Newsletter October 2011


Newsletter October 2011
In this issue
Celebrating 20 years of Independence P.1
National Holidays in Macedonia: 11 October and 23 October P.2
Progress Report 2011 on Macedonia P.3
EU-WB Ministerial Forum on Justice and Home Affairs in Ohrid P.4
The EU Challenges for the Countries of the WB P.4
Meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikola Poposki P.5
Meeting with the President of the Committee for EU Affairs of RM P.5
Ambassador Brian Bergant visited the Municipality of Aerodrom P.6
Meeting with the Mayor of the Municipality of Bitola P.6
The twinned Municipalities of Cerklje and Petrovec P.7
Working visit at ONE – Telekom Slovenia P.7
Working visit to the Company Sudio Moderna P.7
Meetings with successful companies from Bitola P.8
Round Table on Solar Energy P.8
II. Biotechnological days in Macedonia P.9
Presentation of Slovenian Companies: Trimo P.10
International Fairs: Transport and Logistics and Tehnoma P.11
New modular school in the Municipality of Ilinden P.12
Opening of the exhibition “Drawings” by Marko Novak P.13
Four years since the death of Macedonian singer Toše Proeski P.14
Interview with Ambassador Brian Bergant for Radio Free Europe P.14
Slovenian language in Macedonia P.15
International festival at NOVA International school P.16
Slovenia with 7 medals at the Kickboxing Championship P.16
Maribor: European Capital of Culture 2012 P.17
Celebration marking the 20 years of Independence of the
Republic of Slovenia in Bitola
Bitola, 20 October 2011
A celebration marking the 20 years of Independence of the
Republic of Slovenia organized by the General Consulate
of the Republic of Slovenia, Slovenian Association Triglav
from Bitola and in cooperation with the Embassy of the
Republic of Slovenia in Skopje, was held in Hotel Premier
in Bitola. The event was attended by the Mayor of Bitola
Vladimir Taleski, a number of honorary consuls in Bitola,
representatives of the business community, artists from
Bitola, culture representatives and of course members of
the Slovenian Association Triglav from Bitola, and many
other Slovenians and friends of the country. The event was
also attended by all employees from the Embassy of the
Republic of Slovenia in Skopje.
The guests were welcomed by the host of the celebration, Honorary Consul General Mihajlo Mojsov,
Mayor of Municipality Bitola Vladimir Taleski and Ambassador Brian Bergant. Ambassador Bergant said
that he was very pleased that Slovenia in the first 20 years of independence achieved all of its foreignpolicy objectives and in this way demonstrated as a reliable and active member of the international
community. He also expressed hope that Slovenia and Macedonia in near future will once again join their
roads, this time through their joint membership in the EU and NATO.
A rich cultural program was prepared by the members of the Slovenian Association Triglav and its newly
formed choir Klopotec. On display was the exhibition named "Macedonia Feels Slovenia", which was
prepared by the students of the Faculty of Design and Multimedia, FON University Skopje.
P. 1
A rich cultural program was prepared by the
members of the Slovenian Association Triglav and
its newly formed choir Klopotec. On display was
the exhibition named "Macedonia Feels Slovenia",
which was prepared by the students of the Faculty
of Design and Multimedia, FON University Skopje.
70th anniversary of the People’s Uprising and National
National Liberation Struggle
Holidays in Macedonia, 11 October 2011
Macedonia marked 11 October, the 70th Anniversary of the beginning of the Anti-Fascist Uprising and the
National Liberation Resistance. The Macedonian people responded to the fascist occupation by organizing
a rebellion. At that time, the first sabotage units were created in Kumanovo and Prilep, with their operations
starting on 11 October, marking the beginning of the Macedonian people’s uprising. In the course of 1942,
the partisan movement was also in ascent. Nine detachments were founded acting on a large territory.
During the winter and the spring of 1944, the Macedonian Army took important military operations (the
February March, the Spring Offensive), causing enormous damages to the occupier. The liberation of
Macedonia by its own forces was an outstanding military and political accomplishment of the Macedonian
people and at the same time was a significant contribution by a small populace to the anti-fascist struggle
in the Balkans and Europe.
President Gjorge Ivanov addressed at the formal academy that was held in the Skopje Army Hall honoring
11 October and stressed that people must unite around the joint goals and interests so that Macedonia can
fully carry out its true values. On the same day, Presentation of the State Award 11 October 2011, for
achievements in the fields of science, arts, economy and other sectors of public interest, was held in the
Parliament of the Republic of Macedonia. This year’s award recipients in the field of culture were the ballet
artist Tanja Vujisic-Todorovska, writer Resul Sabani and actor Petar Temelkovski. Advisor-librarian Mile
Boseski was presented with recognition in the field of protecting the values of cultural-historic heritage,
whereas businessman Tihomir Cepreganov was given the 11 October life achievement award in the
economic sector. The Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts (MASA) also hosted a formal gathering
on occasion of the 70th anniversary of the start of the People’s Liberation War.
Celebrating 23 October, the foundation of IMRO
Macedonia, 23 October 2011
23 October is celebrated on the occasion of the formation of the Macedonian Revolutionary Organization in
Thessaloniki. On this date in 1893 in the house of the bookseller Ivan Hadzi Nikolov in Thessaloniki
gathered six young men to put the basics, which will become the symbol and flag of the Macedonian
struggle for freedom. The early leaders were: Dr. Hristo Tatarcev, Dame Gruev, Petar Pop Arsov, Ivan
Hadzi Nikolov, Anton Dimitrov and Hristo Batandzhiev . They found a conspiratorial group, calling
the Macedonian Revolutionary Committee. The organization fought for the liberation of Macedonia with its
own forces, without outside assistance. The formation of IMRO meant start of the organized Macedonian
revolutionary movement through Ilinden 1903 and Krusevo Republic, through NOB it resulted in creation
of the contemporary independent Macedonian state.
This year Dr. Tome Raikov, writer Pascal Gilevski and artist Kole Manev, were awarded with the State
award 23 October. Speaking on their behalf, writer Gilevski said that the five founders of IMRO changed
the course of history. The President of the Republic and many ministers attended the ceremony.
P. 2
Affairs European Commission issued the Progress Report 2011
on Macedonia
Skopje, 12 October 2011
The Progress Report on Macedonia is a part of the 2011 Enlargement Package adopted by the European
Commission on 12 October 2011. On Macedonia, the Commission concluded that the country continues to
sufficiently fulfill the political criteria and is ready to start accession negotiations. The country has continued
accession related reforms, though core challenges remain. Ms Alexandra Cas Granje, EC Director of
Directorate B for Enlargement presented the Progress Report to the Macedonian authorities.
