PCC Update Winter 2004 - Pensacola Christian College


PCC Update Winter 2004 - Pensacola Christian College
Winter 2004
Works 4
Seminary Library
Christmas on Campus
Where PCC President Works 4
God’s Truth
Seminary Library — New
New Sousa Band
Faith of Abe Lincoln
Considering Elementary
Management / Marketing
The Wonder of the Book
New Fitness Equipment
Tune to Rejoice Radio
©2004 Pensacola Christian College. Published quarterly
and distributed free. For correspondence or change of
address, write PCC Update, Pensacola Christian College,
P.O. Box 18000, Pensacola, FL 32523-9160, U.S.A.
Pensacola Christian College, Truth Alive, A Beka Book and
A Beka, A Beka Academy, Joyful Life, “Dedicated to Excellence,
Committed to Service,” Rejoice Broadcast Network, RBN, Rejoice
Radio, and Rejoice in the Lord are registered trademarks of
Pensacola Christian College.
PCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, or
national origin.
PCC is located at 250 Brent Lane, Pensacola, Fla.
Campus glows with
80,000 lights.
Large Fontanini nativity
figures in Campus Church.
Seniors and guests enjoy
banquet in Great Hall.
Dramatic class brings life
to “The Twelve Days of Christmas” gifts.
Spirit Singers at Christmas Lights Concert on Main Drive.
President’s Office
Beka Horton’s adjoining office
From the
Ever wonder what a person’s office looks like? We thought
our readers would like to see where PCC’s top leader works.
The offices of Dr. Horton and his wife Beka (sr. v. pres.)
moved to the Administration Bldg. 4th floor in 1980, and the
furnishings have never changed. Neither have the goals of the
College changed in the past 30 years or 50 years at Pensacola
Christian Academy. Dr. Horton gives all the glory to God for
His unusual blessings on this ministry.
Currently 1,117 faculty / staff serve in the ministry, plus many
student workers. The College began with one building; now
there are more than 20 buildings on 149 acres, totaling over
2.7 million sq. ft. of public buildings including six residence
halls. The president’s responsibilities have increased immensely over the years, but God has given great administrative, managerial, and supervisory staff to carry the load.
Administration Building
Dr. Arlin Horton,
It is very important to have a
sense of duty; many today have
no sense of duty about anything. Recently
I read comments on “duty” that are worth
• One stimulant that never fails and
yet never intoxicates is duty.
• Duty puts a blue sky over every
• My duty is what no one else can do
for me. Another may do my task
better than I, but not my duty.
• When I sought happiness, it f led;
but when I turned to duty’s path,
happiness sought me.
We all need a sense of duty before God
and before man to set a good example for
those around us.
Hurricane Ivan blew into Pensacola during
the early morning hours of Sept. 16. The
Gulf Coast, which is 7 miles from PCC, always gets the severest damage. We thanked
God for PCC’s strong, secure buildings
which serve as engineer-approved hurricane shelters constructed specifically for
the Gulf Coast.
Executive conference room
Before Ivan arrived, students were moved
to the interiors of buildings on lower
floors away from windows. Altogether we
sheltered over 5,000 students, faculty, staff,
and community folk, and no one received
a scratch.
PCC takes every precaution when a hurricane heads this way. Our campus emergency command center and its staff have
pre-planned procedures under the leadership of my assistant, Jim Hicks, former fire
chief of Alexandria, Virginia.
We began classes on Monday—missing
only three class days due to power outage.
Lights on! All at once?
Dr. James Crumpton
Man stands hopeless and helpless
before God because of sin. We might
as well try to catch moonbeams with
fishhooks as to make men into Christians through their natural faculties.
Salvation must come from above.
Sin is the fever of the mind, the
tuberculosis of the heart, and the cancer of the soul. Sin is that something
that will make a man look like a devil
in the eyes of a holy God. And in the
face of these facts, we find the Bible
saying that all of us have sinned and
“There is none righteous, no, not one” —
Rom. 3:10.
All men are under the condemnation of sin before God. They are under the curse, doomed for Hell because
of sin. Yea, men are smitten with the
cancer of covetousness, blistered with
the bruisings of blasphemy, lame with
lust, perniciously anemic with adultery, foul with fornication, unaware of
the dangers of uncleanness, lecherous
with lasciviousness, weak with witchcraft, hurt with hatred, furious with
the hydrophobia of atheism, gangrenous with godlessness, poisoned with
philosophies, damaged by drunkenness, maimed by murderous desires,
and rotten with the ruinous ravages of
Jesus said that we must be born
again. He made the necessary sacrifice
on the cross for sinners to be forgiven
and eternally saved. The death, burial,
and resurrection of Christ is the good
news of God for sinners. This is the
gospel by which we are saved. It becomes ours by accepting Him as Savior. “But as many as received him, to
them gave he power to become the sons
of God, even to them that believe on his
name”—John 1:12.
