BridgePoint Bible Church


BridgePoint Bible Church
13277 Katy Freeway Houston, Tx 77079
The Staff at BridgePoint
What’s Inside
Gary Rapp
Ministry Facilitator
Welcome to BridgePoint ________________________________________________ 2
Pat Weems
Nursery & Childcare Director
Taking Your Next Step at BridgePoint ______________________________________ 3
ConnectionPoint __________________________________________________ 4
On Ramp _________________________________________________________ 4
Exploring Membership _____________________________________________ 5
Kelsey Gruen
Girl’s Discipleship Director
Sunday Morning Fellowships _________________________________________ 6
Terry Weinberger
Financial & Office Administrator
BridgePoint Men’s & Women’s Bible Studies ____________________________ 7
Midweek Classes __________________________________________________ 7
Serve ______________________________________________________________ 8
Local Impact Opportunities __________________________________________ 9
Global Impact Opportunities _________________________________________ 9
Miriam Wagner
Communications Director
Next Steps for the Next Generation
Student Ministry _________________________________________________ 10
Sheryl Ross
Children’s Ministry ________________________________________________ 10
Nursery Ministry _________________________________________________ 11
More About BridgePoint
What We Believe _________________________________________________ 12
Mission, Vision & Values ___________________________________________ 13
Jason Wheeler
Technical Director
Our Story _______________________________________________________ 14
The Staff at BridgePoint ____________________________________________ 15
Brandy Kitchen
Child Protection Coordinator
Welcome to BridgePoint
The Staff at BridgePoint
Welcome to BridgePoint! We are convinced that everyone has a right next step with Jesus
Christ. Whether you are just beginning to consider who Jesus Christ is or you have been following Him for decades…there’s a right next step. If you are closer to God than ever or you walked
far away years ago…there’s a right next step. If you are on a mountain top or find yourself facing one of life’s valleys…you guessed it…there’s a right next step. I think that’s why the Bible
says that those who follow Christ have “a living hope.” No matter what, there’s a next step.
This booklet will introduce you to some of the next step ministries and opportunities here at
BridgePoint. It will tell you a bit about how to get connected; about groups designed to help
you grow in your walk with Christ; about opportunities to serve God and others here at BridgePoint and how to have an impact beyond BridgePoint’s walls. On the next page you will find a
pathway that describes how these different opportunities fit together to help each of us keep
growing in Christ. Our mission is to encourage every person we meet to take their next step
with Christ and I hope your morning at BridgePoint has served you in that way.
Here’s the exciting part. People who keep taking their next step with Christ and who encourage
others to take their next step with Christ will change the world. Through Jesus Christ we have
an opportunity to make a difference in time and for eternity. Now that’s exciting! That’s the
I hope you’ll join us on the journey.
Tom Douthit
Senior Pastor
John Hopper
Executive Pastor
Mike Andrews
Connecting Pastor
Darin Weil
Student Ministries Pastor
Step by step…
Kyle Carlson
Pastor of Worship & Prayer
Debi Hugele
Women’s Ministry Director
Wayne Martin
Pastor to Senior Adults
Rebecca Mueller
Children’s Ministry Director
Tom Douthit
Senior Pastor
Sue Mooney
Preschool Director
Our Story
Taking Your Next Step at BridgePoint
Although BridgePoint enjoys a new campus, it has a long history on the west side of
Houston. Begun in the then German-speaking community of Spring Branch, the church
grew out of a need for an English-speaking fellowship. After meeting informally for
three years, the church was chartered as Spring Branch Community Church in 1933.
Because those attending the church came from a variety of backgrounds, the church
chose not to affiliate itself with any particular denomination.
From its humble beginnings, the church had two points of emphasis: the faithful study
of the Bible and involvement in sharing the good news of Christ. These emphases remain today and have resulted in Spring Branch Community Church/BridgePoint planting a number of other Bible churches as well as supporting hundreds of missionaries
over the years.
Beginning in the fall of 2002, the church began to see the need to relocate to an area
that allowed it to be more accessible and visible to the west side of Houston. The result was the purchase of the current BridgePoint property and the development of a
new campus which opened its doors in June 2007. At the time of the move, the church
renamed itself BridgePoint Bible Church.
Tom Douthit, who grew up in the Memorial area, has served as senior pastor of BridgePoint since 1999 and has been on staff at the church since 1989. He was preceded
most recently by Roger Raymer, Tom Hovestol, and Joe Wall.
