Annual Report - Hillel of Silicon Valley
Annual Report - Hillel of Silicon Valley
Annual Report 2013-2014 Dear Community Members and Supporters of Hillel of Silicon Valley, This past year was outstanding for Hillel of Silicon Valley. We have put your generous donations to work for our student community. Our first Shabbat dinner of the new school year was attended by seventy students! This past year Hillel of Silicon Valley had our first full bus load of students going to Israel on their Taglit-Birthright trip and this year they were able to starting from San Francisco for the first time instead of New York. We’ve had outstanding speakers come to our Silicon Valley Hillel House to share their insights into Judaism and Israel, including Andy David, The Counsel General of Israel, who joined our staff, students and local faculty for lunch and to discuss Israel’s contributions and connections to Silicon Valley and the world. Our superb Hillel SV staff has expanded our programming, increased our activities in support of Israel and added numerous activities with other Jewish organizations in our community to our roster. We are expecting that the upcoming academic year will be a challenging one for our five South Bay campuses. With the conflict in Gaza likely to focus on-campus protests on Israel, more than ever our student population will need our support, the real information on what is happening in Israel, knowledgeable responses to anti-Israel protests and a safe place to share a Shabbat or holiday dinner with other Jewish students. Again, your support will be key to enabling this to take place. This past year we’ve seen the spiritual and emotional growth of our students as they take an active part in the leadership of their community. We are very pleased to have two new student members, Alison Abrams and Dana Margittai join our Board as student members and to have one of our distinguished alumni, Marc Wiesner, assume the position of First Vice President. Again, none of this could happen without YOU. Whether your support is financial, spiritual, time or expertise, we could not run this organization without it. May you and your loved ones enjoy a happy, healthy and meaningful new year with us as part of the Hillel of Silicon Valley Family. Thank you and Shanah Tovah! Andrew Katcher President, Hillel of Silicon Valley Hillel of Silicon Valley • Dear Member of our Hillel Valley Community, It seems like yesterday since we had our last Shabbat dinner for the school year 2013-14. We gathered in the backyard for the studentled Shabbat Services. This new offering grew in popularity over the year going from 6 to 32 students. After the service, we joined with the rest of the students who had just arrived and led a joyful Shabbat celebration. The Shabbat dinners have continued to be a student favorite, so much so that we had to move the piano out of the living room to make room for more tables and chairs. Throughout the year, students have relished the meals cooked by members of the community who gift the students with their labor of love and culinary treats. Students were filled with anticipation for what the summer would bring. Some made travel plans, others had internships and job commitments, and several were still formulating their plans. Many of them were going with us on Taglit-Birthright Israel. For the first time, our students departed from San Francisco rather than New York or Los Angeles which have been the usual departure cities, thus removing a financial burden. We were delighted to have filled the majority of a bus (38 travelers) with students from the 5 campuses we serve, followed in number by several students from other colleges in the Bay Area, and the rest were college-age