Dr. Crumpton, a favorite PCC
Bible Conference speaker between 1980 and 1995, went
home to be with the Lord July
2004. He pastored for 57 years
and established the Maranatha
Baptist Mission in Natchez, MS. He was a
superb preacher of the Word, a gentleman in
all respects, and a personal soul winner. He
asked thousands of people, one at a time, over
the course of his life, “Are you a Christian?”
Now Back in Print
by Dave Hunt
Many sincere, Bible-believing Christians are “Calvinists” only by default, thinking the only choice is between Calvinism, with its presumed
doctrine of eternal security, and Arminianism, with its teaching that
salvation can be lost.
Most Christians are unaware of what John
Calvin and his early followers of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries actually believed and
practiced. Nor do
most Calvinists-bydefault fully understand what today’s
leading Calvinists
believe. This book
will help fill in the
576 pp
“The first edition of this book was greeted by
fervent opposition and criticism from Calvinists. In this enlarged and revised edition I
have endeavored to respond to the critics.”
—Dave Hunt
“Calvinism . . . comes perilously close to blasphemy. And that is why I congratulate Dave
Hunt for writing this excellent clarification of
the doctrine that has its roots more in Greek
humanism, from where it originated, than it
does in Scripture.”
—Tim LaHaye,
co-author of Left Behind Series
To order call
8am– 4:45pm CT
Mention code #64087
“The first surprise from the [Hubble]
Deep Field is how many more galaxies
there were in the past. ‘We’re all trying
to figure out if this is real,’ says Bahcall,
‘or whether they are misinterpreting
the image.’ What happened to all these
galaxies? Did they fade? Or are the
galaxies we see today formed of many
pieces—that is, did many primordial
galaxies merge to form today’s?
“The second surprise from the Deep
Field is that the universe’s lights, contrary to astronomers’ hunch, turned
on in one great burst. It was as if every
chandelier in a mansion were flicked on
simultaneously on a moonless night.
Today only about two stars turn on in
our Milky Way every year; back then,
tens of thousands turned on every year.
How could the lights go on practically
at once?”
—Newsweek, 11/3/97, p. 36
(Of course, Genesis has the answer.)
Earth’s hot center !
“A nagging problem for humans. . . .
The interior of the Earth is tantalizingly
close, by cosmic standards, but how do
you get there?
“The deepest oil well penetrates a
mere six miles into the crust (the center
of the Earth is about 4,000 miles deeper).
Russian scientists dug the deepest hole
on the planet in Siberia, but bottomed
out at about 7.5 miles below the surface.
“It gets harder and harder to drill
deep into the earth because rocks get
softer and softer. Brittle at the surface,
rocks become plastic at depth, and the
pressure caused by the weight of the
overlaying crust—about 52,800 pounds
per square inch at a depth of ten miles,
says drilling consultant William Maurer—collapses deep wells, making further drilling impossible. . . .
“It is hot down there, really hot —
9,932° F at the Earth’s core according to
scientists at University College London.
(That’s nearly as hot as the surface of
the sun.) All that geothermal energy
moving out through the mantle and
crust can cause devastating earthquakes
and volcanic eruptions.”
—Joel Achenbach / Lynne Warren
National Geographic, 4/04
( )3
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Dr. Joel Porcher, Dean,
Pensacola Theological Seminary
ensacola Theological Seminary now occupies
the newly renovated Academic Center, third
floor. It has its own Seminary library, classrooms,
conference room, dean and other offices.
The Seminary library contains 13,595 volumes,
and it adjoins the College library, third floor.
The A Beka customer service occupied this
space until Spring ’04 when they moved into the new
A Beka Bldg. on campus.
Seminary class
Circulation Desk
Fine Arts Series
New Sousa Band
t was a night to enjoy music. Keith Brion’s New Sousa
Band delighted both students and guests in celebrating John Philip Sousa’s music at the October concert in the
Crowne Centre.
The highlight was saluting the armed
services when members of the audience who
are and were in the military were asked to
stand as the band played their respective
Mr. Brion has led his New Sousa Band since
1986, realizing his dream to recreate a Sousa
Band and tour America’s cities and towns.
The band members are carefully selected,
not only from major orchestras, military
bands, university faculties, and freelance musicians, but are also chosen
for their style, spirit, and sound.