At BridgePoint, our mission
is to encourage every person we meet to take their
next step with Christ. The pathway we have created to help you take those next steps is
as simple as Connect, Grow, Serve, and Impact.
Connect. Next steps almost always begin by connecting
with others. To help you connect, attend ConnectionPoint,
or join in a six-week On Ramp home group.
Grow. Taking consistent next steps means
being in a place where you are challenged and
nurtured to grow. That’s why at BridgePoint we
want everyone to join one of our Sunday Morning Fellowships, a men’s or women’s small
group/study, or a mid-week class like Roots.
Serve. One of the ways that God helps us to grow in
Him and connect with others is through serving. Find
out about our many Serve Opportunities by chatting
with one of our great staff members.
Impact. Next steps with Christ means taking steps out of
Spring Branch Community Church
- former site of BridgePoint -
your comfort zone to make an impact in the world around
you. Impact Sunday and Missions Week provide great opportunities to find out more.
Mission, Vision & Values
BridgePoint’s Mission
At BridgePoint our mission is simply this: to encourage every person we meet to take their
next step with Christ. This means that we don’t want to just lead people, we want to come
along side them. It also means we believe that whether you are just seeking Christ for the
first time or have been a believer for many years, Christ has a next step for you and we want
to help you take that next step.
It’s always awkward to enter an unfamiliar church. Everyone around you seems to know each
other and you can feel like you have just crashed a family reunion. We understand those feelings (We’ve felt the same things ourselves!) and we don’t want you to stay there very long.
So we have designed a way for you to get connected at BridgePoint. It’s pretty simple…
Visit our welcome desk located in the main concourse. Our welcome team is glad
to answer any questions you might have and point you in the right direction.
Attend ConnectionPoint so that you can hear a bit of our story and we can hear
Join a six-week “On Ramp” group that lets you meet with others new to BridgePoint in a nearby home for six weeks.
Test the waters in one of BridgePoint’s many ministry opportunities. Browse
this book and find a small group or class that looks of interest to you and jump on
Consider membership.
BridgePoint’s Vision
Our vision is that when people start taking their next steps with Christ we will see big things
start to happen, not just in the life of individuals but within our community as well. Rather
than being focused on constantly building bigger and brighter programs that people “come
and see,” our vision is to see those at BridgePoint going into their workplaces, neighborhoods, and communities as great expressions of grace and hope. You might say that our Godsized dream is that one day BridgePoint would have thousands of people who gather together to worship God, are instructed and refreshed, then sent out renewed as the hands
and feet, eyes and ears of Jesus in this world. Then we would have stories to tell!
BridgePoint’s Values
Every church has services and programs, but what really makes a church is what they value
beneath the surface. At BridgePoint, there are five values that stand out…
Third Sunday, Every Odd Month
11:00 am, B201
Church should never be about receiving a download of information, it should be about people getting to know one another and encouraging each person to take their next step with
Christ, whatever that might be. That is what ConnectionPoint is all about. This one hour gathering gives you a chance to learn a little a bit about BridgePoint and for us to find out a little
bit more about you, so that together we can discover how to take next steps with Christ.
On Ramp
Start Dates Vary, Meets in the Evening
Breaking in is hard to do. On Ramp makes that process easy by connecting you with others
for a long enough time (6 weeks) to feel like you have friends at BridgePoint. Tom Douthit,
our senior pastor, leads these groups, which means you have a great chance to get well connected in a hurry. To find out about the next On Ramp group, contact the church office.
Life Change. Because the Word of God is powerful, we don’t want to simply
be informed but to be transformed by truth.
Relationships. Since the church is to be a body, it is important to us that life
at BridgePoint feels like family.
Grace. While we want to encourage next steps, we also strive to be a place
where it is always safe to struggle.
Missions. From the very beginning, BridgePoint has had a heart for the
world and we intend for it always to be that way.
Developing Leaders. A church dies if its leadership gets old. At BridgePoint,
we believe that it’s important to always be passing the baton of leadership
to the next generation.
What We Believe
BridgePoint Bible Church has a detailed and comprehensive Statement of Faith, but we can sum
up much of what we believe in the following words...
We believe that the Bible is the inspired and inerrant Word of God and as such allows
us to confidently know about God Himself and about how we should live in relationship with Him and others.
We believe that just as God calls us to community, He Himself is a God of community,
existing in the form of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, all of whom are worthy
of equal honor and praise.
