Price List and Order Sheet
Price List and Order Sheet
277T Price List and Order Sheet Navigation Lites API # MDW-4002 MDW-4005 MDW-4006 MGD-4106 MGD-4115 MGL-4014 MGL-4109 MJL-4005 50-37274 50-37345 50-45822 50-57465 50-64975 50-72467 50-79472 50-86976 MOT4002R 113579 POC-4001 Steering/ Controls Hardware/ Fasteners Covers/ Windshield Pumps/ Int. Lites Electric/ Battery Minnkota Gauges Electronics/ Radios Fuel Lube/ Motor Care Aux. Brkts/ Tilt/Trim Spark Plug/ Starters Props CHRYSLER Make & Year 1965 1965 1978-86 1982-86 Make & Year Up to 1986 1989-1993 Anchors/ Rod Holder MERCURY Lites/ Tie Downs Tires/ Couplers Boat Care Make & Year 1961-1962 1965 1965-1967 1968 1969-1971 1970-1972 1973-1974 Make & Year 1975-1977 1975-1977 1975-1977 Ski's/Tubes 1976-1977 1978-1985 1983-1985 Floatation 1981-1983 Water Front Fenders/ Dock Lines Horse Power 45 HP 80 HP 100, 115, 130, 140 HP 90 HP API Reman # MDW4005 MDW4006 MGL4014 MGL4014 Horse Power 70-150 HP 125-150 HP API Reman # MGL4014/MOT4002R MOT4002R Horse Power 700 350, 500 650, 800, 850, 1000, 1100 650, 950, 1000, 1100 650, 800, 1000 1150, 1350, 1400 1150 API Reman # 1113579 50-37345 50-37274 50-45822 50-45822 50-57465 50-64975 MERCURY & MARINER Misc./ Flooring Ladders Retail $------------141.99 ------141.99 209.99 141.99 209.99 189.99 189.99 189.99 124.99 154.99 ------131.99 149.99 ------149.99 124.99 FORCE Seats/ Pedestals Winches/ Jacks Order No. N.L.A. N.L.A. 00941 N.L.A. 00990 01002 01006 01008 01021 01025 01033 01041 01053 N.L.A. 01073 01077 N.L.A. 01101 01103 Horse Power 1150 1350, 1400, 1500 1500 (late) 1750 900, 1150, 1400 V200, V225 V200 (early), V225 API Reman # 50-64975/72467 50-57465 50-64975 50-64975/72467 50-72467 50-79472 50-86976 EVINRUDE & JOHNSON (outboard) SEADRIVE Make & Year 1959 1969 1970 1971-1972 1978-1985 Horse Power 18-35 HP 55 HP 60 HP 55-65 HP All V4 API Reman # MDW4002 MGD4106 MGD4106 MGD4106 MGL4109 Hannay’s Inc. will NO longer accept or give credit for rebuildable cores! Starter drives are NOT included with remanufactured units. Engine Model Merc 350 (2cyl) Merc 500 Merc 800 (4cyl) Merc 650 Merc 650 Merc 850 (4cyl) Merc 900 (6cyl) Merc 950 (6cyl) Merc 1000 Merc 1000SS Merc 1100 Merc 900 Mar 90 Merc/Mar 90/115 Merc 1150 Merc 1150 Merc 115 Mar 115 Merc 1350 Merc 1400 Merc 1400/140 Mar 140 Merc 1500 Serial Number 1812754-1960826 1770179-2116317 2559001-2670574 1765044-2119748 2309311-3293183 3493913-4366801 1766824-1869775 1869776-2318585 1768404-2318585 2318586-2836018 1870204-2314955 4845301-6436122 5309951-6436122 B6436123 & Up 2836019-3525440 3525411-5314655 5314656-6436122 4865178-6436122 2839369-3293233 3293234-3502805 4865678 & Up 5088444 & Up 3502806-4865677 Merc 1500XS Merc V1500/150 Merc V1750/175 Mar V150 Merc V150 Merc V175 Merc/Mar V135/150 Merc/Mar V135-200 Merc/Mar V150 Merc/Mar V175 Merc/Mar V150-200EFI Merc/Mar V200 Merc/Mar V220 Merc XR4 Mar Magnum II Merc/Mar 250/275 Merc/Mar V135/150 Merc Mod-VP Merc 2.4EFI Merc 2.4EFI Merc V150 Mar V150 Mar V175 Mar V175 Ski-EFI Mar V200 Mar V200 Merc V200 Merc V200 XRI-EFI Merc V200 Merc V2000/200 Merc XR-2 Merc XR-2 Merc 2.4EFI Merc 2.4L (carb) Merc/Mar 2.5L (carb) Merc/Mar 2.5L (EFI) 4868648-5327662 4868998-5432021 4301235-5393736 5600162-6443817 5432022-6443212 5393737-6618750 C100861-C239552 C239553 & Up 6616991-A904645 6618751-C239552 C291520 & Up 6625221-C291519 B117316 & Up B242885-C239552 B242885-C239552 C101891 & Up A904646-C100860 83B807 & Up A168044 & Up B290010 & Up 6443213-6616990 6443818-6616990 5316381 6618750 C100861-D081999 6201970-6625220 6203991-6625220 C100861-C291519 C291520-D081999 4839034-5363917 B290314 & Up C276430 & Up B290010 & Up C175045 & Up D030200 & Up D030200 & Up API Reman # 50-37345 50-37345 50-45822 50-37274 50-45822 50-45822 50-37274 50-45822/37274 50-37274 50-45822 50-45822/37274 50-72467 50-72467 50-72467 50-57465 50-64975/72467 50-72467 50-72467 50-57465 50-57465 50-72467 50-72467 50-57465/64975 50-72467 50-72467 50-64975 50-64975 50-79472 50-79472 50-79472 50-79472 50-79472 50-79472 50-79472 50-79472 50-79472 50-79472 50-79472 50-79472 50-79472 50-79472 50-79472 50-79472 50-79472 50-79472 50-79472 50-79472 50-79472 50-79472 50-79472/86976 50-79472/86976 50-79472 50-79472 50-79472 50-79472 50-79472 50-79472 50-79472 50-79472 50-79472 278 PART NUMBER QUICK REFERENCE CHRIS CRAFT ARCO 16.60-00031.......... VR407 16.61-00026...........40115 16.61-00042...........50142 16.61-00043...........50141 16.61-00044...........50160 16.61-00045...........50161 16.61-00048...........50141 16.61-00050...........50160 16.61-00051...........50161 16.61-00053.......... VR406 CHRYSLER ARCO 177917..................SW917 2095254.................50120 2095456.................50115 2095509.................50110 2095946..................R946 2098300................ VR405 2098345.................50121 2847527................ VR405 2855927.................50110 2875927.................50110 2875928.................50109 3527501.................40112 3527502.................40112 449541-1.................6216 455541....................6216 460917-1...............SW295 480955....................5393 490955....................5393 575955....................5382 F6169551................5393 CRUSADER ARCO 39049.....................60104 39050.................... VR197 39200.....................60075 42016....................SW975 42090.....................30456 42091.....................30457 42150.....................30123 707341................. 105-137 9006320................SW774 FORCE ARCO 811902................... DV394 819222.................. DV393 819479A1................6276 819480A1................6276 820595.................. SR394 50-819085...............5393 50-819968-1............7325 50-820193...............5394 50-F616955-1..........5393 827675A1................6255 87-F660917.............R040 89-F460917-1........SW295 F15189.................. SR393 F15190.................. BK900 F177917................SW774 F575955..................5382 F616955..................5393 KAWASAKI ARCO 21163-3001......... PWK440 21163-3002-YR... PWK440 21163-3003-YR.....PWK440 21163-3079............PWK650 21163-3710............PWK440 21163-3711............PWK440 21163-3712............PWK650 31163-3714............PWK650 13101-3701............. DV750 13101-3703............. DV750 13101-3705............. DV750 13101-3706............. DV750 59051-3005............. DV440 59051-5007............. DV440 MARINE POWERARCO 471200...................20830 471201...................20830 4711210..................20830 1210-000................60050 0170-000................30459 0171-000................30123 0172-000................30460 0174-000................30470 MERCURY ARCO 12449.....................60050 14336A6..................6275 14336A8..................6275 14336A9..................6275 14336A15................6275 14336A17................6275 14336A20................6275 17649......................6218 17649A1..................6218 17649A02................6218 17649T....................6218 18525A1.................M525 25942.................... 5374-6 32701.....................20102 47456A1.................20102 514995.....................551 56045.....................20102 59755.....................20102 69729.....................20102 78403A1.................60050 78403A2.................60050 78477.....................20104 805447T.................60065 805884T.................60065 807652T.................60055 807653T.................60060 809885A1................6276 809885A2................6276 809885T2................6276 811628.....................6279 811674.....................6276 813447....................6276 514995....................5551 56045.....................20102 59755.....................20102 69729.....................20102 78403A1.................60050 78403A2.................60050 78477.....................20104 805447T.................60065 805884T.................60065 807652T.................60055 807653T.................60060 809885A1................6276 809885A2................6276 809885T2................6276 MERCURY ARCO 811628.....................6279 811674.....................6276 813447....................6276 817119A1...............60050 817119A4...............60050 818161A4................6270 823653A5................6270 823653A9................6270 827675A1................6255 828506...................20850 828708....................6250 828708A1................6279 828708T..................6250 846859A4................6270 862030T.................20810 862031T.................20800 862031T1...............20800 863077T.................20815 865380A13..............6275 865380A25..............6275 875285T1...............20840 875286A-1.............20850 87828......................6218 878265A1................6250 878265A4................6250 881247A1...............20850 881248T.................20840 881835A5................6275 88183A6..................6275 88183A11................6275 88183A12................6275 889955...................20840 889956...................20850 891736T..................6218 92459A3..................6270 92459A4..................6270 62459A8..................6270 92497A3.................60050 98555.....................60050 98555A1.................60050 99186......................6278 99186-1...................6278 99186-T...................6278 50-F514955.............5551 50-F575955.............5382 50-12121A2...........30140 Navigation Lites Steering/ Controls Hardware/ Fasteners Covers/ Windshield Pumps/ Int. Lites Electric/ Battery Minnkota Gauges Electronics/ Radios Fuel Lube/ Motor Care Aux. Brkts/ Tilt/Trim Spark Plug/ Starters Props Seats/ Pedestals Anchors/ Rod Holder Winches/ Jacks Lites/ Tie Downs Tires/ Couplers Boat Care Misc./ Flooring Ski's/Tubes Floatation Ladders Water Front Fenders/ Dock Lines 279 Navigation Lites Steering/ Controls MERCURY ARCO 50-1277A2............. 