synthetic dna fossils - ETH E
synthetic dna fossils - ETH E
DISS. ETH No. 23033 SYNTHETIC DNA FOSSILS A thesis submitted to attain the degree of DOCTOR OF SCIENCES of ETH Zurich (Dr. sc. ETH Zurich) presented by DANIELA PAUNESCU-BLUHM MSc ETH Chemistry born on 24.03.1988 citizen of Germany and Romania accepted on the recommendation of Prof. Dr. Wendelin J. Stark, examiner Prof. Dr. Jean-Christophe Leroux, co-examiner Dr. Robert N. Grass, co-examiner 2015 2 Gewidmet meinen Eltern und meinem Bruder aus tiefstem Respekt, Dankbarkeit & Liebe 3 Acknowledgments During my PhD time in the Functional Materials Laboratory FML I had the pleasure to meet amazing people. I will never forget this period of life. Thank you all. First of all, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Prof. Wendelin Stark for giving me the opportunity to perform my PhD thesis in his research group. I appreciate his enormous knowledge about science and his passionate way of doing research. His enthusiasm is contagious and inspires to generate new ideas. Thank you, Wendelin, for the unique working atmosphere and the small details that improve our everyday lives in the lab and group. I am cordially and truly grateful to Dr. Robert Grass, as my mentor and supervisor, who pushed and encouraged me the whole long way, supported me without any doubts and there has never been any hesitation on my part to address myself to him with whatever concerns I had. Beginning with the question: “Hey Robert, do you have a second?” which he never deny, on the contrary from seconds become hours of inspiriting and helpful discussions. Robert, I am deeply thankful for all you have done for me. Prof. Jean-Christophe Leroux is acknowledged for his interest in my work and for agreeing to be my co-examiner. I would like to thank Prof. Detlef Günther and Dr. Bodo Hattendorf for the collaboration in the project of particle counting. When I started my career in the FML as a master student Michael Rossier and Stephanie Bubenhofer were very supportive and introduced me to the spirit of the group. I started at the same time as Philipp Stössel, who became very fast an extremely good friend of mine and even witness to our marriage. Thank you, Philipp for helping me in good and in bad times. Furthermore, other people in the group became an important part of my life and supporter in hard and stressful days, like for example Renzo Raso (my philosophe and mental support), Carlos Mora (THE biologist and my mentor for self-confidence), Corinne Hofer (my daily coffee partner and consultant) and Michela Puddu (my contact person for all arising emotions). I enjoyed the spirit of our group a lot and I am very grateful to all my colleagues form the FML; Dirk Mohn, Lukas Langenegger, Elia Schneider, Tino Zeltner, Samuel Hess, Mario Stucki, Antoine Herzog, Christoph Kellenberger, Michael Loepfe, Vladimir Zlateski, Gadas Mikutis, Mirjam Giacomin and as well as to the former team-members, Christoph 4 Schumacher, Lukas Gerber, Jonas Halter, Roland Fuhrer, Alex Stepuk, Nora Hild, Aline Rotzetter, Fabian Köhler. My special thanks go to all my friends that were part of my PhD life at ETH Zurich during the last three years. They supported me with interesting and motivating discussions about research and life, whether in a coffee or lunch break. For the financial support I am grateful to the Swiss National Science Foundation grant (200021-150179). Meiner Familie, der ich diese Arbeit widmen möchte, danke ich aus ganzem Herzen. Ich danke meinen Eltern, dass sie mir die Grundbausteine für eine Ausbildung in Deutschland ermöglicht haben und dabei selbstlos und voller Liebe zugunsten ihrer Kinder gehandelt haben. Ich danke euch für die Werte und Prinzipien die ihr mir beigebracht habt, eure bedingungslose Unterstützung und dass ihr mich habt fliegen lassen, wohin mich der Wind auch wehte. Vă mulțumesc din toată inima mea. Lieber Mihai, ohne dich wäre ich nicht das, was ich heute bin. Ganz zum Schluss möchte ich meinen grenzenlosen Dank an meinen Mann richten. Sierk war derjenige, der alle Momente miterlebt hat, mich ertragen und mich immer wieder aufs Neue motiviert hat. Danke für deine unendliche Liebe und Unterstützung. 5 Table of Contents Acknowledgements 3 Table of Contents 5 Zusammenfassung 8 Summary 10 1. 13 How to give Particles an Identity? Strategies and Applications 1.1 Unique identifiable particles for anti-counterfeit 1.2 Unique identifiable particles as tracer-tool 1.3 Strategies to give particles an identity – The barcode 1.3.1 Graphical encoding 1.3.2 Optical encoding 1.3.3 Chemical encoding by using DNA 1.4 Next generation barcodes - Synthetic DNA fossils 1.5 Comparison of available tracers and taggants 1.5.1 Number of possible codes 1.5.2 Limit of detection 1.5.3 Stability and integrity of the barcode 1.5.4 Efforts toward the synthesis and detection 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 25 25 25 26 26 2. Reversible DNA Encapsulation in Silica to Produce ROS-Resistant and HeatResistant Synthetic DNA ‘Fossils’ 29 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Experimental 2.2.1 Procedure (step-by-step protocol) 2.2.2 Troubleshooting 2.3 Result and Discussion 2.3.1 DNA encapsulation design 2.3.2Anticipated Results 30 33 33 35 36 36 41 3. DNA Protection Against Ultraviolet Irradiation by Encapsulation in a Multilayered SiO2/TiO2 Assembly 43 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Experimental 3.2.1 DNA/SiO2/TiO2 particle synthesis 3.2.2 DNA recovery 3.2.3 UV irradiation of samples 3.2.4 Particle characterization 3.3 Results and discussion 3.3.1 Particle characterization 3.3.2 UV shielding properties 3.4 Conclusions 44 46 46 46 46 48 49 49 51 56 6 4. Detecting and number counting of single engineered nanoparticles by digital particle PCR 57 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Experimental 4.2.1 Synthesis of the 137 nm DNA/SiO2 particles 4.2.2 Additional SiO2 layer - 252 nm DNA/SiO2 particles 4.2.3 Synthesis of the 67 nm DNA/SiO2 particles 4.2.4 DNA recovery 4.2.5 Digital particle PCR instrumentation and workflow 4.2.6 Particle characterization 4.3 Results and Discussion 4.4 Conclusion 5. Conclusion and Outlook Appendix A: Supplementary material 58 60 60 60 61 61 61 62 63 73 75 79 A.1 Supplementary data for chapter 3 A.1.1 t-test A.1.2 Control experiment of radical treated free DNA A.1.3 Calculation of attenuation coefficients 800 800 800 811 A.2 Supplementary data for chapter 4 A.2.1 Encapsulate characterization A2.2. DNA analysis A.2.3 Particle counting by sp-ICPMS A.2.4 Statistical estimation of particle concentration 833 833 83 85 87 References Curriculum Vitae 91 103 7 8 Zusammenfassung Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit einem neuartigen Konzept zum Schützen von DNA durch synthetische Fossilierung. In einem Verkapselungsprozess von DNA in SiliciumdioxidPartikel, kann DNA vor aggressiven Umweltbedingungen geschützt werden und nach dem Entschützen mithilfe der Fluorchemie analysiert werden. Die Synthese und Eigenschaften des neuen Materials wurden optimiert und vollständig charakterisiert, um sie für TracerAnwendungen zu benutzen. Während die Anwendbarkeit der mit DNA markierten Partikeln als Tracer und zur Authentifizierung durch unterschiedliche Zusammenarbeiten und betreuende Projekte erwiesen wurde, beschäftigt sich diese Arbeit mit dem Konzept und der Herstellung, sowie der Optimierung der Partikel. Des Weiteren wurde die erreichbare Nachweisgrenze der markierten Partikel erforscht. Durch die Fossilierung der DNA erhält jedes Partikel eine einzigartige DNA-Sequenz und damit eine zugewiesene und unfälschbare Identifikation. Kapitel 1 gibt einen allgemeinen Überblick über die Methoden, die verwendet werden, um Partikeln eine Identität zu geben. Zusätzlich wird ihre Verwendung als Barcode zur Fälschungssicherheit und als Tracer-Tool aufgezeigt. Beginnend mit den allgemeinen Überlegungen zu Fälschungen und den damit verbundenen Problemen für Wirtschaft und Produktqualität wird ferner erklärt, wie Partikel mit einer einzigartigen Identität eine geeignete Lösung für die genannten Probleme darstellen können. Eine zusätzliche Anwendung findet sich im Bereich der NanopartikelAnalytik. In diesem Feld sind analytische Messmethoden zwingend erforderlich, um beispielsweise Nanopartikel in der Umwelt zu verfolgen und zu detektieren. Neben den bereits bestehenden Verfahren zur Codierung von Partikeln, werden auch die allgemeinen Anforderungen an geeignete Barcode-Systeme ausführlich beschrieben. Resultierend daraus wird deutlich, weshalb DNA zur Codierung der Partikel verwendet wurde. Ferner wird die Notwendigkeit des Schutzes von DNA gegenüber aggressiven Umweltbedingungen erklärt, sowie die daraufhin entwickelte Fossilierung von DNA in Siliciumdioxid-Partikeln. In Kapitel 2 wird das Konzept der Einkapselung von DNA in amorphe Siliciumdioxid-Partikel beschrieben. Analog zur DNA in Fossilien oder Sporen wurde nach diesem Verfahren jedes DNA-Molekül durch eine dichte inorganische Materialschicht geschützt. Der hermetische Einschluss schützte die DNA vor chemischen Angriffen (z.B. hohe Temperaturen und aggressive radikalische Sauerstoffspezies). Das Verfahren der Einkapselung eignete sich für kurze doppelsträngige und einzelsträngige DNA-Fragmente, sowie für genomische DNA und Plasmide. Durch das anschliessende Entschützen der DNA 9 mit Hilfe einer fluoridhaltigen Lösung konnte die DNA unversehrt wiedergewonnen und analysiert werden. Bei den Analysemethoden handelte es sich um biochemische Standardverfahren wie Gelelektrophorese, quantitative Polymerase-Kettenreaktion (qPCR) und Sequenzierung. Das Schützen und Entschützen von DNA wird in einem ausführlichen Protokoll schrittweise erklärt und zusätzliche Information zur Fehlerbehebung und für den sicheren Umgang mit gepufferten Fluorwasserstoff-Lösungen werden beschrieben. Der Schutz von DNA innerhalb der in Kapitel 2 beschriebenen Partikel konnte durch die Implementierung zusätzlicher Schichten erweitert werden. Die grösste Schwachstelle der DNA liegt in ihrer Empfindlichkeit gegenüber UV-Strahlung. Um diese einzuschränken wurde die DNA in ein Konstrukt aus einem Kern-Schale-Schale Partikel (SiO2-SiO2-TiO2) eingeschlossen (Kapitel 3). Während die Siliciumdioxid-Schicht die DNA-Moleküle vor radikalischen Sauerstoffspezies schützte, dient die zusätzliche Titandioxidschicht als physikalischer Sonnenschutz und verringerte damit schädliche UV-C-Strahlung um 98%. Die Beschichtung erhöhte die UV-Beständigkeit der DNA um das 42 fache, was der UVBeständigkeit von bakterieller DNA in Sporen entspricht, die als besonders umweltstabil gelten. Kapitel 4 beschreibt eine neue Methode zur Quantifizierung von Nanopartikeln, welche empfindlich genug ist, um Nanopartikel einzeln zu zählen. Um dies zu ermöglichen, wurde die Empfindlichkeit der PCR durch die Verwendung einer binären (= 0/1, ja / nein) Messanordnung erhöht. Mit Hilfe dieser Methode konnte die absolute Partikelanzahl von einzelnen Partikeln, in der Grössenordnung von 60-250 nm, in Trinkwasser nachgewiesen werden. Da die anfängliche Synthese von DNA in SiO2-Partikeln zur Bildung von Agglomeraten führte, wurde die Synthese dahingehend optimiert, dass monodisperse, einzeln vorliegende Partikel hergestellt werden konnten. Die Produktion von einzelnen DNA markierten Partikeln ist zwingend erforderlich, um einzelne Partikel zählen zu können. Zum Zählen der einzelnen Partikel diente ein Standard qPCR-Gerät mit einer Messzeit von ca. 1.5 h. Zur Validierung der entwickelten Messmethode, wurden die erhaltenen Resultate mit denen vergliechen, die mittels Massenspektrometrie mit induktiv gekoppeltem Plasma gemessen wurden. Kapitel 5 enthält allgemeine Schlussfolgerungen über diese Arbeit und gibt einen Ausblick auf zukünftige Untersuchungen und auf das Potenzial der geschützten DNABarcodes in verschiedenen Anwendungen. 10 Summary This thesis presents a novel protection concept of DNA by synthetic fossilization. An engineered encapsulation process of DNA into silica spheres can protect the DNA from harsh environmental conditions and the DNA can be analyzed after the subsequent deprotection by a treatment with fluoride comprising solutions. The production and properties of the new material were optimized and fully characterized in order to use it for tracing and tagging applications. While the applicability of the DNA tagged particles as tracer and authenticity tool were shown in diverse collaborated and supervised projects, this thesis deals with the engineering and optimization aspect of the synthesis, as well as reducing the limit of detection of the DNA tagged particles. The fossilization of DNA enables particles to carry a unique code, which is equivalent to a barcode for identification. Chapter 1 gives a general overview of methods used to give particles an identity and their use as barcodes for anti-counterfeit and as tracer-tool. Beginning with general considerations about anti-counterfeit and related problems in economics and quality issues, it is shown how unique identifiable particles can provide a suitable solution. Additionally, the demand of needed analytical tools for monitoring and detecting nanoparticles in the environment is described. Drawing the field of present encoding methods for particles, the general requirements that have to be fulfilled for a feasible barcoding system, are discussed in detail and explain why DNA is an ideal solution for the generation of barcodes. Furthermore, the necessity of protecting DNA from environmental attack is presented and leads over to the need of fossilization of DNA. In Chapter 2 the concept of encapsulating DNA into amorphous silica spheres, mimicking the protection of nucleic acids within ancient fossils is demonstrated. Within the glass spheres, the nucleic acid molecules were hermetically sealed and protected from chemical attack, thereby withstanding high temperatures and aggressive radical oxygen species (ROS). The encapsulation process was applicable to short double-stranded and singlestranded DNA fragments, genomic DNA and plasmids. Following deprotection with fluoride comprising solutions, the DNA could be recovered without harm and analyzed by standard biochemical methods: gel electrophoresis, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) and sequencing. The synthesis of the encapsulates and subsequent release of DNA is presented in a step-by-step protocol including troubleshooting and the safe handling of the buffered hydrogen fluoride solutions. 11 The protection system of DNA was expanded by applying additional layers on the silica spheres. In order to protect DNA from damage induced by UV radiation, an encapsulation process in a core-shell-shell particulate construct with 10 nm silica and 20 nm titania layer was designed (Chapter 3). While the silica layer protected the DNA molecules from radical oxygen species, the additional titania layer acted as a physical sunscreen and attenuated 98% of irradiated UV-C light. The coating increased the DNA UV-resistance by 42 times, which is equivalent to the increase in UV resistance obtained by bacteria during sporulation and is known as extremely stable against harsh environmental conditions. Chapter 4 describes a new quantification technique, which is sensitive enough to count individual nanoparticles, one by one. To make this possible, the sensitivity of the PCR method was combined with a binary (= 0/1, yes/no) measurement arrangement, binomial statistics and DNA containing monodisperse silica nanoparticles. While the initial synthesis of DNA encapsulated SiO2 particles resulted in agglomerated particles, the improved synthesis yielded monodisperse particles with a narrow size distribution. The formation of individual encapsulated particles was required to reach the limit of counting particles on a single event level. The absolute number of tagged particles in the range of 60-250 nm could be determined in drinking water, utilizing a standard qPCR device within 1.5 h of measurement time. For comparison, the method was validated with single particle inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Finally, Chapter 5 gives general conclusion of this work and offers an outlook on future investigations and the potential of protected DNA barcodes in various applications. 12 13 1. How to give Particles an Identity? Strategies and Applications 14 1.1 Unique identifiable particles for anti-counterfeit Counterfeits, alterations and unlawful additives in products challenge all kinds of industries ranging from automobiles, luxury goods to pharmaceutical industries. The global market value of counterfeit goods is estimated at around 500-600 billion USD, which is based on 26 different faked products and the economic impact on 88 countries.1 Tremendous possibilities of counterfeiting are given by the increasing complexity and dynamics of the global market. Products pass through a large and intransparent supply chain. In order to distinguish genuine products from false ones a direct assigned product identity is needed. While every human being has a genuine fingerprint, enabling direct and near to unforgeable identification, common product identifications currently consist of visible, printed authentication systems (e.g. barcodes, holograms, watermarks) or Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) chips. These systems are presently only located on the final product or even only on the outside product packaging, which neglects the requirement of material identification from the raw material to intermediates to the final product along the material life cycle. Furthermore, the implementation of identification in a broad range of materials is not trivial. For instance, how would you label bulk polymer? A direct and individual barcoding of polymers with barcoded particles would facilitate to track and trace each single product processing step in a supply chain spreading the global market (Figure 1.1b). Figure. 1.1. (a) Identity giving systems. (b) Schematic illustration of barcoding requirements along the supply chain of products. 15 Sophisticated approaches and concepts have been developed for anti-counterfeit, but in practice the problem is still unsolved, mainly because of costs, complexity and detection methods. However, the guarantee of quality is a critical issue for many goods. The world health organization (WHO) consistently records drugs with incorrect ingredients, insufficient active ingredients or false packaging, which can have serious consequences for consumers, such as illness and even death.2 The usage of unique additives in products could provide a suitable solution for anticounterfeiting. Several prerequisites towards the additives are required for a successful measure and market implementation: uniqueness, reliability, detection and cost. The application of micro- or nanoparticles as tracers or taggants therefore shows a high potential. They are too small to be seen by naked eye, but are simultaneously capable of carrying a high density of coded information (= barcode). The usage of particles as carriers for a barcode has further advantages of protecting the coding elements. The coding elements are commonly chemical or biological molecules or nanoparticles with optical or electrical properties. Their properties are unique and enable to generate individual barcodes. 