unnoticed by other schools. Thanks and congratulations to all of the debaters for their hard work and commitment. We now have some extremely confident speakers who are excited about debating in 2017. Best of luck to those teams who will enter the finals in Brisbane in term 3. We will keep you up-to-date with the results. Special thanks also to the coaches, Talia Barnes, Amanda Tollner, Meg Racovalis and Brenton Murray for their commitment to our students and this prestigious competition. Finally, sincere thanks to Audre Fogarty for her commitment in her role as QDU school’s coordinator. This is a very large job and Audre has fulfilled this role with absolute commitment to our debaters. Thanks must also go to Doug MacDonald whose assistance at the debating evenings at the school has been invaluable. His organisation and willingness to commit to long hours at school has made hosting the year 8 competition possible. Bree Brockenshire HOD Senior School and Various Senior Leaders News from the English Faculty High Praise for QDU participation In the final night of the debating heats, adjudicators praised our school spirit and commitment to our students for giving so many students the opportunity to participate in this competitive, rigorous and academic sport. More than 40 of our students participated across 3 levels of competition, which included four Year 8 teams and a number of Year 7s who debated in the year 8 competition. The adjudicators also praised our students, not only in regards to their debating skills but also because of their impeccable appearance and behaviour. This year has been particularly well supported, with some students undertaking rigorous research to support our teams. There were also many positive comments about the venue with the parents of Mountain Creek State High debating students saying how proud they were to be connected to a school that was receiving such high praise. 6 Wendy McDermott Head of Department English Rostrum Voice of Youth Public Speaking Competition 2016 2016 saw a number of enthusiastic public speakers from Years 7 to 8 compete in Rostrum’s Voice of Youth Competition. Congratulations to Lillian Penny, Rebecca Robins, Lydia Keet, Thomas Rankin, Lara Holdsworth and Lili Scout Haigh-Neale for presenting their speeches that addressed a versatile range of topics from ‘The Time has Come’ to ‘Blurring the Boundaries.’ Special mention must go to Lillian Penny and Lara Holdsworth for their commendations in the competition: Lara was runner up in her heat and Lillian not only won her heat, but also the Sunshine Coast final and progressed through to the finals for South Queensland where she also had to put her impromptu speaking skills to the test! Well done to all MCSHS students for representing themselves and the school to such a high standard. Caption Lillian Penny News from the Coding and Innovation Faculty IT Staff Profiles Libby Richardson completed a Bachelor of Education Secondary at the Queensland University of Technology in 2008, majoring in Film, Television and New Media Studies and minoring in English. Libby spent the next four years teaching a range of subjects at Emerald State High School in Central Queensland. Libby Richardson It was here that Libby’s digital technologies journey began, teaching senior Information Technologies Systems and junior Computer Studies. Libby moved to the Sunshine Coast and began teaching at Mountain Creek State High School in 2013. She is currently teaching year 11 ITS and year 7 Digital Technologies, and is looking forward to continuing to develop and share skills in the IT area. Mel Muller began her studies way back in the 90s graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communications and Fine Art. After a range of careers she settled in the recruitment industry specialising in youth unemployment. Working with many local high schools Mel developed a passion for teaching and decided to study for her teaching degree in 2002. Upon graduating Alice Muller she spent 10 wonderful years at Woombye State School, combining her role as an eLearning Mentor with teaching Years 5 to 7. Mid last year Mel was offered an amazing opportunity to join the emerging Coding and Innovation Team at Mountain Creek State High. She felt that this was the perfect opportunity to combine her love of Art, with Coding and Maths. Creative Coding, Virtual Reality and Innovation are Mel’s passion’s and she can’t wait as part of the Coding and Innovation Hub, to incorporate more of this into the new Digital Technologies Curriculum. Graeme Breen- Advance Queensland Community Digital Champion Graeme Breen is Head of the Coding and Innovation Hub and STEM activities here at Mountain Creek State High School and an exceptional educator. He willingly shares his expertise with colleagues and young people in his Sunshine Coast community. Graeme recently received the Advance Queensland Community Digital Champions award. This award is for his outstanding and passionate work in Digital Technology, and his continual work in giving back to the community by helping others become digitally-savvy. Graeme goes beyond his school responsibilities to foster innovation and develop digital skills. As part of a global movement powered by Google for Entrepreneurs, Graeme initiated and ran a Startup Weekend for Youth on the Sunshine Coast in 2015 (the first of its kind in the Oceania region) to