Mar 25 2013 - The Aurora Newspaper
Mar 25 2013 - The Aurora Newspaper
Office 902 Cell 902 Fax 902 Toll Free Dave’s Collision Works Ltd. Val Connell 765 3505 840 1600 765 2438 Broker / Owner FRAME & COLLISION REPAIR SPECIALISTS 765-8161 1 866 514 3948 EXIT 18, HWY 101 MIDDLETON, N.S. Email EXIT Realty Town and Country 825-3471 Aurora CERTIFIED Independently Owned & Operated Your Choice for Collision Repairs 14 WING • ESCADRE 14 GREENWOOD, NS the Vol. 34 No. 12 MARCH 25, 2013 NO CHARGE Some members of the Block III Implementation Flight and students of CT0 on the first day of the course. In the back row, from left, are Captain Albert (LRPSET), Captain Lafontaine (405), Captain Christianson (405), Sergeant Horne (404), Flight Sergeant Sinski (405), Captain Hallam (404), Captain Sandner (405), Corporal Simoneau (405), Captain Ennis (405), Warrant Inman (404), Warrant Butt (404), Sergeant Greenslade (404), Captain Currie (404), Captain Holden (404), Corporal Duncan (405), Captain Janes (404), Flight Lieutenant Jones (404). Across the front are Captain Douglas (404), Warrant Osmond (404), Flight Sergeant Marjoribanks (404), Master Corporal Valardo (405), Warrant Gillis (405), Corporal Laffin (405), Major Larsen (404), Sergeant Hape (14 SES), Sergeant Legere (404), Captain Bernardi (404), Captain P Thomas (404), Private Forbes (405) and Captain Nemet (LRPSET). Master Corporal R.Wilson, 404 Squadron CP140M Aurora Block III training commences Captain Jan Douglas, 404 Squadron, Block III Implementation Flight March 18, 404 (Long Range Patrol and Training) Squadron launched the first serial of the CP140M Aurora Block 3 Conversion Training (CT). The first serial, labelled CT 0, is comprised of one line crew from 405 (Long Range Patrol) Squadron, and one crew containing standards and training personnel from 404 Squadron, 14 Software Engineering Squadron and the Long Range Patrol Standardization and Evaluation Team; all at 14 Wing Greenwood. As the first trained crew from an operational squadron, the 405 Squadron crew will likely deploy a CP140M to Northern Canada to demonstrate the Block III capabilities during Operation NANOOK later this summer. Once trained, the standards and training crew will provide mentorship and training as- Protect your investment Undercoat your vehicle today to avoid the harsh conditions of our Maritime weather! $129.95 plus tax Includes FREE exterior hand wax ($50 value) 902-825-3494 to book an appointment 259 Main Street, Middleton, NS sistance to 404 Squadron’s Block III Implementation Flight for future CT serials and training development. The launch of CT 0 is the direct result of the hard work and long hours put in by many 14 Wing personnel. Block III Implementation Flight (aircrew and maintenance flights), Maritime Proving & Evaluation Unit, 404 Squadron simulator staff, 14 Software Engineering Squadron and 14 Wing Operations have all played a part in reaching this significant milestone. The course itself has a planned duration of approximately nine weeks. The first three weeks will be conducted via distance learning, while the remainder will include in-house lectures, demonstrations, simulator sessions and actual flights. Once complete, the course will undergo adjustments and corrections if required. When directed by 14 Wing Commander Colonel Jim Irvine, • Light Roadside • Heavy Towing • Wheel Lift & Flatbed • 24 HOUR TOWING ONLY INDEPENDENT TOWING COMPANY IN OUR AREA SPECIALISTS IN: • Accidents • Lock Outs • Boosts • Breakdowns • • Cars • Heavy Haulage • Tractors • Trucks • • Buses • Baby Barns • RV’s • Motor Homes • Middleton Cell (902): 825-7026 the Block III Implementation Flight will then continue to train future serials. It has been a very long road to this point; it will be great to see everyone’s hard work pay off. Major Chris Larsen, 404 Squadron’s Block III Implementation Flight Commander, addresses the students and instructors of CT0. 2013 Ford F150 STX V6, 4x4, $7,000 rebate, qualify for $2,500 recycle your ride. Stock #F12322 Paul Tidman Garth Rafuse 765-0806 (h) 765-4960 (h) auto group 994 Central Ave., Greenwood 765-1305 or Page 2 Reservists top of the class Sara Keddy, Managing editor February 14, two 14 Wing Greenwood Reservists were recognized for top marks on an international program. Master Corporal David Murray and Sergeant Michelle Rerrie, both 29-year Canadian Armed Forces members, spent six and five weeks, respectively, on leadership courses at the United States Air National Guard Leadership Academy. In the Non Commissioned Officer Academy, a class of 260 students, Rerrie, a deployment readiness instructor, was a distinguished graduate (in the top 10 per cent of the class). Murray, an avionics project technician at the base’s Maritime Proving and Evaluation Unit, was also a distinguished graduate – and the overall top the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS March 25, 2013 student among a 60-member class. “It makes me feel all warm inside to hear about two of our Royal Canadian Air Force folks’ top performance,” said 14 Wing Greenwood Commander Colonel Jim Irvine, at a headquarters event to welcome the Reservists back to the base. “I tell you, I’ve served in NATO and my squadron commander was American. I’ve noticed Americans don’t hand out these distinctions very often to non-Americans, and the fact we have these two is a testament to the RCAF and our great people.” Murray and Rerrie were two of four Canadians taken in the courses, and both say the opportunity was a unique chance to train in the United States – and have their own experiences in the CAF brought into Sergeant Michelle Rerrie and Master Corporal David Murray were presented with Wing Commanders’ Coins by 14 Wing Greenwood Commander Colonel Jim Irvine (left) and Wing Chief Warrant Officer Pierrot Jetté (right) for their recent outstanding performance on the US Air National Guard Leadership Academy course. Private N.Clarkson, 14 AMS Wing Imaging class discussions. “They’d always turn to us and ask how in Canada we do things,” said Murray, although he had a hard job convincing his classmates to not ask him how CAF drill patterns look as he was trying to learn and lead American-style formations on the parade square. Both agree the leadership skills and concepts they learned were valuable, with new theory and many reinforcements of what they’ve followed throughout their careers. Neither work now in supervisory roles as Reservists, but their years of experience and day-to-day opportunities to mentor younger CAF person- nel will make use of these courses’ lessons. “We still have things we feel we can contribute to the organization – and we’re here because we want to be,” said Rerrie. Le bureau du journal Aurora sera fermé le 29 mars et le premier avril. La date limite pour la publication du premier avril est le 26 mars, 16h00. The Aurora Newspaper office will be closed March 29 & April 1. Early deadline for the April 1 issue: March 26, 4 p.m. Aurora the Managing Editor | Directeur de rédaction Stephen R. Boates • 902-765-1494 local/poste 5441 Interim Managing Editor | Directrice de rédaction par intérim Sara Keddy • 902-765-1494 local/poste 5441 Business & Advertising | Affaires commerciales et publicité Anne Kempton • 902-765-1494 local/poste 5833 Production Coordinator | Coordonnateur de production Brian Graves • 902-765-1494 local/poste 5699 Administrative Clerk | Commis à l’administration Candace’May Timmins • 902-765-1494 local/poste 5440 Editorial Advisor | Conseiller à la rédaction Lieutenant (Navy) Sylvain Rousseau • 902-765-1494 local/poste 5101 Circulation | Circulation: 5,900 Mondays | Lundis Agreement No. | Numéro de contrat : 462268 Fax: 902-765-1717 Website | Site Web : The Aurora, PO Box 99, Greenwood NS B0P 1N0 L’Aurora, C.P. 99, Greenwood (N.-É.) B0P 1N0 Location | Emplacement : 83A School Road, Morfee Annex | Annexe Morfee The Editorial Board reserves the right to edit, condense or reject copy or advertising to suit the aims of a service newspaper as specified in the Interim Canadian Forces Newspapers Policy and/or by the Editorial Board. Opinions and advertisements appearing in The Aurora Newspaper are those of the individual contributor or advertiser and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of 14 Wing, Greenwood or the printers. Published each Monday by 14 Wing under the authority of Colonel J.A. Irvine, M.S.M., C.D., Wing Commander. Le comité de rédaction se réserve le droit de réviser, de condenser ou de rejeter tout article ou message publicitaire afin de satisfaire aux exigences relatives aux journaux militaires figurant dans la Politique temporaire des journaux des Forces canadiennes. Les opinions exprimées dans ce journal sont celles des collaborateurs et ne reflètent pas nécessairement les points de vue des Forces armées canadiennes ou de la 14e Escadre. Publié chaque lundi par la 14e Escadre sous les auspices du Colonel J.A. Irvine, M.S.M., C.D., commandant de l’Escadre. Useful links | Liens utiles Canadian Air Force website Site Web de l’Aviation royale canadienne Community Gateway Site Site du portail communautaire des Forces canadiennes 14 Wing Greenwood Site Site de la 14e Escadre Greenwood Personnel Family Support Services Services de soutien au personnel et aux familles des Forces canadiennes National Defence and the Canadian Forces Défense nationale et Forces canadiennes Combat Camera | Caméra de combat Recruiting | Recrutement Military Family Resource Centre Centre des ressources pour les familles des militaires VPI | VPI the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS Page 3 March 25, 2013 Lighting it up Museum’s LED transformation making big difference Sara Keddy, Managing editor One bulb at a time, the Greenwood Military Aviation Museum is making a difference. A trial project is underway to swap out 110 incandescent light bulbs with LED bulbs, with a three-way saving in mind. “Ultraviolet light is hard on the artefacts,” says Wing Heritage Officer Major Bob Johnson, “and, a side effect of the new LED bulbs is a much lower electric consumption.” A report backing the trial esWing Heritage Officer Major Bob Johnson gets a helping hand from volunteer Brian Handley (retired colonel), timates the museum’s 20,000 changing up the way things look – and are lit – at the kilowatt hours used per year Greenwood Military Aviation Museum. S.Keddy could be decimated to just 1,700 KW. “We calculated it all out, and we’re just floored – that’s quite a bit. It’s a $2,000 job to change out the light bulbs, we get a $14 per bulb rebate from Conserve Nova Scotia, we’ll save a tonne of money on electricity and these LED bulbs have a life span of up to 40,000 hours. Right now, I’m up changing burned out bulbs a handful at a time every month. “We can’t go wrong.” The LED bulbs are smaller, but the museum has devised an ingenuous way to retrofit fixtures: a drilled out CD slipped behind the bulb not only makes the bulb fit, but it’s actually directing more light down onto exhibits than ever before. In the past, a lot of light “spill” went up, making shadows and lighting up the ceiling, and also “haloing” on the walls. “We started replacing some of the bulbs as a trial so everyone can see the before and after lighting of the exhibits,” Johnson says. Overhead fixtures and showcase bar-style LEDs have been in place for a couple of weeks. “Exhibits were dull and lit with yellow light, and hard to read. You can see the difference in what it can do.” Johnson is sharing information about the lighting project with other Canadian Air Force museums, and says 14 Wing Greenwood’s Wing Environment office is “very excited” with the initiative. “The base has a high consciousness of going ‘green’,” Johnson says, “and this project here at the museum will show people just what can be done.” AVON is more than makeup! Gifts, jewellery, fashion, home decor & more Sharon Anscomb 309-9379 Painting Services Interior & Exterior Brian Sturney Lawrencetown, NS 584-3211 or 825-9970 Cell Make Your Home’s First Impression A Lasting One Discover Driving Certified Driving Instruction Driver Education Defensive Driving Seniors’ Safety Private Lessons (902) 665-2831 DRIVER EDUCATION CLASSES April 6 - Greenwood Ŗ April 13 Bridgetown Ask About Special Discounts Call or email for details Accepting students 15 1/2 years and older Visit our web page for more information Ŗ e-mail: Ŗ Serving the Annapolis Valley Kingston Diner “Home Style CookiQg” NEW HOURS | Daily - 7:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. 