Fall 2016 Newsletter - Our Lady of the Wayside Church
Fall 2016 Newsletter - Our Lady of the Wayside Church
INSIDE WAYSIDE September, October, November 2016 Religious Education Program Newsletter Our Lady of the Wayside 432 S. Mitchell Arlington Heights, IL 60005 (847)398-5011 (847)398-5043 Father Ed Fialkowski, Pastor Fr. Louise Golamari, Associate Pastor Sr. Joan Shields, S.N.D. de N. - DRE Grades 1 - 4 Sr. Adrienne Weseman, S.N.D. de N. - DRE Grades 5-8 Louise Dickey, Secretary & Editor All Tuesdays: Religious Education Classes Alternating Tuesdays: Religious Education Classes Grades 1-4 Grades 5-6 Grades 7-8 4:00 - 5:15 PM 7:00 - 8:30 PM 7:00- 8:30 PM September 2016 Sun 4 11 Mon 5 REP Office Closed 12 Bginning of the Year Mass Practice with Gr 2-4 participants in Church at 4:00 18 Catechetical Sunday 9:45 Mass. Recognition and Blessing of Catechists & School Staff. 19 Bginning of the Year Mass Practice with Gr 7-8 participants in Church at 3:30 Second Grade First Reconciliation Parent Meeting 7:00-8:30 in Gym 25 26 Beginning of the Year Mass Practice for Gr 5-6 participants in Church at 4:00 FFILL Program 6-7:30 in the gym Tue Wed Thu 8 Fri 9 Sat 10 6 First Class Gr 1-4. Open House 4:00-4:30 Followed by Mass Preparation. Class Dismissal at 5:15 First REP Class Gr 7-8 Open House 6:307:00; Mass Preparation at 7:10 followed by Class. Dismissal at 8:30 7 13 Gr 1-4 Beginning of the Year Mass 4:15. Students attend class. Dismissal from school at 5:15. First REP Class Gr 5-6 -Open House 6:307:00; Mass Preparation at 7:10 followed by Class. Dismissal at 8:30 20 Gr 1-4 Class 4:00-5:15 14 15 16 17 21 22 23 24 27 Gr 1-4 Class 28 4:00-5:15 Gr 5-6 Class 7:00-8:30 Beginning of the Year Mass 7:10. Dismissal at 8:30 29 30 Parish Picnic 6:00-10:00 Gr 7-8 Beginning of the Year Mass 7:10. Dismissal at 8:30 PAGE 2 October 2016 SUN MON 2 3 9 10 Columbus Day-REP Office Closed 16 17 TUE WED THU FRI SAT 1 7th Grade Retreat 9:0012:00 Middle School Gym 8 8th Grade Retreat 9:001:30 Middle School Gym Prayer service 12:30 in gym. Parents invited. 4 Class Gr 1-4 5 4:00-5:15 Fire Drill at beginning of class Gr 2 Pracrice for Reconciliaton Gr 7-8 Class 7:00-8:30; Fire Drill at beginning of class. Gr 7 Little Sister of Poor Collection 11 Gr 1-4 Class 12 Gr 2 Pracrice for Reconciliaton Gr 5-6Class 7:00-8:30 Fire Drill at beginning of class. Grade 6 Little Sister of Poor Collection Prepare Gr 6 for Reconciliation 6 7 13 Required Chastity Initiative Program for 8th Grade and Parents. 7:00-9:00 in Gym 14 15 18 1 Gr 1-4 Class Gr 2 Pracrice for Reconciliaton 19 20 21 22 25 No CLASS Gr 1-4 Catechist Planning Meeting 4:00-5:15 Class Gr 5-6 7:00-8:30 Gr 6 Receives Reconciliation. Gr 6 Collecting for Little Sisters of Poor 26 27 28 29 Parent Confirmation Gr 7-8 7:00-8:15 Meeting 7:00(Shortened Class) 8:30 in the Gym Catechist Meeting 24 23 FILL Program 6-7:30 in the gym November 2016 SUN 6 MON 7 TUE WED THU FRI SAT 2 1 Gr 1-4 Class Mass for Feast of All Saints at 4:10. Gr 7-8 Class. Attend Mass at 7:30. Final collection for Little Sisters of the Poor 8 Gr 1-4 Class. Gr 2 9 Pracrice for Reconciliaton Gr 5-6 7:00-8:15 (Shortened Class) Catechist Meeting Gr 6 Final Collection day for Little Sisters of the Poor 3 4 5 10 11 12 Reception of Sacrament of First Reconciliation Gr 2 11:00 & 1:00 13 14 15 Gr 1-4 Class 16 Gr 7-8 Class. Gr 7 Reconciliation. Gr 7 second Homily Evaluation due. Gr 8 Pink Confirmation form due 17 18 19 20 21 24 Thanksgiving Day 25 26 27 28 22 NO CLASSES for REP OLW Parent Teacher Conferences 29 Gr 1-4 Class Gr 5-6 Class. Gr 5 Mock Baptism in Church at 7:30. Gr 6 Torah presentation in Gym 23 30 PAGE 3 BEGINNING-OF-THE-YEAR OPEN HOUSE - Grades 7-8 - Parents of the 7th and 8th graders are to attend Open House from 6:30 - 7:00. This will be the first class for these students. Students remain in their classroom and go to Church with their teachers for Mass Preparation at 7:10. Dismissal for all students will be at 8:30. Beginning of the Year Mass is on Tuesday, September 20 at 7:10. Parents are invited to attend. STUDENTS NOT ATTENDING THIS FIRST CLASS WILL BE MARKED ABSENT. BEGINNING-OF-THE-YEAR OPEN HOUSE - Grades 5-6 Parents of the 5th and 6th graders are to attend Open House from 6:30-7:00. This will be the first class for these students. Students remain in their classrooms and go to Church with their teachers for Mass Preparation at 7:10. Dismissal will be at 8:30. Beginning of the Year Mass is on Tuesday, September 27 at 7:10. Parents are invited to attend. Gr 6 students will receive their Bibles on Open House Day in Church. STUDENTS NOT ATTENDING THIS FIRST CLASS WILL BE MARKED ABSENT. THE FOLLOWING MATERIALS WILL BE DISTRIBUTED TO THE STUDENTS IN GRADES 5-8 DURING THEIR FIRST CLASS: —textbook and class schedule —Parents’ and Students’ Handbook for 2016-2017 (Oldest in the family) SPECIAL MASS PARTICIPATION - GRADES 5-8 We are in need of boys and girls to take special part in the Beginning of the Year Masses on September 20 for grades 7-8, or September 