A Word from Father Rick - St. George Greek Orthodox Church
A Word from Father Rick - St. George Greek Orthodox Church
A Word from Father Rick Dear Faithful: We continue with Chrysostom’s excellent sermon about attending church... Registry P.3 Parish News P.4 Youth News P.6 how can you pray fervently, having such a dress? Do you want to seem decent? Wear Christ, not gold. Dress in charity, philanthropy, chastity, and humble-mindedness. These are (Third and final in a series) worth more than all the gold. Attending Church These make the beautiful one by Saint John Chrysostom more beautiful, and the ugly one they beautify. Know, O woman, Our dress But even our dress in church, that, when you adorn yourself a lot, you become more lewd than in every aspect let it be good. a naked woman, because you Let it be proper and not wild, because what is proper is chaste, have cast off decency. whereas what is wild is unAttention and prayer chaste. As long as we are in the This is precisely what the church let our conduct be propapostle Paul also commands us er, as befits a person who is bewhen he says, “I desire then that fore God. Let us not occupy in every place the men should pray, lifting holy hands without ourselves with purposeless conversations, but let us stand with anger or quarreling; also that women should adorn themselves fear and dread, with attention modestly and sensibly in seemly and eagerness, with our gaze turned to the ground and our apparel, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or costly attire soul elevated to Heaven. Many come to church mechanbut by good deeds as befits women who profess religion” (1 ically repeating psalms and prayers, and leave without Tim. 2:8-10). So, if He forbids to women those things which are knowing what they have said. The lips move but the ears don’t a proof of wealth, much more does He forbid whatever makes hear. Y ou are not hearing your one curious, like make-up, paint- prayer, and you want God to hear it? I knelt, you say. But ing the eyes, hip swaying, your mind was flying far away. strange clothes and the like. Your body was in church and What do you say, O woman? Are you coming to the church to your soul outside. The mouth was saying the prayer and the pray, and you adorn yourself with jewelry and comb yourself mind was counting interest, contracts, exchanges, fields, estates, to show-off? Did you come meetings with friends. All these maybe to dance? Or maybe to things happen because the devil take part in a wedding feast? There the jewelry and the luxu- is wicked. He knows that at the time of prayer we gain many ries have a place. Here none of these are needed. Did you come things; for this reason he attacks then with greater violence. At to ask God for forgiveness of other times we might be lying in your sins? So, why are you bed, not thinking of anything, adorning yourself? This is not the appearance of a woman who and he leaves us alone. We come to church to pray, however, and is beseeching. How can you the devil puts a bunch of passigh, how can you shed tears, sionate thoughts into us so that we might not benefit at all. Truly, if God asks you to account for the indifference or the impiety you show in worship services, what will you do? There, at the time He is speaking to you, instead of praying you have started a conversation with your neighbor about unbeneficial things. Even if God overlooks all our other sins, this one alone would suffice for us to be deprived of salvation. Don’t consider it a small transgression. To understand its graveness, think of what happens among people when they converse. Let’s suppose that you are discussing something with an official person or with your bosom buddy, and while he is speaking to you, you turn your head indifferently and begin talking to someone else. Won’t the other person be insulted by your impropriety? Won’t he get angry? Won’t he seek an explanation from you? O woe! You are in the Divine Liturgy, and while the Royal Table is prepared, while the Lamb of God is sacrificed for your sake, while the priest is struggling for your salvation, you are indifferent. At the time when the six-winged Seraphim cover their faces from awe and all the heavenly powers together with the priest beseech God for you, at the moment the fire of the Holy Spirit descends from Heaven and the blood of Christ is shed from His immaculate side in the holy Chalice, at this Continued on next page Attending Church, from page 1 moment, I wonder, doesn’t your conscience censure you for your lack of attention? Think, O my man, before Whom you are standing at the time of the dreadful mystagogy [divine service], and together with whom—the Cherubim, the Seraphim, and all the heavenly powers. Consider together with whom you are chanting and