1HZVWDII1HZ0HQX,WHPV 765-9021 463 Main St., Kingston (across from Superstore) AVON Independent Sales Representative BUYING OR SELLING Sue Hersey, CD1 REALTOR® | DND-IRP APPROVED AGENT Cell: 902-309-0344 | Office: 902-765-3505 Helping make your move stress free Wags & Wiggles 28 years military experience 768 Central Ave, Greenwood Dog Grooming & Deluxe Boarding Kennels All Sizes & Breeds Welcome Doggie Daycare & Airport Services Available (902) 847-0871 312 Crocker Road, Harmony Our goal is happy dogs and satisfied customers! Betty Wiswell Tellington T Touch Practitioner Apprentice Now offering T Touch trg for your companion animals. EXIT Realty Town & Country MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Independent Member/Broker Posted to PETAWAWA? You’ll need to change your License & Registration Visit our Chatroom @ for more information. Call us to book your FREE y inspections. p safety Remember not all agents offer the same expertise and negotiating skills. Banner Real Estate • Greenwood Buying or Selling Sois pour l’achat ou la vente service en francais. Over 20 years experience in this market place. Ghyslaine Roy Your Bilingual REALTOR® in the Valley 1-902-825-9469 • Not intended to solicit listed properties Proud Supporters of the Children’s Miracle Network and the Breast Cancer Foundation Serving the Pembroke and Petawawa area for over 40 years. 613-735-6861 • 1341 Pembroke St. W., Pembroke Page 4 the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS March 25, 2013 Séances d’information préalables au déménagement Vous êtes affecté – Et maintenant? Nous encourageons vivement les militaires et leurs conjoints qui seront affectés au cours de la période des affectations 2013 à assister à l’une des deux séances d’information obligatoires sur les affectations qui auront lieu le 26 mars à 13 h 30, le 9 avril à 18 h ou le 10 avril à 13 h 30 au Centre d’instruction Birchall. « Si vous êtes dans des logements familiaux (LF), il y a certaines choses que vous devez faire. Si vous avez des enfants, des ressources et des services de garderie seront offerts pour vous aider, car le déménagement est souvent difficile pour les familles. La base dispose d’une liste de libération comportant de nombreux cases qui doivent être cochées », affirme le caporal-chef Kathleen Snow, commis de soutien à la gestion des ressources de la salle des rapports de l’escadre. Toute cette information sera examinée lors des séances d’information, avec des présentateurs de l’Agence de logement des Forces canadiennes, du Centre de ressources pour les familles des Best Western Aurora Inn 765-3306 831 Main Street, Kingston Easter Sunday Buffet militaires, des Services globaux de relogement Brookfield et de la section Meubles et Effets. Des copies papier des guides d’information seront disponibles (en ligne, vous trouverez ce dont vous avez besoin à http://www.irp-pri. com/policies_directives/cf_ members/). Lorsque le déménagement devient pénible, dit-elle, il y a de l’aide : le CRFM, les aumôniers et les travailleurs sociaux de la base ainsi que les pairs militaires qui ont réussi à traverser des périodes difficiles de changement peuvent partager leur expérience, offrir un soutien en matière de gestion du stress et de déménagement. Post out briefing highlights the process You’re posted – now what? Military members and their spouses who will be posted through the 2013 posting season are urged to attend one of three mandatory posting-out briefings: March 26 at 1:30 p.m., April 9 at 6 p.m. and April 10 at 1:30 p.m., at the Birchall Training Centre. “If you are in PMQs (Private Married Quarters), there are things you need to do,” says Master Corporal Kathleen Snow, a resource management support clerk in the Wing Orderly Room. “If you have children, there are resources and childcare to help – sometimes it’s difficult to make a move for families. There’s a clearing out list for the base with tonnes of places on it that need to be checked off.” All of this information will be reviewed at the briefings, with speakers from the Canadian Forces Housing Agency, the military family resources centre, Brookfield Global Relo- cation Services and the Furniture and Effects Section. Hard copies of information guides will be available (on-line, find what you need at http://www. cf_members/). When a move becomes a challenge, Snow says, there is help: the MFRC, base padres and social workers, and military peers who have lived through change can share in the experience, with support for stress to handy packing tips. Season Opens: 17 May 2013 Closes: 29 Sept. 2013 Sunday, March 31 st, 2013 11:30 am ‘ til closing Hearty Soup of the Day Cheese Tray Fresh Baked Rolls Salad Bar Bookings for 2013 Season start 2 April Get Away From It All! Call 765-1494 ext 5341, 5331, 5337 or (902) 547-2882 Make Your Stay, a Lake Pleasant One!!! Roast Turkey Available to: CF Military Regular/Reserve/Retired Members, DND Employees, NPF-PSP Personnel Cabin Contents Amenities tender, juicy turkey served with gravy and herbed bread stuffing Baked Ham with a pineapple and cherry glaze, carved at the table 17.95 $ A Selection of Fresh Vegetables Duchess Potato Pies, Pastries & Cakes Tea or Coffee plus tax per person 9 $ .95 plus tax children twelve & under )ULGJH6WRYHIXOOVL]H %HGV 0LFURZDYH 7RDVWHU2YHQ 6RID &ORFN5DGLR 7DEOH&KDLUV &DELQ5HQWDOV 3HU1LJKW .HWWOH )LUH3LWV JDVEDUEHFXHIXOOVL]H 3DWLR)XUQLWXUH 79'9' &OXE+RXVH *DPHV5RRP &DQRH5HQWDOV 6KRZHU)DFLOLW\ /DXQGU\)DFLOLW\ %HDFKXQVXSHUYLVHG &DQWHHQVHDVRQDO )LUHZRRG +D\5LGHV 6SHFLDO(YHQWV Cabin Rental Rates for 2013 1RQ5HF&DUG+ROGHUV5HF&DUG+ROGHUV $55.00SOXV+67.00SOXV+67 'DPDJH 'HSRVLW IRU$OO 5HQWDOV $50.00 SHU &DELQ Valley Drug Mart & Bob’s Brewtique P R E S E N T Brew On Premise | UBrew COMING SOON, Stay tuned! 613 Main Street Kingston 765-2103 the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS Page 5 March 25, 2013 Eagle award for unit leader, volunteer Sara Keddy, Managing editor Flight Sergeant John Shakelton stands out. It could be his Royal Air Force uniform and British accent, but, here at 14 Wing Greenwood, it’s his work ethic and willingness to help the community that earned him 405 Squadron’s NonCommissioned Member Eagle of the Year Award for 2012. Shakelton has been here with his family for two years, on an RAF exchange. The 22-year RAF acoustics operator has a busy and successful professional 2012, taking part in three multi-national anti-submarine warfare exercises and a joint services northern operation, in which he achieved the top category as an ASO and was appointed lead AES. At 405, he was a flight safety team member and squadron sports officer, including the squadron curling team manager. The other contributions Shakelton has made, he prefers to keep “low-key,” but they stand out just as much. He organized a crew march in August, the Eagle Charity March, 56 kilometres to Lake Pleasant from Greenwood, raising funds for the Soldier On Program and the Children’s Wish Foundation. He also led a squadron toy drive at Christmas for children at the IWK Hospital in Halifax, coming up with $750 worth of donations he personally delivered. And, he’s starting 2013 off on a charitable foot already, with an Easter egg jar guessing contest to benefit the Valley Health Foundation’s Our Community, Our Health Campaign in aid of hospital improvements and a new hospice. While the prize is chocolate, the goal is to raise what he can for the health campaign. “The whole squadron supports the community, really,” Shakelton says, “directly, or as coaches or leaders there are lots of outside interests among the members, and it all promotes the Air Force in a good light. Wherever you go, the military supports the community.” In Britain, Shakelton was a coach himself of junior cricket and a fitness instructor, and his RAF unit was just as busy in its community lending a hand. “You see a lot of people doing a good stuff, and the generosity of Canadians is amazing.” Flight Sergeant John Shakelton S.Keddy business spotlight of the week We Engrave & Customize Gifts * #, -.(/01)2344 % &' +)+ ! " ##$%& $' Kingston N.S. 902-765-8313 (# ! ! $ )(" $! * ! + Email: We carry a complete line of Quality Used Auto Parts with a 45 Day Replacement Warranty Purchase Vehicles for Parts and Vehicles for Scrap Sabean’s Meats Y O U R L O C A L M E AT S H O P ! ! $% When you want to save money, timing is everything! Get your ad noticed with the largest single site employer in the Annapolis Valley, 14 Wing Greenwood. Call Anne at 765-1494 local 5833 email: ® A registered trademark of PDM Royalties Limited Partnership used under license. WE ARE THE NEW DISTRIBUTOR FOR MONIDEX AFTER MARKET BODY PANELS & PARTS Store made sausages $4.99lb Assorted freezer packs starting at $89.99 Phone: 825-1794 Hours: Mon-Fri 10am-6pm • Sat 10am-5pm • Sun 12 noon-5pm located in the Wilmot Centre across from Guy’s Frenchys. TOP HAT TAVERN Available for Special Events or Private Functions Under New Owner & Management Great New Menu & Daily Specials Thursday • Karaoke • 9:30 pm Friday • All Request DJ • 10 pm Saturday • Trivia • 8 pm Sunday • Texas Holdem Poker • 7:30 pm Saturday & Sunday • Breakfast • 9 am Friday & Saturday • Wing Night & Late Night Menu • till 11 pm Located behind the Greenwood Mall For more info call 765-8933 Page 6 the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS March 25, 2013 404 Squadron hosts ‘flight suit Captain Mary Cameron-Kelly, a 404 Squadron pilot instructor, and Master Corporal Matthew Baer, a 404 Squadron nav cell instructor, show off their bow ties. Corporal P.Redden Looking to join a Club? On the evening of March 6, 404 (Long Range Patrol & Training) Squadron held its annual mess dinner, an opportunity for squadron members to take some time away from constant demands as a training institution to enjoy an evening of fellowship and fun. In order to allow a more relaxed twist to the formal evening, the event was declared a “flight suit formal,” allowing members to abandon traditional mess kit and tunics for an updated ensemble: sporting a bow tie with combats or flight suit. 404 Squadron Commanding Officer Lieutenant Colonel Pat Thauberger and Squadron Chief Warrant Officer Ian Smith concluded the evening by highlighting the multitude of accomplishments achieved by 404 Squadron Green Fees 36 $ Our Adult Rates start at $660.00 tax included Onlyplus tax We offer Adult, Spousal, Senior & Weekday Rates Why not come in and take advantage of our payment plan! 765-5800 formal’ 14 Wing Pipe Major Sergeant Andrew Bruce (far left) piped the members of the 404 Squadron to the dining area: from left are Captain Angie Thomas, PMC; Captain through the past year, and then Louis Mathieu, 14 Wing chaplain; 404 Squadron Honorary formally recognizing some of Colonel Lloyd Graham, Lieutenant Colonel Pat Thauberthe many outstanding squad- ger, commanding officer of 404 Squadron; and Squadron Chief Warrant Officer Ian Smith. Corporal P.Redden ron members. business of the week 14 Wing Greenwood Golf Club 14 Wing Greenwood Golf Club 2013 Season Rates Visit our web site at for a complete list of rates. ~ OPEN TO THE PUBLIC ~ Single Adult Start at $660.00 ^ƉŽƵƐĂů Start at $1188.00 Senior (65 years or older) Start at $627.00 Weekday (Monday to Friday only) Start at $594.00 KĸĐĞŶŽǁŽƉĞŶ, so be sure to drop by or call 765-5800 for ŵĞŵďĞƌƐŚŝƉŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶ or to sign up as a member. Prices include tax Ask about our 12 month payment plan! Beth Bourassa We have lots of spots for Private Power Carts with Trail Fees of $140.00 (tax incl) REALTOR® ACCLAIM REALTY LTD 752 Central Ave, PO Box 1773 Greenwood, Nova Scotia, B0P 1N0 Cell 902 844-2000 Fax 902 765-6311 Toll Free 800 565-9994 *Independently Owned and Operated. ®TM Trademarks of AIR MILES International Trading B.V. Used under license by LoyaltyOne Inc. and Century 21 Canada Limited Partnership. Join a CSA! Golf the way it should be... Golf Fore YYou! ou! www 765-5800 1-877-765-5800 Feel Good Vibrational Tuning Sound Therapy Techniques using the ‘power’ of Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies! To learn about CSA farms in your area go to w w w. t a p r o o t f a r m s. c a BOOK your TUNING Today By Appointment only (30-45 minutes) Kingston, NS • (902) 765-8705 Income Time 10 years experience, 3 years with H&R Block Basic returns $30, $50 couples & $20 children Small business returns on a case by case basis. Cost effective, no tax on prices. All personal tax returns require a $20 deposit, balance due before filing. Small returns require a $50 deposit, balance is due before filing. For more information call Erica Schofield at 538-0542 or email the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS March 25, 2013 404 