November 2009 Newsletter


November 2009 Newsletter
EDITOR: Chuck Marcum
PHONE: (918) 906-9912
ISSUE 9 November 2009
The Outpost is published monthly by the Three Forks Treasure Hunters Club. The club is a member of
the Federation of Metal Detector and Archeological Clubs Inc. It is a nonprofit organization dedicated
to the promotion of metal detecting as a hobby. No brand or model of metal detector is endorsed by
the club. Membership is open to the public with the only requirement being that all members follow
the Treasure Hunters Code of Ethics. Club dues are $25.00 per family yearly. Any comments or
stories that you would like to contribute to your newsletter are always welcome.
MEETINGS: First Friday of each month.
TIME : 7:15 P.M
PLACE: Wagoner Community Building at the corner
of Jefferson and Cherokee streets in Wagoner Oklahoma.
NEXT MEETING: November 6, 2009
BOARD MEETING: November 6th after the Club Meeting
CLUB PO BOX: P.O. Box 753 Wagoner, Ok. 74477-0753
Francis Tracy
Lorie Stubbs
Cathy Young
Jerry Callison
Nancy Coffey
Gene Coffey
Vicki Lang
Chuck Marcum
Tony Morris
Mary Tracy
Gary Young
MEETING OCT. 2nd, 2009
The meeting was called to order @ 7:40 PM
There were 34 members in attendance.
There were 5 visitors, we had 3 new members.
Welcome new members: Bill Watkins, Gary & Joye Harper
and Tony & Debbie Mathews.
The outing in Grove was discussed, we had a good turnout and
a lot of fun. It was great weather for hunting.
Jim Webb gave a very informative program on cleaning your
finds. Gold Eagle was awarded to Chuck Marcum.
Raffle donation won by the Richard Carr.
50/50 pot was $45.00, won by Richard Claypool, with consolation prize also going to Lorie Stubbs. Display Case won by
Matthew Fortney. Attendance drawing won by Gary Young.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 PM
There was no Board Meeting.
Submitted by Secretary,
Lorie Stubbs
Upcoming Events
November 13
November 13
November 16
November 16
November 17
November 20
November 22
November 25
OCTOBER 24, 2009
Meeting was called to order @ 5:446 PM at Blueberry Farm
In attendance were Officers and members: Francis & Mary Tracy,
Gene & Nancy Coffey, Gary & Cathy Young, Bruce & Lorie
Stubbs, Chuck Marcum, Jerry Callison, George Leake and Lee
We will be electing new Officers and Board Members in December. Please be ready to nominate your choice at November meeting. November meeting will be last chance to get into drawing for
E-Trac. Drawing will be at Christmas dinner/party held at the
General Meeting on December 4th.Mary Tracy & Cathy Young will
be fixing turkeys. Lorie Stubbs will fix a ham for our Christmas
dinner. A side dish sign-up sheet will be available at the November meeting. Everyone should bring a center piece for the drawing.
Bring all your best finds for 2009. Trophies will be awarded. We
will have a combined raffle (donation & 50/50) at the Christmas
There were not enough entries for the Partner Hunt, it was cancelled. 60 of the silver dimes designated for that hunt was added to
the night hunt.
President-Francis Tracy and Vice-Eddie Tamplin will not be at the
next meeting, Gary Young will fill in as President. Jerry Callison
& Richard Carr will give program on China. (Historical and Valuable). Jerry Callison made a motion that we pick 2 women and 2
men (that do not have families) from a Nursing Home to give
Christmas gifts to. Mary Tracy seconded the motion. Mary will
check with a Wagon Nursing Home to get names. There will be a
new category starting next year in the ‘Find of the Month’. It will
be a display case find. Only finds for the CURRENT MONTH
should be in your case. The membership will vote on winners. 1st,
2nd, & 3rd places will be awarded. Points will also be earned.