encourage teens to think about creative business ideas and put them into practice. Led by Graeme, the expanded event will run again in 2016. He set up the Coding and Innovation Hub within Mountain Creek SHS, alongside strong industry support and involvement. It provides opportunities for teachers in the region, both primary and secondary, to upgrade their skills in digital technologies. Since 2014, Graeme has provided training for more than 250 teachers. Graeme, through the Coding and Innovation Hub, partnered with Sunshine Coast Council, Telstra and Spark Bureau to initiate and run the Sunshine Coast Council Mayor’s Telstra Technology Awards for 2016. Graeme's other activities and achievements include: • providing training positions for Sunshine Coast library staff at the Digital Technologies Skills Expo • introducing a STEM Academy program of excellence • being awarded a Google Experience Day, based on his work engaging girls in IT, running IT extension programs for gifted primary students and upgrading staff skills at Mountain Creek State High School. As a digital champ, Graeme will: • organise the 2016 Startup Weekend for Youth, expanded from last year • deliver three Skills Expos to train Sunshine Coast primary school teachers in digital technologies to manage new subject areas • deliver 3 workshops for secondary teachers in specialist areas 7 • roll out Lean Startup training to 24 Sunshine Coast teachers • hold a Robotics Day for 50 teams over the course of weekend • work with industry partners to develop opportunities for students to experience Lean Startup methodology. Big Day In MCSHS Year 10 Digital Technology students had the opportunity to attend the ASC foundation’s Big Day In at The University of Queensland on the 8th of June. The Big Day In is an IT careers conference designed by students for students. It caters for both high school (Years 9-12) and university students interested in a career in technology. Below are some students accounts of the day and the points that stood out to them. News from Creative Industries MAdD Due to unforeseen circumstances, we have had to change the dates of the MAdD festival to Term 4. The new date will be Friday the 14th of October from 4pm. There will be two ticketed shows; one at 5pm (Early Bird Show) and one at 7.30pm (Up Late Show). Tickets will be $5 each. “The digital technology excursion was a fun and enjoyable experience. I liked going around to the tables and finding out information about all the jobs out there for girls in IT. I also enjoyed getting the flyers and brochures that informed me about the jobs within the industry. Overall it was a good day that included fun activities and let me learn more about jobs out there for girls that want to work in IT.” “On Wednesday the 8th of June we visited The University of Queensland for the Big Day In. When we got there we were led into a big hall with a few other schools. During the day we had the opportunity to listen to a variety of presenters. They gave us information about the jobs they work in within IT and the opportunities available after school within the industry. The first presenter was Anna Emmerson. She works at Google in Sydney and talked about why she loved doing her job, as well as the opportunities within the IT industry for females. Just before morning tea, Matt Deshon. He presented, he works at Technology One and gave some information about the role of the company in society and the opportunities they have for students in university and jobs after. Then we were talked to by Russell Hamilton, he worked at TCS, and talked to us about the ‘Tata’ program that they did.” Fanfare 2016 Fanfare is the biennial state wide festival for bands and orchestras in Queensland state schools. It showcases the outstanding music making that occurs in school ensembles across the state. The emphasis for Fanfare is on improving the quality of ensembles, promoting the highest possible standard of performance, striving for excellence and encouraging participation. Over the last 3 weeks, schools from across our North Coast Region competed in heats and were adjudicated on their performances. Each ensemble was awarded a Gold, Silver or Bronze award based on the division they entered. Division 1 being the highest (A grade) to division 3. Our Mountain Creek ensembles all performed very well and achieved great results. 8 String Ensemble – division 2 – Silver Award Concert Band – division 2 – Gold Award Stage Band – division 1 – Gold Award From the heats, the adjudicator then chose the top 6 ensembles from the entire North Coast Region to perform at the regional final. Our Stage Band was selected as one of the top 6 and invited to perform at the final. Thank you to our coaches Mr Newcombe, Mr Brutnell, and Mr Shillig who have put time into these teams throughout the last few years. Good luck also to Trent Loiero (Yr 10) and Tyson Smoothy (Yr 12) who will represent Queensland in the National Rugby League Schoolboys Championships over the holidays. We once again performed excellently at the final. Our performance was well received by the audience and we received many positive comments but unfortunately did not win the most outstanding ensemble for the night. We did however pick up a trophy for BEST SECONDARY MULTI PROGRAM IN DIVISION 1 FOR THE SUNSHINE COAST REGION. Dan Roberts Program Manager 2016 Track & Field Carnival The annual