Resilient Masonry Buildings


Resilient Masonry Buildings
Resilient Masonry
Saving Lives, Livelihoods, and the Livability of Oregon’s
Historic Downtowns
Recommendations from Restore Oregon based on the 2012 Preservation Roundtable
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Table of Contents
Preservation Roundtable
Why This Matters
Executive Summary
Background & Definition of Terms
The Seismic Imperative
Building Codes & Levels of Seismic Upgrade
Regional Workshops
Obstacles to Achieving Resilience
March 16, 2012
Findings & Recommendations
The Cost of Doing Nothing
Acknowledgements and Notes
Research and Planning
Winter 2012
May 11, 2012
June 22, 2012
August 16, 2012
Cover photo: Redman’s Hall, Jacksonville, OR
© 2012 Restore Oregon. All rights reserved.
Online Survey
September 2012
Special Report Released
October 25, 2012
The Purpose of the Preservation Roundtable
Restore Oregon, formerly the Historic Preservation League of Oregon, launched the annual Preservation
Roundtable in January 2010. The program brings together diverse stakeholders from around the state to address the
challenges confronting Oregon’s historic places, particularly its Main Streets. In 2010 the Roundtable proposed
solutions to create Healthy Historic Districts, addressing the issues of economic and cultural viability for Oregon’s 123
National Register Historic Districts. The 2011 Roundtable took on Compatible Infill Design, recommending principles for
new construction in historic districts. Each Roundtable culminates in a Special Report similar to this document.
The Preservation Roundtable process includes background research, expert advice, and the convening of public
workshops around the state. With assistance from dedicated
volunteers, corporate sponsors, and foundation support, the
participation and visibility of the Roundtable has grown steadily
since it first convened in 2010. Over 250 Oregonians
participated in 2012, providing insights and examples that have
been incorporated into this document.
The purpose of the report that follows is to highlight the
true value of masonry buildings in Oregon, provide an overview
of the challenges of preserving this building type, and propose
recommendations for making masonry buildings a more
productive, more resilient, and more economically viable part of
our built environment.
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Why This Matters: Lives, Livelihoods, & Livability
Some of the most important historic buildings in Oregon are also the ones most at risk of collapse in an earthquake – if they
don’t fall victim to hard times or demolition-by-neglect first. Oregon’s collection of historic brick, stone, and block structures also
happen to house thousands of families, school children, businesses, and government agencies. Officially known as unreinforced
masonry buildings (URMs), there are over 5,000 of these structures across Oregon, most of which were built in the late 1800s and
early 1900s.1 While we know that rehabilitation of these buildings can be challenging, the fact is that there are just too many with
too much good life left in them for wholesale replacement.
Masonry buildings were constructed to stand the test of time, resistant to
fire and flood. They were handsomely crafted, using long-lasting materials with
techniques refined over thousands of years. Roughly 75 years ago, building
technology advanced to incorporate reinforcing steel. Today, unreinforced
masonry buildings still stand as character-defining icons of Oregon’s small
towns and larger urban centers. The most historically significant of these must
be restored, seismically upgraded, and maximized—not out of sentimental
nostalgia, but to ensure that lives, livelihoods, and livability are preserved.
Oregon simply cannot afford to lose them.
While comprehensive statewide data on the total number and economic
value of these buildings has not been collected, we do have enough
information to know this issue cannot be ignored. Here are a few reasons:
How many families live in URM apartment buildings?
In Portland alone there are 5,200 units of apartment housing in unreinforced masonry buildings. Statewide there are at least 10,000
people living in URM buildings. Examples include the 35 low-income residents of Corvallis’ historic Julian Hotel and the 25 tenants
of Astoria’s Franklin Apartments.2
How many children attend school in URMs?
Across Oregon there are 101 URM schools housing our K-12 students. An
additional 673 masonry schools have only limited structural reinforcement.
Portland’s URM Grant High School alone is home to 1577 students. 3
How many businesses are housed in URMs?
Across the state there are 81 communities participating in the Oregon Main
Street Program to foster community development in older and historic
downtowns. In most of these communities unreinforced masonry buildings
make up the core of their downtowns, housing scores of businesses and
creating a marketable sense of place.4
How many fire stations and city halls are in URMs?
Statewide there are at least 21 fire and police stations housed in URM buildings, as are essential services for Benton, Crook,
Sherman, Wasco and several other counties. In many cases, these buildings
are the central landmarks of their communities.5
Oregon does have examples of resilient masonry buildings. In Portland, an
1875 Federal courthouse was upgraded using the most modern techniques
to survive a major quake. In Pendleton, new elevators provide access to
long-vacant upper floors along Main Street. And in Salem, new commercial
uses are funding the upkeep of historic facades. But for every example of
success, there are countless examples of significant historic URMs that
remain at risk.
This report outlines eight policy recommendations to address this very
pressing issue. Action is required so we don’t wake up one morning in the
not-too-distant future to find that some of the best of Oregon has been lost.
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Executive Summary
The Main Street hardware store next to the microbrew-pub, the neighborhood grade school that’s seen four generations pass
through its halls, the clinker brick apartment building you moved into after graduation, the polished stone courthouse with the
monument honoring local war heroes…. From Klamath Falls to Astoria, Jacksonville to Portland, these historic buildings are icons
that define hundreds of Oregon’s communities. Most of them are built of unreinforced brick or stone that was meant to last,
withstanding fire and flood, but are at serious risk of collapse in an earthquake. Many have vacant upper floors and desperately
need rehabilitation, but have real economic potential.
While no complete inventory of masonry buildings has been conducted, there are estimated to be between 5,000 and 10,000
unreinforced masonry buildings (URMs) in Oregon, with 1,765 in Portland alone. Many of these structures have achieved true
cultural significance over time and have been listed on or
are eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. It
is those approximately 2,000 historic masonry buildings
we address here.6 They come with special challenges:
 Fire/life safety codes and ADA access requirements
make utilization of upper stories challenging, limiting
their income potential.
 Construction financing for URMs is getting scarce,
making it more difficult to invest in rehabilitation.
 The looming threat of a major earthquake in the
western half of the state creates an urgency for seismic
upgrades to protect lives, community character, and
economic livelihoods.
For all their issues, these historic buildings are a very
important component of Oregon’s economy,
environment, culture, and sense of community. And
there are simply too many of them for wholesale
replacement to be a viable option. Our goal must be to
create resilient masonry buildings.
The 1906 San Francisco earthquake is well-known as one of America’s greatest
natural disasters. While the 7.9 magnitude quake and subsequent fire destroyed an
estimated 3,168 brick buildings, Oregon’s risk of a 9.0 earthquake presents a
similarly serious challenge for communities west of the Cascades.
Charting a Path to Resiliency
A building is resilient when it reflects four key characteristics:
 Safety. In parts of the state vulnerable to seismic events, the resilient building will survive an earthquake with no loss of life.