participants from the local community. The excitement was palpable and the goodbyes were bittersweet since for many students the Hillel community is their family away from home. The quiet and stillness that existed in the house during the summer is now replaced by the din of student’s laughter, the familiar rattling of dishes in the kitchen, the washing machine, and so many other wonderful sounds we miss so much when the students are away during their breaks from school. And now, we are looking forward to our first Shabbat dinner of the 2014-15 school year! As I reflect back on 2013-14, I am filled with gratitude for the many blessings we were granted, and proud of the wonderful things we have accomplished. Inspired by the 2013 Strategic Study’s recommendations, Hillel SV implemented several new initiatives. Among them, a new Internship Program focused on engaging new students, Torah on Tap (21 and over age group), increased presence and activities on the campuses we serve, the formation of new partnerships on campus and in the community as well as the strengthening of existing ones, student-led bi-monthly Shabbat services, Jewish education with rabbis and educators from synagogues and organization of varying denominations, and monthly Israel related activities. As evidenced by the outcomes, there was an increase in the number of students who were engaged in Jewish life and Hillel activities, with more meaningful opportunities to expand the depth and breadth of their Jewish experiences. There was also a notable boost of the number of students who engaged in exploration and experiences that connected them to Israel. (continued on next page) Hillel of Silicon Valley • (Letter continued) For the majority of our students, Hillel SV is their first connection to Jewish life and the community. Students find a meaning in Judaism through their Hillel experiences and explorations. In doing so, they develop and strengthen their own Jewish identity, their connections to Israel, and to each other. College, much like a central train station, is a junction for Jews of all backgrounds to meet on their journey to adulthood. Hillel has the opportunity -and the obligation- to inspire them to embrace Jewish life during their college years and in their post-graduate lives. With your support we will deliver the Jewish future. We are grateful to all of you! Sarita Bronstein Executive Director Hillel of Silicon Valley • Thank You To Our Donors $50,000 & Above Jewish Community Federation of San Francisco Jeffrey & Holly Ullman $25,000 - $49,999 Jewish Federation Silicon Valley Koret Foundation Myra Reinhard Family Foundation Alan & Pat Werba $10,000 - $24,999 Park & Joan Chamberlain Grace-Rosenberg Family Foundation Loring Ward Group Dennis & Daphne Teifeld $5,000 - $9,999 Dr. Jason & Mishy Balaban Jack Moore & Bonnie Slavitt Moore Paul & Sheri Robbins Steve Schleimer & Cyndi Sherman Werba Rubin Wealth Management, LLC Bob & Carrie Zeidman $2,500 - $4,999 Ken Abrams Dr. Edward & Marjorie Cahn Dorothy (z”l) & Mel (z”l) Cotton Endowment Fund Rick & Doris Davis Tony & Carol Jeans Richard & Emily Levin Foundation Mark & Roberta Linsky Leonard & Sylvia Metz Barry Posner & Jackie Schmidt Posner Rick & Ann Tavan Leah Ziegler $1,000 - $2,499 Altman-Aronow Charitable Foundation (Krigel, Schiff & Sporer families) James & Teri Baron Dr. Daniel Pitt & Claudia Bloom Brett & Judy Borah Burr Pilger Mayer, Inc. John Burroughs Congregation Beth Am Hank & Danielle Drew Steven & Susan Ellenberg Foothill College Jeanette Garretty Larry & Elisa Gerston Paul Goldenberg Arye & Barbara Green Stephen & Arlene Greenberg The Illowsky Family Dov & Madelyn Isaacs Israel on Campus Coalition Israel Peace Initiative Dr. Jeffrey & Renee