Squadron Commanding Officer Lieutenant Colonel Pat Thauberger and Squadron Chief Warrant Officer Ian Smith present Sergeant Pat Nixon, a member of the 404 Squadron AVN standards section, with a BZ patch. Corporal P.Redden Page 7 404 Squadron Commanding Officer Lieutenant Colonel Pat Thauberger and Squadron Chief Warrant Officer Ian Smith present Debbie Pothier, the 404 Squadron commanding officer’s 404 Squadron Commanding Officer Lieutenant Colonel Pat Thauberger administrative assistant, with a Commanding and Squadron Chief Warrant Officer Ian Smith present 404 Squadron Officer’s Commendation. Corporal P.Redden simulator operators Dom Carroll and Brad Monro with a Commanding Officer’s Commendation. Corporal P.Redden 404 Squadron Commanding Officer Lieutenant Colonel Pat Thauberger and Squadron Chief Warrant Officer Ian Smith present Master Corporal Rory Wilson, a member of the 404 Squadron courseware development section, with a BZ patch. Corporal P.Redden 404 Squadron Commanding Officer Lieutenant Colonel Pat Thauberger and Squadron Chief Warrant Officer Ian Smith present Master Corporal Scott Wheaton, a 404 Squadron nav cell instructor, with a BZ patch. Corporal P.Redden Squadron Chief Warrant Officer Ian Smith and 404 Squadron Commanding Officer Lieutenant Colonel Pat Thauberger present Corporal Pete Redden, a member of the 404 Squadron courseware development section, with the Squadron Chief Warrant Officer’s award. Master Corporal R.Wilson Support the advertisers that stand behind your military DND file The Croods 24 - 28 Mar 13 Sun - Thurs 7 PM Sun 2 PM Matinee Rated G The Call 29 Mar - 04 Apr 13 Fri - Thurs 8 PM Rated 14A See you at the Movies A planfor forthe the A plan fairest, lowest lowest,,fairest, energy rates. energy rates. Nova Scotia’s energy plan is happening now, and it’s going to ensure a stable energy future for you and your family by using local energy sources. Our goal: a green, competitive, Atlantic Canadian solution with the lowest, fairest energy rates for generations to come. 765-8848 Page 8 the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS March 25, 2013 Bit by bit New life being found for old health centre fixtures Sara Keddy, Managing editor Rick Nippard compares the people now working in 14 Wing Greenwood’s old health centre to a bunch of “crows,” as base branches salvage all kinds of materiel in advance of the building’s demolition this spring. “The guys are like crows, walking around saying, ‘I’ll take this, I’ll take that,’” Nippard, 14 Wing’s engineering officer, says. “All of it will be used for Department of National Defence purposes, or disposed of properly.” The building dates back to the 1940s, and had long outlived its practicality as a health centre for 26 Canadian Forces Health Services. Health services actually combined in January from several 14 Wing locations into a new building, just across the road. A walk through the old building is telling. “It’s old – you wouldn’t reConstruction Engineering electrician Wayne Hodder ally believe there’d been people works on removing the old health clinic’s original operatworking there and treating peoing room lights, destined for the new centre’s heritage ple just a few weeks ago,” Nipdisplay. S.Keddy pard says. “It’s really weird.” In January, a few minor piecTHE MUNICIPALITY OF es of equipment were removed by medical and dental crews. THE COUNTY OF KINGS 87 Cornwallis Street PO Box 100 Wing supply came in and inKentville, NS B4N 3W3 ventoried left behind desks, cabinets and chairs; many of NOTICE TO RESIDENTS these pieces can be used in other base buildings. The base PERSONAL TAX EXEMPTION 2013/2014 locksmith has stripped all the The Council of the Municipality of the County of Kings directs, by policy, that an exemption be granted for the hardware from the doors, great taxation year 2013/2014 pursuant to Section 69 of the for re-use around 14 Wing’s nuMunicipal Government Act, in an amount not exceeding merous buildings and for parts. $160.00; upon property owned and occupied by a Steam, electrical and refrigeraperson who is a resident of the Municipality of Kings, tion and mechanical crews have and; Whose total gross income from all sources for the year 2012, excluding any allowance paid pursuant to the War Veterans Allowance Act (Canada) or pension paid pursuant to the Pension Act (Canada), but including the income of all members of the same family residing in the same household, is less than $30,000 gross income, and; Where property is jointly owned, only one tax exemption shall be allowed and the sharing in such exemption shall be on the basis of ownership in such joint property. Applications for such tax exemption will be received at the Municipality prior to December 31, 2013. Paula Delorey, Tax Clerk Tel: (902) 690-6144 Fax: (902) 679-2820 Toll Free 1-888-337-2999 Joey Long of 14 Wing’s Construction Engineering branch stands amid the pickings in the old health centre. Base crews from all branches have been in the old building since January, salvaging equipment, furnishings and fittings that can be used as replacements and parts elsewhere. also been in to take air handling and conditioning units out, to be reused or decommissioned properly. Lights and switches have also been scavenged, and good plumbing fixtures have been removed. “All of it can be repurposed, used for parts or will be accounted for, through DND inventory lists,” Nippard says. A special request from the health services team for the Valley Denture Services Kentville Kingston 381-B Main Street 1351 Marshall Road Mon - Thurs 8:30-4:30 Fri 8:30-3:00 Tues 9:00-4:30, Wed 9:00-4:00 Thurs 8:45-4:30 678-2521 Windsor 765-6999 New Minas 173 Gerrish Street 9362 Commercial Street Mon 1:00-4:30 Wed 8:30-12:00 Mon 8:45-4:30, Wed 8:45-4:30 Friday 8:45-3:00 798-4412 681-6774 original operating room lights, clinic signage and a few other “heritage” items has been handled, as some of these items will be incorporated into a bit of a mini-museum display in the new centre. Nippard and base crews have also kept in mind the building’s age and environmental issues that have been identified, including asbestos tiles and grout – “all of these materials would have been standard through the years, but when we demolish the building, we have to take extra care in how we do it, dispose of the material and ensure our contractors know what they’re involved with.” Lead pipes have all been identified, oil tanks have all been removed and special attention was also paid to a tank in the basement that has collected – for decades – the bits of mercury filings spit into the sink by dental patients. “Gross,” Nippard says, but handled. The demolition tender should be out in the next few weeks, and Nippard expects a contractor will have the job done by the end of April or May. “Once they’re in, they can salvage as they go, take everything off site and either sell it or dispose of it; then take the building down. We want a clear, empty, landscaped site in the end.” Corrections In an article in the March 18 Aurora Newspaper, Jessie Wright was referred to as an employee of the Flight Line Café; she is not. She is an active supporter of Boomer’s Legacy charity events. Also in the March 18 issue, the C&E bonspiel article was incorrectly identified as the Atlantic Regional Construction and Engineering Bonspiel. This should have been spelled out as the Communications & Electronics Bonspiel. The Aurora apologizes for the errors. the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS Page 9 March 25, 2013 Old, open space chance to check out emergency skills Sara Keddy, Managing editor If this was real, it would need to be correct. And safe. 14 Wing Greenwood Fire and Emergency Services crews have been working on those goals in training exercises this month, making use of the abandoned rooms, hallways and fixtures of the former health clinic. Fire Chief Captain Bruce Paradis gets set to pull the alarm. S.Keddy Fire crews train regularly in their smoke house and burn tower, and practice skills for crash rescue, confined spaces and hazardous materials. There are running cards on file at the station detailing every building’s specifications and, while firefighters can access base buildings for actual training in spaces they may be called to during an emergency, “we have to move gingerly,” says Fire Chief Captain Bruce Paradis. “It’s an occupied workspace. While part of our training is property preservation and protecting any evidence at a fire scene, with this building, we can do more, different things.” 26 Canadian Forces Health Services has been out of their 60-year-old home since January, and fire crews have been in and out a number of times, squeezing in work with self-contained breathing apparatus, room searches, smoke and black-out drills, collapsed ceiling scenarios and – yes – breaking a few deadbolts and poking a few holes with their pikes and axes in the walls and roof to follow the same paths fire might as it spreads. “We’ve been really getting them going,” said Paradis, as he set a scene March 12 involving two downed victims in the darkened corridors and backrooms that needed to be rescued. After ne notified the base’s Military Police and Wing Operations, he pulled the alarm. “The crew that’s on, they don’t know this is coming. When they get here, I’ll tell them where the fire is, and they go in.” Red Crew was on call for this exercise, arriving at the old building’s main entrance within minutes. A walk around, and then set-up and suiting up, and the lead three firefighters were in, working their way down the hallway, checking doors, hauling hose and checking in constantly with each other and firefighters outside with the truck. Master Warrant Officer Les Blackmore followed the lead trio down the halls, describing the fire, smoke and scene he and Paradis were envisioning. “I have a mental picture, and it’s a matter of them thinking along the same lines,” Blackmore said. To the firefighters: “Speed - a quick check, move on. If you think there is a the possibility – and there always is – of there being a casualty, you’ve got to get them out fast. Watch that hallway and advance. Speed!” The firefighters worked with one man on the hose, covering the other two as they went ahead checking the old offices along the corridors. “As long as you’re in sight of your nozzle, he’s got protection on you,” Blackmore reminded them “If you miss a room and this is where the fire is, what’s happened? You’ve got fire behind you, tule #1 for firefighters to not let happen.” The crew did find and remove two casualties – “Metal Man” and “Hose Head,” but even just this half-hour long exercise left them winded and sweating. In full gear, with charged hoses in tow – imagine what all of this would be like if the scene were real. Paradis and Blackmore were interested to see how the crew responded to the exercise, but were also cautious. Corporal Shawn MacKenzie is all in after an afternoon exercise hauling hose and searching through the old health clinic. Where does fire travel? Firefighters do some exploratory training in an abandoned office. Master Warrant Officer Les Blackmore gives some tips on extension checks, before firefighters tear into the walls. “The problem with doing an they read too much into it.” In the end, though, as exercise is everyone has a tendency to over think things,” Blackmore said, “it’s all about Paradis said. “Sometimes making good people better.” ~ In Memory ~ In Loving Memory of Gary Phillips One year ago today we bid farewell to an amazing husband, father and grandpa on March 30, 2012. You are always on our minds! Love Linda, Sherry-Ann, Tammy, Michael, Jennifer & Grandson Griffin Notice of Annual General Meeting The annual general meeting of the Valley Funeral Home Co-Operative Limited will be held Saturday April 13, 2013 at the Kings Presbyterian Church in New Minas (200 meters east of the Irving Big Stop). Registration begins at 11 a.m., a potluck meal is served at noon, and the business meeting will start at 1 p.m. We hope all members/owners can join us for this time of friendship and information about our co-operative. We value your ideas and input! Patricia Murphy Secretary, Board of Directors Valley Funeral Home Co-Operative Limited Page 10 March 25, 2013 the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS WK rink working on fundraising goal After a great start to its fundraising campaign, the Western Kings Arena in Kingston is closer to its goal. The association has already banked close to $35,000 towards the phase two portion of required upgrades to the rink’s concrete floor, coolant piping, boards, glass and