PREMIUM TOBACCO - Boveda Wholesale Site
PREMIUM TOBACCO - Boveda Wholesale Site
PREMIUM TOBACCO PORTFOLIO CONTENTS 3 WHO IS BOVEDA 4 WHAT IS 2-WAY HUMIDITY CONTROL 9 WHY BOVEDA GOOD FOR YOUR BUSINESS 10 PRODUCT OFFERINGS 14 ACCESSORIES 21 TESTIMONIALS 22 FAQ s 2 B OV EDA P R EMI U M T O B A CCO PO RT F O LI O WHO IS BOVEDA? Boveda is the global leader in 2-way humidity control. Boveda provides a wide range of relative humidity (RH) levels for various industries, including premium tobacco, musical instruments, food, electronics, medical devices and herbal medicine. FOU N D ED IN 1 9 9 7 PATEN T N O’ S : 5936178, 2298597, 1064644, 6 2 4 4 4 3 2 , 6 9 2 1 0 2 6 , HK1 0 3 6 3 53 3 B OV EDA P R EMI U M T O B A CCO PO RT F O LI O 2-WAY HUMIDITY CONTROL Boveda works on the scientific principle that certain salts mixed with water will naturally add or remove humidity as necessary to maintain a predetermined RH. Boveda invented and patented the method that makes this scientific principle portable and practical for packages and containers. Boveda is the only product on the market that adds or removes moisture as needed, to maintain precise relative humidity within a package or container. 4 B OV EDA P R EMI U M T O B A CCO PO RT F O LI O 2 - WAY V S . 1 - WAY: T H E D I F F E R E N C E I S C R I T I C A L . BOVEDACRYSTALS GELS BEADS FOAM / SPONGES WITH WARER OR PROPYLENE GLYCOL (PG) SOLUTION ABSORBS EXCESS HUMIDITY IF NEEDED AVAILABLE IN MULTIPLE RH LEVELS WON’T OVER-HUMIDIFY, PREVENTING MOLD NO MAINTENANCE OR REFILLING NO ACTIVATION REQUIRED PROXIMITY & DIRECT CONTACT WON’T DAMAGE CIGARS EMITS PURIFIED WATER VAPOR *Independent tests were not able to confirm the claims that beads can regulate at different RH levels. 5 B OV EDA P R EMI U M T O B A CCO PO RT F O LI O AVA I L A B L E I N A R A N G E O F R H L E V E L S The science behind Boveda allows us to create exact RH levels for the cigar smoker’s preference and ambient storage conditions: FOR STORING & AGING CIGARS: 62 65 69 72 FOR HUMIDOR SEASONING: 84 6 B OV EDA P R EMI U M T O B A CCO PO RT F O LI O 75 HOW MANY BOVEDA DO YOU USE? • We recommend 1 Boveda per every 25 cigars your humidor will hold. • Boveda will never humidify beyond the chosen RH. • You can never use too many Boveda. Using more than the minimum will work more efficiently and last longer. • Boveda will last 2-4 months depending on conditions and Plastic storage containers are typically better at preventing air/ moisture from entering or leaving the container. This means Boveda doesn’t have to work as hard and you don’t need as many. 7 B OV EDA P R EMI U M T O B A CCO PO RT F O LI O humidor quality. B O V E D A I S T H E O N LY H U M I D I F I C AT I O N D E V I C E U S E D B Y T O P C I G A R M A N U FA C T U R E R S I N T H E I R B O X E S A N D S A M P L E R PA C K S 8 B OV EDA P R EMI U M T O B A CCO PO RT F O LI O WHY BOVEDA IS GOOD FOR YOUR BUSINESS • Creates new profit centers • Solves every problem with your customer’s cigar storage. • Recurring sales • Create humidor sales • Add-on to humidor sales • Sell more cigars • Patented technology • Money-back guarantee 9 B OV EDA P R EMI U M T O B A CCO PO RT F O LI O 60-GRAM BOVEDA • Dimensions: 5.25” x 3.5” • Sold in 62, 65, 69, 72, and 84% RH • Last 2-3 months in a seasoned humidor • 2 year shelf life • Can be mounted in wooden or metal holders or placed directly on cigars or wood 10 B OV EDA P R EMI U M T O B A CCO PO RT F O LI O O N E - S T E P S E A S O N I N G PA C K S • Guaranteed to be the most safe and effective way to season wood humidors • Extensive testing has shown that 2 weeks with 84% Boveda does not stress the wood and cause warping like other seasoning methods. 