the official semi-kit building guide
the official semi-kit building guide
Sant aFe&Di s ney l andRai l r oad St eam Loc omot i v eNo. 1 CKHOLLI DAY 1 : 2 0Mo de l Se mi Ki t Bui l di ngGui deandPl ans Cr eat edBy : Pr es t onNi r at t i s ai i n LosAngel es , CA c khol l i da y pl ans . c om pr es t on@c khol l i da y pl ans . c om NOTI CE: T hi swor ki snotaut hor i z ed, l i c ens ed, endor s edors pons or ed, orafl i at edi nanywa ywi t hDi s ney l andPar k, T heWal tDi s neyCompany , oranyofi t s s ubs i di ar i esorafl i at es . T hi swor ki sawhol l yi ndependentandunaut hor i z ed wor kofi nf or mat i onwi t hnoc onnec t i onofanyki ndt o Di s ney l andPar k, Di s ney l andRai l r oad, orT heWal t Di s neyCompany . Dr awi ngandt ex tc opy r i ght2 0 1 3Pr es t onNi r at t i s ai . Al l r i ght sr es er v ed. Nopar toft hi swor kma ybeus edor r epr oduc edi nanymannerwhat s oe v erwi t houtt hewr i t t enper mi s s i onoft hepubl i s her . T henamesSant aFe, Di s ney , Di s ney l and, et . al . , bel ongt ot hei rr es pec t i v e owner s , andar eus edher ei nbyr ef er enc eonl y . Booklet revision 02-2013. 2 1 Dedication This project, from the design stage to production, would not have been made possible without the support of many other people along the way, and I am forever grateful for their help. I'd like to rst thank Disney and its people for their passion to preserve Walt Disney's legacy, and for the inspirations they give me. I am also grateful for everyone that has helped me on my blog and the Burnsland forum, and for everyone who supported me by purchasing a copy of the Plan Book at Your interest and support help make this model possible. I'd like to extend my thanks to Steve DeGaetano---for his input, knowledge, and most of all, his friendship. And to Paul Boschan---for the inspiration, insights, and the opportunity to work alongside him on the Ward Kimball. Finally, this work is dedicated to Lynne---for her endless patience, support, and love. 2 Inventory 2.1 Plastic Parts List Part No. 100 103 105 202 210 220 223 300 301 306 307 308 311 312 316 318 409 500 516 518 521 531 532 Name Frame Boiler Brace Draw Bar Axle Box Axle Side Rod Main Rod Pilot Truck, Equalizing Bar Pilot Truck, Axle Box Pilot Truck, Frame, Bottom Pilot Truck, Frame, Top Pilot Truck, Pedestal Pilot Truck, Transverse Bar Pilot Truck, Swing Casting Pilot Truck, Swing Link Pilot Truck, Wheel Driver Boiler Smokebox Front Smokestack Saddle Smokestack Firepan Sand Dome Quantity 2 1 1 4 2 2 2 4 4 2 1 8 1 1 4 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 Part No. 533 612 654 655 701 703 713 877 910 1000 1001A 1001B 1002 1003 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 3 Name Steam Dome Saddle and Cylinder Rocker Rocker Mount Link Lifting Shaft Crosshead Headlight Box House Bracket Air Compressor Air Compressor Mount, Top Air Compressor Mount, Bottom Air Brake Cylinder Air Tank Firedoor Gauge Stand Waterglass Safety Valve Air Brake Stand Whistle Steamchest Oil Cup Reverse Bar Arc Total Parts Quantity 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 83 2.2 Wood Parts Name Cab Pilot Beam Pilot 2.3 Parts No. A01-E01 F01 P01-P13 Total Parts The major components of the engine were manufactured by subcontractors. Of note are the engine's frames, which were cut from a single piece of steel. Dixon Boiler Works constructed the boiler, and Wilmington Iron Works casted and machined the wheels. Other parts were made by Disney's crew using wood patterns. Quantity 33 3 22 58 The two engines were nished in summer of 1955. After being steam tested at the studio, they began their rst run around the park at Disney's Fourth of July party while the park was still under construction. Thus, the Santa Fe & Disneyland Railroad became the rst operational attraction at Disneyland. Shortly after the party, Walt Disney was at the throttle of the EP Ripley at the park's opening day, July 17, 1955, before giving the famous Welcome dedication speech on Main Street. Plans Index Sheet No. A001 A002 A003 A004 B001 B002 C001 C002 D001 D002 Name 1:20 Erection, Right 1:20 Erection, Front and Back 1:20 Erection, Left 1:20 Erection, Top and Bottom Pilot Truck Assembly Frame and Boiler Assembly Cab Framing Pilot Assembly Flat Sheet Pattern Wood Pattern Through today, the engine has changed little since her birth. She underwent a major rebuild in 1999, and has worn several different paint schemes. She is a magni cent living machine who has entertained, captivated, and educated countless guests, and will continue to do so into the far future. For more history on the engine, its operation, and information on the Disneyland Railroad, one can reference Steve DeGaetano's Welcome Aboard the Disneyland Railroad! (Steam Passages Publications, 2004,, and Michael Broggie's Walt Disney's Railroad Story (Pentrex, 1998, 3 About the Engine The CK Holliday was one of the rst two locomotives built and operated at the Disneyland Park for Walt Disney's Santa Fe & Disneyland Railroad. Designed by railroad draftsman Ed Lingenfelter, under the supervision of a railroad veteran, Earl Vilmer, the rst drawings were penned in late 1954, with the construction taking place alongside the engine's twin, EP Ripley, in Burbank, California. 