30140 50-12872................ 50169 Covers/ Windshield 50-17251A3........... 30123 50-29105................5374X Pumps/ Int. Lites 50-30829................. 5366 50-30842................5374X Electric/ 50-30955......... 5374w/DV370 Battery 50-31976................. 5374 Minnkota 50-32403............... 5374-6 50-32411................5374X Gauges 50-32703................ 30118 50-37274A4............ 5374 Electronics/ Radios 50-37345A1............ 5366 50-38890A1............ 5366 Fuel 50-41583................. 5385 50-41583T............... 5385 Lube/ 50-44369A1............ 5388 Motor Care 50-44415................. 5380 Aux. Brkts/ 50-45120................ 30118 Tilt/Trim 50-45822................. 5374 Spark Plug/ 50-46282................ 30118 Starters 50-47454................ 30120 Props 50-47455................ 30123 50-48643A1............ 5374 Seats/ 50-514955............... 5551 Pedestals 50-55601A2............ 5366 Anchors/ 50-56886................ 70100 Rod Holder 50-57465A1............ 5377 Winches/ 50-57867A1............ 5374 Jacks 50-58059................ 90105 Lites/ 50-58788................. 5374 Tie Downs 50-58788A3............ 5374 Tires/ 50-59799................ 30118 Couplers 50-60315................. 5375 50-60594A1............ 5384 Boat Care 50-64975................5378X 50-65436................. 5375 Misc./ Flooring 50-65784A1........... 30123 Ski's/Tubes 50-65785A1........... 30120 50-66015................. 5375 50-66015-1.............. 5392 Floatation 50-66015-2.............. 5375 50-66015-3.............. 5392 Ladders 50-66015-T............. 5392 Water 50-66015T1............. 5375 50-67341................. 5374 Front Hardware/ Fasteners Fenders/ Dock Lines PART NUMBER QUICK REFERENCE MERCURY ARCO 50-69863A1.......... 30118 50-69864A1.......... 30118 50-69865............... 50169 50-69865A1..........50169 50-72467................5377 50-72550...............50143 50-72550A1..........50143 50-72550A2..........50143 50-72550R2..........50143 50-73521................5379 50-73521T..............5379 50-76965A1..........30123 50-76965A3..........30123 50-76965A4..........30123 50-77141................5380 50-77328A1.......... 30118 50-77328A3.......... 30118 50-79472................5380 50-79472-1.............5380 50-79472T2............5380 50-79604A1..........30120 50-79604A3..........30120 50-79821A2.......... 30118 50-79822A1.......... 30119 50-79822A2.......... 30119 50-79823A1.......... 30119 50-803900T............5551 50-803903T............5382 50-804312T1..........3430 50-806963A2........30460 50-806963A4........30460 50-806964A2........30470 50-806964A3........30470 50-8064A4............30470 50-806965A2........30460 50-806965A4........30460 50-807904A1........30433 50-808011A1........30457 50-808011A4........30459 50-812428A3........30470 50-812429A2........30460 50-812604A2........30470 50-81490M.............3424 50-818445-2...........5395 50-818445-3...........5395 50-818445-5...........5395 MERCURY ARCO 50-819085............ 5393 50-819085-1......... 5393 50-819085T1........ 5393 50-819271............ 5397 50-819968-1......... 7325 50-819968-2......... 7325 50-819968-3......... 7325 50-819968-4......... 7325 50-819968T4........ 7325 50-820193............ 5394 50-820193-1......... 5394 50-820193A1....... 5397 50-820193T1........ 5394 50-822330A2...... 30470 50-822462............ 5396 50-822462-1......... 5396 50-822462T1........ 5396 50-830308............ 5364 50-830308T.......... 5364 50-832997............ 7326 50-832997-1......... 7326 50-832997-2......... 7326 50-833153............ 5381 50-833153-1......... 5381 50-833153-2......... 5381 50-833153-3......... 5381 50-833153-5......... 5381 50-833153T4........ 5381 50-834749............ 5362 50-84917M........... 3420 50-852570T.......... 5359 50-853329T.......... 5400 50-853869............ 5393 50-853869T.......... 5393 50-854636T.......... 5365 50-856996T......... 5381X 50-859168T.......... 5359 50-859169T.......... 5364 50-859170T.......... 5365 50-859170T1........ 5365 50-859171T.......... 5362 50-859377T.......... 5360 50-863007A1...... 30433 50-864340A2...... 30470 50-86976............. 5381X 50-881368T1........ 3432 MERCURY ARCO 50-881368T2...........3432 50-884044T.............5360 50-884045T.............5365 50-884238T.............5380 50-88671................50144 50-888151T.............5364 50-88160T...............5365 50-888161T.............5360 50-892339T.............5400 50-893887T.............5365 50-893893...............5380 50-898265001.........5364 50-898265002.........5393 50-898265003.........7325 50-898265005.........5379 50-898265006.........5366 50-898265007.........5385 50-898265008.........5381 50-898265009.........5395 50-898265010.........5377 50-898265011.........5382 50-898265012.........5388 50-898265013....... 5381X 50-90983A1............5367 50-90983T1.............5367 50-92669M..............3424 50-96359M..............3420 50-97072M..............3424 50-97072T...............3424 50-97499A2...........30120 50-97499R2...........30120 50-97499R4...........30120 50-97693M..............3420 50-99417A2...........30124 50-99418A2...........30140 50-994193..............30123 O.M.C. ARCO 172588....................6228 173944....................6228 174942....................5376 175019....................5376 380361....................6209 381166....................40152 381519...................40152 381781...................30118 280 PART NUMBER QUICK REFERENCE O.M.C. ARCO 382138....................6209 382220....................6209 383443...................40152 383575.................. 5372X 383691....................5370 384163....................5371 384198...................30118 384233...................40152 384777....................5370 384914.................. 5372X 385401....................5376 385529....................5372 386430....................5369 386591....................5376 386657....................5370 387094....................5373 387277....................6206 387684....................5371 389275....................5371 389954....................5372 391264....................6220 391511.....................5387 391735....................5370 392133....................5376 393259....................6220 393570....................5386 393988....................6220 394176....................6220 395207....................5373 395840....................6220 396235....................5387 397023....................5387 432925....................5363 433226....................6243 434495....................6241 434496....................6241 434795....................6220 435532....................6242 435548....................6244 437666....................6220 437801....................6242 438529....................6241 438531....................6241 438786....................6238 438878....................5363 439937....................6238 O.M.C. ARCO 582048....................6206 582155....................6206 583473....................5390 583482....................5389 584107....................6206 584608....................5368 584613....................5361 584799....................5387 584818....................5398 584980....................5399 585050....................5370 585051....................5372 585056....................5389 585057....................5372 585058....................5370 585059....................5390 585060....................5386 585061....................5376 585062....................5373 585063....................5371 585196....................5372 585197....................5370 586274....................5361 586275....................5368 586276....................5369 586277....................5398 586278....................5376 586279....................5389 586280....................5371 586281....................5370 586282....................5372 