netting. At the February fundraising dinner hosted by the Western Kings Arena Association and the Friends of the Villages, over $22,000 was raised alone. The arena board plans to have at least $60,000 of its goal in the bank by May 31. Upcoming fundraisers in- clude the annual May golf tournament and live auction, a ticket auction, a large item ticket lotto and a potential mega 50/ 50. An on-going effort to sell granite stones for a fundraising wall at the rink and a letter campaign to businesses and the wider community is also being successfully received. The Valley Credit Union has set up an account in support of the cause. If anyone would like to donate or help out, contact Wayne Fowler, president, Western Kings Arena Association, 765-6557. The Anglican Church of Canada Parish of Wilmot Rector: Rev. Matthew Sponagle Holy Week Services Monday, 25 March - 7:00 p.m. Holy Eucharist at Holy Trinity, Middleton Tuesday, 26 March - 7:00 p.m. Taize Prayers at All Saints’, Kingston Wednesday, 27 March - 8:00 p.m. Tenebrae Service at All Saints’, Kingston Thursday, 28 March - 7:00 p.m. Holy Eucharist with foot washing at Holy Trinity, Middleton Good Friday - 29 March 11:00 a.m. - Good Friday Liturgy, All Saints’, Kingston 3:00 p.m. - Good Friday Liturgy, Holy Trinity, Middleton Easter Sunday - 31 March 8:00 a.m. - BCP Eucharist, Holy Trinity Middleton 9:30 a.m. - BAS Eucharist, All Saints’, Kingston 11:00 a.m. - BAS Eucharist, Holy Trinity Middleton Holy Trinity (Middleton) 45 Main Street All Saints (Kingston) 521 Pleasant St. (Off Bridge St.) For more information contact Parish office 825-2326 or online We are a strong, caring & inclusive community respectful of all! delivery tips The safety of Aurora Newspaper carriers is important, and we thank our readers for their efforts to keep our carriers safe en route. • Carriers will deliver to addresses that are well-lit, clear of obstacles, ice and snow. • Carriers use their discretion approaching addresses with animals present. • Carriers appreciate mailboxes or paper delivery drop spots that are clearly marked and accessible. If you would like to pause or stop delivery of The Aurora Newspaper, please contact 765-1494 local 5440. Aurora the West Kings football team members show off the results of their successful fundraising dinner last month. Submitted Wolverines make meal a success February 26, the West Kings beef dinner at the Aylesford Thank you to all Aylesford District High School football Lions’ hall. What a great team Lions for the use of their Wolverines hosted a roast effort this event proved to be! hall, and their valuable time and skill in preparing the wonderful meal. The evening would not have been a success without our many local businesses’ sponsorship of the food. Five members from the Greenwood Scotiabank branch helped out and matched funds raised, and thanks to Mike and Judy Upward, Western Minor Valley Football and Kings West MLA Leo Glavine. The Wolverines Booster Club (specifically Norma Nichols) put in many hours planning this event: it wouldn’t have been possible without the club. Thank you to all the players and parents alike that came out to help prepare the food, set up, serve the food and the cleanup. Fundraising efforts from this event saw over $10,000 raised for the WKHS Wolverines’ program. This would not have been possible without the support from the local community, which came out for the dinner. The WKHS Wolverines football program has reached its goal of fundraising $20,000. Gear is in the process of being ordered, coaching staff is in place and players can’t wait to get on the field. The first game is already scheduled for this September. Youth golf clinic hosted by NSGA The Nova Scotia Golf Association is pleased to announce a series of junior development clinics throughout the province in April and May. These sessions will be conducted in two categories that align with the long term player development plan. All clinics will be lead by NSGA provincial coach Ed Hanczaryk and certified CPGA professionals. Learn to Play is open to male and females ages nine to 12. The objective is to develop all fundamental movement skills, golf fundamental movement skills and teach general overall sports skills. Fundamentals include grip, stance, alignment, scoring, etiquette, and chipping/ pitching/ putting. The session includes three hours of instruction on the range. The cost is $25, and space is limited to 16. The Train to Play Clinic is open to males and females ages 12 to 16. The objective is to learn to cope with the physical and mental challenges of competition. Optimize the skill set and build on competitive experiences. The clinic runs 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and includes three hours of instruction on the range and 18 holes of supervised golf with course management strategies. The cost is $50 and space is limited to 16 participants. Paragon in Kingston will host one of the Learn to Play clinics April 20, between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. To register, or find dates and locations of other NSGA clinics, visit the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS Page 11 March 25, 2013 Vitrine de vies possibles au Salon annuel de l’éducation et de l’emploi Sara Keddy, rédactrice en chef Le 27 mars, vous êtes conviés à un salon de l’éducation et de l’emploi qui se tiendra au mess Annapolis de la 14e Escadre Greenwood. « C’est une boutique à guichet unique », explique Caroline Couture, du Centre d’apprentissage et de carrière de la 14e Escadre, une des organisatrices de l’événement. Le 12 e Salon annuel de l’éducation et de l’emploi est ouvert au personnel de la 14e Escadre et au grand public de la région. Si vous êtes curieux de programmes postsecondaires, d’éducation à distance, d’idées et de points de départ pour une seconde carrière, ce salon est pour vous. « Nous attendons plus de 20 universités et collèges de partout au Canada, y compris des Prairies et de la Colombie-Britannique », souligne Couture. « Quant aux entreprises, on leur a demandé au moment de s’inscrire si elles prévoyaient embaucher dans les six prochains mois; c’était une exigence pour leur participation. » Elle conseille aux visiteurs d’apporter leur curriculum vitae, puisque plus d’une douzaine d’employeurs locaux et nationaux ont confirmé leur présence, y compris les services de recrutement des Forces canadiennes. En outre, vous pourrez faire évaluer votre C.V. au populaire atelier « café C.V. », où des conseillers en orientation chevronnés vous aideront à améliorer votre biographie et votre présentation. « Plus de 300 personnes assistent ordinairement au Salon », ajoute Couture, « et le mess sera rempli à craquer. Les gens seront libres d’aller et venir, et auront amplement de temps pour faire connaissance avec les exposants et leur poser des questions. Couture encourage les membres militaires et leurs conjoints, les étudiants des niveaux secondaire et universitaire et le grand public à passer au Salon durant l’après-midi, entre 13 h et 16 h. L’entrée est gratuite et il est facile de stationner au mess. Pour en savoir plus, composer le 765-1494, poste 5611. Smooth moves In celebration of March as Nutrition Month, Petty Officer 1st Class Ronald Salsman, the kitchen manager at Camp Aldershot, and Susan Mossman made smoothies in the dining hall to show just how good nutrition can taste! Master Corporal R.Purdy, Det Aldershot Life choices on display at employment, education fair Sara Keddy, Managing editor All things education and employment will be on display March 27 at the Annapolis Mess, 14 Wing Greenwood. “It’s a once-stop shop,” says one of the event’s organizers, Caroline Couture, of the 14 Wing Learning and Career Centre. The 12th annual Education & Employment Fair is open to 14 Wing personnel and the wider community. If you’re looking for post-secondary programming, distance education, ideas and starting points for a second career, this is the place to be. “We have over 20 universities and colleges from across Canada, including the Prairies and British Columbia, coming,” says Couture. “The businesses – when they register, we ask them if they intend to be hiring within the next six months. That’s a requirement of their participation.” She advises visitors to bring their resume: there are over a dozen local and national employers, including Canadian Armed Forces recruiting services, registered to attend. As well, you can have your credentials reviewed in the popular “resume café,” where skilled employment counsellors will be available to help you tweak your biography and presentation. “Over 300 people usually attend the fair,” Couture says, “and the whole Mess will be filled. People are welcome to come and go, and there’s lots of time to meet with the exhibitors and ask questions.” Couture encourages military members and spouses, high school and university students and the general public to take in the afternoon, between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. Admission is free, and parking is available at the Mess. For information, contact 765-1494 local 5611. FINANCIAL PROBLEMS? WE CAN HELP ZZZGHEWDQGFUHGLWVROXWLRQVFD OPTIONS: Debt/ Credit Counselling Proposals to Creditors Bankruptcy BENEFITS: Provide Debt Relief Stop collection calls Regain Financial Stability GOLDING & ASSOCIATES LIMITED Donnie Armstrong (left), owner of Greenwood Auto Sales would like to welcome Wayne Fowler, Independent Sales Rep to the sales team. Wayne brings a great deal of experience in both the automotive and furniture industries. Trustee in Bankruptcy 15 ABERDEEN ST, KENTVILLE NS GDZQ#JROGLQJDQGDVVRFLDWHVFD FREE MEETING EVENING & WEEKEND APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE We also are donating $100 from every vehicle sold towards the essential upgrades for the Western Kings Arena from March 1 to May 31, 2013. business of the week Six businesses run a business card ad for six weeks Each week one of the businesses will be featured as the Business of the Week Feature may include an article & photos Only $199 .00 plus tax per business Call Anne Kempton Marketing Consultant 765-1494 local 5833 Booking now! April 8 Start date Aurora the Greenwood Auto Sales 830 Central Ave., Greenwood (former Canadian Tire location $500 Military Discount Office: (902) 765-1184 Open 7 days a week Page 12 the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS March 25, 2013 Chefs, wineries pair up for New York-themed gala The Valley Regional Hospital and Hospice Foundations host the third annual gala, New York, New York, April 20. Guests will enjoy a four- course meal paired with local wines, prepared by three great Valley chefs. Jason Lynch, Le Caveau; Peter Dewar, NSCC; and Joseph Crocker, Peasant’s Pantry; are preparing to wow attendees with locally sourced foods. Wines will be provided by Grand Pre, Benjamin Bridge and Luckett wineries. The gala, supporting the Our Community Our Health campaign, will take place at the Louis Millet Community Centre, New Minas, beginning at 6 p.m. with complimentary wine. Tickets must be pre-booked by calling 678-5414 and are priced at $125 (with a $50 receipt). Entertainment will be provided by Susan Dworkin and The Mark Riley Band, plus performance artist Holly Carr. The evening’s grand prize is a $2,000 travel voucher. Photo Credit: DND. April bookmobile schedule En action pour les vétérans Saviez-vous que le Plan d’action de transition des vétérans vise à aider les vétérans et leurs familles à réussir leur transition vers la vie civile? Les programmes et les services d’Anciens Combattants Canada sont maintenant plus faciles d’accès. • • • • Allez en ligne et inscrivez-vous à Mon dossier ACC Créez votre propre Mon cahier ACC Renseignez-vous sur les perspectives de carrière au civil Inscrivez-vous aux Services de transition de carrière 1:15 p.m. to 2:45 p.m. 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. 4:45 p.m. to 6:15 p.m. 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. 1:45 p.m. to 3:15 p.m. 3:45 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. 5:15 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 10:15 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. 1:15 p.m. to 2:45 p.m. 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. 4:45 p.m. to 6:15 p.m. 