party supplies catalog - Martin Bros. Food Market
party supplies catalog - Martin Bros. Food Market
FALL/WINTER 2014 PARTY SUPPLIES CATALOG | 800.847.2404 FALL/WINTER 2014 | PARTY SUPPLIES 1 FOOTBALL t A) Iowa Hawkeyes Luncheon Napkin 13 x 13 inch 20 count | 803666 B A t D) Iowa State Luncheon Napkin 13 x 13 inch 20 count | 803671 D B) Iowa Hawkeyes t t Cocktail Napkin 10 x 10 inch 20 count | 803665 C C) Iowa Hawkeyes Plastic Tablecover 54 x 108 inch 899306 t F) Iowa State Plastic Tablecover 54 x 108 inch 899307 t E) Iowa State Cocktail Napkin 10 x 10 inch 20 count | 803670 E F t G) Gridiron Luncheon Napkin 13 x 13 inch 18 count | 899845 H t H) Gridiron Cocktail Napkin 10 x 10 inch 18 count | 899844 t G Great for tailgaiting COMBINE ANY COLORS FROM OUR SOLID COLORED TABLEWARE AT THE BACK OF THE CATALOG TO CREATE OTHER TEAM COLORS! 2 MARTINBROSFOODMARKET.COM I I) Gridiron Action Tablecover 54 x 108 inch 899846 HALLOWEEN Orange Hot/Cold Cup 9 oz 24 count | 897912 14 count | 880408 C B) 9 inch 14 count | 880407 C) 6 inch 24 count | 880406 Plastic Cup 8 oz 10 count | 880416 E Go fancy with clear tableware over colorful placmats. t L) Black Velvet Luncheon Napkin 13 x 13 inch 50 count | 896530 J) Pumpkin Smiles Cocktail Napkin 10 x 10 inch 18 count | 899874 I J K) Sunkissed Orange O) Tissue Fan with Spiders Decoration 10” and 8” 3 count | 899878 t M) Pumpkin Smiles Luncheon Napkin 13 x 13 inch 18 count | 899849 Cocktail Napkin 10 x 10 inch 50 count | 896510 L I) Black Velvet t P) Black Velvet Placemat 9.5 x 14 inch 50 count | 898100 K t O Cocktail Napkin 10 x 10 inch 50 count | 896523 M t N) Sunkissed Orange Luncheon Napkin 13 x 13 inch 50 count | 896546 N Q) Sunkissed Orange Placemat 9.5 x 14 inch 50 count | 899217 P t E) Deluxe Clear t D G t H) Honeycomb Pumpkin Centerpiece 9 x 12 inch 899828 H t D) Deluxe Clear Plastic Tumbler 9 oz 20 count | 880413 Hot/Cold Cup 9 oz 24 count | 897895 t A) 10.25 inch t G) Black Velvet F t F) Sunkissed t B t t Deluxe Clear Plastic Plate A Q FALL/WINTER 2014 | PARTY SUPPLIES 3 THANKSGIVING A) 10.25 inch 120 count | 880300 B C D t A E) Large Turkey Honeycomb Centerpiece 12 inch 899839 t D) Ivory w/Gold Trim Plastic Coffee Mug 8 oz 192 count | 880316 t Ivory w/Gold Trim Plastic Plates B) 9 inch 120 count | 880304 F) Reflection Plastic Cutlery Spoons, Forks, Knives 25 sets | 880378 F t C) 6 inch 150 count | 880312 t G) Thanksgiving Blessing Luncheon Napkin 13 x 13 inch 18 count | 899898 E t I) Ivory Luncheon Napkin 13 x 13 inch 50 count | 896540 I t H) Thanksgiving Blessing Cocktail Napkin 10 x 10 inch 18 count | 899899 G H t J) Glittering Gold K) Ivory Placemat 9.5 x 14 inch 50 count | 898116 t Luncheon Napkin 13 x 13 inch 50 count | 896537 J t L) Thanksgiving Scroll Placemat 12 x 15 inch 12 count | 899214 L 4 MARTINBROSFOODMARKET.COM M) Paper Leaf Placemat 13 x 15 inch 12 count | 899885 t K M CHRISTMAS / MartinBrosDist / MartinBrosFoodMarket 880419 880421 C t A) Jingle Bells Luncheon Napkin 13 x 13 inch 18 count | 899801 D E t t t M) Holly Foil 15 inch 899223 D) 9 inch 120 count | 880306 880415 E) 6880406 inch 880412 H 150 count | 880314 G) White w/Silver Rim PlasticCoffee Cup H) Reflection 8 oz Plastic Cutlery 192 