I have done various American television shows throughout my


I have done various American television shows throughout my
I have done various American television shows throughout my career,
but my favourite of them is Happy Days.
If you look up the title Happy Days on Wikipedia, it describes the
show as a sitcom about the 1950s that originally aired 15 January
1974, and ended on 24 September 1984. The show ran for 10
years and I was proud of every season, even the episode when
Fonzie ‘jumped the shark’. That episode was later considered to be
a turning point in the series, and the term ‘jump the shark’ became
a catchphrase used in the television industry about shows that are
headed downhill. And still, that episode was a huge hit, and the show
continued its popularity for many years after. We created characters
that people loved.
The cast and crew became a family, and we all grew up together.
When the show started, the actors were buying their first cars and
having their first kisses. When the show ended, they were buying their own
houses and first baby carriages.
However, 20 years after we celebrated our last show, I realized that I wasn’t
done with my characters yet. They were still a big hit in reruns playing on
televisions all over the world. That is why I wrote the stage book with music
and lyrics by Paul Williams. Happy Days - the Musical has played to fans and
welcoming audiences all over the United States and Canada. Fonzie’s original
leather jacket is displayed in the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, DC as a
new leather-wearing Fonzie emerges onstage in the United Kingdom.
I am thrilled about it and thank producer Amy Anzel. Amy played one of
the two hot and sexy Pinkettes who travelled around with the tough Pinky
Tuscadero, Fonzie’s true love, in an early production. She has been a strong
supporter ever since. Like the television show, I hope Happy Days - the Musical
will have a long life. It’s a show about poodle skirts, sock hops and leather
jackets. But more than anything else, it’s a show about things that transcend
time: family, friendship and love.
I wish ‘Happy Days’ ahead to the talented and dynamic British company.
Garry Marshall
Creator of Happy Days