sweden - Baltic University Programme
sweden - Baltic University Programme
2008-2009 The Baltic University Programme Catalogue The Baltic University Programme Catalogue 2008/2009 Organisation and personnel The Baltic University Programme is supported by the following partners, authorities and financiers: Swedish Ministry of Science and Education, Stockholm Finnish Ministry of Science and Education, Helsinki Uppsala University, Uppsala Other participating universities Swedish Institute, Stockholm Swedish International Development and cooperation Agency, Sida, Stockholm The Knowledge Foundation (KK Stiftelsen), Stockholm Nordic Council of Ministers, Copenhagen Interreg IIIB, Rostock C-Framåt, Uppsala Uppsala University Department of Earth Sciences The Baltic University Programme Villavägen 16, SE-752 36 Uppsala, Sweden F: +46-18-471 18 40 F: +46-18-471 17 89 E-mail: info@balticuniv.uu.se URL: http://www.balticuniv.uu.se The Baltic University Press © 2009 Design: Nicky Tucker, Magnus Lehman Printed by Universitetstryckeriet, Uppsala. ISBN: 91-970017-6-7 To change or update your information, please send an E-mail to: info@balticuniv.uu.se Contents The Baltic University Programme University Participation Organization The Board The Secretariat Programme Centres Educational Programs Teacher Support and Guidance Information and Communication Technologies, ICT The BUP web page Cooperation with Municipalities Other Cooperative Projects Courses Abbreviations ES courses AS courses SD courses WM courses CD courses EM courses Mentors and assistants Letters of Agreement ECTS documents Publications and Productions Printed Publications Film Productions 4 4 4 5 6 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 10 10 12 14 16 17 19 23 25 28 28 30 30 32 Directory 2008/2009 Universities and other Institutes of higher learning Belarus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland Germany Latvia Lithuania Norway Poland Russia, Kaliningrad Region Russia, North Western Slovakia Sweden Ukraine USA Cities and Local Authorities Other Partners Index of Names 35 36 36 40 41 42 44 48 49 52 54 55 65 66 68 69 73 75 76 78 79 The Baltic University Programme The Baltic University Programme (BUP) was initiated by Uppsala University in 1991. It is a network of universities in the Baltic Sea region coordinated by the BUP Secretariat at Uppsala University. The Programme focuses on, questions of sustainable development, environmental protection and democracy, to support the key role that universities play in a peaceful and democratic development in the region. The BUP has developed into a network of more than 180 universities, located at more than 100 places in the 14 participating countries in the region. The area of interest is defined as the Baltic Sea Basin, i.e. the drainage area of the Baltic Sea. For environmental issues it is a natural unit. It is not possible to improve our common water body and environment without cooperation between all the countries which influence it. The Baltic University conducts four activities Education: Undergraduate and master level education using modern information and communication technologies. Information: Cooperation with public and educational TV companies to reach a wider audience. Research: Research cooperation on a regional basis on issues of sustainable development. Applied projects: Cooperation with municipal and regional administrations. University Participation The participating institutions include classical universities, as well as universities of technology, agriculture, culture, economics, pedagogics etc. All countries within or partly within the Baltic Sea drainage basin are represented: Belarus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia and Sweden and more marginally Czech Republic, Norway, Slovakia, and Ukraine. A large network of researchers and teachers at the universities has developed. The number of individuals who have contributed at some stage in the Programme are more than 1,500. Most of these are active within environmental science, but contributions from humanities and social sciences are also important. Organization The Baltic University, is established as a Programme at Uppsala University under an international board. The Programme is coordinated by a secretariat at Uppsala University. Local centres in 13 countries develop and coordinate the Programme in their respective areas. Main founders of the Programme are the Swedish Government and Uppsala University, and Governmental funds for cooperation with Eastern and Central Europe through SIDA and the Swedish Institute. Also funding from the Nordic Council of Ministers and some EU programmes, as well as Finnish funds have been decisive. In addition, the participating universities contribute importantly to the programme. the baltic university programme The Board The programme is governed by an international board which is appointed by the Rector of Uppsala University for a period of three years. It consists of the following members: Rector (temporarily replaced by Caroline Liberg); three other members from Uppsala University; one member from another Swedish university; two members from the Swedish society at large; one member from Åbo Akademi University; two members from Central and Eastern Europe of which one should be from Poland; one student representative appointed by CEMUS (Student Centre for Environment and Development Studies at Uppsala University), for a period of one year; and an international student representative appointed by the Baltic University student parliament. Baltic University Programme Board Prof. Caroline Liberg Uppsala University Dept. of Teacher Training P.O. Box 2136, SE-750 02 Uppsala, Sweden T: +46-18-471 22 98 F: +46-18-471 24 00 E-mail: caroline.liberg@ilu.uu.se Prof. Bengt Gustafsson Uppsala University Dept. of Astronomy and Space Physics P.O. Box 515, SE-751 20 Uppsala, Sweden T: +46-18-471 59 59 F: +46-18-471 59 99 E-mail: bengt.gustafsson@astro.uu.se Assoc. Prof. Lars-Christer Lundin Uppsala University Dept. of Earth Sciences, Air and Water Science Villavägen 16, SE-752 36 Uppsala, Sweden T: +46-18-471 22 64 F: +46-18-55 11 24 E-mail: lars-christer.lundin@hyd.uu.se Prof. Harald Runblom Uppsala University Centre for Multiethnic Research P.O. Box 514, SE-751 20 Uppsala, Sweden T: +46-18-471 23 60 F: +46-18-471 23 63 E-mail: harald.runblom@multietn.uu.se Prof. Per G. Berg Swedish University for Agricultural Sciences Dept. of Landscape Plannin P.O. Box 7012, SE-750 07 Uppsala, Sweden T: +46-18-67 25 13 E-mail: per.berg@lpul.slu.se Mr Carl Lindberg Swedish UNESCO centre Email: carl.g.lindberg@telia.com Member of Parliament Tone Tingsgård Riksdagen SE-100 12 Stockholm, Sweden T: +46-8-786 47 46 F: +46-8-786 61 60 E-mail: tone.tingsgard@riksdagen.se Director Paula Lindroos Åbo Akademi University Centre for Continuing Education Fabriksgatan 2, FI-205 00 Turku/Åbo, Finland T: +358-2-215 41 25 F: +358-2-215 49 43 E-mail: paula.lindroos@abo.fi Prof.Victor Ionov St Petersburg State University Division of International Baltic and Arctic Projects 10th Line 33/35, RU-199 178 St Petersburg T: +7-812-328 70 46 F: +7-812-328 71 46 victor@baltic.lgu.spb.su Prof. Ireneusz Zbicinski Technical University of Lódż Faculty of Process & Environmental Engineering ul.Wolczanska 213, PL-93-005 Lódż, Poland T: +48-42-631 37 73 F: +48-42-636 49 23 E-mail: zbicinsk@mail.p.lodz.pl Yuliya Zhuk Student representative, Sweden (2009) CEMUS, Uppsala University Villavägen 16, SE-752 36 Uppsala E-mail: yulyazhuk@yahoo.com Anatol Kalach Student representative, International (2008) Belarusan National Technical University Minsk, Belarus E-mail: anatolka13@gmail.com the baltic university programme The Secretariat The Baltic University Programme is coordinated by a secretariat at Uppsala University under the leadership of a Programme director. At present the secretariat consists of a Director and six additional personnel. The role of the secretariat is to support and promote regional cooperation/contacts between the universities and corresponding institutions of higher learning in the Baltic Sea region. The secretariat administers the economy of the Programme, including the contacts with the funding organizations. The production of courses and course material, including books and film series, are organized from the secretariat in cooperation with the national centres and individual teachers/researchers in the network. The BUP Secretariat is located at the Department of Earth Sciences (Geocentrum), Uppsala University. The Baltic University Programme Secretariat Uppsala Centre for Sustainable Development Department of Earth Sciences (Geocentrum), Uppsala University Villavägen 16, SE-752 36 Uppsala, Sweden T: +46-18-471 18 40 F: +46-18-471 17 89 Christine Jakobsson, M.Sc. Agr. Director T: +46-18-471 17 88 Mobile: +46-73-391 00 84 christine.jakobsson@balticuniv.uu.se Ingrid Karlsson, Agr.D. Senior Advisor T: +46-18-471 68 53 Mobile: +46-70-425 05 03 ingrid.karlsson@kus.uu.se Christian Andersson, Ph.D. Web Editor T: +47-73-59 55 31 christian.andersson@balticuniv.uu.se Maria Winkler, M.Sc. Econ Financial and Network Manager T: +46-18-471 17 86 Mobile: +46-70-425 00 87 maria.winkler@balticuniv.uu.se Magnus Lehman, M.A. Book and Film Production Manager T: +46-18-471 19 44 magnus.lehman@balticuniv.uu.se Lars Rydén, Prof. Em. T: +46-18-471 18 38 Mobile: +46-70-425 03 25 lars.ryden@balticuniv.uu.se Lyudmyla Babak Project Assistant T: +46-18-471 19 42 lyudmyla.babak@balticuniv.uu.se the baltic university programme Programme Centres The Baltic University Programme functions through a total of 14 centres, each of them with a centre director, personnel and a premise with facilities that allow regional contacts through Internet and video equipment. The centres are responsible for communication, information (web pages etc.) national conferences and dissemination of material within their respective areas. The centre directors meet regularly, to report and discuss the development of the Programme. The Baltic University Programme Centres Belarus: Dr Siarhei Darozhka Belarusian National Technical University Dept. of Ecology F. Skaryna Ave. 65, BY-220 027 Minsk T: +375-17-239 91 29 F: +375-17-231 30 49 dorozhko@bntu.by Lithuania: Assoc. Prof. Linas Kliucininkas Kaunas University of Technology Dept. for Environmental Engineering Radvilenu Str. 19, LT-502 54 Kaunas T: +370-37-35 10 08 F: +370-37-30 01 52 linas.kliucininkas@ktu.lt Czech Republic: Dr Alena Labodova Technical University of Ostrava Institute of Environmental Engineering 17.listopadu 15, CZ-708 33 Ostrava-Porub T: +420-59-699 55 40 F: +420-59-699 30 40 alena.labodova@vsb.cz Poland: Prof. Ireneusz Zbicinski Technical University of Lódż Faculty of Process and Environmental Engineering ul.Wolczanska 213, PL-90-924 Lódż T: +48-42-631 37 73 F: +48-42-636 49 23 zbicinsk@mail.p.lodz.pl Denmark: Assoc. Prof. Uffe Jakobsen University of Copenhagen Dept. of Political Science Øster Farimagsgade 5, POB 2099, DK-1014 Copenhagen T: +45-35-32 34 04 F: +45-35-32 33 99 uj@ifs.ku.dk Russia, Kaliningrad: Dr Helena Kropinova Immanuel Kant State University of Russia Faculty of Services A. Nevskogo Str., 14, RU-236 041 Kaliningrad T: +7-0112-43 37 26 F: +7-0112- 53 82 81 kropinova@mail.ru Estonia: Assoc. Prof Tatyana Polajeva Tallinn University of Technology Dept. of Economics Ehitajate tee 5, EE-190 86 Tallinn T: +372-6-20 35 40 F: +372-6-20 20 20 tpoljaev@edu.ttu.ee Russia, N.W: Assoc. Prof.Victor V. Ionov St Petersburg State University Division of International Baltic and Arctic Projects 10th Line 33/35, RU-199 178 St Petersburg T: +7-812-328 70 46 F: +7-812-328 71 46 victor@baltic.lgu.spb.su Finland: Dr Paula Lindroos Åbo Akademi University Centre for Continuing Education Fabriksgatan 2, FI-205 00 Turku/Åbo T: +358-2-215 41 25 F: +358-2-215 49 43 paula.lindroos@abo.fi Slovakia: Eng Alexander Feher Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra Dept. of Ecology Marianska 10, SK-949 76 Nitra T: +421-37-6415626 F: +421-37-6415632 alexander.feher@uniag.sk, sandfeher@yahoo.com feher@afnet.uniag.sk Germany: Prof. Walter Leal Filho Hamburg University of Applied Sciences Faculty of Life Sciences Lohbruegger Kirchstraße 65, DE-210 33 Hamburg T: +49-40-42875-6313 F: +49-40-42875-6499 walter.leal@ls.haw-hamburg.de Sweden: Dr Hans Svensson Gotland University Centre for Education and Research SE-621 67 Visby T: +46-498-29 98 7 F: +46-498-29 99 62 hans.svensson@hgo.se Germany: Prof. Bernd Delakowitz Hochschule Zittau/görlitz Faculty of Mathematics/Natural Sciences Theodor-Körner-Allee 16, DE-02763 Zittau T: +49-3583-61 17 51 b.delakowitz@hs-zigr.de Ukraine: Assoc. Prof. Iryna Kriba Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Faculty of International Relations 1 Universytetska Str., UA-796 02 Lviv T: +380-322-96 44 53 F: +380-322-72 79 73 nordic@franko.lviv.ua Latvia: Assoc. Prof. Andris Spricis University of Latvia Centre for Environmental Studies 48 Kr.Valdemara Str., LV-1013 Riga T: +371-7-37 25 97 F: +371-7-22 50 39 spricis@acad.latnet.lv the baltic university programme Educational Programs The Baltic University Programme courses attract about 9,000 students yearly, formed by 300 student groups at nearly 200 universities. Students register and receive credits at their home universities, while course material is produced and distributed within the Programme. Several arrangements such as TV, video-, audio-, and computer conferences are bridging the student groups. Students are invited to attend student camps, summer courses, sails and conferences organised by the participating universities and BUP. The courses are in English, multidisciplinary, international, problem oriented, based on ongoing research at the participating universities and organized as an international cooperation within the Programme. In this way the best standard possible is kept, remembering that the topics chosen are so wide that no single university, East or West, has the competence needed to produce such a course on its own. The courses are organized in six course packages: Environmental Science, Area Studies, Sustainable Development, Water Management, Community Development and Environmental Management. Teacher Support and Guidance To support the teachers in the BUP network, seminars and conferences are organized to discuss how to use the teaching material, how to build a network to teach a course, and, not the least, to cooperate with practitioners at their own municipality, and finally how to address questions of sustainability. There are regional mentors – resource persons – for each course which the teacher can contact. The mentors participate in the development of the courses, and have the task to formulate the common questions for the BUP-examination, suggest additional material, and keep contact with other universities/experts/study groups. Information and Communication Technologies, ICT When BUP started in 1991 the technical facilities and infrastructure that allowed easy contacts within a network were minimal. Satellite TV became an important mean of contact, as still seen in the logotype of the Programme. Today the situation is very different, the e-mail communication has overtaken the role of telex and faxes. Internet has been installed at all universities and is used routinely. In many places broad band connections are also available. The computerized telephone network (ISDN) has expanded rapidly in the region and is used for digital communication and interactive video conferences. The main purpose using this technology is to carry out common student seminars, as well as lectures by experts from one site to all participants. Regular contacts between course groups and universities in general using ICT are developed as an important profile of BUP. However it is not a trivial task to introduce ICT into education, and we are still only in the beginning of making this an efficient tool in university courses. The BUP web page The Baltic University Programme web page (http://www.balticuniv.uu.se) is primarily intended to be a resource for both BUP students and teachers. As such it contains a wealth of information on the BUP courses on sustainable development in the Baltic Sea region. A discussion forum, a guest book and information about the countries in the Baltic Sea region can be found. The site also contains information about the BUP Secretariat and on projects run by the baltic university programme BUP, in cooperation with others. The site is constantly updated, and news items and information related to the BUP activities are often added. Linked to the BUP-site is a sub-site on Education for Sustainable Development (http://www.balticuniv.uu.se/esd/) that is run in cooperation with Åbo Akademi University. This site is a portal for internet resources on education for sustainable development at university level in the Baltic Sea region. Cooperation with Municipalities Cities and municipalities are key actors in building our society. The Baltic University Programme has from early on worked together with several cities in Sweden. In 1998 an expert seminar was organized on sustainable community development with participation of urban planners and researchers from several countries. As a result the SUPERBS project was created. Superbs is an acronym for Sustainable Urban Patterns Around the Baltic Sea. The project organised 11 partners in 8 countries in the region. Each partner consists of a university, a municipality, small or large, and a film producer. The cities/municipalities are Uppsala, Hågaby, Hällefors, Turku/Åbo, Novgorod, Tartu, Livani, Jelgava, Kaunas, Sopot, Kosakowo, and Hamburg. As a direct continuation of the successful SUPERBS project the Baltic University Urban Forum (BUUF) project was launched. This project has an expanded number of participants. It is coordinated by a steering committee at the Royal Institute of Technology, KTH, Department of Urban studies at the Institute of Infrastructure. The project has so far organized a number of Best Practice Conference on sustainability strategies in urban planning. The project has also developed sustainability indicators for the member cities and taken steps to publish guidebooks on sustainable urban planning. Other Cooperative Projects The Baltic University Programme also participate in a number of other projects on sustainability issues in the Baltic Sea region. The BTox project, run in cooperation with the Swedish Chemical Inspectorate, consists of three courses on toxicology, risk assessment and chemicals management for Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. The aim is to facilitate for these counties to adopt the EU legislation. The BUP secretariat is part of the organising team. The Baltic University programme is also a member of the Baltic 21 Senior Officials Group, SOG. The BUP policy in this group has been to strengthen the analytic capacity of the B21 process and the competence in the SOG itself. The work by the ministers of education in Sweden, Finland and Lithuania to promote Education for Sustainable development has been intensive the last year. The Baltic University Programme has been involved in this work in several ways. The BUP centre in Turku has on commission from the Finnish Ministry of Education initiated a project on a web portal for Education for Sustainable development in the Baltic Sea region. Part of this work is carried out at the BUP secretariat. Several teachers conferences on Education for Sustainable development are carried out and planned. the baltic university programme Courses The Baltic University Programme courses are organized in six course packages: Environmental Science, Area Studies, Sustainable Development, Water Management, Community Development and Environmental Management. Each course package has it own mentor and assistant. Abbreviations The individual courses, with can be studied as separate courses or as parts of a larger course, have a code indicating to which package they belong, and end with a number. The code of the larger courses end with the numbers of the individual courses that are included. Environmental Science courses: Environmental Science (15 ECTS)............................................................................................. ES12 The Baltic Sea Environment (7.5 ECTS)........................................................................................... ES1 Basic Environmental Science (7.5 ECTS).......................................................................................... ES2 English for Environmental Science...................................................................................................... EES Area Studies courses: The Baltic Sea Region (15 ECTS)..............................................................................................AS12 Peoples of the Baltic (7.5 ECTS)......................................................................................................... AS1 Regional Development and the Baltic Sea Region (7.5 ECTS)...................................................AS2 Sustainable Development courses: A Sustainable Baltic Region (7.5 ECTS)........................................................................................... SD1 Water Management courses: Sustainable Water Management (15 ECTS)....................................................................... WM123 The Baltic Waterscape (4.5 ECTS)................................................................................................. WM1 Water Use and Management (4.5 ECTS)................................................................................... WM2 River Basin Management (6 ECTS)............................................................................................... WM3 Community Development courses: Sustainable Community Development (15 ECTS).............................................................CD123 The City (4.5 ECTS)..............................................................................................................................CD1 Building Sustainable Communities (4.5 ECTS)...............................................................................CD2 Sustainable Urban Management (6 ECTS)....................................................................................CD3 Environmental Management courses: Environmental Management (30 ECTS)............................................................................. EM1234 Environmental Policy – Legal and Economic Instruments (7.5 ECTS).................................... EM1 Cleaner Production – Technologies and Tools for Resource Efficient Production (7.5 ECTS)...................................................................................... EM2 Product Design and Life Cycle Assessment (7.5 ECTS).............................................................. EM3 Environmental Management Systems and Certification (7.5 ECTS)...................................... EM4 10 courses Environmental Science Introduction The Environmental Science courses are undergraduate courses treating the environment in the Baltic Sea region. They give multidisciplinary overviews of the situation of the environment in the Baltic Sea region and on how to manage and protect it. The Environmental Science courses provide an excellent background for studying both the Baltic University undergraduate and graduate courses on sustainable development. The full course, Environmental Science (15 ECTS), consists of two parts: The Baltic Sea Environment (7.5 ECTS) and Basic Environmental Science (7.5 ECTS). The individual parts can be studied as separate courses. All three courses use the same textbook: Environmental Science. The courses consist of lectures, seminars, excursions, and case studies. The courses are supported by the Baltic University Programme through teacher conferences, student conferences, and possibilities to arrange audio-, video- and computer conferences using information and communication technologies. Study groups are encouraged to organize at least one conference with students in another country. In addition, a course in English for Environmental Science is available. This course provides the students in the Baltic Sea region with an opportunity to improve their professional command of the English language, based on texts in the Environmental Science textbook. Aim of the courses The courses intend to give comprehensive knowledge of our environment and how to manage and protect it, using cases from the countries in the Baltic Sea region. It is a basic level holistic treatment of environmental science, covering all aspects of the subject, from the sciences (biology, geology, chemistry, engineering etc.) social sciences (economics, law, political sciences, international relations, etc.) as well as management. The full course of Environmental Science provides a platform for professional work in environmental management in all parts of society, such as industry, authorities, municipalities etc., or further studies in the area. Recommended student background Since the courses are basic level holistic treatments of environmental science the students may have backgrounds in either physical/chemical/geological/biological studies, in social/political sciences, engineering or in economics/management. Secondary school science is, however, recommended as a minimum level in science. The Environmental Science courses are normally best placed in the first part of the university studies. English is a prerequisite for students participating in common seminars. Web support The courses have considerable support on the web page for the course textbook (http://www. balticuniv.uu.se/environmentalscience/). Here each chapter of the book is introduced. Corrections, updates and amendments are found. Questions and quizzes support the student in his/her study of the chapter. Each of the many hundred links are clickable and a glossary for each chapter is available. Finally, all diagrams can be downloaded to be used, either as OH transparencies or for PowerPoint presentations, in lectures and seminars. Mentor Prof. Pawel Migula, University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland. 11 courses ES courses Environmental Science: ES12 (15 ECTS) The course addresses the burning issues of what we need to do to develop a society that lives in harmony with nature and the resources that our world offers us. The course introduces how the environment works in terms of material flows, energy flows and geology, from an ecological perspective, and from the perspective of societies. The core of the course deals with how human society influences the natural world according to the type of environment affected – landscape, biology, chemistry, physics, atmosphere, etc., as well as of how the interaction of several environmental impacts and how long they stay in the environment. The second half of the course treats how society deals with environmental impact, including technology, economics, law and ethics, and the political process and international cooperation, as well as the ethics of the environmental protection. Finally environmental management systems, rapidly developing in all sectors of society, are introduced and strategies for building a sustainable society. Literature and course materials: The textbook Environmental Science, chapters 1-25. 