praying. This should suffice for you to come to your senses, when you recall that, while you have a material body, you are granted to hymn the Lord of creation together with the bodiless angels. So don’t partake in that sacred hymnody with indifference. Don’t have your mind on earthly thoughts. Chase away every earthly thought and ascend mentally to Heaven, near to the throne of God. Fly there together with the Seraphim, flutter with them, chant the thrice-holy hymn to the All-holy Trinity. Divine Communion And when the moment of divine Communion comes and you are about to approach the Holy Altar Table, believe unshakably that Christ, the King of all, is present there. When you see your priest offering the Lord’s Body and Blood, don’t think that the priest is doing this, but believe that the hand stretching out is Christ’s. He Who brightened with His presence the table of the Mystical Supper now also adorns the Altar Table of the Divine Liturgy. He is truly present there and examines each one’s disposition. He observes who is approaching with piety befitting the holy Mystery and who with a wicked conscience, with filthy and impure thoughts, or with defiled actions. So you also, consider which fault of yours you have corrected, which virtue you have achieved, which sin you have quenched with confession, in what you have become better. If your conscience informs you that you have strived enough to close the wounds of your soul, if you did something more than fasting, then, with the fear of God, commune. Otherwise, remain far from the immaculate Mysteries. When you are cleansed of all your sins, then approach. So approach divine Communion with fear and dread, with a pure conscience, having fasted and prayed, quietly, without trampling or pushing your neighbors, because this comprises the greatest craziness and the worst scorning of the divine Mysteries. Tell me, O man, why are you making noise? Why are you rushing? Are you pressured by all the things you have to do? I wonder, does the thought that you have jobs to do pass page 2 through you at the time you are going to commune? Or maybe do you have the feeling that you are on earth? Do you think that you are together with people and not with the choirs of the angels? Something like this is a sign of a stone heart… present, His angels stand by, and your brethren are still communing, you abandon them and leave? Christ offers you His holy Flesh, and you won’t wait a bit, to thank Him at least in words? When you sit at a supper you don’t dare leave the moment you have been filled, while your friends are still sitting at the table. And now when the dreadful Mysteries of And when do we commune? There also is another matter: many comChrist are being performed, you drop everymune once a year, others twice, others more thing in the middle and leave? often. W hich of them are we to commend? Do you want me to tell you whose work None of them, but only those who approach those who leave before the Divine Liturgy the holy Chalice with a pure heart, with a finishes—and thus don’t partake in the last blameless life. Let them commune always. The thanksgiving prayers—are doing? Probably others, the unrepentant sinners, let them stay what I’m going to say will be grave, but I must far from the immaculate Mysteries, because say it. W hen Judas took part in the Mystical otherwise they prepare judgment and condem- Supper of Christ, while everyone was sitting at nation for themselves. The holy Apostle says, the table, he got up before the others and left. “W hoever, therefore, eats the bread or drinks So those people imitate that Judas...If he had the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner not left then, he would not have become a bewill be guilty of profaning the body and blood trayer, he would not have perished. If he hadof the Lord…causing his condemnation” (1 n’t separated himself from the flock, the wolf Cor. 11:27). In other words, he will be punwould not have found him alone, to devour ished as strictly as the crucifiers of Christ, him. [Fr. Rick note– leaving early was a probsince they became guilty of a sin before His lem in the early Church; arriving late is the body. contemporary problem. Both are equally conMany believers have reached such a point of demned.] scorning the holy Mysteries that, while they are full of innumerable evils and don’t correct After attending church themselves at all, they commune at the feasts Let us depart from the Divine Liturgy like unprepared, not knowing that a presupposition lions who are producing fire, having become of divine Communion is not the feast itself, fearsome even to the devil, because the holy but, as we said, the pure conscience. Just as Blood of the Lord that we commune waters one who doesn’t feel any evil in his conour