November 2012 Issue - Encinal Yacht Club
November 2012 Issue - Encinal Yacht Club
NOVEMBER 2012 SOUNDINGS ENCINAL YACHT CLUB From the President and From the Bridge House News Cruising News... From the Juniors... Commodore’s Ball, Presidio Yacht Club The Tuleburg Regatta End of term for Tony Halloween and a Very cruise out and Jack results. and Victor. busy November and Frost 2012-13 sched- December ule. Pages 3 & 4 Pages 5-9 Pages 10-11 & 19 Pages 16-17 Former EYC Commodores attend Commodore’s Ball, 2012 Photo by Rod Kidd Former Commodore’s participating in this year’s Commodore’s Ball included (from left to right): Tony Shaffer, Charles Hodgkins, Chuck Wetteroth, Al Burrow, Hal Wondolleck, Tom Wondolleck, Larry Duke, Klaus Kutz, Richard Pipkin, Rodney Pimentel. (Photo by Fred Fago.) ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 2 NOVEMBER 2012 SOUNDINGS 2011 Board of Directors President Sr. Vice President Vice President Treasurer Commodore Vice Commodore Rear Commodore Director Director Director Director Tony Shaffer Kevin Clark Sam Benson Thom Kay Victor Early Michael Andrews Susan Jacquelin Peter Aschwanden Niels Glaser Dan Hayes Anita Mahoney Encinal Yacht Club Established 1890 1251 Pacific Marina Alameda, CA 94501 Office (510) 522-3272 Bar (510) 865-1303 Fax (510) 865-8630 Committee Chairpersons Membership Finance Boat Yard Building & Grounds House Youth Cruise Captains Informa;on Technology Long Range Planning Nomina;ng Peggy Kidd & Ray Thomas Charley Eddy Holger Grygiel Dan Hayes Anita Mahoney Niels Glaser Jim & Jen Vickers Darrell Powell-Ford Carol Blackburn Michael Scheck Appointed Officers Port Captain Small Boat Captain Power Boat Fleet Captain Commi=ee Boat Member Liaison Club Counsel Soundings Editor Web Master Club Historians Michael Byroads Chris Golian Christopher Hanson Chuck We=eroth Vern Bendsen Christopher Hanson Tom Sheehan Don Ahrens Debra Early Heidi Benson Marguerite Lawry Linda Bendsen Fred Rutledge Tony Shaffer Charles Hodgkins Tom Wondolleck John Becket NCPCA Delegate PICYA Delegates Staff Commodore Junior Staff Commodore Secretary Policies SOUNDINGS will be published monthly. Submissions will be handled with reasonable care, but no liability is assumed for them. All articles are subject to editing for content and space consideration. PERMISSIONS: Material in this publication may not be reproduced in any form without written permission directed to the Editor. DEADLINE: Articles and photographs are due by the 20th of the month prior to publication. Late submissions cannot be assured of publication. Articles may be dropped off or faxed to the Club, or emailed to the Editor (Tom Sheehan) at Office Hours Tuesday—Sunday .................................................................. 9:00am – 5:00 pm Dining Room Staff General Manager Office Administrator Bar and Dining Room Manager Assistant Administrator Bookkeeper Caterer Junior Sailing Director Tony Shaffer (ac;ng) Jessica Matamoros Lisa Ayala Angelica Watson Virginia Hamilton Manny Rodriquez Andrew Nelson Thursday - Sunday ..................................... Lunch Service 11:30am – 2:00pm Thursday - Sunday ..................................................Dinner 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm First Thursday (Buffet) ..........................................Dinner 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm Bar Hours Monday (Monday Night Football) …….……………………….5:30pm — 9:00pm Thursday – Saturday ......................................................... 11:30am – 10:00 pm Sunday ................................................................................ 11:30 am – 9:00 pm ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 3 NOVEMBER 2012 SOUNDINGS FROM THE PRESIDENT... Tony Shaffer . To the EYC community: As we wind down the year, I have to think about how much the board was able to accomplish this year. Our accomplishments have included finishing many carryover projects; like installing the new gangway to the docks, and finishing up the BCDC Pathway, a project started in 1987. It does take an army to finish many of these projects. Members like Rodney Pimentel, Niels Glaser, Mark Bernhard, Kevin Clark and many, many other EYC volunteers help keep our club in good running condition. And always, on and off the scene is Dan Hayes, making sure that every one of these projects is integrated into the club smoothly. The EYC