Key findings of the 2011 Progress Report on Macedonia:
Political criteria
Macedonia continues to sufficiently fulfill the political criteria. The parliamentary elections in June were
generally in line with international standards. The governing coalition was swiftly established. Some
progress has been made in the fields of the judiciary and public administration, notably as regards the legal
framework. Further efforts are needed to ensure effective implementation, in particular concerning judicial
and administrative reform, fighting corruption and freedom of expression in the media. Dialogue between
the government and the opposition needs to be strengthened in order to ensure the smooth functioning of
institutions and to allow the parliament to play its full role.
Economic criteria
The economy started to recover in the second half of 2010, as a result of increased external demand and
investment in construction. The country has made further progress towards becoming a functioning market
economy, notably by facilitating company registration and further simplifying the regulatory framework.
Fiscal policy maintained its stability orientation. The country should be able to cope with competitive
pressures and market forces within the Union in the medium term, provided that it vigorously implements
its reform programme in order to reduce significant structural weaknesses.
However, weaknesses in the rule of law continue to impede the proper functioning of the market economy.
Public administration efficiency is still low and some regulatory and supervisory agencies continue to lack
the necessary independence and resource allocation to fulfill their functions effectively. The quality of fiscal
governance has remained low, partly due to a strong short-term orientation of public spending. Progress
with reducing very high structural unemployment has remained very limited. Deficiencies in the rule of law
continue to have a negative bearing on the business climate.
EU Legislation
Further progress was made in aligning legislation, policies and administrative capacity with the EU, in
particular as regards the single market such as company law, financial services and energy. Good
progress was also made on food safety and economic and monetary union. Efforts to address the new rise
in asylum applications in EU Member States are ongoing.
Less progress has been achieved in other areas such as taxation, public procurement as well as social
policy and employment. Sustained efforts are needed to strengthen administrative capacity for the
implementation and enforcement of legislation.
P. 3
EU – Western Balkans Ministerial Forum on Justice and
Home Affairs held in Ohrid
Ohrid, 03 – 04 October 2011
The EU – Western Balkans Ministerial Forum on Justice and Home Affairs, chaired by the Polish EU
Presidency, was held in Ohrid. The high level officials from EC and from the Western Balkans were
present. Slovenia was represented by the Minister of Justice and the Interior Mr Aleš Zalar. The European
Commissioner Cecilia Malmström, Polish Minister of Interior, and other relevant EU officials, as well as the
Ministers of Interior from the Western Balkans states made remarkable statements for Visa liberalization
dialogues, post visa liberalization monitoring; Migration issues, including irregular migration, and border
management with enhanced cooperation with FRONTEX; fight against organized crime, including
trafficking in human beings, with enhanced cooperation with Europol, and fight against corruption.
On the second day of the Ministerial Forum,
participants focused on judiciary and prosecution
independence, legal cooperation in criminal and civil
disputes, as well as enhancement of cooperation
with EUROJUST. The Forum was closed with a
presentation of priorities in the field of justice and
home affairs during the coming Danish and Cypriot
EU Presidencies. The EU-Western Balkans Forum
in Ohrid was organized by Macedonia's Ministries of
Interior and Justice in cooperation with Polish EU
Regional working meeting “The European Challenges for
the Countries of the Western Balkans” Skopje, 17 October 2011
The Secretariat for European Affairs of Macedonia organized a regional working meeting entitled as “The
European Challenges for the countries of the Western Balkans”. The meeting was attended by delegations
from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Turkey, Montenegro and Macedonia. In his
introductory remarks the Prime Minister of Macedonia Nikola Gruevski stressed that the renewed
recommendation for start of the negotiations is recognition for the accomplished tasks, while Macedonia
has the capacity in terms of human potential, organization, values and culturally to open the negotiations
and that will have positive effect on the reforms.
Stefano Sannino, Director of the Directorate General for Enlargement of the EC said that Macedonia plays
positive role in the region, while the Government of Macedonia has demonstrated firm commitment to the
fulfilment of the European agenda. In that context Sannino expressed his hope that the negotiations would
start soon. According to Richard Howitt, rapporteur on Macedonia in the European Parliament the road
towards the European Union is long and difficult, but the momentum should be kept and the reform
processes should continue in all countries from the region. The Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikola Poposki
said that with this meeting Macedonia sends strong message of its goals to strengthen the good neighborly
relations and that regional approach is a priority as a way for the entire region to move ahead.
The European Commission progress reports are motivation more and possibility to continue with the
domestic reforms. The general assessment is that the region has advanced in the enlargement process
considering the fact that Croatia concluded the negotiations, Montenegro got recommendation for start of
the negotiations, Serbia received candidate country status, and Macedonia retained the candidate status,
said Dr. Teuta Arifi, Deputy Prime Minister of Macedonia in charge of European Affairs after the end of the
meeting. She emphasized that the participation in joint initiatives would continue, including the utilization of
all IPA components which are important for all citizens from the countries in the region.
P. 4
Meeting of Ambassador Brian Bergant with the
Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikola Poposki
Skopje, 13 October 2011
Ambassador Brian Bergant met with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Macedonia Nikola
Poposki. They discussed current foreign policy issues and bilateral relations between the two countries,
which are estimated from both sides as a traditionally good and without open issues.
Ambassador Bergant and Minister Poposki also spoke about
the process of Macedonia’s integration into the EU and NATO.
Minister Poposki assessed the Report of the European
Commission on Macedonia's progress for the year 2011 as
balanced and well prepared. Minister Poposki also informed
that he will, together with the Minister of Defense Besimi, attend
the meeting NAC with Macedonia in Brussels where they will
present the 12th cycle of the Action Plan for NATO
Ambassador Brian Bergant met with the president of
the Committee for European Affairs of Republic of
Macedonia Hajrulla Misini
Skopje, 14 October 2011
Ambassador Brian Bergant met with the President of the Parliamentary Committee for European Affairs
Hajrulla Misini. Misini evaluated the Progress Report 2011 for Macedonia as positive and stressed that
Macedonia was again given recomendation for opening the accession negotiations. Therefore, he
expressed hope that Macedonia will receive a green light at the December EU Council and start the
accession negotiations.