 Durability. The resilient building remains standing and is repairable after a disaster, with its historic elements intact.
 Productivity. The resilient building is well utilized, occupied, and accessible to the highest level possible.
 Economic Viability. While incentive dollars may be necessary for an initial upgrade, the resilient building should generate
sufficient cash flow to support ongoing operations and maintenance.
While examples of safe, durable, productive, and viable masonry buildings can be found across Oregon, the state is woefully
behind in fostering a resilient masonry building stock. The technology exists to upgrade historic buildings with minimal impact on
character-defining features; what is needed are thoughtful solutions to promote the preservation of these historic assets for
generations to come. Restore Oregon believes the following eight recommendations will get us there.
1. Educate Building Owners and Contractors on Best Practices for Historic Masonry Buildings.
Preservation Roundtable workshops revealed that whether a historic building has been in the same family for generations or was
just acquired by a developer, owners typically don’t understand their structural composition or requirements. The same can be
said for many contractors. To remedy that, an Oregon Masonry Building Handbook outlining best practices in masonry
treatment is needed so that typical material and condition issues can be better understood and addressed by owners and
contractors. Furthermore, training courses on basic masonry treatment and seismic upgrade techniques should be offered
around the state to raise the caliber of work being done to masonry buildings.
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2. Inventory Unreinforced Masonry Buildings so Communities Know What They Have. Building
departments and planning offices should work together to survey and document masonry buildings within their communities.
Using this information, local jurisdictions should identify ways to encourage and finance basic structural assessments for
masonry buildings. And every community should prepare actionable mitigation plans for post-disaster protection of repairable
historic buildings to avoid unnecessary bulldozing.
3. Boost Public Demand for Seismic Upgrades by Rewarding Resilience. The public has no visible way of
knowing if a building has been seismically upgraded, yet many would choose a safer building if given the option. Similar to a LEED
(Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) sustainability ranking, a standardized system should be developed to recognize
those buildings that will fare well in an earthquake. Voluntary plaques affixed to the exterior of upgraded masonry buildings
would provide a simple way for buyers, renters, and occupants to understand the relative safety of their building. This would lead
to increased demand and payback for seismic upgrades.
4. Leverage Existing Federal Programs to Foster Upgrades. While much can be done at the state and local levels
to revitalize our historic masonry buildings, the federal government has a responsibility to assist our efforts. The Rehabilitation
Tax Credit must be modernized to allow smaller projects and “mom and pop” building owners to access this valuable
incentive. Additionally, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) should recognize the unique earthquake risk facing
Western Oregon by increasing pre-disaster funding for basic seismic upgrades.
5. Adopt Meaningful State Rehabilitation Incentives. Oregon’s existing incentive programs are not adequate to
induce building owners and developers to voluntarily rehab historic masonry buildings. A new or improved state incentive,
coupled with local funding sources, is a must for saving lives, protecting our heritage, and better leveraging preservation as a jobs
6. Increase Availability of Finance and Insurance Options. The cost and availability of mortgage financing and
earthquake casualty insurance are becoming problematic for many historic building owners in Oregon. Establishing a historic
properties insurance pool or nonprofit insurance program would help secure public and private investments in historic
masonry buildings and encourage lenders to provide rate reductions for upgraded buildings.
7. Institute Changes to the State Building Code. Building codes are intended to foster public health and safety,
though the application of these codes can be confusing and subject to interpretation. Property owners and their rehab team
require clear, positive direction towards a path of compliance. The State of Oregon Building Codes Division should adopt new
code language that systemizes triggers and methods for seismic upgrades, including allowing multi-year phased
improvements. Stipulating that a percentage of dollars for substantial rehabilitation be devoted towards incremental seismic
upgrades will spur work towards the eventual goal of full upgrade.
8. Government Agencies Must Take Care of Their Own URMs. Government agencies across Oregon own a lot
of historic buildings. From schools to courthouses, city halls to fire stations, Oregon taxpayers paid for these buildings and they
should be safe and well maintained. Preservation plans for
all public masonry buildings should be prepared by 2020. The
legislature should support these plans with special funding
strategies and set a timeframe for upgrades. When historic
buildings must be divested, preservation easements should be
put in place to ensure these resources continue to stand and
serve their communities.
Details on these recommendations can be found beginning on page 10.
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Background & Definition of Terms
Unreinforced masonry buildings were built in
Oregon for almost a hundred years, from the 1840s
through the 1930s. Although masonry technology
dates back thousands of years, the building type as
built in Oregon was largely constructed of brick, stone,
clay tile, and concrete block walls. Internal wood
posts and beams are present in many larger URMs, but
the bearing walls lack concrete or steel supports.
While many of the state’s masonry buildings can be
readily identified from the exterior, stucco, wood, and
other cladding occasionally obscure structural masonry
URM construction began to fall out of favor as
reinforced concrete and steel buildings systems
became available for larger building projects that
exceeded the capabilities of unreinforced masonry
construction. After the 1930s, unreinforced masonry
construction became nearly extinct in Oregon,
replaced by reinforced structural systems (and nonstructural veneers of brick or stone). Today about
5,000 URM buildings stand in Oregon, many
underutilized and vulnerable to a seismic event. It’s a
sad condition for such a valuable resource.
ADA. Americans with Disabilities Act. Minimum guidelines outlining
accessibility requirements for buildings.
ASCE 31. A widely accepted process for evaluating the seismic
safety of existing buildings set by the American Society of Civil
Engineers. ASCE 41 addresses standards for seismic retrofitting.
Bond. The orientation of bricks
within an masonry wall. A
common bond pattern (where a
course of bricks is set sideways
every 4-7 rows) is a telltale sign
of unreinforced masonry
construction (as illustrated here.)
Building Code. For existing
buildings, the state follows the
Oregon Structural Specialty
Code (OSSC) and International
Existing Building Code (IEBC).
Cascadia. A subduction zone
off the coast of Oregon known
to cause very large megathrust
earthquakes and tsunamis.
CLG. Certified Local Government. Communities that have
voluntarily accepted a set of rights and responsibilities to protect
their historic properties.
DOGAMI. Department of Geology and Mineral Industries. State
agency tasked with researching and conveying earthquake and other
geologic hazard risks.
Historic—In this report, historic refers to places that are listed in
or eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.
Magnitude. Relative measurement of energy contained in an
earthquake. Geologists use the Moment Magnitude Scale, a
logarithmic scale of 1 to 10 where there is a 10 fold increase in
energy released at each full point on the scale.
Main Street Program. A popular four-point approach to
revitalizing commercial districts administered by the SHPO.
Masonry. General term applied to buildings supported by handplaced units of brick, stone, clay tile, and concrete block walls
lacking reinforcement.
Mortar. Material used to bind individual masonry units together.
PML. Probable Maximum Loss. Phrase used in insurance and real
estate to convey the loss that could result from a disaster.
Secretary Standards. Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the
Treatment of Historic Properties. Best practices for rehabilitating a
historic building.
