Untitled - Larry The Barberman


Untitled - Larry The Barberman
Why Choose U.S. Hair Clippers?
Potential Problems
‘What’s That Horrible Noise?!?!’
Poor Performance
Doing It Yourself: The Problems with Sponge Stuffing
Operating U.S. Clippers Correctly
The Top 4 U.S. Hair Clippers
The Wahl Senior
Andis Masters
Oster Classic 76
Oster Fast Feed
We’ve spoken to a lot of barbers across the UK, and heard the same complaint over and
over again: the United Kingdom just doesn’t have a good selection of clippers and
trimmers compared to the great variety that can be found in America. They’ve also told
us of the problems caused by trying to power equipment from the USA in other
countries across the world, including the UK. In the past this problem has pushed
barbers to desperate measures, D.I.Y solutions which only solve some of the problems
and void any warranty that the clippers have come with. Finally, a professional, viable
solution arrived - in the form of the Frequency 60Hz converter, a fantastic barbering
gadget with the power to get those American clippers and trimmers up and running
again. In this special report, we’re going to investigate exactly why it is that barbers
increasingly find themselves wanting to use American hair equipment, the problems
which have come with shipping clippers from across the pond… and last but certainly
not least, how these problems have been solved.
copyright Larry The Barber Man 2015
www.frequency60hz.com | info@frequency60hz.com
Although there are several models of hair clipper available right here in the UK, a lot of
the time they just don’t hold up against their American counterparts. Whether it’s more
power, a smoother finish or simply a better build quality, U.S. Hair Clippers really do
have a lot going for them. We caught up with Champ from Champ’s Barbers to find out
what tools he prefers, and he told us that at Champ’s they only use American equipment
– because it’s sharper. A sharp blade is absolutely crucial to get a close cut and a clean
finish, and to keep your clients comfortable by reducing tugging.
Other barbers have told us that UK clippers suffer from serious limitations when it comes
to getting great fades. A good fade can be the key to a fantastic cut that really leaves the
customer feeling satisfied, and although a lot of the best barbers can do a good job
even with the most worn out of clippers it can’t be denied that better tools help you
strive for perfection. Without the versatility that the American clippers offer, a lot of
barbers find that they’re either forced to customise their blades or settle for second
best. Many American clippers don’t just make the fading easier, they make it genuinely
enjoyable, helping you to get satisfaction from your work.
As more and more barbers across the UK find themselves drawn to U.S.A clippers, it is
becoming difficult to keep up with the competition without making that switch. A large
copyright Larry The Barber Man 2015
www.frequency60hz.com | info@frequency60hz.com
barbering community exists online, with social networking sites like Instagram meaning
that UK barbers can see what their American colleagues are achieving – and a lot of the
time, what they see is enough to make them start watering at the mouth! Check out this
testimony from Kieran at Baldy’s Barbering Shop in Buckinghamshire:
On Instagram, you see a lot of American barbers with the T-Outliners (Andis
Pro T-Outliner) and their boxing off, their edging and their beard shape-ups…
I couldn’t do them with UK clippers! People say you can, but you can’t get that
shape with UK clippers.
Any barber who really loves their craft, wants to give their customers the best quality
cuts or even just wants to keep business booming will know the disappointment of not
being able to achieve the perfect styles seen overseas. American clippers are the best
tools for really mastering the art of barbering.
They’ve also been found to get the job done much quicker than their UK alternatives,
meaning that even on the most basic practical level you simply can’t beat them!
copyright Larry The Barber Man 2015
www.frequency60hz.com | info@frequency60hz.com
Unfortunately, just as UK barbers were beginning to really discover how great U.S.
clippers can be, they were also finding out that there are a lot of issues associated with
powering them throughout the UK, and in other countries across the world. The problem
lies in different power supplies – in America, clippers run at 60Hz and 110 volts, but UK
power supplies offer 240 volts and only 50Hz of power. Traditional transformers will
bring the voltage down to 110, but do nothing to up the frequency, and this causes
many issues. You can still choose to use them, but if you do then pretty quickly you’re
going to hear this coming from one of your customers…
‘What’s That Horrible Noise?!?!’
Many popular American clippers, such as the Wahl Senior, work using magnetic motors.
These motors have two metal arms which vibrate in order to power the blade, and when
they are only giving 50Hz of power, they move much slower than they should. This
causes them to bang into one another, which in turn produces a deafening 95 decibel
sound. It’s certainly not pleasant for the customers, and can make your equipment sound
like it’s on the verge of breaking down – hardly the professional image which most
barbers work so hard to convey! It can be even more excruciating for the barbers forced
to choose between working all day with equipment that gives them a headache, or use
equipment that doesn’t give them the style or speed that they were hoping for.