Track & Field Carnival is on Wednesday 27th July, 2016. This is Week 3 and is a whole-school event and a compulsory school day. The senior carnival will run from 7.30am to 12.55pm. The junior carnival will run from 10.30am to 4.05pm Fantastic recognition for our hard working young musicians. Competitive Events Senior students have already nominated for competitive events. News from HPE and the Sports Department Rugby League Results Congratulations to both the Yr 10 and Open Rugby League teams for making the Grand Final of the Brisbane Broncos Michael DeVere (Yr 10) and Andrew Gee Shields (Open) competitions to be played in Term 3. This is the first time the school has qualified for both Grand Finals is these high level schoolboys’ competitions which were contested against Rugby League schools from the Gold Coast, Brisbane, and Toowoomba over 10 weeks in Term 2. Junior students will be selected in competitive events using their performances from their HPE classes. Sub-school teams for the competitive events will be posted on sub-school noticeboards at the end of Week 10. 800m, 1500m, Javelin & Junior High Jump will be completed at School prior to the carnival. These dates are already posted on sub-school noticeboards and are included here also. MCSHS Athletics Team will be selected from the results of these competitive events to attend the Central District carnival. Non-Competitive Events Students not competing in the competitive events will participate in a rotation of non-competitive events which include: 100m, Turbo Javelin, Bean Bag Shot Put, Frisbee Discus, Ball-Games & Relays 9 Procedures on the day All students are required to come to school at their usual time and assemble in their sub-school assembly areas for roll marking. Students will then be transported to the University track by bus and complete their rotation of events at the track. At the conclusion of the rotations the students will be transported back to school by bus. On return to school students will once again assemble for roll mark before departure from school. All students must travel to and from the venue by bus. Students cannot be dropped off and picked up from the track. to make your family clearly understanding of your wishes to donate your organs because they are people who make the final decision. Organ donation is the ‘Gift of Life’ to those needing the transplant and Donate Life encourages all of us to become donors through registering on their website. This group of Year 12 students held a cupcake sale to raise student and staff awareness of organ donation while enjoying a cupcake for a gold coin donation. The group raised $50 that has been donated to Donate Life! Dress Standards for Athletics Day Students are encouraged to wear sub-school shirts – available from sub-schools. No singlets – only shirts with sleeves, School Sport Shorts, shoes to run in, hat, sunscreen, water bottle. Normal school rules apply in regard to jewellery & phones. Career and Tertiary Information Other Essential Information The school canteen will operate out at the track and the university canteen will be out-of-bounds for duration of our carnival. MONDAY Week 11 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 20 June 21 June 22 June 23 June 24 June 13 & 14 Years Boys & Girls 1500m 13 & 14 Years Boys & Girls Javelin Inter-School Sport Finals Day 12 Years Boys & Girls High Jump Term 2 1pm Term 3 Week 1 11 July 12 July 10am 13 July 14 July 15, 16 & 17 Years 15, 16 & 17 Years Boys & Girls 800m Boys & Girls 1500m 1pm 13 &14 Years Girls 18 July 10am 1pm Junior Catchup 19 July 20 July 15, 16 & 17 Years Boys Javelin 15, 16 & 17 Years Girls Javelin Junior Catchup Junior Catchup Presentations will be made by leaders of the four high-value industries of Food and Agribusiness, Education and Research, Aviation and Aerospace and Clean Technologies who will use knowledge and extensive research to paint a picture of the jobs and careers which will be available on the Sunshine Coast in 2025. This event is designed to enable Year 8, 9 and 10 students to make informed decisions about their education journey at this pivotal time in their schooling and we hope you will see the importance of their attendance. The expo will be suitable for all students, whether they are considering tertiary study, vocational training or Certification levels. 12, 13 & 14 Years Boys & Girls 800m More details about the exciting high-tech displays and activities and a digital flyer will be distributed to students early in the new term. Session bookings will be open for students also in the new term. Please lock this date into your diary - 11th August. 21 July 22 July Sunshine Coast Daily Careers Expo 14th annual Sunshine Coast Daily Careers Expo Junior Catchup Junior Catchup Donate Life! The Year 12 Health Education students have spent Term 2 studying the issue of Organ Donation. There are over 1500 Australians on the organ donor waiting list hoping for the gift of life from a generous and caring family. As Australia has an ‘opt-in’ system of organ donation where, if you want to be a donor should the circumstances ever arise, you have 10 Sunshine Coast Council is hosting an Expo highlighting careers available on the Sunshine Coast in 2025. The Future Careers 2025 Expo will be held on August 11th 2016 at the Innovation Centre in Sippy Downs. 