In addition to leading the Sousa
Band, Mr. Brion frequently conducts Sousa revival concerts
with prestigious orchestras
such as the Boston Pops,
the Philadelphia Orchestra, the London Concert
Orchestra, and the New
Zealand Symphony.
Keith Brion,
Keith Brion’s New Sousa Band
Lee Merrill,
I believe that the Bible is the
best gift that God has ever
given to men. All the good
from the Savior of the world is
communicated to us through
this book.
I believe in His eternal truth
and justice.
I believe the will of God
prevails. Without Him all
human reliance is vain.
Without the assistance of
that Divine Being, I cannot
succeed. With that assistance
I cannot fail.
I recognize the sublime truth
announced in the Holy Scriptures and proved by all history
that those nations only are blest
whose God is the Lord.
I believe that it is the duty of
nations as well as of man to
own their dependence upon
the overruling power of God,
and to invoke the influence
of His Holy Spirit; to confess
their sins and transgression
in humble sorrow, yet with
assured hope that genuine
repentance will lead to mercy
and pardon.
I believe that it is meet and
right to recognize and confess
the presence of the almighty
Father equally in our triumphs
and in those sorrows which
we may justly fear are the
punishment inflicted upon
us for our presumptuous
sins to the needful end of our
Being a humble instrument
in the hands of our heavenly
Father, I desire that all my
words and acts may be according to His will; and that it
may be so, I give thanks to the
Almighty, and seek His aid.
I have a solemn oath registered
in heaven to finish the work
I am in, in full view of my
responsibility to God, with
malice toward none; with
charity for all; with firmness
in the right as God gives me
to see the right. Commending
those who love me to His
care, as I hope in their prayers
they will commend me, I look
through the help of God to
a joyous meeting with many
loved ones gone before.
I believe in God, the Almighty
Ruler of nations, our great and
good and merciful Maker, our
Father in heaven, who notes the
fall of a sparrow, and numbers
the hairs of our heads.
from The Soul of Abraham Lincoln
—William E. Barton
“A teacher af
eternity; he c
an never tell
where his influ
ence stops.”
— Henry B
rooks Ad
Teacher helps senior intern
eaching elementary education majors is one area that PCC does
best! Practical, hands-on training and traditional philosophy produces skilled teachers who are an immediate help to the Christian
school. Elementary education and early childhood education majors learn
how to give young chilPensacola Christian Academy — K4–12 grade
dren a strong academic
foundation to benefit
them throughout their
Elementary education majors learn firsthand how to have the
greatest impact on
young receptive children. In their first education course, freshmen observe veteran teachers at Pensacola Christian
Academy. Their sophomore year, they begin learning the proven methods
of teaching as they teach short portions of classes at PCA. Juniors have
additional experience in specialized
methods courses.
Students learn methods that historically work instead of trying out
new fads and theories as is common at most colleges that prepare
elementary teachers.
As the home of A Beka Book,
elementary education majors use
Intern teaching
the finest curriculum available, with
its distinctive, traditional, Christian
Seniors spend a full semester actually teaching a class. One intern
said, “I love my students. The greatest joy, thus far, is Bible time when I
have the chance to teach them about
Elementary education graduates
are ready for the classroom, and
they are in high demand at Christian
schools around the world. PCC’s elementary education grads use their
training by starting, administrating,
and teaching in Christian schools
from Maine to Hawaii.
Because education
opens the door to ministry in foreign fields,
PCC grads are also
teaching and training other teachers in
Peru, Canada, Philippines, Indonesia, Bahamas, Mexico, and other
countries around the
Intern teaching
Students give
PowerPoint presentation.
Is Business Your Interest?
at PCC
oday’s business world is a dynamic, fast-paced environment
that is looking for people with strong
business skills who exhibit integrity,
honesty, and character. At PCC,
we develop the skills that graduates
need to excel in the business world
and also give them biblical standards
needed today.
Broad Business Skills
Leaders in business must be versatile and able to adapt to an
ever-changing business environment. Both the Management and
Marketing majors provide training in a range of subjects, including
accounting, business law, business
statistics, corporate finance, international business, economics, marketing, and management. From this
foundation, more advanced business
topics are explored.
Management Concentration
Management students receive training in using accounting information
for decision making, evaluating, economic issues, planning and controlling operations in a business environment, and starting a business.
Practical application includes real
business situations, whether developing a start-up business for small business entrepreneurship, or running a
large enterprise business simulation
in corporate finance, or presenting
solutions to real-life situations in
strategic management class.
Paul Johnson (’01 grad) earned his
MBA at Cal
Poly, San Luis
Obispo in Calif.,
and says, “PCC’s
training helped
me flourish in
g r a d s c h o o l .”