SHPO. State Historic Preservation Office. State department that
manages and administers government preservation programs.
URM. Unreinforced Masonry. Brick, stone, or other masonry
construction lacking structural reinforcement.
The 1846 St. Paul Catholic Church in Marion County is the oldest known
masonry building in Oregon, being constructed of bricks fired on site.
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Unreinforced masonry buildings, if maintained properly, are one of humanities’ most long lasting and enduring building
types. Its biggest threat is the force that wants to move it in a direction it was not designed to resist: sideways. The two
forces that generally impose lateral force on buildings are wind and earthquake. While windstorms like 1962’s Columbus
Day Storm have caused minor damage to masonry buildings, by far the biggest concern is earthquakes. And, unfortunately,
much of Western Oregon resides within one of North America’s most seismically
active zones. While we cannot predict exactly when an earthquake will occur, we
know they are coming. It is imperative to prepare our URM building stock for a
threat that was unanticipated by the original builders.
The USGS has documented sizable earthquakes occurring across much of the state
since the late 1890s. Damage-causing earthquakes occurred in Portland in 1892,
Milton-Freewater in 1936, and near Adel in 1968. However, two more-recent quakes
are worth noting here: the 1993 Klamath Falls earthquake and the Scotts Mills Quake
of the same year. The Klamath Falls earthquake damaged over 1,000 homes and
commercial buildings, including the 1918 County Courthouse which was replaced
following the quake. The Scotts Mills (AKA Spring Break quake) caused $28 million in
damage including such significant damage to the masonry Molalla High School that the
historic building needed to be demolished.7
While magnitude 5 and 6 crustal earthquakes such as these can be expected in
many parts of the state and are a safety concern for all masonry buildings, the entirety
of Western Oregon faces an even bigger inevitability: the Cascadia Subduction
1993 Klamath Falls Earthquake
The Cascadia Subduction Zone is a fault off the coast of Oregon that has been
documented to cause significant earthquakes in the arena of 8 to 9 in magnitude. While researchers were relatively
unfamiliar with the dangers posed by the fault until the early 1990s, today Cascadia has become one of the most
documented seismic zones on the planet. Research has determined that the last of these large quakes occurred on January
26, 1700, far before any masonry buildings were built in the state. The ground motion from such a quake will extend as far
east as the Cascade Mountains and will impact the length of the state, though Southern Oregon is prone to more frequent
ruptures. According to a recent report, Oregon faces almost a 40% chance in the next 50 years of a subduction zone quake
off of the coast.8
Of all the dominant building types in
Oregon, URMs are generally the most at-risk of
collapse during an earthquake.
ver the past 10,000 years, there
have been 19 earthquakes that
extended along most of the [fault], stretching
from southern Vancouver Island to the
Oregon-California border. These would
typically be of a magnitude from about 8.7 to
9.2 – really huge earthquakes.”
- Prof. Chris Goldfinger,
Oregon State University
The Oregon Seismic Hazard Map at right
indicates expected ground motion during an
earthquake. Orange indicates the highest hazard;
blue the lowest. Courtesy USGS.
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R es to re O re gon S pe cial Re port: Re s ilie nt M aso nr y Bu ildin gs
Building Codes and Levels of Seismic Upgrade
Time and again we hear from building owners that they are overwhelmed by the complexity and expense of
upgrading their buildings to comply with fire/life safety codes, ADA accessibility requirements, and seismic upgrades.
The result is that nothing is done to a historic building for fear of “triggering” a
expensive upgrade. We will not delve into fire/life safety or ADA compliance
in this report other than to summarize that they boil down to the need to add
means of access and egress to upper stories, sprinkler systems, wheelchair
ramps, elevators, wider doors and hallways, and restroom modifications.
Typically the addition of an elevator and seismic upgrades prove to be the
most difficult in older buildings due to cost or lack of space for them.
Building codes are minimum standards intended to protect health and safety.
They are adopted at the state level, but administered at the local level. Building
codes differ from municipal codes, which set forth local issues like zoning,
aesthetics, and protection of historic places. In Oregon, owners of historic
buildings have the option of choosing between two sets of building codes: the
Oregon Structural Specialty Code (OSSC), or the International Existing
Building Code (IEBC). While both codes stipulate minimum standards for
repairs, alterations, and additions to existing buildings, they do not mandate
that existing buildings be upgraded unless there is a change of use. They do
Exterior elevator on the Oregon State University
campus provides ADA access and additional
require that any new work meet existing code. As demonstrated in the case
study on page 16, local communities may adopt additional triggers that mandate egress to a historic building.
upgrade. Examples include rehab construction dollars spent or the replacement of structural elements such as a new
Meeting the minimum code helps ensure that people in a building are safe, but does not ensure that the building
itself is preserved following a disaster. Higher levels are required by code for buildings considered essential for public
safety—such as hospitals and fire
stations—where buildings must
remain standing and usable.
The American Society of Civil
Engineers’ Standard Number 41
presents four levels of seismic
upgrade options for existing
Collapse Prevention—
Occupants may be able to exit,
but building is near collapse
Life Safety—Occupants are
able to exit, but building has
considerable damage
Immediate Occupancy—Building is safe to occupy, but minor damage is present
Operational—Building suffers very little damage and can be used for its essential functions
Current building code addresses collapse prevention, but does not ensure the building or the businesses
and residences inside it can be saved. Illustration courtesy American Society of Civil Engineers.
While very few masonry buildings warrant the expenditure required to achieve Operational status, there is
technology for a range of seismic upgrades that will not harm the character-defining features of historic buildings.
Simple solutions such as stabilizing parapets, tying-in the roof and floor joists to exterior walls, and joining exterior
walls to the foundation provide significant advancement towards Collapse Prevention.
Achieving a Life Safety standard while protecting historic character-defining features should be a goal of all historic
buildings. For the most significant buildings and districts, higher level upgrades should be pursued to ensure these
important landmarks are passed forward to future generations.
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Obstacles to Achieving Resilience
A common scenario for a historic URM involves vacant upper stories due to lack of code compliance and ADA access,
resulting in insufficient cash flow for maintenance or upgrades, which can lead to “demolition-by-neglect.” When
participants at the 2012 Preservation Roundtable workshops were asked to identify the biggest challenges to revitalizing
masonry buildings, four themes emerged: knowledge, economics, regulations, and expertise.
Property owners and community leaders don’t have sufficient knowledge to address the issues.
People are overwhelmed by seismic issues and avoid understanding or addressing them.
Many property owners assume there’s only one level of building rehabilitation: the complex and unaffordable kind.
There exists a need to better understand the volume and value of each community’s masonry buildings stock.
Often absentee owners are not invested in the community.
The economics of rehabilitation when coupled with seismic upgrades don’t pencil out.
Complete rehabilitation of buildings including fire/life safety, ADA, and seismic retrofit is often prohibitively expensive.
Smaller footprints typical in historic buildings make it hard to fit in upgrades and still have enough rentable space.