13 &14 Years Boys High Jump High Jump Week 2 15 July Fantastic Future Career Options – A Must See!!!!! Tuesday 19th July 2016 10am to 2pm and 4pm to 7pm FREE admission To be held at the University of Sunshine Coast Sports Stadium The Sunshine Coast Daily Careers Expo is the region's most comprehensive careers, employment and training expo that offers visitors the latest information on tertiary studies, further training, hands on demonstrations and employment opportunities. Further information: University Open Days Most tertiary providers hold open days in July and August each year for future students. These are a great way to explore your post-school study options. At an open day, you'll be able to find out about more about the courses and qualifications on offer, talk to staff and current students, and check out the campus and facilities to see if they're right for you. Please refer to document attached below: A reminder that the jackets are now priced at $51 Pullovers $36 Boys Trousers $36 Girls Navy 70 Denier Tights $8 Scarves $12 Other price increases on boys shorts , socks, and back packs take effect in Term 3. The Uniform Shop will be open every day for the first week of Term 3 from 9am till 2pm. Enjoy the break News from Student Services LAUGHTER When did you last have a good laugh? Laughter is a universal language and reminds us we are alive, breathing and empowered. Benefits of laughing • Stress buster reducing levels of stress hormones • Strengthens the immune system and helps maintain good health • Increases the levels of endorphins, the body’s natural pain killers • Boosts the production of serotonin, a natural mood lifter • It is anti-aging as it increases the blood supply to the face, nourishing the skin and making it glow • An aerobic exercise and massages the internal organs (belly laugh) • Increases stamina through increased oxygen supply • Makes it easier to cope with life and its challenges • It puts you in the moment (forget about your worries) • Helps build your self confidence • Breaks down barriers between people Parent & Student Information School Council Nominations 2016/2018 (2 Years) As an Independent Public School, Mountain Creek State High School has a School Council. The School council plays a role in monitoring and informing the school's strategic direction in a way that achieves the best learning outcomes for the school's students. The School Council has the responsibility to approve documents that set the strategic direction of the school. Nominations are called for: 2 X Parent members and 2 X Staff members Information relating to the role of the School Council and the role of the parents and staff elected members can be found on the School website under community/ school council/ handbook/parent representative Nominations can be completed online from the school website (above) and forwarded to by Friday 29th July 2016. News from the Dance Studio Remember the Brain doesn’t know if you are faking it or it’s real. “Fake it to you make it”. He who laughs – lasts! This Term we introduced Laughter Yoga with some mindfulness activities into enrichment. A group of Yr. 9 girls are attending and at first they were apprehensive but seeing the change through their ability to be spontaneous and also sit with being quiet and appreciate what is around them has been a privilege. On the Sunshine Coast we have Laughter Yoga Clubs for free. Kerry Youth Health Nurse Uniform Shop News We have placed another order for zip-up jackets. Stock should arrive the first week back in Term 3. Students will need to get in early for these or place a paid order in the last week of Term 2. Phone orders are welcome 54 578328. Amy Beccari Dance Studios (ABDS) (established since 2009) is very excited to be moving to a new location for the commencement of term 3! You will find us in the dance studio of Mountain Creek State High School located at 100 Lady Musgrave Drive, Mountain Creek! ABDS offers a wide range of fun dance classes for all children aged 2 years and over – ATOD Ballet, Jazz Funk, Tap, Contemporary/Lyrical, Stretch class, Boys Only, Bambini, Performance Teams and new in Term 3 Hip Hop and Musical Theatre/Singing. FREE TRIAL LESSONS. Contact or find us on Facebook Amy Beccari Dance Studios Official. 11 Calendar of Events 2016 • P & C Meeting 5.30 pm Administration Building • All Welcome • Year 11 Hospitality Coffee Exam (3 hours) Tue 21 Jun • AFL Snr & Jnr Girls Finals Day Wed 22 Jun • Year 8 & 9 Inter-School Sport Finals Thu 23 Jun • Tin Can Bay Volleyball Excursion Fri 24 Jun Last Day Term 4 Have a Safe and Happy Holiday Term 3 Week Mon 1 11 Jul • Year 8 & 9 Inter School Sport Trials Thu 14 Jul • Leadership Ceremony Fri 15 Jul • 2017 Year 7 Zenith Applications Due Today • Year 7 Inter-school Sport Trials • P & C Meeting 5.30 pm Administration Building All Welcome Tue 19 Jul • Sunskills Expo Wed 20 Jul • Year 10 FTV Excursion Thu 21 Jul • ECP On Line Booking Opens Fri 22 Jul • Year 6 into 7 Scholarship Applications Due Week Mon 3 25 Jul 12 • School Resumes Wed 13 Jul Week Mon 2 18 Jul • Year 10 Drama Workshop • Year 12 Biology MERF Excursion • Newsletter to Parents Term 2 Week Mon 11 20 Jun Tue 26 Jul • 2017 IB Applications Close • Leadership Changeover Lunch • Australian National Chemistry Quiz • Year4 Young Scholars Parent Information Evening 5.30pm in Performing Arts Building • International Baccalaureate Interviews
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