With no further business before the board, the meeting was adjourned @ 8:20 PM
Submitted by Secretary,
Lorie Stubbs
3 Forks Club Meeting
3 Forks Board Meeting
Cemetery Cleanup
Fort Donelson Hunt
3 Forks Christmas Dinner
3 Forks Club Meeting
3 Forks Board Meeting
3 Forks National Hunt
November 6
November 6
November 7
November 7
December 4
January 1
January 1
April 17 & 18
November 18
November 22
November 24
November Meeting
Lorie Stubbs
Ann Archer
Barbara Williams
Bob Sheppard
Audra Tamplin
Tommy Arnold
Patricia Spurlock
Joe Poplin
Joye Matthews
Tony & Annette Morris
Robert & Patsy Dunn
Jerry & Paula Hoffman
Our Three Forks Treasure Hunters Club will be having a drawing for a
new X-Terra 705 Metal Detector to raise money for our upcoming
National Hunt. The rising cost of Silver and Gold has made it necessary
for us to spend more money in order to put on the same quality or better
Hunt that we have always hosted.
Tickets are one for a dollar or six for five dollars. The Drawing for
the $698.95 retail price X-Terra 705 will be held at our Christmas
Dinner on December 4th. You need not be present to win.
You can purchase tickets from any of our club members or you can buy
them by mail. Visit our website at for
more details. Thanks for supporting our Hunt.
Lottery Ticket
Lottery Ticket
Lottery Ticket
Lottery Ticket
Lottery Ticket
Pen Pointer
$5.00 Bill
Screw Driver
Purple Bottle
Brown Bottle
Green Bottle
Magnifying Glass
Clip Board
Desk Set
Cook Books
$5.00 Bill
Brush Set
Civil War Book
Picante Sauce
$5.00 Bill
Joe Poplin
Joe Poplin
Joe Poplin
Joe Poplin
Joe Poplin
Joe Poplin
Joe Poplin
Joe Poplin
Joe Poplin
Mary Tracy
Mary Tracy
Anthony Moreton
Anthony Moreton
Lee Wierzchowski
George Moreton
George Moreton
Gilbert Leake
Richard Carr
Richard Carr
Richard Carr
Gary Young
Gary Young
Gary Young
Gary Young
Sam Littrell
Ruth Littrell
Wayne Starr
Jim Webb
Ken Fanning
Gene Coffey
Larry Koch
James Burnett
Ken Fanning
Willy Wetzel
Gene Coffey
Neville Lester
Karen Goodenough
Willy Wetzel
Gene Coffey
Ken Fanning
Mark Gilbert
Richard Carr
Willy Wetzel
Larry Koch
Gary Harper
Gary Harper
Neville Lester
George Moreton
Tony Morris
Mark Gilbert
Ken Fanning
Mary Tracy
Gary Harper
Wayne Starr
Gary Harper
Gary Young
Ken Fanning
Garry Floyd
Ken Fanning
Joe Poplin
Larry Koch
Ken Fanning
The 50/50 Pot was shared to Richard Claypool.
The Donation Drawing was shared to Matt Fortney.
The Attendance Donation was shared to Gary Young.
To Our newest Members
Gary and Joye Harper from Locust Grove
Tony and Debbie Matthews of Bonanza, Arkansas
Bill Watkins from Bartlesville
Membership Drive
Win a slightly used E-Trac Metal Detector just
by bringing someone to the Club meeting!
Mike McGrew is donating his E-Trac Metal Detector to raffle off during our
club’s Membership Drive. To get some tickets in the hopper all you have to do is:
Starting in August Bring visitors to the Club Meetings. Each visitor you bring will
receive a raffle ticket and you will receive a ticket for each visitor. If your visitor
joins the club them and you will receive another ticket. The Membership Drive
will take place through the November Club Meeting and the winning ticket will
be drawn by Mike at the Three Forks Christmas Dinner.
