Wave and tidal brochure


Wave and tidal brochure
Renewable energy consultancy:
wave and tidal
Renewable energy consultancy: wave and tidal
We’re proud of our reputation for technical excellence.
Wood Group Kenny has over 30 years of experience in delivering
technical knowledge, engineering capabilities and project
management within the subsea sector, with centres of expertise
based in Aberdeen, London, Houston and Perth, and access to over
10,000 engineers worldwide.
Our leading capabilities in all aspects of the marine renewables
project life-cycle are key to our success in ensuring delivery of a fully
integrated project, from the earliest conceptual studies, through the
optimisation of the architecture, to the detailed design, construction
and operations and maintenance.
SgurrEnergy, who joined Wood Group in 2010, is a leading renewable
energy consultancy, with a track record of consultation covering
160GW of renewable energy development internationally. With a
highly responsive team of over 300 staff, we are leaders in our field.
In addition to our dedicated wave and tidal experts, we have the
in-house expertise of our highly qualified consultants and engineers,
providing skills in design, electrical engineering, control and
instrumentation, mechanical engineering, civil engineering, health
and safety, operation and maintenance, geographical information
systems, and project management.
Together, we have 14 years’ experience of delivering onshore and
offshore renewables projects around the world, putting us at the
forefront of the marine renewables industry. Our ‘through life’
engineering solutions are prepared and specified to maximise the
technical and commercial returns to our clients and add significant
value to their operations.
We give impartial, reliable and confidential assessment of any
renewable project, irrespective of development stage, for developers,
banks, manufacturers and private equity institutions across the globe.
Wave and tidal services
We have the solutions.
To support projects throughout the project
life cycle, we provide consultancy services
based on the following core areas of
FEED and detailed design
We apply our analysis and design
technologies to determine technical
feasibility and obtain certification from
independent bodies to permit construction.
Due diligence and technology audits
Our technical, commercial, environmental,
and social due diligence plays a proactive
part in enabling projects to overcome difficult
issues and risks, obtaining finance and being
delivered safely, on time and within budget.
Our environmental and social due diligence
focuses on compliance with national
regulations, the Equator Principles, IFC
Performance Standards and the requirements
of individual banks, thereby also addressing
regulatory non-compliance and international
lending requirements.
Power cable and protection design
We have extensive experience in the onbottom stability design for subsea power
cables and our in-house expertise covers
vortex induced vibration and fatigue for free
span analysis.
Project management
Energy yield methodology statement
Our activities are supported by a tailored
and integrated set of project management
processes and systems. This, together with
our independence from contractors and
suppliers, provides a basis for a consistent
and rigorous project delivery.
One of our key skills is understanding the
marine environment from an energy yield
perspective. This includes assessment of
the marine energy resource, site selection
criteria, and advice on effective data
collection, including methodology.
Economic assessments
Market studies
Using our extensive market and project
experience, we can quickly assess economic
viability and help clients make informed
investment decisions. We have also
provided our own financial/cost models,
and populated them with reliable figures for
performance, CAPEX and OPEX, for a variety
of renewable energy projects.
Our significant experience in the renewable
energy market means we stay abreast of
technology developments, trends and
policy issues and underlying longer term
shifts. As a result we are ideally positioned
to independently support companies’
strategic growth goals by providing tailored
independent views on opportunities.
Accessibility modelling
Integrated risk profiling
Our in-house weather window and
accessibility tools quantify the cost of
downtime based on selected technology,
marine operations strategy and site-specific
data. Our models have been validated
with data from several live projects and are
used as a proactive tool to support design
and vessel selection decisions as well as
cost benefit analysis of installation and
maintenance strategies.
Proven technology is used for roadmapping and technical maturity assessment
techniques to provide a robust understanding
of core technology, development plan and
technical/commercial risk profile. Integrated
risk profiling is designed to help developers
understand and manage their technical
and commercial risk profile, reinforce their
development strategy and build investor
confidence by demonstrating a transparent
and well founded approach.
Technical rigour is essential for success when
dealing with the challenges of the marine
environment. By supporting our clients through
the design and development stages we ensure that
this rigour delivers successful marine renewables
Alan Mortimer, Director of Innovation - SgurrEnergy
Track record of experience
We are world leaders.
World’s first tidal power
Islay, Scotland
Lead consultant: Wood Group Kenny
Site design and technical
ScottishPower Renewables UK Limited (SPR)
is developing the world’s first tidal power
array in the Sound of Islay, on the west coast
of Scotland. The array is to consist of ten
1MW tidal turbine generators (TTGs) and will
be classed as a “Large Power Station” in grid
terms, requiring compliance with the Grid
The array is located in the Sound of Islay, off
Port Askaig, in the channel of water which
separates the islands of Islay and Jura on
Scotland’s west coast.
UK’s first wave farm
The array of ten 1MW ANDRITZ HYDRO
Hammerfest (AHH) tidal turbines will be
installed on the seabed at depths of around
50 metres.
These turbines are fixed to the seabed and
are of horizontal axis, three-bladed design;
similar in arrangement to a wind turbine. The
TTGs shall be connected to the Distribution
Network Operator’s (DNO) network at 33kV
via one metering circuit breaker.