586283....................5372 586284....................5399 586285....................5386 586286....................5363 586287....................5363 586288....................5373 586289....................5387 586411.....................5387 586731....................5387 586768....................5358 979768....................6211 979937....................6211 981074...................30124 981078...................30118 981186....................40152 O.M.C. ARCO 981187....................40152 981638....................6211 981821...................70110 982058....................6204 982069....................6211 982073....................6211 982107...................30124 982121...................30124 982200...................30118 982364...................20104 982706....................6204 983019....................6220 983248...................30124 983195....................6214 983318....................6211 983424...................60125 983444...................30118 983446....................6220 983790...................30124 984356....................6206 984456...................30140 984536...................70112 984565...................60125 984628...................70116 985237....................6220 985465...................60125 985466...................60125 985964...................40152 985966...................30124 986008...................60125 986280....................6245 986505...................30140 987774...................60125 987811....................70125 987969...................70110 988012...................70116 988217...................30460 988247...................60125 3850525.................30140 3850526.................30460 3853853.................60125 3853945..................6245 3853982.................30140 3854182.................60125 3854190.................70125 3854750.................30460 O.M.C. ARCO 3854751.................30470 3854809.................60125 3855177.................30470 3855882.................30460 3856600.................60070 3857298.................60125 3857561.................60070 3858463.................30460 3860769.................60125 5005254..................6238 5005374..................6241 5005376..................6241 PLSRCRAFT ARCO RA097002..............40147 RA097006..............60108 RA097007..............20820 RA097007A...........20821 RA097007B...........20825 RA097007C...........20822 RA122001..............70100 RA122002..............70101 RA122004..............70108 RA122005..............70109 RA122008..............30456 RA122009..............30459 RA122014..............70125 RA122015..............30433 RA122019..............30462 POLARIS ARCO 3240110................PWP650 3240120................ DV744 SEA DOO ARCO 278000987..........PWB1000 29550089.............. DV650 SIERRA ARCO 18-5600...................5373 18-5601...................5366 18-5602...................5374 18-5603..................34059 18-5604...................5375 18-5605...................5379 18-5606...................5388 Navigation Lites Steering/ Controls Hardware/ Fasteners Covers/ Windshield Pumps/ Int. Lites Electric/ Battery Minnkota Gauges Electronics/ Radios Fuel Lube/ Motor Care Aux. Brkts/ Tilt/Trim Spark Plug/ Starters Props Seats/ Pedestals Anchors/ Rod Holder Winches/ Jacks Lites/ Tie Downs Tires/ Couplers Boat Care Misc./ Flooring Ski's/Tubes Floatation Ladders Water Front Fenders/ Dock Lines 281 Navigation Lites Steering/ Controls Hardware/ Fasteners Covers/ Windshield Pumps/ Int. Lites Electric/ Battery Minnkota Gauges Electronics/ Radios Fuel Lube/ Motor Care Aux. Brkts/ Tilt/Trim Spark Plug/ Starters Props Seats/ Pedestals Anchors/ Rod Holder Winches/ Jacks Lites/ Tie Downs Tires/ Couplers Boat Care Misc./ Flooring Ski's/Tubes Floatation Ladders Water Front Fenders/ Dock Lines PART NUMBER QUICK REFERENCE SIERRA ARCO 18-5608...................5380 18-5610...................5392 18-5611...................5367 18-5612...................5363 18-5613...................5393 18-5614...................5397 18-5617...................5361 18-5618...................7325 18-5619...................5387 18-5620...................5395 18-5621...................5396 18-5622...................5394 18-5623...................5368 18-5624...................5389 18-5626...................5370 18-5627...................5390 18-5628...................5386 18-5629...................5376 18-5630...................5371 18-5631...................5398 18-5632...................5399 18-5634...................5372 18-5635...................5370 18-5636...................5377 18-5639...................5367 18-5640...................5373 18-5641...................5366 18-5642...................5375 18-5643...................5380 18-5644...................5393 18-5645...................5376 18-5647...................5372 18-5648...................5370 18-5649...................5377 18-5900..................30119 18-5901..................30120 18-5902..................30123 18-5904..................70101 18-5905..................30140 18-5907..................30456 18-5908..................30457 18-5910..................30470 18-5911..................30460 18-5913..................30470 18-5914..................70110 18-5915.................. 70111 SIERRA ARCO 18-5916..................70114 18-5917..................70116 18-5919..................30460 18-5920..................70125 18-5936..................12412 18-5938..................12420 18-5939..................80108 18-5943..................80108 18-5945..................65055 18-5950..................20102 18-5951..................20104 18-5954..................40112 18-5957..................40147 18-5959..................80108 18-5960..................60060 18-5963..................40152 18-5964..................40152 18-5965..................60065 18-5966..................60050 18-5967..................60055 18-5972..................60124 18-5977..................82100 18-5979..................60072 18-5982..................60160 18-5983..................20810 18-5984..................20820 18-6257...................6214 18-6258...................6239 18-6259...................6267 18-6260..................60125 18-6261..................60070 18-6262..................60122 18-6263..................60108 18-6265..................60071 18-6272..................30456 18-6273-1................6278 18-6274...................6224 18-6275..................30433 18-6276..................70112 18-6277...................6244 18-6278..................84150 18-6280...................6242 18-6281...................6238 18-6282...................7326 18-6283...................5381 18-6284..................84135 SIERRA ARCO 18-6285...................6243 18-6286...................6255 18-6288..................20825 18-6292..................10113 18-6293..................20800 18-6298..................20815 18-6299..................20830 18-6410...................3420 18-6411...................3422 18-6412...................3424 18-6413...................3426 18-6414...................3440 18-6415...................3428 18-6416...................3444 18-6417...................3442 18-6418...................3410 18-6420...................3421 18-6421...................3423 18-6422...................3425 18-6423...................3427 18-6424...................3429 18-6425...................3430 18-6426...................3431 18-6427...................3432 18-6432...................3412 18-6433...................3446 18-6434...................5369 18-6435...................5360 18-6436...................5362 18-6437...................5364 18-6438...................5365 18-6439...................5382 18-6440...................5400 18-6441...................5551 18-6443..................30462 18-6450..................20821 18-6453..................20822 18-6454..................20840 18-6455..................20850 18-6754...................6209 18-6755...................6204 18-6756...................6228 18-6758...................6223 18-6759...................6220 18-6760...................6265 18-6761...................6206 SIERRA ARCO 18-6762............... 6216 18-6763............... 6217 18-6764............... 6211 18-6765............... 6270 18-6767............... 6208 18-6769............... 6275 18-6770............... 6227 18-6771.............. M525 18-6772............... 6218 18-6773............... 6250 18-6774............... 6279 18-6775............... 6274 18-6777............... 6276 18-6779............... 6245 18-6780............... 6241 18-6781............... 6260 18-6783............... 6240 18-6785............... 6269 18-6786............... 6268 18-6789............... 6266 SUZUKI ARCO 31100-87D00...... 3442 31100-87D10...... 3442 31100-92E00....... 3442 31100-94400....... 3412 31100-94401....... 3412 31100-94402....... 