Professional Learning Plan
Professional Learning Plan
EDMODO TRAINING Edmodo Training for Connections Department at Smitha Middle School Samuel Baillie Kennesaw State University 1 EDMODO TRAINING 2 Abstract When creating a professional development training session on any subject certain aspects need to be thought out in advance and requires careful planning, implementation, and follow through to achieve the greatest chance of success. For this professional development session on Edmodo Training for the Connections Department at Smitha Middle School, the ADDIE model of Instructional Design (ID) was used. When designing a professional development session, the end goals should be an increased knowledge of the new technology and implementation of new skills learned through the session. ³If the trainer can design an instructional system so that all of its components work in harmony towards these goals, it is likely that the resulting training will be more meaningful and effective´. (Rosenberg) EDMODO TRAINING 3 Analysis According to the data from the needs assessment survey, technology skills and knowledge vary from low to very high. Because it is simple to use and boasts many features, Edmodo was chosen for the professional development session. Only one other staff member in the Connections department at Smitha Middle School has used Edmodo and at a very limited capacity. Learning this technology will help teachers introduce more technology into their instruction in a format that students are already used to (since many of the academic teachers already have them using it). Based on this analysis and the decision to proceed with Edmodo for the training workshop, objectives in the form of goals were used as follows: Objective 1 ± The learner will be able to use basic functions of Edmodo in the following ways: Set up and account, create a profile, create a class, create an activity for students to use. Objective 2 ± The learner will be able to help students enroll on their Edmodo page and use any one of the following features: posting a file or link, embedding video or audio, or setting up the calendar. Objective 3 ± The learner will develop rules and ethical use policy for students to follow when using Edmodo. An assessment should be developed (using the quiz feature for example) SULRUWRVWXGHQWVEHLQJDOORZHGWRSRVW7KHOHDUQHUVKRXOGVHWVWXGHQWVWR³5HDG-2QO\´VWDWXV until students pass assessment. These objectives will be expanded on in future through individual follow up sessions as requested by participants. A collaborative, partnership style of coaching will be used as well as modeling and observation. Participants will be encourage to take advantage of follow up sessions. EDMODO TRAINING 4 Design and Development The design of this professional development took into consideration time constraints of participants in that time was limited to 70 minutes and consisted of lecture/ discussion ± complete with PowerPoint presentation (around 45 minutes) and work session/ development (1520 minutes) with guidance provided to help learners meet objectives. Handouts were used to help guide participants as well. These handouts were printed as well as posted as files on the class Edmodo page created for this session for accessibility. Some of these handouts were created by Edmodo specifically for training purposes and general use of the technology. In addition an agenda was created to help guide the session and a thank you cards was created to thank participants for their time and encourage follow up sessions. Personal Objective #1 ± to help learners develop a basic understanding of Edmodo, and help them achieve the learner objectives mentioned above. Personal Objective #2 ± to provide ongoing encouragement and support to help teachers develop as a community and assist in helping learners use this technology with students in the classroom. Materials Needed: Handout #1 ± Agenda for Workshop Training Handout #2 ± (Edmodo) One Pager Handout #3 ± (Edmodo) Student Guide Handout #4 ± (Edmodo) Best Practices Handout #5 ± (Edmodo) Guidelines/ Code of Conduct Powerpoint Presentation: (Edmodo) Training PowerPoint Thank You Cards EDMODO TRAINING 5 Implementation Edmodo was conducted on November 29th, 2012 from 3:00 to 4:00 and out of the eleven teachers within the department, nine took part in the training. Refreshments were served and folders were distributed that included an agenda and the Edmodo handouts. The session began with a brief introduction and the class Edmodo page being projected for all to view. Once the overview was completed, participants created their own accounts and profiles and joined the Professional Development page created for this session. They were also instructed to create a ³group´ and ³connect´ with other participants. Those that needed guidance received it ± sometimes from other participants, showing community learning. This session did not get very detailed with how each participant could use Edmodo for their specific needs, but it was let known that they would receive extra coaching as requested. After the session was done, an evaluation survey was posted on the Edmodo page in which several of the participants completed. Participants who did not complete the evaluation were sent a reminder email. Also each participant received a Thank You Card, which included more information about Edmodo and encouraged follow up. Evaluation Evaluation was made at each step of the ADDIE design of this professional development session as follows: - Analysis ± Based on the data from the needs assessment survey, a technology was selected that could be learned no matter the level of technology skill of the participant. Edmodo can be used in many ways and every teacher uses it differently, so small-group and individual support was provided throughout the workshop (some of it community-learning based) ± time EDMODO TRAINING 6 was allowed for this, making the presentation time shorter and less detailed. ** Ongoing support is a must and has been made available after the workshop session had concluded** - Design ± Much of the design work had been already created by Edmodo, which helped planning remain focused on where it was needed the most ± basic functions and customizing the experience by catering to the needs of the workshop