Flag has done a great job and this year on the water has been very smooth and seamless. Financially, we have made gains this year. You may remember that the first quarter of this year was very tight financially. There was concern that we could go cash negative; but with Rene de Vos watching the spending, coupled with the cost cutting restructuring that took place last year, we were able to stay cash flow positive. As the year progressed we have been able to pull away from that cash strapped cliff. If we stay on the current course, we are looking good for the first Quarter 2013. This should give our incoming management team a good start on pursuing value added projects for the club next year. It has been an honor sitting in the President’s seat for the club this year. Sincerely, Tony P. S. I remember one of my first Soundings articles in 2007 where I highlighted the differences of being Commodore and being President. I remember stating that Commodore is the fun job. After serving in both positions……….I was right!!! I am going to have a glass of wine and celebrate finishing my last Soundings Article, ever! See you on the water, and at the Bar! ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 4 NOVEMBER 2012 SOUNDINGS FROM THE BRIDGE... Victor Early Hello to All, As I write this I am concluding my official term of leadership at Encinal Yacht Club. It has been an amazing four-year voyage for me, starting as your Port Captain and ending as your Commodore. I learned tremendously along the way; from the experiences with fellow members and from fellow Commodores. I feel we have a strong club that will continue well into the future, as long as we continue the traditions developed over the past 120 years. Change in the club has occurred in the past when conditions warranted, but somehow our traditions have endured to make us what we are. I would like to extend my thank you to the EYC Board of 2012 for making this a smooth and pleasurable year, and to the Flag Officers; Michael Andrews and Susan Jacquelin, the Small Boat Fleet Captain; Chris Golian, the Cruising Fleet Captains; Jim and Jen Vickers, and the Port Captain; Mike Byroads for managing and successfully conducting the on-the-water events that make us want to be at the club so often. See you on the water, Victor Photo by Fred Fago ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 5 NOVEMBER 2012 SOUNDINGS Commodore’s Ball, 2012 Photo by Fred Fago Photo by Fred Fago ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 6 NOVEMBER 2012 SOUNDINGS Commodore’s Ball, 2012 Photo by Darrell Powell-Ford Past EYC presidents (from left to right): Mark Bernhard, Carol Blackburn, Niels Glaser, Al Burrow, Mike Scheck, Lance Bateman and Klaus Kutz. (All photos compliments of Fred Fago.) Woody Minor with EYC Historian Debra Early. EYC Staff at the Commodore’s Ball. ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 7 NOVEMBER 2012 SOUNDINGS Commodore’s Ball, 2012 Commodore Victor Early presenting Rodney Pimentel the 2012 Arnold W. Silsby Memorial Trophy; “Yachtsman of the Year”. Vice Commodore Michael Andrews and Rear Commodore Susan Jacquelin presenting Chris Golian the Dan E. Fleming Memorial Trophy; “Race Committee Member of the Year”. Photo by Darrell Powell-Ford ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 8 NOVEMBER 2012 SOUNDINGS FROM THE HOUSE DIRECTOR... Anita Mahoney The year is winding down but the holidays are winding up. The Commodore’s Ball was a gala event. The evening began with live music in the lounge along with passed appetizers and continued to a wonderful full course dinner prepared by our Chef Manny and served by our staff that did an outstanding job. This was followed with dancing to a five piece band. A lot of time and effort was put in by both Victor and Deborah Early to make it a very special evening. I know all those that attended could feel a very genuine touch that they brought. Many walked away with more knowledge about Encinal Yacht Club and its beginnings and history. I believe we all learned a great deal about our club and how special it is. I hope that the traditions can continue for many years ahead. There has been a lot going on around the house. Thanks to Dan Hayes and his crew of volunteers who have been busy painting, installing and repairing. The projects never stop. Please tell Dan thank you when you see him for all his work. The club has never looked so