27 for grades 5-6, by doing a reading, reading a petition, being an altar server, bringing up an Offertory gift,playing a musical instrument, or being a Cantor. Please email repsecretary@olwparish.org to volunteer. Those children who make a commitment to participate in the Mass in a special way are asked to be at a short practice on the following days: – Thursday, September 19 at 3:30 in Church - Boys and Girls in Grade 7 and 8 who volunteer to participate in the Mass by cantoring and or playing a musical Participation will require two instrument at the Mass will receive practices. Dan McMahon, Music Director, will schedule the second practice time. – at 4:00 in Church—Students may also volunteer to cantor or play an instrument. This would entail an extra practice. BEGINNING-OF-THE-YEAR OPEN HOUSE - Grades 1-4-September 6 Parents who have children in Grades 1-4 are asked to attend the Open House from 4:00-4:25. At 4:25 the Catechists will take their students to Church for Mass Preparation at 4:30. After Mass Preparation, all students are returning to their classrooms with their teachers. They will be dismissed by the teachers and will use the far north door of the Elementary School. Beginning of the Year Mass is on Tuesday, September 15 at 4:15. Parents are invited to attend. Dismissal is from School at 5:15. THE FOLLOWING MATERIALS WILL BE DISTRIBUTED TO THE STUDENTS IN GRADES 5-8 DURING THEIR FIRST CLASS: * a Religion textbook and Class schedule in a folder * a Parents’ and Students’ Handbook for 2016-2017 (one per family and given to the oldest or only in the family) SPECIAL MASS PARTICIPATION - GRADES 1-4 We are in need of children in Grades 2-4 to participate in the Beginning of the Year Mass. Please email repsecretary@olwparish.org to volunteer. The special parts in the Mass to volunteer for are the following: a reading, the reading of petitions, bringing up Offertory gift, or being a Cantor. We are also in need of two altar servers, if there are older brothers and sisters who are servers and would like to participate. Practice for the Mass is on Monday, September 12th, at 4:00 in Church. PAGE 4 TUITION AND FEES – 2016-2017 ALL TUITION AND FEES ARE TO BE PAID BEFORE THE FIRST CLASS. Tuition: Grades 1-8 - $265 per child Non-Parishioner Fee (per family per year) $280 Fees: First Eucharist - Grade 2 - $75 Reconciliation - Grade 2 - $50 Personal Bible, Grade 6 - $15 Retreat, Grade 7 - $60 Confirmation, Grade 8 - $125 (includes confirmation retreat and gown) Late Registration Form Fee - $60 (received after April 30, 2013) Non-volunteer Fee - $140 The Registration Form, Volunteer Form, and payment of at least 50% of the total tuition and fees was due by April 30, 2016 A late Registration Fee of $60.00 will be charged for forms, tuition, and fees received after April 30. SACRAMENTAL POLICY FOR GRADE 2 Since Grade 2 is a sacrament year, children in Grade 2 are required to attend class at Our Lady of the Wayside on Tuesdays, from 4:00-5:15 weekly for their First Reconciliation and First Eucharist preparation. Students entering Grade 2 must have had formal religious instruction the previous year, otherwise they will be placed in Grade 1. SACRAMENTAL POLICY FOR GRADE 6 Grade 6 is a pre-requisite for entering the Confirmation preparation program. Preparation for Confirmation takes place in grades 7 and 8. Students entering Grade 7 must have had formal religious instruction in Grade 6, otherwise they will be placed in Grade 6 instead of Grade 7. During the two-year preparation program for the Sacrament of Confirmation, students are to attend classes regularly with as little absence as possible if they wish to be confirmed in Grade 8. SIXTH GRADE BIBLES The sixth graders are receiving a Bible. This is a student edition appropriate for their age level. The sixth graders will receive their Bibles at a special Bible Blessing following the Beginning-of-the-Year Mass Preparation on Tuesday, September 13th in Church at 7:10. Little Saints Song, Stretch and Story Time is a Parish Program that meets on Friday mornings for an hour where children listen to and sometimes participate in Bible stories, pray the Our Father, sing songs, and learn about the Saints. Who: Young children (2 – 6) along with their parent/caregiver. Siblings are welcome. What: Have fun sharing faith with family and friends!!! Listen to Bible stories, learn about Saints who lived long ago, pray, sing and stretch!!! When: Friday @ 9:30-10:30, beginning September 9th. Meeting twice monthly. No registration required. Consult the bulletin for more information. Where: Rectory Basement Feel free to Contact: OLWLittleSaints@gmail.com PAGE 5 Grades 1-4 Classes begin at 4:00 PM Children will enter and exit the Elementary Building at the far north end. The doors will be opened at 3:30 PM. A security system is in place and the doors will be locked at 4:10 PM. Students arriving late must use the Mitchell Avenue entrance, ring the bell, and wait for access. Dismissal time is 5:15 PM. Please