4 Walt Disney based the look of the engine on his oneeighth scale live steamer Lilly Belle, which is itself a scaled replica of the Central Paci c Railroad CP173. The engine was meant to evoke the look of an American 4-4-0 locomotive popular in the mid- to late 1800s. Typical of the American 4-4-0 design is the large balloon smokestack, brightly colored paint, and brass trims; in fact, this type of engine is what most people associate with images of the American West. Engine Statistics Builder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Walt Disney's WDI Architect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ed Lingenfelter, Earl Vilmer Completion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 1955 Boiler Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33.5'' Cylinder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10'' X 15'' Operating Pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 psi The engine is named after Cyrus K. Holliday, the founder Driver Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36'' and rst president of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23,200 lb Railway. Tractive Effort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,427 lb 4 5 About the Model 6 The Model Parts The semi-kit includes parts produce from both hard plastic and laser cut wood. For years, fans of the Disneyland Railroad have been asking for an accurate model of the engines to have in their own homes. But the railroad fans have always been a small group, and Disney did not see that marketing to this group was pro table. The majority of the parts in the semi-kit were produced by 3D printing from polyamide plastic. As a result of the manufacturing process, there may be some white powder residue on the parts and the surface may feel rough or sandpaper-like. To assemble the parts, this Outside of Disney, there have been attempts to produce plastic reacts best to cyanoacrylate glue, JB Weld, and Disneyland Railroad models. But due to scal issues, to some extent, Plastic Weld. the models were never completely accurate. So instead of having an accurate model from the ground up of their Again, due to the manufacturing process, it is normal favorite railroad, fans were left to 'kit-bashing' existing for the round plastic parts to have stepped or faceted models together to form an engine or rolling stock that faces. For plastic parts that require a smooth nish, resembles the real railroad. such as the boiler jacket, a thin sheet of steel, styrene, or even paper can be used to wrap the part and then In 2011, I set out to study the Disneyland Railroad's CK painted. Flat sheet pattern for the boiler jacket has been Holliday solely for the purpose of gaining a better under- provided in the kit plans for this reason. Use carbon pastanding of my favorite engine. To ensure that I under- per to transfer the at pattern onto the sheeting. stood the engine completely, I decided to rebuild the locomotive in its entirety in a computer aided drafting The included wooden parts may appear to be charred environment. Everything had to match the real engine or burnt. This is the result of the laser cutting process. as closely as possible, from the frames to the rocker These parts actually have masking tape on both front pins. The result was a computer model that is a true and back surfaces that must be removed before the representation of the engine. parts are assembled, so that the burn markings are removed. If the tape is not removed, the parts will not asAfter completion of the model design, a plan book was semble correctly as the tape will eventually fall off from published to showcase the computer engine model. The being worked. result was a comprehensive set of engineering plans and drawings to help other fans gain an understanding Plan sheets C001-C002 show the assembly of the of how the engine was built and run. wooden components. To identify the individual parts, lay the parts onto the wooden pattern plan, sheet D002. It was then obvious that the computer model could be used as a basis for the most realistic scaled model of The included plan sheets show the general layout and the CK Holliday possible. The locomotive components assembly of the kit's major components. Their part designed in the computer were sent to a 3D printing numbers refer to the parts in the CK Holliday