Rosetta software package
Rosetta software package
4/10/2011 Rosetta .. • Breif introduction to Rosetta Ph.D. Thomas M. Frimurer • Rosetta docking example Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Potein Reseach Center for Basic Metabilic Research Rosetta software package • Rosetta consists of multiple modules: – protein folding, comparative modeling, ligand docking, protein design, antibody/antigen interactions, etc. • Rosetta is developed in a consortium of twelve laboratories by • Breif introduction to Rosetta • Rosetta docking example around 50 developers • Rosetta is free for academic – user guide and tutorials are available • PyRosetta is a python interface – allows integration with Pymol • FoldIt is the better video game for you and your kids • Rosetta@home uses your computer for our RosettaCon 2009, Leavenworth, WA, USA research Conformational sampling and scoring of models in Rosetta 1. Rosetta Combines Conformational Sampling ~12,000,000 sequences >Q8TDV5 GP119_HUMAN Glucose-dependent.... MESSFSFGVILAVLASLIIATNTLVAVAVLLLIHKNDGVSL CFTLNLAVADTLIGVAISGLLTDQLSSPSRPTQKTLCSLRM AFVTSSAAASVLTVMLITFDRYLAIKQPFRYLKIMSGFVAG ACIAGLWLVSYLIGFLPLGIPMFQQTAYKGQCSFFAVFHPH FVLTLSCVGFFPAMLLFVFFYCDMLKIASMHSQQIRKMEHA GAMAGGYRSPRTPSDFKALRTVSVLIGSFALSWTPFLITGI ..... 1. Scoring Function for Structure Determination ~70,000 structures ? 1 4/10/2011 Conformational sampling and scoring of models in Rosetta 1. Rosetta Combines Conformational Sampling 1. 2. Exchanging the backbone conformation of 9 and 3 amino acids peptide fragments, collected from the pdb of homologous strethes. Metropolis Monte Carlo Enew < Eold accept Enew ≥ Eold accept with probability e-[ (Enew - Eold)/T ] Sampling strategies for backbone degrees of freedom >Q8TDV5 GP119_HUMAN Homo sapiens MESSFSFGVILAVLASLIIATNTLVAVAVLLLIHKNDGVSLCFTLNLAVADTLIGVAISGLLTDQLSSPSR LAVLASLIIA PTQKTLCSLRMAFVTSSAAASVLTVMLITFDRYLAIKQPFRYLKIMSGFVAGACIAGLWLVSYLIGFLPLG VLTLSCVGF IPMFQQTAYKGQCSFFAVFHPHFVLTLSCVGFFPAMLLFVFFYCDMLKIASMHSQQIRKMEHAGAMAGGYR SPRTPSDFKALRTVSVLIGSFALSWTPFLITGI..... Approximate local interactions using the distribution of conformations seen for similar sequences in known protein structures .. 2. Scoring Function for Structure Determination 1. 2. For each sequence window, select fragments that represent the conformations sampled during folding Low resolution: Reduced atom representation (centroid) Simple energy function which Aggressively search conformational space High resolution: Full atom more sophisticated energy function. “Local” search of conformational (and sequence) space Majority of conformational sampling protocols in Rosetta use Metropolis Monte Carlo follow by gradient based minmization • Monte Carlo simulated annealing assembly of fragments • Simplified protein representation • One centroid per amino acid side chain identify the ”best” structure 1) Remove very low contact order structures 2) Select broadest minima using cluster analysis 3) Select lowest energy structures with full atom potential The free energy minimum corresponds (usually) to the native protein fold • High resolution potential energy function • full atom representation Figure form Kistian W. Kaufmann et. al. 2010 Figure form Kistian W. Kaufmann et. al. 2010 Computational strategy .. ab initio protein folding Approximate local interactions using the distribution of conformations seen for similar sequences in known protein structures .. Filter conformational ensample: Cluster models that maintain the same overall fold e.g. Cα rmsd < 5 Å • Statistically-derived potential function • Steric overlap (vdw interactions) • Residue environment (solvation) • Pairwise interactions (electrostatics) • Strand pairing (hydrogen bonding) • Compactness (solvation) Folding Units .. While not every protein fold is present in the protein databank, all possible conformations of small peptides are .. Its depth is obscured because of the simplified energy approximation Rosetta begins with an extended peptide chain. Insertions of backbone ”fragments” rapidly folds the protein Statistically-derived potential function Cluster analysis .. Select broadest minima Sample conformational space using Monte Carlo simulations Figure form Kistian W. Kaufmann et. al. 2010 Refine models .. Simons K. T.; Kooperberg C.; Huang E.; Baker D. (1997) J. Mol. Biol. 268, 209–225 Rohl C. A.; Strauss C. E.; Misura K. M.; Baker D. (2004) Methods Enzymol. 