souls and gives us great strength. When science ought to daily approach divine Comwe commune of it worthily, it chases the demunion, so also one who is burdened with sins mons far away and brings the angels and the and doesn’t repent should not commune even Lord of the angels near us. This Blood is the at the feast. For this reason also I ask all of salvation of our souls; with this the soul is you not to approach the divine Mysteries unwashed, with this it is adorned. This Blood prepared just because the feast demands it. makes our minds brighter than fire; this makes Rather, if at some point you decide to take part our souls brighter than gold. in the Divine Liturgy and to commune, So draw our brethren to church. Exhort the cleanse yourself well for many days before deceived. Counsel them not only with words, with repentance, prayer, and charity, striving but also with works. Even if you don’t say for spiritual things. anything, but merely come out of the worship service showing to those who were absent— with your appearance, with your gaze and Staying till the dismissal So, you came to church and were granted to your voice, by the way you walk, and with all meet Christ? Don’t leave if the service hasn’t your chastity—the gain you procured from finished. If you leave before the dismissal, you church, this is enough for exhortation and are guilty as much as a fugitive. When you go counsel, because thus it is that we should to the theater, you don’t leave if the show has come out of church, as if from sacred sanctunot finished. You enter church, the Lord’s aries, as if we were descending from Heaven home, and do you turn your back on the imitself. Teach whoever doesn’t attend church maculate Mysteries? At least fear Him Who that you chanted with the Seraphim, that you said: “W hoever scorns God, will be scorned belong to the heavenly lifestyle, that you met by Him” (See Proverbs 13:13). with Christ and spoke with Him. If we live the What are you doing, O man? While Christ is Divine Liturgy thus, we will not have to say St. Paul. MN anything to those who were absent. But seeing our benefit, they will feel their own harm and will quickly run to church to enjoy the same goods, with the grace and philanthropy of our Lord Jesus Christ, to Whom, together with the Father and the Holy Spirit, belongs eternal glory. Amen. Church Staff and Office Hours Church Office Hours M-F 9:00 AM—3:00 PM Translated by Fr. Nicholas Palis from a pamphlet “Voice of the Fathers” No. 30, Translated from the original Hellenistic Greek of Saint John Chrysostom into Modern Greek by the Sacred Paracletos Monastery, Oropos, Attica, 2003; Edited by Irene Maginas. Rev. Fr. Richard Demetrius Andrews, Presbyter (651) 222-6220 Email: fatherrick@stgeorgegoc.org Julie Delton Administrative Assistant Registry (651) 222-6220 Email: office@stgeorgegoc.org Memorials March 27 Constantina Kapetanakis (40 days) name Address Changes Athena Grant Marcelle Triantafilou 5919 Centerville Rd., #27 1023 Jones St., Apt. 601 North Oaks, MN 55127-6834 Omaha, NE 68102-2938 Festal Icons Needed (Thanks to a generous anonymous person who donated all three icons from last month’s newsletter!) Please donate a Festal Icon (11" x 14") in memory of a loved one. The cost is $75.00 per icon. The icons are displayed in the church nave and are put out for veneration on the Feast Day of the Saint or event they represent. To donate an icon, fill out a form (found on the Nathaniel Kostick Youth Minister (763) 221-7196 Email: Nathaniel@stgeorgegoc.org Jon Kennedy Parish Council President (651) 653-9756 Email: jdkennedy@comcast.net Lani Hattling Sunday School Director (763) 551-4876 Email: lanihattling@gmail.com Stella Hofrenning Greek School Director (651) 917-2668 Email: hofrenni@augsburg.edu Reva Adkins Philoptochos President (651) 337-1118 Email: rradkins@comcast.net Julie Delton Editor, Glad Tidings Newsletter Email: GladTidings @stgeorgegoc.org revolving bulletin board in the social hall) and return it to the office. George Mastrogiorgis Loaves and Fishes Coordinator FOCUS-MN Coordinator Email: gmastrogiorgis@yahoo.com Alexandra Drivas Bookstore Email: bookstore@stgeorgegoc.org Saint Theodosia May 29 Saint Therapon May 25 Prophet Job May 6 Submissions for upcoming issues are due by the 10th of the preceding month. page 3 Website Updates: Please notice new updates throughout our parish website, especially on the home page. Thank you to our webmasters Nick Kanavati and Michael Merkouris for the numerous hours they devote to keeping our website current. If you notice any info that needs updating or changing, please email info@stgeorgegoc.org. Farewell: to Eleni Kassar who has retired and recently moved to Cyprus to be with family and friends. Enjoy in good health! Summer Camp Fee