50th Anniversary Binder Part 1 - Saint Thomas the Apostle Church
50th Anniversary Binder Part 1 - Saint Thomas the Apostle Church
c SAINTTHOMAS THEAPOSTTE a AN NIVERSA RY His Holiness Po p e J o r*hr n rA I '7/ ,1/1(' , //) /t (l// t/ A O! 'l C !'/OrO A cnl etfLr 5n're A x ^d ! fri t rartl C r l '/ro A ts e nl , .anC T - r Cy he l : ,'r\' fr e.d A ' F-. .a' 'A \!'. .c ;i.li rI'V al O )et:a :a r.rri{,r r \r r rr O ',,.- ai i l ! a- r' .l i r . ,i .r i .t , -, -. - t<e r . i t..d r t., ! .^ fla!.' - - .a ,r r ac ,.t- I -r r - .j fliI Anc i ... , tr :...q i ta\ ,al ,- r .r - :. " o. r ai ,'l l i :l ' :l _. - a - !j ,, .. I J l eal '. - l i l no E r a ''. T nl . \',/a! 5 rr .\ '-,2,/?" =- / ,\-z-- \ I Tnr Mosr Rrvnnmo THEODORE E. McCARRICK ArcHsrsHor or NswAnx Litt [t, 9faceof 9{eaoen :-,. b. There'sa church,atoundthe corner' ThatI visiteveryday To relievemYselfol burdens ThatoppressmYChristianway' It'sa littlePlaceof heaven Thatis comlortto mYheartWhereI talkandPIaYto Jesus Of mYfortunesand mYlot' Wordsof prayerandtearsof heartaches see; OnlYHe can hearand Silentwordsof fearsandpasslons' That I hideinsideot me In exchange,He liftsmYburdsns And makeslightmYwearyway ' In this littlePlaceof h€aven That I visitevsryday' MichaelDubina *- 30 . /, +*,- \ -G, = "O L,ord,,I loue the hou.se in uhich you dwell, thetenting-plare of yourgLory;' (Psalm26:8) The tent-church of St. I'homas the Apostle THr RnvrnrNoMollsrcNon FRANKLYN M. CASALE Vr<:er Gtxlr,lrot rnt: Art:xoxlt:rst <lt Ntwelx Prsnrn THOSE WHO HAVE SERVED tl Pastors Rev.ThomasJ.Herron - 1939'f946 Rev.ThomasJ.Flanagan- 1947-f953 Rev.Msgr.MichaelA Magnier - 1953'f968 Rev Msgr.Vincent P' Coburn - 1968'f985 Rev Msgr.FranklynM. Casale- 1985'Present Rev Robert Antczak Rev Robert McKnight Rev Salvatore Busichio Rev.James McManus Rev Eugene Marcone Rev. Richard Carrington Rev. AnthonY Ciorra Rev. Gerald Matusiak Rev. Dennis Cohan Rev. Robert Miller Rev. Matthias Conva Rev Msgr. Charles MurPhY Rev. Daniel Danik Rev. Charles Noble Rev JosePh M. DoYle Rev. Martin O'Brien Rev Msgr. Vincent DoYle Rev. Msgr. John O'Connor Rev James Driscoll Rev. Richard Strelecki Rev. Michael Kreder Rev George Tiabold Rev. Edward McGrath Rev. Richard Villanova Deators: JoseBarrios Walter KellY Roland Scarlatelli William Morris Albert Tizzano ThomasNoone John Walsh Henry Stark The Reverend Thomas I. Herron I e Rev.Msgr. Michael A' Magnier The Rev Mssr. Vincent P. Co SISTERSFORMERLYAT ST.THOMAS Sr. Antonia Sr Grace Patricia Boutineau Sr. Elizabeth Cahill Sr. Miriam Eucharia Hunt Sr. Carol Iwanicki Sr. Ann Julia Joubert Sr. Regina Gertrude Carroll Sr. Cecilia Anne Sr. Agnes Joseph Sr. Anna Clarita Kelly Sr. M. Rosetta McCormack Sr. Anne Thomasina Cavanaugh Sr. Therese Bernard Chiappa Sr. Margaret Annina Confoy Sr. Anne Cecilia McGarigle Sr. Mary Ruth McGurty Sr. Claire Marie Coogan Sr. Mary Corrigan Sr. Rose Edward Cregan Sr. Alice Dolores Mallon Sr Alexis Marie Sr. Catherine Cecilia Crowley Sr.Jane TeresaCulligan Sr.James Bridget Donnelly Sr. Patricia Marren