10 booklets about The Baltic Sea Environment – an earlier, shorter version of the textbook. (Available in English, Polish, Russian language editions.) A series of 14 films about The Baltic Sea Environment. The Baltic Sea Environment: ES1 (7.5 ECTS) The course conveys general knowledge of the Baltic Sea environment, with a focus on the Baltic Sea itself, from the Bay of Bothnia in the north, over the Baltic proper to Kattegatt, and its drainage area. The focus is on the means and strategies for positive changes. It will give an overview of topics which are important for the understanding and improvement of the environmental situation of the Baltic Sea. It prepares the student to place environmental problems in their appropriate social context. It includes a background of the Baltic Sea region and its geography; the major environmental threats in the region; some aspects of environmental policy; Environmental management, especially water and solid waste management. It also presents a systematic, multidisciplinary study of the environmental situation in the Baltic Sea region with a focus on the Baltic Sea itself. Literature and course materials: The following chapters of the textbook Environmental Science are included in the basic reading list: The Baltic Sea region (Chapter 4); The Baltic Sea (Chapter 5); Life in the Baltic Sea (Chapter 6); Eutrophication (Chapter 9); Atmospheric changes and Air pollution (parts of Chapter 10 and Chapter 11); Metal flows and Industrial pollutants (parts of Chapter 12 and Chapter 13); Toxicology (Chapter 14); Distribution, interaction and longevity of environmental impact (Chapter 15). Ecological economics (parts of Chapter 19); Environmental Law (Chapter 20); and International cooperation (parts of Chapter 23). Water and solid waste management (Chapter 17 and parts of Chapter 18) and Environmental management (parts of Chapter 24). 10 booklets about The Baltic Sea Environment – an earlier, shorter version of the textbook. (Available in English, Polish, Russian language editions.) A series of 14 films about The Baltic Sea Environment. 12 courses Basic Environmental Science: ES2 (7.5 ECTS) Basic Environmental Science is a systematic, multidisciplinary study of environmental science, with a focus on the basic issues: the main environmental impacts and how to understand and deal with them. The questions are illustrated with cases from the Baltic Sea region. The course treats both natural and social sciences and prepares the student to place environmental problems in their appropriate social context. The parts of the course are background of environmental science; the major environmental impacts; environmental policy instruments and international cooperation; and environmental management and technology of environmental protection. Literature and course materials: The following chapters of the textbook Environmental Science are included in the basic reading list: The environmental dilemma (Chapter 1); How the world works – the material flows (Chapter 2); and Ecology (Chapter 3). Landscape change (Chapter 7); Biological change (Chapter 8); and eutrophication (parts of Chapter 9); Atmospheric changes (Chapter 10); Air pollution (parts of Chapter 11); Metal flows (parts of Chapter 12); Industrial pollutants (parts of chapter 13); Toxicology (Chapter 14); and Distribution, interaction, longevity of environmental impact (Chapter 15). Ecological economics (Chapter 19); Environmental Law (parts of Chapter 20); Environmental behaviour and ethics (Chapter 21); Environmental politics (Chapter 22); and International cooperation (parts of Chapter 23); Environmental engineering (part of Chapter 16); Water management (parts of chapter 17); Soil and Solid waste management (parts of Chapter 18); Environmental management (Chapter 24); and Sustainable Development (Chapter 25). English for Environmental Science: EES Though English today is the lingua franca for international cooperation it is still sometimes difficult for the environmentalists of the Baltic Sea region to communicate effectively with their colleagues from other countries. This course will develop the language skills for all environmentalist interested in the Baltic Sea region, ecology and neighbouring fields. The course contains both highly technical material and texts introducing the reader into the field of environmental issues. Literature and course materials: The textbook English for Environmental Science. A film is available on vhs or dvd. 13 courses Area Studies Introduction The Area Studies courses are undergraduate courses that treat the Baltic Sea region and its societies under eight headings: history, culture, languages, democracy, multiculturality, social conditions, economics, and security. The courses deal mostly with the conditions in the region after the systems change in 1989-91. Regional development is in focus with emphasis on democracy, human rights and economics. The full course, The Baltic Sea Region (15 ECTS), consists of two parts: Peoples of the Baltic (7.5 ECTS) and Regional Development and the Baltic Sea Region (7.5 ECTS). The individual parts can be studied as separate courses. All three courses use the same textbook: The Baltic Sea Region – Cultures, Politics, Societies. Aim of the courses The aim of the courses is to get to know the Baltic Sea region, its countries, peoples, and history, and give the students a tool for dealing with problems of peaceful coexistence and sustainable development in the Baltic Sea region, as well as a general understanding of the problems of regional development. Recommended student background The courses are directed to students with an interest in the Baltic Sea region and in understanding and analysing problems related to peaceful coexistence and sustainable development in the Baltic Sea region. The Area Studies courses may fit both in the first and later part of the university studies. English is a prerequisite for students participating in common seminars. Mentor Prof. Witold Maciejewski, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland. AS courses The Baltic Sea Region: AS12 (15 ECTS) The first part of the course treats area studies of the Baltic Sea region, including the following topics: Description of the region and its countries, landscapes, resources and economies; History of the region, with its early history as well as the 19th century nationalism, Nazism, and Stalinism, Cold War; The peoples and migrations, majorities, minorities, majority-minority relationships, multicultural societies, minority rights; Cultures, religions, languages with the four main language groups, minority languages, the major religions; Internationalisation and region building, peace and security, trade and economic development and international institutions The second part introduces studies on state formation and political region building, especially the different roles of the national state, governance and democratisation, and the local and regional levels. Region building and creation of common regional institutions is treated as an essential part of peace and security development. The Baltic Sea region is further discussed in the context of sustainable development with the use of natural resources and economic development as key components, and connected environmental impacts and social development. Theoretical aspects of regional development and sustainable development concludes the course. 14 courses Literature and course materials: The textbook The Baltic Sea Region – Cultures, Politics, Societies. 8 booklets about Peoples of the Baltic – an earlier, shorter version of the textbook. A series of 11 films about Peoples of the Baltic. Selected parts from other sources, depending on local course structure. Peoples of the Baltic: AS1 (7.5 ECTS) The aim of the course is to get to know the Baltic Sea region, its countries, peoples, history, and cultures and give the students a tool for dealing with problems of peaceful coexistence, especially issues of democracy, human rights and minority right, and a general understanding of the societies in the region. The course content includes the following topics: Description of the region and its countries, landscapes, resources and economies; History of the region, with its early history, (Vikings, Hansa, the Baltic empires, Danish, Swedish, Russian, Prussian) as well as the 19th century nationalism, Nazism, and Stalinism, Cold War; Cultures, religions, languages with the four main language groups, minority languages, the major religions; Majorities, minorities, and majority-minority relationships; Multicultural societies, minority rights and human rights; Democracy and democratic developments; Internationalisation and region building, peace and security. Literature and course materials: The textbook The Baltic Sea Region – Cultures, Politics, Societies, selected chapters. 8 booklets about Peoples of the Baltic – an earlier, shorter version of the textbook. A series of 11 films about Peoples of the Baltic. Regional Development and the Baltic Sea Region: AS2 (7.5 ECTS) The aim of the course is to get a general understanding of the problems of regional development as illustrated by the Baltic Sea region, its countries, peoples, and history, and give the students a tool for dealing with problems of peaceful coexistence and sustainable development. The course content includes the following topics: Basic concepts of geography and regionality; State formation and political region building (early state formation; the conglomerate state; the national state; governance and democratisation; the role of the state; local and regional levels, region building and peace and security); Natural resources and economic development (energy, agriculture and bio-production, manufacturing, demographic development and its first and second transition, migration); Environmental impacts (environmental protection, carrying capacity; ecological services and footprints); Social development (public health, drugs, crime and social care, child care, elderly care, health care, education, labour market, and unemployment); Theoretical aspects of regional development and sustainable development. Literature and course materials: The textbook The Baltic Sea Region – Cultures, Politics, Societies, selected chapters. Additional literature as requested by specialisation. 15 courses Sustainable Development Introduction The course A Sustainable Baltic Region is an undergraduate course focusing on sustainable development in the Baltic Sea region. Most of the points discussed have however general validity and it is therefore a general introduction to the topic of sustainability. The course deals with the sustainable use and management of natural resources and the long-term protection of the environment. It also deals with the sustainable organisation of human societies from the level of households to those of municipalities, cities and countries. The course is thematic and treats the subject systematically. Important issues in the course are energy and energy use, material flows, economy and ethics, industry-, agronomy-, transport- and community development. Aim of the course The course intends to give an understanding of the requirements for a sustainable development. The course also shows examples on how new models of sustainable management are developed in households, farms, factories and cities. Recommended student background The course is directed to students with an interest in sustainable development in general and the Agenda 21 process and practices in particular. English is a prerequisite for students participating in common seminars. Mentor Prof. Ireneusz Zbicinski, Technical University of Lódż, Poland. SD courses A Sustainable Baltic Region: SD1 (7.5 ECTS) This course is the only one in this package, and the one described above. Literature and course materials The course material consists of 10 booklets. (Available in English, Polish, Russian and Latvian) 1. The road towards sustainability – a historical perspective 2. Energy – from fossil fuels to sustainable energy resources 3. Man and materials flows – towards sustainable materials management 4. Food and fibres – sustainable agriculture, forestry and fishery 5. Sustainable industrial production – waste minimization, cleaner technology and industrial ecology 6. Towards sustainable mobility – transporting people and goods in the Baltic Region 7. Community development – sustainable cities and habitation 8. Ecological Economics – Markets, prices and budgets in a sustainable society 9. The foundations of sustainable development – ethics, law, culture and the physical boundaries 10.From intention to action – implementing sustainable development A series of 10 films about A Sustainable Baltic Region, called Mission Possible. 16 courses Water Management Introduction The Water Management courses are master level courses focusing on questions of sustainable use of water and water resources in the Baltic Sea region. The full course, Sustainable Water Management (15 ECTS), consists of three parts: The Baltic Waterscape (4.5 ECTS), Water Use and Management (4.5 ECTS) and River Basin Management (6 ECTS). The individual parts can be studied as separate courses. The courses consist of lectures, seminars, excursions, and case studies, all accompanied by a series of three textbooks. Since 2003 there is also as an Internet based distance learning course at Uppsala University. The course is open to all students anywhere in the world. Aim of the courses The courses intend to give a professional knowledge on the state of the water resources in the Baltic region, their present use and management, and the challenge of creating sustainable water-use practices in the different countries in the Baltic Sea catchment area. With the use of video-, audio- and data conference systems the participating students engage in common seminars. Recommended student background Students should preferably have a background in e.g., hydrology, geology, physical geography, agronomy, soil science, forestry or environmental engineering; other study areas e.g. biology, law with specialization on water issues etc., may also be relevant. The Water Management courses are best placed in the final part of the studies. Students are recommended to have studied the previous Baltic University Programme courses, in particular The Baltic Sea Environment. English is a prerequisite for students participating in common seminars and for distance learning students. Web support The Water Management courses are offered as distance courses. All material for the courses, including introductions, the literature, interesting Internet links and project tasks are available on the web page (http://www.balticuniv.uu.se/swm/) and can be used by any student. Mentor Assoc. Prof. Lars-Christer Lundin, Uppsala University, Sweden. WM courses Sustainable Water Management:WM123 (15 ECTS) The first part of the course introduces the Baltic basin and its water resources, as well as the basic principles of governing the flows of water at the surface, in the ground, in the lakes and rivers, and of course in the Baltic Sea. The second part deals with principles behind a sustainable management of water use in agriculture, urban areas and industry, including waste water treatment. The third part, dealing with river basin management, describes all stakeholders in a river basin, and how to deal with their different interests and conflicts, and the legal and technical principles for water management in a river basin. 17 courses Literature and course materials: The three Water Management textbooks, The Waterscape, Water Use and Management and River Basin Management. (Available in English and Russian language editions.) Sustainable Water Management – Distance mode:WM123D (15 ECTS) The Sustainable Water Management course is offered in distance mode by Uppsala University. Literature and course materials: All required material is available on the course web page: http://www.balticuniv.uu.se/swm/ The Baltic Waterscape:WM1 (4.5 ECTS) This course treats the waterscape, i.e., water resources such as rivers, lakes, ground water, wetlands and the Baltic Sea with its shore, coastal waters and open sea. Both basic process knowledge and physical, economical, and geographical aspects on the water resources are included. In a first step the student is introduced to the Baltic drainage basin waterscape with its lakes, rivers, coasts, sea and wetlands. In a second step the hydrological cycle and energy balance is treated as they are the basis and limitations of sustainable water management. Finally man is introduced into the system, human impact and how to deal with pollution of waters in the region. Literature and course materials: The textbook The Waterscape. (Available in English and Russian language editions.) Water Use and Management:WM2 (4.5 ECTS) The principles for sustainable water use is discussed on all levels, from the household to the largest scale in agriculture, urban areas and industries, as well as proper pricing, regulation and management in water companies. An important aspect is how to treat waste water in all areas, using waste water treatment plants or ecological techniques. The material discussed is illustrated with several case studies. Literature and course materials: The textbook Water Use and Management. (Available in English and Russian language editions.) River Basin Management:WM3 (6 ECTS) This course treats all activities in a river basin, such as transport, fishing, tourism, nature protection etc, as well as water use in agriculture, urban areas and industry. Stakeholders in a river basin have different and often conflicting interests and the ways to deal with such conflicts are discussed. The course also includes systems for monitoring, planning of remedial activities and management plans. It calls for a holistic view of the catchment, treating e.g. the EC Water Framework Directive and the roles of authorities, legislation and international cooperation. Literature and course materials: The textbook River Basin Management. (Available in English and Russian language editions.) 18 courses Community Development Introduction The Community Development courses are master level courses focusing on sustainable community development and urban planning with an emphasis on the Baltic Sea region. The courses cover both environmental science, social sciences, and architectural and cultural aspects of community development and intends to convey practical knowledge. The courses are interdisciplinary, problem oriented and preparatory for a professional carrier. The variety of subjects shows the complexity in teaching this course, but also possibilities in developing new methods within university education. Cooperation within the university is needed, but also with other institutions in society, e.g. local governments. High priority is given to connecting theoretical research with practical reality in creating a sustainable society. Another aspect is to learn from each other, to spread “best practices”, projects that have been successful. The full course, Sustainable Community Development (15 ECTS), consists of three parts: The City (4.5 ECTS), Building Sustainable Communities (4.5 ECTS) and Sustainable Urban Management (6 ECTS). The individual parts can be studied as separate courses. The courses consist of lectures, seminars, excursions, and case studies. The courses are supported by the Baltic University Programme through teacher conferences, student conferences, and possibilities to arrange audio-, video- and computer conferences using information and communication technologies. Study groups are encouraged to organize at least one conference with students in another country. Aim of the courses The courses intend to give students an understanding of the requirements for a sustainable community development, and how to introduce strategies for sustainable development in urban management. The courses also aim to introduce the thinking and working developed by the United Nations Habitat conferences, as well as the UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro 1992, and the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in Johannesburg in 2002. The courses intend to promote good examples on how new models of sustainable management are developed and the course material has a multitude of examples on such cases from the Baltic Sea region. Recommended Student background The course is directed to students with previous knowledge in relevant fields, such as architecture, landscape architecture, geography or environmental sciences during three years of university studies. English is a prerequisite for students participating in common seminars. Mentor Assoc. Prof. Per G. Berg, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden. CD courses Sustainable Community Development: CD123 (15 ECTS) The focus is on the concepts of sustainability and city development under three main headings. The first deals with the urbanization of the Baltic Sea region and the functions of a city 19 courses including patterns of urbanisation, the city and its citizens, cultures of local administration, urban planning systems, and the concept of the sustainable city. The second part discusses how to build sustainable cities, from the individual buildings to the neighbourhood, with a focus on sustainable architecture, social space, and principles or urban planning, including the rebuilding of industrial, residential, and military areas. The third part introduces an integrated approach to urban management with reference to the use of land (built areas, transport and traffic and green structures), buildings, and inhabitants, with sustainability indicators for the environmental, economic and social fields, project management, economic management (development of economic life, entrepreneurship) and cultural and social development. Literature and course materials: The textbook The City (under production). 4 booklets about Sustainable Community Development, called Superbs Case Studies: 1. Basic Patterns of Sustainability 2. Building and Re-building Sustainable Communities 3. Public Participation and Democracy 4. Urban Environmental Management BUUF Guidebooks 1-10 (under production). A series of 4 films, about Sustainable Community Development, called City 2000. The City: CD1 (4.5 ECTS) The focus is on the concepts of sustainability and city development. This course describes the urbanization of the Baltic Sea region and the functions of a city including patterns of urbanisation, origin and meaning of cities, the city and its citizens. It deals with cultures of local administration such as self-government and local competence, and introduces the concept of the strong municipality. Planning and city growth with urban planning systems, participatory democracy in urban planning. International aspects including the Habitat principles and Agenda 21, and the EU sustainable cities and towns campaign and the Aalborg Charter concludes this course. Literature and course materials: The textbook The City (under production). Superbs Case Studies: 1. Basic Patterns of Sustainability 3. Public Participation and Democracy A series of 4 films, about Sustainable Community Development, called City 2000. Building Sustainable Communities: CD2 (4.5 ECTS) This course deals with how to build sustainable cities from the individual buildings to the neighbourhood, with a focus is on sustainable architecture, social space, and principles or urban planning. The course brings up the concepts of grammar of urban space, social infrastructure and social well-being, models of ideal cities, eco-cities, garden cities, transport strategies. The rebuilding of cities is treated with reference to former industrial, residential, and military areas, along the principles of recycling the built environment. Literature and course materials: Superbs Case Studies: 20 courses 2. Building and Re-building Sustainable Communities BUUF Guidebooks: 4. Urban Green structures and parks (under production). 5. Sustainable transport and traffic planning (under production). 