Reduced! The parish council approved $100 assistance to benefit each youth from our parish attending this year's summer camp, July 2-8, 2016. Funds will be drawn from the James Nickitas Camp Scholarship Fund. This scholarship is also available to families with financial need. For more info and application stgeorgegoc.org/youth/ scholarships. Let's get a big group of kids to take advantage of this generous offer! Pilgrimage to Greece: Fr. Rick will colead a Pilgrimage to Greece with Catholic priest Fr. Stanley Sled z. It is a 12 day tour titled "Walking Together in the Footsteps of St. Paul," Sep tem ber 29 October 10, 2016. Price is $3,867. An optional 3 day extension to Constantinople and the Ecumenical Patriarchate, Oct.1113, is $773. For detailed info, see insert and contact Fr. Rick. We look forward to this historic opportunity! page 4 Support our Seminary! On the third Sunday of Lent each year we Venerate the Holy Cross as inspiration to continue our journey to Pascha. We also remember our Seminary named after the Holy Cross and it’s mission to train priests, ministers and theologians for spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We encourage people of all ages to listen for God’s call to ministry, and if appropriate consider pursuing a seminary education. Thank you for your support! Scholarship Winner: Congratulations to Katherine (Katie) Kno ck e on being awarded the John Pitsavas Memorial Scholarship for the 2015-2016 school year. Katie attends Wheaton College in Chicago, IL. Thank you to Mrs. Theo lo gia Pitsavas for generously sponsoring this scholarship. Save the Date: for a St George Parish Get-together on Sund ay June 12th, after church at the Bighley's. Come join us to relax and enjoy a light lunch with lake views! Fr. Rick in Social Hall: the Parish Council is encouraging everyone to allow Father Rick to interact with all parishioners in the so cial hall after liturgy on Sundays. To accomplish this, if you have a serious or more involved issue, please call him or make an appointment with him d uring the w eek . Please do not stop him in the exonarthex. Memory Eternal! George Leaskas fell asleep in the Lord on Tuesday, Ap ril 5th in Las Vegas where he lived for the last 40 years. George is the brother of Nick Leaskas and Helen Zubulake. Our sympathies to all! Congratulations! to Dino and Stephanie Contolatis, on the birth of their baby girl, Panorea, Monday, April 4th. Thank You! from Lily Zahariad es to everyone who called and visited during her stay in transitional care, and to those who prayed for her health. She was touched by the outpouring of goodwill, and is happy to be home. Festival of Nations (FON) May 5-8: Please volunteer at the Greek Café, the Greek School Bazaar booth, the Greek Cultural booth or enjoy one of the three Greek dance troupes. For more information and helpful links, see insert. Contact To m Lam p ro s or Em ilio Kapetanakis with any questions. Mother’s Day Honorees-The Ladies of the Philoptochos would like once again to honor the women of our church for Mother’s Day, May 8. Please consider a donation to Philoptochos to honor the special women in your life. Contact Reva Adkins for more information; deadline is May 2. Elevator Lobbies Painted: Please notice that that all elevator lobbies were painted recently to match the warm colors in our social hall and nave. This was overlooked when the original painting was done several years ago. History Displayed: several historical photos of our parish were recently framed and hung in the hallway of the lower level. This is part of our continuing effort to make the archives accessible to our members and visitors. Churches Merge: According to the April 3, 2016 Journal Sentinel, members of the Greek Orthodox Church in Appleton have merged with the Fond du Lac church since their church officially closed earlier this year, dropping the number of Greek Orthodox Churches in Wisonsin to six: Milwaukee, Wauwatosa, Racine, Sheboygan, Madison and Fond du Lac. St. Paul. MN Mural Icons Progress— from Mother Theodora How To Stop Sexualizing Everything because either they aren’t free to express it or they see it through an overlay of sexualization (or both). I think the fact that most people who think they’re homosexual and bisexual are high on the “feeling” personality scale by overwhelming margins gives some support to this. I’m certainly a case in point. I’m an INFP (introverted, intuitive, feelBy D.C. McAllister ing, perceiving). The number of lesbians with this personality type is From The Federalist.com blog, December 28, 2015 (this is the fourth of a 6-part article, to be continued in the June Glad Tidings) much higher than any other (though it’s not the only type by any means). I feel passionate about people, my friends in particular. Men