rebels auto club newsletter - B5z


rebels auto club newsletter - B5z
President’s Message
Hello fellow rebels.
It's that time of year when we all make the transition between holidays as we go from Halloween right into Thanksgiving. It's a wonderful time of year. The trees have turned
different colors and the weather is cool but we are still able
to get out and do something in the yard. Get the leafs
picked up and outside ready to the winter and snow. The
fall is great as it brings Thanksgiving and the feeling of
friendship and fellowship towards others. As a club I think
we have a lot to be thankful for this past year. We have
been able to continue to give back to the community as we
have in the past years. We have made some new friends
and new members over the year. This is the time of year
that brings families together. Time to slow down the outside activities and just enjoy the company of your loved
ones and friends as the temps start to get colder. Let's reflect and give thanks for what we have and what we cherish, family and friends.
We had a great turn out for the 50s rock and roll party on
the 25th. I would like to thank Bill and Linda Masters for
hosting the party at their house. I would also like to thank
Jana & and Bailey and all those that helped with setup and
the decorations. They were fantastic and made the night
rather fun. Thanks to all those that helped set up and
those that showed up to tear down and clean up the next
day. As always there is more to the activities besides just
showing up. We had good food and good music all night
and it was a great time with fellow Rebels and friends.
President: Dave O’Melia………....402– 440-2505
V.P.: Sandy Francisco……………..402-489-0265
Secretary: Margaret Otley…...……402-786-3246
Treasurer: Ken Bougger………....402-441-4835
Coordinator: Gary Weyers …….402-489-8853
@ Large: Jim Jensen………….402-580-3763
Alan Christman …….….402-923-9749
Newsletter Editor: Tracee Bougger
2702 South Street
Lincoln, NE 68502
PH: 441-4838
It is also that time of year that we need to elect some new
board members. Please let the nomination committee or a
board member know if you or someone you know would like
to run. It's a great way to get involved with the club and all
the activities and a chance to make a difference in what the
club does.
November 19
Lee’s Chicken
As we approach the end of the year and Thanksgiving just
around the corner, I would like to thank all the members
for the support you give the club and your board members
throughout the year. It is a rewarding position and it really
makes things more fun.
time of year. There are a lot of people that are less fortunate than others. Be kind to a stranger and help put a
smile on anyone's face that you meet is your daily activates. Be safe is your travels and don't drive is you
have been having a little too much liquid holiday cheer.
Please have a safes Thanksgiving holiday and remember
those that have less than we do. It's the spirit of the holiday season and the giving of thanks that make it a magical
As always, be safe and see you on the road.
October 2014 Minutes
October 29 at The One Eyed Dog Saloon, Eagle
There were 40 members and guests in attendance.
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm by President
Dave O’Melia. There were no guests or new members but
Bailey Wood is celebrating her 17th birthday.
Dave turned the meeting over to Vice President Sandy
Francisco. Sandy said that Bruce and Sheryl Wright were
celebrating their anniversary. The November board meeting will be November 11th at Dino’s 7 pm. Sandy reminded
everyone that Dino’s gives 10 % of total tickets to the
charity of choice of the Rebels. The November general
meeting will be November 19th, a week early due to
Thanksgiving. It will be at Lee’s. Dinner 6 pm, meeting at
7:30pm. Sandy also said that Parker’s Smoke House is
moving and will no longer have a meeting room. She asked
everyone if they had any ideas for a location for future
meetings to please contact her. A motion was made, seconded and approved to accept the Vice President’s report.
Secretary Margaret Otley announced that ladies night for
November will be at Grisanti’s on November 12, at 6 pm,
again a week early since the general meeting was moved
up a week. Tracee said the newsletter deadline is November 3rd. Please get any articles, pictures etc to Tracee by
that date. Margaret asked if everyone received their
newsletter and if there were any corrections or additions
to the minutes. There were none and a motion was made,
seconded and approved to accept the minutes and the Secretary’s report.