We believe that all humankind was created by and for God, but that the human race
has consistently chosen its own path away from God, both individually and corporately. The result of humanity’s choice has been a broken relationship with God.
We believe that Jesus Christ lived a sinless life and through His death and resurrection
has provided a way for all who trust in Him to have their sins forgiven and to enter into
relationship with Him.
We believe that simultaneous with a person’s trust in the person and work of Christ,
the gift of God’s Spirit is given to the individual so that life with God can be lived out by
Christ’s strength and on His terms.
We believe in life after death for everyone who has lived. Those who have trusted in
Christ will enjoy a relationship with Him forever, but those who have not trusted in
Him will incur the wrath of a God whose offer of forgiveness and reconciliation has
been rejected.
Exploring Membership
Takes Place About Once Per Quarter
Sunday Afternoons 4-7 pm
The Exploring Membership class gets into the nuts and bolts of BridgePoint. We discuss the
church’s heart and distinctives, governance, finances, staff, etc. while giving you an opportunity to meet with pastors and elders informally. We also share a meal together. If you are considering membership at BridgePoint, this is the place for you. For more information about the
date and time of the next Exploring Membership class, contact Connecting Pastor Mike Andrews.
Other Connection Opportunities
Common Grounds. If you’re looking for a non-threatening place to connect with other
women, this is it. Held monthly in homes around west Houston, guests of all ages join for
good coffee and great conversation. As one woman shared after attending Common
Grounds, “I find that BridgePoint is a breath of fresh air for me. I have enjoyed all of the ladies, and feel I have found a place that I can call home.” For more information, visit
FLAG Groups. These friendly home gatherings meet once or twice a month to keep in touch,
to pray for one another, or to discuss things people have learned in life and at BridgePoint.
To find out about a FLAG Group near you contact our Connecting Pastor Mike Andrews.
Sports. Basketball games, softball teams, volleyball leagues, golf tournaments and the like
are a great way to get a little exercise and to rub shoulders with BridgePoint’s active crowd.
Keenagers. On the first Wednesday of every month (10am), the senior set at BridgePoint
meets for a great time of fellowship. Oftentimes these gatherings include special guests
that encourage the heart. Several times a year, Keenagers also go on special outings to local
Retreats. Each year BridgePoint hosts separate men’s and women’s retreats which provide
an unequaled chance to make connections with others at BridgePoint.
Seasonal Events. From Fall Festivals to Christmas Dessert Concerts to After Church Lunches,
hardly a month or two goes by without something happening that allows whole families to
enjoy one another and to meet new friends.
Next Steps for the Next Generation
Everyone has a next step with Christ – in other words, we all have room to grow – and at
BridgePoint we believe that growth happens best in community. That’s why it is our hope to
see everyone who calls BridgePoint their church home engaged in one of our on-going
growth opportunities.
Sunday Morning Fellowships
Young Professionals
Michael & Penne Irvin
9:30 am, Conference Room
It doesn’t take long to know that it doesn’t work
well to walk with Jesus alone. Join Young Professionals each and every week as they look hard
into God’s word and support each other well along
in a life of faith.
Young Marrieds
Dan & Julie Purvis, Andy & Allisa Hovis,
Marco & Julie Ortiz
9:30 am, Room B202
Enjoying relationships with other couples and
looking at life together in light of God’s Word is
what the Young Marrieds class is all about.
Young Families
Shelley Landry, Zeke & Nona Zeiler
9:30 am, Room B209
The world changes when children are brought into
the picture in both good and tough ways. Folks in
the Young Families class learn to embrace both as
they pursue Christ together.
30’s & 40’s Fellowship
Mike Andrews
9:30 am, Room A204
Singles and couples enjoying rich fellowship and
growing ministry.
Jacques Craig, Randy Weiss
9:30 am, A201
Folks in the 50+ crowd populate this class. Class
topics range from books of the Bible to marriage
to how to share Christ with others.
Faithful to Follow
Marshall Rorie, Wayne Colburn, Leon Alderfer
& Glenn Sommers
11:00 am, Music Suite
With strong biblical teaching and many opportunities
to connect outside of class, Faithful to Follow is open
to all ages.
Growing in Grace
Rustin Myers, Lee Bouldin, Ken Voges
11:00 am, Room A201
More than a Sunday morning class, Growing in Grace
is a rich community that shares its heart, ponders the
Word, and has a whole lot of fun.