Stimulating Confusion Over Sexuality or women, I love them in a very intimate way. They make my heart The more friendship is misunderstood and ignored, the more people pound, my cheeks flush, and my face glow. will identify as homosexual and bisexual. The more we condition our I’m 100 percent straight and so confident in that fact that I can kiss perceptions in a sexual way and the more children are exposed to sex my female friends and tell them I love them. even before they develop meaningful friendships, the less likely they Though I’m an introvert, I need people to fill me up—just in a more will be able to separate healthy nonsexual feelings from sexual ones. quiet way. My best friend, Kate, for example, delights me just by beSex will become the defining feature of all their feelings. Eros will ing in her presence. I can talk to her for hours and I leave happier than have slain phileo. before I saw her. I love to wrap my arms around her and feel her Many people confuse phileo with eros because either they aren’t free warmth. I have another friend who is a constant source of joy, and eveto express it or they see it through an overlay of sexualization (or ry time I see her name in my email inbox, I smile. Whenever I go to both). DC where she lives, I get excited at the possibility of seeing her, hearGallup issued a poll a few years ago that found an increase in homo- ing her voice, and watching her expressive brown eyes light up when sexuality. More and more people are identifying as gay, and this isn’t she laughs. just because they’re coming out of the closet. If that were the case, Does that sound gay? Probably some of you think so. But I’m not older people would be identifying as gay at an increasing rate. But this gay. I’m 100 percent straight and so confident in that fact that I can isn’t what’s happening. The increases are among younger people more affected by a sexualized culture coupled with an acceptance of the ho- kiss my female friends and tell them I love them. I can get excited about male friends without it becoming erotic. But I’ve had to develop mosexual lifestyle. that confidence in the face of a culture that both disapproves of such My point is not to say there are no genuine homosexual relationships. There are. But I do think many people confuse phileo with eros expressions and defines them in a sexualized context. Our society needs a phileo resurgence so we can express ourselves with the nonsexual passion and love we really feel. page 5 Drs. George & Shannon (not pictured) and family visited St. Nicholas Cathedral in Tarpon Springs, FL during a recent vacation. Youth in Oratorical Festival St. Mary’s Summer Camp: will be held July 2- 8, 2016. Registration begins Tuesday, Ap ril 12that 10am at www.stmaryscamp.com. The Early Bird discounted price is $425 per camper, payable by cash, check or credit card through May 1st. After that, the fee is $475, payable by credit card only on the website. Nickitas Camp Scholarship is available to St. George youth, info at stgeorgegoc.org/youth/scholarships. As our youth program grows, we find ourselves striving again and again for new and more challenging goals. Towards the end of the presentation, I had given a few ideas that we would like to try to achieve for the current year. Now that we have established consistent nights and events for our youth, we would like to begin reaching out to more and more families to come join our events. In addition to this, we would like to continue reaching out to other churches and finding ways to join together our youth communities to grow in faith as one. We have done this Summer Camp Fee Reduced! The parish council approved in the past with St. Mary's GOC, and we look forward to contin$100 assistance to benefit each youth from our parish attending uing the effort. this year's summer camp, July 2-8, 2016. Funds will be drawn Many have graciously contacted me with ideas on what we from the James Nickitas Camp Scholarship Fund. This scholarcan do to with our youth to get them involved in our communiship is also available to families with financial need. For more ty. I noted a few suggestions on possible ministries such as volinfo and application stgeorgegoc.org/youth/scholarships. Let's unteering for the elderly, or creating supply socks. It is also my get a big group of kids to take advantage of this generous offer! hope, now that we have a stronger program, that we can organize these types of activities. Yes, we are called to worship. Yes, Message from our Youth Director: we are called to learn. Yes, we can have fun as we grow. But we To our Beloved Community, are also called to serve our neighbor. Recently at St. George, we had a parish assembly meeting. Please continue to contact me with your suggestions and conThere, I