1.2 Unique identifiable particles as tracer-tool The development of nanotechnology provides new materials in the nanoscale size. Nanoparticles of different materials, sizes and shapes have become key components in various applications ranging from everyday products such as textiles, paints and food to biodiagnostics and therapeutics.3 In the last decade nanoparticles have significantly impacted in bioscience and biotechnology.4 Spherical nanoparticles with metallic, metal oxide, semiconductor and silica cores are used for bioimaging,5, 6 biosensing7 and drug and gene delivery.8 This increasing use of nanoparticles has become simultaneously a source of potential risks for living beings and environment (Figure 1.2.). Risk assessments of nanoparticles have to be performed to understand their impact and toxicity. Nanoparticles can be toxic due to their catalytic properties based on their large active surface or due their size, which can pass the cell membranes.9 A variety of detection and characterization tools of nanoparticles were developed.10 Despite the progression in the field, most particle analysis techniques are limited by concentration, particle size, costs or complexity. Particles carrying a unique barcode could provide a new solution for tracing and tracking nanoparticles. Thanks to the barcode, particles could be identified and detected in various media. This allows the 16 analysis of the interaction with cellular structures or biomolecules, as well as the fate of nanoparticles in diverse media. Figure 1.2. Exposure of nanoparticles and their unknown interaction and impact towards environment and living beings. 1.3 Strategies to give particles an identity – The barcode In a classic implementation a barcode consists of a sequence of space and vertical lines (= bars) varying in their widths, which represent a unique code. Unlimited numbers of codes can be generated by modifying the combination of space, bars and widths. The same concept can be transferred to particles carrying a unique identity using coding elements. Methods to encode particles were investigated extensively in the area of life science in order to carry out a very large number of bioassays simultaneously in gene expression, drug screening and clinical diagnostics.11 In this assays multiple independent reactions take place at the same time in the same solution. Each unique identifiable particle acts as an individual chemistry lab that independently identifies and tracks the potential compounds by reading out the corresponding code. The gained knowledge of particle-based encoding methods can be translated for the use as product identification measure. The currently available techniques can be divided into three main strategies to generate a barcode by (a) utilizing the pattern or shape of the encoded particles (= graphical encoding), (b) making use of unique properties 11, 12 (optical, spectrometric or electronic) of molecules or nanoparticles, which are attached or incorporated 17 into the carrier particle and (c) applying unique chemical tags. In the following section the different methods for encoding are presented. 1.3.1 Graphical encoding The usual supermarket barcode is an example of graphical encoding. In the graphical encoding, the individual codes of the particles are deciphered by the pattern or shape of the particles themself. The coding elements can be modulated by various techniques ranging from simple arrangements of colored polymer layer,13 striped metal nanowires14 to selective photobleaching.15 Simons Security Systems (3S) GmbH has developed color-coded microparticles based on melamine alkyd polymer layers of up to ten different color coatings (Figure 1.3a). The variation of the color arrangement in the 8-100 μm sized particles allows the formation of 4.35 billion different codes.16 For the identification of the codes a pen microscope is sufficient. A second method writes the barcode on nanowires based on sequential electrochemical deposition of metal ions (e.g. Ag+, Au+) into mesoporous alumina membranes, followed by particle release (see Fig. 1.3b).12, 14, 17 The discriminability of specific optical reflectivity results into metal striped wires/rods, where the stripes are modifiable in thickness, order and number as well as the type of metal and the overall length of the rods. By varying these parameters a nearly unlimited number of individual barcodes can be generated. The read-out of the codes is accomplished by light-microscopy and recognition software. For reliable optical detection a minimal stripe length of ~ 500 nm is needed, whereas the overall particle length is 1 – 50 μm. For example, a 5 μm particle containing two metals with ten stripes yields 528 individual codes. An alternative to this is the use of selective photobleaching. Here, the pattern is written onto homogeneous, fluorescently dyed microspheres by a photo-induced process, which leads to a local loss of the fluorescent properties (Figure 1.3c).12 With this method, any geometry, symbol or barcode can be generated with different bleaching levels by using adapted confocal scanning laser microscope (CSLM) as described by Braeckmans et al. and identified by standard confocal microscopy.15 Theoretically, this method provides a virtually unlimited number of codes, but is simultaneously limited for practical reasons (see section 1.5.4). 18 1.3.2 Optical encoding Most of the encoding methods described in literature are composed of molecules with unique properties as coding elements. In this section, we focus on unique optical properties of molecules, which can be divided in fluorescent dyes, quantum dots and rare-earth elements. Particles act as carriers to host these molecules. Two different approaches have been developed to incorporate the molecules into particles.11 In the first approach, particles are swollen in organic solvent in order to allow diffusion of the molecules into the polymer microspheres. After transferring them into aqueous solution the particles shrink, which encapsulates the coding elements. The particles protect the coding element from possible degradation and exposure from environmental surroundings, which is an advantage for incorporating the particles into raw material and its further processing. In an alternative approach of incorporation, the molecules are directly attached on the surface of microspheres. The by far most commonly used coding elements are fluorescent organic dyes, which are easily produced and abundantly present in many laboratories.18 Fluorescent dyes are identified after excitation by their structure-specific emission profiles. Different dyes with different concentration ratios can be incorporated into particles. The intensity of each dye is detected by a simple spectrometer and/or flow cytometer to quantify the corresponding intensity ratio and to reveal the barcode. A prominent example of fluorescent encoding was developed by Luminex Corp (Austin, TX): two dyes are incorporated at ten different concentrations to obtain 100 unique barcoded particles. With the development of quantum dots (QDs) several fluorescent molecule related problems have been overcome.19, 20 Quantum dots are semiconducting inorganic nanocrystallites with unique photoluminescent properties, which were successfully incorporated into polystyrene particles for optical encoding.21, 22 The detection is conducted by flow cytometer and/or spectrometer. In contrast to fluorescent organic dyes, QDs have a broad absorption providing simultaneous excitation of various QDs. Their narrow and symmetric emission spectrum (spanning from UV to near-infrared) can be tuned easily by changing the particle size. The detection is conducted by flow cytometry and/or photo spectrometry. A realistic system consists of five to six colors with six intensity levels to obtain 10’000 – 40’000 unique codes.23 In contrast to fluorescent organic dyes, QDs have a broad absorption providing simultaneous excitation of various QDs. They are also brighter and less prone to photobleaching. Limitations to the widespread application of QDs is their 19 relatively low chemical stability24 and the cytotoxicity of the most commonly used materials (e.g. CdS, CdSe, CdTe). Alternatively, the unique optical properties of rare-earth ions can be used for particle encoding. In a potential implementation, oxide nanoparticles or glass rods are doped with rare-earth ions to generate unique barcodes.25-27 The use of rare-earth elements has significant advantages, they are generally considered nontoxic, highly photo-stable and are excited by infrared or ultraviolet photons. In order to overcome the limitation of code generation from overlapping spectra, Dejneka et al. developed tags containing a pattern of different rare-earth elements (see Figure 1.3f) into ribbons.28 This approach can generate >106 unique codes that are identified using a UV illumination system and an optical microscope. Nevertheless, the generation rate of these ribbon particles is extremely low and struggles with the same production problems as the graphical methods described in the section 1.5.4. 20 Fig. 1.3 Overview of graphical and optical encoding methods. Graphical encoding: Ia) colorcoded microparticles by SECUTAG,® scale bar: 50 μm; Ib) photobleached fluorescent microsphere,12 scale bar: 10 μm; Ic) striped metal nanorods.14 The optical encoding methods consist of microparticles as carrier of the coding elements: IId) fluorescent dyes in silica particles, scale bar: 1 μm (right) and microparticles with different fluorescent barcodes,29 scale bar: 10 μm (left); IIe) mixture of quantum dots (QDs), (CdSe/ZnS) tagged microparticles, scale bar: 5 μm (right) and a series of emission colors of ZnS-capped CdSe QDs23(left); IIf) rare-earth ions, 100 x 200 μm barcode (inset) and corresponding fluorescence spectrum.28 21 1.3.3 Chemical encoding by using DNA Besides unique photo-luminescent properties, molecules can have additional features, which make them suitable for coding. In chemical encoding, chemical tags are used to build up a code.30 The detection of these coding elements is based on identifying the molecular structure. A variety of molecular tags are commonly used for combinatorial libraries, such as haloaryls,31 peptides32 and oligonucleotides.33 The use of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) as molecular tag has tremendous advantages as nearly an unlimited number of codes can be generated and detected at high precision. In the following section, the advantages and properties of DNA are highlighted to understand why in the work at hand DNA was chosen as coding element for particle barcoding. DNA is the natural way to store information of all known life forms (= genetic constitution). This polymeric biomolecule consists of four nucleobases (adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G) and thymine (T)). Their arrangement gives a unique sequence with an unlimited number of codes (Figure 1.4.). As such, DNA can be understood as the “barcode”. Every biological species carries its unique barcode and can therefore be genuinely recognized. This is for example used in paternity tests, forensics or crime clarification. As early as in 1977, Sanger and colleagues developed a method to identify DNA sequences.34 Based on the high demand of parallel, efficient and low-cost sequencing, new techniques were recently heralding the in next-generation DNA sequencing.35 Figure 1.4. DNA structure36 and short explanations of the biochemical standard analysis. 22 Today, bioanalytical methods are advanced enough to sequence the whole genome and simultaneously the costs of DNA sequencing is decreasing tremendously. As a result, the price of sequencing the human genome has dropped from about 10 million USD to a few thousand dollars in six years.37 This price development makes future applications of DNA, such as the use of DNA for information storage38-40, computing41 and product tagging highly attractive. Several approaches as DNA-based authentication for product tracking and tracing were designed.42-45 A commercial implementation of barcoding with DNA sequences was realized by the pharmaceutical company Bristol-Myers Squibb in 2003.46 Another example for using genomic codes for anti-counterfeit was performed by the food industry by adding a specific lactic acid bacteria in Swiss Emmentaler cheese to ensure the genuine identity.47 1.4 Next generation barcodes - Synthetic DNA fossils As a labeling technology DNA has remarkable advantages. Nevertheless, there are limitations, mainly in the stability of DNA. DNA is a sensitive biomolecule that degrades under harsh environmental conditions and elevated temperatures by various biochemical processes such as hydrolysis, depurination, oxidation or alkylation.48 For a suitable tracer and tag it is indispensable that the used code of DNA maintains its integrity during incorporation into the product, processing and storage to the final read-out. While living organisms possess vital repair mechanisms to avoid the loss of information, nature has also developed isolation systems (e.g. spores or incidental in fossils, ambers)49, 50 to preserve the DNA sequence over a long period of time. As an example of DNA stability, 300’000 year old human mitochondrial genome was recently sequenced from a bone fossil.51 By mimicking the natural process of protection observed in nature, recently developed methods encapsulate DNA in silica particles using sol-gel chemistry to yield DNA comprising barcodes of high chemical and thermal stability.52, 53 Silica is an ideal material for encapsulation as it is of high inertia and has exceptional barrier properties. Furthermore silica is a non-toxic material, can be synthesized in water at room temperature54 and is found as additive in everyday live products ranging from food, textiles to paints. Monodisperse silica nanoparticles can be simply synthesized overnight by using the Stöber reaction. In the reaction, alkyl silicates are hydrolyzed with water in an ethanol solution to silicic acid, which is subsequently condensate to silica nanoparticles (Figure 1.5.). While in the original Stöber reaction an ammonia solution is used as catalyst, a 23 variety of catalyst are nowadays applied. The catalyst has dramatic effects towards porosity, density and volume of the formed silica particles. Fig. 1.5. Preparation of silica nanoparticles. A further advantage of the silica surface is the possibility to directly functionalize the surface by using silanes with different functional groups (positive charged ammonium, carboxylic acid, C6 or polyethylene glycol (PEG)). The functionalization allows the immobilization of DNA on the surface of cationic charged silica onto a dense silica layer is deposit. The DNA is hermetically sealed in the silica encapsulates and protected from reactive oxygen species and heat. In contrast to methods relying on barcode readout based on optical techniques – the reading of the DNA code by modern nucleic acid analysis techniques (polymerase chain reaction, Sanger Sequencing etc.) requires a recollection of the barcodes and a deencapsulation of the DNA. As shown in Figure 1.6. this is easily possible, and the DNA can be released intact from the encapsulates by dissolution of the silica with fluoride comprising buffers. 24 Figure 1.6. Schematic illustration of using DNA loaded nanoparticles for anti-counterfeit. The capability to apply the protected DNA barcode as a tracer has been shown in several studies. The tracing of food products was demonstrated by adding the encapsulated DNA into milk and making cheese and intermediate products out of it.55 The barcode maintained its integrity during the processing chain and extraction from the complex food-matrix and could be correctly read-out. The used materials for the DNA tag can be regarded as food compatible as silica, is an approved food additive (E551) and DNA is a natural component of our diet. The determined costs of the technique amount to <0.1 USD per ton of product labeled with 10 ppb (parts per billion) of DNA comprising particles. This implementation allows a monitoring of the supply chain and will enable to trace back the food origin, thereby ensuring food safety and product authenticity. To apply the DNA barcodes for hydrophobic liquids (olive oil, cosmetic oils and gasoline) the particles have been additionally equipped with magnetic properties by utilizing Fe2O3 nanoparticles.56 In an more advanced application, DNA comprising particulate tracers have also been used for understanding the animal-toanimal transfer in food chains,57 the behavior of silica nanoparticles in sewage plants58 and in in vitro cell cultures.59 Within all the above mentioned applications, the barcode and particle concentrations were determined by the encapsulated DNA using Sanger-Sequencing and PCR. The 25 quantification only requires a standard PCR machine, which is available in many laboratory facilities and medical laboratories (15’000 – 30’000 USD). 1.5 Comparison of available tracers and taggants Depending on the intended application of particles as tracers, individual properties of the employed barcoding method are of importance. Nevertheless, a suitable tracer/taggant has to fulfil several basic requirements ranging from the number of possible codes, limit of detection to the resulting costs of implementation, which we will discuss in the following and may be used as a guide for the development of new particulate tracer technologies. 1.5.1 Number of possible codes A strongly limiting factor of tracers for universal and broad applicability is the number of possible codes. Graphical encoding methods can easily generate a near to infinite number of codes by patterning and geometric pattern arrangement. In contrast thereto, optical encoding methods, where the codes are built up from optical properties, are limited by the spectral overlap of available fluorescent dyes. The use of quantum dots gives some relief to this problem and code numbers towards 10’000 – 40’000 have been proposed.23 In comparison to chemical sequence encoding (e.g. DNA) these numbers are still small. The number of possible combinations of DNA analysis by PCR is equal to four (= bases of DNA) raised to the power of x, whereby x is the total number of bases of the primer and probe sequences. For instance, a total base length of the primers and probe of 60 bases corresponds to 4 60 (>1036) possibilities. This high versatility of the coding (equivalent to 128 bit coding in online banking) also allows the implementation of cryptography for the protection of the barcode.60 1.5.2 Limit of detection The detection limit is a crucial property of a tracer as it directly influences the required amount of barcoded particle added to the final product, and with this directly the material labeling costs. Figure 1.7. shows the detection limits of some tagging methods taken from the patent literature. As visible in the figure, the potential detection limits of the various technologies vary dramatically, over a range of >6 orders of magnitude, from 1 wt% down to below 1 part per billion. This of course has a strong influence on the applicability of the tracers – as a high loading of a particulate tracer into a final product may drastically influence the functionality of the final product (e.g. change in mechanical/optical/electronic properties). 