H um anoid R obot - Cyprus Interaction Lab


H um anoid R obot - Cyprus Interaction Lab
NAO Humanoid Robot NAO Humanoid Robot 101 Cyprus Interaction Lab -­‐ July 2013 NAO 101 Prepared by Iosif Kartapanis and Andri Ioannou How to Use NAO Getting Started: Installing the Software You can find all related software on the USB that is located in NAO’s cabinet. Installing the software is simple. Make sure though that you choose the folder that corresponds to the operating system that your computer is running on. The programs you can get on your computers are: 1.
Choreograph – this is the basic program for programing NAO. The interface is very simple with a drag and drop design. If you want to get more Geeky, you can program the robot with: C++, Python, DotNet, and Java. 2.
Monitor – this application m onitors NAO’s system. You can monitor his camera, his heat sensors, his body sensors, his stiffness, his orientation and many more. 3.
Webots – this is a professional robot simulator. You can use this to test behaviors such as movement around obstacles. You can get a trial version of the program from the USB in NAO’s cabinet. NAO Humanoid Robot 101 Cyprus Interaction Lab -­‐ July 2013 Connecting to NAO Just be patient…If it d oes not work the first time… …Try Again… …and Again. It will work. There are three ways to get connected to NAO. The first two have to do with connecting NAO and Choreograph and the third way is by connecting NAO to your iPhone or iPad. 1.
Wired Connection: You can use an Ethernet cable. Open the cover on the back of NAO’s head and plug one end of the cable in the corresponding socket. Plug the other end on your computer. Assuming you have turned NAO on, you can now connect him to choreograph. 2.
Wi-­‐Fi connection: In our lab there is a special router that is dedicated to NAO. In your network preferences you will find it as “NAO_Wifi”. When NAO turns on, he automatically connects to the network. Connect your computer to it and you will be ready to go. For the password to the router please contact Iosif Kartapani (kartapa@gmail.com). 3.
iPhone & iPad Connection: There are only two free applications that allow you to get connected to NAO from your personal device. One is called “iControlNao” and the other is “NAOControl”. They seem to be a bit unreliable on connecting every time, but they work. The Colors … basics 1.
2 Chest button a. White – Battery fully Charged b. Green – Battery less than 60% c. Red – Battery lever very low, Charge immediately Eyes -­‐ They can take several colors and in several phases. Ears -­‐ They can take several colors and in several phases. NAO Humanoid Robot 101 Cyprus Interaction Lab -­‐ July 2013 NAO’s Internet Address NAO can talk and will tell you most of the things you want to know! In some cases, you will need to access NAO’s settings. This is done through you Internet browser. You will need to be connected via direct Ethernet cable or wirelessly using NAO’s router: 1.
Open your Browser 2.
Press NAO’s chest button for 1 sec. 3.
Enter the address NAO says on your browser 4.
User Name: NAO Pass: NAO For more information you can access NAO’s documentation @ http://www.aldebaran-­‐
NAO/datasheet.html ; it is also downloaded on the USB. Sensors/Switches There are many sensors on NAO that allow him to perform in many different circumstances. A. Two Cameras -­‐ one on his forehead and on his mouth” allow for a 3D image processing. B. Tactile sensors located on foot and hand as well as three on his head. C. Sonars on his chest D. Microphone and speakers 3 NAO Humanoid Robot 101 Cyprus Interaction Lab -­‐ July 2013 Messages from NAO 1. “Battery Low” – Charge it 2. “Motor Hot” – If you have left the stiffness mode on for a long time, turn it off. Let the robot rest. 3. “Head Processor Hot” – The processor is overheating. Preferably turn the robot off. 4. “Head Processor Overheating, Shut Down” – The robot will shut down automatically as a safety mechanism. 5. “I Can’t Find my Battery” – There might be a loose connection with the battery. Try to take out the battery and put it in again. If the problem persists contact Aldebaran. 6. “I Can’t Find My Body” – No connection between the head and the body. This might be solved by rebooting the robot or by reattaching his head. App Store @Aldebaran The store provides free applications. These applications include: playing ball, dancing, Simon Sais, freeze games etc. To download these applications you need to be connected to the Internet and allow direct Internet access to NAO. If you are connected to the lab’s router you are set to go. For access to the store please contact Iosif Kartapanis (kartapa@gmail.com) Creating Animations Creating animations with Choreograph is very easy. Using a frame-­‐by-­‐frame movement, you can assign the posture you want NAO to be in. The in-­‐between movements are automatically generated. 4 NAO Humanoid Robot 101 Cyprus Interaction Lab -­‐ July 2013 Choreograph the Basics You can drag behaviors from here. Just drag and drop them in the middle of the window. There are several choices here that allow you to create simple and complex behavior/movement sequences. The applications from Aldebaran’s store you install on NAO will appear here. Other behaviors you programmed and saved on NAO will also be here. You can enable them to run when the robot wakes up. Connect/Disconnect NAO Here is where all the programming happens. You need to connect at least on “box” to the button on the top left corner in order to begin. This panel has a dual purpose. When your robot is connected to choreograph, this will imitate the state and movement of your robot. It will basically imitate what your robot is doing. You can also choose different part of it to move eg. arms, legs, head. If you do not have a robot connected, this panel will act as a simulator. Unfortunately, you cannot have any sensors or voice recognition working with the simulator. Start/Stop Behaviors 5 NAO Humanoid Robot 101 Cyprus Interaction Lab -­‐ July 2013 Cyprus Interaction Lab and NAO Research Projects Project 1: NAO as an Assistant During Music Therapy Sessions with Children with ASD This work will integrate NAO in music therapy sessions for children in the autism spectrum in order to investigate the following research questions: 1)