3412 31100-94500....... 3444 31100-94510....... 3444 3C8-76010-10..... 3412 31100-94511....... 3444 31100-94512....... 3444 31100-94600....... 3444 31100-94601....... 3444 31100-94610....... 3444 31100-95600....... 3440 31100-95601....... 3440 31100-96310....... 3412 31100-96311....... 3412 38100-87D01...... 6269 38100-87E20-OED6268 38100-92E00-0ED6268 38100-92E00-0EP6268 282 PART NUMBER QUICK REFERENCE UNIVERSAL ARCO 261128....................VR726 275753.....................40112 277584.....................40145 288182.....................60108 288759.....................60108 289172...................VR197 VOLVO ARCO 1214764....................R040 1501832-8.................R832 1504952-1.................R952 240360.....................10110 240623-9................SW090 241889-5................SW090 594043...................DV225 594054...................SW225 818721...................SW975 819955.....................82100 826495-4..................82100 826755-1..................95949 827304.....................82100 829029-8................SW814 829527-1..................97224 829712-9..................95949 831725-7...................R952 831859...................VR090 834339-4...................10111 834520-9.................SW091 834609-0..................82100 834610-8..................82100 834611....................VR090 834625-6..................80108 834804-7................SW814 834852-6................SW814 834893-0..................50142 834894-8................SW402 834965-6..................82100 834976-3...................10111 835121-5..................50142 835243-7................SW402 835334-4..................50141 835635-4..................70100 839367-0...................R832 839586-5.................TR222 840633-2.................VR135 VOLVO ARCO 840638-1...............BI-0638 840808-0..................10112 840821-3................SW092 841066-4..................70100 841177-9...................R177 841377-5..................30120 841378-3..................80108 841379-1..................82100 841380-9..................82100 841381-7................VR090 841656-2................SW975 841664-6................DV206 841688-5................VR090 841762-8..................80108 841763-6..................82100 841765-1..................80108 841766-9..................80108 841769-3..................82100 841770-1..................82100 841989-7..................82100 843547-1.................VR091 847561-8..................80200 847604-6..................82100 847605-3.................VR091 849561-6..................80200 849747-1..................60160 849748-9..................60175 850834-3....................6223 850922-6....................6299 851126-3.................TR223 852500-8....................6299 852563-6.................VB399 852565-1................SW565 852928-1....................6224 853083-4....................6224 853084-2....................6224 853544-5...................R670 853545-2...................R670 854346-4...................6227 854357-1...................R040 854525-3...................6232 854531-1..................M531 855326-5..................30124 855332-3................SW975 855334-9..................30120 855361-2................DV207 VOLVO ARCO 858838-6.................80108 858839-4.................80108 858840-2................VR512 858841-0...............BI-0638 858968-1...............BI-0638 859252-9..................97225 859499-6...............BI-0638 859553-0..................10112 859618-1................SW225 859623-1................DV225 860334-2..................95949 862526-1.................VR246 862539-4.................VR237 870670-7....................R670 872018-7...................80108 872235-7...................80108 872241-5...................10113 872272-0....................R177 872300-9....................R670 872367-8.................VR512 872449-4....................6224 872720-8.................VR135 872888-3...................10113 872926-1...................80108 873051-7....................6224 873120-0...............BI-0702 873549-0...................10113 875356-8..................TR221 876037-3....................R832 876038-1....................R670 876039-9....................R952 876040-7....................R040 3803113....................97225 3850216-7...............SW463 3850525-1.................30140 3850927-9.................60125 3853757-7...............VR265 3853833-6...............VR265 3853839-3...............SW394 3853853-4.................60125 3853869-0...............SW984 3853874-0...............DV207 3853982-1.................30140 3853998-7...............SW984 3854182-7.................60125 3854190-0.................70125 VOLVO ARCO 3854194-2.............SW125 3854750-1...............30460 3854751-9...............30450 3854809-5...............60125 3855177-6...............30140 3856003-3...............30460 3856004-1...............30450 3856596....................6227 3856600-6...............60070 3857265-7.................6227 3857813..................60071 6643474-7................R670 WESTERBEKE ARCO 11617......................98000 16762......................12101 23593......................12104 31227......................12101 30594......................86050 33486......................30120 34552......................98175 38237......................98000 YAMAHA ARCO 19-1400-10...............60075 6G5-43880-02-00.......6265 6H1-43880-02-00.......6260 6K8-81800-10-00.PWY500 6K8-81800-11-00.PWY500 6K8-81800-12-00.PWY500 6K8-81807-10-00....DV500 6M6-81800-00-00.PWY650 6M6-81800-10-00.PWY650 6M6-8183E-00-00...DV700 YANMAR ARCO 128170-77010.........98180 171008-77010.........98185 X211447009..........SW487 Navigation Lites Steering/ Controls Hardware/ Fasteners Covers/ Windshield Pumps/ Int. Lites Electric/ Battery Minnkota Gauges Electronics/ Radios Fuel Lube/ Motor Care Aux. Brkts/ Tilt/Trim Spark Plug/ Starters Props Seats/ Pedestals Anchors/ Rod Holder Winches/ Jacks Lites/ Tie Downs Tires/ Couplers Boat Care Misc./ Flooring Ski's/Tubes Floatation Ladders Water Front Fenders/ Dock Lines 283T New O/B Starters - Includes Drive Gears Navigation Lites Steering/ Controls Hardware/ Fasteners Covers/ Windshield Pumps/ Int. Lites Electric/ Battery Minnkota Gauges Electronics/ Radios Fuel Lube/ Motor Care Aux. Brkts/ Tilt/Trim Spark Plug/ Starters Props Seats/ Pedestals Anchors/ Rod Holder Winches/ Jacks Lites/ Tie Downs Tires/ Couplers Boat Care Misc./ Flooring Ski's/Tubes Floatation Ladders Water Front Fenders/ Dock Lines WARRANTY POLICY 12 Months in pleasure and 90 days in commercial or racing applications. This warranty does not apply to rust, corrosion, deliberate abuse, submersions, broken drive gears or housings. Improper installation, careless handling, tampering or dismantling of unit voids the warranty. ARCO's warranty is limited to the repair or replacement of defective units only. Labor or any other expenses are NOT covered. All warranty returns must have a Return Goods Authorization Number and include a complete explanation of the malfunction. This warranty being expressly in lieu of all other obligations or liabilities and ARCO neither assumes nor authorizes any other person or firm to assume for it any other liability in connection with the sale of its products or merchandise. 5369 O.M.C. 9.9-15 HP 10 Tooth Drive Gear O.M.C. No. 386430, 586276 Order No. 02024 5370 O.M.C. 55-75 HP 3 Cyl 9 Tooth Drive Gear O.M.C. No. 384777, 386657, 391735, 585050, 586281 Order No. 02026 $199.99 5399 MOTOR ONLY O.M.C. '97-'99 90-115 HP 60 Degree V4 O.M.C. 584980 Order No. 02063 $199.99 5372 O.M.C. 85-140 HP Late Model V4 Small Tooth Drive Gear O.M.C. 385529, 389954, 585057, 586283 $174.99 Order No. 02030 $199.99 O.M.C. 18-40 HP 11 Tooth Drive Gear O.M.C. No. 386591, 392133, 585061, 586278 O.M.C. 1969-'70, 85-115 HP 1971-'72, 85-125 HP Large 10-Tooth Drive Gear 5376 Order No. 02038 $174.99 5390 O.M.C. 20-35 HP 2 Cyl 1987 - '93 9 Tooth DriveGear O.M.C. No. 583473, 585059 Order No. 02060 $174.99 5389 O.M.C. 25,40,50 HP 2Cyl 1989-Up, 48-50 HP 1990 Up 9 Tooth Drive Gear O.M.C. No. 583482,586279 Order No. 02059 $199.99 5371 O.M.C. 50-60 HP 2 Cyl 9 Tooth Drive Gear O.M.C. No. 384163,387684, 389275,585063,586280 Order No. 02028 $199.99 5372X O.M.C. 383575, 384914 Order No. 02033 $209.99 5386 O.M.C. 120-140 HP V4 1985 and Up 10 Tooth Drive Gear O.M.C. No. 393570, 585060, 586285 Order No. 02055 $204.99 5373 O.M.C. 150-235 HP V6 8 Tooth Drive Gear O.M.C. No. 387094, 395207, 585062,586288 Order No. 02032 $209.99 5363 O.M.C. V4 and V6 1997 and Up O.M.C. No. 586287, 438878 Order No. 02025 $184.99 284T New O/B Starters - Includes Drive Gears Mercury 6-25 HP 10 Tooth Drive Gear Merc. No. 50-90983A1 50-90983T1 Order No. 02023 $144.99 Mercury/Mariner 50-85 HP 10 Tooth Drive Gear Merc. No. 50-65436, 50-66015 Order No. 02036 $209.99 5377 5366 Mercury 35-50 HP 9 