6. Rebuilding the city and Brown field remediation (under production). A series of 4 films, about Sustainable Community Development, called City 2000. Sustainable Urban Management: CD3 (6 ECTS) This course introduces an integrated approach to urban management with reference to the use of land (built areas, transport and traffic and green structures ), buildings, and inhabitants. Management tools treated include sustainability indicators in the environmental, economic, and social fields, with monitoring, reporting and municipal audits. Project management includes Local Agenda 21, urban-rural cooperation, and developing urban health patterns. Economic management includes development of economic life including entrepreneurship, land values, forms of ownership, and affordable living. The cultural and social development of a city is treated with several examples. Literature and course materials: Superbs Case Studies: 4. Urban Environmental Management BUUF Guidebooks: 1. Urban water management (under production). 2. Urban Energy management (under production). 3. Urban waste management (under production). 7. Urban Economic development (under production). 8. Urban-Rural cooperation (under production). 10.Integrated models of urban management (under production). A series of 4 films, about Sustainable Community Development, called City 2000. 21 courses Environmental Management Introduction The introduction of environmental management approaches in industry and other organisations are of great importance for developing a good environment in the Baltic Sea region. However well functioning possibilities for learning and training environmental management is lacking at many universities and equivalent institutions in particular in the former socialist countries in the region. The full course, Environmental Management (30 ECTS), consists of four parts: Environmental Policy – Legal and Economic Instruments (7.5 ECTS), Cleaner Production – Technologies and Tools for Resource Efficient Production (7.5 ECTS), Product Design and Life Cycle Assessment (7.5 ECTS) and Environmental Management Systems and Certification (7.5 ECTS). The individual parts can be studied as separate courses. This set of four courses on environmental management have been developed to fill this gap. The courses on are master level. They address management in all kinds of organisations, but they are of particular relevance for the industrial sector. They are well adapted for competence development for professionals. Environmental management is seen as a general approach encompassing a long series of issues such as management tools, economic and legal policy instruments, industry related tools such as cleaner production and waste minimisation, but also more traditional tools such as Environmental Impact Assessment, as well as ecodesign, Life Cycle Assessment, certification and green labelling. In the industrial sector technologies for removing pollutants from effluents and flue gases are today enforced by increasing fines and taxes for pollution, and solid waste deposition on landfills, but in the long run this approach has limitations. A simple fact is that too much waste is produced. Technical approaches which address this fundamental fact include ecodesign and cleaner production. The management tools include the systems of ISO 14001 and EMAS introduced to an ever larger extent. University-industry contacts should be used to allow visits on a regular basis to specified industries as part of the studies, and in general stimulate university-industry cooperation. Aim of the courses The courses intend to give comprehensive knowledge of environment management and how to apply management principles and tools in different organisations. A number of best practice cases from the countries in the Baltic Sea region are provided to illustrate how this is done. The four courses together treat how the environmental management is conducted by all stakeholders in a society; by authorities through legal and economic tools, inspection and control in industries e.g.; by product design and cleaner technologies, and by several other organisations using environmental audits and formal systems such as ISO 14001 and EMAS. The goal is to give the students an understanding of how to reduce environmental impact and make production more economic . The full course Environmental Management provides a platform for professional work in environmental management in all parts of society, such as industry, authorities, municipalities etc., or further studies in the area. Recommended student background The students may have backgrounds in either technologies and engineering studies, (especially courses EM2 and EM3) in natural science studies, in economics/management or social/political sciences (especially EM1 and EM4). Secondary school science is, however, recommended as a minimum level in all courses. 22 courses The environmental management courses are normally best placed in the latter part of the university studies. English is a prerequisite for students participating in common seminars. Mentor Prof. Linas Kliucininkas, Kaunas University of Technology, Kaunas, Lithuania. EM courses Environmental Policy – Legal and Economic Instruments: EM1 (7.5 ECTS) This course describes legal and economic policy instruments, including environmental impact assessment, environmental legislation permits, and inspections and controls. The role of inspections, both for control and in consultation to improve environmental performance in a company, is discussed. The environmental fines and taxes, although mostly of national concern, are studied. The EU legislation is treated in some detail as well as the most important national legislation. Literature and course materials: The textbook Environmental Policy – Legal and Economic Instruments, with the three sections Directives, Good Practice of Inspection and Case Studies. The accompanying CD including films, exercises and additional documents. Cleaner Production – Technologies and Tools for Resource Efficient Production: EM2 (7.5 ECTS) Cleaner technologies is used in production processes where pollution is minimized at the source, and efficiency of resource use is carefully provided. Implementation of cleaner technologies not only improves environmental performance, it also improves economic viability and the work environment. The course is mostly technically oriented and reviews the major technologies used in the field, such as membrane and chromatographic technologies, as well as the needed monitoring and analytic components. Important topics are reduction of energy use, reduction and recycling of process water or solvents, and efficient use of resources, including source reduction. It explains environmental audits as a method to introduce cleaner technologies. Finally industrial ecology is discussed. It intends to make all waste or side material flows useful as resources in new contexts, mostly by cooperation between different industries. Literature and course materials: The textbook Cleaner Production – Technologies and Tools for Resource Efficient Production, with the two sections Cleaner Production Practices and Case Studies. The accompanying CD including films, exercises and additional documents. Product Design and Life Cycle Assessment: EM3 (7.5 ECTS) A major aspect on environmental impact in society are the products which leave the factories. Many products are today major polluters, e.g. due to packaging, to improper material choice, due to a high energy requirement or for a series of other reasons. Product design intends to look systematically at these questions and remove the environmentally damaging properties of 23 courses products. The course on product design is therefore an essential component in the education in environmental management. The course focuses on so called ecodesign (green design) and its quantitative aspects. Life Cycle Assessment or analysis, LCA, of products and life cycle management strategies e.g. in development of infrastructure in society constitute the major part of the course. Other qualitative measures treated are material flows, MF, analysis, and MIPS (Material Input Per Service unit). It also discusses the topic of producers responsibility and extended producers responsibility, and introduces Integrated Product Policy in the European Union. Literature and course materials: The textbook Product Design and Life Cycle Assessment, with the two sections LCA Applications and Case Studies. The accompanying CD including software, films, exercises and additional documents. Environmental Management Systems and Certification: EM4 (7.5 ECTS) The basis of environmental management is the systematic review, or audit, of an activity in an organisation, industry, or business and to map environmental impact and resource use. The course describes how this is done in companies, organization or institution and introduces a series of tools to work with, to reduce impact. The practicalities of introducing ISO 14001 and EMAS certification are described. Environmental audit and certification not only of manufacturing industries but equally of other organisations, from small service companies to e.g. universities and even cities, are part of this course. Literature and course materials: The textbook Environmental Management Systems and Certification, with the two sections Tools and Case Studies. The accompanying CD including tools, films, exercises and additional documents. 24 courses Mentors and assistants BUP regional mentors and assistants 2008-2009 Environmental Science Prof. Pawel Migula (Mentor) University of Silesia Dept. of Animal Physiology and Ecotoxicology ul. Bankowa 9, 40-007 Katowice, Poland T: +48-32-359 11 74 F: +48-32-258 77 37 migula@us.edu.pl Water Management Prof. Lars-Christer Lundin (Mentor) Uppsala University Dept. of Earth Sciences, Air and Water Science Villavägen 16, 752 36 Uppsala, Sweden T: +46-18-471 22 64 F: +46-18-55 11 24 lars-christer.lundin@hyd.uu.se Dominika Stygar (Assistant) University of Silesia Dept. of Animal Physiology and Ecotoxicology ul. Bankowa 9, 40-007 Katowice, Poland T/F: +48-32-258 77 37 dstygar@us.edu.pl Lars Hylander (Assistant) Uppsala University Dept. of Earth Sciences, Air and Water Science Villavägen 16, 752 36 Uppsala, Sweden T: +46 -18-471 22 65 lars.hylander@hyd.uu.se Area Studies Prof. Witold Maciejewski (Mentor) Adam Mickiewicz University Dept. of Scandinavian and Baltic Studies Al. Niepodleglosci 4, 61-874 Poznan, Poland T: +48-61-829 35 87 F: +48-61-853 73 24 witmacie@amu.edu.pl Community Development Assoc. Prof. Per G. Berg (Mentor) Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Dept. of Landscape Planning, Ultuna P.O. Box 7012, 750 07 Uppsala, Sweden T: +46-18-67 25 13 F: +46-18-67 35 12 per.berg@lpul.slu.se Dr Szymon Bruzewicz (Assistant) szybru@hyg.am.wroc.pl Environmental Management Assoc. Prof. Linas Kliucininkas (Mentor) Kaunas University of Technology Dept. for Environmental Engineering Radvilenu Str. 19, LT-502 54 Kaunas, Lithuania T: +370-37-35 10 08 F: +370-37-30 01 52 linas.kliucininkas@ktu.lt Sustainable Development Prof. Ireneusz Zbicinski (Mentor) Technical University of Lódż Faculty of Process and Environmental Engineering ul.Wolczanska 213, PL-93-005 Lódż, Poland T: +48-42-631 37 73 F: +48-42-636 49 23 zbicinsk@mail.p.lodz.pl Katarzyna Zykwinska (Assistant) Technical University of Lódż Faculty of Process and Environmental Engineering ul.Wolczanska 213, PL-93-005 Lódż, Poland T: +48-42-631 36 76 F: +48-42-636 49 23 zykwinsk@mail.p.lodz.pl 25 Dalia Jankunaite (Assistant) Kaunas University of Technology Dept. for Environmental Engineering Radvilenu Str. 19, LT-502 54 Kaunas, Lithuania T: +370-37-30 01 82 F: +370-37-30 01 52 dalia.jankunaite@ktu.lt courses A Teacher’s Checklist for Organizing a Course I. General The BUP course is given by each university. The Baltic University Programme provides the material and networking services. These are general guidelines for the organization of a course. It should, however, be stressed that each institution is encouraged to develop its own BUPcourse. Certain aspects may be of particular interest for the institution, such as guest lectures, study visits, projects, etc. in connection to the course. II. Student registration and recruitment Students register at their own university, which takes on the responsibility for offering, planning and advertising the course. Each university will find its own way to recruit students. The university provides course statistics to the national BUP centre. III. General course description 1. Seminars, lectures and networking As part of the course, we recommend each participating university to organize seminars under the guidance of an experienced teacher. During the seminars students have the opportunity to discuss and ask questions regarding the content of the course literature and video material. As the courses are interdisciplinary, it is necessary to involve academic teachers from several disciplines. International contacts with other student groups and teachers within the BUP network should be considered as an integrated part of the course. This networking is done through e-mail contacts or through the use of computer-, audio-, or video-conferences. 2. Course literature Books and booklets constitute compulsory literature for the courses. They present the current situation of the different topics discussed in the courses. The course literature also deepens the topics presented in the video-sessions, and gives further information in particular maps, diagrams, tables etc. 3.Video tapes Several hours of video material is available for the courses. The tapes contain cases and expert discussions which focus on the contents of the courses. The tapes can be used as such, selectively or in any combination. 4. Student reports Many universities require students to write reports on selected topics. We encourage this and suggest that they should be written in English. For the courses at masters level, written reports are compulsory. These reports are preferably written in a cooperation between students from different countries. 5. Teachers mentors Each BUP course package has a mentor and assistant, who are prepared to answer questions from teachers about the contents of the courses, the networking and examinations. The mentors are valuable resources in the evaluation and development of the courses. The larger courses also have national coordinators. 26 courses IV. Language All material is produced in English. The use of an international language is at the same time a tool in the efforts to facilitate communication and internationalisation in university education. The literature for the Baltic Sea Environment course has been translated into Russian and Polish, The Sustainable Baltic Region has been translated into Russian, Polish and Latvian and Sustainable Water Management has been translated into Russian. V. Academic credit and course level At universities using the credit system, the courses are assigned ECTS credits. The undergraduate courses are designed to be accessible to a wide range of interested students without special knowledge of the subject. The masters level courses are designed as masters level courses. ECTS (European credit transfer system) documents have been prepared for each course and are available at the BUP Secretariat or through the Baltic University web page. VI. Examination and diploma A written examination will be arranged at the end of the course. About one half of the questions of the examination will be common for the entire region, and these will be distributed in advance. The other half are made locally, covering issues of particular local relevance. It is recommended that international contacts through networking are considered part of the course curriculum. For students passing the examination a BUP diploma will be issued on request. The diploma will be signed by the Baltic University Programme and the university arranging the course. This diploma is a document testifying successful participation in this international course. VII. University agreement for receiving course material Universities in the eastern part of the region will be provided with material for the course, free of charge. Universities giving the course and receiving this material will be required to sign a letter of agreement, specifying the conditions and details of the cooperation with the Baltic University Programme. The agreement form is available trough the national centres and the BUP web pages. Universities in the western part obtain material at cost price. VIII. Price of course material (academic year 07/08) Course Books & booklets Environmental Science SEK 500 Films The Baltic Sea Environment SEK 40 each (10 booklets) SEK 250 each (series of 14) English for Environmental Science SEK 150 SEK 200 The Baltic Sea Region SEK 375 Peoples of the Baltic SEK 40 each (8 booklets) SEK 250 each (series of 11) A Sustainable Baltic Region SEK 50 each (10 booklets) SEK 250 each (series of 10) Sustainable Water Management SEK 200 each (3 books) Sustainable Community Development SEK 75 each (4 booklets) Environmental Management SEK 350 each (4 books) SEK 200 each (series of 4) For information on the full range of publications and current prices see the Baltic University Programme web page: http://www.balticuniv.uu.se/webshop/index.htm 27 courses Letters of Agreement Universities in the eastern part of the region will be provided with material for the course, free of charge. Universities giving the course and receiving this material will be required to sign a letter of agreement, specifying the conditions and details of the cooperation with the Baltic University Programme. The agreement form is available trough the national centres and the BUP web page: http://www.balticuniv.uu.se/secretariat/. Universities in the western part obtain material at cost price. ECTS documents The ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) is there to facilitate for students to bring their course credits from one university to another, normally to their home university. This should be particularly easy in the Baltic University Programme since the same courses are offered at many universities. For the credits to be transferred, the two universities have to agree on a ECTS document, with specifies course requirements. ECTS documents have been prepared for each course and are available at the BUP Secretariat or through the Baltic University web page: http://www.balticuniv.uu.se 28 courses Diploma _______________________________________ has this day successfully completed the international course The Baltic Sea Environment The course gives an interdisciplinary overview of the environmental situation in the area of the Baltic Sea Basin, its physical and biological resources, and human environmental impacts. Special emphasis is given to the Baltic Sea itself. Technical, economic and legal tools and future solutions to environmental problems are treated in a regional perspective. The course is organised as an international cooperative programme between universities in the Baltic Sea region coordinated by Uppsala University. It is a university credit course based on a textbook and accompanying TV material. The course focuses on getting to know the environmental situation of the Baltic Sea and its basin, as an introductory study of 5-8 ECTS credits. It brings up the following theme areas: The Baltic Sea Region – geography, societies, and ecology The Baltic Sea – geography, hydrology and environmental situation Life in the Baltic Sea The major environmental threats Eutrophication and air pollution Metal flows, industrial pollutants and toxicology Distribution, interaction and longevity of environmental impact Management and the future of the environment Water management and solid waste management Ecological economics and environmental law International cooperation The course period was concluded by a general written examination. The examination was given by ____________________________ For The Baltic University For Lars Rydén Director The Baltic University Programme 29 courses Publications and Productions Printed Publications Environmental Science Published 2003. Environmental Science: Understanding, protecting and managing the environment in the Baltic Sea Region. Rydén, L., Migula, P., Andersson, M. Baltic University Press, 2003. 824p. ISBN 91-970017-0-8 English for Environmental Science Published 2003. English for Environmental Science Korshuk, E. Baltic University Press, 2003. 166p. ISBN 91-970017-3-2 The Baltic Sea Environment Published 1991-1992, Russian language edition, St Petersburg 1996-97, Polish language edition, Katowicach 1998. 1. Physical geography of the Baltic Håkanson, L. Uppsala University, 1991. 36p. ISBN 91-506-0876-2 2. Life in the Baltic Sea Kautsky, L. Uppsala University, 1991. 36p. ISBN 91-506-0877-0 3. Eutrophication of the Baltic Sea Forsberg, C. Uppsala University, 1991. 32p. ISBN 91-506-0878-9 4. The Baltic region in history Runblom, H., Tydén, M., Carlbäck-Isotalo, H. Uppsala University, 1991. 32p. ISBN 91-506-0888-6 5. Industrial emissions and toxic pollutants Backlund, P., Holmbom, B., Leppäkoski, E. Uppsala University, 1992. 36p. ISBN 91-506-0901-7 6. Toxicology – the environmental impact of pollutants Kihlström, J.E. Uppsala University, 1992. 30p. ISBN 91-506-0902-5 7. Economy and law – environmental protection in the Baltic region Andréasson-Gren, I-M., Michanek, G., Ebbesson, J. Uppsala University, 1992. 40p. ISBN 91-506-0904-1 8. Environmental policy and cooperation in the Baltic region Bergström, G.W. Uppsala University, 1992. 36p. ISBN 91-506-0921-1 9. Water and wastewater management in the Baltic region Hultman, B. Uppsala University, 1992. 36p. ISBN 91-506-0905-X 10.The prospect of a sustainable society Tiberg, N. Uppsala University, 1992. 32p. ISBN 91-506-0922-X The Baltic Sea Region Published 2002. The Baltic Sea Region – Cultures, Politics, Societies Maciejewski, W. Baltic University Press, 2002. 676p. ISBN 91-973579-8-7 Peoples of the Baltic Published 1993-1994, 2nd edition 1995. 1. Meeting place Baltic – On the origin of societies in the Baltic Region Westin, C. Uppsala University, 1993. 40p. ISBN 91-506-1001-5 30 publications and productions 2. Baltic Empires – The Baltic Region in a macro-historical perspective Gerner, K., Karlsson, K-G. Uppsala University, 1993. 40p. ISBN 91-506-1008-2 3. The Multicultural Baltic Region – Peoples, migrations and ethnic coexistence (Part 1) Runblom, H., Roth, H.I. Uppsala University, 1993. 40p. ISBN 91-506-1013-9 4. The Multicultural Baltic Region – Languages, music and religion (Part 2) Gustavsson, S., Ling, J., Tegborg, L. Uppsala University, 1993. 44p. ISBN 91-506-1032-5 5. Democracy in the Baltic Region – Democratic theory and practice Assarson, J., Hadenius, A. Uppsala University, 1994. 36p. ISBN 91-506-1033-3 6. Minority Rights – Human Rights – Legal protection of minorities in the Baltic Region Myntii, K. Uppsala University, 1994. 40p. ISBN 91-506-1039-2 7. Towards a Security Community in the Baltic Region – Patterns of Peace and Conflict Wallensteen, P., Nordqvist, K.-Å., Hagelin, B., Melander, E. Uppsala University, 1994. 40p. ISBN 91-506-1048-1 8. The Future of the Baltic Region – An Analysis of regional development Rydén, L. Uppsala University, 1994. 44p. ISBN 91-506-1055-4 A Sustainable Baltic Region Published 1997, Polish language edition, Katowicach 1999, Russian language edition, Minsk 1999-2000, Latvian language edition, Riga 2001. 1. The road towards sustainability – a historical perspective Sörlin, S. Uppsala University, 1997. 48p. ISBN 91-7005-124-0 2. Energy – from fossil fuels to sustainable energy resources Salay, J. Uppsala University, 1997. 52p. ISBN 91-7005-125-9 3. Man and materials flows – towards sustainable materials management Karlsson, S. Uppsala University, 1997. 52p. ISBN 91-7005-126-7 4. Food and fibres – sustainable agriculture, forestry and fishery Ebbersten, S., Bodin, B. Uppsala University, 1997. 52p. ISBN 91-7005-127-5 5. Sustainable industrial production – waste minimization, cleaner technology and industrial ecology Strahl , J. Uppsala University, 1997. 52p. ISBN 91-7005-128-3 6. Towards sustainable mobility – transporting people and goods in the Baltic Region Tengström, E., Thynell, M. Uppsala University, 1997. 48p. ISBN 91-7005-129-1 7. Community development – sustainable cities and habitation Andersson, H., Berg, P.G. Uppsala University, 1997. 56p. ISBN 91-7005-130-5 8. Ecological Economics – Markets, prices and budgets in a sustainable society Zylicz, T. Uppsala University, 1997. 48p. ISBN 91-7005-131-3 9. The foundations of sustainable development – ethics, law, culture and the physical boundaries Rydén, L. Uppsala University, 1997. 52p. ISBN 91-7005-132-1 10.From intention to action – implementing sustainable development Andersson, M. Uppsala University, 1997. 52p. ISBN 91-7005-133-X 31 publications and productions Sustainable Water Management 2nd edition published 2000, Russian language edition, Minsk 2000. 1. The Waterscape Lundin, L.-C., Uppsala University, 2000. 207p. ISBN: 91-973579-3-6 2. Water Use and Management Lundin, L.-C., Uppsala University, 2000. 240p. ISBN: 91-973579-4-4 3. River Basin Management Lundin, L.-C., Uppsala University, 2000. 244p. ISBN: 91-973579-5-2 Sustainable Community Development – Superbs Case Studies Published 2002-2003. 1. Basic Patterns of Sustainability. Granvik, M., Rydén, L. Baltic University Press, Uppsala 2002. 84p. ISBN 91-970017-0-8 2. Building and Re-building Sustainable Communities. Rydén, L. Baltic University Press, Uppsala 2003. 84p. ISBN 91-070017-4-0 3. Public Participation and Democracy. Rydén, L. Baltic University Press, Uppsala 2003. 52p. ISBN 91-970017-2-4 4. Urban Environmental Management. Rydén, L. Baltic University Press, Uppsala 2003. 72p. ISBN 91-970017-5-9 Environmental Management Published 2006-2007. 1. Environmental Policy – Legal and Economic Instruments. Klemmensen, B., Pedersen, S., Dirckinck-Holmfeld, K.R., Marklund, A., Rydén, L. Baltic University Press, Uppsala 2007. 