As president of the committee, Misini is committed to level the views of the government and opposition
members of the Board on strategic issues such as resolving the dispute about the name of the country, the
adoption of European laws and the further implementation of reforms necessary for membership of
Macedonia in the EU. He emphasized the importance of close cooperation of the Committee for European
Affairs with the Secretariat for European Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and all other relevant factors
that are involved in the process of European integration.
Misini rated the recent regular session of the
Conference Committees of Parliaments of the
Committees (COSAC) in Poland as very
good. He pointed out the great meeting with an
exchange of views and experiences and
support which he received by the participating
representatives of the National Assembly and
National Council of the Republic of Slovenia. He
also expressed a special aspiration that after
the formation of the new composition of the
parliamentary Committee on EU Affairs would
like to visit Ljubljana.
P. 5
Cooperation on
Local Level Ambassador Brian Bergant visited the Municipality of
Aerodrom - Skopje
Skopje, 07 October 2011
Ambassador Brian Bergant and economic counselor Jernej Tovšak on 7 October 2011 paid a visit to the
Skopje Municipality of Aerodrom and met with Mayor Ivica Konevski. Mayor Konevski used this opportunity
to present the objectives and strategic plans of the Municipality, with special emphasis on the construction
and renovation of sports facilities, sports fields, the swimming pool complex, new sports halls, shopping
centers, cinemas, water park, children's playground, and also the additional green space arrangements
and parks. According to him a lot of attention will be devoted to further improving of the daily life of the
citizens, and to this end the municipality will engage in providing new housing facilities, including the
construction of housing for newly married couples.
In this regard, Ambassador Bergant presented the
possibilities of partial funding of the above mentioned
capital projects, with the help of Bilateral Official
Development Assistance programs of the Republic of
Slovenia. Mayor Konevski expressed his gratitude for the
municipality to participate in these programs, especially
in the programs for reconstruction of primary and
secondary schools. At the end of the meeting Mayor
Konevski also proposed for the Municipality of Aerodrom
and the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia to jointly organize a friendly match between the Basketball
Club MZT Skopje from Municipality of Aerodrom and the Basketball Club Union Olimpija from Ljubljana. All
of the money raised from ticket sales would be given to humanitarian purposes.
Ambassador Brian Bergant held a meeting with the
Mayor of the Municipality of Bitola Vladimir Taleski
Skopje, 20 October 2011
On the occasion of the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Slovenia
which was held in Bitola on 20 October 2011, the Ambassador Brian Bergant and economic counselor
Jernej Tovšak, paid a visit to Municipality of Bitola and held a meeting with the Mayor Vladimir Taleski.
They discussed the possibilities for further strengthening the economic cooperation with the Slovenian
companies and the ways which would contribute in increasing the presence of the Slovenian economy in
the wider Pelagonia region.
P. 6
Meeting between the twinned Municipalities of
Cerklje from Gorenjska and Petrovec from Skopje
Skopje, 13 October 2011
In the Framework of the twinning project named »Europe for citizens«, representatives of the Municipality
of Cerklje from Gorenjska and students from Elementary school Davorin Jenko visited the twinned
Municipality of Petrovec in Macedonia. Besides the students and Director from Elementary school Davorin
Jenko from Cerklje and Elementary school Kočo Racin from Petrovec, also present were the Mayor of the
Municipality of Cerklje Franc Čebulj, the Mayor of the Municipality of Petrovec Borče Mitevski and the
Director of Regional Development Agency from Gorenjska Bogo Filipic.
municipalities, students of both primary schools and
representatives of both municipalities in the courtyard of
the Municipality symbolically planted Slovenian tree
linden. At the Elementary school Kočo Racin the
students of both schools had musical and dance
performances. The participants were welcomed by the
Deputy Head of the Embassy of Slovenia Aleša Sovinc.
In her speech she stressed that such cooperation
confirms the deepening ties between Slovenia and
Macedonia, not only
in the political
and economic
fields but also in culture and education. Slovenian
students visited Macedonia for the first time in May 2011. The next meeting will be May 2012, when
students from the Elementary school Kočo Racin from Petrovec will visit Slovenia and their Slovenian
Ambassador Brian Bergant at a working visit at
ONE – Telekom Slovenia
Skopje, 12 October 2011
Ambassador Bergant Brian and economic counselor
Jernej Tovšak, visited ONE - Telekom Slovenia. This is a
continuation of Ambassador’s and economic counselor’s
regular visits of Slovenian companies operating in the
Macedonian market. The purpose of the visit was to
meet with the new management of the company. They
were recieved by the Chief Executive Officer and
Director Ciril Kafol and directors Zvonko Kremljak and
Tadej Lenarčič.
The management of the company presented its views and future plans and their problems facing the entity
in the business. Ambassador Bergant offered the assistance in solving the problems that the Embassy can
Ambassador Brian Bergant at a working visit to the
Company Studio Moderna in Skopje
Skopje, 10 October 2011
Ambassador Brian Bergant and economic counselor Jernej Tovšak through their continuation of regular
visits to Slovenian companies in Macedonia visited Studio Moderna. They were received by the director of
the company Verica Jovčeska and agent Jovčevski Stojan.
P. 7
Studio Moderna in Macedonia has employed 120 people. Most sales
are through telemarketing and telephone. However, they also have 8
shops in Macedonia, 5 of which in Skopje. Two of the eight stores
Macedonia. Since August this year the company moved to its new
business premises. Jovčevska presented the company’s business
plans for Macedonia. It is important to point out that the company is
also socially responsible, as it is regularly involved in humanitarian
activities of the Red Cross. Ambassador Bergant has invited the
company to join in the Slovenian-Macedonian business club.
Ambassador Brian Bergant meetings with successful
companies from Bitola
Skopje, 20 October 2011
Ambassador Brian Bergant and economic counselor Jernej Tovšak visited a number of successful
companies from Bitola and met with company directors of Stojčev Mill, Cermat, Rimodi, Pelisterka and the
Slovenian Meteorit. At the Municipality of Bitola they met with the Mayor Vladimir Taleskim, with whom he
discussed opportunities for cooperation with Slovenian companies on the local level and explore ways to
increase the presence of the Slovenian economy in the Pelagonia wider region.