good. I especially want to thank all of our staff for the great job they are doing in helping making our events a success. I could not do it without them. We still have a few more events before the year is up. Change of Watch, November 10th, Cruising Awards Dinner, November 30th, Holiday Wine Tasting, December 6th, Lighted Boat Parade, December 1st, Children’s Christmas Party December 9th and New Years Eve, December 31st. Our Monday Night Football is getting closer to purchasing and installing the new big screen TV in the lounge. All the funds are being raised by donations from our members. I know many of you are looking forward to this. Anita ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 9 NOVEMBER 2012 SOUNDINGS 2012 Halloween Party Photos by Ray Thomas ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 10 NOVEMBER 2012 SOUNDINGS CRUISING NEWS... Presidio Yacht Club Cruise, by Bill Blackburn The Presidio Yacht Club is located in Horseshoe Cove right next to the Golden Gate Bridge. It is arguably the most beautiful site and the funkiest set of docks you can imagine. Funkiest is being kind. The marina is under the jurisdiction of the US Air Force, run from an office at Travis AFB, and a state- of- the -art maritime facility is not a priority. Despite the patched up, lashed together, decaying wood docks, the improvised gangways, the salvaged gate doors and quasi-deserted vessels left to rot, the place does have a lot of charm, is fun to sail to, alive with water fowl and the views are impressive. Even the late night and early morning groan of the foghorns is a change of experience. So it was into this setting that the EYC Cruise fleet set out, under the guidance of the Dury’s aboard Paramour. She, Nova and Jolly Mon arrived under cloudy skies on Friday, October 13th. After appropriate libations, David, Anneke, Mike, Ina, Roland and Galen strolled up to the very toney Caballa Cove restaurant for dinner in the bar, enjoying the beautiful view across the great lawn, over the harbor and the Golden Gate Bridge. The view made up for the $ 17.00 hamburgers. Finally we got a break in the weather pattern over the previous weeks and on Saturday the sun shone early, the air was warm-perfect for sailing. The racing sloop Bastante waited until noon to catch the rather impressive ebb tide. The bay was flat, the light breeze was warm but too light to sail so it was a motor all the way. How many times have you seen a glass sea in the slot? The City waterfront was busy and beautiful, this is how boating should be. As we approached the rather obscure entrance to Horseshoe Cove the ebb tide was quite strong and I had visions of going under the bridge backwards, but a little eddy just before the rocks calmed everything down and we followed a large harbor seal into the harbor. We found our appointed slip near the breakwater, so did a school of nice sized fish and so did the large harbor seal. It dove and swam around, even slapping the side of our boat with its tail as it pursued lunch. Marine World event right in our slip and I had visions of the seal climbing aboard Bastante during the night like they do on Pier 39. Never happened! ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 11 NOVEMBER 2012 SOUNDINGS While we were enjoying an arrival toddy with Mike Pernitzke, Joyride came racing in, found a slip, but had to move as the owner came in, found another vacant slip and settled in. Communications with the powers to be were a little loose. Louie is the harbormaster, Steve is another, Bob runs the restaurant and they all seem to be in charge without any idea what’s going on, but they will take the $20.00 slip fee and maybe give out a key. None of this mattered as we gathered for the evening cocktail hour on the guest dock. Last time we were here they were remodeling the Yacht Clubs main room so we went upstairs to the little restaurant. This time we did the same and moved chairs around so we had a great view out the bay window, ordered hamburgers and wine and got ready for a great evening. OOPS! We didn’t know that two tables were waiting for us downstairs in the clubroom. Down we went and there they were just beginning their Saturday night function. The commodore came over and apologized for the miss communication, introduced Encinal to the applause of their members and we enjoyed the buffet and wine. We supported their club by participating in the