Sammie Ardito Rivera — Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe 2013 American Indian Family Empowerment Program (AIFEP) Fund Grantee and Leader Sammie describes her leadership as “simply doing what has to be done and speaking up when it needs to happen. I intend to do the necessary work to fight for our future and Mother Earth.” Sammie recently joined the Center for Earth, Energy and Democracy (CEED) as the Climate Justice Coordinator. Prior to joining CEED, Sammie worked at the Dream of Wild Health as the Education and Outreach Coordinator. In 2013, she received an AIFEP Educational Achievement grant to take prerequisites at a local community college before applying to the University of Minnesota’s School of Public Health. The AIFEP grant “helped me preview a path that I thought I wanted to take but then realized it wasn’t the best fit for me. This in turn led me back to strategically working on the social change and environmental justice issues that I am passionate about.” She recently completed the Boards and Commissions Leadership Institute (BCLI) through Nexus Community Partners, a 7 month leadership program that supports, trains and places people of color on publically appointed boards and commissions. As a result she was appointed to the Homegrown Minneapolis Food Council. Currently she is exploring graduate programs in Public Policy and Administration or Community Planning. In addition to her educational goals, Sammie would like to own land and start Sin Fronteras Farm and Food, an organic farming business. Through the Circle of Giving “she continues to build leadership and vision for a healthy Native community through advocacy and action.” 2013 Tiwahe Foundation Board of Directors Justin Huenemann, Chair Program Officer, Northwest Area Foundation The American Indian Family Empowerment Program Fund( AIFEP) is a grantmaking project of the Tiwahe Foundation that invests in individuals visions, dreams and goals for their families and the community. A total of 32 grants were made in 2013 in our three focus areas. Economic self-sufficiency Educational achievement Amandrea Chapman — White Earth Ojibwe Celeste Apple — Oglala Sioux Nicole Hendrickson — Sokaogon Ojibwe Sammie Ardito-Rivera — Leech Lake Ojibwe Sandra Jones — Sisseton-Wahpeton Sioux Katherine Beane — Flandreau Santee Sioux Nicole Koenig-Roy — Leech Lake Ojibwe Robert Blake — Red Lake Ojibwe Deatrick LaPointe — Rosebud Sioux William Carter — Grand Portage Ojibwe Samuel Little Cloud — Oglala Sioux Antonia Funaro Gladis — Sisseton-Wahpeton Sioux Jane Valencia — Leech Lake Ojibwe Sandra Garzon — Ho-Chunk Nation Colin Wesaw — Pokagon band Potawatomi Frederick Hill — Mille Lacs Ojibwe Dyani White Hawk — Rosebud Sioux Charles Jackson — Leech Lake Ojibwe Melissa Whiteman — Northern Arapaho Kimberlee Kleinheksel — Navajo Tiffany R. Beckman, M.D., M.P.H Daniel Lemm, Treasurer Director of Programs and Finance, Native Americans in Philanthropy Conley Brooks Jr. Kateri Palacio-Traxler — Sisseton-Wahpeton Sioux Travis Decory — Rosebud Sioux Gianna Strong — Sisseton-Wahpeton Sioux Zhawin Gonzalez — White Earth Ojibwe Joseph Vital — Red Lake Ojibwe Hinhan Loud Hawk — Oglala Sioux Carrie Warren — White Earth Ojibwe Moses Mahto Strong — Sisseton-Wahpeton Sioux Tia Williams — White Earth Ojibwe Rosy Simas — Seneca Crystal Pelchat — Standing Rock Sioux James R. Boyle 2013 Finance Committee Carrie Day Aspinwall Daniel Lemm Marcus Waterbury Kathy Denman Wilke The American Indian Family Empowerment Fund Grants Committee Jackie Dionne Juanita Espinosa, Chair Mary Fike Carly Bad Heart Bull Barbara Forster John Bobolink Anthony Genia Fawn Edberg Marquez Carly Bad Heart Bull, JD, Director MCF Philanthropy Fellow, Education Leah Goldstein Moses Arlana Omaha Louis F. Hill Neely Snyder John Bobolink, Director Lead Teacher, Saint Paul Indian Education John Hinck Anita Thoen LaVon Lee James Vukelich Carrie Day Aspinwall, Secretary Community Engagement Director, City of Minneapolis Andrew Adams III, Director Attorney, Hogen Adams PLLC LeMoine LaPointe, Director, Consultant Anna Ross, Director Executive Director, BiiGiiWiin Community Development Loan Fund Not pictured on front: Andrew Adams III, Carrie Day Aspinwall, John Bobolink, LeMoine LaPointe, Anna Ross Trisha Lee Cook Ronald Libertus Malcolm W. McDonald Steve Newcom Carrie Owens Tiwahe Staff Kelly Drummer, President and