11 B OV EDA P R EMI U M T O B A CCO PO RT F O LI O R E TA I L C O N F I G U R AT I O N S F O R 6 0 G R A M B O V E D A R E TA I L C A R T O N S (12 individually over wrapped packs) 12 B OV EDA P R EMI U M T O B A CCO PO RT F O LI O B U L K 2 0 - PA C K B R I C K S 8-GRAM BOVEDA • Dimensions: 2.75” x 2.5” • Use in plastic bags at the register and merchandise without a humidor for up to 30 days • Ideal for: 13 B OV EDA P R EMI U M T O B A CCO PO RT F O LI O • Travel humidors • Retails baggies • Sampler packs • RYO/MYO • Pipe tobacco WOODEN HOLDERS • An elegant way to house Boveda & replace OEM humidifiers • Available in 2 or 4 pack configurations 4-PACK HOLDER: 7.2”″ X 5.9”″ X 0.8” 14 2-PACK HOLDER: 7.2”″ X 5.9”″ X 0.6” B OV EDA P R EMI U M T O B A CCO PO RT F O LI O 2-PACK HOLDER: 5.5″ X 4”″ X 0.8” M E TA L H O L D E R S • Includes magnetic mounting kit & velcro mounting kit • Available in 1 or 2 pack configurations 2-PACK HOLDER: 5.5”″ X 3.75”″ X 0.7” 15 B OV EDA P R EMI U M T O B A CCO PO RT F O LI O 1-PACK HOLDER: 5.5”″ X 3.75”″ X 0.5” L A R G E A C RY L I C H U M I D O R • Holds up to 75 cigars • Holds 3 Boveda & will age cigars for up to one year DIMENSIONS: 14.5”″X 9.125” X 4.25” 16 B OV EDA P R EMI U M T O B A CCO PO RT F O LI O S M A L L A C RY L I C H U M I D O R • Holds up to 20 cigars • Holds 2 Boveda & will age cigars for up to one year DIMENSIONS: 8.5”″X 5.75” X 2.75” 17 B OV EDA P R EMI U M T O B A CCO PO RT F O LI O H Y G R O M E T E R C A L I B R AT I O N • Dimensions: 6” x 7” • 100% accurate way to calibrate hygrometers, includes vapor bag & 75.5% Boveda • Each kit will last about a year, for multiple calibrations 18 B OV EDA P R EMI U M T O B A CCO PO RT F O LI O HUMIDOR BAGS • 6 months maintenance free, & available in 3 sizes • High vapor-barrier bag maximizes the life of the 69% Boveda, to provide flawless humidity control SMALL: 4.5” X 9” (HOLDS UP TO 5 CIGARS) 19 MEDIUM: 11” X 8” (HOLDS UP TO 15 CIGARS) B OV EDA P R EMI U M T O B A CCO PO RT F O LI O LARGE: 16” X 12” (HOLDS 1-2 FACTORY BOXES OR UP TO 50 LOOSE CIGARS) • 2 year shelf life, working life of 8-12 months. S I G N AT U R E D E A L E R B A G S •Dimensions: 5.25” x 8.75” • Includes an 8g Boveda in 69% or 72% • Send your customers home with a 30 day humidor • Personalize with your store information • Order in cases of 300 20 B OV EDA P R EMI U M T O B A CCO PO RT F O LI O TESTIMONIALS “Boveda is, without question, the most effective product on the market for creating the proper aging environment for cigars.” “I love the Boveda 2-way humidity control, I travel with it everywhere I go. It’s not only the easiest, it’s the best product on the market.” —Carlos Fuente, Jr. —Pete Johnson “No humidor should be without Boveda, it’s the only product I use in my humidors.” “I love Boveda, it’s the only product I use to protect my cigars.” President, Arturo Fuente Cigar Company —Rocky Patel Rocky Patel Premium Cigars 21 B OV EDA P R EMI U M T O B A CCO PO RT F O LI O Tatuaje Cigars —Litto Gomez La Flor Dominicana Cigars B O V E D A FA Q 1 Why do you have different RH levels? 2 I’ve been using my humidor for a while, do I need to re-season? 3 Do I use Boveda along with sponge/crytals/gel/beads? 4 How do I know when to replace Boveda? 5 How long will Boveda last? 6 Can I lay the Boveda directly on top of my cigars? 7 How many Boveda do I need for my humidor? 