Now he is president and publisher of The Sacramento Union, a historic conservative
editorial voice in California’s capital.
The seed for this idea grew out of
Dr. John Cirone’s small business
entrepreneurship class, where Paul
developed a business plan for a conservative publishing company. “Now
as president and associate publisher
of The Sacramento Union, I look back
and thank God for both the business
and spiritual education I received at
Pensacola Christian College,” Paul
Marketing Concentration gives indepth training in marketing. Students develop personal selling skills
by selling ads in a college publication to local businesses, they learn to
make business presentations using
current software, and also analyze
and interpret marketing research
data using SPSS software. Retailing,
Corporations where PCC business grads work
AmSouth Bank
Enterprise Rental Car
J.C. Penney
Merck and Co.
New York Stock Exchange
Premier Hotel Corp.
Prudential Securities
Shell Oil
and Christian organizations
advertising, and similar topics give
students industry-specific knowledge for the workplace.
Future — Graduate School
Graduates often go on to graduate
school. PCC offers a Master of Business Administration program, which
is application-oriented to provide
the student with the technological,
quantitative, and qualitative skills
needed in today’s business environment.
After Sharon Ambrose graduated
in 2000, she worked
for the Step2 Company and then US
Bank. This fall, she
returned to PCC to
work on her MBA
because “PCC integrates biblical principles into their quality business
program. When I heard I could study
business on the graduate level from a
truly Christian perspective, I decided
to take advantage of this unique opportunity.”
Future Employment
PCC management and marketing
graduates work in both ministryrelated and secular business positions. If God is calling you to serve
him in the area of business, then consider PCC’s management or marketing programs.
Sample of graduate schools attended by PCC business grads
Auburn U
Bowling Green State U
Clemson U
Drexel U
Indiana U
Keller Grad. School of Mgmt.
Syracuse U
U of Central Florida
U of Mississippi
U of West Florida
he wonder of the Book grows upon
us as our experience is enlarged, for
the more deeply we search it, the more
we feel that the Bible is not merely a
book, but The Book. It alone is the
universal Book, the eternal Book, the
Book for all time. It is the voice of the
Lord. It stands alone, unapproachable
in its grandeur, as high above all other
books as heaven is above earth, or as the
Son of God is above the sons of men.
One of the first things about this Book
that evokes our wonder is the very fact
of its existence, for there was never any
order given to any man to plan the
Bible, nor was there ever any concerted
plan on the part of the men who wrote
to write the Bible. The way in which
the Bible grew is one of the mysteries
of our time. Little by little, century
after century, it came out in fragments,
written by various men, without any
concerted arrangement. One wrote a
part in Arabia, another in Syria, a third
in Palestine, another in Greece and Italy,
and the first part was written hundreds
of years before the man who wrote the
last part was born.
Here is a Book that took at least fifteen
hundred years to write, spanning sixty
generations of this world’s history. It
enlarges our conceptions of God and
gives us new ideas of His infinite patience
as He watched the strain, the haste and
restlessness of man across the feverish
years, while slowly the great Book grew.
Here a little, and there a little, history,
prophecy, poetry and biography, it came
forth before a needy world in its finished
There was no pre-arrangement by men.
It is not as if Matthew, Mark, Luke and
John met in committee and after solemn
conference and seeking for the leading
of the Spirit, Matthew undertook to
write of Christ as the King, and Mark
agreed to write of Him as the Servant,
Luke undertaking to delineate Him
as the Man, and John determining to
crown it all by writing of Him as the
Son of God. It was not as if Paul and
James met and after talking and praying
about it agreed that Paul should write of
the doctrinal and James of the practical
aspects of the Christian faith. There is
no trace of such a thing. They simply
wrote as they were moved by the Spirit
to meet a present need, to teach some
glorious truth, to express some earnest
longing, and from the aggregation of
their writings came this miraculous unit
that we call the New Testament.
The Bible, though regarded as a Book,
is in fact a library of sixty-six volumes,
written by between thirty and forty
different authors, in three languages,
on totally different topics and in
extraordinarily different circumstances.
One wrote history, another biography,
one wrote on theology, another poetry,
another prophecy, others on philosophy,
jurisprudence, genealogy, ethnology,
and narratives of wonderful journeys.
Here in the Bible we have them all, in a
little Book that a child can carry in its
little hand. The strangest things of all
is that, although their subjects are so
diverse and difficult, and although it
was impossible for the man who wrote
the first pages to have the slightest
knowledge what others would write
1500 years later, yet this collection of
writings is not only unified by men in
one Book, but so unified by God, the
Author, that we can never think of it
today as anything else but one Book!