26 Figure 1.7. Added value of tracer depending on the detection limit of the encoding technique. Selected examples for applications in anti-counterfeit from granted and registered patents. a f CA2881728, b DE102008060675, c US6576155, d DE102009024685, e US2015/0060699, WO2013/143014, gUS2007/0111314. 1.5.3 Stability and integrity of the barcode The applied barcode system is only feasible, if the barcode maintains its integrity and can be read out without errors. This presumes that the barcode is stable towards the exposure of harsh environmental conditions and resists the implementation into the product and further processing. The use of particles as shell for the coding elements helps to obtain certain protection. For example, barcoded particles made from graphical or optical methods were successfully designed to show resistance towards heat, organic solvents and water-solubility. However, DNA cannot be used without protection (see section 1.4). 1.5.4 Efforts toward the synthesis and detection Ideally, tracers are produced in high amounts with little effort, and can be detected with minimal non-destructive means. From a more practical point of view and considering the technologies described here, synthesis effort (i.e. manufacturing cost of tracer material per kg), application concentrations (i.e. mass of tracer material required for uniquely tagging a mass of final product) and ease of detection have to be carefully balanced. In order to build a 27 metric for this decision it is legit to calculate the value of a tracing technology as the value added for the final tagged product. For commodity products (polymers, raw foodstuff, base chemicals) with prices in the 1-10 USD / kg range, it is to be expected that the value of the commodity products with the addition of a tracer will only marginally increase (i.e. 0.1 – 1%). This is equivalent to 0.1 - 10 ct of value increase of the finally tagged material on a kg basis. In order to calculate the potential value of the taggant itself this number has to be correlated to the concentration of taggant required. Figure 1.7. therefore shows the potential value of the particles as a function of the required taggant concentration, for three basic value scenarios. In other words, a taggant that requires a 1wt% loading in the final product has to be produced at a cost of below 1 USD per kg so that it is feasible for application under this economic scenario. A taggant, which only requires a loading of 1 part per billion can be as expensive as 1’000’000 USD per kg, it still only adds 0.1 ct to the cost of the final tagged product. A similar discussion can be led for the cost of the taggant versus the cost/effort of the code readout. However, this discussion very much involves the final application scenario of the tracer, either involving routine readout (e.g. for custom duties) or barcode readout only in rare cases (e.g. part failure). Looking into the effort of barcode read-out Figure 1.7. already shows a strong dichotomy, with rapid detection methods requiring large particle loadings on the left side of the figure, and more elaborate analysis methods with very low detection limits situated on the right side of the figure. 28 29 2. Reversible DNA Encapsulation in Silica to Produce ROSResistant and Heat-Resistant Synthetic DNA ‘Fossils’ published in parts as: Daniela Paunescu, Michela Puddu, Justus O. B. Soellner, Philipp R. Stoessel, Robert N. Grass, Nat. Protoc. 2013, 8, 2440-2448. 30 2.1 Introduction Since the identification of the structure of DNA 60 years ago,36 this polymeric molecule has revolutionized our understanding of biology. DNA has since become one of the cornerstones of biomedical analytics, and soon we will be able to sequence whole genomes within just a few hours.61 Among the general public, DNA is best known from forensics, in which it is used to identify ties between family members, crime scenes and potential suspects, and is also used to identify the biological origin of specific foods. The possibility that DNA offers of chemically encoding and distributing information is also illustrated by the tracing/tagging of products and property with artificial DNA.42, 45, 52 From this analytical point of view, nucleic acids are unique, as their presence, concentration and molecular identity can be measured at a single-molecule level with minimal infrastructure requirements (thermocycler and fluorescence reading). There are applications for protected DNA in the field of bionanotechnology,62 in which DNA is used as a structuring tool. The most prominent approach is shown by Mirkin and colleagues63, 64 in the template assembly of nanoparticles. DNA is nature’s method of storing information, and its information density surpasses the possibilities of modern electromagnetic data storage solutions by orders of magnitude. Very recently, whole books and computer files were successfully encoded and stored within synthetic DNA and could be re-read without error.39, 40 However, compared with more traditional storage solutions (methods based on magnetics and/or optics), information stability remains an important issue. Although the chemical stability of DNA is clearly superior to that of other encoded biopolymers (most proteins and RNA), unprotected DNA is susceptible to hydrolysis, depurination, depyrimidination, oxidation and alkylation. Within living organisms, this steady loss of information is constantly reversed by vital repair mechanisms. In the absence of these mechanisms, DNA degrades because of attack by ROS, ionizing radiation, heat, mutagenic chemicals and nucleases. However, if DNA is physically and chemically isolated from these stresses, it can maintain its information integrity for thousands of years, as evidenced by DNA extracted from ancient fossils49 and DNA stored in plant seeds or bacterial spores.50, 65 If nonbiological information is to be stored and distributed over prolonged periods of time in the form of nucleic acids, artificial protection is required. Previously developed protection schemes include loading DNA onto filter paper,66 dry storage with trehalose67 and adsorption of DNA into or onto porous materials.42, 68-70 Although these approaches give some physical or chemical protection, they do not reproduce the hermetic sealing of DNA found in naturally 31 occurring fossils. Therefore, our group has developed an artificial DNA encapsulation scheme mimicking the hermetic diffusion barrier of fossils.52 Instead of using ‘natural’ amber (polymerized terpenes), we use amorphous silica as the encapsulating material. Silica is a high-melting-point ceramic material with exceptional barrier properties. It can be both molecularly synthesized and disintegrated in water at room temperature (24 °C) by choosing appropriate chemical conditions. These characteristics make silica an ideal assembly material for an encapsulation-release system to protect DNA. This protocol enables experimenters to encapsulate DNA from various sources into glass particles. After the encapsulation procedure, the DNA assumes superior biological, chemical and thermal stability, as best evidenced by the radical treatment stability assay (Box 1). The protocol was originally developed for the encapsulation of short dsDNA sequences (~100 bp) for product tagging and tracing and subsequent analysis via qPCR,52 and it has since been adopted for the encapsulation of ssDNA fragments and plasmidic and genomic dsDNA. Possible biological tagging and/or tracing applications include marking foodstuffs, individual cells, animals and populations thereof. For analysis, the DNA taggants are recovered from the material of interest, the DNA is released from the glass particles and analyzed by standard nucleic-acid analytical methods (e.g., PCR and sequencing). In addition, the encapsulates may be used for the storage of nonbiological information in DNA over long time periods or under challenging physical and/or chemical conditions. Although this protocol is effective in protecting DNA from outside chemical stress, the scheme has the following limitations in terms of providing ultimate DNA stability. (i) DNA self-decomposition: the thermal decomposition of DNA in the absence of radical species, oxygen and radicals is of little importance at room temperature, but it starts affecting DNA integrity at temperatures exceeding 140 °C. (ii) UV irradiation: as silica is a material of excellent optical (and UV) transparency, the encapsulation of DNA in silica gives the nucleic acid little additional stability. As previously reported, however, the scattering of light by the small encapsulate particles adds some degree of stabilization from sunlight.52 (iii) Solubility of silica: although it is generally regarded as an insoluble material, silica has a non-negligible solubility in water and dissolves at higher pH, making the encapsulates incompatible with strong bases or other silica etchants. To further improve the stability of the encapsulated DNA under the conditions described above, a combination of the current procedure with more traditional approaches such as freeze-drying and adding UV absorbers may be effective. 32 Box 1 Radical treatment stability assay The radical treatment stability assay is designed to evaluate the quality of the encapsulation process. To test the protective properties of the particles, they are treated with a solution producing ROS.71 The concentrations of the reactants are chosen so that they would completely disintegrate nonencapsulated DNA (Figure 2.3., lanes 2 and 6). The reaction is quenched by EDTA, and the DNA concentration is measured with the Qubit dsDNA HS kit (for ssDNA: Qubit ssDNA kit). 1. Add the following solutions to 5 μl of the synthesized DNA/SiO2 particles: Compound Volume Concentration L-Ascorbic acid 2.5 μl 20 mM H2O2 12.5 μl 20 mM CuCl2 17.5 μl 500 μM 2. Wait for 10 min. 3. Add 17.5 μl of 100 mM EDTA and 20 μl of NH4FHF/NH4F etching solution. The NH4FHF/NH4F etching solution is a buffered hydrogen fluoride solution. This solution and its vapors can penetrate skin and rapidly damage cells and bones. Working guidelines are described in Box 2. 4. Measure the DNA concentration with the Qubit assay. The value obtained is the amount of DNA in the particles surviving the radical oxygen treatment. 5. To measure the total amount of DNA encapsulated within the particles, add 50 μl of water and 20 μl of etching solution NH4FHF/NH4F to 5 μl of the synthesized DNA/SiO2 particles and measure the resulting DNA concentration by using the Qubit assay. 6. The protection efficiency (ROS surviving DNA/total DNA) should be >90%. 33 2.2 Experimental 2.2.1 Procedure (step-by-step protocol) SiO2 particle preparation ● TIMING 8 h; hands-on time 1 h 1| Mix 18 ml of ethanol, 0.8 ml of 25% (wt/wt) ammonia solution and 0.5 ml of Milli-Q H2O in a 50-ml conical tube and add 0.8 ml of TEOS. Shake the mixture at 900 r.p.m. for 6 h at room temperature (24 °C). 2| Centrifuge the mixture at 9’000g for 20 min at room temperature and discard the supernatant. 3| Suspend the pellet with 20 ml of isopropanol (vortex the tube for a few seconds and ultrasonicate it in a bath for 5 min). 4| Repeat Steps 2 and 3 and centrifuge the tube at 9’000g for 20 min at room temperature. 5| Suspend the pellet in 4 ml of isopropanol (vortex the tube for a few seconds and ultrasonicate it in a bath for 5 min). The resulting particle concentration is ~50 mg ml−1, which is sufficient for ~120 encapsulation experiments. Ammonium functionalization of SiO2 particles ● TIMING 13 h; hands-on time 20 min 6| Vortex the particle suspension from Step 5. 7| Transfer 1 ml of SiO2 particles (concentration = 50 mg ml−1) into a 2-ml microcentrifuge tube. 8| Ultrasonicate the particles for 10 min until the mixture turns into a homogeneous solution. 9| Add 10 μl of TMAPS (50% (wt/wt) in methanol) solution. 10| Stir the mixture at 900 r.p.m. in a Thermomixer for 12 h at room temperature. 11| Centrifuge the tube at 21’500g for 4 min at room temperature and discard the supernatant. 12| Suspend the pellet with 1 ml of isopropanol (vortex the tube for a few seconds and ultrasonicate it in a bath for 3 min). 13| Repeat Steps 11 and 12 and centrifuge the tube at 21’500g for 4 min at room temperature. 14| Suspend the pellet in 1 ml of isopropanol (vortex the tube for a few seconds and ultrasonicate it in a bath for 3 min). The solution thus obtained is sufficient for ~30 encapsulation experiments. DNA encapsulation ● TIMING 4 d; hands-on time 2 h 15| Prepare a DNA solution at a concentration of 50 μg ml−1 in Milli-Q water. 16| Depending on the size of the DNA fragment, prepare the reaction mixture as described in Table 2.1., adding water first, followed by DNA and functionalized particle solution. Mix the contents by pipetting and vortexing and leave the reaction mixture at room temperature for 3 min (pH ~9). ?TROUBLESHOOTING Troubleshooting advice can be found in Table 2.2. 34 Table 2.1. Advised composition of the DNA encapsulation reaction mixture in relation to the type of DNA sample. DNA fragment size (μl) Short sequence dsDNA or ssDNA (~100 bp) 700 Plasmid (~3,600 bp) Genomic 830 850 DNA solution 320 190 170 Functionalized particle solution 35 10 10 Water 17| Centrifuge the mixture at 21,500g for 3 min at room temperature and discard the supernatant. 18| Suspend the pellet with 1 ml of H2O, vortex it for a few seconds and ultrasonicate it in a bath for 2 min until a homogeneous solution has formed, and then centrifuge the mixture at 21’500g for 3 min at room temperature. 19| Suspend the pellet with 500 μl of H2O, vortex it for a few seconds, and then ultrasonicate it in a bath for 2 min until the mixture has turned into a homogeneous solution. Add 0.5 μl of 50% (wt/wt) TMAPS solution and vortex the tube for a few seconds before adding 0.5 μl of TEOS. 20| Stir the mixture at 900 r.p.m. in a Thermomixer for 4 h at room temperature, and then add 4 μl of TEOS to the solution. 21| Stir the mixture for a further 4 d at 900 r.p.m. at room temperature. ?TROUBLESHOOTING 22| Centrifuge the mixture at 21’500g for 3 min at room temperature and discard the supernatant. 23| Suspend the pellet in 500 μl of H2O (vortex the tube for a few seconds and ultrasonicate it in a bath for 1 min). 24| Repeat Steps 22 and 23 and centrifuge the tube at 21’500g for 3 min at room temperature. 25| Suspend the pellet in 100 μl of H2O (ultrasonicate in bath for 2 min). DNA release and purification ● TIMING 40 min 26| Centrifuge 100 μl of previously synthesized DNA/SiO2 particles at 21’500g for 3 min at room temperature and discard the supernatant. 27| Add 300 μl of the NH4FHF/NH4F etching solution. 28| Purify the released DNA by using the QIAquick PCR purification kit according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Elute the DNA in 50 μl of buffer EB (part of the kit; alternatively, use 10 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.5)). 29| Measure the DNA concentration with the Qubit dsDNA HS assay (optionally: measure with a NanoDrop spectrophotometer or use the Qubit ssDNA assay kit). ?TROUBLESHOOTING 35 2.2.2 Troubleshooting Table 2.2. Troubleshooting table. Step Problem Possible reason Solution 16 Particles clump during mixing Surface of functionalized particles is not completely covered with DNA and the particles stick together Optimize the DNA/functionalized particle ratio individually Ratio of DNA and functionalized particle concentration is not optimal Poor particle dispersion Mixing is not sufficient for dispersion of particles Vortex and mix the reaction mixture for a few seconds and check dispersion by holding against light Insufficient vortexing speed or ultrasonication energy Increase the length and/or intensity of ultrasonic treatment 21 Sedimentation of particles during the stirring process leads to nonoptimal conditions for the formation of silica layer Stirring was too weak or the solution was not homogeneous before being placed in the Thermomixer Increase stirring velocity. Vortex the sample for a few seconds and ultrasonicate in a bath for 3 min before placing the sample back into the Thermomixer 29 Encapsulated DNA concentration <20 μg ml−1 No optimal surface functionalization of SiO2 particles Check the binding capacity of functionalized particles (Step 14) with 1-kb DNA ladder. Add 40 μl of DNA ladder (500 μg ml−1) to 1 ml of distilled water and 10 μl of functionalized particles. Vortex for a few seconds and centrifuge at 21’500g for 3 min at room temperature. Remove the supernatant and measure DNA concentration of the supernatant. The expected binding capacity is >4 μg DNA per mg of functionalized particle. If the binding capacity is lower, functionalize a new batch of SiO2 particles Wrong composition of etching solution Check the pH of etching solution with indicator paper. The expected pH is ~4 36 2.3 Result and Discussion 2.3.1 DNA encapsulation design As opposed to previously developed methods for encapsulating DNA in silica,72, 73 the present protocol relies on silica particles carrying positive surface charges as solid support. The use of support particles facilitates sample handling and washing via centrifugation and resuspension. After the adsorption of DNA onto the positively charged particles, a silica surface layer is grown onto the DNA by the polycondensation of tetraethoxysilane (TEOS; sol-gel process).54 N-trimethoxylsilylpropyl-N,N,N-trimethylammonium chloride (TMAPS) is additionally used as a co-interacting species to shield the negative charge of the 2-deoxyribose-phosphate backbone (Figure 2.1.). Figure 2.1. Workflow for DNA encapsulation and release. Silica particles are initially functionalized by reaction with TMAPS. During encapsulation, DNA is fixated onto positively charged support particles and a thin silica layer (12–15 nm thick) is grown as a top layer via polycondensation. These ‘synthetic fossils’ thus withstand aggressive chemical and physical treatments (e.g., with ROS). Upon the need for analysis, DNA can be released from the encapsulates without damage. Short DNA fragments (<150 bp) are adsorbed less efficiently than longer ones to the surface of the support particles. Therefore, the amounts of DNA and support particles have to be scaled for an optimized result (Tables 2.1. and 2.3.). The procedure is designed for a silica 37 coating thickness of 12–15 nm, and it is performed in the absence of acid