22 B OV EDA P R EMI U M T O B A CCO PO RT F O LI O W HY DO Y OU H AVE DIF F E RE NT RH LEVELS? Boveda is available in 62, 65, 69, 72, 75 and 84 (exclusively for seasoning). All Boveda are accurate to +/- 1% of the RH printed on the pack in an air-tight environment. Humidors are not air tight. Depending on humidor quality and ambient conditions, it’s not uncommon for the actual RH to be stable anywhere from 2-6 points below the Boveda RH you’ve chosen. This is why we recommend 72% for your first set after seasoning. If it’s 72 on the nose, you’re perfect. If it drops a few points, you’re still perfect. Based on how your humidor performs, you can decide whether to move to 62, 65, 69 or 75. 23 B OV EDA P R EMI U M T O B A CCO PO RT F O LI O I’V E B E E N U S I NG M Y H U M IDOR FOR A WHI LE, DO I N E E D T O RE -S E ASON? If an accurate hygrometer (calibrate with our calibration kit) reveals 60% or less, re-season it with our 84%. While the humidor is reseasoning, R E M O V E all cigars, put them in Tupperware with 69 or 72% and they’ll be perfect while your humidor conditions. It M AY N O T take the usual 14 days to season, since you’re starting somewhere in the middle. Calibrate your hygro with our calibration kit and only leave the 84% in (1 per 25 cigars the humidor holds) until the RH inside reaches 68-72%. 24 B OV EDA P R EMI U M T O B A CCO PO RT F O LI O DO I U S E B OVE DA A LONG W IT H SPONGE/ CRY TAL S / G E L / BE ADS? No, throw them out. They’re only reservoirs for holding water and only give off 100% humidity - despite their claims. Those items give off flavors and films that keep you from enjoying your cigars the way the master blender intended. 25 B OV EDA P R EMI U M T O B A CCO PO RT F O LI O HOW DO I KNOW WHEN TO REPLACE BOVEDA? The entire Boveda will turn into a solid wafer when it’s completely dead. Just short of this, when there aren’t many soft spots left, you’ll want to replace them. Along the way, hardening of the edges and pronounced crystallization are completely normal. 26 B OV EDA P R EMI U M T O B A CCO PO RT F O LI O HOW LONG WILL BOVEDA LAST? The life of any Boveda depends how hard it has to work, generally giving off moisture. This could be 2-4 months using the minimum recommended or it could be 6+ months in the Humidor Bag or various plastic containers/coolers. This is because plastic doesn’t breath or absorb moisture, creating a more efficient environment. Boveda has a 2-year shelf life in the original packaging. 27 B OV EDA P R EMI U M T O B A CCO PO RT F O LI O CA N I L AY T H E BOVE DA DIRE C T LY ON TOP OF MY C IG A R S ? Yes. Unlike all refillable humidifiers, Boveda can be placed directly in contact with your cigars without any risk to them whatsoever. And since Boveda emits the cleanest, most purified water-vapor available, and since they will only emit the perfect amount of watervapor—not too much and not too little—the cigars that are in direct contact will never get over-humidified. 28 B OV EDA P R EMI U M T O B A CCO PO RT F O LI O H O W M A N Y B O VE DA PAC KE T S DO I NEED FOR MY HU MID O R ? The correct number of Boveda to use has nothing to do with how many cigars you will be storing in your humidor; instead, it has everything to do with the volume of air that needs to be maintained. For wood humidors, you should add one packet for every 25 cigars your humidor can hold. For example if your humidor has a capacity of 100, you should use four Boveda packets. Additionally, if your humidor was made in China, you may need an extra packet since most China-made humidors have no moisture barrier on the bottom side of the humidor. You can easily tell by picking up your humidor and gently tapping on the bottom. If it’s solid like the rest of the humidor, then four packets will do. If it’s paper-like thin, then add an extra Boveda. 29 B OV EDA P R EMI U M T O B A CCO PO RT F O LI O TH A N K Y OU . 30 B OV EDA P R EMI U M T O B A CCO PO RT F O LI O
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