Sr. Patricia Mennor . Associate Sr. Patrice Marie Moran Sr. Anne Donovan Sr. Mary Brendan Dowling Sr. Catherine Morrisett Sr. Mary Rita Murphy Sr. Mary Rosarii Downes Sr. Agnes Bertrand Drew Sr. Evelyn O'Connor, CSJP Sr. Francis Marita Raftery Sr. Maureen Francis Rude Sr. Maria Adele English Sr. Carmel Finelli, SA Sr. M. Faustina Fitzgerald Sr. Rosemary McNabb Sr.Jean Ruppel Sr. Mary Mercedes Sherry Sr. Agnes Maurice Gillis Sr. Therese Agnes Sr. Magdalena Tiffe Sr. EliseJose Thylor Sr. Patricia Godri Sr. Agnes Goode Sr. Mary Adrian Groenendaal Sr. Catherine Teresa Sr. Miriam Gabriel Thaller Sr. Grace Teresa Tormey Sr. Regina Margaret Hackett Sr. Gertrude Francis Haderthauer Sr. Frances Vicari Sr. Rose Vincentia Sr. Margaret Heavey Sr. Carol Heller Sr.Joan Miriam Wachlin Sr.Jean Whitley VOCATIONS FROM SAINT THOMAS THE APOSTLE PARISH ReverendJames Bray Brother Matthew Buckley ReverendRobert Harahan Reverend A. Robert Cairone Reverend Joseph C. Doyle Sister Cecilia Charles Flanagan Reverend J. Kukura SisterJanet Lehman Sister Sheila Murphy Reverend Donald Ransom Brother R.K. Grondin SisterJames Marie Hannon Reverend Michael Santoro Reverend Steohen Sheriden Reverend R. Ehrenberg ReverendWilliam Holly Sister Honora Werner L (L to R) Rev. Michael f. Kreder,Rev.Matthias T. Conva,Rev.Richard Streleck! Rev.CharlesF.Noble,Rev.Msgr.FrankVn M. Casale,pastor(s€ated) L a ( \ Top Row: Srs.Apollonia,Audrey,Irene,Mary Jane,Kathy ,l b#[i'j"*"'x;'J;1lHl?ffi-;:?:Tfl#'fr Xffffll"#r'i:il:d W|TH GNATEFULHEARTS A Canticl.ol Thanksgiving Givethanksto the Lord,for he is good He has bless€dus withall goodthings. ln dayspast,whatwas invisiblewas p€rceivedthrough faith And in the assemblyof hisp€oplethe dreamtook snape. ThroughChdstJ$us he hasopon€dthe roadto salvation Andws walkin his waysas togetherwe journeytoward th€ kingdom. The Lord,our God,instructsand sncouragosus though hisword Andwe lislen€aggrlyfor the soundof his voics. ThroughMary,our Mother,we learnthe perteci resoonseto his will Andwe proclaimhisgroalnssswithour lives. We,loo, are calledto holiness Andwe dedicateourselv€sin sorvicgto the Fathsrand to all peoplein Jssus. H9 ha3blessedu9 wilhlhe loveandcomfortof a human tamily Thfoughwhichwe sharein the rrc of salvalionand buildup the bodyof Christ. We are calledto be his psople,andtogetherw€ discov€r the gospelmessaggandthg onen€ssof our faith We give praiseto the Lordby remaininglaithful testimonyto ChristbEforethe wodd. Ths breathof the Spiritempowersus to resh@eour lives And kespsour heartsfree andtrue to reflectthe holinessof Jesus. W€ rsloicein thg gloryol hiscreation As he surroundsus rrrilhthe colorsof his lovE. HEb g€nsous beyondall m€asureandwithgratsful hearlswe celebratethe gift of eachoth€r For in the diversityof our giftswe oxpressthe richness of our life in Christ. The gmdnessof thg Lordis unbounding He lightsour waywiththe brilliancoof Christianhop€ And we live in joyfulexpec.tatbn for the tullnessot lil€. Givethanksto the Lord,for he is good He has blEssedus withall goodthings. , DEACONS v Albert H. Tizzano William F.Morris L lohn G. Walsh PARISH COUNCIT . \ (Leftto rightstandindMaryPatBogart,Michaeltombandy, GinnyMaulbec*, FrankMiller,SisterKathleenMirenda,Msgr.FranklynM. Casale,MaryMcEnroe, LouisVenezia,Theresa O'Boyle,KatherineZita,Wilfredoloaquin,MarionMoe (Leftto rightseated) JosephPerretti,MarieUrbanowicz,Fr.CharlesF. Noble, SisterAntoinetteMunarbS.5.1.,Deaconlohn Walsh,AnitaKaye t4 A < * # * Za 4.