And one Book it is indeed—the miracle
of all literary unity.
Another marvellous thing about this
Book is that it is the only book in the
world read by all classes and all sorts
of people. Literary people rarely read a
child’s book, and children do not read
books of philosophy and science. There
is but one Book that is read by the wisest
of men, read to the little child, and read by
the old man as he trembles on the brink
of another world. [When the father]
asked the nurse what she was reading to
his daughter, she replied, “I am reading
the story of Joseph in the Bible,” and the
child added, “And please do not stop her,
father.” She was listening with delighted
interest to a story that had been written
in Hebrew three thousand five hundred
years before.
Not far away from the same room
where the child was listening, there sat a
scientist, Sir William Dawson (a humble
believer in the Lord Jesus Christ), reading
with profound devotion and higher
delight the pages of the same marvellous
Book. Here is a phenomenon—one of
the ablest of modern scientists delights
in reading a Book which is the joy of a
little child in the nursery!
The Book was not written in the seats
of learning, either at Athens in Greece
or at Alexandria in Egypt, but (mostly)
in Palestine. Some of the writers were
not distinguished for their scholarship.
Some did not speak even their own
language perfectly. Peter was betrayed
by his Galilean dialect, and he and John
were described in Acts 4:13 as “ignorant
and unlearned men.” Many of the
men who wrote the Bible were of that
character. One was a farmhand, another
a shepherd, others were fishermen. They
were men of no literary reputation, and
yet by the mysterious power of God
the Book has become the standard of
language of the most literary nations of
the world.
The Bible has withstood ages of ferocious
and incessant persecution. Century
after century men have tried to burn it
and to bury it and to extirpate it. Kings
of the earth set themselves and rulers of
the church have taken counsel together
to destroy it. Diocletian the Roman
Emperor inaugurated in AD 303 a terrific
onslaught upon the Book. Bibles were
destroyed, Christians were slain, and the
Emperor boasted that the very name of
the Christians was blotted out, and yet
after a few years, the Bible came forth as
Noah from the ark to repeople the earth,
and in AD 325 Constantine enthroned
the Bible as the Infallible Judge of Truth
in the great council of the church held
in that year.
Later the Church of Rome denied the
Scriptures to the people, and for ages the
Bible was practically an unknown book.
Martin Luther was a grown man when
he said that he had never seen a Bible in
his life. No jailer ever kept a prisoner
closer than the Church of Rome kept the
Bible from the people.
The worst opposition of all has been
during the last two hundred years, with
rationalism and modernism seeking to
undermine the authority, inspiration and
inerrancy of the Holy Scriptures. It was
Voltaire’s boast that within one hundred
years of his death not a Bible would be
found save as an antiquarian curiosity.
Many more than one hundred years
have passed, and other pens and other
voices have joined in the attack, but the
Bible remains and is being more widely
distributed and used than ever before.
You need no historical critic for God’s
own Word. The Holy Spirit, who is the
Author of the Book, makes it speak to
our souls in such power as to give divine
conviction. Men may arise to unsettle
and destroy, but the Spirit of Christ
comes to validate and confirm, with a
certainty that is incommunicable by
mere reason, and is impervious to the
assaults of doubt. Spurgeon spoke of a
poor woman who was challenged by an
agnostic to prove that the Bible in her
hand was God’s Word. She pointed to
the sun and said, “Can you prove that
there is a sun in the sky?” The unbeliever
answered, “Of course, the proof is that it
warms me and I see its light.” “That is
it,” she replied, “and the best proof that
this Book is the Word of God is that it
warms and lights my soul.”
Cannot Be
We do not gild gold. We do not paint
rubies. We cannot brighten diamonds.
Neither can any artist add any final touch
to this finished Word of God. It stands
as the sun in the sky and this proud age
can add nothing to it. It has the glory of
God and any attempt to improve it can
but disfigure it. It speaks with authority
and breaks upon you as the Voice from
Five hundred times in the Pentateuch,
three hundred times in the following
books and twelve hundred times in the
prophets, the declarations are prefaced
or concluded with such expressions as
“Hear the word of the Lord,” or “Thus
saith the Lord.” No other book dares
thus to address itself to the universal
conscience. No other speaks with such a
binding claim or presumes to command
the obedience of all mankind. The Book
speaks to the inner conscience with the
authority of God Himself.
Living and Powerful
Men think of the Bible as a Book that
was inspired, and this is true, but it is
also true that it still comes sweeping into
the hearts of men today, and the same
breath of God that gave it life makes it
living and spiritually energizing today.