November’s Club Meeting will
be the last opportunity for you
to get some tickets into the
hopper. Bring lots of guests
and new members to the
Minelab E-Trac new MSRP price is $1895.00
Oldest Coin
Oldest Coin
1 1859 Indian Head Cent
1 1888 Indian Head Cent
3 1890 Indian Head Cent
Joe Poplin
Mike McGrew
Chuck Marcum
1 1882 Indian Head Cent
2 1916 Wheat Cent
3 No Entry
Sam Littrell
Anthony Moreton
1 14k Gold & Amethyst Ring
2 Sterling Silver Ring
3 Sterling Silver Heart
Chuck Marcum
Joe Poplin
Charles Williams
Charles Williams
Joe Poplin
Larry Koch
Chuck Marcum
1 1916s Mercury Dime
2 1942 Washington Quarter
3 1950D Roosevelt Dime
John Hamilton
Anthony Moreton
George Moreton
Valuable Coin - Other
Valuable Coin - Other
1 1891 Indian Head Cent
2 1900 V Nickel
2 1913 Wheat Cent
Sam Littrell
George Moreton
Lee Wierzchowski
Val. Coin Silver & Gold
Val. Coin Silver & Gold
1 1919D Mercury Dime
2 1926s Standing Liberty Quarter
3 1936 Washington Quarter
3 1944D Washington Quarter
1 Silver Ring
2 Silver Ring
3 Silver Ring
Chuck Marcum
Joe Poplin
Charles Williams
1 1912D Wheat Cent
2 1906 Indian Head Cent
3 1952 Wheat Cent
John Hamilton
Sam Littrell
Matt Fortney
1 Fort Gibson I.T. Token
2 Brass Lock
3 Brass Arrowhead
Chuck Marcum
Mike McGrew
Joe Poplin
Chuck Marcum
Mike McGrew
Joe Poplin
1 3 Ring Minnie Ball
2 Enfield Bullet
3 No Entry
Sam Littrell
John Hamilton
Non - Metallic
Non - Metallic
1 Flint Arrowhead
2 Teal Green Trade Bead
3 Blue Trade Bead
George Moreton
Anthony Moreton
Matt Fortney
Military Relic
Military Relic
1 Dragoon Cuff Button
2 Musket Trigger Guard
3 Pistol Ball
1 Model T Ford Key
2 Tire Gauge
3 Good Luck Token
Tony Morris
Chuck Marcum
Joe Poplin
Golden Eagle Award
Chuck Marcum found this really
nice 14k Gold and 4 Amethysts Ring.
November will be the last month for this year’s Find of the
Month Contest. We will not have the contest at our
Christmas Dinner. All of the finds made after the
November Meeting may be entered at our January’s Meeting. We will have the Find of the Year Contest at our
Christmas Dinner so bring in your best find of the year in
each category. Next year we will have a new Display Case
Category in our Contest! Good Luck and find a lot!
1 Flint Arrowhead
1 Flint Arrowhead
2 Blue Trade Bead
3 Marble
Shawn Gilbert
Sam Littrell
John Hamilton
Matt Fortney
Three Forks Christmas Dinner
6:30 PM Friday December 4th at our
regular meeting place in Wagoner.
A signup sheet will be passed around at the November
Club Meeting so think about what you want to bring.
If you are not going to be at the meeting you can call or
email to let us know what you are bringing.
We will be having the biggest Raffle of the year
so bring lots of donation and money to buy tickets.
The club has bought some Silver Rounds to be raffled.
We will be drawing for the X-Terra 705 Metal Detector
and also for the Membership Drive E-Trac Detector.
Don’t forget your table Centerpieces. Everyone that
brings one will be going home with a different one.
Find of the Month Contest Final Winners will be rewarded.
We will also have the Find of the Year Contest so bring
an entry for each category from this year’s finds and
you might win a trophy!
On Saturday November 7th we will return to the Old Agency Cemetery to kick off our 7th season of cleanups. We will work on
catching up on the weeds that grew from this year’s rains. Then we will continue clearing out the trees working west. We need
you to bring chainsaws, weed eaters, loppers or just yourselves. We will work from 9:00 to 12:30, eat lunch, and hunt the rest of
the day. To hunt in the afternoons you have to support our project! You can support it by helping clean in the morning or by donating needed money toward our food fund and equipment. You can also help by getting donations or just show your support by
showing up in the morning.
We will meet at 8:45 at the Pilot Truck Stop and Convenience Store for the Cleanup. The store is located on the east side of US
69 and Harris Rd. north of Muskogee and about one and a quarter mile south of the Arkansas River Bridge. Visit our website at
I need to remind everybody that the EOCPO has organized these cleanups to preserve cemeteries and the history associated with
them so that future generations can appreciate them. These are also an excellent community service project for all of our clubs, a
good public image project for our hobby, an individual good feeling of accomplishment toward giving back to history after taking
from it all of these years, and good exercise. It also gives us the added bonus of getting our clubs into some good historical hunting spots. As always there is no guarantee that everybody will find something fantastic at every outing. We are out there to have
Chuck Marcum
PO Box 2738
Broken Arrow, OK 74013