Mill Stojčev
Round table “Solar Energy – Macedonian opportunity
and Slovenian reality”
Skopje, 20 October 2011
Ambassador Brian Bergant attended the round table entitled "Solar Energy - Macedonian opportunity and
Slovenian reality" held at the Congress Centre at Skopje Fair organized by the M-LAN Solar of Macedonia,
a subsidiary of M-LAN Slovenia. At the round table besides Ambassador Bergant were the owner of M-Lan
Slovenia Andrej Mlasko, Professor of Electrical Engineering of the Faculty of Maribor Sebastian Seme,
Natasa Veljanovska representative from the Energy Regulatory Commission of Macedonia, director of the
Energy Agency Gečevski Lazar, representative of the Centre for promotion of sustainable agricultural
practices and rural development Micevska Gabriela and President of the NGO "Solar" Sanja Vasilevska.
P. 8
The purpose of the conference was to exchange
theoretical and practical experience from the scope,
energy. Participants
installing solar power plants that are present in almost all
countries of former Yugoslavia, explaining the operation,
function, and the reasons why it is advisable to invest in
energy. Participants
transmit a message to the governing structures to reduce
administrative burdens and processes and also highlight
the importance of cooperation between institutions and
people closer to the subject dealt with.
Ambassador Bergant in his speech stressed the importance of solar energy for our future, especially given
the increasing awareness of the insufficiency of other energy sources such as fossil fuels and their impact
on the environment. He pointed out that during the Slovenian EU Presidency in the first half of 2008, one of
the key legislative assemblies, the climate-energy package was adopted, which particularly concerns the
reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and increased use of renewable energy sources. The legislative
package provides 25% share of renewable energy sources in final energy consumption by
2020. Ambassador Bergant also said that Slovenia adapted its national energy legislation to the European
order, all with one ultimate goal: to increase the share of renewable energies in overall energy
consumption and hence the solar energy. Finally he said that Macedonia, which is approaching EU
membership, will also need to adjust the energy structure by the European legislation and expressed hope
that even in this area they will use the Slovenian experience and knowledge, and that this round table is an
excellent opportunity for that.
Ambassador Brian Bergant adressed the
II. Biotechnological days in Macedonia
Skopje, 06 October 2011
As part of the II. Biotechnological days in Macedonia a symposium was held at the premises of the
Training Centre in Skopje. On initiative and organization by the students of the University of Ljubljana and
Maribor: Biotechnical Faculty, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Pharmacy and
Faculty of Medicine. From Macedonian side students from Skopje Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of
Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy and the Faculty of Agronomy of Štip were invited
at the symposium. The main topic of the symposium was biotechnology in various fields, and this year
there were also invited speakers from Slovenia, who presented their research work.
Ambassador Brian Bergant stressed the importance of regional integration and cooperation of students
and young researchers through scientific educational events that constitute both an excellent opportunity to
exchange knowledge, best practices and experiences. He informed about the political and economic
cooperation between the two countries, the priority tasks of the embassy, where he stressed that, at the
Embassy they are strongly committed to the promotion of Slovenia, the Slovenian language and culture in
Macedonia. He mentioned the signed Protocol on Cooperation in Education between the Ministry of Higher
Education, Science and Technology of the Republic of Slovenia and the Ministry of Education and Science
of the Republic of Macedonia, which provides more favorable conditions of education and studying of
Slovenian students in Macedonia and Macedonian students in Slovenia in the new academic year
2011/2012. He also highlighted the importance of the European strategy 2020 and one of its leading
initiatives "Youth on the Move" which includes the young as a social group which plays a critical role in
achieving the goals of economic strategy.
P. 9
Presentation of
Trimo is one of Europe’s leading companies developing original and complete solutions for steel buildings,
Innovative approach, expert knowledge, openness, reliability and a focus on the future are basic
components that have taken Trimo around the world. Today Trimo sells its products and services under its
own brand across more than 50 countries worldwide. Trimo has established a sales network in almost 30
countries and has production facilities in Slovenia, Serbia, Russia and the United Arab Emirates.
Among Trimo references are: Airbus, Heathrow, Porsche, McLaren, Nestle, BMW, Ikea, Mercedes,
Ferrero, Coca Cola, Lufthansa and many others.
Company Trimo Makedonija dooel was established in 2005. It successfully proceeded with the
implementation of the largest project in Trimo Group’s history – that is the project Socomak in Bitola. Trimo
is also proud of next projects: dairy Bitola, Alexander the Great Airport Skopje, Diamond tobacco factory
Kavadarci, library Tetovo, Skopski saem – Era Skopje …
Trimo´s Qbiss One - Where Innovation and Art meet
Trimo´s new modular facade system, Qbiss One, represents a
technological as well as an innovative breakthrough. Due to its selfsupporting nature, Qbiss One does not require any additional support,
which means cost savings, time savings and less reconciliation of work,
making it an ideal alternative to built-up systems.
A five-in-one concept, Qbiss One brings a system approach to the
Director Tatjana Fink
building envelope by uniting all the desired functional advantages of high
quality facades with the very best aesthetics. Qbiss One, together with
the unique facade surface treatment technology ArtMe, presents the
ultimate combination of aesthetics, design and function.
More information on: and
Developed in response to architectural and design demands the facade is unique, possessing the only true
rounded corner (no cuts, folds or welds) on the market. This aesthetic quality is further enhanced with the
‘Shadow Joint’, which presents a modern minimalistic design with a smooth surface. Qbiss One also has
integrated fire protection. Its fire resistance is of the highest standard and confirmed by world-wide
certification obtained across all countries in which it is marketed.
Red Dot 2010 award winning product ArtMe is the unique, high-tech facade surface treatment that allows
literally unlimited shapes, patterns and visual effects for dramatic, individual and expressive results in
facade envelope design. From simple logos to great waves of designs, which can include pictures and
patterns, can all be placed on the surface for stunning visual impact. ArtMe brings a building to life and
Qbiss One is the perfect design and sustainable canvas on to which the imagination can run free.
P. 10
Fairs International Fair of Transport and Logistics
Skopje, 05 – 08 October 2011
The I. International Fair of Transport and Logistics was opened in Skopje at the Skopje Fair, attended by
over forty companies in the field of air, rail, sea and road transport, ports representatives from Bar, Durres
and Thessaloniki, logistics centers and fast delivery. The fair, sponsored by the Slovenian joint stock
company for insurance Sava Tabak, partner of the Customs Administration of Macedonia. The fair was
opened by Minister for Foreign Investments Vele Samak. The participants were previously addressed by
Gvido Omladič, Chairman of the Board of Skopje Fair. This was followed by a conference entitled "The
next big challenges in logistics and transport industry in South East Europe".
The opening of the fair was attended by Ambassador Brian Bergant and economic counselor Jernej
Tovšak. They visited the stand of Slovenian Railways, which is seeking to transport goods to X. rail corridor
and enter the Macedonian market and global logistics service InterEvropa Skopje.
