Marh Newsletter PDF
Marh Newsletter PDF
! Old 96 Newsletter Volume 12, Issue 3 March 20, 2014 ! 1929 Business Coupe Upcoming Events March 22 Picnic In Park April 3 Board Meeting April 3-6 Charlotte Auto Show April 7 Tech Meeting April 12 Aiken Antique Power April 25-26 9th Annual Swap Meet Old 96 District Model A Ford Club The Club Officers: President—————————— Warren Reynolds Vice President (864) 388-0203 Lou Chartier (517) 414-8092 Treasurer———————————Ron Hooper (864) 677-4603 Secretary——————————–- Pat Gunnells (864) 543-4206 Activities——————————— Ralph Roub (864) 227-9146 National Rep—————————- Linda Hooper (864) 677-4603 Membership————————— Ron Hooper (864) 677-4603 Newsletter Editor—————–— Bill Manning (864) 446-8100 Archivist——————————— Debby McDill (864) 379-8508 Sunshine/Hospitality————— Judy Higdon Ad Manager (864) 379 2487 Club Tools———————————Warren Reynolds (864) 388 0203 The Old 96 District Model ‘A’ Ford Club is a non-profit organization dedicated to submit the Model ‘A’ Ford. It is intended to provide a medium of exchange of ideas, information and parts for admirers of the Model ‘A’ Ford car. Membership in the club is by family and this remains a primary objective of the club to include all family members in the enjoyment of the Model ‘A’ Ford car. The Old 96 District Model ‘A’ Ford Club is chartered by the Model ‘A’ Ford Club of America (MAFCA). MAFCA is a non-profit corporation of California and a national historical society dedicated to the restoration and preservation of the Model ‘A’ Ford automobile as manufactured from 1928 through 1931. The Old 96 District Model ‘A’ Ford Club is a region of The Model ‘A’ Restorers Club (MARC). MARC, founded in 1952, holds as its aims the encouragement of members to acquire, restore, preserve and exhibit the Model ‘A’ Ford. And most importantly, to enjoy the fellowship of other Model ‘A’ owners around the world. Please refer to enclosed calendar of events for scheduled meetings. The Club Membership Meeting- Breakfast Social is usually at 9:00 AM on the morning of the first Saturday of each month unless it is a special occasion or holiday weekend. There is also a technical meeting on the second Monday of the month during daylight saving time at 6:00 PM, location is determined at the previous meeting. Local Club dues are $25.00 per year. Membership in the national Model ‘A’ Ford Club of America is desired and encouraged. Dues for MAFCA are $40.00 per year. MAFCA is located at 250 South Cypress Street, La Habra, CA., 90631-5515. (Email: Membership in the national Model ‘A’ Restorer’s Club is required. Dues for MARC are $38.00 per year. MARC is located at 6721 Merriman Rd., Garden City, MI, 48135. (Email: Articles or photographs for inclusion in the newsletter are due to the editor by the 15th of each month. Club members are encouraged to submit articles of technical or general interest. ! Correspondence: Warren Reynolds 120 Stoker Road Greenwood, SC 29646-7725 President’s Letter ! Model A Weather Is On The Way.....hopefully! Get the A's Road Ready !! Tech night at the Hooper's Garage was a hands on learning time for many of us. Ralph demonstrated how to rebuild a Zenith #3 Carburetor. (Guess who it belongs to? When no one else has a project for tech night we can always depend on one certain person to always have a project.) This was a great experience for many of us. Linda prepared a delicious snack for all that came. The night was brisk and raining; our attendance was off some. Our trip to Benson's Automotive Group in Greer was a car collector's dream. This collection was very unique, the museum setting was very impressive indeed. Thank you Earle Davenport of the AACA Club of Greenwood for inviting Old 96 to be a part of the tour. With those classic cars parked all around us, our A's held their own. Leaving Benson's we drove over to the Copper River Grill and enjoyed lunch and fellowship with the other groups. I have tickets for our fundraiser, the Gun Give Away. Please get in touch with me and let's get our fundraiser moving. The profits from the last two years have helped our club. Get your club dues to Ron, they were due on March 31. Please fill out and return the information sheet that was in the newsletter; this info is used in the directory that each member receives from Ron. We will have our sign up Swap Meet Sheet at our April meeting. We need Movers & Shakers to make this event successful. If there are any questions, feel free to ask me or Lou. I want to welcome our new members, Ken & Debbie Candiotti and William & Connie Pickens. Our club is growing because our members help it to grow. Thanks for all that you do, this is your club. Some of our members are still by the roadside with family illness and family responsibilities. Continue to remember these folks in your prayers. Keep those A's rolling, see you down the road. Warren Treasurer’s Report! February 2014! The Old 96 Club continues to maintain a balance in line with the Club budget as set and approved by the Board of Directors.! All bills and receipts are processed promptly. The checkbook is balanced monthly and there have been no discrepancies.! The Club account balance is reported at each General Membership meeting.! ! ! Ron Hooper, Club Treasurer Editor’s Note ! The purpose of a newsletter is to communicate. What communications should be considered in our newsletter?! 