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. services & trades Contact Anne at 765-1494 local 5833 for rates and other advertising inquiries. Parcourez le Navigateur de bénéfices des vétérans • • • & JASON BEZANSON ROOFING CONSTRUCTION 9594 South Farmington RR1 Wilmot, NS B0P 1W0 840-0552 S p e c i a l i z i n g i n R o o f i n g • Free Estimates Découvrez le programme Jobs-Emplois Obtenez un emploi dans la construction grâce au programme Du régiment aux bâtiments • • Wednesday, April 3 Kings Rehab Centre Bess View Subdivision Coldbrook Monday, April 8 Springfield (Baptist church) Thursday, April 11 Torbrook Mines Meadowview Subdivision Aylesford Thursday, April 18 Maitland Bridge Cornwallis Park Wednesday, April 24 Kings Rehab Centre Bess View Subdivision Coldbrook Monday, April 29 Springfield (Baptist church) Recevez le paiement de vos prestations par dépôt direct. Obtenez de l’information sur les services et les programmes dans plus de 600 points de service au pays, grâce à notre partenariat avec Service Canada. Paul Uhlman Construction Ltd. CONTRACTOR New Homes & Renovations Over 38 Years Experience Quality Workmanship Guaranteed T: 902-825-0581 | F: 902-825-4344 | E: Pour en savoir plus sur les services et les programmes, consultez ou balayez ce code RALPH FREEMAN MOTORS LTD. YOUR LOCAL USED CAR DEALER Licensed Mechanic Available on Site U-Haul Dealer call 765-0158 820 Main Street, Kingston • 765-2555 Crew Plus shown. Price including applicable Consumer Cash Discount: $30,345. The Best Buy Seal is a registered trademark of Consumers Digest Communications LLC, used under license. TM SiriusXM logo is a registered trademark of SiriusXM Satellite Radio Inc. ®Jeep is a registered trademark of Chrysler Group LLC. Package (RTKH5329G). Discount consists of: (i) $2,500 in Bonus Cash that will be deducted from the negotiated price after taxes; and (ii) $775 in no-cost options that will be deducted from the negotiated price before taxes. Some conditions apply. See your retailer for complete details. §2013 Dodge Grand Caravan at 4.49% over 96 months with $0 down payment, equals 208 bi-weekly payments of $109 with a cost of borrowing of $3,650 and a total obligation of $22,645.44. ≤Ultimate Family Package Discounts available at participating retailers on the purchase of a new 2013 Dodge Grand Caravan SXT with Ultimate Family Royal Bank of Canada, Scotiabank and TD Auto Finance. Retailer order/trade may be necessary. Retailer may sell for less. See your retailer for complete details. Example: 2013 Dodge Grand Caravan Canada Value Package (29E) with a Purchase Price of $18,995 (including applicable Consumer Cash Discount) financed Cash Discount. *Consumer Cash Discounts are offered on select 2013 vehicles and are deducted from the negotiated price before taxes. †4.49% purchase financing for up to 96 months available on the new 2013 Dodge Grand Caravan Canada Value Package (29E) model to qualified customers on approved credit through insurance, registration, any retailer administration fees, other retailer charges and other applicable fees and taxes. Retailer order/trade may be necessary. Retailer may sell for less. •$18,995 Purchase Price applies to the new 2013 Dodge Grand Caravan Canada Value Package (29E) only and includes $8,100 Consumer •, *, †, ≤, § The Packed With More Sales Event offers are limited time offers which apply to retail deliveries of selected new and unused models purchased from participating retailers on or after March 1, 2013. Offers subject to change and may be extended without notice. All pricing excludes freight ($1,595), licence, actual fuel consumption will vary based on powertrain, driving habits and other factors. See retailer for additional EnerGuide details. ¤2013 Dodge Grand Caravan Canada Value Package – Hwy: 7.9 L/100 km (36 MPG) and City: 12.2 L/100 km (23 MPG). Wise customers read the fine print: Less Fuel. More Power. Great Value is a comparison between the 2013 and the 2012 Chrysler Canada product lineups as applicable. 40 MPG or greater claim (7.0 L/100 km) based on 2013 EnerGuide highway fuel consumption estimates. Government of Canada test methods used. Your the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS SCAN HERE FOR MORE GREAT OFFERS DAT_131042_MC_CARA_WHITE.indd 1 March 25, 2013 PACKED HIGHWAY 7.9L/100 KM HWY ¤ $ 109 2ND ROW OVERHEAD 9" VIDEO SCREEN BI-WEEKLY FINANCING† PREMIUM INTERIOR @ H T I W • Industry-Exclusive 2nd row Super Stow ’n Go® with one-hand operation • 2nd row overhead 9-inch video screen and DVD console • Hands-free connectivity with UconnectTM Voice Command with Bluetooth® • Air conditioning with Tri-zone Temperature Control with rear heat/air-conditioning Page 13 CANADA’S BEST-SELLING MINIVAN FOR 29 YEARS MORE 2013 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN CANADA VALUE PACKAGE $ 36 MPG PURCHASE PRICE INCLUDES $8,100 CONSUMER CASH.* 18,995 • OR CHOOSE 2013 Dodge Grand Caravan Crew Plus shown.§ OR CHOOSE 4.49 % FOR 96 MONTHS WITH $0 DOWN THE ALL-NEW ULTIMATE FAMILY PACKAGE INCLUDES $3,275 IN PACKAGE SAVINGS ≤ 2ND ROW SUPER STOW ’N GO® PARKVIEW® REAR BACK-UP CAMERA • ParkView ® rear back-up camera • Media Centre 430 with 6.5-inch touch-screen display • Includes second row power windows • Includes 17-inch aluminum wheels • SiriusXM TM Satellite Radio (includes one year of service) LESS FUEL. MORE POWER. GREAT VALUE. 10 VEHICLES WITH 40 MPG HWY OR BETTER. 3/18/13 1:20 PM Page 14 the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS March 25, 2013 14 Wing Library | Serving those who read! Judy McCool & Joanne Sealby, 14 Wing Library April 21 to the 27 is National Volunteer Week in Canada, a time when we can show our appreciation for the many volunteers active in our community. We would like to extend our thanks and appreciation to those ladies who tirelessly volunteer their time to help in our library. The next time you are in, you may see Beth, Ally, Jessie, Kay or Liz working quietly behind the scenes to keep our many books shelved and organized. Miss Somer works her magic with the children during “Under The Story Tree” every Tuesday. Each volunteer accomplishes many other tasks every week, and we want to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you for all they do. We will be selling the books in our book sale room for $5 a bag through April. There is a huge selection of hardcover fiction books, as well as nonfiction and many videos as well. This is your opportunity to get some bargain books as well as support your library. All funds will go towards the purchase of new books. We have several new titles we’d like to highlight for April. If you are a fan of Michael Palmer, we have his newest title, “Political Suicide.” In this novel, Palmer once again proves he is the king of suspense in this page-turning thriller set at the crossroads of politics, the military and medical science. Also, we have Lisa Gardner’s “Touch & Go,” which exposes the raw nerves of a family imploding, and an investigator trying to escape her past…. Gardner does an amazing job of cre- ating realistic situations and characters with emotional resonance. The constant surprises will shock even the most jaded thriller reader. Jayne Ann Krentz has a new novel in the Dark Legacy Series, “Dream Eyes.” With walk-off-the-page characters, crackling sexual tension, swift pacing and the author’s trademark sassy humor, this wonderfully inventive, highstakes adventure will whet fans’ appetites for more. As you may know, April 22 is Earth Day. In recognition of the efforts to “reduce and re-use,” why not consider donating some of your gently used books to the library? We accept donations and will re-use by giving others the opportunity to read that great book you so enjoyed. Reading opens doors, so come and open the doors to 14 Wing Library! La bibliothèque de la 14e Escadre | Au service des lecteurs! Judy McCool et Joanne Sealby, Bibliothèque de la 14e Escadre Du 21 au 27 avril prochains, la Semaine nationale de l’action bénévole nous permet de témoigner notre reconnaissance aux nombreuses personnes qui font des actions bénévoles dans notre collectivité. Ainsi, nous HOLY WEEK SERVICES – QUEEN OF HEAVEN CHAPEL Monday 25 March – Parish ZĞĐŽŶĐŝůŝĂƟŽŶ Service at 7 PM Thursday 28 March – Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7 PM Friday 29 March – Good Friday ĞůĞďƌĂƟŽŶ of the Passion of Our Lord at 3 PM ^ƚĂƟŽŶƐ of the Cross (A Children’s Live Portrayal) – Good Friday at 10 AM and 7 PM Saturday 30 March – Easter Vigil – at 8 PM Sunday 31 March – Easter Sunday ʹĞůĞďƌĂƟŽŶŽĨZĞƐƵƌƌĞĐƟŽŶŽĨKƵƌ>ŽƌĚĂƚϭϭD HOLY WEEK SERVICES – ST. MARK’S CHAPEL Thursday 28 March – Maundy Thursday – with Rev Mike McKeage at 6:30 PM Friday 29 March – Good Friday ĞůĞďƌĂƟŽŶ – with Padre Gordon Poley at 3 PM Sunday 31 March – Easter Morning – with Padre Gordon Poley at 6:30 AM Sunday 31 March – Easter CelebraƟon – with Padre Gordon Poley at 10:30 AM tenons à remercier du fond du cœur ces dames qui offrent bénévolement leur temps pour notre bibliothèque. À votre prochaine visite, vous pourrez voir Beth, Ally, Jessie, Kay ou Liz travaillant sans bruit entre les rayonnages pour garder les livres en ordre sur les étagères. Tous les mardis, Miss Somer fait des merveilles avec les enfants avec son activité de conte. Chaque bénévole s’acquitte de maintes autres tâches durant la semaine, et nous voulons profiter de l’occasion pour leur présenter nos plus sincères remerciements. 75% OFF! Tout le mois d’avril, nous allons avoir une vente de livres à 5 dollars le sac. Ces sacs contiennent une vaste sélection de livres de fiction reliés, ainsi que divers ouvrages généraux et des vidéos. Voilà une belle occasion d’acquérir des livres à prix modique, tout en soutenant votre bibliothèque. Toutes les recettes de la vente iront à l’achat de nouveaux livres. Nous avons reçu plusieurs nouveaux titres sur lesquels nous aimerions attirer votre attention pour avril. Si vous êtes des mordus des romans UP TO 71% OFF! 20cm egg pan. $79.99. $1999 72% OFF! Stainless steel Nature Trust pan with enviro-friendly ceramic coating, PFOA and PTFE Free. Safe for induction stovetops. 20cm/8” Nature Trust fry pan. List: $139.99. Now $39.99! 24cm/9.5” Nature Trust fry pan. List: $159.99. Now $44.99! 28cm/11” Nature Trust fry pan. List: $179.99. Now $59.99! 75% OFF! 3pc Santoku knife set. List: $89.99. 20cm fry pan with non-stick egg poacher inserts and cover. List: $139.99. $2499 72% OFF! 1L ClassIIc saucepan with cover. List: $92.00. $3499 74% OFF! 1L ClassIIc casserole with cover. List: $99.00. $2499 69% OFF! 20cm/8” ClassIIc fry pan. List: $99.00. $2999 SAVE $100! 6pc Glacier knife block set available in red, purple, and green. List: $179.99. $2499 $7999 MARCH 20TH TO 31ST ONLY AT: GREENWOOD 71% OFF! Our 9pc HomeGourmet cookware set features vented tempered glass lids, ergonomic handles, and a durable non-stick coating that is PFOA and PTFE free. Oven safe and safe for all stovetops including induction. The 9pc HomeGourmet set includes 1.5 and 2 litre saucepans, 4 L saucepan with helper handle, 5L Dutch oven, 24 cm/9.5” fry pan and 4 glass lids. List: $599.99. Greenwood Home Hardware 963 Central Ave. $16999 Information: 1-800-A NEW-POT or Not all locations open Sundays, Good Friday and/or Easter Sunday. Quantities limited, please be early. Sale items may not be exactly as shown. de Michael Palmer, nous avons reçu le plus récent, Political Suicide. Palmer prouve à nouveau sa maîtrise du suspense dans ce roman d’action palpitant sis au carrefour de la politique, de la stratégie militaire et de la science médicale. Nous vous suggérons aussi le roman Touch & Go, de Lisa Gardner, qui met en scène les souffrances liées à l’implosion d’une famille, et une enquêteuse qui essaie d’oublier son passé. Gardner a cette faculté extraordinaire de créer des situations réalistes et des personnages émouvants. Les retournements continuels garderont en haleine même les lecteurs de thrillers les plus avertis. Aussi, Jayne Ann Krentz vient de publier le roman Dream Eyes, un nouveau volet de sa série Dark Legacy. Avec ses personnages saisissants de vérité, sa tension sexuelle, son rythme haletant et l’humour insolent qui la distingue, Krentz entraîne le lecteur dans des péripéties brillamment imaginées aux enjeux imprévisibles. On en redemande! Comme vous le savez peut-être, le 22 avril a été désigné Journée de la Terre. Pour appuyer nos efforts de réduction et de réutilisation, pourquoi ne pas envisager de faire don à la bibliothèque de vos livres encore en bon état? Nous acceptons tous les dons et les réutiliserons, donnant ainsi à d’autres la chance de lire ces livres que vous avez pris plaisir à lire. La lecture ouvre des portes : il vous suffit d’ouvrir les portes de la bibliothèque de la 14e Escadre! the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS Page 15 March 25, 2013 Evening out for mental health The Kings County Chapter of the Nova Scotia Schizophrenia Society is hosting a fundraising