or base catalysis to maintain an optimal integrity of the encapsulated DNA. Under these conditions, the reaction Table 2.3. Expected properties of final encapsulates (guidance values). DNA fragment size Short sequence (dsDNA; ~100 bp) Short sequence (ssDNA; ~100 bp) Plasmid and genomic 3 1.5 7 Base pairs (or bases for ssDNA) per particle 7,300 7,300 17,000 Final particle concentration (mg ml–1) 25 25 12 1 × 1012 1 × 1012 3 × 1011 DNA loading (μg DNA per mg particle) Total number of particles requires 4 d for completion (Figure 2.2.). The procedure of DNA encapsulation includes ultrasonication, which is required in the washing steps to re-disperse the particles after fast sedimentation by centrifugation. DNA fragments shorter than 200 bp are not affected during these ultrasonication steps, and little effect could be observed in the encapsulation of plasmid DNA (Figures 2.3. and 2.4.). Markedly longer DNA fragments (e.g., genomic) may be broken into smaller fragments after prolonged periods of sonication, as it is commonly observed by DNA shearing for sequencing library construction. Figure 2.2. Images of DNA/SiO2 particles encapsulating a short dsDNA segment (113 bp). (a) Transmission electron microscopy image of DNA/SiO2 particles. Scale bar, 50 nm. The silica layer has a thickness of 12 nm, and it protects the nucleic acid from ROS and heat. (b) Scanning electron microscopy image of DNA/SiO2 particles depicting the homogeneity of the particles. Scale bar, 200 nm. 38 Silica can be rapidly dissolved by fluoride-containing solutions (e.g., buffered oxide etch). Upon this treatment, the protective coating is dissolved and the support particle is completely degraded. The result of dissolving the encapsulates with buffered oxide etch is, therefore, DNA in a clear aqueous solution without polymeric or solid contaminants. In this protocol, the concentrations and pH of the etchants are chosen so that the nucleic acids do not undergo hydrolysis or denaturation during the release step. Even after 80 h, no influence of the etching solution on the DNA integrity could be observed. In addition, the amounts of the etchants are chosen so that the safety risks of fluoride chemistry are minimized (Box 2). Figure 2.3. Evidence of DNA protection against ROS activity. Agarose gel electrophoresis of dsDNA ladder (lanes 1–4) and pRSET/EmGFP plasmid expression vector (lanes 5–8) treated as described in the protocol and Box 1. Non-encapsulated DNA (lanes 1 and 5) is completely disintegrated by an aggressive ROS treatment (lanes 2 and 6). After encapsulation (lanes 3 and 7), the DNA survives the same aggressive treatment and it can be released without harm (lanes 4 and 8). For the plasmid, the supercoiled (lower band) and open-circular forms (upper band) could be identified. After processing, an increase in the fraction of opencircular DNA was evident. DNA concentrations are 15 μg ml−1 (lanes 1–4) and 10 μg ml−1 (lanes 5–8). 39 After release of the DNA by dissolution of the encapsulates, DNA is purified with silica spin columns. This strategy serves two purposes: first, the silica fibers of the spin column consume any unreacted fluoride ions; and second, the released DNA is purified from contaminating ionic species (NH4+ and SiF62−). The released and purified DNA is fit for analysis via gel electrophoresis and Sanger sequencing. At this point, qPCR can be performed without DNA purification by diluting the released DNA solution 1:10 in water and performing qPCR via a standard protocol. Figure 2.4. Sequencing chromatograms obtained from plasmid DNA before encapsulation and after release from DNA/SiO2 particles. (a–d) Sequencing chromatograms34 of unprocessed pRSET/EmGFP plasmid (a), encapsulated/released (b) and treated with ROS for 10 min (Box 1) before release (c) and temperature-treated at 120 °C for 15 min before release (d). Each sample could be sequenced to about 1,000 bp. In the figure, only bases 504– 544 of the pRSET/EmGFP plasmid sequence are shown. Each base call is accompanied with the corresponding Phred25 quality score (gray background). Nonprotected DNA plasmid treated under the same conditions (ROS or 120 °C) could no longer be sequenced using the same routine. 40 Box 2 Radical treatment stability assay The etching solution NH4FHF/NH4F is a buffered hydrogen fluoride solution. This solution and its vapors can penetrate skin and rapidly damage cells and bones.74 Although fluoride-containing solutions are feared in chemistry laboratories, these solutions’ unique ability to dissolve silica and other metal oxides has resulted in a widespread use of concentrated fluoride solutions (6– 50%) in electronics manufacturing and polishing applications (e.g., car wheel polish).75 Diluted and buffered fluoride solutions are found in toothpaste (~1’000 p.p.m.) and dental products (up to 1.23% (wt/vol) fluoride) for the refluorination of tooth enamel.76 Upon oral uptake, 5 mg kg−1 F− is considered toxic (probable toxic dose).77 This protocol was optimized so that the user never handles fluoride solutions with toxic potential upon oral uptake (i.e., total fluoride in solution at any time <250 mg). Still, the precautionary measures outlined below should be followed: • Always wear nitrile gloves, a laboratory coat and chemical safety goggles when you are working with etching solutions. • Perform all operations in a fume hood. • Use and store etching solutions in polyethylene, polypropylene or Teflon containers. Never store the solutions in glass containers or flasks; the etchant rapidly dissolves glass. • Your laboratory should be equipped with a commercially available calcium gluconate gel in case of skin contact or spill (e.g., H-F antidote gel). • Prepare 10 g of calcium carbonate in a 50-ml plastic container. Dispose of all waste from etching solutions in this container. • Do not use any glassware or instruments with glass parts (NanoDrop spectrophotometer, pH electrodes) for any step of the release procedure (except after DNA purification, Step 28). 41 2.3.2 Anticipated Results The DNA encapsulation procedure (Steps 15–25) yields agglomerated silica particles with primary particle sizes of ~130 nm loaded with 0.2–0.7% (wt/wt) DNA (depending on the sequence length; Table 2.3.). Within the particulate structure, the support particle (silica) is surrounded by a layer of DNA, on top of which an additional thin layer of silica has been grown (Figures 2.1. and 2.2.). Upon release of DNA from the encapsulates by etching solutions (see Box 2 for safe working directions) and subsequent purification using standard methods (silica centrifugation columns), the DNA maintains its original quality and functionality (confirmed by gel electrophoresis, qPCR and sequencing; Figures 2.3.–2.5.). The yield of the overall procedure (encapsulation, release and purification) is 25–70%. For plasmids, the fraction of supercoiled DNA after the treatment is reduced (Figure 2.3.), whereas for genomic DNA, strand breaks cannot be excluded because the protocol relies on ultrasonication for particle resuspension. Depending on the nature and/or size of the original DNA, the resulting particles may be agglomerated, especially in the case of large DNA fragments (>500 bp). Figure 2.5 Amplification curves of dissolved DNA/SiO2 dispersions at different original particle dilutions. After the SiO2 dissolution (Step 27) and tenfold dilution with PCR-grade water, the released dsDNA sequences (113 bp in length) can be directly amplified by using a standard qPCR protocol (e.g., Roche LightCycler 96). 42 While encapsulated within the silica particle, DNA resists treatments with aggressive ROS, increased temperatures and, to some extent, sunlight irradiation, in situations in which nonprotected DNA does not survive (as illustrated in Paunescu et al.52). As an example, we report here evidence that the treatment of encapsulated DNA ladder and encapsulated plasmid DNA with ROS (Box 1) and high temperatures (120 °C) does not damage the DNA, as made clear by the integrity of the DNA determined by gel electrophoresis (Figure 2.3.) and Sanger sequencing (Figure 2.4.). The resistance of the ‘synthetic fossils’ to ROS further proves the hermetic sealing of the DNA from surrounding chemicals. 43 3. DNA Protection Against Ultraviolet Irradiation by Encapsulation in a Multilayered SiO2/TiO2 Assembly published in parts as: Daniela Paunescu, Carlos A. Mora, Michela Puddu, Frank Krumeich, Robert N. Grass, J. Mater. Chem. B 2014, 2, 8504-8509. 44 3.1 Introduction In biomedical routines DNA is regarded as a relatively stable molecule, especially compared to other biopolymers such as RNA and proteins. DNA has also been proposed as a useful molecule for many non-biomedical applications, including catalysis,78, 79 nanodevice fabrication,7, 62, 64, 80, 81 DNA computing,41, 82 data storage devices39, 40 and as an anthropogenic tracer molecule.42, 45, 56, 83 Yet the vulnerability of DNA towards light irradiation severely limits its use and therefore technological progress in many of these areas, especially if they involve exposure to daylight for extended time periods. UV radiation is the most harmful and mutagenic component of solar radiation.84 UV-induced damage is usually described by direct and indirect mechanisms, depending on the wavelength of the UV.85 The energy of a shortwavelength UV photon (UV-C <280 nm, UV-B 280-315 nm) is directly absorbed by DNA bases, which causes the most efficient damage. Photochemical reactions are more efficient within DNA at this wavelength, which is close to the absorption maximum of the pyrimidine and purine bases.86 UV-C radiation is, therefore, used for convenient germicidal treatment and is highly relevant in sterilization procedures in healthcare.87 DNA can also be damaged indirectly by UV-A exposure through the production of radical oxygen species (ROS).88-90 The exposure of DNA to UV-A light is less efficient in inducing DNA damage, but can still affect it via indirect photosensitizing reactions generating a variety of reactive oxygen species (ROS). A number of sensitizers have been identified, which upon photolysis, transfer their excitation energy onto an adjacent dioxygen molecule, converting it to singlet oxygen while the photosensitizer molecule returns to its ground state.91 In nature, microbial spores developed an outstanding resistance to UV radiation, amongst other harsh environmental conditions. Dormant spores can survive for extremely long periods of time, largely because spore DNA is well protected against damage, e.g. viable Bacillus sphaericus spores were recovered from amber after an estimated 25 to 40 million years.50, 92 Artificial UV protection is found in everyday products, such as sunscreens, cosmetics or paints. One of the most useful UV blocking materials is submicron titania particles, manufactured commercially at 4 million tons per year.93 Titania is selected as both common crystalline forms anatase and rutile are semiconductors with a bandgap of 3.2 and 3.0 eV. This means they can efficiently absorb UV irradiation at wavelengths smaller than 388 and 414 nm.94 45 In order to circumvent the sensitivity of DNA to UV light we considered coating DNA molecules with a thin layer of titania. However, titania is also an excellent photocatalytic material, which generates aggressive radical oxygen species if irradiated in water with UV light. If UV-protection of DNA by titania is to be successful, the biopolymer must not be in direct contact with the photocatalyst. As a result of this argumentation we decided to use silica as an insulating layer resulting in the material design illustrated in Figure 3.1. To prepare the protection system, we first encapsulated DNA in silica particles according to previously established routines.52, 53, 63, 72, 73, 95, 96 In a second step, a titania coating was obtained by reacting the encapsulates with titanium n-butoxide (TBOT) in ethanol and water at ambient temperature overnight.97, 98 Figure 3.1. DNA is adsorbed on an ammonium functionalized silica bead (gray). Silica (red) is grown as an insulating layer via TEOS hydrolysis, titania (green) is grown from TBOT. In the encapsulate DNA is protected from direct and indirect UV damage. DNA can be released unharmed from the encapsulate by treating it with a mild fluoride etch. 46 3.2 Experimental 3.2.1 DNA/SiO2/TiO2 particle synthesis DNA-labeled SiO2-particles were synthesized as described in previous studies.52, 53 Briefly, silica particles (SiO2-R-L2897, 142 nm, 50 mg ml-1, micro particles GmbH) were functionalized with N-trimethoxylsilylpropyl-N,N,N-trimethylammonium (TMAPS, 50% in methanol, ABCR) to absorb double-stranded DNA on the particle surface. A silica layer was formed on top of the DNA by adding TMAPS and tetraethoxysilane (TEOS, ≥99.0%, Aldrich). The synthesized DNA/SiO2 particles were washed twice by sedimentation and redispersion in 500 μl ethanol. The titania nanocoating was obtained by mixing the particle solution with 10 μl of dH2O and a solution of 2.5 μl of titanium(IV) butoxide (TBOT, 97%, Aldrich) in 500 μl ethanol. The reaction was stirred (900 r.p.m.) at ambient temperature overnight and afterwards washed 3 times with ethanol and resuspended in 1 ml ethanol. Two kinds of particles with different incorporated DNA were synthesized for variable analysis methods. The one incorporated DNA was a double strand 113 bp amplicon (5’-ATT CAT GCG ACA GGG GTA AGA CCA TCA GTA GTA GGG ATA GTG CCA AAC CTC ACT CAC CAC TGC CAA TAA GGG GTC CTT ACC TGA AGA ATA AGT GTC AGC CAG TGT AAC CCG AT-3’; Microsynth AG), which primers were designed using the online Primer3 tool99 and tested for uniqueness using the Basic Local Alignment Search Tool100 (BLAST). The double-stranded DNA was prepared by annealing the DNA sequence with its complementary sequence. For agarose gel electrophoresis a standard DNA ladder (DNA ladder 1KB Plus, 1 μg μl-1, Invitrogen) was incorporated into particles. 3.2.2 DNA recovery Encapsulated dsDNA in SiO2/TiO2 particles (2.4 μg ml-1) was recovered using a 1:100 diluted buffered oxide etch solution (BOE, 0.23 g of NH4FHF (pure, Merck) and 0.19 g of NH4F (puriss, Sigma-Aldrich) in 10 ml TE-buffer) prepared and safety handled as described in previous studies.53 3.2.3 UV irradiation of samples For comparison, free dsDNA (diluted 1:106 with starting concentration of 600 μg ml-1, determined by Qubit dsDNA HS assay, Invitrogen), in SiO2 encapsulated dsDNA (2.4 μg ml-1 particle dispersion) and in SiO2/TiO2 encapsulated dsDNA (2.4 μg ml-1) were irradiated by different UV sources for various times. Aqueous solutions of each sample including similar 47 DNA concentrations were placed into quartz cells (170-2700 nm, thickness 10 mm, Starna). Following treatment 20 μl of diluted BOE (1:100) was added to 20 μl of each sample and directly analysed by quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR). UV-C exposure Samples were treated with UV-C light from four low pressure mercury lamps (253.7 nm, 15 W, HNS 15 ORF, Osram). The UV-C lamps were set at a distance of 50 cm from the sample, resulting in a dose rate of approximately 5.2 W m-2. The irradiation output was measured by a standard photodiode sensor (PD300-UV, 200-1100 nm, 3 mW-20 pW, Ophir Photonics). All experiments were performed in duplicates with exception of the 72 h treated DNA/SiO2/TiO2 particle sample. Additionally to qPCR analysis, gel-electrophoresis and Sanger sequencing of the samples were performed: Quantitative real-time qPCR After the TiO2 and SiO2 dissolution with diluted BOE (1:100), the released dsDNA sequence was directly amplified using a standard qPCR protocol (Roche LightCycler 96). For the qPCR the following primers were used: 5’-ATT CAT GCG ACA GGG GTA AG-3’ (forward primer) and 5’-ATC GGG TTA CAC TGG CTG AC-3’ (reverse primer), (Eurofins MWG Operon). Agarose gel electrophoresis DNA Ladder: Volume of 300 μl of DNA ladder (6 μg ml-1, determined by Qubit dsDNA HS assay) was treated with UV-C radiation for 1.5 h and analyzed by gel electrophoresis (E-Gel® Agarose Gel Electrophoresis, Invitrogen). DNA Ladder/SiO2/TiO2: Volume of 300 μl of 5.7 mg ml-1 particle dispersion was treated for 1.5 h and 100 μl of treated particles were centrifuged and dissolved in 100 μl BOE. The DNA solution was then purified (QIAquick PCR purification kit) and the obtained DNA analyzed by gel electrophoresis. Sanger Sequencing Protected DNA in SiO2/TiO2 particles and free DNA were treated with UV-C radiation for 1.5 h. Particle dispersion was dissolved in BOE, purified (QIAquick PCR purification kit) and sequenced. DNA was sequenced with the primer 5’-CAG GGG TAA GAC CAT CAG-3’ (Microsynth AG). 48 Sunlight exposure For exposure to solar radiation, the experiment was conducted with a solar simulator (Newport Sun Simulator, Class A 91195A-1000, AM1.5global, 1000 W m-2, simulating irradiation for a 37° tilted surface). 3.2.4 Particle characterization The sample was characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM; FEI NovaNanoSEM 450, 5 kV). The scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) investigations were performed on an aberration-corrected HD-2700CS (Hitachi) and operated at an acceleration potential of 200 kV. An energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDXS; Gemini system of EDAX) is used for elemental mappings (measuring time ca. 30 min). The presence of the titania coating was confirmed by Fourier transform infrared spectrometry (FTIR spectrometer Tensor 27, Bruker Optics, equipped with a diffuse reflectance accessory, DiffuseIR™, Pike Technologies) on sample milled with KBr (2 w/w %). A strong absorption band in the range of 900-500 cm-1 was observed, which is associated with the characteristic vibrational mode of TiO2. 49 3.3 Results and discussion 3.3.1 Particle characterization For the DNA protection system, DNA was first encapsulated in silica particles. To evaluate the completeness and tightness of the coating the particles were treated with highly aggressive heavy metal and hydrogen peroxide species, which induce the formation of ROS and are known to disintegrate DNA.71 The DNA could be released from the particles by etching the silica with a mild fluoride etch and >90% of the originally present DNA could be recovered unharmed, proving a hermetic silica layer (Table 3.1.). In a second step, a titania coating was obtained by reacting the encapsulates with titanium n-butoxide (TBOT) in ethanol and water at ambient temperature overnight. As evidenced by energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDXS; Figure 3.3.), infrared spectroscopy (IR; Figure 3.2.) and UV-Vis spectroscopy (Figure 3.4.), the original structures were effectively coated with a thin (ca. 20 nm) layer of titania. In order to characterize the core-shell particle system, the quality of the DNA encapsulation process was evaluated by investigating the DNA protection properties of the particles. To understand the location of DNA in the particles, the amount of DNA bound during the synthesis procedure was followed, together with the radical stability of the corresponding DNA (to discriminate coated/non-coated). Following the dissolution of the particles, the resulting DNA concentration was measured. Free DNA and DNA that was adsorbed on the functionalized SiO2 particle surface were nearly completely destroyed after the radical treatment. The subsequent synthesis steps of silica layer growth and the additional TiO2 nanocoating provided DNA stability against ROS (>90%, Table 3.1.). This designed stability assay of DNA shows, therefore, the successful encapsulation of DNA. Table 3.1. Evidence of DNA protection against ROS activity in the core-shell particle systems. 