-'.2.4,2.-, ,&2,4 f-z a-<-.4-. Jn-.-24,^..1! 2-* zL,zZ, f... zz,z.* /A.2,4 zzz,t<zz:. ,2.. Zi-Z</ I .j01.1t Vn t t t t tet'.\'a /,(/ /Tuy y,.,,rr tt:<tny /trt7t1t7 ;17 /1( en) /)/'to \ 7r.,r'r,1r' / / tn cttt y rn,,t.r, //n7,7.,y 1)cur'., 1,.,<'r,nt e. L)r,tt /t<tr,<'Leelt (t)/.(),l,lel Vtr' /rtr r.,nc year in ( 'r,rt1r'u1 7/.,;t,.,<'t'rtlr,rn,,/ 1/re hi..rrr.,r,/,rt,t {''u<'L yeor'. :. ;t0 7/,1/ /Tr,, r., unr/ o 511617.s it a.// 1ltr, /u',,tt; rt,,r./tr ,,f llte ure ,l/er<'r/ f,,r- l/t,,.t1, ettrt.,//er/. ''d''n"-t'' V,.,,, 14- H*,,.rzz/z) =Zl*-a,ryry,4-J/ ,/) /rt' / JX,,,r/<t/ 7ls,,,t.i<rti,,n S.. II]OMAS THE APO STLE - ! - r r i * * * * * r+* * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * rk* * * * * * * rr * * * * * TO BUILD A DREAM re3e-re8s I i i so YeeRS or eLESS||.tCS i I FRoM THE LoRDr J ANUARY 5, 1989 /: q)pm - Lnurch i I FR. DF NNI S CO HA N re tu rn s to o ra v ,rrth u s , t o s har e so me th o u o h ts . to .e 're mber how a dr e a m to o k i h a o e a n a a p a ri sh t ook lif e. 5 , I, . * ** * * * * * * * * * * * *******r**.... **.tlA i 6--Bloomfreld Life .lanuary 19,1989 Thursda), An OrechioPublication \'f,-ecial Mass marks St. Thomas' 50th y""1 St. ThomasSchool hosting program St. Thomasthe AposdeSchool will bost an orientationProgram for parenBof pre-cchoolthrough 8thirradestudenBl.:l5P.m.Jan.25 in rfr-eschoolcafetcriaon the fi$t Ilor. ParcnE will leam about the cducationdl,mordl and sPiritual St.ThomasoffersThosc Drosrams ivtri dan to ancndarc askedto pnoncthc schoolat 338{505bY lall-23. Pre+clnolcn mustbe 3 and 4 ycars old, and kindetgartners5 yeanol4 byDcc.3L andopcnhousewill Registsation tatc placein thc schoollibrary9 to 11:30 a.m.Jan 30and31andFeb.1. studentsare ParentsrcgistcrfuU baotismal kedto bring brinsthc thcchild'sbaptisnal asked reoor4unles hc or shewasbaptizedat St.Thomas,a bitth certificatcif not Catholicandimmuniza- establishedJan.26,039. Bishop JocePh A- Francis' reeional bishop of EssexCounty' wiil celebratei Massof Thanksgiving at noon Sunday.He wil be joined b,yMsgr. Franl}Yn M. Cas' ile, pasor, andpriess who current' h scrvetherc. ' Other concelebranb will b€ priestswho forDerly servedat St. ihomas or were membcrsof the Daristr. The first Dastor was Fathet TlromasJ. Heinru who celebrated the firs parishMassJune25, 1919, in a tent set up on what is no\y the ftonl oartins lot. Theodore E. e"lnuistdp McCanick will visit St. Thomas June11to offer aMassofThanksgiving in a tent on the sitc of the oricinal c€lebration. 