37th International Fair of Metallurgy, Electronics,
Non-Metals and Construction
Skopje, 18 - 22 October 2011
For many years, Tehnoma is the richest fair that unites representatives of the biggest local and foreign
manufacturers from the fields of metallurgy, electrical engineering, energy, non-metals and from the
building industry. Additional attraction and enrichment of this fair and the exhibitions that regularly take
place in the same range is the Fair for Handcrafts and Small-Scale Industry and the Exhibition of
Inventions - "Makinova". Along with Tehnoma it will be held the Fair of Protection and Security.
Presentation of your products and services to more than 40,000 visitors, who are your target group, is
undoubtedly the best reason to participate in this prestigious fair.
The objective to organizing the fair of handicrafts and small-scale industry as a special event of
international character is to provide extensive promotion of the potential of the Republic of Macedonia
regarding production and service activities of handicrafts and small-scale industry. Hoping that this fair will
be a link between the small and large-scale industry where collaboration will be developed to result in
opportunity for our craftsmen and businessmen to find their position outside the Republic of Macedonia as
well, we are convinced that this fair will in future grow up into a special fair.
31st Exhibition of Inventions, Technical Achievements, New Products and Creativity of the Young People
Over 3,000 inventions, new technical and technologic solutions, improvements and other inventions are
the impressive balance of this fair that has been being held for 31 years. Over 2,500 authors presented
their ideas and inventions from all fields of technique, technology and science getting excited the visitors
and the specialists who visited this exposition.
P. 11
Business event at Tehnoma 2011
ECOBIZ EXPO, organized by FDL Servizi (Italy), AMICO project – meet the Italian technology, in the area
of Green Economy, participation of 40 Italian companies. Slovenia, through the Public Agency for
Entrepreneurship and Foreign Investments and the Chamber of Craft of Slovenia represented seven
Slovenian companies: "NW electrode Jesenice" Agromehanika, Alpfrigo, APT 5 doo Maribor, Cimos Titan
Controlmatik, ERICO doo, Velenje, GeoEnergetika Ltd., Murska Sobota, GOSTOL Gopan, New York,
PEAS Automotive Ltd., Slovenian Konjice, INDENNA LIFTS doo Slovenia, INOX Ltd., Hidria Corporation.
This year special emphasis was given on renewable energy. Slovenian company M-Lan Solar as a partner
of the event presented the trends in the field of renewable energy sources. To this end, the company office
building on the roof of the Skopje Fair built the first solar power plant in Macedonia. At the opening of the
Fair present, among others, were the Minister of Environment and Spatial Planning of the Republic of
Macedonia Abdulaqim Ademi, who opened the fair, welcome speech was given by the chairman of the
board of Skopje Fair Gvido Omladič, Italian Ambassador Fabio Cristiani and the Italian Regional Minister
for Environment Apulia Nikastro Lorenzo. Ambassador Brian Bergant and economic counselor Jernej
Tovšak also attended the opening ceremony of the fair and used the opportunity to meet with the
Slovenian exhibitors which participated in the fair. The exhibition space of the Slovenian companies was
organized by JAPTI. They also visited the exhibition space of each company and offered advice and
assistance in accessing the Macedonian market.
Development Laying the foundation stone for the construction for the
Cooperation new modular school in the Municipality of Ilinden
Skopje, 23 October 2011
On 23 October 2011 the foundation stone for the construction of a new primary and secondary school was
laid in the Municipality of Ilinden. The project is a part of the Slovenian development aid to the Republic of
Macedonia for 2011. The Government of the Republic of Slovenia will cover 33% of the costs (or 500,000
euros). The main contractor is one of the most successful Slovenian companies, Trimo d.d. from Trebnje.
The event was attended by the Minister for Education and Science of the Republic of Macedonia Panče
Kralev, Mayor of Ilinden Žika Stojanovski, Head of the Macedonian Orthodox Church HH Stefan, Director
of Trimo Trebnje d.d. Tatjana Fink, General Manager of Trimo Investments Gregor Macedoni, Director of
Trimo Macedonia Ilija Jakimovski and Members of Parliament, citizens and media representatives. Before
the official laying of the foundation stone the participants were addressed by Minister Kralev, Mayor
Stojanovski and Ambassador Bergant. All of them expressed their gratitude for the donation of the
Government of the Republic of Slovenia and at the same time highlighted the excellent relations between
the two countries. Ambassador Bergant especially stressed the excellent references and reputation that
Trimo d.d. enjoys in Slovenia and worldwide. He pointed out that 250 pupils and high school students with
a new modular school that will be built upon the newest technologies and innovative solutions which will
contribute to the protection of the environment and to energy efficiency, will get the most modern school
and that the level of the quality of education will definitively increase.
P. 12
Opening of the exhibition “Drawings” of the Slovenian
architect and illustrator of children’s books Marko Novak
Skopje, 20 October 2011
On 20 October 2011 the opening of the exhibition entitled »Drawings« of well known Slovenian architect
and illustrator of children's books Marko Novak was held at the premises of the City Museum of Skopje.
The event was part of a series of activities organized by the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia marking
the 20th anniversary Independence of the Republic of Slovenia.
The guests were welcomed by Ambassador Brian Bergant and the director of the Museum Ljubica
Kondianova. Ambassador Bergant said that he was particularly pleased that the author decided to present
his works in Macedonia, stressing that this undoubtedly contributes to the promotion and preservation of
the Slovenian culture here in the country, which is especially appreciated by the Slovenians who live and
work abroad. He also pointed out that the Embassy tries to follow this principle and is doing its utmost to
ensure effective and high quality promotion of Slovenia, the Slovenian language and culture in Macedonia.
So far Novak illustrated many well-known children's books, such as: Kresničke, Naša Miša, Ustvarjalnica
tete domišljije, Hutki and Pot v šolo, as well as some school text books. He often says that apart from
utilitarian orders and contracts, he rather creates for his soul and that he is not a frequent guest of the
galleries. Until now he had a few solo and group exhibitions in Slovenia.
The event was attended by members of the Slovenian Association France Prešeren and the Slovenian
Centre in Skopje, representatives of Slovenian companies, Macedonian artists, Austrian Ambassador H.E.
Dr. Alois Kraut and young Slovenian violinist Živa Švent.