Kanel Michael Kay Ruth Krandel Mark & Susan Levine Eric & Sheryl Lewis Gadi & Marlene Maier Ron & Sue Maltiel John & Lucy Mullen Rabbi Daniel Pressman Eli Reinhard Zack & Orli Rinat Leonard & Pearl Rosenthal Riva Rubnitz Richard & Eleanor Rusnak Sherri R. Sager Dr. Steve & Lois Tager Esther Wedner Aaron Rubin & Libby Werba Dennis & Elise Wolf Dr. Jeffry & Anna Young Hillel of Silicon Valley • Thank You To Our Donors $336 - $999 Rabbi Allan & Mindy Berkowitz Dick Berman Park & Joan Chamberlain Michael Clinton Congregation Shir Hadash Deborah Davis Lou Dombro Paul & Kay Fireman Marvin & Joan Fox David & Fran Franklin Ralph & Ruth Frank Dr. Steven Friedman & Karen Ziegler-Friedman Lee & Susan Gavens Arnnon & Rebecca Geshuri Lance & Wendy Glasser Andrew & Susan Green Dr. Stephen & Helaine Green Al & Karen Guggenheim Mike & Susan Herman David & Debby Hoffman Dr. Steve & Suzanne Jackson Matt & Nurit Jacobs Rina Katzen Andrew & Michelle Katcher Dr. Irwin & Sharon Kasser Carlos & Nancy Laber Susan T. Levin Gavril & Anita Margittai Sheldon McFarland Sandra Mitchell John Nadler Rabbis Philip & Shoshana Ohriner Dr. Lewis & Carol Osofsky Robert Ovadia Alex & Karen Potts Ann Rando Ellen Ratner Ronald & Sheree Roth Bernard Rubin Joel & Andrea Rubnitz Allen & Cynthia Ruby Rob Ryan Robin Sabes San Jose State University SANOFI Wolfgang & Donna Schaechter Michael & Felicia Schaffer Marilyn Sefchovich John & Reva Segall JoAnn Shank Hersh & Arna Shefrin Martin & Corinne Sherman Somekh Family Foundation Jay Jackman & Myra Strober Michael Sinensky & Michal Strutin Jake & Wendy Tanz Charles & Barbara Taubman Sheila Taylor Leonard & Preeva Tramiel Michelle Tucker Susan Wolfe Morse Taxon & Ilana Wolfson Jennifer Yeo Zionist Organization of America $100 - $335 Mark & Linda Allen Gloria Melmon Ascher Jim Babcock Maxie & Helen Baer Tom Baker & Abby Perr Baker Lloyd & Marlene Bass Robert & Miriam Bassian Jonathan Ben David Izak & Rosa Bencuya Jeff Berg Jeff Birbaum Bertrand Blanc Jeremy & Roberta Bloom Ken & Maureen Boone Hillary Booth Avery Kaufman -Borenstein John & Margaret Brandes Dr. Seymour Bross Sarita Bronstein David Arfin & Madeline Chaleff Jack & Fran Chevlen City Beach Inc. Barry & Mary Cohen Congregation Beth David Gerald Daniel Lloyd & Eleanor Dickman Rick & Tina Dinitz Michael Dixon Alfred & Lillian Dubinsky Maureen Ellenberg John Wesley Emison, DDS Andrew & Sandra Faber Hillel of Silicon Valley • Rhonda Farber Elliot Fine Herb & Ilene Finger Kama Fletcher Jeff & Elaine Forman Jeff & Kate Fox Barbara Frank Stephanie Gage Jim Gardner Dr. Michael & Jane Gold Bob & Mary Goldberg David Singer & Diane Goldman Stanley & Evelyn Goldstein Rabbi Gail Swedroe & David Goodman Jeff Gordon Harvey & Carmen Gotliffe Donald Gould Bernard & Rochelle Greenfield Ben Hafner Eugene & Marilyn Handloff Nick & Aline Harris Hillel Schusterman Int. Ctr. Ryan Hinds Lee & Bonnie Hirsch David Hong Israel Emergency Alliance Jerry & Rita Jacobson Leonard & Jane Jacobson Neil & Dina Jacobson Jewish Community Relations Council Marni Kamzan Warren & Judy Kaplan Stanley & Doris Katz Fran Keegan Mark Geliebter & Robin Keller Scott & Barbara Knaster Larry & Bernis Kretchmar Israel & Judith Krongold Michael & Carolyn Kulakofsky Daniel & Shirley Lee Elliot & Marcia Lepler Dr. Gordon & Judy Levin Raymond & Bobi Levine Amy Levit Linda Lindenbaum Miriam Litman Michael & Diana Lyons Alan & Judie Markow Dean McCormick Barry & Rosemarie Mirkin Thank You To Our Donors John Nemec Frank Pare Gary Pia Paul Podrid Howard & Margie Pomerantz Alex & Patricia Prentice Robert & Maria Ramey Martin & Sheryl Rattner David & Harriet Reisner Ken & Sandi Bretz Edwin Robertson Daniel & Bettina Rosenberg Haya Rubin Judy Sack San Jose British Motors