1. Club information, education of owning and operating the Model A, and related entertainment.! 2. Recognition of individuals for their involvement and achievements in the club.! 3. Motivation of individuals to support and participate in club activities.! 4. To record our activities.! 5. To project a positive image of the club to those around us. I think that we tend to accomplish the majority of these tasks except for the one concerning the motivation of individuals to participate. We continue to grow in total numbers but our participation level does not reflect those numbers. If any of you has an idea of how the Newsletter could increase participation, let me know. If you have an idea of how the Board could increase participation, let one of the officers know. ! When I think about the subject of increasing participation, I am reminded of cattle and dairy farmers of the days before shock sticks. If a cow failed to move along in the right direction, the farmer twisted its tail and usually the cow moved ahead. Maybe we should appoint an extroverted member to do some tail twisting to get our talented members moving in the right direction for the good of the club. If tail twisting fails to do the job, he might have to resort to a shock stick but that might be too severe. If we appoint this position, the appropriate title for this officer would be the “tail twister” of the club. This idea is tongue-in-cheek thinking but we certainly need a way to get more members involved. Bill Manning ! March Business Meeting ! Old 96 Model A Club lunch and business meeting was held at noon, March 1, 2014 at the Coach House in Anderson. Twenty-one members were present. After the meal, the business meeting was called to order. Minutes of the last meeting were accepted as printed in the February Newsletter. Thank you cards were received from Holmes Bible College and Toya Young, Jack Horne’s daughter, thanking the club for our donation in memory of Jack Horne. The club voted to sell Wild Turkey Federation Raffle tickets for $10 again this year. See Warren for the tickets to purchase or sell. Membership- Ron Hooper reported we have 14 renewals. Renewals are due by the end of March. Welcome to new members-Ken and Debbie Candiotti of Williamston. SWAP MEET- April 25 & 26 Need volunteers- The sign up sheet will be at the combined Business/Tech night on Monday, April 7 at Warren and Sue Reynolds. If you have anything to donate for door prizes, let Warren know. Debby McDill requested articles for the newsletters. Judy Hidgon sent out several cheer cards. Our condolences to Warren and Sue Reynolds in the death of Warren’s uncle, Billy Davis. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family. April board meeting will plan calendar. Let us know if you have an idea for an event. ! Always check your newsletter for calendar of events and emails for current events. Meeting Adjourned. ! Submitted by Pat Gunnells, Secretary March Calendar of Events Mar 22 Picnic In the Park, Lexington. Leave Shell Hot Spot at 8:30. Leave Saluda Burger King at 9. !Apr 3 Board meeting at 6:30. Barry & Pat Gunnells. !April 3-6 Charlotte Auto Show !Apr 7 Tech Meeting. Warren and Sue Reynolds at 6. Apr 12 Aiken Antique power Association 8-5. !Apr 25-26 9 Annual Swap Meet Old 96 A’s. Greenwood. !! th May 3 May 5 May 10 June 21 June 2 June 7 Dean Hunter Farm Day Tech meeting. Penny Pinson Hot Dog Day. Aviation Expo. Tech Meeting. Mike’s Affordable. Ridge Spring Yard Sale. June 21 Picnic at lake home of Judy and Carlton Hidgon. Meet at 4. June 28 Festival of Stars. ! ! ! April Birthdays 1 Linda Hooper 3 Charles Hatch 8 Jeff Burkes 11 Lou Chartier 11 Dee McDill 18 Bill Manning 19 Madge Roub 28 Joanne Burkes Sunshine Report ! Keep in your thoughts and prayers: ! Marion and Jean Crouch L.C. and Alice Reynolds ! ! Tech Night! ! The March tech session was held at the Hooper’s on March 3. We concentrated on cleaning and servicing the Zenith carburetor.! We had Debby’s Zenith 3 with side bowl. Ralph Roub was instructor. The jets were removed and were cleaned with Brake Kleen by blowing the cleaner through the jets. Each passageway was identified and using appropriate carburetor drawings, its exit was predicted. Cleaner was blown through the passage way. All the passages were cleaned. The float was checked for proper level by sighting its position in relation to the bowl edge. Some minor adjustments were made in the float level. The jets were put back in position and the carburetor was reassembled. Using the clear plastic fluid level instrument the carburetor was filled with fluid until the float valve closed and it was found that the fluid level was correct. The simple measuring device was impressive. I suspect that those