Life Builders
Joe Morris, Phil Richman, Paul Nelson
11:00 am, Room B202
Verse by verse and book by book, this group of
mostly empty-nesters seeks to be faithful to all that
they discover in God’s Word.
Light Class
Flenoyd Turner & Jim Smith
11:00 am, Room B209
This long-standing class full of lively seniors is noted
for its lively, book-by-book walk through Scripture.
Sunday Morning Live
Ken Rembert
8:00 am, Room B202
Like to start early? Join this class before the first
Marriage Preparation Class
Seasonal. For information about next class, contact
Mark and Linda for more information at
Pioneer Clubs
Wednesdays, 7:00 pm, Children’s Area
Pioneer Clubs are a safe place for 1st –5th graders kids to learn and grow and have lots of
fun during the school year. Each week is filled with Scripture memorization, crafts and
games, and special projects all of which wrap around a life lesson from God’s Word. For
more information, contact Caroline Evans,
BridgeKids JAM (Just Add Music)
Sundays, 6:00 pm
For more than thirty years, BridgePoint’s fine arts ministry has offered kids ages 4
through 5th grade a fantastic opportunity to learn hymns and other songs of worship in a
fun and interactive environment. Children rotate through four sessions of music, movement, drama and rhythm meaning that all kinds of talents are encouraged. In addition,
JAM culminates with a special year-end musical, which is a highlight for all the kids, and
allows some kids opportunities to perform specific dramatic roles. For more information,
contact Terry Weinberger at
Wednesdays, 7:00pm, Room B105
Dad’s looking for a chance to hang with their preschoolers will find this to be a great lowkey opportunity. Stories, crafts, games, snacks are featured each week and make it something the little ones look forward to. For more information, contact Ricko Wardhana at
Nursery Ministry
As a parent of a young child, it can be difficult to part ways even for a short while so that you
can worship and fellowship with adults. But it
can be so much easier if you are confident of the
care of your child. That is why at BridgePoint we
do our very best to provide loving, Christian care
in a safe, healthy, creative and nurturing environment at both the 9:30 am and 11:00 am
hours and on Wednesday nights. Each of our
nursery classrooms is staffed with both paid and
volunteer staff who have been trained to properly care for your child and to attend to individual needs as they arise. To provide an extra level
of comfort, personal pagers are provided to parents who request them, so that if needed you
can be easily contacted without fear of bothering others in worship.
Next Steps for the Next Generation
Student Ministry
Men’s Small Groups
Middle School and High School is a fun and exciting time, but they can also be times of frustration and confusion. Especially in regards to spiritual things, there seem to be more questions than answers. BridgePoint Student Ministry comes alongside students to help them
navigate life and find reliable answers. We do this by creating the environments where students can experience Christ through healthy relationships, Bible studies, personal ministry
opportunities, and plain old fun.
At BridgePoint, our men’s groups are about getting under the hood and seeking Christ together. Informal in nature, but serious in intent, these groups meet at different times and different places throughout the week and include men of all ages and backgrounds. To find a group to join, contact Connecting
Pastor Mike Andrews.
High School
BridgePoint high school students meet at 11:00am on Sunday mornings to enjoy worship
and a time of Bible teaching that addresses topics relevant to their spiritual journey.
On Wednesday evenings from 6:45-8:45pm, high schoolers gather for a time to connect
with one another through funny and energetic challenges, worship, and smaller group
opportunities to look into God’s Word for encouragement.
Middle School
BridgePoint middle school students meet at 9:30am on Sunday mornings to enjoy worship and a time of Bible teaching that addresses topics relevant to their spiritual journey.
On Wednesday evenings from 6:45-8:45pm, middle schoolers gather for a time to connect with one another through funny and energetic challenges, worship, and smaller
group study opportunities that let students be themselves.
In addition to these regular opportunities, special events also dot the calendar from weekend
retreats to summer camps to outreach projects. All in all, students at BridgePoint have plenty
of places to take their next step with Christ. For more information contact our Student Ministries Pastor Darin Weil.
Children’s Ministry
We love kids! From newborn babies to 5th graders, we provide a safe, healthy, and nurturing
environment that kids love. No matter their age, all of our programs help kids use their Head,
Heart, and Hands in following Jesus.