was asked to give a brief look into how the youth procerns. The biggest point I wished to make at the assembly meetgram has developed over the past year and a half. Here is a reing was that it is the committed families who are the strongest cap of our presentation and our thoughts: example of Orthodox Christians. Our youth program is meant I have said many times that in my opinion, the absolute best to be a supplement to your fine example, and I thank each and way to learn about our Orthodox Christian Faith is to be active- every one of you for your involvement and your support. ly involved in it. To this end, we really pushed for the encourIn Christ, agement of our youth to participate on Sunday mornings during Nathaniel Kostick our Divine Liturgy. They have been offered the opportunity to p.s. We're always in need of volunteers and chaperones. If you serve behind the Altar with Fr. Rick, sing in the choir, read the are interested in coming to our youth events, please contact me Epistles, or help Usher in the back of the Church. I am proud to by phone or email. say that many have taken the opportunity to explore their faith nathaniel@stgeorgegoc.org in these roles and we would like to keep it up! 763-221-7196 page 6 St. Paul. MN LENTEN LECTURE SPEAKERS < Robert Chandler ˅ Steve Willwerschied MEOCCA clergy at Pan-Orthodox Lenten Vespers on March 27, 2016. Fr. Rick and Pres. Jeannie Constantinou, our Lenten Retreat speaker. Greek Dancers of Minnesota Greek School Youth Dancers Stewardship Update 2016 Highlights from Parish Assembly Meeting on April 10, 2016 Presentation by Alexis Bighley, Stewardship Committee Chairperson Thanks to each of you for your generosity in 2015. Congratulations for meeting the stewardship goals for the first time in ten years! Stewardship Income for the past five years: 2010: $196,621; 2011: $214,154; 2012: $215,996; 2013: $207,744; 2014 $209,395; 2015: $231,338. Our goal for 2016 is $240,800 2016 pledges received through March 31st: 95 pledgers for a total of $147,266; increase of $14,000 YTD; 34 parishioners increased their pledge amounts; 14 new pledgers this year compared to last year; how about you, have you increased your pledge over the last several years? page 7 Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Twin Cities, MN Permit No. 177 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED ST. GEORGE GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH 1111 Summit Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55105 Phone Fax 651.222.6220 651.225.9276 www.stgeorgegoc.org Glad Tidings May 2016 WEEKDAY WORSHIP SCHEDULE Tuesday, May 9 Bright/Renewal Tuesday Liturgy 9:00 a.m. Saturdays, May 7, 14 Great Vespers 5:00 p.m. Please see our online calendar and bulletin for latest schedule updates: http://stgeorgegoc.org/calendar/ http://www.bulletinbuilder.org/stgeorgegoc-saintpaul/current Also visit our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ stgeorgegoc.saintpaul.mn REGULAR WEEKLY SERVICES Holy Confession: By Appointment Vespers: (Sept. - May) Saturday 5:00 pm Orthros: Sunday 8:15 am Sunday School: (Sept. - May) following Communion Divine Liturgy: Sunday 9:30 am May 2016 Sun 1 Mon 2 +GREAT & HOLY PASCHA!!! +PROPHET JEREMIAH 11am AGAPE VESPERS 4p-7:30p FOCUS MN - Serve a Meal 4:30pmGreek Dance Practice 8 9 Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 3 4 5 6 7 9am LITURGY 11am Bright Week Breakfast 1:30pm Philoptochos Meeting +FAST DAY Festival of Nations 11:30a-4:30p FOCUS MN - Food Shelf 6p-8p HOPE & JOY Youth +ST. IRENE Festival of Nations 9am National Day of Prayer Service 10a-2:30p FOCUS MN - Work Day (odd jobs) 12pm OCF at UST (UST) +FAST DAY Festival of Nations +PROPHET JOB 5pm VESPERS Festival of Nations 10:30a-2:30p FOCUS MN - Clothes Closet 7p-8:30p Annual St Alexis (Toth) Lecture 12 13 10 11 +ANTIPASCHA - ST. +PROPHET ISAIAH THOMAS ST. AMALIA & ST. JOHN THEOLOGIAN 8:15am ORTHROS 9:30am LITURGY 12pm Acolyte Training Festival of Nations 4p-7:30p FOCUS MN - Serve a Meal 4:30pm Greek Dance Practice +APOSTLE SIMON THE ZEALOT +FAST DAY 10a-2:30p FOCUS MN +FAST DAY 5pm VESPERS 11:30a-4:30p FOCUS - Work Day (odd jobs) 10:30a-2:30p FOCUS 6p-9p Orthodox Game MN - Food Shelf MN - Clothes Closet League 15 17 16 18 19 +3RD SUN. PASCHA 6:30pm Parish Council 11am LOMCP Board - MYRRHBEARERS Mtg. Mtg. 8:15am ORTHROS 9:30am LITURGY 4p-7:30p FOCUS MN - Serve a Meal 4:30pm Greek Dance Practice +FAST DAY 11:30a-4:30p FOCUS MN - Food Shelf 6p-8p GOYA Youth 6:30p-8p Choir Practice 10a-2:30p FOCUS MN +FAST DAY - Work Day (odd jobs) 10:30a-2:30p FOCUS 12p-2p MEOCCA MN - Clothes Closet Meeting 7p-9p Ahepa Mtg +STS. CONSTANTINE & HELEN 9:30am Divine Liturgy in Eau Claire, WI w Fr Grivna 5pm VESPERS 22 25 26 28 23 24 +4TH SUN. PASCHA 8:15am ORTHROS 9:30am LITURGY 