Tooth Drive Gear 50-55601A1, 50-38890A1 Order No. 02022 $189.99 5385 Mercury 35-40 HP, 2-cyl 10 Tooth Drive Gear 50-41583 Order No. 02031 $195.99 5379 Mercury/Mariner 40-50 HP 10 Tooth Drive Gear Merc. No. 50-73521 Order No. 02044 Steering/ Controls 5375 5367 $195.99 5388 Mercury 50-60 HP 10 Tooth Drive Gear Merc. No. 50-44369A1 Order No. 02057 $194.99 5374 Mercury 85 HP 10 Tooth Drive Gear Merc. No. 50-67341 Order No. 02034 $209.99 5396 Mercury '94-'96 30-40HP 2cyl, 55-60HP, 45HPJet, 10 Tooth Drive Gear Merc. No. 50-822462 Order No. 02065 $189.99 Mercury/Mariner 90-175 HP Inline, 150 HP V6 10 Tooth Drive Gear 50-57465A1, 50-72467 Order No. 02040 $219.99 5378X Mercury/Mariner V150 & V175 Large 10 tooth Drive Gear Merc. No. 50-64975 Order No. 02043 $224.99 Mercury/Mariner 100-125 HP Inline 4 cyl. 8 Tooth Drive Gear 50-66015-1, 50-66015-T $224.99 5380 Merc./Mariner 135-200 Hp V6 8 Tooth Drive Gear Merc. No. 50-79472 50-77141, 50-44414 Order No. 02046 $216.99 5381 Mercury 1999-Up 2.5 DFI 1996-99 200 V6 DFI 1998-Up 225 V6 DFI 1999-Up 3.0L V6 9-Tooth Drive Merc. No. 50-833153-5 Order No. 02027 Hardware/ Fasteners Covers/ Windshield Pumps/ Int. Lites Electric/ Battery Minnkota Gauges Electronics/ Radios Fuel Lube/ Motor Care Aux. Brkts/ Tilt/Trim Spark Plug/ Starters 5392 Order No. 02062 Navigation Lites $224.99 Hannay's Inc. will NO longer accept or give credit for rebuildable cores! Props Seats/ Pedestals Anchors/ Rod Holder Winches/ Jacks Lites/ Tie Downs Tires/ Couplers Boat Care Misc./ Flooring Ski's/Tubes Floatation Ladders Water Front Fenders/ Dock Lines 285T Navigation Lites Steering/ Controls Hardware/ Fasteners Covers/ Windshield Pumps/ Int. Lites Electric/ Battery Minnkota Chrysler/Force New O/B Starters - 5382 5394 Chrysler/Force 35-50 HP 11 Tooth Drive Gear Force No. A201955, 57-5955, 50-575955 Order No. 02029 Force 50 HP 1992-Up 13 Tooth Drive Gear Force No. 50-820193, 50-820193T1 Order No. 02066 $194.99 5393 Force 90-120 HP 9 Tooth Drive Gear Merc/Force #50-819968-1, 50-819968-2 Order No. 02064 $209.99 Order No. 02067 $206.99 SR102 SR104 Prestolite 2 Brush Outboard Starter Repair Kit Electronics/ Radios Fuel $199.99 7325 Force 70-150 HP 9 Tooth Drive Gear Force No. 50-819085 480955,490955,616955 Gauges Includes Drive Gears Order No. 02208 Prestolite 4 Brush Outboard Starter Repair Kit Order No. 02210 $36.99 $44.99 Lube/ Motor Care New Tilt/Trim Motors Aux. Brkts/ Tilt/Trim Spark Plug/ Starters Props Seats/ Pedestals 6228 New O.M.C. 40-75 HP #172588, 173944, Prestolite ESI-4001 Anchors/ Rod Holder Winches/ Jacks Order No. 02011 $264.99 Lites/ Tie Downs 6217 New (Motor & Reservoir) Mercruiser, Volvo, & BMW Prestolite #ERH4102 (Includes screws, gasket & adapter) Order No. 02000 TAK217 $244.99 Screws, gasket and adapter only Order No. 02235 Tires/ Couplers Boat Care 6260 New Heavy-Duty Misc./ Flooring Ski's/Tubes Floatation Ladders Water Front Fenders/ Dock Lines Mercury/Mercruiser using Oildyne Pump. #14336A8, 88183A12, 17649A1, 87828. Will also replace early style square motor 6275 Complete Unit $554.99 Order No. 02003 6218 Motor Only $199.99 Order No. 02001 M525 Reservoir Kit $ 44.99 Order No. 02207 Yamaha: 1992-2002 90 HP 1992-1995 50-90 HP 1994 40 HP; 1996 70-90 HP 3 bolt mount 2-wire connection, ring terminal ends Includes o-rings Flat-blade shaft Order No. 01997 $244.99 $39.99 286T New WARRANTY POLICY 12 Months in pleasure and 90 days in commercial or racing applications. This warranty does not apply to rust, corrosion, deliberate abuse, submersions, broken drive gears or housings. Improper installation, careless handling, tampering or dismantling of unit voids the warranty. ARCO's warranty is limited to the repair or replacement of defective units only. Labor or any other expenses are NOT covered. All warranty returns must have a Return Goods Authorization Number and include a complete explanation of the malfunction. This warranty being expressly in lieu of all other obligations or liabilities and ARCO neither assumes nor authorizes any other person or firm to assume for it any other liability in connection with the sale of its products or merchandise. 6220 O.M.C. 391264, 393259, 393988, 394176, 983019 Heavy Duty Motor 2 Wire Connection Order No. 02006 $144.99 6206 O.M.C. V-4 & V-6 387277, 582048, 582155, 584107 Prestolite #EVC4002 3 Wire Connection Order No. 02004 $204.99 6208 (Motor & Reservoir) O.M.C. 172850, 173596, 172655 Prestolite #ESQ4006 3- Wire Connection Order No. 02008 $339.99 6216 (Motor & Reservoir) Chrysler F17563, 17556, 17568, 17564 O.M.C. 172543, 382715 Prestolite #EVK4001 3 Wire Connection Order No. 02016 $285.99 Tilt/Trim Motors Navigation Lites Steering/ Controls 6204 O.M.C. 982058, 982706 Prestolite #EVD4002 3 Wire Connection Order No. 02017 Hardware/ Fasteners Covers/ Windshield $199.99 Pumps/ Int. Lites 6209 O.M.C. 380361, 382138, 382220 Prestolite #ETK4102 2 Wire Connection Order No. 02009 Electric/ Battery Minnkota $199.99 Gauges 6211 Electronics/ Radios O.M.C. Stern Drive 2.5L, 3.0L 1979-'85 O.M.C. 982069, 982073, 983318 Prestolite #ESQ4005, ESQ4008, ESQ4010, ESQ4017 3 Wire Connection Order No. 02021 Fuel Lube/ Motor Care Aux. Brkts/ Tilt/Trim $224.99 Spark Plug/ Starters 6242 Fits '92 - Up, J Suffix 40, 48, 50 HP O.M.C. # 437801 2 Wire Connection Hollow Hex Shaft Order No. 02007 Props Female Spade Terminal Ends Anchors/ Rod Holder $224.99 6243 Fits '89 - '92, M Suffix 40, 48, 50 HP O.M.C. # 433226 2 Wire Connection Hollow Hex Shaft Order No. 02005 $224.99 6223 Heavy Duty Motor for Volvo Replaces Electrolux Motor Volvo #850834 Order No. 02014 $184.99 6224 (Complete) Includes Hyd. Valve Body Volvo #852928 Prestolite #HYK4001 Order No. 02010 $565.99 Seats/ Pedestals Winches/ Jacks Lites/ Tie Downs Male Spade Terminal Ends Tires/ Couplers Boat Care Misc./ Flooring Ski's/Tubes Floatation Ladders Water Front Fenders/ Dock Lines 287T Tilt/Trim Motors Navigation Lites Steering/ Controls Hardware/ Fasteners Covers/ Windshield Pumps/ Int. Lites Electric/ Battery Minnkota Gauges WARRANTY POLICY 12 Months in pleasure and 90 days in commercial or racing applications. This warranty does not apply to rust, corrosion, deliberate abuse, submersions, broken drive gears or housings. Improper installation, careless handling, tampering or dismantling of unit voids the warranty. ARCO's warranty is limited to the repair or replacement of defective units only. Labor or any other expenses are NOT covered. All warranty returns must have a Return Goods Authorization Number and include a complete explanation of the malfunction. This warranty being expressly in lieu of all other obligations or liabilities and ARCO neither assumes nor authorizes any other person or firm to assume for it any other liability in connection with the sale of its products or merchandise. 6245 Electronics/ Radios Fuel Lube/ Motor Care Aux. Brkts/ Tilt/Trim Spark Plug/ Starters Props Seats/ Pedestals Anchors/ Rod Holder Winches/ Jacks Lites/ Tie Downs Tires/ Couplers Boat Care Order No. 01998 6250 Floatation Ladders Water Front Fenders/ Dock Lines $219.99 (NEW) Heavy-Duty Late model Mercury 135, 150 XR6, Magnum III, 175, 200, 225, 250 HP, 105-140 HP Jet. Mercury #828708 2-wire connection. Flat-blade shaft, bullet connector terminal ends. Will NOT replace early-model Mercury cartridge pump motor. Order ARCO #6278. Order No. 01999 6279 (NEW) Heavy-Duty O.M.C. '91-Up, 60, 70, 90, 115, 150, 175, 200, 225 HP '91-'94, 120, 140 HP '95-Up 50 HP 3-cyl, 60 HP V4 130 HP O.M.C. #434495, 434496, 438529 2-wire connection, flat-blade shaft. Includes adaptor. Order No. 02018 6238 (NEW) Heavy-Duty O.M.C. 1998-2000 75-250 HP FFI outboards O.M.C. #438786, 439937 2-wire female sealed type terminals Order No. 02019 $194.99 6278 (NEW) High-Performance Mercury/Mariner cartridge pump with replaceable motor 35-220 HP Mercury/Mariner outboards with Design I, 3-ram, 3-wire tilt/trim units with side fill reservoir. 1984-1992. Mercury #99186, 99186T, 99186-1 Order No. 02013 $234.99 Aft Fill Reservoir (NEW) Heavy-Duty Late model 50-125 HP Merc/Mariner w/single ram. Merc. #809885A1. Force 40-150 HP. 2-wire, bullet connectors. Hollow-hex shaft Order No. 02002 Order No. 02012 $255.99 6233 (NEW) Heavy-Duty $309.99 (NEW) Fits: Late model Volvo Penta SX models. Replaces teleflex motor and volvo part number 3861575. Distance between mounting bolts: 2.3". Bolt size: 10x24 course thread. Fits: Late model Mercury/Force 25-50hp outboards. 2-wire connection. 4-bolt mount. Flat-blade shaft. Bullet connector terminal ends. Order No. 01995 $585.99 6276 (NEW) Heavy-Duty Mercury/Mariner outboards with Design II. 3 ram, 3 wire trim units, with aft fill reservoir. Mercury #811628. 