Chief Executive Officer Leslie Apple, Development and Grants Coordinator Joy Persall Lucy Rosenberry Jones Elaine Salinas LEADERSHIP Adrian Martinez — Zuni Preserving and renewing Native cultural connections Laura Waterman Wittstock, Chair Yvonne Barrett, Vice Chair Program Manager, Hennepin County Indian Child Welfare Juanita Espinosa, Director Executive Director, Native Arts Circle GRANTEES 2013 Seventh Generation Endowment Campaign Committee 2801 21st Ave South, Suite 132F Minneapolis, MN 55407 612.722.0945 612.879.0613 T F CONNECTING FOR CHANGE H 2013 ANNUAL REPORT 2013 the year of the challenge match! PLEDGES MADE IN 2013 spirit of giving I made a multi-year pledge to support the work of Tiwahe Foundation because I know my donation will be used to fuel the aspirations and dreams of individuals within our community, particularly young, emerging leaders. I believe the children of our community particularly need these “dreamers” to demonstrate for them what is possible, and that dreams can become reality. Reflecting on the year, we have been blessed to have such committed and strong partners in support of our visions and dreams. The wisdom, generosity and continued learning has helped to strengthen our Tiwahe. We reached out to our community to join us on this journey, and many new friends made the commitment. It was a prosperous year with great accomplishments. — ELAINE SALINAS We started the year with a strong determination to accomplish our goals. Together, with our partners, we were able to meet our challenge matches and position the foundation for the future. Further, our leadership and innovation in the field of philanthropy, including building individual giving in the American Indian community and our grantmaking to individuals is gaining recognition and importance in philanthropic circles. Highlights for the year: Met our $100,000 endowment challenge match from The Saint Paul Foundation which included $200,000 in gifts made by individuals We are donor activists, and we want to make the greatest possible impact on social change with the resources we have. As a philanthropic organization based on respect, tradition, and self-determination, whose influence radiates from individual to family to community, Tiwahe fits with our vision for social change. Tiwahe’s grants empower Native people to pursue education, to develop as leaders, and to strengthen the community by continuing the circle of giving. We support the leadership and mission of Tiwahe, and we are committed to investing in their work to benefit the greater good. Native Leadership Funders Group collaboration on a report on our work over the past two years with a focus on the Native Leadership Alumni and how we can partner in the future Met our $25,000 Native Donor endowment challenge match from the F.R. Bigelow and Saint Paul Foundations that helped to bring in new American Indian donors Strategic planning began with input at two stakeholders gatherings in the summer and fall which will help to inform our new strategic plan — SHAYNA BERKOWITZ AND PHYLLIS WIENER Partnered with the Two Feathers Endowment for our American Indian Family Empowerment Fund grantmaking which helped to provide $70,000 in grants to 32 individuals Secured our largest grant of $400,000 from the McKnight Foundation with $300,000 for an endowment challenge match for 2014 Held our first fundraising book event “WE ARE STILL HERE” with authors Laura Waterman Wittstock and Dick Bancroft bringing many new friends into Tiwahe We are humbled and grateful for your ongoing partnership and support, knowing that together we can continue to build the future for seven generations to come. Kelly Drummer President and CEO Justin Kii Hueneman Board Chair THE TIWAHE FOUNDATION H STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION H DECEMBER 31, 2013 Assets 2013 Liabilities and Net Assets 2013 Current assets: Cash $ 621,983 Certificates of deposit 156,923 Pledges receivable, net 85,229 Current Liabilities Accounts payable $ Accrued expenses 2,845 1,359 Total current liabilities 4,204 Total current assets Net assets: Unrestricted 644,124 Temporarily restricted 124,103 Permanently restricted 1,773,185 864,135 Other assets: Investments 1,514,231 Pledges receivable, net of current portion 167,250 Total assets 1,681,481 $ 2,545,616 Total net assets 2,541,412 Total liabilities and net assets $ 2,545,616 