be prompt, as children become distressed when they are the last one remaining. If a child is not picked up within 10 minutes after dismissal time, that child will be taken to the Religious Education Office. The late parent/guardian must use the Mitchell Avenue entrance; ring the bell and wait for access. Please NO PARKING along the fence on the north end of the back lot in front of the bicycle racks-this parkway is to be used by pedestrians including those walking to/from the far west lot (Ridge Avenue Parking Do not double-park on Mitchell Avenue when dropping off and picking up children. Also, do not block driveways, park in driveways, or park too close to fire hydrants on Mitchell Avenue. PLEASE BE CAUTIOUS ... DRIVE SLOWLY ... BE COURTEOUS ... it only takes an extra minute or two. Parents/Guardians must park their cars and escort their children to and from the building at both drop-off and pick-up times. Children should never be “called over” to a car. Parent volunteers have been instructed NOT TO RELEASE A CHILD WITHOUT AN ADULT. Parents/guardians/with younger children - please do not expose your little ones to the danger of leaving them in an unattended parked or “running” car. Parents/guardians who don’t have younger children with you should consider parking in the far west lot (Ridge Avenue parking lot) and walking over to meet your children, thereby leaving the closer spots for those with little ones in tow. Those arriving after 5:15 PM are asked to use the far west lot (Ridge Avenue parking lot). This will prevent further congestion in the west lot, as the traffic flow at that time is leaving the lot. Parent/guardian volunteers are there to help ensure our children’s safety - please follow their directions. Please do not honk or call from your cars. Please share these guidelines with those you have designated to drop off and pick up your children. These Safety Guidelines apply to everyone. Thank you for helping us maintain safty for the children. For some of the older children we will be using the lower level classrooms in the Elementary buidling as well as the Middle School classrooms for Grade 7. If your child's classroom is 118-119-120, they are in the Elemtary Building. We ask that you follow the following guidelines for the safety of our students when you are driving to pick them up. You can enter from the Park Street entrance next to the Church. Continue towards the break that exists between the Parish Center and the School Building. You will drive over a speed bump to proceeed around the back of the elementary building and drop off is by Door #5. Please refer to the diagram on the next page for a visual. The pick Attendance Certificate Awards Boys and girls in grades 1-4 will be awarded Perfect Attendance Certificates during their last class period of the year. Boys and girls in grades 1-4 who were absent one or two times will also receive recognition through the presentation of a certificate. Perfect attendance certificates will be presented to boys and girls in Grades 5-8 who were present for all of the classes for the year and students who were absent only once will also receive a certificate. The certificates will be distributed to the students in their classrooms after the End-of-the-Year Prayer Service. Progress Reports Progress reports will be distributed twice a year, during the months of January and April. Please refer to calendars for specific dates. Children are given the reports in class. Please ask your child for his/her report. All points listed on the report card will be graded as follows: VG-Very Good G-Good NI-Needs Improvement Parents/Guardians are expected to review the progress report, and return it signed to the catechist at the next class session. Any time a parent/guardian has a question or concern, please contact the catechist directly. PAGE 6 PAGE 7 POLICY FOR ENROLLMENT FOR GRADES 2-7 Since Grade 2 is a sacrament year, children in Grade 2 are required to attend Religious Education classes at Our Lady of the Wayside on Tuesdays, from 4:00-5:15 weekly for their First Reconciliation and FirstEucharist preparation. Home study is not an option. Grade 6 is a pre-requisite for entering the two year Confirmation preparation program. Preparation for Confirmation takes place in Grades 7 and 8. Students entering grades 2 or 7 must have had formal religious instruction the previous year, otherwise they will be placed in grades 1 or 6 upon entering. DISCIPLINE POLICY When a student is disrupting the class the student will be corrected by the catechist. Corrective measures will be in the form of warnings, discussion of the problem, staying after class, or meeting with the Directors of Religious Education. If a child continues to be disruptive in class and shows no improvement after these corrective measures have been taken, parents/guardians will be contacted to teach their child at home, or may be requested to sit in on the class. Parents/guardians who are required to teach their child at home due to