Sharon Mutchnik & Vanina Sandel Santa Clara University Natalie Schriger Ira Scharfglass & Jayne Sonnenschein Larry & Diane Springer Maureen Starr Nate Stein Dan Steinberg & Sherry Solden Russell Steinweg John D. Stephens, MD Blossom Strutin Thomas & Judith Szepesi Temple Emanu-El Tower Foundation of San Jose State University Paul Overmyer & Alice Wald Judge Arthur & Gayle Weissbrodt Steven & Sandra Werba Peter & Deborah Wexler Up to $99 Arnold (z”l) & Cookie Addison Toby Adelman Alef Bet Judaica Eric Helfenbein & Cheryl Anton Herzel & Bonnie Ashkenazi Bob & Ginny Baird Noah & Ruth Bareket Ralph & Leah Bernstein Ilan & Dahlia Blech Charles Boling-Lewis Mrs Jeanette Bronstein Bernadette Calvo Todd Cereghino Diane Claerbout Congregation Emeth Homer & Roslyn Davis Jacques Adler & Betty Denenberg Sandra Dolmatch Alex & Loraine Drukarev Jack & Sheila Dubin Randy Eckstein Mark & Bette Emanuel Dr. Itzhak Emanuel Burt & Sandy Epstein Jim Farber Alan Finkelstein Robert & Ruth Fox Richard & Nanette Freedland Cody Freeman Yael Gendein Margaret Goodman Peter & Laura Haas Sterling Haidt David & Carole Harris David & Wendy Harris David & Beverly Hirsch Seymour & Lorraine Hoff Helen Ibsen Jay & Ellen Israel Fred & Beverly Jacobson Stephen & Lynne Kinsey Jonathon Koenigsberg Michael & Marilyn Levy Charles & Miriam Marr George & Tamar Mednick Philip & Robin Metz Diana Nguyen Michael Nicolas Max & Barbara Perlman Douglas & Willma Polgar Bruce Preville & Gretchen Sand Preville Yotam & Barbara Ravid Adi Raz Ronald & Sue Remba Fagie Rosen Eric & Lisa Rosenblum Sidney & Doris Rosenberg Allen E. & Susan Rosenzweig Sabrina Rosh Stuart & Lynn Rovin Rochelle Rubenstein Seymour & Marcyl Seidscher Arkadiy Shapiro Lee & Susan Simowitz Philip Smaller Joseph & Ann Sorger Hillel of Silicon Valley • Nancy Cohen Tarbis Alan Turover Lenny & Sandi Weinstein Franklyn & Harriet Weiss Kai & Elise Wessels In-Kind: Brett & Judy Borah Robert & Ester Burton Dr. Edward & Marjorie Cahn Jason Goldstein Andrew & Susan Green Daniel Hoffman Dov & Madelyn Isaacs Andrew & Michelle Katcher Jacqueline Manne Anita Margittai Jack Moore & Bonnie Slavitt Moore Peggy Sue Plumber Eli Reinhard Deborah Sack Judy Sack Michael Sinensky & Michal Strutin Bob & Carrie Zeidman Thank You To Our Pillars Auction Donors Linnea Abrams Addison-Penzak JCC Alef Bet Judaica Almaden Valley Athletic Club Almaden Valley Window Washers AMC Saratoga Ann Tavan Rosa Arias Beninna Studios Nicolina Berger Blacy’s Fine Jewelers Dr. Daniel Pitt & Claudia Bloom Blue and Gold Fleet Hannah Booth Café Pomegranate California Café California’s Great America Cambrian Bowl Camera Cinemas Celebrity Forum, Foothill College Park & Joan Chamberlain Charlie Rose Baseball The Cheesecake Factory The Computer History Museum Courtside Club Cumulus Media Cup & Saucer Restaurant Disney Parks and Resorts Falafel STOP The Fish Market Susan Gavens Arye Green Helaine Green Steve & Arlene Greenberg The Greenery Habitat for Humanity Arielle Hendel Hilside Bags Il Fornaio Intercontinental Monterey Jeff’s House of Bagels Jerusalem Grill and Bar Andrew & Michelle Katcher Spencer Kinsey Charlie & Jackie Klein Marcia Klein Natalie Korthamar Learning Express Toys Lemos Farm Dr. Gordon & Judy Levin Linden Tree Children’s Books Macy Ng Chiropractic Michi Sushi Jack Moore & Bonnie Slavitt Moore Morton’s Steakhouse John Nadler Noah’s Bagels Oakland Athletics Rabbis Philip & Shoshana Ohriner Tanya Okmyansky Omaha Steaks Outback Steakhouse Trezora Glass Oz Boutique Pacifica Archery Palo Alto Grill Panera Bread P.F. Changs Hillel of Silicon Valley • Barry Posner & Jackie Schmidt Posner Alex Potts Gretchen Sand Preville Rio Adobe Ristorante da Mario Rooster T. Feathers Comedy Club Safeway The Salon