Current financial incentives are insufficient for private owners and public funding is not available for governmental owners.
Merely assessing the condition of a building and developing a plan for rehabilitation is expensive.
Earthquake insurance is becoming more expensive and harder to get.
Codes and regulations are overwhelming, inconsistent, and not digestible to the general public.
 Current standards primarily focus on saving lives, not saving buildings and their vital functions within the community.
 There exists in some jurisdictions a lack of consistency and clarity in building code enforcement resulting in higher costs,
complexity, and miscommunication between owners and officials.
 The public doesn’t know which buildings have been upgraded to be seismically safer.
Design and construction professionals often lack expertise in this building type.
 Only a small pool of contractors understand the complexities involved with historic masonry buildings.
 Some regulators lack training in historic structures, resulting in over-engineered remedies and unnecessary loss of historic
 Small town property owners need assistance developing a roadmap for rehabilitation and upgrades.
 New technologies and approaches are continually becoming available, though many professionals don’t know about them.
Recommendations on the following pages strive to address these issues and are coupled with examples to illustrate key points.
Pendleton’s LaDow Block—the Challenge of Cash Flow
With its grand Italianate façade, Pendleton’s LaDow Block is one of Eastern Oregon’s most prominent historic
landmarks. Built between 1884 and 1890 by an early female entrepreneur, this National Register-listed building is one
of the oldest and most intact buildings in Umatilla County. The LaDow serves as a prime example of the challenges
addressed in this report. While the ground floor has been continuously occupied since 1890, the 19 apartments on the
second floor have been vacant since 1957.9
To comply with modern codes, new stairs and an elevator will be
needed to get the 16,000 square foot upper floor back in use. Because of
decades of deferred maintenance, exterior brick is failing in numerous
areas and presents a safety issue for passersby on the street. There is a
desire by all parties to preserve and occupy the building, but the cost and
expertise needed to overcome a half-century of neglect exceed the capacity
of the owner and the available urban renewal dollars. Luckily, the
successes of nearby businesses, like the Prodigal Son Brewpub across the
street, demonstrate that economic viability can be achieved in Pendleton’s
historic buildings if the right plan and financial incentives are in place.
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Findings and Recommendations
While Oregon is fortunate to have an abundant and diverse stock of historic masonry buildings, a great many of them are underutilized, suffer
from decades of deferred maintenance, and at risk of collapse in an earthquake. To owners of URMs and the communities in which they stand
as cultural icons, the complex challenge of upgrading them can be daunting. Restore Oregon believes these buildings are important to our
state and they need to be made resilient – safe, durable, productive, and economically viable. The following recommendations will get us there.
1. Educate Building Owners & Contractors
There exists a pressing need in Oregon’s smaller communities for building owners and contractors to have greater access
to educational resources concerning historic masonry buildings. While the National Park Service and other organizations
have prepared general guidelines and best practices, accessible and place-specific solutions are needed here in Oregon. As
Restore Oregon clearly heard at the Jacksonville and Pendleton Roundtables, local contractors need training and familiarity
with masonry treatment. Oftentimes owners are unaware of how to address minor condition issues and, without ready
access to good literature, have a tendency to let critical deficiencies go unaddressed.
Furthermore, owners are overwhelmed by seismic upgrades and think there is only one kind–the kind they can’t afford.
Simple and understandable workshops that spell out the options and cost-effective solutions are much needed in the state’s
seismically active regions. While not all owners have the means or desire to implement the higher upgrade levels, educating
owners on relatively simple solutions such as parapet stabilization, chimney
buttressing, and floor tie-downs can go a long way to boost public safety.
The bottom line: An Oregon Masonry Building Handbook is needed to
educate owners and contractors on typical materials and condition issues. The
Handbook should be available online and presented to local landmarks commissioners and preservation planners. A parallel training program addressing
seismic options should be offered in earthquake-prone communities.
How we get there: SHPO should work with the University of Oregon and
Clatsop Community College historic preservation programs to compile an
illustrative handbook outlining condition and treatment options for the range
of masonry materials across the state. They could partner with DOGAMI and
the Structural Engineers Association of Oregon to develop an educational
workshop on seismic upgrades. Certified Local Governments could allocate a
An Owner’s Manual for Cottage Grove’s Historic Masonry Buildings
In the spring of 2012, students from the University of Oregon Historic Preservation Program descended upon the
Lane County community of Cottage Grove to get a crash course in masonry treatment. With support from nationally
recognized masonry expert Lauren Allsopp, PhD., the team of graduate students prepared a 100-page handbook
addressing construction history and condition issues typical in this community.
According to City Planner Amanda Ferguson, “There is a clear need
for focused education on building maintenance and masonry repair in
Cottage Grove. Property owners need help determining the best
techniques to preserve their buildings and how to find good contractors
to work with. The Masonry Handbook is a great start to providing this
type of assistance.”
The final version of the Handbook will be available in print and online
in late 2012. The Handbook will serve as a starting point for other local
communities that want to prepare place-specific guides for addressing
masonry treatment issues.
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2. Inventory URMs and Encourage Building Assessments
You can’t develop a plan when you don’t know what you have. There is no comprehensive database of Oregon’s
older and historic masonry buildings. While fragmented data exists in historic resource inventories and National
Register nominations, and a few communities (such as Portland and Medford) have done windshield surveys of masonry
buildings, local communities and the state need to do a better job documenting what we have. The state should
require local communities to inventory masonry buildings.
This isn’t unheard of. A 1986 California law required local
governments in active seismic zones to inventory unreinforced
masonry buildings and present progress reports to the state.
Oregon should follow this lead.
Using this baseline data, communities in active seismic zones
should encourage and sponsor ASCE 31 structural evaluations for
public and private masonry buildings. While every community has
different political and financial resources, finding avenues to costeffectively help owners understand their building needs and potential
seismic risks will lead to better planning and eventual rehabilitation.
Finally, every community should prepare mitigation plans for how
designated historic buildings are treated following a disaster. When inspectors sweep through a region to tag buildings
they deem “too far gone,” they’ll be able to identify buildings of historic importance to give them additional
consideration and avoid wholesale demolition.
The bottom line: Every unreinforced masonry building in Oregon should be identified and documented in an
accessible database, wholesale ASCE 31 evaluations should be a goal for seismically vulnerable communities, and every
community should have action-oriented mitigation plans to protect historic buildings following a disaster.
How we get there: State and local agencies should work together to prepare templates for URM databases and
mitigation plans that could be used at the local level. Local planning and building departments, Main Street Programs,
and/or Urban Renewal Agencies should work closely with policy-makers to identify mechanisms to encourage, fund, or
require ASCE 31 Tier 1 or Tier 2 evaluations of identified URMs. While these evaluations typically run $2,000 to
$10,000 per property, cost savings could be achieved by evaluating a district or group of properties at one time.