of us who experience stalling when stopping rapidly or going down steep driveways etc. might see improvement with float level adjustment. Ralph has the instrument and I am sure he would help anyone with the lost level at a tech session.! We thank Ron and Linda for the kind hospitality and refreshments.! Bill Manning ! ! Coach House Restaurant Meeting ! The March business meeting and lunch was held at Coach House Restaurant in Anderson on March 1. This was a new restaurant for us. we were treated to a full menu of Greek, Italian, and American food. The food was excellent, the service was good, and the prices were reasonable. The meeting room was roomy and was available on time. There was a good attending number. The weather was excellent and I am not aware of any trouble with our A’s. We met one of the couples who are new members from Anderson— Ken & Debbie Candiotti and look forward to their sharing activities with us. Interestingly, someone came into the meeting room reporting that they had a friend shopping for a coupe. Barry Gunnels was in his coupe which is for sale and hopefully a sale will result and that the buyer will be interested in the club. The business meeting was held before the meal and the minutes are recorded elsewhere in the Newsletter. Our traveling to Anderson may result in more active participation of our members who live in that corner of the state. Bill Manning ! Trip To Benson Ford !On a beautiful and perfect Model A Saturday morning, Old 96 was on the road to Benson Ford in Greer. We were traveling with five A's and two classics. A big Ahooooga to Earl Davenport and the AACA Club for inviting us to be a part of the group to see a very exclusive car collection. Donnie and Martha led the way, taking the scenic route. The country side was perfect with just enough "nip in the air" to make Model A travel very comfortable. As we drove into the parking lot at Benson's, we were greeted by members of other clubs that had been invited to view the Benson collection. In meeting the owner himself, we were made to feel right at home. We also met up with club members Jim and Sam and Ron and Debbie. Once inside we stepped back in time to the 50's and 60's. All the cars were show cars— not a speck of dust on anything. Before leaving we were invited to come back anytime. Earle had made arrangements with the Copper River Grill for all of us to have lunch together. If you ever have an opportunity to eat at this place, don't pass it up. The food is delicious, plentiful, and the service is great. We will be on the look out for these restaurants during our travels. With all our good byes being said, Old 96 was on the road again heading home. If you missed this event, I hope you can make the next one. You never know who you will meet. You will have a great time. That's a promise. Sue Reynolds New Members! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Ken & Debbie Candiotti! 4827 Midway Road! Williamston, SC 29697! Phone: 864-844-3957! E-mail:! Cars: 1930 Pickup! 1931 Pickup! 1929 Sedan Delivery! William & Connie Pickens! 1006 Thornehill Drive! Anderson, SC 29621! E-Mail:! Phone 864-226-3309! Cell Phone: 864-617-0815! 1929 Roadster! 2-15! ! 9-‐13 ERA FASHION Model A Era Gloves ! ! Edited by: Debby McDill An important part of completing an outfit for a lady during the Model A Era was a proper pair of gloves. Just as there were different styles of dresses for different occasions during different hours of the day, there were different styles of gloves for each occasion. Below you will find examples of these styles and materials used for gloves. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Daytime Silk/Crochet Evening Silk/Fabric Daytime Leather Evening leather When looking for gloves, make sure they have the 3 gores on the back of the hand as seen in the examples of this article. A few gloves, especially evening gloves, were produced without the 3 gores. Some gloves have an art deco type of stitching instead of the 3 gores that you will see in the examples. Wrist length gloves should be worn with long-sleeved dresses. Many of these gloves have a fancy cuff to be shown over the dress sleeve. Long, over the elbow evening gloves should be worn with sleeveless dresses. Some of the mid length gloves could be worn with sleeveless dresses or short-sleeved daytime dresses. Many illustrations show this length wrinkled at the wrist. ! ! ! Sounds of the Model A By: Debby McDill! Old McDills had a garage, E-I-E-I-O, ! In this garage they had some “A”s, E-I-E-I-O! With Ahooga here and Ahooga there, ! Here Ahooga, there Ahooga, Everywhere Ahoooooga,! Old McDills had a garage, E-I-E-I-O.! ! In this garage they had a Tudor, E-I-E-I-O! With a lub-dub here, and a lub-dub there,! Here a lub-dub, there a lub-dub, everywhere a lub-dub, lub-dub,! Old McDills had a garage, E-I-E-I-O.! ! In this garage they had a Woody, E-I-E-I-O! With a knock-knock here, and a knock-knock there,! Here a knock, there a knock, everywhere a knock-knock,! Old McDills had a garage, E-I-E-I-O.! ! In this garage