1992-1995 6255 $199.99 Replaces Square Eaton and Round Prestolite units. Side Fill Reservoir Misc./ Flooring Ski's/Tubes (NEW) Heavy-Duty O.M.C. Cobra '89-'93, stern-drives (All) O.M.C. #986280 2-wire connection. Flat-blade shaft, flag connector terminal ends. 6241 $244.99 Order No. 01996 $210.99 288T Replacement Inboard Starters 30433 CW Rotation-High Perf. Navigation Lites Steering/ Controls 30460 CW Rotation-High Perf. Standard Duty Direct OEM replacement. Fits: ALL GM engines with 14" flywheel using a staggered bolt pattern. Recommended for late model 3.0 Liter with 14" flywheel using tail bracket. Bolt kit required if replacing #30140 Hardware/ Fasteners Mercruiser, Cobra, Yamaha & Volvo Penta permanent magnet, gear reduction starter. Fits Mercruiser & OMC with 4 & 6 cyl engines with Threaded Stud in case Standard Solenoid (New) Replaces ARCO 30450 Order No. 02160 $199.99 Covers/ Windshield Pumps/ Int. Lites Replaces: Mercr. 50-806963A2, OMC 988217, 3854750 Volvo 3854750-1, 3856003-3 (New) Minnkota 30470 CW Rotation-High Perf. Gauges Fits: Volvo Penta, Mercruiser, Marine Power, etc. 2 long bolt staggered pattern 14" flywheel Will also replace 9-tooth OEM version Order No. 02155 $224.99 Electronics/ Radios Order No. 02157 $224.99 Required for replacing 10MT style or ARCO #30140 starters. Order No. 02154 $20.99 30140 CW Rotation Required for replacing 10MT style or ARCO #30118, 30119 starters. Order No. 02156 $20.99 (Rebuilt) (Rebuilt) Winches/ Jacks New H/D Replacement Available ARCO #30460 Order No. 02157 (Rebuilt) Boat Care Misc./ Flooring Order No. 02150 $184.99 New H/D Replacement Available ARCO #30460 Order No. 02157 Ski's/Tubes (Rebuilt) Floatation Gear-reduction starter. Fits: 302, 351 Ford engines Includes wiring harness to replace conventional starter. Ladders Water Front Will also replace ARCO #70100 & 70110 (New) Order No. 02126 $ 174.99 Lites/ Tie Downs Tires/ Couplers 70200 CW Rotation-High Perf. 70216 CW Rotation-High Perf. Gear-reduction starter. Fits: 2.3L Ford engines O.M.C. #988012. 3 bolt mount, 4" dia. case Spark Plug/ Starters Anchors/ Rod Holder Fits Mercruiser, Cobra, Yamaha, and Volvo Penta with V8 engines using Metric Solenoid. Heavy Duty Many Applications using Ford 302 & 351 engines Nose extends 2-3/8" into flywheel Aux. Brkts/ Tilt/Trim Seats/ Pedestals 30124 CW Rotation 70100 CW Rotation Lube/ Motor Care Props Order No. 02147 $184.99 Order No. 02159 $184.99 Order No. 02127 $ 174.99 MBK460 Mounting bolt kit. 30119 CW Rotation Fits mercruiser, OMC, Volvo Penta and Others with V8's Standard Solenoid Heavy Duty Fits Mercruiser, Yamaha, Cobra and Volvo Penta with V6 and V8 engines using Metric Solenoid Heavy Duty Order No. 02181 $184.99 Fuel (New) MBK450 Mounting bolt kit. New H/D Replacement Available ARCO #30470 Order No. 02155 and MBK450 Order No. 02154 Electric/ Battery (New) Fenders/ Dock Lines 289T Navigation Lites Steering/ Controls Hardware/ Fasteners Covers/ Windshield Pumps/ Int. Lites Electric/ Battery Minnkota Gauges Electronics/ Radios Fuel Replacement Inboard Starters WARRANTY POLICY 12 Months in pleasure and 90 days in commercial or racing applications. This warranty does not apply to rust, corrosion, deliberate abuse, submersions, broken drive gears or housings. Improper installation, careless handling, tampering or dismantling of unit voids the warranty. ARCO's warranty is limited to the repair or replacement of defective units only. Labor or any other expenses are NOT covered. All warranty returns must have a Return Goods Authorization Number and include a complete explanation of the malfunction. This warranty being expressly in lieu of all other obligations or liabilities and ARCO neither assumes nor authorizes any other person or firm to assume for it any other liability in connection with the sale of its products or merchandise. 50169 CW Rotation Fits Mercruiser 888, 302, and 351 Ford engines Two bolt mount Replaces Mercruiser #50-69865 Lube/ Motor Care Order No. 02180 $289.99 Aux. Brkts/ Tilt/Trim 10113 CW Rotation Gear-reduction starter Fits: Volvo Penta 4 and 6 cyl gasoline engines Aluminum pinion housing with 2 threaded mounting holes Permanent magnet Spark Plug/ Starters Props Seats/ Pedestals Anchors/ Rod Holder Winches/ Jacks Lites/ Tie Downs Tires/ Couplers Boat Care Misc./ Flooring Ski's/Tubes Floatation Ladders Water Front Fenders/ Dock Lines Order No. 02197 $359.99 (Rebuilt) Chrysler Marine V8 engines 2 Bolt Mount, 1 Threaded Hole. Heavy Duty Order No. 02161 $289.99 50143 CW Rotation (Rebuilt) Fits Mercruiser 470 Threaded stud in case (Rebuilt) Order No. 02175 $310.99 (New) 70125 CW Rotation Many Applications using late model Ford engines Permanent Magnet Gear Reduction. Replaces OMC 987811 Order No. 02125 $169.99 50109 CW Rotation 30456 CW Rotation High-Performance Fits: Mercruiser, Crusader, Marine Power, Pleasurecraft, Mercruiser, O.M.C., Volvo Penta, etc. with metric solenoid. (New) Will also replace ARCO #30120 (New) Order No. 02158 $216.99 How To Determine The Correct Starter Rotation Left Hand Engine Rotation This is the most common engine rotation found on today's marine engines. This is the same rotation as automotive engines. Use these charts to determine the correct starter rotation needed. Engine Rotation Viewed From the Flywheel End Counter Clockwise Right Hand Engine Rotation This is not very common on today's marine engines. This is the opposite rotation of automotive engines. Engine Rotation Viewed From the Flywheel End Another way to determine the starter rotation is to inspect the chamfer on the starter drive gear. The bevel will always be on the trailing edge. Clockwise 290T Alternators Hannay's Inc. will NO longer accept or give credit for rebuildable cores! WARRANTY POLICY 12 Months in pleasure and 90 days in commercial or racing applications. This warranty does not apply to rust, corrosion, deliberate abuse, submersions, broken drive gears or housings. Improper installation, careless handling, tampering or dismantling of unit voids the warranty. ARCO's warranty is limited to the repair or replacement of defective units only. Labor or any other expenses are NOT covered. All warranty returns must have a Return Goods Authorization Number and include a complete explanation of the malfunction. This warranty being expressly in lieu of all other obligations or liabilities and ARCO neither assumes nor authorizes any other person or firm to assume for it any other liability in connection with the sale of its products or merchandise. Navigation Lites Fits OMC Replaces Prestolite Alternator 12 Volt, 61 Amp Internal Regulator, Neg. Ground Pumps/ Int. Lites Electric/ Battery $234.99 Minnkota Gauges Electronics/ Radios 60050 (New) Mando Alternator, Fits Mercruiser and OMC 12 Volt, 55 Amp Internal Regulator, single groove pulley Mercruiser #817119A1 20104 (Rebuilt) Fits Mercruiser and OMC 12 Volt, 61 Amp w/Ignition Protection Screens, Internal Regulator, 2 Wire Plug Negative Ground Order No. 02102 $195.99 Order No. 02111 40112 (Rebuilt) Fits Chrysler Marine 12 Volt, 61 Amp Replaces Prestolite Alternator With Internal Regulator Negative ground Order No. 02105 Lube/ Motor Care Aux. Brkts/ Tilt/Trim $224.99 Fits Mercruiser and OMC 12 Volt, 61 Amp w/ign. Protection Screens, Self Exciting Single Wire Connection. Internal Regulator Negative Ground Order No. 02100 60065 (New) $195.99 60125 (New) Mando Alternator Fits Late Model Mercruiser 12 Volt, 65 Amp, Internal Regulator. Single Groove Pulley Mercruiser #805447T, 8055884T Order No. 02112 Fuel 20102 (Rebuilt) $234.99 Replaces Prestolite & Motorola Fits OMC, Cobra and Others 12 Volt, 51 Amp Internal Regulator, Neg. Ground Order No. 02122 $244.99 Hardware/ Fasteners Covers/ Windshield 40152 (Rebuilt) Order No. 02108 Steering/ Controls $240.99 Spark Plug/ Starters Props Seats/ Pedestals Anchors/ Rod Holder Winches/ Jacks Lites/ Tie Downs Tires/ Couplers Boat Care Misc./ Flooring Ski's/Tubes Replacement Starter Solenoids Floatation Ladders SW975 12 Volt Standard Solenoid To Fit Delco Starters Order No. 02200 $34.99 SW450 Fits ARCO #30450 & 30460. 