P. 13
Four years since the death of the Macedonian singer
Toše Proeski
Skopje, 16 October 2011
Todor Toše Proeski (January 25, 1981 - October 16, 2007) was one of the most famous singers and
songwriters from Macedonia. Toše was very popular in the Balkan region, in the ex Yugoslavian countries
and in Estern Europe. He had very good vocals and delivered impressive live performances. He tragically
died 4 years ago in a car accident on a motorway in Croatia on his way back home from a concert.
Toše Proeski released 10 albums: Nekade vo nokta, Sinot Boziji, Ako me poglednes vo oci, Den za
nas, Po tebe, Bozilak, Igri bez granici, The hardest thing, Toše i prijatelji, Toše: Poslednji pozdrav. He
represented his country at the 2004 Eurovision Song Contest in Istanbul, Turkey with the song Life. The
Serbian national television RTS aired a special show in memory of Toše Proeski. It was half documentary
from Toše's life directed by Darko Kamarit. Moments with his friends, clips from concerts, his sayings, and
part in the studio where many famous Yugoslavian singers were singing his songs.
In the list of artist who collaborated with Toše Proeski is the Slovenian singer Anja Rupel. In 2005 he
recorded a duet with her entitled Krajnje vreme. He also did a Slovenian version of his song Srekna li si ti
entitled Moja (Mine).
Music marked his life.
Interviews Interview with Ambassador Brian Bergant
for Radio Free Europe
Skopje, 30 October 2011
There are countries within the EU, not only Slovenia, which consider that Macedonia could start the EU
accession negotiations and at the same time continue parallel to resolve the name issue. Therefore I see
no problem why Macedonia could not start the EU accession negotiations after receiving the third
recommendation in the EC Progress Report for 2011” Ambassador Bergant said in his interview for Radio
Free Europe (RFE). “I think this would have positive influence on reform process in Macedonia and other
countries in the region of the Western Balkans, it will enhance the inter-ethnic relations, guarantee peace
and stability as well it could be seen as a pressure to the name issue to be resolved.
The EC Progress Report was realistic, a generally positive one
that emphasized the areas in which Macedonia made big
progress on one hand and on the other where it really did not
make much progress. Certainly the keynote, beside the reforms
in judiciary, public administration and fight against corruption was
the freedom of expression and the question of the media
independence”, Bergant said. He welcomed the announcement
that the government, as an answer to the received notes and all
recommendations, is in the final stage of preparation of the
second Action Plan that will be incorporated in the Annual
National Plan for the adoption of the EU Acquis.
P. 14
Slovenian language in Macedonia
Slovenistics at the University in Skopje
On 19 April 2010, with an appropriate program, with the promotion of the proceedings of the Third scientific
Macedonian-Slovenian conference (Macedonian-Slovenian lingual, literary and cultural relations), held in
Ohrid in 2007 and a round table entitled Slovenian and Macedonian studies – experiences, perspectives
and ideas, moderated by prof. Dr. Lidija Arizankovska and with the presence of a large number of domestic
guests and guests from Slovenia, at the Faculty of Philology “Blaže Koneski”, University “Ss. Cyril and
Methodius” in Skopje, the 50th anniversary of the Slovenian language studies at this faculty was marked.
The contact with the Slovenian literature and culture begins in the distant 1946 with the first professor of
Slovenian literature, literary historian, anthologist, translator and the first vice dean on the Faculty of
Philology in Skopje prof. Dr. Fran Petre. The studies of Slovenian language start in 1959/60 when at the
Department of Macedonian language and South Slavic languages, at first as a lectorate until 1976, when
its status changed and it was introduced into the curriculum as a compulsory subject in the group of South
Slavic languages. From the school year 2009/10, Slovenian language, with the upgraded and adapted
according to the European programs and the Bologna model, can be studied at four levels with the
programs offered by the Department of Macedonian language and South Slavic languages at the Faculty
of Philology “Blaže Koneski” in Skopje, as well as within the postgraduate and doctoral studies. The
studies of Slovenian language at the University in Skopje started in 1959 with senior lecturer mag. Bistrica
Mirkulovska, who actively taught until her retirement in 1990. From that year on, prof. Dr. Lidija
Arizankovska, full university professor, took over the lectures, whose commitment was awarded in April
2010 by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia for her twenty years of Slovenian language teaching
at university level and her contribution to the promotion of the Slovenian language and culture in
Macedonia. Within the curriculum, depending on the level of study, the students have an opportunity to
study the modern Slovenian language, its history and dialectology, to learn the skills of translation and
interpretation, the relation to the Macedonian language and, as well as the Slovenian literature, civilization
and culture. The number of students who have studied the language at the Faculty of Philology in Skopje
exceeds 3000.
The Department has an excellent cooperation with
the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in the
Republic of Macedonia, also with the Slovenian
Association “France Prešeren” from Skopje from
whom prof. Dr. Arizankovska was awarded a letter
of gratitude on proposition by the Commission for
implementation of the project “Days of Ss. Cyril and
Methodius – cultural bridge between the Republic of
Macedonia and the Republic of Slovenia”. In other
words, the cooperation and good relations existed,
they exist today and will continue to exist through
understanding and respect for the culture of ones
country and people, its tradition and language, for
they are the foundation for further successful
cooperation at every level.
You can find more information about the
Faculty of Philology at
P. 15
International festival at
NOVA International School
Skopje, 26 - 28 October 2011
Throughout the last week of October, an International Festival was ongoing in the Nova International
Schools. Marko Novak, Slovenian illustrator and architect and Nives Vidmar represented Slovenia by
drawing and reading Slovenian folktale ''The river man'' to the 3rd graders. The newest Slovenian youth
movie called 'Going Our Way' (Gremo mi po svoje) was presented to the 7th and 8th graders. Participants
tasted typical pastry Potica and Fructal juices. Besides Slovenia, the other participating countries were
Norway, Sweden, Hungary, China, France, and Greece.
Sport Slovenia with 7 medals in kickboxing
at the very top of the world
Skopje, 22 - 29 October 2011
Slovenian kick boxers demonstrated a superb appearance at the World Senior Championship that took
place in Skopje from 22 to 29 October 2011. This year the Championship had a record of 823 competitors
from 61 countries, where Different World and European champions competed making this competition
really extraordinary. Slovenia performed with 23 contestants in all events and won 7 medals: 4 gold, silver
and two bronze medals, which is also an exceptional and unique record.
On 28 October, Ambassador Brian Bergant met with the Slovenian national team, and wished them the
best possible ranking on the Championship. A day before, he met with Vladimir Sitar, President of the
Kickboxing federation of Slovenia and Ivo Vodopivec, Secretary General and Vice-President of the
Kickboxing federation of Slovenia at the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia.