Plan Book, shop to create highly accurate scaled parts out of hard available at, so the modeler polyamide plastic. These parts form the base upon may refer to the engineering drawings of each compowhich the modeler can build the CK Holliday, or many nent directly. other full or narrow gauge 4-4-0 locomotives. After designing and receiving the parts, the model prototype construction started in November 2012 and was completed in February 2013. The documentation of the building process can be found at the blog: 7 Building and Detailing The process of building this model set is slightly differNow, with the semi-kit, modelers can nally have an ac- ent from other kits. Instead of offering step-by-step incurate scaled replica of Disneyland Railroad's iconic lo- structions, the method and order of assembly is at the comotive. modeler's discretion, exactly similar to how Disney built 5 the original engine. As such, a little knowledge of locomotive construction may be useful. So, while the CK Holliday Plan Book mentioned in previous sections is not required to complete this model, it is nonetheless a highly recommended resource to allow the modeler to gain further understand and insight into the construction of the engine, and will greatly assist in the building and detailing process of the model. land Railroad Modeling Forum at disneyrailroads offers some guidelines on nding the right paint colors and mixtures. The colors used will also depend on the era that the model is portraying, since the engine has worn different color schemes. 8 Review the drawings and carefully plan out the assembly order, which should closely mirror the construction of the real engine. The included assembly plans do not show the placement of every parts in the kit, since it is expected that the modeler will use additional resources such as the Plan Book and pictures of the engine to complement the building and detailing process. EP Ripley Modi cations With some modi cations, the semi-kit can be made into a model of the EP Ripley since both engines share many similar parts and constructions. The following is a list of suggested modi cations: • Extend the smokebox by wrapping a wide sheet of metal or plastic around the smokebox. Fix the smokebox front as usual. It's also may be helpful to review how the prototype model was constructed. Its building process is documented at the blog mentioned in the previous section. When in doubt, feel free to ask for help at the unof cial Disneyland Railroad Forum at disneyrailroads. • Replace the domes, smoke stack, and headlamp. Trackside Detail offers beautiful casting of such parts that may be appropriate for the Ripley. Many parts are still required to be furnished by the modeler to detail and nish the model, but they can easily be made from various stock materials. For example, styrene plastic comes in many forms and sizes, such as squares, circles, and thin sheets. The styrene plastic can be cut and formed easily into many different shapes. • Modify the cab's roof framing, parts number A01, C01, C02, and D01, with wood putty into arch type. Also, neglect the center post A03. • Use only one crosshead guide on each side instead of four. By design, all of these additional parts require only very modest amount of work by the modeler to make. For example, the crosshead guides and running board brackets can be cut from styrene squares, the crank cut from styrene or metal rounds, and the running boards from thick styrene sheet. • Modify or remake the pilot into a shorter type. • Shape the running boards as straight instead of split type. 9 For components that are part of the brightwork, such as the boiler bands or the dome covers, using real brass offers the best realism. Brass also comes in many forms and sizes. For example, brass strips can be used for the boiler bands, and brass sheets can be cut to wrap around the domes to make real brightwork nish on the model. Conclusion This challenging, unique model semi-kit, when completed, will certainly allow you to own the most accurate replica of the Santa Fe & Disneyland Railroad CK Holliday available. But more than that, the kit will also allow you to discover how the real builders constructed the Other specialized details, such as the bell or the handrail engine, as the model will be built in a similar process, stanchions, can be adapted from many railroad detail- starting from the frames up. ing kits. Trackside Details,, I certainly hope that you'll enjoy the end result as well offers many detailed parts cast in brass. as the journey. It is because of your support that this Painting is somewhat subjective and will depend on one-of-a-kind model can exist, so I hope you'll take pride the modeler's judgement. The unof cial Disney- and ownership of it. Now, go make a great model! 6