Andrew Adams III Carly Bad Heart Bull Lannesse Baker Black Bear Crossings Inc. Donald R. Eubanks Barbara Forster Carly Hare Harvey & Marlene Helgemo Annamarie Hill In Honor of Simon Len Hill Will Hudson & Sara Stromberg Suzanne Koepplinger In Honor of Rita Valerie Larsen In Memory of Brendan Michael Sheehan LaVon Lee Diana Manuel Louise Matson In Honor of Gladys Bellanger Hardy Christine McDonald Carol Mollner Joy Persall & Steven Newcom Kristine Rhodes Sharon Romano Allene Ross Elaine Salinas Barbara Slade Neely Snyder Jo-Anne Stately Noya Woodrich Nation Wright Travis Zimmerman GIFTS UNDER $99 Anonymous (2) Kathy Annette Lannesse Baker Jane A. Bona Ruth Bowman Beverly Bushyhead Louis T. Delgado Celeste Demars Mary Elofson In Memory of Ev Schmid Debra Emery Barbara Epps Juanita Espinosa John Fetzer Tom Ford Kathy Forliti Deborah Foster Victoria Gee-Treft Catherine M. Gillis & Roy W. Taylor Rudy Guglielmo Mary Hartnett David Isham Michael J. Keeler Lisa Kugler Janice LaFloe Brita Lum Ed Marek Kim McKeage Gary Miller Lisa Negstad Lynn Nelson Vicki Neumann David Nicholson June Noronha Kathryn O’Gorman Barbara Pilling Terese Pritschet Kristine Rhodes Madeline Shaw Shelley Sherman James Simas Rosy Simas In Honor of Laura Waterman Wittstock Jenella R. Slade Shanne Soulier Daniel Spock Maria Squadroni Roberta Stevenson Elona Street Stewart Mary Streitz Matthew & Angie Thornhill Catherine Whipple Jacqueline White Nation Wright Judith Yellin In Honor of Kelly Drummer Travis Zimmerman GIFTS OF $100-249 Andrew Adams III & Danielle Delong Sharon R. Anderson Susan Beaulieu Jessica Bice Black Bear Crossings Inc. Tyler D. Candee David Cournoyer Karen DeYoung Julie Erickson Charlotte Forsythe Elly Grace Tedi Grey Owl Daniel Hawkins Harvey & Marlene Helgemo Justin & Loshi Huenemann Jessica Intermill Mariann Johnson Catherine Jordan & Steve Hick Sally Jorgensen In Honor of Bonnie Kingbird James & Deborah Kielsmeier In Honor of LaPointe Family Thomas & Debra Lemm Perrin B. Lilly Diana Manuel Richard Musser Minnesota Council on Foundations Board recognition gift for LaVon Lee Jane R. Newman & Amy Lange Steven Paprocki Lori Pourier The Saint Paul Foundation Matching Gift Program – Mala Thao Susan Stehling Mala Thao Anita Thoen Bonnie Watkins Noya Woodrich Alicia Zetah GIFTS OF $250-499 Mark J. Anderson Leslie Apple Yvonne L. Barrett John Bobolink Dr. Lydia Caros Kathy Denman-Wilke Jacqueline A. Dionne Jean E & B.C. Hart Family Donor Advised Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation Suzanne Koepplinger Louise Matson H. G. McNeely, Jr. Carol Mollner Dawn Newbrough Alicia Smith Jo-Anne Stately – Fund of the Four Directions of The Minneapolis Foundation Kim & Jan Vanderwall Madonna Yawakie In Honor of Ben Yawakie GIFTS OF $500-999 Anonymous Markell Brooks Ellis Bullock Donald R. Eubanks Michael Friedman & Susan Hasti Leah Goldstein Moses Carly Hare Annamarie Hill LaVon M. Lee Daniel Lemm David & Margaret Lucas In Memory of Eleanor Harris Lucas Kathleen Meyer Minnesota Council of Churches Joy Persall & Steven Newcom John Poupart Wendy Wehr GIFTS OF $1,000-4,999 Maggie Arzdorf-Schubbe Richard and Deborah Bancroft Blandin Foundation Matching Gift Program Bald Eagle Erectors, Inc. James R. Boyle Chris Cardozo Fund of Headwaters Foundation for Justice Kelly & Samuel Drummer Mary Fike Martin Jennings James and Susan Lenfesty Ronald* & Devin McKinley Meadowlark Institute Northwest Area Foundation Matching Gift Program Sharon Romano Elaine Salinas Barbara Slade Sundance Family Foundation Ruth & David Waterbury Marcus R. Waterbury Laura Waterman Wittstock Barbra Wiener Fund of Headwaters Foundation for Justice Penny Winton GIFTS OF $5,000-9,999 Longview Foundation-Kitty and David Crosby Restricted Fund Joel and Laurie Kramer Fund of the Minneapolis Foundation Dick and Joyce H. McFarland Family Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation R C Lilly Foundation The Minneapolis Foundation GIFTS OF $10,000-$49,000 Barbara Forster Katherine M. Nielsen Westcliff Foundation GIFTS OF $50,000 AND OVER F.R. Bigelow Foundation Shayna Berkowitz and Phyllis Wiener and Still Aint Satisfied, A Foundation With Attitude The McKnight Foundation The Saint Paul Foundation – John S. Holl Trust, Two Feathers Endowment, Management Improvement Fund * Deceased LEADERSHIP H ANNUAL REPORT 2013
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