raffle as we should, and had a nice time while the music boomed and laughter filled the upstairs restaurant. Last time we partied and danced upstairs to the late hours, this time we all walked back to the boats after dinner – are we just getting old? Sunday morning was a little foggy and a really strong flood tide was pouring through the gate- maxing out at 10:00AM. Nova chose to take advantage of the flood and left first, Bastante followed a little later. Meanwhile breakfast was being served, thanks to the Vickers’ signature Spanish egg dish, on Jolly Mon, so they all enjoyed the morning until it was time to leave. The cruise home for us was very invigorating. There was very little wind, so another flat, glassy sea. The water and sky were about the same gray with the thin sun making diamonds on the water. With the gray monotone, the black fins and arches of the dozens of porpoises working the tide line were easily seen and entertained most of the way back. By the time we pulled into the slip the sun was full and getting hot, Jolly Mon had passed us close to the Estuary, Nova was buttoned up in the slip, Joyride and Paramour were taking their time – it was a weekend on the bay that makes boating and our cruises worthwhile. Commodore’s Cruise coming up to close the season, try and make it. ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 12 NOVEMBER 2012 SOUNDINGS MEMBERSHIP NEWS... Peggy Kidd & Ray Thomas Please welcome new members: Please welcome Paul Cayard. If you’ve been sailing the Bay for a number of years, then Paul really needs no introduction. He’s our local boy in the America’s Cup venue and holds the prestigious title of CEO & Tactician for the Artemis Racing Team at Alameda Point. A professional sailor, Paul has an extensive and impressive resume. Chris Mitchell is also a member of the Artemis Racing Team and holds the prestigious position of Wing Engineer for the team. He is also a member of Point Chevalier Sailing Club in New Zealand. Eduardo Sanchez & wife Maria Silvana Dieto and their son Tomas, age 11 and daughter Serena, age 8. Both of their children will be joining the EYC Jr. Sailing Program. Eduardo is another Artemis Racing Team member. He is the Machinist-Engineer for the Artemis Racing Team and has a duel membership with the 400 Yacht Club in Argentina. Jack and Kari Boeger have two children, Simon age 11 and Henry age 8. Both boys want to get more involved with year-round youth sailing. Jack serves on Alameda’s America’s Cup committee and runs the website for OYC and Alameda Maya and Eran Raber live in Orinda and their son Guy, age 16, participates in our high school racing team. Maya and Eran are looking forward to participating more in our junior sailing program. Theo and Lisa Rohr and their son Ben, age 15. Ben is also participating in our high school Jr. Sailing Program. Both Theo and Lisa have spent a life time sailing and racing Star boats and Theo has a 1600 ton tug license. Thomas & Katy Burns are recently retired (he as an airline maintenance instructor) and recently moved to Alameda. They sail KEKUMU, a Colgate 26. They have an extensive sailing resume including offshore passages and are interested in joining our cruising program. ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 13 NOVEMBER 2012 SOUNDINGS Merle & Bonnie Hall live in Lafayette. Between 1991 – 1998 they circumnavigated the globe in their Pedrick 55. Currently they own Hana Hou, a Jeanneau 49 which they keep in Marina Village Yacht Harbor. Steve Meckfessel & Kim Busch have joined the yacht club. Most Marina Village tenants know Steve and have seen him frequently walking the docks. Steve is the property manager and part owner of the marina that most of EYC members patronize and enjoy. Thank you, Steve, for taking care of our marina that we love so much. We welcome these members and thank them for choosing Encinal Yacht Club as their yacht club of choice. Members: Our Board has elected to continue to offer a 50% reduction off our initiation fee of $1,000 for any new member who joins our club between now and March 31, 2013 If you know of anyone thinking of joining a yacht club, encourage them to give Encinal Yacht Club a visit. Aside from the obvious, we offer our members numerous social activities for all ages, fabulous cruise outs, a wide variety of interesting members, plus an award winning Jr. Sailing Program. FACTS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT YOUR MEMBERSHIP: If you’re thinking of casting off the dock lines in the very near future to go cruising and still want to fly the Encinal Y.C. burgee, according to our By-Laws, you must be a Regular member for 12 consecutive months to qualify for a discounted Cruising Membership. If you’re talking to your dock neighbors, help us spread this piece of knowledge and encourage them to join our club well before their departure date. The use of reciprocal privileges while sailing down the coast is a huge benefit for joining any yacht club. Our burgee and club reputation is well known and respected throughout Mexico and beyond. ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 14 NOVEMBER 2012 SOUNDINGS OUT OF THE ARCHIVES Compiled by Debra Early 1940s: Growth, War, Growth, Retraction We were so lucky to have Woody Minor at the Commodore’s Ball! This summary continues the chronological decade reporting and covers the 1940s of the club’s history, which is summarized to a large extent on his book “On the Bay”. I’m also looking for good ideas to supplement, stories and more pictures, so just let me know! The revival of small boats and boat building continued into the early 1940s. The club was getting ready to celebrate its 50 year anniversary, and a huge storm blew through in 1941, the largest since 1892. The clubhouse and bathhouses came through the storm well, but the walkway and workshop were severely damaged. The damages were estimated at $4,000 and were covered primarily by insurance. Due to the 50 year celebration, the repairs were quickly completed in time for the opening day weekend in May. The season prior to the war in 1941 was busy for regattas. The Snipe regattas on the bay attracted over 40 boats, and an Alameda around the island regatta attracted 25. Photo by Tony Shaffer Then the Second World War began in 1942, lasting to 1945. The war years, due to industry, increased population in the bay area by ½ million and had a huge impact on Alameda due to our proximity to the water, airports and rail. The club lost older membership, yet attracted new family members during this period. There were many bowling, handball, and bingo parties. There were also special Halloween and Christmas parties. Yachting was extremely limited and most regattas were discontinued, including the Snipe around the Island, the last being pre-war in 1941. ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 15 NOVEMBER 2012 SOUNDINGS However, yachting resurged after the war, to an extent, although Alameda was in a period of economic transition. Post-war resulted in many retractions in shipping, the presence of the Navy and Coast Guard decreased. The population waned, yet the club survived just fine for a while on low fees topping with a high membership of 225 right after the war. However, the club could not survive on these low fees that had not changed from the 1920s. As expected, as fees increased, membership decreased ending the decade on a somewhat lower note. Photo by Darrell Powell-Ford Debra ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 16 NOVEMBER 2012 SOUNDINGS FROM JUNIOR SAILING DIRECTOR... Andrew Nelson Alameda, Athenian, Miramonte, and Oakland Tech high schools traveled to Stockton for our first high school regatta of the season, where they competed against 50 other high school teams in the annual Tuleburg Regatta. Travelling to Stockton is always a fun way to kick off the season. The volunteers put on a great meal for all the sailors, which included pulled pork for dinner, pancakes for breakfast both mornings, and grilled burgers for lunch. Friendships were made between sailors that will last the whole season, as many teams opted to camp overnight along the river. Despite all the work done by an amazing group of volunteers, Mother Nature didn’t cooperate. Light wind and high temperatures made for very challenging conditions both Saturday and Sunday. Haley and Abby Kardek made the most of it and placed second overall in Saturday’s contest, narrowly missing first place in gold fleet which went to Summit Prep. On Sunday Theo Quinn took the helm in his first high school regatta as a skipper and won silver fleet with Gabby Rigby as his crew, edging out Santa Cruz High School and The Bay School of San Francisco for the top podium spot. Some might attribute it to beginner’s luck, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see