and awareness event at the Kentville fire hall April 12. A talented drama therapist named Laura Burke from Halifax will present her onewoman play, Heartwood, an autobiographical play il- lustrating a young woman’s struggles with mental illness. It explores how she begins to heal from its impact through the discovery that giving back to others is exactly how she will recover, and reinstate meaning in her life. She comes to realize the arts are not only the way she can survive her own suffering, but how she can begin to break down the walls between herself and her community. The play is conversational, dramatic and filled with a quirky humour, inviting the audience to experience one person’s path towards recovery and beyond. The evening will also fea- ture the music of Rachel Maclean, a silent and ticket auction and refreshments. Tickets are $10 each, available in advance at the Evan- geline Club in New Minas. The doors open at 6:30 p.m. (along with the ticket and silent auctions), and the performance begins at 7 p.m. ~ Obituary ~ Photo Credit: DND. Peck, Shirley Reginal “Shirl” Greenwood, NS PECK, Shirley Reginal “Shirl”, died peacefully at Soldiers Memorial Hospital, Middleton, NS on Monday 11 March 2013. Born in Kentville, NS, 21 Mar 1930, Shirl was the son of the late Robert William Peck and Jennie Evelyn (Whynott) of Kentville, NS. Shirl went to school at Kings County Academy in Kentville then joined the Royal Canadian Airforce (RCAF) in 1948. He trained as a Clerk Admin in Trenton, ON and served at Air Defence Command, St Hubert where he met Huguette. He was posted to Allied Air Force Central Europe headquarters in Fontainebleau, France. He was selected for pilot training and qualified as a Flying Officer. Following advanced flying training in 1954 he served as a fighter pilot on the F-86 Sabre at 4 Wing, Baden-Baden Germany. In 1955 he returned to Montreal to marry Huguette. They honeymooned in Europe for the next three years. Shirl was posted to RCAF Station Trenton, ON in 1958 to train on T-33 aircraft and subsequently transferred as a flying instructor to RCAF Station Portage La Prairie, MB from 1958-1961. Shirl was honoured with two postings as Executive Assistant to the Air Officer Commanding RCAF Training Command in Winnipeg from 1961-1964. He returned to flying instruction on Tutor jets in Moose Jaw, SK, 1964-1968 and was an original member of the Great Canadian Stunt Team. He carried out administrative duties at NDHQ Headquarters in Ottawa as a staff officer 19681971. He was posted to Greenwood, NS in 1971 and flew the Argus Maritime Patrol aircraft until his retirement in 1977, in the rank of major. He joined the Air Reserve and for the next eight years he organized and was Flight Commander of the Air Reserve Augmentation Flight at Greenwood. He was a member of the Sabre Pilots Association of the Air Division Squadrons (SPAADS) and the Royal Canadian Air Force Association. As a member of the Greenwood Wing of VP International he was the Associate Editor of Maritime Patrol Aviation magazine and set up the distribution and membership database for 17 countries worldwide. Shirl liked to hunt and fish, played most sports and enjoyed the outdoors. He played baseball, golf, tennis and bowled. He loved hockey and played all his life, well into his sixties. He played with the Greenwood Old Timers and was an original member of the Apple Pickers. While at Greenwood he became involved in figure skating and was a gold level judge for Skate Canada. He was Nova Scotia team manager for Canada Winter Games teams and received volunteer awards from Sport Nova Scotia and Skate Canada. Shirl is survived by his beloved wife Huguette, children Robert (Sue Redford) Merrickville, Diane (Keith Brine)Winnipeg, Jo-Anne (Walter Peckham)Trenton, James (Jill Markam) North Bay and Caroline (Denis Vermeirre) Ottawa. He was very proud of his nine grandchildren; Christina, Andrew and Patrick (Brine), Jarrod and Courtney (Peckham), Hailey (Peck), Zoe, Paul and Sophie (Vermeirre). He was predeceased by his sister Evelyn, brothers Newton, Garnet, Arthur, Murray, Ernest, James, and Donald. A Memorial Service will be held at Queen of Heaven Chapel, Greenwood, NS on Saturday 16, March 2013 at 11am, reception to follow. No flowers by request. Donations in memory may be made to Multiple System Atrophy research at the Parkinson Society Canada. The Family will hold a Reunion and Celebration of Life this summer. Arrangements have been entrusted to Middleton Funeral Home, 398 Main Street, (902) 825-3448. Online guest book may be signed by visiting: Taking Action for Veterans Did you know the Veterans Transition Action Plan is here to help Veterans and family members make the best possible transition to civilian life? Veterans Affairs Canada is making programs and services easier to access where and when you need them. • • • • Explore the Veterans Benefits Browser Sign up for your online My VAC Account Build your own My VAC Book Ask us about civilian career opportunities • • • Take advantage of Career Transition Services Learn more about the Jobs-Emplois initiative Access construction jobs through the Helmets to Hardhats program • • Register for direct deposit for your benefit payments Access programs and services at over 600 points across the country, through our Service Canada partnership You can learn more about services and benefits at Scan this code to learn more Page 16 fy The Aurora publishes items of interest to the community submitted by not-for-profit organizations. Submissions are limited to approximately 25 words. Items may be submitted to our office, 83A School Road (Morfee Annex), 14 Wing Greenwood; by fax, (902)765-1717; or email Dated announcements are published on a first-come, first-served basis, and on-going notices will be included as space allows. To guarantee your announcement, you may choose to place a paid advertisement. The deadline for submissions is Thursday, 9:30 a.m., previous to publication unless otherwise notified. Le commandant publie des avis d’intérêt public soumis par des organisations à but non lucratif. Ces avis doivent se limiter à environ 25 mots. Les avis peuvent être soumis à nos bureaux, au 83A, School Road, (annexe Morfee), 14e Escadre Greenwood, par fax au (902) 765-1717 ou par courriel à l’adresse editor@ Les annonces avec date sont publiées selon le principe du premier arrivé, premier servi, et les avis continus seront inclus si l’espace le permet. Si vous voulez être certain que votre avis soit publié, vous voudrez peut-être acheter de la publicité. La date de tombée des soumissions est à 9 h 30 du matin le jeudi précédent la publication, à moins d’avis contraire. metro crossword solution page 18 ACROSS 1. Confederate soldier 4. __ Lilly, drug company 7. Negative 10. Teacher 12. Informal term for money 14. Environmental Protection Agency 15. County in Transylvania, Romania 17. 1896 Ethiopian independence battle 18. 50010 IA 19. It grows every year 22. ___ and feathered 23. Founder of positivism 24. Variant of lower 25. Russian weight = 36 lbs. 26. Megavolot (abbr.) 27. 40th state 28. Flower jar 30. Satisfy fully 32. Weatherman Roker 33. Atomic #18 34. Somali supermodel the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS March 25, 2013 36. Skank 39. “No more” (Spanish) 41. Gets up from 43. E.M. Forster novel 46. Motown singer Diana 47. Scottish hillside 48. Give qualities or abilities to 50. No (Scottish) 51. “Laughter of the marsh” rail 52. City in Thuringia, Germany 53. Not divisible by two 54. Head bob 55. Tooth caregiver DOWN 1. Revolutions per minute 2. Break out 3. Relating to the North wind 4. African antelope 5. 44254 OH 6. Hawkeye state 7. Roundworm 8. Unfolded 9. 19th C political cartoonist Thomas 11. Denotes iron 13. Powder mineral 16. Blood fluids 18. Nearly 20. The courage to carry on 21. Soda 28. Skedaddled 29. Poplar trees (Spanish) 30. Triangular spinal bones 31. Opposite of leave 34. Encroachment or intrusion 35. Another word for mother 37. Employing 38. Transferred property 40. Point that is one point S of SW 41. In front 42. Bladed weapon 43. River in Florence 44. Ferromagnetic element 45. Poi is made from it 49. No longer is metro crossword brought to you compliments of 840 Park St., Kentville (902) 678-6000 Toll-free 1-888-466-2702 At CentreStage CentreStage Theatre Presents The Dixie Swim Club, about five very different Southern women who met on their college swim team and continue to share long weekends at the same beach house. This hilarious and poignant play is about the friendships that last forever. It is best suited for adults and teens. Dixie Swim Club plays April 5, 6. Showtime 8 p.m./ 2 p.m. matinee). Tickets $12/ $10. Call 678-8040 for reservations. Teen group To May 28, a social group for teenagers with autism will meet Tuesday evenings, 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., at the Sobeys community room, Greenwood. For information, contact Karen at 765-3502. Computer skills Do you have a computer question you would like some assistance with, or did you get an eReader or tablet for Christmas and want to know how to use the Valley Regional Library’s eBook or audiobook download service? Maybe you would like to begin using computers. This one-hour session, with an instructor, is for you. To book your basic computer session, call the Berwick library at 538-4030 Tuesday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., or Wednesday noon to 4 p.m.; or the Kingston library at 765-3631, Monday 2 p.m. to 6 p.m., or Thursday, 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Meeting March 25 is the annual meeting for the Melvern Square & Area Community Association, 7 p.m., in the community hall, 165 Bridge Street, Melvern Square. Everyone welcome. Dessert, card party March 25, the Kingston and District Health Auxiliary will be holding a dessert and card party, 12:30 p.m. for 1 p.m., at the Kingston Lions’ hall. Tickets are $7, available at the door. There will be various card games and lots of prizes. Everyone is welcome. Please come out and help support our community and health auxiliary. For information, call 765-3094. Luncheon March 26, enjoy a home-made meal at a reasonable price: attend the Middleton Fireflies’ luncheon, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the Middleton fire hall. Lobster chowder ($8), corn chowder ($7) or hamburger Brought to you by the Greenwood Military Family Resource Centre and 14 Wing Community Centre. Présenté par le Centre de ressources pour les familles militaires de Greenwood et le Centre communautaire de la 14e Escadre. For more information call 765-5611 or 765-8165. Pour plus d’informations, appelez au 765-5611 ou au 765-8165. Three easy ways to enter. 1. Through our website: 2. Fax: 765-1717 3. Drop into our office located on 83A School Road (Morfee Annex) Find & Win Entry deadline: Noon, March 28, 2013 soup ($7), followed by your choice of upside-down cake or rhubarb crisp, tea or coffee. If you prefer to have the meal (minus the beverage) delivered to your Middleton home or work place, call Bonnie, 825-3062, by March 25. Supper March 26, 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m., the Dwight Ross Elementary School Playground Committee will host a fundraising turkey supper at the Kingston Lions Club. Freewill offering, and dinner pick-up is available. Ticket auction at the Lions’ hall, 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. (free admission). Tickets are 10 for $1. Meeting March 27, 7 p.m., is the monthly meeting of the board of directors of the Companion Animal Protection Society of Annapolis County at the municipal building in Lawrencetown. All CAPS’ members and friends are cordially invited to attend. Call 825-CAPS for updates. Donut sale March 27, All Saint’s Anglican Church Kingston will be selling mini donuts all day at All Saints’ Anglican Church Hall, Pleasant Street, Kingston (turn west off Bridge Street). Cost: $4 a box. Come out and try them warm from the kitchen - buy a couple of boxes and enjoy them for snacks and coffee breaks! VPI meeting March 28, the Greenwood Wing of VPI will hold its monthly meeting at the VPI Centre. For the meeting, Flight Planning at 1515 hrs, Fuel Top Up at 1530 hrs, Engines On at 1545 hrs, second Fuel Top Up at 1555 hrs, with Take Off planned for 1600 hrs. Check your itinerary and weather, file the flight plan, pre-flight the rations, and sign on board. Kingston Legion Full name Phone number Complete the following questions from ads in this week’s issue and win a large 2-topping pizza from Pizza Delight, Greenwood. Coupon valid for 30 days. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Who buys furniture by the piece or lot? _______________________________________ Who offers home style cooking? ___________________________________________ Who can arrange for a free safety inspection? _________________________________ Who is introducing team share plans? _______________________________________ Who is welcoming a new sales rep? _________________________________________ Limited to one win per family in a TWO MONTH PERIOD. The winner will be drawn randomly from all correct entries. Only one entry per family per week. Pizza Delight, Greenwood 765-4477 Congratulations to last week’s winner: HATTIE SPROULE Sunday, 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. Regular Games - $100 • 1 Early bird - 60/40 • 2 - 60/40 • Letter H - 80/20 • 1 Lucky 7 - Progressive • 1 Bonanza - Progressive • Jackpot - 3 Chances Consolation $300 • Double Action Lic.# 115910-08 the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS Church service March 29, there is a Good Friday service at the New Beginnings Centre, 1151 Bridge St., Greenwood; 7 p.m. Drama, special music and a short video. Everyone invited. Easter egg hunt March 30, a family Easter egg hunt for children ages two through Grade 5 will take place at Rotary Park, 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Following the hunt, a Veggie Tales movie, “‘Twas the Night before Easter’” will be shown at the Family Life Centre of the Middleton Baptist Church, 11 a.m. to noon. Popcorn will be served. This event is free of charge, no registration required. All children must be supervised by a parent/ guardian. Info: 8253537. The egg hunt will take place inside at Middleton Baptist Church if the weather is messy. Religious course April 3, 7 p.m., Foundations Bible School is offering “Denominations.” Discover where denomina- Page 17 March 25, 2013 tions came from and learn about the different churches in this area. Course will be held at the New Beginnings Centre, 1151 Bridge St., Greenwood. For information: 765-8155. Theatre April 3 through 6, check out West Kings’ production of Guys and Dolls, a 1950s-era musical that paints a colourful picture of big-city life and its characters of gamblers, night-club entertainers and do-gooders in a rollicking quest for luck and love. Featuring unforgettable songs that include “Luck Be a Lady”, “A Bushel and Peck” and “I’ve Never Been in Love Before”, the show runs at 7:30 p.m. April 3-6 and at 2 p.m. on April 7. Tickets are now on sale. Reserve seating may be purchased in advance at the school or at Pharmasave outlets in Kingston and Berwick. Bingo April 5, Lawrencetown Consolidated School invites you to its an- sudoku solution page 18 nual spring prize bingo! Booklets $5 apiece for 15 games: a cookie jar, 50/50 draw and door prizes all add to the fun. Doors open at 6 p.m. and play begins at 7 p.m. Babysitting course April 6, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., the Middleton Recreation Department is offering a Canadian Red Cross babysitting course at the Middleton fire hall. Cost is $35. Pre-register at 825-6611 or Dance April 6, Valley Pride presents its 10th anniversary dance, 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. Female impersonator show, open to everyone, called Queens Bring Glamour to the Country, 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. Admission is $10 at the door (students showing ID $8). Cash bar, 50/50 tickets, all request DJ. For information, contact David: (902) 825-3197, menembracingmen@, facebook @ Valley Pride. Open to the general public, 19+. Luncheon April 9, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., join a community luncheon at the Kingston Lions’ hall for a roast beef dinner with mashed potatoes, vegetables and dessert. Cost is $8, or $8.50 delivered. For take-out orders, call 765-2128 by 11:15 a.m. April 9. Kingston Area Seniors Association Kingston Area Seniors Association meets the second Wednesday of each month at 10 a.m. at Kingston Branch No 98 Royal Canadian Legion. Fun day (cards and games) every second and fourth Friday of the month, 1 p.m. For information, contact Pat Coakley, 765-2175. Support group Valley Acquired Brain Injury Support Group hosts various outing of general interest each month, determined by the group. The ABI group meets in Kingston, Greenwood and surrounding areas every third Wednesday, 7 Soup Combo 6” classic sub & soup Middleton - 902-825-5525 • Greenwood - 902-765-2267 March break full of fun at 14 Wing The 14 Wing Greenwood Community Centre opened its doors throughout March break for preteen and teen activities. With bowling, gym activities, swimming, ping pong, cooking and much more, it was an enjoyable experience for all who attended. Thank you to all who assisted, as well as participated in the activities. We hope everyone enjoyed their break and look forward to seeing you all again soon. patrick’s puzzle horoscopes March 24 - March 30 solution page 18 ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, a mountain of responsibility has put pressure on you. Although you cannot shy away from what has to be done, you can put a smile on your face when tackling your tasks. TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, something special will take place in the next few days and you will be on hand to experience all of it. Magical moments are to be made with a romantic partner. GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, you may want to think before you speak when a friend asks for advice. The truth might hurt, so it could be wise to keep quiet for the time being. CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 Cancer, a stroke of inspiration leads you on a creative journey. Things will calm down toward the end of the week when you have to focus on more tangible things. LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Leo, someone you know wants to step things up to another level, but you may not be ready to take that kind of plunge. Talk over your feelings in a kind way. VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Virgo, family has been on your mind lately, and you may feel it’s best to spend the majority of your free time at home rather than out. Make good use of your time. Fun By The Numbers Here’s How It Works: Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle! sudoku brought to you compliments of p.m. to 9 p.m. (location & activity will be announced). All are welcome to attend. For information, contact Dan and Sharon Nogler, 765-6760. 911 Civic Signs Purchase your 911 Civic Sign(s) by contacting any Lions Club member or by calling your local Lions Club and leave a message. Aylesford: 847-9374, Kingston: 765-2128. Please call for pricing and remember if emergency responders can’t find you, they can’t help you. Funds raised go back into your local community when purchased through Lions International. Thank you for your support. Church service Sunday services will be held at the New Beginnings Centre, 1151 Bridge Street, Greenwood; with Pastor Leon Langille, “The Peoples 25:40 Church.” Pre-service music at 2:50 p.m., service at 3 p.m. Doors open at 2:30 p.m. All welcome. patrick’s puzzle brought to you compliments of Introducing Team Share plans. Now you can easily manage costs by sharing data and minutes across devices and between team members. Greenwood Mall | 765-2415 LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 Libra, a chance encounter has you rethinking what you want to accomplish in the next few weeks. You are second-guessing all of your plans because of this surprise. SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 A decision you made could have long-term effects, Scorpio. You’ll probably find that you have to do some damage control this week to get things back on track. SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 Sagittarius, all indications point to a monumental change in your life. Wait to see what occurs and put big decisions or vacations on hold. CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Capricorn, it can be tempting to toss away your responsibilities and simply have fun. But then you will be so backed up it could take quite a while to dig out from under your to-do list. AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 Aquarius, just when you need a bit of sunshine, a satisfying piece of good news arrives. Your spouse or partner plays a significant role in this positive development. PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Pisces, a tangled web is forming around you, but with quick wit you will manage to steer clear of the melee. horoscopes brought to you compliments of FRASER’S Home Centre BERWICK • 1-800-959-3727 KINGSTON • 1-902-765-3111 KENTVILLE • 1-902-678-8044 BRIDGETOWN • 1-902-665-4449 Page 18 the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS March 25, 2013 classifieds Classified advertisements, 35 words or less, are $7 tax included. Additional words are 10 cents each, plus tax. Bold text $8, tax included. If you require a receipt and/ or invoice via Canada Post a surcharge of $1 including tax will be added. Classified advertising must be booked and prepaid by noon Wednesday previous to publication. Payment methods include VISA, MasterCard, AMEX, debit or cash. The Aurora is not responsible for products and/ or services advertised. To place a classified, contact 765-1494 local 5440, visit the office, 83A School Road, Morfee Annex, Greenwood; email or fax 765-1717. To place a boxed, display ad, contact 765-1494 local 5833; email FOR RENT includes all utilities and FOR RENT – Two bedroom FOR RENT – Clean three bedWi-Fi. Looking for single upstairs apartment located room apartment located in persons who are quiet. No in Kingston. Close to Legion. Nictaux. $850/month with smoking, no pets. $650.00 Fridge and stove provided. heat and lights included. for lower and $750.00 for Rent is $550/month plus utilFridge, stove and dishwasher upper. Call Joe 765-1898. ities. Available immediately. provided with washer/dryer (3331-ufnb) Call 825-3607. (3401-ufnb) hook-up available. Located in a quiet subdivision. No dogs. Reference required. Call Ross ENGLAND at 840-0534. (3402-ufn) FOR RENT – Two apartments for rent in quiet country settling. Both fully furnished and equipped with washer, dryer, fridge and stove. Rent DAN’S FIREWOOD Hardwood, $210 a cord Softwood, $170 a cord Cut, Split, Delivered Ph: 825-6424 WE BUY FURNITURE AV SELF STORAGE January special – 10% oī 765-4430 Call: 847-0003 By the piece or lot. We do local moving 812 Maple Street Ext., Kingston GREENWOOD SELF Alarmed Barristers • Solicitors • Notaries Stephen I. Cole, LL.B. Craig G. Sawler, LL.B. 24/7 Evening and Weekend Appointments Available “INSURANCE CLAIMS OUR SPECIALTY” Email: 848-6667 765-3149 Sampson Dr., Greenwood Website: Tel: 902-825-6288 Fax: 902-825-4340 Just Drop & Lock! 680 Bowlby Park Dr. Future Glass and Mirror Ltd. 902-765-2105 SPECIALIZING REPAIRS/ REPLACEMENTS OF WINDSHIELDS ALSO: • plateglass • mirrors • plexie & lexan • vehicle accessories • window & screen repairs • replacement thermo-pane windows 264 Main Street, Middleton, N.S. New, secure, 24/7 access Military Discounts Barrister * Solicitor * Notary Email: Web: T: 902-765-3301 F: 902-765-6493 crossword solution Clear Hardwood Cut, Split and Delivered Quality Guaranteed Please Phone 825-3361 Steve Lake’s Light Trucking Moving & Deliveries 16’ Cube Van 844 0551 Valleywide In-Home Computer Repair Offers a full range of services in the comfort of your home David A. Proudfoot 811 Central Avenue, PO Box 100 Greenwood, NS B0P 1N0 FOR SALE FIREWOOD • Real Estate • Wills / Estates • Consultations / Referrals sudoku solution • Upgrades • Sales • • Networking • Tutoring • • Pickup/Return • • Laptop Repair • • Eve-Wkend Appointments • • Drop-off in Aylesford • For Fast, Economical, Convenient Service ~ Call Valleywide ~ 844-2299 - $450.00 a month. SeFOR RENT: A Spacious one bedroom apartment in a quiet, cure Building with On-site private location in Middleton Superintendent. Utilities ideal for one person. New paid by Tenant. Pet friendly Flooring and paint, utilities and on-site Laundry Faand wifi included. Furnished / cilities. Available now. unfurnished as needed, Rent Lease and References Reis $725.00/month. Available quired. Call 765-2421 for April 1/13. Call 902-844-0331 more information. (3407or ufnb) (3403-ufn) For Rent - Two bedroom house FOR RENT – Small two bedroom located near West Kings High bachelor house located in the School in Auburn, newly Kingston area. Rent is $675 renovated. Available now. per month including heat Hardwood floors, fridge/ and lights. Fridge and stove stove including washer/dryer provided. Call 847-5046. hookup. Snow removal and (3403-ufn) lawn care provided. $600.00 FOR RENT - One bedroom per month plus utilities. Call apartment in Middleton 844-0432. (3407-ufn) FOR RENT: Two bedroom C.HANSON DOWELL, Q.C house with garage, at 51 250 Main St., Middleton Victoria Street, Middleton. $675.00 per month. No ap825-3059 pliances included. Available June 1st, 2013. Call Joan at 902-847-1365. PARKER & RICHTER (3412-ufnb) Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries FOR RENT – Two bedroom Chris Parker L.L.B apartment located at 677 Central Ave, Apt B, GreenRonald D. Richter wood. Available immediately. (B.A. Hon.), L.L.B. No pets. Rent is $500/month Southgate Court, plus utilities. Located on bus Greenwood N.S. route. Call Kathy at 765-2938. Phone: 902-765-4992 (3410-3tp) Fax: 902-765-4120 FOR RENT – Two bedroom “Serving the Western Valley Since 1977” apartment in adult building. 