Ken gave the Treasurer’s report. Ken reported that income for the month came from members dues, holiday
party reservations and the 2015 car show. The front of the
shirt has been paid for by Muscle Car Memories. Expenses
for the month were the newsletter, activity bags, and
Tour Nebraska. Boyd Ready said that this year it will be
starting in Lincoln, registration will be at the North Sam’s
Club ending the first day at the Cornhusker Social Hall.
Ending Sunday at Speedway Motors. The museum will be
open for tours. Other expenditures were for the poker run
and the rock and roll party.
is making a donation to Make A Wish.
Coordinator’s report by Gary Weyers. Gary reminded everyone of the holiday party which will be January 24th at
The Knolls. This year the cost is $27, $14 will be paid by
the Rebels. Members portion this year is $13.
New Business:
Linda Masters thanked the Rebel’s for the contribution to
her nephew Leighton Fintel. She said he is doing better
and is now at Madonna.
Old business:
The holiday party is January 24th at The Knolls in the
Garden Room. The cost for members is $13, non members
$27. We are accepting the first 80 paid reservations, after
that there will be a waiting list. As in other years there
will be a gift exchange.
Dave said that this year there was less club participation
in club events. The board as discussed the possibility of a
dues increase for 2016 if there is not more participation.
Income from the swap meet was down this year. The swap
meet, car show and cone races are the three main fund
raisers for the Rebels. In order for the club to continue to
make the contributions and fund the scholarships we need
to have more members participating.
Bruce Tesarek thanked the members for the get well card
he received. He was very appreciative.
Member Brian Nystrom is deployed. Dustin Wood volunteered to organize sending care packages to Brian.
The nominating committee has one candidate for president and one for treasurer. If you are interested in running for either of those offices or member at large contact
either a board member or a member of the nominating
Margaret said she is taking food donations to the food
bank after the November meeting. If you would like to
donate please bring your donation to the November meeting so we can get it to the Food Bank before Thanksgiving.
Jim Jensen said that in the Model T trivia contest the
leaders at this time are Walt Meier and Bill Masters.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:05pm.
Respectfully submitted,
The board also voted on donations. This year’s donations
Margaret Otley, Secretary
were $500 each to the Food Bank, City Mission, Center for
People in Need, South East Nebraska Cancer Foundation
and $200 to Sewing for Babies. Sheryl Wright said that
After learning that Grisanti's is closed,
there were 6 scholarship applicants from Lincoln and 4
the Ladies Night location on November
from Milford campus. Of the 10 applications two scholarships will be made to Lincoln campus students and one to
12 has been changed to the Olive Gara Milford campus student. The scholarship recipients will
be invited to the January meeting. There also was a donation made the Dom Walker Fund $150. We also made a
donation of $150 to McKenzie Steiner’s fund Believe. She’s
Please call me, Margaret Otley, with any
a 14 year old girl who had a benefit . Her goal is to proquestions. Otherwise, look forward to
vide teddy bears to hospitalized children. Her benefit also
~Gary Weyers
The car events for the year have come to the end and the cars are being put away until next year. So
my report for this month is short. But it won’t be long and the swap meet in Lincoln will be here and
will be asking for volunteers to help.
The Christmas party is set for January 24th at the Knolls Country club. The cost for members is
$13.00 and for non-members it is $27.00 this can be paid to Ken Bougger. Reservations are for the first 80 people.
Hello everyone,
I know you all had requested to send things over. I had mentioned that there are BX's here
but are limited to certain things and I didn't realize they go out of stock on a lot of items.
Due to warehouse space and all of the troop movements. Also didn't realize Dinning Facility Food not so good or trustworthy got sick from eating it already. And doesn't seem anyone really cares. The clinic is telling me its all in mind and it is stress related. Even though
most people having trouble getting to bathroom in time and people I won't tell you rest the
story kind of gross kind of funny. If you don't know all the toilets and urinals are at least a
1/2 block to up to 2 to 3 blocks away.
There are some interesting bed pans.