11am Graduation Sunday 4p-7:30p FOCUS MN - Serve a Meal 4:30pm Greek Dance Practice 29 27 21 +FAST DAY 10a-2:30p FOCUS MN +FAST DAY 11:30a-4:30p FOCUS - Work Day (odd jobs) 10:30a-2:30p FOCUS MN - Food Shelf 10a-12p Glad Tidings MN - Clothes Closet Mailing 30 +5TH SUN. PASCHA 8:15am ORTHROS 9:30am LITURGY 12:30pm Memorial Service at Roselawn 4p-7:30p FOCUS MN - Serve a Meal 20 14 31 Coming in June… 5 Grand Old Day- Youth Parking Fundraiser 6 Loaves & Fishes at St. Matthew Catholic Church 9 ASCENSION OF OUR LORD 11 APOSTLE BARTHOLOMEW- Patriarch’s Nameday 12 Parish Summer Social at Bighley Home 19 PENTECOST & Father’s Day 25 Divine Liturgy in Eau Claire, WI 26 ALL SAINTS SUNDAY St. George Greek Orthodox Church, 1111 Summit Avenue, Saint Paul Minnnesota 55105; phone 651-222-6220 www.stgeorgegoc.org Parish Council Meeting Minutes Summary March 21, 2016 I. II. III. IV. Call Meeting to Order -7:15 p.m. Opening Prayers: Readings: Prov. 3:34-4:22, Is 4:2-5:7, Gen. 3:21-47 – 7:20 p.m. Enrichment Session - the Parish Council attended the Compline Service at 6 p.m. Submission of past Parish Council Meeting Minutes: – Stephen Arsenault – 7:30 p.m. Motion: to accept the Parish Council Minutes of February 15, 2015. Motion passed unanimously V. Treasurer’s Report and Update on Investments – Dan - 7:30 p.m. Year to Date 29 Feb 2016 _______________________________________________________________________________ General FON G. Festival 75th Income Total Expense Total Net __________________________________________________________________________ INCOME 39,428 32,016 71,444 EXPENSES (56,321) (650) (20,292) (77,303) BUDGET 40,140 NET (16,893) 11,684 (5,209) VI. After discussion, Motion: To accept the Treasurer’s Report. Passed unanimously. Committee Reports – A. Stewardship Report -Alexis Bighley - 7:47 p.m. We are ahead of last year in pledges and dollars. Presented tonight is a “to do” list of 2016. B. Scholarship Committee – Fr. – 8:02 p.m. There is an update to website page for scholarships. The committee is about to move on the Pitsavas award. Summer Camp Program: The Council responding to the need of our children and the cost of Summer Camp passed unanimously the following Motion: that for 2016, the parish give each camper $100 to reduce the camp fee; funds to be taken from the Nickitas Scholarship. Expressed is the need to coordinate all of the scholarships available to parishioners. C. Landscaping/Grounds Report – Nanette Gomez - 7:55 p.m. Nanette is getting proposals from True Green on landscaping clean-up and lawn care. D. Website Project – Fr. Rick Andrews – 8:04 p.m. Home page changes made. E. Missions and Benevolence (M & B) Report – George Mastrogiorgis – 8:05 p.m. The committee looked at missions for 2016. An M & B Scholarship Program has been established for students. The details are to be worked-out. Initiatives for 2016 include a fish fry and a fundraiser dinner for Focus.Motion: to accept the committee report. F. Capital Projects Status and Discussion and Review – Dan Simon – 8:20 p.m. G. Iconography Project Update – Stephen Arsenault- 8:25 p.m. The iconography is progressing. Steve will present an update at the April 10th Parish Assembly. H. 75th Anniversary Projects Updates - Fr. Rick Andrews – 8:26 p.m. Photos are being scanned, help is needed to complete the Album. I. Welcome and Outreach – Jon Kennedy – 8:27 p.m. The committee is looking at ways we outreach to families within our community. Considered tonight are examples of outreach and various ideas for consideration. Also discussed is a schedule of ushers. VII. On Going Business A. Greek Festival Progress Report- Phyllis Kapetanakis - 8:35 p.m. Some details on the Festival ideas considered: purchases, volunteers, tickets, kitchen area workflow B. Parish Advertising and Promotion Project Update - George Mastrogiorgis - 8:50 p.m. Discussed tonight is the on-line budget dollars update: last year’s budget and implementation. C. Spring Assembly – Jon Kennedy – 9:08 p.m. The agenda items are similar to last year and will be sent out and put in the Glad Tidings. This year Jason will do the luncheon, and Reva will speak for Philoptochos. D. Youth Program Review/Report Card – Fr. Rick Andrews – 8:54 p.m. Fr. Rick presented a review of the youth program. Nathaniel Kostick will present a report at the Parish Assembly. E. Table Top Refinishing – Fr. Rick Andrews – 9:15 p.m. Fr. has three bids for a decision. VIII. New Business. A. St. George Summer Camp (See above VI. B.) B. New Usher Schedule. (See VI. I. above) C. Automatic Door Installation – Jim Theros – 8:10 p.m. The doors to be included are the outer doors and elevator doors and handicap bathroom door. Proposals are being worked D. New Chairs for Board Room – Jon Kennedy– 9:21 p.m. Jon is working on a match for the chairs. E. Other New IX. 1. ACH payments to the church – Dan Simon - 9:15 p.m. Discussed are the costs associated with the ACH program through Associated Bank or another institution. 