they had a Fordor, E-I-E-I-O! With a brake-screech here, and a brake-screech there,! Here a screech, there a screech, everywhere a brake-screech,! Old McDills had a garage, E-I-E-I-O.! ! In this garage they had a Cabriolet, E-I-E-I-O! With a click-click here, and a click-click there,! Here a click, there a click, everywhere a click-click,! Old McDills had a garage, E-I-E-I-O.! ! In this garage they had a Pick Up, E-I-E-I-O! With a rattle-rattle here, and a rattle-rattle there,! Here a rattle, there a rattle, everywhere a rattle-rattle,! Old McDills had a garage, E-I-E-I-O.! ! In this garage they had a Business Coupe, E-I-E-I-O! With a hummm here, and a hummm there,! Here a hum, there a hum, everywhere a hummmmmm,! Old McDills had a garage, E-I-E-I-O.! ! In this garage they had a Mail Truck, E-I-E-I-O! With a backfire ka-pow here, and a backfire ka-pow there,! Here a backfire, there a backfire, everywhere a ka-pow backfire,! Old McDills had a garage, E-I-E-I-O.! ! In this garage they had a Victoria, E-I-E-I-O! With a gear-grind here, and a gear-grind there,! Here a grind, there a grind, everywhere a gear-grind,! Old McDills had a garage, E-I-E-I-O.! ! ! Why a Thermostat?! Bill Manning! The Model A engine runs most efficiently at temperatures in the 180 degree range. We all know that our A’s are sluggish and hesitant when we first crank the car. It takes several miles of driving before the car smooths out. This is related to the fact that gas vaporizes poorly in a cool environment. As the engine warms, the gas vaporizes more rapidly and the hesitation and lack of power ceases. With proper operating temperature, the engine runs smoother and mileage is better. The engine runs cleaner because byproducts of combustion are burned away and do not gather in the oil pan. These are known facts. Because of these factors, the engine temperature should be brought to optimum operating temperature as soon as possible. Most engines achieve this temperature with time but in cold weather this temperature may never be reached and furthermore, some cars always run cooler than normal and never get above the 160 degree range. ! Operating temperature can be achieved rapidly and maintained with the use of a thermostat. A thermostat blocks the flow of water from the engine until the water reaches the rated temperature of the thermostat. When the water in the engine reaches the rated temperature, the thermostat opens and allows flow of water. Modern thermostats consist of a small cylinder of wax. As the wax reaches a given temperature it melts and expands forcing the valve open allowing flow of water from the engine into the radiator. The thermostats designed for the Model A are rated at 160 and 180 degrees. ! The thermostat is encased in a steel tube that can be pushed into the water outlet hose and the snug fit requires no clamping. ! It should be noted that if the cooling efficiency of the radiator is borderline, the thermostat can allow the engine to run hot. Many people refuse to use the thermostat for this reason. These same people usually comment that if Ford had meant for there to be a thermostat, he would have put one on the Model A. Actually, Ford probably did not use a thermostat because the dependability of early thermostats was poor. When the more modern thermostat was available in the later thirties, Ford added the thermostat to all engines. If the fact that every auto manufacturer in the world has used a thermostat since the time that a dependable thermostat became available, one can draw the conclusion that a thermostat is beneficial.! If one examines the literature on Model A thermostats, there are varying opinions as to the value of running a thermostat. Some argue that if the flow of water from the engine is completely restricted that air bubbles can collect in pockets in the engine causing hotspots that could possibly cause some damage to the engine. This factor has been taken into consideration by the manufacturers and they, in most cases, drill a small bypass hole in the flange of the thermostat. This allows a small flow when the thermostat is closed and supposedly prevents collection of steam bubbles and hotspots. ! My conclusion is that a thermostat reduces warm up time, maintains optimum temperature resulting in efficient combustion of fuel, and prevents toxic byproducts of combustion. I see few ill effects. ! Below is the encased Model A thermostat. OLD 96 DISTRICT MODEL "A" FORD CLUB 2014 MEMBERSHIP/RENEWAL ! Fill out the application below and include a check for $25.00 to cover the annual dues. Make the check payable to the Old 96 District Model "A" Ford Club. The local Club, MARC, and MAFCA membership years normally begin on 1 January but because this Club did not get started until March of 2003 we are keeping the renewals in March of each year. Please send/give the completed application and dues to: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Ron Hooper Membership Officer Ridgewood Harbor Road Waterloo, SC 29384 (864) 677-4603 NAME: ____________________________________________Birth