L E E - O N -T H E - S O L E N T HAMPSHIRE X:\JOBS\3254_MARRIED_QUARTERS\7CAD\DRAWINGS\3254_504_RESIDENTIAL SITE BOUNDARY.DWG H M S D A E D A LU S Introduction Welcome to this public exhibition of Barratt Homes’ draft plans and designs for the construction of a high quality and sensitive residential development on part of the former HMS Daedalus site to provide 101 family homes, landscaping and open space. Barratt Homes are committed to working with the public and welcome any comments or feedback that you may have on the draft plans. These will be considered by the team as part of finalising the proposals before a planning application is submitted to the Council. IVE R ND TU The site is owned by the Homes and Communities Agency and Barratt Homes has been selected as their preferred development partner. YN BA IL DM RE IVE DR The site comprises an area of currently vacant and redundant land located to the west of the existing residential development at Bayntun Drive and Redmill Drive, that were constructed as married quarters accommodation for the MOD; south of the airfield, driving test centre and Air-Sea Rescue helicopter station; west of the principal buildings associated with the former naval establishment and north of Manor Way. development fully meets their policy requirements and aspirations for a high quality of development. The site is shown on the aerial photograph and site location plan. IMPLACABLE ROAD The site previously had planning permission to provide phase 2 of the married quarters accommodation, but this was never implemented. Gosport Borough Council is committed to the regeneration of the former HMS Daedalus site and is supportive of the mixed use regeneration of the wider site (including this site) to provide a mix of employment, leisure, community and residential uses NO MILVIL ROAD RW AY 0 50m North The Council’s adopted and emerging planning policy and has adopted a development brief to inform and guide the development of detailed proposals. These identify the site as suitable for residential development. The team is working in consultation with Officers at Gosport Borough Council to ensure that the MA Site Location Aerial (Not to scale) drawing may contain: Ordnance Survey(Not materialto by permission Site Location Plan scale) of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office © Crown Copyright 2011. All rights reserved. Reference number 0100031673. © Google EarthThis OS Open data © Crown copyright and database right 2011 | Aerial Photography © Bing Maps © 100017603
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