Hope this doesn't sound too needy.
Lamisil cream and powder for feet
chewable petobismal
Mechanical pencils normal lead & red lead
Funnels small enough to fit in water bottles to put protein supplement powder into.
Handy wipes for cleaning eye glasses
Canned food i.e. Chef Boy R dee Beefaroni Ravioli some vegatables green beans, peas and
carrots, peas
Ramon noodles
Pocket sized heavy duty mechanic's hand cleaner
Pocket sized hand sanitizer
Dental floss ribbon type Oral b and crest make it.
Tuna pouches or cans
Vienna sausages
Magazines old or new Car,Truck, Gun, Airplane just about whatever.
Toiletries if you want can some here.
Please make sure whatever you decide to send is personal size. So to put in backpack and
to share with others.
Work 12 hours on flight line. Have to carry things with us if we want to eat during the
I know my people from the Rebels buy buns & stuff from Rottelas
If you talk to the people from Rottelas please tell them thank you for having the contract
for supplying the bread of over here.
Its good bread reminds of home and is about the only thing I have been eating here since I
got sick. Please thanks.
Hope everyone is doing well.
Brian Nystrom Ssgt
379 EAMXS/340AMU
1956 Chevy Bel-Air 2
New GM Motor, 350 HP,
less than 1300 miles on it.
350 Tran, Power Steering,
bucket seats and center
console with shifter. Lots
of chrome under the hood.
New HIE, new wiring, SS
battery case, 85% new
chrome on body and
bumper redone. Good
tires. Front end tie rods,
ball joints, and say bar
front. Very clean car
$23,500 Gene Niebuhr
by Jim Jensen
At Large Board Member
Rod and Susie Phelps
Some people are always young at heart. Sometimes that
17 yrs. Boys do have definite interests at this age.
Others like cars and girls!! Mr. Rod has always had a
puppies cars just began to follow Rod home. One after
kept getting longer.
age hovers around the ages of 15 to
Some like guns, girls, and cars.
yen for both of these things. Like
another for years the line just
One car of choice was a beautiful black 1957 Chevy. Somehow it just followed him home
from Colorado one Tuesday morning. Plans were made to do cool things to this car and make
it part of our family.
By Tuesday of the next week this 57 was following someone else and going back to Colo.
WHERE did that silver 57 come from? Wow parked out front with no warning the 1957 BelAir. Within one week we bought and sold two 57's.
The silver is here to stay. It now has a new engine, (the first one could do the salt
flats) A little calmer now for the old folks. Things are good now and were rolling along.
Just a few set-backs along the way. Thanks to good friends with pickups and tow ropes.
The door locks were put in to keep everyone out even the guy with the key. Many unmentionable words and broken glass later we were in.... Thanks again to good people who understand the difference between ORIGINAL and AFTER MARKET. Now they work like a charm.
Now if we can find the keys.
Rumor has it that a certain Silver
1957 Bel-Air, Mr. Rod and grandson
Asher were seen cruising "O" St.
And even made the 10/11 news. We
really love this car and think we'll
keep it.
Oh ya another has been following Mr.
Rod around lately... Who knows!!!
Mr. Rod should check his garage.
Mrs. Rod may be going on a cruise of
her own.
Footnote by Editor Jim Jensen
Rod and I go way back to grade
school at Randolph Elementary.
Those were the days. And yes I
think we both had my mother as one
of our teachers. And yes I do have
a picture of Rod way back when.
Back then Rod was known as little
Best hands were held by Nancy Phillips
and Elise Davis
Worst hand were held by Karen Hollibaugh and Sheryl Wright
Door Prizes drawings were won by:
Don Shea
Stacy Brown
Johnny Nunn
Doug Weber
Gary Francisco
Lydel Otley
Jim Jensen
Becky Hutchins0n
Linda Masters
Fellow Rebels: Sheryl & Bruce Wright along with Sandy & Gary Francisco have had a great time doing Poker Runs for
the Club for a few years; we are ready for a break. Out hope is that members will keep the fun going and plan some
routes and ending $$$ fun. Please think about a spring Run before things get hectic with car shows.