Wood Group Kenny carried out a range of
services, including:
Design of inter-turbine cabling
Design of export cabling
Landfall design
Consultation on connection solutions
Project specification preparation
ITT input.
Lead consultant:SgurrEnergy
Technical due diligence and energy yield
SgurrEnergy, in conjunction with partner
organisations, completed the due diligence of
a wave energy device in preparation for the
development of the United Kingdom’s first
wave farm.
The final report included a review of
the technology, marine operations and
intervention, energy yield assessment,
uncertainty analyses and development of
the power matrix modelling suite. We also
developed methods to gain confidence in
the power matrix and power performance
International track record in wave and tidal
We have the experience.
Owner’s engineer
South West Regional
Development Agency
Cornwall, England
Lead consultant: Wood Group Kenny
Project management,
overall design and
full owner’s engineer
Foundation design
The scheme is jointly funded by the
government, the South West Regional
Development Agency (SWRDA) and the EU,
and will be the UK’s first offshore facility for
demonstrating a commercial-scale wave
power plant.
Wave Hub is described as an electrical ‘socket’
on the seabed connected to the national grid
via a subsea cable.
The completion of the £30m project will result
in it being the world’s largest wave energy
farm, with an initial capacity of up to 20MW
and a possibility of this being upgradeable to
The scope of the project was considerable,
taking in responsibility for the overall design
of the system, including subsea cables,
connections, transformers, grid connections,
and procurement, fabrication management,
and project management on behalf of the
In addition to the energy produced by the
project, it is expected to provide important
technological research outcomes for the
rest of the industry, particularly with regard
to larger scale projects, and foster local
expertise and growth in the renewable
energy industry in the south west.
The development is a groundbreaking wave
energy project off the south west coast of
England, approximately 10 miles from the
coast of Cornwall. With water depths ranging
between 48m and 58m, the site is considered
to have one of the best wave climates in
Lead consultant:
OpenHydro Group Ltd
Europe and North
Wood Group Kenny
Technical advisor
Working with OpenHydro Group Ltd. to
advance its world leading tidal energy
technology, we provided finite element
modelling to simulate penetration of the
turbine foundation into the rock seabed and
predict performance under lateral loads. Our
role investigated:
Rock modelling – reviewing and
developing rock and soil models for FEA
analysis, based on existing models
• Vertical penetration of the foundation
footing, involving the simulated
deployment of larger tidal devices and
foundations in different subsea conditions
• Lateral holding capacity, including
mechanisms to resist the overturning
moment post-penetration, lateral holding
capacity checks, and potential ploughing
actions and sliding resistance
• Failure consequences, from rock failure
mechanisms to the consequences of
excessive lateral load.
Technical due diligence
Pioneering research
Lead consultant:
Lead consultant:
Arbuthnot Securities
Technical due diligence
Our specialist team performed an
independent technical assessment of REH’s
energy portfolio on behalf of investment
bank, Arbuthnot Securities. The scope of this
assessment included REH’s biogas and wind
projects and assets, as well as the CETO
wave powered desalination and electricity
generation technology.
Site accessibility
Scottish Power
Pentland Firth, Scotland
Lead consultant:SgurrEnergy
Site accessibility study
A site accessibility study was performed to
investigate wave propagation into the Pentland
Firth. The study involved investigating available
bathymetric data sources, and investigating
the swell refraction angles of waves arriving at
the mouth of the Firth.
Wood Group Kenny
As part of an internal research and
technology development programme, Wood
Group Kenny conducted an in depth study
on tidal array energy yield, based on real
device data and with input from marine energy suppliers. Particular focus was placed on
the effects of wake and shield to
demonstrate the capability for complex
analysis related to the optimisation of an
By applying the findings of this rigorous
research to existing knowledge, we are set to
enable significant further development in the
accuracy of yield predictions for tidal farms.
We foresee significant benefits for the
industry and our potential clients, including:
A capability of modelling and analysing
the wake and shielding associated with
tidal devices within an array
• Knowledge of key factors influencing
wake and shielding, and an ability to
quantify the effects on individual turbines
or an array
• The ability to apply an approach to
accurately predict energy yield from tidal
devices within an array.
Cable stability
Lead consultant:
Meygen Consortium
Pentland Firth, Scotland
Wood Group Kenny
Front end engineering
Meygen’s ambitious tidal turbine project will
see 400 turbines installed in the Pentland
Firth by 2020. We investigated a number of
cable array concepts.
In this challenging environment, with surface
currents of up to 4.9m/s and strong swell,
our scope was to:
Undertake a preliminary desktop route
selection study for a typical seabed route
under GIS
Generate a typical profile of the naturally
occurring channels in the rock
Perform an initial stability analysis (to DNV
RP F109)
Complete a CFD simulation of the
boundary layer (within a typical seabed
Re-run stability analysis using CFD results
Assess cable protection measures
including rock dump, articulated pipe and
concrete mattresses
Provide recommendations for further
With the results of our CFD analysis, Meygen
obtained proof of the occurrence of the
hydrodynamic shielding in the natural seabed
International track record in wave and tidal
We have the experience.