Professional Academy San Jose Earthquakes San Jose Repertory Theatre Segway Santa Cruz Siena Bistro Sheila Taylor Leah Tutman Rick & Ann Tavan Tesla Motors Maurice & Lainey Tofig Trader Joes Treasures of Magellan Trezora Glass Una Mas Mexican Grill Vardy’s Jewelers Jeffrey Warwick Alan & Pat Werba Willow Street Pizza Wine Way Inn Bob & Carrie Zeidman Thank You to our Pillars Auction Supporters Live Auction Brett & Jud Borah Dr. Edward & Marjorie Cahn Kama Fletcher Cody Freeman Dr. Stephen & Helaine Green Steve & Arlene Greenberg Jack Moore & Bonnie Slavitt Moore Jim Nessi Rabbis Philip & Shoshana Ohriner Alex Potts Robin Sabes Leah Tutman Alan & Pat Werba Silent Auction Ken Abrams James Baron David & Janet Berg Dr. Daniel Pitt & Claudia Bloom Jon Bloom Ken & Sandy Bretz Sarita Bronstein Richard Broussard Dr. Edward & Marjorie Cahn Deborah Davis Serena Eisenberg Maureen Ellenberg Cody Freeman Steven Friedman & Karen Ziegler-Friedman Susan & Lee Gavens Arnnon Geshuri Diane Goldman Donald Gould Steve & Arlene Greenberg Al & Karen Guggenheim Dan & Barbara Illowsky Dov & Madelyn Isaacs Matt & Nurit Jacobs Leonard & Jane Jacobson Jeff & Renee Kanel Avery Kaufman Francine Keegan Daniel & Shirley Lee Mark & Roberta Linsky Hillel of Silicon Valley • Gavril & Anita Margittai Leonard & Sylvia Metz Jim Nessi David Newman Barry Posner & Jackie Schmidt Posner Rhonda Raider Ellen Ratner Ronald & Sheree Roth Judy Sack Marvin & Ellen Schwartz Steve Schleimer & Cyndi Sherman Jack Moore & Bonnie Slavitt Moore Nate Stein Michael Sinensky & Michal Strutin Dr. Steve & Lois Tager Jeffrey & Holly Ullman Jeff Warwick Alan & Pat Werba Marc Wiesner Susan Wolfe Jeff & Anna Young Bob & Carrie Zeidman Thank You To Our Shabbat Cooks Alpha Epsilon Pi Anonymous Joan Abrams Michael & Judy Applesmith Ivan & Judie Aronson Helen Baer Ginny Baird Dr. Jason & Mishy Balaban Alyssia Berkowitz Mindy Berkowitz Rabbi Allan & Mindy Berkowitz Lil Berman Marlene Bernstein Barbara Bleadon Susie Brenner Brett & Judy Borah Nissa Cagan Fran Chevlen Seema Cicerone Joanne Cornbleet Eileen Demick Glenda Dennis Dorothy Dorsay Iris Drotman Bette Emanuel Howard & Renee Fine Kay Fireman Marcy Forman Gary Frolich Hindy Ganeles Susan Gavens Judy Gilford Jason Goldstein Marilyn Goodman Bobbye Gorenberg Beryl Grace Barbara Green Helaine Green Rabbi James Green Karen Guggenheim Wendy Harris Arielle Hendel Marilyn highland Barbara Illowsky Dov & Madelyn Isaacs Nurit Jacobs Jane Jacobson Andrew & Michelle Katcher Doris Katz Howard & Diane Kauffman Stephen & Lynne Kinsey Marcia Klein Judith Krongold Mike Krown Steve & Annette Ladowitz Dan & Shirley Lee Tonya Lemberg Alan & Linda Levenson Judy Levin Ray & Bobi Levine Sue Levine Rita Loren Sue Maltiel Anita Margittai Helen Matzner Marilyn Meltzer Joyce Mendel Elizabeth Menkin & ‘Congregation Beth David Chavurah The Boomers’ Sylvia Metz Bonnie Slavitt Moore John Nadler Michael Coates & Gail Pomerantz Bruce Preville & Gretchen Sand Preville Mimi Pass Steve Reiss Robyn Sabes Judy Sack Walter & Harriet Saltzman Wolfgang & Donna Schaechter Natalie Schriger Corinne Sherman Harriet Siegel Mel & Sybil Sommer Michal Strutin Susie Waitzman Joel & Shirley Wiesner Alan & Pat Werba Elise Wessels Matching Gift Corporations: Adobe Systems, Inc Boeing GE Foundation Google Matching Gifts Program Microsoft Xilinx Matching Gift Program We apologize if any names were omitted. All your donations are appreciated! Hillel of Silicon Valley • Financials Hillel of Silicon Valley is very pleased that this year through the great generosity of our donors we have met our fundraising goals and increased our endowment. We finished the year with a surplus from operations due to unfilled staff positions that our current staff