50 Figure 3.2. IR spectra of encapsulated DNA into SiO2 and TiO2 coated SiO2 particles. Figure 3.3. Electron microscopy images and elemental X-ray map-ping of TiO2 coated DNA/SiO2 encapsulates. Elemental X-ray mapping shows silicon (a) in red and titanium (b) in green. The mapping in (c) shows the coated nanostructure with SiO2 cores (Si shown in red) and outer layers of titania (Ti shown in green). (d) SEM image of TiO2 coated nanoparticles. The optical properties of the titania/silica encapsulates in water show a complete blocking of light at wavelengths smaller than ~320 nm, thereby shadowing the UV absorption peak of DNA at 260 nm (Figure 3.4.). While it is well known from computer chip manufacturing (silicon-wafer chemistry) that silica can be rapidly dissolved in buffered solutions of fluoride (e.g. buffered oxide etch = 51 buffered ammonium fluoride, pH~4-5), the solubility of titania under these conditions has been less commonly exploited. The above prepared encapsulates could be dissolved rapidly (<1 min) in diluted (2.5 wt%F-, pH = 3.8) buffered fluoride solutions, releasing the DNA unharmed (see below). Figure 3.4. Comparison of UV-Vis absorption spectra of unprocessed DNA (7.1 μg ml-1 orange), encapsulated DNA/SiO2 particles (0.4 mg ml-1 red) and encapsulated DNA/SiO2/TiO2 particles (0.4 mg ml-1 green). Emission spectra of the UV-C lamp (dashed grey, right axis) and a section of solar spectrum of direct AM 1.5 (ASTMG-173, dashed black, right axis). 3.3.2 UV shielding properties Having obtained a method to encapsulate DNA with silica and titania and with the possibility of releasing the DNA from these encapsulates, we investigated the UV shielding properties of the coating layers. Solutions of unprotected DNA, SiO2-protected DNA and SiO2 protected DNA with the additional TiO2 layer were prepared, ensuring similar DNA concentrations (mg ml-1 solution) in all cases. These solutions were exposed to 254 nm UV-C light at a dose rate of 5.2 W m-2 utilizing the sterilization unit of a standard laboratory biological-safety flowbench. Following the UV-C treatment, the particles were dissolved in a diluted BOE solution. The induced DNA damage was monitored by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) analysis (Figure 3.5.), which could be undertaken without further purification steps when DNA concentrations were <10-3 µg ml-1 and a F- concentration of the buffer was chosen as 0.025 wt%. 52 Figure 3.5. qPCR analysis of TiO2 coated DNA/SiO2 particles stability compared to that of DNA/SiO2 particles and unprotected DNA. Dispersions of both particles (2.4 μg particles ml1 ) and free DNA amplicon (0.6 ng ml-1) were exposed to UV-C light (254 nm). Orange bars represent free DNA, red bars DNA in silica particles and green bars DNA in titania coated silica particles; star (*) indicates data below the detection limit (< 10-7 μg ml-1). As expected, 99.2 % of the unprotected DNA was destroyed after 1 h of UV-C irradiation and the silica layer only gave a marginal improvement. Only the DNA additionally protected by titania withstood the one hour irradiation experiment (71 % survived) and even after 72 hours of UV-C irradiation the DNA could still be amplified by qPCR. Further evidence of DNA protection against UV-C irradiation was given by agarose gel electrophoresis and DNA analysis by Sanger sequencing. To prove efficient DNA protection by gel electrophoresis a commercial dsDNA ladder (100 to 12 000 bp) was encapsulated with silica and titania and irradiated by UV-C light for 1.5 h. Figure 3.6a displays both the successful encapsulation of the DNA ladder as well as the effective protection of the encapsulated DNA from UV light at conditions in which the unprotected DNA ladder is no longer visible by gel electrophoresis. In order to show that the DNA sequence was neither permutated by the encapsulation/de-encapsulation scheme, nor by UV-C irradiation, the encapsulated DNA amplicon utilized in the qPCR study was purified by drop-dialysis and analyzed by Sanger sequencing.34 The sequencing chromatograms in Figure 3.6b display successful sequencing of the DNA after encapsulation, UV-irradiation and subsequent particle dissolution, neither of 53 which was different from the original DNA in sequence nor had a lower sequencing Phred quality score (not statistically smaller from two sample t-test, Table A.1.1. in Appendix A.1). Additionally to UV-C induced DNA damage, DNA can also be damaged by higher wavelengths in the range of UV-B and UV-A as well as by direct sunlight irradiation. UV-A does not usually display a direct effect on biological systems, but a significant indirect effect is reported.101 The indirect damage is based on the formation of free radicals, which interact with DNA causing damage, such as single- and doublestrand breaks and modified bases. The effect of this indirect DNA damage can be mimicked by treating the materials of interest with radical oxygen species generated chemically. As schematically illustrated in Figure 3.1., DNA encapsulated in SiO2 and in SiO2/TiO2 particles is well protected against ROS (>90% DNA survived a harsh hydrogen peroxide/heavy cocktail, see Table A.1.2. in Appendix A.1). Figure 3.6. (a) Agarose gel electrophoresis of unprotected (lane 1 and 2) and protected (lane 3 and 4) dsDNA ladder. DNA encapsulated in SiO2/TiO2 particles (lane 4) survived the UV-C treatment, while unprotected DNA was completely destroyed (lane 2) under the same the conditions. (b) Sequencing chromatograms of base 92-111 of unprotected dsDNA sequence (1) and UV-C treated unprotected (2) and protected (3) DNA amplicon; (*) indicates data below the sequencing concentration. Results for sunlight irradiation were generated using a sun simulator (1000 W m-2, AM1.5global, simulating irradiation for a 37° tilted surface, see Figure 3.4.) and to measure the damage we calculated the irradiation dose required to reduce the original DNA content by 90% (amplification inhibiting doses (AID90) value, Figure 3.7.). Under these conditions the silica layer, preventing indirect UV damage as shown above, was able to somewhat protect 54 the DNA (2 fold increase in AID90). A much more pronounced protection with a 24-fold increase in resistance to irradiation was achieved with the additional titania coating: a total irradiation dose to destroy 90% of the DNA of 22 * 103 kJ m-2 was required. We obtain an increase of DNA stability against UV-induced damage by encapsulating DNA into SiO2 and nanocoating the particles with titania. The DNA stability is shown by the AID90 value for UV-C and solar irradiation (Figure 3.7.). The data nicely demonstrates the extreme vulnerability of DNA to UV-C irradiation compared to the same dose of sunlight irradiation. Additionally it shows that the protection effect of the titania coating is similar in both irradiation cases, with a slightly more pronounced effect in the UV (24 fold increase for sunlight, 42 fold for UV-C). To put the data into perspective we compared the vulnerability of the protected DNA to the UV vulnerability of biological systems. We focused especially on bacterial spores, which are well known for their sunlight and UV tolerance (Figure 3.7.). The key reason for their light tolerance is their unique UV photochemistry.65 A variety of important factors for this elevated spore resistance to ionizing radiation have been presumed: (a) low core water content that potentially reduces the ability of c-radiation to generate damaging hydroxyl radicals. (b) UV-absorbing pigments located in the spore’s outer layers, in particular the coats and outer membrane. These pigments can protect DNA against UV by absorbing the radiation before it reaches the nucleic acid in the spore core.102 (c) Saturation of spore DNA with α/βtype small acid-soluble proteins (SASP) additionally protects the DNA structure. In our artificially designed assembly every DNA molecule is protected by a dense layer, similar to the outer coats found in spores. The silica shell acts as a hermetic diffusion barrier and protects equally well against very small molecules (ROS) and larger (bio)chemical reactants (e.g. nucleases). The additional titania layer absorbs and scatters UV light with an absorbance maximum in the region of UV-C and UV-B irradiation. It therefore blocks the high energy photons from penetrating through the particles to the DNA, similar to the UV-absorbing pigments in spores. Of course, our biomimetic protection system lacks the DNA repair systems, which are highly active in spores during outgrowth and can repair minor damages that occur during the dormant period.50 55 Figure 3.7. UV-C and solar resistance of DNA in SiO2 and SiO2/TiO2 compared to spores, viruses and protozoans. AID90 and LD90 data is presented for UV-C (grey bars) and solar (black bars) irradiation. The definitions of AID90 and LD90 are given in the text. AID90 values were determined for UV-C exposure (254 nm) and for simulated sunlight irradiation at 1000 Wm-2 for up to 6 h. LD90 values are the dose radiation needed to kill 90% of the population and are given for dormant wild-type spores of Bacillus subtilis103, viruses104, and protozoans of Cryptosporidium104; star (*) presents values from literature and (**) indicates data not available. For Bacillus subtilis an increased UV tolerance of 5 to 50 times has been reported for its spores as compared to the corresponding growing cells.103 The absolute irradiation cannot be directly compared between the microbes and our data as the microbe stability data is generated by viability assays (LD90 values) and we utilized qPCR to measure DNA damage (AID90 values). Nevertheless, the increase in UV tolerance of DNA protected by a 20 nm thick titania layer (24-42 fold) is directly comparable to the increase in UV tolerance these bacteria have by spore formation (up to 50 fold). The UV protection of the thin titania layer can also be represented in terms of an attenuation coefficient. Assuming a titania layer thickness of 20 nm and a linear dependency of DNA damage of light intensity, the corresponding attenuation coefficient is β254,DNA = 1.8 106 cm-1 (see A.1.3 in Appendix for calculation). This is more than an order of magnitude higher than the titania absorbance coefficient in the UV-C wavelength range reported in the literature (κUV = ~0.5 105 cm-1).105 However, it is well known that submicron titania particles utilized in white paints and sunscreen formulations create most of their optical extinction 56 effect (>90 %) through light scattering and not light absorbance.106 The values derived for the DNA protection indicate that also in the presented case light scattering on the surface of the titania coated particles has the most pronounced effect on UV attenuation. To further validate this, we measured the attenuation coefficient of the DNA/SiO2/TiO2 particles in water using a photometer (PM) (see Figure A.1.2. in Appendix). We then obtained an attenuation coefficient (β254,PM = 0.5 106 cm-1) that largely exceeds the absorption coefficient of titania and that is close to the attenuation coefficient derived from the DNA damage data. A control experiment (see Figure S4) with non-encapsulated DNA in the presence of titania nanoparticles gave no UV protection and further confirms the necessity of the layered material design shown in Figure 3.1. 3.4 Conclusions We engineered an approach for DNA protection against optical irradiation by incorporating DNA in a core-shell-shell assembly with a ~10 nm silica and a ~20 nm titania layer. While the silica layer protected the DNA molecules from radical oxygen species, the additional titania layer attenuated ~98 % of irradiated UV-C light, mostly by light scattering. Within the assembly DNA withstood (AID90) UV-C irradiation exceeding 100 kJ m-2 and sunlight irradiation of over 104 kJ m-2. An even higher UV resistance may be attainable by fine tuning the encapsulates for optimized light scattering, e.g. varying particle size. The concept developed here may be of further use for the encapsulation of other UV-sensitive (bio)molecules in titania. 57 4. Detecting and number counting of single engineered nanoparticles by digital particle PCR published in parts as: Daniela Paunescu, Carlos A. Mora, Lorenzo Querci, Reinhard Heckel, Michela Puddu, Bodo Hattendorf, Detlef Günther, Robert N. Grass, ACS Nano 2015, 2, 9564-9572. 58 4.1 Introduction The measurement of nanoparticle concentrations down to the level of single particles is increasingly important due to the growing use in consumer goods, industrial applications and medical diagnostics. In order to assess their potential impact, the development of suitable analytical methods is needed to determine nanoparticle concentrations by designing portable, inexpensive and simple detection tools able to detect unique particles in non-idealized environments. In this context there is a demand of more and more sensitive methods, and some market regulations (e.g. European Medical Devices)107 are asking for proving the presence/absence of individual particles, far beyond the capability of the established nanometrology methods. Several analytical methods to characterize nanoparticles are already standard research infrastructure in many laboratories, such as dynamic light scattering (DLS) for size determination, z-potential for surface charge measurement or Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) method for surface area estimation.108 Despite the progress in the field, most particle analysis techniques are limited by particle size and concentration, and often require large and complex instruments. Although electron-microscopy and probe scanning techniques can provide images of single particles, they are based on expensive instrumentation, and particle counting is time consuming even with modern automated image recognition systems. In the last decade, several innovative approaches for detecting single nanoparticles have been developed,10 ranging from mechanical biomolecules/nanoparticles by microchannel resonators) 109 (e.g. weighing of to optical detection, fluorescence microscopy110, and label-free sensing technologies such as whispering-gallery-mode (WGM) biosensors,111 and surface plasmon resonance microscopy (SPRM).112 However, because of their complexity the use of these techniques is restricted to few laboratories and only applicable to a small set of samples. In contrast thereto, medical diagnostics has common access to highly sensitive techniques to detect and monitor biomolecules and bioparticles (cells/viruses/bacteria), close to single molecules (down to 10-18 mol l-1, see Table 4.1.). These ultra-low limits of detection can be achieved by either signal-based or target-based amplifying strategies.113 While the signal-based amplification detects the increased signal after the binding of the biomolecule to a complex-labeled system (e.g. enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)114), the targetbased amplification is based on the identification and exponential amplification of the target. 59 Due to the fact that the target concentration is increased exponentially, target-based amplification strategies are more sensitive. The most common target-based amplification method, the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), is able to detect few copies of nucleic acids.113, 115 Because of its high sensitivity, selectivity, and versatility of detection, as well as low costs and portability, PCR has been established as the benchmark for nucleic acid detection in different areas, ranging from clinical diagnostics to forensics and is the standard for identification of many important viral and bacterial diseases (e.g. HIV). Table 4.1. Standard biotechnical detection methods for protein / DNA Method Entity measured Limit of detection Measuring duration Effort enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) proteins/antigens 1-10 pM7, 113 2.5 to 4 hours 10’000 US$; Only plate reader required real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) DNA/RNA/viruses/ bacteria 1-2 hours 15’000 – 30’000 US$; Standard qPCR machine, benchtop instrument Digital droplet PCR (ddPCR) DNA/rare mutations 1-2 hours ~100’000 US$; Similar workflow to real-time PCR with additional microfluidic devices 7 10 molecules per drop (60 μl) < 1-10 copies116, 117 observation per PCR reaction (20-50 μl) 1-106 copies, 20 µl split into 20’000 droplets118 observation of individual events per nl Attracted by the sensitivity and ease of application of the PCR method, we wanted to exploit this method for the detection of nanoparticles, especially as geometrically (in terms of size), many viruses and nanoparticles are comparable. In our previous work we have shown that silica particle detection is compatible with DNA, but accessible detection limits have been > 10’000 particles per analysis,55 still far away from the potential PCR analytics has to offer. To reach the goal of detecting single nanoparticles, we had to significantly improve the synthesis of DNA comprising particles to yield individual, non-agglomerated sub 100 nm particles. Additionally to this we decided for a signal detection scheme based on taking binary measurements for PCR with which, as shown below, individual nanoparticles can be literally counted. 60 4.2 Experimental 4.2.1 Synthesis of the 137 nm DNA/SiO2 particles DNA-labeled SiO2 particles were synthesized by optimizing a previous developed procedure of DNA encapsulation into SiO2.52, 53 To obtain monodisperse encapsulates, a layer-by-layer approach was followed. In a first step, 132 nm silica particles (SiO2-R-L2902, 50 mg ml-1, micro particles GmbH) were functionalized with N-trimethoxysilylpropyl-N,N,N- trimethylammonium chloride (TMAPS, 50% in methanol, ABCR) to achieve a positively charged surface, able to adsorb double-stranded DNA. To bind DNA onto the particle surface, 35 μl of functionalized particle suspension (50 mg ml-1) was mixed with 1 ml of a 12 μg ml-1 DNA solution (dsDNA: 5'- CGT GGA AGG TAA CAG CAC CGG TGC GAG CCT AAT GTG CCG TCT CCA CGA ACA CAA GGC TGT CCG ATC GTA TAA TAG GAT TCC GCA ATG GGG TTA GCA AGT GG - 3' (101 bp)). After washing the particles twice with water, 0.5 ml of 1 mg ml-1 Poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride) solution (PDADMAC, 20 wt% in H2O, Mw 200’000-350’000 g mol-1, Sigma-Aldrich) was deposited onto the particles. After 20 min at room temperature, the particles were washed three times and redispersed in a 1 ml of 0.1 mg ml-1 Poly(vinylpyrrolidone) solution (PVP, Mw ~ 10’000 g mol-1, Sigma-Aldrich) for 20 min at room temperature, followed by two washing cycles in water and one in ethanol. The PVP layer enables the particle transfer into ethanol,119 which allows the growth of silica via acidic catalysed Stöber reaction (233 μl EtOH, 72 μl H2O, 22.1 μl tetraethoxysilane (TEOS, ≥99.0% Aldrich), 5 μl of 10 mol l-1 HOAc)120. The reaction mixture was stirred (900 r.p.m.) overnight at room temperature and a silica shell with a thickness of 2-4 nm was obtained. The particles were washed twice with ethanol, once with water and redispersed in 1 ml ethanol. In order to obtain only single particles, the particle solution was centrifuged for 3 min at 1150g and 800 μl of the supernatant was collected. The supernatant contained 1.32 mg ml-1 of monodisperse encapsulated DNA/SiO2 particles. 