Portland Public Schools Commission Historic Structural Assessment
In 2009, Portland Public Schools (PPS) commissioned an intensive study of 12 representative facilities to determine
the cost and scope of work necessary to seismically upgrade the district’s portfolio of schools. Of the 12 schools studied,
two were URM and five were minimally reinforced masonry. The study was based on two widely-accepted documents
by the American Society of Civic Engineers that could readily serve as baselines for other community studies:
ASCE 31, Seism ic Evaluatio n o f Existing Build ings
ASCE 41, Seism ic Rehabilitatio n o f Existing Build ings
In parallel with the seismic study, the district conducted a Historic
Building Assessment, which included eligibility for National Register and a
list of character-defining historic features for each school as a tool to plan for
rehab and renovation.
According to the study, seismic work for the district’s masonry schools
would run between $35 and $66 dollars per square foot. With this
information, the school board has the data to seek voter support of a bond
measure to finance the upgrades and rehabilitation. 10
Ainsworth Elementary School, Portland
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3. Boost Public Demand with a Seismic Rating System
Oregonians don’t know which masonry buildings have been
retrofitted and which ones are still in need of upgrades. When
renting an apartment, signing a lease for commercial space, or
picking a favorite coffeehouse, there currently is no system for
weighing the safety of the building you might be occupying. A
mechanism needs to be developed to give the marketplace the
information it deserves, educating non-engineers and incentivizing
owners to invest dollars into seismic upgrades when they are
needed. Oregon needs an understandable and visible ranking
system for buildings that will fare well during an earthquake,
perhaps a plaque with two, three, or four stars indicating the level of
seismic upgrade.
The idea isn’t so different from the Leadership in Energy and
Environmental Design (LEED) ranking system that was developed in
1998 to recognize different benchmarks of green building. Without
this type of information being available, the commercial market and
public at large have no idea how their apartment, office, or school
will perform during an earthquake.
eismic upgrades can comprise a
significant cost for adaptive reuse
projects. We’ve seen these upgrades run more
than $35/sf or 25% of the rehab budget. The
challenge is that your typical commercial tenant
does not have ‘seismic upgrade’ on their list
when out shopping for office or retail space. As
a developer, this makes it difficult to charge a
premium for your upgraded building and get a
return on your investment. With increased
public awareness of the benefits of seismically
upgraded buildings would likely come greater
demand from the market.
– Jessica Engeman, Venerable Properties
The bottom line: A voluntary, yet standardized, ranking system for
seismically upgraded buildings based on measurable performance standards
should be implemented. Recognizable plaques placed on the exterior of
qualifying buildings would boost public awareness, activate market demand,
and generate better pay-back for investments in retrofitting.
Steps to get us there: The engineering community, in collaboration with
the Structural Engineers Association of Oregon and State Building Codes
Division, should assemble a ranking and certification system for buildings
that will perform well in an earthquake. A new or subsidiary nonprofit
should be tasked with certifying qualifying projects and managing the
success of the system for encouraging upgrades.
Hypothetical example of a seismic rating plaque.
California Develops Seismic Rating Similar to LEED Certification
Northern California is working to recognize building-by-building seismic safety. The Structural Engineers
Association of Northern California has drafted a five star system for spotlighting seismic safety dubbed the Earthquake
Performance Rating System (EPRS). The five stars are allocated in three categories: safety, repair cost, and time to regain
function. To be rated 4 or 5 stars, a building must not only demonstrate structural safety, but also show that nonstructural elements would be secure during an earthquake. According to a
2011 report, “The audience for the rating system includes anyone who
makes decisions about buildings, regardless of their engineering expertise.
This includes occupants, buyers, sellers, and tenants of a building, as well as
insurers and lenders.”11
While the proposed system doesn’t profess to assign a precise gradation
to the five stars, it is intended to convey technical values to the public at
large. Using ASCE 31 standards as a basis for the rankings, the EPRS is
intended to be a standardized, yet voluntary, system managed by a nonprofit similar to the US Green Building Council’s administration of LEED.
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4. Leverage Federal Programs for Upgrades
There are two ways the Federal government can make a smart investment in the resiliency of historic buildings: by
expanding the Federal Rehabilitation Tax Credit so it applies to smaller scale projects typical along Main Streets, and by
proactively allocating Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) funds for upgrades before disaster strikes.
The numbers prove that preservation incentives work! Across the U.S. from 1978–2011, Rehabilitation Tax Credit
projects totaled $116.5 billion, generated 2,216,000 jobs, and over 42,000 historic buildings were rehabbed. Those projects
received $19.2 billion in Federal tax credits, but generated $24.4 billion in new Federal tax receipts: a 27% return on the
government’s investment. An estimated $9.1 billion in state and local tax revenues were also generated by these projects.12
Clearly, the program has been effective and profitable, but it generally only works for large-scale commercial projects.
Why? The IRS allows two types of tax credits for older, income-producing (depreciable) properties: A 10% credit for rehabilitations on buildings constructed before 1936 but not listed on the National Register; and a 20% tax credit for properties
listed on the National Register that adhere to the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards. To qualify, the project must exceed
the greater of $5,000 or the adjusted gross basis (purchase price plus improvements, minus land cost and depreciation).
Often times, small scale projects simply cannot meet this equation. The threshold needs to be lowered and Congressmen
Aaron Schock (R-IL) and Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) have proposed updates to the tax credit to better support Main
Street property owners. But broad public support is needed to move the legislation out of committee.13
FEMA is actively helping Western Oregon prepare and mitigate for the inevitable
Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquake. FEMA’s Pre-Disaster Mitigation Grant
Program allows agencies and local governments to request funding for structural
retrofitting of existing buildings, but funding has been decreasing in recent years. A
coalition of the states in the Cascadia Subduction Zone (Oregon, Washington and
California) should actively lobby for increased FEMA funding for pre-disaster
grant allocations for upgrades, which could be matched by state and local funding.
The bottom line: Rehabilitation is an excellent investment for the government and
Congress should modernize the Federal Rehabilitation Tax Credit for the benefit of
smaller projects. Further, it will be less expensive for FEMA to fund seismic upgrades
now through pre-disaster mitigation grants, instead of rebuilding after an earthquake.
How we get there: Changes to the Federal Rehabilitation Tax Credit require
congressional approval and Oregon needs to get firmly behind Congressman
Blumenauer’s effort update it. Also, a coalition of Cascadia states should lobby for
increased funding for FEMA Pre-Disaster Mitigation Grants.