disciplinary reasons, will be given material and guidelines to complete the course of study for the year. Once each semester, parents will be required to bring their child in for a test on the material. If a student's behavior should result in physical damage or property loss, that student is expected to make full restitution. PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT IN THE RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OF THEIR CHILD/CHILDREN Parents are asked to review each week with their child/children the lesson that was taken in class. All of us involved in the Religious Education Program are here to support you, the parents, in teaching your children their Catholic faith. It is you, the parents, who are the first and primary teachers of your children. STUDENT MINISTRIES Students in Grade 5 are given the opportunity to become Altar Servers, and are given information concerning the training and expectations of this ministry. Altar serving is also open to students in Grades 6-8. In order to encourage students to become actively involved in the liturgy, classroom and group prayer services are developed in which the children can participate directly in the Liturgies and Prayer Services. Before and after Confirmation, liturgical ministries are offered to the eighth grade students BEGINNING-OF-THE-YEAR MASS FOR GRADES 5-6 AND GRADES 7-8 The Beginning-of-the-Year Mass for Grades 5 and 6, and Grades 7 and 8, will be during their second scheduled class. These boys and girls are attending Mass with their teacher. Parents are most welcome to be present for the Mass, and we ask that you remind your son and daughter to show respect when they enter the Church by entering quietly, taking holy water, genuflecting before entering their bench,and participating in the Mass by singing and answering the prayers. The boys and girls should also remember to bow their head before they receive the Eucharist. Thank you as always for all your support in helping your children begin the year with an enjoyable and faith-renewing experience. PAGE 8 STUDENTS’ CLASS ASSIGNMENTS Parents will be receiving a special mailing during the last week in August, which will contain the following: ¨ Confirmation of each student’s grade level and classroom assignment ¨ Diagrams of classrooms in the Elementary School and Middle School Catechetical Sunday 2016 LATE REGISTRATION... is still taking place. If you know of any families who have not registered, invite them to stop in the Religious Education Office TODAY, or call for more information, 847- 398-5011. REGISTRATION Any parents who have not registered their children for religious education classes for the 2015-2016 school year are to do so as soon as possible. Parents who had children in the program last year and have not registered them for this year will not be given a class assignment until the re-registration takes place. "Prayer - Faith Prayed" CATECHETICAL SUNDAY is September 18th. We invite all catechists to join us at the 9:45 Liturgy on September 20th to be commissioned for this very important ministry. All families are invited to join us in prayer and support for these dedicated people who choose to work with our children. SECURITY SYSTEM All late-comers to class will have to enter through the main entrances to the buildings, and ring the bell to be buzzed in. If a student is more than ten minutes late for class, he/she must report to the Religious Education Office to be checked in before going to the classroom. Parents, please have your children on time for class. From the Religious Education Board Regarding Registration-Parents who have children in the Religious Education Program are asked to support the parish by using their weekly envelopes. This year, children's envelopes will not contain assigned numbers as in the past. To reduce the cost, the box will not have a label with a child’s name on it. We ask that if you desire credit for their contributions, please mark your child's name and family parish id number (found on your envelope) on the child's envelope. Credit will only be given if this information is supplied. New parishioners’ Religious Education forms will not be processed until the parishioners are registered members of Our Lady of the Wayside. Welcome to all who are returning to the Religious Education Program this September! Welcome also to those who are coming into the Program for the first time. We hope this will be an exciting and growth-filled year for all the students and their families. A special word of thanks to Louise Dickey, our secretary, for editing and preparing Inside Wayside Newsletter. We truly appreciate the wonderful job she does. PAGE 9 Sacrament of Reconciliation Second grade children will be receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time. A Parent Meeting is taking place on Monday, September 19th, from 7:00-8:30 in the Fr. Mackin Center. One parent from each family is to be in attendance. The second graders are receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation on the following date: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12TH - 11:00 AND 1:00. At the Parents' Meeting, parents will be asked to choose one of the above times for their child’s reception of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Sacrament of First Eucharist The First Communion Masses are on the following dates and times: SATURDAY, APRIL 29- 10:30 and 1:00 SATURDAY, MAY 6 10:30 At the First Communion Parents’ Meeting, the second grade parents will have an opportunity to sign up for their child’s First Communion Mass. The following events throughout the year are requirements leading up to First Communion: Monday, January 9th - Second Grade Parents’ First Communion Meeting - 7:00-9:00 - Fr. Mackin Center Sunday, February 19th - Second Grade Children and Parents’ First Communion Retreat - 2:00-4:00 in the Fr. Mackin Center. At least one parent is to be in attendance with their child. FIRST YEAR CONFIRMATION PREPARATION REQUIREMENTS - GRADE 7 Class Retreat - Saturday, October 1st - 9:00 - 12:00 - Fr. Mackin Center for REP students and OLW School Students Class Reception of the Sacrament of Reconciliation - Tuesday, November 15th during class Completion of 2 Homily evaluations per semester: A total of 4 for the year (Can be turned in earlier) First Semester: October 18th and November 15th Second Semester: January 31st and February 28th Three Group Service Projects 1. Food Drive for Thanksgiving for Little Sisters of the Poor—due Tuesday, November 1st 2. Participation in Confirmation Reception which will be held March 11th. 3. Participation in Parish Service Day 9;00 in the Gym One 5-hour student-directed project to be completed by Tuesday, January 17th. The projects above, including the individual 5-hour one, may not be used toward the 20-hour Service Project required when these students are in Grade 8. PAGE 10 Requirements for Confirmation, 2016-2017 1. Chastity Education Initiative Program for eighth graders and their parents is on Thursday, October 13th at 7:00 in the Fr. Mackin Center (Gym). 2. 3. 4. 5. Retreat on Saturday, October 8th from 9:00-1:30 in the Fr. Mackin Center is for all Our Lady of the Wayside Confirmation Candidates, the combined group of REP students and OLW School students. At least one parent from each family is to attend the Confirmation Parents’ Meeting on Monday, October 17th from 7:00-8:30 in the Fr. Mackin Center (Gym). All Confirmation Candidates participate in the preparation of a banner for the altar for the Confirmation Ceremony by preparing a ribbon representing a candle with their Confirmation name on it. A more detailed explanation will be given at the Parents’ Meeting on Monday, October 17th. The ribbon is to be completed and handed in by Tuesday, January 31, 2017. Pink Information Form given to parents at the Parents’ Meeting is due on Tuesday, November 15th. 7. REP students will be measured for Confirmation gowns on Tuesday, January 3rd . School students will be measured in school on this date or a date close to it. The written paper on information about the saint’s name chosen for Confirmation is due on Tuesday, 8. January 31st. Twenty hours of service are required in the areas of Parish, Community, Family, and School. Each 9. Confirmation Candidate’s Project Log sheet is to be completed and handed in by Tuesday, January 31st. Each Candidate is required to write a letter to the Bishop, who will administer 6. Confirmation in our parish on Saturday, March 11th. These letters are to be completed and 10. 31st. In the letter, the students request the Sacrament of Confirmation, telling why they wish to be confirmed and how they intend to live out their commitment to the Catholic Faith. They may tell the Bishop about their service hours, as well. A written test on the Sacrament of Confirmation will be administered to the REP students on Tuesday, February 14th and to School students on a date arranged by their teachers. 11. The Confirmation Light Service is on Wednesday, February 8th from 7:00-8:30 in Church. Parents, Sponsors, and Confirmation Candidates attend this special Prayer Service. 12. Reception of the Sacrament of Reconciliation will take place on Tuesday February 28th (REP) at 7:00 P.M. and Thursday, March 2nd at 1:00 for the School Students. Dress Code for Confirmation: Red Robes Will Be Worn Over Clothing Girls—Dress or skirt and blouse, dress shoes Boys—Dress pants, white dress shirt, tie, dress shoes Monday, February 27th Practice for Confirmation 10:00 Mass, (A-L). Confirmandi only. 6:30-8:00 Thursday, March 2nd Practice for Confirmation 2:00 Mass, (M-Z). Confirmandi only. 6:30-8:00 Monday, March 6th Practice for Confirmation 10:00 Mass, (A-L). Confirmandi, Parents and Sponsors. 7:00-8:30 Thursday, March 9th Practice for Confirmation 2:00 Mass, (M-Z). Confirmandi, Parents and Sponsors. 