1486 Magee Drive, Kingston. In floor heat, ground level. $690.00 a month. Durland, Gillis & April 1st, 2013. Schumacher Associates Available Free lawn care and snow Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries removal. Phone 309-0573. W. Bruce Gillis, Q.C. (3410-3tpb) Blaine G. Schumacher, CD FOR RENT – Two bedroom (Also of the Alberta Bar) duplex, Nictaux on Old Run Counsel: Way Drive. Rent is $625/ Clare H. Durland, Q.C. month plus utilities. Fridge (Non-Practicing) and stove provided and a washer/dryer hook-up is Phone (902) 825-3415 Fax (902) 825-2522 74 Commercial Street P.O. Box 700 Middleton, NS B0S 1P0 patrick’s puzzle available. Available immediately. Call 825-6096 or 840-3337 (3411-2tp) FOR RENT – The little guest house located centrally between Kingston & Greenwood. Ideal for IR and HHT Personal looking to relocate in the area. Within walking distance to all amenities. One or two bedroom house, new kitchen & bathroom, storage, laundry room, dining room and den on main level with detached one car garage. Internet, heat and cable TV included as well as being fully furnished including 5 appliances with bedding, towels, etc. Driveway, lawn care and snow removal are included. Easy 10 minute access to golf courses at Paragon and 14 Wing Greenwood. Call Arthur at 765-4795 and leave a message. Available immediately. (3412-3tp) FOR RENT – April 1st, 2013 Duplex located in central Middleton. 2 levels, adult suitable, lawn care & snow removal provided. $685.00 per month, utilities not included. No smoking & no pets. Phone 825-4521. (3212-2tpb) FOR RENT – Spacious bachelor suite located in Kingston. $675.00 a month, heat and lights included. Phone 242-2607. (3412-2tpb) SERVICES SERVICE – Bilingual handyman carpenter available, 25 years of experience with finish work, flooring, stairs, tile work and more. Reasonable rates – flexible hours. Call Mike at 242-2465 or 8400529. Greenwood/Kingston (3024-ufn) Take control of your life! Cheryl Tardif, CD, CH, nd Naturotherapy Consultant Certified Hypnotherapist Psychosynthesist Reiki Master Middleton 825-2286 Quit Smoking ~~~~~~~~~~ Give hypnosis a try. Sessions covered by private medical insurance. Get your FREE copy of The Aurora Newspaper at the following locations Aylesford Bert’s Grocery Chisholm’s Pharmacy NEEDS Convenience Store Berwick Atlantic SaveEasy Avery’s Farm Market WKM Health Centre Main Street Video Price Chopper Sidetrack Beverage Room Wilson’s Drug Mart Coldbrook Avery’s Farm Market Greenwood Avery’s Farm Market A&W (Greenwood Mall) CANEX Dairy Queen GMFRC & 14 Wing Library Greco Pizza Inside Story Book Store Irving Service Station Mark’s Barber Shop McDonald’s NEEDS Convenience Store Post Office RCAFA Civic Bldg (by ball field) Shoppers Drug Mart Smoke Shop (Greenwood Mall) Sobeys TAN Coffee Tim Hortons (Central Ave.) The Aurora Newspaper Venus Video Ultramar Kingston Atlantic Superstore Avery’s Farm Market Best Western Aurora Inn Kingston Diner Kingston Legion Kingston Medical Clinic Mama Sofia Pizzeria Mimies’s Pizza NEEDS Convenience Store PharmaSave/Valley Drug Mart Ralph Freeman Motors Vicki’s Sea Food Restaurant Kentville Avery’s Farm Market Ultramar Middleton Atlantic SaveEasy Avery’s Farm Market Brooklyn Street Market Bruce Chev Olds Capital Pub Connell Chrysler Fundy Spray Motel NEEDS Convenience Store PharmaSave/Valley Drug Mart Price Chopper Soldiers Memorial Hospital Tim Hortons Venus Video Nictaux NEEDS Convenience Store Wilmot High Country Tire Kwikway Sabean’s Meat Market Aurora the the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS Page 19 March 25, 2013 Avez-vous des suggestions de programmes que le Centre communautaire pourrait offrir ce printemps et cet été? Le Centre communautaire de la 14e Escadre s’affaire à préparer sa programmation printanière et estivale et sollicite vos suggestions. S’il y a un programme qui ne fait pas partie actuellement de ceux offert et que vous souhai- teriez qu’il le soit, dites-le nous et nous ferons notre possible pour trouver ce qui correspond à vos besoins. Par ailleurs, si vous êtes un instructeur qualifié et souhaitez faire profiter les autres de vos connaissances en donnant un cours, nous pouvons nous associer afin d’offrir un service. Nous cherchons à offrir à la fois aux jeunes (neuf à 18 ans) et aux adultes (18 ans et plus) de nouveaux programmes intéressants, qui débuteraient aux alentour de la troisième semaine de mai. Si vous avez une suggestion de programme ou si vous souhaitez nous proposer vos compétences d’instructeur, veuillez communiquer avec Eric MacKenzie, coordonnateur des loisirs communautaires, au 765-1494 poste 5337 d’ici le 19 avril prochain. Do you have ideas for spring, summer community programs? The 14 Wing Greenwood Community Centre is busy preparing for spring and summer programs and is seeking your input. If there is a program you would like to see offered cur- rently not available, please let the centre know and we will try to find a service that meets your needs. If you are a qualified instructor interested in sharing your knowledge, please express interest in fa- cilitating a course, so we can possibly partner together. We are ideally looking at offering new and exciting programs for both youth (nine to 18 years of age) and adults (anyone over 18), to begin around the third week of May. If you have a program idea, or would like to help offer your skills, contact Eric MacKenzie, community recreation coordinator, before April 19, 765-1494 local 5337. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Reserve Some Time With Nature Come join our family as the A&W Restaurant Assistant 0DQDJHU*UHHQZRRG0DOO Reservation lines open April 2, 2013. 1-888-544-3434 Season Park May 17–Sept. 2 Blomidon, Ellenwood Lake May 17–Oct. 14 Cape Chignecto, Porters Lake, Rissers Beach (except North Rissers), Thomas Raddall June 7–Sept. 9 Mira River June 14–Sept. 2 Laurie, Valleyview June 14–Sept. 9 Battery, Boylston, Salsman June 14–Sept. 23 Smileys June 14–Oct. 14 Amherst Shore, Caribou, Dollar Lake, Five Islands, Graves Island, North Rissers, The Islands 9 am –11 pm ADT (7 days a week) Service available in French. June 14–Oct. 21 Whycocomagh Come join our fast-paced team, dedicated to providing outstanding customer service. The successful applicant will have some QSR experience, will enjoy working with people of all ages and will enjoy a national franchise with a local flavor. We offer a competitive salary, extensive benefits program, continuous learning opportunities, free uniforms and more. Resumés can be forwarded to: Boone Food Services Limited 6960 Mumford Road Suite 2070, Halifax, NS B3L 4P1 or fax to (902) 453-0277 or email to Boone Food Services Limited is an equal opportunity employer. Page 20 the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS March 25, 2013 ZX running event kicks off NS series slight 100 metres dip/ rise. The 10 km main event is two loops of the same course. (Map - http:// view/85616811/) Awards will be presented in the following male and female 10 km categories: open class (all ages), juniors (19 and under), masters (40 to 49), senior masters (50 to 59), golden masters (60 to 69), platinum masters (70 plus), titanium (80 plus) and military. Awards in the 5 km race will be presented to the top three male and female runners, the top military male and female, top high school male and female, top middle school male and female and top elementary school male and female. 14 Wing Greenwood invites runners of all levels to come out and enjoy a flat course, smiling faces and the best host facility on the Run Nova Scotia series schedule. Enjoy lots of free parking, hot showers, draw prizes and a free gift for the first 100 runners to register by March 31. The annual ZX 10 K April 21 is a great way to start off the running season. Race day registration and pick-up is from 8:15 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. at the base’s Fitness & Sports Centre. The 10 km event begins at 10 a.m., while the 5 km starts at 10:05 a.m. Post-race snacks and closing ceremonies will be held at the finish line. The 5 km is a fast, paved, out-and-back, flat course with a New this year, youth in elementary, middle and high schools are also invited to enter the event, at a special $10 registration fee. Also, if you’re over 70 years of age – the race is free! Register at Run NS online before April 1 for $30 between April 2 and 15 for $35 and April Janie Gagnon SAVE $ SAVE 150 $ REG. $749 $ 299 SAVE 100 REG. $549 50 20.2 CU. FT. REFRIGERATOR $ CU. FT. ELECTRIC SELF $ ELECTRIC $ 299 6.0 COMPACT CLEAN RANGE RANGE 599 30” 449 30” REFRIGERATOR In-the-door beverage racks 2 Mini Ice N’ Easy Trays Reversible Door QuickSet III Oven Control One-Piece Upswept Cooktop 2 Ribbon, 8” Heating Elements Quick Clean Storage Drawer BUILT-IN DISHWASHER 100% Water Filtration Piranha Hard Food Disposer 9TZHM9FUHTSYWTQX-TY8YFWYTUYNTS 4-level PowerScrub wash system with PowerShower REG. $349 799 Super Large Oven Capacity True TempTM System QuickSet III Oven Control One-Piece Upswept Cooktop Nathan Sagle North Bay Home Furniture North Bay, Ontario APPLIANCE SAVE 100 $ REG. $399 On Home Credit Card purchases over $250. O.A.C. See Details on Back. $ 1.1 CU. FT. MICROWAVE 6 MONTHS SAVE FrostGuardTM technology NeverCleanTM Condenser Upfront Temperature Controls EXIT 18, HWY 101, MIDDLETON | 825-3471 :LQJ*UHHQZRRGSUHVHQWVWKHWK$QQXDO /D (VFDGUHGH*UHHQZRRGDFFXHLOOHOHH6DORQDQQXHO NO 30 99 Countertop Microwave Oven *QJHYWTSNH9TZHM(TSYWTQX .SXYFSYTS5TUHTWS'ZYYTS 5T\JW1J[JQX4KKJWXYMJ flexibility to accurately cook any meal, from frozen entrees to refrigerated casserole dishes. REG. $129 $ Local Forces Supporter H PAYMENTS OR INTEREST FOR $ SAVE $ REG. $899 I specialize in military transfers. So your next move, is to call me. Êtes-vous transféré à Comox? Je me spécialise dans les tranferts militaires, appelez-moi. Cell: 250-898-9002 Office: 250-334-3124 Royal LePage In the Comox Valley MARCH 31ST AND APPLIANCES 100 Call to arrange a FREE safety inspection on your vehicles. MARCH 17-31 SALE ENDS $ GREENWOOD? we would like to notify Chrysler of your current location for warranty notification. IS THERE A MILITARY MOVE TO COMOX IN YOUR FUTURE? DAY A S ONLY HURRY! 12 DAYS MIDDLETON 16 to race day for $40. There is a $5 discount for Run NS, military and Greenwood Multisport Club members. This is an Atlantic Chip Timed Event. If you have any questions, contact Chris MacIntyre, race director, at or 902 840-0835. Recently posted to $OODUHZHOFRPH /HSXEOLFOHVpWXGLDQWVOHVHPSOR\pVFLYLOV HWPLOLWDLUHVDLQVLTXHOHXUVFRQMRLQWVHW SHUVRQQHVjFKDUJH (PSOR\HUV&ROOHJHVDQG 8QLYHUVLWLHVIURPDFURVV&DQDGD &DUHHU$VVLVWDQFH([KLELWRUV (PSOR\HXUVUHSUpVHQWDQWVGH FROOqJHVHWXQLYHUVLWpVGHSDUWRXW DX&DQDGDHWH[SRVDQWVRIIUDQW GHVVHUYLFHVG·DLGHSURIHVVLRQQHOOH 0DUFK 0DUFK SP Visit us online at (902) Monday - Friday 9am 825-3444 - 6pm Saturday 9am - 5pm 11am 4pm Mon-Wed 9Sunday to 5:30 | -Thurs-Fri 9 to 9 101 Pretty River Parkway, Collingwood, ON. 47 Commercial St., Middleton, N.S. (705) 446-3456 Sat 9 to 5 | Sun 12 to 4 EARN AEROPLAN MILES ON EVERYTHING* $QQDSROLV0HVV XSVWDLUVDOOORXQJHV 3UHVHQWHGE\WKH*UHHQZRRG0LOLWDU\ )DPLO\5HVRXUFH&HQWUH*0)5&DQG WKH/HDUQLQJDQG&DUHHU&HQWUH )RUPRUHLQIRFDOO H[WRU PDUV PDUV )UHH$GPLVVLRQ Collingwood Home Furniture Middleton Home Furniture %LHQYHQXHjWRXV 7KH3XEOLF&LYLOLDQ0LOLWDU\ (PSOR\HHV6WXGHQWV6SRXVHV 'HSHQGDQWV KjK 0HVV$QQDSROLV DXHpWDJHGDQVWRXVOHVVDORQV $GPLVVLRQJUDWXLWH 2UJDQLVpSDUOH&HQWUHGHUHVVRXUFHV SRXUOHVIDPLOOHVPLOLWDLUHVGH*UHHQZRRG &5)0*HWOH&HQWUHG DSSUHQWLVVDJH HWGHFDUULqUH 3RXUSOXVGHUHQVHLJQHPHQWV FRPSRVH]OHSRVWHRX
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