Sunday School, 9:30 & 11:00 am
During both worship hours, preschool children through kindergarten enjoy individual
classes for each age level while 1st through 5th graders meet together within a large
group/small group setting to learn from God’s Word and worship together. The same
Bible truth is presented both hours but with different activities and emphasis each hour
so kids can easily enjoy one or two hours at church.
BridgePoint Women’s Bible Studies/Groups
Aspire...grow deep into and be equipped by God’s Word, connect with and encourage one another, and reach out and serve the community. Large group Bible study is available on Tuesday
mornings and Wednesday evenings. Children's programs are available by reservation at corresponding times. Our summer study is also offered on Wednesday nights.
Do you want to experience a deeper walk with Christ and have deeper relationships with the
women of BridgePoint? Then Tapestry is for you! Through Tapestry, we want to create lives that
are woven together, producing godly richness and beauty for His kingdom and glory. Join us in a
small group of 6-7 women who will commit to meet regularly for nine months, learning, laughing,
and loving together. You will have the opportunity to choose from a variety of days and times,
including some with childcare by reservation.
MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers)
This is a community of mothers of preschoolers who gather every other week during the school
year to encourage one another in their journeys, and to hear from speakers on a variety of topics
relevant to Christian motherhood. Preschool children and infants meet for the MOPETTES program by reservation at corresponding times. For more information, contact Mary Lou Tan at
Midweek Adult Study
Wednesdays, 7:00 pm, Room B209
Roots is BridgePoint’s Wednesday night class for adults of all ages. Series generally run for 4-6
weeks and include books of the Bible, family and relationship topics, Bible study skills, evangelism, and apologetics and Christian worldview. Taught by BridgePoint’s pastoral team as well as by
respected Christian leaders in the community, you will find this a great learning venue.
One of the ways that God helps us to grow in Him and connect with others is through serving.
In fact, the Bible tells us that every follower of Jesus Christ has been invested with specific
gifts or abilities that are necessary for the full functioning of the church. Opportunities to use
your gifts and abilities range from helping out with sound and lighting to teaching kids and
hanging out with middle schoolers to extending a warm welcome to BridgePoint visitors. We
try to make finding your place in service easy by making our staff readily available to talk
about how you might fit into any of the following activities...
Nursery Care
Children’s Ministry (Sunday Morning, Pioneer Clubs, or JAM)
Student Ministries
Women’s Ministries
Men’s Ministries
Connection Ministries
Facility Care
Library Services
Special Events
Helps Ministry
Gym Breakdown (Chair Team)
AMP Team (audio, visual, lighting)
Worship Ushers
Local Outreach
To find out more about serving in any of these areas, just call the church office and speak to
any of our staff members.
Since its very earliest days, BridgePoint has had a heart to see God's Word go out to peoples all
over the globe. This has meant financially supporting work from Central Asia to West Africa to
inner-city Houston. But more than that it has meant creating a missional mindset and providing
the support, training, and exposure to see many from BridgePoint go near and far for both shortterm projects as well as for the long haul. To find yourself making an impact peruse our impact
opportunities, consider ways to join in our global ministries, and jump right on in.
Local Impact Opportunities
BridgePointers are making a local impact in our neighborhood and throughout the city. While the
opportunities change from time to time, chances are you’ll find some of the following opportunities available right now. To find out more about any of local outreach opportunities, contact Pastor Kyle Carlson or be sure to be here for our Impact Sunday.
Ministry with at-risk kids
Prison ministries
Apartment ministries
Camping ministries
Internet evangelism
School-based Bible clubs
Crisis pregnancy ministries
Ministry to international students
Global Impact Opportunities
In addition to supporting about 15 local and US-focused ministries, BridgePoint stands with more
than 50 ministry partners spread across every continent. We take the care of our ministry partners
seriously and opportunities abound to support, minister with, and pray for a wide variety of ministries to some of the world's leach reached. To find out more about global outreach opportunities,
contact Pastor John Hopper.
Short-Term Outreach Trips
Every year BridgePoint sends out a handful of teams of teens and adults to often difficult places.
These trips are not designed to provide a feel-good vacation experience, but rather a true helping
hand to those who are working long-term. Participants are exposed to dire physical and spiritual
needs and get a peek at God’s kingdom breaking through in a lost and hurting world. To find out
more about short-term outreach trips, contact Pastor John Hopper.
Annual Missions Week
Each February BridgePoint takes two Sundays and the week in between to intensely focus on missions and the global partners we support. This is a great opportunity to hear what is happening
around the world (and how you might fit in) from those we support as well as from special guest