participants. - Development ± Again, most of the resources were provided by Edmodo making it easier to focus on participant needs rather than developing information that was not needed or redundant. Edmodo provides and abundance of resources, so selecting the ones that matter the most and are the most relevant was important. Resources were selected that covered the basics and provided links to pages with more focused information. This was done by creating an Edmodo page specifically for this training group. By doing this, it created a sense of community and the learners were able to share ideas, making it a great learning community (which is one of the goals of professional learning). - Implementation ± Out of a department of 11 teachers, only two did not participate. Of those participating only one had any experience with Edmodo. The session went well, but seemed require more time. Too much content was planned for a one-hour session. Evaluations were completed by four of the participants and showed positive feedback, especially in the area of follow up. Insights It should be the goal of every trainer/ coach to implement strategies that create an experience to help ensure an effective session. Professional learning of a skill should not be concluded until every participant has a chance to master the new skill. This may mean additional time be spent individually or in small groups to supplement the original session. EDMODO TRAINING References Rosenberg, M. J. (1982). The ABCs of ISD* (*Instructional Systems Design). 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If any security issues should arise, please contact us at 1. Do not post group codes publicly It’s a good idea to distribute the group code to your students in-class. Distributing the code via a blog, Twitter or any other public forum opens the possibility for others who are not meant to be in your group to join your group. (Note: As the teacher, you have the ability to delete any members who join your group in error.) 2. Lock group codes after all students have joined Once your students have joined your Edmodo group, be sure to lock the group code so that no other students can join. You can lock the group code by selecting the drop down arrow next to the group code and selecting the lock option. (Note: your group code can easily be unlocked if needed.) 3. Monitor student posts As the teacher/group owner, you have full control over your groups. Here are a few ways to help you manage student posts: • Set up notifications Notifications alert you to new activity in your Edmodo groups and connections. We recommend setting up text or email alerts to help you monitor students’ posts within your groups. To turn on alerts, visit your Account Settings page. • Delete/Edit posts As the group owner/teacher, you can delete or edit any student posts in the main communication stream by clicking on the small blue arrow in the right hand corner of the post. (Note: you must hover your mouse over the post to see the blue arrow.) • Post Moderation Post moderation can be turned on (or off) by going to the group settings page, selecting advanced settings and checking the post moderation box. By turning on post moderation, all student posts will need to be approved (by the group owner) before it goes live to the group communication stream. 4. Use Read-Only status where needed “Read-only” status provides a valuable bridge for students who are in the process of building appropriate digital citizenship skills. Read-only status can be managed by the teacher and allows a student to view classroom messages, submit assignments and communicate directly to their teacher, but limits their ability to post messages to the entire group. 5. Select unique student passwords When helping students set up their Edmodo account, be sure to have them choose unique passwords. Using generic passwords (such as “password”, “Name”123 or their birthdate) opens up the possibility for students to guess each other’s passwords. ! ! "! ! ! 6. Set expectations It’s important to set clear parameters with students about the content that is appropriate for your Edmodo class group. At the beginning of the year, you may want to implement guidelines and expectations for your students when posting on Edmodo. You can find sample guidelines and a sample code of conduct on our Teacher Rollout Resources page. You may also want to use an Edmodo Posting Rubric (this example was shared by Mr. Hamin in the Language Arts Community). 7. Set up a school or district subdomain Having a subdomain allows all communication within your school or district to be viewed by administrators, providing full disclosure for teachers and students. It also enables better communication between schools in your district. Encourage your district administrator to sign up for a school or district subdomain, or if you are a district administrator, claim your subdomain today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�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hank You Thanks once again for taking part in the Profes- sional Development session on Edmodo. You have played an important role in my continuing TXHVWWRHDUQLQJP\0DVWHU¶V'HJUHHLQ,QVWUXF tional Technology and I am very grateful for the time you gave me when you could have been doing something else. While the session touched Thank you! on the basics of Edmodo, there is a lot more to it and if you would like me to help you expand on what we learned and make it all work for you, please let me know! I get credit for helping my colleagues even after the initial session. I will be excited to learn what you can do with... 10 ways to use Edmodo in the Connections Classroom 1) Post information about an event 2) Share a website or video with students (by linking or embed- ding) 3) Post a copy of a worksheet or other document (students are always losing forms!) 4) Post a poll for student opinions 5) Collaborate with colleagues in your department 6) Have students upload a sample of their work to share with other students in class. 7) Provide commentary on the work and/or allow students to comment. 8) Follow an Edmodo Publisher/ Community to get more ideas for your classroom. 9) Post reminders about due dates. 10) Post work for students in the event you are absent.