RSC News Feb 2014 - Rope Skipping Canada
RSC News Feb 2014 - Rope Skipping Canada
February 2014 RSC NEWS MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Message from Craig VanHerk, President of Rope Skipping Canada to its members We hope you find our first RSC newsletter interesting and at least a bit informative. One of our goals as a board is to improve on our communication with you, the membership. This newsletter is hopefully another step in the right direction. communication, committee structures and mandates, finances, supporting athletes and coaches, insurance, strategic plan. We support and promote Rope Skipping as a wellness activity, a recreational pursuit and a competitive sport in Canada. We will continue to Like most teams and programs, the base our plans and decisions on our RSC Board is in full swing for the athletes, balancing their wants and season. We meet via Skype the needs with those of the coaches, second Sunday of every month. In parents and with those of Sport November we all met in Toronto for a Canada. Once again, on behalf of the board retreat, the only time other than RSC board, thank you for reading our the AGM that we can meet face to newsletter. Thank you to Karen for face. A retreat is probably not the coordinating and putting it together. correct word to use to describe our Remember, if you have questions, whirlwind weekend, it was anything but would like more details or if you have relaxing but we did get a significant anything you would like discussed at amount accomplished. The provincial an upcoming meeting please get in reps can give you more details if you touch with your provincial are interested but we worked through representative. Alternatively you can agenda items including Policy and send me a message at Procedures manual, action Items from president the AGM, Not for Profit Act transition, Visit the Rope Skipping Canada website for up to date information about skipping in Canada RSC Board Retreat 2013 This past Fall, the RSC Board members convened in Ontario for a retreat. Back Row: Karen Luger, Mary Kish, Craig VanHerk, Susan Hrycyna,Sam Ashley Front Row: Bonnie Popov, Deirdre DeGagne, Janine Carroll [1] NATIONALS 14 NEWS FROM OUR GENERAL MANAGER We have a new insurance company, a new rate and a new claim form. For more informa9on, visit May 16-19 2014, Abbotsford, BC Join us in Abbotsford, BC, for the 2014 National Competition This event will be live streamed and broadcast on For more information on nationals, visit the Rope Skipping Canada website or CLICK HERE for more information 1. Rules Committee: Temporary Chair; Brad Ciancio, Liaison- Karen Luger Waivers 2. Judges Committee: Chair: Rope Skipping Canada is ins9tu9ng a new waiver form for its members. As of next season you will be able to download one waiver to coverall sanc9oned events for the season. Committees Call Out for NEW Members, Join a Committee Today Updated Nationals Schedule Friday:Opening Ceremonies, Group Routine Saturday Team Speed and Power (Youngest to oldest) Team single rope freestyle events (youngest to oldest) Sunday Team Double Dutch Freestyle (youngest to oldest) Masters Speed and power (youngest to oldest) Team event awards Monday Masters freestyle (youngest to oldest masters event and overall awards Team overall awards Bonnie Popov RSC General Manager There are 9 Committees within the Rope Skipping Canada Association and each committee now has a Liaison representative. This chairperson will report to the RSC Board at its regular meetings. [2] Brad Ciancio, Liaison; Craig Van Herk 3. Tournament Committee: Chair; Deirdre DeGagne, Liaison; Deirdre DeGagne 4. Long Term Athlete Development Committee: Chair; Shannon Fox, Liaison; Sam Ashley 5. Coaching Committee: Chair to be determined, Liaison; Susn Hrycyna 6. New, “Revenue Development Committee”: Chair to be determined, Liaison; Deirdre DeGagne 7. Technical Committee and Sportsmanship: competition based and as such will act as a sub-committee under the tournament committee. 