4 terminals, 12V Order No. 02204 $44.99 SW984 12 Volt Metric Solenoid To Fit Delco Starters Order No. 02202 $34.99 Water Front Fenders/ Dock Lines 291T Navigation Lites Steering/ Controls Hardware/ Fasteners Covers/ Windshield Pumps/ Int. Lites Electric/ Battery Minnkota Gauges Electronics/ Radios Fuel Lube/ Motor Care Aux. Brkts/ Tilt/Trim Spark Plug/ Starters Props Seats/ Pedestals Anchors/ Rod Holder Winches/ Jacks Lites/ Tie Downs Tires/ Couplers Boat Care Misc./ Flooring Ski's/Tubes Floatation Ladders Water Front Fenders/ Dock Lines SAB0010 Fits: Chrysler, Mercury, and US Marine 70-150 HP 9-tooth drive Replaces: MGL4002, MGL4013, MKW4005, 480955, 489955, 490955, 616955, 50-583869-T, 50-616955-1, 50-819085-1. Order No. 05808 $119.99 SAB0053 Fits: Mercury 9.9-25 HP 10-tooth drive Replaces: 50-90983A, 50-90983A1, 50-90983T1 Order No. 05823 $129.99 SAB0079 Fits: Mercury 75-125 HP 8-tooth drive Replaces: 50-66015-1, 50-66015T, 50-66015T1 Order No. 05828 $169.99 SAB0011 Fits: Mercury, Mariner 10-tooth drive Replaces: MGD4108, -A MGL4001, -A, -B: 50-55304A-1, 50-57485, 50-60315, 50-65436, 50-66015, 50-66015-2, 50-88119 Order No. 05809 $119.99 SAB0019 Fits: Evinrude, Johnson, OMC Used on 150-175HP engines (V6 Eagle) Replaces: OMC 432925, 438878, 586257, 586286, 586287. Order No. 05812 $184.99 SAB0040 Fits: Mercury 50-60 HP 10-tooth drive Replaces: 50-44369A1, 50-73521 Order No. 05810 $145.99 SAB0070 Fits: Mercury 10-tooth drive Used on 65-175HP, V115, V140 engines. Replaces: MJL4002, -A; Mercury 50-57465, A1, 50-57867, 50-58330, 50-72467. Order No. 05826 $145.99 SAB0109 Fits: Evinrude, Johnson 25-40 HP 11-tooth drive Replaces: MDH4001, MDO4002, MDO4004, MDO4102, MDW4102, MDW4104, MDW4204, MDW4304, MGD4002, MGD4102, OMC 277432, 278232, 329213, 378674, 379091, 379818, 380139, 380238, 380239, 381864, 385401, 386591, 392133, 386597, 585061, 586278. Order No. 05835 $129.99 SAB0115 Fits: OMC 9-tooth drive Used on 60-75HP 3cyl engines Replaces: OMC 386657, 585050, 585197, 586281. Order No. 05840 $184.99 SAB0062 Fits: OMC Used on 40-60HP engines Replaces: MGD4007, -A MGD4113, MKW4006, -8 OMC 384163, 387684, 389275, 585063, 586280, 583482, 585056, 586279. Order No. 05821 SAB0013 Fits: Evinrude, Johnson 85-140 HP 10-tooth drive Replaces: MKW4001 $119.99 Order No. 05824 $124.99 292T Navigation Lites TRM0047 2-Wire Fits: Mercury/Mariner 50-125 HP O/B Replaces: Mercury 809855A1, 809885A2, 809885T2, 813447, 819479A1, 819480A1, 885654T1. Order No. 06126 $315.99 TRM0056 2-Wire Fits: Mercury/Mariner 40-220 HP O/B 1985-92 For 3-Ram intergral tilt-trim system with fill tube towards the port side. Order No. 06132 $339.99 TRM0009 Fits: Mercury and Mariner 175-250HP Replaces: Mercury 828708, 878265A1, 878265A4 Order No. 06127 $174.99 Order No. 06123 $259.99 Fits: Mercury and Mariner Replaces: Mercury 17649A1, 87828 Order No. 06125 $285.99 TRM0011 3-Wire Fits: Mercury and Mariner Replaces: Mercury 811628 $174.99 $154.99 $164.99 Pumps/ Int. Lites Electric/ Battery Minnkota Lube/ Motor Care Aux. Brkts/ Tilt/Trim Spark Plug/ Starters Props Seats/ Pedestals Anchors/ Rod Holder Winches/ Jacks Lites/ Tie Downs Tires/ Couplers Boat Care $339.99 TRM0070 2-Wire; Male spade ends Fits: Evinrude, Johnson Used on 40, 48, 50HP (1989-Up) Replaces: OMC 433226 Order No. 06145 Covers/ Windshield Fuel Fits: Evinrude, Johnson 60-225HP (All) Replaces: OMC 434495, 434496, 438529, 438531. Order No. 06134 Hardware/ Fasteners Electronics/ Radios TRM0039 Order No. 06147 Steering/ Controls Gauges TRM0008 3-Wire Fits: Force Used on 85-150HP engines (1986-91) Replaces: Force 820545 F694541-1 F694541-2 Fits: Evinrude, Johnson Motor and reservoir only Replaces: Prestolite ESQ4006, ESQ4007-1, ESQ4009S OMC 172850, 173596. Order No. 06129 Fits: Mercury, Mercruiser, Volvo-Penta Replaces: Prestolite ERH4102 Mercury 88475A5, 93247A4, 92975A6, 92975A28, 76395A2, 76395A5 67914A2 TRM0018 TRM0016 Order No. 06131 TRM0005 3-Wire; early model $155.99 Misc./ Flooring Ski's/Tubes Floatation Ladders Water Front Fenders/ Dock Lines 293T Navigation Lites Steering/ Controls Hardware/ Fasteners Covers/ Windshield Pumps/ Int. Lites Electric/ Battery Minnkota Gauges Electronics/ Radios Fuel Lube/ Motor Care Aux. Brkts/ Tilt/Trim Spark Plug/ Starters Props Seats/ Pedestals Anchors/ Rod Holder Winches/ Jacks Lites/ Tie Downs AMN0002 Fits many marine applications, IR/EF; 12-volt; 55 Amp.; 1-V pulley. Replaces: Mando AC155603, -04, -14, AR150, -AA, -BA, M56750, A000B0331. Mercury 12449, 19685, 98555, 817119-1, 817119-A1, 817119-A4, 817119-2. Volvo 3850927-9, 3854809-5. Will also replace: Motorola 8EM2003KA, -4, K, -KA; 8EM2007KA; 8EM2010KA; 8EM2091KS, -KSS; 8MR2023F, -4F, -36K, 39K, -44K; 10-224; 10-256 Mercury 17399; 78402; 78403, -A1, -A2; 92497, A3 OMC 984565, 985465, 985466, 3853853, 3860769 Prestolite 110-224, -256, -292, -293, -294, -354, -355, -358, -374, -386 Volvo 3853853 Order No. 05889 $174.99 Order No. 05890 SDR0253 Fenders/ Dock Lines Order No. 05901 Ladders $144.99 $174.99 HDW9301 Starter mounting bolt kit, when replacing a 10MT starter. Water Front Floatation Order No. 05886 HDW9303 11-Tooth drive, CW Fits: Mercruiser, Volvo-Penta Repl.: Delco 9000884, Mercury 50-863007A1, Volvo 3660566, 3860566. Ski's/Tubes Fits: Mercruiser, Cobra, Volvo-Penta, Yamaha with a V6, or V8 cyl. Bolt kit (MDW9301) needed when replacing a 10MT starter. Replaces: 9-tooth versions, 3-terminal solenoid, 10MT versions. Repl.: Delco 9000762, -768, -789, -819, -821, -840, -885, -886 etc. Mercury 50-12177A2, 50-77328A1 etc. OMC 3854751, 3856004 Volvo 3854751-9, 3856004-1. Fits: Mercruiser, OMC, Volvo with a 4, 6, or 8 cyl. Bolt kit (HDW9303) needed when replacing a 10MT starter. Repl.: Delco 9000820, -22, 1108477, -755, -756, 1109486, -87, -88, -89, -90. Mercury 50-32703, 50-45120 etc. Volvo 855325-5, 855326-5, 3854750-1, 3856003-3. Boat Care $184.99 SDR0031 SDR0059 Tires/ Couplers Misc./ Flooring Order No. 05763 Starter mounting bolt kit, when replacing a 10MT starter. Order No. 05887 $7.99 SFD0066 10-Tooth drive, CW Fits: OMC, Pleasurecraft, and Volvo equiped with 5.0L or 5.8L Ford engines (late style). Repl.: OMC 3854190, 987811; Volvo 3854190-0 Order No. 05933 $184.99 $7.99 294N SIERRA STARTERS AND ALTERNATORS 18-5913 Starter 18-5919 Starter (clockwise). Delco permanent magnet gear reduction 2 bolt starter. 12V - 11 tooth - Offset bolt pattern • for: late model GM - 14" flywheel. Replaces: 50-812428A3, 50-812604A2, 50-822330A2, 50864340A2. Replacement solenoid: 18-6287. Mfg #18-5913 Order No. 85913NET Permanent magnet I/O starter. Replaces: 50-806963A4, 50806965A2, 50-806965A4. Replacement solenoid: 18-6287. • Fits: chevy engines with 12-3/4" flywheels. Straight across bolt pattern. Mfg #18-5919 Order No. 85919NET $204.00 18-5613 Premuim Outboard Starter Chrysler/Force Replaces: Mercury/Force FK616955, 61-6955, 490955, 480955, 50-898265002. Navigation Lites Steering/ Controls Hardware/ Fasteners Covers/ Windshield Pumps/ Int. Lites Electric/ Battery $199.00 Minnkota Gauges 18-5920 Starter OMC - Sterndrive/Cobra Permanent Magnet. For: 5.0 & 5.8 litre Ford engines. Replaces: 987811, 3854190. Replacement solenoid: 18-6291. Electronics/ Radios Fuel Lube/ Motor Care Aux. Brkts/ Tilt/Trim Mfg #18-5613 Order No. 85613NET $219.00 Mfg #18-5920 Order No. 85920NET Spark Plug/ Starters $234.00 Props 18-6275 Starter I/O - Mercruiser Ignition/Electrical Systems Replaces: 50-807904A1, 50-863007A1. Permanent magnet gear reduction starter. Inboard. 2 long bolt offset pattern. CW rotation. Use with late model 3.0L engines with 14" flywheel. Fits: Volvo Penta, Mercruiser, Marine power. 18-5624 Outboard Starter Replaces: 583482, 585056 Seats/ Pedestals Anchors/ Rod Holder Winches/ Jacks Lites/ Tie Downs Mfg #18-6275 Order No. 86275NET Mfg #18-5624 Order No. 85624NET $224.00 18-5629 Premium Outboard Starter Replaces: 392133, 585061, 386591. $244.00 18-5612 Outboard Starter Replaces: 432925, 586287, 586286 Tires/ Couplers Boat Care Misc./ Flooring Ski's/Tubes Floatation Ladders Mfg #18-5629 Order No. 85629NET $204.00 Mfg #18-5612 Order No. 85612NET Water Front $209.00 Fenders/ Dock Lines 295N Navigation Lites Steering/ Controls Hardware/ Fasteners SIERRA STARTERS AND ALTERNATORS 18-5635 Premium Outboard Starter 18-5634 Premium Outboard Starter Replaces: 585057, 585051, 385529, 389954. Replaces: 585058, 586281, 386657, 391735, 585050, 384777 Covers/ Windshield Pumps/ Int. Lites Electric/ Battery Mfg #18-5634 Order No. 85634NET Minnkota Gauges Electronics/ Radios $249.00 Mfg #18-5635 Order No. 85635NET $294.00 18-5611 Starter 18-5604 Premuim Starter Mercury/Mariner Replaces: 50-66015, 50-66015T, 50-65436 Fuel Mercury/Mariner Replaces: 50-90983A-1, 50-90983T1. For: 6-15HP (1986-96), 18-25HP (1980-87), 10 tooth drive gear. Lube/ Motor Care Aux. Brkts/ Tilt/Trim Spark Plug/ Starters Mfg #18-5604 Order No. 85604NET Mfg #18-5611 Order No. 85611NET $319.00 $149.00 Props Seats/ Pedestals Anchors/ Rod Holder 18-5610 Starter 18-5606 Starter Mercury/Mariner Replaces: 50-44369, 50-60315, 50-44369A1 Mercury/Mariner Replaces: 50-66015 1, 50-66015 3 Winches/ Jacks Lites/ Tie Downs Tires/ Couplers Boat Care Misc./ Flooring Ski's/Tubes Floatation Mfg #18-5606 Order No. 85606NET $224.00 18-5636 Premium Starter Mercury/Mariner Replaces: 50-57465A1, 50-57867, 50-64975, 50-72467, 50-58788A3 Mfg #18-5610 Order No. 85610NET $274.00 18-5957 Alternator I/O OMC Sterndrive/Cobra Replaces: 982364, 983424, 983836, 985466, 986008, Mercruiser I/O 78477, 78403A2, 92497A3. Ladders Water Front Fenders/ Dock Lines Mfg #18-5636 Order No. 85636NET $289.00 Mfg #18-5957 Order No. 85957NET $229.00 296N SIERRA TILT AND TRIM MOTORS 18-6772 Tilt Pump Motor 18-6273-1 Tilt/Trim Motor I/O Mercruiser - Electrical System Replaces: 17649, 17649T, 891736T. For late style Alpha I, Generation II, Bravo drives; early style square motors. Outboard - Mercury/Mariner High performance cartridge pump w/replaceable motor. Replaces: 99186, 99186-1, 99186-T. Fits: 