4.2.2 Additional SiO2 layer - 252 nm DNA/SiO2 particles To obtain an additional SiO2 layer onto the encapsulated DNA/SiO2 particles a standard Stöber reaction was performed. The above synthesized particles were centrifuged for 4 min at 21100g and redispersed in a solution of 4.2 vol% ammonia (25 wt% NH3 in water) in an ethanol/water mixture (366 μl ethanol / 22 μl H2O). Subsequently, 16.5 μl of TEOS was added and the reaction was stirred for 3 h (900 r.p.m., room temperature). The obtained particles were washed twice with ethanol, once with water, and stored in ethanol (7 mg ml-1). 61 4.2.3 Synthesis of the 67 nm DNA/SiO2 particles In a first step, 61 nm silica particles (sicastar® 43-00-701, 25 mg ml-1, micromod Partikeltechnologie GmbH) were functionalized with N-trimethoxysilylpropyl-N,N,Ntrimethylammonium chloride (TMAPS, 50% in methanol, ABCR). To bind DNA onto the particle surface, 20 μl of functionalized particle suspension (50 mg ml-1) was mixed with 1 ml of a 12.8 μg ml-1 dsDNA solution (ssDNA (forward): 5'-(thiol modified) - AAA AAA AAA ACA CGA GGT AAA TAT GGG ACG CGT CCG ACC TGG CTC CTG GCG TTC TAC GCC GCC ACG TGT TCG TTA ACT GTT GAT TGG TAG CAC A - 3' (94), ssDNA (reverse): 5'- TGT GCT ACC AAT CAA CAG TTA ACG AAC ACG TGG CGG CGT AGA ACG CCA GGA GCC AGG TCG GAC GCG TCC CAT ATT TAC CTC GTG- 3' (84)). After washing the particles twice with water, 1 ml of 4 mg ml-1 Poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride) solution (PDADMAC, 35 wt% in H2O, Mw < 100’000 g mol-1, Sigma-Aldrich) was deposited onto the particles. After 20 min at room temperature, the particles were washed three times and redispersed in a 1 ml of 0.5 mg ml-1 Poly(vinylpyrrolidone) solution (PVP, Mw ~ 10’000 g mol-1, Sigma-Aldrich) for 20 min at room temperature, followed by two washing cycles in water and one in ethanol. The particles were redispersed in 275 μl EtOH and subsequently 6 μl of H2O, 6 μl of tetraethoxysilane (TEOS, ≥99.0% Aldrich) and 3 μl of 10 mol l-1 HOAc) were added. The reaction mixture was stirred (900 r.p.m.) overnight at room temperature and a silica shell with a thickness of 6 nm was obtained. The particles were washed twice with ethanol, once with water and redispersed in 1 ml ethanol. In order to obtain only single particles, the particle solution was centrifuged for 7 min at 9390g and 500 μl of the supernatant was collected. 4.2.4 DNA recovery The dsDNA was recovered from the encapsulated DNA/SiO2 (c ≤ 1.32 μg ml-1) by using a 1:100 diluted buffered oxide etch solution (BOE, 0.23 g of NH4FHF (pure, Merck) and 0.19 g of NH4F (puriss, Sigma-Aldrich) in 10 ml water). 4.2.5 Digital particle PCR instrumentation and workflow The digital particle PCR (dpPCR) was performed at low concentrations. The particle solutions were diluted in water to a concentration of 0.4 - 13 particles per μl. 1 μl of this solution was directly pipetted into a well of a 96-well PCR plate and dissolved with 1 μl of a 1:100 diluted BOE solution. The other PCR reagents, 2x Taqman PCR Mastermix, MgCl 2, primers and probe (both designed and purchased by Microsynth AG, see Table A.2.1/2 in Appendix) were 62 premixed and added to the dissolved particle solution. The composition of all PCR reagents is shown in detail in Table A.2.2. in Appendix. Each 96-well plate column contained a negative control, corresponding to the diluted BOE solution, to ensure that the BOE does not contain contaminating DNA. The PCR reaction was performed with a Roche LightCycler 96 using the following parameters: 2 min at 50 °C and 10 min at 95 °C for activation, followed by 50 cycles of a two-step thermal profile (15 s at 95°C, 60 s at 60°C). 4.2.6 Particle characterization Transmission electron microscopy investigations were carried out with a Philips CM12 (W cathode, operated at 100 kV). Particle size distributions were evaluated by counting 100 particles of the 137 & 252 nm sized particles and 70 particles of the 67 nm particles. The morphology and homogeneity were determined by using scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) with a NovaNanoSEM 450 (FEI, operated at 30 kV). Zeta potential has been determined with Zetasizer Nano (Malvern, Worcestershire, UK) and elemental microanalysis was performed by using ELEMENTAR (Elementar Analysensysteme). 63 4.3 Results and Discussion Establishing a precise particle detection tool requires access to particles of excellent homogeneity, both in size and in shape. Previously established methods for the formation of DNA loaded nanoparticles53, 72, 95 resulted in non-spherical agglomerated particles with relatively broad particle size distributions. While the agglomerated particles could be used as tracers in ecological studies, the monitoring of wastewater treatment plants and the barcoding of oils,56-58 these materials are not fit to provide single nanoparticle based analytics. In this study we therefore combined DNA deposition on the surface of preformed silica particles via a layer-by-layer approach with sol-gel silica formation under acid catalysis (Figure 4.1.) to yield homogeneous particles (see results further below and in Table 4.2.). Figure 4.1. Synthesis of DNA/SiO2 particles using a layer-by-layer approach. First, DNA was immobilized onto the surface of positively charged silica particles via electrostatic interaction with the negatively charged phosphate backbone of the DNA molecules. A cationic polymer, poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride) (PDADMAC), was then deposited onto the adsorbed DNA. A second polymer layer of poly(vinylpyrrolidone) (PVP) was deposited before growing the outer silica shell by a sol-gel process, using tetraorthosilicate (TEOS) as Si source. 64 Table 4.2. Evidence of DNA encapsulation in a layer-by-layer approach. Within the encapsulates, the DNA is protected against harsh environmental conditions, such as high temperature, radicals or UV irradiation.121 Due to the DNA therein, the particles can be quantified by real-time PCR (= quantitative PCR, qPCR) after the silica shell has been removed by a fluoride comprising buffer (Figure 4.2., top schematic). To avoid false signals in the PCR from external genomic DNA, we designed DNA amplicons, which do not overlap with known biological DNA, and tested them for uniqueness with Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST).100 The use of qPCR gives information on the DNA concentration by analyzing the threshold cycle (CT), the point on the fluorescence curve at which the signal increases above the background. By using a standard curve obtained from samples of known concentration (straight line in Figure 4.2.) the detection of released DNA allows an indirect measurement of silica particle concentrations down to the range of parts per billion (ppb = microgram per liter). However, if samples of even lower particle concentrations are analyzed, the CT values obtained increase in variability for replicates and only a part of the replicates amplify at all (Figure 4.2., bottom right). 65 Figure 4.2. Measuring SiO2 particles via PCR analysis. After the SiO2 dissolution step with a buffered fluoride solution (F- = 250 mg/l, pH = 4-5) the released dsDNA can be directly amplified using PCR. In the range of higher DNA/SiO2 particle concentrations (> 10 particles / µl) quantitative information can be obtained by comparison with a standard curve. Below a certain amount of DNA/SiO2 particles (< 10 particles / µl), the CT values for the same concentration of particles increase in variability. In this range, digital particle PCR can be used to obtain quantitative information. From a statistical point of view, this is not unexpected: If for example the sampled volume for a PCR reaction is 1 µl (as in our case) and the concentration of suspended, randomly distributed particles is around 1 particle/µl, already a random error of +1 or -1 particle per reaction can have a huge impact on the amplification outcome. Nevertheless, a PCR reaction provides information on the particle concentration, as the probability of a reaction containing at least one (leading to a positive amplification signal) or no particle (no amplification) is a function of the particle concentration. Using this insight, we envisioned that a digital quantification method of particle concentration based on binary measurements (amplification and no amplification) obtained by end-point PCR could be used to measure single particle concentrations. A similar digital approach in combination with PCR has already been introduced in 1992 by Sykes et al.122 for the absolute quantification of DNA itself, and was further developed to digital droplet PCR (ddPCR), a technology enabling the detection of rare mutations (with a detection limit of 0.001% mutant fraction for BRAF V600E mutation).118, 123 Our method, which we term digital particle PCR (dpPCR), differentiates from ddPCR by the 66 fact that it quantifies particle concentrations (containing DNA) and can be performed with a standard qPCR thermal cycler without additional infrastructure or reagents. For initial tests DNA loaded SiO2 particles with a diameter of 137 nm and a narrow particle size distribution were synthesized (see Figure 4.1.). Particle suspensions with ultra-low concentrations were prepared by serial dilution to contain ~0.4 - 13 particles per μl (~108 fold dilution). For every concentration 14 partitions (V = 1 μl) of the particle suspension were distributed to a PCR plate by directly pipetting into 14 wells (Figure 4.4a). For every concentration chosen, some of the wells contain at least one particle, while others are empty. A volume of 1.5 μl of a diluted fluoride comprising buffer solution (= buffered oxide etch, BOE; F- = 250 mg/l, pH = 4-5) was added to each well to dissolve the silica particles and release the DNA. Following the addition of polymerase, deoxynucleoside triphosphates and buffer the DNA molecules were thermally amplified via PCR to end-point (experimental details are described in Experimental section and the in Table A2.1/2 in Appendix). As the DNA concentrations per well and cycle were monitored by Taq-man probe fluorescence in real-time, we were able to directly differentiate wells initially containing particles (= positive partition) or not (negative). The results of this experiment are plotted in terms of positive partitions over total partitions (= P/T = positive partitions over total partitions) against the relative sample concentrations from the serial dilution (data points in Figure 4.4b). While negative control samples did not amplify in any of the cases, for practical reasons we chose a cutoff at a CT of 39 (see Figure 4.3. for effect of cutoff choice). The minimal effect of verifying the cut-off can be seen by plotting the respective probability (= P/T) against the sample dilution (Figure 4.3.). The probability was calculated by using equation 1, described in the main text. Figure 4.3. CT distribution of diluted samples (A) and the probability function (B) with different cut-offs. 67 The cutoff was chosen to exclude false positive signals by dpPCR since we calculated that above a CT value of 39 a sample would contain <1 DNA molecule, whereas a single particle contains on average 16 DNA molecules. Even if the DNA loading per particle is unevenly distributed, the chosen cutoff and the developed approach can handle a wide DNA loading variation, which only requires that every particle contains more than one DNA molecule. In case of the 67 nm particles (see detailed discussion below), we further found a highly homogeneous distribution of CT demonstrating that every particle carries a very comparable amount of DNA. Figure 4.4. Principle and workflow of digital particle PCR (dpPCR). a) Partitions (1 µl) of a particle dispersion comprising ~1 particle/µl are transferred to a 96-well PCR plate and the particles are directly dissolved with a buffered fluoride buffer. Following DNA amplification by PCR and online detection by fluorescence, samples containing one or more tagged particles yield positive results, whereas those without particles result in negative responses. b) Solutions with nominative relative particle concentrations were processed by dpPCR, resulting in digital signals (P/T = positive over total). By fitting these signals to equation 1, the Poisson distribution of the measurement events is demonstrated. (14 positive/negative wells per sample, performed 5 times per concentration for determination of measurement error). From the assumption that the particles are uniformly distributed in the solution it follows that the number of particles in a well is binomial or approximately Poisson distributed. Our measurements cannot be used to determine the number of particles in a well, but it can be used to determine if a well contains one or more particles. The expected number of positive wells over total wells (= P/T) is equal to the probability that a well contains one or more particles and becomes, in terms of the particle concentration θ (number particles / μl) 𝑃 −θ 𝐸 (𝑇 ) = ∑ ∞ 𝑘=1 𝑋θ (𝑘) = 1 − 𝑋θ (0) = 1 − 𝑒 (1) 68 where Xθ(k) is the probability of having k particles in one partition and Xθ(0) is the probability of having an empty partition. By comparing this theoretical result with our experimental findings shown in Figure 4.4b, we observed a good correlation, which can be expressed by the adjusted R-Squared = 0.99 if the experimental data is fitted to the equation above. This demonstrates that the Poisson statistics hold for the experimental procedures performed. This further shows that dpPCR can be used as a tool to count individual particles at very low concentrations, without the need for a calibration curve or a correction factor. These advantages come at the cost of the limited dynamic range of the method. As shown in Figure 4.4b a good correlation between the measured signal (= P/T) and particle concentration can only be found in a narrow concentration range of ~0.5 – 3 particles per partition. This is intuitive, as at higher particle concentrations essentially all wells give positive results, and at much lower particle concentrations essentially all wells are empty (further statistical discussion can be found in the section A.2.4. in Appendix). This is in strong contrast to qPCR, which has an enormous dynamic range of many orders of magnitude, but can only differentiate sample concentrations on a logarithmic scale and always requires a standard curve for absolute quantification. In order to determine the particle concentration of completely uncharacterized samples, a combination of qPCR and dpPCR is useful. The obtained absolute numbers of DNA tagged particles measured by digital particle PCR were verified by comparing the detection of the same particle dispersions with an established single particle analysis technique: single-particle inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (sp-ICPMS).124, 125 For this the measurement system was investigated under idealized conditions: Ultrapure water was chosen as matrix and larger, 252 nm sized particles were used to guarantee that sp-ICPMS can be performed at sufficiently high accuracy. This method measures the silicon content in small droplets by mass spectrometry, and very similar to dpPCR, can discriminate between empty droplets and droplets comprising particles. This method is highly sensitive, enables to discriminate between individual particles of a wide range of compositions and covers a wide concentration range.124 The detailed operating conditions, the data processing, and evaluation of the sp-ICPMS method are described in the section A.2.3 in the Appendix. The ultra-diluted particle samples (initial concentrations 7 μg/μl; diluted > 108 fold) were measured simultaneously by dpPCR and sp-ICPMS (Figure 4.5c). 69 Figure 4.5. Detection of DNA/SiO2 particles (d = 252 nm) in ultrapure water. a) Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) image of DNA/SiO2 particles; scale bar: 200 nm. b) Particle size distribution obtained by transmission electron microscopy image analysis. c) Comparison of sp-ICPMS (black spheres) with dpPCR (colored squares); measurements in triplicate, undiluted sample concentration c0 = 7 μg/μl. d) Distribution of CT values of the individual wells displaying the original signals, from which the data in c) is calculated. For the dilutions corresponding to ~1 & 0.5 particles per µl the results from both methods corresponded well to each other: Both dilutions could also be discriminated from each other with statistical significance (t-test). For a higher concentration (~2 particles per µl), dpPCR yielded a significantly lower result than sp-ICPMS. This already shows the narrower measurement range of the dpPCR method as discussed above (see Figure 4.4b). Sensitivity and measurement range of the dpPCR method may be further increased by analyzing more than 14 wells per sample, however it has to be noted that the reagent cost is not insignificant at ~0.5 USD per PCR well (see discussion on accuracy versus number of wells in Figure A.2.4. in Appendix). Overall, the results obtained by dpPCR could be directly confirmed by sp-ICPMS and showed a similar variability as the more established method. Although similarly accurate when within its ideal measurement range, dpPCR uses standard infrastructure, is less complex and does not require any calibration or signal correction. To show the flexibility of the dpPCR method in terms of particle size and independence from dissolved, contaminating silicon, three particle dilutions in the range of 70 0.5 – 2 particles per microliter were quantified with DNA tagged SiO2 particles of 137 nm and 67 nm diameter in drinking water. The particle concentration could be quantified successfully without any disturbance by the dissolved silicon and other molecules in drinking water (Figure 4.6.). Under these conditions the sp-ICPMS method could not be performed as it could not detect the smaller tagged SiO2 particles, even in ultrapure water, due to background noise, which can be assigned to Si eroded from the ICP torch, memory effects and incomplete particle events. For this reason the measurement results are best compared with the silica content of the undiluted sample (from gravimetry). Figure 4.6. Analysis of nanoparticles in drinking water a) TEM image of DNA/SiO2 particles, scale bar: 100 nm. b)&e) Particle size distribution obtained by TEM image analysis. c) dpPCR of DNA/SiO2 (d = 137 nm) particles in drinking water, measurements in triplicate, undiluted sample concentration c0 = 0.8 μg/μl. d) TEM image of DNA/SiO2 particles, scale bar: 50 nm. F) dpPCR DNA/SiO2 (d = 67 nm) particles in drinking water, measurements in triplicate, undiluted sample concentration c0 = 0.02 μg/μl. g) In case of the 67 nm particles the distribution of CT values can be further correlated to the expected presence of 0, 1 and >2 particles per well from Poisson statistics (see A.2.4 in Appendix for further details). 