Rehabilitation Tax Credits as Effective Incentives for Oregon
From 2001 to 2011, a total of 77 Federal Rehabilitation Tax Credit projects in Oregon generated 8,510 jobs totaling
over $298 million in household income. Twenty-six of these redevelopment projects took place in smaller communities
around the state from Lakeview to Astoria.14
In 2011 alone, historic rehabilitation projects aided by the Rehabilitation
Tax Credit generated 948 jobs in Oregon, supporting over $38 million in
household income. These projects generated over $3 million in taxes for
Oregon’s local and state coffers, plus a $9.3 million bump in federal tax
Pictured here is the Post & King Building in Lakeview. Rehabilitated at a cost
of $926,331, South Valley Bank accessed $185,000 in Federal Rehabilitation Tax
Credits to bring this 1901 saloon back to life as a bank. It is one of only 25 tax
credit projects valued at less than a million dollars that occurred in Oregon
during the period 2001-2011. According to project architect Pari Pedersen, “The
tax credit was crucial. There was a great deal of local pride when the project was
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5. Adopt Meaningful State and Local Incentives
Preservation of our historic buildings provides public benefits to our economy, culture, and environment. While the
Federal government provides important incentives, many smaller commercial projects don’t presently qualify for them. We
need cost-effective state and local-level incentives to jumpstart this effort.
Oregon’s primary financial incentive for rehabilitating historic buildings is the Special Assessment program. It freezes the
assessed value of a qualified historic property for ten years in exchange for the owner’s commitment to execute a
rehabilitation plan that adheres to the Secretary of Interior’s Standards. In decades past, Special Assessment worked pretty
well. However, the property tax limitation measures of the 1990s, coupled with expectations for fire and building code
compliance, weakened its impact considerably. Today very few property owners bother to apply for the program.
It’s time for something better. Thirty states in the U.S. have implemented a state rehabilitation tax credit which,
when coupled with the Federal Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit, provides meaningful stimulus for the redevelopment of
historic commercial properties.16
Locally, governments like Salem, Medford, and over 50 other communities have adopted urban renewal as a tool for
improving “blighted” areas and their tax base. The urban renewal tool effectively borrows the incremental increase in tax
revenue to fund improvements during the lifetime of the Urban Renewal Area designation (typically 15 years). The
government’s “investment” in the district is paid back with the increased tax revenues from the revitalized district. To ensure
urban renewal leaves a truly lasting investment (that won’t turn to rubble in areas vulnerable to a Cascadia earthquake), local
governments would be wise to require that a percent of
urban renewal dollars be set-aside for historic rehab.
The bottom line: While Oregon was a pioneer in
incentivizing historic preservation with its Special
Assessment program, today the program is largely
ineffective. Owners of historic masonry buildings need
better help to mitigate the up-front costs of rehab.
How we get there: Urban renewal agencies should
direct an appropriate amount of funding toward historic
building rehabilitations. Furthermore, Restore Oregon
plans to bring Oregon’s historic preservation community
together in 2013 to identify a new-and-improved state
incentive program, encouraging rehabs in every corner of
Oregon while benefiting government coffers.
Jackson County Courthouse
The landmark 1884 Jackson County Courthouse is
no longer in use and may eventually transfer to
private ownership. So Restore Oregon asked KPFF
Consulting Engineers to develop conceptual estimates
for a seismic upgrade, which would be triggered by
the change of use.
KPFF presented options for two levels of seismic
upgrade. A Life Safety upgrade would cost $25-35 per square foot, for a total upgrade price of around $332,500. A
higher level Immediate Occupancy upgrade would cost $31-44/sf for a total upgrade price of $415,625. (These numbers
only account for seismic work, not systems or other improvements.)
One option utilizes concrete shearwalls placed against the inside face of exterior, and some interior, walls. The
second option uses a steel moment frame, placed on the inside face of exterior and some interior walls. Both options
would require the second floor and roof to have a new plywood diaphragm overlay and the floors anchored to the
walls. Bracing and a new steel trussed tower would be required to hold up the character-defining cupola. A hybrid of
the two options is shown in the elevation drawing above.
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There is a trend suggesting insurance and finance options are becoming more limited and more costly for owners of
historic masonry buildings here in Oregon. Although most owners are still able to access insurance and conventional
financing, this California example provides a warning for what may lie ahead for Oregon’s historic property owners:
Following the January 1994 Northridge Quake in Los Angeles, insurance companies paid out $15 billion in claims. It
amounted to the costliest earthquake in U.S. history. Within a year of the event, 90% of insurers severely restricted and/or
refused to write earthquake insurance. In 1995, the California Legislature created a state supported, but privately funded,
earthquake insurance pool. Oregon shouldn’t wait for a disaster to get the right support in place for insuring at-risk historic
Already, many Oregon insurers have raised policy deductibles, excluded some items from coverage, and have altogether
withdrawn from the earthquake insurance market. This is coupled by the fact that commercial lenders are increasingly
cautious about financing for URM buildings. As evidenced by the popular Fannie Mae Delegated Underwriting and Servicing
loan program, 100% full replacement cost earthquake insurance and a favorable Probable Maximum Loss (PML) risk
assessment are needed to access this commonly used multifamily lending option.18
While subsidized or more flexible financing options should be explored, the greater need is for an insurance pool for
historic properties. To support owners of historic buildings,
government or a nonprofit should develop a program to ensure that
public and private investments are protected by appropriate
The bottom line: A new insurance pool for historic properties that
includes high-risk items like flood, landslide, and earthquake, would
give lenders greater confidence while also rewarding owners who
take on the responsibility of stewarding a historic property.
How we get there: In 2001 Oregon Congresswoman Darlene
Hooley introduced a bill that would have incentivized private sector
efforts to reduce potential earthquake losses. Although the bill was
never passed, it helped get Congress thinking about the risk posed
by earthquakes.19 State and national leaders should once again pick
up the torch and assemble a government or nonprofit supported
insurance pool for historic properties.
Rehab of Rich Hotel for Workforce Housing Includes Voluntary Seismic Upgrade
In 2012 a turn-of-the-century URM in Portland’s Skidmore/Old Town National Historic Landmark District was
rehabilitated to create 34 units of workforce housing. The project’s nonprofit developer, Innovative Housing Inc., sought
to bring affordable market rate apartments to a neighborhood that primarily housed very low-income people. The
developer’s choice not to seek public subsidies and to use conventional financing made a full seismic upgrade unfeasible
for their $2.6 million budget.
That said, a voluntary upgrade—including parapet bracing, roof tiedowns, and a concrete “core” in the center of the building—proved
sufficient to meet the expectations of Portland’s building department, the
project’s lender, and the building’s insurer (enough so that a significant rate
reduction was achieved). The developer preserved historic elements and
layout, added ADA-accessible units to the ground floor, and revitalized
retail spaces along the street-facing elevations.
Project Manager Julie Garver notes, “The project team was critical to
making the Rich Building work. You make hard choices about where and
how to spend money, and a lot of discipline is required to stay on budget.”
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7. Add Clarity and Flexibility to State Building Code
The Oregon Structural Specialty Code – the formal building code for the state – treats the upgrade of existing buildings with
a rather narrow understanding and somewhat vague language. Often the path towards code compliancy is left to the local
building official, resulting in inconsistencies statewide. During Roundtable workshops, property owners expressed
frustration about that the lack of clarity and flexibility. Building officials as well wanted more cohesive instructions on how
to properly encourage structural upgrades.