271p. ISBN 978-91-975526-0-8 2. Cleaner Production – Technologies and Tools for Resource Efficient Production. Nilson, L., Persson, P.O., Rydén, L., Darozhka, S., Zaliauskiene, A. Baltic University Press, Uppsala 2007. 320p. ISBN 978-91-975526-1-5 3. Product Design and Life Cycle Assessment. Zbicinski, I., Stavenuiter, J., Kozlowska, B., van de Coevering, H. Baltic University Press, Uppsala 2006. 309p. ISBN 978-91-975526-2-2 4. Environmental Management Systems and certification. Weiß, P., Bentlage, J. Baltic University Press, Uppsala 2006. 262p. ISBN 978-91-975526-3-9 Film Productions English for Environmental Science Produced 2003. English for Environmental Science (dvd/vhs) Producer: Korshuk, E. The Baltic Sea Environment Produced 1991-1994. 1. What it looks like – Physical Geography of the Baltic Producers: Jan-Olof Fällman, Lars Rydén. Duration: 01.58.40. 2. Life in the Baltic Sea – A Lesson on Ecology Producers: Jan-Olof Fällman, Lars Rydén. Duration: 01.59.56. 3. Too much – Eutrophication of the Baltic Sea Producers: Jan-Olof Fällman, Lars Rydén. Duration: 01.59.49. 32 publications and productions 4. Man and the Baltic Sea: Spacebridge Uppsala-Åbo/Turku-Gdansk Producers: Jan-Olof Fällman, Lars Rydén. Duration: 02.01.19. 5. Industrial Emissions and Toxic Pollutants Producers: Jan-Olof Fällman, Lars Rydén. Duration: 01.59.24. 6. Toxicology: environmental impact of pollutants Producers: Jan-Olof Fällman, Lars Rydén. Duration: 01.59.18. 7. Environmental economy and law Producers: Jan-Olof Fällman, Lars Rydén. Duration: 02.00.24. 8. The Future of the Baltic Sea: Space bridge Uppsala-Riga-Copenhagen Producers: Jan-Olof Fällman, Lars Rydén. Duration: 02.00.00. 9. Water and Waste water Management in the Baltic Region Producers: Jan-Olof Fällman, Lars Rydén. Duration: 02.00.33. 10.The prospect of a Sustainable society Producers: Jan-Olof Fällman, Lars Rydén. Duration: 02.00.23. 11.Environmental Project ”The Baltic Sea” Producers: Team Jelbe Productions AB, Lars Rydén. Duration: 01.31.15. 12.Environment, economy, health and politics: Spacebridge Helsinki-Warsaw Producers: Ulla Oksanen, Uffe Wikström, Lars Rydén. Duration: 02.18.28. 13.Save the Sea (In cooperation with The Swedish Educational Broadcasting Company, UR) Producers: Jan Olof Fällman, Lars Rydén. Duration: 01.39.35. 14.The Future of the Baltic Sea: Spacebridge Tallinn-Bleckede Producers: Uffe Wikström, Lars Rydén, Thomas Pellgaard, Peter Ocskay. Duration: 01.59.14. • The Baltic Sea in danger (Summary of the series "The Baltic Sea Environment"). Producer: Magnus Lehman. Duration: 0.32.00. • Man and the Baltic Sea (A short summary of the series "The Baltic Sea Environment") Producer: Magnus Lehman. Duration: 0.06.50 Peoples of the Baltic Produced 1993-95. • Introducing the peoples of the Baltic Region Producer: Lars Rydén. Duration: 02.31.24. 1. Meetingplace Baltic: On the origin of societies in the Baltic Region Producers: Uffe Wikström, Lena Ahlgren, Lars Rydén. Duration: 01.30.40. 2. The Baltic Empires: History of the Baltic Region Producers: Lars Rydén, Barbara Walecka, Uffe Wikström, Wojciech Jankowski. Duration: 01.40.04. 3. Multicultural Baltic: Peoples, languages and ethnic coexistence in the Baltic Region Producers: Uffe Wikström, Lena Ahlgren, Lars Rydén. Duration: 01.32.23. 4. Cooperation in a Region of Diversity: Spacebridge Uppsala-Sankt Petersburg Producers: Uffe Wikström, Lena Ahlgren, Lars Rydén. Duration: 02.02.21. 5. Democracy in the Baltic Region Producers: Uffe Wikström, Lena Ahlgren, Péter Ocskay. Duration: 01.39.00. 6. Minority Rights – Human Rights: Legal protection of minorities in the Baltic Region Producers: Uffe Wikström, Lena Ahlgren, Péter Ocskay. Duration: 01.29.40. 7. Security in the Baltic Region: Towards a Security Community in the Baltic Region Producers: Uffe Wikström, Lena Ahlgren, Péter Ocskay. Duration: 01.40.04. 8. The Future of the Baltic Region: Report from a Baltic University Student Conference Producers: Uffe Wikström, Lena Ahlgren, Péter Ocskay. Duration: 01.44.52. 9. Report from the Baltic Region: March 1995 Producers: Uffe Wikström, Annika Jakobsson, Péter Ocskay. Duration: 01.32.43. 33 publications and productions 10.Developing democracy in the Baltic Region: Report from a Baltic University Student Conference (Åbo/Turku, April 1-4, 1995) Producers: Uffe Wikström, Peter Ocskay. Duration: 01.47.56. A Sustainable Baltic Region – Mission Possible Produced 1997 by Peter Ocskay. 1. What have we done to the Earth? Duration: 0.48.37. 2. Oil addiction? Duration: 0.46.51. 3. Do not waste Duration: 0.39.33. 4. The countryside and the food on our table Duration: 0.41.44. 5. Chimneys without smoke Duration: 0.49.33. 6. Transport society Duration: 0.47.30. 7. A sustainable living Duration: 0.42.30. 8. Money decides… Duration: 0.45.39. 9. Can we choose our future? Duration: 0.43.58. 10.From intention to action Duration: 0.43.58. Sustainable Community Development – City 2000 Produced 2001-2002. 1. City Development and Sustainability. Content: Uppsala – the history of a city. Hågaby eco-village – six resources for sustainability. Re-building Tartu – old environments for new users. Producers: Magnus Lehman, André Maslennikov, Tiina Rebane. Duration: 01.26.40. 2. The City and it’s Inhabitants. Content: Be proud of your city – art and housing in Hällefors. Work and economy in Livani – citizens building their society. Searching the roots – the re-development of Jelgava. Producers: Aulis Syväjärvi, Uldis Cekulis. Duration: 01.24.00. 3. Managing the City. Content: Environmental management in Turku – sustainable nutrient flows. Health in Kaunas – creating a healthy city life. Past and future of Novgorod – preserving the cultural heritage. Producers: Rikard Thölix, Renata Urbanaviciute, Igor Krasilnikov. Duration: 01.30.00. 4. Building a Sustainable City. Content: Housing of today – building a sustainable city. Producers: Pawel Czarzasty. Duration: 00.33.00. Other Productions Produced 2003 by Magnus Lehman. Sailing with Pogoria (dvd/vhs) Duration: 0.35.00. 34 publications and productions Directory 2008/2009 This directory lists persons active in the Programme as teachers, researchers or in other capacities, such as in applied projects. The directory has three parts – universities and other institutes of higher learning, cities and local authorities, and other partners. The larger university directory is organised in alphabetic order according to countries, universities and family names. Abbreviations (see below) after the persons’ names indicate courses or projects. Since it is quite difficult to keep the directory updated, we welcome corrections to the address: info@balticuniv.uu.se. New information, especially about courses and projects, are continuously entered on the web page: http://www.balticuniv.uu.se. Abbreviations: AS12............................................................... The Baltic Sea Region AS1....................................................................Peoples of the Baltic AS2................Regional Development and the Baltic Sea Region BUP........................................... The Baltic University Programme BUUF.....................................The Baltic University Urban Forum CD123..............................Sustainable Community Development CD1........................................................................................ The City CD2.......................................... Building Sustainable Communities CD3...............................................Sustainable Urban Management EM1234............................................... Environmental Management EM1...............................Policy Instruments for Env. Management EM2....................................Cleaner Production and Technologies 35 directory EM3..........................Product Design and Life Cycle Assessment EM4........................ Env. Management Systems and Certification ES12...............................................................Environmental Science ES1........................................................The Baltic Sea Environment ES2...................................................... Basic Environmental Science EES............................................ English for Environmental Science SD1....................................................... A Sustainable Baltic Region WM123........................................Sustainable Water Management WM1............................................................. The Baltic Waterscape WM2................................................. Water Use and Management WM3......................................................... River Basin Management Universities and other Institutes of higher learning Belarus Academy of Business Administration, Minsk Dept. of Economic of Enterprises Kopitsia,Vladimir, Dr. (ES12) T: +375-17-2939129, F: +375-17-3313049 v_stack@rambler.ru Moskovskaya Str. 17, BY-220007, Minsk Martyniuk, Svetlana, Mrs. (SD1,ES1) T: +375-17-2939129, F: +375-17-3313049 belnet@bntu.by Ermolenkov,Victor, Dr ( SD1,ES1) T: +375-17-2804057, F:+375-17-2202580 ermolenkov@yandex.ru Belarusian Agricultural Academy, Gorki Dept. of International Relations Michurin str., 5, BY-231410 Mogilev region, Gorki Naskova, Svetlana, Dr T; +375-2233-59456/56030 naskova@mail.ru Dept. of Economical Theories Michurin str., 5, BY-231410 Mogilev region, Gorki Skazetskaja, Iryna, Dr (SD1,ES1,CD123) T: + 375-2233-59390, F: + 375-2233-51420 lodova_o@mail.by Belarusian National Technical University, Minsk Dept. of International Relations Nezavisimosti av.65, BY-220013 Minsk Yarmak Yulian, Dr T: +375-17-2924202/2927426, F:+375-17-2939352 icd@bntu.by Dept. of Ecology F. Skaryna Ave. 65, BY-220 027 Mins Belskaya,Galina, Ms (ES12,SD1) T: +375-17-2939129, F: +375-17-3313049 gbelskaja@mail.ru Blagoveshchenskaya, Tatsiana, Ms (SD1,ES1,LCA) T: +375-17-2939129, F: +375-17-3313049 Tanya@belpak.by Darozhka, Siarhei, Dr (BUP-Centre,SD1, ES12,EM4,EM2) T: +375-17-2939129, F: +375-17-3313049 dorozhko@bntu.by belnet@bntu.by Kalach, Anatol, Student representative anatolka13@gmail.com Karpenko, Irina, Ms (ES12, SD1) T: +375-17-2939129, F: +375-17-3313049 kairinka@tut.by 36 Yuschenko, Luydmila, Mrs (AS2) T:+375-17-2909949/2625545, F:+375-17-2909949 ecotop@tut.by Dept. of English Language Pinchuk, Irina, Mrs (EES) T:+375-17-3314052 Dept. of History Nezavisimosti av.65, 220027 Minsk Bagdanovich, Elena, Dr (AS1) T: +375-17-3311088 Elena_bogh@mail.ru Balandin, Konstantin, Dr T: +375-17-2923504 Dept. of Water Resources Nezavisimosti av.65, BY-220013 Minsk Kazanli, Elena, Mrs (WM123) T: +375-17-2029749/+375-17-2677174, F: +375-17-267-98-08 kazanli@tut.by Kuleshova, Ludmila, Dr (WM123) T: +375-17-2029749/+375-17-2677174, F: +375-17-267-98-08 ivfess@mail.ru Vabishchevich, Ivan, Mr (WM123) T: +375-17-2029749/+375-17-2677174, F: +375-17-267-98-08 ivfess@mail.ru Faculty .of Architecture Nezavisimosti av.65, BY-220013 Minsk Baranets, Georgui, Dr (BUUF, AS2) T: +375-17-2649923 baranets@infonet.by Belarusian-Russian University Dept. of Life Activity Safety Mira av. 43, BY-212005 Mogilev Galuzhin, Aleksandr, Mr (CD123) T: + 375-222-225313 daniel_24@rambler.ru directory – universities and institutes of higher learning Belarus Galuzhin, Sergei, Dr (ES1, SD1) T: + 375-222-222450, F: + 375-222 225821 daniel_24@rambler.ru Belarusian State EconomicUniversity, Minsk Dept. of Environmental Economy Partizanski av., 26, BY-220070, Minsk Pankrutskaya, Larisa, Dr (SD1) T: +375-17-2496038/2495106 pankrut@km.ru Shimova Olga, Prof (SD1) T: +375-17-2938614/2932387 schimova@rambler.ru Belarusian State Medical University, Minsk Dept. of Ecology and Radiomedicine Dzerzinski str. 83, BY-220116 Minsk Sychick, Sergey, Dr (SD1, ES1) T: +375-17-2065896, F: +375-17-2066019 kimminsk@tut.by Vnukovich, Olga, Assistant (SD1,ES1) T: +375-17-2065896, F: +375-17-2066019 kimminsk@tut.by Dept. of Environmental Economy Sverdlova str.13a, BY-220050 Minsk Neverov, Aleksandr, Prof (SD1) T: +375-17-2276241 Belarusian State University, Minsk Dept. of International Relations Nezavisimosti av.4, BY-220050 Minsk Tihanau,Vladimir T: +375-17-2095224 vtihonov@bsu.by Dept. of Geoecology Nezavisimosti av.4, BY-220050 Minsk Bryleuski, Michail, Dr. (ES1) T:+375-17-2095489, F:+375-17-2095350 bryleuski@bsu.by Yatsukhno,Valentin, Dr. (SD1, ES1,WM123) T:+375-17-2095489, F:+375-17-2095350 yatsukhno@bsu.by Dept. of English and Speech Communication Nezavisimosti av.4, BY-220050 Minsk Korshuk Elena, Dr (EES) T: +375-17-2020002 korshuk@bk.ru Belarusian State Pedagogical University, Minsk Dept. of Basic Biology Faculty of International Relationship Sovetskaya str.18, BY-220050 Minsk Shadurski,Victor, Prof. (AS12) T: +375-17-2840001 shadursky@bsu.by Kulesh,Victor, Dr. T:+375-17-2264765, +375 17 2093703 Belarusian State Technological University, Minsk Dept. of Industrial Ecology Sverdlova str.13a, BY-220050 Minsk Lipik,Vitaliy, Mr (WM123,ES12) T:+375-17-2277451, F:+375-17-2276217 lipikv@yahoo.com Martsul,Vladimir,Dr (SD1,ES1,WM123) T:+375-17-2277451, F:+375-17-2276217 martcul@tut.by Saprikina, Olga, Ms. (WM123,ES12) T:+375-17-2277451, F:+375-17-2276217 samstyko@tut.by Shibeka, Ludmila, Mrs. (WM123,ES12) T:+375-17-2277451, F:+375-17-2276217 samstyko@tut.by 37 Nezavisimosti av.4, BY-220050 Minsk Dept. of Phisical Chemistry Nezavisimosti av.4, BY-220050 Minsk Savitskaya, Tatsiana, Dr. (ES1) T:+375-17-2095544 SavitskayaTA@bsu.by Dept. of General Geography Nezavisimosti av. 4, BY-220050 Minsk Lopukh, Peter, Prof. (ES1, SD1) lopuch@bsu.by Belarusian State University of Culture, Minsk Dept. of Social Pedagogic Rabkorovskaya str.,17, BY-220001 Minsk Samersova, Nadezhda, Dr. T/F: +375-17-2228343 daiko@inbox.ru directory – universities and institutes of higher learning Belarus Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, Minsk Dept. of Ecology Brest State University Dept. of Physical Geography and Nature Protection Kosmonavtov blvd, 21, BY-224016 Brest P.Brovki Str.6, BY-220013,Minsk Maroz,Valeriy, Mr (SD1) T:+375-29-7536381 Kirvel, Ivan, Prof (SD1) T:+375-17-2938614/2932387 Kirviel@yandex.ru Mikhalchuk, Nikolai, Dr. (SD1, SWM123) T: +375-162-264200 Belarusian State University of Transport, Gomel Dept. of Ecology and Water Resources Kirova str.,34, BY-246653 Gomel Detsuk,Valeria, Dr. (AS12,ES1, WM123) T: +375-232-953379, F:+375-232-774483 mvs555@mail.ru Novikova, Olga, Mrs (WM123) T: +375-232-953379, F:+375-232-774483 up@belsut.gomel.by Vostrova, Regina, Dr. (AS12,ES1) T: +375-232-953379, F:+375-232-774483 up@belsut.gomel.by Dept. of Information Technologies Kirova str.,34, BY-246653 Gomel Pshenichnov,Yuriy, Dr. (AS12,ES1, SWM123) T: +375-232-953997 up@belsut.gomel.by Belarusian Trade-Economical University Dept. of Ecology Octyabr av.50, BY-246029 Gomel Golubeva, Tatsiana, Dr. (SD1) T: +375-232-481193 GKI@mail.gomel.by Brest State Technical University Dept. of Water and Heat Supplying Moskovskaja str. 267, BY-224017 Brest Zhitenev, Boris, Dr. (SD1, ES1) T: + 375-162-420258, F: + 375-162-422127 Faculty of Biology Kosmonavtov blvr., 21, BY-224016 Brest Tarasiuk, Aleksandr, Dr. T:+375-162-230133 bio@brsu.brest.by Gomel State University Dept. of Zoology Sovetskaya str.,108, BY-246019 Gomel Rassashko, Inna, Dr. T: +375-232-567561 Gomel State Technical University Dept. of Ecology and Industrial Heat and Energy October av.48, BY-246746 Gomel Ovsyannik, Natalia, Dr. (SD1, AS12,WM123) T: +375-232-483579, F: +375-232-479165 ovsiannik@tut.by Grodno State Agricultural University Dept. of International Relations Tereshkova str.,28, BY-230008 Grodno Morozova, Dina, Dr. (SD1,ES1) T:+ 375-152-770432, F:+375-152-721365 intre@uni.afro-grodno.com Faculty of Soil, Science, Agro Chemistry and Ecology Tereshkova str.,28, BY-230008 Grodno Borodin, Pavel, Dr. (SD1,ES1) T:+ 375-152-770432, F:+375-152-721365 intre@uni.afro-grodno.com Dept. of Engineering Ecology Grodno State Medical University Dept. of Ecology Moskovskaja str. 267, BY-224017 Brest Gorki str.,80, BY-230015 Grodno Burko, Oksana, Ms T: +375-162-420463 Orlova, Elena, Dr. (SD1,ES1) T: +375-152-435752, F: + 375-152-435341 barsw@grsmu.by Yalovaya, Natalia, Ms T:+ 375-162-422351 38 directory – universities and institutes of higher learning Belarus Grodno State University Yanka Kupala Dept. of International Relations Ozesko str.,22, BY-230023 Grodno Solovieva, Nataliya T: +375-152-731954 n.salauylva@grsu.by Dept. of Zoology and Physiology of Humans and Animals Ozesko str.,22, BY-230023 Grodno Maglysh, Sabina, Dr (SD1,ES1,ES12) T: + 375-152-443399 cie@grsu.grodno.by Yanchurevich, Olga, Ms. (SD1, ES1) T/F: + 375-152-785002 yanch@grsu.by oyanch@mail.ru Institute of Modern Knowledge Dept. of Economy and Ecology Filimonava Str., 69, BY-220023, Minsk Bubnov Vladlen, Prof (SD1) T: +375-29-6462971 International Institute of Labor and Social Relations, Minsk Dept. of Management and Marketing Dept. of Environmental management Dolgobrodskaya str.,23, BY-220009 Minsk Rodzkin, Aleh, Dr.(ES12) T:+375-17-2245135/+375-17-2244311, F: +375-17-2306897 aleh.rodzkin@rambler.ru Dept. of Environmental monitoring Dolgobrodskaya str.,23, BY-220009 Minsk Kulakovskaya, Tamara, Prof. (SD1,ES1) T:+375-17-2245135/+375-17-2244311, F: +375-17-2306897 Mogilev State Technological University Dept. of Ecology Shmidta av.3, BY-220027 Mogilev Tsap,Vasilij, Dr. (SD1, ES1) T: + 375-222-415633 Mogilev State University Dept. of Chemistry Kosmonavtov str., 1, BY-212022 Mogilev Pakhomenko, Andrei, Mr (SD1, AS12) T: + 375-222-263117 Mozyr State Pedagogical University Faculty of foreign language Kazintsa str.,21-3, BY-220099 Minsk Studencheskaya str.,28, BY-247760 Gomel region, Mozyr Gavrilko, Galina, Dr. (SD1) T: +375-29-7784905 galina_gavrilko@list.ru Fedorova, Nadezhda, Dr (SD1) T: +375-2351-30676 fedarava@yandex.ru Patapenka, Nataliya, Dr. T: +375-17- 2781589 mitso@iilsr.minsk.by Polotsk State University Dept. of Pipe Line Transport and Hydraulic Vetrova, Nataliya, Dr (SD1) T: +375-29-7625664 Yakushev, Ivan, Dr (SD1) T: +375-29-7633641 International Sakharov Environmental University, Minsk Dept. of International Relations Dolgobrodskaya str.,23, BY-220009 Minsk Blokhina str.,29, BY-211440 Novopolotsk Komarovski, Dmitryi, Dr (SD1, WM123) T:+ 375-214-551732, F: + 375-214-517750 Lipski,Vladimir, Prof (SD1, WM123, ES12 ) T: + 375-214-555079 v.lipski@mail.ru Spiridenok, Lyudmila Dr. (SD1, WM123, ES12) T:+ 375-214-551732, F: + 375-214-517750 pltrans@psu.unibel.by Bulygina, Tamara, Ms T: +375-17-2306885 interdepart@mail.ru Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine Dept. of International Relations UNESCO Dept. 1st Dovatora str., 7-11, BY-210026 Vitebsk Dolgobrodskaya str.,23, BY-220009 Minsk Goncharova, Nadezhda, Prof (SD1,ES1) T:+375-17-2245135/+375-17-2244311, F: +375-17-2306897 nadya_goncharova@yahoo.com 39 Medvedskiy,Vladimir, Dr T: + 375-212-372446 directory – universities and institutes of higher learning Czech Republic Czech University of Life Sciences Department of Land Use and Improvement Kamycka 129, CZ-165 21 Prague 620, Czech Republic Kovar, Pavel Prof.Dr. (vice-Rector) T: +420-224 382 148, F: +420-234 381 848 kovar@fzp.czu.cz Brno University of Technology Faculty of Civil Engineering Department of Landscape Water Management 17 Zizkova Street, CZ-602 00 Brno, Czech Republic Kralova, Helena, PhD., Ing. T: +420-541 147 776 kralova.h@fce.vutbr.cz 40 University of Ostrava Faculty of Natural Sciences Department of Biology and Ecology 30. dubna 22, CZ-701 03 Ostrava, Czech Republic Duriš, Zdenek, Doc. RNDr. CSc. T: +420-59-7092316 Zdenek.Duris@osu.cz VSB-Technical University of Ostrava Faculty of Mining and Geology The Institute of Environmental Engineering 17. listopadu 15, CZ-70833, Ostrava-Poruba, Czech Republic Labodova, Alena Ph.D. T: +420-59-732 55 40, F: +420-59-6918 589 alena.labodova@vsb.cz directory – universities and institutes of higher learning Denmark Roskilde University centre Dept of Social Sciences Postbox 260, DK-4000 Roskilde Aage, Hans Prof. (AS1) T: +45-46-742458 F: +45-46-743080 hansaa@ruc.dk Greve, Bent Prof. (AS1, SD1) T: +45-46-742585 F: +45-46-756618 bgr@ruc.dk Klemmensen, Børge Lektor T: +45-46742490 /46742408 bklemme@ruk.dk Technical University of Denmark Dept of Technology and Social Sciences Building 303, DK-2800 Lyngby Jørgensen, Michael Søgaard Assoc. Prof. (SD1) T: +45-45-256024 F: +45-45-881291 msj@ipl.dtu.dk University of Copenhagen Copenhagen Peace Research Institute Fredericiagade 18, DK-1310 Copenhagen Joenniemi, Pertti Prof. (AS1) T: +45-33-326432 F: +45-33-326554 pjoenniemi@copri.dk Dept of Geophysics Dept of Political Science Øster Farimagsgade 5, POB 2099, DK-1014 Copenhagen Jakobsen, Uffe Assoc. Prof. (BUP-Centre, AS1) T: +45-35-323404 F: +45-35-323399 uj@ifs.ku.dk Dept of Scandinavian Studies, Centre for Minority Studies Njalsgade 80, DK-2300 Copenhagen Krag, Helen Assoc. Prof. (AS1) T: +45-35-328336 F: +45-35-328377 krag@hum.ku.dk Institute of Food and Resource Economics Rolighedsvej 25, DK-1958 Frederiksberg C Dietz, Hans Henrik T: +45-353 32952 E-mail: hhd@life.ku.dk Noell, Christian Assoc. Prof. Dr. habil. T: +45-352 82267 cno@life.ku.dk University of Southern Denmark, Sønderborg Dept of Marketing Grundtvigs Allé 150, DK-6400 Sønderborg Cornett, Andreas P. (SD1) T: +45-65-501211 F: +45-65-501292 Cornett@sam.sdu.dk Juliane Maries Vej 30, DK-2100 Copenhagen Walløe Hansen, Aksel Assoc. Prof. (ES1) T: +45-35-320567 F: +45-35-365357 awh@gfy.ku.dk Aalborg University Samfundsudvikling og Planlægning Fibigerstræde 13, DK-220 Aalborg Lassen, Claus T: +45-9635 7207, F: +45-9815 3788 claus@plan.aau.dk 41 directory – universities and institutes of higher learning Estonia Audentes University, Tallinn Rector´s Office Tondi 84, EE-113 16 Tallinn Varendi, Merle Vice Rector T: +372-6-99 65 64 F: +372-6-99 66 00 merle.varendi@audentes.ee Karing, Peeter Vice Rector, Prof. T: +372-6-11 58 02 F: +372-6-11 58 01 Vares, Peeter Vice Rector, Prof. (AS1, SD1) T: +372-6-11 58 03 F: +372-6-11 58 01 vares@hot.ee PÄrnu College Estonian University of life sciences, Tartu Dept. of Economics and Social Science Kreutzwaldi 64, EE-510 14 Tartu Ohvril, Tiiu Lecturer (SD1) T: +372-7-31 30 22 F: +372-7-31 33 00 tohvril@eau.ee Institute of Forestry and Rural Engineering Kreutzwaldi 5, EE-510 14 Tartu Kaimre, Paavo Dr Sc., Director T: +3 727 313 191 paavo.kaimre@emu.ee pkaimre@emu.ee Dept. of International and Public Relations Kreutzwaldi 64, EE-510 14 Tartu Vooremäe, Aret (ES1) T: +372-7-42 28 62 F: +372-7-42 28 62 aret@eau.ee vooremae@eau.ee Dept. of Soil Sciences and Agrochemistry Riia Str. 12, EE-2400 Tartu Reintam, Loit Prof. (ES1) F: +372-7-43 15 73 Ringi 35, EE-800 10 Parnu Raagmaa, Garri Director T: +372-4-45 05 20 F: +372-4-45 05 30 garri@ut.ee Rural Economy Research Centre Jäneda, Tapa vald, EE-73602 Lääne-Virumaa Kendra, Ain T: +372 384 9700, F: +372 384 9701 ain@pmu.ee Tallinn University Institute of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Narva Road 25, EE-101 20 Tallinn Elvisto, Tiina Assoc. Prof. (ES1, SD1) T: +372-6-40 94 19 F: +372-6-40 94 18 elvisto@tpu.ee OR IS IT elvisto@tlu.ee Mankin, Romi Prof. (ES1) T: +372-6-40 94 10 F: +372-6-40 91 18 Estonian Institute of Humanities Palang, Hannes Director (AS1, SD1) T: +372-6-62 21 87 F: +372-6-62 22 83 palang@eco.edu.ee Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences Kreutzwaldi 64, EE-51014, Tartu Kaasik, Allan T: +3727313425 kallan@eau.ee Ehitajate tee 5, EE-190 86 Tallinn Roasto, Mati T: +372 731 3433, F: +372 731 3432 Mati.Roasto@emu.ee Environmental Sciences and Applied Biology 64 Kreutzwaldi St, EE-51014 Tartu Sepp, Kalev Prof. Councillor, The Conservation Union (IUCN) T: +372 7313777, F: +372 7313137 kalev.sepp@emu.ee EuroUniversity, Tallinn Mustamae Road 4, EE-106 21, Tallinn Martin, Jüri Dr Sc., Rector T: 372-611 58 04 jmartin@eurouniv.ee 42 Tallinn University of Technology Dept. of Chemical Engineering Kritsevskaja, Marina (WM123) T: +372-6-20 28 50 F: +372-6-20 20 20 MKRICHEV@edu.ttu.ee Mikkal,Valdek Prof. (ES1) T: +372-2-53 80 56 F: +372-6-39 20 18 Munter, Rein Prof. (ES1, SD1) T: +372-6-20 28 54 F: +372-6-20 28 55 rmunt@edu.ttu.ee Dept. of Civil Engineering Ehitajate tee 5, EE-190 86 Tallinn Ital, Arvo (EHSA Coordinator) T: + 372 620 2506, F: + 372 6 014 406 arvo.iital@ttu.ee Loorits, Hilja Assoc. Prof. (SD1) T: +372-6-20 28 50 F: +372-6-20 20 20 hloor@edu.ttu.ee directory – universities and institutes of higher learning Estonia Preis, Sergei (SD1) T: +372-6-20 28 51 F: +372-6-54 20 18 lpik@edu.ttu.ee Department of Sociology and Social Policy Unit of Gender Studies Suurkask,Valdu (SD1) T: +372-6-20 25 00 F: +372-6-01 44 06 valdu@edu.ttu.ee Talves, Kairi T: +372 7375 930, F: +372 7375 900 kairi.talves@ut.ee Tiigi 78-219, Tartu 50410 Dept. of Economics Ehitajate tee 5, EE-190 86 Tallinn Polajeva, Tatyana Assoc. Prof. (BUP-Centre, AS1, SD1) T: +372-6-20 35 40 F: +372-6-20 20 20 tanja@staff.ttu.ee Freashwater Quality Laboratory Jervevana 5, EE-0001 Tallinn Loigu, Enn Prof. T: +372-2-55 65 01 F: +372-6-01 44 06 ennloigu@edu.ttu.ee University Nord 14 Siili Str, EE-13413 Tallinn Teesalu, Silvi T: +3726737540, T: +3726466373 silvi.teesalu@dankultur.ee, University of Tartu Inst. of Botany and Ecology Lai 40, EE-510 05 Tartu Trass, Hans-Valdemar Prof. (ES1) T: +372-7-37 62 32 F: +372-7-37 62 22 trass@mail.ee Inst. of Economics Narva Rd. 4, EE-510 09 Tartu Trasberg,Viktor Lecturer T: +372-7-37 56 47 F: +372-7-37 63 12 viktor.trasberg@ut.ee Inst. of Geography Vanemuise Str. 46, EE-510 14 Tartu Oja, Tönu Prof. (AS1, SD1) T: +372-7-37 50 76 F: +372-7-37 58 25 toja@ut.ee Inst. of Zoology and Hydrobiology Vanemuise Str. 46, EE-510 14 Tartu Saat, Toomas Prof. (FS) T: +372-7-37 50 93 F: +372-7-37 58 30 tsaat@sea.ee 43 directory – universities and institutes of higher learning Finland EVTEK University of Applied Sciences, Vantaa Joensuu University Dept. of Biology Leiritie 1, FI-01600 Vantaa P.O. Box 111, FIN-80101 Joensuu Halonen, Ismo A., PhD +358-20 7553 753 ismo.halonen@evtek.fi