8. Scholarship: Chair: Leslie Mathers, Liaison; Mary Kish 9. Athlete Committee: Chair; Kaitlin Simpson, Liaison; Sam Ashley COACHES CORNER Time to Get Certified The National Coaching Certification Program Where do I start? The National Coaching Certification Program makes The National Coaching Certification it easy to get started and program (NCCP), launched in 1974 stay motivated on the path and delivered in partnership with towards coaching skills the governmant of Canada, Coach your development. Read provincial/territorial governments through the following athletes to the and sport organizations, gives pages to find the path highest level! coaches the confidence to that’s right for you! succeed. Who is it for? NCCP workshops are designed for all types of coaches. Whether you’re thinking about coaching your child’s community team or you’re already the head coach of a national team, the NCCP has workshops to meet your needs. How much time does it take? NCCP training doesn’t require much time. Individual workshops can be completed in a single evening, and some workshops can now be taken online at your convenience or via home-study. We Value Your Input Coaches and Skippers please send your ideas, that can be used for Coaches Corner Where do I fit? Wondering where YOU fit in the NCCP? Read the descriptions below and decide which one best describes you and your coaching needs! For More Information about the Coaching Association of Canada, please visit their website at: All input and information is greatly appreciated. Please send all information for the next Newsletter to: [3] This newsletter was created to improve communication and awareness, and to deliver current news and events from province to province in the sport of Jump Rope. HOW TO MAKE A GOOD FREESTYLE ROUTINE OPENING • use accents of music, (full marks given to music interpreta5ons) • pick a song with strong accents, • start on the 2nd or 3rd beat • incorporate the rope in your opening, • have a rope wrap, be crea5ve, come up with something new • If not a rope wrap a gymnas5c move, or do both. • if going into a cartwheel or round off, manipulate the rope, example: side swings, • take 5me to make a strong opening, want to grab the judges aDen5on, and create that, “WOW” factor • Make sure your song is cut to the appropriate 5me for age group you are compe5ng in. Try to cut your song on a natural break in the music, for a strong ending. • Strong finish in 5me to the ending of your song. MOVEMENT ON THE FLOOR • Perform at least 2 skills in all 5 quadrants. • Covering 6 zones is beDer incase judges don’t give credit for one of them FOOTWORK SEQUENCES 3 – 5 seconds for opening, this is an es5mate BREAKS • • A break is 2 OPEN JUMPS in single rope, and in DOUBLE DUTCH : 3 OPEN JUMPS • To max out your score, 2 footwork sequences with a cross should be performed. • At least 5 different level one skills • Must be performed no5ceably faster than the rest of the rou5ne • Sugges5on, try not to put the two footwork sequences back to back Running without manipula5ng the rope, is considered a BREAK, pu[ng in side swings SPEED AND ROPE DIRECTION will correct this. • Must perform a minimum of 2 skills at the • Should a skipper lose track of his/her new speed or direc5on to receive credit. rou5ne, have them do simple footwork, • This is only worth one mark do this where crosses or side swings to avoid being it is prac5cal and fits in your rou5ne. Must charged with a break be performed no5ceably faster than the rest of the rou5ne. Sugges5on, try not to MUSIC put the two footwork sequences back to • Keeping in 5me with music, hi[ng the back accents. For example: performing a high impact skill, such as a TJ, during a symbol crash in the song. • [4] HOW TO MAKE A GOOD FREESTYLE ROUTINE CONTD. TECHNIQUE CLOSING • Straight back, (pretzel: don’t lean forward) • To get full marks must end in 5me to your music, incorporate a rope wrap, and USE the rope. • You can also do a gymnas5c move, but make sure you incorporate your rope. • SMILE, SMILE. • Pointed Toes • Fluid Mo5ons • High Kicks, especially in Can Can • Properly performed gymnas5c moves, ( cartwheels are only a Level One Skill, if poorly executed they should be avoided) • Skipper needs to stay under control on the floor PRESENTATION • Skipper should engage the audience or judges as much as possible, par5cularly when they are not doing tough skills • SMILING: acknowledge the judges, • Ending: Remember people are s5ll