35-220HP (1985-93). Mfg #18-6273-1 Order No. 86273NET Mfg #18-6772 Order No. 86772NET $629.00 18-6279 Tilt/Trim Motor 18-6285 Tilt/Trim Assembly Outboard - Chrysler/Force Electrical System Late model force outboards w/2 wire connection. Replaces: Chrysler/Force 820545, F694541-1 Mfg #18-6279 Order No. 86279NET Outboard - Johsnon/Evinrude Electrical System Replaces: 172850, 173564, 173596. For: 1974 (115&135HP) Mfg #18-6767-1 Order No. 86767NET Outboard - Mercury/Mariner Electrical System Replaces: 92975A28, A32. To 1984 for most mercury outboards (motor and reservoir only) Mfg #18-6774 Order No. 86774NET $314.00 18-6279 (Motor & Reservoir) Fits Late Model Force O/B Force 820545, F694541-1 2 Wire Connection $454.00 $229.00 Mfg #18-6773 Order No. 86773NET Pumps/ Int. Lites Electric/ Battery Minnkota Electronics/ Radios Fuel Lube/ Motor Care Spark Plug/ Starters $379.00 Seats/ Pedestals Anchors/ Rod Holder Winches/ Jacks $279.00 Outboard - Mercury/Mariner Electrical System Replaces: 818903A1, 819762A4-A7, 819479A1, 819480A1, 81977A8-A9, 822870A1, 830250A3-T3, 832021A1-T4A2-T2, 855654A1-T2, 19217A1-A5, 854472A2, A3, A4 18-6775 Covers/ Windshield Props Outboard - Mercury/Mariner Electrical System Replaces: 828708, 878265A4. For most late model Mercury/ Mariner 1996 & Up (135, 150, XR6 Mag III, 175, 200, 225, 250HP - 105-140HP Jet) Mfg #18-6777 Order No. 86777NET Hardware/ Fasteners Aux. Brkts/ Tilt/Trim 18-6773 Trim Motor $309.00 Outboard - Mercury/Mariner Electrical System Replaces: 811628, 828708A1, 878265A6. High performance cartridge, replaceable motor. Design II, Ram 3, 3 wire, tilt/trim units. $384.00 Outboard - Johsnon/Evinrude Electrical System Replaces: 438529, 438531. For: 90, 115, 200, 225HP (1991up); 120, 140HP (1991-94); 130HP (1995-up). Mfg #18-6780 Order No. 86780NET Steering/ Controls Gauges 18-6780 Tilt/Trim Motor 18-6777 Tilt/Trim Motor 18-6774 Trim Motor Order No. 86279 Mfg #18-6285 Order No. 86285NET $534.00 18-6763 Tilt/Trim Motor Mfg #18-6763 Order No. 86763NET Replaces: 433226. Heavy Duty OMC (1989-92) M suffix 40, 48, 50HP w/2 wire connection and hollow hex shaft. $454.00 18-6767-1 Tilt/Trim Motor $264.00 Navigation Lites Lites/ Tie Downs Tires/ Couplers Boat Care Misc./ Flooring Ski's/Tubes Floatation (NEW) Heavy-Duty Merc. OE reservoir #811673 1. Force 90 & 120 HP '95-'97 #824051 3-wire motor/reservoir for single ram system. Order No. 86775 $479.00 Ladders Water Front Fenders/ Dock Lines 297 Navigation Lites Make Waves, ...With NGK! Steering/ Controls Hardware/ Fasteners Covers/ Windshield Pumps/ Int. Lites Electric/ Battery Minnkota Gauges Electronics/ Radios Fuel Lube/ Motor Care Aux. Brkts/ Tilt/Trim Spark Plug/ Starters Props Seats/ Pedestals Anchors/ Rod Holder Winches/ Jacks Lites/ Tie Downs Tires/ Couplers Boat Care Misc./ Flooring Ski's/Tubes Floatation Ladders Water Front Fenders/ Dock Lines Boxed Plugs - Priced per each Mfg # AR6FS B4H B5HS B6HS B6HS-10 B6S #/Box Order No. Retail 43630 10 $2.85 43632 2.65 10 43634 2.85 10 43637 2.85 4 43638 2.85 10 43640 2.65 10 Mfg # #/Box Order No. Retail 43700 $2.85 BPR6FS 10 43701 2.65 BPR6HS 10 43702 2.65 BPR6HS-10 10 43704 2.85 BPR7ES 10 43706 2.85 BPR7HS-10 10 43707 2.85 BPR8ES 10 Mfg # CR5EH-9 CR6E CR7E CR8E CR9EB CR6HS #/Box Order No. Retail 43767 $9.25 10 43770 6.10 10 43771 6.10 10 43773 6.10 10 43766 6.10 10 43772 2.90 10 B7ES B7HS B7HS-10 B7S B8ES SOL B8ES 10 10 10 10 10 10 43642 43644 43646 43650 43653 43652 $2.90 2.90 2.85 2.65 2.90 2.90 BPZ8HN-10 BPZ8HS-10 BPZ8HS-15 BR6ES BR6FS BR6HS 10 10 10 4 10 10 43709 43710 43711 43718 43719 43721 $9.59 9.59 14.95 2.85 2.85 2.85 D6HA D8EA DCPR6E DCPR7E DPR5EA-9 DPR6EA-9 10 10 10 10 10 10 43775 43774 43776 43777 43779 43778 $2.90 2.90 4.10 4.10 2.90 2.90 B8HS B8HS-10 B8S B9ES B9HS B9HS-10 10 10 10 10 10 10 43654 43656 43660 43662 43665 43666 $2.90 2.85 2.65 2.90 2.90 2.85 BR6HS-10 BR6S BR7ES BR7HS BR7HS-10 BR9ECS-5 10 10 10 10 10 10 43722 43724 43726 43728 43730 43739 $2.65 2.65 2.90 2.65 2.85 7.59 DPR6EB-9 DPR7EA-9 DPR8EA-9 DR5HS DR6HS DR7EA 10 10 10 10 10 10 43764 43780 43782 43781 43768 43784 $2.85 2.90 2.90 2.85 2.85 2.90 4 B10ES 10 BKR5ES 4 BKR6E BKR6EKU 10 BKR6ES-11 4 BKR7EKU 10 43670 43669 43668 43673 43671 43674 $2.90 2.85 2.85 7.90 2.85 7.90 BR8ES BR8ES SOL BR8HCS-10 BR8HS BR8HS-10 BR9ES 10 10 10 10 10 10 43732 43734 43736 43737 43738 43740 $2.95 2.85 7.10 2.90 2.85 2.95 BKR7ES-11 10 BMR4A 10 BP5ES 4 10 BP5HS 4 BP6ES 4 BP6HS BP7HS 4 43672 43675 43678 43681 43683 43684 43687 $2.85 2.65 2.85 2.90 2.85 2.85 2.85 BR9ES SOL BR9EYA BR9HS-10 BU8H BUH BUHW BUHW-2 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 43742 43746 43748 43750 43752 43753 43755 $2.95 4.15 2.85 3.40 3.40 3.65 3.65 DR8EA DR7ES ILFR6G ILFR6GE IZFR5G IZFR5J IZFR6F-11 10 10 4 4 4 4 4 43783 43785 43793 43804 43789 43790 43794 $2.90 2.90 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 BP7HS-10 10 BP8HN-10 10 BP8HS-10 10 BP8HS-15 10 BPR2ES SOL 10 10 BPR6EFS 4 BPR6ES 43688 43691 43693 43694 43696 43699 43698 $2.85 2.85 2.85 2.85 2.65 2.85 2.85 BUHX BUHXW-1 BUZ8H BUZHW BUZHW-2 BZ7HS-10 10 10 10 10 10 10 43757 43759 43762 43763 43765 43769 $3.40 3.65 9.59 9.59 9.59 4.59 IZFR6J IZFR6K-11 LFR4A-E LFR5A-11 LFR6A-11 PZFR5F-11 TR5 4 4 10 10 10 4 4 43796 43802 43810 43786 43787 43788 43791 $17.50 16.99 8.10 7.50 7.50 17.25 2.85 UR5 XR5 YR5 ZFR4F-11 ZFR7F ZFR7F-11 4 4 4 4 4 4 43805 43792 43795 43797 43798 43799 $2.85 2.85 2.85 3.55 3.55 3.55 Shop Packs - Priced per each Mfg # BUHW BUHW-2 BU8H B7HS-10 #/Box Order No. Retail 43840 25 $89.95 43841 25 89.95 43843 25 83.59 43845 25 64.95 Mfg # #/Box Order No. Retail 43846 B8HS-10 25 $64.95 43850 BP8H-N-10 25 64.95 43854 BR8ES 25 68.59 Mfg # #/Box Order No. Retail 43855 BR9ES 25 $72.95 43857 BR8HS-10 25 68.50 43859 BR9HS-10 25 68.50 298V Navigation Lites Boxed Plugs - Priced per each H #/Box Order No. Retail Mfg # 12635 4 $3.49 RN2C 12638 4 3.49 RN3C 12651 4 2.99 J4C 12695 6 3.49 RN5C 12701 4 2.99 CJ6 12713 4 2.99 DJ6J 12719 4 2.99 J6C 12723 4 4.10 L6VC 12730 4 10.49 QL6VC 12757 4 3.29 CJ7Y 12761 4 2.99 DJ7J 12789 4 2.99 CJ8 12793 4 2.99 DJ8J 12805 4 2.99 J8C 12815 4 3.49 RA8HC 12821 4 3.49 RV8C 12845 4 3.49 RN9YC 12849 4 3.29 RV9YC 12857 4 3.49 RF10C 12865 4 3.29 H10C 12874 6 10.79 QC10PEP 12876 14.29 QC10PEPB 6 H #/Box Order No. Retail Mfg # 12878 $15.29 4 QC10WEP 12893 4.10 4 RJ12C 12894 3.49 4 RJ12YC 12895 3.49 6 RS12YC 12897 3.49 4 RV12YC 12880 10.79 6 QC12PEP 12882 14.29 6 QC12PEPB 12884 10.99 4 XC12PEPB 12913 2.99 4 CJ14 12916 3.49 4 RV15YC4 12918 10.49 4 QL16V 12925 2.99 4 J17LM 12937 4.10 4 UL18V 12928 3.10 4 J19LM 12957 4.10 4 L20V 12985 5.29 4 L76V 12989 9.89 4 QL76V 13001 2.99 4 L77JC4 13004 5.89 6 QL77CC 13005 5.29 4 QL77JC4 13013 5.29 4 UL77V 13021 2.99 4 L78C Mfg # #/Box L78V 4 L78YC 4 QL78C 4 QL78V 4 QL78YC 4 UL81C 4 L82C 4 L82YC 4 QL82C 4 4 QL82YC 4 RL82C 4 L86C 4 RL86C 4 QL86C 4 L87YC 4 QL87YC 4 L90C 4 RV91MC 4 RV92YC 6 2412 6 7712 Order No. 13025 13022 13023 13030 13024 13045 13049 13053 13052 13054 13051 13061 13065 13063 13068 13069 13075 13076 13077 13085 13089 Retail $5.29 2.99 5.29 9.89 5.29 4.29 2.99 3.19 5.29 5.29 3.49 2.99 3.49 5.29 3.19 5.29 4.10 3.49 3.49 5.45 10.79 Carded Plugs - Priced per each Mfg # J4C J6C L76V #/Box 8 8 8 H Order No. 12652 12720 12986 Retail $2.95 2.95 5.25 Mfg # #/Box L77JC4 8 QL77JC4 8 L78V 8 QL78C 8 H Order No. 13002 13006 13026 13035 H H Order No. 13090 13094 13098 13102 13106 13108 Retail $64.99 64.99 64.99 64.99 64.99 73.99 H Mfg # #/Box Order No. 13110 J17LM 24 13111 J19LM 24 13112 L76V 24 13114 L77JC4 24 13116 QL77JC4 24 13118 UL77V 24 13119 L78V 24 Mfg # 18-4901 18-4904 Retail $2.95 5.25 5.25 5.25 Mfg # #/Box QL78YC 8 UL81C 8 L82C 8 QL82YC 8 Order No. 13034 13046 13050 13056 Retail $64.99 66.99 118.99 65.99 118.99 118.99 118.99 Mfg # #/Box QL78C 24 QL78YC 24 RL82C 24 QL82C 24 QL82YC 24 QL86C 24 Order No. Retail 13117 $118.99 13120 118.99 13121 75.99 13123 118.99 13124 118.99 13126 118.99 Retail $5.25 4.20 3.39 5.25 Replacement Starter Cord H Order No. Description 84901 Starter Handle 84904 Starter Handle w/rope Mfg # An extremely strong, soft, lightweight cord #4 #4-1/2 with excellent resistance to rot, abrasion, #5 mildew, petroleum products and most chemicals. Solid braided construction. #6 Description 1/8" x 200' 9/64" x 200' 5/32" x 200' 3/16" x 200' Order No. 63091THF 63092THF 63093THF 63094THF Hardware/ Fasteners Covers/ Windshield Pumps/ Int. Lites Electric/ Battery Minnkota Gauges Electronics/ Radios Fuel Lube/ Motor Care Aux. Brkts/ Tilt/Trim Spark Plug/ Starters Shop Packs - Priced per pack of 24 Mfg # #/Box J4C 24 J6C 24 CJ8 24 J8C 24 CJ14 24 RV15YC4 24 Steering/ Controls Retail $4.99 8.99 Retail $15.99 19.99 21.99 25.99 Props Seats/ Pedestals Anchors/ Rod Holder Winches/ Jacks Lites/ Tie Downs Tires/ Couplers Boat Care Misc./ Flooring Ski's/Tubes Floatation Ladders Water Front Fenders/ Dock Lines
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