Technical advisor
The world leading study we undertook
The resultant study offered Thetis significant
Thetis Energy Ltd
North East Ireland
Lead consultant: Wood Group Kenny
Technical advisor
As engineering consultant, we played a
key role in the techno-economic viability
assessment of a proposed commercial marine
current tidal energy scheme off the north east
coast of Northern Ireland. Capitalising on the
strong tidal resource in the area, the array of
interconnected tidal devices has a planned
generation capacity of up to 200MW.
Desk study review and assessment of
suitable existing and in-development
technologies for use at the proposed site,
including turbines, electrical infrastructure
and cables
Liaison and meetings with turbine
developers and manufacturers to assess
device development and technical
Assessment of site constraints to establish
the effect of farm design by considering
logistics, transportation, installation,
construction and decommissioning
Array layout optimisation including
predicted energy yield modelling based on
turbine characteristics and wake/shielding
effects and electrical requirements
Identification of technology gaps
within the current industry, and areas
for development as we progress to full
Development of concept options.
Determination of the most suitable turbine
devices for the proposed site, and the
optimal layout design
• Assessment of the capital investment
required to construct the proposed
• Quantifiable assessment of the key
issues affecting the design, installation,
construction and decommissioning
• Identification of key technology gaps
within the current supply chain and the
need for further industry development in
turbine, cable, and electrical infrastructure
development to permit the scheme to be
commercially and technically viable.
Concept assessment
Forecast assessment
Health and safety
Lead consultant:
Aquamarine Power
Orkney, Scotland
Lead consultant:SgurrEnergy
Health and safety
consultancy services
Wave energy technology developer
Aquamarine Power engaged SgurrEnergy to
provide health and safety support during the
transition of high level members of staff.
Lead consultant:
Kawasaki Heavy
Orkney, Scotland
Wood Group Kenny
Design development
As marine consultant for KHI, we assessed
two options for a support system for their tidal
conversion power system; a floating pontoon
from which the turbine is suspended and a
seabed mounted structure. Our comparison
Preliminary design of a mooring system
and underwater cable system for a floating
pontoon concept with estimation of
installation and maintenance costs
Calculating tension in mooring lines at
floater and anchor levels to determine
mooring line composition and size of
anchor/gravity base
Modelling power cable specifics and
analysing the most critical load case for
the floating pontoon
Identifying potential options for support
structure and foundation design of a
seabed mounted foundation, in the
context of site specifics and environmental
Undertaking preliminary calculations
including static and dynamic loading
analyses, sizing and weight assessments
Developing a preliminary structural design
for a seabed mounted foundation, and it’s
required underwater cable system.
Due diligence and
project support
SgurrEnergy undertook a comprehensive
technical and energy forecast assessment
and due diligence of the Pelamis wave
energy device on behalf of Scottish Power,
prior to the utility making a final decision to
progress with a project to consist of four
Pelamis devices.
Our work included reviewing the resources
and capabilities of Pelamis wave power, its
capacity for supporting operational projects
in the future, and its ability for expanding
production levels. We also undertook a
detailed review of the reliability and availability
levels of the wave energy converter, and
provided our client with expert support in
assessing wave energy forecasts and device
performance analysis.
SgurrEnergy worked alongside
ScottishPower, and the Pelamis developers to
identify issues affecting the survivability of the
Pelamis wave energy converter. This project
included an assessment of the extreme
waves, sediment stability, and risk of mooring
failure, estimating extreme temperature, and
icing conditions.
Our health and safety team provided
consultancy services to Aquamarine Power’s
new health, safety and quality manager.
During an important phase in the
development of their Oyster 800 wave
energy generator, it
was essential that the handover of the health
and safety manager’s role was seamless, and
the team aided in this transition by providing
support and assistance.
Additional support included the provision of a
full health, safety, environmental and quality
gap analysis of their current processes and
procedures to offer the health, safety and
quality manager ideas and suggestions on
potential areas of improvement throughout
the operation.
Courtesy of Pelamis Wave Power
Contact us
We’d like to hear from you.
To benefit from the impartial and
independent services of Wood Group Kenny
and SgurrEnergy, or to find out more about
our experience and what we have to offer
explore our websites or contact us via any of
the channels listed below:
Wood Group Kenny
One London Road,
TW18 4EX
United Kingdom
E: renewables@woodgroupkenny.com
T: +44 (0) 1784 417 200
F: +44 (0) 1784 417 283
Visit us at woodgroupkenny.com
225 Bath Street
G2 4GZ
United Kingdom
E: info@sgurrenergy.com
T: +44 (0)141 227 1700
F: +44 (0) 141 227 1701
Visit us at sgurrenergy.com
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photocopying, recording or any other storage retrieval system, without prior
permission in writing from SgurrEnergy or Wood Group Kenny. All facts,
figures, product and service provisions correct at time of print.
All rights reserved. © Copyright SgurrEnergy Ltd 2016. SgurrEnergy: A Wood
Group Company. Version: B5