Beaches in the Sai Kung District
Beaches in the Sai Kung District
=====`Ü~éíÉê==qÜêÉÉ !"# Beaches in the Sai Kung District PKN 3.1 !"#$%&'()*+&',-./012$%345678&'9!:4%; !EPKNF !"#$%&'()'*+&,-./0&120334546 The beaches in the Sai Kung District continued to meet the WQO for bathing water in 2002. Four out of the six gazetted beaches in Sai Kung were ranked ‘Good’ (Figure 3.1). They were Hap Mun Bay, Kiu Tsui, Trio and Clear Water Bay Second. Silverstrand and Clear Water Bay First had the same rank, i.e. ‘Fair’ as in 2001. Despite no change in ranking, slight Kiu Tsui अܜៈ Hap Mun Bay ˫ߏៈ Trio ৹ҽĀRank ֈп Good ˗ਟ Fair ᅘቡៈ Silverstrand ַ͢ Poor ͩ˗ៈ Clear Water Bay First ແभ Very Poor ͩ˞ៈ Clear Water Bay Second PKN============ !"#$%%$&'()&*+ cáÖìêÉ=PKN=====^ååì~ä=ê~åâë=çÑ=p~á=hìåÖ=ÄÉ~ÅÜÉë=áå=OMMO 19 =====`Ü~éíÉê==qÜêÉÉ 銀線灣及清水第一灣均同屬 ! !"#$%&'()*+,-./012-304 !"#$%&'()*+,-./012345$ PKO !E PKOF !"#$%&"#'()*+,-./(012345-6789:;<3=>?$ !"#$%&'()*+,-./012345678 improvement in water quality was observed at Trio and Clear Water Bay Second. The water quality of the other four beaches remained similar as in previous years. 3.2 Hap Mun Bay and Kiu Tsui are located on the Sharp Island separated from the mainland and do not have much residence in their hinterland. They were less susceptible to the effect of heavy rain as reflected by their good beach grading (Figure 3.2), and both beaches had the Kiu Tsui अܜៈ Hap Mun Bay ˫ߏៈ Trio ڦᝍඇ৹ Beach Grade ᅘቡៈ Silverstrand ͩ˗ៈ Clear Water Bay First 1 ֈп Good 2 ˗ਟ Fair 3 ַ͢ Poor 4 ແभ Very Poor ͩ˞ៈ Clear Water Bay Second PKO============ !"#!$%&'()*+,-. cáÖìêÉ=PKO=====aáëíêáÄìíáçå=çÑ=ïÉÉâäó=Öê~ÇáåÖ=~í=íÜÉ=p~á=hìåÖ=ÄÉ~ÅÜÉë ==ÇìêáåÖ=íÜÉ=Ä~íÜáåÖ=ëÉ~ëçå 20 ڦᝍͩኲ Water Quality =====`Ü~éíÉê==qÜêÉÉ =====`Ü~éíÉê==qÜêÉÉ !"#$%&'(')*+,-./=R= !"#$%&'()*+,-"./012 !"# PKP !"#$%&'()*+,-./01234536789 !"#$%&'()*+,-.EPKOF !"#$%&EPKPF !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456 !"#$%&'()*+,-./01,203,# !"#$ !"#$%&'()*+,- annual geometric mean E. coli counts below 5 per 100mL for the last seven consecutive years. Similarly, Trio also had good water quality and its beach grading only showed slight The water quality of Hap Mun Bay is consistently good throughout the whole year fluctuation. 3.3 !"#$%&'()* The water quality of the three beaches located at Outer Port Shelter, viz. Silverstrand, Clear Water Bay First and Second, is comparatively less stable and fluctuations are observed from year to year. The beach grades of these three beaches also reflect wider fluctuations in their water quality during the bathing season (Figure 3.2). Among them, the water quality of Silverstrand fluctuated more widely (Figure 3.3) because its unsewered hinterland had more residential developments and a number of streams and storm drains leading to the vicinity of the bathing area (Figure 3.4). 銀線灣泳灘的腹地有較多住宅 The hinterland of Silverstrand Beach has relatively more residential development 21 =====`Ü~éíÉê==qÜêÉÉ ˞˞я؝ڦ ڦᝍඇ৹ 2002 Bathing Season Beach Grade ᅘቡៈ Silverstrand 4 3 2 1 25/3 9/4 2/4 19/4 25/4 3/5 14/5 23/5 5/6 18/6 2/7 11/7 27/7 8/8 17/8 26/8 8/9 24/9 2/10 10/10 23/10 15/4 22/4 29/4 8/5 17/5 30/5 12/6 26/6 5/7 22/7 2/8 14/8 21/8 4/9 12/9 27/9 7/10 17/10 29/10 ףᇸ͞ആ Sampling Date ڦᝍඇ৹ ڦᝍͩኲ 1 ֈп 2 ˗ਟ 3 ַ͢ 4 ແभ Water Quality Good Fair Poor Very Poor Beach Grade PKP cáÖìêÉ=PKP !"#$%&'()* t~íÉê=èì~äáíó=ÅÜ~åÖÉë=çÑ=páäîÉêëí~åÇ=_É~ÅÜ=ÇìêáåÖ=íÜÉ Ä~íÜáåÖ=ëÉ~ëçå PKQ !"#$%&'()%*+!,-./01234*+!,56789:;+<= !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789*:;<=>?@ABCDEF !"#$%&'()*+,-. 3.4 The major sewage treatment facilities (STFs) in the hinterland of those beaches at Outer /01-234#56789:;4<=>?