For more information about the World Cup visit:
P. 16
Maribor – European Capital of Culture 2012
In February 2010 the City Council of the Municipality of Maribor adopted an Ordinance on the constituent
instrument of the public institute Maribor 2012 – European Capital of Culture establishing an organization
for the realization of the EcoC project. However, for the most of the year, preparations for the project’s
realization took place through provisional and acting bodies, until in October the programme and business
Aware of the time pressure, we had to swiftly select the team members for the project. Taking into account
the recommendations of the Brussels commission and the guidelines of the Maribor 2012 Institute, an
additional conceptualization of the programme was framed. 4 thematic strands emerged generically out of
the existing 16 programme strands: Town Keys, dealing with culture in the city centre, aiming to reanimate
it with new contents, among other with an alternative department store; Urban Furrows, sociologically
treating the neglected city areas and having as one of its aims the establishment of a seed bank for
autochthonous Slovene species; Terminal 12, which includes art production, segmented to visual arts,
music, intermedia, film, literature, and culture for children and youth; and Life at Your Fingertips, intended
for interactive contents, from a website to online television, online radio, external interactive installations,
new art, media, and technological practices, etc.
The City Council of the Municipality of Maribor delivers a favorable opinion on the proposed Ordinance on
the constitution of the public institute Maribor 2012. The provisional managing board of the Maribor 2012
public institute is appointed on 9 March. Vladimir Rukavina is appointed to the position of Acting Director
General, Helena Hvalec to the position of Acting Business Director, and Aleš Novak to the position of
Acting Programme Director. A government decision on the nomination of state secretaries Stojan Pelko,
Jožef Školč, and József Györkös to the Institute Council is adopted on 22 April, while on 6 May Darko
Brlek, Simon Kardum, Dr Darko Lukić, Meta Gabršek Prosenc, Jurij Sadar, and Vital Verlič are appointed
members of the institute´s Programme Council. A month later, on 4 June, a call for programmes and
proposals for ECoC, to be financed in the year 2010, is opened. At the first constitutive session of the
Institute Council on 11 June, the elections of Jožef Školč to the position of President of Institute Council
and Franci Pivec to the position of President Deputy are confirmed. The Rules of Procedure of the Institute
Council are adopted. On the same day the first constitutive session of the Programme Council is held.
Tomaž Pandur is elected President of Programme Council and Ivo Vajgl his Deputy. The Rules of
Procedure of the Programme Council are also adopted. On 14 June the Maribor 2012 Institute publishes
vacancy notices for the programme and business directors of the institute, which are closed on 30 June.
The second session of the Programme Council takes place on 25 June. New programme guidelines of the
ECoC Maribor 2012 project are adopted. On the first correspondence session of the Institute Council on 3
August, a commission for reailsation of activities in relation to the vacancy notices for the programme and
business directors is approved. A month later, at the second regular session of the Institute Council on 2
September, a business plan and a working programme of the Maribor 2012 Institute are adopted for the
period until the end of 2010. Helena Hvalec is appointed Business Director of the Maribor 2012 Institute
until the end of the year 2010. Priority investment projects in Maribor and its partner cities are approved. At
the managing board session on 30 September, the annual programme and working plan for 2010 is
confirmed. The Programme Council approves the annual working plan for the year 2010 at the
correspondence session of the Programme Council on 5 October. At the third Institute Council session,
held on 12 October, members of the Council approve the Act on Work Organization and Post
Classification. The document Standards, criteria, and methodology for the approval of programmes for the
European Capital of Culture – Maribor 2012 project is approved. Mitja čander is appointed Programme
Director. The Programme Director and Business Director start their functions on 15 October.
P. 17
ECOC - to the present and in
the future
About the European Capital of Culture
1985 Athens
1986 Florence
1987 Amsterdam
1988 West Berlin
1989 Paris
1990 Glasgow
1991 Dublin
1992 Madrid
1993 Antwerp
1994 Lisbon
1995 Luxembourg
1996 Copenhagen
1997 Thessaloniki
1998 Stockholm
1999 Weimar
2000 Avignon, Bergen,
Bologna, Brussels, Helsinki,
Krakow, Prague, Reykyavik,
Santiago de Compostela.
2001 Porto, Rotterdam
2002 Bruges, Salamanca
2003 Graz
2004 Genoa, Lille
2005 Cork
2006 Patras
2007 Luxembourg, Sibiu
2008 Liverpool, Stavanger
2009 Linz, Vilna
2010 Essen, Istanbul, Pécs
2011 Turku, Talin
2012 Maribor, Guimarães
2013 Marseille, Košice
2014 Umea, Riga
2015 Mons, Plzen
2016 cities from Spain and
2017 cities from Denmark and
2018 cities from Netherlands
and Malta
2019 cities from Italy in Bulgaria
The European Capital of Culture is a title awarded according to a certain procedure by the European Union
for a period of one year to one or more cities. The city holding this prestigious title carries out number of
important cultural events. Due to the nomination the cultural eyes of Europe and the World are focused on
those events. The initiator of this project of the European Capital of Culture was the Greek Minister of
culture and artist Melina Mercouri (1920 – 1994). On her initiative the project was introduced in 1985 by the
Council of Ministers of the European Union. The basic idea of the project is to promote different European
cultures and through the consciousness of the value of the cultural diversity strengthen the mutual
understanding and the mutual European identity. From 1985 onward 48 cities have been nominated as the
European Capital of Culture. From its beginnings until today the project developed and was upgraded in
many ways, however, its basic principles never changed – stressing the importance, values and diversity
of the European cultures, improving the knowledge of each other - the different languages, cultural
traditions, religions - and by stressing the common cultural basis spreading the awareness of being part of
the same European community. Furthermore, the broader social and economic impacts of this project are
becoming more and more important.
ECOC – since when?
There have been 54 cities named the European Capital of Culture from 1985 to 2001. The European
countries, where future capitals will be, and potential candidates have been selected up to 2019.
The goals of this European cultural project and the procedures related to the decisions to award the title
From 1985 to 2000, the program was based on a decision by the Council of the European Union. In 1999,
the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union reached a decision to establish a more
precise naming procedure, project goals and criteria for the selection of a nominated city (decision no.