7:00-8:30 Saturday, March 11th Bishop Francis Kane. Confirmation Masses - 10:00 (A-L), 2:00 (M-Z) PAGE 11 TRAFFIC DIRECTIVES FOR THE SAFETY OF THE CHILDREN PLEASE DO NOT double-park on Mitchell Avenue or in front of the houses on Mitchell Avenue PLEASE DO NOT block driveways on Mitchell Avenue PLEASE DO NOT move orange cones on blacktop area to ensure the safety of the boys and girls who are walking to and from the buildings during evening classes. For drop off for the upper grades 5-8, parents are to arive at 6:40 and direct children to go directly into the school buildings where they have class. Between 8:25 and 8:40 the entrance to Park Street will be blocked to insure the safety of the children as they are dismissed. Orange Cones Blocking Entrance Between 8:25-8:40 PM PAGE 12 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION BOARD NEWS Welcome to new religious education families and welcome back to all the returning REP families! We hope you had a healthy, happy summer and are ready for a great year of sharing and growing in faith with the Our Lady of the Wayside Parish Community. The REP Board meets once a month to discuss policies and upcoming events. Our goals are to provide a safe and enriching environment for REP students and to promote involvement in the parish. In fact, mark your calendars now for Parish Service Day on Saturday, March 4, 2017. The REP Board will host two upcoming Sunday morning coffees after Mass. Please stop to introduce yourself. If you ever have any questions, please ask any of us. Attendance/Tardiness Attendance Regular attendance is required and is in the best interest of those participating in our programs. Students missing a class should make arrangements with the catechist to complete all necessary assignments. Other outside activities, or “too much homework: should not take priority over attendance at religious education classes. Parents/Guardians are required to phone the Religious Education office when their child is absent from class. Either send an email to repsecretary@olwparish.org or please call 398-5011 and report the student’s absence. After hours, please use extensions 246, 247, or 256. Give the student’s name, grade level, Catechist’s (teacher’s) name and reason for absence. Please notify the office before class begins. If a student is absent and a phone call has not been made, a representative of the Religious Education Office will call the student's home to verify that the student is home. This is a safety precaution, and a courtesy gesture made to you. Tardiness Students who arrive after the class has begun in the Elementary Building are to use the Mitchell Avenue entrance and ring the bell for entrance into the building. Students in the Middle School Building are to use the door nearest Park Street. Before proceeding to class, the students are to stop at the office to report their arrival before going to their classroom. This is to prevent the office from calling the student’s home. If you have received a phone call concerning your child’s absence, but the child (to your best knowledge) is present in class, the office attendant will check in the student’s class to verify the student’s presence, and will inform you of such. Consistent tardiness is both disruptive to the class and an embarrassment to the student. Frequent tardiness will result in a call from one of the Directors of Religious Education. Over the past several years, catechists who used E-Mail to contact parents have found it to be very successful and an excellent means of communication with the parents of their students. Therefore, all the Catechists will receive their class list of their students with parents’ E-Mail addresses included to use for communication purposes. If you did not put your E-Mail address on your child’s/children’s Registration Form(s) please send it to Louise Dickey, our Religious Education Secretary: repsecretary@olwparish.org. E-Mails and voice mail will also be used from the REP Office for as much communication as possible to parents. We have contracted with a company recommended by the Archdiocese of Chicago, Auto Messenger. They will provide communication in a more efficient and timely process than is currently possible. We will send a welcome email after the beginning of the REP year to test the addresses we have. Please contact this office if you have not received your welcome email from the REP office by the end of September. PAGE 13 continued from previous column What is it about children that makes them the epitome of discipleship? Although there are many qualities that children possess that are exemplary, three of the most HAPPY IN GOD'S PRESENCE by Sister Adrienne outstanding are: openness, spontaneity, and receptivity to gracious love. Jesus' wonderful example of prayer to his Heavenly Usually, children are open to life, that is, they are not Father prompted his disciples one day to ask him, afraid to let reality in. Children explore everything, "Lord, teach us to pray." (Luke 11: 1) Jesus' response to while adults say, "It's only a dandelion" or "If you've them was what we now call the-Lord's Prayer. It begins seen