Month/Day:__________________________ SPOUSE'S NAME:___________________________________Birth Month/Day:__________________________ CHILDREN (Name/Birth Month/day):___________________________________________________________ (Living at home) STREET ADDRESS:__________________________________________________________________________ CITY:_______________________________________________STATE:________ZIP:__________-__________ PHONE NUMBER:____________________________CELL PHONE:_________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS:________________________________________ MAFCA Membership Number:______________________MARC Membership Number:__________________ SIGNATURE:______________________________________ DATE:_____________________________ List Model ‘A’ Vehicles Owned below: Note: For renewals, if you have NO changes from last year, Check here______________ Year Body Style Condition (Running or Not) 1._________________________________________________________________ 2._________________________________________________________________ 3._________________________________________________________________ 4._________________________________________________________________ List Model ‘A’ Specific Tools you have: _ Would you allow borrowing by Club Members?_Y or N__ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Note: PLEASE return this completed form with your membership/renewal fee. Your membership renewal will not be accepted without this form. National News! Linda Hooper, National Rep. ! ! MAFCA News! ! March 9-14, 2014 MAFCA National Tour, San Antonio, Texas Texas Hill Country hosted by the Alamo A's, San Antonio, and assisted by the Golden Triangle A's, southeast Texas.!! ! 2014 MAFCA Membership Roster $13.00 postage paid. Contains current members listed alphabetically by state. Members by state and city are also listed. MAFCA Chapters are listed by state. Yellow Page section features businesses and services specific to Model A's . For orders call 866-379-3619 or visit! ! ! MARC News ! ! June 21-27, 2014 MARC National Meet in French Lick, Indiana, hosted by the National Meet Region. Information and Registration form was in the January-February 2014 issue of the Model "A" News. Mike Pedrigo is Registrar for this meet. For more information:-- E-mail: or cell phone: 812-798-4848. The web site:! ! September 21-24. 2014 MARC National Tour: The North Carolina Tobacco Road Tour, hosted by The TarWheel A's. The primary hotels for the National Tour are located in the heart of North Carolina's famed Research Triangle (Raleigh, Durham and Chapel Hill) in Cary, North Carolina. Hotels are accepting reservations NOW. Information and a registration form is in the March-April issue of the Model "A" News . Information also can be found on the Tarwheel A's web site:! ! ! Club Membership Please get your dues paid by the end of March if you want to Renewals continue to get the Newsletter.! Ron Hooper! I would like to get the Roster ! out in April rather than later in Currently 30 Club members the year.! have paid their dues for Thank You. 2014, this includes 2 new members.! 9Th Annual All Model A Parts Swap Meet Old 96 District Model A Club 314 Old Mount Mariah Road Greenwood, SC 29646 ( On Rt. 221 Between Rt. 25 and Rt. 225 ) April 25th & 26th, 2014 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm Saturday 8:00am to 3:00pm Model A Display Area Model T’s and Model T Vendors Always Welcome Admission: $2.00 per adult Car Corral: $10.00 for both days Vendor Space: $25.00 pre-‐registration / $30.00 at the gate Lunch available 11am to 2pm Door Prizes and 50 / 50 drawing daily ! Email: Information: Warren Reynolds 864-‐388-‐0203 / Ralph Roub 864-‐992-‐3230 Old 96 Newsle+er MODEL "A" RESTORERS CLUB 6721 Merriman, Garden City, Michigan 48135 a U.S. Membership (Regular Mail) ....................$38.00 n U.S. & Canada Membership (Air Mail).... $50.00 D International Membership (Air Mail) ..............$56.00 for the calendar year Includes six issues of the Model "A" News. U.S. Funds Only APPLICATION FOR NEW MEMBERSHIP : Name (Print) _________________________ Spouse's Name _ .Address _____________________________ State ZIP "City ________________________________ Phone Number __________________ Is it ok to list phone number in club roster (yes or no)? EMAIL address _____________ ___________ _________ Is it ok to list email address in club roster (yes or no) ? _ Check, Visa, Master Card, Discover Card (Circle one) iCard Number Expiration Date (mm/yy) .Signature !! Due West Supply Company 208 S. Main Street Hardware Due West, SC 29639 Feed 864 379 2195 Seed Fertilizer 11-‐14 Dee and Debby McDill 2-‐15 ! ! 4-‐14 !! ! ! ! 2-‐15 ! ! ! Suport Our Advertisers 2-15 ! 9-14 Benson Motors Trip! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Donnie tries to recruit new members. !! !! When Calvin drives his Chevy, he still brings Model A parts with him. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! !! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Linda has it made in the shade.