Theo atop silver fleet again soon. Freshman Lucy Wilmot teamed up with Caroline Colwell to put some impressive finishes on the board, including a couple of top five finishes, but consistency was something they struggled with. Max and Ben Rohr competed in their first ever high school regatta. Senior Olivia Godfrey is leading the Alameda team. Although it wasn't their best weekend they are looking very strong with a lot of new talent including Drake Hayes, Miles Orozco, and Natalie Corkhill. Photo by Tony Shaffer Our next stop of the season was to Long Beach, where Haley Kardek, Nick Gardner, and Miles Orozco competed in the Cressy Qualifier Regatta. The top four finishers at Cressy Quals earn a berth at the High School Sailing Single-Handed National Championships, known as the Cressy Cup. Sailors competed in either the Laser Standard or Laser Radial. The Laser Standard has a bigger sail area and is the Men’s Olympic Singlehanded Dinghy. The Laser Radial is meant for smaller body sizes (130-155lbs.), and is currently the Women’s Olympic Singlehanded Dinghy. The Laser is a very tough class, and not only does it take keen tactics and expert boat handling, it also takes a high level of strength and physical fitness. It can also be very hard mentally, especially since you’re the only person in the boat and there’s no one else to offer help or advice. Haley and Miles competed in the Radial Class, against 50 other boats all competing for four spots, while Nick sailed the full rig against 16 other sailors. Conditions were great, with good wind both days and lots of competition. The event drew sailors from all over California, ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 17 NOVEMBER 2012 SOUNDINGS including some of the country’s top high school sailors. While we didn't qualify, this was the first time we've sent so many sailors to an away Cressy Qualifier. I think we're going to have even more Laser sailors next year. I also have a list of “thank you(s)” to deliver. First off, big thanks to Doug Perry for being our charter captain aboard the Carol Louise for our America's Cup auction outing. He did a great job weaving through traffic and giving all aboard a front row seat to the action. Clare Waterloo not only helped run our junior auction, but she also donated her time to put on a Benefits Beauty Bash. Thank you Clare for all that you do! Another Photo by Darrell Powell-Ford auction item that took some hard work to pull off was the Italian Dinner that the Groves hosted. Big thanks to Barb and Steve for offering up their house to over 50 guests, and an equally big thank you to Flor Delle Cese and Grace Glenn cooking up a real authentic Italian meal! Janis Glaser and Grace Glenn also should be thanked for their work in putting together the Bunco Party auction item. Thanks also to Andrea Quinn for volunteering her time to put on a "Sweet and Savory" pie making class. If you've never tried her quiche then you're missing out! And lastly, a big thanks to Lorenzo Puertas for allowing junior sailing to take over Croll's Pizza earlier this month. Not only was it tons of fun it was also a great fundraiser! ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 18 NOVEMBER 2012 SOUNDINGS Darrell Powell-Ford at the Morrow Bay YC. Where’s the Burgee? Tom Scheck posing in Vina Del Mar, Chile ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 19 NOVEMBER 2012 SOUNDINGS Attention Racers Email Susan Jacquelin at: ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 20 NOVEMBER 2012 SOUNDINGS Photo by Darrell Powell-Ford ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 21 NOVEMBER 2012 SOUNDINGS Monday Night Football, Canadian Style On Monday, October 8th, Penny McCullagh (on the right) (and her friends), prepared no less than four (4) turkeys along with the traditional side dishes, in celebration of the Canadian version of Thanksgiving. Needless to say, the Monday Night Football crowd was delighted and sated. Photo by Darrell Powell-Ford ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 22 NOVEMBER 2012 SOUNDINGS ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 23 NOVEMBER 2012 SOUNDINGS ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272 24 NOVEMBER 2012 SOUNDINGS In Memory of Jon Simpson Clendenin ENCINAL YACHT CLUB · 1251 PACIFIC MARINA · ALAMEDA · CA · 94501 · 510.522.3272
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