This is a most remarkable and unique
feature of the Bible—I feel that it is
mine. Its promises are mine.
The 103rd Psalm is not ancient Hebrew,
it is a present day message to my soul.
The other day I took up an old Bible
that my mother gave me, in which years
ago I had marked Genesis 28:15 when
I was in great trouble and had to leave
my wife and children and travel in quest
of health in distant lands. One day as I
opened the Bible at random these words
came before my eye. Shall I ever forget
the flood of comfort that swept over my
soul as I read that verse? “Behold, I am
with thee, and will keep thee in all places
whither thou goest, and will bring thee
again into this land.” All the critics in
the world could never persuade my soul
that those words were a mere echo of
some far-off relic of a Babylonian legend
or oriental myth. No, no! That was a
message to me, and it swept into my soul
as a voice from heaven and lifted me up.
No man will ever shake me out of the
conviction that that message was God’s
own word to me—inspiring because
Reveals Christ
It changes men’s lives and alters their
destinies. It inaugurates world-wide
movements. A single text transformed
Luther and launched the greatest of
modern epochs. It comes today into
communities of unrighteousness as a
regenerating force.
The supreme wonder of the Book is
Christ, Who is its fulness, its centre, its
great subject. Of the whole Book it may
be said, “The glory of God does lighten
it, and the Lamb is the light thereof.” As
long as men live upon the face of the
globe, the Book that tells of Christ the
Revealer, Redeemer, the Risen, Reigning,
Returning Lord will draw men’s hearts
like a magnet, and men will stand by it,
and live for it, and die for it.
Do not think that we ought to read this
book as we read any other book, and
study and analyze it just as we do any
textbook in literature or science. No!
When you come to this Book, come
to it with reverence. Read it with a
plea for the Spirit’s help. “Put off thy
shoes from off thy feet, for the place
whereon thou standest is holy ground.”
Other books are of the earth. This is
from heaven, it is the living Word of
the Living God, supernatural in origin,
divine in authorship, regenerative in
power, infallible in authority, personal in
application, inspired in its every part.
by Dyson Hague
Summarized and selected by
Trinitarian Bible Society from
The Wonder of the Book
Field House weight
room renovation
hysical fitness is a priority among many college students. PCC upgraded its workout
equipment last summer, purchasing 33 new
pieces of True cardio equipment, including dualaction elliptical machines, treadmills, recumbent
cycles, Atlantis free weights, and multipurpose
weight training equipment.
Now PCC’s state-of-the-art fitness rooms serve
the beginner and also the avid strength trainer.
The Field House weight room for men was renovated to include a new rubberized protective floor,
upgraded air circulation, and water fountain.
Each women’s residence hall has a conveniently
located fitness room with treadmills, ellipticals, and
recumbent cycles.
The same equipment was added to the Sports
Center weight rooms to complement the existing
cardio equipment.
Halls get
Wireless Technology
A new custom webbased wireless network is installed in
all residence halls
and the Commons,
which gives students
access to the PALM
library system and
databases that offer
over 2,500 full-text
journals, plus e-mail
and links to newspapers and other internet sites.
Men work out
with weights
“This system uses
new technology and
equipment to get connected from student rooms
without having to install new software,” says John
Balentine of the Information Technology department.
Once a student logs on to the system, he can check
the status of library books, research for class papers,
and read e-mail from mom and dad before leaving for
breakfast. The server provides automated spam and
virus filters and allows students to maintain their own
address books.
Sports Center Fitness Room
Fitness rooms are
located in all the
women’s residence halls.
“I’ve already used the shopping sites
to buy jewelry for my girlfriend,” says
Russ Smith (Sr., CA). “I also look at
the news from my room, which beats
going to the library to read the paper.
Doing reports and homework is a lot
easier, and it’s convenient to access information you
need from your room. It’s not a necessity to go to the
lab anymore.”
Internet and e-mail access is also available in the
library computer lab for students who don’t bring
a computer to campus. Parents and prospective
students can check out the College web site at
www.PCCinfo.com /wireless.html for wireless networking information including recommended specifications for purchasing a new computer.
Enroll Now for 2005
Fall enrollments
now accepted.
PCC Grad to Congress —
Cathy McMorris wins
U.S. Congressional seat
Visit us at
Apply Online
For more information, call: 1-800-PCC-INFO
(M–F, 8 am–4:30 pm CT) (1-800-722-4636)
visit: www.PCCinfo.com; e-mail: info@PCCinfo.
com; fax: 1-800-722-3355;
write: Director of Admissions,
Pensacola Christian College, P.O. Box 18000,
Pensacola, FL 32523-9160
Vis me
Us it
Enrichment Conference Mar. 1– 4
for Pastors, Youth Directors,
Music Directors, and Wives
Cathy, a ’90 PCC prelaw graduate, won election to the U.S. Congress House of Representatives in the 5th district of Washington
state. McMorris, one of four top legislative leaders in Olympia,
stands for conservative values. She is PCC’s first graduate to be
elected to Congress.