6ther 50th anniversarY€flents will include monthly Prayer ser' vicesand a dinner darce in Octo ber. St. Thomas invites former, ;;'h;"";;; ebration. eiii'ii ti'J"ir-) {g .---:,_.j I of St.Thomas Churcl R,LUCAS ByCARYL L L onJune25,1939, in a firstMass ,r The cele b ra t io n to A Year of of 9 E 9 the Euchar ist b e g in T h a n k s g iv in g tor Fi f t.y Y e a rs o f B le s s in g s v THE IIIDEPENDENT PRESS of Dtoonfietd ro The Cathollc Advocalo,January25' 1gEg THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1989 St. Thomas celebrates 50th St. Thomas the Apostle Padslf locared in dre Brookdale section of Bloomfield, is obsewing its 50th andversary this yerr, I! was on Jan. 26, 1939 that tho parish was formally established. Bishop Joseph A. Francis, Regional Bistrop of Essex County, will celekate a Mass of Thanksgiving on Sunday, at noon. He will be joined by Msg. Ranklyn M. Casale, pasror, and the priesls curendy serving there. Other conceleb,rans will include priests who formerly sewed at St, Thomas, or were members of the parish. The first pastor was Father Thomas J, Herron, who celebrated Ole first parish mass on June 25, 1939, in a tent set up on what is now the front parking lot. Archbishop Theodore E. McCarrick will visit St. Thomas on June 11 to offer a Mass of Thanksgiving. That mass will be in r tent on the site of the original cclebration, Other 50th arniversary events include monthly prayer senrices, and a dirner-dance in October. Ir is hoped t}tat former parishioners will rerum to be pan of this celekation, _€ (Durfbrigh S WAS ESTABLISHEDBY AR CHBISHOPWALSH ON JANUARY 25, I939. Todav. marks the 50rh arnivcniY of the Sit.Thomas rhe Apostle Parish in Bloomfteld. For fiose not famitiar with its his' torv. the late AtchbishoP Thomas J Walsh beganthe parish a half cennrl aso to attend lo thc religious ne€dsor Jnre 300 Catholics in rhe Brookdaft sectiur of the townshiP. THE ANNIVERSARY OF THAT EVENT WILL BE MARKED AT THE 12:00 NOON MASS ON SUNDAY JANUARY 22nd. Bishop Joseph A. Francis, Regional Bishop of Essex County, will be principal celebrant. He will be ioined by the priests of the parish, venr Station. Today, thcr€ are 3J0O familias i thc congregation, with Rev. Monsil nor Franklyn M. Casale leading d flock' , Happy binhday, St. Thornas SRCRCI, HCRRICHURCnI RIOOMFIC1D :. D E' ]ICIII .|CRICT FBOT ITIE PASTOR'S DESI( Mydearparishbners: 0n behalf of allourpriests, I srishto extend sisters, deacons andlaypeoplo to thepastor, thepriests and allofthecommunity ol faithof St.TlomastheApostls Parish ourmostcordialcongratulations astheycelebrate theirfiftieth anniversary ot thetounding of theirparish. St.Tlomasis thedaughter church Heart of Sacred g'owthol thedaughter Parish andsrereFiceat theb€autiful taithandtremendous In theoldLatin church. traditionwe say:ad m!.hosanfuos. I sp€nttenhappyyEars pleasure al St.lhomasandpanot mevrillalways remain there.lt yvas firysupreme to havedugin $e firstspadelull of dirlaswebmkeomund forthenewandbeautiful withthetwo church goldentowerss€€nfromtheParkway. ll memory serv8smeriohtI believe thatI hadthelirst