383, 66–93. Simons K. T.; Ruczinski I.; Kooperberg C.; Fox B. A.; Bystroff C.; Baker D. (1999) Proteins 34, 82–95. Bradley P.; Misura K. M.; Baker D. (2005) Science 309, 1868–1871. Full atomic potential energy function .. Figure form Kistian W. Kaufmann et. al. 2010 2 4/10/2011 The resulting model undergo atomic-detail refinement • • Figure form Kistian W. Kaufmann et. al. 2010 GPR119 AR-231453 interaction ? • Breif introduction to Rosetta AR-231453 • Rosetta docking example Mutational mapping of the AR-231453 ligand binding site in the GPR119 receptor 3 4/10/2011 Rosetta docking protocol Modelling the GPR119 receptor Table 1: Sequence alignment of β2-adrenergic GPR with GPR119 ID=22% pP=7.2 2rh1_a Q8TDV5_GP119_HUMAN 2rh1_a 2rh1_a Q8TDV5_GP119_HUMAN 2rh1_a 2rh1_a Q8TDV5_GP119_HUMAN 2rh1_a 1 1 .E..#....I##.L#.L#I#...####.###.#.+...V..#F...LA#AD.##G#A#..#....#..........#C.#...#....#.AS#.T###I.#DRY#AI..PF+Y.. DEVWVVGMGIVMSLIVLAIVFGNVLVITAIAKFERLQTVTNYFITSLACADLVMGLAVVPFGAAHILMKMWTFGNFWCEFWTSIDVLCVTASIETLCVIAVDRYFAITSPFKYQS MESSFSFGVILAVLASLIIATNTLVAVAVLLLIHKNDGVSLCFTLNLAVADTLIGVAISGLLTDQLSSPSRPTQKTLCSLRMAFVTSSAAASVLTVMLITFDRYLAIKQPFRYLK 1. 2. 1. Resulting models sorted with respect to energy 2. Best scoring model had 2.7 Å to TM domain of b2ar template ##....A.##I#.#W#VS.L..FLP#.###........#...A....C.FF....#####...#..##P########...#..#...#......................#.-#K 116 LLTKNKARVIILMVWIVSGLTSFLPIQMHWYRATHQEAINCYAEETCCDFFT-NQAYAIASSIVSFYVPLVIMVFVYSRVFQEAKRQLNIFE----------------FCLKEHK 116 IMSGFVAGACIAGLWLVSYLIGFLPLGIPM--------FQQTAYKGQCSFFAVFHPHFVLTLSCVGFFPAMLLFVFFYCDMLKIASMHSQQIRKMEHAGAMAGGYRSPRTPSDFK AL+T#.###G.F.L.W.PF#I..IV.V#....##...#..#L.##G#.NS.#NPLIY#....-#R#.#..###........................................ 214 ALKTLGIIMGTFTLCWLPFFIVNIVHVIQDN-LIRKEVYILLNWIGYVNSGFNPLIYC-RSPDFRIAFQELLCL--------------------------------------223 ALRTVSVLIGSFALSWTPFLITGIVQVACQECHLYLVLERYLWLLGVGNSLLNPLIYAYWQKEVRLQLYHMALGVKKVLTSFLLFLSARNCGPERPRESSCHIVTISSSEFDG 3. 4. 5. 2. Lack of sequnece similarity in loop regions .. 6. Rosetta docking protocol Generate initial homology model Produce 1000 models using Rosetta relaxed 1000 diffeent loop conformations were generated on best model 1. Kinematic closure algorithm 2. Disulphide bridge constrain between Cys in EXL2B and Cys III:01 1. Week sequence similarity to templates .. 3. Quality of homology model is questionable .. Generate GPR119 Homology model (b2ar template) 1000 GPR119 models were produced using Rosetta relax 7. 14 low energy ligand (AR-231453) conformations were generated A total of 2000 docking trajectories of randomly picked ligand conformations were performed on each of the 1000 loop models Of the 2.000.000 combinatorial solutions – top 5 % were selected based on total energy and receptor-ligand interaction energy 5 best docking poses were relaxed 5000 times to optimize loop structure and receptor ligand packing ”Low resolution” docking mode Refine best docking poses Generate ensamle of low energy conformations of AR-231453 In between helices lack agreement with experimental mapping 2000 docking trajectories performed for each of the 1000 loop models 2.000.000 decoys Cluster, filter and extract top10 best models lack agreement with experimental mapping Pose 1 Pose 2 Pose 3 Pose 5 Pose 4 A total og 5000 docking trajectories were performed for each of the 5 best docking poses to relax and refine the receptor and ligand packing Build and refine 100 loop conformations for each of the 10 best models A total of 1000 models Docking pose I: Refinement Docking pose I: Refinement Pose 1 4 4/10/2011 Docking pose II: Refinement Docking pose II: Refinement Pose 2 Docking pose III: Refinement Docking pose III: Refinement Pose 3 Docking pose III: Refinement Docking pose IV: Refinement Pose 4 5 4/10/2011 Docking pose V: Refinement Docking pose V: Refinement Pose 5 Refined GPR119 docking decoys Docking pose III Docking pose IV Refined GPR119 docking decoys Docking pose III Docking pose IV Proposed binding pose of AR231453 agonist to the GPR119 receptor • • • Binding pocket of AR231453 in GPR119. Amino acids investigation by mutagenesis is coloured according to potency shift. 6
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