The Congressional Quarterly TODAY reported: Rep.-elect Cathy McMorris, a 35year-old veteran of leadership politics in the Washington state House, proved she
knows how to . . . tally enough votes to secure the freshman class spot on the
Republican Steering Committee in the 109th congress. . . . The job is perhaps the
most coveted leadership position for incoming freshmen; . . . it gives a lawmaker
the opportunity to build political capital by helping colleagues win committee assignments. McMorris ‘knows how to get things done,’ Rep.-elect Patrick McHenry,
R.N.C., said of the former GOP leader of the Washington House. ‘I think she’s
— Jonathan Allen, Congressional Quarterly TODAY, 11/18/04
going to be the star in the class.’”
(850) 478-8496, ext. 2828
Principals Clinic Apr. 4 – 6
for Administrators, Pastors, Office staff
(850) 478-8496, ext. 2828
Rejoice Singers’
beautiful, heartwarming music.
College Days Mar. 31–Apr. 1 & Apr. 14 –15
1-800-PCC-INFO (1-800-722-4636)
Many Miracles
Looking for a City • Just Knowing
I Thank My Savior for It All • With All the Many Miracles
Singin’ Camp Meetin’ Style • That’s the Day
There’s Nothin’ the Lord Can’t Do
Lead Me Gently Home • Jesus Saves
Heaven Is More Than a Dream • Watch and Pray
Convocation May 11
Other CDs available:
Mar. 16 –18, 2005
CD $15
PCC’s annual Bible Conference
will refresh and renew the power of
God’s word in your life.
Powerful messages by—
Dr. Rick Flanders
Dr. Lloyd Streeter
Rev. Jim Blalock
Dr. Terry Mortenson
(850) 478-8496, ext. 2777
Estate Planning
It is often difficult to make a large gift
during one’s lifetime, yet many would
like to make a significant contribution
to PCC. You might want to consider a
bequest to Pensacola Christian College.
For more information, write: Office of Institutional
Advancement, Pensacola Christian College,
P.O. Box 18000, Pensacola, FL 32523-9160, U.S.A.
• Living Waters CD
• Don’t Worry CD
Specials: 2 for $20
all 3 for $30
Order PCC Bookstore
S/H and tax included
Code #64087 when calling.
The Battle for the Bible
message by
Dr. Roy Thompson
Conference speaker
Order PCC Bookstore 1-800-722-3570
S/H and tax included Code #64087 when calling
Pastors . . .
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Church worker, FL
Truth Alive is a biblically based, dynamic,
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the glory of God. It generates enthusiasm
and participation among church workers, plus provides dozens of benefits at a
reasonable cost. Truth Alive is the summer
youth program you have been looking for!
Five-day program led by
two PCC ministerial students
Grades 1–6 learn biblical
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while enjoying fun songs, trivia
games, and activities.
For more information,
“We had an
Call: 1-888-722-4406 (toll free)
excellent week! Both
E-mail: truthalive@PCCinfo.com
young men were exemplary
Fax: (850) 969-1662
and a tremendous blessing to
our church. Thank you for sending men of such high caliber.”
Jr.–Sr. High teens hear
dynamic preaching and compete
in big ball volleyball, tug-of-war,
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Schedule your 2005 Truth Alive team today!
Pastor, OH
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Visit our Web site at
JoyfulLife.abeka.com / 128
to view sample weeks for each age level.