Poor Performance
It would be bad enough if the only problem was the excruciating sound, but
unfortunately there’s another issue: slower speed means poorer performance. Many of
the great advantages of American clippers – such as the ability to get smoother, closer
cuts at quicker speeds – simply don’t exist if they aren’t running correctly. Simon, a pro
barber from the Groom Rooms in Devon, told us how online horror stories of how poorly
American clippers can run on UK power supplies almost made him abort the idea of
getting Andis Masters clippers for his team, a fantastic tool that would eventually
become a key part of their collection. The clippers can also heat up more in the hand if
they’re powered using traditional transformers, making them impractical and
copyright Larry The Barber Man 2015
www.frequency60hz.com | info@frequency60hz.com
Doing It Yourself: The Problems with Sponge Stuffing
Barbers are a crafty bunch, and they quickly discovered a way to get around some of
these issues. The harsh sound of a clipper that is powered incorrectly can be
dampened, by opening up the casing and stuffing thin strips of sponge between the
metal arms that are responsible for all that horrible noise. Once inserted, the sponge
acts as a buffer between the two arms, stopping them from banging into each other.
However once you’ve finished customising your clipper, it’s far from a case of problem
The first issue is that this kind of D.I.Y customisation will void any warranty you have – so
any issue that your clipper has will be considered your fault and not covered. This is a
serious disadvantage for any barber who wants the security when they buy expensive
clippers. It can also take a long time, especially since it can take a little fine tuning to get
the right amount of sponge in the clipper, and many barbers will have more than one
clipper that needs modifying – maybe several, if you have a lot of barbers working in
your shop.
Sponge stuffing also does absolutely nothing to effect poor performance – it will quieten
the sound but it certainly will not make the clippers run smoothly, at the speed that they
were designed to run at. This means that it is far from being a perfect solution, and many
barbers are embracing a much better and more professional option: the Frequency
60Hz converter. In the next section, we’ll give a run down on what this product is and
why it’s fast becoming a must-have item in the barbering tool kit.
copyright Larry The Barber Man 2015
www.frequency60hz.com | info@frequency60hz.com
There is a fantastic solution to all of the problems being discussed in this article, and that
is the Frequency60Hz International Voltage and Frequency Converter, for hair clippers.
This item completely destroys the need for sponge stuffing, and ensures that all your
equipment performs correctly – it is definitely our recommendation that if you want to
operate your clippers correctly, you should make use of this converter. First and
foremost, it automatically converts voltage to 110v, and frequency to 60Hz – those
golden numbers needed to get the most out of all U.S. hair clippers. However it also has
a number of other benefits including an extended cord for increased flexibility and a
small and compact size compared to many other excessively bulky transformers.
Pro Barber Luke had this to say about the Frequency60Hz converter:
It’s helped massively, the converter is just… brilliant. The fact that there’s a
four way splitter as well that you can put into it, so you can have four sets of
clippers on there, it’s silent – it works! The clippers themselves are quite silent,
and having the American clippers as well just sort of tightens up your work.
Click Here For More Information
copyright Larry The Barber Man 2015
www.frequency60hz.com | info@frequency60hz.com
Now that you’ve got all the info needed to power U.S. hair clippers, you’ll probably be
eager to try out some of that powerful American equipment. Here’s a quick buyer’s
guide, giving you useful information about the top 4 U.S. hair clippers.
The Wahl Senior
The Wahl Senior is one of the most
versatile clippers, and a firm
favourite among barbers. When we
spoke to expert barber Fabian, from
Champs Barbers, he told us that the
Wahl Senior is his go to tool, and
can be used for almost everything:
from general, everyday cutting to
finishing off those perfect fades.
Fabian told us that the only time he
can’t make use of it is when he
needs to get in really close and
finish off details. It operates using a
magnetic motor, and won’t heat up
in your hand.
Andis Masters
The Andis Masters is especially good for
getting the perfect fades, and is a clipper
which can really help you cut hair like the
Americans do! It heats up quicker than the
Wahl Senior, however it makes for fantastic
fades , and can be brilliant for new barbers
just learning how to fade. It gets bonus
points for its incredibly stylish design, with
aluminium casing and a stainless steel blade
that helps with self-sharpening
copyright Larry The Barber Man 2015
www.frequency60hz.com | info@frequency60hz.com
Oster Classic 76
The Oster Classic 76 has a rotary motor, which means it really packs some power. It can
slice through large quantities of hair at quicker speeds than a lot of other clippers. The
Oster Classic 76 can also chop through thick hair extremely well, making it perfect for
afro hair. This clipper will cut hair down with fewer strokes than a lot of other equipment,
so it is absolutely perfect for big jobs.
Oster Fast Feed
The Oster Fast Feed is renowned for its quiet, smooth operating – a pivot motor means
that although it sounds soft, it’s still got a lot of power. Just like the Oster Classic 76, this
power means that it can get through hair quickly and is especially good for thick hair,
including afro hair. It is an especially good clipper for getting really great fades on thick
hair. Professional barbers have found that the lighter weight of the Fast Feed stops it
getting tiring during longer cutting sessions, and it also stays cool in the hand.
So there you have it! All the info you need to make a smart choice when it
comes to choosing and operating American hair clippers. All that’s left for us
to say is happy clipping!
copyright Larry The Barber Man 2015
www.frequency60hz.com | info@frequency60hz.com
copyright Larry The Barber Man 2015
www.frequency60hz.com | info@frequency60hz.com