count | 328607 Spoons, Forks, Knives 880378 328607 880383 25 sets | 880378 G K I ITEM NUMBER 880419 400 each 880421 400 each 880416 10 each 880412 20 each J 880406 24 each 880407 14 each 880408 14 each Centerpiece 880415 20 each DESCRIPTION 4 oz Plastic Champagne Glass 2 piece 5.5 oz Plastic Champagne Glass 2 piece L) Snowman Deluxe Clear Plastic Coffee Cup 10Dots oz Deluxe Clear Plastic Bowl 6 Napkin oz Cocktail Deluxe Clear Plastic Plate 6 inch 10 x 10 Deluxe Clear Plastic Plateinch 9 inch | 899887 Deluxe Clear Plastic Plate 10.25 inch 50 count Deluxe Clear Plastic Bowl 10 oz L ITEM 880314 328607 880306 880302 880383 880378 t J) Classic Red Luncheon Napkin 13 x 13 inch 50 count | 896534 880314 F Never A Membership Fee • NUMBER 150 each 192 each 120 each 120 each 150 each 75 each t K) Snowman Dots Luncheon Napkin DESCRIPTION 13 x 13 inch Masterpiece Plastic with Silver Rim 6 inch | 899886 50Plate count Masterpiece Plastic Mug White with Silver Rim Masterpiece Plastic Plate with Silver Rim 9 inch Masterpiece Plastic Plate with Silver Rim 10.25 inch Masterpiece Plastic Bowl with Placemat Silver Rim 10 oz O) Classic Red Reflection Cutlery Set 25 ea fork spoon knife 9.5 x 14 inch 50 count | 898101 t I) Fresh Lime Cocktail Napkin 10 x 10 inch 50 count | 896514 Wine Glass 5.5 oz 20 count | 880401 t B C) 10.25 inch 120 count | 880302 t F) 2 Piece Plastic t t B) Jingle Bells 880416 Cocktail Napkin 10 x 10 inch 18 count | 899802 A t White w/Silver Rim Plastic Plates N Always Open To The Public O P t t M N) Hope and Peace Placemat 12 x 15 inch 12 count | 899219 P) Emerald Green Placemat 9.5 x 14 inch 50 count | 899504 FALL/WINTER 2014 | PARTY SUPPLIES 5 NEW YEAR’S C) Two Piece Plastic Wine Glass B 5.5 oz 20 count | 880401 B) One Piece Plastic Mini Wine Glass 2 oz G 10 count | 827103 t t A t A) 2015 Foil Centerpiece 15 inch 899903 t E) Bamboo Pick t D) 2015 Black Dangler 24 inch 5 count | 899904 C t G) Black Glitz New Year’s Luncheon Napkin 13 x 13 inch 16 count | 899813 t F) Two Piece Plastic with Knot 5.9 inch 25 count | 827115 F E Champagne Glass 4 oz 20 count | 880403 t I) Black Velvet Placemat 9.5 x 14 inch 50 count | 898100 I H t H) New Year Pop Cocktail Napkin 10 x 10 inch 18 count | 899889 Make your celebration more fun with these! K t J) New Year’s Kit for 10 Includes: 5 foil hats, 5 glitter tiaras, 5 party clickers, 5 foil horns (8”), 5 poly leis, 15 throws of serpentine 899225 6 MARTINBROSFOODMARKET.COM t J D K) New Year’s Kit for 20 Includes: 10 foil hats, 10 glitter tiaras, 10 party clickers, 10 foil horns (8”), 10 poly leis, 30 throws of serpentine 899224 PETITE WARE & CUTLERY t A) Plastic t C) Petite White Plastic Wine Glass 2 oz 10 count | 827103 A Square Dish 2.5 inch 50 count | 827163 C t D) Petite Black Plastic Square Dish 2.5 inch 50 count | 827161 t B) Plastic Shot Glass Clear 1 oz 50 count | 328657 B F) Black Petite Plastic Tasting Forks 100 count | 827165 t E) Notion Plastic D Square Dish 3 oz 10 count | 827190 E J t t H I F G t H) Mini Silver Look Plastic Tasting Forks 48 count | 827181 t t K) Silver Look t G) Black Petite Plastic Tasting Spoons 100 count | 827167 I) Mini Silver Look Plastic Tasting Spoons 48 count | 827182 Plastic