diligently covered. We are pleased to announce that we filled one of these positions towards the end of the 3rd quarter, and are looking to hire for the remaining position in the near future. Reflecting our cautious financial management, the surplus was put into our endowment which will allow us to deal with unanticipated, but probably inevitable, occasional shortfalls in future years. Thank you to our wonderful donors’ continued financial support that enables our fabulous staff and student leaders to fulfill our Mission and provide fun and enriching programs for our student community. $326,362 - Student Programs 9% Lori K. Ghan Treasurer, Hillel of Silicon Valley 4% 12% $57,544 - House 4% $40,137 - Events & Fundraising Hillel of Silicon Valley Operating Expenses for the Fiscal year ended June 30, 2014 $18,905 - Communications, Marketing, Publicity $326,362 - Student Programs $18,330 - General & Administrative 9% 71% 4% 12% $57,544 - House TOTAL : $461,277 4% $40,137 - Events & Fundraising $18,905 - Communications, Marketing, Publicity 71% $18,330 - General & Administrative TOTAL : $461,277 Hillel of Silicon Valley Operating Income for the Fiscal year ended June 30, 2014 $91,480 - Individual Donors 16.8% $194,404 - Fundraising Events $64,463 - Federation Allocation 35.85% 10.10% $137,173 - Grants $91,480 - Individual Donors $54,798 - Investment Income $194,404 - Fundraising Events TOTAL : $542,318 $64,463 - Federation Allocation $137,173 - Grants 25.29% 16.8% 11.89% 35.85% 10.10% Hillel of Silicon Valley • Financials Hillel of Silicon Valley Balance Sheet – June 30, 2014 Assets Operations 158,300 Capital Campaign 111,885 Endowment 1,714,011 Receivables Receivables 116,584 Net Real Estate and Furniture & Equipment 1,121,634 Total Assets 3,222,414 Liabilities Liabilities 156,070 Total Liabilities 156,070 Net Assets Unrestricted Assets 164,854 Restricted Assets 2,580,296 Net Income 321,194 Total Liabilities & Net Assets 3,222,414 Hillel Hillel of of Silicon Silicon Valley Valley • • To get involved or donate contact us today! 44 S 11th Street • San Jose, California 95112 • (408) 286-6669 • EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Lori Ghan Marc Wiesner Treasurer 1st Vice President Andrew Katcher President Brett Borah Allison Abrams Jonathan Ben-David Ed Cahn Debbie Davis Jason Goldstein Barbara Illowsky, PhD Past President Steve Greenberg BOARD OF DIRECTORS Madelyn Isaacs Esther Kestenbaum ADVISORY BOARD Anita Margittai Dana Margittai Bonnie Slavitt Moore Past President Daniel Pitt, PhD Michal Strutin Scott Ullman ADVISORY BOARD Doris Davis Paul Robbins Dennis Teifeld Alan Werba STAFF Sarita Bronstein Executive Director Yael Dinur Jewish Agency Israel Fellow Matthew Lorch Program & Engagement Associate OUR MISSION To provide a welcoming supportive environment to enrich students’ college experience and enable them to connect with the Jewish community and Israel. Cindy DiPietro Office Manager, Staff Accountant OUR VISION To inspire every Jewish student to make an enduring commitment to Jewish life, learning, and Israel. Beneficiary of the Jewish Federation of Silicon Valley and the Jewish Community Federation of San Francisco, the Peninsula, Marin, and Sonoma Counties, The Koret Foundation, Israel Coalition on Campus, Israel Peace Initiative, Hillel: SIC, The MZ Foundation, The Myra Reinhard Family Foundation, The Grace-Rosenberg Family Foundation, StandWithUs, H. and J. Ullman Philanthropic Fund, and the Zionist Organization of America. Hillel of Silicon Valley is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. Contributions are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law. Hillel of Silicon Valley •
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