watching you even at the ending, please pause, bow, wave, or nod at the judges or audience , this is not mandatory but judges/audience love it. MISSES • A miss is a deduc5on of .75 • If a skill con5nues to cause difficulty in prac5ce it should be removed • Work on the crea5vity first and concentrate on the difficulty, (harder skills) ager . [5] NEWS FROM BC Abbotsford Skippers Featured in Crayola Commercial Recently, members of the Abbotsford Skipping Sensa5ons were on set in Vancouver filming for a Crayola commercial. Watch for it to air soon Click HERE to see the ShawTV video JUMP ROPE BC BOARD NEWS The BC Board continues to work hard at improving the sport for athletes, coaches and judges alike. This Fall camp saw many clinics for coaches and judges in addition to the workshops for athletes. Jump Rope BC will also be unveiling a new look at this year’s Nationals in the form of a new logo and new team jerseys. FRASER VALLEY CLASSIC BC RECORDS DAY The Abbotsford This year, Skipping each team will Sensations host a speed hosted its 4th and power Annual Fraser competition in Valley Classic its own gym in November. according to Teams from BC RSC rules. and Washington Results will State attended be merged and this annual set out speed and [6] power event. BC PROVINCIALS BC AT WORLDS The Rhythm Ropers, from Nelson BC will hold this year’s Provincial competition on the last weekend in April members of team BC will try out for both the FISAC World Championships and the World of Jump Rope NEWS FROM ALBERTA Judges Clinics by Murray Luger and Jon Naslund Thanks to Murray and Jon for their con4nued efforts in teaching and promo4ng the judges clinics. Thanks to all the parents who volunteered their 4me to take the Judges Courses: Speed & Power, Crea4vity A,Crea4vity B and Difficulty. Taking these courses helps out provincially, na4onally and personally, having a beIer understanding of how rou4nes are judged and should be executed. Without volunteers like you and all others Tia Schram Alberta Competitions Masters Compe44on: Feb 1st, & 2nd, 2014 Team Compe44on: March 8th & 9th, 2014 Provincials: April26th & 27th, 2014 See you there! ALBERTA ROPE SKIPPING WORKING TOGETHER NEW MEMBERS Learn more about Alberta Rope Skipping: Check out our website at www.albertarope Thank you to Cathy Cunningham of the Black Widow Rope Spinners in BC for a great fall camp with 6 of our skippers aDended. We welcome the new clubs and the new coaches to exis5ng Clubs, along with all the new Recrea5onal and Compe55ve Skippers [7] NEWS FROM ONTARIO ONTARIO OPEN: February 15th & 16th, 2014 Hosted by Brampton Arco Ropers 128 Athletes have registered to attend Athletes will be competing in both Team and Masters Congratulations to Brad Ciancio, the new President of ORSO. Thank you Brad also for your Book your Judges Clinic Today - for more information, contact Brad Ciancio ONTARIO ROPE SKIPPING Male suada Quis Dolor Set Ipsum ORSO AWARDS ONTARIO OPEN ONTARIO PROVINCIALS For Ontario ONTARIO Provincials: skippers, the OPEN: February April 5th & 6th, deadlines are fast 15th & 16th, 2014 approaching for 2014 Hosted by the awards and Hosted by Hamilton scholarships. Brampton Arco Hoppers. We You will find the Ropers expect about details and 128 A thletes 155 athetes applica9on forms for the following have registered to aIend on the Athletes will be "Scholarships/ compe4ng in Awards" page on the ORSO both Team and website Masters [8] BRAG BOARD Ontario ran their yearly workshop in Barrie, Ontario in the beginning of October. Crea4vity, difficulty and speed clinics were offered. Several teams have asked for further clinics in prepara4on for the Open and Provincials. NOVA SCOTIA NEWS CAN SKIP LEADS THE WAY A Special Thank You to: THE COACHING TASK FORCE for their dedica5on, and insight in promo5ng the sport of Jump Rope though the crea5on of the Can Skip program. This great program is recommended for all New and Exis5ng Recrea5onal Skipping Clubs. It also, works well as an in school program with the Teachers Development Manual, and the Progress Booklet. Order your CAN SKIP program now at [9] RSC Memberships as of Dec 31/2013 [10] RSC Memberships as of Dec 31/2013 This newsletter was brought to you by Rope Skipping Canada [11]