Spoons 80 count | 827127 K M t M) Silver Look Get the look of REAL silverware without the price or the cleanup! Plastic Forks 80 count | 827125 N) Silver Look Plastic Cutlery Set Forks, Spoons & Knives 25 sets | 880378 t L) Silver Look Plastic Knives 80 count | 827129 J) Bamboo Pick w/Knot 5.9 inch 25 count | 827115 N t L FALL/WINTER 2014 | PARTY SUPPLIES 7 DRINKWARE G E D x I, J THIS SIZE NO LONGER AVAILABLE C B A A C D E 880394 880396 880145 880397 880395 50 count 25 count 25 count 25 count 25 count 5 oz. Clear Plastic Tumbler 8 oz. Clear Plastic Tumbler 9 oz. Clear Plastic Tumbler 10 oz. Clear Plastic Tumbler 14 oz. Clear Plastic Tumbler F G H 880413 880414 880411 20 count 20 count 10 count 9 oz. Plastic Tumbler Deluxe - Clear 10 oz. Plastic Tumbler Deluxe - Clear 8 oz. Deluxe Clear Plastic Wine Glass I J K 880401 880421 807105 20 count 400 count 8 count 5.5 oz. 2 pc Plastic Wine Glass 5.5 oz. 2pc Plastic Wine Glass 8 oz. 1 pc. Plastic Wine Glass DISCONTINUED B L, M N L 880403 20 count M 880419 400 count N 807104 10 count O 880243 10 count P 880147 10 count O P U T R 8 MARTINBROSFOODMARKET.COM 4 oz. 2 pc. Plastic Champagne Glass 4 oz. 2pc. Plastic Champagne Glass 5 oz. 1 pc. Plastic Champagne Flute 5 oz. 2 pc. Plastic Fluted Champagne Glass 12 oz. Plastic Margarita Glass Looks like linen...without all the cost! Try it at your next event! BETTER THAN LINEN Q K H F S V Q R S T U V 898625 898632 898628 898626 898624 898633 24 count 1 count 1 count 24 count 24 count 1 count 16x16 inch (Folded) Buffet Towel 50x108 inch Table Cover 13x29 inch Tableskirt 16x16 inch Dinner Napkin 10x10 inch Beverage Napkin 82 inch Round Table Cover DINNERWARE 880416 880412 880406 880415 880383 880378 C B D 880314 A 328607 E ITEM 880419 880421 880416 880412 880406 880407 880408 880415 NUMBER 400 each 400 each 10 each 20 each 24 each 14 each 14 each 20 each Matching tumblers & stemware are available in the “Deluxe” pattern on page 8 Mayflower White w/Silver Trim DESCRIPTION 4 oz Plastic Champagne Glass 2 piece 5.5 oz Plastic Champagne Glass 2 piece Deluxe H Clear Plastic Coffee Cup 10 oz Deluxe Clear Plastic Bowl 6 oz GDeluxe Clear Plastic Plate 6 inch Deluxe Clear Plastic Plate 9 inch Clear Plastic Plate 10.25 inch FDeluxe Deluxe Clear Plastic Bowl 10 oz ITEM 880314 I 328607 880306 880302 880383 880378 Never A Membership J Fee • NUMBER 150 each 192 each 120 each 120 each 150 each 75 each A 880314 150 count B 880306 120 count DESCRIPTION C Plate 880302 Masterpiece Plastic with Silver 120 Rim 6count inch Masterpiece Plastic White with 150 Silvercount Rim D Mug880383 Masterpiece Plastic Plate with Silver Rim 9 inch E Plate 328607 count Masterpiece Plastic with Silver 192 Rim 10.25 inch 6 inch Plastic Plate 9 inch Plastic Plate 10.25 inch Plastic Plate 10 oz. Plastic Bowl 8 oz Plastic Coffee Cup Masterpiece Plastic Bowl with Silver Rim 10 oz Reflection Cutlery Set 25 ea fork spoon knife Always Open Mayflower Ivory w/Gold Trim F G H To I J 880312 880304 880300 The 880382 880316 150 count 120 count 120 count Public 150 count 192 count 6 inch Plastic Plate 9 inch Plastic Plate 10.25 inch Plastic Plate 10 oz. Plastic Bowl 8 oz Plastic Coffee Cup Milan Plates - White N K