Holopainen, Ismo Prof. (ES1, SD1, WM123) T: +358-13-251 35 53 F: +358-13-251 35 90 ismo.holopainen@joensuu.fi HAAGA-HELIA University of Applied Sciences, Porvoo & Helsinki Pomo house Aleksanterinkatu 20, 06100 Porvoo Kääriä, Mikko, MSc. mikko.kaaria@haaga-helia.fi Honkanen, Jani O. T: +358-13-251 35 78, F: +358-13-251 35 90 Jani.Honkanen@joensuu.fi Penttinen, Olli-Pekka Ph.D. T: +358-13-251 35 78, F: +358-13-251 35 90 Olli-Pekka.Penttinen@joensuu.fi Savolinna Dept. of Teacher Education Ratapihantie 13, 00520 Helsinki P.O. Box 55, FIN-57101 Savolinna Rohweder, Liisa, Dr liisa.rohweder@haaga-helia.fi Lahti, Leena (SD1) T: +358-15-511 76 09 F: +358-15-53 10 60 leena.lahti@joensuu.fi HELCOM Katajanokanlaituri 6B, FI-00160 Helsinki Granholm, Kaj (BSRP Project assistant) T: +358 207 412 641, F: +358 207 412 639 kaj.granholm@helcom.fi Helsinki Polytechnic Stadia Kymenlaakso Polytechnic University of Applied Sciences, Kotka P.O.Box 9, FI-48401 Kotka Sinkko, Arja, BSc. arja.sinkko@kyamk.fi Bulevardi 31, FI-00180 Helsinki Lahti University of Applied Sciences, Lahti Pollock, Eric, Architect eric.pollock@stadia.fi P.O. Box 214, FI-15101 LAHTI Helsinki University of Technology LifeLong Learning Institute Dipoli P.O. Box 8000, FI-02015 HUT, Espoo Löyttyniemi, Meri Project Manager T: +358-9-451 40 41, F: +358-9-451 40 68 meri.loyttyniemi@dipoli.hut.fi Salkunen, Kari Liaison Officer T: +358-9-451 40 43, F: +358-9-451 40 60 kari.salkunen@dipoli.hut.fi Valtonen, Heikki Project Manager T: +358-9-451 40 39, F: +358-9-451 40 68 heikki.valtonen@dipoli.hut.fi Institute for Fisheries and Environmental Care, Turku Fiskeriskolvägen 72, FIN-21610 Kirjala Sakari, Autio, Lecturer MSc. sakari.autio@lamk.fi Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Hyvinkää (Vantaa) Laurea Hyvinkää Uudenmaankatu 22, FI-05800 Hyvinkää Erkamo, Matti, Senior Lecturer MSc. T: +3589 8868 7726 matti.erkamo@laurea.fi Virtanen, Anne, Lecturer, Dr T: +358 9 8868 7713 anne.virtanen@laurea.fi Laurea Otaniemi Metsänpojankuja 3, FI-02130 Espoo Immonen-Orpana, Päivi T: +358 9 8868 7569 paivi.immonen-orpana@laurea.fi Penttinen, Kari Rector (SD1) T: +358-2-454 63 00 F: +358-2-458 85 60 kari.penttinen@kalakoulu.fi 44 directory – universities and institutes of higher learning Finland Mikkeli University of Applied Sciences Patteristonkatu 3, 50100 Mikkeli Puttonen, Aila, Lecturer, MSc. T: +358-15 355 6475 aila.puttonen@mikkeliamk.fi North Karelia Polytechnic, Joensuu Dept. of Environmental Technology Karjalankatu 3, FIN-80200 Joensuu Juvaste, Risto Principal Lecturer (SD1) T: +358-50-367 61 67, F: +358-13-260 68 01 risto.juvaste@ncp.fi Novia University of Applied Sciences,Vasa Turku School of Economics and Business Administration Finland Futures Research Centre Rehtorinpellonkatu 3, FI-20500 Turku Laurén, Leena-Maija Development Manager (SD1) T: +358-2-48 14 81, F: +358-2-481 46 30 Leena-Maija.Lauren@tukkk.fi Turku University of Applied Sciences Joukahaisenkatu 3, 20520 Turku Halonen, Sirpa, MSc. sirpa.halonen@turkuamk.fi Hietaranta, Jari jari.hietaranta@turkuamk.fi Fabriksgatan 1, FI-65200 VASA Holm, Tove, MSc. tove.holm@novia.fi University of Helsinki Centre for Continuing Education Keskuskatu 19, FIN-48100 Kotka Savonia University of Applied Sciences, Iisalmi P.O.Box 72 (Haukisaarentie 2), FIN-74101 IISALMI Valkola, Pekka Pekka.Valkola@savonia-amk.fi Tampere Polytechnic University of Applied Sciences Teiskontie 33Tampere, FI-33520 Finland Heino, Perttu, Dr perttu.heino@tamk.fi Hering, Frank Dipl. Geogr. (SD1) T: +358-5-234 41 43 F: +358-5-234 42 75 frank.hering@helsinki.fi Dept. of Economics and Management P.O. Box 27 FIN-00014 Sumelius, John T: +358 9 191 58077, F: +358 9 191 58096 john.sumelius@helsinki.fi Dept. of Teacher Education/Biology and Sustainability Education P.O. Box 9, FIN-00014 Helsinki Kivikoski, Renja, Lecturer, BSc. renja.kivikoski@tamk.fi Åhlberg, Mauri Prof. T: +358-9-191 295 86 F: +358-9-191 296 11 mauri.ahlberg@helsinki.fi Tampere University of Technology Institute of Environmental Engineering and Biotechnology Dept. of Biological and Environmental Sciences P.O.Box 541, FIN-33101 Tampere Ikävalko, Johanna T: +358-9-191 578 20 ikavalko@mappi.helsinki.fi Heino, Perttu, Dr perttu.heino@tamk.fi Isoaho, Simo Senior Lecturer T: +358-3-311 527 57 F: +358-3-311 528 69 simo.isoaho@tut.fi Pietilä, Pekka Senior Researcher T: +358-3-311 528 67 F: +358-3-311 528 69 pekka.e.pietila@tut.fi P.O. Box 65, FIN-00014 Helsinki Kuparinen, Jorma Prof. T: +358-9-191 578 20 F: +358-9-191 578 47 jorma.kuparinen@helsinki.fi Pihlström, Mikael T: +358-9-19157809 pihlstro@mappi.helsinki.fi Lammi Biological Station Lammi Biol. Station, FIN-16900 Lammi Arvola, Lauri Dr (ES1, AS1, FS) T: +358-3-631 11 21 F: +358-3-631 11 66 lauri.arvola@helsinki.fi 45 directory – universities and institutes of higher learning Finland Tvärminne Zoological Station Tvärminne Zoological Station, FIN-10900 Hanko Pokki, Jouko Dr (FS) T: +358-19-280 11 F: +358-19-28 01 22 Jouko.Pokki@helsinki.fi University of Jyväskylä Dept. of Biological and Environmental Science P.O. Box 35, FIN-40014 Jyväskylä Hakkari, Lasse Dr (SD1) T: +358-14-260 23 14 F: +358-14-260 23 21 hakkari@dodo.jyu.fi Kuitunen, Markku Prof. (SD1) T: +358-14-260 23 01 F: +358-14-260 23 21 markku.kuitunen@jyu.fi Rantamäki, Jari Dept. Secretary (AS1) T: +358-14-260 22 22 F: +358-14-260 23 21 rantamaki@jyu.fi University of Kuopio Dept. of Environmental Sciences P.O. Box 1627, FIN-70211 Kuopio University of Turku Archipelago Research Institute FIN-20014 Turku Vuorinen, Ilppo Dr, Director T: + 358-2-333 59 74 F: + 358-2-333 65 92 ilppo.vuorinen@utu.fi Baltic Sea Region Studies Faculty of Humanities, FIN-20014 Turku Hyppönen, Tarja Coordinator T: + 358-2-333 66 71 F: + 358-2-333 52 00 baltic@utu.fi Centre for Continuing Education Lemminkäinenkatu 14-18 B, FIN-20520 Turku Häkkilä, Seppo Planning Manager (ES1, SD1) T: +358-2-333 57 04 F: +358-2-333 62 20 seppo.hakkila@utu.fi Rinta-Kanto, Jorma Planning Manager T: +358-2-333 58 75 F: +358-2-333 62 20 jorma.rinta-kanto@utu.fi Dept. of Cultural History Dept. of Cultural History, FIN-20014 Turku Hirvonen, Arja Senior Assistant T: +358-17-16 34 22 F: +358-17-16 31 91 arja.hirvonen@uku.fi Ollila, Anne Prof. (AS1) T: +358-2-333 52 20 F: +358-2-333 62 00 anne.ollila@utu.fi University of Lapland, Rovaniemi International Studies Unit Åbo Akademi University Centre for Continuing Education P.O. Box 122, FIN-96101 Rovaniemi Fabriksgatan 2, FIN-20500 Turku Tervashonka, Tuula Coordinator T: +358-16-341 42 02 F: +358-16-341 28 66 Tuula.Tervashonka@urova.fi Blomqvist, Ea Env. Coordinator (BUP-Centre) T: +358-2-215 49 42 F: +358-2-215 49 43 ea.blomqvist@abo.fi University of Oulu Dept. of Geography P.O. Box 3000, FIN-90014 University of Oulu Lindroos, Paula Dr, Director (BUP-Centre, ES1, SD1, WM123, BUUF) T: +358-2-215 41 25 F: +358-2-215 49 43 paula.lindroos@abo.fi Jauhiainen, Jussi S. Assoc. Prof. (BUUF) T: +358-8-553 17 02 F: +358-8-553 16 93 jussi.jauhiainen@oulu.fi Fagerström, Peter Environmental Planner T: +358-2-215 45 15 F: +358-2-215 49 43 peter.fagerstrom@abo.fi Environmental Sciences and Technology P.O. Box 7300, FIN-90014 University of Oulu Kamula, Riitta Instruction Coordinator T: +358-8-553 35 66 F: +358-8-553 35 64 riitta.kamula@oulu.fi NorTech Oulu (Centre of Northern Environmental Technology) P.O. Box 7700, FIN-90014 University of Oulu Elomaa, Pirkko-Liina Project Manager T: +358-400-29 25 11 F: +358-8-551 39 32 pirkko-liina.elomaa@oulu.fi 46 Suomalainen, Sinikka Planning Officer (SD1) T: +358-2-215 48 70 F: +358-2-265 49 43 sinikka.suomalainen@abo.fi Söderlund, Nina (Regional Development) T: +358-2-215 49 41 F: +358-2-215 49 43 nina.soderlund@abo.fi Dept. for Business Studies Henriksgatan 7, FIN-20500 Turku Nyholm, Monica L.Sc. (CD123) T: +358-2-215 42 11 F: +358-2-215 48 06 mnyholm@abo.fi directory – universities and institutes of higher learning Finland Laboratory of Inorganic Chemistry Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Laboratory of Inorganic Chemistry Biskopsgatan 8, FIN-20500 Turku Nordström, Egon Dr (WM123, SD1, ES1) T: +358-2-410 17 10 F: +358-2-410 17 10 egon.nordstrom@abo.fi Åland Polytechnic, Open University Administration Office P.O. Box 1010, AX-22111 Mariehamn, Åland Wikström, Brittmari Head of Unit (ES1) T: +358-18-53 77 10 F: +358-18-221 60 brittmari.wikstrom@ha.aland.fi 47 directory – universities and institutes of higher learning Germany Berlin School of Economics, Berlin, Germany Standort Badensche Straße 50-51, 10825 Berlin Grothe-Senf Anja, Prof. Dr angrothe@fhw-berlin.de Christian Albrechts University Dept. of History Olshausenstraße 40, DE-24098 Kiel Rebas, Hain Prof. T: +49-431-880 22 98 F: +49-431-880 15 24 hrebas@email.uni-kiel.de Fachhochschule Neubrandenburg, Neubrandenburg, Germany SG Landschaftsarchitektur u. Umweltplanung Brodaer Straße 2, DE-17033 Neubrandenburg Fichtner, Timo Dipl. Ing, MBA Fichtner@agenda21-oder.de Free University of Berlin Dept. of Political Sciences Ihnestr. 26, DE-14195 Berlin Albrecht, Ulrich Prof. T: +49-30-838 23 61 F: +49-30-838 59 20 Technical University of Cottbus Dept. of Philosophy and Social Sciences Karl-Marx-Str. 17, DE-7500 Cottbus Albert, Marie-Theres Prof. T: +49-355-69 23 92 F: +49-355-69 22 32 University of Applied Sciences – Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz (FH) Faculty of Mathematics/Natural Sciences Theodor-Körner-Allee 16, DE-02763 Zittau Delakowitz, Bernd Prof. T: +49-3583-61 17 51 b.delakowitz@hs-zigr.de Greif, Dieter Prof. T: +49-3583-61 17 06 d.greif@hs-zigr.de Zenker-Hoffmann, Anke Dipl.Kff T: +49 3583 61 1759 F: +49 3583 61 1740 ahoffmann@hs-zigr.de University of Applied Sciences, Neubrandenburg, Germany University of Eberswalde, Germany Faculty of Landscape Use and Nature Protection Friedrich-Ebert-Str.28, DE-16225 Eberswalde Peters Jürgen, Professor, Dr.-Ing jpeters@fh-eberswalde.de Benedikt, Hans-Peter, Prof. Dr T: + 49-3334 657 421 hbenedikt@fh-eberswalde.de University of Hamburg Dept. of Didactic, Geography and Social Sciences Von-Melle-Park 8, DE-2000 Hamburg 13 Schreier, Helmut Dr, Prof. T: +49-40-412 39 38 F: +49-40-412 321 12 University of Lüneburg Dept. of Environmental Science TuTech Innovation GmbH, Life Sciences Postfach 2440, DE-21332 Lüneburg Harburger Schlossstrasse 6-12, 21079 Hamburg, Germany Michelsen, Gerd Dr, Prof. T: +49-4131-71 43 41 F: +49-4131-71 41 06 Schultz, Claudia T: +49 40 76629-6345, F: +49 40 76629-6349 schultz@tutech.de University of Applied Sciences Hamburg BALTIC UNIVERSITY PROGRAMME OFFICE Fakultät Life Sciences /Faculty of Life Sciences Lohbruegger Kirchstraße 65, 21033 Hamburg Jaeger, Dieter, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dieter.Jaeger@rzbd.haw-hamburg.de Leal, Walter Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. T: +49-40-42875-6313, F: +49-40-42875-6499 C: +49-172-7835489 walter.leal@ls.haw-hamburg.de Mannke, Franziska (BUP Office) Inst. of Environmental Communication Scharnhorstraße 1, DE-21332 Lüneburg Kiesslich, Margit T: +49-4131-78 28 44 F: +49-4131-78 28 19 Leal@uni-Lueneburg.de University of Wismar, Wismar, Germany Department of Mechanical Engineering/Process and Environmental Engineering Philipp-Müller-Straße, PF 1210, DE-23952 Wismar Sellner Manfred, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. manfred.sellner@hs-wismar.de, m.sellner@mb.hs-wismar.de Stubbe, Korinna korinna.stubbe@hs-wismar.de, k.stubbe@verw.hs-wismar.de Schulte,Veronika (BUP Office) 48 directory – universities and institutes of higher learning Latvia AC Latvia Dept. of Occupational and Environmental Health Miera street 54-9, LV-1013, Riga Dzirciema Str. 16, LV-1007 Riga Dzelzkaleja, Maira (EHSA Latvia Coordinator) T: +32719483894 maira@aclatvia.lv Bake, Mara Dr (ES1, AS1, SD1) T: +371-2-40 91 87 marite-arija_bake@adm.aml.lv Daugavpils University Vienibas Str. 13, LV-5400 Daugavpils Matisane, Linda (ES1, SD1) T: +371-2-40 91 39 F: +371-7-82 81 55 amats@apollo.lv lindam_IOEH@adm.aml.lv Gorskis, Mihails Assoc. Prof. (ES1, SD1) T: +371-54-228 90 F: +371-54-228 90 mgorskis@apollo.lv LATVIAN MARITIME ACADEMY Janssons, Bruno Prof. (ES1, AS1) T: +371-54-243 21 F: +371-54-228 90 Rozenstrauha Ineta, asoc. professor, (SD, ES, WM) T: + 371-26423943 ineta_ro@hotmail.com Osipovs, Sergejs Lecturer (ES1, SD1) T: +371-54-228 90 F: +371-54-228 90 kotik@dau.lv Skute, Arturs Prof. (ES1, SD1) T: +371-54-228 90 F: +371-54-228 90 artur@dau.lv Institute of Practical Psychology, Daugavpils Latgale Branch Parades iela 1, LV-5407 Daugavpils Krams, Indrikis Dr (AS1, SD1) T: +371-54-204 31 F: +371-54-228 90 psg@dpu.lv Flotes str. 5b. LV – 1016 Riga Latvian University of Agriculture, Jelgava Dept. of Architecture and Building Akademijas Str. 19, LV-3001 Jelgava Lacauniece, Iveta Assoc. Prof. (CD123, BUUF) T: +371-30-287 91 F: +371-30-221 80 ivlac@cs.llu.lv Dept. of Environmental Engineering and Management Akademijas Str. 19, LV-3001 Jelgava Jansons,Viesturs Prof. (ES1, SD1, WM123) T: +371-30-299 08 F: +371-30-221 80 viesturs@cs.llu.lv Kuznecovs, Sergejs Prof. (SD1) T: +371-54-204 31 F: +371-54-228 90 psg@dpu.lv Faculty of Rural Engineering Makarevics,Valerijs Prof. (AS1, SD1) T: +371-54-204 31 F: +371-54-228 90 psg@dpu.lv Urtane, Mara Assoc. Prof. (CD123, BUUF) T: +371-30-287 91 F: +371-30-221 80 m_urtane@latnet.lv Latvian Academy of Culture, Riga Liepaja Academy of Pedagogy Faculty of Natural and Social Sciences Ludzas 24, LV-1003 Riga Silins, Janis Prof. (AS1) T: +371-7-12 01 75 F: +371-7-14 10 12 Latvian Academy of Medicine, Riga Dept. of Medical Biology Dzirciema Str. 16, LV-1007 Riga Bara, Jolanta (SD1) T: +371-2-40 91 87 Dept. of Medicine Genetics and Biology Akademijas Str. 19, LV-3001 Jelgava Liela Str. 14, LV-3401 Liepaja Zeltina, Mara Dean, Assoc. Prof. T: +371-34-256 59 F: +371-34-242 23 mara@lieppa.lv Rezekne Higher Education Institution Atbrivosanas Str. 115, LV-4600 Rezekne Noviks, Gotfrids Prof. (ES1, SD1) T: +371-462 52 58 novik@cs.ru.lv Dzirciema Str. 16, LV-1007 Riga Tretjuka, Olga Dr (ES1, AS1) T: +371-2-40 91 74 F: +371-8-82 81 55 49 directory – universities and institutes of higher learning Latvia Riga Economic and Culture Higher Education Institution University of Latvia, Riga Centre for Environmental Studies Lomonosova Str. 1/1, LV-1019 Riga 48 Kr.Valdemara Str., LV-1013 Riga Maurins, Arturs Prof. (ES1, SD1) T: +371-710 05 63 info@eka.lv Kalkis,Valdis Assoc. Prof. (SD1) T: +371-7-37 25 70 kalkisv@mail.navigator.lv Riga Technical University Dept. of Chemical Engineering Silaraja, Dace Assistant (BUP-Centre) T: +371-7-37 25 75 F: +371-7-22 50 39 kdc@latnet.lv Azenes Str. 14/24, LV-1048 Riga Bazbauers, Gatis, Assoc. Prof. bazbauer@latnet.lv Spricis, Andris Assoc. Prof. (BUP-Centre, ES1, SD1, WM123) T: +371-7-37 25 97 F: +371-7-22 50 39 spricis@acad.latnet.lv Dreijers, Iljo Assoc. Prof. (WM123, SD1) T: +371-708 92 75 F: +371-761 121 03 ilo@ktf.rtu.lv Department of Analytical Chemistry Faculty of Chemistry Rozenstrauha, Ineta, Assoc. Prof, (SD, ES, WM) T: +371 – 6-7089258; +371-26423943 ineta_ro@hotmail.com Osite Agnese, Lecturer (WM) T: +371 – 6-7372579 agnese.osite@lu.lv International Relations Office Kaïíu iela 1, Room 222, LV – 1658 Riga Pastare Inese, PhD student (WM) T: +371 – 6-7372579 inese.pastare@lu.lv Grinberga, Alina T: +371 7089012, F: + 371 7089312 alina.grinberga@rtu.lv Dept. of Baltic Languages Arajeva, Anastasija PhD anastasija@eef.rtu.lv Klavina, Sarma Prof. (AS1) T: +371-7-22 48 11 F: +371-7-22 50 39 Department of Energy Systems and Environment Lokmane, Ilze Researcher (AS1) T: +371-7-22 48 11 F: +371-7-22 50 39 Gedrovics Martins, Prof. Dr Sc. Ing. martins.gedrovics@lg.lv Dept. of Thermal Energy Kronvalda Blvd. 1, LV-1827 Riga Blumberga, Dagnija Prof. (ES1, SD1) T: +371-941 97 83 dagnija@parks.lv Faculty of Chemical Technology Adress Visvalza 4a, LV-1011 Riga Dept. of Botany and Ecology Kronvald Blvd. 4, LV-1842 Riga Kalviskis, Karlis Researcher T: +371-7-32 56 56 F: +371-7-83 02 91 Salmina, Liene (SD1) T: +371-7-32 33 07 F: +371-7-32 56 64 Azenes Str. 14/24, LV-1048 Riga Dept. of Demography Valtere, Sarma Assoc. Prof. (ES1, SD1) T: +371-7-29 43 08 F: +371-7-90 14 60 svaltere@acad.latnet.lv Greitans, Aigars Researcher (AS1) T: +371-7-22 65 20 F: +371-7-22 50 39 Institute of Gas, Heat and Water Technology Azenes Str. 20, LV-1048 Riga Juhna, Talis Licentiate in Engineering (WM123) T: +371-7-99 07 61 F: +371-7-99 07 61 talisj@bf.rtu.lv 50 Rainis Blvd. 19, LV-1098 Riga Zvidrins, Peteris Prof. (AS1) T: +371-7-22 63 68 F: +371-7-22 50 39 Dept. of Public Administration Aspazijas Blvd. 5, LV-1050 Riga Kalnins, Aivars Lecturer (AS1, SD1) T: +371-703 47 40 aivakaln@lanet.lv directory – universities and institutes of higher learning Latvia Faculty of Economics and Management Aspazijas Blvd. 5, LV-1050 Riga Malzubris, Janis Lecturer (ES1, AS1, SD1) T: +371-703 47 53 F: +371-703 47 02 janism@latnet.lv Zaloksnis, Janis Assoc. Prof. (ES1, SD1) T: +371-922 70 26 F: +371-703 47 02 janis.zaloksnis@vidm.gov.lv Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences Alberta iela 10, LV-1010 Riga Abolina, Kristine Lecturer (SD1) T: +371-7-51 80 14 F: +371-2-27 22 27 aab.kristine@apollo.lv Kudrenickis, Ivars Assoc. Prof. (SD1) T: +371 – 6- 7034575 F: +371 – 6- 7034570 ivars.kudrenickis@lu.lv Ventspils University College Inženieru 101a, LV-3601,Ventspils Grizans, Gunars PhD. Assoc. Prof. Gunars.Grizans@venta.lv Vidzeme University CollEge Cesu Str. 4, LV-4200 Valmiera Dauksta,Vija Rector (AS) T: +371 -64207230 F: +371 64207229 info@va.lv Klavins, Maris Prof. (ES1, SD1) T: +371-7-33 17 66 F: +371-7-33 27 04 mklavins@lanet.lv Mezciema, Guna (ES1, SD1) T: +371-7-33 17 66 F: +371-7-22 50 39 vstankevica@hotmail.com Stankevica,Vita (ES1, SD1) T: +371-7-33 17 66 F: +371-7-22 50 39 vstankevica@hotmail.com Vircavs, Magnuss Assoc. Prof. T: +371-7-33 27 04 F: +371-7-33 27 04 mango@mail.lv Inst. of Atomic Physics and Spectroscopy Raina Blvd. 19, LV-1586 Riga Abolins, Janis Assoc. Prof. (ES1, SD1, WM123) T: +371 -6-7229727 F: +371-703 45 70 jclover@lu.lv Ubelis, Arnolds Dr (SD1, CD123, BUUF) T: +371 7229727 F: +371-7-82 01 13 arnolds@latnet.lv Inst. of Biology/Monitoring Station “Salaca” Miera Str. 3, LV-2169 Salaspils Rasma, Liepa Researcher T: +371-2-94 54 18 F: +371-2-22 50 39 Inst. of Environmental Science and Management Studies Raina Blvd. 19, LV-1586 Riga Benders, Juris Assoc. Prof. (ES1, SD1, WM123) T: +371 – 6- 7034575 F: +371 – 6- 7034570 cesam@latnet.lv Ernsteins, Raimonds Director (ES1, SD1) T: +371 – 6- 7034575 F: +371 – 6- 7034570 raimonds.ernsteins@lu.lv 51 directory – universities and institutes of higher learning Lithuania Kaunas College, Kaunas, Lithuania Pramones pr. 20, LT - 50468 Kaunas Aleinikoviene, Jurate Tel. +370 673 16663 jurate.aleinikoviene@fc.kauko.lt Pivoras, Tomas, Dr. T: +370 37 30 07 69 F: +370 37 20 93 72 tomas.pivoras@ktu.lt Staniskis, Jurgis, Prof. T: +370 37 30 07 60 F: +370 37 20 93 72 jurgis.staniskis@ktu.lt Valaityte, Asta Manager of International projects T: +370 - 37 -751144, F: +370 - 37 -751135 asta.valaityte@fc.kauko.lt Stasiskiene, Zaneta, Assoc. Prof. T: +370 37 30 07 63 F: +370 37 20 93 72 zaneta.stasiskiene@ktu.lt Kaunas University of Medicine Panevezys Institute Dept. of Civil Engineering A. Mickeviciaus 9, LT 44307 Kaunas Daukanto str. 12, LT-35212 Panevezys University Administration Lukosevicius,Viktoras Assoc. Prof. (ES1) T: +370-45-43 58 19 F: +370-45-51 61 61 vikluk@midi.ppf.ktu.lt Miseviciene, Irena,Vice-Rector T: +370 37 32 72 06, F: +370 37 22 07 33 mokslas.studijos@kmu.lt Dept. of Environmental and Occupational Medicine Raminta, Butenaite, Senior Lecturer T: +370 45 435819 F: +370 45 51 61 61 ramintab@hotmail.com Mickeviciaus str. 9, LT-44307 Kaunas Raskeviciene, Rita, Dr. T: +370-37-32 73 74 F: +370-37-23 73 60 rita.raskeviciene@med.kmu.lt Ustinaviciene, Ruta. Assoc. Prof. (ES1) T: +370-37-32 73 74 F: +370-37-23 73 60 ruta.ustinaviciene@med.kmu.lt Kaunas University of Technology Dept. for Environmental Engineering Radvilenu Str.19, LT-50254 Kaunas Denafas, Gintaras gintaras.denafas@ktu.lt Jankunaite, Dalia Dr (Mentors ass. EM) T: +370-37-30 01 82 F: +370-37-30 01 52 dalia.jankunaite@ktu.lt Kliucininkas, Linas Assoc. Prof. (BUP-Centre, BUUF, Mentor EM, SD1) T: +370-37-35 10 08 F: +370-37-30 01 52 linas.kliucininkas@ktu.lt Racys,Viktoras Assoc. Prof. viktoras.racys@ktu.lt Institute of Environmental Engineering Donelaicio str. 20, LT-44239 Kaunas Kildisas,Valeras Senior Lecturer (ES1) T: +370-37-30 07 61 F: +370-37-20 93 72 valeras.kildisas@ktu.lt Klaipeda University University Administration H. Manto Str. 84, LT-92251 Klaipeda Kontautas, Antanas (WM123) T: +370-46-39 89 35 F: +370-46-39 88 45 kontautas@gmf.ku.lt Dept. of Ecology H. Manto Str. 84, LT-92294 Klaipeda Belous, Olga, Assoc. Prof. T: +370-46-398845 F: +370-46-398803 obelous@gmf.ku.lt Dept. of Geography Faculty of Social Sciences Minijos 153, LT-5804 Klaipeda Buciene, Angelija (EHSA Coordinator) T: +370 6 340234, F: +371 6 340268 abuciene@yahoo.com Dept. of Recreation and Tourism Kareiviniu 4-7, LT-5800 Klaipeda Povilanskas, Ramunas, Assoc. Prof. T, F: +370-46-398567 Dept. of Technological Processes Bijunu 17, LT-91225 Klaipeda Lapinskiene, Asta-Marija, Assoc. Prof. T,F: +370 46-39 86 96 Kruopiene, Jolita Dr. (WM123) T: +370-37-30 07 67 F: +370-37-20 93 72 jolita.kruopiene@ktu.lt 52 directory – universities and institutes of higher learning Lithuania Lithuanian Institute of Water Management (LIWM) Parko 6, LT-5048 VILAINIAI, KEDAINIAI, LITHUANIA Sileika , Anatanas Sigitas T: + 370 347 68 100, F: + 370 347 68 105 sigitas@water.omnitel.net Lithuanian University of Agriculture Dept. of Ecology Kaunas-Akademija, LT-53361 Noreikiskes Marozas,Vitas, Assoc. Prof. (ES1) T: +370-37-75 22 24 marozas@nora.lzua.lt Institute of Environment Kaunas-Akademija, LT-53361 Noreikiskes Rutkoviene,Vida, Prof. (SD1) T: +370-37-75 22 24 rvida@info.lzua.lt International Department Minvydas, Liegus T: +370 37 752398 minvydas@nora.lzuu.lt Lithuanian Veterinary Academy (LVA) Dep. of Food Safety and Animal Hygiene Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Dept. of Philosophy P.Višinskio str. 38, LT-595756 Šiauliai Mazeikis, Gintautas, Prof. (AS1) T: +370-650-15 967 filosofija@cr.su.lt Dept. of Technology Vilniaus str. 88, LT-76343 Šiauliai Tricys,Vaclovas, Prof. (SD1) T: +370-41-59 58 02 F: +370-41-59 58 09 vaclovas.tricys@cr.su.lt Vilnius Cooperative College International relations department Cepiene, Aurelija T.: +370 5 2722803 aura@vkk.lt Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Dept. of Physics Sauletekio al. 11, LT-10223 Vilnius Girgzdys, Aloyzas, Prof. (ES1) T: +370-52-27 44 837, F: +370-52-27 44 844 aloyzas.girgzdys@fk.vtu.lt International Relations Pelediene, Ausra auspel@adm.vtu.lt Tilžes str 18, LT-47181, Kaunas Mindaugas Malakauskas T/F: +370 37 362 695 mindaugas@lva.lt Mykolas Romeris University Ateities str. 20, LT-08303 Vilnius, Lithuania University administration Vaitkus, Rimantas,Vice Rector T: +370-5-2714 674 F: +370-5-2676 000 rvaitkus@mruni.lt Giedre Raciene T: +370 5 271 46 21 (office) F: +370 5 271 45 22 giedre@mruni.eu Faculty of Strategic Management and Policy Galkute, Laima Assoc. Prof. (AS2) T: +370-5-2714 521 F: + 370-5-27 14 617 laima.galkute@mruni.lt Siauliai University Dept. of Management Architektu 1, LT-76353 Siauliai Zickiene, Skaidre, Assoc. Prof. (SD1) T: + 370 41 59 58 86, F: +370 41 59 58 80 skazi@tf.su.lt 53 Vilnius Pedagogical University Dept. of Geography Studentu str.39, LT-08106 Vilnius Pustelnikovas, Olegas Prof. (ES1) T: +370-5 27 90 621 F: +370-5 27 90 548 geograkat@vpu.lt Vilnius University Kaunas Faculty of Humanities Muitines str. 8, LT-44280 Kaunas Ciegis, Remigijus, Prof. (SD1) T: +370-37-42 23 44 F: +370-37-42 32 22 r.ciegis@vukhf.lt Vytautas Magnus University Dept. of Environmental Sciences Vileikos str. 8, LT-44404 Kaunas Juknys, Romualdas Prof. (ES1) T, F: +370-37-32 79 04 r.juknys@gmf.vdu.lt Stravinskiene,Vida Prof. (SD1) T, F: +370-37-32 79 04 v.stravinskiene@gmf.vdu.lt directory – universities and institutes of higher learning Lithuania Dept. of History Donelaicio 52, LT-44244 Kaunas Aleksandravicius, Egidijus Prof. T: +370-37-32 78 36 e.aleksandravicius@hmf.vdu.lt Regional Studies Department Savickiene, Ineta i.savickiene@pmdi.vdu.lt Norway Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNU Dept. of Biology Realfagbygget, Høgskoleringen 5, NO-7491 Trondheim Andersson, Christian Dr (BUP Web Editor) T: +47-73-59 55 31 christian.andersson@balticuniv.uu.se 54 directory – universities and institutes of higher learning Poland Adam Mickiewicz University Dept. of Law Agricultural University of Lublin Dept. of Hydrobiology & Ichthyobiology ul. Sw. Marcina 90, PL-61-809 Poznan Dobrzynskiego 37, PL-20-262 Lublin Sokolowski, Tomasz Prof. T: +48-61-829 42 83 Kornijow, Ryszard Prof. (ES1,SD1,WM123) T:+48 81 4610061 305, F:+48 81 4610061 304 Mobile: (48)609487086 ryszard.kornijow@ar.lublin.pl Dept. of Scandinavian and Baltic Studies al. Niepodleglosci 4, PL-61-874 Poznan Maciejewski, Witold Prof. (Mentor AS) T: +48-61-829 35 89 F: +48-61-853 35 87 witmacie@amu.edu.pl Schab, Sylwia (Mentors assistant AS) T: +48-61-829 35 00 F: +48-61-853 22 03 sylwias@amu.edu.pl Dept. of Water and Soil Analysis Drzymaly 24, PL-60-613 Poznan Siepak, Jerzy Prof. (ES1) T: +48-61-829 34 40, F: +48-61-829 34 48 zawig@amu.edu.pl Suchora, Magdalena Msc. (SD1) T:+48 81 4610061 ext. 308, F:+48 81 4610061 ext. 304 magda.suchora@ar.lublin.pl Tarkowska-Kukuryk, Monika Dr (ES1,SD1) T:+48 81 4610061 ext. 313, F:+48 81 4610061 ext. 304 monika.kukuryk@ar.lublin.pl The August Cieszkowski Agricultural University of Poznan Faculty of Horticulture Dept of Landscape Architecture ul. Dabrowskiego 159, 60-594 Poznan ul. Miedzychodzka 5, PL-60-371 Poznan Haber, Zbigniew Prof. (BSE) T: +48-61-848 7958 F: +48-61-8487959 ktzmain@au.poznan.pl Hadryan, Milena M.A. (AS1, SD1) T: +48-61-829 27 01 F: +48-61-829 27 00 milenah@hum.amu.edu.pl