hms daedalus lee-on-the-solent hampshire ecology


hms daedalus lee-on-the-solent hampshire ecology
L E E - O N -T H E - S O L E N T
E co lo g y
• Aluco Ecology has completed a series of habitat
and protected species survey of the site to consider
the presence of any ecological species or habitats
that need to be considered in the design of the
proposal or in the construction process.
• The survey has concluded that the site comprises
rough and short grassland, ruderal vegetated
hardstanding, planted trees and scrub with herb
rich areas in the more ruderal parts of the grassland.
No scarce or rare species however have been
recorded and the number of coastal spring annuals
often found in these habitats appears low.
• Reptile survey work has recorded the presence
of Slow Worms on site along the southern and
south western boundaries. The remainder of the
site contains little reptile habitat, with the main
grasslands subject to cutting on occasion and have
not developed a structure suitable for reptile use.
• Bird survey information shows that the site is
unlikely to be used by wintering waterfowl, with
only a low potential immediately adjacent to the
site within the HMS Daedalus airfield. Nesting bird
potential on site is relatively low with mostly open
grassland habitats over previously developed land,
although birds do use the site in low numbers. Barn
owls are known to be present on the airfield and
may use the site as part of their hunting territory.
No evidence of bird roosting or nesting has been
noted in the remaining buildings or mature trees
on site.
• Bat surveys have assessed the remaining buildings
on site as having low potential for bat use and no
evidence of roosting bats has been recorded in
the buildings or trees on site.
• Historic evidence of badgers has been noted,
however during surveys in spring 2013 the use
of the site by badgers has remained low with low
evidence of regular use. Badgers are likely to
use the wildlife corridors on site, particularly the
southern boundary of the site.
• The site layout has been designed to retain and
strengthen the vegetation and grassland areas to
the south and south west of the site, to protect
the reptile and badger habitats, and ensure that
the development respects these species.
Main grassland areas and hardstanding
• The site is within 1km of the internationally
designated Solent and Southampton Water
Special Protection Area (SPA) and within 5km of
Portsmouth Harbour SPA, which are designated for
waterfowl species. The Solent Forum with Natural
England are concluding their mitigation strategy to
ensure that future development does not impact
on these sites through informal recreation and
the proposed development will contribute to the
mitigation proposed by this strategy to address
any recreational impacts.
Southern boundary area