71 Assuming spherical silica particles of a uniform size and a density of 2200 kg/m3 the theoretical result after 108 fold dilution is in the range of the measured value (ca. factor 2, which can be explained by uncertainty in particle size measurement, Mparticle ∝ r3). High background concentrations of silicon and other molecules further limit the application of elemental methods for silica particle measurements in environmental samples. For example, drinking water already contains silicic acid at 4 ppm (parts per million, Zurich 2013), making any comparison of dpPCR for silica with alternative methods at lower sample concentrations nearly impossible. To put these experimental results into perspective, Table 4.3. summarizes the different types of particle detection methods taking into account the limit of detection and the overall effort of the method. In comparison, the method described here gives rise to nearly unprecedented detection limits for nanoparticles in complex matrices with relatively low infrastructural requirements. An additional advantage is that the method results in an absolute particle number and, therefore, does not require normalization (or background correction). Two basic requirements are needed for successful application of the dpPCR method in more complex media: (a) the particles have to remain individual particles in the medium. If not, the method still measures the particles concentration (particles per ml), but no longer the primary particle number but the aggregate number. (b) The action of the polymerase during PCR may not be interfered by the sample medium (after 1:10 dilution in PCR preparation, with Mastermix etc.), which is possible for a large array of nonbiological samples. Biological samples (e.g., cell suspensions) may also be compatible with the method after the diluting-out of interfering species. The method developed here can only detect DNA loaded nanoparticles and is therefore only useful for detecting the flow of artificial silica nanoparticles. Future development to expand the technique to nanoparticles of other composites or particle in various sizes can increase the application range. Investigations of particles comprising TiO2 or Fe2O3 loaded with DNA were already conducted in previous studies and showed compatibility with standard PCR after dissolving the particles.56, 121 The use of sol-gel chemistry further allows to adopt the size of particles by adding layers of silica (as done in the preparation of the 252 nm particles). 72 Table 4.3. Comparison of particle detection methods Method Approximate size range Limit of detection Measuring duration Effort Standard particle detection methods confocal fluorescence microscopy110 <10 nm ppb-ppm (particles tagged with 102-103 particles per fluorescent label, µl dried out drop a quantum dots) hours 50’000 – 150’000 US$, large infrastructure skilled operator required scanning electron microscopy (SEM) 10 to >1’000 nm108 any solid inorganic material ppb-ppm108 102-103 particles per µl dried out drop a hours 150’000 – 500’000 US$, large infrastructure skilled operator required atomic force microscopy (AFM) 0.5 to >1’000 nm108 any solid inorganic material hours 20’000 – 100’000 US$, highly skilled operator required single-particle inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (sp-ICP-MS) strongly element dependent < 10 to >500 nm (e.g. Si >100-400 nm)125 ppb-ppm108 102-103 particles per µl dried out drop a ppt-ppb ~1-103 particles / µl minutes to hours 100’000 – 500’000 US$, large infrastructure and maintenance (e.g. substantial argon consumption) Examples of recent techniques for particle detection microchannel resonators 100 nm Au, 1.5μm polystyrene nanoparticles109 <fg109 ~104 particles / µl b minutes to hours microfluidic device, individually designed equipment whisperinggallery-mode (WGM) sensorsc 30 nm to < 175 nm (KCl and polystyrene nanoparticles)d 1 pg/mm2 (for biomolecules111)e ~103 particles / mm2 minutes individually designed equipment surface plasmon resonance microscopy (SPRM)c >100 nm (SiO2, viruses)112 0.2 fg/mm2 (for viral particles)112 ~ 1 particle / mm2 minutes skilled operator required 1.5 hours 15’000 – 30’000 US$; standard qPCR machine, benchtop instrument This work Digital particle PCR (dpPCR) a > 60 nm (DNA tagged silica) < 1 ppt = < 1 fg/µl ~ 1 particle per μl Analysis on dried sample only with evenly distributed nanoparticles. Minimum drop volume 1µl, minimal 100 particles per sample to avoid misinterpretation of artefacts (dust/aggregation). 126 Statistically robust quantification of particle concentration is very time consuming, because of the use or very small volumes from dried out liquids. bInjected concentrations of particles samples were between 10 7-5*108 per ml.109 c2D technology, measure of surface density (particles /mm2 instead of volumetric particle concentration) dUltrahighquality-factor (Q) WGA microresonators were used.127 The upper size limit of particles is imposed by the wavelength (radius<<λ). e The throughput capacity in these devices is limited in order to preserve the original sensitivity underlying the characteristics changes of the WGM through the interaction by nanoparticles. 10 73 These different sized particles could be used for studying and analyzing their behavior in various fluids and mixtures and the resulting particle concentrations could be measured with the method developed here without restriction. While the method can certainly be expanded, the method is not able to measure/detect naturally occurring or accidentally liberated nanoparticle flows. In spite of these constraints, we believe that the dpPCR method is most valuable in understanding/tracing/detecting the behavior of nanoparticles-down to the level of individual particles. Also the method is most suited to test the absolute efficiency of nanoparticle removal techniques (e.g. filtration devices). As the method gives absolute particle numbers without normalization, it may further be useful for the calibration/correction of other nanoparticle measurement devices (i.e., certification of calibration dispersions). 4.4 Conclusion In summary, this study provides a new quantification technique for measuring ultralow concentrations of tagged nanometer particles with a detection limit of < 1 particle per microliter (i.e. < 1*10-9 μg/μl silica = < 1 ppt). dpPCR does not require a preceding calibration for quantification and only a standard qPCR machine is needed, which is available in many research facilities and medical laboratories. We have demonstrated that dpPCR is not sensitive to contaminating ions and can also quantify tagged silica particles suspended in drinking water. The sensitivity is based on the indirect measurement of the particles, which requires the use of engineered, DNA tagged particles. Here, we used encapsulated DNA/SiO2 particles to validate our method, but the same principle can be extended to other particles. The successful incorporation of DNA into additional inorganic nanoparticles has already been shown in previous studies.56, 121 Engineered particles are commonly used as tagging systems in diverse applications ranging from biological detection and imaging techniques, such as cell labelling,6 cell tracking,5 and detection of DNA128 and proteins129 and several methods have been proposed that use nanoparticles for the amplification of measurement signals. 130, 131 By the use of dpPCR, the quantification of such particles on a single particle level is simplified and will further decrease the detection limits of the particulate taggants and any measurement derived thereof. 74 75 5. Conclusion and Outlook 76 The work presented here describes the design and optimization process of protecting DNA by fossilization. The encapsulation process of DNA into silica nanoparticles yielded in a new generation of protected barcodes with proven potential as tracer and taggant. The encapsulation concept enables the protection of DNA, as sensitive chemical species against harsh environmental conditions (e.g. elevated temperature, ROS, UV light). Subsequent deprotection by treatment with fluoride comprising solutions allows the analysis of DNA by standard biochemical methods: gel electrophoresis, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) and Sanger-Sequencing. The use of qPCR as ultrasensitive analytical method enables the detection of DNA tagged particles with very low detection limits. This sensitivity of PCR is used and combined with a digital approach to detect particles down to the level of individual particles. The newly developed quantification technique of digital particle PCR (dpPCR) provides the measurability of the absolute number of tagged nanoparticles in drinking water. The simple procedure of encapsulation and release of DNA was described in a stepby-step protocol, which allows a broad range of laboratories to utilize the particles in tracer and taggant applications ranging from marking foodstuff, individual cells to animals and even whole populations. The fossilized DNA in silica spheres provides new material with high potential in various applications. While the work at hand demonstrate the process of encapsulation and the stability of DNA within the system, several studies already showed the applicability, but this is just the beginning of the possibilities. The developed material and concept combines the following key features: (i) DNA, as biomolecule with unlimited codes and the possibility of ultralow and simple detection, (ii) silica particles, as non-toxic material and the associated application for food, drugs and for in vivo and in vitro studies, (iii) nanoparticles, as one of the current most investigated material and (iv) the general and simple protection and deprotection system. All the above mentioned aspects can potentially be used and extended to solve fundamental problems of today’s society. For the successful application of the DNA encapsulated particles basic requirements are needed: (a) the encapsulated system has to maintain its protection properties during the applied conditions in order to protect the DNA. The encapsulating layer consists of silica, which is generally regarded as an insoluble material, but silica can still dissolve at higher pH. This makes the encapsulation system incompatible with strong bases or other silica etchants. 77 (b) The analysis of the encapsulated DNA is based on PCR technology. The action of the polymerase during PCR may not be interfered by the sample medium, which is possible for a large array of non-biological samples. Biological samples (e.g. cell suspensions) may also be compatible with the method after diluting-out of interfering species. Data storage DNA is considered to be the ultimate solution for data-storage. Besides the fact that DNA is the information carrier of all known life forms, it can store information in extreme high density. Several studies showed the high potential of DNA as data-storage medium by encoding i.a. books and images into the structure of DNA.39, 40, 132 To ensure the accurate read out of the information, the DNA has to maintain its integrity. However, DNA is a sensitive molecule and the information is lost, when the DNA is not stored under ideal conditions, such as dry and low temperature. A feasible and successful use of DNA for storing information, like DVDs or hard-disks requires normal storage conditions (e.g. room temperature, light). The developed concept provides a suitable protection of the encoding information by encapsulation the DNA into silica. Within the encapsulates the information could easily be stored at room temperature and would even resist radical attack, UV exposure or elevated temperature. This protection system and the tremendous decrease of prize in DNA sequencing for encoding the information could push DNA-technology for potential data-storage applications. Unique labeling Beside the use of DNA for storing information, DNA can be used as a unique barcode. The particles act as a tag to give anything from the luxury watch to regional wine their own unique label. The tagged particles could, therefore, be a game changer in the field of anticounterfeiting. An applied barcode system is only feasible, when the barcode maintains its integrity and can be read-out without errors. This requirement is given by the protection of DNA within the encapsulates. Therefore, the DNA encapsulated particles can be implemented into any products and processed further. This implementation would allow to monitor product streams and supply chains to provide transparency to clients and customers. The use of DNA as barcode has an additional advantage, which is given by the ultralow detection limit based on PCR and plays an important role in the cost of the tracing and tagging system. In order to avoid illegal duplication of the designed encapsulated DNA tracers, additional additives such as random DNA sequences, base-modifications or synthetic nucleic acids analogs can be 78 incorporated into the system. These added compounds would make it extremely difficult to read-out the original DNA barcode. Detection tool & Nanotoxicology A unique label can not only be used for anti-counterfeit, but also be applied as detection tool for (nano)particles. The developed method of detecting tagged particles can be used for studying and analyzing engineered nanoparticles in order to understand their behavior and fate in the environment and biological species. Difficult questions can be answered, such as: How and where do nanoparticles distribute in the environment after their usage (e.g. antiperspirant, exhaust gases)? Is the uptake of engineered nanoparticle in humans possible? Potential impact regarding the toxicity of nanoparticles can be assessed by proving the presence and absence of single particles in different media. The method developed here can only detect DNA loaded silica particles and is therefore useful for monitoring the fate of artificial silica nanoparticles. In future work, the method could be extended to other composites or particles in various sizes to increase the range of possible applications. Investigations of utilizing Fe2O3 particles to insert magnetic properties to the tagging system were already conducted, as well as the use of titania as UV absorber. The particle size could be individually designed by sol-gel chemistry. Additionally, functionalization of the silica surface could be directly applied by using silanes with different functional groups, such as positive charged ammonium, carboxylic acid, C6 or polyethylene glycol (PEG). Protection system The general concept of protection by encapsulation can be extended to other types of biomolecules. For instance, RNA and proteins are useful molecules with a variety of function and applications. However, these biomolecules are extremely sensitive. For a successful and reliable use in downstream applications it is required to store the molecules properly without damage. Further applications of the protection system could be in preservation of blood or other medical samples. In the case that such samples cannot be stored under optimal conditions, such as in very hot regions of this world, new and robust protection and deprotection are needed in order to guarantee an adequate quality after storage and shipment. 79 Appendix A: Supplementary material 80 A.1 Supplementary data for chapter 3 A.1.1 t-test Table A.1.1. Output data of a one sided unpaired two-sample t-test using Origin 8.6 on Phred quality data of sequencing data. Descriptive Statistics N Mean SD SEM DNA DNA in SiO2/TiO2 particles (UV-C treated) 17 33.1765 9.53438 2.31243 17 44.8824 -11.706 8.99918 2.18262 Difference t-Test Statistics t Statistic DF Prob>t Equal Variance Assumed Equal Variance NOT Assumed -3.68132 32 0.99958 -3.68132 31.89379 0.99957 A.1.2 Control experiment of radical treated free DNA To show the generation of free radicals and the associated degradation of DNA within our designed assay, we also treated free DNA as a reference. It was treated with highly aggressive heavy metal and hydrogen peroxide containing solutions which induce the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Under the conditions applied (230 μM CuCl2, 6.6 mM H2O2, 1.3 mM ascorbic acid) the free DNA was destroyed completely (Table A.1.2.), which proves the effectiveness of our radical stability test. As a control experiment, Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), complexing agent was added before the radical treatment. EDTA can generate a stable complex with Cu(I) and inhibits the redox process with H2O2 and Cu(I) and therefore the formation of free radicals. 81 Table A.1.2. Control experiment of radical treated free DNA Sample Concentration (μg ml-1) Free DNA 3.1 Free DNA + EDTA + radical treatment 3.0 Free DNA + radical treatment < 0.0005* star (*) indicates data below detection limit (< 0.5 ng ml-1) A.1.3 Calculation of attenuation coefficients The attenuation coefficient (βλ) is the sum of the absorption coefficient (κλ) and the scattering coefficient (σλ). 𝛽𝜆 = 𝜅𝜆 + 𝜎𝜆 Attenuation coefficient of TiO2/SiO2/DNA particles measured by DNA damage: Figure A.1.1. Approximation of light attenuation for DNA encapsulated TiO2 coated particles Calculation of the attenuation coefficient of the DNA/SiO2/TiO2 particles in UV light (254 nm), assuming a linear dependency of DNA damage of light intensity and a titania layer thickness of L = 20 *10-7cm. DNA protected in TiO2/SiO2 was determined to be 42 times more resistant to UV-C light than the unprotected DNA. 𝐼 1 −1 = = 𝑒 −𝛽𝜆254,𝐷𝑁𝐴 ×𝐿(𝑐𝑚 ) 𝐼0 42 𝜷𝟐𝟓𝟒,𝑫𝑵𝑨 = 𝟏. 𝟖 × 𝟏𝟎𝟔 𝒄𝒎−𝟏 82 Attenuation coefficient of DNA/SiO2/TiO2 particles in water by photometer: The attenuation coefficient can be obtained by conventional spectrophotometric measurements as absorbance readings. Figure A.1.2. Spectrophotometric measurement of DNA/SiO2/TiO2 particles The experimental value of attenuation from particle suspension was obtained by photometer (PM) (Nanodrop 2000C spectrometer, Thermo Scientific) with A254= 0.01 and a cell path length of L=1 cm. 