Szpakowska, Barbara Prof. (BSE) T: +48-61-848 7962 F: +48-61-8487959 bszpa@au.poznan.pl Institute of Linquistics Institute of Political Sciences and Journalism Umultowska 89a, PL-61-614 Poznan Branka, Tomasz Dr. (AS12, Coordinator BUP) T: +48 61 829 65 10 mobile:+48 606686976 tbranka@inpid.amu.edu.pl AGH - University of Science and Technology, Krakow Faculty of Mining Surveying and Envir. Engineering Institute of Environmental Protection and Management al. Mickiewicza 30, PL-30-049 Krakow Bergier, Tomasz Dr (WM 1, 2, 3, CD 1, 2, 3 Coord BUP) T: +48 12 6174704, F: +48 12 6330717 mobile: +48 507984718 tbergier@agh.edu.pl Dept. of Mining Area Protection al. Mickiewicza 30, PL-30-049 Krakow Krawczyk, Artur Dr (WM 1, 2, 3, CD 1, 2, 3) T:+48 12 617 2260, F:+48 12 633 0717 artkraw@agh.edu.pl Dept. of Envir. Biotechnology and Ecology al. Mickiewicza 30, PL-30-049 Krakow Baltic Humanistic University, Koszalin ul. Zwycięstwa 113, PL-75-601 Koszalin Wensierski, Piotr Prof. Rector T: +48-94-343 1071, 342 6835 F: +48-94-340 8385 rektor@bwsh.edu.pl sekretariat@bwsh.edu.pl Ottmann, Dorota MA Chancellor T: +48-94-343 1071, 342 6835 F: +48-94-340 8385 kanclerz@bwsh.edu.pl Bialystok Technical University Faculty of Building and Environmental Engineering ul. Wiejska 45a, PL-15-351 Bialystok Dzienis, Lech Dr, Prof. (SD1, SBR) T: +48-85-746 96 55, F: +48-85-746 9576 lechdzienis@pro.onet.pl Talalaj, Izabela Dr (SD1, SBR) T: +48-85-746 9579, F: +48-85-746 9576 izalek@pb.bialystok.pl Trebicka, Agnieszka Dr (SD1, SBR) T: +48-85-746 9579, F: +48-85-746 9576 agusia@pb.bialystok.pl Wagner, Aleksandra Dr (WM 1, 2, 3, CD 1, 2, 3) T:+48 12 617 2254, F:+48 12 633 0717 awagner@agh.edu.pl 55 directory – universities and institutes of higher learning Poland Catholic University of Lublin Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Dept. of Environmental Protection Gdansk University of Technology Faculty of Chemistry Centre for Environmental Studies Al. Krasnicka 102, PL-20-718 Lublin ul. Narutowicza 11/12, PL-80-952 Gdansk Giordano, Klaudia Dr T: +48-81-445 46 34, 4454664 or 4454665 F: +48-81-445 46 10 klaudia.giordano@kul.lublin.pl Medrzycka, Krystyna Prof. (ES1, WM123) T: +48-58-347 24 69 F: +48-58-341 94 68 krystyna@chem.pg.gda.pl Collegium Polonicum UAM-Viadrina Faculty of Management and Economics Dept. of Management and Information Technology ul. Kościuszki 1, 69-100 Słubic ul. Narutowicza 11/12, PL-80-952 Gdansk Pukacz, Andrzej Dr (BSE, BUP Coordinator) T: +48-95-759 24 77, F: +48-95-759 24 55 andrzejpukacz@wp.pl Tomczak, Zbigniew Dr T: +48-58-347 1580 F: +48-58-347 1861 ztom@zie.pg.gda.pl Zbigniew.Tomczak@zie.pg.gda.pl Crakow university of Economics Dept. of Industrial and Environmental Policy Faculty of Architecture ul. Rakowicka 27, PL-31-510 Krakow Górka, Kazimierz Prof. (ES1, AS1, SD1) T: +48-12-293 53 54, 2935352 F: +48-12-293 50 50 gorkak@ae.krakow.pl ekologia@ae.krakow.pl Crakow Pedagogical University Inst. of Geography Podchorazych 2, PL-30-084 Krako Andryszczak, Katarzyna MA. Prof. (SBR, SWM) T:+48 12 662 6246, F:+48 12 662 62 43 kandrysz@ap.krakow.pl Wilczynska-Michalik, Wanda Assoc. Prof. (SBR, SWM) T:+48 12 6626261, F:+48 12 6358884 mobile: (48)606983770 wmichali@ap.krakow.pl Crakow University of Technology Faculty of Environmental Engineering Inst. of Water Engineering and Water Management ul. Warszawska 24, PL-31-155 Krakow Szczepanek, Robert Dr (ES1, SD1) T: +48-12-628 20 80 robert@iigw.pl ul. Narutowicza 11/12, PL-80-952 Gdansk Chojnacki, Maciej Dr (BUUF) T: +48-58-347 25 55 mchojnac@pg.gda.pl Dymnicka, Malgorzata Dr T: +48-58-347 25 55 F: +48-58-347 12 33 mdym@s.pg.gda.pl Kulowski, Andrzej Prof. T: +48-58-347 19 18 kulowski@eti.pg.gda.pl kulowski@pg.gda.pl Poczobut, Joanna Dr T: +48-58-347 6129 jpocz@pg.gda.pl Sas-Bojarska, Aleksandra Dr T: +48-58-347 6097 asasbo@pg.gda.pl aleksandra.sas-bojarska@wp.pl Gdynia Maritime University Faculty of Chemistry ul. Morska 83, PL-81-225 Gdynia Bogalecka, Magdalena Dr (SBR, BSE) T: +48-58-6901591 kota@am.gdynia.pl The Eugeniusz Piasecki University School of Physical Education Faculty of Tourism & Recreation HighER School of Environmental Education, Bydgoszcz ul. Rybaki 19, 61-884 Poznan ul. Fordonska 120, PL-85-739 Bydgoszcz Zywiecka, Danuta MA (BSE) T: +48-61-835 5355 F: +48-61-851 7384 Czarnecka, Magdalena Dr (Coord BUP) T: +48-52-342 9290, 3429285 F: +48-52-345 24 40 rektor@wss.edu.pl Kowalkowska, Barbara Prof. Rector (ES1) T: +48-52-342 9290, 3429285 F: +48-52-345 24 40 rektor@wss.edu.pl 56 directory – universities and institutes of higher learning Poland Lange-Olszewska, Agnieszka MA Chancellor (BSE) T: +48-52-342 9290, 3429285 F: +48-52-345 24 40 rektor@wss.edu.pl Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Inst.of Chemistry & Envir. Protection Faculty of Environmental Protection al. Armii Krajowej 13/15, 42-200 Czestochow Czukiewska, Marta MA (ES1) T: +48-52-342 9290, 3429285 F: +48-52-345 24 40 rektor@wss.edu.pl Gebicki, Cezary Dr (BSE, ES) T: +48-(34)3615154, F: +48-(34)366 5322 cgeb@ajd.czest.pl Haber, Zbigniew Prof. (ES1) T: +48-52-342 9290, 3429285 F: +48-52-345 24 40 rektor@wss.edu.pl Smylla, Aleksandra Dr T: +48-(34)3615154, F: +48-(34)366 5322 a.smylla@ajd.czest.pl Podkowka, Witold Prof. (BSE) T: +48-52-342 9290, 3429285 F: +48-52-345 24 40 rektor@wss.edu.pl Koszalin University of Technology Jagiellonian University, Krakow Faculty of Chemistry Heese, Tomasz Prof. T: +48-94-347 8626 F: +48-94-346 0374 heese@tu.koszalin.pl ul. Ingardena 3, PL-30 063 Krakow Dziembaj, Roman Prof. T: +48-12-633 22 60 F: +48-12-634 05 15 dziembaj@chemia.uj.edu.pl Stochel, Grazyna Prof. T: +48-12-633 22 43 F: +48-12-634 05 15 stochel@chemia.uj.edu.pl Faculty of Biology and Earth Sciences ul. Grodzka 64, PL-31-044 Krakow Domanski, Boleslaw Prof. (SD1, AS1) T: +48-12-429 61 23 F: +48-12-422 55 78 bdoman@arsenal.geo.uj.edu.pl Faculty of Biology and Earth Sciences ul. Gronostajowa 7, PL-30-387 Krakow Chelmicki, Wojciech Prof. T: +48-12-664 5276 w.chelmicki@geo.uj.edu.pl Pociask-Karteczka, Joanna Prof. (ES1, AS1) T: +48-12-664 5277 j.pociask@geo.uj.edu.pl Siwek, Janusz Dr (SD1, AS1) T: +48-12-664 5273 j.siwek@geo.uj.edu.pl Wieclaw-Michniewska, Joanna Dr (SD1) T: +48-12-664 5317 jwieclaw@glor.geo.uj.edu.pl Zborowski, Andrzej Dr (AS1) T: +48-12-664 5316 azborowsk@glor.geo.uj.edu.pl 57 ul. Sniadeckich 2, PL-75-453 Koszalin Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering ul. Sniadeckich 2, PL-75-453 Koszali Szymanski, Kazimierz Prof. T: +48-94-342 7652 F: +48-94-342 7652 dziekanat@wbiis.tu.koszalin.pl Kwidzyn School of Management ul. 11-go Listopada 13, PL-82-502 Kwidzy Toczyska, Ewa Dr (SBR, SCD, Coordinator BUP) T: +48 58 662 3311, 55-2613139, F: +48 58 662 3311 or 55-261 3139 ewatoczyska@gmail.com LI Secondary School in Lodz ul. Przybyszewskiego 73/5, PL-93-126 Lodz Zakrzewska, Katarzyna MA (BSE, Coordinator BUP) T: +48-(42)6811383, Mobile: (48)602119321 KatarzynaZakrzewska@interia.pl Pachelski, Jacek MA (BSE) T: +48-(42)6811383, 6811422 Lublin University of Technology Dept. of Building and Sanitary Engineering ul. Nadbystrzycka 40 B, PL-20-618 Lublin Pawlowski, Artur Dr (SD1) T: +48-81-538 14 09 F: +48-81-538 19 97 pawel@fenix.pol.lublin.pl directory – universities and institutes of higher learning Poland Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Lublin Faculty of Biology and Earth Sciences ul. Akademicka 19, PL-20-033 Lublin Bartoszewski, Stefan Prof. (WM123) T: +48-81537 5951, F: +48-81-537 5414 Stefan.Bartoszewski@umcs.lublin.pl Debicki, Ryszard Prof. T: +48-81-5375216, 537 5026 ryszard.debicki@umcs.lublin.pl Piszcz, Joanna Dr (WM123) T: +48-81-537 59 53 jpiszcz@biotop.umcs.lublin.pl Faculty of Biology and Earth Sciences ul. Krasnicka 2CD, PL-20-033 Lublin Lanczont, Maria Prof. T: +48-81-537 5510 ext. 154, F: 48-81-537 5510 ext. 162 lanczont@biotop.umcs.lublin.pl Faculty of Biology and Earth Sciences ul. Krasnicka 2B, PL-20-718 Lublin Woloszyn, Witold Dr (BSE) T: +48-81-5375510 ext. 105, 5374173 Witold.Woloszyn@umcs.lublin.pl Faculty of Chemistry Pl. M. Curie-Sklodowskiej 3, PL-20-031 Lublin Niecko, Jerzy Dr (SD1) T: +48-81-537 5524, 537 5596, F: +48-81-533 33 48 Mobile: (48)600813675 niecko@hermes.umcs.lublin.pl (upphör 5 may 2008) jerzy.niecko@gmail.com Czech, Bozena Dr (SD1) T: +48-81-5375692 F: +48-81-537 55 65 czech.bozena@poczta.onet.pl Maritime University of Szczecin Institute of Sea Navigation ul.Wały Chrobrego 1-2, 70-500 Szczecin Szozda, Zbigniew Dr T: +48-91-480 93 50 F: +48-91-433 41 55 szozda@am.szczecin.pl Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun Dept. of Biology and Eartch Sciences ul. Gagarina 9, PL-87-100 Torun Napiorkowski, Pawel Dr (AS12) T: +48-56-611 44 50 F: +48-56-611 44 43 pnapiork@biol.umk.pl 58 Dept. of Chemistry ul. Gagarina 7, PL-87-100 Torun Kurzawa, Marzanna Dr (ES1) T: +48-56-611 43 69 F: +48-56-654 24 77 jmk@cc.uni.torun.pl Lakomska, Iwona Dr (ES1) T: +48-56-611 43 17 F: +48-56-654 24 77 dziubek@cc.uni.torun.pl PaweŁ WŁodkowic University college in PŁock Faculty of Education Al. Kilinskiego 12, PL-09-402 Płock Bukowski, Andrzej Prof. (BSE) T: +48-24-366 41 85 F: +48-24-366 41 64 pawel@wlodkowic.pl Cichocka, Maria Dr (BSE) T: +48-24-366 41 85 F: +48-24-366 41 64 pawel@wlodkowic.pl Kozlak, Wieslaw Dr (ES1, BSE, Coordinator BUP) T: +48-24-366 41 05 F: +48-24-366 41 64 pawel@wlodkowic.pl ela@wlodkowic.pl Pedagogical University of CraCow Inst. of Geography ul. Podchorazych 2, PL-30-084 Krakow Andryszczak, Katarzyna MA (SD1, WM123) T: +48-12-662 62 46 F: +48-12-662 62 43 kandrysz@ap.krakow.pl Wilczynska-Michalik, Wanda Prof. (SD1, WM123) T: +48-12-662 62 61 F: +48-12-635 88 84 wmichali@ap.krakow.pl pedro Arrupe leaders and tutors training Centre ul. Tatrzanska 35, PL-81-313 Gdynia Bogalecka, Magda Dr (SBR, BSE) T: +48-(58)6616582 magda_bogalecka@poczta.gdynia.pl Siudek, Patrycja MSc (BSE, SBR) T: +48-(58)6616582 unibal@poczta.gdynia.pl Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow Inst of Nature Conservation Al. Mickiewicza 33, PL-31-120 Krakow Ciszewski, Dariusz Dr T: +48-12-632 0549 ext. 124 ciszewski@iop.krakow.pl directory – universities and institutes of higher learning Poland Pomeranian Higher School of Social and Economic Policy ul. Kosciuszki 112/114, 83-200 Starogard Gdanski Leszczynski, Krzysztof M.A. (SD1, SBR, POB) T: +48-58-563 00 90 F: +48-58-563 00 90 kret69@hotmail.com Pomeranian Pedagogical university, Slupsk Fac. of Mathematics and Biological Sciences Dept. of Water Ecology ul. Arciszewskiego 22a, PL-76-200 Slupsk Slys, Daniel Dr (BSE) T:+48 17 8651817, F:+48 17 8651172 daniels@prz.edu.pl Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice Faculty of Environmental and Power Engineering Dept. of Environmental Biotechnology Strzody 7/9, PL-44-100 Gliwice Kalka, Joanna tel.:+48 32 2372129, fax:+48 32 2372946 joanna.kalka@polsl.pl Antczak, Jacek Dr T:+48 59 8405435, F: +48 59 840 5475 antczak@apsl.edu.pl state higher school of vocational education Institute of Technology Jarosiewicz, Anna Dr (BSE, BUP Coordinator) T: +48-59-840 5334 F: +48-59-8405475 jarosiewicza@poczta.onet.pl Wojska Polskiego 1, PL-82-300 Elblag Witek, Zbigniew Prof. T:+48 59 8405334, F: +48 59 8405475 zwitek@pap.edu.pl PuŁtusk academy of Humanities Faculty of Environmental Studies ul. Daszyskiego 17, PL-06-100 Pultusk Lenart, Witold Dr (SD1, SBR) T: +48-23-673 95 88 F: +48-23-672 94 56 wrlenart@uw.edu.pl w-lenart@geo2.pl Ostrowski, Krzysztof Dr, Prorector for Foreign Affairs (BUP Coordinator) T:+48 23 23 692 98 91, F:+48 23 692 98 29 ostrow@ah.edu.pl Radom University of Technology Dept. of Environmental Protection Chrobrego 27, PL-26-600 Radom Swietlik, Ryszard Prof. (SBR) T:+48 48 361 75 45, F:+48 48 361 75 98 ryszardswietlik@pr.radom.pl Rzeszow University of Technology Dept. of Infrastructure and Ecodevelopment Powstanców Warszawy 6, PL-35-959 Rzeszów Rychter, Agata Dr (BSE) T.:+48 55 2390931, F:+48 55 2398831 a.rychter@pwsz.elblag.pl Szczecin University of Technology Dept. of Chemistry and Envir. Protection al. Piastow 42, PL-71-065 Szczecin Olszak-Humienik, Magdalena Dr (ES1) T: +48-91-449 48 12 F: +48-91-433 33 70 magdalena.olszak-humienik@ps.pl magol@ps.pl Technical University of Łódż Faculty of Process and Environmental Engineering ul. Wolczanska 213, PL-90-924 Łódż Janczyk, Joanna M.A. (BUP-Centre) T: +48-42-631 37 82, 6364923 F: +48-42-636 49 23 baltlodz@wipos.p.lodz.pl Kozlowska, Barbara Dr (EMS) T: +48-42-631 37 78, 6313700 F: +48-42-631 37 78 barbakoz@wipos.p.lodz.pl Marczak, Halina B.Sc. (BUP-Centre, SD1) T: +48-42-631 37 83, 6313782 F: +48-42-636 49 23 baltlodz@wipos.p.lodz.pl Michalak, Dorota M.Sc. (BUP-Centre, SD1) T: +48-42-631 37 83, 6313782 F: +48-42-636 49 23 baltlodz@wipos.p.lodz.pl Dziopak, Jozef Prof. (BSE, SBR) T:+48 17 8651817, F:+48 17 8651172 jdziopak@prz.rzeszow.pl Trzupek, Agnieszka M.Sc. (BSE, WM123) T: +48-42-6313773, 6313700 F: +48-42-636 49 23 trzupek@mail.p.lodz.pl Neverova-Dziopak, Elena Prof. (BSE, SBR, EES) T:+48 17 8651427, F:+48 17 8651172 jdziopak@prz.rzeszow.pl Zbicinski, Ireneusz Prof. (Centre Director, Mentor SD, SWM) T: +48-42-631 37 73, 6313700 F: +48-42-636 49 23 mobile:+48 602641013 zbicinsk@mail.p.lodz.pl 59 directory – universities and institutes of higher learning Poland Zykwinska, Katarzyna MA (Mentors assistant SD) T: +48-42-631 36 76, 6313700 F: +48-42-636 49 23 zykwinsk@mail.p.lodz.pl Foreign Languages Department al. Politechniki 12, PL-93-580 Lodz Dydel-Wroblewska, Grazyna MA (EES) T: +48-42-631 2826 F: +48-42-636 3206 Grazyna.Dydel-Wroblewska@p.lodz.pl Lacinska-Wujcik, Izabela MA (EES) T: +48-42-631 2826 F: +48-42-636 3206 Kaczmarek, Aleksandra MA (EES) T: +48-42-631 2811 F: +48-42-636 3206 Technical University of Wroclaw Inst. for Environmental Protection Engineering Wybrzeze Wyspianskiego 27, PL-50-370 Wroclaw University of Economics, Poznan Dept of Spatial and Environmental Economics al. Niepodleglosci 10, PL-60-967 Poznan Bernaciak, Arnold Dr (SD1, BUP Coordinator) T: +48-61-854 34 14 F: +48-61-854 34 33 a.bernaciak@ae.poznan.pl University of FinanceS and Management Branch in Elk ul.Grunwaldzka 1, PL-19-300 Elk Kostka, Mestwin St. Prof. (SD1, POB, BSE) T: +48 (87)621 1446, F: +(48)604459079 mestwin.kostka@wsfiz.edu.pl Branch in Bialystok Dept. of Economics and Ecology ul. Ciepla 40, PL-15-472 Bialystok Adamski, Wojciech Prof. (ES1, SD1) T: +48-71-320 34 79 F: +48-71-328 29 80 wojciech.adamski@pwr.wroc.pl envirprot@pwr.wroc.pl Iwacewicz-Orlowska, Anna MA (AS1, BSE POB) T: +48-85-6785896, 6785811, F: +48-85-675 0088 bup@wsfiz.edu.pl aiwacewicz@yahoo.com University of Bielsko-BiaŁa Faculty of Textile Engineering and Environmental Protection Kostka, Mestwin St. Prof. (SD1, POB, BSE) T: +48 85 6785896, 48 85 6785811, F: +48 85 6750088 mestwin.kostka@wsfiz.edu.pl ul. Willowa 2, PL-43-309 Bielsko-Biala Halama, Arkadiusz Dr (WM123) T: +48-33-827 91 46 F: +48-33-827 91 02 ahalama@ath.bielsko.pl Wiezik, Benjamin Prof. (WM123) T: +48-33-827 91 39, 8279181 F: +48-33-827 91 01 bwiezik@ath.bielsko.pl University of Bialystok Faculty of Biology and Chemistry Institute of Biology Dep. of Hydrobiology ul. Swierkowa 20B, 15-472 Bialystok Gorniak, Andrzej Prof. (SBR) (85) 745 7324, (85)7457301, F: (85)745 7302 hydra@uwb.edu.pl University of Ecology and Management Fac. of Environmental Protection ul. Wawelska 14, 02-061 Warszaw Mosiej, Jozef Prof. (EHSA, SBR, Coordinator BUP) T.:+48 22 593 5381, F: +48-22-593 53 55 jozef_mosiej@sggw.pl 60 University of Gdansk Faculty of Chemistry ul. J. Sobieskiego 18, PL-80-952 Gdansk Bielicka, Alaksandra Dr (SD1, ES1, Coord BUP) T: +48-58-345 03 07, F: +48-58-523 5573 albi@chem.univ.gda.pll Bojanowska, Irena Dr (ES1, SD1) T: +48-58-5235325 F: +48-58-523 5573 bojirka@chem.univ.gda.pl Glamowski, Piotr Dr (WM123) T: +48-58-345 03 07 F: +48-58-523 5573 piotras@chemik.chem.univ.gda.pl The Secretariat of Vice-rector for Education ul. Bazynskiego 1a, PL-80-952 Gdansk Swierk, Katarzyna Dr (SBR) T: +48-58-5232036, F: +48-58-523 2536 k.swierk@univ.gda.pl Faculty of Economics Dept. of Macroeconomics ul. Armii Krajowej 119/121, PL-81-824 Sopot Podhorski-Piotrowski, Jacek Dr (ES12) T: +48-58-523 1323, 5231324 F: +48-58-523 1324 jpp@panda.bg.univ.gda.pl directory – universities and institutes of higher learning Poland Regional Cooperation Centre Al. Marszalka Pilsudskiego 46, PL-81-378 Gdynia Toczyski, Witold Assoc. Prof. (SD1, CD123) T: +48-58-523 6614, 6623311, F: +48-58-6623311 toczyski@panda.bg.univ.gda.pl wtoczyski@wp.pl Faculty of Mathematics, Physics nad Informatics Dept. of Molecular Physics ul. Wita Stwosza 57, PL-80-952 Gdansk Wojtkowiak, Jerzy Dr (SD1, ES12) T: +48-58-523 2246, 3035502 truszwojtkowiak@chelmnet.pl fizjw@univ.gda.pl Faculty of Biology, Geography and Oceanography Al. Pilsudskiego 46, PL-81-378 Gdynia Wojtasik, Barbara Dr (ES1, SD1) T: +48-58-523 66 09 F: +48-58-3058110 basia@biotech.ug.gda.pl Faculty of Economics International Business Institute Pangsy-Kania, Sylwia, Lecturer, Dr spk@adres.pl Faculty of Social Sciences ul. J. Hallera 122, PL-80-952 Gdansk Burdelski, Marceli Dr (AS12) T: +48-58-5234168, F: +48-602681101 polmb@univ.gda.pl Leszczynska, Malgorzata Dr (SBR) T: +48-58-523 41 74 lema@bg.univ.gda.pl Tebinka, Jacek Prof. (AS1) T: +48-58-523 4151, 5234170, F: +48-58-5234141 poljt@univ.gda.pl Hel Marine Station ul. Morska 2, PL-84-150 Hel Kuklik, Iwona M.Sc. (SD1, ES1) T: +48-58-675 0836 F: +48-58-675 0420 oceik@univ.gda.pl Skora, Krzysztof Prof. (SD1, ES1) T: +48-58-675 0836 F: +48-58-675 0420 skora@univ.gda.pl Faculty of Philology and History Inst. of History ul. Wita Stwosza 55, PL-80-952 Gdansk Nurek, Mieczysław Prof. T: +48-58-523 2104, 5232297 hismn@univ.gda.pl 61 Faculty of Biology, Geography and Oceanology Inst. of Oceanography Al. Marszalka Pilsudskiego 46, PL-81-378 Gdynia Plinski, Marcin Prof. T: +48-58-523 6703 F: +48-58-523 5531 ocemp@univ.gda.pl Inst. of Oceanography ul. Andersa 27, PL-81-824 Sopot Zmijewska, Maria Iwona Prof. T: +48-58-523 6847, 5236846, F: +48-58-523 5531 ocemiz@univ.gda.pl Faculty of Social Sciences Inst. of Pedagogic ul. Krzywoustego 19, PL-80-960 Gdansk Mendel, Maria Prof. T: +48-58-557 2047 ext.326, 5572112, F: +48-58-557 2112 pedmm@univ.gda.pl University of LÓdŻ Faculty of Management Dept. of City and Regional Management ul. J. Matejki 22/26, pok.149, PL-90-237 Lódż Drzazga, Dominik Dr (SD1, Coordinator BUP) T: +48-42-635 62 86, +48 42 6355198, +48 42 6655630 F: +48-42-665 56 31, mobile:+48 503105301 ddrzazga@uni.lodz.pl Markowski, Tadeusz Prof. (SD1, ES1) T: +48-42-635 63 00 F: +48-42-665 56 31 wzdziek@uni.lodz.pl Raczynski, Jacek MSc. (ES1) T: +48-42-635 62 90, 6355198 F: +48-42-665 56 31 Mobile: (48)603795580 raczynsk@poczta.onet.pl University of Silesia Centre for Studies on Human and Natural Environment ul. Bankowa 9, PL-40-007 Katowice Stefanska, Patrycja MA T: +48-32-359 1235, F: +48-32-359 1235 patrycja.stefanska@us.edu.pl Faculty of Biology and Environmantal Protection Dept. of Animal Physiology and Ecotoxicology ul. Bankowa 9, PL-40-007 Katowice Migula, Pawel Prof. (Mentor ES, ES1, SD1) T: +48-32-359 11 74, 2009361 F: +48-32-200 9361 migula@us.edu.pl Nakonieczny, Miroslaw Dr (ES1, SD1) T: +48-32-359 1780 F: +48-32-359 1235 nakon@us.edu.pl directory – universities and institutes of higher learning Poland Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection Faculty of Law and Administration ul. Bankowa 9, PL-40-007 Katowice ul. Narutowicza 17 a, PL-70-240 Szczecin Kedziorski, Andrzej Dr (ES1, SD1) T: +48-32-359 17 80 kedziors@us.edu.pl Balaban, Andrzej Prof. (AS1) T: +48-91-444 28 14 balaban@mec.univ.szczecin.pl Skubała, Piotr Prof. (SD1, ES1, ESC) T: +48-32-358 11 48 pskubala@us.edu.pl Inst. of Marine Sciences Tarnawska, Monika Dr (SD1) T: +48-32-359 1956 dybowska@us.edu.pl Zawisza-Raszka, Agnieszka Dr (SD1) T: +48-32-359 12 03 azawisza@us.edu.pl ul. Felczaka 3a, PL-71-415 Szczecin Musielak, Stanislaw Prof. (ES1, BSE) T: +48-91-444 15 90, F: +48-91-444 16 91 muss@univ.szczecin.pl Olechwir, Tomasz Dr (BSE) T: +48-91-444 16 49 tomek@univ.szczecin.pl Faculty of Earth Sciences Laboratory of Remote Sensing and Marine Cartography ul. Bedzinska 60, PL-41-200 Sosnowiec ul. Felczaka 3a, PL-71-415 Szczecin Jankowski, Andrzej T. Prof. (ES1, ESC) T: +48-32-368 93 79 ajank@us.edu.pl Furmanczyk, Kazimierz Prof. (ES1, BSE) T/F: +48-91-444 16 00 kaz@.univ.szczecin.pl Witkowski, Andrzej Dr (ES1, ESC) T: +48-32-368 92 83 awitkows@us.edu.pl Faculty of Law and Administration ul. Bankowa 11b, PL-40-007 Katowice Barcik, Jacek Dr (SD1, ES1, ESC) T: +48-32-359 1555 Grabowska, Genowefa Prof. (SD1, ES1, ESC) T: +48-32-359 12 40 ggrab@us.edu.pl University of Technology and Life Sciences, Bydgoszcz Faculty of Agriculture ul. prof. Kaliskiego 7, PL-85-796 Bydgoszcz Dept. of Advising in Agribusiness Prus, Piotr Dr (SD1) T: +48-52-340 81 85 F: +48-52-340 80 84 prus@utp.edu.pl Dept. of Botany and Ecology ul. Zytnia 10, PL-41-200 Sosnowiec Dabrowska, Beata Dr (SD1, coord BUP) T: +48-52-340 82 75 F: +48-52-340 8029 bea@utp.edu.pl Slawek, Tadeusz Prof. (AS1) T: +48-32-269 12 60 slawek@us.edu.pl Sawilska, Anna Katarzyna Dr (SD1) T: +48-52-340 81 54, 502099748 F: +48-52-340 8029 sawilska@utp.edu.pl Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Animal Breeding and Biology Dept. of Ecology Faculty of Philology ul. Bankowa 11, PL-40-007 Katowice Ponikowska, Katarzyna Dr (SD1, ES1, ESC) T: +48-32-359 1755 kaspon@wp.pl Wodz, Kazimiera Prof. (AS1) T: +48-32-359 17 79 kwodz@saba.wns.us.edu.pl University of Szczecin Institute of History and International Relations ul. Cukrowa 8, PL-71-004 Szczecin Szczepanska, Anna Dr (AS1) T: +48-91-444 33 09 F: +48-91-444 33 01 62 ul. ks. A. Kordeckiego 20, PL-85-225 Bydgoszcz Seniczak, Anna Dr (ES1) T: +48-52-374 93 60, 3749308 F: +48-52-374 9327 aseniczak@utp.edu.pl anna_seniczak@hotmail.com University of Warmia and Mazury Michała Oczapowskiego 2, PL-10-719 Olsztyn International relations Jaworska, Maria MA (BUP coordinator) T:+48 89 523 3467, F: +48 89 524 0494 maria.jaworska@uwm.edu.pl directory – universities and institutes of higher learning Poland Piechocki, Janusz Prof. T:+48 89 523-44-66 janusz.piechocki@uwm.edu.pl University of WrocŁaw Dept. of Hydrogeology Science University of Warsaw Centre for Environmental Study Tarka, Robert Dr (WM123) T: +48-71-375 92 08 F: +48-71-375 62 19 rtarka@ing.uni.wroc.pl ul. Zwirki i Wigury 93, PL-02-089 Warszawa Kalinowska, Anna Dr T: +48-22-554 07 01 F: +48-22-554 00 01 ucbs@uw.edu.pl Dept. of Information Economy and Economic Analyses ul. Dluga 44/50, PL-00-241 Warszawa Sleszynski, Jerzy Prof. (CD123) T: +48-22-554 91 23, F: +48-22-831 28 46 sleszynski@wne.uw.edu.pl Dept. of Macroeconomics ul. Dluga 44/50, PL-00-241 Warszawa Zylicz, Tomasz Prof. (CD123) T: +48-22-554 91 57, F: +48-22-831 28 46 tzylicz@wne.uw.edu.pl Dept. of History Krakowskie Przedmiescie 26/28, PL-00-927 Warszawa Szelagowska, Grazyna Prof. (AS1) T: +48-22-552 04 15 Dept. of Regional Development and Policy Krakowskie Przedmiescie 30, PL-00-927 Warszawa Swianiewicz, Pawel Prof. T: +48-22-552 06 29 F: +48-22-826 16 54 pswian@uw.edu.pl Dept. of Regional Geography Krakowskie Przedmiescie 30, PL-00-927 Warszawa Kantowicz, Ewelina Prof. T: +48-22-552 06 46 ekanto@uw.edu.pl Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies Krakowskie Przedmiescie 30, PL-00-927 Warszawa Magnuszewski, Artur Assoc. Prof. (BUP Coordinator) T: +48-22-552 06 35 asmagnus@uw.edu.pl Faculty of Geography/ Mazovian Geogr. Observatory Krakowskie Przedmiescie 30, PL-00-927 Warszawa ul. Cybulskiego 30, PL-50-205 Wroclaw Faculty of Biological Sciences Studium of Environmental Protection ul. Przybyszewskiego 63/77, PL-51-148 Wroclaw Nawoj-Kida, Barbara MA (ES1, AS1) T: +48-71-375 62 19 F: +48-71-375 62 19 b.kida@microb.uni.wroc.pl University of Zielona Gora Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Institute of Environmental Engineering Prof. Z. Szafrana 15, PL-65-516 Zielona Gora Lipnicki, Zygmunt Prof. (BUP Coordinator, BSE) T:+48 68 32826 73, F:+48 68 3247290 Z.Lipnicki@iis.uz.zgora.pl Kuczynski, Tadeusz Prof. (BUP Coordinator, BSE) T:+48 68 3282524, F:+48 68 3247290 T.Kuczynski@iis.uz.zgora.pl Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW Faculty of Engineering and Environmental Science Dept. of Environmental Improvement Nowoursynowska 159, PL-02-776 Warszaw Mosiej, Jozef Prof. (EHSA, SBR, Coordinator BUP) T.:+48 22 593 5381, F: +48-22-593 53 55 jozef_mosiej@sggw.pl mosiej@alpha.sggw.waw.pl Karczmarczyk, Agnieszka Dr (SWM, EHSA) T.:+48 22 593 5382, F: +48-22-593 53 55 agnieszka_karczmarczyk@sggw.pl Wyporska, Katarzyna MA (EHSA, SBR) T.:+48 22 593 5381, F: +48-22-593 53 55 wyporska@yahoo.com Warsaw School of Economics ul. Abramowskiego 4, 02-667 Warszawa, Wiszniewski, Wojciech Prof. Rector T: +48-22-646 85 55 F: +48-22-646 85 54 wwse@wwse.edu.pl Lenart, Witold Dr (ES1, FS) T: +48-22-552 06 28 wrlenart@uw.edu.pl 63 directory – universities and institutes of higher learning Poland Warsaw School of real estate management Vocational School of Electrical Engineering, Krosno ul. Karowa 31, 00-324 Warszaw, Contact address: ul. Tetmajera 60, 81-406 Gdynia ul. Rzeszowska 10, PL-38-404 Krosno Toczyska, Ewa Dr (SBR, SCD, Coordinator BUP) T/F: +48-58-662 33 11 ewatoczyska@gmail.com Warsaw School of Social Psychology Institute of Scandinavian Studies ul. Chodakowska 19/31, 03-815 Warszaw Bruzewicz, Szymon Dr (BSE Mentors Ass. AS, Coordinator BUP) T:+48-22-517 99 05, F: +48-22-517 96 25 szymon.bruzewicz@swps.edu.pl Wilusz, Marian M.A. (AS1) T: +48-13-436 56 27, 4365564 F: +48-13-435 07 96 marwilusz@poczta.onet.pl Zywiec, Anna M.A. (AS1) T: +48-13-436 56 27, 4220991 anzyw@poczta.onet.pl Wroclaw Medical University Faculty of Medicine, Dept. of Hygiene Mikulicza-Radeckiego 7, PL-50-345 Wroclaw Maciejewski , Witold Prof. T:+48-22-517 99 05, F: +48-22-517 96 25 witold.maciejewski@swps.edu.pl Pawlas, Krystyna Prof. (BUP Coordinator) T:+48 71 784 1501, F:+48 71 7841503 mobile:+48 508069011 pawlask@hyg.am.wroc.pl