one, you've seen them all." We take so much for with the beautiful words, Our Father. This prayer has granted. Because of hurtful experiences, we adults tend profound implications for our spiritual lives - to build barriers to shield ourselves against life's pains. implications about forgiveness, trust in God, and hope However, when we try to keep out the pains, we end up for the future. But one of the most basic implications is keeping out life, and sometimes even God. Someone one that we sometimes overlook: If God is our Father, once said, "The only place we meet God is in the real we are his children. One time the disciples asked Jesus world." to show them someone who displayed the qualities that he was looking for in his followers (Matt.18:1-5). And The British writer, Dorothy Sayers wrote the importance what did Jesus do? He called a little child to him who of retaining childlike spontaneity and enthusiasm even was playing nearby, and, putting his arm around her in our adult years. She said, "Unless you become as little shoulder, Jesus said to his disciples, "This is the kind of children, unless you can wake up on your fiftieth person I want. She has the qualities I'm looking for in birthday with the same forward-looking excitement and my disciples." We can only imagine how surprised and interest in life that you enjoyed when you were five,” shocked the disciples must have been. They may have 'you cannot enter the kingdom of God.' " said, "A child? This is a joke, right?" But Jesus assured them that this was no joke. They reminded Jesus that This freedom to be ourselves, this spontaneity, should children were immature, helpless, irresponsible, and carryover in our relationship with God. This means we naive. Hadn't he himself run away for three days from can share with God what we really think and feel, using his parents? What a worry he had caused them! He the words we really want to say. St. Therese, the Little remembered how they scolded him, but he did not take Flower, encourages us to recognize ourselves as back what he said to the disciples about children. He children of God. Through her way of spiritual was even more emphatic by adding, "I'm telling you, childhood, she attained Heaven and became a saint of you will enter the Kingdom of Heaven unless you the Church. become like this little child!" PAGE 14 continued from previous page She cites the example of how she would fall asleep during early morning prayer in the Convent chapel, but she had no guilt about this. On the contrary, she said, "God loves us just as much when we are sleeping as when we are awake." This ability to be comfortable in God’s presence in one way or another, is a sign of her greatness of soul and spontaneity. Children have done nothing to merit or earn the love that is poured out on them from the moment they enter the world, and even before that. Good parents don't love their children because their children deserve their love. They love their children because they love their children - gratuitously. There is no other way to say it. Gratuitous love for children - whether that of good parents or good catechists, is a reflection of the kind of love God has for us. Jesus calls us to become as little children. Why? Because children are open to life, spontaneous by nature, and receptive to gratuitous love. It is only fitting, then, that we conclude these thoughts on childlikeness with a few prayers written by children. These are excerpts from Children's Letters to God by Stuart Hample and Eric Marshall. Dear God, in our Religion class they told us what you do. Who does it when you are on vacation? Jane Dear God, My grandpa says you were around when he was a little boy. How far back do you go? Love, Dennis Dear God, I didn't think orange went with purple until I saw the sunset you made on Tuesday. That was cool! -Eugene PAGE 15 GOD'S GIFT TO US OF THE SACRAMENTS by Sister Joan Throughout the eight years of the children's religious education, they are presented with knowledge and love for the Seven Sacraments, and are prepared to receive their First Reconciliation, First Eucharist, and Confirmation. They are often reminded of their introduction to the Church through their Baptism as well. Through these special gifts from God, His own divine life can live in us. This new life that we experience comes from the power, or grace, of the Sacraments. This is the same power that Jesus used when He healed people during His life on earth. We often say we are "celebrating" the Sacraments because we are celebrating the presence and touch of God given to us so we can live fruitful lives. Such lives come from our cooperating with the graces which each Sacrament gives us. Each one has a special grace attached to it as we make use of the Sacraments. BAPTISM is the basis of the Christian life. Through it we are freed from sin and reborn as sons and daughters of God- we become members of Christ … incorporated into the Church and her mission (Catechism of the Catholic Church) CONFIRMATION builds up Christians, making the baptized "more perfectly bound to the Church and enriched with a special strength of the Holy Spirit., Hence, they are true witnesses of Christ … obliged to spread and defend the faith." (CCC) EUCHARIST “Holy Communion is an intimate union with Christ Jesus." (CCC) It is the heart and summit of faith. RECONCILIATION "makes it possible for us to obtain "pardon from God's mercy for the offense committed against him and be reconciled with the Church, which we have wounded." (CCC) ANOINTING OF THE SICK "commends those who are ill to the suffering and glorified Lord'.'