1419/1999/EC). The decisions of the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union in 2005
and especially in 2006 regulate the adjustment of the rules for the time after the EU expansion with new
member countries (decision no. 649/2005/EC in 1622/2006/EC). The nominated city should emphasize its
unique features and prove its creativity. Here, its cultural heritage and the city's established cultural life are
to be seen as its advantages, but should serve mainly as a basis for organizing the cultural program in the
nominated year. The city is awarded the title mostly because of the preparation of special cultural events
that should be an opportunity to strengthen European cultural cooperation and should encourage a
sustainable dialogue at the European level. The two cities, awarded with the title European Capital of
Culture in the same year, should preferably connect their programs. The cities may connect on a regional
level, beyond national borders, European borders, or even broader. Quality criteria as a measure of the
European dimension of cultural events: events should encourage cooperation between performers, artists
and cities of EU member countries (and broader). They should also draw attention to the rich European
cultural diversity and emphasize the common views of European cultures. The programs should be
interesting to a wide European audience. Integration of cities and citizens in cultural events: a wide-spread
collaboration between the inhabitants of a city and its surroundings when preparing and executing cultural
events is promoted; special attention should be paid to individual social groups that could potentially be
excluded as creators of art and consumers of cultural goods; the local inhabitants' interest in cultural
programs and collaboration within European work frames should be encouraged. Sustainable orientation:
cultural events in the nomination year should be predominantly part of a long-term and sustainable cultural,
social, and urban development of the city.
P. 18
About Maribor
As the capital of the Štajerska region Maribor is the second largest city in Slovenia, simultaneously it is
pleasantly small and lodged in the wonderful nature of Pohorje on the one side and wine growing hills on
the other, with the river Drava wending its way through it. With its diverse and quality offers surrender to
the best that one of the key tourist destinations in Slovenia has to offer!
The rich wine tradition of the oldest vine in the world, the throb of the city with its flourishing cultural history,
its location amidst wine growing hills and green Pohorje as well as the various possibilities for exploring,
recreation, relaxation, entertainment and meetings will convince you that Maribor has a heart and soul and
that the people of Maribor are excellent hosts!
The old town core promises unforgettable adventure: walk along the river Drava embankment and through
the lively streets and squares, where history and tradition blend with dynamics and modernity. Let Lent, the
oldest part of the town, enchant you with its Old Vine, the oldest vine in the world, with medieval towers
and remains of the old town walls, and moreover the square Grajski trg with the castle and museum, the
square Glavni trg with the Plague monument and the Town hall, Bishop Slomšek's Cathedral with its
viewing tower, the Jewish synagogue, the Art Gallery and theatre, just to mention a few!
The city streets lead to one of the most beautiful city parks in Slovenia. Climb up Piramida and Kalvarija,
town wine hills with their wonderful views of the city. And go down in the wine underworld, into one of the
oldest and biggest wine cellars in Europe. At all events take trip with a traditional raft on the river Drava, as
this exciting adventure offers a charming view of Lent. Be caught up in the swirl of events, from Festival
Lent, the Old Vine Festival, Festival Maribor, the theatre festival Borštnikova srečanje to the Golden Fox
and numerous other happenings, which enliven Maribor's everyday life.
Already the town core itself places Maribor in the company of European towns, which are identified by their
unique, traditional and quality offers and with its attractive position by the river Drava, between Pohorje and
wine growing hills as well as the lively hospitality of the Štajerska people additionally contribute to the wellbeing of our guests.
A trip up to green Pohorje enraptures ramblers and hikers, cyclists, adrenaline seekers as well as lovers of
the tranquility of Pohorje's primeval forest, waterfalls and peat moors. And after activity what is better than
relaxation – either in the city or Alpine Wellness Centre. And the magic continues also in the wintertime
when Mariborsko Pohorje, dressed in white, becomes one of the most attractive skiing centers in Slovenia.
Picturesque wine roads interwoven along the slopes of Pohorje and the wine growing hills all the way to
the Austrian border and onward create a wine-cultural trail, where not only wine connoisseurs but lovers of
culinary art, traditional customs, ethnological heritage and outstanding viewing points will enjoy
themselves, whether by bike, on foot or with a car. Tourist homesteads and wine growers are waiting to
offer their homemade culinary delights and genuine hospitality.
P. 19
Maribor with a top-level convention centre as well as an excellent position and offer of diverse adventure is
an attractive city for business and professional meetings. Simultaneously it is also an inviting place for
shopping and for lovers of games of luck.
Maribor, with Pohorje on the one side and wine growing hills on the other, offers unforgettable adventure,
let it be for an hour, a day, a week or more. Have a colorful day in Maribor! You will love to return in all the
seasons of the year!
Wine and Food
Wine and culinary form an important part of the Slovene and Štajerska tradition. Mariborians appreciate
their wine and swear by it - just as they do the tasty specialties of their cuisine.
Tourist farms and wine shops on the three wine roads are choice places to visit during a stay or trip to
Maribor and at the same time a pleasant way to end a tiring day. Here you can sit and relax with a glass or
two of excellent vintage wine. Likewise in the city and suburb restaurants, inns and pubs you will be
pampered with culinary delights.
Recipe: Pohorje Omelet – Pohorski omlet
3 tablespoons flour
3 eggs
3 tablespoons sugar
1 small packet vanilla sugar
1 lemon rind, grated
1 tablespoon butter
1 cup fresh, frozen or canned berries
(cranberries, raspberries, wood
bilberries, wood strawberries)
1 cup whipped cream
1 tablespoon dark rum
1 tablespoon powdered sugar
2 tablespoons blueberry liqueur or rum
2 tablespoons orange liqueur
Whisk egg whites. Add half of sugar and vanilla sugar.
Add to the mixture of egg yolks, another half of sugar
and lemon. Mix lightly and add flour very slowly. The
batter should be very light. Grease the pan and place the
batter in it. Bake for 9 minutes. When done, stuff the
omelets with berries, mixed with rum and liqueur. Fold it
and sprinkle with sugar. Serve with whipped cream.
P. 20
Upcoming Events
7 November - Presentation of the literary magazine OtočjeO. at the premises of the
Macedonian writers association
Republic of Slovenia
9 November - Opening of the week of Slovenian contemporary film at Cine Days
Vodnjanska No. 42
1000 Skopje
Republic of Macedonia
4 December - Snap parliamentary election. Polling station will be opened at the
Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia from 09:00 to 17:00 hours
Embassy of the
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The monthly e-newsletter Bridges is produced by the Embassy of Slovenia in Skopje and is available on
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Editor: Mario Stanković
Co-Editor: Andreja Iljaž
Skopje, October 2011