Mikolajczyk, Magdalena MA T:+48-22-517 99 05, F: +48-22-517 96 25 Magdalena.Mikolajczyk@swps.edu.pl Hombek-Urban, Katarzyna (BUP Coordinator) T:+48 71 7841508, F:+48 71 7841503 katarzyna.hombek.urban@gazeta.pl Warsaw University of Technology Faculty of Environmental Engineering Dept. of Environmental Protection and Management ul. Nowowiejska 20, PL-00-653 Warszawa Nawalany, Marek Prof. (ES1) T: +48-22-621 89 93 marek.nawalany@is.pw.edu.pl Faculty of Environmental Engineering Dept. of Biology ul. Nowowiejska 20, PL-00-653 Warszawa Slomczynska, Bozena Dr (ES1) T: +48-22-621 29 79 bozena.slomczynska@is.pw.edu.pl tomasz.slomczynski@is.pw.edu.pl West Pomeranian Business School, Szczecin, Poland International Cooperation and Applied Research ul. Żołnierska 53, 71-210 Szczecin Rozwadowski, Jerzy Dr T: +48 91 814 94 84, F: +48 91 814 94 54 jrozwadowski@zpsb.szczecin.pl The Witelon University of Applied Sciences in Legnica Faculty of Political Sciences Faculty of Pharmacy Dept. of Toxicology ul. Traugutta 57/59, 50-417 Wroclaw Dlugosz, Anna Prof. T/F:+48 71 344 43 75 adltox@ak.am.wroc.pl Lembas-Bogaczyk, Jadwiga Dr T/F:+48 71 344 43 75 jlembas@tox.am.wroc.pl Marchewka, Zofia Dr T/F:+48 71 344 43 75 zomar@tox.am.wroc.pl Faculty of Medicine Dept. & Clinic of Internal, Occupational & Arterial Hypertension Diseases ul. Wybrzeze L. Pasteura 4, 50-367 Wroclaw Andrzejak, Ryszard Prof. T:+48 71 784 09 21, F:+48 71 784 0954 mobile:+48 508069011 ryszard@chzaw.am.wroc.pl Poreba, Rafal Dr T:+48 71 784 09 21, F:+48 71 784 0954 Skoczynska, Anna Prof. T:+48 71 784 09 21, F:+48 71 784 0954 ul. Sejmowa 5a, PL-59-220 Legnic Dabrowski, Stanislaw Prof. Dean of the Faculty T: +48-76-723 2205, F: +48-76-723 2905 barysze@pwsz.legnica.edu.pl 64 directory – universities and institutes of higher learning Russia, Kaliningrad Region Baltic Fishing Fleet State Academy Dept. of Ecology Molodeznaja Str., 6, RU-236 000, Kaliningrad Sergeeva, Larisa G. Dr, Assoc. Prof. (ES1, SD1) T: +7-4012-55 18 04 F: +7-4012-51 66 90 bgaintern@gazinter.net Dept. of Foreign Languages Molodeznaja Str., 6, RU-236 029, Kaliningrad Ismailov, Elhan Dr (SD1) T: +7-4012-950322 F: +7-4012-91 66 90 bgaintern@gazinter.net Dept. of Management on Transport Molodeznaja Str., 6, RU-236 029, Kaliningrad Korneevets,Valentin S. Dr, Assoc. Prof.,Vice Rector T: +7-4012-46 59 02 F: +7-4012-46 58 13, +7-4012-53 82 81 korn@admin.albertina.ru Volkova, Irina Dr, Assoc. Prof. (ES1) T: +7-4012-53 25 94 , F: +7-4012-53 37 26, +7-4012-53 82 81 volkova@albertina.ru Faculty of Services A. Nevskogo Str. 14, RU-236 041 Kaliningrad Kropinova, Helena Dr, Assoc. Prof. (BUP Centre, AS12, CD123, ES1, SD1) T: +7-4012-535204, F: +7-4012-53-82-81 Mobile: 7 4012 388552 kropinova@mail.ru Gavrilchenko, Galina, Senior Lecturer T: +7-4012-96 54 16 mailvid@mail.ru Kostyk, Elena (BUP Centre, AS1, SD1) T: +7-4012-53 52 04, F: +7-4012-53 82 81 lena_kostyk@mail.ru Meyler, Leonid E. Dr-Ing., Assoc. Prof. (SD1) T: +7-4012-21 42 35 F: +7-4012-51 66 90 bga.transport@baltnet.ru Novikova, Kseniya (BUP Centre) T: +7-4012-53 52 04, F: +7-4012-53 82 81 kseniyanovikova1@rambler.ru International Department Kaliningrad Institute for Retraining of Staff in Agribusiness Molodeznaja Str., 6, RU-236 029, Kaliningrad Immanuel Kant State University of Russia BaltMION A. Nevskogo Str. 14, RU-236 016 Kaliningrad 2 Molodaya Gvardia St., 236038 Kaliningrad Golubitsky, Alexey T: +7 4012 461321, F: +7 4012 464486 algoal@mail.ru Kuznetzova, Tatiana Project Coordinator (AS12) T: +7-4012-53 82 81 F: +7-4012-53 82 81 baltmion@admin.albertina.ru Kaliningrad State Technical University Faculty of bioresources and environmental management, Dept. of Ichthyology and Ecology Joukovskii, Igor Head of International Office (AS12) T: +7-4012-53 82 81 F: +7-4012-53 82 81 baltmion@admin.albertina.ru Sovetsky Prospect, 1, RU-236 041 Kaliningrad Faculty of Bioecology A. Nevskogo Str. 14, RU-236 016 Kaliningrad Krasnov, Eugeny Prof. (ES1) T: +7-4012-53 62 54, +7-4012-53 09 83 F: +7-4012-53 37 26, +7-4012-53 82 81 ecogeography@rambler.ru zabotkina@admin.albertina.ru Faculty of Geography and Geoecology A. Nevskogo Str. 14, RU-236 016 Kaliningrad Belov, Nikolay EHSA Kaliningrad Coordinator T: +7-4012-338322 project@albertina.ru Fedorov, Gennady M. Prof.,Vice Rector T: +7-4012-46 63 13, F: +7-4012-46 63 13, +7-4012-53 82 81 fedorov@admin.albertina.ru 65 Gulina, Tatiana M.Sc., Assistant (ES1, SD1) T: +7-4012-27 30 09 F: +7-4012-27 96 83 gulina@klgtu.ru Kondratenko, Sergey V. Dr, Assoc. Prof. (BUP Coordinator at the KSTU) T: +8-4012-935453 F: +8-4012-595232 kondrat@klgtu.ru Shvyreva, Natalia M.Sc., Assistant (ES1, SD1) T: +7-4012-27 30 09 F: +7-4012-27 96 83 shvyreva@klgtu.ru Tsoupikova, Nadezhda Dr, Assoc. Prof. (WM123) T: +7-4012-27 30 09 F: +7-4012-27 96 83 tsoupikova@klgtu.ru International Relations Department Sovetsky Prospect, 1, RU-236 000 Kaliningrad Zagorodny, Anatoly Dr, Assoc. Prof. (SD1) T: +7-4012-27 96 83 F: +7-4012-27 96 83 zag@klgtu.ru directory – universities and institutes of higher learning Russia, North Western Academy of Management and Agrobusiness St. Petersburg State Agrarian University Office 205 Pushkinskaya 12-13 Saint-Petersburg - Shushary, RU-196626 RUSSIA 2, Petersburgs road, RU-196601 St. Petersburg-Pushkin Izosimova , Alexandra T/F: (+7 812) 7231169 mobile +7 9219228287 aleksizos@mail.ru Karelian Centre of the Academy of Sciences Northern Water Problems Institute A. Nevskiy Str. 50, RU-185 030 Petrozavodsk Filatov, Nikolaj Dr, Director (WM123) T: +7-8142-55 34 71 F: +7-8142-56 90 89 nfilatov@nwpi.krc.karelia.ru Regerand, Tatjana I. T: +8-8142-57-64-01, + 8-8142-57-63-81 F: +8-8142-57-84-64 regerand@nwpi.krc.karelia.ru Pskov Pedagogical Institute Dept. of Geography Sovetskaja St. 21, RU-180 000 Pskov Manakov, Andrei G. Dr (AS1) T: +7-8112-72 32 89 F: +7-8112-72 32 89 mag@volny.edu Slinchack, Alexander I. Prof. (ES1, SD1) T: +7-8112-72 32 89 F: +7-8112-72 32 89 egf-pskov@mail.ru Terenina N. (SWM) Tel:+7-8112-72-32-89 tanat@svs.ru Russian State Hydrometeorological University, St Petersburg Dept of Applied Ecology 98 Maloohtinsky. pr, RU-195 196 St Petersburg Dept. of Fishing Oceanology and Natural Waters Protection Efremova, Marina T: +7 812 476 09 90, F: +7 812 465 05 05 Marina_efremova@mail.ru Korneeva, Elena (EHSA St. Petersburg Coordinator) T: +7 812 476 09 96, F: +7 812 465 05 05 Nvp_sau@mail.ru Minin,Vladislav T: +7 812 1304298, F: +7 812 4765413 minin@mail.rcom.ru Polyansky, Nikolay T: +7 812 476 09 90, F: +7 812 465 05 05 nvp_sau@mail.ru ST PETERBURG INSTITUTE (TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY) OF FINE MECHANICS AND OPTICS Physical-Engineering Faculty 14 Sablinskaya St. 197101 St.-Petersburg Zarichnyak Yuri (BSE,SBR) Tel.: +7-812-254-37-00 eimbp@esstel.ru St Petersburg State Polytechnical University Dept. of Applied Ecology 29 Polytechnicheskaja St., RU-195 251 St Petersburg Rolle, Nikolay N. Assoc. Prof. (ES1, AS1, SD1,WM123, CD123, EM) T: +8-812-293 58 73 F: +8-812-293 58 73 nikrolle@hotmail.ru; St Petersburg State University Dept. of Ecological Safety and Sustainable Development 10th Line 33/35, RU-199 178 St Petersburg 98 Maloohtinsky. pr, RU-195 196 St Petersburg Voropaeva, Galina M. T:+7-812-328-35-68, F:+7-812-328-71-46 victor@baltic.lgu.spb.su Eremina, Tatyana R. Assoc. Prof. (WM123) T: +8-812-224-06-49, F: 8-812-224-60-90 tanya@rshu.ru Division of Baltic and Arctic Projects Grigoreva,Victoria Dr (SBR) Shilin, Mikhail B. Prof. (ES1, EM) T: +8-812-224-06-49, F: 8-812-224-60-90 shilin@rshu.ru 66 10th Line 33/35, RU-199 178 St Petersburg Ionov, Dmitry V. Assoc. Prof. T:+7-812-328-70-46; F:+7-812-328-71-46 victor@baltic.lgu.spb.su Ionov,Viktor V. Assoc. Prof.(BUP-Centre) T:+7-812-328-70-46; F:+7-812-328-71-46 victor@baltic.lgu.spb.su directory – universities and institutes of higher learning Russia, North Western Ivashkina, Galina M. Manager (BUP-centre) T:+7-812-328-70-46; F:+7-812-328-71-46 victor@baltic.lgu.spb.su St Petersburg Technological Institute (Technical University) Dept. of Environmental protection Priakhin, Sergei I. Dr (CD123) T: +7-812-328 70 46 F: +7-812-328 71 46 sergey@baltic.lgu.spb.su 26 Moskovskiy pr., RU-198 013 St Petersburg Pryakhina Galina V. Assoc. Prof. (WM123) Tel.:+7-812-328-70-46 Fax.:+7-812-328-71-46 g65@mail.ru Savchuk, Oleg P. Dr. (ES1) T:+7-812-218-81-23; F: +7-812-218-81-23 oleg@baltic.lgu.spb.su Silyakova, Anna Secretary (BUP-centre) T:+7-812-328-70-46; F:+7-812-328-71-46 ksenia@baltic.lgu.spb.su Shelest, Ksenia D. (BUP-centre. SBR, SCD) T:+7-812-328-70-46; F:+7-812-328-71-46 ksenia@baltic.lgu.spb.su Tikhomirov Leonid Y. (BUP-centre, ES1) Tel.: +7-812-328-70-46;Fax.: +7-812-328-71-46 Leonid@baltic.lgu.spb.su Dept. of .regional Geography and geopolitics 10th Line 33/35, RU-199 178 St Petersburg Kaledin, Nikolaj V. Dr. T:+7-812-328-70-46; F:+7-812-328-71-46 victor@baltic.lgu.spb.su Ozerova Ekaterina M. Assoc. Prof. (BSE) Tel.: +7-812-495-75-10;+7-812-495-74-17 emoz@yandex.ru Taratenko Darja (SBR) Tel.: +7-812-495-75-10;+7-812-495-74-17 emoz@yandex.ru Vygonova Maria (SWM) Tel.: +7-812-495-75-10;+7-812-495-74-17 vigonova@rbcmail.ru Chuvashev Jurii (EM) Tel.: +7-812-495-75-10;+7-812-495-74-17 emoz@yandex.ru Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University Sovetskoi armii str. 7, 173000 Velikii Novgorod Litvinov,Vladimir F. Dr (SD1, BUUF) T: +8-8162-66 43 24 F: +8-8162-66-43-24 litvinov@mail.natm.ru; lvf@novsu.ru Tereschenko, Olga V. (ES1, BSE) T: +7-8162-66 43 24 F: +7-8162-66 43 24 acx@novsu.ac.ru Kruschov, Sergei A. (BSR) T:+7-812-328-70-46; F:+7-812-328-71-46 victor@baltic.lgu.spb.su St Petersburg State University of Cinema and Television 13 Pravda st. RU-191119 St.Petersburg Sklyarova ,Natalia. Dr (SD1, CD123) T: +8-812-315-77-18, F: 8-812-315-01-72 sklyarova_n@mail.ru St Petersburg State University of Refrigeration and Food engineering 9 Lomonosova st., RU-191002 St Petersburg Mukhina, Olga A. T: +8-812-764-70-58, F: +8-812-315-22-14 muolan@rambler.ru Petuchova Alexandra G. (EM) Tel.: +7-812-764-80-37;Fax.:+7-812-315-22-14 OlgaSergienko@svs.ru Sergienko Olga I., (EM) Tel.: +7-812-764-80-37;Fax.:+7-812-315-22-14 OlgaSergienko@svs.ru 67 directory – universities and institutes of higher learning Slovakia Comenius University Bratislava Faculty of Natural Sciences Dean Office, Mlynska dolina, B1, Bratislava Miadokova, Eva Vice Dean, Dr, Prof. T: +421-2-602 96 eva.miadokova@fns.uniba.sk Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra Rector Office, Tr. A. Hlinku 2, SK-949 01 Nitra Huska, Dusan Vice Rector, Prof. (ES1, SD1) T: +421-37-651 32 43 F: +421-37-651 32 43 dusan.huska@uniag.sk Dept. of Ecology Marianska 10, SK-949 76 Nitra Elias, Pavol Prof. (BUP-Centre, SD1) T: +421-37-652 40 04 F: +421-37-652 66 37 pavol.elias@uniag.sk Dept. of Landscape Engineering Hospodarska 7, SK-949 01 Nitra Jurik, Lubos Eng. (WM123) T: +421-37-651 45 27 F: +421-37-651 29 41 lubos.jurik@uniag.sk Dept. of Law Tulpanova 7, SK-949 76 Nitra Bandlerova, Anna Vice Rector, Prof. (ES1, SD1) T: +421-37-650 87 39 F: +421-37-651 15 60 anna.bandlerova@uniag.sk Dept. of Sustainable Development Marianska 10, SK-949 01 Nitra Demo, Milan Prof. (SD1) T: +421-37-652 66 37 F: +421-37-652 66 37 milan.demo@uniag.sk Feher, Alexander Eng. (SD1) T: +421-37-6415626 F: +421-37-6415632 alexander.feher@uniag.sk sandfeher@yahoo.com feher@afnet.uniag.sk Tothova, Monika Eng. (SD1) T: +421-37-652 40 04 F: +421-37-641 49 87 monika.tothova@uniag.sk Faculty of Horticulture and Landscape Engineering Tulipanova 7, SK-949 76 Nitra Stepankova, Roberta Eng. Arch. (ES1, SD1) T: +421-37-652 27 45 F: +421-37-652 27 41 roberta.stepankova@uniag.sk 68 Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava Dept. of Land and Water Resources Management Radlinskeho 11, SK-813 68 Bratislava Kohnova, Silvia Eng. (WM123) T: +421-2-592 746 23 F: +421-2-529 235 75 kohnova@svf.stuba.sk Szolgay, Jan Assoc. Prof. (ES1, WM123) T: +421-2-592 746 17 F: +421-2-529 235 75 szolgay@cvt.stuba.sk Dept. of Town Planing Radlinskeho 11, SK-813 68 Bratislava Topinka, Peter (WM123) T: +421-2-572 762 85 F: +421-2-529 235 75 topinka_peter@fa.stuba.sk Faculty of Civil Engineering Dean Office, Radlinskeho 11, SK-813 68 Bratislava Soltesz, Andrej Vice Dean, Assoc. Prof. T: +421-2-592 745 70 F: +421-2-529 670 27 soltesza@svf.stuba.sk Technical University of Zvolen Faculty of Environmental and Manufacturing Technology Studentska c 26, SK-960 53, Zvolen Zeleny, Jan Prof. (ES1) T: +421-45-520 65 04 F: +421-45-532 00 15 pilan@vsld.tuzvo.sk University of Constantine the Philospoher, Nitra Dept. of Geography Tr. A. Hlinku 1, SK-949 01 Nitra Kramarekova, Hilda Dr (SD1) T: +421-37-651 475 53 62 hkramarekova@ukf.sk Dept. of Ecology and Environmentology Tr. A. Hlinku 1, SK-949 01 Nitra Hresko, Juraj Assoc. Prof. T: +421-37-650 33 21 hresko@ukf.sk University of Veterinary Medicine Dept. of Veterinary Genetics Komenskeho 71, SK-041 81 Kosice Dianovsky, Jan Prof. (ES1) T: +421-55-632 17 06 F: +421-55-633 96 89 dianov@vsvnov.uvm.sk directory – universities and institutes of higher learning Sweden Chalmers University of Technology Dept. of Physical Resource Theory National Veterinary Institute Department of Wildlife, Fish and Environment Fysikgränd 3, SE-412 96 Göteborg SE - 751 89 Uppsala, SWEDEN Karlsson, Sten Researcher (SD1) T: +46-31-772 31 49 F: +46-31-772 31 50 sten.karlsson@chalmers.se Mörner, Torsten T: +46 18 67 42 14, +46 70 56 79 352, F: +46 18 67 46 90 torsten.morner@sva.se Gotland University Department of Science and Technology Royal Institute of Technology Dept. of Industrial Ecology Cramérgatan 3, SE-621 57 Visby Teknikringen 34, SE-100 44 Stockholm Bengtsson, Karin Ph.D. T: +46-498-29 97 42 karin.bengtsson@hgo.se Nilson, Lennart (EMS) T: +46-8-790 87 13 lennart@kth.se. Britse, Gunilla T: +46-498-29 97 40 gunilla.britse@hgo.se Dept. of Infrastructure Svensson, Hans Dr (BUP Centre Director) T: +46-498-29 98 7, F: +46-498-29 99 62 hans.svensson@hgo.se Widing, Angelica T: +46-498 29 99 28 Angelica.Widing@hgo.se Linköping University Faculty of Arts and Sciences SE-581 83 Linköping Ungerholm, Monica B.A. (AS1) T: +46-13-28 10 42 F: +46-13-28 16 99 monun@kfu.liu.se Luleå University of Technology Institutionen för Rättsvetenskap Trädgårdsgatan 1, SE-971 87 Luleå Michanek, Gabriel Prof. T: +46-920-49 28 34 F: +46-920-49 20 12 Gabriel.Michanek@ies.luth.se Lund University Dept. of History Box 2074, SE-22002 Lund Gerner, Kristian Prof. (AS1) T: +46-46-222 30 47 F: +46-46-222 42 07 kristian.gerner@hist.lu.se Drottning Kristinas väg 30, SE-100 44 Stockholm Svane, Örjan (BUUF) T: +46-8-790 85 19 F: +46-8-790 85 80 svane@infra.kth.se. Vestbro, Dick Urban Prof. (BUUF) T: +46-8-790 85 22 dickurba@infra.kth.se Dept. of Land and Water Resources Engineering Teknikringen 76, SE-100 44 Stockholm Hultman, Bengt Prof. emer. T: +46-8-790 65 67 F: +46-8-790 68 57 bgh@kth.se Levlin, Erik Assoc. Prof. (ES1, WM123) T: +46-8-790 62 91 F: +46-8-790 86 89 levlin@kth.se Plaza, Elzbieta Dr (ES1) T: +46-8-790 66 56 F: +46-8-790 86 89 elap@kth.se Stockholm University Centre for Research in International Migration and Ethnic Relations Universitetsv. 10 B, SE-106 91 Stockholm Westin, Charles Prof. (AS1) T: +46-8-16 26 91 F: +46-8-15 67 20 charles.westin@ceifo.su.se Centre for the Research on Natural Resources and the Environment Svante Arrhenius väg 21 A, SE-106 91 Stockholm Malmö University College Technology and Society Box 117, SE-221 00 Lund Strahl, Joe Environmental Coordinator (SD1) T: +46-40-665 73 27 F: +46-40-665 73 20 Joe.Strahl@mah.se 69 Dept. of Botany SE-106 91 Stockholm Kautsky, Lena Assoc. Prof. (ES1, FS) T: +46-8-16 28 59 F: +46-8-16 22 68 kautskyl@botan.su.se directory – universities and institutes of higher learning Sweden Dept. of Systems Ecology Dept. for Production Ecology Svante Arrhenius väg 21A, SE-106 91 Stockholm Box 7042, SE-750 07 Uppsala Wulff, Fredrik Prof. (ES1) T: +46-8-16 42 50 F: +46-8-15 84 17 fredrik.wulff@stockholmresilience.su.se Fred@ecology.su.se Skoglund, Jerry Ph.D. T: +46-18-67 24 41 F: +46-18-67 33 76 Jerry.Skoglund@spek.slu.se Swedish Environmental Protection Agency SE-106 48 Stockholm Linderholm, Kersti T: +46 8 6981000 kersti.linderholm@naturvardsverket.se Dept. of Soil Sciences, Division of Water Quality Management P.O. Box 7014, SE-750 07 Uppsala, SWEDEN Gustafson, Arne T: + 46 18 673410, F: +46 18 673846 Arne.Gustafson@mv.slu.se SLU Omvärld Box 7058, SE-750 07 Uppsala, SWEDEN Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency Baltic Sea Unit Donners plats 1, P.O. Box 1271, SE-621 23 Visby Tjärvar, Anna T: +46 498 25 95 50, F: +46 498 25 95 60 anna.tjarvar@sida.se Swedish Institute of Agriculture and Environmental Engineering JTI, P.O. Box 7033, SE-750 07 Uppsala, SWEDEN Benfalk, Christel T: +46 18 30 33 00, F: +46 18 300956 christel.benfalk@jti.slu.se Rodhe, Lena T: +46 18 30 33 00, F: +46 18 300956 lena.rodhe@jti.slu.se Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Department of Biomedicine and Veterinary Public Health SE-75007 Uppsala; SWEDEN Norrgren, Leif (EHSA Senior Advisor) T: +4618671206 leif.norrgren@bvf.slu.se Lund, Staffan T: +46 18-671130 staffan.lund@omv.slu.se Lundberg, Brita T: +46 18-671147 brita.lundberg@omv.slu.se Södertörn University College Cultural Geography/BEEGS Alfred Nobels allé 7, SE-141 89 Huddinge Lundén, Thomas Prof. T: +46-8-608 48 94 F: +46-8-608 41 70 thomas.lunden@sh.se Umeå University Dept. of Ecology and Environmental Science SE-901 87 Umeå Mossing, Torgny Assoc. Prof (EMS) T: +46-90-786 57 40 F: +46-90-786 67 50 Torgny.mossing@emg.umu.se Holm, Stig-Olof Ass. Prof. (SD1) T: +46-90-786 55 46 F: +46-90-786 67 50 stig-olof.holm@emg.umu.se Dept. of Chemistry SE-901 87 Umeå Ekman, Elisabet T: +46 18 671216, F: +46 18 673532 elisabet.ekman@bvf.slu.se Bergqvist, Per-Anders Assoc. Prof. (ES1, SD1, WM123) T: +46-90-786 68 18 F: +46-90-12 81 33 per-anders.bergqvist@chem.umu.se Dept. of Landscape Planning, Ultuna Dept. of Economic History Box 7012, Ulls väg 28 A, SE-750 07 Uppsala SE-901 87 Umeå Berg, Per G. Prof. (Mentor CD, SD1, BUUF) T: +46-18-67 25 13 F: +46-18-67 35 12 Per.Berg@sol.slu.se Jörgensen, Hans Researcher (BUP-Centre, AS1) T: +46-90-786 55 05 F: +46-90-786 71 38 hans.jorgensen@ekhist.umu.se Granvik, Madeleine Dr. (SD1, BUUF) T: +46-18-67 19 50 F: +46-18-67 35 12 madeleine.granvik@sol.slu.se 70 directory – universities and institutes of higher learning Sweden Dept. of Historical Studies Centre for Multiethnic Research SE-901 87 Umeå Box 514, SE-751 20 Uppsala Nordlund, Christer Dr (SD1) T: +46-90-786 97 33 F: +46-90-786 76 67 christer.nordlund@histstud.umu.se Blanck, Dag Dr (AS1) T: +46-18-471 22 09 F: +46-18-471 71 99 Dag.Blanck@multietn.uu.se Dept. of Political Science Runblom, Harald Prof. emer. T: +46-18-471 23 60 F: +46-18-471 23 63 harald.runblom@multietn.uu.se SE-901 87 Umeå Eckerberg, Katarina Prof. (ES1, SD1, EMS) T: +46-90-786 52 30 F: +46-90-786 66 81 katarina.eckerberg@pol.umu.se University College of Gävle-Sandviken Dept. of Natural Sciences Högskolan i Gävle, SE-801 76 Gävle Wallström, Kerstin Lecturer (ES1, FS) T: +46-26-64 89 70 kwm@hig.se Svanberg, Ingvar Dr (AS1) T: +46-18-471 16 85 F: +46-18-10 63 97 Ingvar.Svanberg@eurasia.uu.se Dept. of Earth Sciences, Air and Water Science Villavägen 16, SE-752 36 Uppsala Hylander, Lars T: +46-18-471 22 65 lars.hylander@geo.uu.se Högskolan i Gävle, SE-801 76 Gävle Håkanson, Lars Prof. T: +46-18-471 38 97 F: +46-18-471 27 37 lars.hakansson@geo.uu.se Sammalisto, Kaisu M.Sc. E. (ES1) T: +46-26-64 87 94 F: +46-26-64 87 58 Kaisu.Sammalisto@hig.se Lundin, Lars-Christer Prof. (Mentor WM) T: +46-18-471 22 64 F: +46-18-471 27 37 lars-christer.lundin@hyd.uu.se University of Karlstad Dept. of Nature and Environmental Science Rodhe, Allan Prof. T: +46-18-471 22 56 F: +46-18-471 27 37 allan.rodhe@hyd.uu.se Sector of Technology Universitetsgatan 2, 651 88 Karlstad Holm, Fredrik T: +46-54-700 19 56 F: +46-54-700 14 62 fredrik.holm@fc.kau.se Uppsala University Solid State Physics Box 534, SE-751 21 Uppsala Granqvist, Claes-Göran Prof. T: +46-18-471 30 67 F: +46-18-50 01 31 Claes-Goran.Granqvist@Angstrom.uu.se Centre of Environmental and Development Studies, CEMUS Saxena, Rajinder Assoc. Prof. T: +46-18-471 22 51 F: +46-18-471 27 37 rajinder.saxena@hyd.uu.se Zandin, Hanna (Mentors assistant WM) T: +46 -18-471 71 90 F: +46-18-471 27 37 hanna.zandin@hyd.uu.se Dept. of East European Studies Box 514, SE-751 20 Uppsala Levinsson, Claes Researcher (AS1) T: +46-18-471 16 96 F: +46-18-10 63 97 claes.levinsson@eurasia.uu.se Dept. of Ecotoxicology Villavägen 16, SE-752 36 Uppsala Norbyv. 18A, SE-752 36 Uppsala Grandin, Jakob (SD1) T: +46-18-471 27 95 F: +46-18-471 27 96 jakob.grandin@cemus.uu.se Örberg, Jan Dr, Assoc. Prof. T: +46-18-471 26 24 F: +46-18-51 88 43 jan.orberg@ebc.uu.se Andréas Karlsson, Kursamanuens andreas.karlsson@cemus.uu.se Telefon: 018-471 27 95 Dept. of Peace and Conflict Research Box 514, SE-751 20 Uppsala Nordquist, Kjell-Åke Assoc. Prof. (AS1) T: +46-18-471 23 46 F: +46-18-69 51 02 kjell-ake.nordquist@pcr.uu.se 71 directory – universities and institutes of higher learning Sweden Noréen, Erik Dr (AS1) T: +46-18-471 23 56 F: +46-18-69 51 02 erik.noreen@pcr.uu.se Wallensteen, Peter Prof. (AS1) T: +46-18-471 23 52 F: +46-18-69 51 02 Peter.Wallensteen@pcr.uu.se Dept. of Slavic Languages Box 636, SE-751 26 Uppsala Gustavsson, Sven Prof. emer. T: +46-18-471 57 37 F: +46-18-471 23 63 Sven.Gustavsson@multietn.uu.se Sven.Gustavsson@moderna.uu.se Inst. of ekology and evolution Box 573, SE-751 23 Uppsala Rydén, Lars Prof. emer. (BUUF) T: +46-18-471 18 38 F: +46-18-471 17 89 M: +46-70-425 03 25 lars.ryden@balticuniv.uu.se Winkler, Maria M.Sc.Econ. (BUP Financial and Network Manager) T: +46-18-471 17 86 F: +46-18-471 17 89 M: +46-70-425 00 87 maria.winkler@balticuniv.uu.se Örebro University SE-701 82 Örebro Bro, Anders Dr (BUUF) T: +46-19-30 30 22 anders.bro@bsr.oru.se Ahlgren, Ingemar Prof. emer. T: +46-18-471 27 05 F: +46-18-53 11 34 Ingemar.Ahlgren@ebc.uu.se Inst. of Limnology/Erken Laboratory Norr Malma 4200, SE-761 73 Norrtälje Pettersson, Kurt Prof. (FS) T: +46-176-22 90 70 F: +46-176-22 94 21 Kurt.Pettersson@ebc.uu.se The Baltic University Programme Villavägen 16, SE-752 36 Uppsala Andersson, Christian Dr (webmaster) T: +47 - 73 59 55 31 M: +47 - 47 33 79 72 christian.andersson@balticuniv.uu.se Babak, Lyudmyla T: +46-18-471 19 42 F: +46-18-471 17 89 lyudmyla.babak@balticuniv.uu.se Jakobsson, Christine M.Sc. Agr. (BUP Director) T: +46-18-471 17 88 F: +46-18-471 17 89 M: +46-73-391 00 84 christine.jakobsson@balticuniv.uu.se Karlsson, Ingrid Agr.D. T: +46 18 471 6853, F: +46 18 47 1789 Ingrid.Karlsson@kus.uu.se Lehman, Magnus M.A. (BUP Book and Film Production Manager) T: +46-18-471 18 40 F: +46-18-471 17 89 magnus.lehman@balticuniv.uu.se Mulugeta, Genene Dr (Project leader, Sustainable Africa University Network) T: +46-18-471 19 24 F: +46-18-471 17 89 genene.mulugeta@balticuniv.uu.se Babak, Lzudmzla Project Assistant T: +46-18-471 19 42 F: +46-18-471 17 89 lzudmzla.babak@balticuniv.uu.se 72 directory – universities and institutes of higher learning Ukraine Dnipropetrovsk National University Political Sciences Department 72,Gagarina Avenue, UA 490-50, Dnipropetrovsk Tretyak, Olexiy, Associate Prof. T. +38(056) 374 98 67 alexsir24@rambler.ru Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Faculty of Biology 14/16 Dragomanov Str., UA-790 05 Lviv College of Law 1, Universytets’ka str. UA-709 00 Lviv Krayevs’ka, Oxana, Lecturer T. +380 322 394656 okraj@ukr.net Kitsyla, Lidiya, Senior Lecturer T. +380 322 394198 lidiya@farlep.net Kriba, Iryna (BUP-Centre) T: +380-322-394453 F: +380-322-72 79 73 nordic@franko.lviv.ua ikriba@yahoo.com Malsky, Markian Prof. (SD1) T: +380-322 394132 F: +380-322-72 79 73 ird@franko.lviv.ua Antokhiv, Olesia, Lecturer T. +380 322 3945455 skolozdra@rambler.ru Sholota, Chrystyna, Lecturer T. +380 322 394198 christinasholota@rambler.ru Faculty of Chemistry Kherson State University Scientific Research Institute of IT 12, Dragomanov str., UA-790 11, Lviv Pokhodylo, Nazar, Lecturer T.+380 322 398062 pokhodylo@bigmir.net Faculty of Geography 40 Rokiv Zhovtnya Str., 27, UA 730 00, Kherson Tolkunov, Semen, Specialist T. +380 552 326742 semen@ksu.ks.ua 41 Doroshenko Str., UA-790 00 Lviv Bordun, Oresta, Assoc. Prof. T. +380 322 394603 Bordun20@yahoo.com Purs’ka, Iryna, Lecturer T. +380 322 394603 anmay@yahoo.com Zinko,Yuriy, Assoc. Prof. T. +380 322 394628 Horal’, Natalia, Lecturer T. +380 322 394138 banakh@ukr.net Faculty of International Relations 1 Universytetska Str., UA-796 02 Lviv Antonyuk, Natalia Assoc. Prof. (AS1) T: +380-322-394656 F: +380-322-72 79 73 nantonyk@yahoo.com Lviv Polytechnic National University Institute of Computer Technologies, Automation and Metrology Precision Mechanics Department 12, Stepana Bandery str.,UA-790 13, L’viv Ivakhiv, Orest, Prof. T +38 032 2582151 oresti@polynet.lviv.ua Pohrebennyk,Volodymyr, Prof. T +380-32-2741277 pohrebennyk@ipm.lviv.ua Mikhalova, Maryna, Senior Lecturer T.+380-32-2741277 galmh@polynet.lviv.ua Faculty of Engineering and Automobile Transport Department of Exploitation and maintenance of Automobile Transport Byk, Ihor Assoc. Prof. (AS1) T: +380-322-394748 F: +380-322-72 79 73 i_byk@franko.lviv.ua Zin’ko, Roman, Senior Lecturer, T. +380 067 732 2961 rzinko@polynet.lviv.ua Gladysh, Mariana, Assistant Prof. T.