To help address these issues, Oregon recently adopted the International Existing Building Code as an alternative method to
the base code. This was a step in the right direction, but further steps are needed to both clarify the application of code
requirements and encourage building upgrades to the highest possible level of compliance.
Portland and Medford have taken their own local approaches to add clarity and flexibility to building code requirements,
while at the same time expecting a higher level of seismic upgrade work. Both cities spell out thresholds of rehab spending
that trigger seismic upgrades. Furthermore, both cities encourage greater communication between development teams
and building officials to allow for more appropriate and/or phased upgrades. The Building Codes Division should adopt
new code language that applies the best of Medford and Portland’s examples to all parts of the state in active seismic areas.
Mandating seismic upgrades would be the most effective method of
preparing our URMs for future earthquakes. California has done exactly this,
but here in Oregon this approach is considered too aggressive for many of
the state’s smaller communities, and could lead to disinvestment and
demolition of historic buildings whose owners could not afford to comply. A
better means to increase private investment and public safety would be to
pair clear direction for seismic upgrade expectations with state and local
incentives, as proposed on page 14 of this report.
The bottom line: The building code needs to be a comprehensible tool to
encourage, not dissuade, the upgrade of historic URMs. Incentives and clarity,
more than mandates, will increase applicability statewide.
How we get there: The State of Oregon Building Codes Division should
apply lessons from Portland and Medford and adopt systemized triggers and a
process for multi-year phased upgrades in all seismically vulnerable
communities. While an act of the legislature may be necessary, it is critical to
get all communities on the path to upgrading their buildings through a set of
reasonable and action-oriented building code expectations.
Chapter 24.85: Portland’s Local Amendment Governing Seismic Rehab and Repair
With a greater understanding of earthquake risks and rehabilitation costs, in 1997 the City of Portland adopted
Seismic Design Requirements for Existing Buildings, also referred to as “Chapter 24.85” in the city’s building
regulations. The goal was to improve the level of seismic safety in Portland’s existing buildings by setting triggers for
upgrades, while providing increased flexibility to owners.
The provisions of Chapter 24.85 apply when a building permit has
been pulled to change the occupancy classification, add square footage,
alter, or repair an existing building. It allows for phased seismic
improvements over a 10 year period, permitting owners to spread out
costs. Chapter 24.85 also stipulates that an ASCE 31 seismic evaluation be
done when alterations cost more than $175,000, so owners understand
their building’s structural condition.
Richard Rogers, Structural Program Chief with Oregon Building Codes
Division, reports that “[Chapter 24.85] has a successful track record of
balancing the diverse needs of building owners, historic preservationists,
and public seismic safety policy.”20
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Oregonians expect government agencies to take good care of their historic buildings: schools, courthouses, libraries,
and city halls that stand as landmarks in their communities. Built with public tax dollars, they reflect civic pride in their
architectural design. Unfortunately, across the state these important buildings are today in various states of repair and many
are seismically vulnerable or under-functioning due to the need for systems upgrades.
City, county, and state governments needs to be better stewards of historic resources. Preservation plans that
follow the Secretary of Interior’s Standards should be commissioned for all government-owned historic properties to
document the building, identify repairs and appropriate treatment of historic elements, systems upgrades, and seismic
retrofitting where necessary. A reasonable timetable to accomplish this planning is by 2020.
Once plans are in place and budgets determined, local governments must pursue funding strategies to implement needed
rehabilitations. In addition to drawing upon General Funds or bonds, other strategies exist. For example, Washington State
offered Historic County Courthouse Rehabilitation matching grants. Another option is public-private partnerships using an
IRS 63-20 financing structure. The Commodore Duchess Apartments on the University of Washington campus were
rehabbed by a private developer, saving 50% of the estimated cost if the University had done the project.21
There will also be cases where government just no longer needs some of their historic buildings. In these cases, the sale
into private ownership should be structured to preserve the building. The sale price should reflect the acknowledged cost of
structural upgrades and a historic conservation easement should be put in place to ensure the building and its historic
features are maintained for the public benefit. This would fulfill Section 106 requirements which stipulates that transfer of
ownership out of government control poses a threat to historic
The bottom line: Preservation plans should be mandated by 2020,
followed by funding for rehabilitation. When historic buildings are
divested into private ownership, pricing should acknowledge
necessary upgrades, and conservation easements should ensure
permanent protection of the most significant buildings built with
public funding.
How we get there: This is a task for local policy makers and the
state legislature which will need to draft the appropriate mandates
and funding mechanisms.
Base Isolation Retrofit Protects Portland’s Pioneer Courthouse
Few buildings in Oregon are as recognizable as Portland’s Pioneer Courthouse. The oldest federal building in the
Pacific Northwest, the 1875 Courthouse was designated a National Historic Landmark (the crème de la crème of
historic designations) in 1977 after being saved from demolition and
obsolescence in the post-war years. In the late 1990s, the General Services
Administration (GSA) began investigating options to rehabilitate and
upgrade the stone masonry building to ensure its permanence in
downtown Portland.
Tapping $20 million in funding approved by Congress, a 19-month
rehab project preserved historic features while thoroughly updating
systems, courtrooms, and adding underground parking. A system of 75
base isolators was installed to effectively protect the building during an
Completed in 2005, the rehabilitated Courthouse is now one of the
safest masonry buildings in Oregon.
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The Cost of Doing Nothing
In February 2011, Christchurch, New Zealand, was hit with a magnitude 6.3 earthquake. The earthquake caused
widespread damage, especially to the historic masonry buildings that sprinkled the central business district. Following the
earthquake, 500 historic buildings were deemed unsafe and many have since been leveled. Almost 200 people died in the
earthquake and rebuilding estimates hover around $30 billion in US dollars. Its downtown district is still closed over 18
months later, and both people and businesses have moved away. Christchurch will never be the same.22
To put it in perspective, with a population of 367,000 Christchurch is a little over half the size of Portland. Both
communities are similar in that they were founded in the 1840s, retained a large number of historic masonry buildings with
no mandated upgrades, and are located along local fault lines known to cause moderate to severe earthquakes.
Imagine what a similar event could mean for the Rose City. Take for example, masonry apartment buildings. With the
exception of a small handful of buildings that have received some level of seismic upgrade, there are approximately 200
masonry apartment buildings in Portland valued at over $350 million, comprising over 3.8 million square feet, and 5,200
apartment units.23
If Western Oregon were to suffer a Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquake in our current state of un-preparedness, there
would be tragic loss of life, not to mention:
 Billions in real estate value and property tax base lost.
 Tens of thousands of people without housing.
 Schools, courthouses, police stations, and city halls closed.
 Thousands of businesses and entire business districts shut down for
an indefinite period of time.
 A devastating loss of history and cultural identity. Oregon would
never be the same.