L M N M L R K 827144 827148 827152 827156 168 count 168 count 168 count 120 count 5 x 5 inch Plastic Plate 7 x 7 inch Plastic Plate 8 x 8 inch Plastic Plate 9 x 9 inch Plastic Plate Milan Plates - Black Q O P Q R P O 827142 827146 827150 827154 168 count 168 count 168 count 120 count Deluxe Clear Collection S T U V W X 880406 880407 880408 880412 880415 880416 24 count 14 count 14 count 20 count 20 count 10 count 5 x 5 inch Plastic Plate 7 x 7 inch Plastic Plate 8 x 8 inch Plastic Plate 9 x 9 inch Plastic Plate 6 inch Plastic Plate 9 inch Plastic Plate 10.25 inch Plastic Plate 6 oz Plastic Bowl 10 oz. Plastic Bowl 8 oz. Plastic Coffee Cup U V T X S W FALL/WINTER 2014 | PARTY SUPPLIES 9 COLOR AVAILABLE BLACK VELVET BURGUNDY CANDY PINK CHOCOLATE BROWN CLASSIC RED EMERALD GREEN FRESH LIME GLITTERING GOLD HOT MAGENTA HUNTER GREEN IVORY MIMOSA (Light Yellow) NAVY PURPLE SCHOOL BUS YELLOW SHIMMERING SILVER SUNKISSED ORANGE TRUE BLUE TURQUOIS WHITE GINGHAM CLEAR 10”x10” —2 PLY — 13” x 13” LUNCHEON COCKTAIL NAPKIN NAPKIN 50 count 50 count 896510 896530 896509 896531 896508 896532 896511 896533 896512 896534 896513 896535 896514 896536 896515 896537 896516 896538 896517 896539 896518 896540 896519 896541 896520 896542 896521 896543 896522 896544 896527 896545 896523 896546 896524 896547 896525 896548 896526 896549 899518 899517 DINNER NAPKIN 50 count 896554 896555 HOT-COLD CUPS 9 oz. 24 count 897895 897896 897897 897898 897899 897901 897902 897903 897904 897905 897906 897907 897908 897909 897910 897911 897912 897913 897914 897915 PLASTIC CUP 12 oz 20 count PLASTIC CUP 16oz 20 count 897885 897860 897861 897862 897863 897864 897865 897866 897867 897868 897869 897870 897871 897872 897873 897874 897875 897876 897877 897878 897879 897886 897880 897887 54” x 108” 1 count 82” 1 count COLOR AVAILABLE BLACK VELVET BURGUNDY CANDY PINK CHOCOLATE BROWN CLASSIC RED EMERALD GREEN FRESH LIME GLITTERING GOLD HOT MAGENTA HUNTER GREEN IVORY MIMOSA (LIGHT YELLOW) NAVY PURPLE SCHOOL BUS YELLOW SHIMMERING SILVER SUNKISSED ORANGE TRUE BLUE TURQUOIS WHITE CLEAR GINGHAM RECTANGLE TABLECOVER 897650 897651 897652 897653 897654 897655 897656 897657 897658 897659 897660 897661 897662 897663 897664 897669 897665 897666 897667 897668 897670 898145 10 MARTINBROSFOODMARKET.COM ROUND TABLECOVER 897685 897686 897687 897688 897689 897690 897691 897692 897693 897694 897695 897696 897697 897698 897699 897701 897702 897703 897704 897705 897706 899917 TABLESKIRTING 14’x29’ 1 count 897715 897716 897717 897718 897719 897720 897721 897722 897723 897724 897725 897726 897727 897728 897729 897730 897731 897732 897733 897734 TABLE ROLLS - 100’ COVERS 11 8’ TABLES 897745 897746 897747 897748 897749 897750 897751 897752 897753 897754 897755 897756 897757 897758 897759 897760 897761 897762 897763 897764 800960 TABLE ROLLS - 300’ COVERS 33 8’ TABLES 897850 897851 COLOR AVAILABLE BLACK VELVET BURGUNDY CANDY PINK CHOCOLATE BROWN CLASSIC RED EMERALD GREEN FRESH LIME GLITTERING GOLD HOT MAGENTA HUNTER GREEN IVORY MIMOSA (Light Yellow) NAVY PURPLE SCHOOL BUS YELLOW SHIMMERING SILVER SUNKISSED ORANGE TRUE BLUE TURQUOIS WHITE GINGHAM CLEAR 7” PAPER PLATE 24 count 9” PAPER PLATE 24 count NOW 3x 896475 STRONGER 