𝛽254,𝑃𝑀 (𝑐𝑚−1 ) = 2.303 𝐴254 = 0.023𝑐𝑚−1 𝐿 (𝑐𝑚) Accounting for the concentration of TiO2 with c = 2 *10-7 g cm-3 and a density of ρ = 4.23 g cm-3 ∗ (𝑐𝑚2 𝑔−1 ) 𝛽254,𝑃𝑀 𝛽254,𝑃𝑀 (𝑐𝑚−1 ) = = 115 000 𝑐𝑚2 𝑔−1 𝑐(𝑔 𝑐𝑚−3 ) ∗ (𝑐𝑚2 𝑔−1 ) × 𝜌𝑇𝑖𝑂2 (𝑔 𝑐𝑚−3 ) = 486 450 𝑐𝑚−1 ≈ 𝟎. 𝟓 ∗ 𝟏𝟎𝟔 𝒄𝒎−𝟏 𝛽254,𝑃𝑀 (𝑐𝑚−1 ) = 𝛽254,𝑃𝑀 83 A.2 Supplementary data for chapter 4 A.2.1 Encapsulate characterization Figure A.2.1. TEM and STEM images of the three different sized DNA/SiO2 particles depicting the size homogeneity of the particles. A2.2. DNA analysis Table A.2.1. Sequences of primers and probe. For 137 nm and 252 nm DNA/SiO2 particles For 67 nm DNA/SiO2 particles Primer/ probe Forward Sequence (5'- 3') CGTGGAAGGTAACAGCAC Length (bp) 18 Concentration (nM) 450 Reverse CCACTTGCTAACCCCATTG 19 450 Probe (TaqMan) TGCGAGCCTAATGTGCCGTCT 21 125 Forward CACGAGGTAAATATGGGACG 20 450 Reverse TGTGCTACCAATCAACAGTTAA 22 450 Probe CGACCTGGCTCCTGGCGTTCTAC 23 125 (TaqMan) 84 Table A.2.2. Composition of PCR reagents. Reagent Volume (μl) 2x Taqman-Universal PCR Mastermix (life technologies, cat. 4304437 6.25 25 mM MgCl2 0.75 water 0.5 5x Primer/Probemix 2.5 Sample (particle solution + BOE) 2.5 (1+1.5) Total 12.5 PCR raw data of 137 nm DNA/SiO2 particles and cut-off For the data analysis, two sample columns of the 96-well PCR plate containing two negative controls (= 14 samples) were defined as one set of data. For describing the probability function of the 137 nm encapsulated DNA/SiO2 particle solution at extreme low concentration, one data set was measured for each concentrations between 0.4 – 13 particles per μl. A cut-off of a CT value of 39 was determined. Table A.2.3. CT values of the diluted 137 nm samples Relative sample dilution Relative sample concentration CT one data set of 14 samples Positive partitions (cutoff of 39) 1*10- 3.33*10 1.43*10 1.11*10 1.0*10- 5.0*10- 3.33*10 7 -8 -8 -8 8 9 -9 1 0.33 0.14 0.11 0.1 0.05 0.03 26.93 29.25 27.92 29.46 28.48 27.34 32.26 32.75 27 30.03 27.47 28.45 32.26 30.66 28.92 27.88 28.48 29.93 30.39 37.9 29.14 31.7 30.26 31.4 30.39 31.24 31.39 31.47 31.58 31.91 33.3 28.83 34.81 33.22 29.73 35.38 32.74 31.47 30.85 39.86 35.73 50 28.75 33.24 31.77 35 34.02 33 >50 >50 31.22 30.53 33.41 31.46 36.67 40.27 30.01 34.25 >50 29.67 35.21 31.3 31.67 >50 30.88 31.41 36.04 32.82 39.22 46.63 37.13 50 39.38 32.77 31.51 37 31.87 50 39.15 50 50 33.76 30.44 31.89 34.3 >50 >50 36.9 >50 >50 >50 43.77 29.74 >50 >50 >50 30.52 >50 14 14 12 11 10 8 4 85 A.2.3 Particle counting by sp-ICPMS To count the number of the three diluted samples of 252 nm encapsulated DNA/SiO2 particles (2/1/0.5·10-8) in ultrapure water, single particle - sector field - inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (sp-SF-ICPMS, Element XR, Thermo-Finnigan, Bremen, Germany) with a quartz microconcentric nebulizer (MicroMist, Glass Expansion Melbourne Australia, 100 μl/min nominal uptake) and cyclonic quartz spray chamber was used. The ICPMS was operated at 3’000 (m/Δm) mass resolving power to separate 28 Si from adjacent polyatomic background ions (mainly N2+, CO+). Data acquisition was then carried out by so-called single particle ICPMS mode.133-135 The instrument was set to rapidly scan a mass window near the maximum of the mass peak a rate of 5 ms/point in order to maximize the signal/background ratio for individual particle events. One may note that the measurement mode records signals over a fraction of the mass spectral peak instead of the peak maximum only. This mode increases the intensity distribution of the ion signals for a given particle size distribution to some extent but achieves much higher efficiency for determining particle number concentrations. Operating conditions The ICP operating conditions where optimized in order to achieve highest possible signal background ratios in the nanoparticle detection experiments. Rf-power, intermediate and carrier gas flow rates were optimized using SiO2 particles (Microparticles, Berlin, Germany) of 335 nm diameter and the optimized operating conditions are listed in Table A.2.4. Table A.2.4. Operation condition of sp-ICPMS. Operating conditions ICP RF Power Plasma Gas Flow (Ar) Auxiliary Gas Flow (Ar) Sample Gas Flow Resolution Mode Integration Time Mass Window Data points per Run Settling Time Scan Type Detector Mode Runs Passes Measurement Duration 950 W 16 L min‐1 0.6 L min‐1 1.2 L min‐1 Medium (m/Δm=4’000) 5 ms 2% 20 1 ms E-scan Pulse Counting 20’000 1 35 min 86 Sample preparation Solutions containing different particle concentrations (~600 [particle/ml]; ~1200 [particle/ml]; ~2500 [particle/ml]; ~4200 [particle/ml], see Table A.2.5.) of silica particle were analyzed. To prepare this series a concentrated suspension of particles (3.71012 [particles/ml]) was sonicated for 2-3 minutes and diluted to the different concentrations with purified water. Three different solutions containing an unknown amount of freshly synthetized DNA/SiO2 particles were prepared with the same procedure. Data processing and evaluation In this work the transport efficiency was determined via the waste collection method.136-139 The sample and the waste collected were weighed before and after every measurement to determine the total amount of sample reaching the plasma. The time-resolved signal intensities were converted to ion counts by multiplying the measured intensity (in cps) with the integration time, then sorted into 10 counts wide bins and finally plotted as an intensity distribution. A Gaussian function was used to fit the corresponding particle mass distribution and the background intensities arising from dissolved Si and the instrumental background. The total number of detected particles was then obtained by adding all events under the nanoparticle mass distribution peak (Figure A.2.2.), while excluding the background contributions. The range summed was chosen manually. To determine particle number concentration (PNC), the counted particles in a measurement were divided by the introduced liquid volume. Figure A.2.2. Typical intensity distribution from sp-ICPMS for a nanoparticle suspension DNA-loaded SiO2 (2·10-8). Red line indicates a Gaussian fit to the distribution. The threshold value indicates the start point for summing up particle events. 87 The fraction of particles detected is only about 29 %, because nanoparticles are not detected during the MS settling- and data transfer times and when incompletely sampled by the mass spectrometer. Based on the calibration, the PNC in the unknown samples was evaluated and the results are listed in Table A.2.5. Uncertainty of the PNC was evaluated taking into account the uncertainty from the replicate measurements and the uncertainty of the regression. Figure A.2.3. Calibration curve used to quantify synthesized DNA/SiO2 particles, black points are represent the external standards, red point indicate the three diluted samples (2/1/0.5·10-8). Table A.2.5. Amount of nanoparticle calculated based on external calibration (Figure A.2.3). 0.5·10-8 Detected [particle/ml] 234±3 Sample concentration [particle/ml] 769±19 1·10-8 462±37 2·10-8 767±52 1513±251 2505±353 A.2.4 Statistical estimation of particle concentration The idea is to measure concentration from binary measurements by taking tiny fractions of the solution and identifying whether this tiny fraction of the solution contains a particle or not. By taking many of those measurements, we can obtain an estimate of the particle concentration in the solution. Specifically, we are given a solution with particle concentration θ (in number 88 particles/μl) that we wish to estimate. The amount of the solution is m*μl. To measure concentration, we take T (in our experiments we chose T = 14) drops of 1 μl, put it in a well, and measure whether the well contains a particle or not. We next explain that the number of points in each well is approximately Poisson distributed. Consider the ith well. The total number of particles in the solution is θm. We assume that the particles in the solution are uniformly distributed, therefore the probability that a given particle is in the ith well is 1/m. The number of particles in the ith well, denoted by Yi, is therefore binomial distributed with coefficients p = 1/m, n = θm, i.e., the probability that the ith well contains k particles is 1 𝑘 1 P [Y𝑖 = k] = (𝜃𝑚 ) (𝑚) (1 − 𝑚)𝜃𝑚−𝑘 . 𝑘 Since n = θm is large (>> 100) and p = 1/m is small (p < 1/200) the binomial distribution is very well approximated by a Poisson distribution with parameter λ = np = θ, i.e., P [Y𝑖 = k] ≈ 𝜃𝑘 𝑘! 𝑒 −𝜃 . (1) In the following we assume that the Yi are independent, i.e., the number of particles in the ith well is independent of the number of particles in the other wells. This is a reasonable assumption, since we only take T = 14 drops, and the total amount of the solution is large (200 – 1’000 μl), therefore taking all the measurements does not change the number of particles in the solution significantly. In our measurements, we do not measure the number of particles in the ith well Yi, instead we measure whether the ith well contains a particle or not. Specifically, we observe the binary random variable: 𝑋𝑖 = { 1, 0, the ith well contains a particle, 𝑖. 𝑒. , 𝑌𝑖 > 0 the ith well does not contain a particle, 𝑖. 𝑒. , 𝑌𝑖 = 0 . The probability that the ith well contains a particle is determined by the concentration θ as follows. The probability that a given particle is not in the ith well is 1 − 1/m, therefore the probability that none of the mθ particles is in the ith well is 1 P [X𝑖 = 0] = (1 − 𝑚)𝜃𝑚 ≈ 𝑒 −𝜃 . 89 The approximation above is essentially exact for practical purposes if m is large (here m is large, specifically m = 200, ..., 1’000). Note that we could have obtained this probability also from the Poisson approximation in (1) by noting that P [Yi = 0] = e−θ. Our goal is to estimate the concentration θ from the random observations X1, ..., XT. To this end, we consider the fraction of positive wells, defined as P/T, where P is the number of positive wells, i.e., 𝑃 = ∑𝑇𝑖=1 𝑋𝑖 . The random variable P/T The random variable P is binomial distributed, thus we have: P[ 𝑃 𝑘 𝑇 = ] = [𝑃 = k] = ( ) (1 − 𝑒 −𝜃 )𝑘 𝑒 −𝜃(𝑇−𝑘) . 𝑇 𝑇 𝑘 The expectation of the random variable P/T is Е[𝑃/T] = 1 − 𝑒 −𝜃 and its variance is 1 Var(𝑃/T) = 𝑇 𝑒 −𝜃 (1 − 𝑒 −𝜃 ) . Estimation of the concentration from P We next discuss the estimation of the concentration θ based on the measurements X1, ..., XT . Our intuition is that estimation of θ in general improves in T, and that we can estimate θ from a reasonable number of measurements T only if θ is not too small or too large. Specifically, if θ is too small, then the probability that all wells do not contain a particle is large (recall that the probability of the ith containing a particle is 1 − e−θ), in which case we do not obtain much information on the exact value of θ. Similarly, if θ is large, then the probability that all wells contain a particle is large, and we do not obtain much information on the exact value of θ either. We formally estimate the concentration as follows. A common approach to estimate the parameter of a statistical model is maximum likelihood estimation. The maximum likelihood estimator for θ is log(T /(T − P )). However, the maximum likelihood estimate in its original form is not sensible here, since for P = 0, the estimate is (i.e. log(0)) not defined. However, we can change the maximum likelihood estimate slightly in order to obtain a sensible estimate of θ. Specifically we consider the following estimator of θ: 90 𝑇 log(𝑇−𝑃), if 𝑃 < 𝑇 𝜃̂(𝑃) = { log(𝑇 + 1) , if 𝑃 = 𝑇 . Note that the estimator θ̂ is biased, i.e., its expectation is not equal to θ. However, this is unavoidable, since no unbiased estimator for θ exists. Properties of the estimator 𝜃̂ In order to asses how the concentration θ and the number of measurements, i.e., number of wells, influences the quality of our estimate of the concentration θ, we consider the rootmean-square deviation (RMSD) of the relative error in concentration, defined as ̂ 2 𝜃−𝜃 𝑅𝑀𝑆𝐷(𝜃̂) = √Е [ ( 𝜃 ) ] . The RMSD is the sample standard deviation of the relative differences between predicted values and observed values. 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Master thesis: Synthesis and applications of SiO2 Particles containing DNA, Prof. Wendelin J. Stark, ETH Zurich. 9/2007 – 8/2010 Bachelor studies in Chemistry, Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg (DE). Bachelor thesis: Goldkatalysierte Synthese von tricyclischen Verbindungen und deren weitere Verwendung, Prof. A. Stephen K. Hashmi, Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg. 6/2007-8/2007 Research project, School of Medicine at Stanford University, California (US), Prof. Mark A. Kay. 3/2007 High-school diploma, Otto-Hahn-Gymnasium Landau (DE). 104 Refereed Journal Articles 15. D. Paunescu, W. J. Stark, R. N. Grass, Particles with an Identity: Tracking and Tracing in Commodity Products, Powder Technol. 2015, under review. 14. D. Paunescu, C. A. Mora, L. Querci, R. Heckel, M. Puddu, B. Hattendorf, D. Günther, R. N. Grass, Detecting and Number Counting of Single Engineered Nanoparticles by Digital Particle Polymerase Chain Reaction, ACS Nano 2015, 9, 9564-9572. 13. C. A. Mora, D. Paunescu, R. N. Grass and W. J. Stark, Silica Particles with Encapsulated DNA as Trophic Tracers, Mol. Ecol. Res. 2015, 15, 231-241. 12. R. N. Grass, R. Heckel, M. Puddu, D. Paunescu, W. J. Stark, Robust Chemical Preservation of Digital Information on DNA in Silica with Error-Correcting Codes, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2015, 8, 2552-2555. 11. C. J. Hofer, V. Zlateski, P. R. Stoessel, D. Paunescu, E. M. Schneider, R. N. Grass, M. Zeltner, W. J. Stark, Stable dispersions of azide functionalized ferromagnetic metal nanoparticles, Chem. Commun. 2015, 51, 1826-1829. 10. R. N. Grass, J. Schälchli, D. Paunescu, J. O. B. Soellner, R. Kaegi, W. J. Stark, Tracking Trace Amounts of Submicrometer Silica Particles in Wastewaters and Activated Sludge Using Silica-Encapsulated DNA Barcodes, Environ. Sci. Technol. 2014, 1, 484-489. 9. M. S. Bloch, D. Paunescu, P. R. Stoessel, C. A. Mora, W. J. Stark, R. N. Grass, Labeling milk along its production chain with DNA encapsulated in silica, J. Agric. Food Chem. 2014, 62, 10615-10620. 8. M. Hoop, D. Paunescu, P. R. Stoessel, F. Eichenseher, W. J. Stark, R. N. Grass, PCR quantification of SiO2 particle uptake in cells in the ppb and ppm range via silica encapsulated DNA barcodes, Chem. Commun. 2014, 50, 10707-10709. 7. J. G. Halter, N. H. Cohrs, N. Hild, D. Paunescu, R. N. Grass, W. J. Stark, Self- defending anti-vandalism surfaces based on mechanically triggered mixing of reactants in polymer foils, J. Mater. Chem. A 2014, 2, 8425-8430. 6. R. A. Raso, A. Stepuk, D. Mohn, D. Paunescu, F. M. Koehler, and W. J. Stark, Regenerable cerium oxide based odor adsorber for indoor air purification from acidic volatile organic compounds, Appl. Catal. B. Environmental 2014, 147, 965-972. 105 5. D. Paunescu, C. A. Mora, M. Puddu, F. Krumeich, R. N. Grass, DNA protection against ultraviolet irradiation by encapsulation in a multilayered SiO2/TiO2 assembly, J. Mater. Chem. B 2014, 2, 8504-8509. 4. M. Puddu, D. Paunescu, W. J. Stark, R. N. Grass, Magnetically Recoverable, Thermostable, Hydrophobic DNA/Silica Encapsulates and Their Application as Invisible Oil Tags, ACS Nano 2014, 8, 2677-2685. 3. D. Paunescu, M. Puddu, J. O. B. Soellner, P. R. Stoessel, R. N. Grass, Reversible DNA encapsulation in silica to produce ROS-resistant and heat-resistant synthetic DNA 'fossils', Nat. Protoc. 2013, 52, 4269-4272. 2. D. Paunescu, R. Fuhrer, R. N. Grass A.C.C. Rotzetter, Protection and Deprotection of DNA-High-Temperature Stability of Nucleic Acid Barcodes for Polymer Labeling, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 4269-4272. Featured on the Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. cover, 52, (2013). Scientific/Media coverage: Highlighted in Nature, 495 (2013): Protecting DNA in silica 'fossils' Highlighted in CHIMIA, 67 (2013) Featured in BBC, 2013: Tiny glass 'bottles' protect DNA from damage 1. Y-L. Wu, F. Tancini, W. B. Schweizer, D. Paunescu, C. Boudon, J-P. Gisselbrecht, P. D. Jarowski, E. Dalcanale, F. Diederich, Proacetylenic Reactivity of a Push-Pull Buta-1,2,3triene. New Chromophores and Supramolecular Systems, Chem. Asian J. 2012, 7, 1185-1190. 106 Conference Presentations and Proceedings 8. D. Paunescu, M. Puddu, P. R. Stoessel, R.N. Grass, Protection and Deprotection of DNA - High Temperature Stability of Nucleic Acid Barcodes for Polymer Labeling, poster presentation, International Symposium on DNA-encoded chemical libraries, Zurich, Switzerland, September 1, 2014. 7. D. Paunescu, M. Puddu, P. R. Stoessel , R.N. Grass, Protection and Deprotection of DNA - High Temperature Stability of Nucleic Acid Barcodes for Polymer Labeling, poster presentation, MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, December 1-6, 2013. 6. D. Paunescu, M. Puddu, P. R. Stoessel, R. Fuhrer, R.N. Grass, Single DNA-labelled nanoparticles, oral presentation, Swiss Aerosol Group (SAG) Meeting, Bern, Switzerland, November 18, 2013. 5. D. Paunescu, R. Fuhrer, P. R. Stoessel, R. N. Grass, Unique barcoding system for all kind of materials, poster presentation, Industry Day, Zurich, Switzerland, September 12, 2013. 4. D. Paunescu, R. Fuhrer, P. R. Stoessel, R.N. Grass, Protection and Deprotection of DNA - High Temperature Stability of Nucleic Acid Barcodes for Polymer Labeling, poster presentation, SCS Fall Meeting, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 06, 2013. 3. D. Paunescu, M. Puddu, P.R. Stoessel, R. Fuhrer, R.N. Grass, Protection and Deprotection of DNA - High Temperature Stability of Nucleic Acid Barcodes for Polymer Labeling, oral presentation, MRC Graduate Symposium, Zurich, Switzerland, June 13, 2013. 2. D. Paunescu, R. Fuhrer, R.N. Grass, Protection and Deprotection of DNA - High Temperature Stability of Nucleic Acid Barcodes for Polymer Labeling, poster presentation, Swiss Nano Convention, Basel, Switzerland, May 23, 2013. 1. D. Paunescu, R. Fuhrer, R.N. Grass, Protection and Deprotection of DNA - High Temperature Stability of Nucleic Acid Barcodes for Polymer Labeling, oral presentation, i-net Nano “NextNanoStars”, Basel, Switzerland, March 21, 2013. 107 Student supervision 3. Andri Mani (Master thesis, 5/2015 – 9/2015): Uptake Quantification of Different Surface Functionalized Silica Particles into A549 Human Epithelial Cells 2. Madeleine S. Bloch (Master thesis, 9/2013 – 2/2014): Labeling food products with silica/DNA nanoparticles, 1. Justus O. B. Soellner (Master thesis, 11/2012 – 3/2013): Detection of DNA tagged silica nanoparticles in wastewater treatment plants. Teaching experience 9/2014 – 12/2014 Laboratory course – Chemical Engineering I, ETH Zurich 1/2012 – 3/2012 1/2013 – 3/2013 Laboratory course – basic chemistry for UWIS, ETH Zurich Varia Co‐founder and treasurer of the Society for Women in Natural Sciences (WiNS) at ETH Zurich. Networking and career platform for women working in the Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences at ETH Zurich 108