Sumtunities at PCC
Sponsored by Youth Outreach Ministry,
affiliate of Pensacola Christian College
for Grades 9–12 and class of 2005
Summer Music Academy
July 6 –23
Improve musical talent and
build confidence through
Explore God’s handiwork in nature
intensive daily teaching
practice in PCC’s facilities
supervision and encouragement
concert and Honors Recital
Speech/Drama Camp
• Hands-on experience in college labs
• Great ideas for science fair projects
• Exciting competitions
July 11–23
performance techniques
technical aspects of production
proper use of voice in public speaking
production practices and
backstage processes
July 11–15
Voice Camp
Learn the basics of performance and
proper vocal technique through
July 18–22
July 11–15 • 18–22
• Hands-on experience in a fully
equipped nursing lab
• Training in CPR and basic first aid
• Tours of regional health care facilities
Basketball Camp
June 13–17 • June 27–July 1
June 20 –24 (team week)
• offense
• team building
July 11–15
Volleyball Camp
drawing and design fundamentals
desktop publishing
daily drawing exercises
practical studies
Nursing Camp
Web page construction
writing Internet applications
programming languages
network programming techniques
• ball handling
• defense
• rebounding
Sharpen skills and techniques in
June 27–July 1
Strengthen skills in
repertoire performances
coaching sessions
voice lessons
Art Camp
Computer Science Camp
Learn the basics of
Gain practical hands-on experience in
June 20 –24
Engineering and
Science Camp
Improve basic skills
Analyze abilities /smooth out problem areas
Practice team work
Compete in actual games
Fellowship with players from around
the country
July 18–22
Cheerleading Camp
Senior High and Junior High
(minimum age11/grade 6)
Instruction and practice in
• new cheers and stunts
• techniques and teamwork
• new ideas for fundraising and pep rallies
PCC’s Eagles cheerleaders
For more information, Call: (850) 478-8496, ext. 8787 E-mail: reservations@PCCinfo.com Fax: (850) 479-6576
Write: (insert camp name) Camp, Youth Outreach Ministry, P.O. Box 18500, Pensacola, FL 32523-8500 U.S.A.
2005 Summer
sessions begin June 20
April 4– 6, 2005
Dr. Phyllis Rand
Dean of Education
Summer Programs in Education
Practical helps
for the Christian school . . .
• Pointers for administrative success
• School operations and procedures
• Classroom observation
• Effective school programs
(Also offered year round)
Master of Science degrees
• Ed. Administration
• Elementary Ed.
• Secondary Ed.
• English Ed.
• History Ed.
• Mathematics Ed.
• Science Ed.
Education Specialist degree • Ed. Administration
Doctor of Education degrees
• Ed. Administration
• Elementary Ed.
• Curriculum and Instruction
with specializations in English, History, Science
Year-Round Programs
(Two-year residency required)
Master’s degrees
• Music/Music Ed.
• Interpretive Speech/Sp. Ed.
• Commercial Art
• Media Communications
M.B.A.—Business Administration
M.F.A.—Art (terminal)
For more information or brochure,
Call: (850) 478-8496, ext. 2828 e-mail: Reservations@PCCinfo.com
For more information, call: 1-877-PTS-GRAD (1-877-787-4723) (toll free);
e-mail: info@PCCinfo.com; fax: (850) 479-6548; write: Graduate-Seminary Studies Office,
Pensacola Christian College, P.O. Box 18000, Pensacola, FL 32523-9160
Pensacola T heological Seminary
March 1–4, 2005
Dr. Dale Adkins
Dr. Lloyd Streeter
Meeting the needs of
pastors, youth directors,
music directors,
church workers, and wives
• Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) • M.A. in Bible Exposition
• Master of Divinity (M.Div.) • Master of Ministry (M.Min.)
• Master of Church Music (M.C.M.)
Qualified candidates can attend one
module tuition FREE through January
2006 to earn credit toward a doctor of
ministry or master of ministry degree.
Take advantage of this opportunity to see
exactly what Pensacola Theological Seminary
can offer you and your ministry.
2005 D.Min./M.Min. Modules
Dr. L.E. Traxler
Jan. 17–21, 2005
Mar. 1– 4, 2005
May 23–27, 2005
• Dr. Terry Mortenson
• Dr. Joel Mullenix
• Enrichment
Conference Speakers
(see adjacent ad)
• Dr. Karl Stelzer
Developing and
Ministry Enrichment:
Implementing a Biblical
World View in Your Church Renewing Your Vision
Doctrine and History of
Preservation of the Text
Dr. Jim Schettler
Three hours of graduate credit
may be earned toward a
D.Min., M.Min., or M.C.M.
at Pensacola Theological Seminary by
attending the Enrichment Conference.
For info, call toll free 1-877-PTS-GRAD.
For more information,
Call: (850) 478-8496, ext. 2828
e-mail: reservations@PCCinfo.com
Fax: (850) 479-6576
Distance-Learning Option Available
For information,
call: 콯1- 877- PTS - GRAD 1-877-787-4723
e-mail: PTSinfo@pcci.edu Fax: (850) 479-6548
write: Pensacola Theological Seminary, P.O. Box 18000
Pensacola, FL 32523-9160, U.S.A.
96350001 11/04AS
32523-9160, U.S.A.
1-800-PCC-INFO (1-800-722-4636)
fax: 1-800-722-3355
e-mail: info@PCCinfo.com
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