baptism in the newchurch andpreached at fie firstnovena service. I havebeenmemorialized in oneof theshinedqlass windorvs depicling theSacrament of Holyorders.I slandthereholdin0 theceremonial booktorArchbishop pastor Walsh withFather Martino'Brien, a fellowassociate at mysidc. I cannot without thinkol St.Thomas remembering mymany triends ofthalparish, alairnumber stillthere andmanyolherswhohavegonelo God.I couldneverloro€ttheCCDandtheCYoandthemanyhoursI yvhen spentwiththeyouthof thatparish.lt wasa laborol loveandhowrewarding I thinkbackandremember thatoneyear,tiveof lheoirlsontheCYohighschool basketball teamvrhich I helped to coachentered the convent, andlouror fiveyoungmenwe onto studytorthei'rieslhood. TrulySt.Ihomas lvasa household 0f livelyhi$. 0n Wodnesday niohts, theentirebuilding rvaslit uplikea Christmas high treewiths€venteen sciooldassesot religion0oin0on withoverthreehundred teenagers faihfullyattendino class. generosity Thefaith,devolion andhe tremendous of $e people is hfiathasmadeSt.Thomas sucha Ihis pastysaraione, nearly Sil.Ihomas'Paishpledoed to $e Archbishop's Annuat 9150,000 0reatparish. parish Appeal, topsin he Archdiocese. Ilis wonderful deserves to becongratulated, andmayGodcontinue grofih. to blessit withspiritualandmatorial I hopeyougoodparishioners willforoive meif lhavebeenslightly carried awayin mypraise of a former loveandin mycongralulations, butafierall,St.Thomas wasto menotiusta place, butrather a tamilythat ltruly lovedandin myfeeble way,triedto ssrve. ) leain,toallourbrotiers andslsters int. llll#iJ F.y!!!!-- nr]n'roconsratularions. ThirdSunday in OrdinaryTime January22, 1989 Yourwords,Lord, are spiritand life! \F=Ah,)Krnr' ..f, T l_ I SHwasestautistreo Sr TH-OIIIAITHFTF0STIFPAR 1939. ffir y26, The anniversary of that event will be marked at the l2:00 noon Masson Sunday,January22. I Bishop JosephA. Francis, Regional Bishop of EssexCounty, wi'll be principal celebrant. He will be joined by the priests of the parish and by priests who have served here over the years. All parishioners, present and former, are cordially invited to attend. t_ I t. S)"*,;;;oart'n=| //rr= ) ) , QI 0urParish AS PART OF OUR YEAR LONG 50th ANNIVERSARYCELEBRATION,THERE WILL BE A PRAYER SERVICETHIS Msg r . J ohn P . O ' C o n n o r + * * * * * * * * * r r * * * * * * * **:r * **,r * * * * ** : : t i: a x : a l i t a : i ) i : i l i ) i * l l :lx lr x:l lt:l:l:< :l;l;:- xSl OUR NEXT PRAYER A (I x sERVrcE rN HoNoR O F O U R 5 O T H A N N IV. I S S C H E D U L EDF O R T H I S T H U R SD AY , M A RC H 2 n d a t 7 :4 5 p m . P LE A S E P L AN T O AT T E N D . I JoURNEYT0 THE FATHER i R EV.AN TH oN Y oR R A c rR L 4 ST. THOMAS TTIE APOSTLE Ilome and School Association L Yr/*, fd4^t*" L Enjoy a Fun Evening of Dinner, Fashions and ?rtzes with Fashions by Carroll Reed Date: Place: Time: Tickets: Wednesday,May 3rd, 1989 The Manor, lll ProspectAve. WestOrange,NJ 6:50 pm $28.OOper person (advancesale only) Calf for Reservationby April 24, l9Ag 338-1723 or 895-1255 (Partial