(CCC) The grace received is "one of strengthening, peace, and courage to overcome the difficulties that go with…serious illness or the frailty of old age." (CCC) HOLY ORDERS "configures the recipient to Christ by a special grace…so that he may serve as Christ's instrument for his Church …as a representative of Christ, Head of the Church, in his triple office of priest, prophet, and king."(CCC) MATRIMONY The grace proper to matrimony is "intended to perfect the couple's love and to strengthen their indissoluble unity. By this grace they help one another to attain holiness in their married life and in welcoming and educating children." (CCC) PAGE 16 We share with our REP families photos of some REP classes and activites that the student participated in during the closing months. The photos here are from the 5th Grade Mock Baptism in which the children took part to better understand the Baptismal Sacrament. We Welcome the Newly Baptized On Tuesday, November 3, 2015 we congratulated our newly baptized Jonathan Luke, who have been reborn through the sacrament of baptism. The presider was Deacon Michael Madison. Presider Deacon Michael Madison Uncle: GrandParents: Aunts: God Parents: Parents: Toby Cotner Greg Vesely & Ashlyn Hall Rachel Meilenger Mae Scardami Antonio Cladera Matthew McHugh Justin Puetz & Sarah Lockwood Sarah Wright Quinn Toomey Charlotte Errico Baby: Jonathan Luke Photographer: Toby Cotner PAGE 17 Parish May Crowning 2016 Parish May Crowning 2016 Sister Adrienne and Sister Joan reading a story about the Eucharist to REP second graders during their class. PAGE 18 FFILL Faith & Friendship Ignites Love of the Lord A ministry for K-3rd grade children to help get their FFILL of fun, faith and friendship. What: An evening together to play, pray and learn about faith in a fun and energetic environment. When: September 25, 2016, October 123, 2016, January 29, 2017 and February 26, 2017 All programs are held on Sundays, from 6:00- 7:30 PM. Where: Fr. Mackin Center, Our Lady of the Wayside Parish Interested? Watch for more information in the Sunday Bulletin, Monday Memos and REP folders. Adult volunteers are needed for activity instruction and supervision during the evenings of the events. If interested, please contact: Michelle Greazel: greazelml@hotmail.com or (847) 506-1324 Jenny Soehn: soehn510@comcast.net or (847) 577-8520 PAGE 19 PAGE 20 Join Christian Family Movement Boost your spiritual health by joining one of OLW’s most vibrant ministries, the Christian Family Movement. For more than 40 years, CFM has been providing a critical intersection for OLW parish families at different points in their lives, forging lasting friendships, and playing a central role in many of the parish’s charitable activities. It’s never too soon to consider participating. Our small groups for the 2016-17 CFM year will be forming shortly after the Summer Olympics in Rio conclude in late August, but we are accepting your interest and inquiries NOW! Who is in CFM? There are nearly 100 families in CFM at OLW. Next year's small group leaders will be: Martin & Elizabeth Bauer Cy & Lois Kabat John & Kathy Loy Tom & Meghan Newell CJ & Mary Catherine Ritterbusch Jim & Carol Stuber Jeff & Katie Utech CFM 2016-17 Calendar Friday September 9th- Meeting 1 Friday September 23rd- Lasagna Dinner Friday October 7th- Meeting 2 Friday November 4th- Meeting 3 Nov 24th- Thanksgiving Agape December 2nd- Meeting 4 Jan 6- Meeting 5 Jan 14th-Chili Cook Off Feb 3rd- Meeting 6 March 3rd-Meeting 7 April 7th- Meeting 8 How to join CFM? The CFM Membership team will assemble the groups for 2016-17 CFM in late August for our first meeting on September 9th. If you have any questions, please reach out! cfmmember@olwparish.org Membership Team Laura Collins Mike & Maggie Nolan Kevin O’Connell Mike & Christa Schermerhorn Chair & Asst. Chair Couples Jay & Jess Cherwin Geoff & Kelly Ann Colgan Mission Statement "Be doers of the word, and not merely hearers." James 1:22 PAGE 21 SAVE THE DATE! Women’s Christ Renews His Parish Renewal Weekend Saturday morning, November 5 - Sunday afternoon, November 6 **Weekend limited to 25 participants Please join us on the journey for a closer connection with God. All are welcome! To learn more about C.R.H.P. Email womenscrhp@olwparish.org or call the parish office at 253-5353 for specific dates.
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