EV Status - EcoMobility Changwon 2011
EV Status - EcoMobility Changwon 2011
E-Mobility in Korea with respect to Pure Electric Vehicle The 1 st Korean EV developed by KERI for Dajeon Expo in 1993 Contents EV Status EV Promotion Programs in Korea Summary EV status Paradigm Shift of Auto industry Drying up of the Fossil Fuel and Reinforcement of the Environmental Standards; → Low or Zero Emission Vehicles → More Electric Energy Gasoline Ü Diesel Ü HEV/PHEV Ü FCHEV/EV EV EV FCEV ICE ß-- How Long? ※ US DOE NREL 수송기술 로드맵 --à PHEV, EV ---- Electricity consumption, Peak, Tariff 70,000 65,000 60,000 WM 55,000 50,000 45,000 40,000 35,000 겨울 봄 여름 가을 30,000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Progressive Tariff, Maximum Utilization of Facility 5 / 35 CO2 Emssion Country CO2(Mil. ton) % USA 5,817 21.4 China 5,060 18.6 Russia 1,544 5.7 Japan 1,214 4.5 India 1,147 4.2 Germany 813 3.0 Canada 548 2.0 UK 530 1.9 Italy 454 1.7 Korea 449 1.7 HEV, PHEV & EV 7 Electric Vehicles @ 2010 Year Maker Model Year Maker Model 2009 Pininfarina B0 2010 Tata Motors India Visita EV Mitsubishmotors i-MiEV PSA iOn LI-ion Motors LiV Inizio NISSAN Leaf BMW Mini E Tesla Motors Model S SUBARU Plug-in STELLA Tata Motos Nano EV Tesla Motors Tesla Roadster Geely Panda EV(Nanoq EV) TH!NK city TH!NK city Protoscar Protoscar Lampo2 Wangxiang EV Wangxiang EV REVA REVA NXR LI-ion Motors WAVE REVA REVA-NXG ZAP ZAP Alias Chery Riich M1 EV Aptera Aptera 2e Rinspeed RINSPEED UC? SAIC Roewe 750 EV Daimler Smart fortwo ed BMW Concept 1 Series ActiveE 2010 Brilliance Brilliance EV Concep t BYD BYD e6 BYD BYD F3e Hafei auto Coda EV Volkswagen E-UP GM e-Spark Renault Fluence Z.E EV Hyundai i10 Electric Renault Fluence Z.E Concept 2011 Quick Chagers 20kW,50kW (500Vmax , 125Amax) 50kW (500Vmax, 125Amax) 30kW,50kW (500Vmax, 125Amax) T 50kW (500Vmax, 125Amax) EV Promotion Programs in Korea - Smart Grid(Korea, Italy) - Energy efficiency(U.S.A) - PV energy(Germany) - CCS(Australia, UK) - Bio energy(Brazil) - Advanced car(Canada) - Environment Environment--friendly coal generation(Japan, India) “G8 summit selected Korea as a SG leading country and announced 7 technologies which may help change the world.” 11 Goal Period Budget Scale To Develop Smart Grid into the Business Model and the Export-Oriented Industry Dec, 2009 ~ May, 2013 (42 months) about 240 million dollars (Government : 67 million dollars) 5 sub-projects, 2 substations, 4 distribution lines, 6,000 households Jeju 5 sub-projects of Smart Grid Smart Power Grid Smart Place Smart Transportation Smart Renewable Smart Elec. Service • Real-time Operation & Monitoring System for Intelligent Transmission Line, Digital Substation and Intelligent Distribution line • Energy Efficiency through demand response • Two-way Information Exchange between Consumers and Suppliers • EV Charging Infrastructure • Control Center for EV Charging Infrastructure • Connection of renewables to the grid • Power Quality Compensation & Stablization of Generation Output • Development of various tariffs and service models for the future power service infra ’ OverView Smart Grid Information Center GujwaGujwa -eup Power Supply System Charging Infra. CIM System Charging Station Power Supply & Network Protection Charging Stand Smart Meter Customer Management & Payment Operation System EVs Power Conversion, Metering & Vehicle recognition Monitoring & Controlling charging current * CIM : Customer Information Management Remote Control JeJu (smart transportation) 3 Consortiums (KEPCO, SK Energy, GS Caltex) EV:102 Cars, Chargers: 171 ea E- BUS Seoul Metropolitan Seoul Metropolitan 창동역 공영주차장 7 Quick chargers 봉화산역 공영주차장 시청 남산별관 개화산역 공영주차장 한전본사 복정역 공영주차장 수서역 공영주차 장 8,000 Chargers by 2014 ❶ Quick Chargers : 126 spots, 5minutes’ distance(every 2km) ◈ Slow chargers : parking lots, knight charging, more than 300 in urban ❷ Home & Work place ▶ 100면 이상 대규모 공영주차장을 중심으로 '14년까지 2,000기 이상 설치 * 서울시 전체 공영주차장 47,000면중 5%에 해당 ▶ 환경영향평가를 통해 일정규모이상 신축건물 충전기 설치 의무화(‘11~) ❸ Contactless Charging system by 2014 ▶ 기업과 공동으로 R&D 사업으로 추진 (‘12년 착수, ’14년 실용화 추진) Electric Vehicle Evaluation Project (Ministry of Environment) (Hyundai Motor, Renault Samsung, SB Limotive, LG Chem, SK Energy, Samsung Elecric Co., LS Cables, GS Caltex, Lotte Mart, LSIS) BlueOn 4, SM3 4, 16 Chargers -Quick, Medium, Slow Chargers and Solar cell based ones - Seoul, Incheon, Gwacheon and etc. -Evaluation of the Charging Infrastructures -Evaluation on Functions and Economic Feasibility -EV towns program: 3 places > EV Monitoring TestTest-Bed (Ministry of KE) Monitoring & Analysis of EV Driving Patterns Goal - Driving mode & Patterns - Monitoring of EV parts EV; 4 types 28 vehicles NEV, FSEV, Truck, Converted FSEV EVs Charging Infra. 63spots : Fast 9, Regular 30, Pole type 24 사업범위 EV 28 Cars, 63 Chargers Evs for Monitoring NEV 5대 제작 최고속도 : 60 km/h 1충전 주행거리 : 100km NEV 핵심부품 설계/제작 마티즈 2대 제작 최고속도 : 120 km/h 1충전 주행거리 : 100km 마티즈 핵심부품 설계/제작 모닝 3대 제작 최고속도 : 130 km/h 1충전 주행거리 : 100km 모닝 핵심부품 설계/제작 우체국택배차량 1대 최고속도 : 90 km/h 1충전 주행거리 : 80km 경트럭 핵심부품 설계/제작 현대 블루온 운영계획 Chargers Pole type 220V, 15A, 3.3kW Stands 220V, 15A, 3.3kW Quick charger 3상 380V, DC 50~500V, 150A, 60kW 23 Charging Spots 창원시청(급/완) 경상남도청 (급/완)-리모델링 로봇산업진흥재단(급/완) 합포구청 의창구청 KERI창업보육센터(급/완) 진해구청 성산구청 회원구청+마산종합운동장 진해종합운동장 덕동환경사업소 창원 종합운동장 칠서 정수사업장 24 City Hall Sport Arena Summary Korea Registered Cars: 18.04 Million @2011. Jan. 31 20 Million by 2014 Population: 48.58 Million @ 2010. Nov.1 China --- Sink !! *140 Mil(150 Cars/1,000 pl)@2020 • Peking: 0.70 cars/ year increse • Population: 1,338 Million (28 times of Korea) 27 28
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