Does the verbalization of the child increase when NAO participates in the music therapy session? 2)
Does the autonomous participation of the child increase when NAO participates in the music therapy session? 3)
Does stereotypical behavior decrease when NAO participates in the music therapy session? (Stereotypical behaviors is operationalized differently for each participating child) Ask Applications & Interface The ASK applications provided by Aldebaran robotics will be utilized as follows: 1)
Touch My Head: Will act as a first introduction to NAO. This will give time so that the child can get accustom to the robot. 2)
Picture Identification Game: This application will be used to study changes in the child’s verbalization by asking the child to repeat what NAO said. Also for the older and higher functioning children this application will be used to study autonomous participation by hiding -­‐ Ipsum cards around the room/school and have them look for the card. 3)
NAO Simon: The application will used to study changes in the child’s autonomous participation by demonstrating turn taking between the therapist and the participant. 4)
Guess Emotions: This application will be used to study changes in the child’s verbalization by expressing what NAO is felling and try to mimic the emotion. This application will be used only with English native speakers. 5)
Follow me: This application will be used to study autonomous participation by asking children to take NAO on a tour at the facility. 6)
Hide your Eyes: This application will be used to study autonomous participation while doing turn taking exercises with the children. 7)
Look at me reading: This application will be used with higher functioning children to study autonomous participation and verbalization. After listening to the story, the child will be asked questions about the story or will be asked to act a part of the story. Another way to study autonomous participation and verbalization using this application will be by using “actions and consequences”, that is, NAO will stop reading until the child looks at him or speaks to him or turn the page. 8)
I want to know you: This application will be used to study verbalization. Our initial preliminary use of NAO with one of our children showed positive results in this direction. This child, although high in the autism spectrum was not interacting with the therapist as much as we expected. Yet, when NAO was first presented, the child looked to the therapist and asked “What did he say?” This question engaged the therapist in a conversation with the child which lasted for the whole therapy session (40 min). 9)
What am I pointing at? This application will be used to study verbalization by responding to what NAO asks them to point at. Because a big number of our children are non-­‐verbal, an iPad application will be used to communicate their answers. 10) NAO, pupil model: Not applicable for our setting. Participants We are in collaboration with the Cyprus Autism Association where I personally work as a music therapist while doing my PhD in the area of robotics and autism. The association provides services to approximately 30 children from 4 to 22 years old. 6 NAO Humanoid Robot 101 Cyprus Interaction Lab -­‐ July 2013 Data Collection A single-­‐subject design method will be followed. A series of test and activities will be implemented to establish a baseline for each participant for all behaviors relevant to the research questions of the study. Then, there will be an intervention of the NAO robot while recording new measures of the participants’ behaviors’. All the sessions will be video taped. Data will include among other: •
time the child spends on an activity with NAO •
verbal interaction with (a) NAO and (b) the therapist •
number of times and duration of eye contact with (a) NAO and (b) the therapist •
frequency of stereotypical behaviors (Stereotypical behaviors is operationalized differently for each participating child) •
time spend on activities •
times a conversation is initiated during the session •
words the child says in a session Project 2: Pre-­‐schoolers’ interest and caring behavior around NAO Completed by Emili Andreou (BA student, Department of Multimedia and Graphic Arts) The study involved NAO and four children in pre-­‐primary school aged 3-­‐5 years. NAO was placed in a playground where the children played, together with a variety of toys. NAO appeared as a peer who played, talked, danced and said stories. All interactions in the playground were video recorded. The analysis focused on children's behavior around NAO . The results showed that children can easily interact with this robot. They showed particular interest to NAO when he danced and when he was in need of help (e.g., fell down) demonstrating caring behavior such as kisses, hugs and cuddling. Project 3: In progress by Stephanie Stylianou (MA student, Department of Multimedia and Graphic Arts) Useful Links -­‐Research projects and other information on NAO •
http://www.icsr2013.org.uk/ •
Project 4: In progress by Ioanna Michael (MA student, Department of Multimedia and Graphic Arts) YouTube (Programing and handling NAO) •
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rt7rN6XMSY8 •
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2ihy_mVpY8 •
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUzCp3EaIbY Contact Us…
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Email: interaction.lab@cut.ac.cy 7