Thanks for participating, Sheryl, Bruce, Gary & Sandy
Care Packages for Soldiers
Board Meeting
November 11th
The end of the year we will decide what charity will get
our donation for meeting and eating at Dino’s. There are
many choices on the menu so please join us and get involved in your club. Meeting starts at 7:00pm.
Club Meeting
November 19
The chicken is back in front of Lee’s. An old staple in Lincoln Lee’s has been here for years. Come for food, fun and
fellowship. Keep up with your club. Meeting starts at
If anyone has an idea where we could hold meetings let
me or a board member know. We are losing Parker’s
Smoke House. Please be on the lookout. Our choices are
Proud to be a Rebel, Sandy
Sunday, December 7th
3:00 p.m.
1900 Sumner Street
Dustin & Jana Wood’s garage
The favorite is all the homemade cookies. Please bring
frozen so we can seal them easier. From there think of
things your family likes for snacks and buy extra when
you shop for the troops. Personal hygiene items, small
games, wet wipes, sunflower seeds etc. You have all done
a great job in the past and you will do it again. If you
know a solider you would like to receive a care package
please email or mail the address to Sandy at She will get labels started for us.
Dustin and Jana would be glad to answer any questions
about this gathering for our armed forces. One of our Rebel members is serving Brian Nystrom. Keep him and all
our soldiers in your prayers.
Join for an afternoon of giving back to our armed forces
that are giving so much. For those interested we will go
out to eat and relax after the packages are done and
ready to mail.
Thank you, Jana & Dustin
The Rebels holiday
party is January
24th. 2014 at The
Knolls in the Garden Room. The
cost for members is
$13 and non members $27. The
garden room is
reserved and limited to the first 80 paid reservations. After the first 80 paid reservations there will
be a waiting list. You can pay at the club meetings
or mail your payment to Rebels, PO Box 21996,
Lincoln, NE 68542. As in other years there will be
a gift exchange.
Board Member nominations will be held at the November
Meeting. Offices up for two year terms are President,
Treasurer, and At-Large. Elections are held at the December meeting.
Absentee Ballot: If you are in need of an absentee ballot
contact Sheryl Wright at 402-438-2681 or
sherylw7@windstream,net by November 24, 2014.
Dustin 402-202-8792
Jana 402-429-7474
2015 Rebels Membership
Due December 31st, 2014
It is time to renew your Rebels membership for 2015.
A membership application is included in this newsletter for your convenience. If you recently joined in
2014, your dues and new application are also due by
December 31st for the new year.
You can bring your completed application and payment to the November or December meeting or mail
it to the address on the application. Applications are
also available online:
cards & flowers
Anyone who knows of a Rebels member who should
have a card sent or someone in the hospital or flowers for a funeral, Contact Carol Danielson 477-
City__________________________________ State______________ Zip_____________
Home Phone___________________________
Cell Phone_________________________
Birth date: ___________________________________
Email Address___________________________________________________________________
(Your primary email address)
Newsletter Option: By: Mail_________ Email________ Website_________
Updated Information regarding the Rebels Auto Club can be sent to my email?
(Example: new upcoming events, change in date of meeting location, etc.) Yes No
Classic Vehicles:
Year, Make, Body Style
I understand that photographs are taken at Rebels club activities and events and by signing below I give consent to the use of photographs of my spouse/self/child/vehicles to be used in Rebels
editorial and/or promotional material produced and/or published for the good of the club.
Applicant Signature:_________________________________________________________
Club officer_____________________________ Amount Paid____________ Date__________
Note: Cost Adult: $18.00 per year. Cost Youth: $15.00 18 years and younger. Membership
fees are due each year by December 31st. No prorating of fees if join after December 31st of each
Mail completed application and appropriate payment to:
Rebels Auto Club P.O. Box 21996 Lincoln, NE 68542
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