or Whole TablF rnay be rEserved) a L L ; a L S r. P a tric ia Mic h a e l, P e g g y S h e lle y E J e a n n e Re v e n e . J a c q u e lin e S e f ia c k **********l{*** PRAYER SERVICE THURSDAY A PR IL 2 7 :4 5 P m P l a n to a tte n d o u r n e x t p ra y e r s e rv i c e i n h o n or o r o u r 5 0 th a n n i v e rs a rY. L:::::: REV. MARTIN O'BRIEN * i i F * tt** r r r r r *r r * r f*r r *iilr i PRAYER SERVICE '-THURSDAY MAY II Plan to attend our next prayer service in honor of our 50th Anniversary ! I I cuest Homilist: ggNIOR SEPTEMBER CLUBNEWS EITIZSNg O n M onday , M a y l s th , F r. J o s e p h D oyte, f ir s t A s s oc ia te a t S t. T h o ma s rv i l l b e ;t t he S ept em b e r C l u b Me e ti n g . p l e a s e pl an t o at t end an d ta k e th i s o p p o rtu n i ty to r enew old f r i e n d s h i o s . FI f L ) Es' TY Y! A R t of tcouTtNc ANOTHER WONDERFULTRADITION OF COMMUNITY LIFE AT ST. THOMAS THE APOSTLE! PLEASE PLAN TO VISIT OUR TROOP 22 SCOUT EXHIBIT AT THE pARtsH ptcNtc oN JUNE th. wATcH aur-r-erlHFoR upDATEsoN scourtNG NEws! SHARING IN THAT II{DISPLNIABLE GLORY "The churchis not a galleryfor the exhibitionof eminent Chistians,buta school [or the educationof impertectone,a nutseryfor the careof weak ones,a hospita] lor the healing ol those who need assiduouscate '' Those words, written b9 perhaps America's most famous preacher, the great Beecher,are as applicabletoday as when he uttered them about the time of the Civil War.Education,careand healingare more integraltothe missionofthe churchon earth as ever before. For flfty years now, St. Thomao the Apostle Church has been the soutce of education,care and healing {or Christiansin Bloomlield and in neighboring communities It hasnot lostsightof itssocialmissionon earth,evenasit ministersto the most elementalspiritualneedsof its members While bowing to Christthe R€deemer,Jesus the Son of God, St. Thomasthe Apostle has not {orgottenthat, after all, Jesuswalked amonghumblemen and womenand childrenon earth In an architectual, buildingsense,St.Thomasth€ Apostleis a youngchurch,evenin Bloomfield.But the faith that inspiredand yel inspiresRomanCatholicsto find comfort within its wallsis infinite,and that faith js lastingand, ultimately,overwhelmingAs Ruskinobserved: "Men say the pinnaclesof the churchespoint to heaven;so does every tree that buds, and every bird that ises and sings They say their aisles are good for wonhip; soisevery rough seashoreand mountainglen.Butthlsthey haveo[ distinctand indisputableglory: thatthet almightywallswereneverraised,and never shallbe,but by men who love and aid eachother in theft weakness. . and on their way to heaven " We celebrate the golden annlversary of tltls church and tts parlsh, In doing glory"of the men,womenand children- and their so.we sharein that "indisputable clergy and teachers- who, together.have lound and given shelter at St. Thomas the Apostle. Russell Roemmele Managing Editol Bloomfield LIFE MONDAYMORNINGMAY 29, 1989 . FRANCIS MURRAY hrade Chairman .COL FRANKC