2. Parking Lot Update – Fr., Dan Simon – 9:23 p.m. Work cannot be done until temperatures are above 70 F. 3. Exhaust fan over candle stand. – Jon Kennedy and Jim Theros – 9:25 p.m. Jon has a contractor in mind. 4. Moisture in the library room in the basement – Fr. Rick Andrews – 9:26 p.m.Fr., Dan and Jon will work on this. 5. Archdiocese Clergy/Laity July 3d to 8th weekend. – Fr. Andrews – 9:26 p.m. 6. Lenten Lectures – Fr. Rick Andrews – 9:28 p.m. Palamas Retreat with Jeannie Constantinou. Sunday after vespers is a PC sponsored dinner. 7. The Next Parish Council April 18 before Holy Week. 8. May 9th to the 14th Fr. will not be here – Clergy Retreat 9. Fr.’s Tour of a Catholic group to Greece in September 29 to October 10. (See handout) Adjournment and Closing Prayer. – 9:42 p.m. Respectfully submitted: Stephen Arsenault, PC Secretary 2016 Stewardship Pledges Received Thank you to the following faithful servants who have submitted their stewardship pledge cards for 2016 (as of April 18). Please join them today! Aida Abebe Ronald & Reva Adkins John & Carol Alexis Ms. Diane Anastos Fr. Richard & Pres. Jane Andrews James M. & Maria Andrews Lucy Angelis John & Marina Antoniou Steve Arsenault & Minda Pearson Mr. Philip Barbatsis Scott & Michelle Berge John & Alexis Bighley Peter & Susan Boosalis Mrs. Evelyn Boosalis Tina & Jeff Bovis-Fuller Drs. George & Shannon Canas Mr. James Canelake Eric Chadwick & Andrea Faches Mrs. Evelyn Charnell Mr. Iulian Ciuta William Clemons Mr. Constantine Contolatis Penny Davidson Mr. & Mrs. Dimitri Dokos Vesna Ellingson Louis & Mary Ellis Mark Flumerfelt & Stephanie George Adam Fuller Halefom Gabresalassie Chris & Mary Georgantones Mr. John Georgolopolos Richard & Sue Gnetz Mike & Nanette Gomez Warren & Kiki Gore Dimitri & Kimberly Gounaikis Mr. & Mrs. John Grant Miss Katina Hatjistilianos Eleni Hoffhines Mr. Petko Ivanov Daria Jmill Harold & Cecelia Johnson Mark & Kalley Johnson Nicole Johnson Misael & Lisa Jordan Senait Kahsai & Kibrom Hailu Mr. Richard Kanavati Dimitrios & Dimitra Kaniamos Peggy & Jon Kennedy Ms. Dina Kiprose Mathew & Ellene Kritikos James Lake Mrs. Stella Lake Thomas & Dawn Lampros Miss Georgia Lucas Michael & Margery Makredes Mrs. Mary Makredes Ms. Georgia Mann Ms. Jo Ann Mann Michael & Christine Manos Sophronis Mantoles & Anna Marinos Anastasia & George Mastrogiorgis Dan & Jackie Matuska Mrs. Patricia McAdams Alex Moran Caroline Moran & Aaron Hareid Linda & Thomas Moran Katerina & Savvas Nikolaides Mr. Chris Panayoton Dr. Tasso & Carey Pappas Milam & Maria Paraschou James & Sally Pathos Nik & Karen Patronas Mike & Jill Patrou Spero & Lana Payton Mr. Lampros Petanitis Dimitri & Sofia Pitsavas Mrs.Theologia Pitsavas Nikola & Rada Popov Athanasios Poulios Paul & Elizabeth Poulios John & Sue Poulos Mrs. Alexandra & Mr. Shawn Powell Dr. Nicholas & Effie Psimos Steve & Rallou Rice Mr. & Mrs. Peter Roumel Theodore Roungou Ms. Tina Sageotis Fr. Daniel & Pres. Eileen Simon Mr. Daniel Simon Clark & Denise Smith Miss Kathryn Strenglis Mr. James S. Theros Sandra & Gordon Thole Mr. Spero Thomaidis Dean & Dena Tortorelis Peter & Dana Tountas Louis & Kathy Trigas Kostas & Naomi Tsantir Joanna Tzenis & Dean Natto Mersina & Jason Van Cleave Andrea Walkush Caryl Wedes Joseph Weiser Ms. Lily Zahariades Mr. Steve Zeece Sr. Festival of Nations May 5-8, 2016 For 84 years, the Festival of Nations has inspired people throughout the region to discover more about our world and embrace the rich cultural diversity brought to us by immigrants from around the globe. The Saint George community has been involved from the beginning. This event is a fun way to celebrate and share a culture that many parishioners share and the proceeds benefit our church and its ministries. Please join us the week after Pascha by volunteering at the Greek Café, supporting the Greek School Bazaar booth and the Greek Cultural booth or by enjoying one of the three dance troupes that will participate. The 2016 Festival of Nations theme is Folklore & Fairytales! This theme is sure to inspire some fascinating programming that will illuminate cultural perspectives and connect individuals like no other medium. Learn more about the FON at their website: http://www.festivalofnations.com. Volunteers are needed at the Greek Café for all shifts and roles such as food prep, server, clean up, move-in /setup and breakdown/move-out. Sign up to volunteer at the SignUpGenius website: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D4CA5AD2B ABFF2-festival, or contact Tom Lampros or Emilio Kapetanakis.
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