@4A Port Shelter are either private sewage treatment plants (STPs) or septic tank and soakaway pit systems. Silverstrand has over sixty of these STFs in the hinterland and many of these are at close proximity to the streams. Septic tanks are particularly susceptible to the effect of heavy rain which may flush out pollutants from them. Apart from the effect of heavy rain, septic tank 22 =====`Ü~éíÉê==qÜêÉÉ ࠃؿѲͩര Pump to foul sewer ᅘቡៈ Silverstrand ࠃؿѲͩര Pump to foul sewer ဥ ֻ: Legend ߅ٖࠃظ གఌѲͩ˽ٷ0ര˽ Government Pumping Station Treated Effluent Discharge / Outfall ջ˟Ѳͩఌᇃ ᖑ߸0໔߸ Private Sewage Treatment Plant Bypass / Overflow ̻ᒴѯ0ϭᕬѯ0Ⴂ̠ͩ ͩܤര Septic Tank / Stone Filter / Soakaway Pit Storm Drain ڦᝍధ߈(Α߀՝֖ధ߈̓ು٘) ڦᝍঘڮቡ Beach Facilities (incl. showers & toilets) Boom Line of Beach PKQ cáÖìêÉ=PKQ !"#$%& `~íÅÜãÉåí=éä~å=çÑ=páäîÉêëíê~åÇ=_É~ÅÜ 23 =====`Ü~éíÉê==qÜêÉÉ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCD/EFG !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCD&7 !"#$%&'()*+,-./012!345()6789: PKR 為保護牛尾海一帶的水質,當局在牛尾海污水收集整體計劃中建議為西貢區提供完善的排污 EPKRF !"#$%&'()*+,-%./012345665789:;<= !"#$%&'()*+,-./012345./67899:;'<=>?@ABC0 !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123&45#6789:;<= seepages and malfunctioning of these STPs due to power failure, running out of disinfectants, pipe blockage, etc. may also cause temporary deterioration in beach water quality. The EPD had made continuous effort to carry out inspections of these STFs and enforcement against any polluting discharges. Prior to the beginning of the bathing season, EPD would step up the inspection programme against STFs to arouse the awareness of house owners to ensure that all STFs in the area were properly maintained and the effluent discharge standards were met. 3.5 In order to protect the coastal water quality of Port Shelter, it had been recommended in the Port Shelter Sewerage Master Plan to provide proper sewerage for the Sai Kung District (Figure 3.5). The sewerage system for the Silverstrand area, which was part of the Stage I works, had been commissioned in 2002. Notice to urge the house owners in the Silverstrand area to connect their discharges to the public sewers had also been issued. By 2003, when most of the village houses in the hinterland are connected to public sewers, Silverstrand would be less susceptible to the effect of heavy rain and its water quality is expected to improve. !"#$%& Construction of sewerage system for the Silverstrand area 24 =====`Ü~éíÉê==qÜêÉÉ Kiu Tsui अܜៈ Hap Mun Bay ˫ߏៈ Trio ᅘቡៈ Silverstrand Ꮽ˜ڋؿᐶ Ѳͩരտ Discharge to East Kowloon Sewerage System Ꮽؿ፪ڋઠ !!!Ѳͩຄര Discharge to Tseung Kwan O Eastern Trunk Sewer ဥ!!!ֻ: Legend 憲報公布泳灘 Gazetted Beaches 現有的污水管道 Existing Sewer ͩៈ 污水處理廠及海底排污渠 Sewage Treatment Works and Submarine Outfall !ޘᛈ!̙!!Ѳ!ͩ!ര!̌!ൿ!: Proposed Sewerage Works Clear Water Bay 擬定時間表 Planned Schedule 2000 2002 2004 2006 ˗ആ!(ؔ˫˜˜˗ٹя) Stage I (started from 1993) ˞ആ!(̢ؔ˜˜˗ٹя) Stage II (started from 1995) ˫ആ Stage III PKR cáÖìêÉ=PKR !" !"#$ mêçéçëÉÇ=ëÉïÉê~ÖÉ=ïçêâë=Ñçê=p~á=hìåÖ=aáëíêáÅí 25 2008 2010 =====`Ü~éíÉê==qÜêÉÉ PKS !"#$%#&'()*+,-./01/234%56789:;"<=>? !"#$%&'()*+,#$-./0123456789:;<=2>?@A%3 !"#$!%&'()*+,-./0 3.6 The Stage II and III works, including the provision of sewerage to Sha Kok Mei, Ho Chung, Tai Po Tsai and Tseng Lan Shue, are tentatively scheduled to be completed by 2007. When these improvement works are completed, the good water quality of the Port Shelter and the beaches in Sai Kung will be safeguarded. The implementation programme for the Stage IV works will be developed at a later stage. 26