CARLONE ParadeAnnouncer .. CAF|AIN WILLIAM LORENZ,BPD SupportDirector. .. ... hrade Adiutants . AL SPENCERFEL DOHERTY,ROSEHEIM,JOSEPHVITALE, RICHARD BONANNO. JIM TAYLOR and FRANK MONACO MARCH ORDER Bloomfield PoliceMotorcycleEscort lst Division: FBANCIS MURRAY& FRANK MONACO GOLDSTARMOTHERS Leona FRITZ,PastPresid€nt,representingBloomfield Chapter-GSMof AMERICA ANTIQUE CARS Early Ford V8 Club, Garden State R€gion,Marlene Gearhardt,Pres N.J. Splinters National Woodie Club, Jack Franz,Pres.N.J Region Antique Auto Club Bob Purcell(Seethe AUTO SHOW on the Green after the Parade) UNIT 1. VETEMNS HONOR GUARD - VFW Post 711, DAV. Chapter 38 JWV Post 146 and A.L. Post448, Captain Joseph Ellmer, Commanding GRAND MARSHIIL - MONSIGNOR FRANKLYNM CASALE Pastor,St. Thomas the Apostle R C. Church - 50th Anniversary COLOR CORPS - Knightsof Columbus,Aides - PastoralCouncil DEPUTY GRAND MARSHALLS Kevin Perucki,PresidentFMBA Local 19;Michael Frazzano,President,PBA Local32; Fred Manzel,Captain Bloomfield EmergencySquad Illemorial Day Parade and Exercises MONDAYMORNING,MAY 29,1989 I ii Excerpts lrom GENERAL ORDER NO. ll - SERIES lE58 May 5, 1968 by Command of GEN. JOHN A. LOGAN, Commander-ln-Chlef Grand Army of the Republic Th € 30th of May, I 968, is designatedfor th e purpos€of strewingwith flowersor otheMise decoraiingthe grav€sofcomradeswho died in d€fens€oftheircounlry during the lat€reb€llion,and whosebodiesnow Iie in almost ev€ry€ity,villageand haml€t churchyardin ihe land H j:#:"#['l;'":*]ffiJi,li,:"Tfi lj *'ff "j;1$ffi:T:ffil,T:* lrjl*::;:a You'rc invited MEI\,IORIAL DAY - I\4ON DAY MAY 29 ALL PARISHIONERSARE INVITED TO PARTICIPATE IN OUR MEMORIAL DAY MASS WHICH WILL BE AT 8:00am lN CHURCH. WE WILL THEN PROCEEDTO THE TOWNSHIP'SMEMORIALDAY PARADE WHICH WILL BE IN HONOR OF ST. THOMAS THE APOSTLE'S FIFTIETH ANNIVERSRY. ALL WHO ARE ABLE ARE ENCOURAGEDTO MARCH IN THE PARADE. ASSEMBLY lS AT BROAD AND BAY AT 8:45am. THOSE WHO ARE NOT ABLE TO It4ARCHARE ENCOURACEDTO VIEW THE PARADE. lQrlta.z Our H ol v N ame l \4embers w i l l mar ch ATTENTION PARISH MEN. together in the parade. We urge you to be present! 9"4OUR MEMORIALDAY MASS WILL BE CELEBRATED AT 8:ooam TH|S YEAR SO THAT ALL WILL BE ABLE TO ATTEND THE IP'S MEMORIALDAY PARADE WHICH WILL BE HELD IN HONOR O,F TOWNSH MONDAY MAY 2gth THE soth ANNTVERSARYOF ST. THOMAS. June1, 1989 Thursday, An OrechioPuhllcan emorr '89 Parade May 29 Photos by Karen A. Lyneh L Msgr. FranklynCasale,grand marshal St. Thomasthe ApostleChurchmarks its S0th vear. L rt L L L L P RA Y E RSE R V IC E T HUR S D A Y J UNE | l t Plon to sttend our nGxt praygr $rvice in honor of our 50th AnnivGrgary! FT,* IN HONOROF THE soth ANNIVERSARYOF ST. THOMASTHE APOSTLECHURCH ffi L THE TWELVEOICLOCK NOON MASS ON SUNDAY, JUNE IIth, WILL BE CELEBRATEDIN A TENT WHICH WILL BE ERECTED ON THE SITE OF OUR FIRST MASS IN 1939. ARCHBISHOP THEODOREMC CARRICK WILL BE PRINCIPALCELEBRANTAND HOMI LIST. ryI l::T:::::,'ilT'iJ:'"@ OUR PARISH PICNIC WILL BE HELD AFTER MASS. PLAN TO ATTEND THIS SPECIAL