+380 322 394453 nordic@franko.lviv.ua Lviv University of Forestry Grabel’ska, Oxana, Lecturer T. +380 322 394198 oksana_demchenko@yahoo.com Shvadchak, Ihor Ass. Prof. (ES1) T: +380-322-35 22 69 73 103 Gen. Chuprynka Str., UA-79057 Lviv Trohymchuk, Stepan Ass. Prof. (SD1) T: +380-322-72 79 73 F: +380-322 70 79 81 directory – universities and institutes of higher learning Ukraine National University “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy” Natural Science Department 2, Skovoroda Str., UA-040 70, Kyiv Vyshenska, Iryna, Associate Prof. T. +380 44 4255188 vyshenska@ukma.kiev.ua Maslyukivska, Olena, Senior Lecturer T. +380 44 4255188 om@ipnet.kiev.ua Kachur, Dzvenyslava, Lecturer, T. +380 44 4255188 dzvinka.kachur@undp.org.ua Politechnical University of Lviv 12 Stepan Bandera Str., UA-79013 Lviv Kazymira, Irena Ass. Prof. (SD1) kazymyra@polynet.lviv.ua Pasichnyk, Sergiy Ass. Prof. (WM123) nordic@franko.lviv.ua Prykarpattya State University Faculty of Geography 19, Petlury, str.,UA 760 25,Ivano-Frankivsk Breskavs’ka, Oxana T. +380 347 296106 oxanab@yahoo.co.uk Ukrainian National Forestry University Institute of Ecological Economics Department of Ecological Economics, 103, Gen. Chuprynky Str., UA 790 57, Lviv Zahvoyska, Lyudmyla, Associate Prof. T.+ 38 032 2339678 zld@forest.lviv.ua; zahvoyska@yahoo Soloviy, Ihor, Associate Prof. T.+ 38 032 2339678 soloviy@yahoo.co.uk Adamovsky, Alexander, Associate Prof. T.+380 322 339648 adamchic@ukr.net 74 directory – universities and institutes of higher learning USA University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UI) Dept. Of Agricultural and consumer Economics 412 Mumford Hall, MC-710, 1301 West Gregory Drive, Urbana, Illinois, 61801 Thompson, Robert T: +1 217 333 1313, F: +1 217 222-5538 RLT@uiuc.edu Envirovet Program in Wildlife and Ecosystem Health Department of Veterinary Biosciences, College of Veterinary Medicine 2001 South Lincoln Avenue, Urbana, IL 61802, USA T: +217-333-9360, F: +217-244-1652 E-mail: val@uiuc.edu Levengood, Jeff jleven@inhs.uiuc.edu 75 Department of Veterinary Clinical Medicine College of Veterinary Medicine 1008 W. Hazelwood, Urbana, IL 61802, USA Gustafsson, Borje Prof. (EHSA Great Lakes Coordinator) T: +217-333-6863, F: +217-244-1475 E-mail: gustfssn@uiuc.edu University of Illinois (UI) Earth & Society Initiative on Emerging Disease & Ecosystem Health Departments of Anthropology & Veterinary Pathobiology 2001 South Lincoln Avenue, Urbana, IL 61802; USA Gillespie, Thomas R. T: +1-217-333-6236 (Office), +1-217-244-3836 (Lab) F: +1-217-244-7421 E-mail: trg@uiuc.edu directory – universities and institutes of higher learning Cities and Local Authorities The Baltic University Urban Forum Network TARTU, ESTONIA City Administration Raekoja plats 3, EE-510 03 Tartu Ranniku, Indrek T: +372-7-36 12 62 indrek.ranniku@raad.tartu.ee Tani, Elvi T: +372-7-36 12 53 elvi.tani@raad.tartu.ee TURKU, FINLAND City Administration Kristiinankatu 1, FI-20100 Turku Jokinen, Mikko T: +358-2-262 34 12 mikko.jokinen@turku.fi Mäki, Olli-Pekka T: +358-2-262 34 12 olli-pekka.maki@turku.fi Salminen, Pekka T: +358-2-262 34 15 pekka.salminen@turku.fi UBC (Union of the Baltic Cities) Commission on Environment The Old Observatory,Vartiovuori Gercans,Visvaldis T: +371-534 36 23 visvaldis@livani.lv Liepa, Janis F: +371-530 72 70 Rudzite, Marika Mobile: +371-944 36 21 marika@livani.lv TUKUMS, LATVIA City Council Pils street 18, LV-3101 Tukums Birzulis, Maris Mobile: +371-27 85 73 maris.b@tukums.lv Jegere, Anita Selunda T: +371-31-220 67 anita.selunda@dome.apollo.lv Skruzkalne-Deica, Zane T: +371-31-072 30 F: +371-31-227 07 KAUNAS, LITHUANIA Municipal Administration Laisvas al. 96, LT-3000 Kaunas FIN-20700 Turku, Finland Linnankatu 41, FI-201 00 Turku Lukošius, Saulius T: +370-37-42 26 24 saulluko@kaunas.sav.lt Grönholm, Björn Mobil +358-400 86 35 68 T: +358-2-262 3179, F: +358-2-262 3450 bjorn.gronholm@netti.fi Senkiene, Sonata Mobile: +370-686 258 80 sonatase@kaunas.sav.lt Lempa, Kyösti T: +358 2 262 3179, F: +358 2 262 3425 Mobile +358 449 075 996 KOSAKOWO, POLAND Municipal Administration JELGAVA, LATVIA City Council Piwonska, Iwona T: +48-58-620 72 71 kosakowo@zgwrp.org.pl 11 Liela Str., LV-3001 Jelgava ul. Zermoskiego 69, PL-81-198 Kosakowo Lacauniece, Iveta T: +371-30-055 76 ivlac@cs.llu.lv Szumacher-Owczarek, Mariola T: +48-58-620 72 71 kosakowo@zgwrp.org.pl Strods, Jurijs T: +371-30-055 02 F: +371-30-290 59 Mobile: +371-922 67 74 Jurijs.Strods@dome.jelgava.lv LÓDZ, POLAND Municipal Administration LiVaNI, LATVIA Municipal Administration Rīgas iela 77, LV-5316, Livani 76 directory – cities and local authorities ul. Piotrkowska 104, PL-90-926 Łódż Michalik, Marek T: +48-42-638 41 08 marek.michalik@uml.lodz.pl Michalski, Wojciech Janusz T: +48-42-638 44 42 strategia@uml.lodz.pl Ljungberg, Lennart T: +46-591-641 00 lennart.ljungberg@hellefors.se Sobocinska, Ewa T: +48-42-638 44 42 Ljungne, Peter T: +46-591-641 00 peter.ljungne@hellefors.se Stelagowski, Krzysztof T: +48-42-638 47 11 SOPOT, POLAND Municipal Administration ul. Kosciuszki 25/27, PL-81-704 Sopot Rusek, Maciej Mobile: +48-609-68 07 81 mrusek@sopot.pl Turowiecka, Elzbieta T: +48-58-521 38 64 elatur@sopot.pl KALININGRAD, RUSSIA City Administration pl. Pobedy 1, RU-236 040 Kaliningrad Ivochkina, Liudmila T: +7-0112-21 53 95 ums@klgd.ru NOVGOROD, RUSSIA Municipal Administration ul.Volosova 13, RU-173 007 Veliky Novgorod Alexandrov, Igor T: +7-816-227 47 93 tva@adm.nov.ru Gerasimova, Irina Ivakhnenko, Alevtina Sitnikov,Vladimir ENKÖPING, SWEDEN Municipal Administration Enköpings kommun, SE-745 80 Enköping Björstedt, Magnus T: +46-171-252 43 magnus.bjorstedt@kommun.enkoping.se Müller-Wille, Wendelin T: +46-171-250 00 muller-wille.wendelin@kommun.enkoping.se Pilö, Ulf T: +46-171–252 47 ulf.pilo@kommun.enkoping.se HÄLLEFORS, SWEDEN Municipal Administration Hällefors Kommun, SE-712 83 Hällefors Gustavsson, Roland T: +46-591-643 09 roland.gustavsson@hellefors.se 77 directory – cities and local authorities KALMAR, SWEDEN Municipal Administration Kalmar kommun, Box 611, SE-391 26 Kalmar Engström, Anders T: +46-480-45 00 96 anders.engstrom@kommun.kalmar.se NACKA, SWEDEN Municipal Administration Nacka kommun, SE-131 81 Nacka Skjönberg, Guldbrand T: +46-8-718 93 80 guldbrand.skjonberg@nacka.se NORRTÄLJE, SWEDEN Municipal Administration Norrtälje kommun, Box 800, SE-761 28 Norrtälje Bergström, Magnus T: +46-176-713 40 magnus.bergstrom@norrtalje.se Löfqvist, Gunnel T: +46-176-711 68 gunnel.lofqvist@norrtalje.se Olander, Anders T: +46-176-719 03 anders.olander@norrtalje.se Pettersson, Monica T: +46-176-711 21 monica.pettersson@norrtalje.se Stighäll, Christer T: +46-176-719 10 christer@nihab.norrtalje.com UPPSALA, SWEDEN Municipal Administration Uppsala kommun, SE-753 75 Uppsala Engström, Carl-Johan T: +46-18-727 12 80 carl-johan.engstrom@ksk.uppsala.se Lemming, Jan T: +46-18-727 46 09 jan.lemming@uppsala.se ÖREBRO, SWEDEN Municipal Administration Örebro kommun, Box 300 00, SE-701 35 Örebro Gustafsson, Jonas T: +46-19-21 17 54 jonas.gustafsson@orebro.se Pettersson, Anne T: +46-19-21 14 09 anne.pettersson@orebro.se Other Partners Cajoma Consulting Hällbygatan 34 C, 752 28 Uppsala, Sweden Andersson, Magnus T: +46-18-55 63 87 Magnus.Cajoma@telia.com Malmfors Consulting Vides Filmu Studija Wildlife and Environmental Film Productions Pils iela 17, LV-1050 Riga, Latvia Cekulis, Uldis T: +371-7503588 F: +371-7503589 uldisc@vfs.apollo.lv www.vfs.lv Karlskronavägen 22, SE-121 52 Johanneshov, Sweden World Wide Fund For Nature, WWF Malmfors, Torbjörn T: +46-8-31 19 90 F: +46-8-30 11 33 malmfors.consulting@ebox.tninet.se Ulriksdals Slott, SE-170 81 Solna, Sweden TECHNOMEDIJA Box 855, LT-3033 Kaunas, Lithuania Urbanaviciute, Renata T: +370 37 320672 F: +370-37-406934 technomedija@yra.lt Vattenresurs AB Tjusta, SE-197 93 Bro, Sweden Carlsson, Sten-Åke (WM123) T: +46-8-584 807 70 F: +46-8-584 807 71 sac@vrab.se 78 directory – cities and local authorities Jutvik, Birgitta Project Leader T: +46-156 175 03 F: +46-885 13 29 gitte.jutvik@wwf.se Jennersten, Ola Dr T: +46 8 624 74 32, F: +468851329 ola.jennersten@wwf.se Index of Names A Aage, Hans, 41 Abolina, Kristine, 51 Abolins, Janis, 51 Adamovsky, Alexander, 74 Adamski, Wojciech, 60 Ahlgren, Ingemar, 72 Albert, Marie-Theres, 48 Albrecht, Ulrich, 48 Aleinikoviene, Jurate, 52 Aleksandravicius, Egidijus, 54 Alexandrov, Igor, 77 Andersson, Christian, 6, 54, 72 Andersson, Magnus, 78 Andréas Karlsson, 71 Andryszczak, Katarzyna, 56, 58 Andrzejak, Ryszard, 64 Antczak, Jacek, 59 Antokhiv, Olesia, 73 Antonyuk, Natalia, 73 Arajeva, Anastasija, 50 Arvola, Lauri, 45 B Babak, Lyudmyla, 6, 72 Bagdanovich, Elena, 36 Bake, Mara, 49 Balaban, Andrzej, 62 Balandin, Konstantin, 36 Bandlerova, Anna, 68 Bara, Jolanta, 49 Baranets, Georgui, 36 Barcik, Jacek, 62 Bartoszewski, Stefan, 58 Bazbauers, Gatis, 50 Beasley, Val, 75 Belous, Olga, 52 Belov, Nikolay, 65 Belskaya,Galina, 36 Benders, Juris, 51 Benedikt, Hans-Peter, 48 Benfalk, Christel, 70 Bengtsson, Karin, 69 Berg, Per G, 70 Bergier, Tomasz, 55 Bergqvist, Per-Anders, 70 Bergström, Magnus, 77 Bernaciak, Arnold, 60 Bielicka, Alaksandra, 60 Birzulis, Maris, 76 Björstedt, Magnus, 77 Blagoveshchenskaya, Tatsiana, 36 Blanck, Dag, 71 Blomqvist, Ea, 46 79 Blumberga, Dagnija, 50 Bogalecka, Magda, 58 Bogalecka, Magdalena, 56 Bojanowska, 60 Bordun, Oresta, 73 Borodin, Pavel, 38 Branka, Tomasz, 55 Breskavs’ka, Oxana, 74 Britse, Gunilla, 69 Bro, Anders, 72 Bruzewicz, Szymon, 64 Bryleuski, Michail, 37 Bubnov Vladlen, 39 Buciene, Angelija, 52 Bukowski, Andrzej, 58 Bulygina, Tamara, 39 Burdelski, Marceli, 61 Burko, Oksana, 38 Byk, Ihor, 73 C Carlsson, Sten-Åke, 78 Cekulis, Uldis, 78 Cepiene, Aurelija, 53 Chelmicki, Wojciech, 57 Chojnacki, Maciej, 56 Chuvashev Jurii, 67 Cichocka, Maria, 58 Ciegis, Remigijus, 53 Ciszewski, Dariusz, 58 Cornett, Andreas P., 41 Czarnecka, Magdalena, 56 Czech, Bozena, 58 Czukiewska, Marta, 57 D Dabrowska, Beata, 62 Dabrowski, Stanislaw, 64 Darozhka, Siarhei, 36 Dauksta, Vija, 51 Debicki, Ryszard, 58 Delakowitz, Bernd, 48 Demo, Milan, 68 Denafas, Gintaras, 52 Detsuk, Valeria, 38 Dianovsky, Jan, 68 Dietz, Hans Henrik, 41 Dlugosz, Anna, 64 Domanski, Boleslaw, 57 Dreijers, Iljo, 50 Drzazga, Dominik, 61 Duriš, Zdenek, 40 Dydel-Wroblewska, Grazyna, 60 Dymnicka, Malgorzata, 56 Dzelzkaleja, Maira, 49 Dziembaj, Roman, 57 Dzienis, Lech, 55 Dziopak, Jozef, 59 E Eckerberg, Katarina, 71 Efremova, Marina, 66 Ekman, Elisabet, 70 Elias, Pavol, 68 Elomaa, Pirkko-Liina, 46 Elvisto, Tiina, 42 Engström, Anders, 77 Engström, Carl-Johan, 77 Eremina, Tatyana R, 66 Erkamo, Matti, 44 Ermolenkov, Victor, 36 Ernsteins, Raimonds, 51 F Fagerström, Peter 46 Fedorov, Gennady M, 65 Fedorova, Nadezhda, 39 Feher, Alexander, 68 Fichtner, Timo, 48 Filatov, Nikolaj, 66 Furmanczyk, Kazimierz, 62 G Galkute, Laima, 53 Galuzhin, Aleksandr, 36 Galuzhin, Sergei, 37 Gavrilchenko, Galina, 65 Gavrilko, Galina, 39 Gebicki, Cezary, 57 Gedrovics Martins, 50 Gerasimova, Irina, 77 Gercans, Visvaldis, 76 Gerner, Kristian, 69 Giedre Raciene, 53 Gillespie, Thomas R, 75 Giordano, Klaudia, 56 Girgzdys, Aloyzas, 53 Gladysh, Mariana, 73 Glamowski, Piotr, 60 Golubeva, Tatsiana, 38 Golubitsky, Alexey, 65 Goncharova, Nadezhda, 39 Górka, Kazimierz, 56 Gorniak, Andrzej, 60 Gorskis, Mihails, 49 Grabel’ska, Oxana, 73 Grabowska, Genowefa, 62 Grandin, Jakob, 71 index of names Granholm, Kaj, 44 Granqvist, Claes-Göran, 71 Granvik, Madeleine, 70 Greif, Dieter, 48 Greitans, Aigars, 50 Greve, Bent, 41 Grigoreva, Victoria, 66 Grinberga, Alina, 50 Grizans, Gunars, 51 Grothe-Senf Anja, 48 Grönholm, Björn, 76 Gulina, Tatiana, 65 Gustafson, Arne, 70 Gustafsson, Borje, 75 Gustafsson, Jonas, 78 Gustavsson, Roland, 77 Gustavsson, Sven, 72 H Haber, Zbigniew, 55, 57 Hadryan, Milena, 55 Hakkari, Lasse, 46 Halama, Arkadiusz, 60 Halonen, Ismo A, 44 Halonen, Sirpa, 45 Heese, Tomasz, 57 Heino, Perttu, 45 Hering, Frank, 45 Hietaranta, Jari, 45 Hirvonen, Arja, 46 Holm, Fredrik, 71 Holm, Stig-Olof, 70 Holm, Tove, 45 Holopainen, Ismo, 44 Hombek-Urban, Katarzyna, 64 Honkanen, Jani O, 44 Horal’, Natalia, 73 Hresko, Juraj, 68 Hultman, Bengt, 69 Huska, Dusan, 68 Hylander, Lars, 71 Hyppönen, Tarja, 46 Håkanson, Lars, 71 Häkkilä, Seppo, 46 I Ikävalko, Johanna, 45 Immonen-Orpana, Päivi, 44 Ionov, Dmitry V., 66 Ionov, Viktor V., 66 Ismailov, Elhan, 65 Isoaho, Simo, 45 Ital, Arvo, 42 Ivakhiv, Orest,, 73 Ivakhnenko, Alevtina, 77 Ivashkina, Galina M., 67 Ivochkina, Liudmila, 77 Iwacewicz-Orlowska, Anna, 60 Izosimova , Alexandra, 66 80 J Jaeger, Dieter, 48 Jakobsen, Uffe, 41 Jakobsson, Christine, 6, 72 Janczyk, Joanna, 59 Jankowski, Andrzej, 62 Jankunaite, Dalia, 52 Jansons, Viesturs, 49 Janssons, Bruno, 49 Jarosiewicz, Anna, 59 Jauhiainen, Jussi S, 46 Jaworska, Maria, 62 Jegere, Anita Selunda, 76 Jennersten, Ola, 78 Joenniemi, Pertti, 41 Jokinen, Mikko, 76 Jørgensen, Michael Søgaard, 41 Joukovskii, Igor, 65 Juhna, Talis, 50 Juknys, Romualdas, 53 Jurik, Lubos, 68 Jutvik, Birgitta, 78 Juvaste, Risto, 45 Jörgensen, Hans, 70 K Kaasik, Allan, 42 Kachur, Dzvenyslava, 74 Kaczmarek, Aleksandra, 60 Kaimre, Paavo, 42 Kalach, Anatol, Student representative, 36 Kaledin, Nikolaj V., 67 Kalinowska, Anna, 63 Kalka, Joanna, 59 Kalkis, Valdis, 50 Kalnins, Aivars, 50 Kalviskis, Karlis, 50 Kamula, Riitta, 46 Kantowicz, Ewelina, 63 Karczmarczyk, Agnieszka, 63 Karing, Peeter, 42 Karlsson, Ingrid, 6, 72 Karlsson, Sten, 69 Karpenko, Irina, 36 Kautsky, Lena, 69 Kazanli, Elena, 36 Kazymira, Irena, 74 Kedziorski, Andrzej, 62 Kendra, Ain, 42 Kiesslich, Margit, 48 Kildisas, Valeras, 52 Kirvel, Ivan, 38 Kitsyla, Lidiya, 73 Kivikoski, Renja, 45 Klavina, Sarma, 50 Klavins, Maris, 51 Klemmensen, Børge, 41 Kliucininkas, Linas, 52 Kohnova, Silvia, 68 Komarovski, Dmitryi, 39 Kondratenko, Sergey V, 65 Kontautas, Antanas, 52 Kopitsia, Vladimir, 36 Korneeva, Elena, 66 Korneevets, Valentin S, 65 Kornijow, Ryszard, 55 Korshuk Elena, 37 Kostka, Mestwin, 60 Kostyk, Elena, 65 Kovar, Pavel, 40 Kowalkowska, Barbara, 56 Kozlak, Wieslaw, 58 Kozlowska, Barbara, 59 Krag, Helen, 41 Kralova, Helena, 40 Kramarekova, Hilda, 68 Krams, Indrikis, 49 Krasnov, Eugeny, 65 Krawczyk, Artur, 55 Krayevs’ka, Oxana, 73 Kriba, Iryna, 73 Kritsevskaja, Marina, 42 Kropinova, Helena, 65 Kruopiene, Jolita, 52 Kruschov, Sergei A., 67 Kuczynski, Tadeusz, 63 Kudrenickis, Ivars, 51 Kuitunen, Markku, 46 Kuklik, Iwona, 61 Kulakovskaya, Tamara, 39 Kulesh, Victor, 37 Kuleshova, Ludmila, 36 Kulowski, Andrzej, 56 Kuparinen, Jorma, 45 Kurzawa, Marzanna, 58 Kuznecovs, Sergejs, 49 Kuznetzova, Tatiana, 65 Kääriä, Mikko, 44 L Labodova, Alena, 40 Lacauniece, Iveta, 49, 76 Lacinska-Wujcik, Izabela, 60 Lahti, Leena, 44 Lakomska, Iwona, 58 Lanczont, Maria, 58 Lange-Olszewska, Agnieszka, 57 Lapinskiene, Asta-Marija, 52 Lassen, Claus, 41 Laurén, Leena-Maija, 45 Leal, Walter, 48 Lehman, Magnus, 6, 72 Lembas-Bogaczyk, Jadwiga, 64 Lemming, Jan, 77 Lempa, Kyösti, 76 Lenart, Witold, 59, 63 Leszczynska, Malgorzata, 61 index of names Leszczynski, Krzysztof, 59 Levengood, Jeff, 75 Levinsson, Claes, 71 Levlin, Erik, 69 Liepa, Janis, 76 Linderholm, Kersti, 70 Lindroos, Paula, 46 Lipik, Vitaliy, 37 Lipnicki, Zygmunt, 63 Lipski, Vladimir, 39 Litvinov, Vladimir F., 67 Ljungberg, Lennart, 77 Ljungne, Peter, 77 Loigu, Enn, 43 Lokmane, Ilze, 50 Loorits, Hilja, 42 Lopukh, Peter, 37 Lukosevicius, Viktoras, 52 Lukošius, Saulius, 76 Lund, Staffan, 70 Lundberg, Brita, 70 Lundén, Thomas, 70 Lundin, Lars-Christer, 71 Löfqvist, Gunnel, 77 Löyttyniemi, Meri, 44 M Maciejewski, Witold, 55, 64 Maglysh, Sabina, 39 Magnuszewski, Artur, 63 Malmfors, Torbjörn, 78 Malsky, Markian, 73 Malzubris, Janis, 51 Manakov, Andrei G, 66 Mankin, Romi, 42 Mannke, Franziska, 48 Marchewka, Zofia, 64 Marczak, Halina, 59 Markowski, Tadeusz, 61 Maroz, Valeriy, 38 Marozas, Vitas, 53 Martin, Jüri, 42 Martsul, Vladimir, 37 Martyniuk, Svetlana, 36 Maslyukivska, Olena, 74 Matisane, Linda, 49 Maurins, Arturs, 50 Mazeikis, Gintautas, 53 Medrzycka, Krystyna, 56 Medvedskiy, Vladimir, 39 Mendel, Maria, 61 Meyler, Leonid E, 65 Mezciema, Guna, 51 Miadokova, Eva, 68 Michalak, Dorota, 59 Michalik, Marek, 76 Michalski, Wojciech Janusz, 77 Michanek, Gabriel, 69 Michelsen, Gerd, 48 81 Migula, Pawel, 61 Mikhalchuk, Nikolai, 38 Mikhalova, Maryna, 73 Mikkal, Valdek, 42 Mikolajczyk, Magdalena, 64 Mindaugas Malakauskas, 53 Minin, Vladislav, 66 Minvydas, Liegus, 53 Miseviciene, Irena, 52 Morozova, Dina, 38 Mosiej, Jozef, 60, 63 Mossing, Torgny, 70 Mukhina, Olga A., 67 Mulugeta, Genene, 72 Munter, Rein, 42 Musielak, Stanislaw, 62 Müller-Wille, Wendelin, 77 Mäki, Olli-Pekka, 76 Mörner, Torsten, 69 N Nakonieczny, Miroslaw, 61 Napiorkowski, Pawel, 58 Naskova, Svetlana, 36 Nawalany, Marek, 64 Nawoj-Kida, Barbara, 63 Neverov, Aleksandr, 37 Neverova-Dziopak, Elena, 59 Niecko, Jerzy, 58 Nilson, Lennart, 69 Noell, Christian, 41 Nordlund, Christer, 71 Nordquist, Kjell-Åke, 71 Nordström, Egon, 47 Noréen, Erik, 72 Norrgren, Leif, 70 Novikova, Kseniya, 65 Novikova, Olga, 38 Noviks, Gotfrids, 49 Nurek, Mieczysław, 61 Nyholm, Monica L, 46 O Ohvril, Tiiu, 42 Oja, Tönu, 43 Olander, Anders, 77 Olechwir, Tomasz, 62 Ollila, Anne, 46 Olszak-Humienik, Magdalena, 59 Orlova, Elena, 38 Osipovs, Sergejs, 49 Osite Agnese, 50 Ostrowski, Krzysztof, 59 Ottmann, Dorota, 55 Ovsyannik, Natalia, 38 Ozerova Ekaterina M., 67 P Pachelski, Jacek, 57 Pakhomenko, Andrei, 39 Palang, Hannes, 42 Pangsy-Kania, Sylwia, 61 Pankrutskaya, Larisa, 37 Pasichnyk, Sergiy, 74 Pastare Inese, 50 Patapenka, Nataliya, 39 Pawlas, Krystyna, 64 Pawlowski, Artur, 57 Pelediene, Ausra, 53 Penttinen, Kari, 44 Penttinen, Olli-Pekka, 44 Peters Jürgen, 48 Pettersson, Anne, 78 Pettersson, Kurt, 72 Pettersson, Monica, 77 Petuchova Alexandra G., 67 Piechocki, Janusz, 63 Pietilä, Pekka, 45 Pihlström, Mikael, 45 Pilö, Ulf, 77 Pinchuk, Irina, 36 Piszcz, Joanna, 58 Pivoras, Tomas, 52 Piwonska, Iwona, 76 Plaza, Elzbieta, 69 Plinski, Marcin, 61 Pociask-Karteczka, Joanna, 57 Poczobut, Joanna, 56 Podhorski-Piotrowski, Jacek, 60 Podkowka, Witold, 57 Pohrebennyk, Volodymyr, 73 Pokhodylo, Nazar, 73 Pokki, Jouko, 46 Polajeva, Tatyana, 43 Pollock, Eric, 44 Polyansky, Nikolay, 66 Ponikowska, Katarzyna, 62 Poreba, Rafal, 64 Povilanskas, Ramunas, 52 Preis, Sergei, 43 Priakhin, Sergei I., 67 Prus, Piotr, 62 Pryakhina Galina V., 67 Pshenichnov,Yuriy,, 38 Pukacz, Andrzej, 56 Purs’ka, Iryna, 73 Pustelnikovas, Olegas, 53 Puttonen, Aila, 45 R Raagmaa, Garri, 42 Racys, Viktoras, 52 Raczynski, Jacek, 61 Raminta, Butenaite, 52 Ranniku, Indrek, 76 Rantamäki, Jari, 46 Raskeviciene, Rita, 52 Rasma, Liepa, 51 index of names Rassashko, Inna, 38 Rebas, Hain, 48 Regerand, Tatjana I., 66 Reintam, Loit, 42 Rinta-Kanto, Jorma, 46 Roasto, Mati, 42 Rodhe, Allan, 71 Rodhe, Lena, 70 Rodzkin, Aleh, 39 Rohweder, Liisa, 44 Rolle, Nikolay N., 66 Rozenstrauha, Ineta, 50 Rozenstrauha Ineta, 49 Rozwadowski, Jerzy, 64 Rudzite, Marika, 76 Runblom, Harald, 71 Rusek, Maciej, 77 Rutkoviene, Vida, 53 Rychter, Agata, 59 Rydén, Lars, 6, 72 S Saat, Toomas, 43 Sakari, Autio, 44 Salkunen, Kari, 44 Salmina, Liene, 50 Salminen, Pekka, 76 Samersova, Nadezhda, 37 Sammalisto, Kaisu, 71 Saprikina, Olga, 37 Sas-Bojarska, Aleksandra, 56 Savchuk, Oleg P., 67 Savickiene, Ineta, 54 Savitskaya, Tatsiana, 37 Sawilska, Anna Katarzyna, 62 Saxena, Rajinder, 71 Schab, Sylwia, 55 Schreier, Helmut, 48 Schulte, Veronika, 48 Schultz, Claudia, 48 Sellner Manfred, 48 Seniczak, Anna, 62 Senkiene, Sonata, 76 Sepp, Kalev, 42 Sergeeva, Larisa G, 65 Sergienko Olga I.,, 67 Shadurski, Victor, 37 Shelest, Ksenia D., 67 Shibeka, Ludmila, 37 Shilin, Mikhail B., 66 Shimova Olga, 37 Sholota, Chrystyna, 73 Shvadchak, Ihor, 73 Shvyreva, Natalia, 65 Siepak, Jerzy, 55 Silaraja, Dace, 50 Sileika , Anatanas Sigitas, 53 Silins, Janis, 49 Silyakova, Anna, 67 82 Sinkko, Arja, 44 Sitnikov, Vladimir, 77 Siudek, Patrycja, 58 Siwek, Janusz, 57 Skazetskaja, Iryna, 36 Skjönberg, Guldbrand, 77 Sklyarova ,Natalia, 67 Skoczynska, Anna, 64 Skoglund, Jerry, 70 Skora, Krzysztof, 61 Skruzkalne-Deica, Zane, 76 Skubała, Piotr, 62 Skute, Arturs, 49 Slawek, Tadeusz, 62 Sleszynski, Jerzy, 63 Slinchack, Alexander I., 66 Slomczynska, Bozena, 64 Slys, Daniel, 59 Smylla, Aleksandra, 57 Sobocinska, Ewa, 77 Sokolowski, Tomasz, 55 Solovieva, Nataliya, 39 Soloviy, Ihor, 74 Soltesz, Andrej, 68 Spiridenok, Lyudmila, 39 Spricis, Andris, 50 Staniskis, Jurgis, 52 Stankevica, Vita, 51 Stasiskiene, Zaneta, 52 Stefanska, Patrycja, 61 Stelagowski, Krzysztof, 77 Stepankova, Roberta, 68 Stighäll, Christer, 77 Stochel, Grazyna, 57 Strahl, Joe, 69 Stravinskiene, Vida, 53 Strods, Jurijs, 76 Stubbe, Korinna, 48 Suchora, Magdalena, 55 Sumelius, John, 45 Suomalainen, Sinikka, 46 Suurkask, Valdu, 43 Svanberg, Ingvar, 71 Svane, Örjan, 69 Svensson, Hans, 69 Swianiewicz, Pawel, 63 Swierk, Katarzyna, 60 Swietlik, Ryszard, 59 Sychick, Sergey, 37 Szczepanek, Robert, 56 Szczepanska, Anna, 62 Szelagowska, Grazyna, 63 Szolgay, Jan, 68 Szozda, Zbigniew, 58 Szpakowska, Barbara, 55 Szumacher-Owczarek, Mariola, 76 Szymanski, Kazimierz, 57 Söderlund, Nina, 47 T Talalaj, Izabela, 55 Talves, Kairi, 43 Tani, Elvi, 76 Tarasiuk, Aleksandr, 38 Taratenko Darja, 67 Tarka, Robert, 63 Tarkowska-Kukuryk, Monika, 55 Tarnawska, Monika, 62 Tebinka, Jacek, 61 Teesalu, Silvi, 43 Terenina N., 66 Tereschenko, Olga V., 67 Tervashonka, Tuula, 46 Thompson, Robert, 75 Tihanau, Vladimir, 37 Tikhomirov Leonid Y., 67 Tjärvar, Anna, 70 Toczyska, Ewa, 57, 64 Toczyski, Witold, 61 Tolkunov, Semen, 73 Tomczak, Zbigniew, 56 Topinka, Peter, 68 Tothova, Monika, 68 Trasberg, Viktor, 43 Trass, Hans-Valdemar, 43 Trebicka, Agnieszka, 55 Tretjuka, Olga, 49 Tretyak, Olexiy, 73 Tricys, Vaclovas, 53 Trohymchuk, Stepan, 73 Trzupek, Agnieszka, 59 Tsap, Vasilij, 39 Tsoupikova, Nadezhda, 65 Turowiecka, Elzbieta, 77 U Ubelis, Arnolds, 51 Ungerholm, Monica, 69 Urbanaviciute, Renata, 78 Urtane, Mara, 49 Ustinaviciene, Ruta, 52 V Vabishchevich, Ivan, 36 Vaitkus, Rimantas, 53 Valaityte, Asta, 52 Valkola, Pekka, 45 Valtere, Sarma, 50 Valtonen, Heikki, 44 Varendi, Merle, 42 Vares, Peeter, 42 Vestbro, Dick Urban, 69 Vetrova, Nataliya, 39 Vircavs, Magnuss, 51 Virtanen, Anne, 44 Vnukovich, Olga, 37 Volkova, Irina, 65 Vooremäe, Aret, 42 index of names Voropaeva, Galina M., 66 Vostrova, Regina, 38 Vuorinen, Ilppo, 46 Vygonova Maria, 67 Vyshenska, Iryna, 74 Wagner, Aleksandra, 55 Wallensteen, Peter, 72 Walløe Hansen, Aksel, 41 Wallström, Kerstin, 71 Wensierski, Piotr, 55 Westin, Charles, 69 Widing, Angelica, 69 Wieclaw-Michniewska, Joanna, 57 Wiezik, Benjamin, 60 Wikström, Brittmari, 47 Wilczynska-Michalik, Wanda, 56, 58 Wilusz, Marian, 64 Winkler, Maria, 6, 72 Wiszniewski, Wojciech, 63 Witek, Zbigniew, 59 Witkowski, Andrzej, 62 Wodz, Kazimiera, 62 Wojtasik, Barbara, 61 Wojtkowiak, Jerzy, 61 Woloszyn, Witold, 58 Wulff, Fredrik, 70 Wyporska, Katarzyna, 63 Y Yakushev, Ivan, 39 Yalovaya, Natalia, 38 Yanchurevich, Olga, 39 Yarmak Yulian, 36 Yatsukhno, Valentin, 37 Yuschenko, Luydmila, 36 Z Zagorodny, Anatoly, 65 Zahvoyska, Lyudmyla, 74 Zakrzewska, Katarzyna, 57 Zaloksnis, Janis, 51 Zandin, Hanna, 71 Zarichnyak Yuri, 66 Zawisza-Raszka, Agnieszka, 62 Zbicinski, Ireneusz, 59 Zborowski, Andrzej, 57 Zeleny, Jan, 68 Zeltina, Mara, 49 Zenker-Hoffmann, Anke, 48 Zhitenev, Boris, 38 Zhuk. Zuliy, 5 Zickiene, Skaidre, 53 Zin’ko, Roman, 73 Zinko, Yuriy, 73 Zmijewska, Maria Iwona, 61 Zvidrins, Peteris, 50 Zykwinska, Katarzyna, 60 Zylicz, Tomasz, 63 Zywiec, Anna, 64 83 index of names Zywiecka, Danuta, 56 Å Åhlberg, Mauri, 45 Ö Örberg, Jan, 71 The Baltic University Network Luleå Oulu Umeå Trondheim Vaasa Kuopio Härnösand Sundsvall Joensuu Jyväskylä Petrozavodsk Tampere Falun Gävle Karlstad Kotka Helsinki Turku Uppsala Kirjala Norrköping Visby Kalmar Köbenhavn Roskilde Riga Jelgava Klaipeda Siauliai Kaunas Sönderborg Kiel Hamburg Lüneburg Vidzeme Liepaja Lund Malmö Koszalin Kaliningrad Hel Gdansk Berlin Bydgoszcz Torun Poznan Plosk Pskov Rezekne Daugavpils Polotsk Vitebsk Vilnius Olsztyn Szczecin Novgorod Tartu Linköping Göteborg St. Petersburg Tallinn Haapsalu Türi Stockholm Minsk Grodno Bialystok Pultusk Warszawa Gomel Brest Pinsk Lodz Cottbus Legnica Lublin Wroclaw Zittau Czestochowa Katowice Sosnowiec Rzeszow Ostrava Krakow Krosno Lviv Brno Budejovice Ivano-Frankovsk Nitra Bratislava Gorki Mogilev The Baltic University Programme The Baltic University Programme is a regional university network with about 200 universities in the 14 participating countries in the Baltic Sea Region. The Baltic University Programme is established as a Programme at Uppsala University, under the governance of an international board. The Programme plans, produces and coordinates undergraduate and graduate courses using modern educational technologies in combination with a traditional university educational setting, and runs joint research projects. The chosen subjects are of common concern for the entire region, and the international cooperation is of key importance. The activities concentrate on different aspects of sustainable development in the region. At present almost 8500 students participate each year. The network widely uses ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) for communication between course groups. During the first years, satellite TV was used to reach all partners, and to create interactivity. Today, video-, audio- and computer conferences connect study groups in the network. Case studies, such as texts and videos, illustrate the courses and give regional perspective. English is the common language, and the courses are problem oriented and thematic. The Programme offers undergraduate courses, e.g. Environmental Science, The Baltic Sea region, and A Sustainable Baltic Region, as well as graduate level courses, e.g. Sustainable Water Management and Sustainable Community Development. Several courses are available in distance mode, and others have considerable web support. The Programme regularly offers its students student conferences, summer courses and sailing cruises to promote contacts, international understanding and democracy development. For the close to 500 active academic teachers and researchers the Programme offers teachers conferences and multiple other occasions to meet. The Programme cooperates with municipalities and national authorities in the region in applied projects. This model for cooperation benefits both professionals at municipalities and authorities, as well as universities, and shows us the direction for future implementation of sustainability strategies in the region.
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