897975 897976 896476 897977 896477 897978 896478 897979 896479 897980 896480 897981 896481 897982 896482 897983 896483 897984 896484 897985 896485 897986 896486 897987 896487 897988 896488 897989 896489 897990 896490 897991 896491 897992 896492 897993 896493 897994 896494 7” PLASTIC PLATE 20 count 9” PLASTIC PLATE 20 count 897950 897951 897952 897953 897954 897955 897956 897957 897958 897959 897960 897961 897962 897963 897964 897965 897966 897967 897968 897969 897560 897561 897562 897563 897564 897565 897566 897567 897568 897569 897570 897571 897572 897573 897574 897575 897576 897577 897578 897579 897970 897580 10.25” PLASTIC PLATE 1C 20 count 897587 897588 897589 897590 897591 897592 897593 10.25” PLASTIC PLATE 3C 20 count 897643 897646 897594 897595 897596 897597 897598 897599 897647 897601 897644 897645 81’ 9.5 x 14” COLOR AVAILABLE BLACK VELVET BURGUNDY CANDY PINK CHOCOLATE BROWN CLASSIC RED EMERALD GREEN FRESH LIME GLITTERING GOLD HOT MAGENTA HUNTER GREEN IVORY MIMOSA (LIGHT YELLOW) NAVY PURPLE SCHOOL BUS YELLOW SHIMMERING SILVER SUNKISSED ORANGE TRUE BLUE TURQUOIS WHITE CLEAR GINGHAM FORKS 50 count SPOONS 50 count KNIVES 24 count 897770 897771 897772 897773 897774 897775 897776 897777 897778 897779 897780 897781 897782 897783 897784 897785 897786 897787 897788 897789 897790 897795 897796 897797 897798 897799 897801 897802 897803 897804 897805 897806 897807 897808 897809 897810 897811 897812 897813 897814 897815 897816 897820 897821 897822 897823 897824 897825 897826 897827 897828 897829 897830 897831 897832 897833 897834 897835 897836 897837 897838 897839 897840 12oz BOWL 20 count 897920 PLACEMATS 50 count 898100 899238 898988 898101 899504 CREPE STREAMERS 897940 897941 897942 899506 899216 899217 899227 897921 897922 898098 897943 897944 899148 FALL/WINTER 2014 | PARTY SUPPLIES 11 SERVING TRAYS & BOWLS B A A) Sturdiware Clear Plastic Tray 12 inch | 328620 18 inch | 328622 C B) Clear Plastic Bowl 24 oz 328617 E C) Clear Plastic Bowl 5 qt 328615 G D F D) Square Black Plastic Tray 12 inch | 827077 14 inch | 827079 16 inch | 827081 F) Round Black Plastic Tray 12 inch | 827013 16 inch | 827015 18 inch | 827009 E) Square Clear Plastic Lid Fits 12 inch | 827083 Fits 14 inch | 827085 Fits 16 inch | 827087 G) Round Clear Plastic Lid Fits 12 inch | 827131 Fits 16 inch | 827023 Fits 18 inch | 827021 H H) Contemporary Plastic Bowls 32 oz. | 328694 160 oz. | 328696 10 qt. | 328697 HOW TO ORDER: Get Pricing from your Sales Consultant. You may be surprised with your cost plus you save time with free delivery. Any items ordered on line with your regular order will not be delivered. Please contact your Sales Representative or email c& with your account number, item number and quantity for each item prior to 2:00 pm for next day delivery. If a seasonal item is no longer available a substitute will be sent as a replacement. Thank you for including Martin Bros in your celebrations! MASON CITY CEDAR FALLS 408 Viking Road Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (319) 277-7641 12 MARTINBROSFOODMARKET.COM 711 South Federal Avenue Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (641) 423-2325
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