We hope this Special Report gets Oregonians talking about how we
regard and pass-forward our venerable masonry buildings. We know
that resiliency is possible, but we also know creative thinking and firm
resolve are needed to get us there.
The time to take action is NOW.
Yes, We Can Have Safety AND Preserve Our Historic Assets!
By no means must resilience come at the expense of preservation. Our historic buildings can be dynamic, adapting to
changing needs while preserving historic fabric to the highest degree possible.
In Oregon, most preservation occurs at the local level. Certified Local Governments like Bend, Portland, and 39 other
cities have implemented ordinances to protect designated historic properties, but many communities have no such
framework in place. The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards are a good
starting point and the National Park Service offers these basic principles for
seismic retrofits:
 Historic materials should be preserved and retained to the greatest extent
possible and not replaced wholesale in the process of seismic strengthening.
 New seismic retrofit systems, whether hidden or exposed, should respect
the character and integrity of the historic building and be visually
compatible with it in design.
 Seismic work should be "reversible" to the greatest extent possible to allow
removal for future use of improved systems and traditional repair of
remaining historic materials.24
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The 2012 Preservation Roundtable was made possible by the dedicated assistance of a six-member volunteer taskforce
which helped organize workshops, conduct research, vet information, and assemble the findings and recommendations
included in this report. Thank you Paul Falsetto, Walter McMonies, Natalie Perrin, Ross Plambeck, Matthew Roman, and our
Taskforce chairman Jay Raskin. The Special Report was authored by Brandon Spencer-Hartle and edited by Peggy Moretti.
Special thanks are owed to the Portland Development Commission, Pendleton Underground Tours, and the Cities of
Astoria and Jacksonville for their generous sponsorship of workshop venues. George Kramer, John Goodenberger, and
Keith May deserve thanks for leading walking tours of host communities. Recognition is also due to Blake Patsy who offered
the time and talent of KPFF Consulting Engineers for the Jackson County Courthouse case study.
We particularly appreciate funding support provided by a grant from the Oregon Heritage Commission and Oregon
Parks & Recreation Department, and corporate sponsorships from Foundation Engineering, Versatile Wood Products, and
Arciform LLC. This allowed Restore Oregon to travel around the state to host four workshops, conduct numerous site
visits, dedicate the time necessary to assemble this special report, and cover publishing costs.
Finally, thanks to all who participated online, at a workshop, and through a site visit or interview. We couldn’t have
arrived at these practical solutions without you!
1. Given limited availability of data, Restore Oregon believes there are no fewer than 4,896 unreinforced masonry buildings in Oregon. This number was
determined through information from three inventories: 2001 data from City of Portland, 2004 data from City of Medford, and 2012 data from the SHPO
Historic Sites Database. Given incomplete data and a design tendency to obscure masonry construction with stucco, paneling, and other forms of cladding, the
number of URMs is likely between 5,000 and 10,000.
2. Walter McMonies, “Portland's Unreinforced Masonry Apartment Buildings: A Threatened Species?” Center for Real Estate Quarterly Journal 4, no. 3 (2010): 31-44;
Bennett Hall, "Corvallis Building Makes a Comeback," Corvallis Gazette-Times, January 16, 2010; John Goodenberger, discussion with author, May 2012.
3. Don Lewis, "Statewide Seismic Needs Assessment" (Report to the 74th Oregon Legislative Assembly, 2007), 29; Portland Public Schools, “Ulysses S. Grant High
School Profile 2011-2012.”
4. Sheri Stuart, email message to author, October 16, 2012.
5. Don Lewis, “Statewide Seismic Needs Assessment" (2007), 29.
6. City of Portland Office of Planning and Development Review, “Unreinforced Masonry Database” (2001); Oregon State Historic Preservation Office, “Historic
Sites Database” (2012).
7. U.S. Geological Survey, “Oregon Earthquake History,” USGS,; Oregon Department of Geology
and Mineral Industries, "Historic Earthquakes in the Pacific Northwest," DOGAMI,
8. Chris Goldfinger et al., “Turbidite Event History—Methods and Implications for Holocene Paleoseismicity of the Cascadia Subduction Zone,” U.S. Geological
Survey Professional Paper 1661–F (2012).
9. Keith May, The Pendleton Style Inventory (Pendleton: Drigh Sighed Publications, 2012).
10. Portland Public Schools, “Seismic Study of Existing School Facilities” (Portland, 2009).
11. Structural Engineers Association of Northern California, “SEAONC Rating System for the Expected Earthquake Performance of Buildings” (convention paper,
12. Rutgers University, et al., Third Annual Report on the Economic Impact of the Federal Historic Tax Credit (Washington: Historic Tax Credit Coalition, 2012).
13. Creating American Prosperity through Preservation Act, HR 2479 (2011).
14. Historic Tax Credit Coalition and National Trust for Historic Preservation, “Economic Impacts of HTC Investment 2001 through 2011: Oregon” (Washington,
15. Rutgers University, Third Annual Report (2012).
16. Harry Schwartz, "State Tax Credits for Historic Preservation" (Washington: National Trust for Historic Preservation, 2012).
17. California Earthquake Authority, "History."
18. A PML of 20 or less is acceptable to Fannie Mae. Most URMs have a PML in the 30’s; McMonies, “Portland's Unreinforced Masonry Apartment Buildings” (2010).
19. Earthquake Loss Reduction Act, HR 2762 (2001).
20. Richard Rogers, memo to Building Code Structures Board, August 6, 2008.
21. National Development Council, “Commodore Duchess Apartments.”
22. “Painstaking Work Continues at Devastated Buildings,” Radio New Zealand, March 4, 2011; Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority, “CBD Red Zone.”
23. McMonies, “Portland's Unreinforced Masonry Apartment Buildings” (2010).
24. David Look, et al., “Preservation Brief 41: The Seismic Retrofit of Historic Buildings” (Washington: National Park Service, 1997).
About Restore Oregon
The mission of Restore Oregon is to Preserve, Reuse, and Pass Forward Oregon’s Historic Resources to
Ensure Livable, Sustainable Communities. Founded in 1977 as the Historic Preservation League of Oregon,
Restore Oregon is a 501(c)(3) non-profit that provides education programs, advocacy, technical assistance, and
stewardship of over 40 conservation easements on historic properties across the state, protecting them from
demolition in perpetuity. Our programs include:
 Previous Preservation Roundtable sessions on Healthy Historic Districts and Compatible Infill Design
 Education programs on Preservation 101, How to Save an Endangered Building, and Adaptive Reuse of Historic
 Historic home tours in Eugene and Portland
 Legislative testimony at the local, state, and national levels
 Providing technical assistance, advocacy, and preservation seed grants to save Oregon’s Most Endangered
The Restore Oregon office is located in the historic White Stag Block in Portland’s Skidmore Old Town National
Historic Landmark District. Programming is delivered across the state.
For Membership Information or to make a Donation
Restore Oregon
24 NW First Street, Suite 274 | Portland, Oregon, 97209
503 243-1923 |